Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 7 Taewoo Kim, Shamira Sridharan, and Gabriel Popescu Contents 7.1 Introduction to Tissue Scattering ......................................................... 260 7.1.1 Optical Window of Tissues ....................................................... 260 7.1.2 Light Scattering Basics ........................................................... 262 7.1.3 The Born Approximation ......................................................... 264 7.1.4 Multiple Scattering ................................................................ 269 7.2 Traditional Scattering Methods ........................................................... 270 7.2.1 Polarized Light Scattering ........................................................ 270 7.2.2 Single Scattering .................................................................. 271 7.2.3 Diffusive Scattering ............................................................... 272 7.2.4 Time-Resolved Scattering ........................................................ 274 7.3 Fourier Transform Light Scattering ...................................................... 277 7.3.1 Quantitative Phase Imaging Methods ............................................ 278 7.3.2 Scattering-Phase Theorem ........................................................ 281 7.3.3 Scattering Parameters of Prostate Tissue ........................................ 284 7.3.4 Simulation of Traditional Methods ............................................... 285 7.4 Summary .................................................................................. 285 References ....................................................................................... 286 Abstract We review the basic principles of light-tissue interaction and common methods of investigation. The mathematical framework for describing weakly scattering regime (the Born approximation) as well as the strong scattering regime (the diffusion equation) are described. Traditional techniques based on polarization, time-resolved, single and multiple scattering are reviewed. We then introduce T. Kim • S. Sridharan • G. Popescu (*) Quantitative Light Imaging Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA e-mail: [email protected] V.V. Tuchin (ed.), Handbook of Coherent-Domain Optical Methods, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5176-1_7, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013 259

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Page 1: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

Fourier Transform Light Scattering ofTissues 7Taewoo Kim, Shamira Sridharan, and Gabriel Popescu


7.1 Introduction to Tissue Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

7.1.1 Optical Window of Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

7.1.2 Light Scattering Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

7.1.3 The Born Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

7.1.4 Multiple Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

7.2 Traditional Scattering Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

7.2.1 Polarized Light Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

7.2.2 Single Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

7.2.3 Diffusive Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

7.2.4 Time-Resolved Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

7.3 Fourier Transform Light Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

7.3.1 Quantitative Phase Imaging Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278

7.3.2 Scattering-Phase Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

7.3.3 Scattering Parameters of Prostate Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

7.3.4 Simulation of Traditional Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

7.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286


We review the basic principles of light-tissue interaction and common methods

of investigation. The mathematical framework for describing weakly scattering

regime (the Born approximation) as well as the strong scattering regime (the

diffusion equation) are described. Traditional techniques based on polarization,

time-resolved, single and multiple scattering are reviewed. We then introduce

T. Kim • S. Sridharan • G. Popescu (*)

Quantitative Light Imaging Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA

e-mail: [email protected]

V.V. Tuchin (ed.), Handbook of Coherent-Domain Optical Methods,DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5176-1_7, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013


Page 2: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

Fourier transform light scattering (FTLS), which is a recent development from

our own laboratory. FTLS is the spatial analogue of Fourier transform spectros-

copy, in the sense that it provides angular scattering (spatial frequency) data

from phase and amplitude measurements in the spatial (image) domain. We

show that FTLS can be used as a diagnostic tool by translating the quantitative

phase information into data of clinical relevance. Further, FTLS allows us to

extract scattering parameters of the tissue from imaging unlabeled, thin tissue

slices, using a relationship which we call the scattering-phase theorem. Using

these measurements, FTLS can predict the outcome of many other experiments,

including time resolved and enhanced backscattering experiments.

7.1 Introduction to Tissue Scattering

Biological tissues are optically inhomogeneous, which makes the understanding of

light-tissue interaction challenging and, for the same reason, interesting [1, 2]. Upon

propagation through tissues, optical fields suffer modifications in terms of irradiance,

phase, spectrum, direction, polarization, and coherence, which can reveal information

about the sample of interest [3–5]. The elastic interaction, in which the frequency (orwavelength) of light is conserved, is generally called scattering. Sometimes elasticlight scattering (ELS) is used to specifically distinguish this type of scattering from

dynamic (or quasi-elastic) light scattering [6], in which the light frequency changes

slightly due to Doppler shifts induced by the dynamic specimen. This type of

interaction, together with other inelastic processes, such as absorption and emission,

is outside the scope of this entry and will not be discussed in detail.

For diagnosis applications, the starting assumption is that a certain disease (e.g.,

cancer) modifies one of these light properties, such that optical information can be

translated into data of clinical relevance. Thus, developing methods for accessing

tissue scattering parameters has been an area of great interest and active research. In

this chapter, we first review the basics of tissue scattering (Sect. 7.1), followed by

a review of existing scattering methods (Sect. 7.2) and a review of the recent

Fourier transform light scattering method developed in our laboratory (Sect. 7.3).

We will summarize and conclude in Sect. 7.4.

7.1.1 Optical Window of Tissues

Biological cells abound in structures of different refractive indices, which makes it

possible to study the cell using light scattering. Essentially, the optical microscope,

which is the most common method of investigation in biomedicine [7], can be

regarded as a powerful scattering instrument. The only difference between an

imaging system, e.g., microscopes, and a common angular scattering instrument,

e.g., goniometer, is that, in the first case, the measurement is performed in the real

space (x, y, z) while, in the second, the measurement is in the spatial frequency

domain (kx, ky, kz).

260 T. Kim et al.

Page 3: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

There are three major structures in a cell: cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus(see Fig. 7.1) [8]. Cell membrane is the structure that serves as a “wall” for the

entire cell structure to separate it from the surroundings. The structure of cell

membrane is described with the fluid mosaic model introduced by Singer and

Nicolson [9]. According to this model, cell membrane consists of protein molecules

“floating” on lipid bilayer structure such that the hydrophobic tails of lipid molecules

are sandwiched by the hydrophilic heads. Cytoplasm includes three major elements:

cytosol, organelles, and cytoplasmic inclusions. Cytosol refers to the inter-structure

fluid that the subcellular structures such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and

Golgi apparatus are suspended in. Organelles are the subcellular “organs” that are

suspended in cytosol and cytoplasmic inclusions are small insoluble particles

suspended in cytosol. Lastly, the cell nucleus is a spherical organelle separated

from the cytoplasm by a layer called the nuclear envelope. The nucleus includes

the chromosomes and also is the place where DNA replication happens.

