Framework Construction Business Management Plan Project: Project No: Date: Rev: CBD and South East Light Rail Managing Contractor G79 December 2014 04 Framework Construction Business Management Plan Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2011 All rights reserved Page Number 1 of 30 Framework Construction Business Management Plan Project Name: CBD and South East Light Rail Early Works Managing Contractor Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia Project Number: G79 Client: Transport for New South Wales Copy Number: ____1_____ TPD Document # : Issued By: Faye Rescigno Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager LORAC Authorised By: Raquel Rubalcaba Project Leader LORAC LORA Office Address: Level 4, 100 Walker St, North Sydney, 2060 Signed: Date:

Framework Construction Business Management Plandata.sydneylightrail.transport.nsw.gov.au/s3fs-public/2014-12... · Raquel Rubalcaba Project Leader LORAC LORA Office Address: Level

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Framework Construction Business Management Plan Project: Project No: Date: Rev:

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Framework Construction Business Management Plan

Project Name: CBD and South East Light Rail Early Works

Managing Contractor

Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Project Number: G79

Client: Transport for New South Wales

Copy Number: ____1_____

TPD Document # :

Issued By: Faye Rescigno Stakeholder and Community

Relations Manager LORAC

Authorised By: Raquel Rubalcaba Project Leader


LORA Office Address: Level 4, 100 Walker St, North Sydney, 2060

Signed: Date:

Framework Construction Business Management Plan Project: Project No: Date: Rev:

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1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 5

2 THE PLAN .................................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 The structure of the Plan ............................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Distribution policy ........................................................................................................................ 6

2.3 Further development of the Plan ................................................................................................. 7

2.4 Issues, revision and reissues ...................................................................................................... 7


3.1 Minister's Condition of Approval Compliance Table ..................................................................... 8

3.2 Transport for NSW Technical Communications Standards Requirements ................................... 9

4 INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER MANAGEMENT PLANS ......................................................... 10

5 Early works managing contractor approach............................................................................... 11

5.1 Key messages .......................................................................................................................... 12

5.2 Environmental factors and impacts ........................................................................................... 12

6 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION HOURS ...................................................................................... 13

7 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE ......................................................................... 13

7.1 Performance monitoring ............................................................................................................ 14

7.2 Performance compliance tracking and reporting ....................................................................... 14

8 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 15

8.1 Key roles and responsibilities .................................................................................................... 15

9 INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS .............................................................................................. 17

10 PROTOCOLS, PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................. 18

10.1 Information to Transport for NSW .......................................................................................... 18

10.2 Stakeholder management ...................................................................................................... 18

10.3 Enquiry and complaints handling ........................................................................................... 18

10.4 Dispute resolution .................................................................................................................. 19

11 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK .............................................................. 21

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11.1 Communication Management System ................................................................................... 21

12 COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ................................................................... 21

12.1 Community notification ........................................................................................................... 21

12.2 Construction update ............................................................................................................... 23

12.3 Community emails ................................................................................................................. 23

12.4 Contact cards......................................................................................................................... 23

12.5 Communication tools – features, approvals, roles and targets ............................................... 24

13 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS ELEMENT .................................................................................. 28

13.1 Traffic and transport communications .................................................................................... 28

13.2 Construction hoardings and fences ........................................................................................ 28

13.3 Signage ................................................................................................................................. 28

13.4 Graffiti and billposters ............................................................................................................ 28

14 ISSUES MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 28

15 INCIDENT REPORTING ........................................................................................................... 29

16 TRAINING ................................................................................................................................. 29

16.1 Project induction .................................................................................................................... 29

16.2 Site specific pre-works briefs and toolbox talks ...................................................................... 29

17 MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING .................................................................... 30

17.1 Monitoring and evaluation ...................................................................................................... 30

17.2 Site inspections/audits ........................................................................................................... 30

17.3 Reporting ............................................................................................................................... 30

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Revision Date of Issue: Details:

001 25.8.14 Initial issue for comment by Project Manager

002 25.8.14 Initial issue to Transport for NSW

003 20.10.14 Plan updated to address business and community reference groups comments

004 16/12/14 DPE comments incorporated

Terms and definitions

The following terms, abbreviations and definitions are used in this plan.

Terms Explanation

CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR)

The project that has been approved by the Minister for Planning.

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) The project team from Transport for NSW delivering the CBD and South East Light Rail Project.

Community Liaison Plan (CLP)

The communications and engagement governance framework for the early works managing contract, including proposed communications tools and techniques.

Minister’s Conditions of Approval (MCoA)

The Minister for Planning conditions of approval for the CBD and South East Light Rail project.

Communications Management Control Group (CMCG)

A forum to share information between transport projects and/or significant private developments planned during the delivery of the CBD and South East Light Rail Project.

Framework Construction Business Management Plan (FCBMP)

The management plan that outlines how environmental factors will be managed to minimise impacts to existing businesses located in the vicinity of construction sites and activities during EMWC activities.

Construction Management Plan (CMP)

The management plan that outlines the construction methodologies to mitigate environmental factors from MC activities.

