3 J1 i td + yy + r JCPf G T n μ as a rd1 i r a M 2S ipi 3 Ax y1rY w Y h4 k L i y C s F r- G I t 1x- I THE OCALA BANNER PAGE SEVEN u c MUftMfis CIIU INDBNTIPIBO f 7 h f Sdy ef Ywi W eaaa rewnd a Pew MyneTea Yarde ffram Her Heme JIIMr Terk mwpt It Tke kwy ef wag waaa kua4 wader what la- aa kaws tka IElaaate4 Ok7 last oC PeMe rest la the aVecx Saturday 4 MI les idstl i M tkat of Attgaeta- f fM r m yan age wkeee kerne- la w Palktai re4 oly a few kvm deal yards fraai tka apt whet key keiy warn fevad- flka waa tka atepdamgkter of WIMlaai- EfiMM wke warn aIM ker made ker > ethers frat ktttaajtd harlag Mea- t Pfeiffera br Owimaj JIU- tIfMInIl to a ker Mtker vr a trlTial Mir ski teat kaarn three weeks aga- a W ked be Ulag w tk family Maid aIar II tkIwr ptt t- ri s 1 r a oral wtsters tk bM- i tile eid VN6e wit Mks teat y bN e taer Uvc > aa e t > ri jla- iws eke wsrk d lit U- T wsM a Me r urad r ka- Meie M 1st a Rs aity ks ti t- MM Net ef if f a i Mea ape- 1etlMNtsat tIr k1e 1it1iW iIMII JUt 1rJ IP Tf r M r V Dak aar the Muse wMtIep bedy warn kind M gM- t1i NS Tt et bar bidia L Paul > rl SID wae W iii slat dN em Naar- Yaeairll d Len Case ef lsl- diiIta tr M4 eat It lUlaUvee- ke Ries wkk k4 Ure Ia UU city adaiitfed tU Jka dt Gree the 1C eel 11 key wka aaauakta avIaUe at meeaes ketel New York took his Ufa kaeaMa of tile kopeleaaaeaa of Jala tore far a lady eeaerahly his eea- tor wk live ai aparroii a Foist mear- tkla city He fa aaM to have aaaigae4- Ula r eoa for his tot la Ute letter re eeireJ ky kit eLMer Nothing what- ever ¬ la kaowa by kla relatives of any ran wha co14 ke repoaslble for young Greeas trouble as iatlmated ia a let- ter ¬ whisk is understood to be in pos aeba of the New York coroner l it may possibly refer to some more fortunate than the suicide la- tke tuft for the lady Killed In Effart to Escape Maaila Sept 19 Felizarbo chief af the outlaws in the province of Ca vita who for a long time have made trouble for the authorities was sur marled today near the Batanf border + aid jumped over a cliff He was killed by the fall and his death it is kalieved will end the disturbance in the province of Gavite On January 14 HI Udromea led by Felizardo an- da6ala 11 attacked the town of San lsibeo de Matabon looted the mu F mtaipal treasury of 200 killed Con trmet Surgeon J A ONeill and abduct e4 the wife and two childrea of Gov eraor Trias Hyaneticed fer Feur Years Blgh N C Sept 19The police Charlotte have a very queer case them sad have called in medical ts to aid la settling it A young i evldeatly lieu suddenly ap f jj aa the street aad was taken to U e ii jail He gave hie aame as J R Hake and Bald to the aatkoritiea that Pip Wave a bey kypaoUst at Oss toajto a tawa sear by four years ago pot ktei aaaer hypaetie lace from wMek ke bad a ver Mea free Hokk- etaled tkat ka MIl bea lit a hospital far the kuaaa aid Isjialrleakave Mea- t to varleva iaatltattoaa af tkla bind to arder to tocate him Pell DeN In Chvreh- flapt lrlsartr aWkillwg ia a paw aa des to Ute aka that he l eewld have reaskadi eMI a4 eked it the Rat William r JUetaeoa pastor the Metkedtet ekmrak af Moarae- ddealy d1d Boatey males 1- mipttat ehsrcL at ktomroe Tke pa- tragk If death ef tk Kev Mr i mctomtefl aa It warn by see- kritual r eiremasatameea caused wlie- arraw i epMd ad eomumejat The 1Me Mr MaMmaom was well know aR1er Gem gia sad the details of his dea4k will ka real with serrowNl a toreet ky the tkouaaada whe kmew Ya Drummer Drank Laudanum Baartmaburs S C Eept UAr thr SKerett a traveling salesman for a Baltimore dry goods house arrirad here and securing a room at the Spar tea inn draak a bottle of laudanum- His action was noted by an employee et ahysiciaas were unable to save hlM Lad he died at 5 oclock Sterrett- was J5 years old and unmarried His aad uarters were In Charlotte No cause is assigned for his action Carolina Mft Kill Negro Heaea Patch SC Sept 19About I Miles below here la Abbeville coun- ty ¬ lia > tt and Jim Moore two whit ae a r > t into a difficulty with Allen r F a41etoa sad another negro A fight fellawed la which Jim Moore was cat and killed by Peedh ton Pendletoa- aaaaa 4 sad was captured by a crowd aaawt half a mile below here Ha warn carried back to the scene of the kUltac aid shot by a about a dosea- Demecmtic aa mans Laaaue Ferine New York Sept 1Lt a imwiriag i yesterday the Woman NaUeaal- tic = ratic League was ergaisei- Jeaa M 8 Crovely was elected aa- fteeistat The aroaaotera af the league eadeavor to carry out alans of m covertag the satire eoua J i 1 i u 4 SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE IN SESSION oDrtma Branch oiL 