Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 4 Week 3 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home. Breaks The framework does not mention break times however, we recommend regular breaks for all students such as a ‘Fruit & Reboot’ break, morning tea break, lunch break and some movement and mindfulness breaks. Suggested Movement Breaks Suggested Mindfulness Breaks Do a movement break 1. Go to gonoodle.com 2. Click on ‘Channels’ 3. Click on ‘Show All’ 4. Choose a channel to click on and then choose a video to watch/follow Do a mindfulness activity 1. Go to gonoodle.com 2. Click on ‘Channels’ 3. Click on ‘Show All’ 4. Choose the ‘Flow’ or ‘Think About it’ channel and then choose a video to watch/follow Must Do vs Can Do and Turn it in Tasks Must do” tasks are those that the grade teachers deem as core learning for that day/week and are most important to be completed. Can do” tasks fit with the teaching/learning themes of the week and are offered for those families/students who are looking for more experiences, but it is not essential that these are completed. Turn In” tasks are the examples of your child’s learning and achievements that the teachers would like “turned in” uploaded or sent to them. These are indicated on the framework with the wording Turn it in highlighted in yellow Please note that we are catering for a wide variety of students and Learning From Home circumstances. Children work at different paces and families have different “Learning From Home” routines. Distinguishing between the work in the way described above attempts to cater for these differences. Zoom Year 4 Zoom sessions will be held each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:15am. Your teacher will post a message on Google Classroom if they need to change to another day.

Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 4 Week 3

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Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 4 Week 3 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home.

Breaks The framework does not mention break times however, we recommend regular breaks for all students such as a ‘Fruit & Reboot’ break, morning tea break, lunch break and some movement and mindfulness breaks. Suggested Movement Breaks Suggested Mindfulness Breaks Do a movement break 1. Go to gonoodle.com 2. Click on ‘Channels’ 3. Click on ‘Show All’ 4. Choose a channel to click on and then choose a video to watch/follow

Do a mindfulness activity 1. Go to gonoodle.com 2. Click on ‘Channels’ 3. Click on ‘Show All’ 4. Choose the ‘Flow’ or ‘Think About it’ channel and then choose a video to


Must Do vs Can Do and Turn it in Tasks “Must do” tasks are those that the grade teachers deem as core learning for that day/week and are most important to be completed. “Can do” tasks fit with the teaching/learning themes of the week and are offered for those families/students who are looking for more experiences, but it is not essential that these are completed. “Turn In” tasks are the examples of your child’s learning and achievements that the teachers would like “turned in” uploaded or sent to them. These are indicated on the framework with the wording Turn it in highlighted in yellow Please note that we are catering for a wide variety of students and Learning From Home circumstances. Children work at different paces and families have different “Learning From Home” routines. Distinguishing between the work in the way described above attempts to cater for these differences.

Zoom Year 4 Zoom sessions will be held each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:15am. Your teacher will post a message on Google Classroom if they need to change to another day.






Must Do Learning English: Reading Must Do Task: How important is the ‘setting’ in an adapted fairy-tale? Complete the worksheet about ‘literary setting’ connected with Princess Smartypants. You will need to watch the video of the reading again to help you with this activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVGxbCxgqNk Information: Have you ever noticed how haunted houses are rarely pictured in stories or films on a bright sunny day? Or that often if a character is happy and excited they are rarely pictured on a dark, cloudy day. That’s because authors and film makers deliberately design their setting as an extra way of helping us to understand what’s happening in the text. Can Do Task: Watch an adapted fairy-tale such as Shrek or The Disney Descendants, and notice how the setting matches what is happening in the film.

English: Reading Must Do Task: Turn In task Your teacher has assigned a Reading Eggspress lesson for you to complete. Can Do Task: Select another book to read from the Reading Eggspress Library.

English: Reading/Grammar Must Do Task: How and why do authors use a variety of sentence types in adapted fairy tales? Complete the worksheet where you tick the different types of sentences in Princess Smartypants. Information: Authors use a balance of sentences to make their writing sound interesting. Using too many repetitive types of sentences can make the writing sound dull and boring. Can Do Task: Think of a character from a fairy-tale and change or adapt something about them to make them more modern. For example, make Sleeping Beauty a ninja master, make The Seven Dwarves wrestling champions, make Prince Charming a frog who is trying to find his way home to his castle. Then write an interesting paragraph about your character using different types of sentences.

English: Reading Must Do Task: Vocabulary/word study: disgrace Use the word matrix to create ‘word sums’. This activity helps you to learn to spell related words, but it also helps you to understand the meanings of the different parts. Watch today’s short instructional video to help you. Information: Last week, we looked at the word ‘disgrace’ in our vocabulary studies. Today, we are going to break the word into its meaning parts so that we can create other related words and explore its meaning further. Can Do Task: Create a Google Slide presentation showing some examples of any of these related words. Write sentences to go with your words. You might like to find images on the Internet to support your sentences.

