DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST! Fall Semester Exam Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. Which of the following describes the relative location of the continental United States? a. north of Mexico and north of Canada c. south of Mexico and south of Canada b. north of Mexico and south of Canada d. south of Mexico and north of Canada 2. Which body of water separates Europe from North America? a. Indian Ocean c. Atlantic Ocean b. Pacific Ocean d. Arctic Ocean 3. What is the main difference between a command and market economy? a. supply and demand c. government control of production b. competition between businesses d. availability of natural resources 4. Which of the following is an example of unlimited government? a. constitutional monarchy c. democracy b. republic d. dictatorship 5. Citizens of the United States are required to pay taxes. This is an example of a - a. Responsibility c. service b. Right d. tradition 1

Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,

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Page 1: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,


Fall Semester Exam

Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following describes the relative location of the continental United States?a. north of Mexico and north of Canada c. south of Mexico and south of Canadab. north of Mexico and south of Canada d. south of Mexico and north of Canada

2. Which body of water separates Europe from North America?a. Indian Ocean c. Atlantic Oceanb. Pacific Ocean d. Arctic Ocean

3. What is the main difference between a command and market economy?a. supply and demand c. government control of productionb. competition between businesses d. availability of natural resources

4. Which of the following is an example of unlimited government?a. constitutional monarchy c. democracyb. republic d. dictatorship

5. Citizens of the United States are required to pay taxes. This is an example of a -a. Responsibility c. serviceb. Right d. tradition

6. In a limited government, who has the most authority?a. President c. courtsb. Congress d. people

7. Dictatorship is to one as oligarchy is to –a. Few c. allb. Many d. none


Business owners make their own


Individuals can start their own businesses

Supply and demand influences prices

Page 2: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,


8. The items listed above help to define which type of system?a. Command Economy c. Democratic Governmentb. Limited Government d. Free Enterprise Economy

9. Which pair of geographic factors might discourage the settlement of societies past and present?a. deserts, mountains c. mountains, riversb. plains, hills d. plains, deserts

10. A place’s latitude is its location – a. north or south of the Equator c. east or west of the Equatorb. north or south of the Prime Meridian d. east or west of the Prime Meridian

11. Which of the following statements best describes Hinduism?a. It began in Japan and is based on a belief in an afterlife.b. It began in Israel and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.c. It began in China and is based on the sayings of Confucius. d. It began in India and is based on a belief in reincarnation and karma

12. Which is an example of absolute location?a. "northwest of Boston, Massachusetts" b. "near the Prime Meridian"c. "on the border between Pakistan and India"d. "40° south latitude, 20° west longitude"

13. Which term refers to a legal member of a country?a. Citizen c. Resourceb. Culture d. Trait

14. Which term refers to the conflict between unlimited desires and limited resources?a. Citizen c. Scarcityb. Culture d. government

15. Which part of social studies is the study of people, places, and the environment?a. Economics c. Geographyb. History d. Government

16. This chart shows examples of how _____ affects the way people live and work in Europe.


Page 3: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,

DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST!a. the use of natural resources c. the level of population densityb. skilled work force d. advanced technology

17. Healthcare, informational technology, and banking are examples of a. wholesale industries c. manufacturing industriesb. service industries d. agriculture industries

18. Which is an example of a natural region?a. City c. tundrab. farm d. nation

19. A cartographer is someone whoa. Studies animal life. c. Removes natural barriers.b. Analyzes migration. d. Makes maps.

The queen of Britain since 1952, Queen Elizabeth II is a durable and popular monarch who has provided some measure of royal continuity while adapting to the changes of the late 20th century.

Formally, the queen has extensive powers, or prerogatives, including: the right to summon, dismiss, or dissolve parliament, assent to legislation, call a leader to form a government, make appointments, give honors, issue pardons, and command the armed forces. She maintains regular contact with government ministers and reads Cabinet papers, agendas, and the daily summaries of parliamentary proceedings. However, she has little genuine authority to govern or even to influence the governing of the nation and most of these duties are purely ceremonial.

Source: ABC-Clio

20. Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the box?a. Britain is a dictatorship controlled by a monarch.b. The monarch of Britain is a ceremonial position.c. The Queen of England is elected to her position.d. The British Empire once controlled all of Europe

21. Iran has a theocracy, Saudi Arabia has a monarchy, and the United States has a constitutional republic. Based on this information, these countries have different forms of –

a. economic systems c. health careb. education d. government

22. How is the President of the USA different from dictators?a. The President's authority comes from the people.b. The President is elected by the Supreme Court.c. Dictators are always elected for six consecutive terms.d. Dictators must always follow the rule of law.


Page 4: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,


Speaker A – My government is ruled by a queen.

