Forestry Commission Act,1999 ARRANGEMf:NT OF SECTIONS S~ctiun PART l-ES'I'ARI,ISI-~M ENT or: FORESTRY CllMMlSSlON 1 . Forestry Con~mission established 2. Object and functions of the Cornmission 3. Ministerial respoi~sibility and directior-is by the Minister 4. Meinbersl~jp of the Commission 5. Tenure of office of members 6. Meetings of the Cornmissio~, 7. Disclosure of interest 8. Comrn ittees of the Cotn~i~issioii 9. Allowances for members Divisions of the Commission Otl~cr units in the Co~n~nissioi~ Chief Executive Functiarrs af the Chief Esecutiiw The duties of the Divisiolls of thc Co~nnlission Delegation by Chief Execlrtivc Secr-etary to the Co~nmission Executive Directors ancl Other staff of the Co~nmissio~~ Delegation of power to a~rpcrint puhlic officers Furlds of d~e Corl~rn jssion Bank account of the Cornmissioi~ and payment illto Coilsolidated Fund Burrowing powers Exec~rtioi~ of contracts Aunual budget and colporale plans of the Com~nission Pci.form ance contract Accounts and audit Internal auditor

Forestry Commission Act,1999extwprlegs1.fao.org/docs/pdf/gha34739.pdf · 2006-07-28 · Forestry Commission Act,1999 ARRANGEMf:NT OF SECTIONS S~ctiun PART l-ES'I'ARI,ISI-~M ENT or:

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Page 1: Forestry Commission Act,1999extwprlegs1.fao.org/docs/pdf/gha34739.pdf · 2006-07-28 · Forestry Commission Act,1999 ARRANGEMf:NT OF SECTIONS S~ctiun PART l-ES'I'ARI,ISI-~M ENT or:

Forestry Commission Act,1999




1 . Forestry Con~mission established 2. Object and functions of the Cornmission 3 . Ministerial respoi~sibility and directior-is by the Minister 4. Meinbersl~jp of the Commission 5 . Tenure of office of members 6. Meetings of the Cornmissio~, 7. Disclosure of interest 8. Comrn ittees of the Cotn~i~issioii 9. Allowances for members

Divisions o f the Commission Otl~cr units in the Co~n~nissioi~ Chief Executive Functiarrs a f the Chief Esecutiiw The duties of the Divisiolls of thc Co~nnlission Delegation by Chief Execlrtivc Secr-etary to the Co~nmission Executive Directors ancl Other staff of the Co~nmissio~~ Delegation of power to a~rpcrint puhlic officers

Furlds of d ~ e Corl~rn jssion Bank account of the Cornmissioi~ and payment illto Coilsolidated Fund Burrowing powers Exec~rtioi~ o f contracts Aunual budget and colporale plans of the Com~nission Pci.form ance contract Accounts and audit Internal auditor

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Act 571 Forestry Commission Act, 1999

1:inancial year Atunual repo1.1 and o t h c ~ rcpclrts Access to inlbrnration Regulations Dissol~ltio~l of s~recifieil botlics Itepeal Transfer of personticl Transfer nf assets and I inhi I i I ics

Modification and ccr)~seqtrunrr:~t ;tlltcntllnellts Interpl-etat ion Schethrle

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Act 571




A A ACT to re-establish the 1:orcl;try Comlnissic>~~ in ol.dcl+ to bring under tire Com~n issiuii the main pilbiic hod ies slid agencies imp temeuting the fullctio~ls c~t'protection. tleveIoj>~nen~. tnilnnge~nent :~rrcI I P ~ L I Iation of forests and wi Idlife resources and to provicle $01- related mat'tet.s.

Dn 1.1: c )l As.Sr:N?I': 3 Is! Aztgzrst. I 9 99

13E 1.1' ENACTI:I, by Parliament as h'ollows-

Fol-cstry Commissior~ establislretl 1. ( l) There is cst;tblished by th is Act n Forcstry Clo~nlnissio~l referred to in this

Act as "the Comrnissiot~" . (2) !'he Comm issiorl shall he a htrly col-porate \\lit11 perpet~~rrl succession n11d

:I colntnon seal and 111;ly SIIL* and he succl 111 its corporate name. (3) ?'he Commission may l'or ttlc ctisch;u-ge oI' its Iitnctions ut-ldel- this Act,

ncqt~ite ancl hold aiiy l~iovable 01. immc>\lable pl-ilpel+ty. tlispose o f the pmpertv and cuter- into any corltract or otlier h.nllsmction.

