VOL. XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. MAY 14, 1881. NO 23 THE IRON ERA PlBLlHQlU) EVKBYHllL'SDAV BY The Dover Printing Company, PUUMbHEUS urn 1'ltORIETOltH. Ofllce on Mor.it 8traet near Blackwell. 1KHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION iHVililAHL* in Alf.-r"J-. One Year - - - - - - - $2.00 Six Mouths, - - - - - - - 1.01) UVreu nmn*M - _ - •_-_- - ^ GO ~~ ADVEBTISING RATES. I 1•** | a WKH 3 U £ 1 I 1 i r 7 8 11 K». T(l no no MI 0(1 ().:• 1 MO. | 1 7<"i PEHOENl'AIIE ADIir.I) FOll KXTK&8, LOOIL Ni ESTABLISHED IN 1851. P UKE OUUGS ami MEDICINES, PAINT; Oil's, Oln»n, liniKlicb, 1'urftiiufrv, &<: sold tiy JA.ME 1 } A. fiOODAI.E, tlie f'i.inci DrujtsiHt, ufD-iviT. Hiorc..|»'ti "iiHUNiuy for iho mile «r Mtfifiaiiti-i only from 9 I.. 10 A M inn) rriim i tu 5 I' M 4ily PASSAGE TICKETS IT GRAM, HANCE& Co.'s STORE, POUT OJ1AM, N. J. F Olt nil Hit; nriudmi linn of blcam?!!)}^ froia Jliiir Y<»ii to Liveriitml nt LOWKri'J IUTKH. &Wi'llM-Tt) Ol-l CUU-.AT ifJtlTAIr- iKlJllU'XAM). 10-1 McCAlNSVILLK HOTEL! WJt. V0BTMAN, Prop'r. A will kept hoi. ] witU «v( ry it'jnwiumili •ml UIUM at 'lii« I'liirTanJ , ' w , ) r l uunc kept on hum! imd hold iu largo or mui .|»ulitio. H. P. SANDERSON, iflsI.T !u WAfiON n,,rl I'UIMAI,]: Wunli U'lllll OM'OHI'IK I'liVKli Dk-|''ir. 7.«r)i).ri(i!t. All kin,l, uuil VARNISH, BOOTS and #J CHIN F, STICKLE, Counsellor at Law AND MABTEit IIV , RQCICAWAY, N..T. •jtiCANSIOiV HOliSK. Corner of Jllickwell arxl fluRB«i Hti. DOVE LI, N. J. I.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Hornet mid OirriftRi-s to Lut. L. O. BIERWIRTH, I K I L T H C J I CHEMIST, DOVP.lt, N. J. ANALYSES of all MSS0R1PTI0BS OF ORES AND MINERALS. Yjrr T. LKPORT. Counsellor at Law, ADD JIASTER IN CIIAK0K11Y, Offiuo in tbo National Union ISui.k Itinklii.^ SliAOFw ^L Hr., DOVEH, N. J. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, Hot Air Furnaces, Of II.. l«l,-,l ami m.ial improral .IVIM, fc OOOK, I'AltLOll, HEATING STOVES, RANGES, So. AUo.vuriolyof LAMP'S, KEltOSKNE OIL, UlUTTANJA WAKE, TIN &JAPAN WARE, FKUIT CANS, *c, TIN UOOF1KO, EAVES, TROBOHS, t,EADKH8,ntiil:i]| MmiBofJoMiii,* luniYllni u tho boHt mjuiwi-r anil at tlm AI'OTUH . lii^lioti jirkon }inld Tor old Iroii. ;ior leal mill |ioutor takcu ia tuuhang 'ALEXANDER WIOHTON, JOHN Dill SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SA.T.OOTST, SUSSEX STREET, (bGtwuon the MANSION COUtfEoiHlDorijl,) DOVEH, N. J. mminnnr. LADIES'nnd OfllLDltEN'B HAII1 UDTTINO A SPECIALTY. NEWMARBLE YARD 1 111K HiiliMirihcr hnn oppiic.l ii newvanl ntnr th" ranmr of ULACKWELI, AND KHSHBOUB & SMITH, ATTOKNEYS 4 COCKSELLOES AT LAW, Cor. Illacku-ell and Kilsaex fits. DOVER. N ,1. I. B, KElQUnOUK. A. 0. RMI1H. L. W. THURBER, SDPEniNTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OP MORltIS COUNTY. Offloa over OEO. 1UCF AltDS A Cu.'n HT0HE, DOVER, N. J. flpenln! otTipe lionre on Batunlavs frnm 8 A. M. till 19M, 17-tr JLfOSES BLANCHARD, ATTOUNUy. AT LAW, 'NO MABTEIt IK CHANCERY, DOVER, N. J. Offiuo aver A. W.R.itun'B Btsvo uaii tin eloro, n-ls ltUctwi.il Rtreul, "PIANOS AND~ORGAIMS TUNED ANDREPAIRED, POU ttBNT AND FOB. BALE ON INSTALLMENTS. WM. 9. WIUGHT, Dover, N, -T. Lock Box 58. 8 If NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP! Chas. T. Clark & Son STU oiiiiiiod a now wlt'op in Dover inSeiring'i! buikliin.-, COItSKR BLACK WELL AM) BEIlOlSN KTfl., anil invite tie pa!ronnf,'( of t!n> public. Horse Shoeing Agents for Fairbanks' Scales an&Tei 1 ' williger's Safes. VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOWU, BUILDERS 1 , CARHIAQE MAK1£IISM1L,\UK- SMITHS' OONTUAIITUIU A.KD WIS- ING BUPPL1EB, iKricQltcra ImplementH, HCMIB, Feriillzors, io. Paii.li, Oils, OISHI. .:lo. WALTEE A, WOOD'S Celebrated MOWESS and EEAPEES. dZOKOK S. •" ilorrlatoni , Dee. 18tb.187a McKinnon Bros. Axes and Edge Tools, RO0KAWAY, N. J. It famnir. been reported tint tlilnoW-eHtub lif-bfcd and wcil-knoiTii .irni bus (.-one out o buflineBS, m Uko Tliin moaus of infrrminf: tin public that anch ixnot tlie c»»e. Wo art* stil In business, linTC! no ciinnectiniinltliaiivotlie tlrtn whatever, and slull con turns to matin ou *reli-known eaodn willi groattr care 1 - uian over All onr Roods aro bsDil-ranJo tlironcliDUt am we are thu only firm iu Itocbawty nmkinfi »u«i roods entirely by hand. Water Tu/ern fu forgci m specialty ... S'-U 1 S. L. "WILLIAMS, ** BOVEU, N. J., EHEEDER OF LECHORN FOWLS. rwpeatfully Ib.nh. tlie publlfl /or the pKtroc^e < teanait uaioa, and amtronce. that L< 1. anal preiand to iiitctali *«• fop tbe hatching ,uao ' .twancea r.lw. H.vTug pnroh«Cd prli« ooel " - - :.*<3raTB WASTED FOBTHB Tlctised NewTestament, >• nada bj iho mo.! imlnaol aeholara of Eig- land a&dAmerica. Hilt Iba price of OQRei- pOBdlOg EOflilll alltlOi. Large type, l.ocn !»;i- I s«™lPfa.'!2Hl.illSJ:|, tl i FOR THE BEST TEA AID COFFEE 1JV JlOItltlS UOUNTV CAM. AT STINER'SNEW YORK AND CHINA TEA CO., BLA.CKWELL St., DOVER OUR gO CT - TEAS DAIRY BUTTER, oli'Mlntrwlnonlj. I " j SUPPLY HTOHE9 I conns at illi ilie BEST LOWEST MARKET PRICES. This part of Warn-a Coauty ia iiotud for itB GOOD BUTTER MAKERS. I iinmlle all kiiuls of FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE. Order by mail and ;ot your sootln frcsli and youd tlio snme djy. ffni. me, jr.joRii.ii, BLAIRSTOWN, N. J. '. O. BOX, 23. 3-U M. V. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, ELATRWrXI. RT..DO\EH, N. J. Having enlarged our store in order to better facilitate our increasing business, adding to it a -work shoj> and leather and finding room, and having purchased the stock and book accounts of Ileinl &Co., thereby consolidat- ing two stores in one; also adding an im- mense amount of Spring goods toour already large assortment, gives us, we think, owing to our excellent facilities for carrying on the boot, shoe and leather business, combined with our exceeding light expenses, advan- tages that no other establishment this side of New York City possesses, to give our cus- tomers the best boots and shoes the market affords at the very lowest figures. LEATHER and FINDINGS. Although we have always paid some attention to this branch of our business, still we have never had facilities to carry it onsuccessfully until this Spring, but now having a room devoted exclusively to LEATHER AND FINDINGS, including all kinds and prices of sole leather, wax upper kip, calfskins, sheepskins, blacksmith's aprons, shoemaker's tools. All kinds and prices of UPPERS, in fact everything •equired by ashoemaker to start and carry on his business, and will sell everything at any of the New York price lists. A call is respectfully solicited. March 30tb, 1881. LAWS OFJNEW JERSEY (BY UH^FTEB OCXn. A imppkmeut to an ict entitled "Ail Mt oim- cituiDj; cenieierjr KWOCUIIODB k&d regnkt* ii E tlm cloolfan or truateue, ippro»ed Aprr tbouund eight lmndnd ta ll ii E tl third, HTf'Ot 1. Be b moted by tbe So ante and Qcner* iubl? or tbe Btilfl-orNew Jenny, That amiuaUleotfctnaJor trpstees bjld after election fur trustees, .prorfded for In lt tiooof tBe aat (otrliiob thii la hli b b hili d hll b pini il at Hit t fc tm otiooof tBe aat (otrliiob thii la t tt, Khali be br htilni, ind shall ba ? i>rlDGipal offluu or ^Uct) of butliiesa iu at puob cemoterj compiuy or w u at p b isi;E :&."':• OPP. THE DEPOT, DOVER, 1ST. J. ,re bt'ltci tlifin "old v crcj) tens, COFFEE! COFFEE hiding Iticli Old Moclm, fi. One trial uill pmvo tb m B80, retailpj ut 7D «ts. i fnct. ier Ib. I mOHX,t JilVH, Xu AT^lC&l iti'il. Always frosli. Our liieh COFFEE! i, Sootoi, Rio are oil SUG-ARS SOLD AT COST. .D<] Moi-ris Count; will do well Uy pateh a mliul/itailts of l>ove! •r supply from us. uf* tlici 40-lv _ _.., BUII pruddud, fnrtlitir, lint the roviBioDH uf ibiri *oi slmll nnl eiiply tu niit- ma ur toupuuiiilii retognincd HB oidiuir; rtioluu of luud ; provided, liml tiic mmo uu ut Iiijuriouu lo liinllb, and LbaL tb« irtidea i. ku&ho It on*tt*d,Tb»t tbat State boftrt uf liealtli nbnll, irvui .Imo to tliae,Jlx Ibe imtiiol TarikljUilj p«nnii»lble lu ttufiafrtiole it luoJ, ut ilrng ur coropoocd, tbe ttsndnrj QI <b!cL in DJI eitublUheJ by taj mtlODil phw- 6. Audio It enacted, That tbeState board il ajcilLti than tnke ouguisctiiice o( tlie intereils it itiij public lic»ltb, ait it rtilnte* tu ttu tile of uoa uid ilruga, nod tlii) »." T H E DOVEE LUMBEB CO. •ffors to buildurs tlio best opportunities in tho purchase of LUMBER >f every grade aud description including LOW PRICES aud tho grout .dvautago of having .Lumber Worked to Order iy machinery at tho placo where it in purchased, greatly lessoning tlio cost of building by tho groat saving in manual labor. Ouv stock always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings LUMBER of every diiBCription, and especial pains arc token to give satisfaction ID every particular. WM. II. LAMENT, Soo'y and Tiena. I. VI. SKinmn, Gen'l Ma THE CELEBRATED ROCKAWAYAXE! ANDESIUJHASC tl-niRtlo axe lim long eojojeil 7 for F0HM"*MATJ3niAL t. With nui>- «piiliitiCP9for 'inkManvUhcr stylo needed. luc lire sin clly fjnml-wiilo. HORSE SHOEING! BEEMER & PALMER Witlrbctlnr fncilitioa I au»onflbletl to jint KLATE HOOFS cbeipi-r titan ev#r usinR ne but tbo bewt tiuklilj vt ululu uud eia- oying flr^t olattn Diochnnic^. I r4m gnar- toe mat*rial ncd work in every jmttlrn- r. Tur Hliontbiug Ftlt alwnya OQ Land. Dftted Octobar 13th, 1880. H. RENST&OM, . The Tailor, ifttillin buelnoRH, opponito Iho dxpot, nn rill pn; strict attention U> the makiDg of FIHST-CLAS8 CUSXO6I WORK at low rates. Olothiug clean ed and ncdttl rcpalrsd. ' fi-lj IKA C. COOPER, MASON AND BUILDER! Contraota Ukea ana maUrula rsrnlaLtd fur BUILDINGS, BRIDGES. •idall taoda of «mk, "lulltr oraaiCK a ; ., . iriOHB. ' ; j OBoa) pjldar.Ts» lasli Bu bnlUiBg^Uprrli •' mmsoni,*.'. --!Uifer> MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. DOVER, N. J. STEAM ENGINES, TIIRIR CKLKIinATEO COAL, WOOD, AIR COMPRESSORS, MASONS' HArEEIAXS, BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS. UAKDANErALEDIllOK. LIME, CEMENT, CALCINED PLABTEB, FltONT BniCK, FIRE CLAY, FIRE BR1OE, PLAO STONES CURBING, CELLAR 8TEPP, COPING, BELLS, LINTELS A*l> 0mr£BN NCCKfi, WHANN'S PHOSFEATE, Bone Du»t, Guano* Pondreite, LAND PLASTER, <£c. WOOD sawed ia stove lengths. GOAL. STOVE, EGG, CHESTNUT. Ortlsm mij be »ddiet«*3 ibroii^b tbsPoit Eteo Look Bos 98, or lift ftt i. BeBnor'ioBi In BUokwell 8t.,n«« SniMH, t>rk\ tlbytriJ, BLAOKSMlTIf i COAL eo'niUntlj on bisd IRON and B I U S S CASTIIVU8, F0RGIN3 of all DES0BIPTION8. FOR GROCERIES OO TOTIISS OLD BELIABLE 8TAN1). H. P. SANDERSON, , OrrOHITB THE DEPOT, ' I b»i»lw»yi on faaoil %talltad fret)) stock of rtdd ooi tit R'^ABONABLK PKICES. It doeia't p*j to eiptnmebt irlttafloor.Ilk j.ir gracer for th* fttnou andUkaWotber. : It 'lld Ul d'-anan aT on tbla9Qa, aHnpnai aTBTTUlt Qa,bnDiM ainl. ;. tiK. Haflrtanum haa it, iB,l Inoreaud bit Soar 1W MBLEACHEB MU8U5S >n.in tbo naid *it pr<,TidaiJ for ( »*t .„ tiiifil ek'Caiunu, cTtjrj IWBOII »f till) iei iLins alot In wid otMiitery, and Is caw ofl til or nt'vur»l dwuerulnp in »nj tat, then in oh iu or tlio parties 111 inttregl •• tlie mojoritj ownfKlnpiti iuotlol Hhill denlRDite torap- ° ' m * y ' *uo role fwoKh "t w pul-iOU ili»U RITI, » oiy. mere tlmn twenty-flfe vote utinn fnr UUHIOES ; *ud tbe per- Iliu Urtt>iit number or tlie *gle» eltctlon, shall lio au4 remain tbi s uFtmoli eonipaoy until tbui itm uie lafffallj appointed ; and uu appoiutod atitiofi auDUil cleolioos ,.,1,,,,,,, fr llmI.Xdwnora.iDddial! !>•<.] IIIB uDmberor trniteuiprovided iij id l>u it onaEled,*Thar this act iball lake 'pvuii'wiirc^^, IHttl. CHAPTER CCSVU. adulkration of tooft or ill net to |] 1. Jto il v uatlud b> tiiu Senate and General iKiniii.t uf t)ie Hiatu of Stw Joricv, Tlisf [wi-hiJii Hhall, williifi Uie Billed,New Jer«oy ihiruniLirti.hrtvn, ..ffcr f<jr nala or eclt, »a* mk- (lf I'mid or tlrugx, wliicb in (dull art ltd, Inn tlm LiK'niii.]),' m [(il* iot,aQil«[iyperBOD at I ii K iljin provision alin-ll bft (ioomod guilty iNindrlii^ur^ur, JLLIII Upon COUTIOLIGD (liflr/m " II I,,-1 iiniulicL! by a fine Dot uiceeding ait am mr a firat offeuop,»Qd one Lutidro urii jru a uw:iu([ nnt\ tuhuntucnluflunco*. AIKIIH; itmiHUtutl/riiiit tbo term -food, iHiid in Ibis net, hhsll indlnde every artielo 1 Icir loud ur tlriuk, by aiuu, aud I hat ilie "iu lh( H Air ind .__jt,Bbi ,. -eiteroiiuKo. itd.Tiint invirtjclo aball s pliirui tl n ltbouub tbe rpnbiloiii.p b b b tn'rifjth.nui.iily tir imrity Ik id down in : Tln!d. If it» uh-euntl ur purity fall below lit proli'MScd BUtidairii ulidIT wliiuli it inmild ; (bl-.IN THE t-ASB OF F<]OI1 (IB Dili NIC. rir»t. If tiny Hubuliutu or tmbulaucci. has ( five bieu tnnt'tl uitii it. MO as tu u'duce t, iwiT, ur iiijiirtuuril; RUL-OI IIH(juulny c bwuiKl. It any inlttiurcrclioapor sub*tine r HiiIjtitanetiiiiavebdL'ii Hubudtutail wliullj c y wu it lian Lief i ivlmliy o tlli ii U i stitiicut of Hi urt abataotod ; u or or bu uuld Fillh. Il it ciiiiniEi wiioJly or in part of a imdor dccouipomjil. oi putrid or rotten ani- ul or vi'gotable buLntunco, wbatlier tnminffts- ii(.d ur uut : ur in OHBO ol milk, if il ia Uie rudiiou or R iliBoased animul; Sinb, If it Lui'ulo.ed.ot-caatod.or polialied, r purvdcroi', wliwitbj UAUiiue is eoaoealod, or irf luinic to appeal' UajELor (liavu it IOMIIV ts ci~ B-vciiin. It n cuuUm any addod, puiwti inrttlieiil, or my mgrf dient wiiicli tuny ro; ;, it< lim B tubo t um» tu tho htkitli ur ovidsd. ibat tlm Htn L t approval ot tli lare wrtaia ar p eclare al ot tlio aovu taia artklei o b ii iwaevtilbeimbliDliui uf KDtburisou ox| cut 1 J oil. 1. Bu It onaoted by tlie Senate and Ocneral Uaainbly ot tlie 6!ate uf How Jersey, Tbat ffhenuvur tho board of bealtli in acyoityof .Ii iu gute sball after duo tin win at ion and coo- udnrsliuu dBturoiiDo ti / tdfolutiuniu writ! itK adopted or uonoitircd lu by twothlrds or Uie lupmliura or baid board, that it Is oucesBaryfor ilie iiroaervation ol tli» pubifo lie&ltli or tho roYuiitioli of tbo oiuncoi uprimtl of dlaonau, iat n sflwer or drain, or sowers or drains liouldilie conitrauWai IQ any locality In laid itv, null sljaU cortify to tbo c^tuuioii cciunoii r otlnTletfiHlotiveur gDvoriiiuf; binly of auub it.v, ennli rCKolutioD, and tlio ruasons fur tiliich it was adojitbd, then mi comnwn L'Dunoil or (jthur lti(;[aliiti¥O or povtruing body, judfjoiutiv fctiili icwor or drain, nr __ (Iraiiitj to'bu coiiBtruotod, although tlie limit, of authorized nijiuDdituron for public luiiiruvcineiita In Bueli Cily, would iburoby be ixcecded ; provldiid, that uuoli oiciiaa of oipon- limro eliafl nut, in anv cano. exceod tba ar - it flttf tlionnaml dollnrain any one your. Hi] O i l BCWUr O. >--*••»! ..••**•• |.-XL, .X-X- _ lotion uf (ha icgiHUtivoor Kovurning body an.* nuob elij ill ^lifting Ic^ai rcqulruiuenta vith m^poot Lo tho iiotivo of ifktuutiou t*i cou— tract tho same, slull lx> tu all rcupoclt com- ilivd with. a. And be it wiactuil, Tlmt in unk-r lu pay at- suoii iinpnTomont* it tilii.ll ba lawful for u i d oitv tu rauke tomDorary InanB fo atitiolpa- tlou or tbo eolluotiou uf asHUaiHinuaU bcrefot, id tu atjeure tbe pajweut of wuib bans by ibt ct)rlifli?atei of the city ; which loans may i tnado put-smut to a resolution of tbo ittglv Tiling body ol BBitl city, and aball latT not o uanwutu: auld luaus may , cwiU ttii'riHJr, uutll Bueti ashtisamentse Niiid i d Tondrd ; and no auoh ooniHuate shall he ili.l iu auj rtaiitlc), if itiaund «rter tbe lame of JO amount hereby liuiltod ; and the ssgesi- menu for iucb improve aim t, when tn^de eiii.ll ba applied ai culleclod, to ihe caymonC ofeaid oertlOsiH ad t o n lu p h ydaiH alter tin paHuup u Ijnaid of licallU slitl lll ,0 Illd vnfoi mtio of Ii uni [luceunary to ticil- tbiu act, and prepare actiriR «" Kai.Uumrd' ^1^11^" ddiiion tu all tmma Bald bi'nril, an amuun ilt^d (iLiLLurn lor tbd purpoi ibo iuuviHiDDHortbmu(M. And Loit enacted, Tlirtt Ofi orom'.inKoroqioBinitany otiztd u udy apt' t ux acc ?ry (iors. II bo und t SOIILV. aud onu bmidr«(l d nd uubntquentotl'duco. 7. Aud bu it tuaHtd.Tlif uf tliis htt tli sll t. tli iioviBbn f ii h t tsll bu tro»t«l ar.il puciHbwl anu mitdiJiiuiHiiur, and wlincvtr «hill unjiude, obritroct, hinder or otherwiHu pnitcut iialvuit, iiii>p«:i;lur cr ymtHUUiiliug u£Qcf,r, u pvrroraiiucu or his duly, uhnll Lit leunor andsltil bliUl t y, imlt I a iniHclimeunor, a n d s l i l bcliaUlo toiiidict lontsnil pnoiuhment tlicrcfur. 8, Auit lie it (iimciud, Tlmt auy Tu€la incunaiilont with t!it; pro ctin hereby rt pun led, 5. And to iv ounclcd, That tbit tat ulisll be or parts a ct this mud a public net, mid fill nil t iriiuin of thirty diym ' jv«d March 35,1881. I he- GIIAITKU 0CXVIU. sppplement lo an act cntillud "Ac act for tliu bcUiT HcaDiily uf clip«aliord iu mv baiikn," appruved Ajjril illlb, one thorn l! B llo i\ U "nacted U by l> thl! II B«tiaUj and Gon Assembly of tlio Blatu ol New Jersey, Tlut tbo tlrat nection or the sot or winch lliia is a ij'tlio Hamu IB btTciiy amended nous lo rend as fellows; I. lie it enacted br tlie Svtmte nud Qencrkl .Buei.ably or tlie Hiata of Now Jersey, Tbat . aliill nut be- Inwlui from and aftor tlio pai- i^L k uf tbjH net Utt anvsaving banka ot olhfT ni|.itratoil UULILT a gLnunil tir special act ol liu lu^laldtui'!! of lias Stalo, and any pro i0i(i>i L-oiitaiiiid ID tlieoliurieror aDj supplo- iout tbci'citr ijl uuf:li uaviijga bank urtiHViuea iHtilutKiD tu tbu coitr&rf, to luvuit iba intiuvudtpOMitdil ivitb iliDBame inaoymautior, ol'eiur obliyatidns of tbe United Slatas, or lime fur wbicti tliefitttb of tbe United Btaiea i dittiiicily [ik'il^ed to nroiiito for tbe pay- ifiitof tlio principal and mierest llieruf; II. Iu the intut eil-bearing bonds ot tbii tbe lii tutioi: uds or auySlate In tbo nnlno vitliin tou yoars (.roTiooi lo eut bv any aocli bank or iottt- 1 in tbopayment of anj part or .UJIT JJIJUL-I|JUI or iiiteroai In apjdubi authar- zoil by oiiy li'ulalaluro of aucu Utato to bo °IV- luiho Block*or bond* or any cilj, towi o tbe niiHiorlij of aoy lawof thin Sute, or of Hie citiea of New York, Brooklyn ami Pbtladd- pbia, or ID any interest-bearing obligations 'UIUBT tbao lbu*e coajmsDiykDonu islmprofo ratnt ctrtifioattw), iBnuvd bj iho city, totroo boicuRh (D stiich inch bank or imtltmioi iball be Hilnatcd. V. lu Londc seenrod by. mortgigei wbicb .Jill bd *fin> lintian realoitatu altoftts in thm Htate.anl iforth at leait doable tho imount toaued ibtreon, bat not to etc cod eighty par oeul nm «f the wholq ilepoblti alta.ll bo go loautd ~ 'atfd ; bat, in caw lbs loan la on nnlm- ot ocpHwiactiio real citate, tha amonnt ,__tUereuu tbali oot M more tban thirty p«rcontnni oflla actualT».oetaiidno ini n(&tln any bond and mongaeB aball tu n by an» MaviDgH Unk.^xcept upon (be report of * Mnmma8oraHfli.it three or t h e - J dir«!lo«'tr traniietuf aojanchbai and a roajoritj;uf wiUb cwnralttee ibtll pertify to tbo «lao or tbs their b«at]i._ , r and prcaerTed tmoDB tbe recordi of tho initi- Inliutt; ,, - TI ID real FIU'I atrlotly In accordance witb (hi following Dtfnrlilaiii; wberona I* erected, a , ingor bnildinia requia.,. ._. cpn'entent tnntutlon oritabnilaeH^nd from portkiDf nf which,not required foriUotrn Die, may be .derived ; the ooata of inch T bni!dine» and lot aliaH In noeau ypor centum of the Vet inrplaaof a pnrobuetl byi •o pitrclimud, UOIPIH, HIMJII a|mbqatioti byauob corporation u tbe State Ixnwd, h»tt>f[ iheHU- (w*liion of urtags biuki iu tbii tfi*t«,fbe NAU« bball eii^nd (lo lime nltbln wbifih inch aalaibftllbft tn*d*f pmriihd,-that nothing 1 Uila ut tiiil! baoonBtniftd or hold to aiwr Mfeot or repeal tbe pfori»Ion« ol Uta fonrtL tloD of tbo »xA Ut which tbJa b a supplo " " l And lw Uenacted, Thai tbii *ot ibsl) Uk< Approved Marob'iW, 1681. An aot topreTBtttaamlngawJ.hfloieof gaming implannjuti bj BilaoiHii plawi "whtne aluo liolEo vlttom Mt* aj|^^ *Jiitiy?ri of i&toiloatinff -Artiablj uT tbe Stttu'uf He* Jersey, 1'tat it auy prooriotor or kMp'or any BHIOOD nr oliter place tilten aloofaotio, itoitnt or nail oquori, or jiUOTUttatiiJf dtinkaof tnj kiod are aold, aball hiuiaelf. or bj Ut aKeal, barkeeper or other employee, permit or allow In any §0oh piaot t o ; gaislDg by mlnon. nr *oj playing bj uilnurR, under tlio age uf oisbtneo y»ra. witu lardi, dice, bUliard or pool^alla, gr ant other article, dune , tool or loitrament whatever, mob an are ouul in RUtiing. be shall be deemBd lo ha*o eotnulttoEl * nlttusmaatior, aud upon oonWorton thereof, ih*U bu aubjeai to a fine or imprlaanment. or bath, aa follow i for the first uffeuce a Doe of not leu than ten dollar* and aot more tban twenty-fire dollars, or impriaou- meal in Ihe conntr jajl for a term not exoeed- ing ten day a, at tne discretion of tbe oonrt; for the tocoud offence, a flne not teu tban uau-fite dollfw^Md not more thm fifty dol- s , o r iDtprliotmiBnt ID the county jail for - rm noteioeedinft thirty data, at tbe dlion n of the court i and for «aob and maty mL lequent oBenoe a QUO of not leas tban flity doliara and opt mare than one hundred dollars, or lmpriiotMntut io the oonnlj JaiUur a. t«rm uot «KceediDg tbroo tnontbi, or both, at the dlBoreUOu at tbo noart; nroTifled ttalaact anall uot be eoDitmcd to problbt plajuig by minor* wtabti aooomiwolec. by a parent or Kuardlan; ur fflien paroDts or gQaraiam ban prevloa»Ij given to tlie kwpornf t!it> BBIDUUorotber flaoe fiiniHBion UOll HallMIL. •i. Aud bait enacted, Tliattbiaact abtUUac effect ou the firat dayof April, in tbe year of car Lord one tliousaDd eight haadrea u * Fircb)6.1881. OHAPTEH OOXX. i a act aulhoriiiag the ooomrnctfon of aewen ur ilralus iu utrUln aitiei wben neceaury to lEmtt d the 4 A , Bad torn? nCofe o what 4. And be it oa&otM, That. aHOMUMatfi for IOQCDIB[Km inch impmrtWDj RIJAII M U^MIO, triad, oojlaet o4, aui IK> t paramomil llBn,oj>a» lie landtt and real ostato spvaially beniBted tleneliy, iu coiiroruiKy .witii ptQWtiaa^ tjf e i ' iuRlaw iu force lu licit l ? Wlllj C'kpcct ui-tto ; aud if tbe said ouflts and elpouiidEi ol- cotid Ilie smoant of ituch 1 iisamed b l ll b id by Iha it id city, an iu|f iho atBH tlnaisii uf thv iinouit tLt mid city: »tni tbu mnney aB nlurfiijid.fliillbeplcdRedtdlUe r tbn olilii;ati(in of tlio city Incurre ti n tliu slid vtorV*. l Th fty dIn li tliu slid vtorV*. 0. Ami bu it eiia.deil. That m order to fund any toniporury liuloliiodiios criiittj livany city HJiltTti.Ei nuaiurityul tuix act, in mUifjialiuu il (hocollitticm of Much anB(i»nm-;i.[B, it shall )[> Invfnl Tor aiich city, after Bale or tho html* ig boily tu huue I U buixla tor sisch sti amount, tut fucui-'dhiK Uii) imonul of lltiia piiroltasod v Maid city at itrt Male fur micb no paid anaoija- iB!it<| l.iciiririg socl: ralii of lutsn;a1,(iKit aliuvo iu legal riloj-aiid pa,-abb at nucli tinu'U unit iHiiimr an tho Icgiuktive body of a u d city .nil [letormtne; antl wboncver any boiii,* mil beissued bvany such citv citj iu fnu.l iis li'inporury ind'Ulmlnnsa an arurc^ilil, nil oiil- itfliiiling cortiBcutCB of uidctcdm^H uf aucli :ily, issued as aForuxaid, nhall be hiHiiediath- 1 miil uancollod ; andthfiri-afwr nil inuuuy* liviu] nti ac^i'niiitnf tlin rudctnptliiri nf rtnl ,to BO sold for wn-h nnatHgraouts ahill he igtd to wimuitBBiniurs of a sin king fund >tod fur tint pu.po.HO, ami applied tu tho rnont of SAII! boinis at maturity. And be it onnciud, Tbat all acts, Rineral xpccial, inoonsiat.'nt iiunmlth, are licrutiy ro- faled, siid t)d. net sbull Lo a public act, and VpproviMl'jtaruhV'i, 1861. CHAPTER COXXI. ,n act to repeal an aot entitled "An act for eigbtb, one tliomaml oigbtb bnudreil tvii 1. Ito it tmncttd by Ibo Senate nod General ^Hiunbly rf tlm Hlattt uf New Jersey, That >m irl intlttL'.l'* All act for tbe goTorttmeut of d March oigbtb, one tbounand a n d Hcvontj-Bovoo, bo and tbo ivyj'MaruMS^lSBt. lie act tntlite.l itnji." iipiini*id itcht licmilrt^d ao i hb CIIATTEK OCXXII. in vi rolBtivo railroad onwIngM, and to protoiit actsiilmitfl. 1. Uo it liuuclid ly the Siuate and Oflnenl vHumhly tif Hie State of Now JemoyJ That wbtm-unvpublio lus.l crimson (lio mac) bod ind I root- .it miy railroad onmpitny Iq it is H'.ntc.it Hhnll lint be lawful (or Ibo Biiripyori of the liiL'hwujH, or othor budy Laving the power I.. la.vout or raoalo publiu roid* \fi thii Hlatc, to IHVtint or locity a public road I Or tin ancb lailnmd and track*, within a diituhoo of ira hundred foot Ofiuch other pabllcTO^tl or roaaiog ; provklod, that this act aliaU" not piily to inp<irpnrat*(1 tiitlna. i. Andbo it rnftclcd, Tint this act IUHUba eutncil nn<J talon ti be Apnbllo act, nnfl ib&ll ijievfl.jotii.imi'dfalgly. Aiipiuvnii Mirch 25, Ifl81. A PQp|>li-uiBut tu an aot entitled "An act con- curniiit; biiduea ind turnpikei," approved Marvb twelfth, onu tboamad etftht linndr^l andievi-uiy-t!j>bt. - ' 1. Soit uiiftctud ty tbu Henato RQ] CUnenl ABBBtnbly or tlio Siaic or Sew Jerney, Tb»t whenuTtr toy turnpike or other pobllo road, or anypart tbereofjn toycounty of thla Stats shall have boon putolianed and acquired, tba lime, ia fir as It I Us ID any townstiip of taid uoty,ah*ii,*t the oaat andcipeuso of tbo id township, ind not at the cost and in . t _ _._1J .»