All these different structures in a cell provide refractive index differences inside

the cell and make it a scattering medium [10, 11]. Thus, large cellular structures,

e.g., nucleus, generally scatter light at small angles, while large angle scattering is

due to contributions from small organelles such as mitochondria.

Light can also be absorbed by cells. Beer–Lambert law states the intensity

change as the light travels along a distance L through a material characterized by

the extinction coefficient, e, and the concentration of the absorbing material, r,

I ¼ I0e�erL

¼ I0e�aL;






Golgi complex





Cell Membrane


Fig. 7.1 Illustration of cellular substructures that can potentially contribute to light scattering


7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 261

Page 4: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

where a is the absorption coefficient, which gives the decrease rate of the intensity

as light travels further into the material. Since human body is mostly composed of

water, it is important to understand how water absorbs light over various spectral

regions (see Fig. 7.2). From the studies of extinction constants of water done by

Hale and Querry [12], we can see that within the spectral region 200–1,300 nm,

water does not absorb light significantly.

Besides water, hemoglobin is another major contributor to light absorption in

human tissue. This protein contained in red blood cells delivers oxygen by binding

the oxygen molecules to its iron atoms. As red blood cells travel through the lung

and make hemoglobin molecules oxygenated (oxyhemoglobin), the absorption

spectrum of hemoglobin changes from its deoxygenated state (deoxyhemoglobin).In Fig. 7.2, we show the absorption spectrum of oxygenated and deoxygenated

hemoglobin from 250 to 1,000 nm wavelength region [13] together with the water

absorption spectrum. Hemoglobin absorbs the most in blue and green and this

absorption drops significantly at longer wavelength, where water’s contribution

becomes important. Therefore, there is a window of opportunity, around

800–1,300 nm, sometimes referred to as the tissue optical window, where overall

the tissue exhibits low absorption. In this window, the contribution of light absorp-

tion becomes insignificant compared to light scattering. Not surprisingly, this is the

spectral region where most tissue scattering experiments are performed. In the

following sections, we discuss the main concepts in light scattering theory, as it

applies to tissue scattering experiments.

7.1.2 Light Scattering Basics

Light scattering refers to the interaction between the electromagnetic wave and

inhomogeneous media.When studying light scattering in cells and tissues, our general

goal is to solve the inverse scattering problem, i.e., from the experimental data, i.e., to

obtain information about the refractive index distribution, n(r), of the structure.

100 10001E-4















ent (



Wavelength (nm)



Fig. 7.2 Optical window in

biological tissues

262 T. Kim et al.

Page 5: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

Here, we restrict the discussion to scalar fields, which is the relevant situation

whenever the tissue scatters light isotropically. The wave propagation in a medium

can be represented by the (inhomogeneous) Helmholtz equation, (7.2).

H2U r;oð Þ þ b2 r;oð ÞU r;oð Þ ¼ 0; (7.2)


b r;oð Þ ¼ n r;oð Þb0¼ n r;oð Þo



In (7.2)–(7.3), U is the complex field, b is the inhomogeneous wave number(a material property), b0 the wave number of vacuum, r the spatial coordinate,o the

angular frequency, and n the refractive index (generally a function of both r and o).We can rearrange (7.2) to isolate a new term describing the inhomogeneous

medium, F(r,o), referred to as scattering potential [14],

H2U r;oð Þ þ b20U r;oð Þ ¼ �4pF r;oð ÞU r;oð Þ (7.4)

F r;oð Þ ¼ 1

4pb20 n2 r;oð Þ � 1� �


Solving the Helmholtz equation for a point source, i.e., inserting a 3D delta

function, d(3)(r), on the right hand side of (7.4), provides the well-known sphericalwave as the Green’s function,

g r;oð Þ ¼ eib0r


Furthermore, using the superposition (or the Huygens-Fresnel) principle, the

convolution of the spherical wave and the source term in (7.4) gives the scatteredfield solution,

U r;oð Þ ¼Z Z Z


F r0;oð ÞU r0;oð Þ eib0 r�r0j j

r� r0j j d3r0 (7.7)

By applying the Fraunhofer approximation, the far-field approximation of the

scattered field is obtained as:

U r;oð Þ ¼ eib0r



F r0;oð ÞU r0;oð Þe�iks�r0d3r0 (7.8)

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 263

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This equation indicates that the far field behaves as a spherical wave perturbed

by the scattering amplitude, f(ks,o), defined as (7.9).

f ks;oð Þ ¼Z Z Z


F r0;oð ÞU r0;oð Þe�iks�r0d3r0: (7.9)

Without further approximation, this integral remains difficult to evaluate. How-

ever, in the case of single layers of cells and thin tissue slices, it is reasonable to

assume that the light scatters weakly. Below we show that under these circum-

stances, (7.8) can be inverted, i.e., an expression for F can be obtained in terms of

the measured scattered field U.

7.1.3 The Born Approximation Diffraction TomographyFollowing our assumption that the scattering is weak, the (first) Born approxima-tion states that the field inside the inhomogeneous medium remains approximately

equal to the incident plane wave,

Ui r0;oð Þ ¼ eikir


Therefore, inserting this plane wave under the integral of (7.9), the scattering

amplitude can be simplified to:

f q;oð Þ ¼Zv

F r0;oð Þe�iq�r0d3r0; (7.11)

Equation (7.11) now is a 3D Fourier transform, where q ¼ ks � ki is the Fouriervariable. The quantity q represents the difference between the scattered wave

vector, ks, and the incident wave vector, ki, and is geometrically illustrated in

Fig. 7.3a. Note that the modulus of the scattering wave vector depends on both the

wavelength and scattering angle, q ¼ 2b0 sin y=2ð Þ.Equation (7.11) ultimately provides the solution to the inverse scattering prob-

lem because of the reversibility of the Fourier integral,

F r0;oð Þ ¼Z1�1

U q;oð Þeiq�r0d3q (7.12)

This equation implies that the structure of the inhomogeneous medium can be

completely retrieved by taking the Fourier transform of the measured complexscattered field over an infinite range of spatial frequencies. Equation (7.12) is the

main result of diffraction tomography, in which a 3D object is reconstructed via

measurements of angular scattering.

