FRACKING SITE: 50 YEARS FROM TODAY? Fracking: a technological innovation too far SEPTEMBER 30, 2013

FRACKING SITE: 50 YEARS FROM TODAY?Slide 5 Other advisors to the regulator. The Environment Agency and HSE 2012 document, ‘Working together to regulate unconventional oil and gas

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Page 1: FRACKING SITE: 50 YEARS FROM TODAY?Slide 5 Other advisors to the regulator. The Environment Agency and HSE 2012 document, ‘Working together to regulate unconventional oil and gas


Fracking: a technological innovation too far

SEPTEMBER 30, 2013

Page 2: FRACKING SITE: 50 YEARS FROM TODAY?Slide 5 Other advisors to the regulator. The Environment Agency and HSE 2012 document, ‘Working together to regulate unconventional oil and gas



Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2

Public Discussion ...................................................................................................... 2

Slide 1 ................................................................................................................... 3

Slide 2 ................................................................................................................... 3

Slide 3 ................................................................................................................... 4

Slide 4 ................................................................................................................... 5

Slide 5 ................................................................................................................... 7

Slide 6 ................................................................................................................... 8

Slide 7 ................................................................................................................. 10

References ............................................................................................................. 10

Contacts ................................................................................................................. 11

With Special Thanks to Mr. Simon Belt, founder of Manchester Salon, an inspiration

and truly marvellous gentleman.

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Introduction I am a member of two professional bodies. My employer, Greater Manchester

Commissioning Support Unit, allows me to attend Institute of environmental

Management live webinars. Since February 2010 I have been an active participant in

Equity Housing Group’s: Going Green Group, Grants Panel and Customer Panel, of

which in the latter Equity Housing Group paid for my Chartered Institute of Housing

membership and training fees.

I delivered the following Power Point Presentation and built upon it during a Question

& Answer Session. These were made possible because of the support I’ve received

from the registered social provider, Equity Housing Group. Also the Environmental

Impact Assessment information I know has been delivered by Institute of

Environmental Management in their QMark Webinar series.

I fully intend upon building on this at University of Nottingham in their FutureLearn

online introductory course.

Public Discussion Public Discussion: Manchester Salon, ‘Fracking an innovation too far?’

Date: Monday 30 September 2013

Venue: International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Engine House, Chorlton Mill, 3

Cambridge Street, Manchester, M1 5BY

Sponsor: The Institution of Technology & Engineering

Film Maker: Dan Clayton

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The British Geological Society identifies locations containing derivatives of oil- organic limestone deposits of calcite from algae and Crinoidea. They also map global earthquakes, UK geology- such as shale where fracking gas is, soil chemistry, groundwater science and much more. They have a climate change programme and by studying historic climate change impacts and they forecast future climates.

The Met Office illustrates a warming of the climate in the UK (Met Office, 2013).

UKCIP is hosted by the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Their UKCIP 5 stage Adaptation Wizard guides organisations on why and how to adapt to climate change projections in business and this is achieved using Area Climate Assessment Tool for standard business areas. An argument explaining why organisations are risk assessing for priority climate risks and creating adaptation plans is given in their podcast (UKCIP, 2009). This tool guides organisations how to baseline and to assess the vulnerability of the product/site/location. It provides case studies of branded organisations and what they are doing. In essence UKCIP is explaining is a reversed Environmental Impact Assessment, a future proofing of organisations against climate change. National Planning Policy Framework activities request EIA be considered for Schedule 1 and 2 activities.

Directive 2011/92/EU EIA codified 13 December 2011 is transposed into UK

legislation in Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. Planning Applications under TCPA use National Planning Policy

Framework. It is here fracking activities may require EIA be considered. EIA is

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a systematic scoping and screening ‘assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. They are mandatory for Schedule 1 and discretionary for Schedule 2 projects. Fracking activities fall into both Schedules. Planning applications which have Environmental Statements must be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment. A project includes the implementation of an installation (Official Journal of the European Union, 2011). IEMA has a Quality Mark series detailing how EIA in a multitude of organisations and situations is successful.