_*_ a_ I.. . ^J J L if thfl nald rounrj, lio graded, rcu inikHii. rimuiritd, iD&ialunod aad ktpt n \BMI1 ox proper by tho inl p, ind ant a uf «aitl tuffDnblp, tbe name or sorna por- tion tbereof ihail bo macadam>ud, aatl mob pradiuB, n-'gulitlng, workiug, ropitrinfj.niain' iJuloR, lieoplnf np and mactdaititEinit ahall io done bj such potutiu oi persona aa may for ttint purpotie be employed by the town com- "ntttfto of t*id lowohhtp, and in aneb iilnuner ia Raul to»H comrrnttocHba. 1 ! order and direct; uid Iho anu>unl of moaey nnoeHBary tor payiujr he C"«l and (lorraniig tlie expeu»o aforovaid ibatl bo detorroiqej by tlio mhibitaati, uf ml a owuship in itin enmo niannar ID which tboy jow are oi hereafter may be authorised bylaw to dotBrmmu tbe amouDta to bo expended for iwniliip pariHiftOe, i.oJ (ball be raUud by la I inn in tbe u n o mannsr ai olbor towc- lip tATcn. 2. And lie iionactutl, That if inch road, or -iTpirt tbercDf, no •« aloroiald pnrehMed and aconlied, ihall furni tbodlriiion line be- tween ttruur more lowrnhipa ID an; ounaty of ttili Hutu, andif upeciflq porthioa tb ' Bballfca-fo\ietu allotted or aasaKtud, in tnaacBraimtTbflioLharizud by law. taaaid ;own*bipi resrt>etrrely, to ba by thena-erailto, ~?Kalatcd^woriF<3, repaired, maintained, kept' jp and micadimiHd, tho auaaot loaaafe-* taM to bo: railed lo any township jball - -L-'-^poadedoo (bit portion qf «id road aforeaatd allot tea or aiilvwd to " sip.; atidlboiaUaWtanta of.a*id tf.._ ibiptbail In,oo owe be biitdrMpontilil*: tor i t padiny. regaUtmcVurkiiuc, repiirinj, .J1<1 road aut,alk>tb>d or^aiaignvd to said U. . ibip aa arprculd. although lotnc part tbareor n»y lie within trie boanuary line of aaid tow \ ihip; but therefor, (be lobabltaati of (to tawniblp to which " I«tMk.r«oI •».; II. of aalif tnwnafalp. * A*ib« ll«uta!,<Tb»t at nan ai l i [ I l * * t o not of Money io ai aforoMEd to be expend- ed thereon, and also tlut portion of §aid amount to be eiponded in macadimiKing the IB. ir any, ibiS be apeointid uu tbe ballot* be roud for, and be determined oftbetotee, ai other amonnU to be .„,_ Jor towaiiilp • • determined. «. And be It enaotea. That if, far any reaaoii, tbe AionjiQt BOto be nipunded on luob roada* afor«»*'d, by inch towusblp, rbill not havi bwo voted for and deUrmined at inch ai uieflOan, tlietimo oQmiaitt(se nf auott lowi mayi at their diicrulion, reaolrc that a miet.ug- be b«M for tlienurpMOoftfelormla- loff tbe amount to be ralana fur K>peuilitnre an «tld road, and the portion thereof toto eweaued in nuoadanusiDg tlio aaroe aa< DOIICS tuereof, and or the tune, plaoa, and ubjoot or pnrpoao thereof, obeli bogirett;" ~ J the game aha(l be held anj{ oondnnted In mauner reqnlred by law' in other cum •pociaJ town raoeUnw. t. Andbe it pnaotod. That said amount to bo expended oil Midroan by aatd towonblp, ihalt beasiieaHd and DOllwUtt by the asttenior aud collector, or oihor propur olScer or ot&nen <il aald tpwDnlilp, ID tbe manner aoa at the time proaoriiMHl by tawfar tbe aiKfimtJiit and col- looticn sf other tovmhip taxeB, and forasiea> •linf and ooIleotiDK tbe acme mob offlcmrt ahill eaou rwaelve, BE aiddttiutial oompomatlcn, feee eq iil tothe ooe-half part of anob, feei IB tfaay may by law bo authorized toreceivo for tlia —iut andeoUtjotlon of Slate and county 6, And be It enacted, That the aoi eutltled "A aopplemeDt to an act entitled 'An ast ooa- cerniog briihcea and turnplko*,'" apuroved ktaroh t«olfti, ODO Ihottaatid olgbt hundred and aeventy-eigbt. which ia?plement was ap- proves March fourteenth, ODD tbomand olfrbt inndred and soTenty-uiDe, and the act entlf "A eopplemant (o an aet entitled ' Bupplenn to an act oonoerciBg brii'.goe tad tuiuptkoa apprOTed March foarieenlb, one iboiua elgbt hundred and leYeDty-nine, wbtch aupple- ment was anproved Harcb four tit. one tlion- aand eight hnndred and eiglily, Lo apd tbt nine ire hereby repealed. 7. And be it enacted, That Ibla act shall take effuot Immediately. Approved March 35,1S81. 0HAFTEB OCXXIV. An act conoaroiuK tba compematlon of or tniBBionera of highways. 1. De ii enacted by tba Senate and General Aaaembly ol tbe Btate of Now Jersey, Tbat hereafter meoohera uf any board of cuminie- floaera of hluhtraya in any towngbip in this Bute, elBotedander and by virtus oftbs pro- vialoDBor any apeoUl aoL at the tlmtt and in ;he naauoar that other iunuablp oBleeri are elected, aball not be entitled to receive any compensationfortheir lervtoeti as mob oom- ' igUmeri. ., Andbe it enactotl, Tha-t all aota or parts of acts, whether peneral or apooial. lacouatat- ent with tbe proviHlotis of tbiB tot, be and the Batte art) ueroby repealad, and that tlila aot aall take effect Immediately. Approved Harsh 35,1581. OHAPTBIl C0XSV. An aot lo provide for iberooordlcp; of surveyi of tbo ronto or routes of rallroada wltbm tblH Slate. 1. Be It eutotod bv tbe Sonata and General '' Jf tbe State of NewJeraey, That iu -here, under thu pravibisna of aiiy _.. of tble Htate, any survey of Ibe ron'e or routes or anrralliodd autborued by any law or tills &mo, or tbo location or luoationB of ber wortn, baiidioffa, oonvenienoea. apput- maucaa and ipueudagfts tborcof. bavobere- if-jro buen depuaiied ur sliall lioroafter bo ipDBiled io UiB offiue ut tbe aecrotary ol Btate . aliitil bu tba duty of th« dooratary of etato. upon boiDK thereunto requtmtod by the cor- railoo oneratinc such railroad, and with tba .jeot uf tbe board uf directors of the corpor- itiuu it gulf, whose road any be leaswt or Miuraied bvany other railroad, to rooord sticli iurvor at l»n«tl> in_a proper boon, to be by him -iriiled at the expenae of tlie Hlate, for tbat •pose, upon payment or ibe fetig provided by _..' fur tbereoordlnffof deeda; andIbe record ifurpsaid, or tbo - transaript ol vueh reoartl, i certified to bo a traa copy, under the aoal OBicrotai? of state, •ball be luoeiTeiTin 'Icleiiceinanyouiirt of this titatB, and Bball >efl£Ctnalpruorof tliutmrvey ana location of tlio ruDlo or rootea, worka, buildinga, con* renlences, appnrtenantus and appendajica of inob railroad, is delineated or expresnod leroln: provided, nothing ' ' " " i nit rued tHknpiy tnanyct ligation la now ponding. OHAPTEB OOXXVI. tk id other pub- lic pollcea. Ii Deit oDBcled by theSocsto and General tHWbly of the State of Non Jersey. Tbat »il Oitlea lo thUAate Lbe ordlt.ano.-s pauaej j tbe city ooanoila tiiereor aiwil be pabliuliod [Bat'.e*it-one newipapur, printed aodpab. Uibcd-w the clly attaotetl by aald ordinances, •r at leant twu Insertion* before aald utdl- »nee« ahall beoome oporative and binding. 2. Aud be It enacted, That tbe Raid city ouncilH shall publiab tbe annua! fiaanoiiu latemcntB of Bach citloe, in at lenut ouu uuwa- anor prlntoii and pubUHbed in tljo cttF for hi.h said fluancial itntement la made, for at inn-, two insoriious; andnil other public oticoH, required by lawto bcpnblisbud in enj minicr, Hiiall \K imblbhcd in at Innst onu liiv^papL-r in Niilil citits, fur at leant two liiKOr- lutia ; pruviiU'd, tiiut in any onao wberu auoli aijern (tljo.ll not buof tlnmamu lwl'tital party, nil as oil tlio pjipcrnpnbHubed in Biioh city aio 3.'A<I«1 bo it ewurto'd, 'i'hftt Ibo newepapnr itints. end u!l otlior public iiolicen, iliull have JCOII publUbud for a period uf two yours befurn lucb iiuMt«ationsoaD be legally Da ado therein, LDII tbat tLe compen Ration for publlalilng ibe noniioaisd onTiianeei, nnanolat nUte- uud utlicr public uotlcei, Hhill ba tbo a is now allowed for logal advertising in ito, and nomore; and tbat in such Bnow hare or may hereafter bR«e uora io ofllcial psjiff. tbe ordiuancea, public mid oaici.il miiiiitoB of tha monlcioul in mid dl7.»ii;Jl bo publiihud in slid ilMiiinl pa|)i>r«, ami lint tbe comnemat.on For muli publications, In cities having moie tban IIUJ iiwiiint pHpor, rih.ill befixedl>y tho autbor- iou appointing uncli f»pera, 4. And bu It mactcU, That all acts or parts t flcta iuconflict villi tliitt act. are liorebv n-pmled, and that tliia act shall be deemedit pnblic net, and aball talfo effeot immediatBly. Approved Maroh ifl, 1881. 0H.\.Pl'ER COXXVII. .a ad to amend an not entitled "An aot to eatablinb a ayatetn of pnbtio Instruction, appipvud llaroh twcnty-Bevrnlh, one than- nauil olgbt bnnilrcd nnd soventj-four. I.B* it eiiaoted by theSenate and General Assembly or tbo State of Nev Joisey, That section suventy-su of Haiti aot bo amended to uad us follow*; 76. Aud be a cnaotod, Tbatfortbo pnrpma f delaying tbe oipuusoa ol teachers' itmti- ntea, the procuring or toachem and lecturers TuraaUl mutitutea, anil other neoeuaary ex- peusitS of tbeitue, there may be paid annu- ally to tho state «a peri c I ondo tit or public - itntctloc, a earn not eiooedtng one bnntlrei] IUr> ta ouctwiobers' iiiHtltutoln anyooanty . iu any two or morn adjoining oatmtioa of this Htate, tbo Mint) to bo paid out of Uie state treaiory on tho varntnt of tbe oompttoller, IIOU iloiniiuil Bccuuula veuderod to lumby Iba lato luporlntsodctit of public imttnotlon, of ao ejpeosoH incurred, Approved March 25,1931. CHAPTER 0CXXVUI. Kb«ol connerolnfl tbe eqnltabtd aotllemenl of mat duo t«.U'B nudaBHUitmcnU by boardaof fliiioce and taxation in cities, 1. BDIt enacted by the Sooate and Genera. wetublv of thn Slato or {JewJttrney, That " -•' »---•<-" —other - Jin of __ city Iu tbU atate may make sneb oqutta- t>ieiDttloment of past due tatei and a»aeta- inlft aN Buoti board shall deem to be lor the .at iutertiaU of such cittei; provided, tbat sucb sutllemoiit sbali uot apply toanytaxet or uMBsnvuti du alter theinratday ofMay, KISSES. Kisa me "oftly and speHk to me low. There ia a story (old of an old Sootob deaooo whocoorted a girl for n good many jears, bit uever found courage eooiigu to oak bor tn many. One da after the; liad been " keupin' comimnj about tan years, lie venturea lolioit a kisa. "Let me first ask a bleHtiiug/'besaiii, and, falling upon liia knees, tie imj the Divine Scotch deliberatio mdpie^dsd, forthir, tbat ,_._ - tipmade betoro the fint day of March, bouaandalrfbt bnndredandela-hty-tb'reei ,nd provided, farther, tbat tbo laid board of finance and taxation ihall put Into the Ux levy each year any autl all OeQctundca 4ocrnlng or ariiiDK from any aottlament, adjustment or compronilw of any Urnor aiBeiiments ander 1 ivisimii of ibis act. _. _jd be it eaaeted, That all acts and parti of aat< ineonilalent witb tboproriabna of this act, be>and are hereby repealed, aud that ibil 3t ihall take effect immediately. Approved March 39,1891, CHAPTER CCXX1X Aeupplrmont to an actcntlllea "Anaotoou. oenilns oorporationi, riUriiluo], approve). April teventb, one thonaand eigbt hondrei l. U De e !t enaoted' by the Seuato andOoneral suBKbly uf the State of New Jeiaey, Tbit In all proasediURt in anvot tbe oourla uf this titatB against anv forelja, corporatlou. or bad* corporate, not boldIng ka chartor und«r tiiu Itwi of this Stale, In any natter requiring: tba IMO of any prtirogative nrit, auoU writ may be aerte4 npon theproaidont.vloe-preaidam,sec- retary, ar Dtbei head onWr of an oh corpora- tion or body oorporate. or upon any dirootor ibereof. either personally, or by leaving acopy thereof at thfl dinlllng houso or uanal plaoe of abode of attoa. officer or dlrcotor; or npon •iy iensral agent, attorney or lolloltor, so- irlntoDdtDi onmanaaer of looh. corporation. , jd f ooh aarriee ifbaiTbe ffoodand valid to all ntchta and pnrpuoB; provided, tint thla act •ballonly apply to,or iJ&*t the aervloe ol »rtt»af mamjaniua or pruiogative writs here- wrnfter lo beemnnented or Institnted. S, And be it. eaaeUd, Tbat In oauany snob jornoraiiqn. after tbe serviM of any .noli writ araroraia.fi, aball nBftl*ot or refnae to make a propel' ntnra tberato, or sballi neglect or rMfose to obty thq.cpQiniaiiil nt anyanoh trril, when l»ned upon any Judgment, order ar dMre* of th* inprime eout,< nmtt of ehan- oerv, or.Riiyof the clrfloit eonrta ot this SUU, and served as aforoaald, witulo thu timopre- •n-ibea by-rach writ, tbe aatd ooiTits aoull .haVB;Pf'w«« aod •nthortiy hereby Rl«n hem. w enforce soou writi by atuahtnent foiioit the 1 properly wd ntate, (food* and chattela, rigbta anderetJUa of anoo..ocrpwra- --,, be and are hereby roptulod, aud (hat thin act iball be a pnbllu aot and lake effect im- mediately. Approved Hardi 25,1881. CHAPTER COXXX. Ar aot roapeelinp tioeonoti in oMes, ineor *icd boroueha ur police, mHilary and itn- provemont cummimiiona aud incorporated of tbii State or New J e m " , Tbat Lagemby of thu State or Ne it shall be lawful fur Uiouuiunnii it aid or m th i m*, TLat ucil, bmud d r jf aldormoo «r otbpr fmerafug UoJv of-„, Olty, jUDorporatort hiiroiiKli nr ]>i.licc, laniUrv and tmprosumeut otinimUiiiuii, iuuorporal^d camp nteetiug seBuciBtlcneurneaalde reaorls, in tiiiB State, to make and oHtublinb oidiunuc. i. [01 lu« fultutriaft pnrpanua, vie : Lici>uio mul regalata cartmon, poners, buck, car, umuibos milk haKun, stago anil truck owners tuii ditv en, and carriagbii aud vuliklfa uued fur tin urtatfun of jiflbBorigertt. biKRaRO, imr ao, goods and articles nf nay hind -»eer8, oommon crinw, bswliera, pm] dlora,pawnbrofcGra,Junknhopknipcm, kuuporH of batfi liomtis ami IIOWB etuiidn, awDupit am in, traveliDK "Lows uud tircaeus, ant a ratoB ut conipt'imivtioii to be paii tbereror, and to prublbit uulicuused person« and vehicles from.scting or ueiug n»ea ia nuuli capacities; and Iboteen for aui'b Ik-ouaoB IURV tie Inipoastl f,r revenue ; provided, ibut r ' enun or pornotin aball be ifquind to tu ut a lioKt.BB/or tlie aeltlaKufmn product U farm eittiatod in tliu Stale, a. And beiteuactoJ, Tliut tbii, act slmll be public act, and aba I) Uko offuot jmmedialely. Approved March 25,1881. fie next, with due ciron inspectionu th dibi Liimself at the kiss,WIIBD,witb afiouiiditigsmault, Qiclaimfd, "Eli I WODIBD, liatit was good 1 Let us return tlinoks 1" Tbat prince of goad folown, Jobn a. ue, hits added tliis to tlia kissing lit- erature : Give me kisses—ntl is wnete Bavetta lnxurv*uf tlie laato. Aud for kiflsiug—kiaaea live Only wliec wo tuko and give, Ki«n me, tlien, Ever; moment nnd agniti. There are poetic ]cieaen nm! Vlatouic kisaes—such as tie beautiful Mma BecniD.Br gave to Chateaabriaud; thajo are bistorto kissefl—»uck as those ru- aorded in the book of Genesis; spiritual kisses—Buoli as Solomon tells Q-A about, and treacbernus kiases, thnt bttnt;. And tlie jest Bcltiotn slips But it strikes a teuder ohord ; Anil a kiss was on tbe Itba Of tLe wretch tlmt sold hit Lord. What is the sweetest kiss intbe tvai-ld ? Who can toll 7 Passion puts n atiug into his kisses-love is selfish—duty cold. Tbe kiisea ol triendsiiip are mera com- plimeQts. The kiBa of reconciliation between those who truly love abould be tbe a wee teat of nil kisses. There is a iss tbat is the embodiineut of purity, itmooenco and tender, tiuaful love. It is a flntlaring, clinging, rosebud kiss, that leaves a memory as pure and loving as itself—it is tbe baby's kiss: ; MiBtresB Mary, quite contrary, How does tbe baby grow? Colio spells and ears like nhells And kisies from top totoe. < It iBupon the baby's kisses (W tba beurtof the mother lives.- Oh, the lit lla ones tbst Imva beon laid away bap- tized witli teara and kioaes t tbe kisses tbat were given not bnck aguio. and yet aich were so dear—ao dear. "Dear, its remembered kisses after loath," Bays Tennyson. \ There ia a pretty . legend tbat CJiriBt id a dimple ia liis chin, laid thereby i angel's kisa, and whoever he kissed would surely receive that dimple ; so tbe Germans say of one who has a dimpled chin. "BbeisOhriot-kissett." The kiss of respect is given npon tbe 'oreliead ; that of ndmiration upon the ; that of beauty npon tbe cheeks. The kisa of love is given upon the lips. It is said men do not waste kisses upon eaoh other when tbey can do so mnoh Letter, but IL every oilier chapter of the Bible flome old patriarch full* npon the neak nf same other old patriarch and kieacs him, and the fatter of the prodifcal son ran and kissed bim, and Henry Ward Boecuer kissed Theodore Tilton, and, however, distatofolit may be, met] do kiss eaoh other at tha pusent time when tbey meet after long ab- sences and are closely related, or hove a David and Jonathan sort of frieadaliip for each other. The late Princess Alice, eldest daugh- ter of Queen Victoria and wife of an Austrian Prince, lost her life a year or two ago through a kiss ; two of her.obil- a died of diphtheria, and she could not resist tho pleading of her dying boy to "kiss mamma ; " she kissed bis paling lips ia an agony of mot ber love and took tbe dread disease, which resulted futoll.y. Nodoabt the kiosea of yoang lovers taste better than any luxury yet discov- ered—tbey'mast be spooney andinno- cent and untutored—for kisses like othor nectar of tbe gods lose their flavor in time, Tbey stood above the world Ia a world apart, And sbe dropped ber happy eves And etttlHd the trubbling yuhaa Of ber anppy heart; And the moonlight fell above her Her secret to discover. As though no hutuun lover Had laid his- kisses then. The hero of Lookesly Hull said ; [any ao evening by tbo wntera did wti wntoh the stately alii us j Aod our spirits mined tngetbor at the meeting of tho lips. The dranmlio kiss has nttiaoted con- siderable attantinn Intely, Tbo wny in whioh Emma Abbott kisnnd that hnnd- « Oiwtlo, who ploys PACK to ber ifxiA, fa too, too mnoh. It ia re- corded variously uu "emotiomil," "pur oxysnutt," "spODlunenoH," " nbsorbiog" and everybody wontlered wben little jmm* learned lo kiss in that way. Sarah BeniLimit makes a, little rusb nt her vis-a-vis, and kisses himbehind the ear before he knows what it is all about Mary Anderson's kisses remind aa actor who plays with her of the time be pot his tongue to a frozen lump post when boy, and norf all the old boys are look- ng for frozan lamp posts to kiss. Here i a daring bit of ionti ment: Up to tier chamber window A slight wiro trellis grows, And up this Romeo's ladder Clambers a bold white rose. To her scarlet li|is sLo holds him, And kisses him many atimo ; Ah me I it wua be that won her, Because ho dnred Io climb. Detroit Free Press, We aim to keep in our boot and department tbe beat makes only. dii It WOB their flmt night abourd tbe steamer. "At loat,** ho said tenderlv, "were all alone, out upon thedeep waters of th« dark blue sea, nod your heart will always Wat for me as it has bant in tha tl" "Mjfbeart'null tight," fihft an litgb Heels re. Low Ueelnf. Tliis is tbe question whioh agitates the breasts of lovely women at tbe ineaeut inoment. 'I'he Parisian boot aud elioe- maker, Uie tha Parisian niillinera, never iu novation of f«abiou without it a radical one. High beets, for some time, have com- manded more attention t'-au tLiey de- rved : for altbougli it is coacedeJ that ey add tothfl contour and symmetry of a beautiful foot, yet they aavo dune more to cripple the feet of lovely womeu than say othor modem deviation. It is argued, tliougb in the iatcrest of liigh Leels, thai fur dulicing on tiie protucDttde, they materinlly iucrease Hi« grace and carriage of tbe wearer. TLH may be true, but there are other consid- eration totho American woman, wliiclt are ol, fur more importance. Titt' Euglisb low lieol is pruverbiul in Eog- lund, aud thcuverugii Eaglisli girl iu not only a graceful walker, but sbo in a vig- one of sucli lusiingstaviuK qucfi- tios, tbat a ton mile walk over lier limeatone Uilli is only a jnuut for uxcr- clae. To any that Hid American girl in in- ferior to ber English sister in energy, imbitiuu and endurance, is ta atate aa in truth. True, tbeEaglish girl may be if larger p'jyuique or of more robust aa- ure, but her nervuu* energy and JJOWLT for ecdunicue is scarcely up to that of the American. The EugHali girl, while Laving a de- cided ndvnutage over tbe American in talking imutniiiGU as ber training in tliis Biit Is oommeuoed at uu early ago, nnd ber shoes aud walking costumes are better adapted for suuli healthfulflierci&e.yet tbe American girl is fully capable of uudegoing quiteas muflli, if not tt greater strain upon her [luystDiil nature when sbe is compelled to. What we want in America Is the iu- tioiliictioa of walking parties, BUCU as thny Luve in England, parties consisting uf a levy of pretty girls with their geu- tlemon friends out for a ten mile walk ind talk through tbo country. Not pour conventional prominaile at a fuuerat ruae, but » Dtiek. walk, sucb ue will teat the endurance tbe blood cureiog through, the voina, opjnlng tbe porea of tbe skin with ii healthful, invigorating persipira- tion. Wbot bettor plnco is there tor inangu rating this custom than right here in oar own Philadelphia ? Where is there a more pleamnt tramping ground than onr Falrmount Park f And to iow tbat we are earnestly interested in Uiie matter, we promise, right here, to [ivc Ahandsome chamber suit to tbat couple reporting at onr store. No. 810 Market street—upon lion or, of course— a half dozen tramps during tlio summer <t the greatest distance, nous of wliicli are to ba leas than ten miles. Tbis will not only prove a prize wort!, winning, bat it will OIBO net es au incentive to the winning couple to mar- ry, tbat tbey may avoid the necessity of dividing a price whicb they have jointly wan, and even more—we give them credit for the rest of their furniture, and take onr pny inoasy weekly or monthly payments ; and, u we have a Branch Slore ia "Wilmington, tbis offer is open to tbe "Wilmington girls oa the same conditions as we make for those of tliis ciy. Now we don't care a snap whether high heels retain thoir present popularity witb the ladies or not, neither do we care for the modifications of fashion, ihoe We bsve ladies'bigb*heel gaitore and slip- pers, and tbe Borne stjle and uakea with low beels. We aim to keep our prices 'ery low far superior goods, and oat* erms on boots and Bboes, whether for ladies, children's, men's or hoys' wear are as on all other goods, one dollar down and one dollar per week on A bill of $10. Everybody knows Groo. Kellej &CJ'BOU1 Abe Special Credit Empor- ium, 810 Market strset, and they know now that that is the plane for high beelB or lowheels, whether tbpy embcrk into tramping expeditions to win tlia prize we offer or not. Tlie Master Saddler and Ills Daughter. Perhaps the most pathetic episode of tlie recent cataBlrophe at Nice was that of which one Qlovonni Bettecohio, a aster saddler of Turin, was the hero. Tbe unfortunate man, having been Bummoued to Nice by some business en- gagement, took with' htm thither liis only daughter, an intelligent child of 7, * to whom be was passionately attached, aud. whose fondnetts for music prompted her to persuade her father to purchase seats in the doomed theatre for tboper- formances whicb terminated so tragical- ly, fle scoured places in tbe front row of Ihe gallery, and woe ooonpjing tbem ith bis little girl when tha alarm of fin., ran through the. house. Snatching the chile) up in hia nnaa he endeavored, and successfully, to break through tbe mic-striclten crowd to tbe gallery door; but during tbe straggle liis dar- ling was tarn from bis grasp. By an al- most anperhumao effort hecontrived to ro-enter the gallery, by that time plung- ed inall bat total darkness, and, while groping about among the overthrown seats, cungbt bold of a little girl, insens- ible from fright, whom ha carried out iflto the street fully believing her to be liia own daughter. Slio proved, bow- ever, to be a strange child. Hastily setting her down upon tbe pavement ha desperately fought his wuy for tlie sec- ond time into tbe burning treats, from wbioh be never again emerged alive. Bis charred cotjjst! was found two days litter among tho ruins of tbe gallery Too Snchr Remorse There had been a feud of long stand- ing between two Galvesioii darkies. They were continually fighting uud quarrelling. Not long tricca one of tlemdied, and to the astonishment of colored population tbe other one attended tbe funeral. After tbe fnnetal services were over the Ec-v. Aminidab Blodso. of the Blue Light Colored Tnb- rrifiola, met the surviving enemy, and iaid. impressively : "I was much pleaaed to aee yer ut da obsequies ob yora old enemy. Hit does credit to de goodness obyor« heart. Hit Bhows dat jar don't carry yore presnntl- menta beyond de grave. Eberybody in praisin' yer for yora goodneBs." "Idunno kuowobout dat ar. I bad to lose hall a day's work attetuliii* dtt ar funeral, and do Bible suys 'Uisneu iattt turf ple&Hare flUerffard,' aod I took de pleasure last end did my moil nftor- rf 1 reckon tonght to be asbameij blL"

