Bank journal CeBIT 2009 special edition KEBA – the perfect partner for self-service cash recycling

forself-servicecashrecycling · The diagram shows that the number of fraud cases in Japan decreased by almost 60 percent and that finger vein biometrics could help to reduce the amount

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Page 1: forself-servicecashrecycling · The diagram shows that the number of fraud cases in Japan decreased by almost 60 percent and that finger vein biometrics could help to reduce the amount

Bank journal CeBIT 2009 special edition

KEBA – the perfect partnerfor self-service cash recycling

Page 2: forself-servicecashrecycling · The diagram shows that the number of fraud cases in Japan decreased by almost 60 percent and that finger vein biometrics could help to reduce the amount





What awaits you on the KEBA stand at the CeBIT Page 3

KEBA – the perfect partner for self-service cash recycling Page 4

BiometricsA highly reliable biometric solution Page 6Contactless fingerprint process Page 8A rich vein – banking technology using biometrics Page 10

2009 is the “Year of the Coin” Page 12

First class support for top class products Page 14

Dear Reader,

It is a special pleasure to be able touse this year’s edition of the “Im TrendCeBIT Special” to show you whyKEBA is the preferred choice when itcomes to banking automation. Youcan gather information as to how avariety of biometric solutions cancontribute to enhanced bank terminalsecurity and read why 2009 is the“Year of the Coin.”

In addition, you can learn more aboutKEBA’s flexible customer service andhow you can use our full coverage,top quality support system, whichabove all is tailor-made to your indi-vidual requirements.

I wish you a successful and interestingCeBIT and a pleasurable read!

Yours sincerely,

Franz Berger MBA, KEBA Bankingand Service Automation BusinessManager

Imprint:Media proprietor and publisher KEBA AG, 4041 Linz, Gewerbepark Urfahr, Postfach 111, Phone: +43 732 7090-0,Fax: +43 732 730910, E-Mail: [email protected], www.keba.com. Editor: Nina Lang, E-Mail: [email protected],Uta Apfelknab, E-Mail: [email protected], Layout: Andreas Mair




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For some 40 years, the KEBA auto-mation specialists, who are based inLinz/Austria, have been providinginnovative, top quality solutions in thebanking automation segment on thebasis of an extremely flexible workingapproach.

At the CeBIT 09, KEBA will not onlybe exhibiting its highly cost-efficientKePlus self-service terminals with cashcycle technology and a KePlus stand-alone coin deposit system, but alsotechnical features such as softwaretools for the optimization of KePlusATMs and three biometric solutionsfor increased bank terminal security.

One of the innovative self-servicesystems on display will be a fullyequipped KePlus X6, which offers acomprehensive solution for counter-free bank branches. This system isespecially suitable for extremely smallbranches as it covers the entire rangeof important cash-related functions.Moreover, the KePlus X6 is also in itselement in large and medium-sizedbanks.

At the CeBIT 09, KEBA will also beproviding visitors with insights into thetechnical diversity of its self-servicesystems in the form of the KePlusBordComputer, KePlus LogViewer andKePlus ServiceInfo software tools.

Increased bank terminal security will beon show in the shape of the KePlus R6,the ATM of the future, which is equip-ped with KEBA’s full range of safetyfeatures. Apart from EPP privacy pro-tection, safeguards against manipula-tion, the CPK+ anti-skimming moduleand an ink dye system, the focus willbe on the possibilities for videosurveillance.

The topic of biometry also offers nu-merous approaches for greater financesector security and for this reason, atthis year’s CeBIT, KEBA will be presen-ting three different biometric solutions:

Finger vein authenticationThe finger vein authentication modulefrom Hitachi made its debut at theCeBIT in 2006 and last year, KEBA pre-sented a more advanced version, which

ImTrend_CeBIT 2009

offers the possibility for safe ATM with-drawals and deposits using biometry.

PalmSecureWith PalmSecure, Fujitsu offers aninnovative system for authentication inthe banking field, e.g. customer identi-fication by rendering the veins in thehand visible.