When placed in to context the sources provide illustrations of vulnerability, and how to overcome those using adaptations. For this debate they illustrate potential significant impacts of fracking in situ. And so show empirically the UK has the technology to safeguard against, remove and control fracking hazards and risk. The safeguards even occur during fracking investigations because they are designed in to the process and at all stages.

Outline Recap

The above outlines the how of the technology. That operations are

legislatively prescribed and enforced by regulators. With effect organisations who frack have total quality management systems in place and prior to physical investigations occurring. The Pros are

1) Reputable organisations use current technology to measure ecosphere

historic and current data creating baselines and vulnerability; and

2) Using a unified and systematic system of protection and measurement.

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Regulating the internal and external site is undertaken by Regulators: Environment Agency (EA): England & Wales, Scottish Environment Protection Agency: Scotland, Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC). The Environment Agency uses an outcome-approach to stop offenders, to restore and remediate where damage has occurred, take regulatory control and they punish and deter offenders and reoffenders. Enforcement options available to EA include Enforcement, Works and Prohibition Notices, suspension and withdrawal of environmental permits and licences, change permit conditions, Injunctions, do remedial works and recover costs from responsible party, criminal sanctions such as prosecute and civil sanctions (Environment Agency, 2013) which are Compliance, Restoration and Stop Notices and Fixed and variable monetary penalties (Environment Agency, 2013).

Between 1974 and 2012 British industry became safer because of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. There’s been huge reductions of work-related illness deaths except those which are related to mining of silicates and coal dusts (Health & Safety Executive, 2013). During 2011 only 5 energy plant operatives suffered ill health requiring three days or more off work yet elementary storage operatives totalled 7429 operatives (Health & Safety Executive, 2013). This illustrates excellent safe systems of work, health & safety compliance and understanding by employees and employers within the energy sector.

Outline Recap

All regulators aim to prevent harm to the environment, employers and employees and to the general public from regulated activities and operations. Fracking is regulated.


The higher the risk matrix rating the greater likelihood of evidence required by regulators to assure regulators of no harm from activity to the environment. Contra

There is no economies of scale in the renewable sector at the moment, costs remain high even though employee ill health levels are lower than other sectors.

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Other advisors to the regulator. The Environment Agency and HSE 2012 document, ‘Working together to regulate unconventional oil and gas developments’ outline coordination of shale gas regulation (The Environment Agency and Health & Safety Executive, 2012). The coordination regulates all aspects of the plant, its process and substances and this is explained in greater detail in the document Memorandum of Understanding that frameworks monitoring their liaisons, contacts in the UK and International, scope, waters, industry, jurisdictions, H&S, installations and their construction, safety zones, responsibilities and undertakings (Health & Safety Executive, 2009). Safety Zones are normal practice in energy creation, including offshore renewable energy installations. The storage of items is a EIA Schedule 2 activity. These are set out in the Energy Act 2004, Electricity (Offshore Generating Stations) (Safety Zones) (Applications Procedures and Control of Access) Regulations 2007 (DECC, 2011) and others. They provide detail of where activity takes place on site. Outline Recap

These illustrate all activities are recorded and with strong emphasis upon safety, health and management of activities. Pro

Health & Safety is designed in to the fracking process at planning stage.

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The Environmental Permitting Regulations will guard against contaminated fluid entering groundwater and the hazards presented by the fracking chemicals (DECC, 2013). Mitigation information will be submitted to Environment Agency or equivalent when they decide whether a permit will be required. Between 10,000 and 30,000 tonnes of water m3 is expected to be required during fracking which is permitted also, by the Environment Agency (DECC, 2013). Therefore there is permit and scrutiny of activities prior and during operations. DECC also monitor seismicity by working with British Geological Survey. If Rail inks will be required to the site these will require planning permission under section 90(2A) TCPA 1990, conservation is looked after by Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and a case study for this is the Ordsall Chord application. Tree Preservation Order are also considered. Where an Environmental Statement is required, it may be best to contact the local authority for a scoping opinion. This is for land identification, description of effects upon the environment, and developer information that help to identify which pollutions are likely. An Environmental Impact Assessment is also called a Screening Option. Both Scoping Opinion and Screening Options have timelines. The quality of Environmental Statements has been reviewed by University of Manchester since 1990’s.