(4) \Vliere tlicre is any hi~~drance t i ~ t11u ncql~isition ot.'auy p140pet.ty under suh- scctiotl (?I of this section tlie yropc~*ty rnny he ncytiired ibr the Co~ntl~issiol~ ~i~rder tlic Stnte Laucls Ac!. I962 (Act 1 25) .

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Act 571 Fores f i y CCbwnli.~.virm Act, I 999

Ob-ject and functions of the Commission 2. ( 1 ) The Co~nmission sl~all be responsible for the regulatio~~ of the utilisatioll

of forest and wildlife resources, tllc conservation and management of those re- sources and the CO-ordination of po\icies re\ated t u them.

(2) Without liiniting the scope o f subsection ( 1 ) of this s e c t i o ~ ~ the Commission shall-

(4 regulate the utilizatio~~ of forest and timber resources by

(i) vetting a ~ ~ d the registration of co~~tracts to market timber and such other forest and wildlife productsas the Commis- sion may detertn ine;

(i i ) the cstablish~~ietit of procedures to track the movemkllt of timber, wood and wildlife products;

(iii) ~no~iitori~ig the Ilarvestiug, rl~arketi~ig of forest and wildlife pmducts and related contracts;

(iv) promnti~~g the development and dissemination of approprate itlclustrial sra~~darcls and trade guidelines for timber, wood and wild life products;

(v) the conduct of pre-shipment irispection arid examination of tim bcr, wood i ~ n ~ i wi Id1 ife products;

(vi) advising on approvals to establish new timber industries and tlie regtstration of approved t i~n ber processors and traders in Ioresl and \vilcllik products;

(h) vnnnase the ~mtinn' s foresL i-1-esesl.v~~ and protected ayeas by

( i proper planning I'or the protection, harvesting and devefnp- melit of forcst and wildlife resources in a sustainable tiiaiinet.:

(ii) 1no11itor111g the cotlditio~i and extent of tlie natiou's forest and wi ((1 l ilk I.csoilrccs;

(iii) control I illg the harvesting of forest and wild1 ife lproducts;

( i v ) niaking ~~ecommenclatiot~s to the Minister 011 the grant of timber rights ancI wildlife licences;

(V) ndvisi~iy the hlinister on ro~+est and wildlife policy wit11 par- ticular rcg~vd tu management p~actices hat s11s~din resources nntl in-tprove productivity;

(c) assist t l ~ c pl-ivatc scctor arid he other borlies with thc i~nplcmenta- tio1-1 of forest and wildlife policies by

( I ) advising and t l ~ e provision of technical services with v&gar4d to mnttel-s of resoul.ce protect ion, management and devel- oplnc~lt atld of market iutelligc~~ce pertaining to tlre timber ;uid wildlife industries;

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Foresty,: C btl~/t~i,s,vion Ac!/, / Y 99 Act 571

(ii) CO-operating and linsing wit11 ~ ~ n t i u ~ l a i a ~ l d international brldies and orgn~iisntiolls on forestry atid wildfil'e conserva- tion n11d uti l isnt ion;

(iii) supporting tlw clevelopme~i t o f forest plalltntions for the restoration o f degraded forest reserves, the increased ploduction of industrial timber and tl~c e x p n ~ ~ s i o ~ ~ of the col~ntry's protected f o ~ est cove] :

(iv) tlie provision o l ' t r a i i ~ i ~ ~ g ~iianngc~ncnt atid technical skills for relnted i~irlust~*ies;

(v) advising thc :~pp(~int ing nutliority on J1lattet.s co~lcerning employ melit. d~scipline wld train~ns of staff:

((4 ttndertake the dcvelopri~ent ot' tbrest plnn~alions Fir tile restoration ofdegraded forcsts areas, tlie expnnsioti ol'lhe country's tbrest cover and the illcrease in [lie production of industri:il timbel.; ancl

e ) utiderlakc stlch ot l~er f~~ t i c t i t ~ns :IS arc. incidc~itnl lu the ror-egoiilg, or as the Ministe~. may dil-cct.

Ministerial responsibility anal rlil-cctions I y thc Miristcr 3, ( 1 ) The Minister respo~isi hlc Ibr liwestry sl~al l have 111 inislerial responsibility

for the Co~n~n ission. (2) The Ministcr ]nay ~ i v c gener;~l clircct ior~s 111 n.riting to tlic Comruissioti on

~nallers o f policy.

