Volume 102 Kendrick, Latah County, Idaho, Thursday, December 1, 1994 No. 25 fprd-Tppplp Ypw> 3x):hppfip(f ip Lpwiilpp .* y Angela Lynn Ford and Shawn James Tanata, both of Coeur d'lene, were united in marriage June 25 at Valley Christian Center at Lewiston. The Rev. Robert Kenyon of the Cameron Emmanuel Lutheran Church at Kendrick performed the ceremony. The bride is a 1990 graduate of Kendrick High School and a 1992 graduate of Lewis-Clark State Col- lege at Lewiston. She is employed as a commercial loan assistant by West One Bank at Coeur d'Alene. Her parents are Keith and Jane Ford of Juliaetta. The bridegroom graduated in 1992 from KHS and in 1992 from ITT Technical Institute at Spokane. He is employed as a mapping technician by the Washington Water Power at Spokane. He is the son of Jim and Pat Tanata of Juliaetta. The maid of honor was Heidi Zum- hofe of Lewiston. Bridesmaids were Deena Gibbs of Lewiston, Danette 'Horrocks of Juliaetta, and Shannon Tanata of Juliaetta, sister of the bridegroom. The best man was Tim Tanata of Juliaetta, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers and groomsmen were Luke Ford, brother of the bride of Julia- etta; Mark Gibbs of Lewiston, Scott Corkill and Ryan Blewett, both of Kendrick and Jarod Silf low. Candlelighters were Jennifer Fey of Juliaetta and Andrea Kleffner of Boise. The flower girls were Ashley Steigers of Juliaetta and Amber By- num of Clarkston, while A. J, Stei- gers of Juliaetta served as ring bearer. The organist was Leslie Hutcheson of Kendrick while the vocalist was Martin Bchm of Coeur d'Alene. A reception was held at the Lew- iston Ellcs Temple. They are making their home at Coeur d'Alene. IIIII @pp)fp Hpffph s ogke Family Reunion In Coeur d'Alene on fPf ggiP OP1IPff ihaokggiviog Day December 6 ! The first family reunion of the children of the the late M. Eugene and Florence H. Brocke since their The same evening recently that it passing was held over the Thanks- was making plans to honor long- giving holidays in Coeur d'Alene at time member Elsie Onstott, Kendrick the home of Vickie Brocke Hamilton. Grange also discussed the possib)e~ Don Brocke, along with his wife reasons for the decline of the Grange Joyce and children Gene, Rob and as a fraternal organization in Idaho. j Kell Brocke traveled to Coeur d'lsie, who will celebrate fifty years, Alone on Wednesday evening and of Grange membership and service had a late dinner at a Coeur d'Alene at a potluck in her honor on Decem- 'estaurant then stayed overnight at ber 6, can well remember when the'he home of Vicki and Rob Hamilton subordinate and Pomona Granges in for a Thanksgiving Day family re- Latah County were thriving, active union. Cindy Brocke Olson, who has centers for rural family life. recently moved back to Idaho and is living in Coeur d'Alene about five Today most Latah County Gran- bloclcs from her sister Vicki also was ges see only a handful of members at thc Thanksgiving family reunion getting together to keeP the tradi- along with her roommate and per- tions and PurPoses of this national forming partner, Candyce Dizascio. farm organization alive. Moscow Kerrie Hamilton was a)so there; the Grange, once one of the the county's youngest son of Rob and Vicki most active subordinate Granges, is Hamilton and Taunn Hamilton the I currently PreParing to surrender its oldest son of Rob and Viclci, who is charter. Others cling to exisitence away at school called home so every- in the faith and hope that they can onc was able to speak to him. stil Play a role in the life of their It was a very traditional Thanks- community, even with a much, much givingi feast with roast turkey, pies smaller active membership. and huclcleberry cheesecake. Later Vera Hutcheson, Kendrick'ele- that day Don and. Joyce, along with gate to last month's state convention, Viclci aiid Robin visied at the home reported that Granges in the south pf (.indy and (.andyce where Don em part of the state did much more and Cindy spent time in the music to involve younger members and! room singing. Don played the 12- children, a factor considered esscn-j string acoustic guitar while accom- tial to maintaining the Grange a«l panied on hcr keyboard. Afterward assuring its future. Vera suggested l Robin entertained the adults with a possible reason for this is the con- antics pn i)ie microphone, the adults tinuing presence of small family concluded that he has a possible farms in the south. stage presence that will hopefully be Others feel that the decline of'developed, at least there is no stage Grange membershiP can be attribut- fr,ght am'png relatives ed to the changing nature of the The counsins enjoyed a Super family today. Millie Corkill, another Nintendo marathon in Rob and Vic- veteran member of the Kendrick gi's new family room that is in the Grange, argues that too many Par- recently remodeled basement of their ents today don't care enough to try h to involve their children in commu- Don and Joyce Brocke, a)ong with nity organizations such as the Gran- children Gene, Robin and KeHy had ge to helP create a sense of unity breakfast priday morning at a pan- and shared values. cake house in Coeur d'Alene. The Kirk Rush, a member of Moscow boys got helium balloons and then Grange, feels that where the Grange they a)I returned to Kendrick Priday as an mst tution once belonged to'afternoon. It was all very enjoyable. the members, today the members be- l More family gatherings are plan- long to the Grange meaning that ned in the years to come. The child- the hierarchy originating at the nat- ren and adults alike had a lot of fun ional level controls the Program as everyone reminisced and visited rather than letting individual Gran- t~g~th~r ges experiment with different meet- l ing formats and activities. Rush feels A monument, a double headstone, that the Grange as a t aditionally for the late M. Gene and Florence constituted has served its PurPose Biocke, had finally been placed at and should end with a hurrah. rather American Ridge Cemetery just be- than a whisper. fore the Thanksgiving family re- Whatever its future, the Grange iinion today has reason to celebrate the i contributions of members like Elsie Onstott. Grangers and Grange fri- ends alike are invited to bring their favorite dishes to a potlucn honoring l Elsie on Tuesday, Dec. 6, beginning Hall. Come and add to the big at 6:30 p. m. at the Kendrick Grange HURRAH for Elsie! ! Awards Presented at l Opypipp ggpss Cub Pack Meeting cub scout pack Eg< ke<g itg mon-lAPPPPI I)IPPI)PII ! 'hly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 22 at the yuliaetta Elementary gckoy< gym. F))ppgg pf Op( ~ll4fitfpT Npilipif Tip> Gi76). hy Ppcl Office presented awards to Cuba who had earned them this past month.. Re- ceiving awards were: Desmond Groseclose, 1 silver arrow; Bobcat pins and badges to John Carlile, Josh May, Daniel Gilbert, Matthew Renfrow, and Drew Witt, We be)os Communicator activity pins were presented to Bryce Hen- son, Matt Mitchell, Christian Cut- shaw, Jon Eichner, Steve Cahala and Denver Quigley. Readyman Activity pins were pre- sented to Web clos Bryan Jones, Brian Heimgartner, Cameron Sol- berg, Ricky Haynes, Garner Quigley, and Ray Vincent. Ricky, Garner and Ray also earn- ed one compass point. Ray Vincent earned his trave)or, Scholar, aquanaut and family mem- bers pins, Ricky, Bryan and Ray earned a soccer belt loop. Gift certificates from Arby's were given to all who helped with the highway clean-up. Each den put on a skit, and after- ward the pack held its annual turkey gobbling contest. After some fierce competition among the Den leaders, Kathy Groseclose won by a large ! margin. The Honor Den award was earned by Webelos Den 2, under the leader- ship of Hazel Jones. Everyone enjoyed cookies and ~ punch provided by Webelos Dens 5,6 and 7. The next pack meeting will be held Dec, 20. The Kendrick-Juliaetta Community Development Association will hold it annual meeting Tiiursday evening, Dec. 8 at 7:30 p. m. in the Kenclrick Fire Hall. Please note that this is an evening meeting, rather than the usual noon meeting of the group. President Lillian Howerton re- minds all organization and both city councils that community projects they have on their agenda for 1995 and the near future should be sub- mitted at this time. It is very import- ant and beneficial to have those pro- jects and plans included in the Gem Community Certification Report that is submitted to the Department of Commerce each year. Anyone with a project to be in- cluded for the community next year should contact a board member, In- frastructure Committee chairman Donna Heinen or Business Reten- ion and Expansion Committee chair- man Chirstine Clayton. This infor- mation is needed before the Dec. 8 meeting. The Assoc. invites everyone in the community to attend this very im- portant meeting. Board members, will be elected, information on what the communities future plan and projects are and how those plans will involve both city councils and the citizens of the community will, be some of the subjects. Ray Vincent, Jr. Wins Weekly Football Forecast Local People Return From Caribbean Cruise Maybe a "chip pff the old block" ? At least it looks like that from here as Ray Vincent, Jr. won last weeks Kendrick- Juliaetta Weekly Football Forecast. Young Ray, still in grade school and a good Cub Scout, picked all but two of the games in the NFL last week correctly. Two other con- testants also only missed two games so it went to the Monday night tie- breaker game and Ray, Jr. got them there. He may pick up his prize from Becky Britton at Farm Bureau In- ! surance in Kendrick. This week's contest is being spon- sored by Town and Country Diner. There were 37 "entries subiriftte8 in last week's contest. Ernie and Jean Brammer and Rob erta Bingham returned home Thursday, Nov. 17 from a 10-day cruise in the caribbean on board the Sun Viking ship. The ports of call were St. Barts, Martinique, Grena- da, Dominica, St. Maarten. St. Thom- as, and Puerto Rico. Each port they visited had its own unique culture. The people were friendly and wel- comed the tourists. Daytime temp- eratures ranged between 80 and 89 degrees at nights 79 to 81 degrees. Martinique is one of the largest islands in the Lesser Antilles. It is a mountainous island with many varieties of flowering trees, bam- boo and wild orchids. In 1902 the vo)cana Mt. Pelee erupted, killing 30,000 people in the town of St. Pierre. The town has since been re- built. Grenada is popularly known as the Spice Island. The tropical cli- mate ensures the success of spice production nutmeg, cocoa, mace, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon and gin- ger. Dominia has the smallest popula- tion. It has volcanic mountain ran- ges, tropical rain forests, exotic ferns and flowers. Women wash their clothes in the mountain streams and rivers. Their clothes are very clean. While the Sun Viking was docked at St. Thomas, Ernie and Jean had the opportunity to visit their niece, Lynn (Koepp) Heimgartner, who is currently living on the island of Tortola, northeast of St. Thomas. It was an enjoyable trip and they were fortuniate to avoid the tropical storm "Gordon". Out.on-the Limb— Jeff Smith's on a down-hill slide with his "out-on-the-limb" picks. If you remember, Jeff picked the ! Green Bay Packers to beat the Dallas Cowboys. They almost did it, too, but almost isn't quite good enough and Jeff slipped to 5 and 8. Now this week he predicts the Philadelphia Eagles to beat the Cow- boys at Phillie. Meeting After Dec, 5 Ball Game at High School Following the girls basketball game on Monday evening, Dec. 5, there will be a meeting in the KHS gym for parents and interested in- dividuals to begin discussing plans for the Senior Class of 1995 gradu- ation party. This is to be a drug and alcohol- free party. All who want to support this endeavor are invited to attend. Juliaefta 8 Kendrick School Lunches Changes In Cl)nic Hours The Kendrick Clinic has advised that tlicre has been some changes in the Clinic staff hours: Hour:- are as follows: Monday: Diane Kottkey ..... 8-5 Tuesday: Diane Kottkey.... 8-12:30 Wednesday: Dr. Walker .. 8-12 (1st Wednesday only) Thursday: Dr Peterson ... 8-12 (1 time per month) Friday: Diane Kotikey ..... 8-12:30 Please call 289-3841. Thursday, Dec. 1— Breakfast: Cereal, Muffin, Juice, Milk Lunch: Burrito Corn Banana Cookie i<R Pint of Milk Friday, Dec. 2 Breakfast: Sausage Patty, Potato Triangle, Milk Lunch: Hamburger Oven I<ries ,Tello and Fruit iy<„Pint of Milk Monday, Dec. 5— Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Orange Slice Milk Lunch: Taco Salad Cheese Bread Peach Crisp g Pint of Milk Tuesday, Dec. 6— Breakfast: Cereal, Toast, Juice, Milk Lunch: Stew and Crackers Peanut and Raisin Cup Cake g Pint of Milk XVeanesdayy Dec. 7— Breakfast: Pancakes, Applesauce, Milk ! Luach: Spaghetti Corn Celery and Peanut Butter Bread Stick >g Pint of Milk MEAL SITE MENUS 8, C'f'ES FAR AREA SENIORS Friday. Dec. 2— Oven Fried Chicken Marinated Carrots Chilled Pear Salad / Cheese Augratin Potatoes Peas Fruit Crisp with topping AVedncsday, Dec. 7— Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes and gravy Carrot Raisin Salad Seasoned Corn, buttered Ginger Cookies Peaches DATES TO RE)lIEMBER: Dec. 2: Meal, Nutrition Reports, Christmas Crafts. Dec. 7: Meal, Golden Sunset Board at 9:30, Shoy 8i Tell. Dec. 12: Golden Sunset Party. Mark Twain I:hri>lp) p> Lifihlipfi Ihcpralip~ L'ppte>l i AC'PIP thing )88$PP lk DE<rip, t)1)s )'lolicl;ly scasoil you cail help y<>ui se) I and those who receive The holida i ynui 1 i)cia i<nd cards by addressing e holiday season is uPon us t)i< mai) sp that it is "readable'. again. Time for joy, harmony. peace ove. n, once again, the Kend- i!y by hand are long gone. State of rick-Jullaetta Commiinity Develop- I, . g E!ic 111. )cttei s<.arming equipment ment Association is sPonsoring a ca xib) Ch Eapib)< of rcqdi11g eight addresses ritmas Decorating and Lighting',..., contest. I Lght g <v<iry s<cond, or about thirtv thou- san<) addresses nn hour, is now in Last year the towns of Juliaetta -, t ff. u. c in post offices throughout the and Kendiick and out)ping are~s c<>«bu ]or i,. i tiful I ght and 111:ii). decorations and the judges were )i ., I ~ ' )i< r; a fen simple guidelines foi'ard-pressed to choose winners. ),tt," I 1 b l.; otters or pai eel labels: The contest is open to all who re- Prin) oi t d ick Jt S hop) D t o. 283. Th e who )'ve outsid~ of ia the approximate center of the the two towns and wish to be in-, .) .. d );h I' Eave)ope and keep each line of eluded in the ]udging, aie asked tp t)i<. a<lclicss flush left call 289-3861 or 289-4167 and leave their names and locations to make iic i ad<lress should I use?— certain they are not missed. is year there are two categories: P<Ix Number? Ypu niav use bpth Religious and Winter Wonderland. 0, E Ei lou haie a P. 3. Box No. There will be first and second place t t') d d t b I it niuht be used and must be plac- Prizes awarded for each town and <.,) c)osest to the town 8< state, i. e. also for the outlying areas. Sa)ly Doe Look for more news on this sub- 'ect next week. I ~ Box 345 I Kendrick ID 83537-0345 Local V. F. W. Post Use capital and lower case letters. Omit periocls, commas, and apos- Ui'geS Car)1~uriity to trophes to separate, state and ZIP codes, because optical scanners and Remem er R e~b«P«ri H~"bar bar code sorters work better when Americans everywhere will be ask- they don't have to read punctua- ed, once again, to "Remember Pearl tion, Harbor", on Wednesday, Dec. 7. But Use standard abbreviations, such for veterans of World War II that as ST for street and DR for drive. reminder will be unnecessary for Always provide apartment and the men and women who served in suite numbers, adjacent to or that great war remember it, all too above the street address line, never well. The members of Baker-Lind below. Post 3913, join in remembering the Ahvays use correct ZIP Codes or sacrifice young American men made the correct ZIP plus 4, if known. during the conflict. Some from our When using an attention line, place community made the supreme sacr)- place it on top of the address fice to defend our nation, and it is block. only fitting that we remember and Leave and area 'ls" in the lower honor them. right-hand corner of the envelope Fifty-three years ago on the mor- blank because that's where the op- ning of Dec. 7, 1941, the sky over tical scanner sprays the bar code. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was filled Ahvays include a return address with Japanese planes. When the last on all letters and packages, wave of attacking aircraft rejoined Automation helps the Postal Ser- the Japanese fleet, 1,178 lay wound- vice handle growing volumes of mail ed and 2,403 were dead or dying. A quickly and accurately and helps great portion of the U, S. Pacific keep postal costs down. By address- Fleet was in shambles, . '„ing it right the machines can speed Thus began America's entry &no the mail on its wal. World War 11 five years that chan- ged the world. The United States rc- To serve you better, the Kendrick turned from World War II as the Post Office will have extended hours world's greatest military and eoo- from Mone)ay, Dcc. 12 through Tues- nomic power. America was the day, Dec. 20. The window wi)) be world's peace-keeper and a symbol open continuously from 8 a. m. to of freedom and liberty for all. But, 4:45 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 17 we will today we stop to pay homage to be open 9 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. those who paid the price for Amer- There are only 20 shopping days ica's greatness. until Christmas. That first morning at Pearl Har- bor, men were killed as they ran to THE FOOD IIANK CHALLENGE man their battle stations. Families across our nation listened in horror T'was the month before Christmas as the radio announced the clcstruc- Anc) a)l through the counties tion and death. For those mcn and Our thoughts iverc all focused women and their families, we paiise On nature's great bounties. this week to remember. Beginning at Pearl Harbor and Bui not every cupboard throughout World War II American Is stpclced for the season soldiers, marines, and airmen su(- For hard times niay hit us fered injuries, many which the> still Without any i <asoii. carry today. For those who escaped death and physical injury, Wor)d So he whp ha» plenty War II has also changed their lives This season of. giving forever. Can share Evith his neighbors And help with their living THANK YOU FROM NELL C.— I was so thrilled to sec the groiip Ancl hoiv do xvc share of old friends who surprised me cn What wc have with ihe rest my 90th birthday on Nov, 23rd. We give tp thc Food Banlc Thank you for the beautiful cards, Of w)iat ivc'vc been blessed. flowers and delicious food. Most of all, thank you for your friendshiP Porn> Bure<<<i, R. E. Magnuson, and love. and Farmers Insurance, along with Nell Crocker the Tow» Country Diner have food boxes available to give to the Juliaetta Nevrs- Fopd Baiik. LET'S )VIAKE THIS A GREAT Karen Eggcrs, Denny, Car)a and SUC ESS! Diane Eggers, all of Deary, stopped to visit Ray and Lura Butler Thurs- day afternoon on their way homE.'rPci Rcid)0, TV S«tio» from Lewiston. Will Inform on Local School Pearl Groscclose, lvinc Wilson, and Lura Butler enjoyed the Army CIOSureS C)nd Weather NeWS retirement party for Larry Wundcr- As bad weather conditions caused lich held at the V. F, W. in Lewiston some parents and students concern Saturday afternoon. Also attending about whether the schools in Kcnd- from here were John, Dian and Ed rick and Juliaetta would be open, Groseclose, Wendy Parks, Bobby KHS principal Gale Vallem remind- and Aaron Clemenhagen. ed that information on this w))) be Delmer and Doris Riley of Long relayed to area radio and TV sta- Lake, Washington took Ada)inc tion to keep parents and students Jassman to the Kendrick Diner for informed, if there is a questionable lunch Tuesday and enjoyed a good condition. visit. The school will inform the follow- Adaline Jassman accompanied Son- ing stations: ja and Ron Lohman to Lewiston on KRPL and KZFN-FM Thursday to enjoy Thanksgiving KOZE dinner at the home of Bob, Dixie KRLC and KMOK-FM 107. and Amber Porter. Lee and Nancy KLEW-TV. Swanson of Moscow also joined the family for a nice day of visiting. START THE SEASON John, Dian, and Ed Groscclose, Now the Advent Season will greet Charlie, T. J. Portello, and Viola The faith)'ul as they long to meet Johns all enjoyed having Thanks- These days of anticipation. giving dinner at a Lewiston restau- Pray'rs are raised in expectation rant. They met Viola s sister, Inez As hymns and carols set the scene, Mattoon and daughter-in-law Jan- Sharing Bethlehem's son serene. ine and her two sops and a friend, The greatest story ever told, all from Kent, Wash. and had a nice Begun in humble manger of old. visit. Lucille Friday evening, John, Dian, and Viola enjoyed visiting at the Steve'hy shouldn't truth be stranger and Wendy Parks home and the la- than fiction? Fiction, after aH, has dies attended a home decorating to make sense. party hosted by Wendy.