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HSE are the owners and enforcing regulator of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (Health & Safety Executive, 2013) and we’ve already seen the outcomes of their work in slide three. Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 is a component of the accident planning for fracking. Other accident planning is outlined in the Environmental Statement along with mitigations for noise, air quality, etc. Composites

Fracking fluid is 99.75% water and sand. The remaining is Polyacrylamide friction reducers (0.075%) used in cosmetics and facial creams; Hydrochloric acid (0.125%) used in swimming pools and has a history of being used in the creation of drinking water wells. The remaining component is Biocide (0.005%) which is used for purification from the water supplied by local suppliers (DECC, 2013). Biocides are regulated by Directive 528/2012. The Biocidal Product Regulation as this is an active substance to ensure that water is free from harmful organisms (Lex Europa, 2012). Outline Recap

The volume of technology of which is integrated into regulation illustrates fracking is not an innovation too far. The legislation has been developed from Parliamentary Bills, which are requested by elected Members of Parliament on behalf of their constituents. This illustrates a fair and democratic system for the free from harm investigation and free from harm creation of energy in the UK. Pro

Composites have long been used in the UK and in numerous applications. Contra

Quality of Environmental Statements is varied with contents and quality differing.

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References DECC. (2011). Guidance Notes: Applying for safety zones around OREIs: Scope of the Safety Zone Scheme. London: DECC. DECC. (2013, July). Water pollution, use and disposal (inc. chemicals): A1. How will the Government ensure that groundwater is not contaminated during shale gas fracking? Retrieved from About shale gas and hydraulic fracturing (fracking): https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/226040/About_Shale_gas_and_hydraulic_fracking.pdf

Health & Safety Executive. (2009, July). Memorandum of Understanding between the Health and Safety Executive, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the Marine Accident Investigation Branch for health and safety enforcement activities etc at the water margin and offshore. Retrieved from Health & Safety Executive: http://www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/howwework/framework/mou/mcamou.pdf

The Environment Agency and Health & Safety Executive. (2012, November). Working together to regulate unconventional oil and gas developments. Retrieved from Health & Safety Executive: http://www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/howwework/framework/aa/hse-ea-oil-gas-nov12.pdf Environment Agency. (2013, September 5). Civil Sanctions. Retrieved from Regulation: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/regulation/116844.aspx

Environment Agency. (2013, September 5). Enforcement. Retrieved from Regulation: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/regulation/31851.aspx

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Health & Safety Executive. (2013). Reported injuries to employees by main occupational group and severity of injury, 2010/11. Retrieved from [RID10] Reported injuries to employees by occupation:: https://handson.hse.gov.uk/hse/public/tablesimple.aspx?RID10

Health & Safety Executive. (2013). Trends in work-related injuries and ill health since the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 1974. . Retrieved from Historical Picture: http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/history/

Health & Safety Executive. (2013). Acts owned and enforced by HSE. Retrieved from Health & Safety Executive: http://www.hse.gov.uk/legislation/acts.htm Lex Europa. (2012). REGULATION (EU) No 528/2012. Aberdeen: Official Journal of the European Union.

Met Office. (2013). Rainfall, sunshine and temperature time-series. Retrieved from UK Climate Summaries: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/actualmonthly/

Official Journal of the European Union. (2011, December 13). DIRECTIVE 2011/92/EU. Retrieved from Lex Europa: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2012:026:0001:0021:EN:PDF

UKCIP (Director). (2009). UKCIP Adaptation Wizard podcast [Motion Picture]. UK. Environment Agency. (2013, September 5). Civil Sanctions. Retrieved from Regulation: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/regulation/116844.aspx


Equity Housing Group

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