Contactless fingerprintsTST Biometrics is the world’s onlysupplier of contactless fingerprint solu-tions, one of which is certain to amazeon the KEBA stand.

In this “Im Trend Special” you can finddetails concerning all the solutionson display, as well as KEBA’s flexibleservice concept, which is based onan open-market multi-vendor strategyand directed towards customer re-quirements.Discover KEBA’s innovative and versa-tile solutions at the CeBIT and see foryourself why, when it comes to bank-ing automation, the Austrian automa-tion specialists represent the preferredchoice.

What awaits you on theKEBA stand at the CeBIT.


flexibility in all its forms!

At this year’s CeBIT, KEBA willbe presenting its comprehen-sive, self-service automationrange and demonstrating whyits systems represent thepreferred choice in the bankautomation field.

Visit us in Hanoverfrom March 3-8, 2009

Stand D28, Hall 17

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In the initial years after itsfoundation, KEBA AG alreadydemonstrated its comprehen-sive banking automationexpertise with complex tellerassistance units. Indeed, whatbegan as a two-man enterpriseis now an internationallyrespected company with aportfolio in the banking sector,which extends from self-ser-vice access control systemsand non-cash terminals, toATMs with the latest cashcycle technology that includesself-service coin transactions.


ImTrend_KEBA – Your partner

KEBA – the perfect partnerfor self-service cash recycling

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Technology and innovation leaderIn line with its slogan, “Automationby Innovation”, even then KEBA wasof the same opinion as the bankingexperts that the shift of bulk businessto the self-service sector merelyrepresents a first step, which must befollowed by the closing of the moneycycle by self-service ATMs. For this isthe only way in which the full savingspotential in the retail banking spherecan be realized.

Austrian banks recognised theseopportunities at an early point in timeand ordered numerous KEBA ATMs,which were already compatible for theaddition of cash recycling at a laterdate. In 2002, the ECB sanctionedthe cash cycle function and since then,ATMs in Germany and Austria havebeen successively switched to closed-cycle cash handling.

In 2007, KEBA launched the KePlus, athird generation ATM, onto the market.This system is the result of long-termco-operation with strong internationaltechnology partners such as Hitachi.And as a consequence of this team-work, the performance of KEBA’scash cycle ATMs has been consider-ably increased and their security levelsbrought up to the state of the art.The final result is transaction times,which number among the fastest onthe market, guarantee highly efficientoperations and virtually 100 per centterminal availability.

A competent partnerAs during the initial phases of cash re-cycling, KEBA continues to be a com-petent and reliable partner not just toAustrian banks, but also German andother banks and savings banks aroundthe world. Many international custom-ers such as the BCR and UniCreditin Romania, ITS in Dubai and variousbanks in China trust in KEBA’s maturetechnologies and innovative ideas, aswell as its flexible customer support.

This is because KEBA is at the serviceof its clientele with expert know-howfrom the initial conceptual discussionsto product servicing. Moreover, duringthe development of complex, tailor-made solutions the company’s excel-lently trained and experienced em-ployees remain in constant dialoguewith the customer.

As a result, the Austrian company isconstantly one step ahead of its inter-national competitors and always fur-nishes its clients with the most efficientand innovative answers possible.ATMs “Made in Austria”, which apartfrom technological excellence, aboveall, score with highly ergonomic design,are relied upon across the globe.Today, the KEBA name is a synonymworldwide for technological and inno-vative leadership with regard to thedeposit and withdrawal of banknotesand coins, and in particular, cash cycletechnology. �

In addition to customised product andsystem solutions, KEBA also offers aflexible services concept, as well asindividual, regional customer support.This platform is one of the main rea-sons why the company has succeededin developing many long-term cus-tomer relationships and strong partner-ships. Today, the customer list of theAustria-based KEBA company in-cludes financial institutions aroundthe globe, from the China MerchantsBank, the Deutsche Bank and theCommerzbank, to the largest Austrianbanks and the German savings banks.