English: Reading Must Do Task: Compare the stories of Prince Cinders and Princess Smartypants Listen to the story of Prince Cinders by Babette Cole by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8a-NOewKKk Choose one of the following activities to complete:

- Create a Venn diagram to show the differences and similarities between Princess Smartypants and Prince Cinders.

- Write an answer (at least four paragraphs long) to the following question: Princesses should always get married.

- Would you rather be Prince Cinders or his brothers? Write at least four paragraphs to explain your opinion.

- If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for and why? You need to write a paragraph for each wish you would make.

Make sure that you use correct punctuation, as well as strong

persuasive writing skills wherever this is needed.

Must Do Learning No Zoom today

English: Spelling

Must Do Task: Sell Your Words. Information: Write a TV commercial or radio advertisement for a product of your choice using as many spelling words as you can.

For example (said with a radio announcer’s voice): This heat resistant product will make you a happy millionaire. If you use our monkey and donkey proof product, you’ll be an authority on the enemy.

Can Do Task: Highlight all of the list words you used in your Sell Your Words activity. Can you find a way to squeeze in just a couple more???

Zoom @ 10:15am

Must Do Task: Please join your class on Zoom today.

Information: This will be our last Zoom while learning from home. Your teacher has prepared some fun activities for today’s session.

English: Comprehension Read the short story Goldilocks, then answer the questions on the worksheet.

English: Spelling

Must Do Task: Find a word Friday Information: Using the sheet from Friday’s worksheets (or make your own with a ruler and a sheet of paper), make a find a word using ten of this week’s list words. Can Do Task: Use ten different words to create ten spelling pyramids.

Must Do Learning English: Spelling Must Do Task: Rhyming Couplets Information: This is something we have done at school and now we will attempt it at home. Watch this video about couplet poems up until 1:11minutes: https://youtu.be/S0yZ-Rc51z4 Using what you learned from the video, take at least three of this week’s words and write three rhyming couplets. That will mean six lines. The end of each line MUST rhyme. For example: The little grey donkey Was feeling rather wonky. The above is ONE couplet. I have highlighted the list word and underlined the two rhyming words which are at the END of each line!

English: Writing Must Do Task: Answer the following questions:

1. Is this how you remember Cinderella?

2. How is this version different from other versions today?

3. Why do authors adapt texts to different forms? E.g. book to film

4. What is the purpose of adapting stories?

5. Do authors adapt texts to suit the audience?

6. Draw a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences between the original book and the film.

Information: Structure of a Fairytale What is an adapted story?

English: Writing Must Do Task: Common fairy-tales follow the Good vs. Evil story plot. Look at the 6 steps to writing a fairy-tale, choose a fairy-tale and adapt it to suit modern day children. Today you are only going to plan your story using the following template (large template is at the end of the framework).

English: Writing

Must Do Task: Using the plan you did yesterday, you are now going to write your adapted fairy-tale, beginning with the orientation only. The structure of a fairy-tale follows the structure of a narrative:

• Title • Orientation • Complication • Events • Climax • Resolution

We will write the whole story over the next two weeks, but today focus only on the setting or orientation. Remember to read your setting back to yourself and edit any mistakes. Use a ‘Sizzling Start’ when writing your orientation or setting.

Science Turn In task Must Do Task: Research ‘what are gasses?’ and watch the videos below.

Watch these short videos

Mass of gas

Mass of a gas


Research and answer the following questions:

1. Do gases weigh anything?

2. What are the bubbles in fizzy drinks made of?

3. Why are there bubbles in fizzy drinks?

4. How are fizzy drinks made?

5. What is carbon dioxide?

Can Do Task: Illustrate your couplets.

Adaption is when we take a written story and tell the story in another way e.g. through film, comic, a play or musical. We can also watch a movie and turn it into a book or read a narrative and turn it into an information report. It can also mean changing (or adapting) the story to become a different story for a different audience and updating the story to reflect modern times. Last week you read the original Cinderella and the adapted story Princess Smartypants. Now watch the trailer for Cinderella the movie. Cinderella the movie Can Do Task: Make a list of any other stories, movies, plays or musicals that incorporate ‘Cinderella’. You may research some others on the internet. How many can you find?

Information: How to write a fairy tale: Watch the video How to write a fairy tale Remember to scroll down in this link to find the video. Step 1: Decide on your fairy tales moral A moral is an important lesson your reader learns when they finish reading a story. For example, the moral of Cinderella is showing kindness to everyone, no matter how they treat you. It is her kindness that wins the Prince over and helps her to live happily ever after. Step 2: Create your hero Some common traits for your hero or heroine could be kind, humble, innocent and kind-hearted. They must be someone that your reader could relate to and feel something for.