FOR THE BEST TEA AID COFFEEtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-05-14.… · of FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE . Order by mail and;o t your sootln frcsli an d tli o snme

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Page 1: FOR THE BEST TEA AID COFFEEtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-05-14.… · of FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE . Order by mail and;o t your sootln frcsli an d tli o snme



The Dover Printing Company,PUUMbHEUS urn 1'ltORIETOltH.

Ofllce on Mor.it 8traet near Blackwell.


iHVililAHL* in Alf.-r"J-.

O n e Y e a r - - - - - - - $ 2 . 0 0

S i x M o u t h s , - - - - - - - 1.01)

U V r e u nmn*M - _ - • _ - _ - - ^ GO

~~ A D V E B T I S I N G R A T E S .

I 1 •** | a WKH 3 U

£ 1I1i







1 MO.

| 1 7<"i



PUKE OUUGS ami MEDICINES, PAINT;Oil's, Oln»n, liniKlicb, 1'urftiiufrv, &<:

sold tiy JA.ME1} A. fiOODAI.E, tlie f'i.inciDrujtsiHt, ufD-iviT. Hiorc..|»'ti "i iHUNiuyfor iho mile «r Mtfifiaiiti-i only from 9 I.. 10 AM inn) rriim i tu 5 I' M 4 i l y



FOlt nil Hit; nriudmi linn of blcam?!!)}^froia Jliiir Y<» ii to Liveriitml nt LOWKri'J

IUTKH. &W i'llM-Tt) Ol-l CUU-.AT ifJtlTAIr-iKlJllU'XAM). 10-1


A will kept hoi. ] witU «v( ry it'jnwiumili

•ml UIUM at 'lii« I'liirTanJ , 'w , ) r l uunc

kept on hum! imd hold iu largo or mui.|»ulit io.

H. P. SANDERSON,iflsI.T !u WAfiON n,,rl I'UIMAI,]: Wunli U'lllll

OM'OHI'IK I'liVKli Dk-|''ir.

7.«r)i).ri(i!t. All kin,l,




Counsellor at LawAND




Corner of Jllickwell arxl fluRB«i Hti.

DOVE LI, N. J.I.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Hornet mid OirriftRi-s to Lut.


DOVP.lt, N. J.



Counsellor at Law,ADD JIASTER IN CIIAK0K11Y,

Offiuo in tbo National Union ISui.k Itinklii.^

SliAOFw ^ L Hr., DOVEH, N. J.



Hot Air Furnaces,

Of II.. l«l,-,l ami m.ial improral . IVIM, fc


STOVES, RANGES,So. AUo.vuriolyof





t,EADKH8,ntiil:i]| MmiBofJoMiii,* luniYllni

u tho boHt mjuiwi-r anil at tlm AI'OTUH

. lii^lioti jirkon }inld Tor old Iroii.

;ior leal mill |ioutor takcu ia tuuhang


JOHN Dil l


S A . T . O O T S T ,

SUSSEX STREET,(bGtwuon the MANSION COUtfEoiHlDorijl,)




1111K HiiliMirihcr hnn oppiic.l ii new vanl ntnrth" ranmr of ULACKWELI, AND



Cor. Illacku-ell a n d Kilsaex fits.DOVER. N ,1.

I. B, KElQUnOUK. A. 0. RMI1H.



Offloa over OEO. 1UCF AltDS A Cu.'n HT0HE,

DOVER, N. J.flpenln! otTipe lionre on Batunlavs frnm 8 A.

M. till 19 M, 17-tr



D O V E R , N. J .

Offiuo aver A. W.R.itun'B Btsvo uaii tin eloro,n-ls ltUctwi.il Rtreul,



ON I N S T A L L M E N T S .

WM. 9. WIUGHT, Dover, N, -T.Lock Box 58. 8 If


STU oiiiiiiod a now wlt'op in Dover in Seiring'i!buikliin.-, COItSKR BLACK WELL AM)

BEIlOlSN KTfl., anil invite t i epa!ronnf,'( of t!n> public.

Horse Shoeing

Agents for Fairbanks' Scales an&Tei1'williger's Safes.




iKricQltcra ImplementH, HCMIB, Feriillzors,i o . Paii.li, Oils, OISHI. .:lo.


dZOKOK S. •"ilorrlatoni , Dee. 18tb.187a

McKinnon Bros.

Axes and Edge Tools,RO0KAWAY, N. J.

It famnir. been reported tint tlilnoW-eHtublif-bfcd and wcil-knoiTii .irni bus (.-one out obuflineBS, m Uko Tliin moaus of infrrminf: tinpublic that anch ix not tlie c»»e. Wo art* stilIn business, linTC! no ciinnectiniinltliaiivotlietlrtn whatever, and slull con turns to matin ou*reli-known eaodn willi groattr care1- uian overAll onr Roods aro bsDil-ranJo tlironcliDUt amwe are thu only firm iu Itocbawty nmkinfi »u«iroods entirely by hand. Water Tu/ern fuforgci m specialty ... S'-U1


LECHORN FOWLS.rwpeatfully Ib.nh. tlie publlfl /or the pKtroc^e <tea nait uaioa, and amtronce. that L< 1. analpreiand to iiitctali * « • fop tbe hatching ,uao

' . twancea r.lw. H.vTug pnroh«Cd • prli« ooel

" - - :.*<3raTB WASTED FOBTHB

Tlctised New Testament,>• nada b j iho mo.! imlnaol aeholara of Eig-land a&d America. Hilt Iba price of OQRei-pOBdlOg EOflilll alltlOi. Large type, l.ocn






oli'Mlntrwlnonlj. I "j SUPPLY HTOHE9 I

conns atilli ilie BEST

LOWEST MARKET PRICES.This part of Warn-a Coauty ia iiotud for itB

GOOD BUTTER MAKERS. I iinmlle all kiiulsof FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE. Order by mail and;ot your sootln frcsli and youd tlio snme djy.

ffni. me, jr.joRii.ii,BLAIRSTOWN, N. J.

' . O. BOX, 23. 3-U



Having enlarged our store in order to betterfacilitate our increasing business, adding toit a -work shoj> and leather and finding room,and having purchased the stock and bookaccounts of Ileinl & Co., thereby consolidat-ing two stores in one; also adding an im-mense amount of Spring goods to our alreadylarge assortment, gives us, we think, owingto our excellent facilities for carrying on theboot, shoe and leather business, combinedwith our exceeding light expenses, advan-tages that no other establishment this sideof New York City possesses, to give our cus-tomers the best boots and shoes the marketaffords at the very lowest figures.

LEATHER and FINDINGS.Although we have always paid some attention to

this branch of our business, still we have never hadfacilities to carry it on successfully until this Spring,but now having a room devoted exclusively toLEATHER AND FINDINGS, including all kindsand prices of sole leather, wax upper kip, calfskins,sheepskins, blacksmith's aprons, shoemaker's tools.All kinds and prices of UPPERS, in fact everything•equired by a shoemaker to start and carry on his

business, and will sell everything at any of the NewYork price lists. A call is respectfully solicited.

March 30tb, 1881.


UH^FTEB OCXn.A imppkmeut to an ict entitled "Ail Mt oim-

cituiDj; cenieierjr KWOCUIIODB k&d regnkt*ii E tlm cloolfan or truateue, ippro»ed Aprr

tbouund eight lmndnd tal l

ii E tlthird,HTf'Ot1. Be

bmoted by tbe So ante and Qcner*

iubl? or tbe Btilfl-orNew Jenny, ThatamiuaUleotfctnaJor trpstees bjld afterelection fur trustees, .prorfded for Inl t tiooof tBe aat (o trliiob thii la

h l i b b hili d h l l bp i n iil at Hitt fctm

otiooof tBe aat (o trliiob thii la ttt, Khali be br htilni, ind shall ba? i>rlDGipal offluu or Uct) of butliiesaiu at puob cemoterj compiuy or wu at p


isi;E :&."':•


,re bt'ltci tlifin "old vcrcj) tens,

COFFEE! COFFEEhiding Iticli Old Moclm,

fi. One trial uill pmvo tbm B80, retailpj ut 7D «ts.

i fnct.ier Ib.

I m OH X,t J i lVH, Xu AT^lC&l

iti'il. Always frosli.

Our liieh

COFFEE!i, Sootoi, Rio are oil

SUG-ARS SOLD AT COST..D<] Moi-ris Count; will do well Uy pateha mliul/itailts of l>ove!

•r supply from us.uf* tlici40-lv

_ _ . . , BUII pruddud, fnrtlitir, lint theroviBioDH uf ibiri *oi slmll nnl eiiply tu niit-ma ur toupuuiiilii retognincd HB oidiuir;rtioluu of luud ; provided, liml tiic mmo uuut Iiijuriouu lo liinllb, and LbaL tb« irtidea

i. ku&ho It on*tt*d,Tb»t tbat State boftrtuf liealtli nbnll, irvui .Imo to tliae,Jlx Ibeimtiiol TarikljUilj p«nnii»lble lu ttufiafrtioleit luoJ, ut ilrng ur coropoocd, tbe ttsndnrj QI<b!cL in DJI eitublUheJ by taj mtlODil phw-

6. Audio It enacted, That tbe State boardil ajcilLti than tnke ouguisctiiice o( tlie intereilsit itiij public lic»ltb, ait it rtilnte* tu ttu tile ofuoa uid ilruga, nod tlii) »."

THE DOVEE LUMBEB CO.•ffors to buildurs tlio best opportunities in tho purchase of LUMBER

>f every grade aud description including LOW PRICES aud tho grout

.dvautago of having

.Lumber Worked to Orderiy machinery at tho placo where it in purchased, greatly lessoning tlio

cost of building by tho groat saving in manual labor. Ouv

stock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, MouldingsLUMBER of every diiBCription, and especial pains arc token

to give satisfaction ID every particular.

WM. II. LAMENT, Soo'y and Tiena.I. VI. SKinmn, Gen'l Ma



tl-niRtlo axe lim long eojojeil

7 for F0HM"*MATJ3niAL

t . With nui>- «piiliitiCP9 for

'inkManvUhcr stylo needed.luc lire sin clly fjnml-wiilo.



Witlrbctlnr fncilitioa I au» onflbletl to jintKLATE HOOFS cbeipi-r titan ev#r usinR

ne but tbo bewt tiuklilj vt ululu uud eia-oying flr^t olattn Diochnnic^. I r4m gnar-toe mat*rial ncd work in every jmttlrn-r. Tur Hliontbiug Ftlt alwnya OQ Land.Dftted Octobar 13th, 1880.

H. RENST&OM,. The Tailor,

ifttillin buelnoRH, opponito Iho dxpot, nnrill pn; strict attention U> the makiDg of

FIHST-CLAS8 CUSXO6I WORKat low rates. Olothiug clean ed and ncdttlrcpalrsd. ' fi-lj

IKA C. COOPER,MASON AND BUILDER!Contraota Ukea ana maUrula rsrnlaLtd fur


•idall taoda of «mk, "lulltr oraaiCK a

; ., . iriOHB. ' ; jOBoa) pjldar.Ts» lasli B u bnlUiBg^Uprrli

•' mmsoni,*.'. --!Uifer>












WHANN'S PHOSFEATE,Bone Du»t, Guano* Pondreite,


WOOD sawed ia stove lengths.GOAL.

STOVE, EGG, CHESTNUT.Ortlsm mij be »ddiet«*3 ibroii^b tbsPoitEteo Look Bos 98, or lift ftt i . BeBnor'ioBi

In BUokwell 8t.,n«« SniMH, t>rk\ tlbytriJ,

BLAOKSMlTIf i COAL eo'niUntlj on bisd






Ib»i»lw»yi on faaoil % tall tad fret)) stock of

rtdd ooi tit

R'^ABONABLK PKICES.It doeia't p*j to eiptnmebt irltta floor. I lk

j.ir gracer for th* fttnou

andUkaWotber. :It' l l d Uld'-anan aT

on tbla9Qa,aHnpnai

aTBTTUltQa,bnDiMainl. ; .

tiK. Haflrtanum haa it,iB,l Inoreaud bit Soar



>n.in tbo naid *it pr<,TidaiJ for ( »*t .„tiiifil ek'Caiunu, cTtjrj IWBOII »f till) ie iiLins a lot In wid otMiitery, and Is caw ofltil or nt'vur»l dwuerulnp in »nj tat, then in ohiu or tlio parties 111 inttregl • • tlie mojoritjownfKlnpiti iuotlol Hhill denlRDite to rap-

° ' m * y ' *uo role fwoKh "t wpul-iOU ili»U RITI, »

oiy. mere tlmn twenty-flfe voteutinn fnr UUHIOES ; *ud tbe per-Iliu Urtt>iit number or tlie *gle»eltctlon, shall lio au4 remain tbis uFtmoli eonipaoy until tbui

itm uie lafffallj appointed ; and u u>» appoiutod atitiofi auDUil cleolioos, . ,1 , , , , , , , fr llmI.Xdwnora.iDddial!!>•<.] IIIB uDmberor trniteuiprovided iij

id l>u it onaEled,*Thar this act iball lake

'pvuii'wiirc^^, IHttl.

CHAPTER CCSVU.adulkration of tooft orill net to |]

1. Jto il vuatlud b> tiiu Senate and GeneraliKiniii.t uf t)ie Hiatu of S tw Joricv, Tlisf[wi-hiJii Hhall, williifi Uie Billed,New Jer«oyihiruniLirti.hrtvn, ..ffcr f<jr nala or eclt, »a*mk- (lf I'mid or tlrugx, wliicb in (dull a r t l td ,Inn tlm LiK'niii.]),' m [(il* iot,aQil«[iyperBODat I ii K iljin provision alin-ll bft (ioomod guilty

iNindrlii^ur^ur, JLLIII Upon COUTIOLIGD (liflr/m "II I,,-1 iiniulicL! by a fine Dot uiceeding aitam mr a firat offeuop,»Qd one Lutidrourii jru a uw:iu([ nnt\ tuhuntucnluflunco*.

AIKIIH; itmiHUtutl/riiiit tbo term -food,iHiid in Ibis net, hhsll indlnde every artielo1 Icir loud ur tlriuk, by aiuu, aud I hat ilie

"iu lh(H Air ind

.__jt,Bbi ,.-eiteroiiuKo.

itd.Tiint invirtjclo aball

s pliiruitl

nltbouub tberpnbiloiii.p

b b b

tn'rifjth.nui.iily tir imrity Ik id down in :

Tln!d. If it» uh-euntl ur purity fall belowlit proli'MScd BUtidairii u lid IT wliiuli it in mild ;

(bl-.IN THE t-ASB OF F<]OI1 (IB Dili NIC.

rir»t. If tiny Hubuliutu or tmbulaucci. has (five bieu tnnt'tl uitii it. MO as tu u'duce t,iwiT, ur iiijiirtuuril; RUL-OI IIH (juulny c

bwuiKl. It any inlttiurcrclioapor sub*tiner HiiIjtitanetiiiiavebdL'ii Hubudtutail wliullj c

y wuit lian Lief i ivlmliy o

t l l i ii U i

stitiicut of Hiurt abataotod ;u or or bu uuld

Fillh. Il it ciiiiniEi wiioJly or in part of aimdor dccouipomjil. oi putrid or rotten ani-ul or vi'gotable buLntunco, wbatlier tnminffts-ii(.d ur uut : ur in OHBO ol milk, if il ia Uierudiiou or R iliBoased animul;Sinb, If it Lui'ulo.ed.ot-caatod.or polialied,

r purvdcroi', wliwitbj UAUiiue is eoaoealod, orirf luinic to appeal' UajELor (liavu it IOMIIV ts ci~

B-vciiin. It n cuuUm any addod, puiwtiinrttlieiil, or my mgrf dient wiiicli tuny ro;

; ,it< limB tu bo t

um» tu tho htkitli urovidsd. ibat tlm HtnL t approval ot tli

lare wrtaia arpeclare

al ot tlio aovutaia artklei o

b ii

iwaevtilbeimbliDliuiuf KDtburisou ox |

cut1 J oil.1. Bu It onaoted by tlie Senate and Ocneral

Uaainbly ot tlie 6!ate uf How Jersey, Tbatffhenuvur tho board of bealtli in acyoityof.Ii iu g u t e sball after duo t i n win at ion and coo-udnrsliuu dBturoiiDo ti / tdfolutiuniu writ! itKadopted or uonoitircd lu by twothlrds or Uielupmliura or baid board, that it Is oucesBary forilie iiroaervation ol tli» pubifo lie&ltli or thoroYuiitioli of tbo oiuncoi uprimtl of dlaonau,iat n sflwer or drain, or sowers or drainsliouldilie conitrauWai IQ any locality In laiditv, null sljaU cortify to tbo c^tuuioii cciunoiir otlnTletfiHlotiveur gDvoriiiuf; binly of auubit.v, ennli rCKolutioD, and tlio ruasons fur

tiliich it was adojitbd, then mi comnwnL'Dunoil or (jthur lti(;[aliiti¥O or povtruing body,

judfjoiutiv fctiili icwor or drain, nr

__ (Iraiiitj to'bu coiiBtruotod, althoughtlie limit, of authorized nijiuDdituron for publicluiiiruvcineiita In Bueli Cily, would iburoby beixcecded ; provldiid, that uuoli oiciiaa of oipon-limro eliafl nut, in anv cano. exceod tba ar -it flttf tlionnaml dollnrain any one your.

Hi] O i l B C W U r O . > - - * • • » ! . . • • * * • • | . - X L , .X-X- _

lotion uf (ha icgiHUtivoor Kovurning bodyan.* nuob elij ill ^lifting Ic^ai rcqulruiuentavith m^poot Lo tho iiotivo of ifktuutiou t*i cou—tract tho same, slull lx> tu all rcupoclt com-ilivd with.a. And be it wiactuil, Tlmt in unk-r lu pay

at- suoii iinpnTomont* it tilii.ll ba lawful foru id oitv tu rauke tomDorary InanB fo atitiolpa-tlou or tbo eolluotiou uf asHUaiHinuaU bcrefot,

id tu atjeure tbe pajweut of wuib bans byibt ct)rlifli?atei of the city ; which loans mayi tnado put-smut to a resolution of tbo ittglv• Tiling body ol BBitl city, and aballlatT

not ouanwutu: auld luaus may ,

cwiU ttii'riHJr, uutll Bueti ashtisamentse Niiidid Tondrd ; and no auoh ooniHuate shall heili.l iu auj rtaiitlc), if itiaund «rter tbe lame of

JO amount hereby liuiltod ; and the ssgesi-menu for iucb improve aim t, when tn^de eiii.llba applied a i culleclod, to ihe caymonC ofeaidoertlOsiH ad t o n lu p h

ydaiH alter tin paHuupu Ijnaid of licallU slitl

l l l,0 Illd vnfoi

mtioof Ii

uni [luceunary to ticil-tbiu act, and prepare

actiriR «"

Kai.Uumrd' ^ 1 ^ 1 1 ^ "ddiiion tu all tmmaBald bi'nril, an amuunilt^d (iLiLLurn lor tbd purpoiibo iuuviHiDDHortbmu(M.And Loit enacted, Tlirtt Ofiorom'.inKoroqioBinitany

otiztd uudy apt't ux acc

?ry (iors.

II bo und t

SOIILV. aud onu bmidr«(l dnd uubntquentotl'duco.7. Aud bu it tuaHtd.Tlif

uf tliis htt tli sll t.tli iioviBbn f ii h t t s l l bu tro»t«l ar.ilpuciHbwl an u mitdiJiiuiHiiur, and wlincvtr «hillunjiude, obritroct, hinder or otherwiHu pnitcut

iialvuit, iiii>p«:i;lur cr ymtHUUiiliug u£Qcf,r,u pvrroraiiucu or his duly, uhnll Lit

l e u n o r a n d s l t i l b l i U l ty, imlt

I a iniHclimeunor, a n d s l i l bcliaUlo toiiidictlontsnil pnoiuhment tlicrcfur.8, Auit lie it (iimciud, Tlmt auy

T u€la incunaiilont with t!it; proc t i n hereby r t pun led,5. And to iv ounclcd, That tbit tat ulisll be

or partsa ct this

mud a public net, mid fill nil tiriiuin of thirty diym '

jv«d March 35,1881.

I he-

GIIAITKU 0CXVIU.sppplement lo an act cntillud "Ac act fortliu bcUiT HcaDiily uf clip«aliord iu mvbaiikn," appruved Ajjril illlb, one thorn

l!Bllo i\U"nactedUbyl>thl!IIB«tiaUj and GonAssembly of tlio Blatu ol New Jersey, Tluttbo tlrat nection or the sot or winch lliia is a

ij'tlio Hamu IB btTciiy amended no us lorend as fellows;

I. lie it enacted br tlie Svtmte nud Qencrkl.Buei.ably or tlie Hiata of Now Jersey, Tbat. aliill nut be- Inwlui from and aftor tlio pai-i Lk uf tbjH net Utt anv saving banka ot olhfT

ni|.itratoil UULILT a gLnunil tir special act olliu lu^laldtui'!! of lias Stalo, and any proi0i(i>i L-oiitaiiiid ID tlieoliurieror aDj supplo-iout tbci'citr ijl uuf:li uaviijga bank urtiHViueaiHtilutKiD tu tbu coitr&rf, to luvuit ibaintiuvudtpOMitdil ivitb iliDBame inaoymautior,

ol'eiur obliyatidns of tbe United Slatas, orlime fur wbicti tliefitttb of tbe United Btaieai dittiiicily [ik'il^ed to nroiiito for tbe pay-ifiitof tlio principal and mierest llieruf;II. Iu the in tut eil-bearing bonds ot tbii

tbe lii


uds or auy Slate In tbo nnlnovitliin tou yoars (.roTiooi loeut bv any aocli bank or iottt-1 in tbo payment of anj part or

.UJIT JJIJUL-I|JUI or iiiteroai In apjdubi authar-zoil by oiiy li'ulalaluro of aucu Utato to bo

°IV- lu iho Block* or bond* or any cilj, towi

o tbe niiHiorlij of aoy law of thin Sute, or ofHie citiea of New York, Brooklyn ami Pbtladd-pbia, or ID any interest-bearing obligations'UIUBT tbao lbu*e coajmsDiykDonu islmproforatnt ctrtifioattw), iBnuvd bj iho city, totro oboicuRh (D stiich inch bank or imtltmioiiball be Hilnatcd.

V. lu Londc seenrod by. mortgigei wbicb.Jill bd *fin> lintian realoitatu altoftts inthm Htate.anl iforth at leait doable tho imoun ttoaued ibtreon, bat not to etc cod eighty paroeul nm «f the wholq ilepoblti alta.ll bo go loautd

~ 'atfd ; bat, in caw lbs loan la on nnlm-ot ocpHwiactiio real citate, tha amonn t

,__tUereuu tbali oot M more tban thirtyp«rcontnni oflla actualT».oetaiidno inin(&tln any bond and mongaeB aball tu nby an» MaviDgH Unk.^xcept upon (be report of* Mnmma8oraHfli.it three or t h e - J

dir«!lo«'tr traniietuf aojanchbaiand a roajoritj;uf wiUb cwnralttee

ibtll pertify to tbo «lao or tbs

their b«at]i. _ , r

and prcaerTed tmoDB tbe recordi of tho initi-Inliutt; ,, -

TI ID real F I U ' I atrlotly In accordance witb(hi following Dtfnrlilaiii;

wberona I* erected, a, ing or bnildinia requia.,. ._.

cpn'entent tnntutlon oritabnilaeH^nd fromportkiDf nf which,not required foriUotrn Die,

may be .derived ; the ooata of inchT bni!dine» and lot aliaH In noeauypor centum of the Vet inrplaaof

a pnrobuetl byi

•o pitrclimud, UOIPIH, HIMJII a|mbqatioti byauobcorporation u tbe State Ixnwd, h»tt>f[ ihe HU-(w*liion of urtags biuki iu tbii tfi*t«,fbeNAU« bball eii^nd (lo lime nltbln wbifih inchaalaibftllbft tn*d*f pmriihd,-that nothing 1Uila u t tiiil! baoonBtniftd or hold to aiwrMfeot or repeal tbe pfori»Ion« ol Uta fonrtL

tloD of tbo »xA Ut which tbJa b a supplo

" " l And lw U enacted, Thai tbii *ot ibsl) Uk<

Approved Marob'iW, 1681.

An aot topreTBtttaamlngawJ.hfloieof gamingimplannjuti b j BilaoiHii plawi "whtne aluo

liolEo vlttom Mt* aj|^^ *Jiitiy?ri of i&toiloatinff

-Artiablj uT tbe Stttu'uf He* Jersey, 1'tatit auy prooriotor or kMp'or any BHIOOD nr oliterplace tilten aloofaotio, itoitnt or nail oquori,or jiUOTUttatiiJf dtinkaof t n j kiod are aold,aball hiuiaelf. or bj Ut aKeal, barkeeper orother employee, permit or allow In any §0ohpiaot t o ; gaislDg by mlnon. nr *oj playing bjuilnurR, under tlio age uf oisbtneo y»ra . witulardi, dice, bUliard or pool^alla, gr ant otherarticle, dune , tool or loitrament whatever,mob an are ouul in RUtiing. be shall be deemBdlo ha*o eotnulttoEl * nlttusmaatior, aud uponoonWorton thereof, ih*U bu aubjeai to a fine orimprlaanment. o r bath, aa follow i for the firstuffeuce a Doe of not l eu than ten dollar* andaot more tban twenty-fire dollars, or impriaou-meal in Ihe conntr jajl for a term not exoeed-ing ten day a, at tne discretion of tbe oonrt;for the tocoud offence, a flne not teu tban

uau-fite dollfw^Md not more thm fifty dol-s ,or iDtprliotmiBnt ID the county jail for -rm noteioeedinft thirty data, at tbe dlionn of the court i and for «aob and maty mL

lequent oBenoe a QUO of not leas tban flitydoliara and opt mare than one hundred dollars,or lmpriiotMntut io the oonnlj JaiUur a. t«rmuot «KceediDg tbroo tnontbi, or both, at thedlBoreUOu at tbo noart; nroTifled ttalaact analluot be eoDitmcd to problbt plajuig by minor*wtabti aooomiwolec. by a parent or Kuardlan;ur fflien paroDts or gQaraiam b a n prevloa»Ijgiven to tlie kwpornf t!it> BBIDUUorotber flaoe

fiiniHBionUOll HallMIL.•i. Aud bai t enacted, Tliattbiaact abtUUac

effect ou the firat day of April, in tbe year ofcar Lord one tliousaDd eight haadrea u *


OHAPTEH OOXX.i a act aulhoriiiag the ooomrnctfon of aewen

ur ilralus iu utrUln aitiei wben neceaury tolEmtt

d the

4 A

, Bad torn?nC ofeo what

4. And be it oa&otM, That. aHOMUMatfi forIOQCDIB [Km inch impmrtWDj RIJAII M U^MIO,triad, oojlaet o4, au i IK> t paramomil llBn,oj>a»lie landtt and real ostato spvaially beniBted

tleneliy, iu coiiroruiKy .witii ptQWtiaa^ tjf e i 'iuRlaw iu force lu licit ™l? W l l l j C'kpcct

ui-tto ; aud if tbe said ouflts and elpouiidEi ol-cotid Ilie smoant of ituch1 iisamed

b l ll b id by Iha i t id

city, aniu|f ihoatBH

tlnaisii uf thv iinouit tLtmid city: »tni tbu mnney

aB nlurfiijid.fliillbeplcdRedtdlUer tbn olilii;ati(in of tlio city Incurre

ti n tliu slid vtorV*.l Th

ftyd In

li tliu slid vtorV*.0. Ami bu it eiia.deil. That m order to fund

any toniporury liuloliiodiios criiittj livany cityHJiltTti.Ei nuaiurityul tuix act, in mUifjialiuuil (hocollitticm of Much anB(i»nm-;i.[B, it shall)[> Invfnl Tor aiich city, after Bale or tho html*

ig boily tu huue I U buixla tor sisch sti amount,tut fucui-'dhiK Uii) imonul of lltiia piiroltasodv Maid city at itrt Male fur micb no paid anaoija-iB!it<| l.iciiririg socl: ralii of lutsn;a1,(iKit aliuvoiu legal riloj-aiid pa,-abb at nucli tinu'U unitiHiiimr an tho Icgiuktive body of a u d city.nil [letormtne; antl wboncver any boiii,*mil be issued bv any such citv citj iu fnu.l iis

li'inporury ind'Ulmlnnsa an arurc^ilil, nil oiil-itfliiiling cortiBcutCB of uidctcdm^H uf aucli:ily, issued as aForuxaid, nhall be hiHiiediath-

1 miil uancollod ; and thfiri-afwr nil inuuuy*liviu] nti ac^i'niiitnf tlin rudctnptliiri nf rtnl,to BO sold for wn-h nnatHgraouts ahill heigtd to wimuitBBiniurs of a sin king fund>tod fur tint pu.po.HO, ami applied tu thornont of SAII! boinis at maturity.And be it onnciud, Tbat all acts, Rineral

xpccial, inoonsiat.'nt iiunmlth, are licrutiy ro-faled, siid t)d. net sbull Lo a public act, and

VpproviMl'jtaruhV'i, 1861.