From its beginnings, KEBA focusedon new trends and the ongoing furtherdevelopment of specialized automationsolutions and as early as 1982, cameup with its first automatic accesscontrol systems for banks. Moreover,just three years later, the companyprovided Hong Kong with an on-lineinformation, control and surveillancesystem for the world’s largest cus-tomer safety deposit box depot.

A cash recycling pioneerAt the beginning of the 1990s, anincreasing volume of development andimprovement potential emerged withregard to financial institution processesand in 1992, the Austrian savingsbanks launched an initial pilot projectinvolving deposit and pass book auto-mation. Their development partner wasKEBA AG, which had just presented amodular ATM at the CeBIT with featu-res that predated everything that wasto become standard in the self-servicebanking segment, such as the full areascanning of bank transfer forms, passbook printing, note and coin depositsand withdrawals, and cash recycling.In fact, it can be said that in technolo-gical terms, KEBA achieved the closedcash cycle over 16 years ago!

“As during the initial phases of cash recycling, KEBAcontinues to be a competent and reliable partner not just toAustrian banks, but also German and other banks andsavings banks around the world.”


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A highly reliablebiometric solution

Finger vein authentication is a biometric method, which utilizes the vein patterns in fingers for per-sonal identity verification. Vein patterns differ between each finger and person and as the veins arehidden under the surface of the skin, fraud is extremely difficult. These aspects of finger vein patternrecognition and security issues have led to the system’s adoption by more than 90 financial institu-tions in Japan including the five major Japanese banks and Japan Post. The finger vein system isalso to be used in several Brazilian banks, in order to enhance both security and usability.

Finger vein authentication from Hitachi

Visit us fromMarch 3-8, 2009

in Hall 17on Stand D28

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matching algorithm is then employedto authenticate the finger vein patternand the template.

The dual criteria used for assessingthe performance of biometric systemsclearly point to the excellence of thissolution. The Hitachi finger vein scan-ner has a false acceptance rate(which indicates how often the systemaccepts unauthorised persons) of only0.0001% and a false rejection rate(which indicates how often the systemrejects authorised persons) of 0.01%.

The advantagesIn addition to these important highaccuracy and reliability levels, fingervein authentication has the followingadvantages:

• Resistance to criminal tampering asthe veins are hidden beneath the skin.

• Uniqueness and consistency becau-se, even among identical twins,finger vein patterns differ in everyperson and remain constant through-out adult life.

• Contactless imaging using near-infrared light ensures convenienceand cleanliness, which leads to highacceptance levels among users.

• Ease of feature extraction as fingervein patterns are relatively stable andcan be clearly captured, enabling theuse of cameras to take vein imagesfor small-size, simple data imageprocessing.

• Fast authentication speeds withone-to-one authentication in lessthan a second.

Biometrics for greater security inthe banking areaA strong increase in illegal withdrawalswith forged or stolen cards and inskimming (the manipulation of ATMsby skimming devices, which illegallyread the content of the card data) isevident worldwide, not only in Japanand Brazil, but also in Europe. Per-sonal identification on ATMs by physi-cal and logical means (cards and PIN)carries the endemic the risk of loss,forgetfulness, phishing and skimming.By contrast, the risks attached to bio-metric identification are extremely low.Furthermore, finger vein authenticationis highly reliable, easy to use andwidely applicable.

Studies and reports have shownthat the number of skimming attacksand fraud cases can be decreasedby 60 percent when using finger veinauthentication as biometric solution.

There are many applications availablefor the deployment of biometric tech-niques. And especially in the bankingarea, where security requirementshave increased significantly in recentyears, biometric techniques are anappropriate way of meeting theserequirements and can provide bankcustomers with major advantages asthey offer effective crime protection. �

The impact of biometric solutions


FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006










Amount of money withdrawn by fraud Number of financial fraud cases

Implementation of finger veinauthentication in Japan

The diagram shows that the number of fraud cases in Japan decreased by almost 60 percentand that finger vein biometrics could help to reduce the amount of illegally withdrawn moneyby even 65 percent within a year.

