LyaOMrs* M H U Llkrary * "*•* "* aae** *re passed around let not _ „„„ •taJrymeli be forgotten These days, when In every grocery store and butcher shop you are- in dancer of bring; buried under tons of the unsold butter that the heroic dairymen with held from their feliowmcn while wailuut for a better price w* might well take stock of ourselv**. But how do you feel! after month, of standing m.lin. and begging a quarter pn..nn OTTiutier Mere and a quarter pound there, to learn that all the time "hundreds of thousands expounds of it were being warehoused, going stale or rancid, waiting for a bitter price Former Local Youth's Story Tttf StHfTH BKm.K.Y RKYIt; 1AM.IHKST. N. J.. Alcasi IS, I'M* Joseph KardelJr. Confesses •ut Few Believe That He Actually Killed Girl A fantastic murder story by a former I.ynrfhuim b o y - John Joiwph Kardrl had local people gawping. Tliey don'l helirvr ii. They attribute the whole thing lo the re- cent garish < <.nf<—i.xi ttoriec newspapers and police lijtv»- wrung out of ihc Heiren youth of similar age on three murders. Kardel, out o( a clear sky and without warning "eon- fessed'* to murdering a nude : SKooki. Editor of Jersey Observer Lvad (re be«aase «f I la affair* at* ef tMaarea, was aawe editor at the Jersey Ohaarrar, east at Nat* Janet's Comfort But Urn* S«yi Barren Freeholders May b« Opa* to Suit—How About Local Riv.r Road? One Third Of Veterans May Lose Right ToNew Housing I* N«w Jn its*, "n il- J111I.111..11- higtiwa\ *|u v rsW - af f 1. init a tic III inn1 l.i ilia- 111..-1 |>*rl Iwal traffic.' Veteran to Build Donated Home WM aueai Mat waeai. • . •. * Skaak, wttk Iti Tllinm M ' ••»•• roadway* yean, was eats* Bergen rdtur Thr |tr»blrm. forriblv brati'lil In ill. alirnli.ui «f R M f*., JkTiai""-"" - >r '^*' * foBl " b > * * "•"•••••HfcasaaTtl»f Ri»«-r B»a.l Metre |»..t war tkiTaftiaat tliiitVl."iuL They removal «f gasoline rr.lrictii.n- w«. Inghligl I la.l v..rl bav. beea sssssial.lslsss kaaa ' when the (.Vmfort Bus line of * . •akl* advaieaaaesiL Pn«r t"M the Berrrn fiee film. ' -" lamage niiu ag.in.1 - " . " *,.-- , _ _ hnirieia that something .must be'the bus t-onrrn. tn the first of a.**? IbtkaTtJ. «Itr. I *»ne abmit Market Street II, idge «»e»u,i>. "hich ended Mar J». .mVue.. is*aaerBc7gea edlta» T" 1 t h » Passa* *'v*r in Wall- , IMS H Bergen Circuit C«un uplaseal gkaak aa city editor. Harold Wells Nominated to on Head --- f 1 The WallinKtim ailuatinn ! only one that obtains all tin tilth ; BerRen County and prt-bably ll (Mrs Went r Crruil Ci B IVuiiat of'•! < Wi M. tir avrnur Ruth M was awardedfctt.OOOfor V" death of her husband,"a ped- such a girl being missing. Kardel said he stole her automobile- and -EL, hi ' d i u " mi - found thecar. Imagine not find- ing an abandoned auto today? The Kardel folks. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Kardel, now residents of Paterson, are looking for more information. The Kardeis former- ly, lived on Ridge road. Joe Kar- del played tackle on the IIIKIUOI. football team. .He is a big. gond- looking. good-natured ihap. Ho would have been a better foot- ball player, his team mates al- ways said, if he had not been so goodjatured. ' Tfie "confession" of their 17- year-old youngster was a terrific shock to thr parents. Siaspact Crime Imaginary Police were looking for a crime to fit theconfession, which they suspected might have been imag- inary They said the crime de- acribed by Kardel had never been reported. - and that they had heard nothing about a missing Indiana girl of the description given by the youth. - Katrdatl said she was atvart *D Man oM. weaghad 145 pound., and had dark hair, one crooked eye, protruding teeth, a scar one inch wide on the right side nf her body and » mole on the left side of her neck The Paterson youth wan picked up on Chicago's 'South Side for routine questioning He sum- moned ,i lail guard., declaring his conscience rothered him. and told h is. story Police considered it possir le that hi* story might lead to the sol- |—tit.-.. M- H" mystery of a bat- ^ tered. pailly de. .imposed torso found a day apo. off the l.<k- Michigan shore The.condition nf the tors., made it impossible for police to determine cither the age or the sex of the victim. A notebook found in the youth's r*«-krt disclosed that he had written an account «.f .the crime, hut th,e notes and rm con- fessmn differed in mmv details The written version inoi.atcd that he had killed thr girl in self "I killed her I had to. or she would 1 have killed me." the ac- count read. ' In his oral version, he t..lri the police n* helieved the siH'j; name was J e a n , and that she had J 3 ' picked him upnear Tcrrc Haute. Ind . on Julv 13. while she wan driving to Chicago. ' Somewhere near Lake Mi.!. gan. he lontmued. they decided U. go swimming, and after a few drinks -they shed their, clothes and went intu the water. An argument followed, he said, dunnc which Ihe girl threatened him and he seized her hy thr throat * An argument followed, he said. during which thr girl hit hire on the head with a whiskey bottle He'said he countered by Sciflng her by the throat and holding her head under Ihr wa,lei Kardel «aid that after the drowning he drove the girls car until it ran out of gas some- where between Tcrre Ha,iteand Vlnccnnes. snd abandoned it. leaving the gull' rl."thmg under thr lp.fi! seat - The automobile the youth, de. .scribed has not been found F. RasaaelU. i- The bny« mother »h<. before jCkartef tlaell y was fantastic stories. Hr used (Continued onPage 2) rouR-n other counties as well eatrian ..n the bridge, wh« was Municipalities lark the funda' k-rwrtrd int.. thr nvei by the , 'asaiding but A. idltarm «e> tke Blear r ..... i- tn<m the letter s du •§ Baaat saaaatssai sfasrar* taday pj,,.i.- ,,( which i. undristnod to Legion n e o o «• ••» IMI »•«*• T «•" ! « <-•' •••< "•-. ••—» . , «. | u ~^ ' ' ..' "Amwrt i»i« snd a half years Al Ralph ( SuCCeUOr Will >nd the right to make repair, on „..,, el»|.M-d sfnre this tragic ar ' •*• fcl#Cta i tJ #jt Mpt#m- I cooperation such as Mi\.r road. | ssfenuarda h.\T been circled to bdjr S*)Ssion i Th *' " l *""'" attention seems to be ! pl , , , , , . i^currence Thi» nrg- , dinn-ted chiefly at thehigh cost- j fcrf „, ynur „.,, .,.nl .... ir. in Harold Wells was nomlnsted ', n *m P ^.n^' l <^Ji!'^i.."'? '.la?'' f?*' ? * '**»"•*•"' d i"«' <) '" a J , j « n traffic swiftly, from stale t>. atale ih,» ,i., nk. , ,.. n.|iii.ii by - for commander of Harold O Bar- ; but which will service local traf All-Star Tilt Tomorrow Night Is Set Eattern and Wtttarn Di- vision in Softball Gam* . Breslin Field will he tke stage for tke all-star gasae be- tween the Bast sad Wast Dl- ia Oat •UgM. take I* taa Oak*, at «ds\.«. m, ZG2 lag for Ike game far aaaa* ttaaa and are eagerly aallerpalkag tke outcome expecting Ikelr favorite selectlans ta cane through with a rletary. Tke 'game Is la be played far' tke benefit of Ike Softball leagae first annaal banquet and while no admission is lo be eaarged. fami. will ke solicited via tke passing ol Ike hat and will no doubt contribute chrrrfully far the worth, cause. I'nlike other neighboring towns, Lyndharat has never f.llawed Ihe practice of taking up s collection far; each game, sa on one occasion tke sports followers should riot frrl too bad akanit tke whole thing. All of Ike' managers la each division had a hand la select- ing theplayers and tke list of names that are printed as tke tentative linrups represent those that were given the votes inthe poll. Al Casaj manager efi tke Towac Club lean will handle Ike destinies •f tke Eastern IllrUan and will pit his craft against I n e r fiuulrlli. manager .1 tke Gal- lagher Aaasjrlatsaa Tram wka will handle Ike Western rep nstsutivrs HUrtiag lineups will ke aaaaV fraea Ike fallowing list of play INM»:IJ>F.R.H F. Rutcier* r. Cagmaer* f .^^a* _'; ^_ jnd Jury .4 1' County ... ringer Post !3t. American Legion, fie only a little ]M< Lyndhurst to succeed Command- | Yet. statistics show that it la , „ i <m i^.., er Alvin O Ralph. <««*» ^ja'. hUhasajri that are the A former Wave, Miss Ruth (scenes oi moat of » e ac.id.-nu "Th" c.mdilion ha. further Kiefer. was nominated for re- j <*»*' »' «"• Comfort buaea continued even though, in the cording adjutant j plunged from the bridge, linking trial of HUM. arising nut ..f this Four vk-e-commander nomm I Walltngton with fassaic Msreh ) arndent., voui eapert .,, ..... -. ees are J. A. Kiefer, John Harti- ». l»tt. killing tke driver. II admjli™ thr (.rulgc i,.t n.,1 gan. Donald Decker, and Gus pa«s'««crs snd a pedestrian form t.> even at pet cent ..f the Heyler. Harry Feldman and Casi- ! Th' PU'PM' ° ' the writ i. to minimum >•..,' ..i a,.-, in. alum, mer for finance oflker | prevent another au.h tiagsst, sc- which . » -i. i in IKtl Elmer and David Miettner. cording to the letter, aifacd by "T*r ..„.,-.. of Pa»»ai. sad ,. twin brothers were nominated for Oscar WUensky. former ,4aacm Bergen have ma«tr almstmna to A ,,, color bearer and standard hear-j "I)""* 11 . °' lnr P"aa'c law firm .ithri i . .tv. - owned and main er. respectively. Other officer can- j"' Greenburg. Wilrnsky k Fein tsin.4 hy you .. prryt nl similar didatrs are John Zlmmer. cor- " T g which represenu the hu». acid. oi. hut you have ... ... , responding secretary; Alvin 0 ,' n >™. atelv *v.iidrd making smh slier- Ralph. chapUin; William Leaaer.l WU>aa*y Utter ali..n. la this bridge historian: and Louis Bennett. Wilensky writ.. "In ..rdrr t-. pnMn i n**a>ngrra sergeant-at-arms. I "Unlaas we are advised within on ,HU hu*r» and the grnrisl The Lyndhurat Legionnaires; the next law weeljs that you are pubiu-. »• must ...... u. this will welcome home recently re- taking definite sctum to c.rrefi m t. ,n t.. tr*n*|mt the IHII.U the glanng vkiUHon ..I y.«ji tw this bttdar safely 1 ^ "dssss **asi a h . l l ha. easw*t^^^w» tir^ttf fc. n-witna If ( September a Harry ! P^B*" '"" » * • application Mr Ihe ,1 per. h.nre anothe. .,,-idrnl Hanson is the chairman writ of mandamus." •,-..l.t .K^nir. the m.ln i.tual. The Post bacauB* the Aral or-1 Both Bergen and Piusaic Cotin ..»npnsm« yam board ntgM ganixation to contribuu- t<> the '*'-* *''i*' elean.1 of i.^ia.nsil.ilit* well be.a..h).-. t i.. . ri.n.nal pr....- Lyndhurst Police rtret Aid Cor r». '" thr ' r »« r< 'y whi.h resulted in i-ution for ...an. «i.n,«! m .«<» " now holding a fund raising ram . r\rf • i 'a- •• . • ^ Trainor Officiates Follow the Leader to Interviews Authority It CompMmcj Job of S.r.ctir»q TWrty fiv* T»n«nt» The Veterans ••*..*• MS AiaK*ittl* L.IJ* imi t the thirty aw .-...•. • • - . « t U get the !•••».\u ^ . . . . i , afl># Wing b u n a 6 i sea • -»>•( t k e let ,*fie!w«nta BaBJ MBl he ••«• SfJr^l W H 4 aa^f Hbaf A VJI IhaaaV11 ^ WS oaaw ka 'latt I • Mall h~ Ml .. i. • - . Wdliaax J v " ...... «l the uiMAi . * . . . i . ( as lun Je** a»»it«i^*M ****** imt* l>> tkt? aste taunt arh^ l«iJr*J ta an»*. If lh«y make so . . ap.Hu. h> bka. *»*.l ..I Ik* weatt ln> aulhwNrsaWl >HIMI»*U <ks*a> B*n»f IHal the .*.*>.« asnMt may h*»* sryl mmw ..I th* *f> »l.»«r Ueni\ Psiks, M l't>>la< stler) N.-llh \r| l\«1'•>. M pMtMTaSj l « i « . kiwn s shark in I ..l.l.di t... thV kni.hr. « it. .1.-1. he i ..... I tM.tld htsown hnmr Thr h'>.» a*aa aVsssatasl ks lh» Mat KUsrtw. Ih* nrw tr.vltall.MV. ». n*>« left H . * a>iM*t ta nmk* atsl ie>. H Ukbvaaati anal ». RUB ,. |»_ .* a»t maku>g nuu) -. 1 Brfits] b. li%« srtsatB wiu wrnmc nome rfenmy re- turned service man at an outdoor School r\tli September a Harry Problem of Dog Control v«. ;:..£.. Seen Solved by Kienti. . - w. . ' (rat* tk* a«tk... tc. . ^f m *A tkw • •• I 1. a*.l w l"h* |ir»l.lrui ..( l.i). . ..nlr.l nmtlmsi il ti» ••»€»•, i»>. *'^ '**** '*"*'*'' ^anau.aa N. •» |er*ei »nl. i^t.ie.. wlii.ll *T'ajV.i*" t '* iM-ina- i- .aifc.1 .li..i<n..l.la *t il. |sre«|e*l wmm^ tha swirn*< m M. • I »l 4MM*aau-1 HIM in f ... . e a r . 1.1 fur it* iiinirol Hie I . rt.l. I l». I*.-*.. In ml paign to erect a garage to htuise ! its supplies and equipment. | Delegates to the state e m n n I lion at Cape May from Septem- , her I I tn 14 will be Ralph II,. ke nmnn. Donald Decker. John Har- (tlgan. Gus Heyler. William l.<s scr. I ...ins Bennett and Hsrry ; Hsnson '' Alternates si-e Vielor James. Al Lee. Many Heylei. Al Pirst 'sky. John Zimmer..Rirhaid 1 ••• sir. Robert Gullfoyle. and Gro- ve. Helnsdorf. Ele<-tion of ofneera will he Sep. tcmbcr .1 and installation. Scp.- lemler 17 County Commander Erne*! Eyer snd members of hia . staff have been invited to officiate at the installation cerenwrnies. > < Bee. ratradl Traaaar. ratralr I. Sacred Heart I alkalk Ckamk, stare kla return from Ihr Army In wklsk ke served as rksplain. .fflrialr*! al Ihr wedding af a farmer Aral, of fleer. Majer Kdward Walter stsrkey. pasflissai af aallilan science at ttatgara. saarrtrd Balk Batker farlla. daugktrr M Dr. Bdward Jsnaa < arlm saayaw af Bakway. la Ml Mary's Raman <alh..lx I hui.h Bakway. Tk* asalar served with lath er Tralswr In IkersMrth Arm •red INvkdna la *ur*pr SU> «.tl front wllh Ike l^adrr I 4.1 th<.i*'l., i r ail ..Kilra an .M|H,f In Ihr lla.- sraaaek m, ..!..« . I..-• kt Ihr I laeata saal II<.II .... I haaasets. Tkr f-n.»...| raaagai n.. New Vsek »...I.I rill«ia =1 If You're a Yet. Read This! 1 »ilh thr ..i.'.i.. .; HI. sw h*4 a map Mtih a M t ear- t\r .lo,M.»>s Mhrir an alrsmrl -IM.UM be I.J.I- B> Ihr near I.. lure The stiffs i.-.k ... tk# l...,.l...i ....i Nailk Arllni' I'm aeeltm mt Ihr mrifc.. Prominent Local Woman Diet 'V^M n rents t™ t»« ;Gov«rnm«nt EipUint Wh«t «nd How and Why and Whtn on Forthcoming Terminal Pay Tawne Club Jsls'i J. Jo's Asa vets m. Chjk AsavrU Ja-Ja's J Thr her marriage was Mfwwn of East Rutherford, it former radio editor of the X+* _ Ynm U-t!'. Newi^ She__»r«4c prwtr v and ceQduetrd « ra*Ci column for the K«w York' new* paper after wmn-ng a rnntvvt amnni U«teninc hoU)w*ir»-» - Hi» fattier who ueed thenamr of -DOUII." h»s adopts i»rM»i« name served mthe Sut* Guard during the war H# also played M * wVU. known m'South Iddir Daaa Jee Casts OITFieLDKRH: J. PatrsU. Artie Wkinn f.rne DeFraneise. J«e Fraagspane T*»« I lab Teas TValsk M*t* Nsaae 4'ATt'llf'tUt Bay Uaatettl Asavets J DeVrad. _ I lub tUysl mi HISS J <ISH.II> . Asavets J fcowabkt Italy Naaae K tvssielll Tawne t'lah isrint>»a> tiallagkers I.)S| BSK Al I aaaUa (.allagaen Hanry Hala* l.yad Bae. Aaaer. Laag«e Question* and answers an bow aomr l%.a*a,s*a veteraaa will rolleel aa rsllmalrd St. 7M.*N.*N far •award leave time under Ike terminal pay bill rresbteat Truman signed U «ka Is rtlglblr- A—flhcharird aaUMed asesi sad arasasa. wk* served alter Meat. I. lilt; larmrr efflrers part »f whoar aarvsue was la Ihe rank, sad affasers aad ea listed mm still ksservice wk. •si Seat I. ••**. kave ketweea •I aad It* days leave u Ikelr rrr.il 4—H«w d. Ikry apart.- A llhlaia apstllratl** laraaa lr**» p—t affste. fill out sad rksrir rrrtlfiealr u. ene M paring elfsMs aVUiaalrd la la strartaaa skee«. , U M.m »UI paysseal ke •sent air nalkansl aervlrr We 1 Uasaraawe. U - Musi Wlgiaal dlatkari' rrrllllcsle mr rertmrstr ..I arrvk-r ke asibaaMled? A.—Na. A tnae r»py rertHtrri k. aa talhorlard .l.la eg I.. i afflaer •» a pkal*statH ra*. will saftlee •| ~ngf-• i Ike afl|».<l ka> keen l~l ... de.tr.yaaV) A A -rerUfbrale as He« •> aUarkarge" «... be **t*la*d from sass .1 Ike lallaslsi A* Isrtaat (.rnrral at Ike Arm. tiaa (Marffeltow Basilevsrd. at , I karl -f Natal Nav* pr**»tm*t»' . Wsasjlaglsa. U. B I . Inrnt... af rsrs.anal. Wni.sscier. I aar •"jB4tif-|g*rf. f dj>f fftas. M ss%ll IF4£ !«•II U. P, f ; at.Taianan-tnn- •( Mi. Helr l.yndhurst'i Tuna-tay AlM-^ H.-ll ..• . .1 I-.I kn*H»n -and h. n iniiiiM arena J* * cu»e*i*< Thr. » KUM-itt* *n*m (ay rt-.»u i f«w» iJv>* *]U|fJF*> mm, lar Irmt-tu-i •*lf I* »hrtl Kt hntflf, It"il**lf*''t «lia-n Ih* i |Nr-tM thr •.?«*•* «ri*l ,t\ th. 'i..' <f a4lflU 41 oil Urtv.•* nn«) ti^rr* **>"».* * >< T ' tiw,,( ifWutft •ftfiift av .'Urtttwm ' "tttv tl.tnw trtrtrt* (M Um I»W •1'H(f -*IH1 n u l l * ' hs>a¥} (->I 4 hattr* A K.i"H< N A< li»»|[t.af> « hc«tttt 'tlleft' (t't<l ft ( • i I Ih. Nt»* it•:-« • M, . ' .rir»*i i Att.*ri*it*kn »- < .. 1ST p..* '1 * to .>nr nf n 4 41 mn* * II.-- »«..«. A n USV The la* pmvto. - . twsAe) '. . (..I b." >. t. ,TH*' d . u act ..m»al l..«M.mk frrta t ' if 1 1—. abatank t. laal. Ul •••* •iwii-^ «• immiimm At «ia» ' ' ' * " • UtaBJ a 4tJV- W -rfl tW* t I ' " In **9Umm4 Ilk. •-.—.« r— Uhr Mrt M»*t< retl/vd tn lanuaiy > ..f«-niM *4 ttx* fHk.(<*f M««r1 .( *UM»IM Church t*(t», U.Wn-4 thai (is.rt:,. f. f,,t U year a |n - unvfi•*!..- f Vntdhfitai»• "•. i l' - r inn»f<) Utt-ir futt 'n. .aii '(• "f nuMM from M-» Hymt) Sh« i . . . ! nrrv 9fi >••'• ',*•*••'•.' uli N • Mi* , Jo Xyhun* Da? k mnti Mi* K <t\l- Il>4ar of I.>tVll.^r.1 #.,,1 H,., s . A '*t U~n**i higr. frtaMa* fa h i l«- m4 tm M>t Hyati •« *hf ****** ** lUmr%Cbutrtt «A Yrtdaf at i'* ' in,-, y ih.x n+fff i'» «'-**' : tW fa£ntw«| «rfl| fa* .•.•«),uVsJ t"* *«• tiom Hat rsTTi H*n,*n*i il««rr«* • • • ' •-'- «* 'I. ilnHj.-.li a<-<|> (Maftdtj ,,| t,J »t li'»** * \-rnbo*. =»«#1 -.,r.j< ; \.'tl\ HtlrtC •«.(• I all i ' 'I* | ttu 1 .tar (si I -»•» i{ > M \m I kcsfi (»' a* >' i i *)«v. \mr*t\ t - i - . - $n HM .| f.- ^ rl/ltj (*'t- The Jslhr' th* .monung sajd he heard Iram Sis SMI three Bocci Tourn«m«nt At D«mo. Club A i* *~ -.* tMW'.r. (*•« will m M . fetwrf „.*.).,! BAJMI *. . . t* hm\A m* is, ifa^fBjttMtaai h' - •"• ' a *• a—: MriMjaf A rr»k.M« wttkaa al 4ar» Q — ' be Otatrr A—tty tea*. I IM1 q—At* The bs,f.«rr«/^ ayii it. aiMi A - Five years ttsa* d«4< .^nxnvu* .Kte*^*. SaVart.. tkey ksaw Tka(~arasT a* lax J»t»'a*»l aaaaMaM ail aaat ' law* day af Ik* •aurte*~MU<s ^wlng mtk rk*t» U.x.xg«««ui •• sag tk* sjsasrsn as srkafk Ik* " M » at" «-s«a«a**r lail llaal arks isjiratld feaaa Tn*. IvusiM . , . I- -«.e saspstam ' . ' . *4t issfi' '*»at« w si^w. *a>* .«—W a vatsew beat ar.^aJ '"• »»«»" dana^s «~~~,«H.rt gaaisiaajl rsiaags arks* aa aarv " J w Hudson Show Roomi •! It. •* J*atW« l"lll».4j*t *J!| faf a| ,> * * . . • * » » • * t>Hi ' .i»%^l»^MN*<tfcdt ••* .#(fcv|- , ..itgmM . % « • ' t-VVeaal IktllMa lltj*. Mst* • * # > • • wt Uw rtawa- t t t t ^ M f t f c . i J iia>ti,»aiBm i ' l * M * in •*=»r *«*«•. , -v» afcuiitini •««•• w •..,»->•

Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

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Page 1: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

LyaOMrs* M H U Llkrary

* " * • * " * aae** *re passed around let not _ „ „ „•taJrymeli be forgotten These days, when In every grocerystore and butcher shop you are- in dancer of bring; buriedunder tons of the unsold butter that the heroic dairymen withheld from their feliowmcn while wailuut for a better pricew* might well take stock of ourselv**. But how do you feel!after month, of standing m.lin. and begging a quarter pn..nnOTTiutier Mere and a quarter pound there, to learn that allthe time "hundreds of thousands expounds of it were beingwarehoused, going stale or rancid, waiting for a bitter price

Former LocalYouth's Story

Tttf StHfTH BKm.K.Y RKYIt;

1AM.IHKST. N. J.. Alcasi IS, I'M*

Joseph KardelJr. Confesses•ut Few Believe That He

Actually Killed GirlA fantastic murder story by a former I.ynrfhuim b o y -

John Joiwph Kardrl had local people gawping. Tlieydon'l helirvr ii. They attribute the whole thing lo the re-cent garish < <.nf<—i.xi ttoriec newspapers and police lijtv»-wrung out of ihc Heiren youth of similar age on threemurders.

Kardel, out o( a clear sky and without warning "eon-fessed'* to murdering a nude : •

SKooki. Editor ofJersey Observer


(re be«aase «f Ila affair* a t *ef tMaarea,

was aawe editor at the JerseyOhaarrar, east at Nat* Janet's

Comfort But Urn* S«yi Barren Freeholders May b«Opa* to Suit—How About Local Riv.r Road?

One Third Of Veterans MayLose Right ToNew Housing

I* N«w Jn its*, "n il- J111I.111..11- higtiwa\

*|u v rsW - af f 1. init a tic III inn1 l.i

ilia- 111..-1 |>*rl Iwal traffic.'

Veteran to Build Donated HomeW M aueai Mat waeai. • . •. *

Skaak, wttk I t i Tl l inm M ' ••»•• roadway*yean, was eats* Bergen rdtur Thr |tr»blrm. forriblv brati'lil In ill. alirnli.ui «f R M

f*., J k T i a i " " - " " - > r ' ^ * ' * f o B l " b> * * " •"• • • • •H fcasaaTtl »f Ri»«-r B»a.l Metre |»..t wartkiTaftiaat tliiitVl."iuL They removal «f gasoline rr.lrictii.n- w«. Inghligl I la.l v . . r lbav. beea sssssial.lslsss kaaa ' when the (.Vmfort Bus line of * .• a k l * advaieaaaesiL P n « r t"M the Berrrn fiee film. ' - " lamage niiu ag.in.1

- " . " „ * , . - - , _ _ hnirieia that something .must be'the bus t-onrrn. tn the first ofa . * * ? I b t k a T t J . « I t r . I *»ne abmit Market Street II, idge «»e »u,i>. "hich ended Mar J»..mVue.. is*aaerBc7gea edlta» T " 1 t h» Passa* * 'v* r in Wall- , IMS H Bergen Circuit C«un

uplaseal gkaak aa city editor.

Harold WellsNominated to

on Head - - -

f1 The WallinKtim ailuatinn i»! only one that obtains all tin • tilth; BerRen County and prt-bably



r Crruil C iB IVuiiat of'•! <

Wi M. tir avrnur RuthM was awarded fctt.OOO for

V" death of her husband,"a ped-

such a girl being missing. Kardelsaid he stole her automobile- and


i u"mi-

found the car. Imagine not find-ing an abandoned auto today?

The Kardel folks. Mr and Mrs.Joseph Kardel, now residents ofPaterson, are looking for moreinformation. The Kardeis former-ly, lived on Ridge road. Joe Kar-del played tackle on the IIIKIUOI.football team. .He is a big. gond-looking. good-natured ihap. Howould have been a better foot-ball player, his team mates al-ways said, if he had not been sogoodjatured. '

Tfie "confession" of their 17-year-old youngster was a terrificshock to thr parents.

Siaspact Crime ImaginaryPolice were looking for a crime

to fit the confession, which theysuspected might have been imag-inary They said the crime de-acribed by Kardel had never beenreported. - and that they hadheard nothing about a missingIndiana girl of the descriptiongiven by the youth. -

Katrdatl said she was atvart *DM a n oM. weaghad 145 pound.,and had dark hair, one crookedeye, protruding teeth, a scar oneinch wide on the right side nf herbody and » mole on the left sideof her neck

The Paterson youth wan pickedup on Chicago's 'South Side forroutine questioning He sum-moned ,i lail guard., declaring hisconscience rothered him. andtold h is. storyPolice considered it possir le that

hi* story might lead to the sol-|—tit.-.. M- H" mystery of a bat-

^ tered. pailly de. .imposed torsofound a day apo. off the l.<k-Michigan shore The.condition nfthe tors., made it impossible forpolice to determine cither theage or the sex of the victim.

A notebook found in theyouth's r*«-krt disclosed that hehad written an account «.f .thecrime, hut th,e notes and rm con-fess mn differed in mmv details

The written version inoi.atcdthat he had killed thr girl in self

"I killed her I had to. or shewould1 have killed me." the ac-count read.

' In his oral version, he t..lri thepolice n* helieved the siH'j; namewas J e a n , and that she had

J3' picked him up near Tcrrc Haute.Ind . on Julv 13. while she wandriving to Chicago. '

Somewhere near Lake Mi.!.gan. he lontmued. they decided U.go swimming, and after a fewdrinks -they shed their, clothesand went intu the water.

An argument followed, he said,dunnc which Ihe girl threatenedhim and he seized her hy thrthroat

* An argument followed, he said.during which thr girl hit hire onthe head with a whiskey bottleHe'said he countered by Sciflngher by the throat and holding herhead under Ihr wa,lei

Kardel «aid that after thedrowning he drove the girls caruntil it ran out of gas some-where between Tcrre Ha,ite andVlnccnnes. snd abandoned it.leaving the gull' rl."thmg underthr lp.fi! seat -

The automobile the youth, de..scribed has not been found F. RasaaelU.i- The bny« mother »h<. before jCkartef tlaell

y wasfantastic stories. Hr used

(Continued on Page 2)

rouR-n other counties as well eatrian ..n the bridge, wh« wasMunicipalities lark the funda' k-rwrtrd int.. thr nvei by the

„ , 'asaiding butA . idltarm «e> tke Blear r. . . . . i- tn<m the letter s du

• • •§ • Baaat saaaatssai sfasrar* taday pj,,.i.- ,,( which i. undristnod to

L e g i o n n e o o «• ••» I M I »•«*• T " « « • " ! • • « <-•' •••< "•-. • • — »

. , «. | u ~ ^ ' ' ..' "Amwrt i»i« snd a half yearsA l R a l p h ( SuCCeUOr Wil l >nd the right to make repair, on „..,, el»|.M-d sfnre this tragic ar '

• * • fcl#CtaitJ #jt M p t # m - I cooperation such as Mi\.r road. | ssfenuarda h.\T been circled tobdjr S*)Ssion i T h * ' " l *"" ' " attention seems to be ! p l , , , , , . i^currence Thi» nrg-

, dinn-ted chiefly at the high cost- j fcrf „, y n u r „ . , , .,.nl....ir. in

Harold Wells was nomlnsted ',n*mP^.n^'l<^Ji!'^i.."'? '.la?'' f?*' ? * ' * * » " • * • " ' d i " « ' < ) '"a J , j « n traffic swiftly, from stale t>. atale ih,» , i . , n k . , ,..n.|iii.ii by -for commander of Harold O Bar- ; but which will service local traf

All-Star TiltTomorrowNight Is Set

Eattern and Wtttarn Di-vision in Softball


. Breslin Field will he tkestage for tke all-star gasae be-tween the Bast sad Wast Dl-

ia Oat

•UgM.take I* taa Oak*, at «ds\.«. m,

ZG2lag for Ike game far aaaa* ttaaaand are eagerly aallerpalkagtke outcome expecting Ikelrfavorite selectlans ta canethrough with a rletary. Tke

'game Is la be played far' tkebenefit of Ike Softball leagaefirst annaal banquet and whileno admission is lo be eaarged.fami. will ke solicited via tkepassing ol Ike hat and will nodoubt contribute chrrrfully farthe worth, cause. I'nlike otherneighboring towns, Lyndharathas never f.llawed Ihe practiceof taking up s collection far;each game, sa on one occasiontke sports followers should riotfrrl too bad akanit tke wholething.

All of Ike' managers la eachdivision had a hand la select-ing the players and tke list ofnames that are printed as tketentative linrups representthose that were given thevotes in the poll. Al Casajmanager efi tke Towac Clublean will handle Ike destinies•f tke Eastern I l l rUan andwill pit his craft against I n e rfiuulrlli. manager .1 tke Gal-lagher Aaasjrlatsaa Tram wkawill handle Ike Western repnstsutivrs

HUrtiag lineups will ke aaaaVfraea Ike fallowing list of play

INM»:IJ>F.R.HF. Rutcier*r. Cagmaer*f .^^a* _'; _

jnd Jury .4 1' County ...ringer Post !3t. American Legion, fie only a little ]M<Lyndhurst to succeed Command- | Yet. statistics show that it la , „ „ i < m i ^ . . ,er Alvin O Ralph. <««*» ^ ja ' . hUhasajri that are the

A former Wave, Miss Ruth (scenes oi moat of » e ac.id.-nu " T h " c.mdilion ha. furtherKiefer. was nominated for re- j <*»*' » ' «"• Comfort buaea continued even though, in thecording adjutant j plunged from the bridge, linking trial of H U M . arising nut ..f this

Four vk-e-commander nomm I Walltngton with fassaic Msreh ) arndent., voui eapert . , , . . . . . - .ees are J. A. Kiefer, John Harti- » . l»tt . killing tke driver. I I admjli™ thr (.rulgc i,.t n.,1 i »gan. Donald Decker, and Gus pa«s'««crs snd a pedestrian form t.> even at pet cent ..f theHeyler. Harry Feldman and Casi- ! T h ' PU'PM' ° ' the writ i . to minimum >•.., ' . . i a,.-, in. alum,mer for finance oflker | prevent another au.h tiagsst, sc- which . » - i . i in IKtl

Elmer and David Miettner. cording to the letter, aifacd by "T*r . . „ . , - . . of Pa»»ai. sad , .twin brothers were nominated for Oscar WUensky. former ,4aacm Bergen have ma«tr almstmna to A , , ,color bearer and standard hear-j " I )""*1 1 . ° ' l n r P"aa'c law firm .ithri i . .tv. - owned and mainer. respectively. Other officer can- j " ' Greenburg. Wilrnsky k Fein tsin.4 hy you .. prryt nl similardidatrs are John Zlmmer. cor- " T g which represenu the hu». ac id . o i . hut you have ... ... ,responding secretary; Alvin 0 , ' n>™. atelv *v.iidrd making smh slier-Ralph. chapUin; William Leaaer.l WU>aa*y U t t e r ali..n. la this bridgehistorian: and Louis Bennett. Wilensky wr i t . . "In ..rdrr t-. pnMn i n**a>ngrrasergeant-at-arms. I "Unlaas we are advised within on ,HU hu*r» and the grnrisl

The Lyndhurat Legionnaires; the next law weeljs that you are pubiu-. »• must . . . . . . u. thiswill welcome home recently re- taking definite sctum to c.rrefi m t. ,n t.. t r *n* |mt the I H I I . U

the glanng vkiUHon ..I y.«ji t w this bttdar safely1 ^ "dssss **asi ah.ll ha. easw*t^^^w» tir^ttf fc. n-witna v» If • (

September a Harry ! P^B*" ' " " » * • application Mr Ihe ,1 per. h.nre anothe. .,,-idrnlHanson is the chairman writ of mandamus." •,-..l.t .K^nir. the m.ln i.tual.

The Post bacauB* the Aral or-1 Both Bergen and Piusaic Cotin ..»npnsm« yam board ntgMganixation to contribuu- t<> the '*'-* * ' ' i * ' elean.1 of i.^ia.nsil.ilit* well be.a..h).-. t i.. . ri.n.nal pr....-Lyndhurst Police rtret Aid Cor r». '" thr ' r»« r < 'y whi.h resulted in i-ution for ...an. «i.n,«! m .«<» "now holding a fund raising ram — . r\rf • i ' a - • • . • ^ •

Trainor Officiates Follow the Leader


InterviewsAuthority It CompMmcjJob of S.r.ctir»q TWrty

fiv* T»n«nt»

The Veterans • • * . . * •MS AiaK*ittl* L . I J * imi t

t h e t h i r t y a w . - . . . • . • • - . « t Ug e t t h e !•••».\u ^ . . . . i , afl>#W i n g b u n a 6 i sea • -» >•( tkel e t ,*f ie!w«nta BaBJ MBl he • • « •

SfJr^l W H 4 aa^f Hbaf A VJI IhaaaV 11 WS

• oaaw ka 'latt I • Mall h~ Ml.. i. • - .

Wdliaax J v " • . . . . . .«l the u i M A i . * . . . i . ( asl u n Je** a»»it«i^*M ****** imt*l>> tkt? aste taunt arh^ l«iJr*J taan»*. If lh«y make so . .ap.Hu. h> bka. *»*.l ..I Ik* weattln> aulhwNrsaWl • >HIMI»*U <ks*a>

B*n»f IHal the . * . * > . « asnMtmay h*»* sryl mmw ..I th* *f>


Ueni\ Psiks, M l't>>la< stler) N.-llh \ r | l\«1'•>. M pMtMTaSj l « i « .kiwn s shark in I . . l . l . d i t... thV kni.hr. « it. . 1 . - 1 . he i . . . . . ItM.tld htsown hnmr Thr h'>.» a*aa aVsssatasl ks lh» Mat KUsrtw.

Ih* nrw tr.vltall.MV. •» . n*>« left H

. * a>iM*t ta nmk* atsl ie>.H Ukbvaaati anal ». RUB , . |»_

• . * a»t maku>g n u u )- . 1 Brfits] b. li%« srtsatB

wiu w r n m c nome rfenmy re-turned service man at an outdoor

School r\tli September a Harry

Problem of Dog Control v«. ;:..£..Seen Solved by Kienti. . -

w. . ' (rat* tk* a«tk... tc.. ^f m *A tkw • •• I 1. a*.l w

l"h* |ir»l.lrui ..( • l.i). . ..nlr.l nmtlmsi il ti» ••»€»•, i » > . * ' ^ ' * * * * ' * " * ' * ' '

^anau.aa N. •» |er*ei » n l . i^t.ie.. wlii.ll *T'ajV. i*" t ' *

iM-ina- i- .aifc.1 h» .li..i<n..l.la *t i l . |sre«|e*l wmm^ tha swirn*< m

M. • I »l


HIM in f . . . . e a r . 1.1

fur it* i i in i ro l —

Hie I . rt.l. I l». I*.-*.. In ml

paign to erect a garage to htuise! its supplies and equipment.| Delegates to the state e m n nI lion at Cape May from Septem- ,her I I tn 14 will be Ralph I I , . kenmnn. Donald Decker. John Har-

(tlgan. Gus Heyler. William l.<sscr. I ...ins Bennett and Hsrry

; Hsnson'' Alternates si-e Vielor James.Al Lee. Many Heylei. Al Pirst

'sky. John Zimmer..Rirhaid 1 •••sir. Robert Gullfoyle. and Gro-ve. Helnsdorf.

Ele<-tion of ofneera will he Sep.tcmbcr .1 and installation. Scp.-lemler 17 County CommanderErne*! Eyer snd members of hia .staff have been invited to officiateat the installation cerenwrnies.

> • • <

Bee. ratradl Traaaar. ratralrI . Sacred Heart I alkalkCkamk, stare kla return fromIhr Army In wklsk ke servedas rksplain. .fflrialr*! al Ihrwedding af a farmer Aral, offleer. Majer Kdward Walterstsrkey. pasflissai af aallilanscience at ttatgara. saarrtrdBalk Batker farlla. daugktrr MDr. Bdward Jsnaa < arlmsaayaw af Bakway. la MlMary's Raman < alh..lx I hui.hBakway.

Tk* asalar served with lather Tralswr In Ike rsMrth Arm•red INvkdna la *ur*pr

SU> «.tl front wllh Ike

l^adrr I 4.1 th<.i*'l., i r ail

. .K i l ra an .M|H,f In Ihr lla.-

sraaaek m, ..!..« . I..-• kt Ihr

I laeata saal II<.II....I haaasets.

Tkr f-n.».. . | raaagai n..

New Vsek ». . . I . I rill«ia

=1 If You're a Yet. Read This!

1 »ilh thr ..i.'.i.. .; HI.

s w h*4 a map Mtih a M t ear-t\r .lo,M .»>s Mhrir an alrsmrl-IM.UM be I.J.I- B> Ihr near I..lure The stiffs i.-.k ... tk#l . . . , . l . . . i ....i Nailk Arllni'I'm aeeltm mt Ihr m r i f c . .