Early Works Managing Contractor (MC)

The activities Laing O’Rourke have been contracted to deliver within the Early Works Managing Contractor role.

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The CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR) Project (the Project) incorporates the new 12 km route integrating major interchanges with other transport modes at Circular Quay, Wynyard, Town Hall, Central, Randwick and Kingsford - will transform Sydney and support the city’s growing economy and population. The expanding light rail network will connect people to jobs, homes, entertainment precincts and form part of an integrated public transport solution to ease congestion and improve services. The CSELR will be delivered in two stages with the critical and long lead works being undertaken by an Early Works Managing Contractor (MC) as Stage 1 of the Project. The construction and operation of the light rail infrastructure will be undertaken by a public private partnership operational company (OpCo) as Stage 2 of the Project. Laing O’Rourke (LORAC) has been appointed as the MC responsible for delivering a range of early works (Stage 1 of the Project) as enablers for the main works that will be undertaken by OpCo (Stage 2 of the Project). Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is the Principal for the MC works.


Laing O’Rourke’s scope as the MC for Stage 1 of the Project is described in three work packages: Package 1: Non-Utility Early Works Package 2: Utility protection and relocation works at key intersections: Package 3: New packages of works as advised by TfNSW.

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The Framework Construction Business Management Plan is the framework document for communications and consultation with business stakeholders affected by MC works within each of the SLR identified precincts. The purpose of the plan is:

To mitigate impacts on neighbouring businesses to the worksite

Outline the communication processes and business management strategies

Outline the performance parameters, control measures and monitoring program to measure the effectiveness of the measures

Identify the interfaces with other plans prepare for the early works which also strategies to mitigate impacts


The document has been structured around the following key components:

The purpose of the Plan

Project context

Business management approach

Business stakeholder management performance

Stakeholder and community liaison roles and responsibilities

Communications tools and techniques


Monitoring and Reporting


The master "controlled" Framework Construction Business Management Plan will be held on the site computer network server where it can be accessed by MC personnel, as necessary. All paper copies of the Plan will be considered as "uncontrolled" unless they have been allocated a copy number in a colour other than black. Where required, controlled copies of the Plan will be published as a hard copy, allocated a copy number (in a colour other than black) and distributed as follows:

Copy no. Issued to

01 02 03 04 05 06

Transport for NSW Project Manager Environment Manager Construction Manager Area Managers Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager

The above are issued this Plan and sent amendments as they occur, and it is their responsibility to discard superseded pages and insert new pages.

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Further development of this Plan will be undertaken and revised to:

Respond to changes in strategies, protocols or processes

Implementation of continuous improvement through stakeholder feedback and compliance reporting


The Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager has prepared the initial issue of this Plan to ensure it meets the current requirements of Transport for NSW, Minister’s Conditions of Approval, MC contract, specifications and standards relevant to the CSELR early works. Revisions of the Plan may be required throughout the duration of the project to reflect changing circumstances or identified absences. Revisions may result from:

Management review

Audit (either internal or by external parties)

Client complaints or non-conformance reports

Changes to the company’s standard system

Changes to legislation or legal requirements

Revisions will be reviewed and approved by the Project Manager prior to issue with updates numbered consecutively and issued to holders of controlled copies.

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MCoA Condition Compliance

A15 (d) Community Reference Group review and provide advice on the construction of the SSI, including construction or environmental management plans, monitoring results, audit reports, or complaints.

Section 7 Section 10.2.1 Section 10.3.1 Section 17

A16 (d) Business Reference Group review and provide advice on the construction of the SSI, including construction or environmental management plans, monitoring results, audit reports, or complaints.

Section 7 Section 10.2.1 Section 10.3.1 Section 17

A17 (d) Urban Design Reference Group review and provide advice on the construction of the SSI, including construction or environmental management plans, monitoring results, audit reports, or complaints.

Section 7 Section 10.2.1 Section 10.3.1 Section 17

B2, B3, B4

Construction Hours Section 6

B50 The Applicant shall design and construct the SSI in a manner that minimises opportunities for graffiti.

Section 13.4

B83 The Applicant shall design and construct the SSI with the objective of minimizing impacts to, and interference with third party property and infrastructure, and that such infrastructure and property is protected during construction. This includes adequate provision for wayfinding signage for potential patrons in consultation with the Business Reference Group to minimize economic impacts of construction works.

Section 5.2 Section 8 Section 10.2.1 Section 13.1 Section 13.3

B85 During construction, Applicants of other construction works in the vicinity of the SSI shall be consulted and reasonable and feasible steps taken to coordinate works to minimize impacts on affected sensitive receivers.

Section 8 Section 9

B89 (f) A Construction Business Management Plan to detail how construction works will be managed to minimize the impact to existing businesses located in the vicinity of construction sites and activities during construction of the SSI. The plan shall include measures to minimize business related impacts, maintain vehicular and pedestrian access during business hours and maintenance of the visibility of the business appropriate to its reliance on such. The Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Business Reference Group required under condition A16 and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:

(i) business management strategies for each construction site (and/or activity) identifying affected businesses and associated management strategies including the employment of place managers and specific measures to assist small business owners adversely affected by the construction of the SSI:

(ii) a monitoring program to assess the effectiveness of the measures including the nomination of performance parameters against which the effectiveness of the measure will be measured; and

(iii) provision for reporting the monitoring result to the Secretary as part of the Compliance Tracking Program required by condition B94.