Speaker B – My government is ruled by a dictator.

Speaker C – My government is ruled by the citizens.

Speaker D – My government is ruled by a few religious leaders.

23. Which speaker is referring to a type of government in which many people participate in decision-making?a. Speaker A c. Speaker Cb. Speaker B d. Speaker D

24. On a map, a line that runs parallel to the equator is a line of -a. Latitude c. longitudeb. Location d. projection

25. The most accurate representation of the world is a-a. Mercator Projection c. Homolosine Projectionb. Robinson Projection d. Globe

26. On a map, what lines run north to south?a. Latitude c. Equator b. Longitude d. Projection

27. Which of the following statements best describes Buddhism?a. It began in India and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha.b. It began in Mecca and is based on the teachings of Muhammad.c. It began in China and is based on the sayings of Confucius. d. It began in India and is based on a belief in Jesus Christ


Page 5: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,


28. Which of the following is represented by letter “A” on the map?a. North America c. Europeb. South America d. Africa

29. Which of the following is represented by letter “B” on the map?a. North America c. Europeb. South America d. Africa

30. Which of the following is represented by letter “C” on the map?a. North America c. Europeb. Asia d. Africa

31. Which of the following is represented by letter “E” on the map?a. Atlantic Ocean c. Indian Oceanb. Pacific Ocean d. Gulf of Mexico

32. Ramadan is a practice observed by believers of which religion?a. Hinduism c. Christianityb. Islam d. Judaism

33. A common characteristic of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is…a. The belief in more than one god c. The belief in reincarnationb. The belief in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit d. The belief in the God of Abraham

34. Christian, Muslim, and Jewish people all consider which city to be holy?a. Bethlehem c. Jerusalemb. Cairo d. Mecca



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35. Which city lies closest to the Equator?a. Moscow c. Cape Townb. Quito d. Brisbane

36. Which city lies closest to 0° longitude?a. Kinshasa c. Cape Townb. Washington, D.C. d. London

37. Which city lies 20°south of Mexico City?a. Washington, D.C. c. Quitob. Dallas d. Delhi

38. Which city lies 80° east of London?a. Washington, D.C. c. Delhib. Beijing d. Jerusalem

39. Which city lies at about the same latitude as Washington, D.C.?a. Beijing c. Riyadhb. Buenos Aires d. Mexico City

40. Which city is located at about the same longitude as Quito?a. Kinshasa c. Buenos Airesb. Toronto d. Dallas

41. What is the location of Quito?a. 0° latitude, 80° west longitude c. 20° north latitude, 80° west longitudeb. 80° west latitude, 0° longitude d. 20° south latitude, 80° east longitude

42. What is the approximate location of Kinshasa?a. 5° north, 15° west c. 5° north, 15° eastb. 5° south, 15° west d. 5° south, 15° east


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43. What was the energy consumption per person in North Dakota?a. 201 BTUs c. 555 BTUsb. 458 BTUs d. 941 BTUs

44. Which state had energy consumption per person of 941 BTUs?a. Indiana c. Alaskab. Louisiana d. Florida

45. What was the average energy consumption per person in Alabama in 1997?a. 201 BTUs c. 458 BTUsb. 246 BTUs d. 555 BTUs

46. In how many of the states shown was energy consumption higher than in Alabamaa. One c. Threeb. Two d. Four

47. In which state was the average energy consumption more than double that of Indiana?a. Alabama c. North Dakotab. Louisiana d. Florida

48. Which state’s energy consumption was lower than Indiana’s?a. Alabama c. North Dakotab. Louisiana d. Florida

49. Which statement about Hawaii’s average energy consumption in 1997 is true?a. It was higher than Alabama’s c. It was less than half of Florida’s b. It was about 200 BTUs per person d. It was almost 300 BTUs per person

50. The language, customs, and beliefs that a group of people share are part of its –a. Economy c. cultureb. Environment d. government


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51. Which of the following identifies the intersection of the Prime Meridian and the equator?a. A c. Cb. B d. D

52. The letter G marks the approximate location of Sidney, Australia. What is its latitude and longitude?a. 30 degrees west, 150 degrees north c. 30 degrees south, 150 degrees eastb. 30 degrees north, 150 degrees south d. 30 degrees east, 150 degrees south

53. Things that people make to help them produce goods and services are known as –a. human resources c. scarce resourcesb. natural resources d. capital resources

54. Which is a theme of geography?a. Religion c. Languageb. Movement d. Government

55. Who makes the laws in a totalitarian government?a. The people c. Representativesb. The rulers d. The voters

56. The study of the past is known asa. Interdependence c. Historyb. Culture d. Economics


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57. Based on the information above, if supply of a product is limited, but demand is high, how would the price be affected?