264 T. Kim et al.

Page 7: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

However, in practice, these conditions are not satisfied and the reconstruction of

the structure of the sample is always limited. Currently, most measurements are

made by observing the intensity of the scattered field, not the complex scattered

field itself. Taking the Fourier transform of the intensity of the scattered field and

using the correlation theorem [15], we obtain autocorrelation of the scattering

potential rather than the potential itself,


��U q;oð Þ��2eiq�r0d3q ¼ F r0;oð Þ � F r0;oð Þ (7.13)

Thus, (7.13) states that intensity measurements, without phase information, are

insufficient for retrieving the structure of scattering objects. Note that this problem

has been known in X-ray diffraction for many decades, it is called the “phase

problem” (for review, see the recent account by Wolf [16]).

Furthermore, we only have access to a limited spatial frequency range. For an

incident wave vector ki, the highest magnitude of the momentum transfer vector

(Fig. 7.3a) we can obtain experimentally is 2ki which is the case of backscattering.

For arbitrary incident wave vectors, the largest possible q appears in backscattering

with magnitude 2b0, and direction opposite to the incident vector. Thus, the largestpossible q covers a sphere of radius 2b0, which is known as the Ewald sphere(Fig. 7.3b). The meaning of this coverage is that we can only measure the frequency

components within this sphere, and the accessible propagating field is truncated in

frequency. Note that frequencies above 2b0 are evanescent and can only be

accessed in near field.




θ/2kikb −ki −kb

a b

Fig. 7.3 Momentum transfer of (a) scattering event. (b) The Ewald sphere

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 265

Page 8: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

This truncated field can be written as the multiplication of the scattered field

and a ball function, which describes the Ewald sphere and is mathematically

defined as:



� �¼ 1;when

��q�� � 2b00; elsewhere


Thus, we can write the measured, truncated field, U, as:

U q;oð Þ ¼ U q;oð Þ �P q


� �(7.15)

Now the scattering potential can be obtained by taking the Fourier transform of

the truncated field,

F r0;oð Þ ¼ F r0;oð ÞⓋeP r0ð Þ

¼ F r0;oð ÞⓋ sin 2b0r0ð Þ � 2b0r

0 cos 2b0r0ð Þ


In the equation above, Ⓥ indicates the 3D convolution. From the 3D Fourier

transform of a ball function, eP r0ð Þ, we notice that the new scattering potential after

frequency truncation is a smoothed-out version of the object. We can conclude that

diffraction tomography requires the measurement of both the phase and amplitude

of the scattered field and the reconstruction is, at best, band-limited to a sphere of

radius 2b0. Single Particle Under the Born ApproximationNow, we define some parameters that characterize single particle scattering. The

generalized form of scattered field in the far zone (Fraunhofer approximation of

(7.8)) can be written as:

Us rð Þ ¼ Ui rð Þ eikr

rf ks; kið Þ: (7.17)

Incident field, scattered field, and the position in the space are now in vector

forms. Also, the scattering amplitude, f(ks, ki), now includes polarization informa-

tion as well. The scattering by single particles is efficiently described by crosssections. First, the differential cross section is defined as follows:

sd ks; kið Þ ¼ limr!1 r2


���� ����; (7.18)

266 T. Kim et al.

Page 9: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

where Ss,i are the Poynting vectors for the scattered and incident field. Since the

moduli of the Poynting vectors are ð1=2�Þ��Us;i

��2, the differential cross section can bewritten as a function of the scattering amplitude, (7.19).

sd ks; kið Þ ¼ ��f ks; kið Þ��2: (7.19)

By normalizing the differential cross section, we can obtain the phase function,p ks; kið Þ, which provides the angular probability density function of the scattered


p ks; kið Þ ¼ 4psd ks; kið ÞR

4psd ks; kið ÞdO : (7.20)

Furthermore, the scattering cross section is defined by integrating the differen-

tial cross section over the solid angle (the denominator of the phase function in


ss ¼Z4p

sd ks; kið ÞdO: (7.21)

In general, absorption through the scattering particle also gives rise to an

absorption cross section, sa, which also contributes to the total cross section, s,

s ¼ ss þ sa: (7.22)

Next, we will discuss some specific cases where the Born approximation is

applied to single spherical particles. These are known as Rayleigh-Gans particles

and are characterized by a small phase shift, i.e., k0ðn� 1Þ2r << 1, where r is the

radius of the particle.

When a scattering particle has a well-defined shape such as sphere, cylinder, or

cube, the Born approximation discussed in the previous section allows analytic

solutions. In case of a spherical particle with radius r, the scattering potential can bewritten as a ball function and the scattering amplitude is simply the 3D Fourier

transform of the scattering potential with q ¼ ks � ki.

Fp r0ð Þ ¼ Pr0


� �F0

¼ 1

4pb20 n2 � 1� �



� �:


7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 267

Page 10: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

Thus, we obtain the scattering amplitude by simply taking the 3D Fourier

transform of the particle scattering potential, Fp. The Fourier transform of the

“ball” function is well known, such that the scattering amplitude is:

f q;oð Þ / n2 � 1� �

b20r3 sin qrð Þ � qr cos qrð Þ

qrð Þ3 : (7.24)

Note that the differential cross section depends on the size of the particle and

also on the modulus of the scattering wave vector, q ¼ 2b0 sin y=2ð Þ,

sd ks; kið Þ ¼ ��f ks; kið Þ��2/ n2 � 1

� �V2b40

sin qrð Þ � qr cos qrð Þqrð Þ3

" #2


This formula establishes the angular scattering generated by a weakly scattering

spherical particle. When qr! 0, i.e., either the particle is very small (r! 0) or the

measurement is made at very small angles q ¼ 2b0 sin y=2ð Þ ! 0½ �, (7.25) can be

further simplified to:

sd ks; kið Þ��qr!0

/ n2 � 1� �

V2b40sin qrð Þ � qr cos qrð Þ

qrð Þ3" #2

’ 1

9n2 � 1� �



Therefore, by measuring the scattering at small angles, i.e., forward scattering,we can determine the volume of the scattering particle. Also, for very small

particles, or Rayleigh particles, the differential cross section is independent of the

angle of measurement, which defines isotropic scattering. The result also states thatthe Rayleigh scattering is isotropic and strongly depends on the size of the particle

and the wavelength,

ss oð Þ / n2 � 1� �2


/ r6



For other particle shapes, such as a cube, a cylinder, etc., we can follow the same

procedure of determining the scattering potential to analyze the scattering properties. Ensemble of Particles Under the Born ApproximationWhen a measurement on a biological object is made, there are many “particles” that

contribute to the light scattering. Therefore, studying light scattering from ensem-

bles of particles is relevant to biomedical measurements. In this section, we look at

the cases where identical particles are randomly distributed in space.