fprd-Tppplp Ypw> I:hri>lp) at Tip> Cub Pack ggpss l

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Page 1: fprd-Tppplp Ypw> I:hri>lp) at Tip> Cub Pack ggpss l

Volume 102 Kendrick, Latah County, Idaho, Thursday, December 1, 1994 No. 25

fprd-Tppplp Ypw> 3x):hppfip(f ip Lpwiilpp



Angela Lynn Ford and ShawnJames Tanata, both of Coeur

d'lene,were united in marriage June25 at Valley Christian Center atLewiston. The Rev. Robert Kenyonof the Cameron Emmanuel LutheranChurch at Kendrick performed theceremony.

The bride is a 1990 graduate ofKendrick High School and a 1992graduate of Lewis-Clark State Col-lege at Lewiston. She is employed asa commercial loan assistant by WestOne Bank at Coeur d'Alene. Herparents are Keith and Jane Ford ofJuliaetta.

The bridegroom graduated in 1992from KHS and in 1992 from ITTTechnical Institute at Spokane. Heis employed as a mapping technicianby the Washington Water Power atSpokane. He is the son of Jim andPat Tanata of Juliaetta.

The maid of honor was Heidi Zum-hofe of Lewiston. Bridesmaids wereDeena Gibbs of Lewiston, Danette

'Horrocks of Juliaetta, and ShannonTanata of Juliaetta, sister of thebridegroom.

The best man was Tim Tanata ofJuliaetta, brother of the bridegroom.Ushers and groomsmen were LukeFord, brother of the bride of Julia-etta; Mark Gibbs of Lewiston, ScottCorkill and Ryan Blewett, both ofKendrick and Jarod Silflow.

Candlelighters were Jennifer Feyof Juliaetta and Andrea Kleffner ofBoise.

The flower girls were AshleySteigers of Juliaetta and Amber By-num of Clarkston, while A. J, Stei-gers of Juliaetta served as ringbearer.

The organist was Leslie Hutchesonof Kendrick while the vocalist wasMartin Bchm of Coeur d'Alene.

A reception was held at the Lew-iston Ellcs Temple.

They are making their home atCoeur d'Alene.