IIn Europe, KEBA first presented thefinger vein solution at the CeBIT 2006and a more mature version at theCeBIT 2008, where visitors and cus-tomers could experience for them-selves the basic principle of finger veinauthentication for safe cash depositsand withdrawals.

How does the finger vein authen-tication work?The following basic principle on whichthe finger vein authentication systemis based was developed by Hitachi.Near-infrared rays generated from abank of LEDs penetrate the finger andare absorbed by the haemoglobin inthe blood. The areas where the raysare absorbed (i.e. the veins) thusappear as dark areas in an imagetaken by a camera located under thefinger. Image processing can thenconstruct a finger vein pattern fromthe camera image. Biometric featuresare extracted from this pattern andencrypted so that it can be registeredas a template of a person’s biometricauthentication data. A proprietary

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Banks as a main area ofemploymentIn addition to personal identificationfor access controls, possible areas ofapplication for contactless fingerprintsystems include building security ortime logging, ATMs, chip cards, salesterminals, e-commerce and publicareas such as frontier crossings,registration and social offices, pass-port/driving licence authorities andpolice investigations. A study by inter-nationally respected business consul-tants has shown that in future biome-tric processes will be mainly employedwith regard to IT security in a diversityof branches. Particularly for banks,the authentication of customers is ofgrowing importance, as the share ofbank transactions not involving perso-nal contact is on the increase. In orderto identify persons on the basis of fin-gerprints, the indi-vidual characteristicsof the skin are registered, for as op-posed to permits and passwords,which can be stolen, forged, forgottenor passed on, biometric characteristicsare inseparably linked to their owners.This means that fingerprint recognitionis far superior to conventional recogni-tion methods.



The market for biometric systems, which can be used for personal identification on the basis ofcertain physical features is extremely exciting and offers very high future potential. TST Biome-trics GmbH offers its customers a globally unique sensor system for the contactless registrationof fingerprints.

FunctionTST is the world’s only company capa-ble of supplying a contactless finger-print system in which the scanning andmonitoring of fingerprints merely re-quires the placing of a finger in a guideabove the sensor surface. As opposedto standard fingerprinting systems, nocontact between the sensor and therecorded finger surface is needed. Inorder to register the biometric detail, aspecial CMOS camera integrated intothe sensor registers the finger image.This forms the basis for the so-calledreference data set (template), whichfor example, can be utilized to identifybank customers.

The system is also appropriate forpersons, whose skin composition isonly suitable for fingerprint recognitionto a certain degree when other typesof sensors are used. Above all, thesegroups include young and older per-sons, as well as people with varyingskin pigmentation, or extremely poorlydefined fingerprint characteristics. TheTST sensor functions particularly wellunder these conditions, but also withdry, wet or dirty fingers. Owing to thecontactless nature of the system, dust,

“Indeed, the use of biometricsolutions clearly promises

greater flexibility and security.”

Contactlessfingerprint process

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bacteria or other residues on the skincannot be deposited on the sensor,which in the case of contact basedsensors results in additional loss of

performance. Accordingly, TST sensorsdo not require such frequent servicingand thus the related maintenancecosts are greatly reduced.

TST living per-son recognitionfor special fraudprotectionThe device offersa two-level “livingpersons and falsefinger recognition”system that con-stitutes additionalprotection againstattempted fraudand provides amarked increasein security in thefinancial applica-tions sector.“Stolen finger-prints” that have

been applied to a carrier material can-not trick the system. This is not thecase with contact-based fingerprinting,which in this area have the disadvan-tage that so-called “latent fingerprints”remain that can be removed, or mayalso lead to false identification.

