Fractional Dimensions, Strange Attractors & Chaos

Fractional Dimensions, Strange Attractors & Chaos

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Fractional Dimensions, Strange Attractors & Chaos. Old Familiar Faces. Dimensions of some Familiar Figures. ‘Weird’ Objects. What about these objects?. How to ‘Measure’ dimensions?. One gets N copies if one scales by a factor r The dimension ‘d ’ is given by OR. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Fractional Dimensions, Strange Attractors & Chaos

Fractional Dimensions, Strange Attractors & Chaos

Page 2: Fractional Dimensions, Strange Attractors & Chaos

Old Familiar Faces

Dimensions of some Familiar Figures

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‘Weird’ Objects What about these objects?

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How to ‘Measure’ dimensions?

One gets N copies if one scales by a factor r The dimension ‘d’ is given by OR drN











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The ‘Cantor Set’

This is the 1/3 Cantor Set Note here N=2 & r=3


i.e. Cantor Set is 0.63 dimensional !!



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The Koch Snowflake

Note here N=4 & r=3





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The Sierpinski Gasket

Here N=3, r=2


We have



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Fractals in Nature

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Computer Generated Fractals I The ‘Julia Set’

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Computer Generated Fractals II The ‘Mandelbrot Set’

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The Butterfly Effect

Flap of a butterfly’s wing in Rio de Janeiro causes a hurricane in Lahore

Mathematically sensitivity of a system on initial conditions

Think Billiards

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The Logistic Map

Very simple system exhibiting ‘chaos’

Can be a model for bacterial population

‘r’ can be thought of as net growth rate

As ‘r’ varies one sees a drastic changes in behavior

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As were increase r ……..

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…. and …finally ……CHAOS Note sensitivity on IC

System does NOT ‘settle down’


Where are the fractals?

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The ‘Parameter Picture’

Choose different IC Run the system for long times Plot long time behavior for different ‘r’ The resulting picture has fractal structure!!

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Lorenz System (Butterfly Effect)

A simplified Weather Model

For certain values of parameters is chaotic

Q: Is our weather unpredictable?

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What should you take away?

Fractals are all around us

There is an intrinsic link between chaotic systems and fractals

Fractals can be generated easily on a computer

Butterfly Effect was a cool movie!

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Credits: Thank you wikipedia contributors for many of the figures