00 F MMt In Philadelphia QRKAT GROWTH OF THE ORDER eperft af Grand Sire R E Wright hews a large Increase of Member ihlp Enermeue Crowd Is in Atten dtonee Sept19Disagreee- at fanmal opealng of the annual conven tlom of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Imdepeadent Oreder of Odd Pel- iewa A ills rain was falling and the araiasplnre was warn and humid The iaitlal exercises were held la- Lmki teamplev which was entirely In- adequate ¬ to accommodate the crowds ivery jurisdiction of the order ia- refreseated at the conclave Grand 9lre Robert E Wright of AUentowm will preside at all of the business see stoaa of the grand lodge and will be at all public meetings The opening exercises consisted of an address of welcome by Mayor Weaver and ad ¬ dresses by Melville EL Churbuck grand- master Cleon Glcquelais grand patri ¬ arch aiiss Annie Morrow president of the Rebeckah Assembly and Major General J Blair department comman ¬ derThe grand lodge will also consider- the question of extending the order in Porto Rico San Domingo and Scot- land ¬ The report of Grand Sire Wright show the total subordinate lodge mem ¬ bership to be 1217145 encampment membership 177839 Rebeckah mem- bership 474059 number of subordin- ate ¬ lodges 14315 expenditures for re ¬ lief S4633649 total revenue 18 638791 total resources 37645071- The Increase in membership of sub- ordinate ¬ lodges was 65724 in the en ¬ campment branch 9990 in the Re beekah branch 26391 making a total increase of 102105 The Patriach MIL- itant will show a decrease in member- but that decrease is only nominal and doubtless results from that clearing- out of names that really did not rep ¬ resent active members of that branch The increase in expenditures was 751 I 077 the incerase in resources was I = 2974951 and the increase in relief 1307139 PROTEST AGAINST MASSACRES ArmenianAmerican Citizens Hold a Large Meeting in Boston Boston Sept 18The Armenian American citizens of Boston and the I vicinity held a mass meeting last night I I to protest against the massacres of Armenians In the Caucasus I The local officials were charged with I having actually incited the disorders I and encouraged Moslem fanaticism- By I seizing the weapons of the Ar- menians the speaker declared the I Russian authorities deprived our com- patriots ¬ of their wane of selfdefense I and furthermore did not use their mll I nary power to protect them against the attacks by Tartars Ht om the cob i tram allowed the leader of these out- I rages to go unpvnlahed d The Russian government in entire disregard of international law per attted the eatraace into Its territory- of armed Kurds to jeim the Tartars in their mmrder aad plunder We protest agalast this barbarous state of affairs in the Caucasisus and appeal to the humane sentiments ol the American people and government- to bring pressure to bear upon the government at 9t Petersburg and put an end to the bloodshed I Anether Mysterieua Murder New York Sept 19In the discov- ery I of the body of a woman huddled underneath the rear step of a big ten ement at 240 West Thirtieth street today the police believe they had evi dence of another murder The victim whose name was unknown was about 30 years old and evidently in poor cir- cumstances When the body was lift- ed the head moved so easily as to in- dicate ¬ the womans neck had been broken The front of her waist was stained with blood The section of the city where the body was found is known as Hells Kitchen and is the stamping ground of some tough char- acters Supreme odge of Knight of Honor Indianapolis Sept 19In the new building of the supreme lodge Knights- and Ladies of Honor 429 North Penn ¬ sylvania street will be held this week tht biennial convention of the supreme Lodge the most important meeting ol the order The supreme lodge will go into session tomorrow about 10 a m and its sessions will probably hold un Saturday closing with the installa Jon of officers of the ensuing year Asylum Without Bars or Walls Peoria Ills Sept 1The asylum- for the incurable insane at South Bar tonvllle is now without bars or walls the last one having been removed by Superintendent Sellers This is in ac oordamce with a step long In contem ¬ plation by Dr Seller he having con ¬ vinced himself that more can be ac- complished ¬ by kindness than by ford restraint iI- i r 1 f t i iI T PIRATES APPEAR IN CHICAGO Ship Bearing Black Flag Causes Con- sternation Along Lake Front Chicago Sept 19Wlth a black lag flying its masthead and its oc- cupants armed a sailing craft appear- ed ¬ ed the Thirtythird district yester- day aftemon and attacked