Information: Watch the video on how to write a sizzling start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akwRzjNahzQ Begin writing your fairy-tale orientation. Can Do Task: You might also like to watch this video on the elements of a narrative to start thinking about the rest of your fairy-tale. Elements of a fairy tale Turn In task Must do: In this time, your teacher would like you to complete a self-evaluation of your learning this semester.

6. Do gases keep their shape?

Watch this video: Properties of Matter Complete the following worksheet. You will need 3 or 4 different kinds of fizzy liquid and a kitchen scale.


When you look at a bottle of fizzy water or cold drink in a clear bottle, what materials can you see, and what are their states? Can you see that all three states can be seen in the fizzy drink bottle.

Bubbles of Gas: Look more closely at the bubbles in the fizzy drink, the solid glass bottle and the liquid.

Step 3: Create your villain Create an evil character to test your heroes’ abilities and cause them some pain. The villain in fairy tales is the source of conflict and they stop the hero from achieving their goals or hurt them in some way. Step 4: Think about the magical element Magic is the best part of any fairy-tale. It is the magical element that guides your hero and helps them get their happy ending. Think about the fairy godmother’s role in Cinderella. When creating your magical element, use the “what if” technique to help you think outside the box. What if the teapot could talk? What if the cat had magical powers? Step 5: Describe the setting Different settings can create different moods in your fairy-tale. A gloomy attic room where Cinderella is badly treated, sets the scene of a sad fairy tale. When choosing your setting you can also choose the time period of your fairy-tale. What if it were set in the past, today or in the future? Step 6: Write a happy ending The most important part of your fairy-tale is a happy

Reflecting on how you have applied yourself and what you have achieved is an important part of learning and this self-evaluation will be included on your Semester 2 Report. Information: Follow the link below to complete the student self-reflection. https://forms.gle/ZSNnQdTbwMx2oKQ98 Please note: You will need to open this link in Google Chrome. It will not work in Internet Explorer.

ending. Think about how the conflict in the fairy-tale is resolved or how does the villain get defeated? For example, in Cinderella, the glass slipper fits her foot.

Must Do Learning Mathematics: Division Turn In task Must Do Task: Watch the video link in your Google Classroom titled Monday Maths Week 3. Try the worksheet in today’s attachments.

Mathematics: Division Must Do Task: Watch the video link in your Google Classroom titled Tuesday Maths Week 3. Try the worksheet in today’s attachments.

Mathematics: Mathletics Turn In task Daily Multiplication practise: Visit this website https://www.timestables.com/spuq-division-tables.html and choose some division activities to practise recalling your division facts.

Mathematics: Angles Must Do Task: Watch the video link in your Google Classroom titled Identifying Angles PowerPoint Video. Now fill in the worksheet – Measure the Angles – Dog in today’s attachments to show

Mathematics: Angles Must Do Task Look at this lesson on Angles on Maths is Fun Carefully follow the lesson and clink on the links to get as much information as you can. See if you can do some of the tricky questions at the end.

Information: You can find the video on your Google Classroom Stream. Can do Task: If you started with the worksheet with the one star icon, you could then try the one with two stars in the top right hand corner of the worksheet.

Information: You can find video on your Google Classroom Stream. Can do Task: If you started with the worksheet with the one star icon, you could then try the one with two stars in the top right hand corner of the worksheet.

Must Do Task: Please sign into your Mathletics account and complete the ‘Like family! Relating multiplication & division’ problem-solving activity assigned for today. Information: Students should know their Mathletics username and password. Please contact your classroom teacher if you require another copy. Can Do Task: Choose another activity from Mathletics or plan to link up with a friend and verse them in an activity together!

that you can correctly identify acute, obtuse and right angles. Information: You can find the video in your Google Classroom Stream. Can Do Task: Look at Using a Protractor on this website - Maths is Fun If you have a protractor at home, try measuring the angles in the dog drawing.

Using the graph paper that is in today’s attachment write your name using large block capitals. Avoid using curved lines. Now label the line segments and types of angles in your name. Here is an example.

Use colours and labels using words like: line segment, parallel, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, line, vertex or ray. Information: The graph paper needed for this task is on today’s attachments. Can Do Task: Use a protractor to measure the angles in your name like this example below.

Can Do Learning

Exploratorium Lesson Can Do Task: Reflect on the zones that we have in our Exploratorium- Zone 1, 2 & 3. Watch the following link up until 1:35. Brainstorm ideas

History Can Do Task: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASbDNUdWlZU Using the websites below, complete this worksheet.

Wellbeing Wednesday

Second Step

Can Do Task:

Complete the revision lesson: Empathy & Respect home

Road Safety: Can Do Task: To check your understanding of the road safety and how you can manage your own safety, complete the following task: Create a map and plan your walking trip to school ensuring it is the safest route.