Membership of the Cnmmissior

4. ( I ) The Cot~ imiss io~~ slzall hc cu~l-rposed o f tlie f o l l o~v i t~g me111 bc14s- i r l ) a cliairnlan;

(b) the Cllict' Lxecutive o f tllc C:un-lmission; ('c) a representative of the Ni>tiona\ Huuse of Chiefs; ((1) a representative of tlie ti111bcr trade and industry;

(e) a representative nf tlie tvi Id I I re trarlo and inrluslry;

!f) o representative of tlie Glia~ln lilsti[ute o f Prcrfessiotlal Foresters; n representative ol' not i -gnvetn~ne~~t i~ l ol-ganisatio~~s involved in forest and wildlife n~:~r~r \~e t~ ien t :

(h) a ~~cprescntativc of lllc I,ar\ds Commission; and

i tlirce other persons \\,if11 f i~lancial. commerci;lt 01. ~nnnageria l sxperie~lce nomin:itt.ct hy tlic Minister nk lcast oile of whn~n slial l bc it \\lojnllll.

( 2 ) 7 '11~ members of C:OI~IIII ission sh:~ll be appointed by tllc President ill

consultatio~i wit11 the C'O~IIIC~~ 111'St;ll~.

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Act 571 ~ - . I I I - ~ J , Y I I ; ) ! ( m o ~ ~ i ) ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ o ~ ~ A C I ~ 1 WY

Tenure uf nfiice c r l rnenilwrs

S. ( 1 ) A member of the C'on~rl-\ission other tlliui the Chief Executive and the I-epresenlative ofthe Lilnils Comriiission shi~ll ])old oilice lirr- a pcriod not exceeding h t t r years ancl is on the cxpil+;~tiun ol'rllat pcriod eliFihle for re-ilppoi~~t~netit.


(2 ) (2 t i i c t l l b e r o f t l i c C ' i ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ i ~ ~ i o ~ ~ o ~ l i ~ r t l ~ a n a~(~ -o f f i c i~mcmber -rnayatan~ litnc b); Iclter aildrcsserl to the I'rcsiilerl( Ihrough the klinisier, resign his oflice,

(3) of in em her. other th;t~t ;IN r , \ . - r ? [ f i c . j ~ III~IN her who is r lhse~~t fro111 f o ~ ~ r consecr~tivc meetings of the C'o~ i~miss io~~ nitlrout reasonable excuse shall caax to Ile ;I member.

(4) Tllc cllairman 01- any nthci. nicrnbcr. o f the Commission may removed li-om cjtxce hg the Presirlc~lt hr- i~iabili~!, tn per.tbl+tii the f i ~ i l c t i o ~ ~ s o f his of f ice or for


stated n~isbe)inviort~- or l i l r i t t~y orhu~~ j r rs~ catrse.

( 5 ) The chairman of tile ( 'r~riim ~s\ inn shall tfiraugh the Minister notily the I'resirlcnt ot vacancies that occur IH (IIc' I~I~III~>C~SII~~ ortl~e Com~\~issiun w'uitlli11 one rr~arlr l~ o f suclr oocurrencc.

.: Q. I ) 'l'he Comrn ission slii\ l l mcct tijr the despatch of h~isiness at s ~ l c [ ~ tilnes and ill such ptaccs as the Ccrtninission m:iy dr tcr~n ine huf ~ l i n l l 11ieet n l least orlce every two ~nollths.

(21. The cl1airrn;un wry convelbr: ;i spvcial mecii ug n~lrl slti~ll upon Ole request ot' not lcss tllnti oi~~-lhircl of t l~c i oc~ i i hcr.slti11 of' thc Cammissir)~~ conilene a special rncetii~g ot'the Cn~nmissiotl i v i t l t i t i l i ) ~ t~ -~cun di14.s i lpu~r ~ h c ~+eceipt of that request.

' , (3) -:(lie q u o n ~ ; ~ ~ ;,I ;I nlct.ri,ig c,t'~lic I 'cur~~~l iss iou shnll be six ~nembew and shall iricllrdc-[he C:hiefEsectttivc or* the pul-so11 acting ill tljat capiicity.

(4) Evcry 111ceting,of the C'onrmissioll shall be presided crver by the cliainnan ancl in I~is irbsei~cc, by a nren~herof tlie Cnriimission clucred by the n>emkrs present from ilrrlnrlg thei r nu~nber.

