For You Its Never Enough newest chapter

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  • 8/14/2019 For You Its Never Enough newest chapter



    My Sunday was spent in complete boredom. Alice visited me, but her energy got a l ittle annoying. Shesaid she would bring my work from school to the hospital on Monday, but I didnt have much else to


    Monday went by very slowly. Alice did drop off my homework, but she said she had something to takecare of, so she had to leave. By Tuesday, I needed some stimulation. Carlisle walked in that Tuesday,

    happy as always.

    Hello Bella. He smiled as he always did.

    Hi Carlisle. It still felt weird to call him by his first name.

    How are you feeling?

    Im fine, I just a quick question. He waited. Is there any way I could get a walk around thehospital? I just feel like Im going to have major blood clots in my legs if I dont move.

    I cant have you walking around just yet, but you can take a wheelchair, if youd like. I noddedvigorously.

    Please. He smiled and went to grab a wheelchair. When he got back, he helped me into it, andshowed me how to work it.

    So you can handle this right? I dont have to worry about you running into any walls? I smiled andshook my head.

    I think Ill be safe. He nodded and left to check his other patients. I initially planned on rollingthrough the hospital, but found a small patio outside of the food court. It was quite serene, actually.

    No one was out there because i t was raining, but there was an overhang.

    I rolled over to the small table with a few chairs, and lifted myself into one of them. After I spent agood time just enjoying the green scenery, I heard a voice behind me.

    Found a way to move around without me helping you? I turned to see Edward standing in thedoorway. I smiled.

    I can move around just fine, thank you. Its the getting back into bed thats difficult without you. Hechuckled and wandered over to the chair across from me.

    So how has it been here? I scoffed.

    Let me tell you, you never know how much you miss human interaction until youre almostcompletely cut off. He had a questioning look on his face.

    Almost completely?

    Alice and Carlisle are about it. Oh but theres occasionally this nurse who comes in and finds it fun tolecture me about the dangers of gymnastics. As if I dont know. I snorted. He looked at me curiously.


    Youre one of the oddest girls Ive ever met.

    Oh? And why is that?

    Youve had all of these horrible things happen to you, but youre still such a normal person. Does heknow? No. Jasper wouldnt do that.

    What do you mean horrible? His eyes widened. He knew. Shit. I cant trust anyone. I pushed myself up and over to my wheelchair.

    Ive got to go. I said icily. I tried to roll myself to the door, but Edward grabbed the wheelchairshandle.

    Please, Im sorry. I sighed.

    Im not mad at you, Edward. Im upset with the fact that I cant even trust one person.

    No, dont be upset with Jasper. Technically, he didnt tell me. He did his best to keep it a secret.

    What do you mean?

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    I cant exactly tell you. But trust me, its not Jaspers fault. I sighed.

    And you just expect me to believe you? I was avoiding eye contact.

    Im hoping you do. You have every right not to, but please, just dont blame Jasper. He felt horribleas soon as he knew I knew. I nodded.

    Im going back inside now. I wheeled myself back inside, but this time Edward didnt follow. I gotback to my room and sat facing the window.

    How could this have happened? I had trusted one person, and yet more than that knew. What if Edward told his family? I wouldnt be able to live in the same house with them. But Alice wasnt any

    different, so maybe Edward didnt say anything. God, I hope not.

    Bella? I turned to see Jasper standing in the doorway. Are you okay? I nodded and wiped the tearsI hadnt even noticed Id shed. Edward told me what happened. I nodded. I wanted to apologize for

    what happened. I know Edward said I didnt tell him, but what I did was bad enough.

    Jasper, I dont blame you. I dont want you to blame yourself. He sighed. Id like to know one thing,though. He looked up. Who knows? Please be honest. I wont be mad at you. He paused.

    Edward has the tendency to blabber a lot. And when he blabbers, it wont stop. So he kind of went off when he found out.

    So your family? He nodded. Crap. Great. I sighed.

    He really does care about you though. I rolled my eyes.

    And what does he know about me? That I was raped? Oh yes, he knows enough about me to care. Ilet out a dry laugh.

    That doesnt matter to him. To any one of us. Im sure youve noticed, Alice is still her perky self, andshe knows. We dont care, Bella. I sighed.

    Good to know. Ive got to get to work on the homework Alice brought so Ill talk to you later. Henodded sadly and left the room. I got back over to the bed, and pulled out the light folder of work.

    I needed something to clear my head, and right now, it seemed Pre-calculus could do that.

    BPOVIt was Wednesday. The day I was to move in with the Cullens for (god knows) how long. I wasnt somuch nervous for the fact that I was moving into a house full of strangers, but the fact that they allknew what Id been through. I was just praying they didnt change how they acted. The last thing I

    wanted is pity.

    Carlisle said I didnt have to worry about going home to pick up clothes, or anything, because Alicehad already taken the job of buying me a whole new wardrobe. As much as I didnt want anyone to

    spend any money on me, if it meant I didnt have to go back home to Charlie, I was all for it.

    It was almost noon, and Carlisle said Id be able to leave then.

    Alright Bella, well Ive got all of your papers signed, so when Edward gets here, you can leave withhim. Carlisle said. I nodded but internally groaned. The last person I wanted to see.

    I got into a wheelchair, and wheeled out to the front room. I was no longer attached to an IV, so I

    didnt have to worry about that. I waited maybe five minutes before Edward walked through the frontdoors, soaking wet. When her saw me, he walked up, and looked down at his feet.

    Are you ready to go? I nodded and wheeled myself to the door. Its pouring outside. I dont thinkyou can get very far in a wheelchair. I sighed.

    And what do you suggest? I said sarcastically.

    Well, I think the easiest way is to carry you. Sure thats the easiest way.

    Fine. He came around to the front of the wheelchair and put his arms under my knees and behindmy shoulders. I hooked my arms onto his neck so he wouldnt have such a hard time, yet he seemed

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    to be unaffected by my weight. He walked through the doors and stood under an overhang. He wasntkidding when he said it was pouring. You could barely see ten feet.

    So Carlisle would kill me if I didnt wrap your cast, so it wouldnt get wet, so Ive got to wrap itquickly. He pulled out a big trash bag and pulled it up my leg until it was above the cast, and pulled

    the drawstring. He picked me up again and headed out into the rain.

    Edward started running through the rain at a reasonable pace, if he wasnt carrying a 115 pound girlwith a cast. It just seemed too easy for him. He quickly pulled open the passenger door and slid me

    in. I put on my seatbelt, and waited for him to get in.

    When he got in, he started the car and made his way out of the parking lot.

    So do you work out a lot? I asked. I know it seems like a pickup line, but I just wanted someanswers. Edward glanced over.

    No, why?

    Because you were able to carry me so easily. Plus you were able to run fast to the car. I would thinksomeone who could carry that much weight and run as fast as they would normally would work out.

    His hands tightened on the wheel, but he didnt respond.

    The ride from the hospital didnt last very long, and when I went to get out of the car, Edwardwouldnt let me. He held my arm. I turned to face him.

    What Edward? He looked conflicted. Never mind. He got out of the car, and carried me into the house. I didnt know where he was going

    when he passed the living room.

    Um, Edward. Where are we going?

    Esme made up one of the guest rooms for you so you would be comfortable. I nodded and hecarried me upstairs and passed a couple of doors. He opened one door and walked me in. It was a

    beautiful room. The walls were a deep purple, with a light purple border. There was a closest on oneside of the room, and a dresser on the other. Both the door to the closet and the dresser were painteda mahogany color. The bed was placed against a wall near a window. The bed itself had a mahogany

    finish on the wood framing, and dark purple sheets, with a dark purple, light purple and sky bluecomforter. Edward set me on the edge of the bed.

    So if theres anything you need, you can just call for me. Carlisle wont be home with a wheelchair

    until probably six, so Ill have to carry you where you need to go. I nodded. He started to head out,but I stopped him.

    Wait. He turned around. Can you help me over to the closet? Im kind of sick of ill-fitting hospitalclothes. He nodded and picked me up. He walked over the closet door and opened it with one hand.

    And here we go with the freakishly strong Edward. When he got inside the closet, I noticed that mostif the clothes consisted of tight shirts and pants. Edward, do you know if Alice bought anything that

    wasnt tight? He chuckled.

    You dont know Alice, do you? She probably stuck a pair of pajamas somewhere in your drawers, butI cant guarantee that theyre going to be any less clingy than what is in here. I nodded and he put

    me on the bed again. He headed over the dresser and pulled out a deep blue, lacy camisole, andmatching pants. Like I said. This is the most modest thing I could find. I sighed.

