HEftALO, Torr.no, Holland Dutch BAKERS INVITE YOU TO THE FORMAL OPENING OF THEIR NEWEST WINDMILL STORE AT EL PRADO AND CRAVENS TORRANCE Van de Kamp's are happy to provide still better service to their many friends in Torrance and Lomita by opening this newest windmill bakery store. This store will bring convenient to your home a wealth of fine-baked products, Ice Cream, and fresh,, fine Candles for which Van de Kamp's have become famous. All products are fresh' daily and offered at "Pleasing Prices," with exceptionally attractive specials that mean real savings! Be sure to visit Van de Kamp's Friday or Saturday and help celebrate the formal opening. SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 22 ORANGE ROLL COFFEE CAKE PAN OF EIGHT lie Served from.your wanniMgjoveji, with the full fragrance of Ute California oranges . . . ah, that's something! And there's extra satisfaction in the- econ- omy of these sweet rolls! BUTTER MINTS. !/ 2-LB. FOIL BAG 22c Par and wide has gone the fame of these superlative candles! Try them now ... at this attractive price ... and convince yourself. Specials Saturday only, Feb. 22 Washington CHERRY PIE ... Large 25c Medium-site 13c 2 for 26c Luscious is the word! Tart pitted Wash- ington cherries are used. The crust is flaky, tender, delicious. Washington PASTRIES . ". . 8c Recalling the cherry-tree tradition. Log- Hhapod chocolate sponge rolls; butter cream filling. Chocolate icing, cherry decoration. Washington CUP CAKES ... 2 for 5c Dozen, 29c Bright and gay with their red candy cherries. Choice of devil's food, white- Iced; or silver, chocolate-iced. FREE! To all children accompanied by parent or other orrown-up, a miniature Van de Kamp windmill store with a box at- tached filled with cri»p cookies. For the formal opening' only! Recent Bride ia Showered Monday by Friends Here One of the prettiest parties the week was a poat-oupt shower given In compliment Mrs. William E. Hedrick, n Carolyn Wilkes, when Miss Be Micheau entertained Monday cv nlng at the home of Mrs. Marl Smarte, 1222 Arlington avenue. A beautifully-decorated brld cake and floral decorations keeping with the bridal them were used. Mrs. Hedrick was recipient of many beautiful per- sonal gifts. Those present were the ho oree and Mmes. Mickey Wllk Dumont, Marjorie Hedrick, Laur Smarte, Marian Smarte, Ji Mendenhall, Pauline Newell, an the Misses Audrey Stanley, Lor ralne Rebadow, Lynn Boyd, Dor othy White, Norinne Schroedi Marian Spcheger and Cook Smarte. * * * Chilean Matron Addresses Club Group Monday "United Amerlcas" was chog en by Scnora Elvira Borja Chile as her topic when she. wi presented by Mrs. Bettlna.Miilcr International relations chairman at the National Business an Professional Women's Club din ner meeting at American Leglo clubhouse Monday evening. Stressing our need for grcate unity and closer understandin of their life and customs as basis for defense against a com mon enemy, the speaker held on a hope for the imprcgnabillt of "Americas Against the World! While bringing a message 6 a serious nature, the speake naively presented her subject i an entertaining manner and wa well received by her audlenc composed of the Torrance club their guests and representative of other Bay Section clubs. Band selections by eight boys- from the Southern California Military Academy added a pleas ing contrast to the well planned program. * * »< G. A. A. INSTALLATION AT MARCIA RODS' HOME In a beautiful candlclighting ceremony' last Thursday after noon at the home of Marcla Rous, members of Torrance high school G-A.A. Cabinet were in stalled... Hiss .Elizabeth Parks vice-p/incipal of the school art* Miss Muriel Duncari, G.A.A. spon sor, were guests of honor. Cabinet members installed were Mina. Hormcll, president; Kay Qulmby, vice-president; Mar- garet Moon, recording secretary; Virginia Zamperini, correspond- ing secretary; Marcla Rous, his- torian; Martha Nakoaka, treas urer. Jean Lancaster, Eilccn Whiting, Mildred Ikezoe and El- anor Lukes represented the 9th 10th, llth and 12th grades re spectively. At the tea table, beautiful with red sweet peas and carrying out the Valentine motif, Marcia Rous poured. Mrs. I. C. Rous and Miss Bet- ty Jane Rous assisted. *X * * EUPHRASIA TAYLOR IS PARTY HONOREE The birthday anniversary of Miss Euphrasia Taylor furnished the incentive for a surprise party when her mother, Mrs. F. H. Stelnhllber, entertained for her at their new home Thursday evening. A profusion of spring flowers enhanced the decorative theme and games furnished di- version. Those present were the hon- oree and the Misses Lucllle. Acree of Manhattan Beach, Mar- Joric Page, Elizabeth Anthony, Muriel Alverson, Norma Patter- son, and Georgina Tiffany. Miss Taylor was the recipient of many lovely personal