TST products are used in a diversityof areas all over the world such as thePOS, access controls and in the phar-macy sector. Indeed, the use of biome-tric solutions clearly promises greaterflexibility and security. �

Visit us fromMarch 3-8, 2009

in Hall 17on Stand D28

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PalmSecure as a maximumsafety toolConcrete examples of applicationsare provided by Fujitsu’s PalmSecurebiometric security solution. With theaid of near infrared rays, the Palm-Secure sensor registers the complexvein structure within the human hand.Enriched with oxygen, the blood flowsthrough the blood vessels in the handand then returns to the heart with areduced oxygen content. The blood

in the veins with a lower oxygenhousehold absorbs the near infraredradiation of the sensor and thus be-comes visible. As the subcutaneousveins below the surface of the handare in the body and their pattern isextremely complex, forgery or manipu-lation can be virtually excluded. Afurther advantage is that as opposedto fingerprints or hand impression veinsystems, palm recognition is contact-

Biometric authentication is rapidly developing beyond theclassic areas of application and in addition to accesscontrols, this safety concept with the futuristic feel, is alreadybeing employed in sectors plagued by fraud such as thefinancial and services segments.

less. Accordingly, PalmSecure is alsoextremely hygienic, which is a majoradvantage in daily banking with itshigh frequency levels. In addition, thistechnology remains unaffected byillnesses such as diabetes and skindiseases.

PalmSecure adds up to a handfulof advantagesWith its in-house developed Palm-Secure system, Fujitsu offers sensor

technology thatoffers the highestsecurity levels, preci-sion, speed andhygiene. The foun-dation is provided by

the registration of biometric featuresfor all future accessing control proces-ses. In the case of PalmSecure tech-nology this only occurs once in a life-time, as the position of the veins in thehand never alters. Changes in veinsdue to size are accounted for in thesensor algorithms. When a person hasregistered, the pattern logged by theterminal is compared with the storedvein pattern. This check is completed

“Forecasts point to enormous growth in the global market forbiometrics, which also includes the highly sensitive finance area.”

A rich vein –banking technology usingbiometrics

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within a second and ends either withaffirmation, or in the case of misuse,rejection. Fujitsu’s laboratory measure-ments resulted in an “unauthorisedperson admission rate” of less than0.00008 per cent and a “rejection ofauthorised persons” rate of not even001 per cent.

In addition, PalmSecure technologyalso carries a safety certificate fromthe Federal Bureau for IT Security(BSI). The BSI issued this international-ly recognized certificate following thesuccessful technical examination of theproduct in line with general securitycriteria.

Biometrics in bankingPalmSecure can be used everywhere,

Visit us fromMarch 3-8, 2009

in Hall 17on Stand D28

irrespective of whether the security ofdata, systems or hardware is involved.The procedure is not determined bynumbers or PIN codes and a shortmovement of the hand is all that isneeded. In this connection, the com-bination of biometrics and paymenttransactions offers two possibilities.Firstly, biometrics can be used as anadditional safeguard for EC/creditcards or PIN codes. In this case, cus-tomers do not need to get used to anew form of payment and misuse canbe sharply limited. Secondly, a possibil-ity exists for the complete replacementof standard card payments by handvein scanning, As soon as customershave been registered they can be iden-tified biometrically at any time and thuscomplete their private purchases and

financial activities in comfort and, firstand foremost, with a feeling of securi-ty. Accordingly, providers of financialservices and customers can benefitin a number of ways from the use ofbiometric processes. They minimizethe daily expenditure of energy andcosts, as well as nervous stress. More-over, fraud and misuse is renderedvirtually impossible.

Forecasts point to enormous growthin the global market for biometrics,which also includes the highly sensitivefinance area. The overriding priority isthe realization of individual solutions,as this is an important step towardsactual and subjective security in dailybanking and financial transactions.All at a simple wave of the hand! �

“The procedure is notdetermined by numbers orPIN codes and a shortmovement of the hand isall that is needed.”