Section 4 Section 5.2 Section 7 Section 10.2.1 Addendums

B91 Provision for community enquiries and complaints management Section 10.2 Section 10.3

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MCoA Condition Compliance B92 Prior to the commencement of construction, the Applicant shall

prepare and implement a Construction Complaints Management System consistent with Customer Satisfaction – Guidelines for complaints handling in organisations.

Section 10.2 Section 10.3 Section 10.4 Section 11

B93 Provision for electronic information to TfNSW Section 10.1 Section 10.2.1


TSRs Condition Compliance

TSR – 2 General community liaison obligations All sections

TSR - 3 Community Liaison Plan, including development of Business Management Implementation Plan

Section 4

TSR - 4 Communication Management System Section 11.1

TSR - 5 Communications Management Control Group Section 10.1

TSR - 6 Meetings with other stakeholders Section 10.2

TSR - 7 Public Communication Material Section 10.1 Section 12.5

TSR - 8 Information to Principal’s Representative Section 10.1

TSR - 9 Marketing and Promotional Opportunities Section 4

TSR - 10 Complaints and Enquiry Management Community Information Sessions and community/business based forums Branding and Logos TfNSW website

Section 10.3 Section 10.2 Section 4 Section 10.1

TSR - 11 Media and Government Relations Section 4

TSR - 12 Incident Management and Reporting Section 15

TSR - 13 Site Inspection by Visitors or Photography Section 4

TSR - 14 Construction Hoardings and Fences Section 13.2

TSR - 15 Signage, Graffiti and Bill Posters Section 13.3 Section 13.4

TSR - 16 Communications Requirements as Part of Site Inductions Section 16

TSR - 17 Accessing Private Property Section 4

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This Plan forms part of the Community Liaison Plan and an integrated management plan framework, and should be read in conjunction with the other plans prepared for the MC works. The suite of management plans and sub plans prepared for the MC are blueprints for the way each discipline will operate. The plans will include systems, standard methods and process used to deliver the early works program. Listed below are key management plan interfaces with this Plan.

Management Plan Interaction/Purpose

Community Liaison Plan (CLP) The Plan outlines the governance framework for communications and engagement for the MC activities.

Framework Construction Business Plan (FCBP)

The Plan outlines the governance framework for the communications and engagement activities with businesses affected by the MC activities. The purpose of the Plan is to mitigate the environmental factors caused by early works through communications, consultation and the implementation of a range of mitigation measures outlined in various management plans.

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

The Plan outlines the protocols and procedures to manage environmental impacts from construction, including the proposed mitigation measures.

Construction Management Plan (CMP)

The Plan outlines the construction methodologies and protocols and procedures to manage the construction environment, including the proposed mitigation measures.

Interface Management Plan (IMP)

The Plan has key links with the Community Liaison Plan as the key project interface document for the third parties and utility providers, including asset protection and procedures to deal with unexpected buried utilities. The plan sets out the methodology for engagement of the infrastructure stakeholders through the design, construction, commissioning, and handover processes undertaken during the works.

Project Safety Management Plan (PSMP)

The Plan outlines project safety goals, systems and methods utilised by work crews when undertaking activities on the project, including the strategies and processes to drive workplace and public safety.

Traffic Management Plans (TMP)

These Plans outline the traffic management strategies and processes for works undertaken by the MC.

Emergency and Crisis Management Plan (ECMP)

The Plan outlines the incident response contingencies and systems designed to minimise the risk of incidents associated with the project works and to achieve “zero unplanned impacts” within the MC working area.

Property Management Plan (PMP)

This Property Management Plan forms part of the overarching Construction Management Plan and addresses the management of the processes to identify, assess, monitor, mitigate and rectify any physical damage caused by the site works activities to any property. This includes any property or assets on or adjacent to the site and in the sphere of influence of the works or remote works including: buildings, structures, utilities, rail assets, etc.

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LORAC acknowledges the MC works will have an impact on the surrounding businesses with the likely environmental factors including noise, dust, traffic and pedestrian disruption, and reduced aesthetic and visual amenity. The business management approach is:

Identify the businesses directly adjacent to the worksites and potential issues, and consult with them about the likely impacts and mitigation strategies proposed

Establish strategies to consult with affected businesses about the impacts of early works

Provide accurate, timely and reliable information about the construction activities and impacts to businesses

Respond quickly to any issues or complaints raised by businesses or commercial property owners

Obtain regular feedback from businesses on current strategies to identify continual improvements

