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what's inside

01 Testimonials

02Book Bio


Author's Bio

Book Excerpt


Dr. Denise Moore Revel, 

The Self Discovery Specialist 

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If you are a highly-successful, purpose- driven professional

woman who is tired of settling for less, then this powerful

and insightful book is just for you. In Own Your Amazing, Dr.

Denise reveals how to discover the power to create an

amazing life you love. In this engaging book, Dr. Denise

provides the key principles you need to play bigger, be

bolder, and live authentically. She shares the importance of

understanding your value, aligning with your purpose, and

sharing your unique brilliance with the world.  The content

and lessons Dr. Denise shares in this book are the same ones

she uses to guide her clients to create amazing lives, full of

meaning and purpose.

With this book, you can discover your personal power and

create a life that is exciting, happy, and AMAZING!

"If you know a woman who serves others to her own detriment...give her this book. Perhaps it is YOU who needs toread how to get your life back so that you can live from your overflow not your capacity. Dr. Denise Moore Revel isMASTERFUL at equipping you to first recognize how awesome you are and then at teaching you to OWN YOURAMAZING."

"Dr Denise knows how to help you to tap into your inner dreams and unapologetically make them a reality. She livesand breathes the art of being amazing as she shares her contagious “get it done” energy with others. "

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Dr. Vikki Johnson Speaker, Author & Creator of Soul Wealth


Shayla Boyd-Gill Money Freedom Architect www.shaylaboydgill.com

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Dr. Denise Moore is the CEO and founder of the Own Your Amazing

Movement. Through many struggles, Dr. Denise discovered that if she

wanted to live a more happier and fulfilling life, she needed to stand in her

personal power. Dr. Denise realized standing in her personal power meant

understanding her value and worth, discovering her purpose, and sharing her

message with the world.  Dr. Denise’s wealth of knowledge, her compassion

for those hurting, and her mission to liberate others have significantly

transformed all those she serves. Dr. Denise considers herself an “Urban

Belle”—being born in Washington, DC and raised in a small town in North

Carolina, —Dr. Denise embraces both urban and southern influences when

it comes to how she lives her life. Dr. Denise enjoys spending time with

family, traveling, reading, and watching movies. 

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“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” —Henry David Thoreau


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For years we were told, "Go to college to get a good education so you can get a good job. And you'll live

happily ever after." Well, we did that, but now we say to ourselves, "I'm not happy. I'm not fulfilled. This

is not what I want to do." You spend most of your day doing things that you don't love, or don’t really

serve you, and you are not passionate about them. There are so many people who hate their jobs, hate

their relationships, and hate their lives.  


The world is changing.

Now, more than ever, more people are deciding they want to do something that's going to give their lives

more meaning, purpose, and the feeling of excitement. There are people, women in particular, who are

deciding now is the time to live authentically and to go after their dreams.

You hear more statements like:

"I'm going to go after the life I believe I have been called and purposed to do."

“I'm no longer settling for the status quo, but I'm moving towards those things that make me happy and

fulfilled, and I want to share what I believe my gifts and talents are with other people."

These individuals are willing to be courageous and live a life of their own design.

What about you?

If you’re ready, then I want to show you how to do the same.

I decided to write this book because I’ve struggled with the desire to live my life fully, and I didn't want

to see anyone else struggle with the same challenges I faced. By writing this book, I'm hoping to share

something—even if it's something small—that can help someone understand that they can overcome all

the same challenges that I've dealt with, such as understanding who I am, my value, my self-worth, my

self-esteem, and learning to be okay in my own skin.

Many of the concepts and ideas I will share in this book are not new. Ecclesiastes 1:9 states, “There’s

nothing new under the sun.” This means that there is nothing new sharing that others haven’t already

shared.  However, my hope is that in sharing my perspective and experiences, something may resonate

in a new way.


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“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” —Henry David Thoreau

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This book is intended to help the woman who “looks good on paper.”  What do I mean by that? She's highly

educated, has an awesome career, gives her time and talents to wonderful charitable organizations, has a great

family life, but still struggles with her own sense of self-worth and self-value. She's struggling with understanding

her value and her purpose. She's wondering if what she's doing is really what she's supposed to be doing. She knows

she's doing great, but she also recognizes  there's so much more that she should be doing.  Deep-down inside, she's

not fulfilled. She understands that the work that she's doing is probably not her real calling or ministry. She realizes

she has something to share with the world, but she hasn't been able to find the power, the inspiration, or the clarity,

to just “do it.”

