Kuala Lumpur 24 July 2004 ICANN/ITU workshop Framing ccTLD relations Linking global and national responsibilities

Framing ccTLD relations

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Framing ccTLD relations. Linking global and national responsibilities. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Framing ccTLD relations

Kuala Lumpur 24 July 2004 ICANN/ITU workshop

Framing ccTLD relations

Linking global and national responsibilities

Page 2: Framing ccTLD relations

Kuala Lumpur 24 July 2004 ICANN/ITU workshop

I arrive now at the ineffable core of my story. And here begins my despair as a narrator. All language is a set of symbols whose use among its speakers assumes a shared past. How, then, can I translate into words the limitless Aleph, which my floundering mind can scarcely encompass?

What my eyes beheld was simultaneous, but what I shall now narrate will be successive, because language is successive. Nonetheless, I'll try to recollect what I can.

Paraphrased and Excerpted from: the Aleph, by Jorge Luis Borges

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Kuala Lumpur 24 July 2004 ICANN/ITU workshop


Background SIDN From Policy development to

Accountabillity Frameworks Accountability frameworks

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Kuala Lumpur 24 July 2004 ICANN/ITU workshop

Background SIDN (1)

Goal: Secure the continuity and stability of .NL zone; Secure and enhance the stability and interoperability of

the DNS in a evolutionary manner to the benefit of the local and global internet community

Continuation of self-organisation and -regulation Means: Formalization of relations with

Dutch government ICANN

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Background SIDN (2)

SIDN: registry .nl (sponsoring org. Admin-c and tech-c)

Incorporated and operational in the Netherlands:Competition law, data protection law etc.; National law: IP-rights in list of domainnames

and registration software

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Linking Policy development and Accountabillity

Re-cap discussion scope of ccNSO functional model of DNSRoles and responsibilities Initial scope of ccNSO

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A functional DNS model (1)

Function 1: Run a name server and keep it running (NSF)

Function 2: Registering data (DEF) The two functions are linked by generating

a zone file

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A Functional DNS model (2)

DNS is hierarchicalFirst level or the ROOTSecond level or the ccTLD Third and/or lower or level user

Distribution of responsibilitiesVertical (level 1, 2, 3)Horizontal

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Vertical distribution

Responsibilities level 1 Data registration function (IANA dbase) Name server function (ROOT)

Responsibilities level 2 (ccTLD dbase/NS) Data registration function (ccTLD dbase) Name server function (ccTLD NS)

Responsibilities level 3 Data registration function (domain name data) Name server function (domain name NS)

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Horizontal distribution

Policy role: the ability and power to define a policy

Executive role: the ability and power to act upon and implement the policy; and

Accountability role: the ability and power to hold the executive entity accountable for exercising its power

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Funct. Roles Policy Development Executive Accountable to


Level 1ROOT Server(ns-specs, recovery, resilience

ICANN process/IETFICANN/RootOperators

ccTLD/gTLD Registries, DoC

Level 2TLD - Nameserverns-specs Best Practice – Recommendations (recovery, resilience)

ICANN/ccNSO/IETF (interoperability)

ccTLD Manager IANA/LIC


ccTLD ManagerLIC incl. Government, GT&C’s

Level 3User Nameserver

ccTLD ManagerIETF (RFC)

Registrant ccTLD Manager


IANA (transfer, changes, nameserver, contact details


ICANN communityccTLD Managers,DoC, national authorities (in some cases)

TLDFirst registr.TransferDeletionWhoisDispute-resolution …

LIC (including the government)/ ccTLD Manager (subject to local law)

ccTLD ManagerLIC (including national authorities in some cases), GT&C’s

SLDAdministrationThird level domains…

Registrant RegistrantRegistrant, Users of lower level domain names

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Linking policy development and executive roles



CommunityCommunityZone File


Naming Policy


Consultation Proces


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Focus on roles in global perspective Linking global policy and executive roles Initial scope of ccNSO:

Policy Development role (Binding policies)

Contribution to Best Practices Development

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Funct. Roles Policy Development Executive Accountable to


Level 1ROOT Server(ns-specs, recovery, resilience

ICANN process/IETFICANN/RootOperators

ccTLD/gTLD Registries, DoC

Level 2TLD - Nameserverns-specs Best Practice – Recommendations (recovery, resilience)

ICANN/ccNSO/IETF (interoperability)

ccTLD Manager IANA/LIC


ccTLD ManagerLIC incl. Government, GT&C’s

Level 3User Nameserver

ccTLD ManagerIETF (RFC)