a. It would go up c. It would stay the same b. It would go down d. It would reach equilibrium

58. Which of these is a natural resource?a. Electricity c. Educationb. Shoe factory d. Fertile soil

59. Which term refers to a group of places that have features in common?a. Location c. Regionb. Adaptation d. Movement

60. What would be the correct title of the diagram above?a. Categories of Economies c. Types of Enterprisesb. Types of Industries d. Factors of Production

61. Educational opportunities, peace, and freedom are examples of a. Pull factors c. Push factorsb. Barriers to movement d. Relative locations

62. Which geographical theme focuses on cultural adaptations to natural resources?a. Location c. Placeb. Human-environment interaction d. Region


Page 10: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,

DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST!63. How is a globe different from a map?

a. It is more distorted c. It is easier to carry and useb. It has only two dimensions d. It is a more accurate model of the world

64. The United States is an example of a country with what type of economy?a. Socialist c. Free Marketb. Traditional d. Command

65. A population map is an example of what type of map?a. Physical c. Politicalb. Thematic d. Landform

66. In a command economy, most production decisions are made by.a. The government c. individual businessesb. Consumers d. banks

67. Language & beliefs are examples of a. Religion c. Economyb. Government d. Culture traits

68. What is the study of how resources are managed in the production, exchange, and use of goods and services?a. Government c. Religionb. Economics d. Culture

69. .What is a way of showing the Earth’s curved surface on a flat map?a. Globe c. Map projectionb. Textbook d. Encyclopedia

70. Location, region, place, movement, and human-environment interaction are examples ofa. Culture Traits c. Types of Governmentb. Five Themes of Geography d. Types of Economy

Select the letter of the term, name, or phrase that best matches each description. Note: Some letters may not be used. Some may be used more than once.

a. Absolute location b. Latitudec. Longitude d. Migrate e. Relative location

71. A system of imaginary lines that run between the North and South Poles

72. Where one place is in comparison to another place

73. A measure of distance north or south of the Equator

74. To move from one area and settle in another

75. The exact spot on Earth where a place can be found


Page 11: Fort Bend ISD · Web view80 west latitude, 0 longituded. 20 south latitude, 80 east longitude What is the approximate location of Kinshasa? 5 north, 15 westc. 5 north, 15 east 5 south,

DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST!76. In economies, there are natural resources and non-natural resources. A natural resource is -

A. from nature and used by peopleB. made by people in factoriesC. the skills and abilities of a workerD. made by people in laboratories

77. Agricultural industries include all of the following except -A. foodsB. miningC. manufacturingD. minerals

78. Which of the following lists describes categories of industries?A. culture, economics, geography, historyB. agriculture, manufacturing, retail, serviceC. chevrolet, ford, honda, Toyota

79. Healthcare, informational technology, and banking are examples of -A. wholesale industriesB. service industriesC. manufacturing industriesD. agriculture industries

80. The collection of raw materials constitutes this sector of industry.A. primary/ agriculturalB. secondary/ manufacturingC. tertiary/ wholesaleD. quaternary/ research

81. In industry the conversion of raw materials into finished products occurs in the -A. agricultural sectorB. manufacturing sectorC. wholesale sectorD. service sector

82. Processing of natural resources, production of goods, and the development of ideas and services relates to types of -A. culturesB. governmentsC. industriesD. regions

83. Target and Walmart are parts of the -A. Primary/ agricultural industryB. Secondary/ manufacturing industryC. Tertiary/ retail industryD. Tertiary/ service industry

84. In China, processing computer chips is a common factory job. Which type of industry is this?A. Primary/ agricultural/extractionB. Secondary/ manufacturing


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DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST!C. Tertiary/ wholesale/retailD. Quaternary/ service

85. In Mexico, corn is a major crop. Farming it is considered which type of industry?A. Primary/ agriculturalB. Secondary/ manufacturingC. Tertiary/ wholesale/retailD. Tertiary/ service

86. In Africa, diamonds are mined in some areas. Removing the diamonds from the land is which level of industry?A. Primary/ Agricultural/extractionB. Secondary/ manufacturingC. Tertiary/ wholesale/retailD. Tertiary/ service

87. Use the information in the list and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.• Infant Mortality Rate• Literacy Rate• Per Capita Income

88. What would be an appropriate title for the list?A. Characteristics of Economic DevelopmentB. Factors of ProductionC. Important Geographic ResourcesD. Rights and Responsibilities

89. Which of these geographic features is most likely to be a barrier to economic development?A. coastlineB. fertile plainC. mountainsD. rivers



Label the following items on the map…Northern HemisphereWestern HemisphereNorth AmericaAfricaAntarcticaIndian Ocean