,n act to repeal an aot entitled "An act for

eigbtb, one tliomaml oigbtb bnudreil tvii

1. Ito it tmncttd by Ibo Senate nod General^Hiunbly rf tlm Hlattt uf New Jersey, That>m irl intlttL'.l'* All act for tbe goTorttmeut of

d March oigbtb, one tbounandand Hcvontj-Bovoo, bo and tbo


lie act tntlite.litnji." iipiini*iditcht licmilrt d ao

i hb

CIIATTEK OCXXII.in vi rolBtivo t» railroad onwIngM, and toprotoiit actsiilmitfl.1. Uo it liuuclid ly the Siuate and OflnenlvHumhly tif Hie State of Now JemoyJ That

wbtm-unvpublio lus.l crimson (lio mac) bodind I root- .it miy railroad onmpitny Iq it isH'.ntc.it Hhnll lint be lawful (or Ibo Biiripyoriof the liiL'hwujH, or othor budy Laving thepower I.. la.v out or raoalo publiu roid* \fi thiiHlatc, to IHV tint or locity a public road I Or tinancb lailnmd and track*, within a diituhoo ofira hundred foot Ofiuch other pabllcTO^tl orroaaiog ; provklod, that this act aliaU" notpiily to inp<irpnrat*(1 tiitlna.i. And bo it rnftclcd, Tint this act IUHU ba

eutncil nn<J talon ti be A pnbllo act, nnfl ib&llijievfl.jotii.imi'dfalgly.Aiipiuvnii Mirch 25, Ifl81.

A PQp|>li-uiBut tu an aot entitled "An act con-curniiit; biiduea ind turnpikei," approvedMarvb twelfth, onu tboamad etftht linndr^landievi-uiy-t!j>bt. - '1. So it uiiftctud ty tbu Henato RQ] CUnenl

ABBBtnbly or tlio Siaic or Sew Jerney, Tb»twhenuTtr toy turnpike or other pobllo road,or any part tbereofjn toy county of thla Statsshall have boon putolianed and acquired, tbalime, ia fir as It I Us ID any townstiip of taid

uoty,ah*ii,*t the oaat and cipeuso of tboid township, ind not at the cost and in

. t _ _._1 J .»_*_ a_ I . . . ^ J — J Lif thfl nald rounrj, lio graded, rcuinikHii. rimuiritd, iD&ialunod aad ktpt n

\BMI1 ox proper by tho inlp, ind

ant a uf «aitl tuffDnblp, tbe name or sorna por-tion tbereof ihail bo macadam>ud, aatl mobpradiuB, n-'gulitlng, workiug, ropitrinfj.niain'iJuloR, lieoplnf np and mactdaititEinit ahallio done bj such potutiu oi persona aa may forttint purpotie be employed by the town com-"ntttfto of t*id lowohhtp, and in a neb iilnuneria Raul to»H comrrnttocHba.1! order and direct;uid Iho anu>unl of moaey nnoeHBary tor payiujrhe C"«l and (lorraniig tlie expeu»o aforovaidibatl bo detorroiqej by tlio mhibitaati, uf ml aowuship in itin enmo niannar ID which tboy

jow are oi hereafter may be authorised by lawto dotBrmmu tbe amouDta to bo expended for

iwniliip pariHiftOe, i.oJ (ball be raUud byl a I inn in tbe u n o mannsr ai olbor towc-lip tATcn.2. And lie iionactutl, That if inch road, or

-iTpirt tbercDf, no •« aloroiald pnrehMedand aconlied, ihall furni tbo dlriiion line be-tween ttruur more lowrnhipa ID an; ounaty ofttili Hutu, and if upeciflq porthioa tb 'Bball fca-fo \ietu allotted or aasaKtud, intnaacBraimtTbflioLharizud by law. taaaid;own*bipi resrt>etrrely, to ba by thena-erailto,~?Kalatcd^woriF<3, repaired, maintained, kept'jp and micadimiHd, tho auaaot loaaafe-*taM to bo: railed lo any township jball --L- ' -^poadedoo (bit portion qf «id road

aforeaatd allot tea or aiilvwd to "sip.; atidlboiaUaWtanta of.a*id tf.._

ibiptbail In,oo owe be biitdrMpontilil*: tori t padiny. regaUtmcVurkiiuc, repiirinj,

.J1<1 road aut,alk>tb>d or^aiaignvd to said U. . „ibip aa arprculd. although lotnc part tbareorn»y lie within trie boanuary line of aaid tow \ihip; but therefor, (be lobabltaati of (totawniblp to which "

I«tMk.r«oI •».; II.of aalif tnwnafalp.

* A*ib« ll«uta!,<Tb»t at n a n ail i [ I l * * t o

not of Money io ai aforoMEd to be expend-ed thereon, and also tlut portion of §aidamount to be eiponded in macadimiKing the

IB. ir any, ibiS be apeointid uu tbe ballot*be roud for, and be determined

oftbetotee, ai other amonnU to be. „ , _ Jor towaiiilp • •determined.

«. And be It enaotea. That if, far any reaaoii,tbe AionjiQt BO to be nipunded on luob roada*afor«»*'d, by inch towusblp, rbill not havibwo voted for and deUrmined at inch aiuieflOan, tlietimo oQmiaitt(se nf auott lowimayi at their diicrulion, reaolrc that amiet.ug- be b«M for tlienurpMOoftfelormla-loff tbe amount to be ralana fur K>peuilitnrean «tld road, and the portion thereof to toeweaued in nuoadanusiDg tlio aaroe aa<DOIICS tuereof, and or the tune, plaoa, andubjoot or pnrpoao thereof, obeli bo girett;" ~ J

the game aha(l be held anj{ oondnnted Inmauner reqnlred by law' in other cum•pociaJ town raoeUnw.

t. And be it pnaotod. That said amount to boexpended oil Mid roan by aatd towonblp, ihaltbeasiieaHd and DOllwUtt by the asttenior audcollector, or oihor propur olScer or ot&nen <ilaald tpwDnlilp, ID tbe manner aoa at the timeproaoriiMHl by taw far tbe aiKfimtJiit and col-looticn sf other tovmhip taxeB, and forasiea>•linf and ooIleotiDK tbe acme mob offlcmrt ahilleaou rwaelve, BE aiddttiutial oompomatlcn, feeeeq iil to the ooe-half part of anob, feei IB tfaaymay by law bo authorized to receivo for tlia

—iut and eoUtjotlon of Slate and county

6, And be It enacted, That the aoi eutltled"A aopplemeDt to an act entitled 'An ast ooa-cerniog briihcea and turnplko*,'" apurovedktaroh t«olfti, ODO Ihottaatid olgbt hundred

and aeventy-eigbt. which ia?plement was ap-proves March fourteenth, ODD tbomand olfrbtinndred and soTenty-uiDe, and the act entlf

"A eopplemant (o an aet entitled ' Bupplennto an act oonoerciBg brii'.goe tad tuiuptkoaapprOTed March foarieenlb, one iboiuaelgbt hundred and leYeDty-nine, wbtch aupple-ment was anproved Harcb four tit. one tlion-aand eight hnndred and eiglily, Lo apd tbtnine ire hereby repealed.

7. And be it enacted, That Ibla act shall takeeffuot Immediately.

Approved March 35,1S81.

0HAFTEB OCXXIV.An act conoaroiuK tba compematlon of or

tniBBionera of high ways.1. De ii enacted by tba Senate and General

Aaaembly ol tbe Btate of Now Jersey, Tbathereafter meoohera uf any board of cuminie-floaera of hluhtraya in any towngbip in thisBute, elBotedander and by virtus oftbs pro-vialoDB or any apeoUl aoL at the tlmtt and in;he naauoar that other iunuablp oBleeri areelected, aball not be entitled to receive anycompensation for their lervtoeti as mob oom-

' igUmeri.., And be it enactotl, Tha-t all aota or parts

of acts, whether peneral or apooial. lacouatat-ent with tbe proviHlotis of tbiB tot, be and theBatte art) ueroby repealad, and that tlila aot

aall take effect Immediately.Approved Harsh 35,1581.

OHAPTBIl C0XSV.An aot lo provide for ibe rooordlcp; of surveyi

of tbo ronto or routes of rallroada wltbmtblH Slate.1. Be It eutotod bv tbe Sonata and General

' ' Jf tbe State of New Jeraey, That iu-here, under thu pravibisna of aiiy

_.. of tble Htate, any survey of Ibe ron'e orroutes or anrralliodd autborued by any lawor tills &mo, or tbo location or luoationB of

ber wortn, baiidioffa, oonvenienoea. apput-maucaa and ipueudagfts tborcof. bavobere-if-jro buen depuaiied ur sliall lioroafter boipDBiled io UiB offiue ut tbe aecrotary ol Btate

. aliitil bu tba duty of th« dooratary of etato.upon boiDK thereunto requtmtod by the cor-

railoo oneratinc such railroad, and with tba.jeot uf tbe board uf directors of the corpor-itiuu it gulf, whose road any be leaswt orMiuraied bv any other railroad, to rooord sticliiurvor at l»n«tl> in_a proper boon, to be by him-iriiled at the expenae of tlie Hlate, for tbat

•pose, upon payment or ibe fetig provided by_..' fur tbe reoordlnffof deeda; and Ibe recordifurpsaid, or tbo - transaript ol vueh reoartl,

icertified to bo a traa copy, under the aoalOBicrotai? of state, •ball be luoeiTeiT in

'Icleiiceinanyouiirt of this titatB, and Bball>efl£Ctnalpruorof tliutmrvey ana location of

tlio ruDlo or rootea, worka, building a, con*renlences, appnrtenantus and appendajica ofinob railroad, is delineated or expresnodleroln: provided, nothing ' ' " "i nit rued tHknpiy tnanyctligation la now ponding.

OHAPTEB OOXXVI.tkid other pub-

lic pollcea.Ii De it oDBcled by the Socsto and GeneraltHWbly of the State of Non Jersey. Tbat»il Oitlea lo thUAate Lbe ordlt.ano.-s pauaej

j tbe city ooanoila tiiereor aiwil be pabliuliod[Bat'.e*it-one newipapur, printed aodpab.Uibcd-w the clly attaotetl by aald ordinances,•r at leant twu Insertion* before aald utdl-»nee« ahall beoome oporative and binding.2. Aud be It enacted, That tbe Raid city

ouncilH shall publiab tbe annua! fiaanoiiulatemcntB of Bach citloe, in at lenut ouu uuwa-anor prlntoii and pubUHbed in tljo cttF forhi.h said fluancial itntement la made, for atinn-, two insoriious; and nil other publicoticoH, required by law to bcpnblisbud in enjminicr, Hiiall \K imblbhcd in at Innst onuliiv papL-r in Niilil citits, fur at leant two liiKOr-lutia ; pruviiU'd, tiiut in any onao wberu auoli

aijern (tljo.ll not buof tlnmamu lwl'tital party,nil as oil tlio pjipcrnpnbHubed in Biioh city aio

3.'A<I«1 bo it ewurto'd, 'i'hftt Ibo newepapnr

itints. end u!l otlior public iiolicen, iliull haveJCOII publUbud for a period uf two yours befurnlucb iiuMt«ationsoaD be legally Da ado therein,LDII tbat tLe com pen Ration for publlalilng ibe

noniioaisd onTiianeei, nnanolat nUte-uud utlicr public uotlcei, Hhill ba tboa is now allowed for logal advertising inito, and no more; and tbat in suchB now hare or may hereafter bR«e uoraio ofllcial psjiff. tbe ordiuancea, publicmid oaici.il miiiiitoB of tha monlcioulin mid dl7.»ii;Jl bo publiihud in slid

ilMiiinl pa|)i>r«, ami lint tbe comnemat.on Formuli publications, In cities having moie tbanIIUJ iiwiiint pHpor, rih.ill be fixed l>y tho autbor-iou appointing uncli f»pera,4. And bu It mactcU, That all acts or partst flcta iu conflict villi tliitt act. are liorebv

n-pmled, and that tliia act shall be deemed itpnblic net, and aball talfo effeot immediatBly.

Approved Maroh ifl, 1881.

0H.\.Pl'ER COXXVII..a ad to amend an not entitled "An aot toeatablinb a ayatetn of pnbtio Instruction, •appipvud llaroh twcnty-Bevrnlh, one than-nauil olgbt bnnilrcd nnd soventj-four.I.B* it eiiaoted by the Senate and General

Assembly or tbo State of Nev Joisey, Thatsection suventy-su of Haiti aot bo amended to

uad us follow*;76. Aud be a cnaotod, Tbat for tbo pnrpmaf delaying tbe oipuusoa ol teachers' itmti-ntea, the procuring or toachem and lecturers

TuraaUl mutitutea, anil other neoeuaary ex-peusitS of tbe i tue , there may be paid annu-ally to tho state «a peri c I on do tit or public- itntctloc, a earn not eiooedtng one bnntlrei]

IUr> ta ouc twiobers' iiiHtltutoln anyooanty. iu any two or morn adjoining oatmtioa of

this Htate, tbo Mint) to bo paid out of Uie statetreaiory on tho varntnt of tbe oompttoller,

IIOU iloiniiuil Bccuuula veuderod to lum by Ibalato luporlntsodctit of public imttnotlon, ofa o ejpeosoH incurred,Approved March 25,1931.

CHAPTER 0CXXVUI.Kb «ol connerolnfl tbe eqnltabtd aotllemenl of

mat duo t«.U'B nud aBHUitmcnU by boarda offliiioce and taxation in cities,1. BD It enacted by the Sooate and Genera.wetublv of thn Slato or {Jew Jttrney, That

" -•' »---•<-" —other„ - Jin of

__ city Iu tbU atate may make sneb oqutta-t>ieiDttloment of past due tatei and a»aeta-

inlft aN Buoti board shall deem to be lor the.at iutertiaU of such cittei; provided, tbat

sucb sutllemoiit sbali uot apply toanytaxetor uMBsnvuti d u alter theinratday ofMay,


Kisa me "oftly and speHk to me low.There ia a story (old of an old Sootob

deaooo who coorted a girl for n goodmany jears, b i t uever found courageeooiigu to oak bor tn many. One daafter t h e ; liad been " keupin' comimnj

about tan years, lie venturea •lolioit a kisa.

" L e t me first ask a bleHtiiug/'besaiii,and, falling upon liia knees, tie imjthe Divine

Scotch deliberatio

mdpie^dsd, forthir, tbat ,_ ._- tip made betoro the fint day of March,

bouaandalrfbt bnndredandela-hty-tb'reei,nd provided, farther, tbat tbo laid board of

finance and taxation ihall put Into the Ux levyeach year any autl all OeQctundca 4ocrnlng orariiiDK from any aottlament, adjustment orcompronilw of any U r n or aiBeiiments ander

1 ivisimii of ibis act._. _jd be it eaaeted, That all acts and parti

of aat< ineonilalent witb tbo proriabna of thisact, be> and are hereby repealed, aud that ibil

3t ihall take effect immediately.Approved March 39,1891,

CHAPTER CCXX1XAeupplrmont to an actcntlllea "Anaotoou.

oenilns oorporationi, riUriiluo], approve).April teventb, one thonaand eigbt hondrei

l.UDee!t enaoted' by the Seuato andOoneralsuBKbly uf the State of New Jeiaey, Tbit

In all proasediURt in anv ot tbe oourla uf thistitatB against anv forelja, corporatlou. or bad*corporate, not bold Ing ka chartor und«r tiiuItwi of this Stale, In any natter requiring: tbaIMO of any prtirogative nrit, auoU writ may beaerte4 npon theproaidont.vloe-preaidam,sec-retary, ar Dtbei head onWr of an oh corpora-tion or body oorporate. or upon any dirootoribereof. either personally, or by leaving a copy

thereof at thfl dinlllng houso or uanal plaoeof abode of attoa. officer or dlrcotor; or npon

•iy iensral agent, attorney or lolloltor, so-irlntoDdtDi on manaaer of looh. corporation.

, jd f ooh aarriee ifbaiTbe ffoodand valid to allntchta and pnrpuoB; provided, tint thla act•ballonly apply to,or iJ&*t the aervloe ol»rtt»af mamjaniua or pruiogative writs here-

wrnfter lo beemnnented or Institnted.S, And be it. eaaeUd, Tbat In oau any snob

jornoraiiqn. after tbe serviM of any .noli writararoraia.fi, aball nBftl*ot or refnae to make apropel' ntnra tberato, or sballi neglect orrMfose to obty thq.cpQiniaiiil nt any anoh trril,when l»ned upon any Judgment, order ardMre* of th* inprime eout,< nmtt of ehan-oerv, or.Riiyof the clrfloit eonrta ot this SUU,and served as aforoaald, witulo thu timo pre-•n-ibea by-rach writ, tbe aatd ooiTits aoull.haVB;Pf'w«« aod •nthortiy I« hereby Rl«n

hem. w enforce soou writi by atuahtnentfoiioit the1 properly w d ntate, (food* andchattela, rigbta and eretJUa of anoo..ocrpwra-

--,, be and are hereby roptulod, aud (hat thinact iball be a pnbllu aot and lake effect im-mediately.

Approved Hardi 25,1881.

CHAPTER COXXX.Ar aot roapeelinp tioeonoti in oMes, ineor

*icd boroueha ur police, mHilary and itn-provemont cummimiiona aud incorporated

of tbii State or New Jem", TbatLagemby of thu State or Neit shall be lawful fur Uiouuiunniiit aid or m th i

m*, TLatucil, bmudd rjf aldormoo «r otbpr fmerafug UoJv o f - „ ,

Olty, jUDorporatort hiiroiiKli nr ]>i.licc, laniUrvand tmprosumeut otinimUiiiuii, iuuorporal^dcamp nteetiug seBuciBtlcneurneaalde reaorls,in tiiiB State, to make and oHtublinb oidiunuc. i.[01 lu« fultutriaft pnrpanua, vie : Lici>uio mulregalata cartmon, poners, buck, car, umuibosmilk haKun, stago anil truck owners tuii ditve n , and carriagbii aud vuliklfa uued fur tin

urtatfun of jiflbBorigertt. biKRaRO, imrao, goods and articles nf nay hind

„ -»eer8, oommon crinw, bswliera, pm]dlora,pawnbrofcGra,Junknhopknipcm, kuuporHof batfi liomtis ami IIOWB etuiidn, awDupit am

in, traveliDK "Lows uud tircaeus, ant

a ratoB ut conipt'imivtioii to be paiitbereror, and to prublbit uulicuused person«and vehicles from.scting or ueiug n»ea ia nuulicapacities; and Ibo teen for aui'b Ik-ouaoB IURVtie Inipoastl f,r revenue ; provided, ibut r 'enun or pornotin aball be ifquind to tuut a lioKt.BB/or tlie aeltlaKufmn productU farm eittiatod in tliu Stale,a. And beiteuactoJ, Tliut tbii, act slmll bepublic act, and aba I) Uko offuot jmmedialely.Approved March 25,1881.

fie next, with due ciron inspection ut h d i b i Liimself

at the kiss,WIIBD,witb afiouiiditigsmault,Qiclaimfd, "Eli I WODIBD, liatit was

good 1 Let us return tlinoks 1"Tbat prince of goad folown, Jobn a .ue , hits added tliis to tlia kissing lit-

erature :

Give me kisses—ntl is wneteBavetta lnxurv*uf tlie laato.Aud for kiflsiug—kiaaea liveOnly wliec wo tuko and give,

Ki«n me, tlien,Ever; moment nnd agniti.

There are poetic ]cieaen nm! Vlatouickisaes—such as t ie beautiful MmaBecniD.Br gave to Chateaabriaud; thajoare bistorto kissefl—»uck as those ru-aorded in the book of Genesis; spiritualkisses—Buoli as Solomon tells Q-A about,and treacbernus kiases, thnt bttnt;.

And tlie jest Bcltiotn slipsBut it strikes a teuder ohord ;

Anil a kiss was on tbe ItbaOf tLe wretch tlmt sold hit Lord.

What is the sweetest kiss in tbe tvai-ld ?Who can toll 7 Passion puts n atiuginto his kisses-love is selfish—duty cold.Tbe kiisea ol triendsiiip are mera com-plimeQts. The kiBa of reconciliationbetween those who truly love abould betbe a wee teat of nil kisses. There is a

iss tbat is the embodiineut of purity,itmooenco and tender, tiuaful love. Itis a flntlaring, clinging, rosebud kiss,that leaves a memory as pure and lovingas itself—it is tbe baby's kiss: ;

MiBtresB Mary, quite contrary,How does tbe baby grow ?Co lio spells and ears like nhellsAnd kisies from top to toe. <

It iB upon the baby's kisses ( W tbabeurtof the mother lives.- Oh, the litlla ones tbst Imva beon laid away bap-tized witli teara and kioaes t tbe kissestbat were given not bnck aguio. and yet

aich were so dear—ao dear."Dear, its remembered kisses after

loath," Bays Tennyson. \

There ia a pretty . legend tbat CJiriBtid a dimple ia liis chin, laid there byi angel's kisa, and whoever he kissed

would surely receive that dimple ; so tbeGermans say of one who has a dimpledchin. "BbeisOhriot-kissett."

The kiss of respect is given npon tbe'oreliead ; that of ndmiration upon the

; that of beauty npon tbe cheeks.The kisa of love is given upon the lips.

I t is said men do not waste kissesupon eaoh other when tbey can do somnoh Letter, but IL every oilier chapterof the Bible flome old patriarch full*npon the neak nf same other old patriarchand kieacs him, and the fatter of theprodifcal son ran and kissed bim, andHenry Ward Boecuer kissed TheodoreTilton, and, however, distatofolit maybe, met] do kiss eaoh other at tha pusenttime when tbey meet after long ab-sences and are closely related, or hove aDavid and Jonathan sort of frieadaliipfor each other.

The late Princess Alice, eldest daugh-ter of Queen Victoria and wife of anAustrian Prince, lost her life a year ortwo ago through a kiss ; two of her.obil-

a died of diphtheria, and she couldnot resist tho pleading of her dying boyto "kiss mamma ; " she kissed bis palinglips ia an agony of mot ber love and tooktbe dread disease, which resulted futoll.y.

Nodoabt the kiosea of yoang loverstaste better than any luxury yet discov-ered—tbey'mast be spooney and inno-cent and untutored—for kisses like othornectar of tbe gods lose their flavor intime,

Tbey stood above the worldIa a world apart,

And sbe dropped ber happy evesAnd etttlHd the trubbling yuhaa

Of ber anppy heart;And the moonlight fell above her

Her secret to discover.As though no hutuun lover

Had laid his- kisses then.The hero of Lookesly Hull said ;[any ao evening by tbo wntera did wti

wntoh the stately alii us jAod our spirits mined tngetbor at the

meeting of tho lips.The dranmlio kiss has nttiaoted con-

siderable attantinn Intely, Tbo wny inwhioh Emma Abbott kisnnd that hnnd-

« Oiwtlo, who ploys PACK to berifxiA, fa too, too mnoh. It ia re-

corded variously uu "emotiomil," "puroxysnutt," "spODlunenoH," " nbsorbiog"and everybody wontlered wben littlejmm* learned lo kiss in that way. Sarah

BeniLimit makes a, little rusb nt hervis-a-vis, and kisses him behind the earbefore he knows what it is all aboutMary Anderson's kisses remind aa actorwho plays with her of the time be pothis tongue to a frozen lump post when

boy, and norf all the old boys are look-ng for frozan lamp posts to kiss. Herei a daring bit of ion ti ment:

Up to tier chamber window

A slight wiro trellis grows,And up this Romeo's ladder

Clambers a bold white rose.To her scarlet li|is sLo holds him,

And kisses him many a timo ;Ah me I it wua be that won her,

Because ho dnred Io climb.Detroit Free Press,

We aim to keep in our boot anddepartment tbe beat makes only.

d i i

It WOB their flmt night abourd tbesteamer. "At loat,** ho said tenderlv,"were all alone, out upon thedeep watersof th« dark blue sea, nod your heart willalways Wat for me as it has bant in tha

tl" "Mjfbeart'null tight," fihft an

litgb Heels re. Low Ueelnf.Tliis is tbe question whioh agitates the

breasts of lovely women at tbe ineaeutinoment. 'I'he Parisian boot aud elioe-maker, Uie tha Parisian niillinera, never

iu novation of f«abiou withoutit i» a radical one.

High beets, for some time, have com-manded more attention t'-au tLiey de-

rved : for altbougli it is coacedeJ thatey add to thfl contour and symmetry

of a beautiful foot, yet they aavo dunemore to cripple the feet of lovely womeuthan say othor modem deviation.

It is argued, tliougb in the iatcrest ofliigh Leels, thai fur dulicing on tiieprotucDttde, they materinlly iucrease Hi«grace and carriage of tbe wearer. T L Hmay be true, but there are other consid-eration to tho American woman, wliicltare ol, fur more importance. Titt'Euglisb low lieol is pruverbiul in Eog-lund, aud thcuverugii Eaglisli girl iu notonly a graceful walker, but sbo in a vig-

one of sucli lusiingstaviuK qucfi-tios, tbat a ton mile walk over lierlimeatone Uilli is only a jnuut for uxcr-clae.

To any that Hid American girl in in-ferior to ber English sister in energy,imbitiuu and endurance, is ta atate aain truth. True, tbeEaglish girl may beif larger p'jyuique or of more robust aa-ure, but her nervuu* energy and JJOWLT

for ecdunicue is scarcely up to that ofthe American.

The EugHali girl, while Laving a de-cided ndvnutage over tbe American intalking imutniiiGU as ber training in tliis

Biit Is oommeuoed at uu

early ago, nnd ber shoes aud walkingcostumes are better adapted for suulihealthful flierci&e. yet tbe American girlis fully capable of uudegoing quite asmuflli, if not tt greater strain upon her[luystDiil nature when sbe is compelledto.

What we want in America Is the iu-tioiliictioa of walking parties, BUCU asthny Luve in England, parties consistinguf a levy of pretty girls with their geu-tlemon friends out for a ten mile walkind talk through tbo country. Notpour conventional prominaile at afuuerat ruae, but » Dtiek. walk,sucb ue will teat the endurance

tbe blood cureiog through,the voina, opjnlng tbe porea of tbe skinwith ii healthful, invigorating persipira-tion. Wbot bettor plnco is there torinangu rating this custom than right herein oar own Philadelphia ? Where isthere a more pleamnt tramping groundthan onr Falrmount Park f And to

iow tbat we are earnestly interested inUiie matter, we promise, right here, to[ivc A handsome chamber suit to tbat

couple reporting at onr store. No. 810Market street—upon lion or, of course—a half dozen tramps during tlio summer

<t the greatest distance, nous of wliicliare to ba leas than ten miles.

Tbis will not only prove a prizewort!, winning, bat it will OIBO net es auincentive to the winning couple to mar-ry, tbat tbey may avoid the necessity ofdividing a price whicb they have jointlywan, and even more—we give themcredit for the rest of their furniture, andtake onr pny in oasy weekly or monthlypayments ; and, u we have a BranchSlore ia "Wilmington, tbis offer is opento tbe "Wilmington girls oa the sameconditions as we make for those of tliisciy.

Now we don't care a snap whether highheels retain thoir present popularitywitb the ladies or not, neither do wecare for the modifications of fashion,


bsve ladies'bigb*heel gaitore and slip-pers, and tbe Borne stjle and uakea withlow beels. We aim to keep our prices'ery low far superior goods, and oat*erms on boots and Bboes, whether for

ladies, children's, men's or hoys' wearare as on all other goods, one dollardown and one dollar per week on A billof $10. Everybody knows Groo. Kellej&CJ'BOU1 Abe Special Credit Empor-ium, 810 Market strset, and they knownow that that is the plane for highbeelB or low heels, whether tbpy embcrkinto tramping expeditions to win tliaprize we offer or not.

Tlie Master Saddler and Ills Daughter.

Perhaps the most pathetic episode oftlie recent cataBlrophe at Nice was thatof which one Qlovonni Bettecohio, a

aster saddler of Turin, was the hero.Tbe unfortunate man, having beenBummoued to Nice by some business en-gagement, took with' htm thither liisonly daughter, an intelligent child of 7, *to whom be was passionately attached,aud. whose fondnetts for music promptedher to persuade her father to purchaseseats in the doomed theatre for tbo per-formances whicb terminated so tragical-ly, fle scoured places in tbe front rowof Ihe gallery, and woe ooonpjing tbem

ith bis little girl when tha alarm of fin.,ran through the. house. Snatching thechile) up in hia nnaa he endeavored,and successfully, to break through tbe

mic-striclten crowd to tbe gallerydoor; but during tbe straggle liis dar-ling was tarn from bis grasp. By an al-most anperhumao effort he contrived toro-enter the gallery, by that time plung-ed in all bat total darkness, and, whilegroping about among the overthrownseats, cungbt bold of a little girl, insens-ible from fright, whom ha carried outiflto the street fully believing her to beliia own daughter. Slio proved, bow-ever, to be a strange child. Hastilysetting her down upon tbe pavement hadesperately fought his wuy for tlie sec-ond time into tbe burning treats, fromwbioh be never again emerged alive.Bis charred cotjjst! was found two dayslitter among tho ruins of tbe gallery

Too Snchr RemorseThere had been a feud of long stand-

ing between two Galvesioii darkies.They were continually fighting uudquarrelling. Not long tricca one oftlemdied, and to the astonishment of

colored population tbe other oneattended tbe funeral. After tbe fnnetalservices were over the Ec-v. AminidabBlodso. of the Blue Light Colored Tnb-rrifiola, met the surviving enemy, andiaid. impressively :

" I was much pleaaed to aee yer ut daobsequies ob yora old enemy. Hit doescredit to de goodness obyor« heart. HitBhows dat jar don't carry yore presnntl-menta beyond de grave. Eberybody inpraisin' yer for yora goodneBs."