Registrant ccTLD Manager


IANA (transfer, changes, nameserver, contact details


ICANN communityccTLD Managers,DoC, national authorities (in some cases)

TLDFirst registr.TransferDeletionWhoisDispute-resolution …

LIC (including the government)/ ccTLD Manager (subject to local law)

ccTLD ManagerLIC (including national authorities in some cases), GT&C’s

SLDAdministrationThird level domains…

Registrant RegistrantRegistrant, Users of lower level domain names

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Accountability Frameworks

Global and national perspectiveGlobal: SIDN-ICANNNational: SIDN- LIC/National Gov’t

Focus on link between: Executive and Accoutability roles

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Funct. Roles Policy Development Executive Accountable to


Level 1ROOT Server(ns-specs, recovery, resilience

ICANN process/IETFICANN/RootOperators

ccTLD/gTLD Registries, DoC

Level 2TLD - Nameserverns-specs Best Practice – Recommendations (recovery, resilience)

ICANN/ccNSO/IETF (interoperability)

ccTLD Manager IANA/LIC


ccTLD ManagerLIC incl. Government, GT&C’s

Level 3User Nameserver

ccTLD ManagerIETF (RFC)

Registrant ccTLD Manager


IANA (transfer, changes, nameserver, contact details


ICANN communityccTLD Managers,DoC, national authorities (in some cases)

TLDFirst registr.TransferDeletionWhoisDispute-resolution …

LIC (including the government)/ ccTLD Manager (subject to local law)

ccTLD ManagerLIC (including national authorities in some cases), GT&C’s

SLDAdministrationThird level domains…

Registrant RegistrantRegistrant, Users of lower level domain names

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Global perspective Accountability Framework

Goals and Principals (1)

Stability and interoperability of the DNS Evolutionary approach Limited to global perspective

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Global Perspective Accountability Framework

Goals and principles (2)

Risk Management approach Risk categories

Financial (funding of ICANN)Strategic (Internet Governance discussion) Operational (IANA-functionality)Hazard Risk

Threats and Opportunities

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Global Perspective Accountability FrameworkHeadings for Agreement

Mutual recognition of roles in global perspective

Termination and consequences Review and arbitration as conflict

resolution methods Applicable law

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Global Perspective Accountabillity Framework

Commitments ICANN

Limited to executive roles Functional (IANA, root-zone-file)

Policy development through ccNSO Chain of trust, authentication of requestsOperational Procedures and service levels

Consultation through ccNSO

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Global Perspective Accountabillity Framework

Commitments SIDN

Limited to executive role in global perspectiveNameserver operations, according to standards

Notifications Funding

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National Accountability framework

Dutch Gov’t -SIDN

Overarching concern: continuity of .NL Process

Identifying common issuesLife-cycle approachLinking issues to phase of registry Identifying measures and legal framework

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Identified common issues

Maintain link registry .nl and the Netherlands Operational

Continuation of Delegation; Ensuring Data Entry Function (DEF) ; Ensuring Name server function (NSF)

Naming policy Ensure interest of all stakeholders are taken into

account; Ensure: objective criteria, non-discrimination and


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Life cycle model registry




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Linking issue to phase:

Ensure naming policy is based on objective criteria, non-discrimanatory and transparent.Stable phase: national lawUnstable phase: national lawTransition phase: ensure national law applies

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Objectives SIDN

After concluding negotiations with: ICANNDutch Gov’t

Continuity and stability of .NL zone SIDN roles and responsibilities in DNS are:

structurally embedded; fomally linked; clearly delineated.

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Funct. Roles Policy Development Executive Accountable to


Level 1ROOT Server(ns-specs, recovery, resilience

ICANN process/IETFICANN/RootOperators

ccTLD/gTLD Registries, DoC

Level 2TLD - Nameserverns-specs Best Practice – Recommendations (recovery, resilience)

ICANN/ccNSO/IETF (interoperability)

ccTLD Manager IANA/LIC


ccTLD ManagerLIC incl. Government, GT&C’s

Level 3User Nameserver

ccTLD ManagerIETF (RFC)

Registrant ccTLD Manager


IANA (transfer, changes, nameserver, contact details


ICANN communityccTLD Managers,DoC, national authorities (in some cases)

TLDFirst registr.TransferDeletionWhoisDispute-resolution …

LIC (including the government)/ ccTLD Manager (subject to local law)

ccTLD ManagerLIC (including national authorities in some cases), GT&C’s

SLDAdministrationThird level domains…

Registrant RegistrantRegistrant, Users of lower level domain names

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Thank you