The framework An integrated project management approach has been adopted for the planning and delivery phase of the MC. A suite of management plans prepared for the MC will address the specific risks, mitigation strategies and protocols for disciplines such as construction and environmental management, heritage, site layout, traffic and pedestrian management, community relations and project safety. These plans will guide the MC activities to ensure impacts to local businesses are considered and mitigated where reasonable and feasible. Stakeholder mapping and pre-identification of issues or interests The stakeholder management approach will begin with identifying the businesses likely to be affected by the works, or neighbouring businesses potentially interested in the early works MC activities. The stakeholder and community relations team will seek to understand the local business profile to evaluate the potential impacts and implement appropriate methodologies and mitigation measures at each worksite. Strategies and implementation Place managers have been nominated as the single point of contact to understand the concerns of businesses located in each precinct. Prior to construction, place managers will conduct a desktop review of previously registered enquiries, complaints or concerns of the businesses in the stakeholder management database (Consultation Manager). This information will be analysed to identify disruptions to businesses from previous surveying and investigation works undertaken by TfNSW as part of the CSELR concept and project planning. Place managers will work closely with the construction manager and the area managers to shape communications strategies and ensure continuous improvements are implemented to construction methodologies through feedback, enquiry and complaints mechanisms. The area managers will nominate an onsite community relations representative from their work crew to manage interactions with local businesses. All site personnel are provided training in community relations protocols and procedures and issued with project contact cards to distribute if approached by members of the business community for project information.

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The construction planning includes consideration about the type of hoarding and fencing proposed for each worksite - aimed at minimising visual impacts to adjacent businesses. The work crews have been asked to support local businesses by purchasing meals, coffee or other items, wherever reasonable and feasible. All issues raised through the place manager or identified are shared with the construction manager and area managers during construction planning and delivery as part of the continuous improvement process.


LORAC will work collaboratively with Transport for NSW and local businesses to ensure the best construction management and delivery solutions are implemented to minimise the impacts. The key messages during MC works are:

Our focus is on the business community, its customers and employees as eventual beneficiaries of the CSELR network

We are a considerate contractor and will be proactive in our communications with residents, businesses and other key stakeholders

We will strictly adhere to TfNSW requirements, environmental planning legislation and authorities approvals

We will consider construction methodology prior to the commencement of works to minimise community and business impacts, where reasonable and feasible.


The MC business management strategies, include, but not limited to:

Optimising the worksite layout to minimise disruption

Provide respite periods or stage works to reduce impacts

Optimising site entrance to minimise impacts to business entrance, driveways or loading docks

Regular monitoring of the environmental factors in accordance with the Construction Environment Management Plan

Protecting public and private infrastructure through due diligence including undertaking risk assessments and incorporating strategies such as comprehensive site inductions, ‘dial before you dig’, excavation permits, use of spotters and liaison with asset owners.

The MC management plans with an interface with this plan are listed in section 4. These plans outline the purpose, measures and controls for each specialist area, including the protection of private and public assets. The Construction Environment Management Plan will outline the measures and controls put into place to mitigate and monitor the construction impacts to nearby businesses. The mitigation measures and approaches to manage specific environmental issues of traffic, noise, dust, and vibration are addressed within the specialist management sub plans of this plan. Package 1 – Demolition of Olivia Gardens residential complex (Addendum 1) The environmental factors include noise, dust, vibration, potential impact to on-street parking and local traffic. The business management, communications and consultation strategies for these works are outlined in Addendum 1. The Business Management Plan for the Olivia Garden demolition works was submitted to the Sydney Light Rail Community Reference Group on the 12 November 2014 and the Sydney Light Rail Business Reference Group on the 13 November 2014 for comment.

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Package 2 – Utility relocation works at key CBD intersections (Addendum 2) The environmental factors include noise, dust, vibration, major CBD traffic diversions, pedestrian changes, restricted access to George Street, and extended hours of works. The business management, communications and consultation strategies for these works are outlined in Addendum 2. Package 3 – other works as advised by TfNSW The environmental factors for any new construction activities delivered by the MC will be assessed at the time the packages of works are confirmed.


The standard construction hours are: With the exception of the CBD precinct:

6.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Fridays inclusive

8.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays; and

at no time on Sundays or public holidays Within the CBD precinct:

6.00am to 10.00pm, Monday to Fridays inclusive

8.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays; and

at no time on Sundays or public holidays

Works is permitted outside these hours in certain circumstances, subject to approval. The Construction Environment Management Plan outlines the out of hour work protocol and approval process.