Source: PalmSecure sensor of Fujitsu

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This trend is set to continue in futureand experts anticipate annual growthof 3-5% in the coming years. Thereasons for this expansion are laid outin a study from the German Bundes-bank, which deals with the question ofthe identity of coin users. In the main,these turned out to come from thetwo groups formed by older peopleand persons in the lower and middle-income groups. Due to higher livingstandards, Europe’s population isageing, whereby the forecasts pointto a more serious greying of societyin Eastern Europe than in the West.The expansion of the EU in an easter-ly direction means that inhabitantshave been acquired, who are not onlyolder, but also have lower incomesand therefore the significance is setto increase further. Moreover, first andforemost, coins are irreplaceable forsmall and minimal sums of money andhave experienced a massive upswingin line with that of POS automation(coffee and beverage vending ma-chines, parking meters, etc).

Self-service coin handling and itsadvantagesBanks and savings banks are alsoincreasingly recognizing the potentialoffered by self-service coin handling.The recycling of banknotes in self-

service terminals is already widespreadand can be regarded as standard.

However, for the realization of a com-plete financial services concept, it isonly logical that coin transactions alsobe transferred to the self-service area.This not only releases personnel forprofitable sales activi-ties, but the banks andsavings banks can alsoachieve an advertisingeffect during cointransactions throughthe singularity of thissolution in their region.This will result is the active branchrejuvenation and increased customerfrequency.

KePlus X6, the all-in-one ATM witha width of less than 900 mmKEBA has all these trends in its sightsand orientates its products towardscustomer-friendly, innovative self-ser-vice solutions. As a logical conse-quence of banknote recycling, with theKePlus X6, the compact ATM for thedeposit, withdrawal and recycling ofbanknotes and the deposit and with-drawal of coins, KEBA has beenconcerned with the topic of coins eversince the introduction of the systemin 2007.

The KEBA KePlus X6 combinesthe possibility for coin handling withproven banknote recycling technologyin a single ATM with a width of lessthan 900 mm!

The KePlus X6 is equally suitable forvery small, medium-sized and large

The KePlus X6 is:• compact and customer-oriented• ergonomic and efficient• innovative and easy to integrate

…at least as far as KEBA is concerned! This is because recently coins have started toadvance. A fact not only confirmed by studies, but also the latest circulation figuresfrom the European Central Bank. On November 30, 2008, 81,224 million euro coins witha current value of EUR 20,125 million were in use. This compares with the 2005 figureof 63,352 million, the 2006 total of 69,927 million and the 76,298 million of 2007. Thesestatistics show that the number of coins in circulation has risen by a total of 28.2%within three years (2005-2008).

2009 is the

Year of the coins…

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also a range of other banks andsavings banks.

An extended product portfolio foreven more coinsIn addition to the KePlus X6, sinceJanuary 1, 2009, KEBA has also beenoffering the KePlus CD-Master andKePlus CS-Master. It is no coincidencethat these retail products from Novo-tech Banksysteme GmbH have beentaken into the KEBA product portfolio,as close co-operation characterizedby innovative sustainability, has existedbetween the two companies since2007.In addition, Novotech’s SCM coinmodule is a core component of the

branches. In small branches offeringminimum space, all banknote and cointransactions can be completed on aself-service basis. The X6 rolls all cashhandling devices into one and thusintegrates perfectly into its surround-ings. As a result of this optimum blendof minimum space requirement andmaximum performance, as opposedto the other systems available on themarket, the terminal offers spacesavings of up to 40cm.

In medium-sized branches, the X6 con-stitutes an ideal choice with regard totransaction speed and terminal size.Its performance is above average andhas been optimized for a body widthof less than 90cm.

Ideally in large branches, the KePlus X6is combined with other KePlus systems,e.g. the R6 in order to prevent the for-mation of queues. In fact, the KePlusX6 can demonstrate its full range ofadvantages in every customer situationand environment and thus generatecustomer satisfaction through innova-tion, performance and availability.

KePlus X6 has already found its waysinto numerous self-service foyers andhas not only convinced ITS Dubai andthe Commerzbank in Germany, but

KePlus X6. With two coin sacks, theKePlus CS-Master represents aslimline solution for the paying in ofup to 500 coins per minute, while theKePlus CD-Master offers a capacityof four coin bags with up to 1,000 coinsper minute. Both systems possessconvincing, patented vertical transportand maximum immunity to foreignbodies, which guarantees the highestavailability, security and acceptancelevels.