    Can you grab a jacket from the closet, then? I dont want to freeze my butt off. He headed backover to the closet and pulled out a thick, red sweatshirt. I thanked him and let him leave so I couldchange. I easily pulled on the camisole and sweatshirt but had a little difficulty with the pants. Afterseveral minutes of frustration, I pulled them on. I pulled on the sneaker I was previously wearing on

    my uninjured foot, and tried to head for the door. Edward opened it by the time I got off the bed.

    Carlisle will kill you if he finds out you were trying to walk already.

    Well what am I supposed to do? I dont want to permanently be a nuisance, and I really need to feellike I can do something. I dont want to be nothing. I choked out the last part. It was what Charlie

    had always said to me: I would never be anything more than nothing. I sat back down on the bed andslumped away from Edward. It didnt matter that I wanted him gone. He came and sat down next to


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    Youll never be nothing, Bella. Youre too great for that. I let out a dry laugh.

    And who told you that? Because all Ive ever heard was that I would be nothing more than nothing. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him.

    I dont need someone to tell me what you are and arent. I know who you are and you most definitelyare something. You make people so happy and you dont even realize it. Alice was happy and friendlybefore we met you, but shes just been so ecstatic that she has a friend like you. Jasper had always

    felt uncomfortable most of the time, but hes been better because of you. I know my family and I havebeen happier with who I am since I met you. Bella, I know youre something amazing, you just need

    to see it for yourself.

    Wow. I didnt really know what to think after that.

    Im not sure how much I agree with that, but thank you. He let out an exasperated sigh.

    Bella, you should believe it. I wouldnt lie to you. I looked up at him. Something in those topaz eyesmade me want to believe him. I nodded. He sat with me for a while until we heard the front door

    open. Everyones home from school now. I nodded.

    Im sorry I took up so much of your time.

    Bella, you could never take up too much of my time. He helped me up and carried me downstairs sowe could say hi. Alice was the first person I saw.

    Bella! She squealed. Edward set me on the couch and she ran over to me. Oh my gosh! I still cantbelieve youre actually staying here! Itll be so much fun! She kept going on about sleepovers andgirly stuff until she noticed what I was wearing. Bella, why are you dressed in pajamas? Her eyes


    Well, Alice, the closet is full of tight clothes, and Id prefer to wear something a little more modest. Itturns out you had other plans for me, am I correct? She nodded vigorously.

    You need to dress cute! I rolled my eyes. Well you wear cute clothes when you dance! I rolled myeyes again.

    Yes, but have you noticed what I wear at school? She shook her head. Most of my outfits consist of long sleeve shirts and jeans. I dont even own a skirt and you somehow managed to put almost ten in

    my closet.

    Bella, you should dress cute! I mean, really, youve got the body for it, youre totally gorgeous, I

    mean the reasons go on and on. Whatever, Alice. She laughed. So if you guys dont mind, Im kind of tired, so I think Im going togo take a nap, so Ill see you later when I wake up. They nodded and Edward came back to pick meup. He carried me upstairs and into my room. He helped me under the covers and started to leave.

    Edward can you help me with the jacket? Im too tired to pull it off. I yawned, proving my point. Hecame back and carefully unzipped the sweatshirt. He tugged it off my arms, and pulled the blankets

    up around my neck. Thanks.

    Anytime. I heard him shut the door, and I fell asleep after an eventful day.

    BPOV Bella, Bella. Wake up. I tried to roll over to get away from the sound, but remembered I had a cast


    What? I groaned.

    Dinner time.

    Cant I just skip? My stomach growled, contradicting my statement. Someone chuckled.

    It doesnt sound like you can skip. I sighed.

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    Fine. I sat up and opened my eyes for the first time. Edward was crouched next to the bed talking tome, while Esme stood behind him with a plate of food. She smiled warmly.

    Hello Bella. I wasnt quite sure what to make, so I hope this is okay. She set the plate down in frontof me. I smiled back even though I wasnt comfortable with other people making me food.

    Thank you Esme, this really is great. She smiled again, and headed out of the room. When she left, Irested my head against the headboard. Edward was staring a me intently.

    What? I asked.

    Arent you going to eat?

    Arent you? I retorted. He chuckled.

    See the perks of not falling asleep in the middle of the day, is that I can actually eat at dinner time.Besides, youll hurt Esmes feelings. I chuckled.

    Fine, fine. I picked up the sandwich, and tentatively took a bite. Mmmmm. I gave Edward athumbs up, signaling he could leave. He sighed and left the room. I swallowed the bite but left the

    sandwich alone after that. You see, I didnt trust people making me food ever since I let Charlie makeme a water bottle for dance class a couple years ago. He slipped some sort of energy powder into itand I got quite sick from the amount he put in. When I was sure Edward wasnt standing outside my

    door, I slid out of bed, and hobbled over to the window. I slid it open, and chucked the sandwich out. Igot back to the bed and sat down. My ankle was really hurting from the walking. There was a knock

    on the door.

    Come in. I croaked. Carlisle walked in.

    Are you okay? I was coming in to check on you anyway.

    Yep. Never better. He didnt like my answer.

    Bella, I can tell youre not doing well. Lying is not going to help your recovery. I sighed.

    Alright, yes my ankles hurting a little. He gave me a skeptical look. Alright, fine. Its hurting a lot.Happy? He nodded.

    I need to take you downstairs really quickly, is it fine if I carry you?

    If you can. I mean I know your son is freakishly strong, but if you can, go ahead. He chuckled andpicked me up easily. I was surprised.

    What? You didnt think he developed all that strength by himself, did you? I smiled. Good point. He walked down the stairs and helped me into a wheelchair. Thanks. He nodded. Weheaded into the kitchen, and he filled a cup with water, and pulled out a medication bottle. He walked

    over to me and handed me a pill and the cup.

    So this is vicodin, itll help with the pain. You can take one every six to seven hours, but just makesure you take them after youve eaten. These can make you pretty loopy if you havent eaten, but Iknow Esme fed you, so we dont have to worry about that. I nodded, even though I hadnt eaten. Itook the pill, hoping the pain would go away soon. So you should feel the affects in about half anhour, but the full effects should take an hour. I nodded again. So youre probably not very tired

    considering you slept all afternoon, so feel f ree to stay up.

    Thank you, Carlisle. For everything. He smiled and nodded.

    Feel free to help yourself to anything in our house. Im going out with my wife tonight, so well

    probably be back by the time youre asleep. I nodded. Have fun. He thanked me and headed out of the kitchen. I rolled out of the kitchen and saw Alice

    bouncing down the stairs. She smiled when she saw me.

    Hi Bella! I smiled. Do you want to watch a movie?


    Hey you guys! Were watching a movie! Come on down! I heard footsteps and saw everyone appearat the bottom step.

    What movie? Emmet asked. Alice looked at me.

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    Dont ask me, I havent seen a movie in at least five years. Everyone looked shocked. I dont havea life. You all know that. Alice shrugged it off and went to search for a movie. She picked some

    random comedy Blades of Wonder, or something like that. I scooted up onto the couch so I wouldntbe uncomfortable.

    After about forty five minutes, I started giggling. Everyone looked up at me.

    His name is Chaz Michael-Michaels! Thats so stupid! I started giggling again.

    Is she okay? Emmet asked.

    Just dandy, and you? I responded, giggling again.

    Carlisle gave her vicodin. This is probably the result of it. I dont know why shes acting like thisthough, she ate a sandwich. Edward said. I put my finger up to my mouth.

    Shhhh! Dont tell Esme! I didnt eat i t! Edward looked shocked.

    Why not? I snorted.

    Because she was trying to poison me! I was whispering now. Everyone was watching me.

    What do you mean?

    The last time I trusted someone to make me something to eat or drink, they put some weird energypowder in it, and I got so sick!

    Esme wouldnt do that to you.

    I know, but I dont really know. I dont think one thing any of you have said has really sunk in. Butnot a lot of you have said anything very life changing other than Jasper or Edward.

    What did Edward say? Alice asked.

    How much you all love me and that Im a great person or some bull like that.

    And Jasper? Edward said through gritted teeth.

    Oh! Yeah, he said you were in love with me Edward. I looked over at him and batted my eyelashes.I started giggling again. Edward looked mortified. Emmet laughed.

    Damn! I like this Bella!

    Well I dont like you. I crossed my arms and pouted.

    Why not? Emmet asked. Youre too big. I dont like people whore that much bigger than me. Bad experiences. I shuddered.

    Everyone left it at that.