(5) Ilecisio~is of the C'o~-~~niss io) l shall l ~ e detem~ioed hy iI w?jat.ity ot'the mcmbers present.

(0) The chairman or thc pcrson yccsidins at a r~~eeting oi' tllc Cotnmission sl\uil it) the eveb~t of' equality o f vo~cs have rt sccond o r casting votc.

(7) .The Col~~missiou ln;~\/ ct>-opt arly person 16) act ;IS :III ndviser at its [nectir-\gs hut no c<l-ril~ttecl person i s entit ted trl vnte i\t 111~' meeting.

(81 valirl,ty nl'ljle pl.occcrijrl~s of i l le Cornn~ isr;io~j shd l llot be n t'fected by ;, v;lontlcy ils members or n dct'ect iu the ap\-roinlmenr or qualitica~ion of a


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Fores11:v ( ' o ~ ! t l ~ ~ j . l : ~ i o ~ i Act, I 999 Act 57q

( 9 ) Except as otherwise pic~\lirletl in lllis sectiorl, the Cvln~~~ission shall rcgu- late rlte p~occdure for its lmeciings.

Disclosure of iatercst 7. (1) A t11embc1-ofthe i'ornn~ ~ssiozi ~ v l i o Ilas a personal interest, directly or indi-

rectly in any matter being ct~nsidercJ (11. dealt with by the C u ~ n ~ t i issia~l sllall disclose tlie nature of his interest at a 1nceti119 01'thc Co~nl~-~iss io l i nntl jhsll 11nt take part in ally deteliberation or decisiott of the Conimissiorl with respect to the matter..

(2) A member who h i l s to d i a t . l r l s r his iriterest itucler* subsection ( I ) sl~nll be removed from the Col11 missiotl.

Committees of thl: Corn rnissinn

8. Tf~e Cornl~lissior~ rnoy fbr lhc tli\clioryt. at' i ts ti~nctions ilppoini con~lnittees uf the Coalm issioli cornpr is i~~g nle~~~kcl .s nl' t hc C n ~ z ~ ~ i i ission or- ~lolj-lnem bc1.s 01. hot11 and assign to ally sucli committee slrcll I'l111ct icltis ofthe C'ummission i\s ti>eCo~nmis- sion may deterill i ~ l e except that n cnmin itlee cnm posed e?iclusively o f non-~nem bers of the Commissioii may otily advise the C'o~n~l-lission.

Allmanees for members 9.. The chairman autl the olhcl- iiie~nbel-s o f the Conlmissio~l shall be paid such

allowances as shall be deter~n itled hy ~lle hl inistcr.

Divisions of the Commissior~

10. ( I ) The Co~nr~lissiorl lnny establisll sucll divisio~ls ill tlre Co~~~r r l i ss io~ i as it col~siders uecessary tor the cl'Fcc~i\.u ;~c:Iiievct~~ent ofthc object and functin~ls of the Commission.

(2) Without limitiug (he scolw ul'subscction ( 1 ) and sttb.jcct to tile power of the Commission ro rs-argn~lise rhc d i ~ i s i ( > l ) ~ ; I S 11 co~~siders iiopropr~ate the follow- i ~ i g are hereby est;rblishcd ns Di\.isiu~ts c>< \ he Commission-

([I) Forest Services Division: (b) Forest Products luspcctiou Ilivision: (c) Timher Export Dcvelopmet~ t L l iv isio~i : n~rtl ( d o Wildlife Division.

( 3 ) Each Division c>F tlie c c ~ m i n i s ~ i o ~ ~ sllall have ;IS i l s head an ofti'ticer designated as Fsccutive Director.

(4) Each Executive Director sl~all be responsible tijr the day -to-day tnallagmellt of his Division and ;~nswl.lrernble to tlle Col~lmiss io~l through tllc il.121'

Executive in the performance of his li~t~ctians anrl duties.

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Act 571 Forc.vlr:v Ci,rr~n~t~.rinn Act, I Y 99

(5) The ft~tlctions ancl numerical staft' strci~gtli o f each Div i s io~ i of tile Co~nrn ission shall be deterrn t~ierl by the Commissior~.

(6) The Divisions ot' the Commission sllall be tcrcnted in such places as the Co~r lm ission Inay detet-m ine.

(7) The Corn 111 issiojl may clele91te its fuunctions liildcr this section to the Chief Executive.