IIIII @pp)fp Hpffphs ogke Family Reunion

In Coeur d'Alene on

fPf ggiP OP1IPff ihaokggiviog Day

December 6 !The first family reunion of the

children of the the late M. Eugeneand Florence H. Brocke since their

The same evening recently that it passing was held over the Thanks-was making plans to honor long- giving holidays in Coeur d'Alene attime member Elsie Onstott, Kendrick the home of Vickie Brocke Hamilton.Grange also discussed the possib)e~ Don Brocke, along with his wifereasons for the decline of the Grange Joyce and children Gene, Rob andas a fraternal organization in Idaho. j Kell Brocke traveled to Coeur

d'lsie,who will celebrate fifty years, Alone on Wednesday evening andof Grange membership and service had a late dinner at a Coeur d'Aleneat a potluck in her honor on Decem- 'estaurant then stayed overnight atber 6, can well remember when the'he home of Vicki and Rob Hamiltonsubordinate and Pomona Granges in for a Thanksgiving Day family re-Latah County were thriving, active union. Cindy Brocke Olson, who hascenters for rural family life. recently moved back to Idaho and is

living in Coeur d'Alene about fiveToday most Latah County Gran- bloclcs from her sister Vicki also was

ges see only a handful of members at thc Thanksgiving family reuniongetting together to keeP the tradi- along with her roommate and per-tions and PurPoses of this national forming partner, Candyce Dizascio.farm organization alive. Moscow Kerrie Hamilton was a)so there; theGrange, once one of the the county's youngest son of Rob and Vickimost active subordinate Granges, is Hamilton and Taunn Hamilton theIcurrently PreParing to surrender its oldest son of Rob and Viclci, who ischarter. Others cling to exisitence away at school called home so every-in the faith and hope that they can onc was able to speak to him.stil Play a role in the life of their It was a very traditional Thanks-community, even with a much, much givingi feast with roast turkey, piessmaller active membership. and huclcleberry cheesecake. Later

Vera Hutcheson, Kendrick'ele- that day Don and. Joyce, along withgate to last month's state convention, Viclci aiid Robin visied at the homereported that Granges in the south pf (.indy and (.andyce where Donem part of the state did much more and Cindy spent time in the musicto involve younger members

and! room singing. Don played the 12-children, a factor considered esscn-j string acoustic guitar while accom-tial to maintaining the Grange a«l panied on hcr keyboard. Afterwardassuring its future. Vera suggested l Robin entertained the adults witha possible reason for this is the con- antics pn i)ie microphone, the adultstinuing presence of small family concluded that he has a possiblefarms in the south. stage presence that will hopefully be

Others feel that the decline of'developed, at least there is no stageGrange membershiP can be attribut- fr,ght am'png relativesed to the changing nature of the The counsins enjoyed a Superfamily today. Millie Corkill, another Nintendo marathon in Rob and Vic-veteran member of the Kendrick gi's new family room that is in theGrange, argues that too many Par- recently remodeled basement of theirents today don't care enough to try hto involve their children in commu- Don and Joyce Brocke, a)ong withnity organizations such as the Gran- children Gene, Robin and KeHy hadge to helP create a sense of unity breakfast priday morning at a pan-and shared values. cake house in Coeur d'Alene. The

Kirk Rush, a member of Moscow boys got helium balloons and thenGrange, feels that where the Grange they a)I returned to Kendrick Pridayas an mst tution once belonged to'afternoon. It was all very enjoyable.the members, today the members be-

lMore family gatherings are plan-

long to the Grange —meaning that ned in the years to come. The child-the hierarchy originating at the nat- ren and adults alike had a lot of funional level controls the Program as everyone reminisced and visitedrather than letting individual Gran- t~g~th~rges experiment with different meet-


ing formats and activities. Rush feels A monument, a double headstone,that the Grange as a t aditionally for the late M. Gene and Florenceconstituted has served its PurPose Biocke, had finally been placed atand should end with a hurrah. rather American Ridge Cemetery just be-than a whisper. fore the Thanksgiving family re-

Whatever its future, the Grange iiniontoday has reason to celebrate the


contributions of members like ElsieOnstott. Grangers and Grange fri-ends alike are invited to bring theirfavorite dishes to a potlucn honoring l

Elsie on Tuesday, Dec. 6, beginning Hall. Come and add to the bigat 6:30 p. m. at the Kendrick Grange HURRAH for Elsie!

!Awards Presented at

l Opypipp ggpssCub Pack Meetingcub scout pack Eg< ke<g itg mon-lAPPPPI I)IPPI)PII


'hly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 22 at theyuliaetta Elementary gckoy< gym. F))ppgg pf Op(

~ll4fitfpT Npilipif Tip>

Gi76). hy Ppcl Office

presented awards to Cuba who hadearned them this past month.. Re-ceiving awards were: DesmondGroseclose, 1 silver arrow; Bobcatpins and badges to John Carlile,Josh May, Daniel Gilbert, MatthewRenfrow, and Drew Witt,

We be)os Communicator activitypins were presented to Bryce Hen-son, Matt Mitchell, Christian Cut-shaw, Jon Eichner, Steve Cahala andDenver Quigley.

Readyman Activity pins were pre-sented to Web clos Bryan Jones,Brian Heimgartner, Cameron Sol-berg, Ricky Haynes, Garner Quigley,and Ray Vincent.

Ricky, Garner and Ray also earn-ed one compass point.

Ray Vincent earned his trave)or,Scholar, aquanaut and family mem-bers pins, Ricky, Bryan and Rayearned a soccer belt loop.

Gift certificates from Arby's weregiven to all who helped with thehighway clean-up.

Each den put on a skit, and after-ward the pack held its annual turkeygobbling contest. After some fiercecompetition among the Den leaders,Kathy Groseclose won by a large

! margin.The Honor Den award was earned

by Webelos Den 2, under the leader-ship of Hazel Jones.

Everyone enjoyed cookies and~ punch provided by Webelos Dens5,6 and 7.

The next pack meeting will beheld Dec, 20.

The Kendrick-Juliaetta CommunityDevelopment Association will holdit annual meeting Tiiursday evening,Dec. 8 at 7:30 p. m. in the KenclrickFire Hall. Please note that this isan evening meeting, rather than theusual noon meeting of the group.

President Lillian Howerton re-minds all organization and both citycouncils that community projectsthey have on their agenda for 1995and the near future should be sub-mitted at this time. It is very import-ant and beneficial to have those pro-jects and plans included in the GemCommunity Certification Report thatis submitted to the Department ofCommerce each year.

Anyone with a project to be in-cluded for the community next yearshould contact a board member, In-frastructure Committee chairmanDonna Heinen or Business Reten-ion and Expansion Committee chair-man Chirstine Clayton. This infor-mation is needed before the Dec. 8meeting.

The Assoc. invites everyone in thecommunity to attend this very im-portant meeting. Board members,will be elected, information on whatthe communities future plan andprojects are and how those planswill involve both city councils andthe citizens of the community will,be some of the subjects.

Ray Vincent, Jr. WinsWeekly Football Forecast

Local People Return

From Caribbean CruiseMaybe a "chip pff the old block" ?

At least it looks like that from hereas Ray Vincent, Jr. won last weeksKendrick- Juliaetta Weekly FootballForecast. Young Ray, still in gradeschool and a good Cub Scout, pickedall but two of the games in the NFLlast week correctly. Two other con-testants also only missed two gamesso it went to the Monday night tie-breaker game and Ray, Jr. got themthere. He may pick up his prize fromBecky Britton at Farm Bureau In-

!surance in Kendrick.

This week's contest is being spon-sored by Town and Country Diner.

There were 37 "entries subiriftte8in last week's contest.

Ernie and Jean Brammer andRob erta Bingham returned homeThursday, Nov. 17 from a 10-daycruise in the caribbean on board theSun Viking ship. The ports of callwere St. Barts, Martinique, Grena-da, Dominica, St. Maarten. St. Thom-as, and Puerto Rico. Each port theyvisited had its own unique culture.The people were friendly and wel-comed the tourists. Daytime temp-eratures ranged between 80 and 89degrees —at nights 79 to 81 degrees.

Martinique is one of the largestislands in the Lesser Antilles. It isa mountainous island with manyvarieties of flowering trees, bam-boo and wild orchids. In 1902 thevo)cana Mt. Pelee erupted, killing30,000 people in the town of St.Pierre. The town has since been re-built.

Grenada is popularly known asthe Spice Island. The tropical cli-mate ensures the success of spiceproduction —nutmeg, cocoa, mace,cloves, vanilla, cinnamon and gin-ger.

Dominia has the smallest popula-tion. It has volcanic mountain ran-ges, tropical rain forests, exoticferns and flowers. Women wash theirclothes in the mountain streams andrivers. Their clothes are very clean.

While the Sun Viking was dockedat St. Thomas, Ernie and Jean hadthe opportunity to visit their niece,Lynn (Koepp) Heimgartner, who iscurrently living on the island ofTortola, northeast of St. Thomas.

It was an enjoyable trip and theywere fortuniate to avoid the tropicalstorm "Gordon".

Out.on-the Limb—Jeff Smith's on a down-hill slide

with his "out-on-the-limb" picks.If you remember, Jeff picked the

!Green Bay Packers to beat the DallasCowboys. They almost did it, too,but almost isn't quite good enoughand Jeff slipped to 5 and 8.

Now this week he predicts thePhiladelphia Eagles to beat the Cow-boys at Phillie.

Meeting After Dec, 5Ball Game at High School

Following the girls basketballgame on Monday evening, Dec. 5,there will be a meeting in the KHSgym for parents and interested in-dividuals to begin discussing plansfor the Senior Class of 1995 gradu-ation party.

This is to be a drug and alcohol-free party. All who want to supportthis endeavor are invited to attend.

Juliaefta 8 KendrickSchool LunchesChanges In Cl)nic Hours

The Kendrick Clinic has advisedthat tlicre has been some changes inthe Clinic staff hours:

Hour:- are as follows:Monday:

Diane Kottkey .....8-5Tuesday:

Diane Kottkey.... 8-12:30Wednesday:

Dr. Walker ..8-12(1st Wednesday only)

Thursday:Dr Peterson ...8-12

(1 time per month)Friday:

Diane Kotikey .....8-12:30Please call 289-3841.

Thursday, Dec. 1—Breakfast:

Cereal, Muffin, Juice, MilkLunch:

BurritoCornBananaCookiei<R Pint of Milk

Friday, Dec. 2Breakfast:

Sausage Patty, Potato Triangle,Milk

Lunch:HamburgerOven I<ries,Tello and Fruitiy<„Pint of Milk

Monday, Dec. 5—Breakfast:

Breakfast Pizza, Orange SliceMilk

Lunch:Taco SaladCheese BreadPeach Crispg Pint of Milk

Tuesday, Dec. 6—Breakfast:

Cereal, Toast, Juice, MilkLunch:

Stew and CrackersPeanut and Raisin CupCakeg Pint of Milk

XVeanesdayy Dec. 7—Breakfast:

Pancakes, Applesauce, Milk


Luach:SpaghettiCornCelery and Peanut ButterBread Stick>g Pint of Milk



Friday. Dec. 2—Oven Fried ChickenMarinated CarrotsChilled Pear Salad / CheeseAugratin PotatoesPeasFruit Crisp with topping

AVedncsday, Dec. 7—Meat LoafMashed Potatoes and gravyCarrot Raisin SaladSeasoned Corn, butteredGinger CookiesPeaches

DATES TO RE)lIEMBER:Dec. 2: Meal, Nutrition Reports,

Christmas Crafts.Dec. 7: Meal, Golden Sunset Board

at 9:30, Shoy 8i Tell.Dec. 12: Golden Sunset Party.—Mark Twain

I:hri>lp) p> Lifihlipfi

Ihcpralip~ L'ppte>l

iAC'PIP thing )88$PP

lkDE<rip, t)1)s )'lolicl;ly scasoil you cail

help y<>ui se) I and those who receiveThe holida

i ynui 1 i)cia i<nd cards by addressinge holiday season is uPon us t)i< mai) sp that it is "readable'.again. Time for joy, harmony. peaceove. n, once again, the Kend- i!y by hand are long gone. State ofrick-Jullaetta Commiinity Develop- I, .

gE!ic 111. )cttei s<.arming equipmentment Association is sPonsoring a ca xib)Ch

Eapib)< of rcqdi11g eight addressesritmas Decorating and Lighting',...,contest.