    Another ten minutes, and I was completely past sanity. I was giggling and saying Chaz Michael-Michaels over and over again.

    Okay I think its bed time. Edward said.

    No, no, no! I dont need sleep! Im not tired at all! I was still giggling. Edward rolled his eyes andpicked me up. Ugh. If youre going to take me to bed, cant you just use the wheelchair? I dont like

    to be carried. He stuttered.

    Its, um, its easier to get you to bed- I cut him off.

    Jasper! Jasper! You were right! He is in love with me! He wants to carry me to bed! I heard

    everyone start laughing. And what do you think, Bella? Alice asked. I made a face.

    Eh, hes fine. Hes got nice hair, though. Ill tell you that! I played with a piece of his hair. But sucha pansy! Any boy in love wouldve tried to make a move already! I mean come on! If he really lovesme, he wouldve made some kind of move! Really! Carrying me to bed? Edward youre going to getnowhere with any girl if you think thats making a move! Everyone was laughing hysterically now. I

    heard the front door open.

    Whats going on? Carlisle walked into the living room with Esme.

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    Bella didnt eat the sandwich Esme made so the vicodins not having the best affect on her.

    Shhh! I plastered my hands over Edwards mouth.

    I see. So why is everyone laughing so hard? Carlisle asked.

    Bellas challenging Edward on how much he loves her. So far, in her book, hes a pansy wholl neverget a girl with his current moves. Emmet said. Carlisle chuckled.

    That doesnt surprise me. He is quite a pansy though. I giggled. I win Edward! I pulled my hands off of his mouth.

    Oh, and we learned Bella likes his hair. Alice added.

    Well yeah I do! I mean its like tousled into a weird, but perfectly bed head way! I dont think its easyto get your hair like that, is it? Carlisle chuckled again.

    I think its bed time for Bella. He said. I groaned.

    Why does everyone keep saying that?

    Because its true. Carlisle responded. I sighed.

    Alright fine. Edward, take me away to my room! And dont forget your hair! Edward headed upstairswhile I heard everyone else laughing still. Edward set me in my bed, and helped me under the covers.

    I yawned.

    Heres your chance, lover boy. Im a drugged girl laying in a big spacious bed. Its now or never. Iheard someone chuckle downstairs. How did they hear that? Edward shook his head.

    Dont worry about them. Anyway, go to sleep, and forget about what happened this night.

    Ill agree to the first and second part, but I dont think I can forget about tonight that easily. Ilearned Mr. Edward Cullen, hot hair himself, is in love with me. I heard whoever it was before

    chuckling, chuckle again.

    Who is that? I asked.

    Alice. Edward responded.

    Alice, you be quiet down there or Ill get Mr. Hot Hair to take you on! I yelled. I heard her laughharder. Now you, Mr. Hot Hair need to take her on. Edward chuckled.

    Will do. He got up to leave but I grabbed his arm.

    Wait. He turned back to face me. Can your hair stay with me until I fall asleep? He chuckled.

    Sure. He went around the other side of the bed, and climbed in.

    I want your hair, not you. I mumbled. He chuckled and bent down so I could nuzzle into his hair. Wow, it even smells good. Goodnight hair upon Mr. Hot Hairs head. I heard Edward mumble a

    goodnight before I drifted off into oblivion.


    When I woke up, I smelled something really good. It wasnt a food kind of good, but a sweet, sugaryscent. I opened my eyes and noticed my hands were tangled in someones hair.

    Wait. What?

    I carefully untwined my fingers, and looked at whoever it was.

    Edward? Why the hell is he in my bed?Oh. My. God.

    Edward! I hissed. He looked up. Why are you here?

    Do you remember last night? He mumbled.

    Parts, but why are you in here?

    Well, you said you wanted to snuggle with my hair, but when I tried to get up, you wouldnt let go.

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    Oh my god! Im so sorry! Did I hurt you? I know I have a death grip when Im sleeping. Hechuckled.

    Im fine. But why are you up? Its only four in the morning. I looked down.

    I used to get up now to go to the dance studio. I mumbled.

    Why did you practice so much? I sighed. I really didnt want to talk about this. You dont have totell me. I nodded.

    Maybe you should go back to your room. He nodded.

    Goodnight. He pulled away and left. I laid awake.

    What happened last night? The most intact memories I have are Chaz Michael-Michaels, poisonoussandwiches, and Mr. Hot Hair. Huh?

    It was almost six thirty, and I could hear everyone getting ready for school and work. I got up andslowly, carefully, made my way to the closet. I pulled out a knit tunic, and black leggings. Damn that


    I got dressed and headed to back to bed. About fifteen minutes later, there was a faint knock on thedoor.

    Come in. Alice walked in and smiled.

    Very nice outfit. I approve. I rolled my eyes. It was this or a mini skirt, thanks to you. She smiled.

    Anyway, I was coming in to ask you if you remember what happened last night.

    Chaz Michael-Michaels, poisonous sandwiches, and Mr. Hot Head. Am I missing anything? Shesmiled.

    Yes. Most of the night.

    Did I miss anything major? She laughed.

    Not really, I guess. She was smirking.

    Are you sure? She nodded.

    Ive got to go now, but Ill be back after school.

    Alice? She turned back to face me. Whos Mr. Hot Pants? She smiled.

    Ill leave you to figure it out. She left then. Ugh. There was another knock on the door.

    Come in. It was Edward this time. Yeah?

    Do you want help downstairs before I go to school? I nodded.

    If you dont mind.

    No problem. He picked me up and walked downstairs to the waiting wheelchair. So well be back attwo, but Esme will probably be here if you need anything. I nodded. He leaned in and put his mouth

    next to my ear. I promise she wont try to poison you.

    Did I say that? He nodded. Im sorry. I was off my block last night. He smiled. At east I knowwhat poisonous sandwiches means. He looked confused. Most of my memories are fuzzy, but I

    remember three things pretty well. 1. Chaz Michael-Michaels and I know thats from the movie. 2.Poisonous sandwiches which I just figured out, and 3. Mr. Hot Hair. I have no clue what that is. I

    asked Alice and she wont tell me. He chuckled. So anyway, you go off to school and study hard. Ismiled.

    Bye. I nodded and he left. I heard the goodbyes from the other kids and returned them. Carlisle wasalready gone and Esme told me she was going out shopping and shed be back at 4:30. Why she

    needed so long, I had no clue.

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    I had the house for myself for at least seven hours. I rolled around a little, went outside and ate somefood, but I was still bored. I waited around, looking for something to do, when I heard the doorbell

    ring at 1:30.

    It couldnt be the kids, could it? Its too early for school to be out. Maybe they forgot their keys. Irolled over to the door and opened it.

    It was Charlie. What? Oh crap. He smiled.

    Hello Isabella. Play it cool.

    Hi Dad. How are you?

    Im just fine, Isabella. Is anyone else home? Shit.

    No, I actually just woke up. You see, I sleep during the day so I can work with Carlisle longer. Hissmile grew.

    So youre quite refreshed? I nodded. Then youre ready for this. He pulled my face up to him andkissed me roughly. I tried to push him away, but he just laughed. Did you really think I thought youwere your mother last time? He nuzzled into my neck as I tried to push him off. Its been too longIsabella. He pulled me out of the wheelchair and dragged me over to the couch. I struggled all the

    way. He roughly pushed me onto the couch and straddled me.

    Charlie, dont do this. Dr. Cullens kids are going to be home in half an hour.

    I dont need very long. He panted in my ear. I shuddered. He pulled down my leggings andunderwear, and I braced myself for the flashbacks.

    APOV (Yay! Havent done it in a while!)

    Last night had been one of the funniest things in a while. Bella was enjoying herself immensely, andshe was great entertainment. I remember that after Bella fell asleep, I was looking for Edward, and Ifound him in Bellas room. She was holding onto his hair for dear life. I chuckled. Jasper looked overat me from his seat. We were sitting in Math right now, waiting for school to be over. I mouthed lastnight, and he smiled. I looked at the clock when I suddenly had a vision. Bella was curled up on the

    couch at home, shaking. I looked back at Jasper.

    Whatd you see?

    We need to get home. I raised my hand.

    Yes, Miss Cullen? Our teacher Mrs. Robert asked. Im not feeling great. Can Jasper walk me to the nurse?

    You can just leave school early. Weve only got fifteen minutes left anyway. I smiled and thankedher. Jasper and I left with our bags. Edward, get Rosalie and Emmett and get home. I didnt have toworry about him hearing me, I knew he would. Jasper and I got to Edwards car, while he rushed out

    with Rosalie and Emmett.

