T HE time-worn proverb that necessity mothers invention is nowhere more axiomatic than in the present global conflict. It is well known that in wartime the vital demand for science to discover and produce is increased a hundred-fold, for existence of a nation may hang upon the creative genius of its scientists. During the past five years martial pressure has fostered aeronautical evolution and accomplished what might have taken fifty or sixty years in peacetime. With America on the sidelines watching the beginnings of war on September 3, 1939, the British Royal Air Force and the Nazi Luftwaffe hurled superb fighting aircraft into combat. That the French did not arm themselves with warplanes of appreciable quality proved the deciding factor in the crushing defeat of June, 1940. Meanwhile, a small British air arm was crushing hordes of Luftwaffe planes over the British Isles ― and America saw the importance of quality, the impotence of quantity alone. Almost at once engineers and designers 3,000 miles from Dunkerque altered construction of front-line fighters through refabrication of hundreds of planes. Production lines were readied for conversion to the manufacture of more powerful warbirds. Performance improving devices were evolved as a result of lessons learned from the aerial duels over Europe. Then war struck at the United States on December 7th; 1941, before complete production of the new weapons could have any noticeable effect upon the enemy. Bugs had to be ironed out of new experimental aircraft. Conversion of existing plants and building of others would take valuable time. American forces fell back against an enemy hopelessly superior in quality and quantity. Our lend-lease fighters, the Buffaloes, Hawks and Mohawks, were all falling easy prey to enemy guns. The old Boeing B-17B and B-17C Flying Fortresses proved inferior to standards of European warfare, and were condemned by the British after many of the giant craft were destroyed by Nazi fighters. But as we fought with our backs to the wall, then slowly withdrew from our island possessions, heavy casualties were inflicted on the Axis hordes. Important information was absorbed from our first actual aerial conflicts with the enemy and rushed back to the States. Before long, the prime failing of our fighting machines insufficient firepower ― was remedied. The old Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats with four .50- cal machine guns had joined with rugged Curtiss P-40s to stop the onrush of the Nipponese armies. Boeing B-17C Fortresses were improved sufficiently in the B-17D versions to go out against Jap interceptors. American warplanes soon had as much as a two to one armament advantage over Japanese machines and were on an equal footing with the deadly German warplane. That we have come a long way is obvious when one compares the present force of the Republic Thunderbolt's eight 50-cal. wing guns to the old .30- cal guns of the Curtiss P-36 Mohawks. Or consider the whiplash of the Lockheed Lightning with its five guns and cannon located in the nose of America' s most versatile fighter. Similarly, the 200- pound bomb load of the early Grumman Wildcat has given way to the 5,200-pound load of Lockheed P-38J Lightnings. Firepower has also become important in the aerial defense tactics of our day- raiding bombers, as evidenced by latest armament specifications. A day bombardment machine must battle its way through swarms of German interceptors studded with rocket projectiles, machine guns and cannon ― by no means a choice assignment even for the most powerfully armed aerial dreadnaught, The Boeing B-17G5 Fortress and Convair B-24K Liberator medium-heavy bombers are fine examples of powerfully defended aircraft. Not only do they reach and destroy their .intended objectives, but usually eliminate large numbers of opposing fighters. These two airplanes have good speed for their size, but unless a heavy bomber can advance its maximum speed substantially under combat conditions, as can the mighty Boeing B-29 Superfortress and Consolidated-Vultee B-32 superbomber, speed does not become a defensive tactic to evade the enemy. The B-17G5 and B-24K must rely upon their own defensive fire-power. Five years of bitterly fought air war have taught us the necessity for aeronautical improvement in many other aspects as well. Boeing Fortresses above 40,000 feet demand every possible protection for crew and ship against the extreme cold. De-icers must function perfectly every second while the giant bomber is in or above the eight mile level; sixty-seven degrees below zero will freeze an entire wing in a matter of seconds. Gun and engine oils had to be adapted to operate under abnormal conditions; the average oil becomes a sticky, soggy mass at the extreme altitudes where the Fortress fights. Shock-absorbing rubber underwent constant experimentation. At 40,000 feet and above, rubber will snap like a brittle piece of straw. The metal skin on a plane actually shrinks away from its coating of paint in the incredible atmosphere. Control systems, instruments, oxygen feed lines, fuel cells, hydraulic controls, high altitude suits for the crew ― all these had to be still further developed and improved. The combat successes of the Liberator above 36,000 feet and the Fortress at above 40,000 feet again testify to the perseverance and ingenuity of our aerial scientists and engineers. Perhaps the finest example of what five years of air war has taught us is seen in the mightiest aerial weapon of all, the B-29. As the pinnacle of contemporary air progress, this gargantuan flying machine deserves our closer scrutiny. Operating under command of the 20th Air Force Headquarters in the Pentagon Building in Washington, D. C., the Superfortresses are the ultimate in bomber design for World War II. As evidence of the ability of the Superfort's fire system, the B-29 turrets usually accommodate only two .50-cal. machine guns instead of the full emplacement for four weapons. More ammunition may be carried in this manner and service model B-29s are armed with a 20-mm tail cannon plus the twin machine guns for increased range of rear defensive weapons. Total armament of the Superfort is ten .50-cal. guns and one 20-mm cannon. Comfort was a major factor in designing crew positions. Long raids carried out by Liberators showed that no man is capable of staying wide awake for long periods, Ability of the Superfortresses to cruise for great lengths of time at high speeds meant the crew must have sleeping quarters and food. The pressurization and turret equipment for the Superfortress is the most efficient yet installed on any combat machine. The B-29 is equipped with all necessary pressurized heating equipment to maintain 8,000 foot comfort to the peak of its ceiling.