gifts. * -* * ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mason of Hermosa Beach this week an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Hazel Fcssenden to Fred Hanseji, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanscn of 2063 Carson street. --J The Bride Cuts Her Wedding Cake after she. became the bride of William E.. Hedrick last Friday evening,', the. 1 cA-mer Miss Carolyn Mae Wilkes, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wilkes of 2717 Carson street, served her wedding cake to guests at her parents' home. The young couple exchanged vows before Rev. B. H. Llngenfelter. Mrs. Hedrick was the first of her Torrance high school Winter Class of 1941 to wed. Her hus- band graduated here with the Summer Class of 1935. MBS. MASSIE T SURPRISE FETE Mrs. H. E. Massic, chairman f Ways and Means for Torrano Voman's Club, was honored When ub members feted her at at mpromptU party on the occa on of her birthday Wednesday fternoon at tho clubhouse, -t ca'utiful bouquet of red roses neL a handsome flower cpjitslhei ere presented and an attrac vely decorated birthday caki as out. . i The tables, decorated for the ccasion with sweet peas were et for the pot luck luncheon eld on the third Wednesday ot ach month. This luncheon fol- iwed the meeting of the literary ection held in the morning. A iness meeting followed. WOMAN'S CLUB ARTY FRIDAY Torrance Woman's clubhouse will be setting for a pretty Wash- gton's Birthday dessert care irty Friday, Feb. 21 beginning 12:30 p..m. The affair Is be- g sponsored by the Ways and eans Committee headed by s. H. E. Massie. Tallies at 35 cents may be urchased from committee or at door. Mmes. Sears, Sllligo, reen and Snodgrass will have large of contract, auction, pi- xMe and 900 respectively. Ev- yone is cordially invited. * * * USICAL TEA GIVEN Y PIANO STUDENTS Despite the rain a large group mother? and friends enjoyed e musical and tea given by the ano students of Kathrync Buf- gton at her studio, 1533 Mar- ina, Saturday afternoon. The ogram opened with the slng- ig of. "America" accompanied two pianos, played by Betsy uth Morgan, Delores Fulton d Mrs. Bufflngton. Solos and duets interspersed th two piano numbers were joyed and Richard Honrath, ollnlst, and Helen Torres, so- ano, were heard. A Valentine tlf was carried out In .tho were and refreshments. Powell-Wilson Wedding- Held in Anaheim Chapel ' In an effective' candlelig ceremony at Capella dc San An tonio In Anaheim Friday cvenin Miss Dorothy Mae Wllso daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cur tlss Wilson of Long Breach, be came1 the bride of David Georg Powell, son of Mr. and Mr Ofbrge V. Powell of this clt The ceremony was solemnize) In the presence of 50 wcddln guests with Rev. C. Miles North mp officiating. .Given in marriage by he father, the bride. was lovely : blue crepe with contrasting ai cessories. Her flowers were shower of gardenias and awce peas. Miss Louise Wilson i Long Beach was her sister's on! attendant and Cecil C. Powel brother of the bridegroom wa the best man. Preceding the ceremony, Ra White sang several selection and reception followed at th home of the bride's parents. The bride was educated i Long Beach city schools whi the bridegroom is a graduate of Torrance high school, clas of 1B38. Following a honeymoon at Crestline, the couple will be at home to their friends here. * * + PHONE GREETING SENT EAST On Saturday evening, Feb. 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Hanscn, an Intimate grou; ot family friends were invitee n compliment to their son, Fred M. Hansen and his bride-elect Hiss Hazel FcEscnden of Her moaa Beach. During the evening thel niests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Imlth of Portola avenue, called Washington, D. C., to congratu, ate their son, Cyril D. Smith arid his bride, the former Miss Florence- Qahman, whose mar rlage took place that day. Mr and Mrs. Smith will make their lomc In Pennsylvania where hi u employed with an insurance ompany. First Christian Church Eogracia at Arlington JOHN H. WELLS Feb. 23 to Inarch 9 '' v Sundays at 7 p.m. Week Night* (Except Saturday) at 7:30 p.m. CONSTRUCTIVE PREACHING COURTESY TO ALL ' TRY OUR HOSPITALITY K. T. PORTER, pastor TOBRANCE REPRESENTED AT IOTH DISTRICT MEET The 44th annual celebration o P.T.A. Founders' Day was ob served at 10th District meeting at John Muir Junior high schoo In Los Angeles Feb. 13, attended by 1,400 members. William W. Clary, member o the .Board of Fellows. Clarcmon College, was the featured speak or. Representing Torrance high school P.T.A. -at the .meeting were Mrs. J. O. Bishop, presi dent, and- Hmes. Charles E Woodcock and E. W. Lock while the Elementary P.T.A. was rep resented by the president, Mrs W. H. Tolson, and