members af the Douglas Yacht club and till latter were forced to appeal to the po lieeThe pirates weighed anchor and dis- appeared ¬ In the direction of South Chi- cago The appearance of the pirate ship the police say was sees by scores of persons om the shore and from windows in a number of houses The v dropped anchor less than half a yule out in the lake sad its sailors clambered over the sides Into m yawl and were rowed to the small buildlac of the yacht club Carrying rifles and other weapons the invaders gays chase to those sittingon the pi tans of the building and pursued them for eons distance Blows were ex changed and m handtohand struggle was engaged 1m but the persons in the snail party at the boat 1 oust were- routed and they telephoned to the po liceAs the first of the policemen appear- ed ¬ the pirates hurried to where their yawl was rowed back to then yacht and sailed away The police believe that the pirates- are youthful burglars who live in the districts of South Hyde park and who have long been wanted for a series of I robberies I KING REVIEWS SCOTCH TROOPS 40000 Scottish Volunteers pass In Pa ¬ rade Before His Majesty Edinburgh Scotland Sept19The greater muster of Scotchmen under arms since the battle of Fladden I field was reviewed by King Edward today The king arrived at the Scot ¬ tish capital this morning and pro- ceeded ¬ to Hollyrood palace when at tended by the duke of Conneaught and- a I brilliant staff be rode to the pa- rade ground in Kings park where I nearly 40000 Scottish volunteers marched past his majesty I Enormous numbers of visitors from I all parts of Scotland and the north of England witnessed the review which I ia expected to assist in counteracting the extreme irritatioin felt In volun- teer I circles over recent worrying regu- lations of the war office During the march past Sir Thomas Upton who Is honorary colonel of the- I Second Lanarkshire engineers was leading his regiment past the king when his horse threw him and Six Thomas was kicked in the face His injuries are not serious RUSSIA OPPOSES NEW FORT Turkeys Improvement on the Bosphor ous Displeases the Czar I Constantipole Sept 19The steady progress of the work on the new forti- fications ¬ on the Bosphorus is causing friction between the Russian and the porte The fortifications were hastily commenced at the time of the mutiny- on board e Russian battleship Kniaa Potemkine Turkey seizing upon this pretext as a means for carrying out a scheme of fortifications which she had I long desired but which had always been opposed by Russia It Is urn derttood that the question was discuss- ed at the recent audience which the Russian ambassador M ZTnovleff had with the sultan the ambassador point- ing out that the further fortifications of the straits was incompatible with friendly relations between Turkey and Russa Meanwhile the works are being ao tively pushed though this can hardly be completed for several months The porte continues its Irreconciliable at- titude regarding the proposed inter- national financial condition of Mace- donia Princes Visit Countermanded Halifax NS Sept 19 Nothing is known here of the reasons for count eraianding the orders of Prince Louise- of Bftttenburg squadron to visit the United States as announced late last night in a dispatch received by Lieu ¬ tenant Governor Jones The only mes sage from the Prince to Lduetenant Governor Jones came in the form of a brief announcement Lluetentn Gov- ernor Jones stated that he did not know how to explain the change ic plans but was of the opinion that ii might be on account of the approach- ing elections in England Strange Case of Suicide Richmond Ky Sept 19Grief stricken because her 5yearold son from whose father she had been sep arated month grew pale with feai at the sight of her and refused tc come within her reach that she might kiss him Mrs Laura Walker Chemault- one of the most prominent society Woe men in the state committed suicide by smallowing carbolic acid Her death was one of the most tragic in the his- Tory of the country Women Act as Fire Laddies Columbus Ga ept19The gin house of the Midland Gin company ai Midland in this county caught on fire by a match which was in the cotton but although the lint was burned th building was saved due to the work of the bucket brigade prominent IE the ranks of which were a number ol I ladies of Midland who did heroic work 1m putting out the flames r Jv + F 1 4tJ W < 11451 i mE 2EEPmP B 4 1t 1 THE OGALA BAZAARS 4 Special Sale Days 1 r I Friday and Saturday W t r For the Benefit of Many who Cannot visit the city on Monday we will