Prominent LocalW o m a n Diet 'V^M n rents t™ t»«

;Gov«rnm«nt EipUint Wh«t «nd How and Why andWhtn on Forthcoming Terminal Pay

Tawne ClubJsls'iJ . Jo's

Asa vetsm. Chjk


J Thrher marriage wasM f w w n of East Rutherford, itformer radio editor of the X+*

_ Ynm U-t!'. Newi^ She__»r«4cprwtr v and ceQduetrd « ra*Cicolumn for the K«w York' new*paper after wmn-ng a rnntvvtamnni U«teninc hoU)w*ir»-»

- Hi» fattier who ueed the namrof -DOUI I . " h»s adopts i»rM»i«name served m the Sut* Guardduring the war H# also played

M * wVU. known m'South

Iddir DaaaJee CastsOITFieLDKRH:J. PatrsU.Artie Wkinnf.rne DeFraneise.J«e Fraagspane T*»« I labTeas TValsk M*t* Nsaae4'ATt'llf'tUtBay Uaatettl AsavetsJ DeVrad. _ I lub tUyslmi HISSJ < ISH.II> . AsavetsJ fcowabkt Italy NaaaeK tvssielll Tawne t'lahisr int>»a>

tiallagkersI.)S| BSK

Al I aaaUa (.allagaenHanry Hala* l.yad Bae.

Aaaer. Laag«e

Question* and answers anbow aomr l%.a*a,s*a veteraaawill rolleel aa rsllmalrd St.7M.*N.*N far •award leavetime under Ike terminal paybill rresbteat Truman signed

U — «ka Is rtlglblr-A—flhcharird aaUMed asesi

sad arasasa. wk* served alterMeat. I. l i l t ; larmrr efflrerspart »f whoar aarvsue was laIhe rank, sad affasers aad ealisted mm still ks service wk .•si Seat I. • • * * . kave ketweea• I aad I t * days leave u Ikelrrrr.il

4—H«w d. Ikry apart.-A llhlaia apstllratl** laraaa

lr**» p—t affste. fill out sad

rksrir rrrtlfiealr u. ene Mparing elfsMs aVUiaalrd la lastrartaaa skee«. ,

U M.m »UI paysseal ke

•sent air nalkansl aervlrr We1

Uasaraawe.U - Musi Wlgiaal dlatkari'

rrrllllcsle mr rertmrstr ..Iarrvk-r ke asibaaMled?

A.—Na. A tnae r»py rertHtrrik. aa talhorlard . l . la eg I.. • iafflaer •» a pkal*statH ra * .will saftlee

• | ~ngf-• i Ike afl|».<l ka>keen l~l . . . de.tr.yaaV)

A A -rerUfbrale as He« •>aUarkarge" « . . . be **t*la*dfrom sass .1 Ike lallaslsi A*Isrtaat (.rnrral at Ike Arm.tiaa (Marffeltow Basilevsrd. at

, I karl -f NatalNav* pr**»tm*t»' .

Wsasjlaglsa. U . B I . Inrnt...af rsrs.anal. Wni.sscier. Iaar •"jB4tif-|g*rf. f dj>f fftas. M ss%ll IF4£ ! « • I I

U. P, f ; at.Taianan-tnn- •(

Mi. Helr



AlM-^ H . - l l . .• . .1

I - . I kn*H»n -and h.

n iniiiiM

arena J * * cu»e*i*< Thr. »KUM-itt* *n*m (ay rt-.»u if«w» iJv>* *]U|fJF*> m m , lar Irmt-tu-i• * l f I * » h r t l Kt hntflf, It"il**lf*''t«lia-n Ih* i |Nr- tM thr •.?«*•* «ri*l,t\ th. ' i . . ' <f a4l f lU 41 oil Urtv.•*

nn«) ti^rr* **>"».* * ><T ' • •tiw,,( ifWutft •ftfiift av .'Urtttwm '"tttv tl.tnw trtrtrt* (M Um I»W•1'H(f -*IH1 nu l l * ' hs>a¥} (-> I

4 hattr* A K.i"H< N A<

li»»|[t.af> « hc«tttt ' t l lef t ' (t't<l f t

( • i I Ih . Nt»* it•:-« • M, . '. r i r » * i i Att.*ri*it*kn »- < . .

1ST p . . * '1 *to .>nr nf n

4 41 mn* *

I I . - - »«..«. A n U SVThe l a * pmvto. - .

twsAe) ' . . ( . . I b." >. t.

,TH*' d . u act..m»al l..«M.mk

frrta t ' i f 1 1—. abatank t. laal. U l

•••* •iwii-^ «• immiimm At «ia»' ' ' * " • UtaBJ a 4tJV- W -rfl tW* t I

' " In **9Umm4 Ilk. •-.—.« r— Uhr

Mrt M»*t< retl/vd tn lanuaiy• > ..f«-niM *4 ttx* fHk.(<*f M««r1

.( *UM»IM Church t*(t», U.Wn-4thai (is.rt:,. f. f,,t U year a |n- unvfi•*!..- f Vntdhfitai»• "•. i l' - rinn»f<) Utt-ir futt 'n. .aii ' ( • "fnuMM from M-» Hymt) Sh« i . . . !nrrv 9fi > • • ' •

' , * • * • • ' • . ' uli N • M i * , JoXyhun* Da? k mnti M i * K <t\l-

I l>4ar of I .>tVll .^r.1 #.,,1 H , . , s .

A '*t • U~n**i higr. frtaMa* fa hi l«-

m4 tm M>t Hyati •« *hf ****** **lUmr% Cbutrtt «A Yrtdaf at i'* 'in , - , y ih.x n + f f f i'» «'-**'

: t W fa£ntw«| «rfl| fa* .•.•«),uVsJ t"* *«•tiom Hat r s T T i H*n,*n*i il««rr«* • • • ' •-'- «*

' I . • ilnHj.-.li a<-<|>

(Maftdtj , , | t,J »t l i '»** *\-rnbo*. =»«#1 -.,r.j< ;\.'tl\ HtlrtC •«.(• I all i '' I * | ttu1 .tar (si I -»•» i{ >• M \m I kcsfi ( » ' a* >'i i *)«v. \mr*t\ t - i - .

- $n HM .| f.- rl/ltj (*'t-

The Jslhr' t h * .monung sajdhe heard Iram Sis SMI three

Bocci Tourn«m«ntAt D«mo. Club

A i* *~ -.* t M W ' . r . (*•« will

m f» M . fetwrf „.*.).,! BAJMI *. . . •t* hm\A m* is , ifa^fBjttMtaai h' - •"• ' a *•


A rr»k.M« wttkaa al 4ar»Q —'

be OtatrrA—tty tea*. I IM1q—At*

The bs,f.«rr«/^ ayiii t . aiMi

A - Five years ttsa* d«4< .^nxnvu* .Kte*^*. SaVart..tkey ksaw Tka(~arasT a* lax J»t»'a*»l aaaaMaM ail aaat 'law* day af Ik* •aurte*~MU<s ^wlng mtk rk*t» U.x.xg«««ui ••sag tk* sjsasrsn as srkafk Ik* " M » at" «-s«a«a**rlai l l laal arks isjiratld feaaa Tn*. I v u s i M . , . I - -«.esaspstam ' . ' . v» *4t issfi' '*»at« w s i ^ w . *a>*

. « — W a vatsew beat a r .^aJ ' " • » » « » " dana^s « ~ ~ ~ , « H . r tgaaisiaajl rsiaags arks* aa aarv • "J

w HudsonShow Roomi

• ! It.

•* J*atW« l"lll».4j*t * J ! | faf a| ,> **. .•*»»• * t>Hi ' .i»% l» MN*<tfcdt ••* . #(fcv|- , ..itgmM . % « • ' t-VVeaal IktllMa l l t j * . Mst* • * # > • •wt Uw rtawa- t t t t ^ M f t f c . i J iia>ti,»aiBmi'l*M* in •*=»r *«*«•. • , - v » afcuiitini • « « • • w •..,»->•

Page 2: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare


P.ge Twe THE LEADER 15,-f.

Amvet NotesElks Move toAid Crippled

Disabled Veterans Wil l—Set Support From

AJ the War Dea*rtm?»ttrrprrt- the ti. I.leave law. delays

s stopovers attransferrde from

Berni Ptes.rsLS.! Well Known

ea raate— | .

ppLocal 1505The AMVETS take great pride in announcing the passage ut

the AMVET sponsoied Vais fui amputees" billThe President signed the bill last week The bill authouzes the

expenditure oi |3U,0<JU,UUO tu pi u vide free cars, at a maximum portut $1,600 each, tu an estimated 2o.(X>oi*g amputees (at-or above the .ankle and other War II vtts, including ,...: ..plet i. - who lost ttw^knuwn before the last war, hasability to w*UMllliiliHli ill IliinliiWj Ml 11 \i Ii ' jtoeen brought w the attention oftamed at the expense of the veteran.

The bill also allows purchase oi, "other conveyances," includingmotorcycles, motur scooter or Similar vehicles!

The vet must be able to obtain driving permits, and prove abilityto operate vehicles. After that, the VA says, they' < <»n tuntai tdealer and make purchase, billing the VA foi the cost However,at the writing of this column, all administrative procedure i» n<<<yet completed. We v.iH kwp you Informed as soon u* we receiveadditional ifTftiimMion r _ _ ~ '.

We are now going to write about .a subject that will rfft

- Paraplegia, the paralysis of thelow* r pa11 of the body due to uspinal injury or disease, little.

the .publir with the number ofveterans who have lost the useot their legs through combatwounds and injuries. N

Lyodhurrt Lodge B. P O. Elks150?>, which has been cited forjt*. interest in - the welfare ofservicemen, voted at a meetingMonday night to investigate and

time.The terminal leave pay meat

te based on the pay the sold-ier was getting at the time ofbin discharge. ttume who weredischarged prfer to the M Wbase pay raise do not benefitby it.

Designed Many of Monu-ments and Mausoleums

In Cemeteries Here

Former Local Youth(Continued from Page 1)

write stories, and had i vivid im-agination."

' His mother said the had re-: reived a card "a few days ago"from her son, indicating that he i

the vicinity of Chi-T Mu it», withhold from them that walk

Full military honors were paidAli-x Berni. whose fame as adesigner of mausoleums andmonuments was well known inthis area, at funeral services heid

scales for the various gradesfollow; Private, S5a an d$1S;Private First (Ham, S54 andSM; Corporal, I N u d IN;Sergeant, $78 and SIM; StaffSergeant, J% and $115; Techni-cal Sergeant, $114, aad U15

p p g[seek a means of assisting the dis-

almost all the vets. TERMINAL LEAVE PAY Her* ire the WaiDepartment's official, but Lncompiete, msliuctiuns for making indivictual applications I'm your leave' pay.

Pick up e form entitled "Cjumi tor settlement uf unused leave ',which will be available at any Post Office. A. -. . - i an insti ui tioiisheet,-which are not yet available but will be- < •• i. I '••< t instruition sheets will tell you exactly what Ut n>. It any .-• > '-.tn. Uneeded., contact your local AMVKTS, Veterans Community Information or Advisory Center or any State or County Veterans Servict

All applications must be notarized, so be sun' of yo'ui informstion. There are many Notary's in town. Again contact youiAMVETS for their names.

In 'about two weeks, all of 30.000,000 foxing and instructionsneets will be shipped t« all post offices, so t e a little patient

The next nut-ting of the AMVETS will U August l*i and wewill have the forms there lor those Who Want them. Wt will alsohave complete information on how to go about filling them,out andare premised a notary too.

The completed form must be mailed to the Army, Navy, MarineCbips or Coast Ciuard paying office, nearest the ,.|.,;,-i.. -.ut . point uldischarge whuh will be listed on reverse side oj all application..

-cumpleU-d iHI in*, BMur Certificate ul Seri lann.

I n . . . • i • ) ! . f ' . i l l l e d t l VVKKY IMPORTANTDischarge Certificate or Certificate of Service for each periodt w i c e covered in thi

Us*' either original discharge pap*latter must be made by a state ut muulaw to make ..m h copies.


i l l t if led 11 Ue Copy..ii n , A authorized by

abled vetera'n.Joseph Bader, chairman of the

servicemen's committee, is to ichoose members of a special com- \miltee this week to J.iv thefoundation for the exploratoryprogram. The* facts gathered bythem is then to be submitted tothe Stan organization of B. P. O. ,Elks One of the ambitions of the !committee would be to provide |funds with which the paraplegicveteran could remodel his hometo meet his altered condition.Confined to a wheelchair, in mostlist antes for life, the construction<f j rump instead of stairs, would

be helpful to the disabled veter-an It is changes such ait tlwhwinch Bre considered worth

Panic SundayAn all veteran committee is

working with Michael Eufemio.chairman of the 21st. annual pic-nic arrangements to be held onthe clubhouse grounds on Sun-day Emphasis is being placed onall veteran activities, with i

The old and new base pay ! Monday in Our Lady Queen of'Peace Church. North Arlington.Burial was in Holy Cross Ceme- ,tery, a place in which many of:his monuments stand.

Mr. Berni who lived at 120Gold street, North Arlington. 'died last Thursday in Bronx Vet-erans' Hospital after a long ill-1newT BornlrTLGcarTtaly, he came rto the United States as a boy and •,became an architect after finish-ing high school in Miami He en-listed in the Army during WorldWar I and served in the Meuseand Argonne offensives and in -England.

Granted permission to be dis-charged in France, Mr. Berniwent to Italy and studied at the -

[ Polytechnic College of Romei Following his graduation, he re- 'i turned to the United States in1026, making his home in North

When an enlisted man goeson furlough he Is given a sub-Kistence allowance approxi-mately what it coats the Armytc feed him when on duty.

Each .fiscal year this subsis-tence figure to fixed accordingto food prices that year. Forthis fiscal year it te 68 cents aday. The terminal leave billallows 70 centr a day.

The upper three grade en-listed men of each service are

Lutheran ChurchHie father telephoned the Chi- j

cago police this morning, in- an Valley brook and Traversattempt to learn something about | ' Rev. George Mailer, pastorhis sons difficulty, and said he RUlh, 2-213*had been treated "almost rudely." Sunday, August IS—

"They told me to contact the] 8:30 a. m. • Public Worship.Pftterson police," he said,""and i'"Jesus The Light Of The World"that's all I can learn about the j will be the theme of Sundaycase." | mornings sermon.

Mrs. Kardel. employed in the j We invite you and your friendsoffice of a housing development , to worship with us.in Linden, declined to discuss the ' .case, more than to say that she j Sacred Heart R. C Churchhad heard from her son. '

"It is a personal matter," she B e v Bernard Moore, pastorsaid, "and Id rather not discuss [^Masses at^:30t_7:301_Bjft_»iJ0it-brforr we can obtain punn in- {"To:3O.~ and. 11:30 a.m.

tive passages from "Science andHealth with Key to the Scrip-tures: by Mary Baker Eddy in-clude.

"The sun is not affected by therevolution of the earth. So Sci-ence reveals Soul •* God, un-t'niched by tin. and death, as tawcentral Life and intelligencearound which circle harmonious-ly all things in the system ofMind." (p. 310)

formation. My husband, is working on It now." _

allowed 11.25 a day for quarte-,i provided they had de- Arlington three years later. Hependents when discharged. The i held an engineering position withamount remains the same revardlfss of the number of de-pendents ''

Is HostessMrs. Frank S. Gallagher, of 219

Post avenue, entertained at alawn party at her home la>t weekin celebration of the second birth-day anniversary of her son.Thomas. Decorations were" inl.lue

Those present included Mrs.Frank Koehler and

emorial UnitedPresbyterian Church


Lyndhurst MethodutChurch

Mahan's Baby

committees formed Jo fostershuffi*- board, bowling and otherathletic competitions between theElks veteran members and othertownship organizations. I

Among other future events isthe clambake s< Keduled for'Sun-

1 I t" day September 2». '

the government from 1934 to 1938and subsequently joined the en-gineering staff of the Worthing-ton Pump it Machinery Com-pany, Harrison.

Mr. Berni leaves his wife, MrsLaura Cametini Berni, and three

Mr ami Mrs. Halph S. Mahan,; children, Anna, Leon^and Albertot lflU Finest avenue, are receiv- |nit; Lungiutulations on the birthof a new grandson, Konald Louis,l/i .i n lust Wednesday at the Hac-kensack Hospital to Mr. and Mrs.Robert Mahan, of KidgeneldPark Mr and Mrs Wesley Ma-

Stuyverant and Tontine Avenur-Rev. William Justice. Minister

Sunday. August It10:30 a m. - Public worship

daughter, .service with sermon by the pas-i Holly, of Kutherford; Mrs. Wil- tor on "Paul in Prison." A pic! Iiam Schulte. grandmother of the ture wil) be shown after theI guest of honor; Mrs. J. J. Kellyand son, Jdmes; Mis. David Don-ald and nephew, Gary Farnham;

I Mrs H. H Crawford and daugh-ters, Joan and Carol; Mrs. S. S.De Jackmo and daughters, Pat-ricia, Margaret and Linda; Mr

Wi-titmimter PresbyterianChurch

ftewf * New Jersey Ave.Ridge stead

Eev. Howard E. Frtehely, pastor

Rutherford Baptist Church

Rutherford, N. J.

Su Thomas* EpucopalChurch

vice, showing something of thelife of Paul

Fir** Clmrcli ot' (Jiri»UScientist

Fareal and StuyveaaatRev. Rowland F. Nyt, rcctw -

Sunday August ItThe 9th Sunday after Trinity9:00 a. tn. Holy Communion.

Sermon by the Rector.

I Boy to Pattersons

Wm. F. Anderson

ban,havehotniweek, have rttuined to theirhome.

William F. Anderson, 76, of 57*Yale street, Bloomfield, for many

L d h

»M, whuh will golii 5sp. m with

unlimited items on thi* menu. Itis expecti-d that close lo J50 per-sons will attend.

The spctiul event is in chargeof tin- boaid of trustees which in-cludes Bader, Joseph WooLy, l>r.V.to Lambtrtfj, Th.Hiiaji Ebseiiak eu»*on «» a .meeting of the La-

Hurry Ackcrson.Commissioner Clur*

who is- esteemedSher-kiyal

If original payers are lo:.t and no record of them hay U-en filedwith local government, a rertificute in lieu of discharge isable. You can obtain thes - by writing, Adjutant General <>l tinArmy, 4300 Ooodfetiow Boulevard, St. Luuu 20, Mo. oi chief (>(Nuval Personnel, Navy Dept, ,Waghingtun 29. D C oi Director ulPerLQBjjel HeadquMi ttus, ITS Ma ripe-.Corps, Washington, 'iU, D C .

'or* Commandant ol the'Coast ciuaid. Washington :J5. D. C. Con.sideiablt- delyy'may be expected in getting CIL's, because i>f enoiiiinu • backlog'Of requests.

The Army provides special forms to apply foi n •-, certificatesand tr-.-y are available ut any recruiting office

Pkymtrits are prpmised as soon as pusuba?, but the »-i vices urge 1 k h", i s Ut b(1 y ^ Ui ^iV m e m .no correspondence op the prog^esa of the claans T»m will only d*-- ! b(i||~ ^ . i p tIpWl. |Wuae U t l l t y thelay a big job. |',aht K u t u I ( i a v i n August and he

Cash, in form ot Treasuiy eht-tkj, will i» paid unty in claim [keeping the final ;u i ;innein* niantj» due le; j than $50 claimant:. b*pii rated i.. i<n, Jan 1, IM3 .uni to v.iu \i\ n.- frum hl» tello* ussurvivors and guardianvof pf-r.->ons deceased since aep«iatrd or mi- ctsies. *• 'judged insitne or. otherwise incompetent Thi««- du* nuirt- than $ *> ' Their were 22 AWnbtrl on thewill levfivt* governim-nt bonds m multiples of ;JJ with Treasurycheck making up the balance undei *•••'•'>• *

Veterans payments made on basis of pay rale in effV-i t al timeof M]I:.;MH,II from the service, base pay and longevity, not overly<pa> or special pay.

--All claims must bi; Wed not later than Sept I. 1JK7. but matuiity ddte of bonds will not bo lengthened even if claimant' waits entire year before applying. The maturity datr *ill U d>-t« rfnined not-by date ot tihpg request. I ut hy tht-. clat*- of separatum All bund 4dattd lust <i.;v uf quuiter next following qu.iitei in whirh SppltCanlw&s separated. Kxumple: man septurated J^n 10. -l . will bv ah\>l.) cast) bond April 1. 1948.

The law allows credit of only "0e pei day sub&Lst nre allowancewbiji- on furlough even though vet may have Ix-rii tecriving hi ht-iStation aBoWsnce whilt- in the sfrvic*-. Some m*-n on special oWltotlor Living off post not UP It* $2:35 a duy, but tan only claim Ttlc In Icomputing terminal leave.

' j i u i ' t e i - i . ' i l l o w o j n i ' c t i o f $ I lift p i i ( i ; i \ -A h i l . o n f u i l t i u g h i t u t y

* be computed in total only by top three graders Those men inlower grade? who received such uUowiiiict- whii. m t»»- urvu-e (*•<depend* nth whili- livnu'. ulf the post, cmtiut ilaini thu if they heldrating iamm than slaff ut th*- time of tiwhin^*- t!. •• Army andNavy Departments, which huve hern ^v-n * <-i-.•>,<••• Sot adminiktiative expenses, believe ijulk of the job can U- washed up b.June 1, ltM7, with the veU: cooperation.