    Whats going on? Rosalie asked.

    Somethings wrong. Just home as quickly as you can. I responded. They got into Emmetts Jeep,while Edward, Jasper and I got into Edwards Volvo.


    Charlie left in ten minutes, leaving me with no evidence but the quiver I developed and the burningbetween my legs.

    I tightly held myself together with my arms, and shook violently.

    Another ten minutes, and I heard everyone getting home. Edward rushed up to me and got down ateye level.

    Bella? Bella talk to me. Bella, please. He went to touch my cheek, but I fl inched away. Heimmediately withdrew.

    Bella, whats wrong? I didnt want to respond no matter what. I dont think I could open my mouthwithout screaming.

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    You guys shes really fearful right now.

    But you said she hasnt been since a couple days in at the hospital. I could hear Jasper and Alicebantering.

    She wasnt, but something happened while we were gone. I felt calmer than I had before. Jaspercame into my line of sight. Bella, he started slowly. Was Charlie here? I blanched at his name and

    meekly nodded.

    Shit. Edward got up. Im gonna kill him. I pulled his sleeve and shook my head. He looked down atme. Bella, are you crazy? Hes being an asshole. Look how he left you, and yet you dont even care. I yanked him down by his sleeve again. He relented and sat back down. Were not done with this. I

    shook my head. I stayed on the couch for a little bit, but got tired of being stared at.

    Can I go back to my room? It came out broken and in sobs, but I knew Edward knew what I said. Henodded grimly and lightly put his arms under me. He carried me up the stairs and scooted me under

    the blankets. I kept my held on his neck, afraid to let go. Does anyone in this house own looseclothes? He nodded and unwrapped my arms from his neck. He left the room for maybe less than aminute, but I was so close to breaking down. He came back with a big sweatshirt, and long shorts. I

    pulled them on over my clothes and Edward sat down on the edge of the bed.

    Can we talk now? I shook my head as a tear slid down my cheek. He wiped it away, and pulled meup to him. He cradled me for a good twenty minutes while I sobbed into his shirt.

    When I was done crying, I pulled away from his shirt. The front of it was completely soaked. Im sorry about your shirt. He shook is head.

    Dont be. He held my chin up. Will you tell me what happened? I took a deep breath.

    Im assuming that since Jasper didnt tell you how it happened last time, you dont know. Am Icorrect? He nodded. Well then I should start there. I told him the same story I told Jasper, and bythe end of it he was shaking. Please stop, Edward. I put my hand on his chest and he looked back

    down at me.


    Well, he came here today, and I thought he was just checking up on me. Well, he wasnt. My eyeswere starting to water again. He kissed me, and I tried to pull away, but he just laughed. He told methat he knew I wasnt my mom the first time. I tried to tell him that you guys were coming home, butit didnt stop him. I didnt need to describe the rest of what happened to him. Edward held me a bit,

    but then set me down back under the covers.

    I need to talk to the others and Esme and Carlisle. I shook my head.

    Hell come back. I whispered.

    No, he wont. I wont let him come back. I nodded, even though I wasnt entirely sure. I believedEdward, mainly because of the conviction in his voice.

    As he left the room, I realized that no matter what I did, or where I was, Id always be alone.


    We all sat downstairs waiting for Edward to come back down from talking with Bella. We all heard her,when she told her stories, and none of us understood what she was going through more than Rose.

    She was trying hard to keep herself composed while Emmett held her.

    We heard Edward say he was coming back downstairs, so we started to formulate a plan. He gotdownstairs and looked like he was about ready to kill someone, and Im thinking it was currently

    aimed at Charlie.

    Of course its aimed at Charlie! Hes completely destroyed her! No wonder I cant read her mind.

    What? We all asked in unison.

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    I cant read her mind, okay? He was getting annoyed. We need to think of a way to keep her safe.

    Well, you can stay home with her tomorrow, and then we can talk to Carlisle about letting her goback to school with us Monday. Im sure hed understand if he knew the situation. He nodded.

    She should talk to Carlisle. Itll help her a lot. Rosalie piped up.

    Ill let her know. Im going to go tell her the plan. Edward walked back upstairs, leaving us to listenin on the conversation.


    The door slid open, and Edward slipped in. He walked up to the bed, and got on his knees so he waseye level with me.

    Hey. He cooed.


    So the plan for tomorrow is that Ill stay home with you from school, and then well talk to Carlisleabout letting you go back to school. I nodded.

    Do you plan on telling him what happened? He looked uneasy.

    He can help.

    How can he help? I didnt want to let more people in on my insecurities.

    He can talk you through it, and can answer any questions you have.

    I really dont want to talk to anyone. I was able to handle it just fine before any of this happened.

    But you werent. This has happened before; it was just a matter of time before it happened again. Before I could rebuttal, there was a knock on the door.

    Come in. Rosalie slipped in.

    Ill come back later. Edward got up and left. Rosalie smiled and shut the door behind him.

    Can I talk to you for a moment? I nodded. She sat down on the edge of the bed. I sat up and leanedagainst the headboard. You know it would really help if youd talk to Carlisle.

    How did you-?

    I have good ears. She smiled. Anyway, he really does make things easier.

    And you know this how?

    When I was younger and very nave, I had a boyfriend named Royce. He wasnt my favorite person,but my parents loved him, and he was a good person. I was walking back from my friends house onenight, and I saw him. He was with his friends, and they were all pretty drunk. He raped me that night,and he let his friends do whatever they pleased. Carlisle found me shortly after, and helped me backto my feet. I told my parents, but they didnt believe me. They basically disowned me, and Carlislewas kind enough to take me in. He really can help. Her story had set me in a trance. I had always

    know her as being this strong girl, who had all the confidence in the world, but that wasnt the case.

    How long did it take you to accept what happened?

    Initially it was really difficult, but I found someone who made me feel whole. I wasnt so fearfulanymore, and he was there for me. She smiled. You can trust Carlisle, you know.

    Ive never been one to share my problems. At my house, I have to be a naturally strong person. I

    dont just share my deepest with people. Theyve slowly been forced out of me, and Im afraid theyreall going to spill out. I cant handle that. She slightly rubbed my back.

    You dont have to talk to him about it, I know it helped me, but it was an issue that occurred onlyonce, and with a nonfamily member. I know youll do whats right. She briefly hugged me, and left

    the room again. I sat thinking about what she had said for a couple of minutes before Edward walkedback in.

    Will you talk to him?

    Ill tell him what happened, but I wont discuss it with him. My life is too screwed up for that. Hesighed but agreed to at least telling him.

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    Do you want to come back downstairs now? I shook my head.

    Can you just come get me when I have to tell him? He nodded and left me be.


    I laid in bed for (God knows) how long, simply staring at the wall. I dosed off a few times, but cameback around. I wasnt one for wallowing, but damn, why is it that every time something even remotely

    good happened, Charlie had to go and ruin it? At least Id (probably) be able to go back to schoolMonday. Ugh.

    Knock knock.

    Yeah? Edward slipped in.

    Carlisles home. Are you ready to tell him?

    Is there any way I can stall a little? He shrugged.

    Its probably easier to just get it over with. I internally groaned. Dont show any weakness. Dont show any weakness. I sat up and put my arms up for him to pick me up, and he came over and gently

    picked me up. Just so you know, I told him you wanted to talk to him. Not what you wanted to talkabout though. I nodded and he walked down the hallway. I had never been past Alices room so this

    was odd. He walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the last door.

    Come in. Edward juggled me while opening the door (dont ask me how), and smiled at Carlisle. Hereplied by smiling kindly at me. Edward you can set her down on the couch. He did as he was toldand gave us some privacy. Carlisle leaned against his desk. So Edward said you wanted to talk to

    me. I shook my head to signal sort of. He looked confused.

    Rosalie told me to. You see, Im not really sure how to go about this. Its not something I f reely talkabout.

    Take your time.

    Um, I guess I should start at the beginning. Um, about a year ago, I was raped, and um, it happenedagain today. I quickly looked down.

    By whom?

    Um, my dad. He nodded.

    Are you talking to me on a personal level, or a doctors level?

    Um, I dont know. Rosalie just told me what happened to her, and she said I should talk to you. Imnot sure why, but I promised Edward Id tell you. I dont really want to go into detail. He nodded


    Well Im sorry it had to happen to you, and if you dont mind, Id like to make sure your okay, on adoctors level.


    Meaning Id check for any swelling or potential problems, and Id be able to prescribe anything if necessary. I nodded. I mean it couldnt be that bad.

    We had gotten through everything, when Carlisle asked me another question.