I can definitely relate. I remember an incident when I pulled up in the parking lot of my job, and I sat in front of the

building thinking, Do I have to go in there? I don't want to go in there. It was a great job—on paper, with all the

perks. But there came a point where I didn’t want to go inside anymore. I began thinking to myself, I've got to find

something else. There has to be more to life than me going to a job every day that I don’t enjoy anymore.

I believe I'm the right person to write this book because I've lived it. I've experienced it. I know what it's like to

struggle with self-worth and self-esteem; to feel like you're not good enough. Even after a number of successes, I

still questioned my value. I felt like my successes weren’t enough. I believed I need to do more and be more.

I know so many wonderful, talented, and gifted people. But they're playing small. They're staying comfortable, and

they're miserable on the inside because they know they should be doing so much more. I'm excited about those I've

helped, and I'm excited about those I will help in the future.

In this book, I share success stories about how I've helped people to transition from just merely existing to finally

owning the life that they say they want for themselves. I share lessons I've learned along the way to help you

understand that you have something of value, you can live your purpose, and you can share your brilliance with the

world. You can be happy, fulfilled, and have the life you want.

What I want to see happen is for you to understand who you really are, at the core. To learn to value who you are for

yourself, to finally start doing whatever it is that you know in your heart, mind, and soul you’re supposed to be

doing, and to align with what you were sent here on this earth to do and to give.

It’s time for you to finally step out of the shadows into your dream life. And stepping out of the shadows does not

necessarily mean you are going to have this big public life or be a celebrity. But it means is that you will be able to

share your brilliance, talents, and gifts in ways that will give you happiness and fulfillment. Whatever that may be,

it's going to be different for each person. The key, however, is to get out there and share it because somebody needs


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“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” —Henry David Thoreau

It’s possible for you to live an AMAZING life. But there are key principles that must be in place.  

My message is very simple: Every woman should understand who she already is. Not someone she has to try to

become. That's why this AMAZING Movement is so important for any woman, but especially for the woman

who is struggling with really living within her personal power.

As the reader of this book, I want to make you a promise.  I promise that if you really, really take the lessons and

the principles I share and apply them to your life, you will walk away seeing yourself more powerfully.  Take the

time to sit down and engage in this book. Again, the things I share are not new concepts. You may even say, “I

already know these things.” But my questions to you are, “Are you living what you already know? Can I look at

your life and see the principles in action?” If the answers are no, then let this book be the catalyst for real change

and transformation.

It is my hope you will gain clarity into what has been stopping you from living a more fulfilling life, and gain

clarity into why you can’t seem to move forward doing the things you enjoy. I hope you also gain a deeper

understanding about your true value, and finally figure out what to do next. Last, it is my hope you will begin to

see you own personal power emerge. You will walk away knowing that, "I have value, I have something to give

the world, and I'm going to give it."

Here’s what you will discover:

• Understanding and appreciating your uniqueness

• Attending to the importance of internal validation.

• Observing the impact those around you have on your ability to move forward.

• Recognizing how comparing yourself to others is detrimental to your self-worth.

• Realizing why self-care is essential to being happy.

• Distinguishing two distinct concepts about purpose.

• Acknowledging how limiting beliefs about identity is key to breaking free.

• Appreciating how your uniqueness is a gift to others.

• Comprehending what is takes to live a life of meaning and fulfilment.

As we take this journey together, there are a few things I want you to do:

1. First, grab your Own Your Amazing Journal [Click Here]. Write down your thoughts and take note of ideas

that you may need to go deeper into thought and reflection.

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“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” —Henry David Thoreau

2. Second, join me on Facebook, www.Facebook.com/DrDeniseOwnYourAmazing. Here, you join a

community of like-minded women who are on this journey too, so you are not alone. Join the Amazing

Movement and get the encouragement and support you need to move forward.

3. Last, keep an open heart and mind as you read this book and complete the assignments so that you

can get the most out of it.

Remember, you are a unique, special and AMAZING individual.

A Astonishing & Awesome

M Marvelous & Magnificent

A Astounding & Awe-inspiring

Z Zenithal & Zealous

I Incredible & Impressive

N Noble & Noteworthy

G Great & Glorious

Now it’s time to own it!

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