Hmes. E. C Prime and H. R. Lee. Mrs. J. i Millard, president, .and Hmes Irene 'Davis, A. C. Turner and J. R. Garner attended for Fern Avenue P.T.A. * * * DINNER BBTOOE CLUB MEETS Mrs. Baker Smith was hostess when ."he entertained members of her bridge club'at dinner a( her home, on El Dorado avenue last Friday evening. A Valentine motif was effectively used in the floral arrangements and party accessories. Those present were Mmes. L. O. Barkdull, Bessie Myers, J. C. Snow, <D. J. Thorn- sen, 8, E. Smith, O. B. Willott and W. H. Stanger. Awards for contract were presented to Mmes. Willett, Starigei*' and Barkdull while Mrs. S. E. Smith received a travel prize. : * * * GBAINGKB AT S. F. FRIDAY On Feb. 21 at 8:30 o'clock at the San Pedro high school audi- torium, Percy Grainger, Inter- nationally Known pianist-com- poser, will be the soloist with the San Pedro Civic Symphony Or- chestra. He will be heard In Liszt's iungarlan Fantasia, Country Gardens and Clalr dc Lune by DeBussy. Dawson-Hilton Wedding Attended by 100 Guests In a recent Impressive candle- light ceremony. Mls» Dorothea Atwood Hiltbn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hllton of Clare mont, became the bride of Rob- ert Wlllard Dawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dawson of Tor- rance. Accompanied by her father, the bride was lovelv hi her mother's Ivory satin wedding gown trimmed with. Spanish lace. Her flowers ware a .shower ar- rangement of white Orchids and sweet peas. Her only attendant was her sister. Miss Eleanor Hilton of Clarcmont Edward Dawson served as his brother's jbest man. Kathrync Bufflngton payed Loh- engrin's wedding march and Miss Ellen Thoraen sang. A reception for 100 wedding guests followc:! and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson left for a honeymoon trip to Catallna. Mrs. Dawson Is ffrtt assistant tlibrarian at Huntligton Park and was formerly ftftfaitant li- brarian here. He Is employed at National Supply Company. ** * + ' Nancy Ann Whyte Valentine Dinner Party Hostess One of the prettiest parties of the week was the Valentine dinner party at wnicn Nanajrjfs Ann Whyte entertained last Fri- day evening. An attractive ar- rangement of red and white blossoms centered the dining table enhanced ' with large red i and white hearts while white place cards marked covers for Teala Rosemary Bellini, Delores Ulbrlgbt, Bevcrly Jean Hopkins, Jane Scotton, Joan Chccsman, Bonrric Edison, Jane Lafferty, Doris Quaggin, Polly Robinson, Bevcrly McClucr, Eleanor Salm, Patty Sue Alien, Marilyn Lee. The Misses McClucr, Hopkins and Robinson were presented with,heart shaped boxes of candy as awards for high score at games which fpllowed dinner. + * * VALENTINE TEA ' AT ELEMENTARY More than 25 mothers of Mrs. Irmegard Christmas' second graders were entertained -at a prettily appointed Valentine tea at Torrance Elementary school fast'Friday. Valentine tea at Tor- rance Elementary school fast Friday. Mi's. Christmas was as- sisted by Mrs. Taylor. room mother, an co-hostess. The Valentine motif was car- ried out in the red and white floral arrangement used for the tea table, In the menu and was repeated in the party accessories. * -K * DONALD TOLE'S NATAL DATE NOTED The first birthday anniversary of Donald Tole, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tole (Geneva An- drews) was celebrated at the lome of his grandmother at 2876 El Dorado last Friday. A Valen- tine motif was used in the party accessories and a beautifully decorated birthday cake was cut. -^ Donald was showered with many toys and gifts. Those present were Hmes. Donald Kelly and son Donald of iarbor City, Leland Pisel and k daughter Dianc, James P. Carcy " and son Jim, John Rltchle and son Gary, Roy Ncwkirk and daughter Jean, Jcsse Portlock and sons Jimmy and Pat, Alan ilulr, George Farrell, William Van - Nostrond, Millie Andrews and Miss Juanlta Andrews. * * « SUPPER PARTY S ENJOYED Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snow were oats when they entertained at an Impromptu Sunday night sup- jer party at their hqmc on Beech t. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Willett and Mr. and Mrs, L. G. Barkdull. .Bridge fur ishcd the evening diversion. FINE MEATS Sam Gwnn, Proprietor Saving Center Market 1395 Sartori Young Steer Beef ROUND STEAK..... ............... .|b. 29o SIRLOIN TIPS...... ................ . )bi 29c RIB SIRLOIN and T-BONE STEAKS........ ......... ib. 27o ROUND BONE ROA8T ............. ...| b. 23o CerrUr Cut CHUCK ROAST. .............. .|h. 19o and 21o Genuine Young LAMB SHOULDER ROAST .Ib. 14«/,c Shoulder LAMB CHOPS. ....... ,... | b , 22'/ a c COTTAGe ,Wff...... .. . ...... .... ' | b. 10o PURE MRP......' ......................................... ............ Bkg. ac