    So I also need to know if he used any protection. Can we say awkward?

    Um, Im not sure. Im not on the pill, though. He nodded.

    Well I want to run a pregnancy test when I can, just in case, but its a little early, so Ill get back toyou on that in about two weeks. I nodded. So is that all you need? I nodded. Ill go get Edward so

    he can take you downstairs then. Before he headed out, he turned back to face me. By the way, Ican take your stitches out on Sunday. I nodded and he headed out. I waited a little and heard

    Edward come back in.

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    Why did you get stitches?

    Why did you know about that? Okay, so he knows almost everything about me, but I dont feel thesame way about him. I know hes hiding something major, and I think I have a right to keep a secret

    or two.

    I overheard Carlisle. So are you going to tell me why you needed stitches? I sighed. Make up a lie.

    After I hurt my ankle early last week, I tripped and fell down my stairs, okay? He looked relieved

    Okay good. I just thought Charlie did something else to you too. My heart wrenched. I hated lying tohim, but I couldnt let him know what happened. He would most definitely try to kill Charlie. I

    grimaced and he picked me back up again. He helped me downstairs and put me in the wheelchair. So you want dinner? Almost like clockwork, my stomach growled. He chuckled and I blushed. Illtake that as a yes. I told him I could make my own food, but he simply responded with an I wontpoison you. I have a feeling hes going to hold that above my head for a while. He made a simple

    meal, and when I was done, it was almost nine.

    Can I just go to bed now? Im really tired. He nodded. He pushed me to the stairs, and picked me upand carried me up to the bed. I was still wearing someones t-shirt and shorts, yet I had no idea

    whose they were. Edward set me down on the bed.



    Whose clothes are these?

    Well, I was going to grab somethings of Emmetts because no one owns bigger clothes than him inthis house, but my rooms right next to yours so its closest. I nodded.

    Sorry for taking your clothes. He shrugged.

    Dont be silly. I dont mind loaning you something you need. I smiled.

    Thanks. He nodded.

    Ill see you in the morning. And dont worry about waking up early, Ill still be here. I nodded again. Goodnight. He kissed my forehead, and headed out of the room. I laid down, but couldnt take my

    focus off the weird, tingling sensation on my forehead.


    Oh well. Id had an eventful day, and it was time to go to sleep.


    I kept having this weird dream, where I was sitting in the Cullen living room with their entire family.Id ask them what they were hiding, but each time they would answers, their words would be strung

    together, and I could never hear them. It was the only dream I was having.

    I opened my eyes when I could no longer see my dream. They stung for a second, as I was blinded bya harsh light. A sliver of light came through the curtains, and shone harshly across my face. Sunlight

    in Forks? Weird.

    I stretched slightly and checked the clock. It was almost nine. Wow. I got some good sleep. I sat uplightly and leaned over to the curtains to pull them shut. I leaned against the headboard and thought

    a little about the dream.

    I knew the reason I couldnt hear what they were saying was because I didnt know what they werehiding, yet I knew it wasnt just Edward hiding something. Hmm, Id figure it out eventually. A soft

    knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

    Come in. I said. Edward walked in and smiled.

    I assumed it was safe to come in considering I couldnt hear you mumbling. I flushed. I mumble inmy sleep? Damn.

    What did I say?

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    Not much that I could tell. Of course it was muffled through the door. I nodded. So do you want togo downstairs? I nodded.

    Give me a second to change and Ill let you know. He nodded and headed back outside. I hobbledover to the closet and stripped out of my previous clothes. I pulled on a t-shirt dress and a different

    pair of leggings. I hobbled to the door and opened it. Edward was waiting.

    You didnt have to walk to the door.

    You remember when I said I didnt want to be useless? Well this is one of those moments. He rolledhis eyes.

    You know Carlisle would kill me if he knew I let you walk.

    Youve been saying that a lot, but as long as you dont tell him, I think were on good terms. Herolled his eyes and knocked me off my feet and picked me up quickly. I had barely registered what

    hed done until he was already headed downstairs. I gave him a quizzical look, but he shrugged it off.

    He set me in the wheelchair and I rolled around a little.

    You enjoy that, dont you? I spun it a circle to face Edward. I smiled sheepishly.

    I must admit, I do enjoy it a bit. He chuckled.

    Were rhyming now? I chuckled too.

    Not purposefully. I guess its just how I truly feel. He smiled. Good to know. So hows your ankle? I tried to wriggle my ankle and winced in pain. Lets get yousome food and vicodin. I tried to resist but vicodin sounded s good right now. I ate some toast and

    popped the vicodin in my mouth. So Ive got to go write a paper right now, but if you need me, or if someones at the door, dont hesitate to call me. I nodded.

    Do you want any help on the paper? I didnt really want to be alone under any circumstances duringthe day.

    Its not very fun, but you can keep me company if you want. I nodded and wheeled up to the stairsand waited for him to follow. He picked me up and carried me to his room. I was pleasantly surprisedwith what I saw. His room had a black bed (A/N: I put in a bed to make it more believable forher) , and black leather couch and gold carpet. One wall was entirely lined with CDs. A desk with acomputer on it was crammed into the back corner. He set me on his couch and walked over to the

    desk. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

    What? I opened my eyes back up to a very confused looking Edward.

    I like your room. Its relaxing. He smiled and turned back to his desk. I studied his music collectionas he worked. He had mainly classical music, which I found odd for someone his age. I found one CD

    that made me smile slightly. I thought back to a certain memory pertaining to the CD.


    The song ended and I ran up to my mom.

    Mommy! Mommy! Youre amazing! I wish I could dance like that! She smiled and swept me up inher arms.

    Maybe you will. You should be your own person though. Itd be much better than trying to be likeme.

    Never mommy! Ill always want to be like you! She laughed a carefree laugh and kissed my cheek.

    End flashback

    Bella? Bella, love talk to me. I shook my head and looked up at Edward. He breathed a sigh of relief. What happened?

    I saw one of your CDs and remembered something about my mom. He wrapped his arms aroundme and held me.

    Was it bad? He mumbled into my hair.

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    No, just very emotional. He nodded and I relaxed into his frame. I leaned my head on his chest andinhaled deeply. It felt right to be here so I stayed a couple of seconds, and then froze. Wait. Hepulled me back far enough that I could make eye contact. You called me love. I felt him freeze

    around me.

    Yeah, um, I didnt mean to. Sorry. I shook my head.

    I dont care that you did, Id just like to know why. He looked uneasy.

    Would it help if I explained at all what happened the last time you had vicodin in your system?

    Maybe. Continue anyway.

    Well, Ill give you a hint. I waited. Im Mr. Hot Hair. He tried to stop a smile from forming, but Icould see it tugging at the corner of his lips. I thought a second, trying to place how him being Mr. Hot

    Hair would matter, when I remembered that I woke up with my hands in his hair.

    Oh. God.

    Id told him he had amazing hair, along with the fact that if he was trying to get me as a girl, hedneed new moves.


    My cheeks flushed and he nodded.

    You remember. Yeah.

    And youre freaked out by it. I looked back up at him.

    Im freaked out at all of the stuff I said. I dont really mind what you think of me, as long as youdont hate me. I darted my eyes down. He pulled my chin up to male me meet his gaze.

    I could never hate you. Youre this shy girl who doesnt understand how amazing she is. You frustrateme with your self-doubt, but I could never hate you. I nodded sheepishly and he rewrapped himself

    around me.

    Do you want to tell me what song it was?

    Well, I saw your Debussy CD, and I remembered my mom showing me her dance to Claire De Lune. He smiled.

    Its a great song. I know. Ive never really been into music very much, but my mom always played classical when I was

    little, and I dont think I ever lost my love for it.

    Youre one odd girl. I smiled.

    How am I odd? Youre the one with all of the classical music covering your wall.

    Yeah, well Ive been told Im an old man at heart. I smiled again.

    You should probably get back to your paper. He chuckled and I felt his laugh rumble through hischest.

    I guess. He released me from his grip and headed back over to the desk. I smiled to myself andleaned back on the couch. For now, I was on cloud nine.


    It was Monday morning, and Carlisle had approved me for going back to school. He said it was tooearly for me to go back but under the circumstances, he would make an exception as long as I let oneof his kids follow me around and I used the wheelchair. I agreed and was now getting ready to leave

    for school.

    Alice insisted on dressing me, and attempted to do my hair and make up, but I drew the line. Edwardhad already put the wheelchair in his car, and was heading back upstairs to get me. He gently

    knocked on the door.

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    Yeah? He came in and smiled.