The table below outlines the parameters and monitoring program to effectively measure the performance of this Plan. The desired outcomes are:

Affected businesses have a high degree of awareness of the works and likely impacts

Impacts minimised through administrative solutions and work practices such as community notifications, environmental audits and site inspections

Performance Parameters





High degree of awareness about upcoming works and impacts

Community notifications distributed to businesses within the required timeframes and distribution zones

Signage implemented prior to construction

Weekly meeting between place manager and area manager

Weekly review of enquiry and complaints by place manager

Daily inspection of site signage by site supervisor (captured in daily diary)

Notifications are current, accurate and issued on a timely basis

Community notification prepared and distributed within required timeframes

Monthly construction updates prepared and distributed, where

Weekly meetings between place manager and area manager

Communications checklist in place

Weekly review of communications

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Performance Parameters






Communications work plan implemented for each package of works

work plan by place manager

Management of business impacts

All personnel attend project induction prior to works

No repeat complaint about an issue that can be avoided

Precinct business management plan implementation

Interface meetings held with relevant key stakeholders such as the City of Sydney, Traffic Management Centre

Daily complaint management reports to TfNSW

Audit of induction records

Audit of business management strategy performance measures

Place manager visits

Construction Environment Management Plan and specialised sub plans monitoring program

Successful management of complaints

Timely response to complaints

No complaints referred to TfNSW for resolution

All complaints closed out in Communications Management System within 3 days

24/7 construction response line

Complaints register submitted to TfNSW on a daily basis


The effectiveness of the business management strategies are monitored through:

Feedback from TfNSW

Feedback from key stakeholders meetings and established project reference groups

Internal audit of processes and procedures to ensure they are being implemented

Using the lag indicator of tracking enquires, complaints and feedback to the project information line and email address.

Results of this program will be captured and compliance with this condition tracked in the Compliance Tracking Program.


The Environmental Manager is responsible for the management of the MC Compliance Tracking Register, including periodic reviews of the performance of the control measures implemented within the Construction Environment Management Plan and specialised sub plans to minimise the impacts on affected businesses. The MC Compliance Tracking Register (CoA B94) is regularly updated by the MC and submitted quarterly to TfNSW. TfNSW will issue associated information to DPE as requested/required under CoA B94.

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The Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager is supported by a team of experts in the environmental, design, construction, safety, quality and scheduling disciplines - providing the latest information to the stakeholder and community liaison team. All senior project team members are expected to build and maintain positive and proactive relationships with business stakeholders, including, but not limited to, landowners, asset owners, business proprietors, or tenants.


Project Director

Drive a culture of community safety, environmental responsibility and sustainability

Build and maintain productive internal and external relationships to facilitate the delivery of the


Project Manager

Provide overall leadership and direction to the project management team and be accountable

for satisfying project objectives

Ensure risks are managed in a proactive manner

Build and maintain productive internal and external relationships to facilitate the delivery of

the project

Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager

Ensure stakeholder engagement strategies are implemented in accordance with

management plans, processes and approvals

Manage relationship with TfNSW project communications team

All public communication is prepared to comply with TfNSW style guide requirements

Provide leadership in strategic planning and management of stakeholder considerations

Ensure compliance in relation to stakeholder and community liaison requirements

Lead the development of strategies and plans in relation to stakeholder and community

liaison involvement

Participate at TfNSW community and public meetings or forums, including established

community reference groups for the project

Ensure complaints and enquiry management strategies and processes are effectively

implemented, including the stakeholder database

Prepare, review and submit reports

Place Managers

Build and maintain strong community relations with affected businesses

Manage relationship with TfNSW project communications team

Provide support to the Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager

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Ensure all early works managing contractor employees and sub-contractors are properly

inducted, in site-specific community issues and accountable for community relations work


Provide advice to area managers in relation to community relations and management of

stakeholder concerns

Responsible for the implementation of community relations and stakeholder activities,

including the distribution of community notification to affected stakeholders

Monitoring and response of enquiries and complaints to the 24/7 construction response line

Facilitate the resolution of community and stakeholder complaints

Attend stakeholder meetings, public displays and open days, where required

Construction Manager

Build and maintain productive internal and external relationships to facilitate the delivery of

the project

Ensure area managers consider the public communication material preparation and

distribution timeframes

Provide leadership in relation to business relationship management and community

obligations outlined in this Plan

Area Managers

Ensure the Place Managers are continuously kept up to date regarding changes to the works


Consider the agreed communication material preparation and distribution timeframes in

planning construction activities

Provide leadership in relations to business stakeholder management and community

obligations outlined in this Plan

Build and maintain productive internal and external relationships to facilitate the delivery of

the project

Utility Interface Manager

Act as the single point of contact for all utility service providers

Liaise with the design team to give guidance on the impact of the proposed design on existing utilities

Liaise with the stakeholder and community relations team on the preparation of community notifications of the utility works to neighbouring businesses

Ensure all construction staff are aware of the requirements for working in the vicinity of a known utility

Ensure that regular co-ordination meetings are held with the utility stakeholders

Review periodically the Utilities Management Plan, amend as necessary and issue for approval

Report on progress of the works near the utilities

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Carry out regular site visits to ensure compliance to the controls stated in this management plan

Be notified of any impacts on the utilities and be part of the investigation team

General Superintendent

Ensure that all necessary monitoring is completed under work health and safety (WHS) legislation, and to ensure the safety of the public and LORAC personnel

Environment Manager

Review and provide comment on relevant project environmental documentation to verify it is prepared and maintained in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, planning conditions, regulatory requirements and relevant standards

Monitor and report on the effective ongoing implementation and performance of the environmental documentation

Provide guidance throughout the duration of the project on key emerging environmental and compliance issues, as-required