put on Sale Special Bargains Friday and Saturday TO THE PUBLIC w 4 h1k We have installed the CHECK REBATE PLAN in our store whereby you may add many useful articles to Is your household equipment AT NO COST TO YOU Just to advertise Our Homegoods Department we give a Check with each full 25 cents spent anywhere- in our store This Check is good for One Cent on purchases in our Homegoods Department only All you need to do is to remember whenever you Y come to Ocala that THE BAZAAR is a good place to trade W Our store was never in a better condition to r I supply your wants satisfactorily and at saving 4- cJ prices We shall always be on the alert to provide- for your selection the very best values in the most worthy goods obtainable We want to make you our OI regular customer and we shall do every thing within 8 I m our power to make you pleased with the treatment received here I Yours very respectfullyT- HE OCALA BAZAAR STORE w III- Iq F P Gadson Prop fR- I y Call and get one of our Checks fr- reeBEBP m- m 4P MI a eer m 4 I 6Qt THT d 1Z- tPRL r RJU ChasE Blum Co 517 and 519 W Bay St Jacksonville Fla It Will PayYou You have any Real Estate- to IF sell OR You thinking of coming IF to Florida for a home OR You desire to invest in any I IF kind of Florida property- TO SEE OR WRIT- EJH1IIINGSTOISONS Scan FL9KIVA LUMBER BOUGH and DRESSED- Dry Siding Flooring and Ceil- ingSeymour B H I Ocala Fin v > > c i > f F- ii i e Atr Florida East Coast Railway r fecal Time Card No 62 Corrected to Sept 7 1 SOUTNMUIDIUa BOWS NORTHaauaaxEAa UP r- N8 Ye 28 STATIONS ya 7Ns5 3 Dally Dally Daily Daily 800 p 9 40 alLY JacksonTlUfI 700p- 51p 8 58- IT a 5 p It 48 moo Jackeouvilie IT- HasUn9 6 8 42 a 6 15 p 10 65 4 4 StAoguauae + 5 11 740 r- v 6 S3 p 11 3 J 4 Sip 64C ao Tiep i156 Eaat talaika t 421p 63u lISp 1215PAr h1ItUtIlo on LV 440 p 6 ut a = 6 4S p 1191 aLT Palatka Ar ae p 65s- 83j C 0 2 00 p Ar Man Mutt o oo oo Ly 210p I- L 210 p 8 ft aLr San rated Ar h 511 7 50 a as 7 50 p 12 3 i pLv Neug 4 Lv 35TP 5 50 a- 3Ca q 803 > 1247 p BanzulIs t 3 44 p c Y 8 10 p 1253 p- lasp Dupont 3 37 p 52J a- 841p ro- 853p 0 Onaond 3 10 p- 309p 46 a 139 p DayS na 4 47 a lD eM1 904p 151 p Port Oraace 2 50 p- 230p 438 n i 11 925 p 2 15 p Ar New Smrraa 4 15 a 2 tr 10 Jl a 3 44 p u LaltoKelmi Lv 12 45 P 610 p 10 39 a 355p orange city li 35 p- 1230p 15p w f 10 45 a 4 00 p Orange City Juactto 5 45 P n- t 9 35 p 225 pLY New Smyraa Lv 2 SO p i 05 a CIa x r r to 00 p 251 p Oak RUl u 1 54 p- 115p 3 39a 10 39 I > 3 30 p Ar TltusTllJa o 3 GO s fA C 900a Ar Sanford Lv lU 00 a 1000 a o 1000 a LT Sanford Ar y 00 a p 10 39 p 30 Lv TIt Isvllle uu Lv 175 p 3 JQ a- to = 1118 4 Og p u Coco 12 34 p 219 a l 11 22 1131 Rockledge 1230 p l16 a 11 53 PI j 45 p u wu t4allie 11 63 a 1 l4 a V 12 05 4 61 p Ie lrelbourne 1144 sl 134 a 1251 a 5 i7 p Sebastian 11 I 4 U 51 a 139 a I 6 2J p Bt Lucier 1U i a 12 OO n = 1 55 31 645 P Fort Pierce u 10 lit 8ll 55 p- at 2 13 7 09 p Tibbals 9 3U 11 32 p Gi 2 23 a J 12 p Eden 916 a 11 Wp Q 2288 717 P denaen 91 a11 13 y W- 2S9 a a 1281 to Stuart = 9 It a it 01 p 1Q Cl 3 Oa 1 756p Hobe Sound 842 a i JO 35 p I s 321 a 511 p West Jupiter r a 44 a 10 19 p 4 O4 S lill West Palm Beach 111Ja 9 45 p 4 32 al 9 18 p Boynton 70 It 9 li P = 4e 4 42 ai 9 2q P Delray 7 JO 89 03 n a Ii 37 a JO 21 p Fort I > iudordale- Danla 614 n 8n p q Ii U a Hi 30 p eo to G iii n 8 06 p V s 5514 a 10 42 p HallandRle 5 53 Ii 7 54 p 00 6 21 a j 11 07 pl Lemn City 3 4 a 723 p W M 6 3S a 11 15 Ar Miami Xv- HOMESTKA 5 2i 72 p- Dally Daily Ex EXTENSION Kx Sun f Sun 1 a 800 al IILT Miami A 3 30 I a 103 Bomcstead Lv i ce pJ t i I No 23 0 21 No 191 INo1T Dally rvi N 018 X020 Xo 33 sr Sun San DaUy Ex ORTBHLCH Dally an DaU Only Only S Only OOp 10 lOa 6 00 p- 608p 8 50 a- 828a LT JackaonTilIe Ar 7 45 a 12 SO P I 6 30 p 2 08 p 10 18 a Ar So Jckf nTlIle IT 7 37 a 2 22 I 5 22 p N 4 = 2 40 P lOW a 6 40 p 8 59 a- 04a Pablo Reach 7 05 a 11 SO a 4 50 pI 2 45 p 10 55 a 645p 9 Atlantic Beach 7 00 I l 45 al 4 4pJ 3p 11 10 a 7 00 p 9 SO a u Mss port 6 45 al 11 90 at 4 SO p Fs PEMNSUU1 ANi CCOIBffAl STEAMSBP CINNECTIONS AT MIAMI Clese Ceaaectiea Made at Miesri with Steaiips ef the it HAVANA AND jEY WESTPer Jtr r 4 Them time Tables show the times at wklch trains maybe expected to arrive at and depart from the several stations but their arrival departure at the times stated tsant guaranteed Boris this company be responsible lor any delays or aay coaseqaences arlntng tkeref rom For Copy of the LOCAL TIME er Other laformatie r- SEE THE TICKET AGENT M J D RAHNER Asst GenTI Pass Agt ST AUOUST1NE- ri j sy v LiOj- sm V > fif > r fe m