"Idunno kuowobout dat ar. I badto lose hall a day's work attetuliii* d t tar funeral, and do Bible suys 'Uisneuiattt turf ple&Hare flUerffard,' aod I tookde pleasure last end did my moil nftor-

rf 1 reckon tonght to be asbameijblL"

Page 2: FOR THE BEST TEA AID COFFEEtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-05-14.… · of FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE . Order by mail and;o t your sootln frcsli an d tli o snme

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Priuting Company,

Saturday, MAT, 14,1881.


rdconyenei] for tbetiunl meet-Ini on Tuesday mnruitiK af 10:30 oVlook,with at) Ihe tneinliera pi-Mont,

Tiie miimles of the lust meeting werenad aud appi-oxed.

The whole nf the morning seas-ion wnstaken up ia the consideration of a targenumber Pf bills. When tbe bill of tin-Sherlfffor boarding prisoners wns rennlied,Direotnr Jackmu called tbe nlloation of th.Biwrd lo the fact tb*t he paid a vMt limlw«klotbo Ewe* Crwrty PeniienLinry fitOftldvell, nnd while there leamtd Ih&t theircost for boarding prinoin rs wns but mni; awl» h»ir cenlH [Mr day, while Morris County i«

la p*>rdny.

B R P J K ,Tbe BUaual reports of the Htuinlhig com-

tnitteesw^re mail?, from wlibh we exlnclthe p l |x)io

iThe Committee OP Court Ifame and Jailreported Hint Ihe mne had been kept clun;•ml ingorni order, t a l k e r with tlie Rrmiix.pertaining therein. From Ilieir uppropriitlou of$3,000 they bnd eu|j<ji,ileil j-2,4!1.3;ileaviiiK n tialnuce of &G8S.07.

TLn Committals on Lumpy reported tbitmont of tie Ocnnty [wtienls Iu tlie MorrlPlains Asylum are ijiRiimblc. Them nro flliti all—20 ii\n\cu and .11 fetnulo*, O * liubeen thera Bince 1H54 and aeve>-. from Uto twenty yam. Many of t'.xm are "--/ilewi And in the opinion t>' !'• ..umiiiittcould be removed to SOHK olher place HItept nt mnt-b lent expense, From the pr<(Mil nils of uicrenKo of infinity cur ijiifwill Hdoii he filled in tho n*yl.itn, nnd t.comity will l o obliged to lunbe seme titfaprovision lor ils insanp. Umler tlio pri'wrlyslcm the inBnno cofiUtbe Stale nud Mrris Connlj J12.4HO eacb jeur. Hume ntetbe asjlncj at fbe txptcae of ihe county wnhouldbe private potientn.

The Trustees of tha County Poor lionreported Ihe valuation nf tbo properwithin tip LoiiRii nud ua Ihe farm|7,iOSC7. Tlteto iuive boos supported (TBingttiey«r238Ppr8Oii—IBS pities and 'fatnales. The number nt present ia 11.1—maleBaodflfl femnlen. Awrnga during tlyfliir. UG. There him been U births an.U detltn nod It children have been iiitjredfo responsible jinrlles. Tbe t i plooarred in farming, tare of property,porting inmates ami jwiaous OUINUIGbourn nnable to bo rumored mni re.jinwistAtace, including IIOHRU and fur Hi 1Slew-nnl'a sulary, provision*), dry gololhiiig, fuel. rcpiiin., pcrtniineut im[ments, farm tools, stork, eta., linn IIPKI$(].8B2.fi()-!cBS old bills ]ifti<l to thacf $080,1*)- mftklijg the EOIUHI ex\HtltfTW 95,(103.00. Thia tnakefi IIIego dnily coat $in.2f, r*r &y, r r a];ij ccnis per flay for eneli of thouombarolpftiipcrB Riipimrted. Tho icondition of the house riming lh<s ybeen good, A peirunmciil int| rovemeut hut-bees miido in nn ndflilinn of SO feet tn tlwgon honne. Tbn whin of ibo firm prdtiee for tbe year in 54.C5K.30. Following »ithe products: 3CS bmheh, oftts ; GO} bnwheat; 36 Ions corn ; Itll bu. rye ; 45 bnonioni; 20 bn. beet*; 22lni. beana ; G bu.onrrols; 876 bu. potatoes; l.fiflo ]bu. Imter; 1,000 lbH. cukes; (1.228 Us. bee838 lbs. pork ; GO IOUH buy [ C.GOfl Iudice com ulalits; 10 tous utiuw; Kill Itilard; tnriion prodnw, pnnllry, etc. TbiOaromllteo recdmmend tbnl tho mirth viof tbe main building, known us tho sell'honne wing, bo thnrongbly repnircd,

Tbe Committee on Iiitomiire ronorlpolicifa to tbe amonnt of $19,000 on ICourt House and Jnil; $500 on Conrt Hoiburn ; $10,075 on poor liotise 'iinildiugH nm#2.050 on contents of tbe same, ft,amount of premiums in 1264 G8.

The Oommittee to nettle witli the Slier:reported bis accounts coimol, and tbnt tliei« M due him the following nnni»: For boiHing priBoners—fl,C08 ikys nt 30 cants pei

Conrt, C147; cate of Conrt House nndground*, $150 ; total, $2,30G.

Tbe Cciuroltteew to settle with (he Cotrry CollcotoT, Court House and Jail Oommilee, and TnstcfB of 1'oor Honno, report'tbo acconnU of each aa correctly ]rejit.

The Oommittee to settle with the Corn.Clerk leported bin ucccQutflns correct; thbe bud received for the me of tho conn$BBl.7B,Miiabaa dblmned foi tbo oonuS073.O1.

All tbe reports were Accepted nnd onlwrecorded in tbe mlutitea.

County Collector Hkellenger presmted hiquarterly report, which will be pnbliahcineit week. Itn unraninry shon-ed theceipta of the county for tho year lo bnv<bean $IOS,CC1,43; disbtirFomenlB, $150,17067; (pitting a balance on Imnri (it clute$1W.SM.7G.

Mr. Johnson, ofCbalbani, me tie tho htntimtnt tbnt be hnd paid to Ibo County Colector, In December liwt, two Kerns, amountIng to $87.60, for which no credit hnd ;been announced.

Mr. Hnrdin moTstl Ihe report be recciiamlpnblisbeil

Hon. SOB. C. Yoiingblood spoke mt a cizen respecting the report. He bad como!fora tbe Board aware of thi ftict that theseAmounts bad been paid tho County Collitor, and thnt they luid not bean nonrediledI t may have been on error—doubtlBiabut before tbe report wae rcceirsd (lie Co!lector should etnte wbetLer tbe amounthme been received

Mr. SheUeogtr u id tbe omission wierror for which ha could account forby the foot thnt he wtvt of loo hmried iibownew by many porsons waiting for th<pnjmetit of fctlbi. nnd be mpponed at HUraBastblH the miatckemnit huTeorenrred.

Director Jaclucm anid hg tlooght tlieColleetor'i eilenHon nhrald hnve been .

;e matter before a publla dlgphy

The ColEretor gave credit In his reporifor the amoontu in qdentioa nnd tbe reportw»* ivseired and nrdered printed.

OoantjCUrk CondlotprenDDted nn item'izftd n'ateraent of Ooatt 6ms received <litbe ;ett to the nraonut of (980, whicn mmrcoeived nnd ordered placed on file.

A it*tem«nt wfti presented of foes to thetmonnt of 9160.60 dne the late Fred. A. DeMotl, Esq., ProaecaEor, which had beenpaid tha County Collector by the Sheriff,resolution wai pawed direct ing tbe CountyCollector to refund to (he Sheriff thiiamount, that Ihe nmo might be paid to (hiexecutrix of Sir. DeMott, according lo lav,

Mr. HardinnrTeied th« following, which•wnn adopted nnnniraonslj:Wherean, OUT Director, Dr. J. W, Jacfanon

bat datlnn ihe part y m filled the pori.tionofDircctoroftbiiiBMid with mart«d Ability nnd pmmptnpM, nnd with tbemoat g*nllemnaly impitrliMlty nnd court !••sy to all Jtn mambera ; therefote, bs itItanlvcd, Tbat >M B» eipreiwfon of onr

appreciation (hereof w« hereby tender himtba uaanlmonn thanks of tba Board.

Mr. Smith offered tbe follaring,WM BI*O pcuned by a ananimoos vote ,

In erpTWrion of onr eBteem, and of thscordial co-opention extended lo eacb com-nl tue and member of this Board by tbe Dl-iMtor,

REMLVKD, That Dr. John VT. Jnekpon beiovUrf tomoel with the new Bonrd, Maylltb, mid ndminioter the oath of offloe.

Direator Jaokuon iu a few ward* returnedbin tfasaki la the memben for tbnir nnlftcoarttey u l anpport, and declared tbaHoard tdjoaroed witirrat day.

MEBTma OF THE NEW BOARD.In pomunoe of tbe ranlntion piMPd tba

day btfore. Pr. Jonn W. Jackson, Direeiof tbe late Board, administered the oatb ofofiM to tbe following members cf tba newBoard t Chaa. F. Hopkins, Boonton; W».J , BriUb. d u t b a n ; Oluw. natdJn, Cb«ter;

B. Smith, BanoTai Btoj. Hopper,

aomel iua Vreeland, U o n u m e ; L . B, Ford,M o r r i i , D . H . Wolfe, Mt, Oliv«; Tbeo.Sml tb , Paaaaic j 3 , W. Mather, FeqaBxwoo;"Tim. H . Cflite], Kundolph; Samuel Tippat,

^awftv; Jubu A. Houuull, B o i b u r y ;Jas . Aulbon ; , WaabingtoL

John S. Oibtoo, Cl . rk uf tbe old Board.e*JUd th* new Board to order, and oalladthe rail, t o wbfeb avary m«mb«r aniwartd.

Ovo. B . Smith, of Hanover, and Obw.Hardin, of Chestir, were nominated for Dl~nmtor, aad Mr. fimitli wm elected by a Toteor 8 to ft. In (uworuiCK the chair b e returned thanks for the honor aanferrcd.

auo R . FiartHin, of Murtia, aud J o h iion, of Haado.pli, were nominated

Clerk, and fr. V'wintm was Flectod by a \of 9 to 0. Tho Director then udministerethe oath of office to tbe Clerk.

lit minutes of tlio last meeting wereaud approved.

For County Collector, Wm. H. Lumber!of Itandolr/h, and E. M. Shellenger, of Chiter, we.rs nomiDated. Mr. l a a i q c r t ««it>c!od liy a vote of 9 to H.

Mim'il that tur BQiouof of (he Collr-ctohmid Iw fixed at *l(Hi,fl0. aad bis Balary

), snaio OH ln»t year. Carried.or Counsel to tka Bonrd, N. B. Kitcln

and J H. Balinoc, of Boon ton were n>nuted. Mr. Kitclu'l vna elected, 0 tn C.

T b e salarT of t h e Couunfll was &t"iSim. and t lm to f the Clerk al * l 5 0 , the sOB last year.

The following eoBiiclttfle wns nppoiiby Iba Director to apportion tha aoioithought to he umswtary for tho TBritmBa]prni>riationit of tba county for tbe comingftinr: Mftuirs. Tijjpett, F imln i t J HarJ iu .

Mr. Hardiu moved tbnt tba County Colleo.>'jf iiiftko (i BiippleiiK-nMI report, showllifllaii<:s ou hftud aud itnoollectfd (arettdate.

Tin* following were appointed a corumtee lo notify tbo County Collector of Lielection nud rctmivo bin bond,Mfttbernnd Hntdln.

TIIB following Committee ou Rules w&aappfiiuted—Hcjikiim, Mutherncd Ha-fHn.

Tlie MOJO eouiDiitteo was appointedtlfiHdlutioUS.

Adjourned Hli a r . M.APTEJ1N0OK HEHhION,

Tlio committeo tn rcuoivo County Cilett 'T Lain liert'H bond presented tho wiruu IithA sum of ?lorc,(]O0, with Ooo. RictiftrdiColumbus Bench, Jaa. II. bimpeon and I B IB. Jcllpy as iurilics, whfoh w(iu accepted.

Tbe Apporlionlrg Committee reported th<following approprlut loni :ftr\Me* Jlfl.Ofti

An effort i u made to aaenre additionalpay for the expense* of tbe Trustees of tliePoor HOUM, but tbe Counsel Ol tbe Boardtald a inuDiber auder th« law could receivelotbing but lib per diem of S3, and tbe iub-ject nas ubeutioncd-

i e feliowicg, offered by Mr. L*ai, was

L K I , That ber«Af>cr the board ofprieoDera In our eounfy J*U bo (uruiated bytba Board of Fweholden direstly throughlie Committee on Conrt Honitu and J-il,sud tbn* the county etnploj tlie Imfiper lu-t d ot pajing the Sheriff an allowBnoe for

PORT MORRIS.Olin haigt. So. 41, I. O. O- P.* cele-

brated thetr Moornl txuHrvmrj Is Piake'sHall, Bonth BtuOiope, on Thursday evening.May*.

Them were two excellent addresses by£«VB. J . W. porter and A. O. Hisgios, aprayer by S i r . Grange Miller, and' the •tug-ing was done bj Ueatn. A- B. Cop* and Joeand John Bltwll, and th«y are all firrt«luiHingent. Tbe erening w u very pleaaantiypassed. I am glad to say that this LodgeIs getting along very nicely. Their room is

Keeper's salary and for boarding prisoners j nicely fated up"Rod furnished and they ha*

irti>it>;Hun<l l'ont Mortenm.nitity Jai l ami Court House

SniieriutHident of echoolfl....Ruunty HouseLnnney.

. 1,401Ci.ll

. 3.IK1

. l.fifH

. 1.7ft

. !) on

. 11,WK

. 4,2(1

Tottd - $T0,0(iTlio report was accepted.Tba Committee on Rules reported th

ndoptinn of the printed rules of Ibo JBIoiird Pirept those pertniniug to two tisijMiiutiefK, which were aboliHhod. Adopted,A tesolntiou was paesed to authorisirtctor to eign promiRsory notes tn pa;iy indebtrdotHfi of tbe county In anticipn-ID of fnios, but in no CIHO whall thi

amount be over $. 0,(100,A motion wns made authorizing tb« paj>out of $300 to the Rbcriff fnr on

Court llou*e nnd Jnil and tbe ground1

ubout the ttamD. and $50 each to the Cleiiud Surrogate for janitor's fees.

Mr, Harden nnid ho had boen infornn!mt tho SburiiT received tho fees allowed tbi

Clurktind Surrogate. Ho moved to (im<by nlbwitig the Sheriff $:ti>0 nud notbing fo:('1 (irk and Burrognto.

motion prevailed to pay tho Sherii14(10.

A motion to Qx tho coinpeunatious of tliiSLkfriff for boarding prisoners at 30prr dny was enrricd.

£. 11. Skellongor, late County Collector,presented » aupplementnry report, shonin|tbat the pnymeniB ainOB j-eaterdny haTe TC-duoed the b.ilanoo on Land to iBC.0G5.fl8.

itus due the county far taxes fromtownahipHitt $2,330. Itecoifed aud ordered

nred on file.The Coll< ctor stated that the surplm

rtiprescntod by cash is bank.The Collector stated th it thero won B(

r.il hundreds of dallara of unpaid bills,liilt-H tbe Sheriffs bill of alittln over $2,1

After various nioliona ftnd am eu dm outwon decided to rft.Hn by tax for Iba eiponnosof the current ye ir tbo pom of $50,000whfoti Is $20,000 less than ltuityear. It was

that tlie balance of UIB appropriition of lant year be credited to the approprraflon of IhU year.

A raotioD wa« made that $25 be Mwcifor straw for Jiill purposes. Carried.

Dirtotor Smith called tbe attention of thiBoard to eome of the needs of tha presentyear. The care tit tbe inmates nt thiCounty Poor Homo in d Mem Ing of thenotice of the Board. The old, infirm, inicent and helpleRH charges of the Count

ild hnvo the kindest and best treatmvniBat thero arc a number who mate this ptacian unylum who are capable of RUpportini

It is almost impossible to com-mand their labor. Whon farm labor isd'tnniul thero is not the number tbat thereii in Winter. ThoHB who ere put to workin tho fields will break their took and me nltheir ingenuity to aToid dnlne work,recommended that some proper building bprovided where these men conld be pot

uer placed in onarga of themto make them wort. This would rid thi

tot of people who are pramotiniir nctiorjB.

ITH aino thonght the poor honae wtIlia place wbero obildrea should be reared.An effort in now boing made by a cbarilaoisociety of tha county to obtain a place fthem, which he hoped would receive tlhearty co-<ippration of every meifl5)«r of tlBoard. The atiitcmcnt tbat tha poor bomis (he cause or tbe birth of many Illegitimateihlldrea he believed to bo purely imental, OR invetftlgntion ebowed tbat withintbe pi«t eleren or twelve years but throe oifour children had been bom there nhiparent? had beet) inmatea of the institution

for nin< nths prior.i hlohts oploion'the oountjjtfl would be

largely reliaveii of rapmnU If the workin cornr ction with the poor

louBe wnH ereciod, and laiy ru^rathere and put to work. Thin U a great ex<

an tbe cost of every commitment forthirty dnyi it not leat than $12.

Counly Clerk Gondtt called the attentionof (be Bonrd to the need* of tndeiing in hliofBne. They are now Indexing temporarilyin small books at aa much cost to the county

for permanent indexing. All tba worki ill hava lo be done over, and it ia for tha3oard to say whether they will do it now, orpnt it off longer, thus adding largely to theexpense. ,

The Director urged the Committee on In-iilng to make a thorough eiamination in10 matter.

The Director announced tbe fallowing•standing committees;

O«nrt Hooso and Jail—Hopkins, Tippett,Howell.

Lunacf—Tippett, Carrell, Smith.Poor House—Ford, Brittin, Hardin.Accidents-Vreeland, Hopper, Anthony.To Settle with Sheriff—Oamll, Hopkins,fnlfe.To Settle with County Collector—Mather,

"onl. Hardin.To fictile, wilh Court Honu and Jail Oom-littee—Brittin, Mather, Smith.To Bftltln with County Cltrk—Hopper,

'reeind, Wolfe.On Indexing—llatber, Hopkim, Leek.Mi-ceUnneonB Acoounta—CarrtU Ford,Dthony.Insarance—Tippetl, Tretiand, Leek.

11 waa ordtred (bat tbe County Collpotor'tiporte be published In Uu mtnt papers aa

year at tin UIDB corapanMtioii.UUx aonfemca with tho Oonnij Clark

thi I r J « l c g GommlUea rwomDHodtd thatappropri*tioa pf »B,0M for indexing to

The following Commit^tupainted ;

To tafce up balance of worl on fiadd'Laue bridge—Freeholders «f HatObatbam, MorriB and Bockaway.

On lioonton Fondbridge and EtitlerAt BooDtou—Freeholder* or Doonlon, Eockaway, Uonlvilte aud Fequannook andDirector.

Board adjourned.

COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.Tho new Council met on Mootlny evenhen Major Kfcbanfc, AlduruiBU Beach

Counciluien Lewis and Whit look were awoiinto office by Wb. T Import.

Wiu. Ii. Lfimbertwas re-elected Clerk.Tha roll waa culled and Ihe following an-vend : Hay or Richards, Recorder Oiittei

uVn, Aldermen Beach nnd Hauoe and CImen WUItlock, Lewis aud Collard.Ths luinutee of the lastUIDBting were

and approved,

'port cf tbe Judges or Election, cfying to the election of the new members,:aa accepted.The following Bunding Committees we

atitionured by the Mayor:Finance— Be«cb. CritUudan, Whlllmk.HreetH—CriU-ndei), Beaob, Cullard.Fire HalrbmiBo, Hance, Biaitb.Oflfceraaud SuUrlw—Collurd, Hairhouse,

Wliiiluck.Police—Lew is, Biaoh, Smith.Licum-en—Hance, HairbouKe, Lewis.Ordinances—bmitb, Crittenden, Lewis.The follnwing offlccn were elected wiih-

»t oppoiiilion;Trawurer— Wni. n Tjirnhfirt.Street ConirniHMoncr—a I), ltose.Murehnl-Jfu. P. Kalley.ABMtMsor— J Huwurd Lamaen.Collector-Ohmi IJ. Mundaon.Attorney—Win. T. Leport,Jnnitor—Peter Corcoran,Found Kyeper-Sainuel BurchelLSUjil^n J. Palmer presented a pstitit

atkliiR for permission to erect a fence <Black wt-U street [GrauUd, and ordered thnltbo matter if obstructing Essex street, ifany, ha referred to tbe Street Committee.

H. Lambert petitioned for pormfa-il oil to out dawn two willow trees in frontiin rcKid.'noe on Bluckwell xtreet. Granted.

A petition, numerously sigaed by oitizeiaf the place, was presented, nekiog for IIsection of a foot bridge over the MorriiJanal, at tbe terminu* of Ikrgen street

'mil tbat Buch would lie a great oonven-to the many people living on Mt.

Hope ftvenno. Referred lo Street OoromittceiKtructioDn to examine carefully and

report at tho uaxt uiectiug.A petition was received from the market'en of the place, asking that the ordinanceforring to the lioonna of pedlars, etc, be

> amended aa to compel persons not resi-dents of tbe town to take out license toflali, fruits, veBeUblfW, etc., from wagons,ileforred to Ordinance Committee.

A ormmnnicntion waa lead ooDttltimgisolation panned at a tsmparanco meeting inI, First M. E. Cbiireti on Friday eveoing,

May Clb, netting forth that there are alrcad:oore places in this city forthe sale of intoieating liqnors than is conducive to themhlio good, imi. asking that the number beIt-areaseil Instead of increased. Rweired.ud ordered pinoed on file.

Mnrnhtil Kelley reported two arresb and17 male trampn fiooomtnodated In tbe BtttlcIOIIKQ for the mouth of April. Accepted.

Police Juhtioa Wood reported flues oclooted to tba amouut of $13. Accepted.

Bills as follows woro presented, auditedand ordered paid: A. A. Smith, «S.GO; F.I. Corcoran, Janitor, 0 5 ; Jaa P. Kellaj,Marshal, «E0 i Jadges and Olerkaion, *12 ; Hummol & Tilljer, $10; Oorpo-

ratfon Pay IV, 11 for April, »3U.8O.On (motion the following BppropriBttoBB

were granted for the use of the differeniimpaulea of tha flro department for 1881

Steamer, 975) Hose, S50t Hook and Ladder,50.Ii WHB reimhed that the Street Committee

be instructed fotthwith to pat Sussex btreetup to grndo from tha Dover & Rookawa]Railroad crossing to MoFarlan street, includ-ing eidewalka and the setting of curbinglaying of

It was stated that tha town nssntneH bythis resolution the work of the aidewitlka,the owners had complied with the regula-tions concerning them when the temporarygrade was fixed some yean ago, audit weul

i unfair to put them to additional expeni>w that tbe grado ia changed.Council adjourned.

WEEKLY 1ROM REPORTS,The Engineering and Mining Journal

last Saturday sayij:Tho wedt under review has been an e:

Beedingly quiet one, and there are evidence*)thnt "bird pan" bai heen touched all ronni).If Bach In not the CABD, effarta will beto find it and wipe ont weak speculators andjlons up some unprofitable eatabliebmentimiong tbe producers. The evidences are,lh»t there is a much greater consumption iiron at tbo present time than there wasyenr a«o. CoQf,uraera are lull or work, bul

nnl purchasing iron. ThU oan not last,I n hotter demand appears to be a L-er

tninty. Thfro are noindicatinns of its iimediate appearance ; but it can not be longdelayed , aad when it does come hlghiprices will rnle. We do not, however, «<

i;thing to iodlrote a wild Rpeonlation simi-lar to what has oconred several limes dnflnitbe past ten yenn.Ainerioau Pig.—Tho

vonl of Ihe week hasbeen tbe sale at auction of 1000 tons nAllantown and E00 toa» o( Lehigh No.Fonudiy iron at J23.75 at ElfBibalhport, amFrom tba furnace on tha Mine baaia.i>usbeea resold at $ M } @ ^ . We do notlearn of other business worthy of note.

9 mentioned lota hav« bad a very de-moralising effect on tbe market for uvemiweekfl, and conld have been :clmwd oat atprivate Bale aevetnl time* for better figures.L'his enla hail no influence on maker*1 prices.

Thereiiftftidtobe hut llt.Ue. noenniulatitooka- with maker*, There is Uik

,biiut20fiimBceg2oingoQt of blant, owitij

• nnproatAbleueci of working a porlliof them, and for the purpose of makiop ira-iroremenU in tbs others, with the' viei

•pliahing nome oconomlen In tuanu<Tacture. Ho. 1 Foundry in offered at 823"Tn. 2 Foundry, at *20 and S2IJ, bat good

idanroqaoted n follows; V.o. 1\ry, C24 and ?25 ; No. 2 Fonodry, 823iud Forge, $20.

An Enterprising Firm-Ia another oolanm tola weak appeaniammoth advertisement from JUon' A

ita-ihona, of Gorroira Valley, to whloh wedirect cupecUl attfln^on. Bealblng theImpurtanco of the new railroad oonnectioua

firm have equipped themaelveri toly the trade of this section, tad h*T« too.

leeded In making their *tor»ten for trade for the rlr.b uountry throDfth

'.lib PM-M the linea ol th« High Bridgetrtaoh. With I "/ atoolu in every de-

paitment they are prepared to QMt a l theranb of the^wiplB In tha mentotilt Uos,

and purpote to hold and extend their tndflthe offer of th. beet goods at Lbs lowest

>rioes. Enterprising and progressive, theyieep up with tha needs or the dfty, tnd hive" the new aUnutioaa la their •

ie* Their buBtnewi a'andlng }• a, auiB*it gnarant*B of fair dealing oa Ifarlr part,

id we neomtnend the reader* qf the Eatconsult their announcement «arefaU.i>, fori know they will carry ant lo the letter-cry inducement they offer to the buying

Tolm p. JfflWwn has been appointed Kahrard«a Qt Warreo Ooaaij.

money in the treasnry jut. They have b«civery highly favored ultra their institutionOnly one of tbe brethren ha* died, PetiCavanaugh, and tbo other?case only—had occasion to call on the lodifor ben«flts on aooount of siokueas. I Ithey may uoulinue to grow in numbersusefulness aud make an honorable name f<tiemnelvos iu the cotninutilty.

The temperance meeting at Olark'u SailFriday avuiiug, May 8, organized itself pejniaaeutly by electing A Irani L. Clark, EsPresident; Robert Baldwin, Vioe-PresideiMr. Uillen, SMrelary, Bad Oscar QlovTreasurer. It was decided to meet ouoetwo weeks and Mr. Baldwin was elected assort of executive oommittco to look af ler thiplace of meeting, a programme of exercises,and w»ya and means.

Ilsv, J. W. Forter propiwes to organizea Band of Hope, which all tbe young folksare cordially invited to attend. The condition being that they must pledge tbemsel'to abstiau from swearing, from using Intoileating drink, ttcept by order of a physician.That U a move Io tba right direction,

Ii<<t me make the songs of s uation, amI don't car* who makes its laws." Begiiwith tbc nhildren. It the old toper is jolmto bis idols let him alone. When ha diithen will be one man le*a iu the world whi

led to be created for no good purpieicept to warn others to avoid bin ways.And yet, 1 am very sorry for some of theseold tapers. We do not know the terribleiitnjDgtu of tbo temptation ho tries to resistHow do we know that the tante for whiskey

,t inherited IlkidiaeasoK ? 1 tuink, sometime*, tbo man whi

'111 Gave ona of these from hii besotting atiwill hare greate; reward hereafter than thi

~ irt of BencoDsfleld who wns buried in Eng<land tbe other day with all tho earlbly pomjand oircamstance thnt royalty and the priiof England's nobility could throw ardund theoeremouy. Only the other day a younfl manMat on the platform here swearing liketroopomnd as drunk as a boiled owl. I wvery mcoh BStooished for he had been oni

ist pioua men we had here for ge-eral years. I have seen him, whenever he

leisure moment, reading bis pooketBible, but one or two drinks of wblake;sent him back, like a hog, to his wallow.

I knew B young man once, who was a gooFellow to work, bright, witty and naturemade him "an smart as a whip.'brokemaa on A certain railroad and could d<his work as well as any of hiit mates. But.tire as pny day came around be wai bound

go off and have his drunk. Therekind friends who talked with him. rcawith him, plead with Lira, begged him for

is own Bake and tbe sake of hli mother,thorn even in his drunkoit time he seemed

,o love, to give It up. He promised—amleant to keep the promise avory tlma—bul

when tbe regular period came around ha badto have bit drunk. Of ooursa he was dis-charged. HIa friends did not then give hliup. They tried another department. Hipromised faithfully, meaning to keep th<

mise ocain, tbat ho would noTer touchstuff Bgalu. They gave aim one

chance. Far about aix weeks he kept thepromise and then—-one day be went b"mito his dinner and did not come hack untl•is P. ii. and then lie wan rich as a king,happy as a lurk, and knew more about railraiding than_8am. Sloan, A. Beaaoner, W,

H. LawUt; Wat Day and Billy Oampballcombined,

Of ocuww he was discharged again.n glad to t* j the habitual drunkard csn1.

work on a railroad any more. Neverthelesswas sorry for that young man. It

all hli fault. The temptation ww too HlrooL

(or him. Tha only way for men constitutedas he Is, h t o never go into a plaoa whereliquor of any kind Is sold. The very smellof U lets tho devil of appallU loon* and

t be appeased. There Is allttlB temperancfl ]pctnre for the boys for which I do miharge a cent. Bomaof tbem will reoogniithe platures. I give no names beoansa I pr«.

HftOSpore the person while I brand the vioo.1

Mr. Willlun Elaoklont one of bis obildreuby scarlet fever this week.

