Francis Perito - History of PHP

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  • 8/13/2019 Francis Perito - History of PHP


    Francis Miguel P. Perito History of PHP CMRICTHS

    IV-Zuse Activity #2 Mr. Joseph Bada

    It was made by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 that is a 1.0 version. This newly created model has the capability

    of database interaction and more, making a framework in which the users could have the ability

    develope a simple dynamic web application such as guestbooks. The source code for the PHP tools was

    released in June 1995 to the public in which the developers were allowed to use it as they saw it. This

    model allowed also and encouraged users to give repairs to the bugs in the code, and to improve

    generally upon it. In September 1995 the PHP was expanded and for a short period of timehe actually

    dropped the name of the PHP and referring to FI tools that stands for (Forms Interpreter). The

    implemented new one added some of the basic use of PHP today as we all know it. It has also a variable

    like PERL, automatic interpretation of form variables, and HTML embedded syntax. In 1995 of October, a

    complete revision of the code was released by Rasmus. In 1996 of April, having the combination of the

    past name of releases, the PHP/FI was introduced by Rasmus. In 1996 of June, the version of 2.0 status

    was given to the PHP/FI. The interesting fact about this, however, was a single full version of PHP 2.0

    was only one there. In November of 1997, the PHP 2.0 was finally graduated from the beta status. Theunderlying parsing engine was being already and entirely rewritten. The first version that is closely the

    same as the PHP as it exists today was the PHP 3.0. One of the huge strength of PHP 3.0 was its features

    of strong extensibility. In 1998 of June, with the help of many developers around the world, the new

    PHP Developement Team announced the PHP 3.0 as the official successor of PHP/FI 2.0. In the winter of

    1998, shortly after the PHP 3.0 was released officially, Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski had begun

    rewriting the core of the PHP. In the mid of the year of 1999, PHP 4.0 was first introduced. With having a

    based on the engine, partnered with a wide range of added new features. PHP 4.0 have included other

    key features such as having a support for many more web servers, sessions in HTTP, output buffering,

    handling user input and several new language constructs in a more secure ways. In 2004 of July, PHP 5

    was released after a long developement and many pre-releases. The Zend Engine 2.0 was the core that

    has driven mainly the PHP 5 with a newly object model and other new features that are a dozens.