The President ulsui aigni A into luw tins *»» k several otheipiec(?s of veterans' legintution uf which ih* mukt impurlant is thebill increasing by 20 per tent the pensions uppiuxinUtlrly 2 millionve«s and 4.UUO.0OO dependents for both World Wars Paymwnt incrt-Jisfs will begin Bepi 1 ul tins yeai The (•stiniafrd fuit y*-.ncost is roughly about $300 million.

That's all the room in this week

Yal t r , y<if Philadtlphia, Pa., who y e a rs a resident of Lyndhurst,been guests at the Mahan died Sunday night at the Passaic

Forest uvenue for a Cieneral Hospital after a shortillness.

lie was a retired timekeeperend was the brother of the latt'

.Mrs. Ilansbf-rry of Valley Brookavenue. _ -

His only survivor is his sister.Mrs- Mary Anderson Eligot, ofthe Bloomfield address, withwhom he lived. He was born inNew York City.

Services were held from th>

To Buy KitchenPlans for the purchase of a

complete equipment for the kit-chen in their new communitycenter was the center of dis<

£. S. Sterner and daughters, Apriland M;u len. of Lyndhurst.

Health Board Pres.,P. Saifer, Honored

> f

Mr and Mrs. Philip WaHanf. ofj] Ten Eyvk avenue, and theiron, Kgnneth, are at Henryville

at* T t It , i i 1 * I i K. I* i a n l i l * 1

Mr and Mrs. E. Patterson ofE. Pifrrepont & Lincoln Avenue. 340 Maple avenue are the parents*

in Rutherford, N. J. "f a i i n v- Kdwin James, born last' . ! week at Margaret Hague Hospi-

aranch of ItM Mother Church, TIM ' t;*J.. Jersey City.Church m Chrtrt aeftwtii**, ui \ M r s Patterson was the formerFlr.l _

Button, H I M11h

I Hannah Davies.

ftt*dh)a HosMn at t Hi»fk>n<>!'•• "i iluil>, from II m m Ur<niii on Stnnli.v» and l*sm> I

Tfiiiri»iluy BV*nln( troto'clock


lKtty-f to S

House.'T IIi.ui-v-v.ulr. Pa.,Poconos. on their vacation. subject for Sunday. August 18.

Before leaving, Mr. Jailer was | Gulden Text: "My soul dothguast.of honor at a dinner -giv

Goetzl Discharged

Ashing-trip to Forked River oiSunday, at which P.ill Beiki'won the pool by his catch of ;mole thiin four-pound eel. Thegroup Jeft_ the-Lvndhurst' club- Mrhouse ut 7:30 a. m and returnedat 4 30 Jl ni. Past Kxalled HulerWilliam Wilson" made thi- ar-'rangements for Abe charteredhnn.it mui Louis ,Ewfefnio-i; exultedi uler was among the fishermen.

In MemoriamIn memory of my little friendand1 neighbor, Mrs. Muriel I'liffMmUi. UIMJ went home to CJodAugust 17. 1944"You are always in my heart.Foi to love is Ui Remember "

Atmubelle L. RicaaVla

dii-s' Auxiliary of the Lyndhurst Collins Memorial, 253 StuyvesantHebrew Association held last avenue. Lyndhurst, at 9:30 a. mweek at the hume of Mrs. Henry yesterday followed by a highK/tein. of 225 Tontine avenue. mass of requiem at Sacred Heart

Advance plans were laid for a R. C. Church at 10 a. m.' Inseries of partiei to be given to terment was in St. Joseph's Cemraise funds for the protect, in etery, Lyndhurst.addition to u ttne balance now m _^____.the- treasury. ) '

He/re.shmenta were served dur-ing u sociul hour dftcr the meet-ing by M rs 1 *ofl Hoch heiser,vice president

in celebration of his 25th anni-versaiy as a/i employe*- of theWestern Electric Company. Thedinner was given at the HotelHoly ml New .York. Mr. Sailer,was presented with some fineluggage and a fountain pen andpencil Sft.

Edward Goetzl, son of Mr. andthe Lesson-Sermon Mrs. C. J. G6etzl, of 343 Living-

ston avenue, is home. He held therank of fireman first class in the

magnify the Lord, and my spirit ; United States Navy, servinggy y phn\\\ rt'jtnvvtl^ in God my Sa-viour." (LukT 1:46, 47)..

Sermon Passages from theKing James version of the Bibleinclude:

"For the Lord God is a sun andshield: the Lord will give grace

18 months, with 11 months ofthat spent in the China Koreaarea, and has now been - dis-charged. He plans to continue hiseducation in the fall.

Robert Goetzl, brother of Ed-ward, is spending a vacation of

1 and glory: no good thing will he two weeks at Saylorsburg, Penna.

TtuThTFTat gh-adJey Beach

id Mrs. Ji toe pi 1 Gibbs ofU avenue spent Sunday

nlumn, ^next week with more complete, up to the minuteRememU-r, your U-sl bi-t, the AMVKT We m.throughout the U S Lind u membership of «v»-i umwho are veterans of World Wai II only Next.mat our temporary heudfjuartem at ~v'' Chase aven

news <«n the vet i

nullifin lutmU ••ting August 20lhe B« N^-UIK vnll




Vm.r Leading Jeweler

«.2 Park Av.-.l(ull..rf..nl. K. J.

uM |[ | UIKKMlKI) Mm'.

Dr. John Paff• (tfilimulii\l ttittl


" ( I I I H I l i c i t | { >

•m. /'no. I tin\l


iml 11M


ScirntifirIM- KxaiiiinuliiinCLASHES FITTEP

2'M S u r v i M M AvtMi:I i N0HI KM

• Al nimbwi ol NSM. by

invitation, w* of*

to provid* KM VOUI ton

The Collins Memorialt l l l l U I I I QLUNS, Kicrilur

251 MaXMM Avr.. I inilburM. N J'lrlri.li.iiir H Ulki . I ill .1 M M

Si-lit-tluh- of lllr N?w

Nutley-Lyndhurst-New York Bus Line•LeaveNutlayTermlnafA.M.«JO ;6:05 f1:1* 'IH1:JJ7:477:54



1:15 PM4:154:45;5:101:1*(1S


New YorkTerminal

S . . . . . i . i v » It l | . . | i . t . , v s

•INulley NeH York NiMIe; New Vutf

Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal




II I , I'MA.M.


A.M.7:MI I I


II S5PMA.M.12*5lei:.

A.M.t:*5M i

A.M.T:I5• Ii• IS

m r. ii •:.II Ii ! H r.MIhrn Ihr .Half Half-Uumrlj HuurlyTo ToIIISPM l £ « AMl; 15 AM IH

FARES I lax bcfaM)l l n r K . j lluund Trip M Irif

4Cc 77c »»]U ul, Ii / / m S|p«u« for \ikrJwl. O

1:15 »:S»«:1S l»:«r>•:«S 11:»5•!l5 11:U

M:15 12:0'i AM

S:4S 1.05

:15 0MAM '

Inter City Transportation Co.Inc.

1 MAIN AVINH .PASHAIC. N J.Phonr PAaaali 1 1IU

i/,iniilr> Ul I <UU) Brook At I HJUJ «.,",. H.-~l I . • « « . >

j \ . ,

Cool Comfort in Summer...

it pint tit' il in our Funeral Itttme,

AirComitlitimiif, by (airier Si nnlijii ally

M/if.i, (Mils ami ili hunttili/ies the air.

JOHty O. €RANK 6v SONSf u n e r a I H o m e

Kaarny Ave. at Berqen Ave , Kearny, N. J.

Emtunaa IKWI . tumtr. KE«INY MttI

—, hlem'nr In litnlmliun — \.<I/-I.I/ SeWleW Uariirimmt

—. E V E R T B A N K I N G S E R V I C E


/or EX-SERVICEMEN, Kverj- posaible square fi»ot of unused living

•pace must be put'to work at once to meet~.y ., the current emergency in obtaining shelter

for veterans' families. ••>••• n • . w s . .Eifaiting homes, and other propertiea must

be rehabilitated or remodeled to provide. dwelling accommodations for returning serv-

icemen. Priorities assistance for obtainingbuilding materials for remodeling work ofthis kind has been made available under theVeterans' Emergency Housing Program. %

Spet-ial terms on HI %-ini>urrd*loans like*' wine are obtainable for this purpose. Such

loans may be made in amounts up to $5,000and for periods as long as 7 years. —.#> Can you remodel your property to serve •Veteran? If so, you can serve yourself, too,by converting idle unused space to an income-pating investment. ^ *•»» •» .^».i Let us explain fully the HI A Remodel for^ cterans Plan. < omr in any time. '



i Fesnil 0«(wut tnuiuta Cuiamtlwa .


Page 3: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

Tknrah* A>«BM IS. 144C T i l LEADER

Plans are Revealedj Lyndhbrst Notes FreeholdersPay Widow

.xiist CI-.IM.1I. with Mis. K Waiti »« NuUey.REDMOND—JOBNSON She carried * bouquet of garden- Emery a> president

AnBouncrmenl w « mad. Sat-1 ias and kouvanita. . | D e . o r l l , , o n s y,CK in jrello*urday ot uw marnafeo l Jac . Tfce maid of honor wore a blue »nd white with a targe rake inquelme Malsbury Redmond, I net g o n trimmed with lac*, and t h e w eolor, as an attraction whendaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Omer a pink hat She carried a bouquet luftVt refmlimrnb »rr»- servedE aUlsbur, ol the Panama Canal iol pink « « . and blue gUd.oli I Q l f , s w , , , ( . prr1u.n^i „„ m l . , n s

bride's mother wore blue 0 I „ irm.suii- hurt directed byem$ tied in the showerof .. bouquet OWM-IIII 1


•glyup la T-«uj..i.-n Lakes, wherethe ,i.» - with h »

i»i iiinMiii In H i Mr, andi .. Ht-iUnd.


tn Mt*. s . . . Wins I fM the Int.- C.-univ Pio

Zone, to Norman Lee Johnson,.son oJ Mr .and Mrs. J. Leo John- j .n^' , h , v bridegroom's mother a ,r,or, pson'of 120 Port avenue. Lvnd blue and white print dress. Ea*h ribbonshurst. T*e ceremony was per- w w e .. corsage of gardenias. u , u,, K u ,^ ,,, |loMl,r b y

-termed i L l o'ctock Ml J i « t o | ^ p ^ e . « • a reeegtiw «t the tmscy,-.ho- was (tnslnevening by the Be* George r 4 D r i d e . s h m m . f o r M g u r s U On link bride.Muller, partor of St. Matthew » < l n e u . r,turn from a secret trip.Evangelical Lutheran Church at ; , h e couple w l n l l v , , t l«17 Broad

Mr and Mrs. Uerbert Mulk-i » »and family, of SM Page avenue, M r » •«-"•' ifc-iUno. ^ Ha.ktiw*.khave gone to St. Petersburg. Fla, . ' Iruaiy &. rteht m. uh» a i mwhere they will spend theit va- Mi» Alnia (Vrarchowski. oi II apphtil fin .. ,i,.-.<-.il.n p m u vration with Mr. MulWr's parents. S«uy\i«anl .a»fnue, and Mr* Al T h . frt-rh..!•»••• hadMr. and Mrs. Andrew MlOler. fot- ma DMV.K, nf 631 Stjrth avenue. i i « n his a|>|Mi<-att m f-t> ,.. *.m.-ily of Page avenue Lyndhuii l jhave left b j plan> im Drnver. >i.m h«t U M I<-I» m is*a

IColoiado. where they will spend ruledMrs Carl Gorleiky. of 1S1 Val Urn-,- wwk». . iCmirt

W(iM KUa£t' IH> ai H' IEdw«ld K « Ml

Mi *nt ttn WtUutm J«M*I .»>l K- n /un«t>, mrr the srrnt»

J.rw-.fc.li«rwr MIM* Irrne


a.» a j ley Bftwak «yenug^entj?£UitK'di at! iumlit-n at he, home irv.-mt> Tm

included Miv,the

Those presentLois Chute, ofMisses Lois Kiper, Ruth Justice.Roberta Lewis. Winifred Nib-I f t t c M r s H i i n \ f l . i M n i i . . . M r s

Lyndhurst,Attendants were Mr MVI 1*1 BCDEKICK BOTTMAN

Calvin -Bertolctte of Lon* Is- Miss Betty Lorraine Hoffman,land, sister and brother in lav, of daughter of * Bernard Hoffmanthe bride. •f»d the late Mis. Hoffman

The bride wore a beige suit T^nton. became the br.de

with matching accessories and a iJort™ ^TSL^t A " I . G e r h a r d • * * n d Mr» Ju*tl"'-corsage of camellias. f™ ^ T ^ i ' ^ l i "2? ! W l t n t h r B'iOst <lf h o n o r a n H ho1

\T _ , . Mr Bedrick of 239 Stuyvwant m o t her , t.f Lyndhuist.Mrs. Bertoiette wore a print avenue. Lyndhursl, f>n Sunday

Mrs T h o n u u K e r n e l . , Mrs J o l m K.i •• ; .n i «v< tuw, ha« u « n d«t. ;fi»r t h e i- ••Olcardt and M I M Prances Mai •" . h... K. -t H u m ti.i I" ^ A. H. \ i. • t h n

lion, att ol I .yndhuntt . » h i t t hr h* Id Uw -u- . ,,i >uft « • » un«>>l' -• i *. -. i i Hr W . » i * • and ab«lf ,\ i .;(.>,' BM < JII ' * ha l l

HfeWMs*.Arthur Turner, registrar tit v l

Bertoiettc woredresi with black accrssnries and evening The ceremony was pera corsage of sweetheart rose*. formed by Dr. J. J. Weller of

The bridegroom's mother wore Newark, at 7:30 p m. at Ann Gor-a black dress with white acces- <W« Inn. Newark

Miss Edna M*dved of Tirnt-nwas maid of honor and Martin

dinner Scheinberg of Passaic was best

rsage of sweet

f h e • ride was attractive in anaqua crepe dress in street lengthwith a matching hat and shoulder

accessories and carried a whitewith white orchids,

and siephanotiftThe maid of hgnor wore a

Mint length dress of champagneaccessor

sories and ;heart roses.

After the ceremony,W I I served fur the lnamedtattfanulics at the home of thebridegroom's parents. Later thcouple left for the W^tdtnf A*toria in New York. They willreturn to Lyttdhurst today and R , ^tomorrow they will start on theirWay to Shanghai. China, whereMr. Johnson wilt be in the cm

ploy of the Chase National Bank crepe .with fuchsiaol New York : siu earned an

The hndr uttended Holy Cross ' bouquet of mixedAcfedemy in Washington, D. C . 'and Ursuline College, Chatham.Ontario. Caniida. Her father is acivil engineer m Panama

Her grandfathii. Charles M..Ubury, was the fust Americancounsul to r.in.im.. HerMajor General Glen E Edgarton.former governor of the PanamaCanal, has been appointed director of the China ofnee of UnitedNations ReliW and Rehabilita-tion Agency. Sinre he complet-ed his term as governor in 1944he has been in'Washington. D.C, his last assignment as asso-ciate admtnisti ator of the WarAssets Administration. H"ts Chinaheadquarters will be in Shang-hai. ' .

Mr. Juhnson'is a graduate of ._..Lyndh«rnt High School and at *t|Hided New York University and

Mtth.er. Mrs Joseph .Painter. Mrs. ! 2M Oriental place, have returned<rf Edward R*>yrraft. Mr <. E Ward turn theu vacation apent at Ili«n,° r Emory. Mr> Clannc*- Ifc.ud. Mrs N Y , :

. -. _ _. • _ _a i • ? ^ » « • » _ . * r

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schrerkctistem, of 142 Fern avenue. ha\eMl for Delaware Wnter Oupu here they wilt spend a fewweeks at the farm of their datich-tci and son-in-law, Mr and Mt».Fn-d Gebhart

Other* who svnt gifts thoughthey Vere utiat H- to attend in-cluded Mis William V. Hixon. ofLyndhurst. Mi - Janet Muir ant.Mrs William Smith, uf Ruther-ford.

Mi -. I. i t - lu Will in.i oiti*'. thrinn..- of W'lh .HI W a t k u u K.'ul,of WhiUstunr , Lnng Island, onSt'p.i-ml'f] ?

Mr and. Mr& Joseph Pawkmkiof 449 K ingsland avenue, havecompleted a vacation of thr.-,wt-ck-.. part of which v.a« ipent•it Utica. N Y , and the ie»t atNormandy Bt'ach:

i\Cltur la in til* n ItkT

.* vjartullli,! Itwr


Set I of- August 29


Mi** Rose Murir Carty, daugh-ter of Mrs On-mlui l V Carty,and tin UU- Mi Carty, will be-come thr bride of Rrrtiand G.

shades blending fiom champagne B*isti»r. um of Mr. and M n J»>to fuchsia ' st'pn aWatlsJ-i 450 Columbiu tv>ul-

The mother of the bridegroom evsinl. Waft J WWg>. on Thursday,w o w aqua crepe with a corsage August 29. at St Jt*«-ph*it .R. Cof Talisman roses.

lnun. iji..li l> f o l l o w i n g tlic/ there was a reeeirtmn

it Ann Gordon's, where dinnerfor 37 guests Later

the couple left on a honey mo. mtrip t> Montreal and Qneb<M-.Canada On their return they willlive ' in Lyndhurst, planning tomove into their rwontly pur-.* hasod home in Valley Brookavenue as sunn as the house isvacated.

The bride i» a' graduate ofTrenton High School and m iseen tai y to the State Com missioner of Dental Health at Tien

Aufiu.st 29. at St pChunh, Bast Rutherford.

Mis:' Cai^y, wh<»f mother IHtax CVttartDI "f K^st Huthcrford.has chosen MTH Herhtrt Chew,i»f New4ik. as matlt{B of tvnoi .with Mt»R Clair* B w t u n , rintw ofthe bndegrt'itin mv\ Mrs. Al\ inRose, of F-.-t Kuihei ford, asbnrtesmai'ls.

Wrthatn (>'Mi<lUy, 64 Ca^lMndtwill !»•• hr*1 man. and ' Joxe(»hBastian (f Wnod,Rld*» ;.nrt Km-

f Kast Ruthrrford,

Mr and Mrs Herman Wundling and daughter of Websleiav.-nur are snrndtttc the H M Wal thiir huriti-'lov. at ' Llivly *l-'ki Fnr-tt.i> oust week they hada> their guent there. D»ri» Bi-vtu.,1. daughter uf Mi and Mi-William 1, Bivona, of 3M Jaysvenue

I Mi - Rtmald Sims, of Page . .wnue. who ,K v.icatmninit ,.t Humbow I,.«ki - had as hei gue&uthere for a day, hi r mnthrr. MiisAndieW W- Young of »• -. . vKm, Mr aiwl M n WUliam T-I1 •).!•-'i-n nf LivUtg^ton iivenui',Mi« May Halm of Trt n nvenu.-I.H-1 Mis Ktl.el Nt WHIMU of llulh•rford

v and M K'I-M K Mimand son, HobcrV • •: 4p Ke*rffvtrtn-1-t. .it.- twrk trutn ivaraUnn »pnrt in th*Tht % vi n i' (MinedM J l lu i ih of Jrtxry CHy

*•' i. and M i H K C«i ••>,.! .and fajntu •• '•• r w n t l j on t h r u

|CK>UtiaB 1<> !•• - , - "' at W i l m i n gi 'i; IVt Mrt.. ^ i. ha* mI • - - • ! . ' I ' H n l r . l v H . «N•tocounl at t h e « . . . » . . tltnemshei moMfeer <

Mi »r\d Wil l iant J VsVrtk . ofSM T\.tft"-iiwnt.*s-»4>«>x«' had a*

• UM*II ttar»U lot a t v t t a l d a y s U wUlV-i « *ixirt . . f t brnthet m i l .Mi TVI Mia * . . j > | I H — * B l•fti W i l U n l <>f Chuage . « n 4 an

I ctti. T Mtn »*yt > ,.i i S«varM<Hi.J r . u. Kuit iv •*<?'• \ -

I.ynrw t><-af>.""daughter nf Mr.•ii i Mrs U»n«Ml C#««i> <>f Snt

j C«tun avenue i» ha<k fern N>«ith' CatiiMell w h n r %\u- wut • i .•-i

tyt H-.<>t »n<t Uftrf*. Mr sftd M,John Kv,i...n

u p t >' stt )|»

l i i . f

t M M d u t g t h * I ' M i lHoua* m HsracnMcki «ml •Jig e l t i d . | h » n ' M i i l V h * t * p i t » l i n


..n.l Ml« II « * . I 9|thru h«*w »t (Kr«n (Uii O nk- li" »i»»n.nn I'M* »r.k ttkvrv

Mi« A!T ,-1

pnrt*4 • that <h«bank Mock la iAuii.ni t k u Ufull

..f w.w: t****

Ml «f ilrUAr..!' * < • a tin t.in

m Mrs C «


- - - *

W> 1

• « l h .i»,l«<l

I4>« .*I.• > . 1. •

1 , h



•I , .