Mtohtel UoOrath died on Tuesday. H,IOS b«en one of the trusted men of the AllenBrothew for several years, and one o! thilast men In Fort Morris whom I expecte.to hear of dying. He was a Rreat blR, stronghealthy man. He'was hurled from thiCatholic Ohuren on Thursday. D. J,

LjWidUre, which: WHH on when we wrut t<prow ki t week, remiHoi! in a verdict fai•600. _ ^

A Princeton Reminiscence,Dr. E. 8. Porter, in some

men and HventR,.puMlKhes the following iithe Kew York Christian IntelHgenW.

" My first roorti'.inaie wu Hyxrj Oobfc,

BQOMTON.The blast fnrnaoe chilled and went oat

en Friday night of last week.Bomatblng thflt heats Bainum't big show,

S. L. OarrlsoD digging garden.The Presbyterian Sunday School will hot

its Beml-eonteuulal anniversary on Sunday,Two men were burned quite nvtrely

the blast furnace one'dsy la«t week.There are to many complaints miido ol

disorderly oonduot along our otreeU thatwould be a good thing it the OounoU wouilcet three officers Instead of one. '

Ou Hunday tbs Eeforniod Sunday Sobiheld its anniverury exerclaes, oonBletlng 01ringing by the school, and addresses b;Beva. JobnKOn, Carter and Kiogpbury.

By a vote of the congregation of theBeformed Oburoh nn Sunday hut, ftdecided to give Her. Mr. Johnson, recant!pastor of (he Parsippany PreabyteriiOharoh, a call to be their pastor.

Ou Tuesday night Mtinhnt Rherman wagawakened from his rieep by the nolne offree fight going tin dlrectl/ in front of hihooie. He took his revolver nnd Bred ontof the window, whiofa so 'rlgbUnecrowd that when he was rtady to take) partiu it, they Ui qaiokly disnppenred.

Joseph Hller was knocked down withilangsbot'lo the faant of Jobn M, Smith,proprietor of the U. ri. hotsl, on Taevening., Hllet waa walking to tha postiffloa to gat Ws mull, when Smith culledilm bock andbegnn talking with him, the;

without any warning he drew the weapon'rom bis person and slrook Hiler two 01three tiwv.' Thero hwi been a feud «iliing between the two parties for eome time.

At the ohmtiir election hold on H&tnrdajle following Were eleated [Moyor—Edwin Worman,0I«k-Wm. K^Ballsy.OonnoIImen—Jori*h Vannus, JamM O.orter, Biobord H: Biobardn.Inxneotora of Eleclion-E. U. Carey, P.E d dThen wen two tiokals ID the Held, Git-

' and CiUsens' Conwrv&Uve, TotespoKedSIT.

In Their New Quarters,The whole palillo will take a pleuore tois ansonnsemeut in pnr advartlaing eol.nne that E. Llnd.iej A Son h»va ag*inrtablUhed thunsslves on the ..Id tiU whentor M many yean ihelrgteat tiiiilnsw nonie

WM one of Uis labdmarJoi of tils commu-nity. All hav. felt a deep regret that a firm

snterprisfng in trad* should have beenoompalledbymlsfortansIikB tbat of Dm totake a baek SMtt 'mo' tanponrUj, whareihtj ODce oomtplad snoh »jprqEaloept plaae,'But with th>ir old-time energy th«7 have»me U> Ihe Very front agaiii, and with

nonse •tooks of new goods, oocupyingwhole of tha thres large floors of thslr

massive new building ( with ehgnnoe toivery appointment and. oonvuleneet tha

•t,U>eyr»k«abidfoTpablio approvalwill torn tbe obannsl qf trade to the old

ipot when they Ia tits p u t won snob anxmorable baslosss npotatloo. Drop tn

see them, too will Ond Uum asi w , notwithsUnding * » alagaaot of


Morris County Court*.TB* dual Jury ntaruad iotoOourt Prldtj

afteraoou) abbots o'clock, bsivlugfound fif-teen bil|^ of IiidletmeuL They also inatwo praaeutuieiilB, tha flnt as follows;M'lrria Oyer and TurminT aud Gener

Jail Delivery. •^ M.,yT«in.A:D. 1881.

The Grand Jary rLujmctiully presuutthe Ootut that lbcb?att«uiiou hjuiloen <t»\ed to tha present rtfpl->rjl'lu ccuditioiboth phyidunl uj,d njoral, of our oocm>i,MB aonw. malting chiefly from the iifurior aud inn<lei]tiute HCGiiiuiuodulinns af'fordid, Bud would earnestly rdoouinthat florae protnpi Hurt tffeotiTa wentbe taken to provide new and larger biings, wtih wodarti applinuca) and couvec-ienoet fur tho better care of the onfor-tunate nud dtppciiiiut potir of our count-rifo the ond that rnnrn effeptnsl « P * » Jnow OF THE BEiKa limy be Hunnrt-d, andpropur diuttufiiiun or cLAuairicAWoNuWie betwoou the duHerfinrt poor, nndwho are pvitptim tr m ehoioo— that thefirmer ahull uut be wiruptllerl t<> itswiciutawith tba latter, ninny of wlioiu areDona of idln, vtcioiia and immoral baliud alto that every eff>rt bo miuie onpart of tlioNe r.ffldak huvitiff chume of tbimutter to BRCDBE FEBXASKST HOMESTHE OHILDIIES, IInw or lipmifier lieiuimi rhnrgo oil the oonuiy tit I lint tuwtilnti

The Gruiid Jury Impe by enlilug theeolton to tun citiaeus of thin cnauly iihis public iiiiiauor lo tbe couii.liou ofmr C'mnty Poor Huimn, wilb iw limited

.ud iufetior HCUDoiiuuiliilioni), nnd lbs evl

rtices resulting ttierefr.nn, tout tbe; willpromjilttd to take the n-quinite mear

ureuu) remedy the dt-ieoUin h» buildiiigiuud coireotthBrvila referred to.

WM. W. ViiwH. Foreman.Tho second referred to tee bod condition

of tbe publfo highway between HcCainsvilleind tbn CrHkeavllle dejtot, in Koibury to-iblp, which, while the Ornnd Jury refratueiindicting at the present time, pointedly Bug'geeted the propriety of tho township nutbor-itien upaectily pnttiug Bald rood In propercondition.

imedktely after tbe discharge of theGrand Jury, the followlug prisoners wenbrought up and charged: Jowph W. Wal-ton, ntealtng, pleaded guilty g John Frazar,BRPault and buttery, p!Hided not (julliyWilliam HnKy, asxault and battery, pleadednot guilty; Cariutinn Nargls (a German

imp), assault and batlory, pleaded notguilty { OuNtave Koetttr, OKHBUU and battery

A. Mcllravy, pleaded not guilty; JohnKelley, lnrcctiy, pleaded not guilty ; GeorgeLomjher, David J OHOlier and Oeorga Kec-k'lnor, stwdlug water cresses from Mr.

{, of Ohatham, pleaded not guilty,m Cooper, assalt and battery with In.

tent to kilt Henry Kean, pleaded not guilty.trialH were Bet down for Monday and

Tuesday, May 10 and 17.Tbe fullawing lawyers were assigned toafend prinonersiiot alilo to employ counsel

W. W. Outlfir, Esq., for Hally i C. P. Ante),tq. for Margloi Fred. Beach, Esq., tor|i'p nf tht. water orens party.{) urt adjnurnfld to Monday, M»y 10.John Bird, plemi guilty to n-saiulliug W.

IV. Trimmer, of Qorwni VMiey, and waiiy flnerl Sfiitnd cM'Hta by the CourtOtrroll, pWd not gmiily to an {aitfur R»Bitiiltana Uottery; Oen, Buara,

wlio ploniiyiiiltv to two hidiolnifiilK-—nnu\ the other f.r br^nkiug nn<

entering the store at Gortnnn Vullbv, WHHinoed on the former to one day iu coun-

ty jail, and on the 1 at ler to tan years InItate Prison nt hard kbnr. The trinl of

thelncllctnioct flgtuattt Michael Ounpholl,fho wna indlotcd last term for nflsmiH

buttery on h K Blunormnf, wan net downnrntty lfili, mid tliat of Onnrad Drub in-lloted for n like nffunce oa Diniul Hikerwt> «-! >1r.wu f.r the 16:h inot., OH were th.Ulter indictments.

The fillowlng appeals wn dispoBed ofnine«DHiglic(t>' VH, 0. P. Girrtufir; judg-

mei t pf nn cause In fxvor of tlie appellantWm. V,it i vn. \un It >O.O. Morrow vn, GIIU

I. W. F.tnchepsniU J, U. Fauober vs. Tbut

M . Itomo, dismi*i-Oh w. WUli, non-

Mho Circuit of Ohaubvrlalu n .

He was a voting man ofmorals and polite man-

Morriutown, N. J,fine presence, puiners, Conscious -f liia own dignity auiKapeotful to other*, be was glow to givetake offence. Be did not belong lo '.he class jof fighting men. Hence, perhaps, the out-rage nfirratedaj follows I We sat beaide eachotbur at the table. Ou the opposite side,and a member of our niena, was a youngman from a Southern State', whose namewithhold. AH one of the waiters passedplftti to Mr. Oobb, It was Reised by the inpetuoui Boiilhernnr. Oobb, however, ntaiued I t ttlralgliway the ynnng ftro-eatearose, muttered vengeance and left the nrectory. Hnviug fiulshed. my breakfast I leiIn advanoe of Gnbb; and found on going onand near the- doorway, the Incensed stu&enlbalding ia hla hand a bludgeon, and twothree of l.U Intimate Mends at bis side.

as Cubb stepped Into the pathway, thebludgeon waa lifted over his head, which,

r, wan Dot allowed to tonoh, beouuselparried by his friends. A struggle then eimed, which had not Advanced far beforedirk was drawu bj ' i te maddeusd murderer,and wbleh he attempted to plunge Into Mr.Oobb's back. ' H!a wrist, "hoVevar, wa-

jiiHtin time to prevent a fatal blov,though Ihe point of tha dirk did make an in.olilou near the spinal norve. When theaffray was over, and tho offending student

ahjout to ai.tor the enntward door of theold Nassau lUU, be found It closed by tlperaons of three Blndents, ona of whom was"Pe t " HaliMI, of NowaA, Vfor hlB courage aui his skill in baling. Therate oiliniital drew n pi-iol an.) ordered Hal

sled IUU) hin frk-mls out of the way. In inatunt bin ha^d- WUH oangM, tha pistolumabrl from' hhiK a» d a powerful Wowfrom HRlittd Kent him mlllrgdown IbeatnneBtepg. Then w w bowir of. rage, whloh

turned with dr.atnae. A 'ehallengepassed, to hnvo it nut ou (lie ftontb Campm,

" ' would havs heeti tried but fortheappeumuno of Dr, M«U-au upnn tba scene.Order was restored j the guilty student washurried out of town, and » i n after left theport of Hen York for New Origans where bebelonged. Tti« Incident occurred in 183?B8, but iU .oflience led to other onliistons.The Nnrtberu Btndents were greatly in.censed, bat they kept their tempers from

expression. Halsted, ThrookmortoDand Penningtfin, with two or three others,provided themselves with wooden swordsfaniened to their b«dles with little cords, u d

.In arm walkad (ha strut* in Prince tan,compelling a few of, the special friends ofthe escaped student ta give them the right

" way whan they happened to meet.

ProductionTh<t Secretary of tha. Ameriuaa Iron. 1

l AtSteel Amocinlton bus jn ' t obtained oompletereturns from the manDfaolaraN of the pro-luoli<morbnnR.ndiil6M Mils fnr ihe year880, ]<i Lis rf-ptirt, floished Moudny, heilateathat the iiruJnotlynof all.kinds of

n the UuiteJ Statn In 1680 far sur-passed Uu prudaolioo of noy previona year.It reaebad tlie euuraooa qoantity of 1,481,-837 uot toiw. at 1,905.812 gross tout, XLU

thirty-one par oenL inore than the pio-:olioa or 1870, in which 1,113,373 set

tousor (193,993 grow tons of i ru r and steelrails waru inadn. The rail proJuot of 1860was composed of 9M.4&1 net toniof Beue*mer fttetl mil», 393,7821001 of iron mib and13,616 tons of opan hearth st«el rafln. ' Th<

70.490 put tons, or40 par eant, mom loan,t of 1879; the pnsdootlon oi Icon rails

was 73,003 tous, or 18 per cent more, and' pmdantinn of opau Jieirto'itwl: nlln

wasi460loas,or40peroent,-m<m. Ths«mar it«al Tall pr.wJaoioa iaaatnSStMttons of [*ll-rpUsd bp iron rjli-mill^ mainly tRMtt-Imported bloom-.

_ prodnelionoratwl^asV.inO is in-laded in loUJ nrndaotloa of tbe yatt, andu»tmtad to 18,894 net tons, of whichOS£t<)aiwanB*»oa]er and open hearth

The New T>** Sun b«* taken op the irab-joet of "Quail Uultnre," as the followingarticle will Bhow which Is taken from (hatpiper of bat Saturday :

"The complete domestication of quailgweajeeompljiifaad by Mr. HenrywktJjtTUriUui, Sotnonwt Coiioty. N. 3-

who bae raised the birds in captivity to the[bird generation. In a letter to "Forest andStream, giving tbe result of bin experiment,Mr. Bcnlirook exprcBHUt the opinion Hiquail eai be dnmeBtiist,teil aud rained iularge numbers as enailyan .mllong been denied thnt ijuiil could not bedomeatlcated, and Mr. Benbrook clsimH tobe the only man in the Unitci. SUUM Mho

a succeeded IB tha Attempt."

VICINITY MEWS,EtasMK County Bible Society

Docket-town, Jnns 8tb.

Fisb and other liuokstr* are now chargeda license to sell in Neirton.

Tae Sussex County Aerianltural Sooiet;will bald a Spring trotting meeting ~>:h nud 10th.Franois Fogarty-PhilHpaburg boy-jni .iu moving train—run over and killed—tbiame old story.Jesse Fluuimerf eldt, an old nnd well-knownesldent of Warren county, died at ~ " *»urg on Saturday.

Robert Bnaling, of Hackettntown, andSamuel Sberred, of Jfelvidere, have beiconfirmed aa Postmasters.

Tbe pastor of tha Haokettstown Prtwbyterian church is endeavoring to Introduoe;he free seat system in his ohurch.

A twelve-year old daughter of O. H. Loa-denborry, a hotel keeper at Phillipibtirg,baa disappeared very rojflterioualy.

Tbe puddlers at Oiford straok last week,and having been paid off, the company not

U»K to thuir fietnrtnds, tho most.hem left The nail company can afford to

independent, for they havo over AO.GOOiogn of nails on band.

remitters, of Quarry vllle, have a stoneit their qnnrry ready tn be rained, thai

ires I!2xt8 feet, mid is about 10 inchesthick. It Is claimed that it in a finnr stoupand larger than the one \V. H. Vandorbllt,of Now York, recently paid $r.(oo0 for.—

ssex Herald.Harvey Fleming, whit died at Vienna

leaving ti real nod ppraonal estate amountingabout Snn.OTK). left nft will, has twoighttTfl tri-g his only h.itrs. Ills 1»UH.

DBRS being it good itbapo and there being nojtt, it U possible that no aIII be thought neoefwary in managing the;ta>e. It w:mM save muoh Hunoyanaa ]|ffiry man kept hi* affairs in suuh shape.William Shamtoa, a stiteen-yearold boy,

was lodged in jail at Belvidere, on Friday,charged with Qsaatilttng lira. Eurz, of Oiford, threatening to kill her aud robbing hernf her 'pookethook containing $20. The

imnn waa ou h<?r wuy to Bridgflville, andn louelv part of Ihe .ond she met flhnnnon

whn spoke to her, demauded bcr mosey,nil on her refusal to give tt knocked herlown and after a violent struggle Buooeeded

robbing bor. Mrs. Kors la about sixtyfara of age. The people of the neighbor-

hood ware going to lynch Shannon.

y 7in Greece—1 oypreai, described by PsutnniBsiOQ years B. 0., and one of the two largestin the Peloponnesus. Some lflB>et high,the tree had a dinmeter at the lions of 10 faet,aud a olrouinfflrem-e of 2A feet at man'sleight, nnd of 240 feet where the branch^

wure most developed, fionfo oarelewa Gyp-ate a camping in Its sbade set fire to tbe tree,

1 ventage surviving. Now the only gfantInft in Ihe provlace EH a huge .plantain

near Nnupictua, on the Gulf of Lepauto,which in equally large, but Borne centuries

In tbn year 1880 there were ID the United4tntag 170.103 mit<* nf te%Mphie Unaduring that year SS,15G,D0l message*pent Tbe miles of wire wareaboot 309.000,Tlila dean not Inoln.lti ihe llneo naed exoli

y for rnllroad bositiena. The olhiitrifls having tKn grpaletrt length of lim

ire as follows; ttiiiwlfl, CO, 170 rollwj Oer-ranay, 41,431; France, 3C.070; AnBtrlnHnngnry, 90,403; Anslmlia, S6,8iS; GreiBHtnlu, 23,156; BrltlHb Innln, 18,209; Tuikey, 17,085; and Italy, 1G,8G1.

Woman li your true phyaiciau after allespecially when her principal remedy is thtlove potion. A gentleman ol C-dumbne,Ohio, recently became ill and his frlemdespaired of hii Hfe. He wan engaged toBoston lady, and wished to be marriedpossible beforo he died. Tlie Isdy bontenetito his bedside, and the CftrsmoDy wnsperformed, he lying En bed. .Frommoment -he began to improve, andtbera is every reiuon ID believe that hi

i rully restored to health.

The Central Bailroad is making extensivepreparations for tbe Summer travel aiexcursion season, which promi-ies to bo uusually large, tf the name cnrtful manage*ment prevails as lu past aimaoiit,, thewill retain its old-time popularity. ThiOentralitibecoming anItaportant and popuhuroad, day by day, and the effect of theexcellent management oonnnated with tin

of its trains bring it rapidly inipublic favor.

A fashionable young woman writes tofibion paper asking what shade will be tb

most popular thia Bummer. Ia July endAugust tha shade of a leafy tree or awnii

'ill lie Tery popular In the country, outthe seaside resorts the shady side of th<hotel piazza will bo ohio. Tbe sun shadsand the shade of a big umbrella will also b<P » P « .

What housekeepers want Is some of thipolHoni for killing moths, bed bugs,Bold at Vougbt k Kllfgere'a.

. . dnlck and I n n .

Many miserable people- drag themselveswen-llr about from dar to day, not kmwbauili tnom.bnt with railing strength andspirits, fcehntr nil the tine (hit. tbeyare stet<

. Alng Into their (travel. lftliese*affl)IBnwould only use PARKEB'8 Q1HOEB TOKIO,Itej woold find a core ooumenclng from theIrat dove, and vitality, strength and chaiten quickly and mnl i coming back to tl. _ _ ,

with realoratlon to perfcot health. Bee adver-tising ooJiimn,—Tniitnii.

Foi Hie by YDo«ht A Klllgore.

After al), a Rontlo purgative ii tbe best" - of curing beadsobe, liver complai

" Us«"Sell»rs'Liver Pill..'

A Miraculous Eioapafrom Deathan on1 quoted remark in oar Dewsnipen,

and vet, how nunv inch oecnmueei hipponovary day and i n unebroalot»a, nnfaeard ofand unappreciated eicept hj tha lew who areclosely ioterettoa. There is probably no largeroollwllon ot snoh facfi Ihtn In Ihe eotrei.ondenoe of B. V. ABTHUB & Go,, whoie

ElUlr cf Bnlpbnr baa nused many a gratefo;heart to aipreis its thanks for help in time ofdanger. Thti prepiritlon Is a certain core fartil di teases of turoitind]tt&Ki-«QnRhs,coldi,

itnption, catarrh,'eU>>FDS BUB IT TODOBT k EtLLOoix,

••Uether haa Recovered." .

rrou utininolt girl lo her Eastern reUtireifine took blMers for a lonjt time but wlth

)at any good. Bo ithsn she hurd of thelUM of Kldnoy-Wort ibo got a bos and It• oorapletelj cured her, ro that she can Qomach work now u she conld before we

•oved Weil Bices she hsi got well «verj-aboutherelsuking.lt."


s h » « t 1 T>k« • srn* p in 1

No, don't ttt» it and rnnrthe ritk of mer-curial pelsons, bnl wnen biUIoni and conitl-kted put a paokage of the celebrated KID-1YWORT, and It will. ip»*dlly core 790. It

natare's sreat remedy Tar oaonttpatiou, andTi l l kidney and liver . diiuses. I t acts

promptlj on these crei t ercaat and so restore*hsallh, itrengta and vigor. It la put up »1i5ffld and Jrj form, acting with equal fAcka-l

Piloell. B«asdvent»mrBt.fO» BAU mt YODOXTJtXjlMOU.

Bad blood alnyiaatisH trouble. It may J*a hinltj fight or boOs, pimples, ileh, letterAa.; bul DO matter, "Dr. LIiAw/i BmBuarohur" i$ tbe curetUI. S0-«w

FOBSAXJE.1 GOOD MARE, ton yean old. suitable

for farm or team ; 2 form wagons j sat teambaruoaa; 0 young uew *niloh cows; 1 Terrhandsome antique book case and writingdak combined pair voaiig workingcsil1-

k case and woaiig workingcraTf

CARRIAGESuf every dcrti-i|>tloa made and wild at


Blaokwell a t , Dover.

Tbo best materials, litest designs in oon-•ruction and tbo taoft cumpeient worfamen,

are the specialties of the eitablfshmeat,

GBO. McCracken.Dover, H. 3., April etb, JWtl.


AWNINGS,r itoren, orUoei and dwellings. A.IBO Oa;1KB trimmhifi aud film it a m upholstur Qg laI Its briDohfli, HorriB St., Dover.

Lvtten remaining unclaliaeiIn the post Office a« Dover. N. J,

DflvzH. N. J., May 18th. 1881.Mr. J, Brooks,L. L. Dairjmple,Poter Oalligsn;Oeo, E. Horton,Oeo. Mann,V. J. Bloharda (2)Ellen Bnnbors,Ohas. Tabor,John B. Toy,

Hattls A. Brin,Ol» FowlEdward HOUBQ,A. E. Jauaen,Fanny Morgan,J. U. Eyb«rg,E BltrtE. lqutrt,Jennie Thomas,Joalah Vanderhofl,

To obtain any of the above iQtters say"rertlied"and givs dite of thin list.

a . 0. HINCHUAN, P. M.

li/f"i evRtem of Small Profits ippnciated.I T X Quality and workmanitiip of the boat,

My thinks for liberal patrcnaee in ihe past.Orders by telegraph mosBengtr or telephone

l-lyJOHN JONEB, Undertaker,

^ Rockaway, N.

M A K R I B D .

VANDEBHOOF—PEER—At Dover, Mo7th, by Bev. Wm. Jonas, Alonzo Vander-hoof,, of nookaway, and Miss ArimtnUPeer, of Den villa.

BENSTItOM-iyiCUAltlAH-At Dover,May 3d, by Bev. Wu. Jones, HaroldBenstrom, of Dover, and Mian CarolimZBcharlab, of Brooklyn. Hew York.

NOTICE.The anna&l meetinc ol the fltockholdere 0

the Offdcn Mine itofiroid Ootnuny, will behBlrt «f the offioe or aooraB Richards, io DoveiK. J,, on WEDSEBDAy, tbe 35th day ofMrat thrne o'clock P. M.98-ftr OEORQE RICIIAIUJH, Viu»,,hnl

NOTICE.Tbe annual meeting of ttie Stockholders _

ItieOxden IronOoropanj, wilt be held st thioffice nf OeirjroBioLirda, in Dover, N. J., orWEDNESDAY, tha SMb day af MAY. at tow

!13-3w 'OEOBQEEIODABDS, Prcisitlcnt.


Wooden'. Held, White HowStation, N. J.,

i 10 o'clock 1. M., on

T U E S D A Y . MAY iMtli , 1881,

(SelDg tlie fourlb Tneiday.)W1LLI4SI IIlLLAliD, Freilleo


The CentrafExpressTlie Dover k Bockiw&vlt&ilrotd liaviug beiorapleted, tbo Central Eiprotn will auw

DELIVER EXFi;E3S IN DOTEB,from New York and otber poiutal t t G d d l e r e d tofrom New York and otber poiutalowest rates . Goodi delivered toth t i i i t All k i d !! iroieb

touablv,liferrd to aud from the depot

Office on Sussex street' inmnelc stare. D. A. SEA1UNO, Agea'u

CITY HACK!Bcuguri ainr poiut

HIBO prepared lo entry k-go from eilhsr railroad iclion, for ver j moJs ta to c

BBSOO&0K8.JIBM<1 Disconnti,

Overdrafts,U. B. llonds, to tecore olrcnUtlon

Due from other Hatiooal llankn,DAiiklng Umiw Furnitaro and Fix-

tnro),iirruoi expcnies anil taiea uaiJ,

ClicekB und otber CBSII I t ems ,Dills or oilier N»tir>nal BanhB.Fractional CuiToncy, (iaclnding

Bpocio, VM;—Gold Coin,


6, WO.'3,101.'

18,955.,rer 4.600

i,T.*niT,rrc»H.plt»i Stock p»id in 100.0

Hurplui Fuad, «O,0Dndividca pruflta, 12.fiCtircnUtinRnoteioutatandiDg, 88,5Dividend)) unpaid, 1Individual doitosltB subject to check 370 ',Demand certiacates or deposit, 3,774.1C t i d h c k s l .«T.!

23 6351

. * 642,818TAifcofNewJersey, (County of Morris, J *

Subicribed and sworn to befoitenth day of May, m i .

WM. T. Ltpoar, Notary Public.._Att«Bt,

me, thi





PARASOI S covered with SilkPa.asola covered -will] SatiiParasols covered with UrocadPaiusoU lined with one colaParasols lined ivjiu a conibln_lion of colors. P A It A S O 1. 6trimmed with Spimi.h LacParaBols trinssned vridi FrencLace. Parasols with awnitlad plain edges. Parasols vrilb

sleel and glided ribs. Parauolwith ivory, ebonv, pearl, ivo»^kujl celluloid linudlcB. Specialittractious iu aa and S4 inch\VX UMI1KKM.AS in blnek,

bine, brown and green; everr-hlng new and novel in the wayI Handles. Beit place In NEWkBK to bur a Parasol or Urn.rella. Special bargains InANCVSIL.KS at 50c. G5c. and

r5c. and In plotu colored gll_.It 5Rc. prr vard. Openingdallrlow Miles lu Lace Buntings,

Ginghams, Organdies, Lram,Cambrics, and otber lines oflusnmer Dress Goods.

I8A.ACN. DOTY & Co..159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, H.J,

SPRING BARGAINS!Aa iDBpooMon of his Spring goods will,satisfy bayers t t a t bargains

are io be had at the store of

VVIVIH BAKERwhere is now displayed a 6ne and scaaonablo etock of

RESS GOODS,imhrnoiin; ijl new ami deaiutbk paH«ru» in various kirnla of (.„ ifor bjjiitgvear. This stock is also supj,lcim-nl«l by ,i fall liM 0 ,

Muslins, Cambrics, Ginghams,and all other fabrics in the way of DOMESTIC DIIY GOODS AJuo

LADIES' FANCY GOODS,including a full line of HOSIERY. Iu

GROCERIES Mia PROVISIONSwe have oil the staples, nnd n veiy carefully mloct.tl asiiorti|.e,,i of

FIIVE TABW3 GOODis.A specialty of our IIOIIHB in always a complete line uf

darfavor. • ' » » » P«l>Uc w«u,t« nt Fi<w tlu^m''u^';,^


Borer, K. J,, April 27th, 1881. 1 ) o v IT, n ^













H«f». Boots ami S1,OP>, Croekory, E.,rll,en. Glnao, W « d «ml Willn.-W.irf.TOBACCO ond OIIOICK U l l A N U S Ol 1 ClGAKri , iniifcinllj " KICE iHTEI'tUiNS FAVORITE." A opccioltj mmle of

IVI2W I'ROCESS X-I OTJK,ixuMiuL An nsHi>rhi]fiit or tio f. )tiimo.-iAyn;H ROLE LEATHER, Culf

Skin. Ki|i Mil KHOEMAKEH'S SUITL1KS in general ; nil lioushl [or cusb amiBuld ut HrrroM l'TrarHEi. HeatlqinirlcrH for

HARDWARE, IROJf AND STEEL,wliicb we defy compotiliiin. Com])5"to 3tnck [if Iron nml Strol of nil sbaprs

and iliiniiusjonH. Horse SUoea, Horse Niiiln. Cut Nails. RIRIIH. Files, and Phil-adelphia CnruiKe mill Tira Boltn. BUrl,I)ERS' nAltDWARE. AgriculturalImploniBntB, TAMLE AND POCKET CUl'LERX Ac. Grind stonto,

FHOSPHATB AND CEMENT,ie»por tli*n any OTHER 1IOU8E ju the COUKTV. Bond for jinJlcbratcd «YHACtI8B CIULLtCU IM. .\VH »nd CASTIKGB, thonld over 4(1 darini; tlia past ypar; EVERY TRIAL inakej a snle ; tr

' ncod H proof. WE ARE ALSO AOENTH F0K THE

B, tho beatnle ; try it f

lint. Ascntn for thoat plow in tho 8ti\|e.

rwivru If JJO


!»nt, Hy ns t i , whipn, fly »nil lay Ol»- e prppa'ed to «i-ll n-ont* per cC

I oiamico hornra pnrcbugmx eleeiJ>. RTBPHEN3.