Other units in the Commission I l. There sllall be establislletl b!l tlle Co~nmissioti the following as iirlits o f the

Commission which shall cor~slit i~tc a par1 o f the secretariat of the Chief Executive I Planning, Mo~litrrring nnd Evaluation Unit; (h) Legal Unit; (c) Inter~lal Audit Unit; fro Finance and Adrnic~istration Unit; (L) I<esenrch atid In tbrmntio~l Mnuagement Il nit: aud (f) such other uii its ;IS the Coti imissio~~ may deterni ine.

Chief Executive

12. ( I ) There shall be appoilitcd for the C n ~ n ~ n i s s i d ~ ~ aChic;f Executive who slrall be the executive and adm i~~ i s t ra t ive head of the Co~ni l i ission.

(2) The Chief Executive shnl l bc appointed hy the President in accorda~~ce with the advice o f the C o ~ n ~ n i s s i o ~ ~ given in ct~usultntion with the Public Services Cornlnissio~t atld shall llold of-tjce for such period ancl upor1 stmh otller tenns and conditions as shall be specified in l1 is letter of appointment.

Functions of thc Chief Execntive 13. The Chief Executive shall sul?jcct to policy directives o f the Cornmission, be

respo~~sible for- (U) enswing the et'ficicui atltl effective i ~ n p Iementat ion o f the functions

o f the COII~III issi011 and tlie directives of the Commission; (h) the day-to-day i-llanngetiient and ad111 inistr-ation o f the-

(i) Pln~liiing, Mouitoriug and Evaluation Unit; ( i i ) l,cgal Unit: ( i i i ) l r ~ ten~n l Audit Unit;

(iv) Fillauce and Adn~inistratiou Illlit:

(v) Rcscarclr a 11d Iii lbnn;~tion Mnnngcmetlt Unit; and

(vi) srrch orhcr nits as slit. Cotn m ~ssion Inay determine.

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Act 571

The tluties of the Divisions of thc Commission 14. ( I ) FOI. the ptrrpose of determi~~ing the duties and f~~llctions of the Divisiotis

o f the Commission, the Chief Executive shall draw up for consideration and app~wal by the Co~l~~nissiori (7 service chat-ter which s l ~ ~ l l set O L I ~ the duties and responsibilities of each Division u~~tlel. the Commission.

(2) The service charter niay be r-eviscd by the Commission.

Dclegatiou by Chief Executive 13. The Chief Executive nlay delegate any uf his functions to an officer of the

COIIIIH~SS~O~I subject to any co~~ditiorls t l~nt he lnay impose but he sl~all not be relieved from ~~ltimate re-esponsihility for the discharge of the delegated functia~.

Secreb~y to the Commission 16. ( I ) The Head o f the Legal Iluit shall k the Secretary to the Commission..

(2) The Secretary shall arl.nngc the business of the Con~tl~issior~ arld shalt keep iuinutes of meetings of t11e Cot11 111 issiorl.

(3) The Secretary sl~all per-ttwm sucl~ o'tl~er duties as the Commission or the Chief Executive may direct.

(4) The Secretary shall in the performance of his duties be at~swerable to d ~ e Cl) ief Executive.

Exccntive Directors and Other staff of the Cnmmission 17. ( 1 ) Tile Executive Directors arid other staff and employees of rhe Colnmis-

siorl sllall be appointed by the PI-esident in i~ccordm~ce with tlie advice of the C o ~ ~ ~ ~ n i s s i o n given in cnnsultation with the Pilhlic Services Cammission.

(2) Other public afftcec-s may be sccoltded or transferred to the Ci-rnrtnission.

Delegation of power tn appoint p~lhlic of icers

18. The Presideut may in accac-tlancc with article 195(2) OF the Constitution ctetegarc his power of nppai~~tmcnt of ptrblic nfficcl-S utidel* this Part.

Fur~ds ot'the Cu~n~nission 19. ( I ) The funds of the Commissio~l shall be-

(1t1 s~ ich 111o11ics ns 1':irliarnent rnny provi(le lo tlle COIIIIII issiotl fbr the perfarrna~lce of its lunctic~rts;

(19) {notlies d ~ i c to thc C'c~cnmission ~rnder this Ac,t and any other cnacctnent:

(C:, loans granted to Ihc Commission; and (cl) grzlnis.