268 T. Kim et al.

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With the assumption that all the particles are identical and the distribution of

these particles in space is expressed as a sum of delta functions, the scattering

potential of the ensemble can be written as a convolution between the sum of delta

functions and the scattering potential of a particle, F0(r),

F rð Þ ¼ F0 rð ÞⓋXi

d r� rið Þ: (7.28)

Consequently, the scattering amplitude can be obtained by taking a 3D Fourier

transform of the scattering potential

f qð Þ ¼ f0 qð ÞS qð Þ; (7.29)

where S is the so-called structure function, defined as,

S qð Þ ¼Xi

eiq�ri : (7.30)

We can immediately see that the scattering amplitude of an ensemble is just the

scattering amplitude of a single particle multiplied by the structure function, S(q),which contains the information about the particle distribution in space. As

expected, since the particles are separated by distances larger than their diameter,

S contributes at high spatial frequencies, or q-values, hence the term “structure.”

The single scattering feature, described by f0, is called form factor (function) andacts as the envelope of the angular scattering signal. If the particles are separated by

large distances, the structure contribution can be neglected at appropriately low

angles. However in cells and tissues, this is hardly the case.

7.1.4 Multiple Scattering

So far, we discussed the case of single scattering where the average dimension of

the scattering medium is smaller than the characteristic mean free path, ls. Fora distribution of particles, ls is defined by the density of the scattering particles and

the scattering cross section of each particle,

ls ¼ 1

Nss: (7.31)

For small particles under Rayleigh scattering regime, the scattering event hap-

pens in an isotropic manner and the average step between two scattering events is

defined by ls. The scattering mean free path allows us to define the intensity decay

of a plane wave propagating through a medium of thickness L via Lambert-Beer

equation similar to the one used for absorption (see (7.1)),

I ¼ I0e�ls


¼ I0e�msL;


where ms is called scattering coefficient.

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 269

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However, when the single scattering event is anisotropic, we have to take the

average direction of a scattering wave vector into account, which gives a new

average characteristic distance. This new average distance, lt, the transport meanfree path, includes not only the scattering cross section and the density of the

particles, but also the anisotropy factor, g, which is defined as the average cosine ofa single scattering event,

lt ¼ ls1� gð Þ ¼


Nss 1� gð Þ (7.33a)

g ¼ O � O0h i¼ cos yh iy:


For highly scattering media, when the dimensions of the medium are much

larger than lt, the light propagation resembles a random walk, or diffusion process,

which can be described by a diffusion equation:


� H DðrÞHF r; tð Þ½ � þ maF r; tð Þ ¼ S r; tð Þ: (7.34a)

Here, F r; tð Þ, D(r), ma, and S r; tð Þ are, respectively, the energy flux, diffusion

constant, absorption coefficient, and the light source. For a statistically homoge-

neous medium, i.e., D ¼ const., and in the absence of absorption and sources, the

diffusion equation simplifies to:

H2F r; tð Þ � 1


@F r; tð Þ@t

¼ 0: (7.34b)

In (7.34b), the diffusion equation is directly related to the transport mean free

path, D ¼ clt=3. This equation is heavily used in bulk tissue scattering experiments,

e.g., in vivo, because through measurements of F, either in space- or time-resolved

manner, D becomes a measurable quantity of potential clinical relevance.

Below, we review some of the common light scattering methods, operating both

in single scattering and diffusion regimes.

7.2 Traditional Scattering Methods

Here we discuss some traditional scattering methods used to solve inverse problems

and study tissues.

7.2.1 Polarized Light Scattering

Polarization of the light scattered from an inhomogeneous scattering medium

depends on many different factors: wavelength of the light, type of the scattering

270 T. Kim et al.

Page 13: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

medium, time of travel, and traveling distance [17, 18]. Especially, the traveling

distance, which tells us if the light scattering is in the single scattering regime or in

the multiple scattering regime, plays an important role in the polarization state of

the scattered light. The polarization state is preserved in the backscattered field if it

originates from a thin region in the tissue, i.e., within an ls – thick slice from the

surface. However, multiply scattered backscattered light, which underwent at least

two scattering events before exiting the tissue, loses its polarization [19, 20]. Thus,

for linearly polarized incident light, the backscattered light from the near-surface

region is still linearly polarized in the same direction as the incident light while the

backscattered light from deeper region is unpolarized. This means that if we use an

analyzer that is parallel to the incident polarization, we will obtain the field

scattered from the near-surface region plus half of the field multiply scattered

from the deeper region. Furthermore, using an analyzer that is perpendicular to

the incident polarization, we will only get the multiply scattered field, which is

identical to the multiply scattered field from the parallel polarization except for the

cross-polarization direction. Therefore, by subtracting the perpendicular polarized

field from the parallel polarized field, we can retrieve only the backscattering from

the near-surface region [21, 22],

Ik � I? ’ I0k2r2



Re S�? yð ÞSk yð Þ� �sin ydy: (7.35)

In this equation, S⊥,||, y0, y, r, and k are the scattering amplitudes, linearly

polarized incident angle, scattering angle, the distance from the scatterer to the

detector, and the wave number, respectively. Thus, polarization properties of light

can be used to filter out the diffusive background and analyze only the single

scattering regime, for which the Born approximation may be applicable [22–25].

Other differential methods for selectively removing the diffusive background have

been developed [26, 27].

7.2.2 Single Scattering Angular ScatteringUnlike Rayleigh scattering regime discussed earlier (Sect., the scattering is

anisotropic when the particle size is sufficiently large compared to the wavelength

of the incident light. In this case, we need the complete angular distribution of the

scattered field from the biological tissue. Measurements on the angular dependence

of scattering, P(y, l), can be directly used to calculate the anisotropy factor, which

in turn gives the transport mean free path of the scattering medium,

g lð Þ ¼Z

P y; lð Þ cos ydO (7.36)

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 271

Page 14: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

Figure 7.4 shows a traditional, goniometer-based measurement of angular scat-

tering. As already mentioned in Sect. 7.1.3, studying the angular distribution of

light scattered from weakly scattering specimens, such as monolayers of cells and

thin tissue sections, can provide us with valuable morphological information. This

information can then be used to diagnose abnormalities in biological tissues,

including various types of cancer [25, 28–30]. Light Scattering SpectroscopyAs shown above, light scattering depends on not only the scattering sample, but also

the wavelength of the incident light. Therefore, by taking the spectral density of the

scattered light using a spectrometer, the characteristics of the scatterer can be

determined. Perelman et al. [31] proposed a technique to take the wavelength

dependence into account in studying the light backscattered from biological tissue.