I Lght g <v<iry s<cond, or about thirtv thou-san<) addresses nn hour, is now inLast year the towns of Juliaetta -, t ff.u. c in post offices throughout theand Kendiick and out)ping are~s c<>«bu ]or i,. i

tiful I ght and 111:ii).decorations and the judges were )i ., I ~

')i< r; a fen simple guidelinesfoi'ard-pressedto choose winners. ),tt," I 1 b l.;otters or pai eel labels:The contest is open to all who re- Prin) oi t

d ick Jt S hop) D to. 283. Th e who )'ve outsid~ of ia the approximate center of thethe two towns and wish to be in-, .) .. d );h I'Eave)ope and keep each line ofeluded in the ]udging, aie asked tp t)i<. a<lclicss flush leftcall 289-3861 or 289-4167 and leave

their names and locations to make iic i ad<lress should I use?—certain they are not missed.is year there are two categories: P<Ix Number? Ypu niav use bpthReligious and Winter Wonderland. 0, E Ei lou haie a P. 3. Box No.There will be first and second place t t') d d t b Iit niuht be used and must be plac-Prizes awarded for each town and <.,) c)osest to the town 8< state, i. e.also for the outlying areas. Sa)ly DoeLook for more news on this sub-

'ect next week.I

~ Box 345


Kendrick ID 83537-0345

Local V. F. W. Post Use capital and lower case letters.Omit periocls, commas, and apos-

Ui'geS Car)1~uriity to trophes to separate, state and ZIPcodes, because optical scanners andRemem erR e~b«P«ri H~"bar bar code sorters work better when

Americans everywhere will be ask- they don't have to read punctua-ed, once again, to "Remember Pearl tion,Harbor", on Wednesday, Dec. 7. But Use standard abbreviations, suchfor veterans of World War II that as ST for street and DR for drive.reminder will be unnecessary —for Always provide apartment andthe men and women who served in suite numbers, adjacent to orthat great war remember it, all too above the street address line, neverwell. The members of Baker-Lind below.Post 3913, join in remembering the Ahvays use correct ZIP Codes orsacrifice young American men made the correct ZIP plus 4, if known.during the conflict. Some from our When using an attention line, placecommunity made the supreme sacr)- place it on top of the addressfice to defend our nation, and it is block.only fitting that we remember and Leave and area 'ls" in the lowerhonor them. right-hand corner of the envelope

Fifty-three years ago on the mor- blank because that's where the op-ning of Dec. 7, 1941, the sky over tical scanner sprays the bar code.Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was filled Ahvays include a return addresswith Japanese planes. When the last on all letters and packages,wave of attacking aircraft rejoined Automation helps the Postal Ser-the Japanese fleet, 1,178 lay wound- vice handle growing volumes of mailed and 2,403 were dead or dying. A quickly and accurately and helpsgreat portion of the U, S. Pacific keep postal costs down. By address-Fleet was in shambles, . '„ing it right the machines can speed

Thus began America's entry &no the mail on its wal.World War 11—five years that chan-ged the world. The United States rc- To serve you better, the Kendrickturned from World War II as the Post Office will have extended hoursworld's greatest military and eoo- from Mone)ay, Dcc. 12 through Tues-nomic power. America was the day, Dec. 20. The window wi)) beworld's peace-keeper and a symbol open continuously from 8 a. m. toof freedom and liberty for all. But, 4:45 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 17 we willtoday we stop to pay homage to be open 9 a. m. to 3:00 p. m.those who paid the price for Amer- There are only 20 shopping daysica's greatness. until Christmas.

That first morning at Pearl Har-bor, men were killed as they ran to THE FOOD IIANK CHALLENGEman their battle stations. Familiesacross our nation listened in horror T'was the month before Christmasas the radio announced the clcstruc- Anc) a)l through the countiestion and death. For those mcn and Our thoughts iverc all focusedwomen and their families, we paiise On nature's great bounties.this week to remember.

Beginning at Pearl Harbor and Bui not every cupboardthroughout World War II American Is stpclced for the seasonsoldiers, marines, and airmen su(- For hard times niay hit usfered injuries, many which the> still Without any i <asoii.carry today. For those who escapeddeath and physical injury, Wor)d So he whp ha» plentyWar II has also changed their lives This season of. givingforever. Can share Evith his neighbors

And help with their livingTHANK YOU FROM NELL C.—

I was so thrilled to sec the groiip Ancl hoiv do xvc shareof old friends who surprised me cn What wc have with ihe restmy 90th birthday on Nov, 23rd. We give tp thc Food Banlc

Thank you for the beautiful cards, Of w)iat ivc'vc been blessed.flowers and delicious food. Most ofall, thank you for your friendshiP Porn> Bure<<<i, R. E. Magnuson,and love. and Farmers Insurance, along with

Nell Crocker the Tow» —Country Diner havefood boxes available to give to the

Juliaetta Nevrs- Fopd Baiik.LET'S )VIAKE THIS A GREAT

Karen Eggcrs, Denny, Car)a and SUC ESS!Diane Eggers, all of Deary, stoppedto visit Ray and Lura Butler Thurs-day afternoon on their way homE.'rPci Rcid)0, TV S«tio»from Lewiston. Will Inform on Local School

Pearl Groscclose, lvinc Wilson,and Lura Butler enjoyed the Army CIOSureS C)nd Weather NeWSretirement party for Larry Wundcr- As bad weather conditions causedlich held at the V. F, W. in Lewiston some parents and students concernSaturday afternoon. Also attending about whether the schools in Kcnd-from here were John, Dian and Ed rick and Juliaetta would be open,Groseclose, Wendy Parks, Bobby KHS principal Gale Vallem remind-and Aaron Clemenhagen. ed that information on this w))) be

Delmer and Doris Riley of Long relayed to area radio and TV sta-Lake, Washington took Ada)inc tion to keep parents and studentsJassman to the Kendrick Diner for informed, if there is a questionablelunch Tuesday and enjoyed a good condition.visit. The school will inform the follow-

Adaline Jassman accompanied Son- ing stations:ja and Ron Lohman to Lewiston on KRPL and KZFN-FMThursday to enjoy Thanksgiving KOZEdinner at the home of Bob, Dixie KRLC and KMOK-FM 107.and Amber Porter. Lee and Nancy KLEW-TV.Swanson of Moscow also joined thefamily for a nice day of visiting. START THE SEASON

John, Dian, and Ed Groscclose, Now the Advent Season will greetCharlie, T. J. Portello, and Viola The faith)'ul as they long to meetJohns all enjoyed having Thanks- These days of anticipation.giving dinner at a Lewiston restau- Pray'rs are raised in expectationrant. They met Viola s sister, Inez As hymns and carols set the scene,Mattoon and daughter-in-law Jan- Sharing Bethlehem's son serene.ine and her two sops and a friend, The greatest story ever told,all from Kent, Wash. and had a nice Begun in humble manger of old.visit. —Lucille

Friday evening, John, Dian, andViola enjoyed visiting at the Steve'hy shouldn't truth be strangerand Wendy Parks home and the la- than fiction? Fiction, after aH, hasdies attended a home decorating to make sense.party hosted by Wendy.

Page 2: fprd-Tppplp Ypw> I:hri>lp) at Tip> Cub Pack ggpss l

The Kendrick Gazette, Thursday, December 1, 1994 Thanksgiving Day dinner guestsof Bill Roth were his sister, DorothyYancer of Spokane and nephew Alan

The Kendrick SazeHe

sary celebration in Troy honoringDr. and Mrs. Orner Drury. JanetEdwards was a Tuesday overnightguest with Ada.

!Thanksgiving Day Bud a»d Mari-

lyn Eichner hosted their family forI dinner. Those present were Steveand Nelva Eichner, Jake a»d Gus;Tim a»d Mellissa Eichner a»d fam-

I ily a»d Alberta Turner of Lewiston.Thursday evening Becky and RogerTLVitt, Alexia and Drew and Erin Ris-hli»g joined the Eichners. Albertawas a houseguest from Wednesdavuntil Friday when she returned to

, hvr home at the Royal Plaza.Millie Corkill accompanied Scott

Corkill to Lewiston on Tuesday andshe met her daughter Pat Heimgart-nvr. Millie spent the week with Pat

Ia»d family and enjoyed Thanksgiv-i»g with them. Millie returned tohcr hofre Monday evening.

Roger and Patsy Christensen andso» 1V]at t of Yakima, Wash. spentThanksgiving Day with Roger's mot-hir, Irene Christensen.

Thanksgiving Day, Ruby Craigwas a dinner guest of grandson TimLockcti. Trina and Tony Snyder ofI~ amiah were Thursday overnight

,gu(.sis with Ruby and spent Fridaywith hcr.

Jack and Judy Halcy drove toI'icrce on Wednesday where they


spc»t Thanksgiving with Hob andSuc Leonard, Jack's sister and bro-ther-in-law. Many relatives i'rom thes»rrou»ding area gathered to makeii a rich day. The men enjoyed bunt-i»g with their black powder muzzle-loaders. Judy a»d Jack returned

, home on Friday having had a goodholiday.

The Mike Teffi't family enjoyedThanksgiving at the Everett Farring-to» and Onal Cope homes. Ron,Barb, and Katie Tweit visited from


Burns, Oregon.Thanksgiving holiday were busy

for Marie and Harlan Fcy. Wednes-(iay they were dinner guests of Stana»L] Diane FIill, Other special guestswerc Helen Bartlett, Dia»e's aunt ofI.ewiston. Also visiting from Kent,Wash. was a former neighbor, BettyT(V i]so».

Thanksgiving Day, Harlan andNarie were guesis of Lorraine andGerald Wood at Deary. Other familyguests weve Mary Hecsc Hoscnau,gra»dmother of Lorraine; Haroldand Ef»ma Howcrton, Glen Howcr-to» of Juliaetta, Dan and Lisa Marsha»d fami]y of Moscow. Later in theday Brenda Bogar and boys andDebbie Fu»ke and family joined thegroup for lunch. The latter were thechildren of the Woods.

Margaret Deh»ing Stotle was ahousvgucst of Marie a»d Harlan fromWc(l»esday until Sunday. She wasalso a guest of the Stan Hills andGcra]d Woods family dinners,

Wednesday morning Lena BelleMo( ga» rvceived word from hcr.family in Spokane of the death ofh(r brother, Eiarl Hoffman. IIe hadsir»gglcd with asthma for manyyears. Duc to the hazardous roadconditions Lena Bvlle was unableto attc»d the services. On Thanks-,rivi»g Lena Belle spent the day withi.cr so» and daughier-i»-law, Rogera»d Li»da Morgan in Orofino .

Walt a»d He]c» Zclinsky enter-iai»cd Phil a»d Terri Zclinsky andSharav» for Tha»lrsgiving dinner.I-le]en a»d Walt were in Lewistonon Monday doing some Christmasshopping.

Tcd a»d Phyllis Fcy spent Thanks-giving Day with Hcle» and DanTrautman and Jami a»(1 Kyle in Gif-ford.