fr- reeBEBP 4 Florida Railway 64Cufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00343/00473.pdf · 3 J1 i td+ yy +r JCPf G T n µ as a rd1 i r a M 2S ipi 3 Axy1rY w y Y h4 k L i s C F r-G

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3 J1 i td + yy +r JCPf G T n µ as a rd1 i r a M 2S ipi 3Ax y1rY w

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7hf Sdy ef Ywi W eaaa rewnd a PewMyneTea Yarde ffram Her Heme

JIIMr Terk mwpt It Tke kwy efwag waaa kua4 wader what la-

aakaws tka IElaaate4 Ok7 last oCPeMe rest la the aVecx Saturday

4 MI les idstl i M tkat of Attgaeta-ffM r m yan age wkeee kerne-

law Palktai re4 oly a few kvmdeal yards fraai tka apt whet keykeiy warn fevad-

flka waa tka atepdamgkter of WIMlaai-EfiMM wke warn aIM ker made ker> ethers frat ktttaajtd harlag Mea-

tPfeiffera br Owimaj JIU-tIfMInIl

to aker Mtker vr a trlTial

Mir ski teat kaarn three weeks aga-aW ked be Ulag w tk family

Maid aIar II tkIwr ptt t-

ri s 1 r a oral wtsters tk bM-i tile eid VN6e wit Mks teaty bN e taer Uvc > aa e t >ri jla-iws eke wsrk d lit U-

T wsM a Me r urad r ka-Meie M 1st a Rs aity ks ti t-

MM Net ef if f a iMea ape-1etlMNtsat tIr k1e 1it1iW iIMII JUt1rJ IP Tf r M r V Dak aar theMuse wMtIep bedy warn kind M gM-t1i NS Tt et bar bidia L Paul>rl SID wae W iii slatdN em Naar-

Yaeairll d Len Case ef lsl-diiIta tr M4 eat It lUlaUvee-

keRies wkk k4 Ure Ia UU cityadaiitfed tU Jka dt Gree the 1Ceel 11 key wka aaauakta avIaUe at

meeaes ketel New York took hisUfa kaeaMa of tile kopeleaaaeaa of Jalatore far a lady eeaerahly his eea-tor wk live ai aparroii a Foist mear-tkla city He fa aaM to have aaaigae4-Ula r eoa for his tot la Ute letter reeeireJ ky kit eLMer Nothing what-ever


la kaowa by kla relatives of anyran wha co14 ke repoaslble for youngGreeas trouble as iatlmated ia a let-ter


whisk is understood to be in posaeba of the New York coroner

l it may possibly refer to somemore fortunate than the suicide la-

tke tuft for the lady

Killed In Effart to EscapeMaaila Sept 19 Felizarbo chief

af the outlaws in the province of Cavita who for a long time have madetrouble for the authorities was surmarled today near the Batanf border

+ aid jumped over a cliff He waskilled by the fall and his death it iskalieved will end the disturbance inthe province of Gavite On January14 HI Udromea led by Felizardo an-

da6ala11 attacked the town of Sanlsibeo de Matabon looted the muF

mtaipal treasury of 200 killed Contrmet Surgeon J A ONeill and abducte4 the wife and two childrea of Goveraor Trias

Hyaneticed fer Feur YearsBlgh N C Sept 19The police

Charlotte have a very queer casethem sad have called in medical

ts to aid la settling it A youngi evldeatly lieu suddenly ap

f jj aa the street aad was taken toU eii jail He gave hie aame as J R

Hake and Bald to the aatkoritiea thatPip Wave a bey kypaoUst at Osstoajto a tawa sear by four years agopot ktei aaaer hypaetie lace fromwMek ke bad a ver Mea free Hokk-etaled tkat ka MIl bea lit a hospitalfar the kuaaa aid Isjialrleakave Mea-

t to varleva iaatltattoaa af tklabind to arder to tocate him

Pell DeN In Chvreh-flaptlrlsartr aWkillwg ia a

paw aa des to Ute aka that hel eewld have reaskadi eMI a4 eked it

the Rat William r JUetaeoa pastorthe Metkedtet ekmrak af Moarae-

ddealyd1d Boatey males 1-mipttat ehsrcL at ktomroe Tke pa-

tragkIf death ef tk Kev Mri mctomtefl aa It warn by see-

kritualr eiremasatameea caused wlie-arrawi epMd ad eomumejat The

1Me Mr MaMmaom was well knowaR1er Gem gia sad the details of hisdea4k will ka real with serrowNl atoreet ky the tkouaaada whe kmewYa