In this paper, the normalized reflectance of the field is measured in terms of the

incident intensity and the backscattered diffused intensity of the field from deeper

part of the field. This reflectance is ultimately used to calculate the size distribution

of the cell nuclei. Clearly, angular and spectroscopic scattering measurements are

equivalent, because the scattering wave number, q ¼ 4p sinðy=2Þ=l, is a function ofboth angle and wavelength. However, recently, it has been emphasized that inter-

pretation of the single scattering signal has to be done carefully [32].

7.2.3 Diffusive Scattering Enhanced BackscatteringWhen a plane wave illuminates a semi-infinite scattering medium, every

backscattered wave has its time-reversed pair which takes the same optical path

but in opposite direction (see Fig. 7.5). For this class of backscattered field, the

phase difference between the pair of waves approaches zero as the angle approaches

180o (backscattering) [33–35]. Due to constructive interference, the angular






Fig. 7.4 Goniometer-based

angle-resolved light

scattering setup

272 T. Kim et al.

Page 15: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

distribution of the backscattered field will exhibit a bright spot, or enhancement, inthe backscattering direction, which seats on a diffusive background. Since all the

different possible pathlengths within the medium are governed by the diffusion

equation, the enhanced backscattering peak width depends on the transport mean

free path lt as [34]:

aðyÞ ¼ 3

8p1þ 2z0

ltþ 1

ð1þ q?ltÞ21þ 1� e�2q?z0


� �" #; (7.37)

where lt transport mean free path, z0 trapping plane location, q? ¼ 2py l= is the

component of q normal to the z-axis. Thus the information about lt is carried by theangular width, dy, of the enhancement cone, dy / l=3plt, which is obtained by

expanding (7.37) around q?z0 ¼ 0 [36]. Because of this, enhanced backscattering

can be used to characterize tissue properties [36]. Note that typical experimental

values are lt ’ 1mm and l ’ 1 mm, which indicates that the angular spread of the

enhancement cone is extremely small, of the order of 0.1 mrad. This fact adds

tremendous constraints on the experimental execution of these measurements. Due to

the uncertainty principle, resolving such a small angle requires a correspondingly large

beam, of the order of Nl=dy ’ N10lt, i.e., the illumination beam waist must be larger

thanN centimeters (!), whereN is the number of points sampling the enhancement cone.

Due to the interference law, the enhancement is a factor of 2 higher than the

diffussive, incoherent background [33–35]. However, if the illumination field has

a coherence area that is smaller than the illumination beam, the incoherent back-

ground raises, roughly by a factor equal to the ratio between the beam area and

coherence area. The net effect of this incoherent illumination effect is to effectively

diminish the enhancement factor and broaden the cone. In essence, a partially

coherent field is characterized by a certain distribution of k-vectors (or angles),

each generating an enhancement distribution. Thus, the resulting enhancement is

Fig. 7.5 Time-reversed

photon pairs in enhanced back


7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 273

Page 16: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

the angular convolution between the coherent enhancement profile and the angular

distribution of illumination. Note that this angular distribution of illumination acts

as the Green’s function (or impulse response) of the instrument, limiting the angular

resolution of the measurement in the same way the point spread function limits the

spatial resolution in a microscope. The spatial coherence length has to be at least lt;

otherwise, the coherent effect is lost. Recently, Kim et al. investigated this

incoherent illumination in the extreme case of very low spatial coherence [36]. Diffuse ReflectanceA diffusive model can be used to study the diffuse reflectance versus point-detector

separation or wavelength and extract scattering parameters of bulk tissues.

This steady-state measurement has been used extensively due to its simplicity

(see, e.g., [37–41]). A more detailed description of the diffusion phenomenon in

semi-infinite media, including the full, time-resolved solution, is presented below,

in Sect. Averaging the time-resolved solution over time gives the steady-

state, diffuse reflection solution.

7.2.4 Time-Resolved Scattering Optical Coherence TomographyOptical coherence tomography (OCT) uses low-coherence light to interferometrically

retrieve echo-type measurements from deep tissues [42]. Typical setup for OCT is

based on the Michelson interferometer which consists of a broadband source, beam

splitter, reference arm, sample arm, and a detector (Fig. 7.6). Light scattered from the

sample arm is analyzed with the light from reference arm to give the object informa-

tion. Because of its low-coherence from the broadband source, OCT obtains the depth

sectioning comparable to the coherence length of the light source. In other words, only

the part of the sample that produces the same pathlength as the reference field, within

the coherence length, is studied at any one time. Therefore, OCT usually measures

one small region defined by the fiber optic and the depth section per measurement. In

order to reconstruct an entire 3D volume, raster scanning is necessary.






Fig. 7.6 OCT setup

274 T. Kim et al.

Page 17: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

OCT measures the cross-correlation of the field from the reference arm and the

field from the sample arm,

G12 tð Þ ¼Z1�1

UsampleðtÞUref tþ tð Þdt

¼ UsampleðtÞ � Uref ðtÞ:(7.40)

In the frequency domain, the Fourier transform of the cross-correlation, i.e., the

cross spectral density, can be expressed as a product of source spectrum, S(o), andthe spectral modifier, h(o), due to the sample.

W12 oð Þ ¼ Usample oð ÞU�ref oð Þ

¼ Uref oð ÞUref oð Þh oð Þ¼ S oð Þh oð Þ:


Back in the time domain, now the cross-correlation function can be written as

a convolution of the autocorrelation of the source, G(o), and the time response

function, h(t).

G12 tð Þ ¼ G tð ÞⓋh tð Þ (7.42)

Assuming that the sample is just a single reflective flat surface, the time response

function can be expressed as a single delta function. In this case, the cross-

correlation function becomes:

G12 tð Þ ¼ G tð ÞⓋd t� t0ð Þ¼ G t� t0ð Þ (7.43)

where t0¼ z/2c is the time delay from the location of the reflector, z, with respect tothe reference mirror. Finally, the OCT time-profile is obtained by taking the

modulus of the cross-correlation function,��G12 tð Þ��, defined by:

G12 tð Þ ¼ ��G12 tð Þ��ei½o0tþf tð Þ� (7.44)

Thus, the envelope of the correlation function,��G12 tð Þ��, acts as the Green’s

function of the measurement, i.e., the time response of the tissue is “smoothed” by

this function that is narrower for broader spectra.