Joyce Clcmcnhagcn entertainedhcr family for Thanksgiving. FIerguests were Kelly Clcmc»hagcn andson Michavl, Karen Clemc»hagcnand Barry Rucklic of Missoula, Mt.,Jerry Arf»itagc of Spokane, Carloand Todd Riggers a»d fami]y andDon Psiggcrs oi'cwisto», ThclmaMe]]i»gcr of. Clarlcsio», Max a»dCi»dy Armiia 'c, Chad a»d Thomasof Craigmo»t a»d Hoss A1'mitage.

Published Weekly at Kendrick, Latah County, Idaho 83537-0177Post Office Hox 177

Second Class Postage Paid at Kendrick, IdahoTelephone: (208) 289-5731

William A. Ruth, PublisherWm. A. Roth, Editor Nancy Van Houten, News Editor

Subscription Rates; $10 per year in Latah, Nez Perce, and ClcarwateCounty, Idaho

AII other addresses: $13.00 per year Single Copy: 25c

POSTMASTERS: Send Address Corrections to:The Kendrick Gazettee, P. O. Box 177, Kendrick, Idaho 83537

Thanksgiving Day, John Callisonspent the day with his parents Boba»d Judy and Kirby, Saturday eve-ning, Bob, Judy and John enjoyedseeing the Lady Vandals volleyballteam play in the Kibbic Dome.

Qy war(e(gn WI1Sun

Thursday cvc»i»g callers of Rose-iAn» Holt were David a»d Eileen

Ball and Jason of Potlatch, A. J.Holt of Coeur d'A]v»c a»d Mike Holtof Lcwiston were also Thursdayguests. On Friday, Steve and DawnHolt and family of Potlatch, SandyPotettc of New York a»(1 A. J. andMike enjoyed Thanksgiving dinnerat Hose Ann's. Cake a»d icc creamwere served to ccl«braic KristicHolt's birthday. Sunday Nike Holtand Sandy Potctte weve af. the poorfarm for dinner

Sunday supper guests of Roy andDonna Syverson were Carman andMatt Engbcrg of Moscow and Troyand Mclissa Syverson of Lewiston.

Thanksgiving Day dinner guestspf Bill and Alice Scarcy were Hoyand Donna Syvcrso», Carman andMatt Engbcrg, Sean and Andrea Sy-

~verson of Moscow. Erin Syversonand Handy Palmer of Lewisto» were

'lsoguests on Sunday.Butch Earl of Lcwiston called on

Bob Kimbley over the weekend.Cecil and Jo Brammer hosted the

Thanksgiving dinner i'or Gary Bram-,mer and Russell Brammer and


The]ma and Elmer Cuddy enjoyedtheir Thanksgiving dinner at the,Garner family gathering in Kend-rick.

George and Dc]ores Lyons were,Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at I

fhe home of Lisa and Cameron Walk-er a»d family.

Guests of Cliff and Jenny Ensley,were hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Om-,er Kries, and Clay Ensley family ofLcwistp».

Marvin and Barbara Foster travel-ed to Seattle for Thanksgiving with

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Hulda Clemenhagen spent Thanks-giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. ErnieHoyle of Co]ton, Wash. Other rela-tives present were the Collinge fam-ily and the Ho]ah] family of St. Mar-ies. Cliff and Betty Swanson andAra of Troy and Olga Swanson of

t noon Bob and Mike Rollins and Jean «w]s«n.ocal News Duffus left enroute to St. Ingatious, Sunday evening Hulda and Gert-

Mont., to attend the funera] fo1 rude Sneve attended the Singspira-other Zeta, They retu1»ed tio» at the Asse»1b]ymenu"riCa'ome Friday night. Lucille Magnuson entertained fam

ily for Thanksgiving Day. Her guestsOn Thanksgiving Day, David Wat- Bob and Beverly took their daugh- were Robin and Scth Magnuson of

son took his great aunt Esther Sou- «r Jean to Lewiston on Monday to Moscow and Giscle Magnuson andders and Resi Brown out to dinner catch the plane back to her home Rick Olsen of Harrison.in Lewiston. Janet Wilson was a 1» Seattle Gertrude Sn eve joined Nels andMonday morning caller of Esthers. A]ana Sncve a»d Ada»1 and Kevin

Ji»1 and Hazel Candler hosted their for Thanksgiving Day in SpokaneFred and Betty Arnvtt entertain- family for Thanksgiving Day. The iih A] b ii J ] „

ed Rick and Diane Arnett and Mlc- guests were Carol and Ron Craig and Tuesday the 22nd Richard NelsonheDe and Jeff on Thanksgiving Day. Faron; I,auric and Craig Dufour, of Kennewick took his mother Erna'si«r«urmg the w«k w'th Fr«M]chac»nd Sarah Roger Candler Ne]son bac] fo ];c»»cwjck whe1cand Betty were Ver]es and Nit Meal- and Shirley Prince, and Jack and ] f T] I-

'' F 'dhouse and son Brian of Clearfield, Colleen Shuit, Chad, Travis and t],cy d(pve to Wc»aichcc and tool<

and Leonard Arnett of Fern- Darcy, a]] of I ewiston; R~g~~ Mae] a sho1t tr1p to Moses Im C~~dl~~ was a Monday a»d Opa] Haf»1]tpn of Orof1»o, a»d thea v]s]ted the Ho e1 N~l~~~ fam

morning caller. Frank Candler. ily. Erna returned home on SundayTheresa Balestier spent Thanks- Thanksgiving Day guests of Marge ha~ing had a y(tpd v1$1t

giving Day with her family at the and Elmo Eldridge were Don andhome of Bob and Beverly Rollins. Unice Munstedt, Mike and Shawn D a d EDc» Mag»L,sonAlso present were Jean Duffus of of Spokane; Frances Zimmerman, A„na and Robcf t ]ei't on TuesdaySeattle. In the afternoon Theresa


Keith and Barb Berntgen and Cher- fpi the San J11a» Isla»ds and OrcasRollins and frIend Brad joined thc'Irie of Oakesdale, Wash.; Bryon and Isle where they e»teriained fa»11]yfamily. Late Thanksgiving after-

IBun»le Cilase of Clarkston, and and frie»ds. Ellen s father and step-Leonard and Diane Eldridge, mother, James a»d Picrrctte WinterJennie Eldridge of Lewiston.

I were among thv guests. Dana re-Darcld and Julie Haze]tine, Todd ports the t1ave] went wc]] until they

l~and Jennifer, were dinner g'uests on reached Colfax on Su»day eveningThanksgiving Day with Elma and where ihe roads were s]ick and the

I lLaurine Haze]tine. After dinner they traffic was bumper to bumper asRK worked on gcfii»g Elma's Christma sf»dents,vere ref»1»i»g to thc »»]-yard display set up. Friday morning ersitiesLaurinc, Elma and] Jenny took ad-~ Sunday evening, John a»d Gwenvantage of the early bird shoPPing. Depba]d joined Ju]ie, A»drew and

g egit'g , hours in Lcwiston. I Brian Heimgart»cr for birthdayOn Thanksgiving Day Marlenc cake to cc]cbraic H(ian's 11th anni-

a»d Don Millard and Brad took din- vcrary. Brian was a]sp a drop-inncr to Marguerite a»d Andy Grieser ca]lcl pf H]]] Hoth f]lat evc»1»g.n Gencsec. Friday Marlene, Don


and Brad wr:re dinner guests withi

a ~ gf s I ~

Traci a»d Doug Hermann, Shandra Thanksgiving dinner guests oi'eanUi iiiaeiia a»d Ryan in Lewiston. Shandra le a»d I ynda Brpcke

&0 ur»ed home with her grandparentsi

Thanksgivi»g Day guests gather-for a visit. She and the Millards re-'ng at ihe Darrel and Hose Brockc

t't~, turned to Lcwiston on Sunday and home were A]vi» and John Schmidt,enjoyed dinner out (vith the Her-,'cra]d and Peggy Lohman, ihe MikeY u . ~hg, man»s a»d Shandra returned home.

t Hrocke fami]y, t]1(1 Jim Hrockc fam-»~efgeiieeg@p@~~~gs~~g~.~: -.e r T~<.-,.(-.'-,~ --..- ...,-;--.;,--..~ ~w~~~-.r~@~r.~~~~ q,

iily, the Rick Hi»cs 1';imily, Kevin

.'' a»d Lori Lohma» and Lori's sisterS S S' K ri, Kelly Tigrs, Amends Kani-

1I(I$ fttrifp$ s tfagI 3e

E man, casey Grey. Jane(re Retread,

Hccky a»d Milrala Ashc joined the

IN-2IIOV(f 'I"ARM6$ sledding outing on ThanksgivingDa v.

Paul and Midge Dammarell enter-,",',, I tai»cd family and friends to cele-,„~ brute Thanksgiving Day. Guests ~

,„,'I werc Chris a»d Carme» Dammarcil i

KEN BPLIII:II( U:-'l-!';.'.5TERV

'~'~ ~."h'i iams of Lcwisto» Phyllis Dorma»s

a»d Bill Cooley.Kathlyn Morey joined family at,

thc home of Mike a»d Kaye Morcyto enjoy Thanksgiving on Thursday.Also present were Jimmy and Star]aTeal and Jessie; Harold and Ly»ettaLarson, Pat Morey and Daric»ePhillips of Lewiston and Mikcy Mor-'cy. Kent and Debbie Morey of Lcw-,iston were Thursday afternoon vis-,itors, Dorothy Wallace was a Sun-',day evening caller with Kathlyn.

On Wednesday, Nov. 23, Nell '

Crocker celebrated her 90th birth-'ay. Nell received many cards, call.;a»d company to express thvir best

,ivishcs a»d love. Thursday Nell ac- t

iiffffffifffiffffiiffffffffffffts",iifi" ~»ffftfffffffffgfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff~gI 'omPa»ied David and Norma Crock-~n~~~~= 'r to the Lo»da and Randy Sext»»

fhome on Moscow Mountain whcr(,

= 'c]atives gathered for Thanksgivi»gr '

'»d a family cclebratio» of hcr bir-,COME IN FOR =,'hday. Happy birthday to a very


L YOUR HAIR CARE NEEDS= t with Nell on Monday evening.ts Shampoo Sets Permanents = Sandy a»d Jack Mabbott of


Coloring Scalp Massage cal Lake, Wash. spent Thanksgivi» t

)-= with Don a»d Ula Cantril.Conditioning Treatments Thanksgiving cvc»ing Scott L(ti~-

ures 8 Acrylic Gel lf Fiberglas Nails man and Kristc» of Lcwisto» Lvcrvdinner guests with John and Gla(tys

Io»days Wilson. John a»d Gladys scrv«l'uvsdsys, Thurs(1sy a»d Friday Thanksgivi»g dinner on Saturday (u

W(!dilesday, Th»rs(lay s»d I'lday Lottie and Ray Jordan of Nca(],

SDAY EYL'NINCsS IIY API'OINT3IENT- Wash., Stan Wilson, Kim Lohma»and Josh and Stephanie, all of

C](trk-,'wner-OperatorPhone 289 3291 = ston, Jeff and Hre»da Lohman anil'oys,Don and Ci»dy Black a»d Dur-

I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~j~]jww ~~~ is Parker of Seattle. Dpn and Ci»(]TIIII IIII IIII IIII Iili IIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIII Iiii IIII IIIIIIllllrlll4111]IIIIIIIIIIIIP d Dor ~ - d ] t W 1 1.

evening a»d retur»cd home on Su»-day. Doris will 1(. spc»di»g the weekhere with her pare»,ts.