The stakeholder and community liaison team will interface with other MC project team members to facilitate cross-discipline communication to support the identification of issues, the development public communication material and ensure all communications and community relations requirements are delivered. The key internal interfaces with the stakeholder and community liaison team are: Project management meetings The project management meetings include stakeholder and community matters on the agenda to share information amongst senior managers. Construction progress meetings Senior construction managers meet to discuss the overall construction program and potential environmental and community impacts. The meeting is attended by the Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager. Area managers progress meetings Area managers and place managers meet regularly to discuss the program, construction methodology and likely impacts. The meetings will assist place managers develop site-specific communication material about upcoming works. Stakeholder and community liaison meetings The stakeholder and community liaison team meet weekly to share information, identify emerging trends, and manage timeframes. The meetings will monitor, review and address any issues or concerns as they emerge.

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A range of public communications and engagement tools and techniques are delivered by TfNSW to promote the project’s progress, including project website, newsletter, reference groups and social media. TfNSW will receive regular construction focussed information to include within these communications platforms. Updates and status reports about MC works are shared with TfNSW through various communication channels such as the Communications Management Control Group and monthly reports.


TfNSW has established an information line, project email and website for the project. A 24-hour construction response telephone line to respond to site-specific construction issues or complaints is included within all MC community notifications. 10.2.1 Forums TfNSW has established a number of reference groups and stakeholder forums as part of the project stakeholder management and consultation process. These groups are provided with an opportunity to comment and provided feedback to TfNSW regarding MC activities. 10.2.2 Interface with City of Sydney and Traffic Management Centre The MC works in the central business district is coordinated in consultation with the City of Sydney and Traffic Management Centre to determine the potential impacts from the MC works to consider during construction planning. 10.2.3 Place Manager Each precinct has a nominated place manager to ensure MC communications and consultation activities are delivered in accordance with this Plan. The place managers act as a single point of contact for local businesses to provide feedback about the likely impacts to their business, employees and customers.


10.3.1 Complaint handling A complaint is considered as an expression of dissatisfaction regarding the MC works that is made in person, by phone, fax, email or in writing. All complaints are investigated, the source determined, and the complainant advised of the actions taken to rectify the issue (where reasonable and feasible). The complaints handling protocol requires:

All records of complaints are recorded into the Communications Management System

At least a verbal response is made to the complainant within a maximum of 2 hours from the time of the complaint about the action(s) proposed

A response is provided to email complaints within 24 hours from the time of the complaint receipt, if no telephone number is provided

A response is provided to letter complaints within one week from the time of the complaint receipt, if no telephone number is provided

Refer to Figure 2 for the complaints resolution process.

10.3.2 Enquiry handling The enquiry management protocol requires:

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All record enquiry details into CMS

At least a verbal response is provided to the enquirer within 2 hours from the time of the enquiry during standard construction hours, or the next business day during other times

TfNSW will be notified of any enquiries received directly by LORAC


LORAC is committed to working with local businesses to mitigate environmental impacts such as noise, dust and vibration, where reasonable and feasible. A complaint will be referred to TfNSW for review where the complainant is unsatisfied about the action proposed by LORAC to respond to their concerns.

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Figure 1 - complaints resolution process

Note: No EPL require for the Early Works Managing Contractor phase.

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TfNSW has established a web-based Communications Management System (CMS) for the project. All stakeholder interactions with the MC team will be entered into the CMS within 24 hours to ensure the currency of information is always available to the place manager and other team members. The CMS is used as a compliance tracking mechanisms to measure the performance of complaints handling to ensure interactions are managed within the required timeframes, and complaints and/or issues are always closed out. 11.1.1 Reporting Regular communications and stakeholder management reports are prepared for the MC senior management team about the process of progress of the implementation of communications strategies, recent stakeholder contacts and complaints, and potential community impacts of current and upcoming activities.


LORAC is committed to proactive communication and dissemination of information to businesses about current and upcoming activities. LORAC has adopted the TfNSW communications quality checklist process for written communication material. Refer to figure 2 for the routine approval of public communication material. Section 12.5 outlines the range of communication tools and techniques for the project. The primary communications tools for the works includes, but not limited to:


Site-specific community notifications are disseminated to local businesses to inform them of upcoming works. The notifications are distributed to businesses seven days before any activities in relation to commencement of new works, changes to the scope of works, out of hour works, changes to traffic conditions, modifications to pedestrian routes, cycleways or bus stops. The community notifications will incorporate specific details about the construction activities to be undertaken in the vicinity of their business to assist business stakeholders understand the impacts to their business operations, customers and employees. The community notifications will include, at a minimum:

Scope of work

Location of work

Hours of work

Duration of activity

Type of equipment used

Likely impacts including noise, vibration, traffic, access and dust; and

TfNSW project contact details Construction notifications may also be distributed via email to business stakeholders registering their email contact details with the MC.

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Figure 2 - process for approvals of routine correspondence

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A construction update will be distributed, where works continue over a longer period of time, to inform businesses of the MC’s progress, including key milestones and scheduled activities for the upcoming months.