T , » -. • » * 4 ..

• < ^ •

ynwf ;

m i ,


MnRlVi [

Cha l .« H 44V

Mi *»nd Ut» Herman Ernst, of

BeririrK Is a graduate nf :'"'• iu.,umt Ilitli Srhool aiid • l - ' y r

Rutters University He « with ,,:nrt,.,i Oenrva Chllej.- and New »'•tj» Ghasi- N in. n..1 Bank «f New yark Univirsily He servitl in theYork and «M sent hv lhe?r In u s > r m j fur 51 m-mthli, hnldPanama as an auditor about fire ine_,th.' rank nf tiThmcal sereyears afo. H<- tetuir.fj ii.,n. eant. Hr-.-sciyM^ in th.- Punfi.Pananiii retenUy I" .'.crept the area, iit Hawaii. Xcytc and Okinew assignment td China fur a naw.« Presf-ntly he i% rugae*! inperiod of thrt^-Scars busfaeKs. thr H.-drirk Sport Shop.

On their way to the west c,.....t. at 231) Stuyvi-si.nt avenue. Lyud-Mr. .in.t Mrs Johnabn will *i..p ' hurst

est DHhinrtt.

A gradualness S, hiemployedLeader. Mi

in the

nf I'.ii i, u.l Pusthe. I.I Kir el. it

the Coninvnial |stian si'iv.»d lour |ny. llifluilintt two '


nl •banNt-walk Tin (f>upU-Edward jr., threv andyt-ark >.M


• , i . ! > Nt t h r - "" - ••! M<V Howard Csrfc^lgh. of

[Mania, '' • evening marking

• 'and Mrs Edward Lilley,okt -avenut.. are th. narer(taiiKhlct VtiHltua Shamat S( Barnatas II.. pn .r l inll .dj) Knoivcitaiir^ »t !>>«'<

I have r son, Mi r u t and Mi* Vail.wfcliHi. i. .1 .. *f a tanulv le lrbrs

I.. II at Hit I'll.-t home

M n , /\mm«'> i I«I» ,, ,.l«.l«tllrl, M w M»«Tl T T . ^ I ( , , |< U *wr.mil . i r n a in,*l fr*w • <**«»» vii\ al Kift«"«-i> K V

It ., » * « . « • •iiasHlhsU

.1 *•V.at * ill ' -


WACHTERS DELICATESSENI HMfl Iffc IINI O| IHl t t ikn « I M " * « M * »

A I.AJtt.l MiH-k ill IIUMIR in. *Mi IHdMM* I*HII»

fi'.A |.IIM;I MIMII I ( M H i t u v i , N J

l t » « »••>• • • •»

» .. ui»

»!'-i **Math. I.-.1 IWVi


a " • •

Bertha Beck Hurt

at Yellowstone National ParkThe bout on which they no tnChin..'will st..p at Hawaii, thePhilippines and Japan

C1ARIMBOLI—PAU'ZZIMiss Julia Rit^ Palu7/i>'1auch-

ter of Mr and Mi^ LOUM Pi-luzzi. uf 51T I.iutt i avenue, be-came the hnde nl John W Ciar-imbnl,. of Gufnb.ru. Pa.. Sat-urday. Xhe ceremony w«5 per-formed at the l.vnrihurst Metho-dist Church by thr Rv\ WilliamM. Justice, pastor.

Attendants were Mis* Mat.«•Palti]>.zi. sister of ihe bride, andAlexander C i a run bolt, bmiher *fth^ bridegroog..

The hrni'ip wnff a p«»n j»fw h i t e s a t i n . ' • • • • • > • 4 • ' ' ; •< •

fash tuned w it h a1 n* re t hr- rt.neck hue and !' >n« i | r * * n H»*rU t i . c V « U - 1 - . < - ' ' ' • • • • ' w i t h . - • •

and attached to *» ht aded cr'.wn

Mrs. West InjuredMrs Mary Wr-st. S16 Third avr-

nur. Lyndhuist. was tieatid hvDr. Thomas Mahom-y last weekfor tniurie* fhe suffered whi-naha turnr-d h»r anklt- and fell bnHi. (Mswlik H II staiion Bquanin Rulh'Tfoid: Sh<- sprained hi-il.'ft fi«it H.-i imht kitec was MIMIskinned in thr fall Followingtrfatmi-nt ahr was taken to ! , • •h'imr 'Tn th*. iK.lice car

Mrs, Bertha Berk, :uo Willowavfiiuf, Lyndhurst. wa> treated(jit'lnjurii'^ liv I)i, F.m KJU. Ifc-1Sniame last w.i-k itft.-r a cutdriven by h.-i riir.lu.nd, Jo*(|>hhad (olhnV'd on -Routl- 17 with aWhit.» tractor Police w»r» told!t,..t the driver ol th.- tr,uek How»rd N. Ti.n.-.. --..I SaratogaSprints. N Y. had b.-en makinga I. fi turn (rom.the htghway mtnthe drivewav of Tu<»liy andO'Shra's *K«i«iy when tin- * ol4 i a l o n . . . . i n i t . i

Mi and Mm fhrlstlan Omenveld -lr . ami daughter. Virgini*.

r..f III nurd avriuir. Mr anilMi- Chtistiaii ciimnvcld and Mt {a|sd Mn CHArlw <; i '«n \e l . land».»n. Charlf. Jr. ..f Willow avenue ale bark fi.im a. va. Htinn oftwo wrellK fpi-nv tft Co/v I *k<

The annual pi. mt of St M •sel» R C Chun* will hr lield I . K 'thi- i lmt ih iti.'tinds •*» Auaviwt !K ,II.. Rev l....li.|..ii J Wlle/e»-!.head* the eummtttce i,f ai I ali|t<n» ntsi. .




I VMIHI HSt, S. J.Rl TIIKRHlRI) 2-«)7l«


TIIV^Hir KMMIlCall M Writ.

mHarold J.Cdmelet

PORT H i m I lit i i IHM.I.VMlllt »v|. \ . J.

WANTEDWill Pay $5.00r«r IIM n*»ntH


Htlr t t i l l Al— Jlauuhlrinme H.vrrl. :l -.«iiaaraal Haitarr t ~n •

Or WrIUlai l it , I naniui. l leader

TNI M «l

FASHION SERVICEl> I il.. I II. u - . i . M.,kn.,

I.. .,„I..11 HUM! M H I I I

M K I M . INSI Kl I t l l l > »

2 Hilt It I f » v i N $ 1

C s s t f M I W.i./. I / . . I ' M ItauMw

* II..,,...»,. *" farfnafaa*' v.|«<

rait H K» 4»n

vi ituig. ica . i VIHMUUI |.'H>. Ill U. - . ' • * . I




Bamjjsallaa mi 'isl i in Hi. laU'



Fathion DesigningSchool


MARCUS, , stays**,

Ru»R" f»; <«'ii L»»dm*Jeweler tor av«t 20-^ei

»• P » U » \ r Vt ,

Only an rxp«rf

can MC how uwrll you set

( M C M p i ' K i i - i y» *•* ISiaaa waaS • w**l ,

Or. Paul G. Slo».

nil Till j Ifn lil'l,..u. li.nl. I

\% A I t » 1 O L 1 I O R


» » / / / v > • • > < f / i » / • n i s i

SugarCured SMOKED HAMS G 9 C

MANKIND ^W ^g tr

KIIP COCHSWIM W M M I t • , . i» f l» Jori#»y Tomatoes • 2 Ibi. 2Sc

Fre« Stone Peach*. 3 Ib*. 2'x

Greon Beam • • • > - . 2 lbs* 29c

Fro.h Sweet Pf»ai • - 2 Ib i . ?9c

Jersey Beeti bun. 5c

Long Ulend PotatoctCnvpy Celery Hi jfUJuicy Rod Plumj ^. ,

-10 lbs. 3Sc

Igo. bun. Ik

U i. .1.

Apricots TiiiueI M.I I

It.J M i K




PeacK .

i II. i . »

M.rcalHankie..1 n...


K . EGERT'S MARKET si-.). . IrtMt

Page 4: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

t ~h> •


• . • f e . - , . . . . . , .



SPORTS WHIRL Lyndhurst Softball flesuKsOf Previous Week"Compiled by BILL MUIR, JR."

BBC Plays Allendale Sunday County Ranks 4th Sp^ f e < ^ s %f T-r—.•'i In Liquor Licenses Rutherford College

u.Mt havp in fi*>fpjf Loin teams. ' • • - i » * r


ij. tan, If * «4'uughliii, 2». - / J ' 1A fund!*. ** / . . , . . . . 5 I



•I-Wru All-Slur Game Tomorrow\The all-star oonUst that was rained out last Wednesday, will be

played 'tomorrow night at Breslin Field at 6:30 p. m. The bigevent haft attracted considerable attention and there is a big questionas tu which division is superior- Both have made claims from timeto lime^ftnd this was one way to end the question in addition to

raising some funds for, the first annual softb*llbanquet that the league will hold early in thefall, shortly after the playoffs that are scheduled !<»hifor September 7th and 8th Packy Guidetti and ,,„,Martin t*2TTTjJ have promised TUH~ support -W> i *•*'groom the field for the big game and it is ex- PWpertid that at feast 750 fans will turn out for the j J£-fcontest. B»

Buth divisions boast of a good pitching d<*- 1pai trmnt. Jn the east, it will be" Joe Cipolla who \ sis tough when he is on and Joe Kowalski is just ]\'^tplain lough. Rookie Bonnelli has done pretty well 1Foi the West. Chet MizesP'. Anthony Monaco and

trio of flmgers no matter how P

RUflrlAvefiLo. Tit

K. Luke.' If


. ! » . , t . . f . .

>. rf . . . . . . l ' r

.i - by Inning*:

far himself too.Rw-hie Qeck prest/nt a formklab]you figure-it out. -

Air"Jown the "line, through the infield and outfield the chtrceof th»4pposinK managers represent a mighty fine lineup that shoulddraw a S.R.O. crowd.

Al Cassiliano whn is quite ;i guy fur figuring will handle thedestinies of the Eastern squad and Cfasei Guidetti alsu, a sharp guj.wheq iifCuint-.- to suftball lakes charge <>f the Western sq'uad. Comeon oufc tomorrow night tut u good evening's entertainment and lotsof sotlball!'

AMVITI (7)•1 - i


It,- CtCCQ.K I->JMIBII<Monrin. >lHalm. <-f .

|i It lHkl. HK - .


l.Mitlhurst Ht'tnuftiini House l.ragtw h ttrtnvdTfee. Lyndhuist K< •- re;ttion Center house league entered its

Mvenfli •onsetutivi year lust Friday at a successful meeting thatfound'the limit of twelve teams all represented and again enteringthe league, which wi|) b* conducted as in the past The teams ar,-

'open without limitations and the point system will again be usedfor compiling the standings.

Chippy Christ w.a? elected President andChaiy^ 9otto Yrce-Prr«idrnt of the^league iir.dAI Mannel secretory over the courses i»f thopast two\ears, was also ie-elct U-'ti iind - giwnthe office of Treasure! in addition.

The league whole heaitedly backed up th-Bergen .County Bowler.-. Association in it< fi^htto "Linit the cost of bowling to 30c per Kan iwhich in the meantime was .the figure settledhy the Alley Owners thioughout Bergen tounty.a quotff from a letter addressed to* Stan NiemicBei ( Pti County Bowlers Association.

Dear Mi. Nierptc: "Tins will inform you that the LyndhuistRecreation Center House league held its first meeting last Friday.August ©th, 194U, and voted unanimously to back up the Berg. •County Bowie is Association in any actn>n they may deem neevs-sary to uphold then i ights and the rights of the bowlers in the re-cent controversy regarding bowling conditions at the varKgj&.ejrtfib-lishmeijia. controlled by tfie Bergen County Alley Owners Aaabciiition.,,T6Mi may count on this league 100 per tent for b up port." sign

Al Bk-nnel, Secy.As we hart stated last week, our-local bowling alley owning

were h\ favor of a 30c cost lor bowling it game and are not dismayedto seethe price remaining at that level. The difference between thetwenfy-five cents per game and the new price is now shit red equallyby lh*> alley owner, the, bowler and the pin boyi who will receivea little less per line that they .set up. It is a good cooperative moveby al^. concerned and if anything, should farther advance the acti-vity Jhtti bowling ha* tnjpyed in late years. •

- . ^ii hiflfMHtt

See that Andy Miistraridea, George Morrell and Red Schaeffer I jJJSUfir,lj;« legume for good . . . Alt after a -stint in the Navy . . . and a cou- j sp»rt».pie of pounds heavier . . . Lyndhurst Rec now all spruced up and iicadger the coming season after a few days shutdown . . . Charlie IBotto ^stalling a luncheonette at the ftac . . • Something that hasbeeiljrtti'ded lur some time now . . . Lyndhurst Rec Uwt to Amvels 'List Sunday morning arid won at Moonachk Monday night . '. . Lid 'cluBV'«m most successful softh.ilI season next week then on to play- !offi jtf) week-end 61 September 7th and 8th . . Many people in-terelud in night soft bull fot next yeai . . Walter Holloy Waking t ••»ibtuin a. lighting system . . . Lyndhuist Post American Legion, sofu.iKill'Uiiin lopt "lit in playoffs . . . tough luck . . . Hear post bowlingteam all set to go out uftfcU.jUe UKa ,n . . , John Houghtoh and companjr-.lJl ready arid looking forward to start of season . , . Last weeksAaiy_i-ts column rates a good nod . . . was well done . . . why not »n.mi#pl;ite on if,. . Lire memorial going nowhere fast . . . why notthe original . . .Mann Oval with two BoftbafT diamonds and one »etol stands and Breslin Field foi baseball . . . Do a good job andthen maintenance . . . Halfway measures waste of time . . . Readersto K«1 ,i rest fui *ln next thrw weeks-. . . reasofl? va«ati<m time. . . So long foi now . . ,


• n * . rt 3

Uliuw. 3bCullhtK. .-Mllf-ffkl, cfKhuljunia. ii*?T5oa». iff-::-?-..Jawumki.Zkl

ki. -fkl If

ibJ H a k . w>Hloom, rf ^" Vmlfaki rf


- JO • jof m '


Ada II

H M i

Last Sunday's postponed gamewith the Newark Indians left the

i Lyndhurst BBC idle over the\ weekend". Orf~Salurday afternoona few of the JJBC players turned

lout and with several '.,!'... playedI a "practice game; against the littleGiants which ; the Giant,st wonThia season the-Giants have b*'t*n

, inactive but expect to resume full1 season activity next year. _o i With no league game scheduled

this past week end the BBC stillhold third place in the Metropoli-tan League competition. Pitiedagainst the first place AllendaleLegion this Sunday with- thegame being pfctyed. at RecreationPark in Allendale, th* BBC comeinto the final round of leagueilay. The Ridfcefield Logion and

11 r>r thi

will have to defeat both teamsOn Saturday afternoon at the

Breslin Field the_tfce—N«-wa rk_Bus

•i olav ' j-iergen county• ranKs.i non- among New Jersey's 21 counties

A special eveniag ]vi-terans who are not Mfjl school

In Saturday's game with Allen-datr the BBC will have Ang Rosaon th** mound with Hank "Fn»g"Gryzbowski catching.'For Allen-<ialf Hall Lagero^iist will be onthe hill with Ed Lotw doing thereceiving

the total fees paid for liquor ' graduates is being set up at Pair-licenses from July 1, 4945, to l^igh. Dickinson Junior College.

June 30, 1946. according to -fis- Veterans, who with to make upurea released lasi week by th? lost time, may take mental ma-State Alcoholic Beverage ControlCommission.

•BefgerY liqaor licensers paid fft<ital of $339,123 to the A. B. C*during that period. Essex was

turity tests at the college duringthe week of September 3 to 11. -

If they pass the test they will•be allowed to start on collegework with the understanding that

Hold EThe Army -recently armounceJ

th'1 r«<|Uirements for the competi-tive examination for admission to-UJ—United Bt«tes

mt ooj i—r.

: . . eray. (West Point). Examinations

HMRrtKggg Bg253SsSare: Citizen ol U. S.; between 1«and 22 years of age; single; HighS< hf>o! Graduate or the equivalentthereof; an Army General ClflisBPftcation Test Score <»f 135 ortitcb*r.,an?i travp cmnpirtrd tnwfull' year* of active serviceenlisted man.on date of exanuna-tmn. •

Applicants whn oosseas a strongdeyire tn b*-c«»nie ofQci'i in tlioKegualr Army and who are other-wise qualified will be issuedjlct-terv *.f appoi/itnunt authori/ini^-them t<> umJcigo tnnmnsi in WetfPoint Preparatory Schools . until^j j t4> *»f • , r i . : • • .i s T h ; A r m y

.uff*M"j lias _and many other op-pWttiDHies to intellie*Jit. BTnbit-i'iits young men. Additional in-formatiun and counselling onthesr sublfcis mav be nbtdirfd atyour local Rrrruitinr? Stntif'it. f>*lI'aik avenue. Rutherford, N. J.

high with >.:;;ni Ti'l. Hudson was they will make up. high schoolX d m S .n<xt with £71*2.185: and then credits simultaneously. When

came Passaic with $377,002. & r- the^ receive a diploma from theirgen County outranks J*a*ssaic in own high school or high schoolpopulation. A grand total of $4,- certificate from the State f)epart-424.116 v.as paid by all counties. ; ment of Public Instruction, tHey

Then- arc now 1,174 liquor , will -get full college credit tor theTrting—m—-Bergt^-rcourses they have taken^

t spot in the play oiTs

Two Local LadsEnlist in Army

Matthew Brant, son oJ Mr. andMrs. Victor Brant, of 728 Kin-s-land road, Lyndhurst, enlisted in

County. 813 ofthest- as full tim»plrnary rt-tail consumption PS-tiiMi'vhments with thr remainderdivided aMong plenary retail dis-tribution, limited retail distri-bution and seasonal retail con-sumption. Throughout the statethere arc 11,848 licensees of a]l

• descriptions.

the U- S. Army al th. l.KL.r,








.If 7

ciuiting stution. 50 Park avenue.Rutherford.

A graduate of Lyndhuist ;md-r St. Mary's High School, thr new

recruit has a brother alreadyIMVlm irt-Uie Navy. MutU»'W fc.taking advantage of the in•w-p;«yraise and other opportunltk-*)offcifd during bis service withthe army and when he returnsto civilian life he plans to takfadvantage of tn* C.I. I. Bill ofKights and go to colleg<<.

•DomeBico Santnio i.s the otherlocal lad who races)* ly en! ist. •• Iin the Army at the same placeHe is,the son of Mr. and Mrs Sal-vapre Santo/u, of 121 Copelaodavenue, Lyndhurst.

He is a graduate of Lyrtdrui:>tHigh School and already hasserved two ye*rs with the NavalCadets, Yeumaj* 2c. He dlso hasa brother, Vincent, ser\ my willithe Navy.

Demassi's HaveNew Daughter

This program is in Jwith a directive Msucd by theState Department of Public In-struction. It operate! in the eve-ning session at Kairleigh, Dickln-son Day and afternoon elauetwill be limited to veteran* withlull high school graduation.

Farewell PartyMiss Doris Lobmayer, daugh-

ter oJ Mr and Mrs. Charlea Lob-i mayor of 54 Stuyveiant avenue

A baby girl Joanne Mario, was I ojitortained at her apartment inborn to Mr. and Mrs Ijrry Do- [Now York recently at a farewellMassi "f :«I8 Valloy* Bfnult ave- i party fur Mrs. Louis Bunker, ofnuo on August 3, at '"the St. ', Rutherford , who will ahortlyMarys Hospital in Toanock. movo to Cincinnatti, Ohio.

Mrs. Ui M.issi was before hermarriage, Dm is Evelyn Oost-crlo of Wo»l Englewood. Mr. De-Mossi is a Coast liualcl vololan.This is thin first child

oth.i . attending included Mrs.Franklin Bylandt. Mrs. MarshallMurphy. Mrs. Robert Chankal-ian, ol Lyndhurst, and Miss Lil-han Olson, of Arlington.