Drummer Drank LaudanumBaartmaburs S C Eept UArthr SKerett a traveling salesman for

a Baltimore dry goods house arriradhere and securing a room at the Spartea inn draak a bottle of laudanum-His action was noted by an employeeet ahysiciaas were unable to savehlM Lad he died at 5 oclock Sterrett-was J5 years old and unmarried His

aad uarters were In Charlotte Nocause is assigned for his action

Carolina Mft Kill NegroHeaea Patch SC Sept 19About

I Miles below here la Abbeville coun-ty


lia>tt and Jim Moore two whitaea r>t into a difficulty with Allen

r F a41etoa sad another negro A fightfellawed la which Jim Moore was catand killed by Peedh ton Pendletoa-aaaaa 4 sad was captured by a crowdaaawt half a mile below here Hawarn carried back to the scene of thekUltac aid shot by a about a dosea-


aamans Laaaue FerineNew York Sept 1Lt a imwiriag

i yesterday the Woman NaUeaal-tic= ratic League was ergaisei-

JeaaM 8 Crovely was elected aa-

fteeistat The aroaaotera af the leagueeadeavor to carry out alans of

m covertag the satire eoua


i 1i u4



oDrtma Branch oiL 00 FMMt In Philadelphia


eperft af Grand Sire R E Wright

hews a large Increase of Memberihlp Enermeue Crowd Is in Attendtonee

Sept19Disagreee-atfanmal opealng of the annual conventlom of the Sovereign Grand Lodge ofthe Imdepeadent Oreder of Odd Pel-iewa A ills rain was falling and the

araiasplnre was warn and humidThe iaitlal exercises were held la-

Lmki teamplev which was entirely In-


to accommodate the crowdsivery jurisdiction of the order ia-

refreseated at the conclave Grand9lre Robert E Wright of AUentowmwill preside at all of the business seestoaa of the grand lodge and will beat all public meetings The openingexercises consisted of an address ofwelcome by Mayor Weaver and ad ¬

dresses by Melville EL Churbuck grand-master Cleon Glcquelais grand patri ¬

arch aiiss Annie Morrow presidentof the Rebeckah Assembly and MajorGeneral J Blair department comman ¬

derThe grand lodge will also consider-the question of extending the order inPorto Rico San Domingo and Scot-land


The report of Grand Sire Wrightshow the total subordinate lodge mem ¬

bership to be 1217145 encampmentmembership 177839 Rebeckah mem-bership 474059 number of subordin-ate


lodges 14315 expenditures for re¬

lief S4633649 total revenue 18638791 total resources 37645071-

The Increase in membership of sub-ordinate


lodges was 65724 in the en ¬

campment branch 9990 in the Rebeekah branch 26391 making a totalincrease of 102105 The Patriach MIL-

itant will show a decrease in member-but that decrease is only nominal anddoubtless results from that clearing-out of names that really did not rep ¬

resent active members of that branchThe increase in expenditures was 751

I 077 the incerase in resources wasI = 2974951 and the increase in relief



ArmenianAmerican Citizens Hold aLarge Meeting in Boston

Boston Sept 18The ArmenianAmerican citizens of Boston and theI

vicinity held a mass meeting last nightI

I to protest against the massacres ofArmenians In the Caucasus

I The local officials were charged withI having actually incited the disordersI and encouraged Moslem fanaticism-

ByI seizing the weapons of the Ar-menians the speaker declared the

I Russian authorities deprived our com-patriots


of their wane of selfdefenseI

and furthermore did not use their mllI nary power to protect them againstthe attacks by Tartars Ht om the cob

i tram allowed the leader of these out-I rages to go unpvnlahed d

The Russian government in entiredisregard of international law perattted the eatraace into Its territory-of armed Kurds to jeim the Tartars intheir mmrder aad plunder

We protest agalast this barbarousstate of affairs in the Caucasisus andappeal to the humane sentiments olthe American people and government-to bring pressure to bear upon thegovernment at 9t Petersburg and putan end to the bloodshed

I Anether Mysterieua MurderNew York Sept 19In the discov-

eryI of the body of a woman huddledunderneath the rear step of a big tenement at 240 West Thirtieth streettoday the police believe they had evidence of another murder The victimwhose name was unknown was about30 years old and evidently in poor cir-cumstances When the body was lift-ed the head moved so easily as to in-


the womans neck had beenbroken The front of her waist wasstained with blood The section ofthe city where the body was found isknown as Hells Kitchen and is thestamping ground of some tough char-acters

Supreme odge of Knight of HonorIndianapolis Sept 19In the new

building of the supreme lodge Knights-and Ladies of Honor 429 North Penn¬

sylvania street will be held this weektht biennial convention of the supremeLodge the most important meeting olthe order The supreme lodge will gointo session tomorrow about 10 a mand its sessions will probably hold unSaturday closing with the installaJon of officers of the ensuing year

Asylum Without Bars or WallsPeoria Ills Sept 1The asylum-

for the incurable insane at South Bartonvllle is now without bars or wallsthe last one having been removed bySuperintendent Sellers This is in acoordamce with a step long In contem ¬

plation by Dr Seller he having con¬

vinced himself that more can be ac-complished


by kindness than by fordrestraint



1 f t iiI T


Ship Bearing Black Flag Causes Con-

sternation Along Lake FrontChicago Sept 19Wlth a black

lag flying its masthead and its oc-cupants armed a sailing craft appear-


ed the Thirtythird district yester-day aftemon and attacked membersaf the Douglas Yacht club and tilllatter were forced to appeal to the po

lieeThe pirates weighed anchor and dis-appeared


In the direction of South Chi-cago The appearance of the pirateship the police say was sees byscores of persons om the shore andfrom windows in a number of houses