    Ready? I nodded. He swiftly picked me up off the bed and headed downstairs. He had forced me toat earlier, figuring Id have some pain at school if I didnt take any vicodin. We got into his car (whichwas the perfect car for him, might I add), and headed off to school. When we got there, Edward came

    around with the wheelchair and helped me into it. People were giving me very odd stares.

    Why does everyone think youre a new student? Edward asked.

    How do you know that?

    Its not that hard to tell. Plus I heard someone say it. I blushed.

    Well, I was never really known at school, actually I was basically unknown, so I guess seeing me withthe new students, everyone inferred I was new. He nodded. Alice rushed up to us and smiled.

    Hi Bella. I smiled back. Jasper trailed behind her with Rosalie and Emmett. Jasper and I had grownapart since the Charlie incident. So weve got to get to class, so I can take you if you want since wehave the same class. She reached out but Edward growled in response. And Im serious when I saygrowled. It wasnt a little groan, or sigh, but a growl. Alice stepped back and rolled her eyes. Geez

    Edward, protective much? He sighed and simply wheeled me away.

    Edward, I can push myself. I was receiving many stares from fellow classmates. He sighed again.

    Now how do you expect me to be a gentleman when you wont let me do gentlemanly things for

    you? I scoffed. I dont expect you to be a gentleman, Edward. Its not like these are the early 1900s. He chuckled.

    Yeah, well, I can still try. Anyway, were here, and Ill be waiting for you when you get out of class. Inodded and said goodbye. Now I just had to get through the day without any confrontations.


    God Edwards such a baby. And yes, Edward. I hope you heard that. Hes making me check Bellasfuture every freaking half hour. Dont get me wrong, I love Bella like she was my sister, but

    EDWARDS BEING TOO PROTECTIVE. Yes, Edward. I hope you heard that too. You know, last period Iforgot to check up on Bella, and Edward demanded to se me in the middle of class because he didnt

    see anything about her.

    God, this is going to get annoying.

    My mental alarm clock went off. Time to check on Bella. I searched for anything interesting, andnothing bad came up. Happy Edward? God, youre going to suffocate her. Shes too independent for


    It was almost the end of the school day, but that didnt mean my job was over.


    It was odd. For some reason, Edward seemed really mad at Alice the whole day. She would simply rollher eyes and scoff every time he gave her a dirty look. I pretended to ignore the fact, and went on

    with the day like I usually would.

    APOVAfter we got home, Edward situated Bella in the wheelchair and came up to me.

    You going to check? I groaned.

    Edward, leave her alone. In case you didnt hear me earlier, shes never going to want to deal withyou if youre always so protective.

    Alice, I cant help it. I want her safe, and youre the one who can supply me with those answers.

    Not very well! You know my visions are fuzzy with humans! And dont tell me you dont know how tokeep her safe. You know the answer, and you and I both know youll do it at some point.

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    Im not going to ruin her life Alice! She deserves better than how we live! Im not going to make hera monster. He was seething.

    Make who a monster? Shit.


    I was wandering through the kitchen when I heard muffled yelling through the door. It sounded likeAlice. I peeked my head through the door and saw Edward yelling down at Alice.

    Im not going to ruin her life Alice! She deserves better than how we live! Im not going to make hera monster. Who? I rolled the rest of the way out of the kitchen.

    Make who a monster? Their heads whipped around to look at me, their faces frozen in shock.

    Bella this isnt the best conversation to have. Edward said. Alice spaced out a moment and cameback in.

    You might as well tell her. She said and left the room. Edward sighed and pinched the bridge of hisnose.

    Tell me what?


    No, what Edward? Ive been kept in the dark long enough.

    Fine. But not here.

    Where? He picked me up and headed outside. Where are we going?

    Youll see. He easily glided through the forest, and we headed into a small clearing. It was like alittle meadow. He set me down on a rock and started pacing. I waited patiently. This is wrong. I

    shouldnt do this. He sat down on the ground next to me and put his head in his hands. I slid off therock and put my arm around him as best as I could. You shouldnt be comforting me. Ive done

    nothing but wrong your life.

    Your crazy. Do you even know what I was before your family moved here? I was some girl who hadto deal with whatever my dad made me do. Hell, my entire life was nothing. Then your sister, god

    your sister wouldnt leave me alone, and when she finally got through to me, she tried to be friends.Ill tell you that didnt work out so well, but my lifes actually turning around. Charlie cant lay a fingeron me, no pun intended, and then theres you. You tried to tell me I was worth something, and thenyou went out of your way to protect me. No ones ever done that for me. He laughed a dry chuckle.

    But its still not right for you to know what I am. It would hurt you even more than you are now.

    I already know theres something different about you and your family. I dont think you couldsurprise me.

    I beg to differ.

    Then try me. He stood up again.

    I cant tell you. I sighed.

    Alice said you would. Yeah, well she would know.

    How? He turned back to face me.

    Shes kind of got powers.

    As in?

    Shes psychic. I nodded.

    That makes sense. Theres more, isnt there? He nodded.

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    I read minds.


    All but yours.


    I dont know. I just cant. I nodded.

    But thats not what I meant when I said there was more, though. He nodded.

    Were not human. I let it settle in a second.

    What are you?

    Vampires. My breath caught a second. Were not classic vampires, though.

    How are you different?

    We dont sleep, in coffins or at all-

    Wait. So does that mean that when I held your hair when I was asleep, you were awake the wholetime? He nodded.

    Anyway, we dont sleep, we can go out in sunlight, we just choose not to because were different, thelist just keeps going. I nodded.

    What happens in the sun? We sparkle. I snorted.

    Thats manly.

    Just dont tell Emmett that. I smiled, but it faded quickly.

    What do you, eat?

    Well my family and I feed off the blood of animals, but most drink human blood. Thats why were notsafe. I nodded. Youre not freaked out by any of this, are you? I shook my head. He sighed. Alice

    was right.

    What did she say?

    She saw this and she said youd be completely accepting. I smiled.

    Yeah, well she cheated. He smiled. We can head back if you want. I nodded. He picked me up.

    I have a question.


    Does the strength have anything to do with being a vampire? He smiled and nodded. Good to know.Now lets get back. He smiled and started to walk back.


    So.To sum up whats happened after I broke my ankle, I moved into a house with a clan of vampires.


    Id be more worried but so far none of them have tried to hurt me.

    Edward told me that I cant tell anyone what they were. Im not sure who Id tell, though. I neverplanned on telling as well.

    It was now Friday, and things were looking strong. Charlie hadnt come back, and I loved it. The onlything that worried me was the idea of the pregnancy test I had to take in a week.

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    I wasnt a religious person, but Id been praying every night that I wasnt pregnant. I dont think Icould take it.

    Now, I was sitting in the backyard, watching the Cullen kids play football. Ill tell you that was a sightto see.

    Each time Edward would get the ball, someone else would think something really crazy so he wouldlose focus. Id also learned Jasper was an empath, and he used that to his advantage. He would calmeveryone down when he didnt have the ball so he could easily take it away. Rosalie chose to sit out,

    not wanting to mess up her hair, while Alice would just look for someones plans, and catch themplaying them out. Emmett simply used brute force.

    I was constantly laughing.

    I still felt a li ttle guilty about not telling Edward the truth about what happened to my head, but Ididnt want him to try to hurt Charlie. Im still not sure why.

    I smirked when Edward looked over at me and smiled. He was a really sweet guy who, even thoughhe thought he was a monster, was one of the most sincere people Ive known. Little did I know that as

    soon as I returned Edwards smile, Emmett was there to tackle him.

    I winced as the sound of rock against rock filled my head. It was peculiar to think of this family asindestructible.

    I leaned my head back against them chair I was in and closed my eyes. I felt wind next to me andheard Edward. I really hate this whole being fast idea.

    Are you okay? I nodded.

    Just tired. I felt him put his hand to my head. And how do you expect to know whether or not Imwarmer than usual? He chuckled.

    Youre at about 99, which Ive discovered is normal for you.

    You only know that because you feel my head every time I say Im tired. He pulled his hand back.

    Sorry. Do you want to go take a nap? I shook my head, my eyes still closed.

    Just let me stay here. Go back to your game. I felt him pick me up, but I was too tired to protest. Ireally wasnt feeling good.

    You know, I know youre not okay, because you wouldnt have let me picked you up without a fight if

    you were well. Im fine. Maybe Im just letting you have your way for once. My head rolled into his chest.

    Maybe if you were well, youd be able to control your head movements. I sighed.

    Im not sick, Edward. Just put me in my bed and let me sleep it off. I felt a bed under me, andcovers being pulled over me.