FORMAL OPENING - Torrance Oct 3... · Micheau entertained Monday cv nlng at the home of Mrs. Marl Smarte, 1222 Arlington avenue. A beautifully-decorated brld cake and floral decorations

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Page 1: FORMAL OPENING - Torrance Oct 3... · Micheau entertained Monday cv nlng at the home of Mrs. Marl Smarte, 1222 Arlington avenue. A beautifully-decorated brld cake and floral decorations

HEftALO, Torr.no,

Holland DutchBAKERS





Van de Kamp's are happy to provide still better service to their many friends in Torrance and Lomita by opening this newest windmill bakery store. This store will bring convenient to your home a wealth of fine-baked products, Ice Cream, and fresh,, fine Candles for which Van de Kamp's have become famous. All products are fresh' daily and offered at "Pleasing Prices," with exceptionally attractive specials that mean real savings! Be sure to visit Van de Kamp's Friday or Saturday and help celebrate the formal opening.




lieServed from.your wanniMgjoveji, with the full fragrance of Ute California oranges . . . ah, that's something! And there's extra satisfaction in the- econ­ omy of these sweet rolls!



22cPar and wide has gone the fame of these superlative candles! Try them now ... at this attractive price ... and convince yourself.

Specials Saturday only, Feb. 22

Washington CHERRY PIE ...Large


13c2 for 26c

Luscious is the word! Tart pitted Wash­ ington cherries are used. The crust is flaky, tender, delicious.

Washington PASTRIES . ". .

8cRecalling the cherry-tree tradition. Log- Hhapod chocolate sponge rolls; butter cream filling. Chocolate icing, cherry decoration.

Washington CUP CAKES ...

2 for 5cDozen, 29c

Bright and gay with their red candy cherries. Choice of devil's food, white- Iced; or silver, chocolate-iced.

FREE!To all children accompanied by parent or other orrown-up, a miniature Van de Kamp windmill store with a box at­ tached filled with cri»p cookies. For the formal opening' only!