Fortresses proved inferior to standards aeronautical

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Page 1: Fortresses proved inferior to standards aeronautical


HE time-worn proverb that

necessity mothers invention is

nowhere more axiomatic than in the

present global conflict. It is well known

that in wartime the vital demand for

science to discover and produce is

increased a hundred-fold, for existence

of a nation may hang upon the creative

genius of its scientists. During the past

five years martial pressure has fostered

aeronautical evolution and accomplished

what might have taken fifty or sixty

years in peacetime.

With America on the sidelines

watching the beginnings of war on

September 3, 1939, the British Royal Air

Force and the Nazi Luftwaffe hurled

superb fighting aircraft into combat.

That the French did not arm themselves

with warplanes of appreciable quality

proved the deciding factor in the

crushing defeat of June, 1940.

Meanwhile, a small British air arm

was crushing hordes of Luftwaffe planes

over the British Isles ― and America

saw the importance of quality, the

impotence of quantity alone. Almost at

once engineers and designers 3,000

miles from Dunkerque altered

construction of front-line fighters

through refabrication of hundreds of

planes. Production lines were readied for

conversion to the manufacture of more

powerful warbirds. Performance

improving devices were evolved as a

result of lessons learned from the aerial

duels over Europe.

Then war struck at the United States

on December 7th; 1941, before complete

production of the new weapons could

have any noticeable effect upon the

enemy. Bugs had to be ironed out of

new experimental aircraft. Conversion

of existing plants and building of others

would take valuable time. American

forces fell back against an enemy

hopelessly superior in quality and

quantity. Our lend-lease fighters, the

Buffaloes, Hawks and Mohawks, were

all falling easy prey to enemy guns. The

old Boeing B-17B and B-17C Flying

Fortresses proved inferior to standards

of European warfare, and were

condemned by the British after many of

the giant craft were destroyed by Nazi

fighters. But as we fought with our

backs to the wall, then slowly withdrew

from our island possessions, heavy

casualties were inflicted on the Axis

hordes. Important information was

absorbed from our first actual aerial

conflicts with the enemy and rushed

back to the States.

Before long, the prime failing of our

fighting machines ― insufficient

firepower ― was remedied. The old

Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats with four .50-

cal machine guns had joined with

rugged Curtiss P-40s to stop the onrush

of the Nipponese armies. Boeing B-17C

Fortresses were improved sufficiently in

the B-17D versions to go out against Jap

interceptors. American warplanes soon

had as much as a two to one armament

advantage over Japanese machines and

were on an equal footing with the deadly

German warplane.

That we have come a long way is

obvious when one compares the present

force of the Republic Thunderbolt's

eight 50-cal. wing guns to the old .30-

cal guns of the Curtiss P-36 Mohawks.

Or consider the whiplash of the

Lockheed Lightning with its five guns

and cannon located in the nose of

America' s most versatile fighter.

Similarly, the 200- pound bomb load of

the early Grumman Wildcat has given

way to the 5,200-pound load of

Lockheed P-38J Lightnings.

Firepower has also become important

in the aerial defense tactics of our day-

raiding bombers, as evidenced by latest

armament specifications. A day

bombardment machine must battle its

way through swarms of German

interceptors studded with rocket

projectiles, machine guns and cannon ―

by no means a choice assignment even

for the most powerfully armed aerial

dreadnaught, The Boeing B-17G5

Fortress and Convair B-24K Liberator

medium-heavy bombers are fine

examples of powerfully defended

aircraft. Not only do they reach and

destroy their .intended objectives, but

usually eliminate large numbers of

opposing fighters. These two airplanes

have good speed for their size, but

unless a heavy bomber can advance its

maximum speed substantially under

combat conditions, as can the mighty

Boeing B-29 Superfortress and

Consolidated-Vultee B-32 superbomber,

speed does not become a defensive

tactic to evade the enemy. The B-17G5

and B-24K must rely upon their own

defensive fire-power.

