Four Steps to Successfully Selling Anything (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

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  • Four Steps to Successfully

    Selling Anything

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Successful sales means:

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

    A customer purchases your product Someone accepts your oer Someone invests in your idea Your family is enthusiastic

    You get what you want c

  • He presented for thirty minutes, and everyone thought it had lasted only three minutes and then they bought it!

    The best sales strategy in the



  • Why do we remember

    Little Red Riding Hood after three, ten, twenty, or even after

    fifty years?

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • have your customers often forgotten your

    product presentation after only thirty minutes?

    And why

  • How can you make sure your customers never

    forget again and become enthusiastic


    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Stories have been a means of decision making for thousands of years. Just think about the cave paintings.

    Tell a story

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Forget the facts

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Camembert, Brie, Romadur, Limburger cheese, Muenster, Bresso, Cream cheese,, Gramont cheese, Mainzer hand cheese, Cheese sticks, Butter cheese, Roquefort, Gouda, cheese spread, Emmentaler, Parmesan, Blue cheese

    Little Red Riding Hood packed in her basket

  • Who can remember all that? Who cares?

    A lot of cheese, don't you think?

    Except maybe a cheese counter salesperson or a cheese products wholesaler

  • You never forget stories. Stories are moving and convincing.

    Inspire your audience with a compelling


    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor


    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • It was time to get going, if she was going to be at her grandmothers by lunchtime. She left the house and went on her way.

    Little Red Riding Hood started on her way:

  • Now, here comes another person to present the same thing


    Hint: If the potential customer is texting or yawning

  • Peter Gruber tells this story in his book Tell to win.

    Your relatives are getting slaughtered!

    Terry, your relatives are getting slaughtered! Terry turned around and shouted, What?

    Gruber had Terrys undivided attention and told him about the movie he wanted to produce.

    Terry Semel financed the film.

  • How do good movies start?

    Mostly with an action scene, and then later comes the title and the opening credits, after the viewers are already hooked.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Hook your listeners with a

    strong beginning

    (c) 2014 Joachim Gnster - StoryMaster

  • Big Bad Wolf

    2.(c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • After she arrived at Grannys, she unpacked the cheese and, together with her grandmother, tasted the cheeses. Granny enjoyed the visit and was delighted that Little Red Riding Hood had brought such delicious cheeses.

    Little Red Riding Hood arrives:

  • This presenter is just as boring as the last one, and the one before that

    Still awake?

    Your competitor has the same product and the same arguments.

  • A story needs a villain in order to be effective.

    Where are you going, asked the wolf.

    As Little Red Riding Hood arrived at Grannys, she found her grandmother looked dierent somehow. Granny, what large hands you have!

    The better to grab you with, said the wolf, and he jumped up and devoured the poor Little Red Riding Hood.

  • The villain

    The villain does't have to be a wicked creature like a Big Bad

    Wolf. Back pain or side eects are often good enough.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Create a great emotional high. Compare yourself, not with the competition, rather find another standard. Set up a villain.

    The villain makes your

    product exciting.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • The first kiss

    3.(c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • The girl was wearing a cap:A few weeks ago, she noticed that autumn was coming, and so she took her cap out of the closet. She nearly got buried in all the winter clothes, and yet she found it.

  • What can the customer remember? A cap? How exciting!

    A cap ?

    The same old blah blah blah wont hold his attention. The brain will automatically filter that out in no time!

  • A bright, shiny red hood.

    And because this hood was so remarkable and Little Red Riding Hood loved it so much, everyone soon called her Little Red Riding Hood.

    Then she was unmistakeable.

    And even you still remember Little Red Riding Hood.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Anchor it!

    A mental anchor must be highly memorable and must clearly

    dierentiate itself from its competition.

    Set up something truly memorable. Something they can anchor in their minds. Like the first kiss.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Thats our song. When we first met, there was a wild snowstorm raging.

    Mental anchors produce

    memories and achieve sales.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Closing4.(c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • Red Riding Hood returns:That was very nice, thought Grandmother to herself. The cheese had been delicious. Around 3:00 in the afternoon, Little Red Riding Hood started on her way back. She would visit again later.

  • Lets talk on the phone, then.

    Most salespeople dont sell, rather they have a nice conversation.

    For fear of receiving a No, most salespeople shy away from the close and instead talk about an enthusiastic customer that they are about to meet again.

  • That little word please works real wonders.

    Please sign here

    As soon as the customer is ready, the salesperson has to close.

  • The close

    At the end of the story, use the emotionally anchored

    argument and then: Please sign here.

    (c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

  • These are the four simple

    steps to selling anything


    Ignore these instructions at your own risk!

    Emotional Highs

    Memory Anchor

    Powerful Closing

    Strong opening

  • Learn how to sell anything to anybody

    Special OfferONLY $ 16 Offer ends Jan 31st, 2015

    StorySculptor special offer

  • And get the whole story and much more in this free ebook,

    NOW!(c) 2014 Joachim Guenster - StorySculptor

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