CLO THING! -tarn:U»blca lie to uiTVr III*1 bent


Mens' Business Suits from $7.50 to S18 ! Mcns' Dress Suits,

In Black Cloths, Worsteds, Piques and Granites from $16 to

$ 2 8 ! Mens' Pants from SI. 25 to $8 in G eat Variety,

all HIP mv "tylcs from tfi lo *lfi, Wr cull

jlfrleS, SP t 'OUL HTlfLEfi, HACIIH AND l-'OTA.V*YS »l Hi, Ilfi, JJ6 urn) Uf*. We l i « "Ibli «prinB RUB-I npcdinl Mteuirrm en YOU H K , HOI'S' ami (Mil DltEN'H c r . » T n i V 0 ,

ifeu'ii HUMS from t2.7S to ' |9. A larRe lul nr RNKE PASTH for pliildron frtun 1)0 tjiti tu tl M.IN OUK CUSTOM PEPAHTMENT WE H.WE A CriOlOE SELECTION OF FOItBIGN AND





MAN. wimlil be plf-neud to ii'C \\i» (ricnJe from Sn"ioi anil Hiirril COQiitieiiMownrk. N. J . . M M 10th, 1SH1. "-to









Page 3: FOR THE BEST TEA AID COFFEEtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-05-14.… · of FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE . Order by mail and;o t your sootln frcsli an d tli o snme




Protection regular mettlng nnf

V e tfaii weak ooiapietfl the pabltcaUoD ofDie laws cf Nuv l a s e r .

JOB. DIAsoo caught 11Lube in one day h i t week.

Mr. Jw. Mlllor L M comnwaed the tractionjf s houBfi oa tals lot in Boekawaj.

The Commencement eioroiBen of DrewRnminsry will bb held next Thursday.

An old (armer Bays that vbera a hawk will. kill one quail a orow will kill twenty.

The Mt. Hope Mining Compftay bus begun*htj.>|ting ore iy con»l from Ilocknwuy.

Tba proKiject fa good for su obundnntcrop of peare, cherrioa and stmwbtirneii.

Judgo Wood's new sidewalk in groitly tothe comfort of pt'tlttttriniiB on Froupcol St.

Tlio congrogiitiau nt Ht. Mary'B Cbmcblawl Sunday evtsuiiiK numbered about 1,1)00people,

A loleplione IK to connect, tlift Poat Officowitb tL<i oBktm iu the upper purl o" the bibuilding.

HOT. C. IT. II. l'ttonsll, of Now Yortc, liasaeonpUd u call from tbo Morristown CV

Tbu rieiihaut Giova Suudny Bchoul po toCentral I'oik by railroad from Hackeltolfon tbo 'Jthof June.

Rev. Then. TyAck «t*r1e<l for EtiRliuiK.,ndny. Tbo E m will piobttbly hear Jhim in bin journey in gtf.

" Tbw U BO* MI emp'j bout *o StubopA free colored oliorali hu botnvUrted


XliotbermoajetM nwnnlad to BO deg.dd

Tte law relating to gaining by ntinon

tute (if alining Engineers will open aBtnuntoii. Vit., Muy 30th.

Tbe building of Uie collection between tbiDover A Koekiiwiy and Montclolr railroads ii

Parties who fcell irrpure or Adulteratedlard ave liable to n penalty of £50 flue DUO

Tim young Indies uf Mi»« Dnua'n Hemiuary,MorriFtowD, cnvoed JiitiS for miwioDH at afair belt, a few tin™ smee.

Tba Cbodor, Oxford and HuekUlstownband ft will pariicifiito in tlio Decorationday pscrc.si'i nt IJtickpttslown.

Decoration Dny two weeks from nextMonday, Tliero ban yet been no prepara-tion for du obaervanue iu Dover.

Tbe HackeUHtown Frrsbytcriiui CbtircblaKt Sabbath mimd $1,010 of its deljt, leav-ing only $-131) to bo pr<mdoil fnr.

Onr hundred nmi fifty IMmnn pnnaedthrough Dover un Monday uigbt to workupon tliB railroada in Warren county.

Train" befjiu rwminR over the Dover andItmkawny IUilrond in*l Mouilny moruing.There will be tbtte trains per day «OBII nay.

Itobrrt Douftbcirly, one of tho oldest ec.tenchertt of (bin ueifjiiliorbood, difd in St.Michael's Hospital, Nowark, one day lostweok.

Mr. Jos. liudd is fitting up tbe CliuxlSeminary fora Summer bourdiug hoime, andtbo rooms Imve all buon engagedBearon.

Mr. Hany A. l'reenmn hua been electedPresident of Resolute Hook and ladilnrCottipuny, of Morriatown, vice A. \f. Bell,

tlT m n « h»4 hit U la a day in bia Ma;

ndiotioui that Ur.A good many itoay local* from the

arrived ia town again thu wak.

Hau l ; threo oolumna ** n«w «!»«ift'Dto ire presented U> our Httden thto week,

The saoend M>H of Son. 7 . A. Pott* dt«dia Paris before the azriial rf hit father imother.

Those peaoh trees which wen uid to hiicn winter killed are nor reported to ba

blossoming.It ia apparent that tbe potato bnga hw

'ictored well and will prove aj goodcrop as usual.

ladies who tart poodle* *rouDdIWD may be mid to belong to thi

aris dog-iOeo. f. Sfney. of Barnardsvilie, lias giveni additional $7,500 to tba Long Iakud.

Historical Society.Tbo capacity of tbe Stanley felt mills tuw'on largely in oreased by Ibe addition ofJW paper machine.Tbe boys are forming base ball clubs ao

there promises to bF> quite a revival ol tbepopular game th-B y

Tho Trusteas of Ut. Tabor net on thiftraundfl hist Wednesday and devised plilor us •jcas|.i«i'y proeperoue setaon.

The sutaeriptiouti for thB Dew bell ol' tbeSecond M. E. Church are nearly allIt will weigh l,S00 lbs. and cott over «400,

'our men wbo were private gold lent now.1, anil have fur yunra held office underCoinman Council of Dover. Gait your

Tbo Bo'inton Reformed Ohurob baa in-lit^d Rev, Alfred V, C. John SOD, lute of the

Pin-nip puny Proletarian Church, to prnQ triu).A legal foncc in tbis StaU ma at be f<

M two inches high, if of wood, brick oiou.', and four nud a IIAU feet ff ef oth<utcriols.Tho Ceckitrtowii Indcpondettt says the•oplu of tbit plfico are HDIIOUH to bavearoufl como tlint w,iy, Tboj vaat to a>art-igd tlia h jcklubcrry crop.

ncliiuiiit n tbe DiHartley & SOUR, OHO dny tliia week nln

id killed HOT on Inr -s water nun tea at otnek, ill tlio poixl at Jlikrtleyville.Iti'Y. n . D. Opdykf, piwtor or the Fimt

M. E. Church, of this iikco, will prea•rjiion to young iiinu next HiiudKy CTCI:ubJ«t~"Tba Model Young Han."The, foul condition of tb" fltreets of "

nil tliuSui s ofwill 3 patronized by a lirgei

a Him ir befor

Ulrcb has just completed at the Doverboilor unrtii a. cue hundred borne powerboiler, vtlgbiug tU toun, for tlio RoebawayRolling Mill«.

Bcvcnl handsome trout have recentlybeen taken from uudor tbe dam of tinlag mill pond. One specimen we if; he d apound nnd a half.

An old man nwl woman wniking on thotrack at tho fatal thren-opati fcridp) nnnowlyeecapeil being killed by tbo Chester train onFriday evening of last weok.

Some of tbo farmen bnve taken tneiwarei(or organized reela'anco to tbe lnyiog orStandord Oil pipes along tbe Midland ni l -rond tracks. They fear tiia oil will damagetheir lands,

Mr. J H. Itnrvbeirt team become friqbt-ened at Mine Hill on Thursday and ran•way. One ot the horses bad ft leg t.idlycut and hruiscd, and th9 wagou was fioine-wbtit dumnged,

The juiae of a lemon, equeezod in n Rkssof water, vitiiout iny evrcctcnlng, drunk bo-fore bieskfaAt nt this season of tbti year, isBttid to be a prcvontative of malaria ftud auBdiuirable stomsotio.

A gentlenantt well posted ia such thingsremarked Ibo othar day that be consideredthe sleotrio ora sepnmlor recently inventedby Mr. 0. G. Buohnnun, of Itockawar, ORfar superior to Ed icon's.

"My ilfar,"B*idaQ anxionsmatron toberdaughter, * '» ia very wroEg for youngpeople to bo throwing kiflflea at eaoh Cither.1'


a? I'm aven if they do hit."mber of our oxobaiiff

they don'l

otaia veryooniilimentarr noliomof the aof our towD affuira by Mnyor Rifihanla fttn)tbe Common 0 mnoil. So much for runninga town on busiuees priaeiplea,

"We don't Lave anything a« comirnn aaoilcloth ID front of our Bio ten," he naiii, aaho locked down upon tbo variegated tilingia ths doorwny of tbe plnoa of E LiotlnLay &Son. He naid lie came from MorriBtown

Tho latest agonuer front New York ia thefollowing: " D o you piny tho piano?"" Ko 1 I don't play tbe piano, but my niaterHannah, who is in SaTaunab, nhe pkys tho

banana ?''

Tho fimt prient known to Lnvo riNitatlBuraex county was ttov. V. Bolger, of Pater-BOD, who coDiiQcnced mabiuc occaHLDDnlTlBits about the year 1821. The n e i t p m s twho visited the county woe Eev. JohnGallan, of Dover.

Tho pony of Mr. I?. V. B. BearliiR bo-c»mo frightened on Tuesday by the break*inp oF tha baraPM, tumbled Messrs. Searingand S. W, Piemon out of the wngnn and n naway. Tlir- liorse WB4 stopped boforo much

At tho Into woods firo on tho Jockey Hol-low rood Hon. 8. B. Aitoll took nff his coatto fight the flameo ncd when tin returned Uofound n"tbinR of it ncpp t burnt remninn.His pocket hook nnd Rome papers were alsoburosd,—Jewyman.

Eoad OvemeBr .7. P . Stickle, of Itoakwnywaa making trranffempntfl tbe Drtt of thiiwe ilk to net tip his wlono breaker for ton cadaiuizing Ibn rond from tbe villsgo to thedepot. Tbe material used will hn blackjack from the mines.

At the Parifth meeting nt the PresbyterianChurch on Wodnpndny ni^bt pew holder*were g i v n the privilege of rpUiniog theireeatfl at the aU rnU'H. Tbn Trustfes electedwere Dr. Crlttenden. Dr. Condit, A. 0 .

i Smith and J . 8. Trent.Smith, Wm. Alle

The entrnneeibrick block i r e being handsomely orna-ncntfif1 lj -JeBifpn in tilefl. Tha platefront* and Japanese work above have wishesof oik graining, and a broed flig walk,twelve feet vide Kill citandaloDg tbe entirefront.

A herd of Jersey cattle belonging to one'gen'lcmsn were sold In New York on Fridajof laatireek. Th» bn l l ' ' Po lmius" broofiht$4,S0O, end the ww <lPflncj P a n / #2,000.There were 4Gh»d, and the total prioei weref28.798.B0—an ATJrweof *r.l7.32 per bead.Mr. John T. Foot*, of Morristovn, bengbt»yearliaR heifer for 110a

Tho Bethlehem Irmi Gomptaj luu da-d a n s a dlvidtnd of a percent., parable onMay 10 end a d e f e m * diiidflnd of S paro m t p«yabk so tlw taiM d«te, both pa;at i e to rtoekhddfln a i tha j atawl m m d a dApril SMh l u t . T ^ J d l l d dper oeat. !• iotaodtd to malte«p for a dirl-fiiddi

Tho PniHbylory of Morris and OraiiRO attheir meeting in Mnrmtowu last Moodiy.-otcil to diHNolvo the pastoral relation, be-uoon Ituv. Dr. Mil and the church at

Orange.Tl.iu getting nbovi-d right into tha middle

of Summer with all your winter unclothing on, ttfTordn a. ehurp oontraatlo last

eul.-, when ovorcoatB were nccesBarv forimfoit.Tho Rcpublicnn ticket ia Morristowo wasv.otcd without opfoiition last Mondsyicaordur, Kicbnrd M. Stites; Aldernian, J.

C. Beatty ; Oouncilmen, Charles UoCoUom,ge W. Tneland.ifndiMni ooromittea reported that a

fully equipped bonk and Udder track oonldbe bought lor $ It must bo tomethiog

and very cheap ia the way of fireapparatus for that money.

It nmy cofct a litllo more to get them, batLbo F.IIA prefore to Ret Buoli matters of tin-

i OR the TrjeholdLTj* procendEngBsk and ]irp!icnt thnm to ita readers

before the; are B. wuek old.

Tbe workman engaged in covering t ie)ipe liao of the Standard Oil Company ID

tho upper pnrt of tUia county, lust week wereBent buck to Bradford, I**., to commence

le laying of a wecond liuo of pipe.The reports ooncomiDg the oar shops are

•ore fnvoffiblo thiB iree^. The opioioiijemB to prcTail Renprally that iha nbonn'ill bo locnted bura and will bo built upon

a much more extended scale. So mote it ho.In footing up accounts and making returnstat WedneBdnv evening, Vigilant Hone Co.ouud that they bud cleared $157 at their

Enster ball. They return thanks to thocitizens who helped to maUo tho affair sucha miccesfl.

ntteuded tcuipermicu meeting washeld in tbe Firtit M. E. Church hat Friday

which was addressed br Rev. S.,nd H. U. OpdjkR. A resolution,our Common Council proceedings,

won pnsfled.

II in rumored tbnt lbo E., L. & W. Co. ismaking an effort to get control of thn

the Pou«hkcepRiRand Eastern railroed, anH if sacccnnful will

a largo force of men at workan the bridge.

The Dictation of Vigilant IIOHO Companyrave thoir foreman, Mr. Lambort, qoito oniTftliou on Wedncfidfty evening in the wny•I congratulating him upon his eleo'ion &nCounty Collector. Pireworka were iotro-duoed in tha oflujr.

At tbo Inte wood* flro ou tbe Joi-kpy Hot-w road, llorristown. Hon. 8. B. Aittll

took off bin cont to tight tbe flames and wbenho returned bo found nothing of it ciaept

imt remains- Ilia pocket book and so en ospers wore ulao burned.Dover js oua of tho moat enterprisingIWIIB in Northern Kow Jrrney, and itstizonn ftro ever awako to tho good of tho

town, and eubfioribo Ii ben illy to any cnter-•JS9 calcalited to improve their Enrround-ge.—Btafrstoffn Press.While every •eighbonog county ia largely: debt, tho County of Morris ban DO bonded

J HO, 000, cash In bnnt, altnve all ouletanri-ing ubligaHnriH. We beliooe we bnv9 ihoi(i"t g<)ri'ruud county iu the State of Newersey.

An eichnngo Kftj-B that sharpers are trying, now trick on /ai-inrrH. They offiix to rmict

a. bnrn or n,ny other lnrge Burfaoo for fourirn. just to ftflvprtiflo thrtnofilTSfl ia tbe

nei^hbnrboml. Wben tbe work is ooro-iletL'd they present a bill for four dc,er Bquaro yard.

Mr IIiiypH G. Funk, the gt>nerally enteiniptit opemtor at tho tfllegraph office, baarefit go eil to nccnpt n position in tha mi

i o[ the Atiierioiia Rnpid Company,York. A petition Kilned by thetnout

prom in eut pooph> ot the l«wn hiitnifj that Joinph n^ini be ippointod


Tho tdiia that ni»jon and liantcnanta arenot soldiers will ba i i to all people ofaverage intelligence. We luggent that

ibndy boot a dictionary and end fatainltillectnal agon; by hunting ont the moan,ing of the word " private" M applied to tbomilitary. Thin ieemn lo be ihe word ho la

rithingtogethcJdof. Mo obargt.

Ths charter election 1B Boontoa on fiatnr-dajraal tedlnthi)ConaerrativB tiokat. Edwin Worromn v uelected Major) W.B. Bailey, Clerk j Joniab

Oonnoiln. J. 0. Porter, B . H. Riet.rds,

n for two yea»j and P, j . Bed-mond and B. H. Carey Inipeeton of Elco.lion. All of the oflom an Republicans.

Uprtrdef t-entyfnnfoeaannld to tgoing out of Mart "at prtwnt in thi Lehlghand SohnylkUI raglona, In ooaaeqnenoe efthe decline In prioa uid u iaonua Umoai.Burners are rife,among.iron oflbere thatwTtralmonan tlkatytogoooi Thirt U

fcW holding of asd dMlWnf to bay e t«p tla i UBaQ w»y,—Eaitw TtmiFnm.

9G" ia ttu laadfl oo Thnradaj.•Iho depot for the new «Uro*d ii being

built It U to be a u n t affair.

The pttriodioal report nboat ttu BoontonTna Works atartlng upia Mound again.

Th* HorxtBtown merolianU turn d«Idadto dnsa their ateves oo DBooratUm Paj.

The lMMt fanhlon In ladles' iboea is low,broad tae&li, a very getudbla amuguaent.

It Is apparent that &OOWW»T alw> la d«-parting from its coatom at oburrina Ueoor-atioa Dtj.

It la aaM.tliat Ogdetul^rg U now thultra of'railroad oontraokns wad olfil

soglneera.Thetelesnph one oi lbs Central [« now

bring extended along the new Dover andXtookawajBaUroad.

Station agent Carroll fa having the rail-road property on Orchard street fenced in avery Bnbatantlal manner.

From the foot that they begin theof grading at the ear »hop« on YfolaeidftVit ia predicted that the; vUl rebuild the•hops bare.

Tbe cauae of the deaUi of Un. Beach,mother of I. N. Beaab, Eaq., of Boakawar..was % paralytic stroke, received while walk-ing In her yard.

Borne of the ear shop boys think thaifact of Saperinteudent Baker having madihis gnrdflo here does not look muoh likeramoval of the ahops.

On Monday last Sheriff MotHvit madeIhe following sale i Henry Ball vs. ThomiHodgkhiB u d otheri; property in BoonUm,Bold to Wm. Kanoaae for *1. •

A mnrioai and literary entflrtainmant #ibe given Ia the Uins Hill PresbyteriftQChurch on Saturday evening. Hay S8tb,

a very oho[» programme will beoffered. The prooeeda will be for the ben-efit of the ohureh.

Mr David Tonng opened hit new bakery•esterd&y, The extanalve iinprovsuentH

LVA made It one of the pleaaantast plamiaaftheklndtobeeeeninthlseeotion. Amithe itnproremante in fumitare ant six hand-some new show ceaea.

A Morrinlown anonymoiiB oirrespoudentnd» OH n complimentary notiae npon tbenolipn of friend Rrown, of (he Chronicle,moraberohEp in Washington BteaniBrOo,

mt we cannot depart from our rule respeot.ii g nnonymoun cominanicationa.

With a half dozen or more of railroadnnnortioufi, canal, good streets, purfeolidewnlkn, an oaterprifllog people, and onibt beyond oar ability to pay In one ye«r,

ir r ffars the beet inducements Ui matn-rers of any town in Northern New

l the late Hoary gpeor, otwntou, agnin comes before the publio, Liit remaining child, Ur» Badean, Laving(1. Tbeeatatn now goes to a nleoeand> nepbevx. The Bulletin eayn one of tketer IN now an inmate of the Morris County

• Housp.

as dfilDrity dinplared by "Gen.*1 Jack-in in Landlitig Alex. K'nonne'n four-litnd tnrn out the other evening brought,ok to his old-time friends the days who

was a proprietor and oouia take a traveler>m Dover to Eamhurgh, over ths oldgo route, an quick as aoj of them,

t h e retirement of Dr. J. W. Jackwm fromBoard of Freeholders was regretted bythe members irrespective ef party.'

Hug his admlnfotnitiDn as Director lieave (be best sa'ipfaotion hy his courtesyoil the Impartiality of his rulings, while ate same time he oonnerved the best inter-

sta of the oouuty.

t la now reported thnt the Delaware,ckswaDtm l a d Western Siailroai Oompanyve pnrohaBed property for a depot near

he Erie depot In Fatanon, and a n nukingits for rnnning u line into tho

Thero is a good deal of objection,iwever, to tbe proposed rante, »n1«ng it

I U be run down into Urn oity on treitlen.Miea Maggie A. Tbarp, daughter of Mr.

i. Thitrp, of Flanders, was joined inrriagQ to Mr. Anaon (1 Protzman, ofskettttown, on Tburodsy of lost weeki oereraouj took place at tlio home cfbrido, the parlors of which were hnnd-icly decorated with flowers. About 7G

icfits were present aud after the coromemywliolti p:irtj was photographed on theu in front of tho IIOUHA.I'DI. O. McDowell bus requested ths an-

•riticB OOQtrailing the water supply oflenwood Laku to prevent tha ase of tbeer when it is not needed, BO that tbo3 miiy not be lowered so much by thoimcr di?iii&tirt>. upnn it. Tho Society of:lul iManufncUn-H and PoHHnio Waternpntij, who are among thoaa who onn.tho lake'n water, r. fused ta bavu a uoli-

re n co concerning the matter.

OBITUARY.Jifls Jnlia B. Cottrell, only BurvivingiBlilcr of Cnmeliits J, nnd Elizibpth Cot-II. fell HBleep in .Teeug onrly in. tbe raorn-

of May 3d, 1881. Prior to her brief

tinent of ouraoidcmy Though nuo ofyon'igtwt tencberx in th? HUte, nbo htil

f (nlentH for the pn^iilinn whinh nh« tilled,lich w re recognized and Appreciated b j

larn, pnrentn, »nd vinitorn of thohool. Hhe onjiy.-d onlv a Hmitcl de^ro"pbysioil health, vut a pemietent ambition

inda b T a o-eful member of society. Shean a mouibpr of the Prenlivtemn ChurchBlanbnpe for upwardu of fi',t ohrwt e lhat

n.irily brifiht nnd pronA the Gospel cause la SUntiope Iniius wnj-B. Her labors have been dhtrib-:1 itlikn and gratuitoiiHly among threo re-

, snil EpinRO|i&l. Tho Innt timauhe lufthomo TUB nn thu Qrnt SabbiUb of M-iy,

lien xhe aikd b»r (wwition as orgt'iiit foriKCiipnl Hvrvice nt the school house.

fit-Bib Ix-d she looked forward to a4 im mortality. A lorely member of

r fnth.TH houHdhold, aha will be very

(r t ccrnl wnn Inrpely (ittrnded at theiljyterian Church of SUiuhnpe on tbeiuRt Her former pallor, Knr. J. J.

Irane, delivered an addreiH from laniah T I ;, 7 : " Then flew one of tbs seraphim unto

' nvtiig n liva oonl in hit ban a, which heid ta ten from ofl the eltnr: and tie MA ition my moulti, nod said j l/>, this hathichtd iby lij'B ; and iliinoinitjuity In taken«y, and thy am purged." ltev. Messrs,rter and Milli-r otfereel prayer. The re-itiH were interred l-y tho Hide of thane nfr sifltdr in tho fnmily burial plot In t h e

Stntemtmt of Iron Orewine the Hualii'ttatown idile*, vi».M. 4 E ,il. In VannsyIraaia, tor ihe week endliif;uratUy eveuins, May tath, IBM.BTATIDflH FfiOM. TDF8. 0W1

uaUinTuw, . 1H18•atawftF 3,60507

sm , 9,S8OUneuter tl. n. (Ilurlon e,0orwln'«,auccisnnna, Vaottla and Ches-ter Junot loaBUtioai . i . . . . . . . . . . 03008

1K> ailfi» 42803

A Little One for a Scenta the breath of spring blowx oa tu.The seauio ia ended for " hopu j "

iot, oh I we aaiff the ms id i a ' aWathWho baa been eating <W]OB tope.The "local" of tbe MudiwnJoumal Hled th« foregoing about hli girl In Ihe l u lae oT that paper, u<t tbe nei t day re-ived thia neat rejoinder:nd now do I row by my banlnna,I*vo been groraly deoeived in my partner j

cancel my bond to eat oniotu,Through life with this wicked Gardner.

Soldiers Mtmorlal Dsy.What Is to ba done io Duver on Decora-

tion Day, la tbe qneetlon many aro uklng.All ore Invited to attend ft meatbg In Whit-

_[*s HaU, favtday evndng, Kay 17th, at8 o'clock for tha gurpoae ot nuking such ar-rannmenU w may be deemed adviaaUe.By aider of Ohftinoan of but atetfog.

The Produce Market*Hour, dull; no

old, t ie .

BABTtEYVlLU.Perllenlu tUectlot wm p*id to the

drtm-atthe FUmdars M- E. Obureh on Sun-day hut. An able addre« waa given by Dr.Outran, of Morristown, after wblnh aoaninUresting umoaneemeiita wars made by thipurtor.

Tha people of Flanders eontempUlholding a fair and feaUval at tb a H .Ohnroh of ihat place about the middleJune—time uot deflnately flxri. All icordially invited to atwnd and make thisevent the greatest saooeaa of tha season.

The resent nia oaomd great joy and grat-ification among oar f u m e n .

Tbe Ber . Jaaoo ThnioMi of BaooaannnnM. E. Choreh, dd ivend a s able t*m(add»N on Tuesday ereoLna Laat in the Pres-byterian Church at Plunder*.

Trimmer nod Oayhard havingclosed oat all of tht Ir l u t drove of ho rns goon their way reJoiolDg after more.

Travelers will be glad to learn that theroad leading from tbit P l u s to Flanden,which w u HO long this Spring impasfribla,wiU be fllltd up this Hummer. We hopeMr. Lanison will hare no more troublenailEug np fences.

The children of Mr. E. B. Bkellenger, inonnoed tost week last week as being veryI1L a n dowly noovbp;, aa3 it i s hoped thevmav earvive.

Tbe bone distemper is raging very bad inthis community, a great many horses beingunfit for work.

The mad dog excitement bus subsidedafter ridding us a number of worthless aurs.

The machine ahopa of hover UartleiviUeare running fall blust under tbe managementof Wai. Hartley & Soon.

Farmen are busily engaged ID cornplanting.

' Mine MillMany of ns wilt learn with deep regret of

the death of Mr. Robert Dougherty, firstteacher of onr publio ubvol, who died atSt. Ubbnel'e Hospital, Nflwurk, on the BflthoK. R e was oooBldered an noetlent teoofa-er in hie day.

Richard Bermlngnam hue been ignite sickduring the pose weak, but til* many friendswill be glad to leeWn that ha ii aroundagftln.

Mr. David JenkinB has imphved tha>Bomnca of bis houw, during the poet week

by the.additioDofa feaoo aloos ths roiidside.

Tbe Mine Hill bane bftll club opened tbineaun on last Saturday by defeating tho

ticcavonna nina by M sonre of 91 to 3,Tbfl forty honn devolion ended, at St.

Mxty's, on Tatiday morniug.Wbo will rectlvo tbe pnntamU of the

ilotnatown Ontbolia Obnrob Is a nialtar ofpnnzltiiR lanraat to oinav. Knowing n litllo

lething obout Ibis, illnar me to jrfre yonBtMw'that is llkdy to inrtictito vhlolt

my the wind blown. Father Smltfa, of Jor-pity, on aoonunt cf fulling benitb, hm

tsltfld Bt. Rev, Aclniiiiifttrator Doans for thinmu-hh, and if his rich friends are to be be-k-vrd he etindn tt likely ch/moe. Bnt with->nt nny luHinmlion wa think the one mostilwly to reoaive the opp^ntnient is Father

Chancellor of tbe Diooi'Bo,

Theft of Harneei-At a late hour on Friday night of Iwt

week the harness roma «t the nUble ofJaliey's hotel was entered by the breaking

o looks and two aata of BIDRIO harneiurere stolen. Soapiolon fell upon Franki"orOB. or Flnnders, who had beim in townjiil bad made a number of auspicious in-uirios as to whether tbe Imatleni were abed,

j . A warrant was Issued for. hli arrest,d he WAS taken tba next day at hia homeFlanderu, when ho oonfoened thnt he had

ben the It aro ess, but planned in fxtenua-ion that be wag under the iufluenca ofIqnar. The harneM were rcoovared tramrhere be had hidden thorn, In ft swamp. He'III be recollected as the young man whoDine yean ago killed a mnn named Millert Flanders under Buspicioua cimumitancei*,Lhougb there vraa oo positive proof thate mutter was not an accident. In defaultbail Jnafla Wood committed him to th*>

muty jail.

Were it not for bsing ffnflty of portlB»tyi would hesitate about publishing theo*o facts, out of respect for tho tirellontmily to which tbis young men belongs.ispite tbe honorable livoa and Rood couu-H of hie parents and friondfl, ho bos

irought dingrnne upon himself mid a groatleal of sorrow to them. Thoy will receive,

they duuervu, lbo cordlnl Sympathy ofhe many by whom thny nro hold in high•steem. ^

Fine Music.A party of musical culture, who wanescat at Ibe reception of Mr. and Mm. W.

George, at tho residence of lliohardloorjjo, E-q., on Wtdncmlay evening of

wonk, c-.IH our attention to the fact thaiomitted mention of ona of the moetactive ftoturee of tho ooonnion—tliolie. This was furnhbtd by 0v« cf thext nmiieiana in the city nf New York,

wan doiibtlosu tba beat iaBtmineotal,ie over hoard iu this Hectlon. H. F?ncr, tho loiwler, in oneofthamont notedictfinR of the day, nnd wan ouo nf tlio

vinhan of Gilmorc'u orchestra at theentennial; Rob-irt Otiiburlet, fluto, WHSmt flnte of Thoraivs' f:»uaufl orahe-tra^'red. Fuhr, coniot, was wiloiflt for Gilmore

tba OntennUl; J . Ordewate, doablew, ifl one ot tho bnt player* j n that

istruraent in New York, and tha pianist of

Y . p l l EnttrtaJnmtnt-A Tery entertMlning affair indeed WM

entertainment of the Young People's Unfojof the Presbyterian Church, gireoTuesday evening, to a fine audience In the

ore or t in residence of Ron. C. BiTo do JuitiM to the tnusical fettnna wouldrequire tbe publication of the entire prc-

m«, fur the selections were all fromeuineni compoeen, and rendered withibilitjr in every inrtanoe. In tbe '

duets, brio, and quartette*, Un. J. B. Treat,Mrs. A. C. Smith, Uiasea Bouh and Orltteo-d*n, and Mesm. "Hslrnoiue, Bmtth tndTreat went tbe puUoipAnta, and Mann.Beaoh and Doty were added In tba ohoiaeee.

ter Willie OHo, who ponessfia a varysoprano voice, wan well applauded for

two BOIOB. The Miiaes Beaeh vary skillfullyexecuted two piano dnetfl, and Miaa Boaeveil sustained In a solo her reputation

while Miw AbbU Oondlt orenlrdagreat deal of amaBameiit and no l e u admitstlon by the azercuw of bar ftce elocuJJomryttainraeBtB- Tbe seleotloDs, tha talent

engaged, and the pleasant enrroBndings, alliu one harmonious whole, and

made n very pleasant eveDing to the manyi aUeadanoe.