The v dropped anchor less thanhalf a yule out in the lake sad itssailors clambered over the sides Intom yawl and were rowed to the smallbuildlac of the yacht club Carryingrifles and other weapons the invadersgays chase to those sittingon the pitans of the building and pursued themfor eons distance Blows were exchanged and m handtohand struggle

was engaged 1m but the persons inthe snail party at the boat 1 oust were-routed and they telephoned to the po

liceAsthe first of the policemen appear-


the pirates hurried to wheretheir yawl was rowed back to thenyacht and sailed away

The police believe that the pirates-are youthful burglars who live in thedistricts of South Hyde park and whohave long been wanted for a series of

I robberies


40000 Scottish Volunteers pass In Pa¬

rade Before His MajestyEdinburgh Scotland Sept19The

greater muster of Scotchmen underarms since the battle of Fladden

I field was reviewed by King Edwardtoday The king arrived at the Scot ¬

tish capital this morning and pro-ceeded


to Hollyrood palace when attended by the duke of Conneaught and-aI brilliant staff be rode to the pa-

rade ground in Kings park whereI nearly 40000 Scottish volunteers

marched past his majestyI Enormous numbers of visitors fromI all parts of Scotland and the north

of England witnessed the review whichI ia expected to assist in counteracting

the extreme irritatioin felt In volun-teerI

circles over recent worrying regu-lations of the war office

During the march past Sir ThomasUpton who Is honorary colonel of the-

I Second Lanarkshire engineers wasleading his regiment past the kingwhen his horse threw him and SixThomas was kicked in the face Hisinjuries are not serious


Turkeys Improvement on the Bosphorous Displeases the Czar

I Constantipole Sept 19The steadyprogress of the work on the new forti-fications


on the Bosphorus is causingfriction between the Russian and theporte The fortifications were hastilycommenced at the time of the mutiny-on board e Russian battleship KniaaPotemkine Turkey seizing upon thispretext as a means for carrying out ascheme of fortifications which she had

I long desired but which had alwaysbeen opposed by Russia It Is urn

derttood that the question was discuss-ed at the recent audience which theRussian ambassador M ZTnovleff hadwith the sultan the ambassador point-ing out that the further fortificationsof the straits was incompatible withfriendly relations between Turkey andRussa

Meanwhile the works are being aotively pushed though this can hardlybe completed for several months Theporte continues its Irreconciliable at-

titude regarding the proposed inter-national financial condition of Mace-donia

Princes Visit CountermandedHalifax NS Sept 19 Nothing is

known here of the reasons for counteraianding the orders of Prince Louise-of Bftttenburg squadron to visit theUnited States as announced late lastnight in a dispatch received by Lieu ¬

tenant Governor Jones The only message from the Prince to LduetenantGovernor Jones came in the form of abrief announcement Lluetentn Gov-ernor Jones stated that he did notknow how to explain the change icplans but was of the opinion that iimight be on account of the approach-ing elections in England

Strange Case of SuicideRichmond Ky Sept 19Grief

stricken because her 5yearold sonfrom whose father she had been separated month grew pale with feaiat the sight of her and refused tccome within her reach that she mightkiss him Mrs Laura Walker Chemault-one of the most prominent society Woe

men in the state committed suicide bysmallowing carbolic acid Her deathwas one of the most tragic in the his-Tory of the country

Women Act as Fire LaddiesColumbus Ga ept19The gin

house of the Midland Gin company aiMidland in this county caught on fireby a match which was in the cottonbut although the lint was burned thbuilding was saved due to the workof the bucket brigade prominent IEthe ranks of which were a number ol

I ladies of Midland who did heroic work1m putting out the flames

rJv+ F 1 4tJ W


11451 i

mE 2EEPmP B 41t


Special Sale Days 1


I Friday and Saturday Wt


For the Benefit of Many who Cannot visitthe city on Monday we will put on SaleSpecial Bargains Friday and Saturday



We have installed the CHECK REBATE PLAN in ourstore whereby you may add many useful articles toIs your household equipment AT NO COST TO YOU

Just to advertise Our Homegoods Department we

give a Check with each full 25 cents spent anywhere-

in our store This Check is good for One Cent on

purchases in our Homegoods Department onlyAll you need to do is to remember whenever you


come to Ocala that THE BAZAAR is a good place totrade

W Our store was never in a better condition to r

I supply your wants satisfactorily and at saving 4-

cJprices We shall always be on the alert to provide-for your selection the very best values in the mostworthy goods obtainable We want to make you our