•AtTtHN. DIVISIONTMmI'lul. Rovsl .17 IK 481



. 'Malaria?*'

Diso^se is Out, BUT BiteStings Just the Same!That Mosquito that just*bit you

t ouWn't give you malaria, ifthat's any consolation. Verno.iCorftinl, "suptn Inlciuhnl of theBergen County Musquito Exter-minason CcimmiRskui revealedlu::t Wttk that ten mosquito tiapswt odLsinc* July l have failedto Khow" even one nuHarial mos-quito m the county'

There aren't even any prospec-tive malaria camera in lh*'vcoun-t ' s mosquito family In hundredsof testa,- the cornnusion has yetto dibeuver n single malarial wig-

gler, or young of the malaha-csrryinj variety.

The breeds that k«n-p you busywith hh'T and the swatter" ini lude salt marsh, swamp undhouse mosquitoes, and more oftheir progeny are on the way.Huh, there's not an anophel<<* inthT lot. And. lest you think thisusual, there were six of themdiacOVerad in traps last year.

Tilt* commission is K(>mK Hap-pily along on the ntwuniptiun-— orat least the hope that Bergenmay escape invasion by the dead-lier varieties this year.

Nick's TavernWHISKEY

20 • 30 - 35 rents


Specia'i on Saturday614 Freeman Strrrt

Nirk CoM'hignano, Vro\>.


Fuel Oil" Metered and Recorded Deliveries

Keller Engineering Co.465 Vallay Brook Ave. Rtftft. 2-0060

Mr.hart ofi urnpluni-

i n d( 505a toilu Niind


lir h\_


Robrrl Chanka-av

t it-nuc are backaln, boat undilk. Clrvrla.nd.

MM h



Al\n n Complete iJne of

Baseball, SoftballTennis, Golf,

Guns & Ammunition. Sportswear

RutherfordSporting Goods Co.

r.i < ryihinit iri Sporting Goodt13 SY1.VAN STREET . KtTHERFOBD. N. $.JOE JOB PlMSM KI'TMEKFOBD 1-HM



NOW!•For Your







8" Bench Type Tilting Saw Tables

DEL SKIDMORE652 Ridge Road ^ Lyndhurst, N. J.

Rutherford 2-7178



Two Cabs 24 Hours a Day

Phone Rutherford 2-8989

1946 Packard for Your Comfort on Long

Distance Trips at Very Reasonable Rates.,

1 Stone/ and Office Located at576 Valley Brook Ave., off Ridge Red

Public S«Tvirr

1'a.Mur102 and 12—Nrw \

SlopI wi.lliiir-i

r l».».r



HUDSONSales and Service

-Announces the Formal Opening of Our

New, Modern, Sales and

Service Departments— ~

One of the Largest in Bergen County with 5,400 sq. ft.

Of Floor Space

You Arc Cordially Invited to Inspect

Our Facilities

We Aim to Serve You

530 RIVERSIDE AVELyndhurst, N. J.Rutherford 2-8691

Page 5: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

Thunday. Aitfutt IS,1946 THE

1 .,

The LeGloi ParadeSr.f


I don't believe Commander Al Ralph nor the members of thtPost will complain it 1 let another Commander head the columnAfter all news of this nature doesn't happen every day. AnyhowCommander Otto StaUato of the AM VETS is a proud pap*—and •boy at that. Congratulations to you Otto and to Rosalie and blessingupon the baby.

Another important event is the arrival in town at our 155 M MiHowitzer which will be placed in"position at the Post very shortlyOn Monday last our Commander and "Corp Joraleman taxied ithe Raritan Arsenal and picked up the field piece which has ternporarily been unloaded at Joraleman Bros , where it x*n be see-anytime.

The Corp has volunteered to put it in proper shape before n.moval to the Post. The protective coating has to be removed: iroust be given a thorough steam bath to remove all grease and tinfiyj then tprayed with O.D. paint and properly camuutlaged. lt»big job to underUfieT>ut Ifie Corps "wul love it—you know, y&~hke a baby with a new. toy. Many thanks to J B for the favo

On aoftball. our team did not pUy in the Town Uague la>week. In the County Legion League I find we lust to Little Fenin the Shaughnessy play of Is $*o\ ao good Comrades; still you canwin all the time. I believe Johnny Hartigan and his "Vermoitineers" did a swell job. It is not such an easy task to play in twleagues at the same time, so let's hope the team will settle down anplay some real ball in the Town League. • •.

You probably have already read about the'recent bills passed >•Washington just belore adjournment some of which are beneftctto the veterans of both wars. To balance the increase cost of living, a 20 per cent across the board increase of all World War I anII veterans' death and disability compensations and pensions witgranted and probably the check you receive October 1st vill in-clude the increase. Another good bill was the issuing of spt*iwli>constructed automobiles to Veterans wh* were unfortunate in loosing one or buth legs. Whether veterans of both wars are includeom Ihw one 1 don't know, but information on this point has beenrequested.

On the Terminal Leave BUI for the G.l.'s wnteh is also eaJtodthe "Gripe" Bill because the L»y:; want cash and not credit, I und.-istami on good authority that if the Veteran Organizations ha~persisted in lobbying, lor cash,'the bill would have been shelvedAll in all it was a smart move, and probably by the time the muhinary gets going and you receive your bonds, something might tutuup to relieve your misery.

On the Veteran Housing program, work is progressing rapidl>on the houses and the contractor could do better if he had muttcarpenters. It is a man-power shortage that's the rub. On t h,screening of applicants for the homes, yours truly was shocked t<find the lack of cooperation or indifference <>n the part <»t the vc'er&ns to appear betbrt the board as requested in a notice sent toeach and every one.

I understand a second notice is going out with a time limit setfor appearance, and failure to appear means the applicant will automatically be dropped from the Roll. Those who have applied,but failed to appear, should take into consideration that the ronvmittec is doing something for you—not themselves. They give upvaluable time night after night and those of you who are delinquentsc«fl even find time to take <>n*-*u*»U off to help your own cause

I beliwe the committee has been' more than fair thus far and asa matter of fact, the time limitation should have been put in thefirst notice, thereby saving the committee a lot of headaches. Soyou boys belter cooperate pronto belore the committee grig Hoithereby Htvtftg a lot of gripmg later.

Don't forget the meeting next Thursday and th;u new mt-mbci.UsO.remembei the name LEGION means-service to veterans of allwars. V'i

Harold Taylor of Court avenue, I Duns Mullet. of Page avenue,Is receiving congratulations on, whose parents are spending I hethe birth of a grandson, born last season at Vanada Woods, isweek to his daughter and son-in- ! spending the week at the home ofIftw, Mr. and Iff*. Hettry KM*!Mr. and 'Mn John Bogeti. ofof Queen's Village, Long Island Rutht ifoid avenue.

Mrs. Russell r. Brtrwn. of 4381 Second avenue, had as her guest{recently, Mrs Wilbur Lyons, otJersey City.

Mr and Mrs. Arthur Sultan LtISO Valley Brook avenue, arrsending tw» weeks at Lake Ken-oza. New York.


Mr and Mrs. William F. Hix-on. of 138 Lake avenue, have re-turned after a v irk^ vacation*pent at Avon-

Mrs. William J. Wikon. ofForest avenue, who it rprndtagthe summer at her cabin atForked River, is m tow* for aVw» days.

Mrs H B Biltowl, of 27i Piw*\ t-nui-. has had a* her guest for

- week Mrs. Mary Ingraham of 1Ii vington. . ,

Harvey Gerlach, of Page ave-IK'. i* spending a week at Lu-

•JCJ i,.mi m the Ppcono Mi tunHtns. Pa.

Lee Tirgrath, son of Mr ^nd*Irs Harry Tirgrath of Secondvenue, »pmt the week at Camp *

Tamarack, Oakland.

Mr and Mrs. Herbert J. Em- ,Hums, of 2S6 Livingston avenue,narked their tilth wedding anni-'versary last wt-vk. Their *on,Malcolm, w confined to bed with

knee injuries nuvtained in a faitvhlie at work, therefore there•van no celebration.

M)» Agnes Uail.ien, tlaugh- ,ler of Mi and Mrs. Salvatore !

'-iarbien of IS! Tontine avenue,* trending her vacation at Red


William Muir. sun of Mr andMrs. William Muir. of 335 Stuy>*Mint ..VCIHU'. celebrated" his15th birthday anniversary atSaddle River last week.

Mrs. Thomas Watson, of »2Willow avenue, has r*tuii»r-lfrom the' CoUkill Mountainswhere she spent her vacatiun

Mr' and Mrs- R. Germann ands«>n. H..J.. it. are back at 919 Setnnd avenue, for the tfeek, fromLake Owassa where they airspending the summer months.

Mr, and Mi a Arthur Liva. of452 K*-< *itid avtnue, are Kpendit\|ta vacation of two weeks at OceanGrove

Mrs. Charles Khlers. of 505 Postavenue, returned to her summerhome at Lake Hopatcong after

'upending several days at her

• If you arr looking for -• career, we may have \exactly what you want—workthat's inlrrcthiK. importantMild pleasant, midlii|clil> paid.

With'the demand for telephone »er»ire i-onMsntlvgrowing, New Jersey Bell has many opening* fur >oungwomen a* operators.

Pay and working conditions good. Friendly —swl«|arfL

Generous benefit payments. „. '. '"-

Get the faeU today by tjsilinf Miss lren«t A. Kolh. 40 OrifO>

I H s>, Kutberford. .

Ne* Jersey Bell Telephone.Company

LARGE. FANCY ELBERTABig Luscious ElbertasNow at Their Best!



PEARS 2 - 25cHoneydews »-9c

GRAPES •- 23c

Swmt *W Rla* C.t.l...Mi ICIIIIQ

Watermelon -4c Lettuce -12<-15<

Red Plums ib 15cT » 4 M CsUHrais

CARROTS* 10cCORN 6 - 2 9 cTstty J*fM>

Egg Plants •» 5cWebster N«w Mack TOMATO• am mr ' •% «f% Wabstar N«w P:

Chuck Roast * 38c JUICEIftjoy Q tasty Acm# chuck faajaj ^t b€«t th«% ••«». *i .: twf a t/i'WHj*'1 4BW ( B ^ • ^ BP BB

• GROUND BEEF 37c> Plate & Navel Beef— > 25c* LEGS of LAMB » 52c


N. 2C M


SunriM Tomato Jui<« S^S l i eRobfofd Tomato Juiet » : ~ 24cBknded Juic* 1 r_ 33c - 41cOr»ng« Juic* "TT V 19c S 45cSumwMt Prun* Juic« S l i e


FOWLF R Y E R S '<••** *«//«/'•««./. (


. 51c48c3 O c



PEAS *•; 1 5Ju ! onived with oil th< ' '.o« ga«J«" l»Mh flovw S'

EGGSPufledRicer.:VJ2cPutted Wheat ST^IOcShredded'Wheat:, beHill (WUI

Assl'd Cereals K 22cU W I JOt MOM>H<VCMfO

Wheat Puffs 2 ' ; ; ' 1*Raisin Bran.'!



ProvoloneEdam TypeBlue Moon TT TT 14e

M.r.«« HMMsJ CtAririUIT

Juice 2c*...J25'CANNIO VIGITAtlH'DC At ml'" •••"•> Ift^r lA l ». i w Ivs

PLAS T . - 1 3 CAsparagus w - . ~ 31cSliced Be»h ^ r 1 ^ ! kCut Beeh * ^ r . . - 16cSlung Beans *^T~. 12cBeans t!^~* " TT .* 20cRed Kidney Beans" IOCDiced Carrots * r , °_ 13cB e a n s ' " " 1 : . - 1 2 c

NESCAFE . * * l " ^ c "SANKA— ' ^ ^ 3 6 CBotdens

ib 5 7 cib. 3 4 c


IndiaDill Chips ".trJViDill Pickles t r -Sour PICJTIM m

Guldens MuCider Vm«fl«f " ' :Hem/ Vinegaf "Z. \*€White Vinegar " I t . 12rCider V i n e g a r " X 6 2 <

"Cocoa Mdfsh ^ 2?cHeiihet Cocoa • - iO<M C P P«hft ;.. 9<

s . . . Kraft RokaKralt


Gratocl American :.; 9cBorcWn HEMO ZT:JZ~Z 39c Kraft Valvt^ta ^ 13cBall Mason }»r*^^55c^:ti5t GoW-N-Rich > J9cPalmollve Soap *2 i . 3 STlOc Gouda Ch«e»e ••>>*<P.lmoliv Soap fS jASJJ* Tenderon IOctagon Soap Powdr^-XT 16c l e i W I B i W i "Asparagus Soup 13cU H »O' • • » • ! l»<Mk

Spaghett i : .-" 13c

Spaghetti Dinner.? 32cwing »*•> i

Spaghetti Dinner".. IUMof ld t e -VT""

. Fresh Caramels

Baby foods - 8 c

ClappCeTean X27CDoflfo^—J^:66c

Asparagus Soup ; Z 9c Pork 4 Beant » « 7cPw'sV T--25C DuffWaHUMi. 5 10coSago7*-=l 2^- 9C, Mo* Muffin Mi» • • - 20cWarfet£r2ir29c>«»P«i

v«r1Mil1 . £ : '

Speed Up Bleach t « C - J ? ? * f ^ > . I A ,Mo-Worry Bleach i lie FbkoPwCrutt ? 14cOAKUt 2^-19c y<*7.Scrm.?>. -: i l l

S*llt Liver Pate •- 16c1 »13cChickan iroth £5 - 15c

ChiiriH S^SC **«

Page 6: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

•••• zy. z:•..


Plcin vorflQCFor Aid Unit

Leonte Preparing Drawr

Contmudn Cerncglia of Guidctti Rosalski-Waw Post No. 3549located at 527 Valley Brook Avenue. Lyndhurst, stated "Once morethe Veterans of Foreign Wars welcome to its ranks a new genera

Jngslor' Building

Annual Picnic SUM.St. Michael's R. C. Chuxc* will

hold their Annual Picnic on theGrounds of St.. Michael's Churchon the cornem of Ridge road aridPafe avenue. Lyndhurs|, SundayAugust IS Rev. LadaOaus J.Wilczewski, pastor, to*«h«r withhis assistant Rev. Theodore Ii.

Joseph M Leonte, Lyndhursttion ol veterans More than a million and a half men who served ] architect who is preparing plansin World War S already have tnken their places in our organization and specifications for the propos-There will be more World Wai 2 veterans in the Veterans of Korr- !«<* enlarged high school, ha* vol-

Waisr-so many that we veterans of other wars will be a mflmtamd to djaw plans -for thesmall minority.

'That is exactly the way it should be. Commander Cerneglia" "The men who founded the Veterans of Foreign Wars lntend-

gaAgr to be constructed on PineUvemivby meDibers of the Lynd-

saio. i n c men wno lounflen me veterans ol foreign wars uiiena- , , . „ „ „ . . " „_.,«td that the organization shou.d be passed down from on. eenerat,on , •» m^!!* J ^ £ ™ ™ °g pof veterans to .another. It was never meant that the Veteran*Foreign Wars should.belong to veterans of any\wi«le war!

"We older members have herd our membership as a trust, tobe passed-along some day to men who fought in a later war. Andnow the tyne hn^£omi^_for World War 2 veter hiover our responsibilities—to assume positions nf leadership in lh<

today, William Lesser, presidentil tne Coips, s;.j(i that in .inuilion to offering his services gratisLx'ODtt* had made a financialuntribution to the drive for

To puTc"h"a5t~~tfio building

Veterans of Foreign Wars. j ' T h , . Lyndhurst Police Firs*''In our time we have helped to build a vast and powerful or- Aid Corps, whotw in embers con-

S gAXiization. We have established a record of jt tJwwnwnt in the sisl entirely of volunteers, whofield of veteran w.elfai;e in .which .we take -deep pride; declared answer all fire calls and renderCommander Cernegha. forst aid to-the injured whenever

wherever needed, wuuuui ation, are endeavoring

,and"We. want our new members to become familiar with Veteran-of Foreign Wars achievements. We want them to know whatorganization does for its members, and for all veterans.

"SpeakinR directly to you veterans of World War 2.*I would t h l s l o w n " asserted Lesser.like to .tell you some of the benefits you will receive from your J "Since our origin, he contin-Vettrans of Foreign Wars membership. V u ' " t h "' u « n lt\L' ****** OI u u '

"First of all. every man in the Veteran* of Foreign W..r\ h a s | membership and the generositythe distinrtion of belonging to an orfuittfttion composed e*clus- | " f " u r townspeople, we have beenively of overseas vetdrwu. The minute n man Ptns the Cross ofMalta on his lapel he identifies himself with men who have served l t s supplies.their country overseas.

"As veterans, all of you have a big stake in the future of thi^country. You must take tare of that stake and protect your inter-ests as veterans. None of you can do that individually. The Vet-erans of Foreign Wais gives you this benefit of Us numerical•trength, its organization, and its experience in countless cam'paign*for veteran welfare objectives. - .

"The Veterans of Foreign Wai s- is your champion-your Jgent—in all matters involving the welfare of former servicemen


make the Corps an asset toL

• to secure an ambulance andOur problem DOW

new garage. We have, upto the present time been using aprivate garage, rent free, which,however, is inadequate to ouineeds "

Horn* Hunters On A TearG«t P«rmi«ioR to T w Down or C«rt Away Eight J

lunglow. in Crlttadt \

Czermak and the parish commit-tee and all the societies havemade their arrangements lor thisannual affair. Grand prizei willbe given away. Variety of re-freshments will be prepared lortheir guests also "nnfin$ andgames.

The picnic will start in'the af-ternoon and will continue onthroughout the day. This affair islor the benefit of St. Michael'sChurch in making the necessaryrepairs of all the pariah build-ings. _Not only parishioners areinvitetl but also «U -the othersfrom the vicinity.

house-hunters.~ than" 300 offered to giv^ ~tJwtn aw

antique enthua- [whoever could take.thrm.Two of the homes are still, oc-

cupied and may not be vacatedlast* ani curiosity seekers crowd-ed info tike Sky Harbor Aeronau-tical Co., grounds last week to \ until the beginning of next week.claim eighi uiucarded building* Ithe company president offeredThursday tree (or the taking.

The first arrivals picked theftrst three cottages, after clear-ing with John Dzendzel, wnomade the offer. After that, thescene became more than confused

Shower for Niece

Fat SavingPlea is Made

Mayor Bogle A.k» Con-servation oi Fats

In HomeMayor Bogle knows the why

and how of saving more used fats.He'd be a handy man in any kit- claimed by Mr. and Mrs. John

c a e oas bars appeared from theback s«ats of jallopies and somepersons more anxious thanothers, tried to pull apart trrhome* with thew hamh. -

Dxrndzel's rules were simplefirst come, first served, he de-cided,, except that each housemust be torn down and cartedoff.

Two ex-Gi's claimed the firsthome by bringing their familiesto the area Thursday night andcamping on the site. By lateyesterday, Thomas and JamesO'Grady, 502 Monroe street, C*rl-stadt, had carted away their twostory five room cottage to be rebuilt.

Another complete building wn ,d J

Mrs. -Fred Dasler. of » 0 Forestavenue, entertained at a surprisemiscellaneous shower at herhaaaciaft waafc avhoaor of herliece. Marie Uadsay of ParkRidg* Mm Laadaay will be mar-ried to Robert Oppelt, of Tea-neck, at St. Mary** R. C Church.Park Ridge. . •__!:___-*-_

Guctts at the shower werefrom Teaneck. Keainy. Ridge-leld, Park Ridge, Rochelle Parkand Lyndhurst. .

The ceater at the decorativescheme in pink aad blue was anumbrella arranged in theae col-ors. A shower of streamers fellfrom the umbrella over the giftpackages.

R I T ZumOHumr — miTM. M » I


chen from what we've learnedof his etllminary knowledge. Thiswas reveahfd recently at CityHall where Mayor Horace RBogle was interviewed by A. C.

The drive was opened last | Kloeblen in connection with theweek and the response in the Governmerft's fat-salvage pro-

Bial«k, fc7 Van Winkle avenue.Passak. They were still workingon it at nightfall.

Home from SchoolRotert Saum. son of Mr. and

Mrs. Fred E S w a , of M Post!avenue, ia home from Trenton 1State Teachers College where hespent the past month in specialmusic study.