    Stay well. Edward said, just to please me. At the moment, I didnt really care what he said, I justwanted to go to sleep.

    It was Thursday. The day I had to take a pregnancy test to see if I was having my dads child.

    That is one very messed up statement.

    I had already peed on the stick and was now attempting to pace in my cast. Everyone had gonehunting so I could have some privacy.

    I had two minutes and 38 seconds until I could check the result. Please let it be negative. I sat downon the toilet.

    One minute and 22 seconds.

    49 seconds.


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    I grabbed the stick and held it up. Two blue lines. What does that mean again? I grabbed the box.Two blue lines, two blue lines, ah! Here it is!


    No. No, no, no, no! Why? Why me?

    I crumpled against the wall and started to silently sob. After what felt like forever, I heard the dooropen, but made no attempt to stop it. Someone picked up the stick, looked at it and set it back down.

    Bella? The last person I wanted to see me like this. I didnt respond. Carlisle? Shes notresponding. I heard another person (presumably Carlisle) enter and get down next to me.

    What made her do this?

    The test. Its positive. I shrunk back against the wall farther. Simply hearing that made me sick. Im gonna kill him.

    No, Edward, she needs you to leave him alone for now. I felt someone pick me up. Take her to herroom. I closed my eyes and leaned against whoever was carrying me.


    She hasnt moved in three days. Shes gotten up to go to the bathroom, and thats become even lesslately.

    Ive been worried sick.

    When will she be better? Ive asked alice that same question and even she doesnt have the answer.

    Images of Bella rolling around downstairs flashed through my mind. I rushed up to Alice.

    A few hours. She said confidently. I nodded.

    Im going hunting. She smiled.

    Its been long enough. I rolled my eyes and ran out of the house, hoping to get my fill before Bellawas back.

    APOVIts been too long. Everyone in this house is feeling depressed, and Jaspers taking the brunt of it. He

    refuses to admit it, but feeling everyones emotions has caused him immense pain.

    Ive been hoping shell get better soon, but Carlisle said that even with her feeling better, thelikelihood of her situation wont get any better.

    All we can do is hope


    Ive got to get over this. I need a way to deal with this. I dont know how Ill do it. But I will. Ill find away.

    But for now Ive got to try to get back to normal, or whatever it is I was.

    I slowly sat up and pushed my legs over the edge of the bed. God, did it hurt to move. I slid up anddragged myself over to the shower. God only knows how long its been since Ive felt clean. After I

    took a quick shower to simply get clean, I put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt (yes, I had gottenAlice to tone down my closet).

    I went to open the door but it was swung open by Alice. She was grinning ear to ear.

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    Bella! She hugged me. Oh Bella! Weve missed you so much! Im so glad youre okay! She keptgoing on and on while I just waited patiently. Oh gosh! Im sorry Im talking so much!

    Since when have you ever been sorry for talking so much? She smiled.

    Okay, never! But still! Im sure you want to get downstairs now right? I nodded. Say no more. Shepicked me up and ran downstairs. I dont think Ill ever get used to someone so small being able to

    pick me up.

    She set me in the wheelchair and let me adjust.

    So do you want something to eat? Because its been a while since you last ate, I mean I can see yourcollarbone popping out and your hip bones and-

    Alice! She was rambling again. She smiled sheepishly.

    Okay. Would you like something to eat? I shook my head. I just wanted to relax. She smiled again. Okay, but I will get you to eat again, because its not healthy for you to not eat anything, I mean you

    could starve! Or something else could happen, I gave her a look, letting her know she was ramblingagain. Okay, sorry. So would you like to do something? Everyones out right now, but they should be

    back soon. I nodded.

    Sure. That would be nice. She smiled again.

    Okay. Would you like to watch a movie, or, She got a devious look on her face.


    Or have a spa day? She tried to say innocently. She knew how I felt about pamperings.

    No, Alice. Seriously. No. She made a puppy dog face. I looked away. If I looked her straight in theeyes, Id loose my confidence. She sighed.

    Fine. I looked back at her. Everyones almost home anyway. Im going to go hunting now. Inodded. She turned to leave and quickly turned back. Oh, before I forget, Carlisle wants to talk toyou soon. I nodded. As to what about, I had no idea, but Im sure his intentions were good. She

    raced out of the house in the blink of an eye while everyone else raced in. Each one smiled, greetedme with a hello and a hug. Carlisle gave me a look that said hed like to have the talk now, so I

    shrugged and nodded.

    Well everyone, well be back soon. He wheeled me off into his office. He sat down across from me. So Bella. I blinked. I know this is rushing into things, but Id like to get an official pregnancy test in

    so we can know how to go from there. My heart tightened a little but I nodded. So Im workingtomorrow, so I was going to have Edward drop you off, and pick you up after we get the results. Imgetting them rush ordered for you. I nodded again, for fear my voice would betray me. He smiled a

    grim smile and got up again. He was helpful enough to wheel me out and into the other room.

    Everyone looked up at me and smiled, but I could see it being forced by most.

    So Bella. I looked up. What would you like to do?

    Here comes the obsessing over making Bella feel better.

    BPOVI was supposed to go to school today, but Carlisle wanted me to have an official pregnancy test. Ugh.

    I wish this was just over.

    Edward pulled up to the hospital, completely silent, and opened my door for me. He helped me into awheelchair and pushed me up to the office where they take the sample. Edward waited in the lobby

    while I went in to pee in a cup. Ooh, so fun. When I came back out Edward was hanging up thephone.

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    That was Carlisle. He said hed come down and get someone to rush the sample. I nodded and hesat down in a chair next to me. There was only other one person in the lobby, who seemed to be

    waiting for their doctor, who was very pregnant. She smiled warmly at me.

    How far along are you? She asked. Wait, what?

    Um, Im sorry, what?

    Your baby. How far into your pregnancy are you? I grimaced.

    Im sorry, but I dont really want to talk about this. She looked confused.

    Why not? I mean, you two should be happy, I mean maybe youre a little young, but having a baby isa happy occasion. Realization donned on me.

    Oh, no its not that. I tried to avoid speaking to her again until Carlisle got there. Unfortunately, thewoman was still there. I just ignored her.

    So Bella, Ill check with the woman helping me, and we can go from there. I nodded. He went intothe back room while Edward and I waited. After about 20 minutes of me praying and the woman

    getting what she needed and leaving, Carlisle came back. Bella, I think youre going to want to talk tothe woman who helped me. All hope was lost at that point. I knew that Id have to find a way to stopthis, and maybe this woman could help. I nodded to Carlisle and he wheeled me into the back room,

    where a plump woman was waiting for me. She thanked Carlisle and helped me sit on the examinationtable.

    So its Bella, right? I nodded. Well, Bella, you are in fact pregnant, but Carlisle warned me it wasunder unwanted circumstances. Is that correct? I nodded again. I need to know before we get too

    far into this how you want to handle whats occurring. I took a deep breath.

    I want to end this in any way. She nodded.

    Well it seems like youre early enough into the pregnancy that there are several methods. I wouldntrecommend an abortion because currently, at 17, youd need adult permission, and Im assuming youdont want that, so I can recommend one other very simple way. I waited. Theres a pill that, when

    before the one month mark, you can take that will terminate the pregnancy. Lord, oh happy day! You can get it here, And another happy day, and its f ree because youre under 18. Oh happy year!

    So I can administer it to you Saturday, and this entire mishap will be over within 8 hours of youtaking the pill. I nodded. So can you be here at 10:00 Saturday?

    Of course. She smiled and nodded.

    Very well. I think were done. I smiled, finally being able to enjoy life again.


    Oh my god, Im so excited! Saturday is going to be the best day ever! But for now, its Thursday, andI have to go to school. Luckily, I still fi t in my jeans, and I dont look like a bloated freak. It was fourth

    period, and I discovered that Edward had been doing my homework assignments I missed while Iwasindisposed. I asked him why, and he simply said: Ive had years of practice. Which lead me tothe question of, how old is he? Obviously hes got to be old, I mean, he only listens to classical music,

    like an old person, he speaks so cryptically, like a non-crazy old person, and keeps saying that hesgot years of practice. So Ill figure it out eventually, but for now, just let me bask in the glory of not

    having this baby.

    And I have even more great news! Carlisle said that I can start using crutches instead of a wheelchairnow that Im getting used to the cast. Can this week get any better? I mean, first Im depressed about

    being pregnant, and now, I know it will be over with. So what do you say Bella?

    Hmm? I turned to face Alice. It was lunch and I was completely zoning out.