Just as KEBA recognized the signs oftimes 16 years ago and stepped upits specialization in the area of self-service cash recycling, today KEBA isalso on the pace with regard to self-service coin handling technologies andsolutions. Come and see for yourselfat the CeBIT 2009 how and with whichsolutions KEBA deals with the gener-ally unloved, but frequently used,euro coins! �

Visit us fromMarch 3-8, 2009

in Hall 17on Stand D28

KePlus CS-Master

KePlus CD-Master

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ImTrend_KEBA customer service

Opting for KEBA means the selection of products, which withtheir mature technology and innovative ideas leave many

other solutions behind. Moreover, in order than you remainsatisfied with your KEBA systems for many years to come,

the company offers a customer service of exceptional qualityfor maximum cost-efficiency and equipment availability.

KEBA customerservices – first class support

for top class products

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The KEBA service ideaIn order to secure your satisfactionwith KEBA products on a lasting basis,throughout the entire product life cycle,we see it as our assignment to provideour customers with full cover supportand services that are of the highestquality, tailored to individual needs,and above all, flexible.

An international customer service andpartner network furnishes quick andreliable assistance that has customersatisfaction at its very heart.

The KEBA service conceptOur flexible service concept is orientedtowards the wishes of our customersand is based on open market, multi-vendor strategies. By means of selectedpartnerships with leading suppliers ofmulti-vendor services, KEBA enables itsclients to achieve the flexible implemen-tation of their own service strategies,while nonetheless securing first class,full coverage services on a sustainablebasis, through the appropriate integra-tion of its own support and develop-ment expertise.

This holistic approach is mirrored byKEBA’s range of support and services.

Reliable support for the whole ofa product’s service lifeKEBA accompanies you throughoutthe life of a product, from installationpreparations to system renewal, withservices that are tailored exactly toyour standards and needs.

Rollout and installation manage-mentOwing to its vast experience with roll-outs involving large number of ma-chines, KEBA can undertake planning,location preparations, equipment in-stallation and supplementary qualitysurveillance and thus help you to savevaluable resources.

Helpdesk and support serviceThe technically trained KEBA em-ployees manning the company hotlinecan assist you with your problems,or ensure that assistance will be onits way as soon as possible.

Training and certificationKEBA creates customised trainingpackages for installation teams, serviceproviders, support engineers or servicepersonnel and ensures the appropriatequality assurance through ongoingworkshops and certification courses.

Spare part and repair managementThroughout the entire service life of aproduct, KEBA guarantees a completespare part supply at fixed deliverytimes. Should a complex part developa defect, the KEBA Repair Center willorganize qualified and, above all, rapidrepair or component exchange.

System changesKEBA completes all the necessarysystem changes and enlargementsfrom simple alterations to de-installa-tions (IMAC/R - installation, move, addand change / remove) in teamworkwith your personnel. This guaranteesa smooth procedure, which has thesmallest possible effect on your busi-ness operations. �

“Throughout the entire service life of a product,KEBA guarantees a complete spare part supplyat fixed delivery times.”

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KEBA AG, Gewerbepark Urfahr, A-4041 Linz, Phone: +43 732 7090-0, Fax: +43 732 730910, E-Mail: [email protected] GmbH Automation, Leonhard-Weiss-Straße 40, D-73037 Göppingen, Phone: +49 7161 9741-0, Fax: +49 7161 9741-40

The money justkeeps coming back.

KePlus ATMs with cash cycletechnology representan investment that pays.

Minimum cash handling costs in tandem with maximumavailability and customer acceptance. This is whatKePlus teminals offer for depositing and dispensing ina closed cash cycle, which offers the greatest cost-efficiency of all the available self-service solutions onthe market.

Information about KePlus: www.keba.com