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Act 571

(2) 'Ihe books of accou~it of'tlic Co~nt i i iss io~~ shall be audited withi11 3 ~norlths after the end of ench financial ycnr by the Auditor-General or by an audit~r appoi~~ted by him.

Internal auditor

26. ( 1 ) The Head of (Re Internal Audit Unit shall be the ir~temal auditor of the


(2 ) Subject to titis Act tile interrtnt auditor shrill in the performance of his f i~nct io~~s be at~swerable to the Chief Executive.

(3) As part of his f i ~ ~ l c l i o ~ ~ s ~ r ~ ~ d e r this Act, the internal auditor shall, at iritervals of 3 months, prepare a ~'ejlort on the inter~iirl audit work carried out by I~im [luring the period of 3 months i1i1111ed iately preceding the preparation of the report, and submit the report to tlie Chief Executive.

(4) The internal auditor sllall make in each report such observations as appear to him necessary as to the conrluct of tlie tinoncial affairs of tlre Commission (luring tlie period to which the repfist relates.

( 5 ) The inter~ml auditor stiall send 3 copy of ench repot? prepared under this section to the Minister and the Cornmission.

Fii'il~olncial year

27. The fil~nl~cial year ot'thc C o ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ i s s i o l ~ shall be the same as the financial year of the Government.

Annaal report and other reports

28. ( 1 ) Tlre Coinm issioi~ slinll submit to the Minister as soon as practicable and in any event not Inore t l ia~l 6 ~ n u ~ l t h s alter the ellcl afeacl~ tinancial year n report dealing gene]-ally with the activities u ~ l d operatior~s of (he Cornmissio~i during the year to which the report relates irncl sl~all include-

M the audited accotrnts o f thc Commission arid the Auditor-General's report on the acconlits;

{h) n state~ne~ir o f tlie C'ammission's budget and operatio~~af plans for the next financial ycar; and

(C) SLICII other itii'o~.mation as t l ic Cornmissio~~ m;ky consider uecessary.

(2) The Minister sh;~ll wirliiri three months aflcr receipt of the an~lual report submit the report to Par liamcnt w it11 such statcu!cnts as hc corisidcrs tleccssary.

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Foresiry C,'o~~?mi.s.sion Act, I999 Act 572

Access to infurmation 29. For the purposes of tlie atta i 1inie11 t o f the object o f tlie Comm i s s i o ~ ~ aud tlie

perforr~~ar~ce of its f~u~ctio~~s under this Act or i\ny other law, the Commissiun sh-ldl l~ave access to information and records of any departme~~t of state which are reason- ably necessary for t l ~ e purpose.

Regulations 30. The Minister Inay on the recommendatia~~s of the Commission make

Regulations by legislative instr.umetit to give effect to the provisions of this Act.

Dissolution of specified bodies

3 1. The follow irlg bodies, :lgencies and oftices in existence immediately before the co~ning into force of th is Act ;Ire hereby disso tved-

U ) the Forestry Da)>n~tmt;nt of the M inistry o f Lands and Forestry; (h) tlie Forest Products Inspection Bureau; (C) the Department of Gqme and Wildlife o f the M inistry o f Lands and

Forestry: (4 the Forestry Commission estahlislied under the Forestry Commis-

sion Act. 1993 (Act 453); and (c) the Timber Export Ucve lopt i~e~~t Board.

liepeal 32. (1 ) The fo l lowi t~g enactlilents ilre Iiel.eby I-epenled-

(U) the Forest Products Inspeetioll Bureau Law, I985 (P.N.D.C.L. 1 1 7); (/g the Forestry Commission Act, I993 (Act 453); (U) flie Ti~nher Export Develflp~ne~lt Board Law, 1985 (P.N.D.C.L. 123);

and ( ( I ) the W i l d An imals Preservntiou (Amendment) Law, 1983

(P.N.D.C.L. 55). (2) Notwithstanding tlie repeal 1111der subsectiotl ( 1 ) any instl.ument,

contl-act, l icelice or registration mntlc (11- issued r111der any o f the repealed enactlnent and valid OII thc date of tlie corni~ig illto lb~ce of this Act s11alI remain valid until otherwise dealt with.