Touch Typing Can Do Task: Follow the link below to a touch-typing website to practise your typing skills. https://www.typingclub.com

about the different benefits to learning in our Exploratorium. How does this space meet your learning needs? What do you think we could do to enhance the way we use our innovative learning environment at school? Information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lOKS8Mv-8M

See large copy in framework.

Convict Way of Life Life of a Convict https://sydneylivingmuseums.com.au/convict-sydney/what-was-early-sydney-like-convicts Day in the Life of a Convict The Convict Experience Life in the Colony What Work did Convicts do? Information:

Convicts were not locked up but put to work, to build a colony. Governor Phillip found jobs for each convict, depending on their skills. Many convicts were sent to Australia and later, Governor Macquarie carried on Governor Phillips’ work to build the colony.

Convicts built roads, bridges, courthouses, hospitals and other public buildings, and

task in the Wednesday attachments.

Discuss this social skill with your parents.

Information: Information on this skill has been included in the framework attachments to help parents facilitate discussions with their child.

Using the worksheet in today’s attachment to explain your directions and your decisions for walking this way. Information: Students can find the worksheet for this activity in today’s attachments.

Scroll down and select one of the typing lessons. Information: Please use Google Chrome as a browser for this link. If you do not have Google Chrome, navigate through your Student Portal if you have a Chromebook from school.

worked on government farms. While educated convicts were given jobs such as record-keeping for the government administration. Female convicts were generally employed as domestic servants to the officers.

Can Do Learning

Music-Mark Can Do Task: Newport's Musical Talent. Over the next few weeks, we are going to look at some of the musicians and bands that originated in Newport. Some of these musicians attended Newport PS and some were part of our school band program. The musicians and bands we will study have achieved international fame. That means they are famous overseas as well as in Australia. We will look at Angus and Julia Stone James Morrison Demi Hines Kate Lush Lime Cordiale Ocean Alley This week’s focus is on Angus & Julia Stone Information Angus and Julia Stone attended Newport Public

PE-Greg Can Do Task: Information: HITTING THE BALL WITH A BAT OR RACQUET GAMES If you find it tricky, try with a balloon or beach ball to start with. Single bounce and hit against the wall. Single bounce, hit against the wall and spin around. Single bounce and hit against the wall under your leg. Double bounce and hit against the wall with a partner. Double bounce and hit against the wall with a partner sharing one bat. Create a log of all the physical activity that you have done during lockdown.

Sport Can Do Task: Follow the link below to complete a Cosmic Kids Yoga session. Information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOzn2dtDdA

No school assembly this week. Assemblies will be held every second week. Can Do Task: You may like to tidy your room today or help Mum by vacuuming the loungeroom. What about helping Dad to mow the lawn?

CAPA Operation Art - 2. The King Sun Can Do Task: Watch the link below to explore the artwork of John Olsen. Follow the steps to create your own King Sun artwork using food colouring, paint and oil pastels or crayons. Note: If you don’t have these items at home, explore what materials you could use as a substitute. Be creative! Information: https://digital.artsunit.nsw.edu.au/art-bites-series/operation-art

School. As siblings, they were part of our school’s instrumental program (School Band). Their father John Stone conducted and trained the Newport School Band. Julia is the younger of the two and was school captain in Year 6 (see her name on the board just outside our office). Together they have released 5 studio albums and 2 solo albums each. Today we will learn to sing Mr Tickle’s favourite Angus and Julia Stone song – Mango Tree Angus & Julia Stone - Mango Tree lyrics - YouTube

https://www.youtube.com › watch

Weekly Spelling Words Sight Families Rule Theme Extension happy sunny donkey hockey kidney Spelling Rule: When a word ends with ‘y’ or ‘ey’, the final syllable often makes a long ‘e’ sound.

untidy monkey honey pulley enemy
















Monday Worksheets

Tuesday Worksheets

Wednesday Worksheets

Revision Lesson 1: Empathy and Respect

Why This Lesson Matters

Empathy and communication skills have been shown to increase school success and decrease youth involvement in problem behaviors, such as substance abuse and aggression. Empathy is a crucial foundation for healthy communication and interpersonal relationships. Students with empathy and perspective-taking skills have better peer relationships and offer more help and emotional support to others. These prosocial behaviors, in turn, are linked to better grades and higher achievement. The objectives of this activity are to:

• Define respect • Define empathy

See the home link task for your child to practise this skill this week.

Thursday Worksheets

Safe Decisions as a Pedestrian

Safe decision Why I would make this decision?

Example – I walk down King Street Because King Street has a footpath that leads to a pedestrian crossing on Gladstone Street which makes it safe to cross to Trafalgar Park .

Friday Worksheets Find a word Friday

____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________

Angles – Write your name.