OI regular customer and we shall do every thing within 8

Im our power to make you pleased with the treatmentreceived here

I Yours very respectfullyT-HE OCALA BAZAAR STORE w


F P Gadson Prop fR-I


Call and get one of our Checks fr-



MI a eer m

4 I

6Qt THTd




ChasE Blum Co 517 and 519 WBay St Jacksonville Fla

It WillPayYou

You have any Real Estate-toIF sell


You thinking of comingIF to Florida for a homeOR

You desire to invest in anyI IF kind of Florida property-




Dry Siding Flooring and Ceil-ingSeymourB H I

Ocala Fin

v > >c i

> f F-ii i e


Florida East Coast Railway r

fecal Time Card No 62 Corrected to Sept 7 1


N8 Ye 28 STATIONS ya 7Ns5 3

Dally Dally Daily Daily800 p 9 40 alLY JacksonTlUfI 700p-

51p8 58-


5 p It 48 moo Jackeouvilie IT-

HasUn96 8 42 a

6 15 p 10 65 4 4 StAoguauae + 5 11 740 r-

v 6 S3 p 11 3J 4 Sip 64Cao Tiep i156 Eaat talaika t 421p 63ulISp 1215PAr h1ItUtIlo on LV 440 p 6 ut a =6 4S p 1191 aLT Palatka Ar ae p 65s-83j C

0 2 00 p Ar Man Mutt o oo oo Ly 210p I-

L 210 p 8 ft aLr San rated Ar h 511 7 50 aas 7 50 p 12 3 i pLv Neug 4 Lv 35TP 5 50 a-

3Caq803 > 1247 p BanzulIs t 3 44 p c

Y 8 10 p 1253 p-

laspDupont 3 37 p 52J a-

841p ro-853p

0 Onaond 3 10 p-

309p 46 a139 p DayS na 4 47 a lD eM1

904p 151 p Port Oraace 2 50 p-

230p438 n i11 925 p 2 15 p Ar New Smrraa 4 15 a 2tr 10 Jl a 3 44 p u LaltoKelmi Lv 12 45 P 610 p

10 39 a 355p orange city li 35 p-

1230p 15p w

f 10 45 a 4 00 p Orange City Juactto 5 45 P n-t 9 35 p 225 pLY New Smyraa Lv 2 SO p i 05 a CIa xrr to 00 p 251 p Oak RUl u 1 54 p-

115p3 39a

10 39 I > 3 30 p Ar TltusTllJa o 3 GO s fAC 900a Ar Sanford Lv lU 00 a 1000 ao 1000 a LT Sanford Ar y 00 a p10 39 p 30 Lv TIt Isvllle uu Lv 175 p 3 JQ a-


1118 4 Og p u Coco 12 34 p 219 al 11 22 1131 Rockledge 1230 p l16 a11 53 PI j 45 p u wu t4allie 11 63 a 1 l4 a

V 12 05 4 61 p Ie lrelbourne 1144 sl 134 a1251 a 5 i7 p Sebastian 11 I 4 U 51 a139 a I

6 2J p Bt Lucier 1U i a 12 OO n =1 55 31 645 P Fort Pierce u 10 lit 8ll 55 p-

at2 13 7 09 p Tibbals 9 3U 11 32 p Gi2 23 a J 12 p Eden 916 a 11 WpQ 2288 717 P denaen 91 a11 13 y W-2S9a a 1281 to Stuart = 9 It a it 01 p 1Q

Cl 3 Oa 1 756p Hobe Sound 842 a iJO 35 p I s321 a 511 p West Jupiter r a 44 a 10 19 p

4 O4 S lill West Palm Beach 111Ja 9 45 p4 32 al 9 18 p Boynton 70 It 9 li P =

4e 4 42 ai 9 2q P Delray 7 JO 89 03 n aIi 37 a JO 21 p Fort I> iudordale-

Danla614 n 8n p

q Ii U a Hi 30 p eoto G iii n 8 06 p V

s 5514 a 10 42 p HallandRle 5 53 Ii 7 54 p 006 21 a j 11 07 pl Lemn City 3 4 a 723 p

WM 6 3S a 11 15 Ar Miami Xv-


5 2i 72 p-

DallyDailyEx EXTENSION KxSun f Sun 1 a800 al IILT Miami A 3 30 I


103 Bomcstead Lv i ce pJt



No 23 0 21 No 191INo1TDally rvi N 018 X020 Xo 33 sr

Sun San DaUy Ex ORTBHLCH Dally an DaUOnly Only S Only

OOp 10 lOa 6 00 p-

608p8 50 a-

828aLT JackaonTilIe Ar 7 45 a 12 SO P I 6 30 p

2 08 p 10 18 a Ar So Jckf nTlIle IT 7 37 a 2 22 I 5 22 p N 4 =

2 40 P lOW a 6 40 p 8 59 a-04a

Pablo Reach 7 05 a 11 SO a 4 50 pI2 45 p 10 55 a 645p 9 Atlantic Beach 7 00 Il 45 al 4 4pJ3p 11 10 a 7 00 p 9 SO a u Mss port 6 45 al 11 90 at 4 SO p



Clese Ceaaectiea Made at Miesri with Steaiips ef the it


4Them time Tables show the times at wklch trains maybe expected to arrive at and departfrom the several stations but their arrival departure at the times stated tsant guaranteedBoris this company be responsible lor any delays or aay coaseqaences arlntng tkeref rom

For Copy of the LOCAL TIME er Other laformatie r-


J D RAHNER Asst GenTI Pass Agt ST AUOUST1NE-ri j sy v LiOj-

sm V > fif>r fem