On Thanksgiving Day Ada )Vest-t

o'TIIISOIl endahl e»tertained her fa»1]ly a»dfriends. Guests werc Ja»ct a»d CarlEdwards and Alyso» of Spoka»c,

IlCQ Dennis Car]son of Clnrksion, Hob,Bain and Quentin Car],son. Ada a»d

dQuentin attended the 50th a»»iver-

their daughter Solo Foster.Jenny and Curtis Thornton drove

'to Coeur d'Alene to have Thanks-giving dinner with Curtis'otherand father, Bob and Martha Thor»-ton and returned home Sunday.

David and Jenifer Curry and fam-ily hosted Thanksgiving dinner forBe» Carpenter, Perri Curry, KellyCurry, and Ben Umphenour of Weip-pe. David, Jenifer and children en-joyed a Thanksgiving dinner at the

~ Jack Parsley home Saturday,On Thanksgiving, dinner guests

of Bill and Darlean Wilson wereDiane and Terry Clemm and sonBrian and Arlyne and Larry Clemm.On Saturday night they attended asurprise birthday party for Darleanat the Antelope Inn hosicd by fam-ily and f'riends.

ade byhead of

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PHON~< $8$-5/4] . ~ (208) 476-767rsbVs's's's'sVssssssssssgVs"sssssVANN sggry r~w~gws~~w m



Colntry Air/ AntiquesPARK IRCIII,O GEARY, IQ.

—r I:A TU R I NG-Chrisimos Crafts ond Gifts

(14 Depression Glass

Crockst Oak Furniture

4 JewelryBeautiful Diamond'edding Set

Stamp Collection

Open Monday, Wedtnesday, Fridcmy10 a. m. to 4 p. m.

other times by appointment.

Eu%(C(%(Vdg-"@CyC~CuT-'y~~d~" --" "4-'C"Cl<C~ tgIC



Iht]ruiay, ltecemhere

u~u~uuNLsMEZ u4'NuMPe~'S&(]@A~

~~e0eeethlleee(a RED CROSS PHA.RMACI] Doffg nff(l C1irietiiie Clnytoff,

I PHONE: 289-5941

4 fnter to Win in our (hriitma> Orawi]]


I Winners Dratwn Drr. 17th, When Santa comes to town!ef CC~IIef

—NEW ITEMS—Wind-up Dolls 8 Clowns

Tea Pots cind Bowls Sets



Page 3: fprd-Tppplp Ypw> I:hri>lp) at Tip> Cub Pack ggpss l

co<)tributes more tjja)1 15 ppb of lea(lto youv clvinlcing watev after the Siiovc of Spokane, Bob Nickel of lunch.

! co jipv«lie»hive treatment pi ogi am is Lcwiston, ]1»th Shove and Helen

in pine<, the City is r<.quiicc! to vc- ]1.'attoon of Moscow. + ednesday eve»i ng Tan)my Cliiiepi;If, the linc. 'erry a»d Kathie Settles, Phillip

jand children Chrissy and Gabe pf

ji th(i li;ic is only p vti(iliy c<iii-',(i»(i S;ira of Lewiston had Thanks-'Lewiston stayed the night with Gpi

trrjjlc(l by th«City of Jujiactta the 'iving dinner with Pastor Jay ancl don and Frances Peters They preC C

Citt is it<iuii«ci to pvo:id«yr>u with Donna Casciato, Andrew and Becca. pared Thanksgiving djnner fpr guec

inc<It'IT]ujii(jjl pil hov'o i'cpl(icc vouv Phillip and Sara were overnight ts Darlcne Nye, Mike Hutton, Cher-p<'j'ji<jji 0< thr sc'i't jce i<lie, oift'r 0 guests and Frlriny, Andrew and Bec«ryl and Duane Howerton and sons3'<ej)''0 (liat j)t)vtl<)11 r)f tiie li» it ca werc overnigt, guests of their cou- Jordan and Nathan, all of Lewiston,yrl<iv «xi)U»s«, ancl tal:I 0 I'ojlow-up sivis, Phillip and Sara. and Debbie and Dave Middlckoop

l a()el Phil])P Grosec]0Thai)lcsgjvjng qq jth Larry arid day lzlornjz)Q Gordon and Fvilnces

i itivJaiii((G(Qsecloseand iamilyat thevisitedwithE]merandFranc«sPetcs ijicluclc copper, steel, ivor), anrl iari» at Deary. ers of Clarkston and son Bobbie ai cl

Jc hica Ma]and i etuined to h«Roe]] Catherman of Seatt]eG. ]]A"F AN E]L]'.CTRICI 1 h


home at, Post Falls Sunday evening

CH;CK YOUR Tsy] RING!»itcr having spent the Thanksgiving Tcd and Dpnna Weyen e» j(g

ii. Qi'<l(ill<!ing wiv s .'voi» thc elec- 'cekc»d with family here. Thanjcsglvlng din»»1 at the home oit

tl'i«Ill syst«j'jl ave at(<;chcd to your lv]ark Ma]and is horne on leave Elaine and DQ» Hpjsjngtpn

pip«::, covvrision in iy b«gi.«;iicv. fi pin the Navy ancl visited his grand-

Chcclc with a lic(»s«cl «lr c!vician ov mother Grace Groscclose Friday. He Brenda RpetcjsQender and (hj]dlocal clc«trical od«. to deter-

Iwill be stationed in Mississippi when rcn ]cft, fpr Rpyal City Wash pn

»ti»c ii your wiri»g can be groullde<l '«returns, Wedviesday where they were Thanks-«!';0,"h<'v«. DO NOT attempt, to <.ha»- I

Wc(lnesday, Juanita Craig joined giving Day dinner guests Qf Brenda'sQ. ih«. wivi»jr yourscii: b<.cause iin-


]k]<jj'gre and Elmo Eldriclge and Mild- Parents, Ed and Florence ]utzpi< Ill i gi0»»<!ii)g can c(iuse clcctvi- rcd John.:on with a surprise visit to Craig joined his fam;ly and they rec'll ..!if)clc ancl jive hazards. ]hie]] Crocicer on her 90th birthday. turned home Qn Frjday Fziciay

Tlic steps c!Qscribed (Ii)ove will re- Guests ivith Juanita from Wednes- ning visitors were Bj]] and V(Q]etdur « the lead co»cc»tra!.io»s in your c!ay through Saturday were famj]y Roetcisoender. Weekend visitQrs Qf

di'iii!(inry water. However, if a water! m«mbers Marcel]a and Wes Pike of Craig arid Brenda were Amy Roetcis-tcst i»c!ic:ates that clrinking water


Concrete, Wash., Bruce and Janet oender, Kerry Kaufman and Kipcpli)i»g from your tap co»ains l«ad

jTodhuntcr and boys of Ferndale, Reed, all of Lewiston and Doug,

co»c«iitratio»s in excess oi'5 ppb! Wash., Craig and Shelby Pike and friend of Craig's from Prosser, Wa.:iftcv ilu=liing or after tlie city lips<I]V]itche]] of Burlington, Wash., Jean Sunday dinner guests were the weelc-

ctjlllplct(.'d jts aetio)is to lllj»jjllizcj

Waclioi'cl (1<id Jesse and Lance Car- encl visitors and Steve and Kar]alr.a(i lev(!s, you may v.ant tu take li]c and family. The Todhunters re- Barnes and Caleb and Mi]ce ai)dth«s(. aclc!itional measuves. i,ur»cd to (heir home on Sunday. It Jeanine Bardwel] of Lewiston anci

>. I'URCIIASE OR LFASE A was a busy, but fun time.I

Herb Haase.I]OME TREAT]VIENT D:VICE Lauven and Katie Hoisington en- l Sylvester and De]ores Czrjioivski

ji i(it< treat »cnts devices are lim- joycrl Thanksgiving dinner out in and Jos and Debra and Robez't Ljndjtctj iii (li tt ca«i) ultima ti'ts»flfy Lewiston. Saturday evening, Linda strom were Thanksgiving Daythc ii'i<ter that, flows fvom thc fau- Hoisington and Janine Golden of ner guests with Mike and Diane Czc«t tu ivhtch it is co»»c(.i(.d, avd Bellevue, Wash., were overnight mowski and Kim of I ewiston. Jennvalj devices require pcrioc!ic main- uests. The Dale and Sonia Main Co]well of Princeton retuzned hpn)e

teil<i<ice 'llld r«placement. family oi Bovill were Sunday guests with De]ores and Sy]vestez OnSun'evices

such as r«verse osmosis Jack and Sandy Mabbott of Medi- day they returned to Mike and Di-

si stems ov clistillers can effectively cal La]co, Wash. visited Friday and ane's for a fami]y gatheringrcmove lead from your clrinkin ! Saturclay with his mother, Mi]lie 'onsisted of'e]ores, Sy]vester andv,atci. Sp»i<. activiated carbon filters Stocicavd and brother Dick Mabbott Josh Czmowski, Debbie and Robertmay rcduc«. lead levels at the tap; 'j'hanlcsgiving Day Shari and Ed Lindstrom, Barbara Osborn and Jen-

'owever,all ]cad rccluction claims Pca, Kayla and Kyle were Quests ofjny Co]we]] and guests of honor, Jeff

.vi)oulcl b i»vestigatecl. Be sure to Kaye and Wayne Harris. Other iam- and Rona Czmowski and children ofcheck the actual peviorma»cc of a ily members present were Rick and Kennewick. They had a good day.specific home treatment device bc- Jo Gcrtje ancl girls, Gary and Par» visiting and the men enjoyed watch-fore and after installing '.he unit. Gcrtje ancl Alissa of Lewiston. In jng fpptba]]8. PURCHASE BOTTLED TVATER thc evening Shari and Ed children Visitors of Ron and Sonja Lohman

FOR DRINKING OR COOKING were guests fov dessert with Louise, have been Nevada Moore and Jus-.Ypcl can purchase bottled wat r and Lyle Pea, Ed and Shari and tin, Sarah Marsha]], and Gary Loh-

for home consumpi.ion as an a]terna- children and Misty and Larry Su]li- man, al] of Lewiston, Jessie andtive to tap water. van of Lewiston spent Friday and Ginger Matthes and children

Sam-'aturdayin Coeur d'Alene shopping antha and Jessa of Weippe, Bill and)Your fajz)ijy c]QctQz'r pediatrician Friclay evening Shari and Ed m«j Sue Wills and Ray and Stella Loh-

m a bl~~d test for lead and alevin an(] Sh~~l~ Schmidt pf Spp-! man. Samanthapvovjde ypu svith jnfornjatjpn about kane for dinner out and visiting

j Ron and Sonja and returned homehealth cjiccts of lead. Thanksgiving Day Theda and Ted'n Wednesday.

]claho Department of Health and Metcalf were dinner guests with

Welfare, 334-G584, can provide you Tcd s daughter and son-in-law, Lila

xvith infovmation about the health ancl Jerry Weaver in Lewiston. On

effects of lead and hov; you can have ]Vip»day, Thecla and Pearl Groseclose I,

your child's blood tcstecl. went to Lewiston where they metJoy Swan. They a]l went to visit Licensed Public Accavntani

ACCOUNTINGClavkston. They had a good visit.L,CC~2) IIIII].'NS The> enjoyed lunch out and a bit of



UT In]inert(i j


Electronic Filing .Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner at

the Vcrlin Be»lamin home Thursday 'uautj-'jj<e I ORIONServing Your (:ammuriity


<vere Dan and Sue Wenstrom, Da»a For 25 Yearsand Drciv of Lcwiston, Gertic and nj, ii) Iptgd/sf'III'II]opmjiIf$Ken Pcderson, and Ervin and AliceFry. j Riy sDUi>Ja zoo<<<»>gli

,idaho Assrle. Public Aocountanr..