Site-specific monthly emails are circulated to registered business stakeholders about the MC’s progress, key milestones and/or future activities. The emails may include copies of recently advertised traffic and pedestrian management changes or community notifications about upcoming works.


All site personnel are provided with project contact cards to distribute if approached by business proprietors, customers or employees. The cards outline the project email and infoline, and 24-hour construction response line.

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A variety of communication methods may be used to engage with local businesses to achieve our objectives. A brief individual community liaison implementation plan will be prepared for each package of works that outlines the tools and techniques to be used.

Tool Preparation Responsibility Approval Responsibilities Distribution / Responsibility

Key Target Audience/Frequency

TfNSW Website TfNSW manages the website. LORAC will contribute / prepare content about early works.

LORAC will provide regular construction updates, or as required.

TfNSW The general public and all interested stakeholders 24/7

1800 Project Infoline

A project infoline is managed by TfNSW and logged into CMS for the LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager to respond to within the required timeframes. LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager or delegated person is available on a 24/7 mobile number.

LORAC responds within required timeframes

TfNSW The general public and all interested stakeholders 24/7

1800 Construction Response Line

The 24 hour construction activities enquiries and complaints line managed by TfNSW. Any enquires or complaints relating to the early works will be directed to the LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, to manage and respond to within the required timeframes LORAC Community and Stakeholder Manager or delegated person is available on a provided mobile number 24/7 to respond.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, considers response when assigned and discusses with TfNSW for approval before processing. Response within required timeframes.


Near neighbours The general public and all interested stakeholders 24/7

Project email The project email is managed by TfNSW and logged into Consultation Manager for the LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, to

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts response for


The general public and all interested stakeholders 24/7

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Tool Preparation Responsibility Approval Responsibilities Distribution / Responsibility

Key Target Audience/Frequency

manage and respond to within the required timeframes. LORAC Community and Stakeholder Manager or delegated person is available on a provided mobile number 24/7 to respond.

approval before processing. Response within required timeframes.

Briefings LORAC may be requested to provide input. TfNSW TfNSW Ministers, Director General and Deputy Director General Transport, Local Members as requested / required

Door Knocks LORAC outlines key messages for approval. LORAC updates CMS whenever contact is made with a local business.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC and TfNSW may assist

Local residents or businesses as required

Meetings Details of all meeting held by LORAC with local businesses will be recorded in Consultation Manager within 24 hours of such meetings taking place.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC All stakeholders and community members, as required.

Construction Update Newsletters

LORAC develops content and manages design

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Quarterly newsletter distributed within 500m radius of worksite

Community Notifications

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, develops content and manages design

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Monthly construction update distributed within 500m of worksite

Letters LORAC Stakeholder and Community LORAC Stakeholder and LORAC In response to

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Tool Preparation Responsibility Approval Responsibilities Distribution / Responsibility

Key Target Audience/Frequency

Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and manages design

Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

enquiries or to inform stakeholders, as required.

Flyers LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and manages design.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Target will vary depending on the purpose. Will vary from ‘Sorry we Missed You’ leaflets

Surveys LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and manages design.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Surveys may be developed for specific strategies, as required.

Signage LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and manages design.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Target will vary depending on the purpose. Site signage, business visibility signage, pedestrian signage or bus commuter signage.

Advertising LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and manages design.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Advise about traffic impacts as required by law, or approvals.

Traffic Alerts LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager includes forward traffic impacts

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, sends traffic impact alerts

LORAC Advise about traffic impacts, as required.

Translation Promote local community languages in public LORAC will include translation LORAC A service available

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Tool Preparation Responsibility Approval Responsibilities Distribution / Responsibility

Key Target Audience/Frequency

Service for Community Languages

communication material. information within public communication collateral.

around the clock for all local residents and interested stakeholders.

Presentations LORAC Community and Stakeholder Manager, or relevant discipline, drafts content and manages design.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Target audiences will vary – usually Council or key stakeholders. Specific presentations will be prepared on request.

Telephone Calls Managed by TfNSW and logged in Consultation Manager for attention of the LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC Role and source will vary.

Inductions LORAC designs and delivers as per the EPL, MCoA and in-house standards and policies such as Mission Zero Site Inductions to include Community Relations requirements.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, drafts content and coordinates approval.

LORAC All site workers and all visitors will undergo project induction, and site-specific inductions on entering the site.

Daily Toolbox Talks

LORAC designs and delivers as per the specific local issues. LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, prepares and delivers site-specific stakeholder and community issues at daily toolbox talks.

LORAC Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager confirms/gains approval for issues to be covered in daily toolbox talks.

LORAC For all workers onsite each day – technical and Safety (Mission Zero Program).

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A Traffic Management Plan has been prepare for the MC works. Any communication strategies regarding traffic changes or impacts will be included in the local traffic control plan prepared for each worksite. The local traffic control plan will include the necessary advertisements, signposting and variable message signs requirements. Major traffic changes, detours or traffic disruptions specifically outlined in the regulatory or agency approvals are advertised in the local paper at least 7 days before ant change occurs.