With a major in music. Robert

T h n (LaM Oaylr»« huidm S—r, W


. — • ' i t* - -t . r (.w,niv • Ko

— <:«-\ltr»rli«n —Sar CmuU Mmla • W<m Dm

lmiai.il _


With Aaa Niv.,r . HU.KU Hid-II.•> l e r n M

ftette M C*c «•*- . of Tw in SMIW*With I'lcim K**M aii<l Oane < l;.rk

"A STOLEN LIFE"TkriUSm Shvrlvrh Holme*'


f "DRESSED TO KILL"» ilh Haul Kalril...m • Nip-I Bran-Sin.. Mon.. T*sm W -Jmnilrr iii«r. - I harln* Btycr

la Eraul /iifcuw/ii BriUimmt

Dzendzel ruled that before each I v[in, ,„ resume his studies as a>use wa» torn" down, the "visit- j sophomore at the coUrge about

ors^ could go througii^the rooms. | September 9. He was elected to' t h e ThrU Nu Sigma Fraternity.

gSome claimed furnHuic. and

first f.w d;tys has heen satisfact- | ({ram. Kloeblen is local salesman others, said Dzendzel, apparently. „ . , ..ry. L«i»er stated. Harold G Bar- for Lever Brothers Company. | j u , t wanted something for fire-

m individual, you would be unable to obtain national legis ""»" I3»' American Legion. Cambridge, Massachiuette, mak- w o o d .lation of benefit to yourself, you, dependents or other veterans But i w l l h " $ 2 S ™">trihution. was the ers of nationally famous soaps. I n l h e , , ! ,„,„„„, h e , d d e d , »athe Veterans of foreign W^IIS ran dr. the j(.b for you u your leKis ! f l r s t "rKJnJ'i'l'"n '" hack the en This company which has long- 5 u r p r i s i n g number of well-dress- ,lative aBent. We have a National LcRislative Clornm.ttr-,. t,, wrirk ; ' " P " " " supporU-d the American Fat Sal- ^ peopi," M r i v e d at the plant, of 747 Riverside avenue had asfor you and a-staff of highly trained, experienced legislative rep- Lf'ss<'r <-*Pl»">«« 'hat the gar- ' vage Committee, omclal group • , ,n U .r ( .d the cottages, and at-i-dmner guesU this week Mr. andresentatives to present v.,uj_eil51^ui Washrngton Thvy know how llfIC l s t o .*" UP o n township behind the drive, is now putting t(,mpled to conceal the antique : Mrs. John Neun of Baltimore.

Dinner GuestsMr. and'Mrs Anthony Ippolito

f 747 R i i d h d

to get a bill introduced and hnw to use thevast membership to insure its

Leaser explained that the gat.,t ~Thi"v know DDW-I*** IS t o g " u p o n 'ownship behind1. >n iy «nim now ( u | n l s h ( . d p i , ,p , . , t v „„,) w ,n ,„. n n a special campaign for usedinliuence ol publit ufKdlll h(>US). t h ( . V o l o n t p e r A m . • fats to help prevent soap short-

"The Veterana of Foicisn Wars is your publu relations uRvnt i b u l » n r ( ' a n d medual suppliesOur trainer] staff of publicity and press relations men strive to | **'»" P''»vi»inns made for housingp

n additional ambulance.

which the croup operates: tonimenoVd them for their

<*nt pefformanca*, mf>st rot

acquaint the public with yom^iewpoint—and thus the Veterans ufForeign Wars is able to influence public opinions in your favor.

'The Veterans of Foreign Wars is y(>m attorney. It repn-wntsyou in dealing wilh the Veterans Administration and Other federalagencies. It handles your pension and cofnpenution claims at h<» -c«t. Only those veteran organizations that are chartered by the ! '' ' h l ' h a n« l i nR <» lh«'" fiuU^Congress of thr- United SUtes are authoriwd to art as legal rrpre- i l ! t>M" lnurih o f J u | v «W>nrtlon,VDtativH in behalf of veterans'who are eligible for government•\™n ^'"*" K ? Wm,' ff™0111

bentfits. It ti an established fact that our organization hawU« i i* I B i n w d .*h e-h i*h w'h(M>I f"i l d l

more claims than all other veterans organization* combined," dcclared Commander Cernegha.

„ Continuing Commander Ceraeglia stated "tnuiuKHately aftnPearl Harbor the Veterans of Foreign Wars begfen wmkinc fi.r li-^ialation for World War 2 veleians. W*. laid the firound work Colthe G.I. Bill of Rights at lh*t timr. We were instrumental in subaequent passage ol that measure Later, wr saw the netd for amendmrtt 6f the O, 1. Bill—or the S*-i vie emm's iFUattjuatrrwnt Art -and we were -,u( c<-sstul %i persuurfing Congie»s to make the m-edttt

; ages.A.

HonoC. KloeHert qiToted His


etchings and i Maryland


old wrought iron lampbases theyremoved. They were furtiveabout it. Dzendzel said, until they

Mr. Neun is coach of the NewYork Yankees baseball club.

Police Chief Otto Bayer, under shf l | l l, (1 *K*1 behind the Govern- [ f r e e

t _ , . B i n m i i i . a u r « T . « r i i i a & d m i u , u i i t M t i l l V • • - 1 1 — •

T.i , ^J l^f realized the stuff was really for ! ^=^===^jj^

witness the fireworks display,Member s ,,f the Corps are In

meet at the Town Hall basementheadquarters on Thursday f> report on the progress of the drive..ml map out plans for furthei

has ™"nl s <-»mr«i«n for more used ; T h ( 1 K r a m W ( . , o r t h | . , , e u ( ) f„,,,. fats, so that more soaps and other , furniture, three pi-

s ^ & t S ^ s ^ T S pro" r s S r"tiqucT" r l a* idu,,d, and so that more food fats \"< ^ e "ttage produced sueh a Ican be released for the hungry ! '«v«uh rush the- police wet. |peoples of ol her countries. I """nmoned. But the crowds be(hink that nn.nne would willing- I '«n.e.ord#rly .when they arrived.;

:! fats after learning I "* l h e •V'e'natic tearing downof the cottages proceeded with-out incident.

The beach- cottages came wrtha plot of ground purchased bypzendiel Rather than have thehomes demolished to make way.for his cotniwny's expansion he

ly wastr usbow essential they are to thedaily wr>||-bf*ing of each, of us.Thf tlovn ntm*nt will let us knbwwhrn to stop. Until then, w£must save every l "

"Through our lalxirs, Increased service pay -one^of our ohjtives for World War 2 men - was achieved while you* were stilluniform. Sponsored by oui niKanizatitin. the act (o increast* the payand allowances of servicemen was passed by Congress tp IIHjKvery lank and pay Iradt recelvvd-a suable increaM a result ol theVeterans of Foreign Wars action.

'The Veterans of KoieiKn Wars has been leading the fitht Is•ecure adequate housing ttn Woild War 2 veterans, detlaieil Coin 'mandcr .Cerneciia. 1'thi.s ptotilem has been an ex< eedmrjly tough;nut to i i.i'K. JjPhil. we have made some |n<»Kti-»s, ,jri d«-mundiiiKprioiltie:. Ic.i fe lnan: . , then- still i> a lot to be done As far hack aslast Demnbe i thv Veteranj of Korergn Wars called upon the Pre»ideut'antl Caagreas for emergency housing legislation Now we aregoinfi out iiflei violations of the a«t who ale keeping veterans fion.getting the hniues they need.

-"The Veterans of Foreign W a n has secured for veterans top.priority, in purchase nf surplus property. A law poised by Congressin rrsprtnaplo pressure fiom the Vttciana of Foreign Wars givvs*the - vetiTtin surplus property priority second only to the federalgovernment itself," said .Commander Cemegha,

"Putjlic l«iw Number 10—sponsored by our organization provide* complete hospitali/alion, donucihary care, and burial U-nefilfor veterans of World War 2. Public Law Number 1159. which v..promoted. (Jives Woi Id War 2 veterans Civil Service preference. Th.-Vctt-rans of Foreign Wars also put a stop to the .practice of passingovef federally employed veterans and promoting stay at-homes

."From the O.I1 A, our oi yanrzutron obtained consideration forveterans' priority requests. Before we tcK*-«-4ion. many returningveterans seeking to establish businesses were denied priorities lxcause they had no business record on which to bate their ntvci*for rnerchanchso and commodities.

•The Veterans of Foreign Wars is due a share of credit for thegreat Improvement in the efficiency of the Veterans Administration '•>••>< downin recent months; Our organisation supported General Bradley in battlrs overn u efforts to streamline the Veterans Administration, offering himour f»)l) cooperation. This cooperation has brought about the • lintination of much n d tape, the speeders processing of veterans claim*.and correction of many rnequahtres m the hamllrng of velerarucases, " declared Commander Cernegha.

ilevelopmentj. Mayor Bcigle lie.irtily endorssjlKohi-rt Sau.M, a member of the t h ( , a , s i s tancu being given tra

( VolunVaei Frre n, , , . , , iniei.t. is | Oovernmrnl's «»t salvage ciaarflan honorary member of the Plrat I turns by Irf-ver Brothers ConCAir* Corps, and has responded j puny—makers of Lux,' Rinso,

; ' n t h It on several calls , Lifebuoy. »nd Swan. That f-cim-

RIVIERA PARKRoller Skating Rink



aATCBBAV aad Sl'NDAV1 M P. M. to II P. M.

Dartav Uw Suauawr Maatta

I'rizr* Evrry Night

"CLUNY BROWN"Thrilling Hitnomr of t.arlv Wm#


M»»rr - % tlli-m

nd has responded j puny -maker* of Lux, Rinso,eral rails Lifebuoy, and Swan That <i>m-

WoikinR wrth I^-ssei are James f pany has just conducted a driveH c i « m CttTVCT Rcnwm.i, t-np ' nmnni; its employeen and thet.nn John Citipui't. B d 4 v d M:u \ fHmilies and ft Minis of its em- |tin. Paul 14*- ICuvi, WUlism | ployeea to h*'lp in the job <>t HV< \

[B#cker, ami l l a t i v A* k.i»on [ in*t more used U U . Now they're [II is |.l..m..'il for rnernhfis <»f out to help meat dealers and]

I the Corps to build thi-u new -,:,n • \ hutfhers tciund up hiK«»'i rolli| H 0 with the riMiiUiuv uf one IUOH ••( fa t* to turn over In th• paid en.plnyr. ; rondprrrs. The l<>i;il LrVei* sal

I man. A C. Kloebten. is providj

Gerard QualifiesFor Golfing Title

1 Frank Gerard, former CaptainMi iht- Army Air Forces, qualifiedin the New Jersey public Links

| Championship tournament to beplayed at the Brunch Bn-ok

ICOUIM- in CKM-X County startingtM Sutiir(|ji>.

A rerord ti<ld ' of b'4H olfetkplayed' in thi qualifying- round

, that featured umi.sually 1 o wicorra A 74 was needed to qual-ify. Gerald fchot .1 73.

; Gerard nuw on vacation from,his studies at Lafgyrtte College•was dn Ate in the An Forces Hr

M tJci mans in airEurope.

. '! h. local yuungattcr is Hlightlybelow aVrrage in htiKht but playsan unusually long game in gulfHis drtvn often reach .iou yards.hi: Mill play his hist m.ittti in the

Tne»l dealers and buteheis in histerritory wrth posters to remindtheir n r . i U i - of the urgetrtpeed fo.1 still more pnd mofe usedfat*.

Babs Kenmng fs 2BarJjaia Kenning, daughter uf

Mr. and Mrs. K T Kenning, of635 Thud avenue, 'was two yearsold laft Meek. Tht- evL-nt w<iscelcbrjtrd with a party at herhome.

U c i (t! , i ! , .'i - w e n - i n p i n k . m dCflue with a b&thday cake inthese rolors us tin t,ibl«- irntui-*ecr

Gui 1 included Mrs. E MMcCallum and daughter, Judith.Mrtr H. H Gcimann anO sun,Robert. Mis. H F Fleming. Mrs

d l f j t n e Seidcr ,;ui'i daujfhU-i s;Janet and Cknil.' Mt.v F A Am-»to ,»n<i i-h.I'lri-t,. I M M ..nd Vir-finia. all ol l.yndfiur-i.

| ""Mr and Mrs.J L. Wuinn. of614 New York avvmiP, arc p«nd-ing: the wvtk at B*-lniai.

Mn. Robert Sthrerkenstein, ot283 Pine stieel is i-ntilUvunKlier l i f U n Mis. Ch*rlei Mclnty'rvand daughtrt. Btsaic. uf Fa>ctte>Vllle. Md.

Mrs Lyman Powell. t4avemjt, is spending scNine tiat* at jHarnsburg, Pa., with


Ml Kcarnr A«. . Kaarny, N. J."I,. , , , l,»,.l Ir.orl I,,,,!"

Iflay \rrurditiu\ iolin

Mandolin' Guitar






H»1T c m


KEAINY 2-2144


'- ^ t-lt-r for uvfi 20 ycjM *« f AKK A> » M t .

PAUL'S HOBBY SHOP319-A Union Avenue Rutherford, N. J.

Nrar In inn Sfhool

With a Cnmplrte Line ofAIHPI.ANK, H \II.Krr\l) 4 BOAT MODELS

— Limited Su/i/ily »/ (las Vnlitr Armutorir* — 'NEW ASSORTMENT OF FLIGHT


We .ri- lh> K«.lii.i»i- l(.,lh.rf..r,l itr.W, ,,l T.H I.. Tr.lModfl Virpl.n. l'r.,ili,.|. K, | . ,p m ,n, I.,, C .w,^ M...M-

Slop in fnr infnrmalion on rlii>M> bring held for Boys,(firU and Fathrrs.

Hulh P . " Hu. PlM». IHnr l>,'f * A. M I . « V M

d. • Irnir An,. 21 22Koolinrl Ku.-rll

Brian Ah, m • Jaart Bl.irla ihr fmmumi Bromimmy Ctmtdy


Ami Ihr .SpiamM (... Hil —MM


»ilk M.d.r Evan. - Link t. »..«•

SATURDAY MATINEE ONLYA SPECIAL WESTERN ttmiRF.WilliMa, H l w > — « <•>«•!» V Boyd in


' AN. N... «


• >««r. Qpa«lZ:M .*»w Marl. I I'M


N < M i h r w - ' i f h n t I ' M t M . » lisas) o f

1} ih. itaKriAMiiMU^Humk*SV

{\ml- "2t i"hn• I*, iuwt II m in ,, , - ! . 1<| MI , n•"I* «n.1 » m in i.-i.t ^ uur n

E fcyt t iy linn i.iMTt r « l u

I n n M m r y H.t.V *"

t UM«,coni1u.'lnt

« ••>t-t •tiimuua AVI . s \ , , ,„,.„ t ^ . —

—«». AIDS, tfrfmJB. rum,i n «Levy's Pharmacyjw, »TI yvo\irr tvi.Ni r1 VMtlll K*l'. *>M JM>FY1'lrl'l • Kl ihrrfufil * lo:(.


For Your


•bamlh«' hand lirake?

D UCHTS—Do iin% bulbs iin-,1 rrpia.inn? Aw brail-lilililit |.ni|.i rK fiH-iix-il ami aimrd? Arr ui land slop lights in gaud randilina? ?

TIRES—Arr thry all in »«(<• (•••million? (Considerruts, fabric break* and rxcrmhre wrar.)

VIM).S||»:i.l) WII'KRS Do thry oprrair satU-fai-torily? Do bladm nrrd rrpUciOK?

• IHIKN 1W. it oprrate raiiiy and H1I.II you arrdii?

0AN YOU SEE, STEER AND STOP SAFELYkrrp your car ia safe oprratinpt i-ondition and driyr

as safely as you want oilier* to dri«r.


YORK SERVICE161 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst

Phone Rutherford 2-4034

Distributor of Goodyear Products

REGFNT*V » » Thru S

oin l.e-li«- - Kuht-rl Hutlo



- , I » , M™, T . r t Xui. I8.H2I•unildi * • •» Slarl- «l U 10

l.villr Ball - «illiani llrixlix



Jul.il lotirr 1 rnufr Aubrrl

Ir i l I* Sal. \»%. 2\ll-n-l\Hntx-ri ' UIIIIMMII:- In


— MM*

"AVALANCHE"— » u* -

Bru.r I »i.nt - H....... Kd.ti

tXTKA KXTRA - EXTRAlirr i «ritnf^la> M*l»f. 'VaIHHI Ira I ..an, Srww. \ Bil

I nit shut.I ' l l " rHKt. l( E I.HI VM HP

Ml M


u d Tan. 3:1., ;:(l0 10:28- ALB —


LINCOLNkgr.. rri >M »,., l i l "

« .11.. r It....ariurrl O'ltrirn Marj.ni. Man,


Pal insrii.liKulh Camiak Man I I . I .


» . . M..n. Ta.- tu(. IS.':AIM. -I I.-

PtMBBBi M...«.., - Usaii ^mitk


i t , .•tan Hi .!•• n.i !. .,

» « , M.i.I..II ll.tr., SaKaa




IViM-nlnl Al:!:!> 5:«r. «:10

Miin uml 1 •. -. I 15 l l i l '

IOMIV. «i'd. T i n . SM. ' 'I \nsu>t 2I-22-21-24I






Page 7: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

115, \m L1ADFR


Thuuund* have ionW thai tlmr,

mrnla are the moat raferiy read ia Bcnnta Caaaiy.

t.onviine yourwlf by buying thorn. Thiaaqli tbrtu

rent, buy ur exrhwa§>; Bat] die bawgaia far vatir^ >.«i

have been aeaicaiaa> Trlepaoae ar writ* y—a datoi-

(ird icivrrliseu'eBU to ear atui i: 2SS BaBU RtMaV

I.YNUHI'RST. or 124 R m « Koaa, >un,laa V I U \ C T » N

The telephone number, a n III I • • • • • » 2-1*31 aaxl


(Inr uuertion ia filly

Two iuatrtiont an.

Three inieftUuM a n eae

Tir* U«#*r

that.*., infant «rar.

«bUilit.t. .«n

Window Cleaning Co,KrH«> II......i». I'Kf.» IMKK I I UNIV.



OM. Ml I d ; I ltdI i UK. Urr* Mjurrur.

I.I. kiiU.o and Saturday altrnwKW.11 1..i.iin. :.'.iui. r nfeoo* Ruth

l.&a R for «|.t..i,i'ui. I.I

c I..I Nora*- .Null, i ; M U

. _nA Hranhum ...r SuiuHirr avw •

, , ubU- I . . I Sotfr Hrfn«rralurI'hou. Null*)- 2-»W "


< 14


I Ii

Baby Cir



.~J . , . l . ( Me. Karl.

Rutherford Tru.t Co.Rulberford. New Jeney

UIUUIK t i l l !

M.J..W MM.

i t Jark

| n . ' Ha«r ,

utrrhaiilrH mn. brfurv %«uc iatwrtir ^l »iia»i

r. •nun' in ihr tail ( inr u. * .all ttprrt

rr|aain (ull» piaramm .1 i,

I . . . I,

^ A I N T I ^ • ^ - t l> t t ' O H A T I N G • m )


IJ».< I Hi.SI, CHI i r N«ntH

* l|> | .

K1 aUBfti i > ) - i • • ! - t l . i ^ : i. t i . . - {; . - , - • : . - . . .i f i i i i ii it. « n - r», H..I.

i - - . . . i- .«<*.• 1h»n !I

. - • * - • .


. * - . - a i n - ... i- .«<*.• 1 h » n !- - ! • i i ' J - • • • ' , . . : ! . it . . I . I . . I |

!Str*-*t. •«ir»rr Oti lwl Avut*. H»M»I1 f nullr w

MM--.... f

<ir 1-iMU , tablr lamp, dr»p««. cw- •UiiFV- mid iitis.-t l laiiroto aiMtclr" * ' A I.I. TYPES «tT i-a—— n

| «r kit &MM«*

FOR RENt- ; ; ru .NkuTK

OK HIKE Sound .y. i .m .wl r«- W.,.vU f •.<.rdlr.|ti. tar iNtrllea. <UnH«. • « ! ~

• I! Kl'th • . » . . * &r Wrn « V X M





REFINISHING645 Ridge Rol, Lynd.

Ruth. 2-8141

(H'MH with NM1 IHUM) »> l>t,nux

urn— fi .M i.. MI. ior 3 rOMR •MrtWHIIt. furnMh^ uruiifuruiahxl. "I.CIIKI tiv yo«m *->.••*-K» • mi [.I, Miihn Ml urtiun Mwrh

l o t h t - r , . n . i J| . . . . ' l i t . • K-. . nn > v o n l ( t ' I I " - I ts ' i

In in- > I . . - I . i . , ' •• '•>>; i t .

nMccI A p I *





(for 5-day w*ekj . . t


Regular salary mcrewMassure hifiher nrntefi.Pleasant associates—

Weal win king conditionalStart now on a career itan expanding business.

ct Now Call "Chief Operator"At Any Time

l i l t APPLY:MONMAV THRU I I t l l 'AT

• A M TO I f M«ATI.'lll 'A V. H A U Til 11 NOOM

W U h f K M ' WAV. Hi I H K I t r ' i h t '



K -C

- i i l i i il

• UV1 OlD • *&* MMAGAHMfS U L •

•AM k • € • v«

u'ral ltt\tnn twn*AH -ml GUPK '





< «!l H I l l . . r . , , r . l 2 . 1 . . . I .

