Forests and biodiversity is key to all life forms. The richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development and adaptive responses to such new challenges as climate change . Deforestation is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands and related ecosystems for non-forest use. These include clearing for farming purposes, ranching and urban use. In these cases, trees are never re-planted. Undernourishment leading to death. Since herbivorous animals depend on plants for their survival, hence cutting down of forest could make them malnourished that lead to their death. In addition, there are carnivorous animals who are dependent on other animals are undergoing the problem of malnourishment. Shifting of scores of wildlife animals to urban areas. Huge scale deforestations make wild animals to spread to the urban and rural areas, which lead to their death due to human-carnivore encounters. The number of attacks by lions and leopards on the human has been increased in past ten years. Many times, these encounters are accidental when wild animals take shelter in the sugarcane field. Besides, animosity between human and wild animals is also due to the loss of livestock. Green house effect. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which let heat from the sun to protrude and hinders its escape from the atmosphere, which is required for maintaining a warm temperature on earth. However, the burning of fossil fuels and other activities are increasing greenhouse gases which are further raising the temperature of the earth, and this is called as the greenhouse effect. The climate is known for warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. Winter temperatures are usually between 30 and 65 degrees. Summer months all average above 50 degrees. The warmest month averages about 72 degrees. The cause of this climate is directly related to large bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea and ocean currents. During the summer, cold currents keep the climate mild and dry. Ocean currents shift as the seasons change. During the winter the water that was warmed up all summer moves in and keeps the land warm and often brings rain.

Forests and Biodiversity

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Forests and biodiversity is key to all life forms. The richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development and adaptive responses to such new challenges as climate change. 

Deforestation is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands and related ecosystems for non-forest use. These include clearing for farming purposes, ranching and urban use. In these cases, trees are never re-planted. Undernourishment leading to death.  Since herbivorous animals depend on plants for their survival, hence cutting down of forest could make them malnourished that lead to their death. In addition, there are carnivorous animals who are dependent on other animals are undergoing the problem of malnourishment.

Shifting of scores of wildlife animals to urban areas.  Huge scale deforestations make wild animals to spread to the urban and rural areas, which lead to their death due to human-carnivore encounters. The number of attacks by lions and leopards on the human has been increased in past ten years. Many times, these encounters are accidental when wild animals take shelter in the sugarcane field.  Besides, animosity between human and wild animals is also due to the loss of livestock.

Green house effect.  Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which let heat from the sun to protrude and hinders its escape from the atmosphere, which is required for maintaining a warm temperature on earth.  However, the burning of fossil fuels and other activities are increasing greenhouse gases which are further raising the temperature of the earth, and this is called as the greenhouse effect.

The climate is known for warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. Winter temperatures are usually between 30 and 65 degrees.  Summer months all average above 50 degrees.  The warmest month averages about 72 degrees.  The cause of this climate is directly related to large bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea and ocean currents.  During the summer, cold currents keep the climate mild and dry. Ocean currents shift as the seasons change. During the winter the water that was warmed up all summer moves in and keeps the land warm and often brings rain.

Mediterranean climate is a fairly dry climate.  Almost no rain falls during the summer, so most of the rain falls during the cooler winter.  The summer experiences cold ocean currents that bring dry air and no precipitation.  During the winter the currents shift and warmer, moist air brings rain to these areas.   Snow can fall in higher elevation areas or places that are farther north.  Mediterranean climates receive around 20 inches of annual (yearly) rainfall.

Plants in Mediterranean climate must be able to survive long dry summers.  Evergreeens such as Pine and Cypress trees are mixed with deciduous tress such as some Oaks.  Fruit trees and vines such as grapes, figs, olives, and citrus fruits grow well here.  Other plants include what are called "scrub", which include small shrubs, grasses, and herbs.  

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