    I said we should go to the mall and buy you some new things. You also need a haircut, I mean haveyou seen how long your hair is getting? I instinctively clutched my waist length hair.

    No, no, no. I dont cut my hair. Ever. Well, occasionally Ill cut of a foot, so that it doesnt get toolong, but thats about it. She sighed.

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    So stubborn. Well, I guess that since you only mentioned not changing you hair, you wouldnt mindchanging your clothes. Damn. She found a loophole.

    Alice, I just got you to stop loading my closet with designer labels, I dont need anymore. She rolledher eyes.

    Bella, a girl can never have too much clothes. I nodded vigorously.

    Yes, she can, and she happens to be at her breaking point. She sighed.

    Well, fine. She went back to a conversation with Jasper.

    You know, you really should eat. I jumped at the sound of a voice so close to me. I turned to faceEdward.

    Im not really hungry. And plus, why would I want to eat cafeteria food?

    Does that mean you would eat if I took you to a restaurant? I blushed. As to why hed want to takeme out, who knows?

    But you dont even eat.

    Just, say yes, Bella, I already know you will. I glanced over at Alice. She tapped her head. Andthanks for letting me dress you! Now we do have a reason to go shopping! I sighed and looked back

    at Edward.

    Just nothing expensive, okay? He rolled his eyes and sighed. Nothing, really expensive. But Ill take you somewhere nice. I tried to protest, but Alice cut in again.

    Bella, Im not letting this go. Youre going wherever he takes you. I sighed.

    Fine. She squealed and clapped. Im not quite sure why Im so fun to dress up. The bell rang forlunch to end so I threw my food away and headed to my free period. Usually, this would be P.E., but

    what with the broken ankle, I didnt have to go.

    I rolled into the library and greeted the attendant. All I had to do in this class was read or sit around. Iwheeled myself up to a table and pulled out a book.

    Just two hours until school is over.


    Since Edward was taking me out to dinner tonight, Alice insisted we go shopping after school. Whenwe got back to the house, she quickly pulled me into her car after I got the crutches Carlisle left for


    Alice, do we really have to do this? She nodded vigorously.

    Bella, any reason for a girl to buy a new dress is perfect. I sighed and leaned my head against theheadrest. Besides, I already know where to buy the dress, considering Ive already seen it. I nodded

    and closed my eyes.

    In record time, we were already in Bellevue and Alice was pulling me into the store to buy the dress.She didnt need my help buying the dress, considering that she knew my sizes. And she was being a

    good sport, considering the dress wasnt that revealing.

    When we got back home, it was only 4:00, but she insisted that I needed all this time to get ready. Imainly sat in a chair, with my back to the mirror as Alice attacked my head and face.

    After two hours of waiting Alice gave be the dress she bought along with a pair of black leggings. Ihobbled into the bathroom and put them on. When I came out Alice slipped a black flat on my good

    foot and held a floor length mirror in front of me.


    My hair pulled back in a low, romantic bun with a few strands hanging loose around my face. My eyeswere framed in a dark, smoky effect which made my eyes stand out more. My lips were a nude color.

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    The blue, chiffon dress reached mid-thigh (A/N: all clothes on homepage!) with a black flat withcrystals on it.

    Alice smiled and clapped her hands.

    You look so good! I halfheartedly smiled. I mean, I did look good, but this wasnt normal for me. Inever looked good, and I never got complimented. She hugged me and helped me out of her room. Just wait up here, I want to introduce you! She left me at the top of the stairs while she pranceddown them. Everyone gather round! Id like to introduce you to Miss Bella Swan! She ran back up

    the stairs and let me lean against her as we walked down. The first person I saw was Edward (of course) followed by everyone else. When we reached the bottom step, Edward took my arm instead of


    You look beautiful. He murmured in my ear. I blushed.

    Thanks. I muttered. Alice ran off and returned with a black coat.

    It gets cold. I nodded and she slipped the coat on me. Edward walked with e to the door.

    Dont worry about what time you get home! Its not a school night! Alice called as we walkedoutside.

    Ha! They could be out all night and nothing would happen! Remember? Eddie doesnt have game! Icould vaguely hear Emmett say. Ow! Rosie Im sorry! I smiled and Edward helped me into his car.

    This is going to be an interesting night.


    Edward pulled up to a small restaurant near Port Angeles. He helped me out of the car let me lean onhim as we walked up to the restaurant. He said I wouldnt need my crutches tonight.

    We got inside the restaurant and walked up to the hostess.

    Cullen for two. Edward smoothly said. The woman looked a bit dazed but nodded, nonetheless. Sheled us to a two-person table in the middle of the room. Actually, could we have something a little

    more private? She nodded again and led us to a secluded part of the restaurant.

    Let me know if you need anything. She said, mainly directed toward Edward, though. I smiled andshook my head as she left.

    What? I looked up at Edward.

    Its just funny what some girls will do for a guy. He chuckled.

    Trust me, her mind is much worse than what shes saying. I smiled. Luckily, the rest of the dinnerwent well, considering the waiter was a guy. The only problem was that Edward would occasionally get

    a dark look in his eyes. He said that the waiters thoughts bothered him.

    By the time we were done with dinner, it was almost 9:00. Edward helped me out to the car andquickly got around to the other side of the car. We drove back to the Cullen house. When we got

    there, Edward helped me out of the car and up to my room. I changed out of my outfit and into someflannel pants and a tank top. I climbed into bed and Edward came back in. I smiled as he came and

    laid down next to me.

    Goodnight Bella.

    Goodnight Edward. And thank you for dinner. He nodded and kissed me head. I laid my head downon my pillow and fell asleep quickly.

    Life was good.


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    Bella was absolutely peaceful when she was sleeping. Originally, things had been hard for her, judgingby the things she said in her sleep, but recently, shes been silent.

    She sighed and turned into my chest. Yes, I was ecstatic, no need to point it out. I pushed her hairout of her face. Tomorrow. Tomorrow Id tell her how I felt. For now I had to find Alice. I slid out of

    Bellas grip and ran downstairs.


    Im right here, and shell love it so stop stressing! I smiled. Her being psychic did have itsadvantages.


    I woke up around 9:00 to the sweet smell Id become accustomed to. I turned over and faced Edward.

    Good morning. He murmured.

    Morning. I muttered. I still didnt know what I did to deserve this.

    Are you ready for today? My eyebrows furrowed together until I realized what he meant. The pill. Ismiled.

    Very. He smiled and got up.

    I thought You could get ready dressed, Id make some breakfast for you, and we could go to the

    hospital. I nodded. Sure. He headed out of the door and I hobbled into the attached bathroom to take a shower. After Igot out, I pulled on some clothes and put my hair back in a sloppy bun. When I had finished pulling on

    my shoe, Edward was already knocking on the door. I let him in and he scooped me up and randownstairs. Id still never get used to it. He set me down at the counter in the kitchen in front of a

    large plate with an omelette on it. I looked at him.

    You should eat it. I sighed and took a bite. And it was really good.

    Im surprised someone who doesnt eat can cook. He smiled.

    Good to know. We sat at the bar while I ate when I noticed something.

    Where is everyone?

    Theyve gone on an all day hunting trip. Itll be just us until about six. Is that fine?

    Yeah, but dont you want to go with them? It was more of a trip to spend with your mates than as a family. I nodded.

    Speaking of which, how long has everyone been together? He thought a little.

    Well Carlisle was born around 1645, but met and changed Esme in 1895. They were together sincethen. Rosalie was changed by Carlisle in 1915. She found Emmett and took him to Carlisle in 1935.

    Alice and Jasper werent changed by Carlisle, but Alice was born around 1901 and Jasper 1861. They joined us around the 1950s. As you know I have no mate, but Carlisle changed me in 1918. I

    nodded. A lot to take in, but I learned I was closest (age wise) to Emmett. Oh, and that Edward wasover 100 years old. Fun.

    By the time I had finished the omelette (and felt like I was about to explode) and asking questionsabout the Cullens past, it was almost 10:00.

    Are you ready to go? Edward asked. I nodded vigorously and hopped off my stool. I grabbed mycrutches and headed to the door. Being the gentleman he was, Edward opened the door for me, andhelped me in the car. When we got to the hospital, Edward (once again) opened all the doors for me

    and helped me into the office.

    I was met with the same woman who had talked to me Thursday. She gave me the pill and told me Imay feel some discomfort but that was normal, and that anything developing or already developed

    would be gone in eight hours. I gladly took the pill and headed out of the office. I signed the releasewaver they needed at the front desk, and was headed back to the car with Edward when I finally

    realized what had happened.

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