OCT has been used primarily as an imaging tool, with ophthalmology being the

main field of applications. This is so because the eye is transparent and contains

many surfaces producing specular reflections, which can be resolved unequivo-

cally, according to (7.43). However, OCT can be used as an effective scattering

method. It has been recognized 12 years ago that the OCT signal from a diffusive

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 275

Page 18: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

medium can be very well characterized by the time-resolved diffusion equation as

reported in Ref. [43]. In essence, OCT can provide the pathlength distribution of

light scattered by a diffusive tissue, with a time resolution given by the coherence

length divided by the speed of light, which can easily reach in tens of femtoseconds.

Using OCT for time-resolved diffusion measurements is superior to using mode-

locked Ti:Saph lasers in the point of view of not only time resolution, but also

sensitivity and dynamic range (due to the interferometric, heterodyne detection).

The solution to the time-resolved diffusion equation is discussed below. Time-Resolved ReflectanceThe reflectance at any point in the tissue as a function of time can be calculated

from the scattering coefficients by using a diffusive light transport model in

reference [44]. The diffuse energy flux rate is assumed to satisfy the diffusion

equation (with negligible absorption for now):


@tfðr; tÞ � DH2fðr; tÞ ¼ Sðr; tÞ; (7.45)

where D is the diffusion coefficient. We assume that the absorption coefficient of

tissue is zero, such that D is given by (see also Sect. 7.1.4):

D ¼ cls3ð1� gÞ

¼ clt=3:


If we assume that all incident light is scattered at depth z0, where z0 ¼ lt, thesource term becomes a delta function S(r,t) ¼ d(0,0), which allows us to find the

Green’s function of the system. We also assume that at the boundary of the tissue,

f ¼ 0. The Green’s function of (7.45) can be used to obtain the 3D solution in

spherical coordinates:

fðr; tÞ ¼ ð4pDtÞ�32e


4Dt : (7.47)

This solution can be converted to cylindrical coordinates:

fðr; z; tÞ ¼ ð4pDtÞ�32 e�


4Dt � e�ðzþz0Þ2þr2


: (7.48)

Using Fick’s law, Jðr; 0; tÞ ¼ �DHfðr; z; tÞjz¼0, we can obtain the final expres-

sion for the time-resolved reflectance:

Rðr; tÞ ¼ ��Jðr; 0; tÞ�� ¼ ð4pDÞ�32z0t



4Dt : (7.49)

276 T. Kim et al.

Page 19: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

By integrating over the entire surface, the final expression for the time-resolved

reflectance can be obtained as:

RðtÞ ¼Z10

Rðr; tÞ2prdr ¼ ð4pDÞ�12z0t



4Dt: (7.50)

In finite tissue of thickness d, boundary conditions can be met by addition of

dipoles as shown in Fig. 7.7 [44]:

Rðd; tÞ ¼ ð4pDÞ�12t�

32 z0e

� z20

4Dt � ð2d � z0Þe�ð2d�z0Þ2

4Dt þ ð2d þ z0Þe�ð2dþz0Þ2


� �: (7.51)

Clearly, performing time-resolved measurements, via OCT, pulsed lasers, or

otherwise, offers yet another path toward retrieving the scattering mean free path, lt,

which in this case is contained in the diffusion equation, D.

7.3 Fourier Transform Light Scattering

As described in the previous sections, light scattering techniques provide informa-

tion that is intrinsically averaged over the measurement volume. Thus, the spatial

resolution is compromised and the scattering contributions from individual

components are averaged. However, recently, phase-sensitive methods have

Tissue thickness dZ=d








Fig. 7.7 Geometry

consideration for

time-resolved reflectance


7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 277

Page 20: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

been employed to directly extract the refractive index of cells and tissues

[45–49]. From this quantitative phase imaging information, the angular scattering

can be obtained via the Born approximation (see Sect. 7.1.3.), as described in

Ref. [50].

Based on quantitative phase imaging (QPI) [51], we developed Fourier transform

light scattering (FTLS) as an approach to study static and dynamic light scattering.

FTLS combines the high spatial resolution associated with optical microscopy and

intrinsic averaging of light scattering techniques. FTLS is not particular to a single

method of QPI, i.e., it is not important how the phase and amplitude information was

obtained from the imaging field. Below, we review FTLS briefly.

7.3.1 Quantitative Phase Imaging Methods

Recently, new QPI techniques have been developed for spatially resolved

investigation of biological structures [52]. Combining phase-shifting interfer-

ometry with Horn microscopy, DRIMAPS (digitally recorded interference

microscopy with automatic phase-shifting) has been proposed as a new tech-

nique for quantitative biology [53, 54]. This quantitative phase imagingtechnique has been successfully used for measuring cell spreading [55], cell

motility [56], cell growth, and dry mass [57]. A full-field quantitative phase

microscopy method was developed also by using the transport-of-irradiance

equation [58, 59]. The technique is inherently stable against phase noise

because it does not require using two separate beams as in typical interferom-

etry experiments. This approach requires however recording images of the

sample displaced through the focus and subsequently solving numerically

partial differential equations.

Digital holography has been developed a few decades ago [60] as a technique

that combines digital recording with traditional holography [61]. Typically, the

phase and amplitude of the imaging field are measured at an out-of-focus plane. By

solving numerically the Fresnel propagation equation, one can determine the field

distribution at various planes. For optically thin objects, this method allows for

reconstructing the in-focus field and, thus, retrieving the phase map characterizing

the sample under investigation. This method has been implemented in combination

with phase-shifting interferometry [62]. More recently, digital holography has been

adapted for quantitative phase imaging of cells [63–65].

In recent years, new full-field quantitative phase imaging techniques have

been developed for studying live cells. The advance of Fourier phase microscopy

(FPM) [66, 67], Hilbert phase microscopy (HPM) [68, 69], and diffraction

phase microscopy (DPM) [70, 71] came in response to the need for high phase

stability over broad temporal scales. Spatial light interference microscopy

(SLIM) has been developed in our laboratory to enhance the phase sensitivity to

unprecedented levels by eliminating the speckles due to the laser illumination

[72–75]. The principles of operation of DPM and SLIM are described below.