Five years of bitterly fought air war

have taught us the necessity for

aeronautical improvement in many other

aspects as well. Boeing Fortresses

above 40,000 feet demand every

possible protection for crew and ship

against the extreme cold. De-icers must

function perfectly every second while

the giant bomber is in or above the eight

mile level; sixty-seven degrees below

zero will freeze an entire wing in a

matter of seconds. Gun and engine oils

had to be adapted to operate under

abnormal conditions; the average oil

becomes a sticky, soggy mass at the

extreme altitudes where the Fortress

fights. Shock-absorbing rubber

underwent constant experimentation. At

40,000 feet and above, rubber will snap

like a brittle piece of straw. The metal

skin on a plane actually shrinks away

from its coating of paint in the

incredible atmosphere. Control systems,

instruments, oxygen feed lines, fuel

cells, hydraulic controls, high altitude

suits for the crew ― all these had to be

still further developed and improved.

The combat successes of the Liberator

above 36,000 feet and the Fortress at

above 40,000 feet again testify to the

perseverance and ingenuity of our aerial

scientists and engineers.

Perhaps the finest example of what

five years of air war has taught us is

seen in the mightiest aerial weapon of

all, the B-29.

As the pinnacle of contemporary air

progress, this gargantuan flying machine

deserves our closer scrutiny. Operating

under command of the 20th Air Force

Headquarters in the Pentagon Building

in Washington, D. C., the

Superfortresses are the ultimate in

bomber design for World War II.

As evidence of the ability of the

Superfort's fire system, the B-29 turrets

usually accommodate only two .50-cal.

machine guns instead of the full

emplacement for four weapons. More

ammunition may be carried in this

manner and service model B-29s are

armed with a 20-mm tail cannon plus

the twin machine guns for increased

range of rear defensive weapons. Total

armament of the Superfort is ten .50-cal.

guns and one 20-mm cannon.

Comfort was a major factor in

designing crew positions. Long raids

carried out by Liberators showed that no

man is capable of staying wide awake

for long periods, Ability of the

Superfortresses to cruise for great

lengths of time at high speeds meant the

crew must have sleeping quarters and

food. The pressurization and turret

equipment for the Superfortress is the

most efficient yet installed on any

combat machine. The B-29 is equipped

with all necessary pressurized heating

equipment to maintain 8,000 foot

comfort to the peak of its ceiling.

Page 2: Fortresses proved inferior to standards aeronautical
Page 3: Fortresses proved inferior to standards aeronautical

The success of the laminar flow

wing in the Mustang, and the Davis

airfoil of the Liberator has contributed

to design of the Boeing 117 wing

structure, which presents a minimum

of drag in fight. An increase of

nineteen percent for wing area when

landing is provided by giant flaps

which slide out in sections from the

inner rear of the 142-foot wing.

American flying boats have proved

to be the most efficient in the world.

No transport or passenger flying boat

has come near to equaling the

magnificent record of the forty-two

and a half ton Boeing 314A trans-

Atlantic and trans-Pacific clipper.

Vought's Excalibur and the civil

version of the Convair Coronado will

prove to be the smaller four engine

transports for Yank airlines.

The three mightiest aircraft ever

devised for the nation's airlines are

already under flight and mockup

testing. Martin's stupendous seventy-

four-ton JRM-1 Mars has proved so

efficient under cargo-carrying

conditions that design alterations have

been made and the ship will be ready

for use following the cessation of

hostilities. Passenger types of this

aircraft will carry as many as 150

passengers on 5,000-mile non-stop

hops. If not for the wartime

development of giant cargo flying

boats, these aircraft would not have

existed for perhaps another ten years.

The last five years of aeronautical

progress have made them possible.

Douglas already has its post-war

DC-7 in the mockup stage. Known as

the world' s largest transport plane, the

giant aircraft was made possible

through lessons and experience gained

in the servicing and fabrication of its

smaller counterpart, the Douglas DC-

6, evolved from the old DC-4 which

was sold to Japan in 1939. This is the

first indication of the true super-

airliner of the future.

Perhaps the greatest and most

efficient airliner ever released to the

public for future use is the

Consolidated-Vultee super six-engined

transport. It now has an official but

secret designation in the USAAF, will

carry over 400 passengers for

peacetime duty at high altitudes while

maintaining a high cruising speed.

Powered by six thundering engines of

restricted power rating, the Convair

model has a gigantic wingspread of

300 feet. In volume, the airliner will

surpass anything yet devised by any


Thus it is that a scant five years in

which planes have devastated a world

at war have, at the same time, brought

the essential flying tools for world


This article was originally published in

the November, 1944, issue of Air

News magazine, vol 7, no 5, pp 26-27.

The original was printed on 9½ by

12¾ inch paper. The images have been

reduced to fit on A-size paper.

Photos credited to Boeing, Rudy

Arnold, Chance Vought, Lockheed,

Douglas, TWA.