Uur,.mt, ». H . H . « / I I MM./ > « M

For S«U and Rent


B E R G E NTypewriter Service


2.r.S Main Si.. Ha<-krn«arsM V. I • , , . . . I 1AMI

MCAOVI u n a »..«

• H~ltk l<

tu mm.* IIIAD •!TH imi mi

DIRECTORY9 L • ' "• • . * l

M.-lrrn tlr.-lri.-at Shop.


Arrit« I L-rir.. Cm*t . u - - 1, , ts r M W | i

sv ' •> . * I I4>M1* • - • . • • . . — . « • - * • * > • « « •

f.+S M«n-. . ft " - I ' M I NO

Louis MionTill- Cmtrminr

-<>„..!,i, V•,->,„-A InM«iMr « , .» . ,» . ."





KM Mil II IV.".



FEMALE HELP WANTEDNo £iperience N«»no>y


Keirny 2-1689

P. Pisanomunis. IM> in nisi;

• tiMRV ToN* i . loan

• • • i

S I'UV.Ol ' • I . *• .I.IMI..4 f IK*

I Irjnrra A

AM M.MI « D , M

I'atrir* lk-ni

MI i «y«.


ktrvrr Kiwi t W r.a

Wt Mafaaaaa* ' -



N M M I I * •* LtagiMM


Kf7-K/f.f K 4TOKS

l4>k Ijkr N.Wr

- I1S.O0



t l i BMf r Kd• all.


First Grade


Charles H.Reid




mRUtherford 2-6575

Your Vacuum Cleaner Repaired

ASOj I I I Will , l l | l - I I I .

UMI -<ll HI] I < iKn.'\ 3.49VII Wori fl.al«nlr. .1 our >rar I'l...... Ill X-

mil l'l< k I I* iMiii


554 Valley Brook Avenue I , - . , ) • . •


* >a».UIIr

UTS«ie^ t«n All

John Bonanno*W • I U « A*»M B

I > >IIMI * • ! , N, J* i i m m . Din. • . . i>

I «!••• »,M.m

j • • N.I « . . > . . , , « «a.o,*J4 lkn i |H1 |-«>i:r aafaM, • r a

* • • • . . • . • . • » . • . r a t a j . . . • « •


% » . s • • . » . tWANTED - MALE

[MS, H Is So l.i«l>i n.Mi«ufri< l u r i w ;OOOi •nikMn '-•iii'llMoltli Al-pi* W E

"*;i"-v '"'•"""'""ftg . . ^ ,«, « ta*,x|,*rWn. p.t iiiamii,r> Aafhah aa4 F a t a Cj4pOa> «naa> aaB '•""ucri'ir d n i r . , 1 . IHi.i i'i•>.- a*»*t W E ' L L p a i r t a *u.-. VltllS .\ull-y i l l " J • » •J^"»" - r *» ** a .


M.\. HJtlli>p ^.it. I.



f '..i..I la. tui> iradr. . « • > 4 . : v . • • - . • -

.11 Kma l-mi.


;! a t f S y f f E F J E 1 3 ^ ^ •!



<] Kir 4VK.. Bl THfMKIlO

III im — .«i. HIIS

Rufherford 2-8838


.CENTER* • Hi ,...(1 <u ( M M

M«IM. u\, HIM» . ,V*l I I M < II.IMN^

H - I . . . I . .

wiwi ..,.. I,,,.. . «,,.!

dinner Srwing MarhinrI . , h.l, . 11.1 N t k .VIM

Quality • Sftr'ic*

• U M,i i,


if*>w ru«-

• -



- «•il-|

J?t 'wit

umivM* *n4 r u n-*-'•* • -tttnvi*. itotfi

' 11


i . . i - * • - • • *



p ? *;


i v . i AJ.t._ MKJT



*. if




SCHOOL2 » r.atvl..

NEON SIGN CO.Bar Remodeling

Neon and Fluoratcant

L 11 • H T I N S

509 Millburn A»«. Lyndhurtt

Telephone NUtley 2-2400 k


Cement. Bricks, Pipei. Blocli«. Lime

r Adamant Stone. Ashoi, Lath, Etc.

Clay. Top Soil, Agricultural Lirn* '


1946 RADIOSPhonographs and Combindtions

DECCA and SONORA RECORDSIn Stock--- No Waiting

HI Ik -•'I •",

• H * n M « AMII WtOM MAIll AMI

n l l S l . t l . WITH THE


IU..H, >...! _ ran Iftljj



M I'-.k « I W I I. i i . . . . . » » , I K . . I . . . N J

E. LARS EN & SONmi./ C imfim fn/i

\ l . . . « l l . . M . K . M . f . ! . . I ' . U l l l U f * I . . - . . 1 . 1 . ,.

K i l l It* ii I ^ l u i i r t . I . . . ' I . . I

I l#|W|ajtaMj I ' . , . . , * M

(»• I .at.. \..mir : I . ...I1.....1

. ' H..1I1. JlatlH*. - Hull. ,' . U l I .

RENEW YOUR O L D C A R I . . .V II. .HI,fi,l -i ' l l \>

C \ I M Jflll I... $30.i"i K • Huh | ill '.I i tt| i.li-

H . I.,1. i: .... , • „ , .,/ I mmrKit i ifl MHiSfr - | , . N »1«»|.| I M I i*. U . | l< I

l i " M K l %k(.\ » l . . | i l

BOB'S MKU"•> I V I | u >

k l ' I '

I I I l : . . l . . M . I

V . . l l . * > ' . . . , . ..

, . . . . , . - * * !..« I . I


^«|J<i Mat hirta, 4^)4 A 1 >- n t I , We' l l •#=

on Writ.nr| !. i l ..-i . " tt

r«i .11 «m »,.•» i T ' i n M I I

Aero Precision InstrumentCOMPANY

*im Cm

1 !>•> P a > . N J



PlArfN MACHINE/rTtfffirf

PHOf4E LOUISE BAGNUOLOKi '»<((.( e c u 2 0 M «

ui i r r L f


Page 8: Former Local One Third Of Veterans May - DigiFind-It · 2015. 5. 15. · twi n brother wer e nominated fo r Osca WUensky. forme ,4aacm Berge hav ma«t almstmna to A,,, colo r beare

\THB-WJADER Thursday. Angmt 15,1946

Dog Control


i ffH nnj; a local regulation whichprohibits any dog from runningut \-<n\>- : i>(' by constant picking

every TfiursrlaY*T>y The Commercial Leader «P «t s t w *>«*

Business Manager .. Carmine Savino, Jr.

Ernest J. Dabinett

rnminjf Company at-255 Ridge Road, tynoTiurst T^fephoBe4*10^*1**11"'RfJth 2 lftSi , • ! t a m "dy11**! squadrons"-of dog

*'"••* catehers which would come to theaid of any municipality whichneeds help Inspectors from theState Board of Health's rabiescontrol unit are available „ tomunicipalities at picsrnt. in anemerlfen#y. »

Health Officer Sehmick. ofVerona 'favors a dog catcher op-(ratine on a fee basis, with thefeet paid out of the fines imposedon persons allowing dogs to runtt 'targe. That is permitted un-In the state act;

Entered as second class matter April 7, 1938, at the PostOffice at Rutherford, N.. J., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription $2.00 Per Year Five Cents Per Copy

Lyndhiirsl, N. J., \n|>n.| 13,

River Road; No. I PrcrblemLyndhnrst and North Arlington have a major po-l

war problem in Kiver Road.

Acceleration of the traffic load baa made llii> main

In Newark. Health Offiffrr;is*T ff*«*ls the solution |i<»s in

) the municipality's power to finejownprx nf tinliren«*riIdogsr He urges that allowners '«• fmed, with no excep-

tions on any grounds, and thathighway, which run* along the western rim of both coin- the event of a second offense th

raunhies, potemial »U of a .errililr dj»rte,. The rm™\Z&£SSFLJ' JSgZis too narrow for the loair it must carry. It has too many

twisting turns. It b;i> dirt shoulders which may trap tin

h o t of drivers. And it ta f;ir. far too dark.

Bad enough in normal weather River Road bfcomrs

urges that all moneyfrom dog trcenses be used for an"effective and continuous earnI'.iitTi for the collection of straydogs "

I » operation I'm erfDr. (raster feels that then-

should he much closer coopera-tion between police, health de-

| partmenls and magistrates in en-

rge.Fur the protection of humans,

two of whom lost their lives inEssex fr< rabies last month.

a death trap in heavy rains and when it Known. The drain-

ace systems of neither North Arlington nor Lvridhur?-! art'" ' J F * » , L , I I ' I I , ' • • • • * • • I M ^ ' . ' H - . * - - • i l l 1 1 1

Ktiffirient to carry off tin' walprs from tlie wpwtrrn Kioprs I forcing .state and municipal reR-

whirh pour down into River Road. As a result much of ulattmu for the control of dogs,

the roadbrd i» under water after I period of wet weather. ]!"'„,„. t ( l inform the pucliry of

Near BrlleviHe Turnpike the situation become! evnn worse. | the danger from dogs running at

It is pure rhetoric to talk ahout safely campaigns so. '

lung as a highway such a» River Road, used daily hy thous-

ands of motor vehicles, exists. Since it is orte of the m.ijor

arteries into and from Newark it is, hy necessity, used by a Quarantine Officer Esty of Mont-

great n.any trucks ,,d nt.icr .ouuuercial vehicles. Those g £ 2 ^ j t & * E f f - Eudd.up to more danger, have been bitten by dogs, with

There i» real IHTII for joint ;M iion. The State High-

way Oepartpicnt. thr I t -rpn (bounty Highway Department

and the offii inl- of IMIIII miiniripalitii'-. -IHHIM grt together

and J | i< •» and thru put through a rurrrrlivr program.

If there i- a iimjor traffir <lir>a>trr on River Koad antl

there will he—the blamr will r»-| upon the officials who

are expected by tbrir constituent* lo work for their safety.

River Road lorlity i- inlolrral>lr in a htate whirh pridr>

itM*lf on ilr* highway »ynteni and plan- lo add even more lo

the extensive mail link* which are fortnd in every Her'tion.

New 'Jrr-r\ can find nuthing uf whirh to be proud in

River Road. Neither ran Hrrgrn County. Neither can

LyndhurM nor North Arlington.

One of thr »ldr»t- highways in this nrea. it i- aUo one

of the wont. In Cart, ytv ran ihink- of im highway rompar-

all dogs rtuat either be kept indoors or securely tied on theowner's premises for the entireperiod wf the quarantine, whichshould last from three monthsto a year after a case of rabieshas been reported.

Gfcfy thsre W«yAlthough admitting lhaT suchquarantine would be difficult

to enforce, since it imposes realhardship on dog and owner alike.Kientz and Fellers hold the viewit is the only certain way

Urges South Bergen Hospital iA South Bergen Hospital as a tant, while Newark hospitals are .

memorial to war dead was urged I about 10 miles away.ensack, St Mary's and

General handle number*...-rgency- cases, but notM-

who offered to give the first, $100 jhas more room tflati is needed at

today, by J. W- D. Grant, of 2™_ Van Winkle avenue. Rutherford.

toward the project.Grant, whose daughter,

Rnsmund Grant Waltman,

j present, and their staffs are jusi 'Mi' now being brought back to nor-

.,,, ; mal by the return of doctors and ['nurses who served in the armer!it is the only certain way in d i c d J u l y 3 0 en route to Mac -nurses wiw « v v u u,

which rabies can be stamped nui kMisack Hospital, has been a res f o ™ " d " r 5 « t h , e W a r

completely. They point out that; ident of Rutherford for 36 years, i T . ,"* ™c *>rst..once- rabies is controlled, imposi- and suggested that the hospital m a d c * o r t h e fom b i n"*e «* •*• jtion of further quarantines be built in that borough as a f o r t s o f s e v c r a l communities in |

suggestion .

might not be necessary. memorial toOn one thing all health officials ; Rutherford,

the war deadLynd hurst, East

the area in erecting a war me-morial. Both Lyhdhurst and

•rv ' l i « m - LI H U B ; mi l I I C W U I U I I H I I I I S . i l li I l i t - | n i l u , i . v i i i i n i i i M , r . i t . ' i _ . , . . • . . .

are agreed, something should be.1 Rutherford, Carlstadt and other Rutherford have been struggling-,done, whether it be rigid staf- j South Bergen communities,control or more uniform and I Both Lyndhurgt and Rut herstrictly enforced county or mun- j ford have appointed official comicipal control. New Jersey 1ms inittccs on war memoiials, and

with varied projects such as play-grounds, parks and recreationareas.

waiting for the dog to de-| velop positive rabies. Esty pointsout the serum is available fromthe state, and Montelair from its

| dog license funds IH furnishingi $2 .i treatment to persons bitten.

Vaccination Questioned—_,iso varies greatly on

high among the t irf"" tJOth" communittes *Jstates in rabies, 15th in the five- i have been made that hospital* I

'" year period from 1940 trough ; he buitt- However, neither TOTTI-;1944 and fifth in 1940. Rabies in j munity' could undertake the proNew Jersey showed a steady de-1 i«"t slngfchanded because- of thecline from 420 cases in 1940 to 51 cost of constructing and equipin 1M5, but there have been 176 P'n« « hospital,cases reported already this jrtfcr | " A hospital in Rutherford,

• , „_», I Grant declared, "manned byyourv', up-to-date dot-tors whoare . t_ady to answer emergencycalls, would without questionsave many useful lives.

•**Al a memorial lo the veteran-of Rutherford, East Rutherford.Lyndhurs* and other nearbytowns, I suggest that Rutherford jbuild a. hospital. Let it be a 1memorial to the boys who gavi-1thru lives in World War 1 and\Wid War II.

"I will give $100 to start ajujl'hm: .such a mcmiw

I will assist Bimmittee that muy be appoint* ii

in noMciting rontributions andwill do anything that may ben«»-led to make Uuthiiford Mrmortal Hospital an accomplishtitfact

"It irroi-to me-that RutherfordIs in urg*|Staau>ert of n hospital 'which carvTerve tho needs of

Vets Housing(Continued from Page II

township, in making availabl<-housing units for veterans. Thcware the veterans* units and thisauthority merely is the instrument through which the rightof possession will pass. Therejoix*

, we felt It essential that evei>publicity cam-| a p p h c a n t k n o w f u , , y a n d COfn

was evalu-

reach its final d<every ca»e."

Next week, after the second in-vitations for interviews have igone out, the authority will wl-act the most urgent of the spaas.Then a home investigation willbe held in each of those to vei • ',ify all the information already

e authority will I f u n ( ( • « building iletermination in ! "> hcspltal". Alsci

^Yei. Read Jhis(Continued from Page

ice which governs Uw rale «fpayment?

A—Payment will be at Uwrate in rff«-t at the Uase of lastsrpuratkin from service. Ihtrwstill on active duty will berompensated for at the last rn-Iwted grade or rating heM.

Q.—If a vetrran bas died-.iiH-r leaving service, MJT bsssurvivors collect?

A.—Yes, they will be said aslull by check.

Q.—How about those«d iasane or otherwisepetent? ' m

A.—Thrir gaardlaK maycollect entire amount by check. ;

Q.—Who will help fill oatforms?

A.—Any of 3,111 *44 v**-rr;ms community infornuUoaor advisory venters, or jtn*State or County vrteraas serv-ice officer.

Once the authority has mudrits selections and verified themthe action will be reported tothe Board of Commissioners.

Thus far, work has progressedOpinion also vanes greatly on j s a t j s ( a c l n r i ! v o n t h ( . h o u s i n R u n | l

compulsory varcinat.on at 6o^\whk,h flro H s j ^ T h o m a s ;indagainst rabies While exhaustiv 'tests by the IltM'kefelier Founda-tion have proved present vac-cines to b*1 81 peimany health officers feelmargin of failure makes for fal:security, and therefore oppo;

CM heonly tw<


able in iiiip»ri«iiM-t*. -i/.»- 4ind l|»r thiit i* in the eondition of the provision in its Uw to which

River Ro«d.

Correction/piirkly i- u must!

Chase avenues. Already th1

thority has pitched in to obtainmaterials which are scarce. .Connolly was instrumental in gettingroofing materials and windows.

The authority will seek' toI reak any material bottleneckwhich crops up. However, it Krecognized that shortages of fix-tures- and of union lahor, whichis necessary on the project—maydelay the completion lo an ex-

; Connecticut attributes most of i tsj * township has w o r k e dsuccess in wiping out rtf the dis f swiftly to provide Us share of the

iilth (iffleets qufstmiH-ct.ued stron«ly" for ;•

strut quarantine of all dugs mw h the is tablet

tease. Under a strict quarantine.

this cormnunity. Why . should itbe necessary to depend- uponother towM for hospital ization?

"It is tiu<- that our cemetery isin Lyndhurst, but that is nearenough to our homes to prnvid"a resting place for our dear oneswho are unfortunate enough tobe taken -before their allottedtime because of the lack of medi-cal attention in Rutherford.

"Because she con Id not getcompetent medical attention inRutherford, my daughtt r w;i-taken to llackensack HospitalWlien she arrived it w;«s IIH. LstiShe rests today m Hillside Ceiwlery." The cemetery, is in Lyntiburst

I Hiii kr-nsi.i-k KospHai is fiv.'' nrtile* from Rutherford It is r-n<-(of several lartfe hospitals in the

F H A Tille I Loansfor

Home Improvements

VT'OU, can secure the funds you need forhome improvements and alterations

' from this mutual savings institution. Wewill l>e pleased to advance the money onthe basis of an F II A Title I loan. •

. See Boiling Springs Savings Association ifyou need funds for any of the followingwork on or in your home:

New roofing, Exterior painting, Inter-ior decorating, lMumbmg equipment,New Bathroom, Heating system, Side-walks or drives, Electrical repairs,Additional rooms, porches, etc •;


23 Park Avenue, Rutherford, IN.J.

•: •'- 7 . '

jjob. Tenth street is-beinK pufihedthrough in Thomasthe utilities such as


Hvenue and Iwater and ^ Haekcnsack, P «

One thinn which has cheeredthe veterans is thr fact much ofthe material goinfi into thehouses is new. This mean* thatthe project will be well con-structed and better to .live in.

Riick' from their vatiitinn

sons In South,o Harkensjr Newark

aro takonaic,

, I rxjint in

pitahiJitttHeights HospiUl, while moiin equipment and methods,.-in.ill institution .11nj just inot have suffirii-nl nw»m toaaaemodste all who would eas patients.

Pasaaii "fieneral HospiUl

School Days Should BeHappy Days

Vacolion !i o good time for porenUto take stock of their children'svision. If your children d*tJ*e loread; if they ore not as good atgames as their ploymotet; IT theirjchoolmarlis lost lerm were notwhat you hoped for or expected—

- then—bv all rneam—look to meir. undoubtedly me seat of


VALUESPlease Come Early As

Quantities Sell Out RapidlyAt These Low Prices

For Friday & Saturday

all the trouble. Do it now—so (hotthey may enjoy their vocation, ondto that they can do good worknext school term—easily ond with-out effort.

Dr. Ps'ji G. Slota(»PTOMrTRI^T

Vftttej ttr>M>k I . fnf fhvm

Ruth. JHWJj pitals art- atMtul t-iRht milrs <li.;.-j



:.». pjiii.i.ipsMILK OF MAGNESIA

24'- i.r.n PINKIIXMS




[CIGARETTES]$ 1 1 7 cartOB

'•* Make YourselvesComfortable

1V Nbetter you* rtM'.nis i*rc »irc\l, the c.»4irr it is tt>

jse elcttrn. ippluin.es jt>ur_N>i>kkl_^L 1a-Pleatv A

RciKivboxc1" tells tKe tomrtlete Unrj ol jJevjuate

«itinjt- Romn by ri*>m, it lates y*m IfcrmiL*b tFie house

and sbu«$ yi>u"»litre OMVtmetKt mulcts (Rc^luvtsDxes)

Utould »e plumed SeiuJ for i tupy It $ Free.



I " Krwlay anil S«lliirila>. \u^ii-l 16-17 I

I M m V«"l Ml'<l H t ol t inrniN TO l.KT I. ' I.AKIllN l>» CH.xVHl.im>

We fte$er»e the Right to Limit Quantities

BARONSCUT RATE DRUG STORE88 Park Ave. Rutherfordraonimituou) I-MM