278 T. Kim et al.

Page 21: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues Diffraction Phase MicroscopyDiffraction phase microscopy (DPM) [76] combines the single shot feature of

Hilbert phase microscopy (HPM) [68, 69] with the common path interferometry

of Fourier phase microscopy (FPM) [67, 77, 78], making it stable to sub-nanometer

scale while reducing longitudinal noise. The experimental setup (Fig. 7.8) consists

of illumination from the second harmonic of Nd:YAG laser (l ¼ 532 nm) which is

the source for an inverted microscope. The image is formed at the output port. The

image appears to be illuminated by a virtual point source. The field for this point

source is further collimated by a relay lens and replicated at the image plane. The

phase grating at the image plane generates multiple diffraction orders containing

full spatial field information. The Mach-Zehnder spatial filtering setup with two

lenses L1-L2 is used to filter the 0th order beam which acts as the reference and the

1st order diffraction beam which acts as sample field. The 0th order beam is low

pass filtered, so the field is uniform at the CCD plane. The entire frequency content

of the 1st diffraction order is allowed to pass to the CCD by the spatial filter in the

Fourier plane of L1 forming an interferogram at the CCD plane. The common path

geometry reduces longitudinal phase noise. If the spatial modulation is at 45o with

respect to both X and Y axes, the field is of the form [76]:

Eðx; yÞ ¼ ��E0

��ei f0þbðxþyÞ½ � þ ��E1ðx; yÞ��eifðx;yÞ: (7.52)

where E0;1

�� �� and f0;1 are the amplitudes and the phase of the 0th and 1st diffraction

orders while b is the spatial frequency shift induced by the grating to the 0th order.









Fig. 7.8 DPM, FTLS setup: C: Collimator, BS: Beam splitter, S: Sample plane, O: Objective,

M: Mirror, TL: Tube Lens, I: Iris, G: Phase grating, L1-L2: Lenses, DF: Spatial filter

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 279

Page 22: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

The reference field is proportional to the spatial average of the microscope image

field (central ordinate theorem):


��eif0 / 1


Z ��E1ðx; yÞ��eifðx;yÞdxdy; (7.53)

where A is the total image area.

By performing a spatial high pass filter, the cross-term can be isolated as��E0

����E1ðx; yÞ�� cos fðx; yÞ � bðxþ yÞ � f0½ �. For transparent objects, E1(x,y) does

not vary significantly. Using a Hilbert transform, the quantitative phase map,

fðx; yÞ, can be obtained from a single recording [79]. Spatial Light Interference Microscopy (SLIM)Zernike’s phase contrast microscopy is a qualitativemethod of imaging transparent

objects, also termed as phase objects [80–82]. Gabor’s holography enables recoding

of phase and amplitude information of such objects [61]. By combining the two

principles, we developed SLIM, spatial light interference microscopy, which is

a quantitative phase imaging method that uses the white light, spatially coherent

field from a phase contrast microscope [72–75].

A schematic of the SLIM instrument is depicted in Fig. 7.9. SLIM functions by

adding spatial modulation to the image field of a commercial phase contrast

microscope. Besides the conventional p/2 shift introduced in phase contrast

between the scattered and unscattered light from the sample [82], we generated

further phase shifts by increments of p/2. The objective exit pupil, containing the

phase-shifting ring, is imaged via lens L1 onto the surface of a reflective liquid

crystal phase modulator (LCPM, Boulder Nonlinear). The active pattern on the

LCPM is calculated to precisely match the size and position of the phase ring

Phase Contrast Microscope


Fourier Lens L1


Fourier Lens L2


SLIM ModuleFig. 7.9 SLIM setup

280 T. Kim et al.

Page 23: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

image, such that additional phase delay can be controlled between the scattered and

unscattered components of the image field. In this setup, four images corresponding

to each phase shift are recorded (Fig. 7.1b), to produce a quantitative phase image

that is uniquely determined [75].

7.3.2 Scattering-Phase Theorem

The scattering-phase theorem relates the phase distribution of a tissue slice of

thickness L� ls, and scattering parameters ls and g. ls, the scattering mean free path

length when averaged over a certain area, is inversely proportional to the variance

of the phase in that area. The anisotropy factor g is related to the phase gradient

distribution [83]. The derivations are as follows. Proof of the ls-f Relationshipls is defined as the length over which the irradiance of unscattered light drops to 1/eof its original value, which is the Beer–Lambert’s law [83]

I00 ¼ I0e

�L=ls ; (7.62)

where I00 is the intensity of unscattered light passed through the sample and I0 is the

intensity of incident light. In (7.62), I0 ¼��U0

��2 and I00 ¼ ��U0

0��2, where U0 and U00

represent the corresponding amplitudes shown in Fig. 7.10. The measured fieldU0 isa combination of the scattered and unscattered light that passes through the sample.

This contains the phase information measured in quantitative phase measurement


U0ðrÞ ¼ U00 þ U1

0ðrÞ: (7.63)

The unscattered component is the zero frequency or DC component of the field

which is U0, and U1 represents the scattered high-frequency component of light.

This implies that U00 is the spatial average,

U00 ¼ U0 � eifðrÞ

D Er: (7.64)


a bU0�


ls ki

ks q

Fig. 7.10 Scattering-phase

theorem: (a) Light passesthrough tissue of thickness

L; ls is the scattering mean

free path length. (b) ki, ks arethe scattered and incident

wave vectors, q is the

momentum transfer

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 281

Page 24: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

If the phase shifts are normally distributed and the Gaussian function takes the

form exp �f2=2 Df2 �


� �=

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2p Df2


q, the average field in (7.64) is expressed as:

U00 ¼ U0ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

2p Df2 �q



eife� f2

2 Df2h irdf

¼ U0e� Df2h ir

2 :


In (7.65), Df2 �

ris the variance in the phase shift distribution. We also know


U00=U0 ¼



: (7.66)

By combining (7.63), (7.65), (7.66) we get the final expression for scattering

mean free path:

ls ¼ L


ðq:e:d:Þ: (7.67)

While the assumption of Gaussian distribution of phase shifts is made for the

purpose of this derivation, ls can also be calculated in samples with non-Gaussian

phase distribution if the quantitative phase is known. Proof of the g-f Relationshipg is defined as the average cosine of the scattering angle for a single scatteringevent. Since ls is the distance over which light scatters once, g is the average cosineof the field transmitted through ls [83].