The style of hoarding and fencing will be considered during the construction planning process to mitigate impacts on neighbouring business or customers. All fencing around the worksites will incorporate opaque shade cloth surrounding the perimeter, maintained in good condition and non-authorised advertisement free. Worksite signage will include project contact details such the 24-hour construction response line as well as way finding signage, as required.


At times, works may require the installation of way finding signage to direct pedestrians, customers or traffic around a worksite. Signage installed where visibility to businesses entrance or signage is impeded. A signage strategy for each worksite is prepared as part of the construction planning process where works have a significant impact on business visibility or changes to pedestrian access. The traffic management plan will address the communication techniques (including static and variable message signs) for MC works affecting the existing traffic and pedestrian environment.


All graffiti and unauthorised billposters are removed within 24 hours from worksite structures such as hoarding, site sheds or fencing. Project inductions will incorporate the importance of identifying and removing graffiti and billposters as early as possible.


LORAC will proactively manage business stakeholder issues in consultation with TfNSW. The LORAC issue management strategy includes:

Establish and maintain ongoing internal interfaces to identify potential issues

Evaluate community feedback and/or outputs on a weekly basis to identify any emerging trends

Ensure local businesses are informed of the progress of works, any actions taken to pre-empt or respond to potential issues, and aware of the project contact details

Respond in a timely manner to internal and external stakeholders concerns to prevent acceleration of an issue

Train personnel to be able to identify and resolve potential issues in consultation with the stakeholder and community liaison team

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LORAC will work in collaboration with TfNSW to manage any incident that has significant impact on the local businesses or broader business community. To ensure the prompt communication management of an incident, immediate notification to TfNSW includes:

Incident cause delays to public transport, traffic or pedestrian flows

Incidents where people are harmed or property is severely damaged

Access to businesses or residence is disrupted

Damage to heritage listed buildings, items or places All safety and environmental incidents are managed in accordance the Construction Environment Management Plan and Construction Health and Safety Plan. To ensure the integrity of these incident management processes, no site personnel are permitted to contact or provide information without prior approval, other than required to comply with law or legislation. Any unscheduled utility services disruption or outage to businesses will be managed in accordance with the processes outlined in the Utilities Management Plan.


Community relations training is an important component of the early works managing contractor project induction, as fewer misunderstanding occur when personnel are made aware of the project’s commitments and obligations. All employees will receive suitable training to ensure that they are aware of their stakeholder and community relations obligations and competent to carry out these responsibilities. These requirements are continually reinforced to the workforce during pre-work briefings, toolbox meetings, site-specific inductions or workforce internal notifications.


All personnel and sub-contractors are explained the project systems, protocols and expectations. The personnel (including subcontractors) will also receive community relations training about:

Understanding the MC community and environmental obligations and key issues

Complaints and enquiry procedures

Media protocols

Community notification procedures

Worksite behaviour and expectations

Procedure to access private property

Receiving and responding to on-site community feedback

Consequences of not complying with the community relations requirements


Site personnel are required to attend the relevant pre-works briefs prior to the commencement of works, and adhere to the requirements of the contract and/or legislative requirements while carrying out activities. The pre-works brief and toolbox talks will include site-specific issues for the businesses affected by the works. The place manager will inform area managers of any issues to be addressed at site inductions or briefings. The Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, or delegated person, may attend these inductions to directly address the workforce about specific business and community concerns.

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Monitoring and evaluation undertaken by the community liaison team will enable LORAC to measure the success of this Plan against the impacts of the MC activities on the neighbouring business community. The Construction Environment Management Plan will outline the monitoring and reporting regimes associated with the specific environmental impacts. This Plan will be monitored using the lag indicator of tracking enquires, complaints and feedback to the 1800 infoline and LORAC’s response time against the targets outlined in Section 7. The Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager will also monitor the success of the business management strategies through:

Feedback from TfNSW

Feedback from key stakeholders

Audit of MC community relations and stakeholder management practices to ensure the business management strategies are being implemented


Site inspections/audits referred to in this Plan will be combined with the inspection/audit regime outlined in the Construction Environmental Management Plan and sub plans where relevant (i.e. dust/noise/vibration, construction traffic, pedestrian/vehicular access, vegetation removal, visual impacts), this includes:

Weekly environmental site inspections by the Environment Manager /Environment Officers

Numerous weekly safety inspections will be undertaken each week by site supervisors, engineers, subcontractors and senior management in accordance with the Construction Health and Safety Plan and will include monitoring of site conditions including ground conditions for slips, trips and falls where site access crosses public thoroughfares.

3 monthly internal project audits. Weekly site inspections will also be undertaken by the Place Manager, as required by this Plan.


LORAC has implemented various mechanisms to report on the performance of the MC activities, including, but not limited to: Internal mechanisms include:

Management reports

Audit reports

Incident management notifications

Project meetings

Employee induction, training and toolbox sessions

Briefings, notifications and alerts External mechanisms include:

Project reports to TfNSW

Incident management reporting

Meetings and correspondence with interested parties (e.g. Local council) as necessary

Private property access notifications, as required

Public communication materials