(3) Notwithstandi~ig the I-epeal of the e ~ ~ n c t ~ n e ~ ~ t s specified under subsection ( I ), where

(U) ally Of the repealed en:~ctments confe~+s a power on a public body, agency or 111st i t u t i o ~ ~ wti i c l l 11ow constitutes a Divisiori wider the Con i~n iss ia~~ to collect any levy or fces in respect of a function performed irnder that ccn;ictmeur, and

(h) the power is t~-arlsfel-rcd to t l ~ c Co~nmission r~rlder this Act,

that power SIIELII c011ti111le 10 be exercised by the releviint or correspot~ding Divisiori under this Act for the collection of the levy or fees.

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Act 571


Secriort 35(&


I. The Timber Resources Management Act, 1997 (Act 547)

2. Wild Animals Pret;ervation Act, 196 1 (Act 43)

How ntyected 4

(1)Sectio1r5isa1ne1ld~dasfollows-- (i} by the repeal o f paragraphs

/u)and (bj of subsectiori ( 1 ) a ~ l d the substitutiol~ of the following- "(U) the Chief Executive of the

Comlnission or his repre- sentative who shall not be balow the rank o f a Director,

(h) the Executive Director. Forest Services Divi- S ion":

(ii) by the repeal ofparagraph (G) of subsection ( I

(ii i) by the substitution for para- graph (c) o f subsection ( I ) o f Ihe followi~ig "the Executive Secretary, Lands Cornm is- siort"'

(iv) by tlie repeal of "Cl~ief Con- servator of Forests'' in subsec- t i o ~ ~ (2) andtl~e s~~bstitutio~l of "Cl1 ief Executive";

(2) Act 547 is ovnended by the repeal of "Chief Co~iservator of Forests" and " Fu~.estjtry Department" whereu w they imppear in the Act and the subsitutio~~ o f "Chief Executive" at~d tlie "Com- n~ission'' respectively.

((0 by the repeat of section 1 and the substitution of the following-

. "Appointnr~t~t rd r!fficeus l. The President inay in accordance

with thc advice o f \he Forestry

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I;ovc!stt:v Cor~~~rrts.rinn AL'I, 1999 Act 571

E~~nctmetit I-low affccted

Cnn~missi(r~l giver1 in consultatiou iv i l h Ilie Pr1l7lic Se~.vices Camm ission :~pl~oir-r t ot'ficcrs to carry out all or any ol' the p~~rpose e l f this Act";

(h) by ~ J I C rq~eil l ot'"lhe President miy" in section 3 and the substit~ltion~nf the "Minister Inay LI~OI I the recolnmen- daliors of tlic Fa~.estry Com~l~issio~~";

Ic) by the repeal ol' "one I ~ r ~ n d r c d I ? L I L I I I ~ ~ ' . i n s c c t i v ~ ~ 4(5) nncl the suhstitrttion of "$2 rnil\ion7';

((l) by tlre repeal in sect ion 6(2) of "one huudred pouttds" and tl~e substitution of "$2 m i l l ion":

((1) by t l ~ e repeal of "one hrrt~dred ~ounds" in sectio~l 7(2) n ~ l d the substitution "$2 ~nillion";

(1) in section l l-

((0 by tlic repeal of "the PI-esident may" and the substitution of "the Minister on the ~ d v i c e of the Fol-cstl+y C o m m i s s i o ~ ~ {nay":

(h; by the repeal of "L 1 0.000" in paragraph (r) and the substi- tttrion o f "$2 million";

(g) in sect io~~ 12 by the substitlltio~i for the meaning o f "officer" and "Minister" of the followi~g-

' "ofticer" nleans an officer of t Ile I:nrestry Cotnm issiorl so desig~lated;

"Minister" tnealls the M inis- ter I-cspnsible tbr forestry


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Act 571 ForL'SIry Com~nis~i~ln Act, 1999

Date of Gc~ef te notification: 10th Septelnkr, I999


3. Trees and Timber Decree, 1974 (N.R.C.D. 273) as amended by Act 493.

Huw affected

(a) b y the substitution for "Chief Conservator of Forests" wherever it appears in the Decree of "Forestry Commission";

(b) by the substitution for "Cornmis- sioner" wherever it appears in the Decree of "Minister";

(c) in section 15 by the repeal of all the * words before paragraph (a) and the

substitution of the following- "15. The Minister Inay on the

advice of the Fmestry Com- ~nissio~l";

(d) in section 15B by the deletion of "Forest Products Inspection Bureau" wherever it appears and the inse~ion of "Forestry Co~nmission";

(P) in section 1 7( 1 ) by the insertion afier '!may" o f the following "on the

I advice of the Forestry Commission".