g ¼ < cos y>y: (7.68)

The scattering angle y connects the incident and scattered wave vector with

q ¼ ks � ki, where q is the momentum transfer (Fig. 7.10b), as:

cos y ¼ 1� q2


q ¼ 2b0 siny2


The average cosine from (7.68) and (7.69) is:

g ¼ 1� 1


Z Zq2PðqÞqdq; (7.70)

282 T. Kim et al.

Page 25: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

where P(q) is the normalized angular scattering probability distribution of the field

exiting the sample slice with a thickness of ls. P(q) is represented as:

PðqÞ ¼~U0ðqÞ�� ��2R R~U0ðqÞ�� ��2qdq ; (7.71)

where ~U0 is the spatial Fourier transform of U0. From (7.70) and (7.71), we get:

g ¼ 1� 1


Z Zq eU0ðqÞ��� ���2qdq Z Z

~U0ðqÞ�� ��2qdq�: (7.72)

By differentiating the numerator and using Parseval’s theorem on the entire

term, we can express g via spatial-domain integrals [84],

g ¼ 1� 1


Z ZHU0ðrÞj j2rdr

Z Z~U0ðrÞ�� ��2rdr�

: (7.73)

U0 is spatially dependent on phase, U0ðrÞ ¼ U0 � eiflsðrÞ, the gradient can be

expressed as:

HU0ðrÞ ¼ U0ðrÞHflsðrÞ: (7.74)

From (7.73) and (7.74), the expression for g can be simplified to:

g ¼ 1�H½flsðrÞ�j j2

D Er


: (7.75)

Equation (7.75) applies to a slice of thickness ls. For a phase image f(r) obtainedover a thickness L, with L� ls, fls ¼ f ls=L. The anisotropy factor depends on themeasurable phase image as:

g ¼ 1� lsL

� �2 H½fðrÞ�j j2D E



q:e:d:ð Þ: (7.76)

In summary, the scattering-phase theorem relates the phase map of a tissue

slice with the scattering parameters. These quantitative phase imaging maps can be

obtained by anyQPImethod, e.g., DPM and SLIMdescribed in Sects.–

The scattering mean free path and phase relation states that the attenuation caused by

scattering is stronger when the tissue roughness increases, i.e., greater inhomogeneity

leads to stronger scattering. The phase gradient g is the tilt in the light propagation

direction. The relation states that as the square averaged gradient increases, the

probability of higher scattering angles and smaller g increases [83].

Below, we illustrate the capability of QPI and scattering-phase theorem to

provide new insights into scattering properties of tissues.

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 283

Page 26: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

7.3.3 Scattering Parameters of Prostate Tissue

We imaged a tissue microarray slide obtained from University of Illinois at Chicago

using SLIM. Using SLIM equipped with a 10X (0.3NA) objective, we imaged 30 cores

in a final mosaic of 1,025 images, that were stitched together, each containing 1,3881,040 pixels. In Fig. 7.11a, we show a core with cancer of Gleason score 7 (3 + 4). The

grade 3 region is concentrated on the left side of the image and grade 4 (higher grade) is

concentrated on the right side. Using the phase information of the core, we were able to

employ the scattering-phase theorem and calculate the scattering mean free path (ls)and the anisotropy factor (g) as shown in Fig. 7.11b and c, respectively. From the maps,

it is visible that stroma has a higher scattering mean free path than epithelial tissue and

the degree of anisotropy is higher in the region with a higher grade of cancer.

Finally, we show next that using the ls and g information from quantitative phase

imaging, we can now simulate the results of a number of other methods, including

time-resolved reflectance, diffuse reflectance, and enhanced backscattering.

0.97 236











Phase [rad]ls [μm]








Fig. 7.11 Prostate tissue microarray core with cancer. (a) SLIM montage; (b) ls map; (c) g map

284 T. Kim et al.

Page 27: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

7.3.4 Simulation of Traditional Methods

The ability to calculate scattering parameters of tissue is significant as it enables us

to calculate, for example, the time-resolved reflectance and angular backscattering

data for various tissue, regions of interests, and disease states, with great flexibility

provided by our imaging geometry. For these simulations, shown in Fig. 7.11, we

calculated the mean value of ls and g distributions shown in Fig. 7.11, which were

63.89 mm and 0.742, respectively. We plotted the reflectance of tissue versus time

(7.49), reflectance versus r (7.49), as well as the angular enhanced backscattering

(7.37), as shown in Fig. 7.12a–c, respectively.

7.4 Summary

Here we reviewed the main concepts in tissue light scattering and some of the main

experimental methods used in the field. Then, we focused on a new approach to











1 1.5 2



g In



x 10−3

−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0

Angle (radians)


Enhanced backscattering

0 00 0










0.5 1 11.5 2 2

Time (s)





r se





x 10−7 x 10−4

x 106 x 106

2.5 3 3

rho (m)



4 4 5 6



Time-resolved reflectance Diffuse reflectance

Fig. 7.12 Simulations of traditional methods using ls, g values measured via SLIM and the

scattering-phase theorem: (a) Time-resolved reflectance versus time; (b) Reflectance versus

source-detector separation; (c) Enhanced backscattering versus angle

7 Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues 285

Page 28: Fourier Transform Light Scattering of Tissues

measuring tissue scattering properties, which is Fourier transform light scattering

(FTLS). The principle in FTLS can be regarded as the spatial equivalent of Fourier

transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in the sense that it provides angular

scattering information from measurements in the conjugate space (image space)

[48, 50, 85–87]. The most recent advancement in FTLS is the ability to map a tissueslice in terms of its scattering properties, which is a result established by the

scattering-phase theorem [88, 89]. We believe that this capability of retrieving

scattering parameters from particular regions of interest in a biopsy will be key to

overcoming current challenges in optical diagnosis, which are mainly due to

insufficient knowledge and agreement over baseline parameters in healthy and

diseased tissues. We anticipate that our FTLS approach will make a positive impact

into areas of research that employ a variety of other techniques (see Fig. 7.12), by

predicting outcomes of these measurements.


1. V.V. Tuchin, Tissue Optics: Light Scattering Methods and Instruments for Medical Diagnosis(SPIE Press, Bellingham, 2007)

2. A. Wax, V. Backman (eds.), Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering (McGraw-Hill,

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