Kc» Pcdcrson visitecl with his anu vj>ai i Un»ia»J National Society Public Account. I

daughters at Tacoina ancl Seattle lastwc«lccndc»d, leaving on Friclay and Bob a»d Judy White left last Mon- K ndii Ir.

Lei><r istanretuvning horn«on Tuesday. Rpy day for Caldwell where they visited

Clemc»hagc» accompanied him andj

with Jucly's parents, Wally and Lu-

visited with his brother Sydney at 'ille Steiner. They were Thanks- jTacoma. giving Day dinner guests of Judy's

Thanksgiving dinner. guests of Gay sister, Bonnie Leavitt and family at

ancl Elsic Ecl»)un(js at Clarlcston on Nyssa. They returned home Satuz'-

Thul'sc!sly wci'«Davlcl a»cj Shli'ley F5 ISandquist, Gay]«a»cl Karen Bovcn- Roii s Rocket 5jIiopcamp, Mark a»cl Eva Moran and Connie I.ohman returned Sunday

boys ol: L«wiston a»d Butch ancl after spending the weekend with herCustom

Darla Mora» of Tygh Vali«y, Orc. son Cary and his wife Janice Loh-

Satuvclay eve»i»g, iv]avjc ancl Eva man in Lewiston. Encling ggbuiICII]ricIMoran a»cl boys, Butch and Darla!Moran, Gay]<. and Karen Bpvcnca»)p


Jean Wcgncr was a Thanksgiving A N D

enjoyed hot rlo„":, sorninorm and Da„guest of Roy and Doris gllf low.j I

4uTO nep4iittelling stories avon»el a Lion fir« at 0» Friday evening Jean attended

the horn«. Qi Davicl a»d Shirley Opal Lohman's surprise birthday I KENDRICK IQAHQSa»dquist. party at thc home of Fred and Judy


Ancly a»cl Terry Polu»)slcy of Hain- Foster. Sunday afternoon visitors 912 E. Maini]ton, Mo»t(i»a pvovided the Thanlcs- ivith Jean were Elizabeth Rines of,,giving dii»)cr anci also cool-cd it, at, South Carolina and Stan and Abbie

the home of Ray a»d Dc]ores Pol- Ri»es. Su»clay evening visitors were 289-5302lumsky Thuvsclav. Also enjoying the Roy and Doris Si]flow. They enjoy-

dinner wit!i tli«»I w<.re Clarence and ed (in evening of cards and a light

Aldea»a Puluiiisl<y, and Jerry Pol-~

umsky a»cl children Angie, Jenny,,tl h

and Matt of Lc<viston.I ] ]t

Andy a»ci Terry Po]umsk) ivere'hursclayoverjiigjit guests of his

I ~~I ~u ~~ I

father Cjar«iicc and A]cleans Pol-'lumsky. They went to Coeur (1'Ale»0'lFriday a»d rctur»cd to their hoi»e !Iat Hamilton on Saturday. Aldean<r ]1enjoyed talking to hcr sisters in

I, LOCQI SeryiCe. Quality prOduCtS ]ICalifornia Tha»lcsgiving Day. Clar- I

]i to meet the needs for... ]1ence's daughter, Bertie Glass, also ]1called from Ca]itornia. ]l

Maxine Fvy a»d Roy and Sandy j tI ]1Fry, Lcah and Jcnna of Lcwiston, '. 3! ]1rhenjoyed Than!.. giving clinncr with I] ]

I<=Boyd and Norma llarrlson at Dtarks- ,''

IIton on Tj)uj scl)i

Lawr;ncc Nell aorl Bay Heim mt- I",Iner enjoyed having lvhsrllou Gr(lce-close as a Then<vs>tv<tv Day drnnvr 'll

guest, Joalvne and David Joh»n»v<I iju I@I

have been up visiting the Heim- t]gartners during Ihe past week. II YOurCOT. YaurTruCk. YOurEqu<P<TT

Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner at '[

the home of David and Kathy Shove,Band Jane]] Thursday, were Perry et~Et

]AMIS A. Tjj]I]|:PA jj tl +lail'lllnaR1 I lk~

i tYour Farm. Your Plant.

.AX PREPARATIONe a ~ ~ g Moog i ~ Motyg Euper Engine ojt ~ Detvao <300super 'etvoc conanen'~ Engine egg '

Eiecironic Filing tl fir]ORB M hj ~ M BIIT t<Dgerjes vaonawavolts Mn<d<DTEED>tytjlauggogg ~ Mo<sjj~toreekc~IVI P I


COLEMAN OIL CO.'endr'.ck: 289-4061 —Deary: 877-121'I

Evenings, ltjliaette (208] 276.3687

in the afternoon after you return


from work or school, con contain'airly high levels of lead.


LEAD IN DRINKING KVATERDespite our best efforts to control

water corrosivity and remove leadfrom the water supply, l«ad levelsin some homes ov builclings can behigh, To find out whether you ricedto take action in your own ]ioine,have your (jri»king water tested to

, determine if it contain «xcessi. ccocentrations of lead. Testing is es-sential because you cannot sce, taste,or smell lead in drinking water.

For more information about watertesting and a list of local laborator-ies, call City Hall a 276-7791. Iftest indicates drinking water drawnfrom a tap in your horn«containslead above 15 ppb, take these pre-cautions:1. FLUSH YOUR SYSTEM

Let water run from the tap beforeusing it for drinking or cooking any-time water has gone unused for morethan six hours. The longer it residesin your home's plumbing, the morelead it may contain. Flushing thetap means running the cold v<atcrfaucet until the water gets notice-ably colder, usually about 15-30 sec-onds. If your house has a lend scr-main, you may have to flush waterlonger, perhaps one minute, beforedrinking.

Although toilet flushing or show-ering flushes water through a portionof your home's plumbing system,you still need to flush the water ineach faucet before using it for drink-ing or cooking. Flushing tap wateris a simple and inexpensive measureyou can take to protect your family'health. It usually uses less than oneor two gallons of water and costsless than five cents per month.

To conserve water, iiil a coupleof bottles for drinking after flushingthe tap, and whenever possible, usethe first flush water to wash dishesor water plants. If you live in a highrise building, letting the water flowbefore using it may not work tclessen your risk from lead, Theseplumbing systems have more andsometimes larger pipes than smallerbuildings. Ask your landlord for helpin locating the source of lead andfor advice on reducing the lead level.2. USE ONLY COLD WATER FOR

COOKING AND DRINKINGTry not to cook with or drink wat-

er from the hot tap. Hot water candissolve more lead more quickly


than cold water. If you need hot,water, draw water from the coldtap and heat it.3. REMOVE LOOSE LEAD

SOLDER AND DEBRISRemove loose lead solder and de-j

bris from plumbing materia]s install-j

ed in newly constructed homes where)plumbing has recently been replaced,by removing faucet strainers (aera-tors) from all taps and runningjwater for 3 to 5 minutes. Thereaftez,;periodically remove strainers and

flush out debris.4. INDENTIFY AND REPLACE


If your copper pipes are joinedwith lead solder that has been in-jstalled illegally since it was bannedin 198G, notify the plumber who didthe work and request it be rcplaccd

with lead-free solder. Lead solderlooks dull gray, and when scratcheclwith a key looks shiny. In addition,notify the Idaho Division of Environ-mental Quality about the violation.5. DETERMINE WHETHER YOUR


The best way to cletermine if yourservice line is made of lead is byeither hiring a licensed plumber to,inspect the line or by contacting theplumbing contractor who installeclit.

You can identify the plumbingcontractor by checking the city's re-cord of building permits whichshould be maintained in files atthe city or county building depart-ment. A licensed plumber can at thesame time check to sce if yo.ivhome's plumbing lead solder, lea(ipipes, or pipe fittings that contair:lead.

The City also maintains records otmaterials located in the distribution

Know about Lead in Drinking IalsrThe U, S. Environmental Protec-

tion Agency (USEsPA) and the Cityof Juliaetta are concerned about leadin your drinking water.

Although most homes have very]ow levels oi lead in their drinkingwater, some have levels above theUSEPA action level of 15 parts perbillion (ppb), or 0.015 milligrams of.lead per liter of water (mg/L).

Under federal law, the City is re-quired to have a program in placeto minimize lead in your drinking

~water by July 1, 1998. This pro-gram includes corrosion controltreatment, source water treatment,and public education. The City isalso required to replace each leaclservice line that we control if it con-tributes to lead concentrations of 15

!I ppb or more after the comprehensivereatmcnt program has been com-pleted.

If you have any questions abouthow we are carrying out the re-quirements of the lead regulations,call Frank Grosec]ose, City Opera-tor, at the water treatment 13]azit,276.4270). This article explains stepsyou can take to protect yourself andyour family by reducing your expos-ure to lead in drinkink water.

Heal th Effeets of LeadLead is a common, natural, and

often useful metal found throughoutthe environment in lead-based paint,air, soil, household dust, food, cer-tain types of pottery, porcelain, pew-ter, and water.

Lead can pose a significant riskto your health if too much of it en-ters your body. It builds up in bodyover many years and can damagethe brain, reel blood cells, and kid-neys, The greatest risk is to youngchildren and pregnant women. Am-ounts of lead that won't hurt adultscan slow normal mental and physicaldevelopment in growing bodies. Inaddition, a child at play often comesinto contact with sources of leal con-tamination —like dirt and dust —!that rarely affect an adult. It's im-portant to wash children's hands andtoys often and to try to make surethey only put food into their mouths,

Lead in Drinking WaterLead in drinking water, although

rarely the sole cause of lead poison-ing, can significantly increase a per-son's total lead exposure, particular-ly infants who drink baby formulasand concentrated juices mixed withwater. The USEPA estimates thatdrinking water can make up 20 per-cent or more of a person's total ex-posure to lead.

Lead is unusual among drinkingwater contaminants because it sel-dom ocurs naturally in water sup-plies like rivers and lakes, It entersdrinking water primarily as a resultof corrosion or wearing away ofmaterials containing lead in thewater distribution system and house-hold plumbing.

These materials include lead-basedsolder used to join copper pipe,brass and chrome-plated brass fau-cets, and in some cases, pipes madeof lead that connect your house to


the water main, called lead serviceilines. In 1986, Congress banned the<use of lead solder containing greaterthan 0.2 percent lead and restrictedlead content of faucets, pipes, andother plumbing materials to 8.0 per-cent.

When water stands in lead pipesor plumbing systems containing leadfor several hours or more, the leaddissolve into your drinking water.

ClaseifiedsCRAFT SALE at LCSC in Williams

Conference room, Dec. 3 9 a. m.to 4:00 p. m.


WANTED: Old Noma Bubble Lightstrings. Paying top dollar. DennisLukecart, 289-5642.


POSTAL JOBS: Start $11,41/hr. Forexam and application info. call(219) 769-8301 ext. ID520, 7 a. m.7 p, m., Sunday-Friday.


FOR SALE: New, large 3-bedroomGolden West home in Kendricl .$83,000. Owner will carry contract,Contact 1-208-289-5501.


FOR SALE: 5 IBM Selectric type-writers (2 work), 1 manual type-writer, 1 Diable 630 printer, 1

Heyer duplicator, 1 tire traction-ioner. Submit sealed bid by Thurs-day, December 8, to Kendrick Jt.School District 283, Kendrick, ID.


FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartmentin Kendrick. No pets. 289-4611.


FOR RENT: Store space in Kendrick.Approximately 35x60. 289-4611.

tf23cHANDYMAN NEEDED: Roof leakand my chimney is filling with

water.Phone 289-5342.


FOR SALE: Regitered Quality babyLlama. Ready for Christmas. 4-Hproject or packing. 208 276-3772.