Recent Bride ia Showered Monday by Friends Here

One of the prettiest parties the week was a poat-oupt shower given In compliment Mrs. William E. Hedrick, n Carolyn Wilkes, when Miss Be Micheau entertained Monday cv nlng at the home of Mrs. Marl Smarte, 1222 Arlington avenue.

A beautifully-decorated brld cake and floral decorations keeping with the bridal them were used. Mrs. Hedrick was recipient of many beautiful per­ sonal gifts.

Those present were the ho oree and Mmes. Mickey Wllk Dumont, Marjorie Hedrick, Laur Smarte, Marian Smarte, Ji Mendenhall, Pauline Newell, an the Misses Audrey Stanley, Lor ralne Rebadow, Lynn Boyd, Dor othy White, Norinne Schroedi Marian Spcheger and Cook Smarte.

* * *Chilean Matron Addresses Club Group Monday

"United Amerlcas" was chog en by Scnora Elvira Borja Chile as her topic when she. wi presented by Mrs. Bettlna.Miilcr International relations chairman at the National Business an Professional Women's Club din ner meeting at American Leglo clubhouse Monday evening.

Stressing our need for grcate unity and closer understandin of their life and customs as basis for defense against a com mon enemy, the speaker held on a hope for the imprcgnabillt of "Americas Against the World!

While bringing a message 6 a serious nature, the speake naively presented her subject i an entertaining manner and wa well received by her audlenc composed of the Torrance club their guests and representative of other Bay Section clubs.

Band selections by eight boys- from the Southern California Military Academy added a pleas ing contrast to the well planned program.


In a beautiful candlclighting ceremony' last Thursday after noon at the home of Marcla Rous, members of Torrance high school G-A.A. Cabinet were in stalled... Hiss .Elizabeth Parks vice-p/incipal of the school art* Miss Muriel Duncari, G.A.A. spon sor, were guests of honor.

Cabinet members installed were Mina. Hormcll, president; Kay Qulmby, vice-president; Mar­ garet Moon, recording secretary; Virginia Zamperini, correspond­ ing secretary; Marcla Rous, his­ torian; Martha Nakoaka, treas urer. Jean Lancaster, Eilccn Whiting, Mildred Ikezoe and El- anor Lukes represented the 9th

10th, llth and 12th grades re spectively.

At the tea table, beautiful with red sweet peas and carrying out the Valentine motif, Marcia Rous poured.

Mrs. I. C. Rous and Miss Bet­ ty Jane Rous assisted.


The birthday anniversary of Miss Euphrasia Taylor furnished the incentive for a surprise party when her mother, Mrs. F. H. Stelnhllber, entertained for her at their new home Thursday evening. A profusion of spring flowers enhanced the decorative theme and games furnished di­ version.

Those present were the hon- oree and the Misses Lucllle. Acree of Manhattan Beach, Mar- Joric Page, Elizabeth Anthony, Muriel Alverson, Norma Patter- son, and Georgina Tiffany. Miss Taylor was the recipient of many lovely personal gifts.


Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mason of Hermosa Beach this week an­ nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Hazel Fcssenden to Fred Hanseji, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanscn of 2063 Carson street. --J

The Bride Cuts Her Wedding Cake

after she. became the bride of William E.. Hedrick last Friday evening,', the. 1 cA-mer Miss Carolyn Mae Wilkes, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wilkes of 2717 Carson street, served her wedding cake to guests at her parents' home. The

young couple exchanged vows before Rev. B. H. Llngenfelter. Mrs. Hedrick was the first of her Torrance high school Winter Class of 1941 to wed. Her hus­ band graduated here with the Summer Class of 1935.

MBS. MASSIE T SURPRISE FETEMrs. H. E. Massic, chairman

f Ways and Means for Torrano Voman's Club, was honored When ub members feted her at at

mpromptU party on the occa on of her birthday Wednesday fternoon at tho clubhouse, -t ca'utiful bouquet of red roses neL a handsome flower cpjitslhei ere presented and an attrac vely decorated birthday caki as out. . i The tables, decorated for the

ccasion with sweet peas were et for the pot luck luncheon eld on the third Wednesday ot ach month. This luncheon fol- iwed the meeting of the literary ection held in the morning. A

iness meeting followed.

