FOUNDATIONS OF ENG. & TECH. Can You Name This Person?

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Page 3: FOUNDATIONS OF ENG. & TECH. Can You Name This Person?

Can You Name This Person?

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Stereotypes of a “Technologist”:

1. Older male

2. Pocket protector

3. Glasses

4. Lab coat or other, similar garment

5. Funny beard and/or hair

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Page 6: FOUNDATIONS OF ENG. & TECH. Can You Name This Person?

Name SomeFamousTechnologists

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• Thomas Edison – Light bulb, phonograph, etc.

• Nicola Tesla – Electrical fields, AC power systems

• Johannes Guttenberg- Movable-type printing press

• Ben Franklin – Bifocals, lightning rod, etc.

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Must have it to survive

Make survival more comfortable

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of a Technologist

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Just like Org! In trying to satisfy his need for food, Org was becoming the

world’s first technologist by using the materials

available to him to modify his environment to solve

problems that met a need; in his case, hunger!

SO…what IS the definition of technology?

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The Process of combining

Past Experiences (All Human Knowledge)

Including materials and processeswith

Present Discoveries(Either on purpose or by accident)


Solve Problemsthat

Satisfy People’s Needs and Wants

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Introduction to Technology

Technology - the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities.

Technologist - a person who applies the process of technology to solve problems.

Tool - a work saving device that HELPS a technologist do work.

Machine - a work saving device that can do work WITHOUT HELP. So, yes; a paper clip is technically a “machine”

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Introduction to TechnologyCommunication - the act of sending and receiving information.

Production - making something. There are two types: Manufacturing (Mass Production) and Custom (Construction - one at a time). Energy - the ability to do work. Two types: Potential (at rest) Kinetic (in motion).Power - the use of energy to do work.

Transportation- moving something from place to place.

Bio-Related - the practical application of mechanical devices, products, substances or organisms to improve the human condition or contribute to the harmony between humans and the environment.

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Introduction to TechnologyThe Seven Types of Resources Available to a

Technologist are……•People•Tools & Machines•Materials

Raw - in it’s natural state

Processed - forced to conform to size/shape

Manufactured - pre-made/ assembled

Synthetic - man-made, not found in nature

•Time•Capital - Money or other wealth invested in a business.



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Introduction to TechnologyTechnologists use two System Models

•Closed Loop System

•Open Loop System

•Input - Information, ideas and activities that we need to provide to determine what you want to accomplish•Process - The conversion of ideas or activities through the use of machines, resources and labor into useful products•Output - What the system produces.

•Feedback - the part of a system that measures and controls the outcome of a system






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Introduction to TechnologyFree Enterprise - An economic system where people have the freedom to create ways to make money for themselves and compete with others doing the same thing.Capitalist - a person who uses their money or other property as investments to make MORE money or property in return. Entrepreneur - a person who starts their own business and takes the risk.Management - hired by the owner to make decisions in a business. Their job is to keep the business running successfully.Labor - hired to do the actual work in a business. They take directions from the management.

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Introduction to TechnologyProfit - The goal of a successful business - it’s the money that is left over after all bills and payroll have been paid. A profit is made when a product is sold for at least one cent more than it cost to produce it.Loss - when a business (on purpose or by force) sells a product for less than it costs to produce it.

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Introduction to TechnologyThe Law of Supply and Demand

(The game played by the producers of a product and the consumer of that product) or the reason you pay 150.00 for a 15.00 pair of shoes.

1. Change the Price -

•Raise it - when demand is more than supply

•Lower it - when supply is more than demand

•Leave it alone - when supply equals demand

Three Strategies that affect Supply and Demand

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Introduction to Technology

2. Change Production -

•Build-on and add-on if demand stays more than supply for a long period of time

•Close factories and/or lay-off labor if supply is more than demand for a long period of time

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Introduction to Technology

3. Advertise -

•The process of convincing consumers, (through communication technologies), that they MUST have a product from a company at the price that company has set. (This is how Michael Jordan makes most of his money)