FOR SALE: 1976 Pontiac Catalina4-dr. Runs well. $395.00. 276-3772


KENDRICK FIRE HALL is avail-able to rent for family gatheringduring the holidays. $15 for meet-ing room; $35 for kitchen andmeeting room. Contact Aaron orScott Heinen at 289-5957.


ANNOUNCEMENT: I have movedmy business to Heritage Realty,129 Third in Moscow, corner of3rd & Jackson (upstairs). 882-4663Ruth Hoffman, 883-1135.


ALATEEN ON THE PALOUSE forteenagers who have a parent, fri-end, or relative with a drinkingproblem. Meets Sunday eves from7 to 8 p. m. at St. Augustine'Church, 628 Deakin Ave. Moscow.For more information call Rick at883-1471 or Kathleen at 509-332-5160.



LOCAL AVON REPRESENTATIVEis Christine Clayton. Call 27G-

7455 or Red Cross Pharmacy at289-5941.


D. Kottkey ..........8 to 5


D. Kottkey ......tf19c

NEEDED: Cook at Kendrick SeniorCenter. Will train if needed. Con-tact Louise Pea, 276-4521.

8 to 5


Dr. Walker ...........8 ta 12

(1st Wednesday Only)


Dr. Peterson ........8 to '<2

2nd OR 3rd Thursday


WANTED: Experienced, dependablehouse cleaner. References neces-sary. 3 hrs. per week. Day andwages negotiable. Phone 289-3761.


CAVENDISH 2ND HAND STOREOpen 9-5 weekends. Anytime byappointment. Vacuum cleaners,bucket car seats, old fashioned

'ohairsofa, insulated drapes,~

hundreds of blue jeans, sweaters& tops, jewelry, toys, tools, ete.beautiful china hutch. We recycleusable goods. Ph. 476-3484.


AL-ANON: A group of family and

friends of problem drinkers meetTuesday evenings at. 8:00 in theoffice behind Red Cross Pharmacy,Cail 289-3151.

A. A. meets Tuesday and Fridayevenings at 8:00 p. m. at theKendrick Fire Hall on Main St.Call 877-1334 or 289-4694 after 6.



CAN BE FILLED HERE—No Minimum Orders—

with prices that should meetyour budget

Poultry tp Game Birdstp Water Fowl

Lpokers We]come, Np ChargeWest of Ju]iaetta

Near County Line on Hwy 3Phone 276-7268




D. Kottkey 8 to 2

GREG MAN1VCertified Public Accauntant


205 E. 5th, Suite 5, P. O. Box 8114 —Phone 883-555


Main St. P. O. Box 69 Phone 289-855


Idaho Title Pawn1816 Idaho Street —Lewiston, Idaho

WE PAWN your title


have them in and ou] oI town.

Buying or Se]ling? Compare our

aejrvice before you commit to e

corjtract. Need property manage.

merit? We handle a]] types of pro.perty including farma. Cali B 6 II4

Rea]ty, 835-5172 or visit 102 W. A

SI. Troy, Idaho for your real,~state needa


1-800-949-7909 —746-6546Monday-Friday 10 a. m. - 6 p. m.

Saturday 9 a. m. - 2 p. m.

f or 3]lllaslla RQI]dsgglI'>gal Yo]j dIlla]<idThis means the first water drawn syst<.m. If the s«rvicc line co»ne<'t- The Kendyjc]c Qazette, Thursday, December I, 1994

all~. ee age) I MLI NIIVLI]lLI from the tap in the morning or later jng your dwelling to the water main

Page 4: fprd-Tppplp Ypw> I:hri>lp) at Tip> Cub Pack ggpss l


20% 9FF All THR9W RUGS

assortment of colors and styles

6real Seledien of:

Indoor and 9utdoor Lights

Replaceme~t Bulhs

Large 9utside Bows

ll fee Stands

U. S. No. 1, Golden llipc

Bane Ilies

Ncw Orleans at LA Rams

NY Jets at Ncw I ngland

Yiti..bur" h at Cincinnati

washington at Tampa Bay

Buffalo at lkliami

LA Raiders


Srtort: 5'l.50 Tall: $1.75

if you want a "Skinny" Latte, please askand we use skim milk and sugar-free flavoring

(they taste great!)

A favorite for a light lunch or dinner:

with our own honey-mustard dressing.


"Little Buddha"~ "Hard Truth"O "Getting Even with Dad"

"Winnie the Pooh Christmas""Sioux City"

Arrvinf3 Next Week:"Maverick" with Mel Gibson 8 James Garner



TolcrB ccrld,NEVV HOURS: 5 a. m. to 0 p

~ k

~ k


Bite-Size SteakTender Steak, Choice of


Ski Ju

'k~ k

'k~ k

Sea Food Combo ...Ocean-Fresh Scaiood, Ch

-k~ k

-k~ k

Baked Half Chicken

1Vhite or 100% )Vhofc IVhcat

Cheddar or Mozzarella 8 Oz.

Western I'amilly Shredded L'heese )I3II

tVidc or Extra IVidc

Selected Varietics



Great Dinner Scil e(I with "AII the Tritnmin'5"

4 The Kendrick Gazette, Thursday, December 1, 1994 tt'ulling the little tractor out of thel

The, world's horse population is

bbftf CFeffr I'Crg lie rgeVIrS canyon cn Thanksgiving Day hvhen estimated ic be 75 miilicn.

rly tulyne cteabcnwe got stuck. There is nothing permanent ex-

anct Iserty MctvianonJeff, Betty and Brandon enjoyed except change.

Thanksgiving with Betty s son Josh-I Heraclitusna from Vashcn Island, Wash..

I gfftefffrle fffffRandy Jones and family from Mer- There are more than 050,000


! idian, Idaho were visitors of Helen lt's easier to be wise for others iahristian hymns in existence.vI l and Herman Hinrichs Friday. ~

than for ourselves. CALENDAR OF EVENTSMaycelle Emmett had a busy week i

Duc de La Rochefoucauldend. Friday evening dinner guests am

MONDAY NITE Football on big

CARlL'Sscl cen TV TACO NITEo man, Glen and Maly !LaZell, Bud and Linda Hamilton, Fl a ~

III TUESDAY NITE: Is Nacho Nitetand wendy watkins and Kaiie. Enn-

IJ penuelesa electric E,, ':s ac c


Ab'arne, Jennuer and Alan Long, I~ Wiii Work Actor HoursS-1103-Wet-Dry Hoover Hand Va'uum Angie and Bill Brans and Chase, I) Backhoe, poser, Dumptruck r'RIDAY NITS: Is Live Enter-

Wall-mounted recharging rack and Rick Lohman.Alice and Wendy Erman and Dici- p

an ee en s.G I S d F'll Ehrt, tainment with the I<ARAOKA


rave, an, iMachine!

Regular $49 95 SALE $39.95 Dan and Nancy Vakoch and Sarah i cc'lm Cannon Route 1 —Box 1007and Andy, went to Troy and sharecl (~j Jullaetta Idaha )i KENDRICK, ID 83537 ~ i FIRST SATURDAY EVERY—oover ulc room green) Thanksgiving dinner with the Son- g arl King Owner I MoNTH —LIvE MUsIc

3-speed, cleaning effectiveness 10.5tc I $(h9 95 sA(s $59 PP

A big "Thank Ycn" tc Herman i')6

I Fhono 4yfb yg45egu ar Hinrichs frchn Jeff McMahan fch.

V-4515—Hoover Guardsman Red Upright, Heavy Duty

Steel-lined fan chamber, edge cleaning, adjust. +%OOOofIIOOOOOOOO4IIoogolelloo@eo999Olt~~

II.II3r F@Ilo "hggg gh s h y —~grh g v

If we haven't got it, we can get it I! Phone 289-5957n e I Sale Prie;es Good Nov. 30 to Dec 6 Kendrick, Idaho O

Phone: 289-SD61 Kendrick, Idaho .,= = ..= ==- ——— ~~SSkh d h'gg t'ff ffflffflfffffffffffffflfffflfffflfffflffffllffffffflflffflflffffffffllffl'lfffflff ill lfllllfllffffnfflllfifl"—k'~ea'~ hpecfai~ ~r wn,mme wmww~r w w~"


WEIRy F99TBALL F9RKAH' Boneless Ham, Fully Cooke(1, 'hyatcr Addecl lb.


loI I

2 lbs.Chicago at Minnesota

Arizona at Houston XY Giants at Cleveland 2!hs RRclAtlanta at San Francisco 'el IDallas at Philadelphia !I U. s. Nc. I, Fresh Crirth 'N Camel;y Bunches

Indianapolis at Seattle U. S. No. 1, Fresh Jules Slvect lb. 0TIE BREAKER GAllig —PIIEDIGT wINNER A scoRP. I

II antaloupes h Sik yAR9 9K9RAH9NS Iat San Diego ... Easy Set-Up —Weatlf!er Proof

This week's Forecast ia Being sponsored by:,@ 'SpmaCh FreSh [RpfeSS

19WN p%!I:9Illtlii~H9INN lg= = '-' '

Fill out this forecast tb give to the Town 5 country III * FSPR)grt (PF!I'IAL 9F TH[ WFFIIAT SPECIAL PRICES

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Potpourri —Dry and Licluid I8II/;,,;l


TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO. O AlleyfareBathTissue.... Hc oPhone 289-4971 or 289-3311 Kendrick, Idaho Ot

! 6 Selected Varietics —Y iluit 3 at this Price lr GallonsO

IIf<cemfb -, c:-,,„,m;,>I, 6 (hicken t'ashew IIc Parmesan cheese Western I:amilly Ice 6'earn -', gal. 3/SS N

Lett~ca Salad2-Burner Coleman Propane Stove ...... 44.99 Sklppypeanut Butter.... )I.B e3-Ton Floor Ja"k ................79.99 ORecharcleable Lantern............. 13.99 ( < TRY OUR VIENNA ROLLS! bbg I r '120/'ID Windshield CIeaner .....cIal. 2.69 O

We HAVE l/'ANY CHRISTMAS GIFTS Selccle(l Varieties Pkg.

I20% Discoustt on J. E. L,eve Sit:kles 8 Sections . I &7, ~ 7> & R7 K 7 T1' PureI9elergent..... 2/)f Ie

aad Spaces —hg.':F'!.o OF.Hyoid hy ~aa. 1S 97Hs FsAhlurs Ass our —coMs Ik visfr i I

b I Assorted Flavors Pkg.

*a*ccaacccaaagccaaaaaaaaaana*a ktt Nahisco Newton Bars.... 2/SS ~MIT O'S O ~ ~ a ~ 0


Court tror'r',ner,» 'I Snyder'sBread....... Nc0Selected i unct(eh 84 Count

NieHT spscIAL f WeSIel'n I'aNlly Bahy WfpeS ~ )I'Sht ~$6.95

~+I Sclectccl Varictics Each

Pot;iio, Vegetable, Soup or Salacl Bar + Western Family Scruhhers ..2/Ic ee

Selected Variciics Pkg.

SPECIAL IN JEFFREYJS LOUNGE I$ Van dc Icamr) —Sclccicd Varbctlcs GeldenGrainNoedleRoni... Nc oett IFishSlickserfillets..... QB

Western FaNlly Needles... IIkI I SftC For pgncgkcs cr R'afiles 24 Oz.

$7.95 eeGelden Griddle Syrup.... 52 29 ee

>~lee Swenson BreakfastsSelectccl Varietics 3 Bar Pack '

DialBathSoaP.......2/$ 4 ee

"","'o Lender'sBaftels . Alla t:alhlfood..... (3N++++++++++«++++++++++~~+~~<~~+~+++i~~~~+~~+++~+~»~+~~ 5eeOOteeelOeeOOOOeeOLi