WOMAN'S CLUB ARTY FRIDAYTorrance Woman's clubhouse

will be setting for a pretty Wash- gton's Birthday dessert care irty Friday, Feb. 21 beginning

12:30 p..m. The affair Is be- g sponsored by the Ways and eans Committee headed by s. H. E. Massie. Tallies at 35 cents may be

urchased from committee or at door. Mmes. Sears, Sllligo,

reen and Snodgrass will have large of contract, auction, pi- xMe and 900 respectively. Ev- yone is cordially invited.

* * *USICAL TEA GIVEN Y PIANO STUDENTSDespite the rain a large group

mother? and friends enjoyed e musical and tea given by the ano students of Kathrync Buf- gton at her studio, 1533 Mar­ ina, Saturday afternoon. The ogram opened with the slng-

ig of. "America" accompanied two pianos, played by Betsy

uth Morgan, Delores Fulton d Mrs. Bufflngton. Solos and duets interspersed th two piano numbers were joyed and Richard Honrath, ollnlst, and Helen Torres, so- ano, were heard. A Valentine tlf was carried out In .tho were and refreshments.

Powell-Wilson Wedding- Held in Anaheim Chapel' In an effective' candlelig ceremony at Capella dc San An tonio In Anaheim Friday cvenin Miss Dorothy Mae Wllso daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cur tlss Wilson of Long Breach, be came1 the bride of David Georg Powell, son of Mr. and Mr Ofbrge V. Powell of this clt The ceremony was solemnize) In the presence of 50 wcddln guests with Rev. C. Miles North mp officiating.

.Given in marriage by he father, the bride. was lovely : blue crepe with contrasting ai cessories. Her flowers were shower of gardenias and awce peas. Miss Louise Wilson i Long Beach was her sister's on! attendant and Cecil C. Powel brother of the bridegroom wa the best man.

Preceding the ceremony, Ra White sang several selection and reception followed at th home of the bride's parents.

The bride was educated i Long Beach city schools whi the bridegroom is a graduate of Torrance high school, clas of 1B38. Following a honeymoon at Crestline, the couple will be at home to their friends here.


On Saturday evening, Feb. 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Hanscn, an Intimate grou; ot family friends were invitee n compliment to their son, Fred M. Hansen and his bride-elect Hiss Hazel FcEscnden of Her

moaa Beach.During the evening thel

niests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Imlth of Portola avenue, called Washington, D. C., to congratu, ate their son, Cyril D. Smith

arid his bride, the former Miss Florence- Qahman, whose mar rlage took place that day. Mr and Mrs. Smith will make their lomc In Pennsylvania where hi u employed with an insurance ompany.

First Christian ChurchEogracia at Arlington

JOHN H. WELLSFeb. 23 to Inarch 9 '' v

Sundays at 7 p.m. Week Night* (Except Saturday) at 7:30 p.m.CONSTRUCTIVE PREACHING COURTESY TO ALL ' TRY OUR HOSPITALITY

K. T. PORTER, pastor


The 44th annual celebration o P.T.A. Founders' Day was ob served at 10th District meeting at John Muir Junior high schoo In Los Angeles Feb. 13, attended by 1,400 members.

William W. Clary, member o the .Board of Fellows. Clarcmon College, was the featured speak or. Representing Torrance high school P.T.A. -at the .meeting were Mrs. J. O. Bishop, presi dent, and- Hmes. Charles E Woodcock and E. W. Lock while the Elementary P.T.A. was rep resented by the president, Mrs W. H. Tolson, and Hmes. E. C Prime and H. R. Lee. Mrs. J. i Millard, president, .and Hmes Irene 'Davis, A. C. Turner and J. R. Garner attended for Fern Avenue P.T.A.


Mrs. Baker Smith was hostess when ."he entertained members of her bridge club'at dinner a( her home, on El Dorado avenue last Friday evening. A Valentine motif was effectively used in the floral arrangements and party accessories. Those present were Mmes. L. O. Barkdull, Bessie Myers, J. C. Snow, <D. J. Thorn- sen, 8, E. Smith, O. B. Willott and W. H. Stanger. Awards for contract were presented to Mmes. Willett, Starigei*' and Barkdull while Mrs. S. E. Smith received a travel prize.


On Feb. 21 at 8:30 o'clock at the San Pedro high school audi­ torium, Percy Grainger, Inter­ nationally Known pianist-com­ poser, will be the soloist with the San Pedro Civic Symphony Or­ chestra.

He will be heard In Liszt's iungarlan Fantasia, Country Gardens and Clalr dc Lune by


Dawson-Hilton Wedding Attended by 100 Guests

In a recent Impressive candle­ light ceremony. Mls» Dorothea Atwood Hiltbn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hllton of Clare mont, became the bride of Rob­ ert Wlllard Dawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dawson of Tor­ rance.

Accompanied by her father, the bride was lovelv hi her mother's Ivory satin wedding gown trimmed with. Spanish lace. Her flowers ware a .shower ar­ rangement of white Orchids and sweet peas.

Her only attendant was her sister. Miss Eleanor Hilton of Clarcmont Edward Dawson served as his brother's jbest man. Kathrync Bufflngton payed Loh­ engrin's wedding march and Miss Ellen Thoraen sang. A reception for 100 wedding guests followc:! and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson left for a honeymoon trip to Catallna. Mrs. Dawson Is ffrtt assistant tlibrarian at Huntligton Park and was formerly ftftfaitant li­ brarian here.

He Is employed at National Supply Company.

** * + '

Nancy Ann Whyte Valentine Dinner Party Hostess

One of the prettiest parties of the week was the Valentine dinner party at wnicn Nanajrjfs Ann Whyte entertained last Fri­ day evening. An attractive ar­ rangement of red and white blossoms centered the dining table enhanced ' with large red i and white hearts while white place cards marked covers for Teala Rosemary Bellini, Delores Ulbrlgbt, Bevcrly Jean Hopkins, Jane Scotton, Joan Chccsman, Bonrric Edison, Jane Lafferty, Doris Quaggin, Polly Robinson, Bevcrly McClucr, Eleanor Salm, Patty Sue Alien, Marilyn Lee.

The Misses McClucr, Hopkins and Robinson were presented with,heart shaped boxes of candy as awards for high score at games which fpllowed dinner.


More than 25 mothers of Mrs. Irmegard Christmas' second graders were entertained -at a prettily appointed Valentine tea at Torrance Elementary school fast'Friday. Valentine tea at Tor­ rance Elementary school fast Friday. Mi's. Christmas was as­ sisted by Mrs. Taylor. room mother, an co-hostess.

The Valentine motif was car­ ried out in the red and white floral arrangement used for the tea table, In the menu and was repeated in the party accessories.

* -K *


The first birthday anniversary of Donald Tole, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tole (Geneva An­ drews) was celebrated at the lome of his grandmother at 2876 El Dorado last Friday. A Valen­ tine motif was used in the party accessories and a beautifully decorated birthday cake was cut. -^ Donald was showered with many

toys and gifts.Those present were Hmes.

Donald Kelly and son Donald of iarbor City, Leland Pisel and k

daughter Dianc, James P. Carcy " and son Jim, John Rltchle and son Gary, Roy Ncwkirk and daughter Jean, Jcsse Portlock and sons Jimmy and Pat, Alan ilulr, George Farrell, William

Van - Nostrond, Millie Andrews and Miss Juanlta Andrews.


Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snow were oats when they entertained at

an Impromptu Sunday night sup- jer party at their hqmc on Beech t. Their guests were Mr. and

Mrs. O. B. Willett and Mr. and Mrs, L. G. Barkdull. .Bridge fur ishcd the evening diversion.

FINE MEATSSam Gwnn, Proprietor

Saving Center Market1395 Sartori

Young Steer Beef ROUND STEAK..... ............... .|b. 29oSIRLOIN TIPS...... ................ . )bi 29cRIB SIRLOIN and T-BONE STEAKS........ ......... ib. 27oROUND BONE ROA8T ............. ...|b . 23oCerrUr Cut CHUCK ROAST. .............. .|h. 19o and 21oGenuine Young LAMB SHOULDER ROAST .Ib. 14«/,c Shoulder LAMB CHOPS. ....... ,... |b , 22'/a cCOTTAGe ,Wff...... .. . ...... .... ' |b . 10oPURE MRP......' ......................................... ............Bkg. ac