Clothing for the Season-Tbe extreme warm weather haa fonnd

WelHh f uUf equipped to meet It, and thosewho have been compelled by tha btoknard-negs of Spring to wear their heavy garments,wilt faewin mind (n laying them aside thatthere Is so bettor plaoe to get a Summergarment of any kind, that will give themaatfafaction iu reapeot to quality of goode.

ami style, thao Thus. Wal-b's, the one~prioo obthl.r , Uanebn House Block, Dover,S , J. Oall on him and ise the man; at-ttaationB he offera for tbe Summer trade.

The "Cool Day" Saloon,Epfa. Uuiker's new puioe, oaHet the aboveme, bus become a very popular resort,

nd in attracting Ibe custom of a great milpeople. And It ia no wonder, for Eph.

eeps nlwrtys on hand the very finest lagantid other drichs* lo quench the thirst dur-g theBB sultry days, and his Begun aro the

>mt known (o the smoliera of tba weait,ind every caller is tnnde tofeel at hom


One dollar express wagons a t Barry1*.

A steel hoa at Hies & Stephen* for SO ct

ire cure for malaria at the Brick DrugItora.

I l iadB. H. Bonya new aSvertlsement in•Is iasMeBuy jour building hnfdwara at Kioe &

itepnoni.Teatb extmcted for 25 cents at the Brick

'rug Store.A oast steel shovel at Kioe & Stephen*

tor 00 oenta.Best stylos wallpaper in town at the Sriokig Store. '

Ko cigars sold on Sunday at J . A. Qooi3-J'I Diug Stora.For dura>4llty. buy the "Houjehold"

lB « t anaortinent of frenh garden seeds Iu

rer at the Brick Drag Store.Ton osn save a $5 bill by buying your settomans a t Kioe k Stepbeu's.

All the remedies far fever and ague,malaria, do . , at Yought &, Killgore's.

The " Hoasfihold" ]g the Iftteat Improvedid best tnado sewing machine invented.Buy a " Household" Sewing Machine and[>u will never regret It, as (bay are tho bant.All potent medicines and other prepare

advertised iu this paper are sold at the

ck Drug Store.

Balltbo hai opened his lo& aream tradend in presenting to his customers n very

hpioe-mede Brtiole-Murtln & Book did the floe paroling on

new house of Mr. J. Amdt, which, ia arat-claw standing advertliament of theirLilt.

. A. Goodnle'B Drug Store la open Sun-s for the Rale of medicine only from 9iB0

if. to 10:SO A. M. and from 4 p. tt. to. H-

The German Corn RGmorer removes comoout piio. I t biiB given better sutififaotlian any corn medioiuo we have sold.

Vougbt &. Killgoro'H.Persona nead have no hesitation in pin-

ing fit J . A. Uoodale's Red Front Drag;, as articles Bold aro not made public

>y ad'ortiHiug tbe nainou of purchnHL-rs.Atlantic Lead i« sold to BO uinny, nnd at

ucli a low price at J. A. Goodale'a ItedTront Drng fitore that Lo c*tmot afford to

idverti&e Ihe nanwa of persons puroliasing.

Coheu i\, Gmboweki have removed theirbusiDcufl next door to Pardea &, ClorVa, andinform tlio people that they havo just re-teivf d a new etc ok of plsoe goods dad gontt'TurnUhing goods.

We call tbe attention of merchants andtbe travollog public to the advertisement oftfr. D> A. Searing, of the Central Expresa,which will deliver express from all ports la


pupil of tho oelabrated

Drew Theological Seminary-The oommeDRemaot oieroiooa will be I eldiro Mny 15ta to (be aub . an follows; TheiHteuH, alumni, nod friaada of the instita-n are cortJl illy invited to attend the eier-eg of tbe niuete'tiih BQuivemarr, viz, :IJ 15, Sunday, 7^0 P. M—AanWorfftrj'(he Missionary Association: speaker. Rev.

S. h, Bildwin, D. D,, miBilooarj tu China.May 16. Monday, 250 P. It—Elimination

cl.tMea. 740 P. M.—Annual lermoc,Xev. J. B. Ohadwiok, D. C, .or Brooklyn.

v 19. Tuwday—Eiamtoations. 7.30I t Alnmul anaiTeraorj and re-nninn.y IS. Wedne^ay, 9 A. II.—Aaalvanarre feast, 11 A. M. to 1 P. M.—EiHuilnn-

ioni. 2 P. M.—Meeting of the truftlees,ndalumni. May 19. Tbureday, 10 A. M -

Bncement at Ihe II. B- Otmrch. AllLM eonlUUy invited.

In Memorlam,Adopted by Port Onm Lodge, No. 196,0. of G. T.

cm, It hw pleased Almighty Qod InHis all-wlsa providsnoe to retuote sud-denly from among us our beloved sinterMary Wooloook | Ibereforfl. be ItKwoLViD, That we as O'<od Tampkro

acknowledge tbe hand <f God in thi« dis-peusalion which •*> eoddeoly adlnd onrsister from onr Lodge below lo the Grand

lodge above.RESOLVED, That our charter bt drapid ia

ling for fio space or thirty day*.HIAOLVEH, That BS B t"knn of nf action

Our deceased sinter a copy be Kant to thejlly iu their md btmnveiiiKnt.Bvoivio, That tb« above ba entered on

10 minutes and published in ths IBIH En*md Index, of Dover, and tbo Tempemuw9uette. OEO. STAOET,



TVhdt boDBtketptm want to koop yoibouse clean 1B a good feather duster andchamois skin. Vu tight & Kill go re have alsrgertock. ^ '

Preibftery of Morris and Orange.A meeting «f Pretbjtery of Morris antanga will be hi Id in l»f PreubjteTli

Oboreb, of Atorristown, oa Uoaday, i tB3rd, at930 A. aL.tobearand tot aponmemorial of the 1st Pmbytetiin Ohnroh, of

gB. in rpf ird to t ie action ofapon a petition for the aall of a meeting tfp psaid oharch, and d to avMl iUelfof

right aooorded to' It by "ttoation 8 Cfa«p-13—form of govrrnmeal ndnptml 187ft.'

Tfaa Oliver Obllled Plow and ill flitum.

The Providsfim Tool Co. are muble Iipptf the dsmand for the

BewlOB Machine . .

hr ooaAst, maaomr, and •afarty, me.CWeatal oil Wort, iilio*Moningloft.

oil week.

wftys krep in mind that the plaoe tobuy absolutely pure teas, aoffeo* and Rpicen,it tfca verj lowest figures,, is tbe New Yorkand China Tea Company's plaoe, opposite

1U MVT brick block.

Onr readerfl, many of whom are members jof tbe Mutual Life Insurance Company of'lleadiugton, K. J., aro reminded that the

al meeting occurs this month. Beenotice in another column.

AHTEE 1 A good team of bones fory or light work, not over lea years old,

Must be perfectly gei.tle and not afraid ofthe cars. Must be a bargain. Addrew, '

ing lowest price, J . H A., P . 0 . Box 9,Stanhope, Morris Co., K. J.

llotv Ghc l a r c d Money."Faruasrly i l xyc inmy rtauphtcrwaa mniit

ir the time on a iick-bcd trou kidney IUI]other oluofderi poouliar to woman. Wo badlined up onr nv leg i on aocton sntl preecrip-tlons ffitliout toy benefit. Our dominie ailvhed nl to try PAItKER'B GINGER TONIC,ind foor bottle! effected * nirrelons cure. AnIt ban been onr only medicine BIHCO, and a dnl-lir's worth l i n kept our ram fly vrnll over *year, KB h*TO breu tblo to lay by a little moimjigalc ror a rainy day. '—A Po»r Man's Wife.



urn & Co.TI1R

BooksellersEGINUS IN ESS















)over, N. J., May 13th, 1881.




A Big StockOF



Oomptising all the neve designs in stiff and soft liats.FINE DERBY low medium mid higi. oruwn hats from$1.60 to S3. «•» '•'. fur hats from $1.25 to $2.60.

Boys' and Children's HATS, veryitylish, from 50 cts. to $1. I have all

of my hats manufactured expresslyfor me and guarantee them to giveperfect satisfaction. Call and I willsuit you with any style and pricethat you may desire. No old stock,everything new and fashionable.


March lOUi, 1881. D O V E R , Jtf. J .


JHAiRHOUSEWatches! Watches! Watches!

ilh kc.V and Htcm-winUii'E, of Mil KNUIBB nnd qnnlitice, aii<l ranging in price fiom tbe lowcitlio!ifuli(>Ht. llUt-KKOTtD WATCilFH. ((.pcoiuliy iidnnlcd lo t i i lmad ami alt other nun


THK LATEST HT1TLE AND PVfilON. UllAur.LETB, 1VKDD1KO IUKGH, M!uK-CHAlKH"L-UI, llISOS,K.'iC\ KII,VElt-PLATED W A U K in (-rent vwiclT mul tliuict iiollerDB. ROO-KH' SILVER KOilKS AND KPOOKH BDII nrticlfn [<,r tnbtu «te i t iU- lonmt market prire.

KPECTAOLEH AND i a E G L A S S P 8 . Iluvniirncnri . i l Ihi' IM<IV]V inventcil OltAFHABGOPICPl 'OMliTtl t lur litiii.t; night ace lira t t l j . WATCHES HO1.1) t N lKBTAlLllliKTH.

Repairing of Fine Watches a Specialty and Warranted-


It affords mo pip&aurG to anoouiio6 to m\fiihtomerfl aad tbe publio that my stock otHpring and Bummer Ooods is now complete,nmi Unit 1 am prepared to make 8DITH TOOltDEH (fit atid workmaothlp pinrantefld)at prices HO low that uo room will ba loft forcoio]ilnitt. Every piece of goods beforebeing put in Block in tboronghly t€Bted andahruiife, and no firmi'nt will be allowed toeave my ttoio till I lit- customer b> perfaotljntigfied. Ewpetiftl earn will ba taken to thi>nd t int notliiug abail ba left undone to irj-ito n pc-rfi ct fit and every uatiaWBon to alll>o favor me ni tb tbuir onstooi. My BUO--8s siqce ooiunieoclDg busineaa, and many-an caperieiice, should be n> roffloient gnsr-

i 'hnt I know the WBDIB cf the publicHint every

I h i diistcmei will be fairly dealt

firly in ordor to seonreWith many thanks for p u t favors and



ftlardt, pocket r<


OrKUll. (

uemajUTiDE pietur*. | } . l l l i > I B T ^'-'..l. —:;. 'J,.,IFHI saiiova. aietl "prloui, ratul font-t», roll*™ for morirR, ke. Ileljrbt. VI inrh*. ; drpth. 31 Whoi : l«nRth, UI icfaM;£t>iithi. MM )bi.3.PrlM boitd dollvercd on c*n her*, itool. book, unite, only M Q , IT 19 OJTEODALED1m u l . t*uwn,Ch»p8l «nil P«rlor. | » to 11,000.1 to33 Mop*. Mby arttUM.anly IIS, 9plfnil/l twwk i f n l l K U reeJi for | » Ttifl -'PirU" offered for SAfi *i ••—* ' —


S T C B B V mtrlH now ipO.1-cfflf.mL.0.yr.nl1rirellht fbtntti *IU t>« (MUd fcthw»J j

f«ina'lfT,ottdBuotrroUwUh ardat.BtATTT-aQUiRTIilLl"HUM

I. Spiral*!*. BKHITt•j refnndml u

IT 18 A VERY STYLISH CASE. Now is your Wm \* order.

Household!Tbo LATEST im-

proved, most dur-

able, ami cuuvon-

October 26«i, 1SSI).

M A C H I N E for

f.unity usi* ami man


i>f nny'inouteJ. A

truil will (!ooviuc8

any one.

- :OA.X£-II2J=l.T Agent,(41-ly; DOVER, N . J.


original nud only legitiniftte Espaudiiig Leader in the market.Tha


it; builders recommend it; ill practical plumbers, trasruitts and roof-ers use it. This COSDCCTOB extensively used throughout tlio UnitedStates has gained an unprecedented and iucreaHDgpopuloritT.niadeoEsheet metal ond so formed that it Trill jield to the expensive fome ofwiitor that becomes therein ; it is thus prevented from bursting in win-ter, thereby saving to property omiere the expense of renlasterinft andrepnpenng damp wnlls occasioned by the bursting and leakinc of theordinary round conductors.

Testimonials hove been received from the fUlowing residents ofNewark, N. J., where it js in general use;


Fur AUSTIK'S PATENT Kxpandlog Qllvinllpil Leider.

[Band from JVCTIOI* Mming RtgltUr,]

Iblm.. B ' N D F.Tri™ e p e c i f l c i u l o" s ' ^ni'JQM «'tl Hie pnl'lio ulionld'cRli urnBBOS. aro tbe solo ngvuta.»f?" A" ortle™ f"f tlJe abovo lender will recoTe prompt sthntlria nni ablrnod to an^

oftheSHte. InbnwUon nromilly lurnliliil. l lb i ra l ai.connll" "to i r i J . 'SiNDFOIlD BROS., BROiD AND C l A I STB., 11EWARK N

<n-3ni I y. l t ) -AMIES! SAKDFDB


IK, N. I.


Sewing Machine.Tlircc-qmiitors of all the sewing miieliinca

sold throughout the world arc Singers. Thisworld renowned machine in Hold on monthlypayineiitjt of $;! nt the cuinpany's oiliceneiir the Itailniail. We <ili;irgo no lanevprice for iauey wood covers. A solid wal-nut cover with each machine. Every ifen-uine Singer luis n gilt triulc murk iif thestolid leg of ench machine. All others aromere imitations. WU HAVE REMOVEDto ficw Slore on BLACKWELLSt., KEXTTO WJI. H. HAKEB'S STOItE. Needlesoils nnd cvwythliig pertaining to the trade.Repairing n specialty. Buy direct throughthe company's office and have a res'ionsiblewarnintee. We lnrnish any machine inthe market at lowest figures

P. II. HURRIXL. Sole Agent,«' STAND.Dover. N. J. , F.ib, Ifjlb, 1881.




FOR SALE!Lota on First. Sesond, Third,

Fourth and Fiftii StpootJ. Penn

Avenue. Oljsaj and tsrms easy.

Apply to

„ * " > • H.IAM8ERT, Agt.

Page 4: FOR THE BEST TEA AID COFFEEtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-05-14.… · of FAHMEIUS I'HODUCE . Order by mail and;o t your sootln frcsli an d tli o snme



" I tell you, K*t«, that Lovi-J.iy .>uw.I t nor th her weight j j i gold;

Bh* give* t good eight quar t i o* milk,And isn't ye* fi»* yean old.

" r « e young "White * cwul n ' n o r ;B e vftDti her , I know t i n t .

Be carfifal sir!, jon're splllin' ft.

"Go*1 even in', Hiehtrr}, etn|> right iu,"" I guest I wouldn't sir,

" I'Vu juat come down"—-" I Lnuw it, |)k*b.You're took a<ih.iu< t j hor.

" blio'n kind an' gtmlle &i a lamb ;"Juat where I so itiu fuller*.

And tilling)] it 'uchenii, I'll l a t h e r g o ;biie'a j-oui-'u far thirty dollars.

' l'oti'll fenutr Ler clear aoruia the farm,By them tHO milk white e t m ;

Vim noinln't drire her IIDHW i t Light.But just let d<i«n ttic bars.

" Mien, when you've owned her, nay* mtnillAmllmri iHior an tt wim.

I'll hut—wliy, what's tho umtittr, iJiek ?"-Tt i t i t bar I waul - i t ' s lien 1"

" W h y ? not tlio girl I well, I'll lie bk-wt'd-Xbere, Kate, don't drop that pan.

VIMTVC Innlt me migiiiib'aback,Hut tlien a man's a man.

" Sho'«i your' n, raj boy, but one word nKate'a gfluile as a dovo;

Mio'ii follow you tbo tvhola world roiimVor ucthiug elm but lore.

" Dul never try to drive tho bun :Her nature's like lirr ma's,

I've allm fniind il worked tin- ..nutTojunt let down tho barn."

Un PlilloBO|ilir-" At midnight laa' night, "said the oli

mua in a solemn voice as liu looked upand down (lie males, "nt tmiluight his'night ile Bpeerit of BriitMer ClmrltaClimax Qobliport, a local member of Oiclub, passed fioru y'urtb to de unknown.Only n week ago Iiosul in dis hull ; lonight lie tun *lrcBse.l ftir Oo grave. \Vbntaekuliun will de club take ?"

"I'sposo, snli," snit. tboBev. l'diiaas be rose up, " dut it aai io on)epreseut a rt&olushuu to dc effect ilat liewas n tnnn of ile Iiighcat iulefjrilj, Jibe-ral-bearted, high-minded, un' tint Iloss am u sml blow to do Iitill city."

" Yea, such n resolusbua am iu order.Enid der 1'uualucb, can you rememberdot joii eber took Br udder Gosbpurt b>de tiatid mi' gin l<im a word of praise furliia bard nork on' bweflt ways ?"

" I—T—(loan* remember dot I eberOld, anil."

" Am dor a piifisou in dis Iinll wloretntfrober dnl he eber put lifsst'lf out tofuvor BrtidJor Oȣu|>ort V

Nut a IUIIU answered."Kin any one of you reineiaber ilut

jou took uuy jiDrticklcr iuleroa'iu howlie got along ?"

Not a voice wns hei-tl in rep]?." To be a little pluiiier," continued the

Preaidsut, " aui tiar ono single pUBsoqiu dis ball wbo uber felt ftvaiwnW u-orlbff imxieiy liniildor Goabporfs worldli-er spiritual weliiire ?"

The ball was GO quiet tlmt tlm sound ofElder Tools rubbiug bia back on thesharp edgu of a window casing gaveererybudy a atari.

"Not a mun iu dis hull club—uot uninu in bis liull city, so fur us we know,eber put hibself out to do u fuvor foi urspeak u word iu praise uf our Inmeutcdbrudder, an' yet we btivo do clieiik totalk (j[ it rosohishun eettiu' fortb bit.HIUU,T varluoa an' our Louitftlt sotrow INu, sir 1 We doiin" puss no ticli b i tDC&H heub 1 I should be ashumed to lookbis wiJder in Ou fucu if wo did. Il BIBdo wny of do world to men alone ji»twlieo R Uttle help would give Vm a bruudaud easy road. We h'nrofdis raun ordat man bavin' viva de gratitude of depeople, but wa doun1 h'ur of it until bfam dead. When a man bas gone fromy'urth de papers an' do public suddenlydiakiver tow liotiest bo WIB ; what a bigheart ho had ; bow much good he wasallua doin', an1 what a loss to de worldbis dontb will prove. De time to praisea mania when be am liviu'besido UP.Praise hurts nobody, but tniiny a goodmau bos grono weury fur de wuat of ap-pi'pciashun. Heab BuiBBTeaty-tiViiof usin die hall to-night, an1 we have to ownup dnt not one of us eber went outer uurway ta prove to our brudder tlittt hisgentle ways, Liasquc' dcnlin' nu his uprinht life war' ouy mu' 'precinted by uidoo as ff lie hnJ bin a boss-thief | An'to pass a rcsolusliUD would be to bniodourseWes hypocrites. Let DO man darnoffer one."— Detroit Free Press.


in also BOLE AGENT in POBT 0SAS1

S i a b n Inland Dvcini; and Cienuins'EstBlislmi-nt, of Nfworli; tlip Itoult Crrstai Optic

"TwoTnllnri"There was a slightblnze on tbe roof o

ft hoass on RUBHOI street a few days ago,and wnen tbe iDanrunco adjustersup to make their survey they found thatabout $2 would cover all tbe loss.

" Two tollur," oicluimcd tbe owhen be beard the decision : " I can'ttake no two lolliir."

" BUL>OU see for yonraelf tbot n dozcisliingles nnd au hour's work will makegood nil dumngea."

" Gi'QtlemetiB, you doau' put me offlike dot. Vben tny vhife finds dot vevhas on flro she crentos police nud inuiOer nnd fii|ls don-u stbuirs. Would youlet your vliift) full dowu stuira for dotfor dot sum ? If HO, I goes bone mityou uod Bees der fun."

"We do sot insuro himbaud9 andvivoa, but buildiugs," was tbe l

" I kuow, but inelu oldest poj Uu mnsfor tier fire box uml fulls a picket fenceouter imd hreahs bin good clotba itll topieces. Two tollar I Dot dotin' bay mefor goming np here."

" TeB, but we can only pay for actualdamages."

" Dot's all I vbant. Wh stole my dogvliep my housB rbas on fire ? Dot dogJib Rone, und he vbas ten tollars wort."

"We didn't insure tho dog."" Ucd moybe yon don't insure dom

povs who sat on der fence and calledout; 'Dot ole Dutchman's red noso hasBet bis honso on flro I' Do joa expect Itake such Bisa like dot for two foliar?Cud Then the tlremeas oome bete deybreak mein clothes-lines down mil do'ladder^ and dey epill wasaer all over raycarpets. Two tollar I Yhcll, vbdl Iyou go rigbt avbaj from here, and Itakes dot insurance bolicy und stepshim juto der mtidt I"—Oetroil JFVeePnu. _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ # _ _ _ _ _

How H« Oof His GUK OPF.—In thebeat of ootoal battle i t is no nncommoDocsanence for soldiers to get more loadsinto their guns than they fire off. Asoldier, who, after a hot content, hudnine ball cartridges lodged in liia gun-barrel which be could not extract, wasadriaed by a comrade to " prime her npwith dry powder aud fire her off » littleat i time." WtiDti be cams back fromthe hospital after making the experi-meat, he said : ". The gun weut ofF nlittle at a time nil right; but I am d—dsure aha cane book all at once.'1

A JoiK.—A lawer hud some priutl&gdonB recently and wlieti he called for itto his ca»griu be fraud tbat the printer,in order to gi?e tbe job HQ air of orna-mentation, bad placed the design of a

^pUhrmdwbiaibo nppor right-haudt mriut'vi the title page. Whattu^lo it

rf tf »aa tbo bet thfit€ hLVcunaht^aeM flv. Itin sauithftt it? biwor Unaled -hu finlritliUutjob,

JELL 9JUBBJBHha redufttl fhn price Tor plain I'e.uUnfj to

41.90 PER DATfrom this d*W, ind will Ulte contracti at verjlow figures to eorrf-sponii with t b i t r a w .



upun tin1 loiitul tti'inn. C'liitructu ULtu fur

Frescoing Interiors






ETC.. 00 TO


17-3m DOVKK, «. J.


OF 900 DIFFERENT DE9ION8. It«Kii1irK I'rom 0 cfiils to QiHvntK |>"r nil I ; g(

pnpers frciiii 10 c.U. to fit. I cauiKit bu iinclsuldiii thcttuitrtlului,

BORDERS,DADOS,Ceiling Decorations,


Gold Mouldings, Hooks, &c.

Size for i^poring a u J kulwrimning wal

u l ; to put u;i 1J> quart or gnlluti.

E. SIEBER,Cor. Skckwell aad Stsez Stsa

HI urn, inn Dover, N . J,

A. TAYLOR & SONd 11)!-! t

IliL-lia— -UUTtlB.

i, llLACKVVELLKT.till continue tbe lead iu theXucture of all kinds or



n) dtstro toi i

all nt'



HliAVV TEAM UAIINEi-irt! Hllt'tilion civen to llm mail ing of

•. l i n n l,iimrifT "



JHtUsHES, HARNESS, OILS,;ill «IBO to bit found In a Brut-clu

b l l l t 44

ol Port O n m and vof hnr NEW STOG K or

Spring and Summer Millinery


DOVEK A. J.Carpet Weaving, In all widths, done in

first-claes style at lowest rates. Tho bestktud of wnrp only used. Mew carpets orhead for Bale. Tho highest prico paid formsa, or Uken In exoaanf;*) tot carpetC L O T H E S D Y K U a n d C l e a n e d

i n good s t y l e ., Mu25iU, 1480. 38-1'

P u n Or»m, IFw Sil,

836. Spring 1881,JOS. YORK'S


Wo deuira to inffull 1ms uftiutwearccom|)l(jti



Furniturem goods nc show s great vaiy in the BEST, PRICKS REA80S

ml Bumes couiiiiea a•111 farnlah yonr liuiu

uur line, including

a city,erytliiug li




FAY you to call on ua. It will

PAY you to send goods to ua foi

REPAIRS. It will PAY you to

PURCHASE ol us and lifive goods

safely delivered on our own wag-

ons or by railroad as inay be agreed

ipon at time of Bale.

lohn Jelliff & Oo.794 BROAD STREET,

NEWARK, N J ,Newark, April 14th, 1881.


LAGER BEER.•icd faciUtt™ tor tlie B

i» to lie of prn|*rfh tlis ronit crilik-tIr •• Eiport" ti

t « t will fdlljr dMiiomtrite.'(pecttU^ la tpt tJ for hoti .

Brewery: Preeman-St., Newark,BOTTLED AND FUR SALH BY


*VTholei»le and reUU dealer In FORTEll,LE3, SAllSAP.UtlLU AND MINERAL

UNDERWEAR,foi bails, O.nl, snl'mililrm u



MASONS and BUILDERSDover , 353*. J".


Stone and Brick Work, Piiwferiug HIJolibliiy promptly attainted to. Orrior* leiat Win. U. Hiker'sutore will receive oar-laand prompt attention.J. G. MILLS, (17-Hra) FEANKGIES.


solii anil liauilted on coiiiiaiiiion.



Particular attention given to the



ait m





SUSSEX St. GROCER,still continues to kenp a full aud fronu quan-

tity of

Groceries nnd Provisions,SEASONABLE FRUITS,

Foreign anil domestic, the befit grades ofIniined Good* aud all aupplioB of "imirieLold in Ills line..

Care will always be taken to secure goodsf tba bint quali ty and equal piilns lo sell

iheui at tbe uoKt reiiHOliable marginB oon-«iHti>ut witb the pmchaaine price. 8UHJM:ifrncl, near tho c o m e r of Blaokwoll, Dover.

Oulober H l h . 1B71).



€3rO T O



Joseph York*0 tf BIOItRIBTUWHi N . J

NOTICE.Byvirlue o r m order or tbo DonrtoIChan

ctry or NBIT Jtitsey, raado Uuroh 14th. lBtiL, Irlao tUorotu penains wlietoln Thomas Er, 1B Cfni]pfail]i.in; aud Tbo Splllrnc)

Forte and Mining COTOJIBI." IB defondsnt, tilcrctfltora of auld Hhn epfltrcok Forgo an<Mining Oumpany arcdlroctGil ta pro seel to inReceiver of in Id Com pans*, and prove to ra;sutiiractiop.LiioirclainiB md detnindfl afcairst

(Ute of nald order or th&t thoy bs eioludsdfrom tlie benefit or BDOU 4ividen<lB at mty' rafter be mule tod declared bj said Coert

i tho nro3«oilfl or the effcata of «ld cc!poralloii. PI1ED. B.B£AOn,BeooiTer,

Monlatowu.N.J,Dated Much l l th, 1BB1. . 15-17*


DOVEE, S. J .a Dover lumber Com.

.ntreiovur lii taken

gpcciflmiiana and matoHnli of every hlud furltriiotl for lui ldins*. Jobbing a BpeolnHy,

SLATE ROOFING.Slate f.irnlnlwd from ilie l en t qnarrleslt-

_ ie aioall qoHtitUy or car load, ODJ Inlil, if dcHired, JiyexporleQcoii worltmra atfowrtiten.


Sussex St. DOVEE, If. J.,s tboroDgbly fnrnUbod and efflciootlj

equipped wltli ihree' ot GRIFFITH'S CELE-


EUret'a, F(litier,'UE]wait!ieo. Toledo, Cicoln-n i t l . 81. Louis, Peter Dwlsor ' i andBreiseryLiReni The beat WINEB, LIQOCBBand Cigar* a t tbe bar. '



CLINTON STREET,Jiore lie will welcome a l lh i i frietuis, «Dd pr

vltlu tlio Lost LAGERS aud otber drinlut «i' n ehoiccHt HEOAItS ; a l io a new


RESIDENCE FOR SALE.A very doa{fabl« reddenoo on UonU 81.,

Dover. A Una Jooatloa, large lot, wllhgood frail namllftna*aiat«ni.ira,t«i. Tbi

ibUiwvtit' KOOIBS, well1 *rr»rjfi«d, suerbole property !••» »**T ollftibla QUO foi

reddenoe. I t Is only Mild on fceconnl of theill heillb of Uo proprietor. Apply stI34T THIS OFFICE.





all Uoda of bD/ldbcf,aii< t ie eoiaUbelieo

of balUlnct a«pMlatMd«a. SMat

Doputi in No ir Stork, loo

OumniuiiUKiK U.oSi*Al, JAN. lai, lfijl.

iiaoliDif wltli y i" Ituoiiiuu Uruotii ut litiivimi1 JJUKUIUU ; weUtiuaiur uriiuuU ai Uuinr l

i-lutiu; tlio 1I.,L. & W, it. It. at Uiniiiuijtfor Uauuubi Unuiit^Wa-tur (i«p, ritruuuniiuiJcmutun, lircMt Uuiiil, Uiufiutnatmi. Uiu

Jatt'Hjj aud puiulM un Ibc ltftuk&vaiiua &l

ruati^iiUo'ial'tUtiijliUurt! wilti tLliljiL Vilt>j iuiiruttd »nU Lviiii(ii »uil b^iiiuulidaatiD. fur UoUjlolium, Mnuob (Jliunk, UcaOiiig HI

At ditlv k. M. Oiiri-ga Exjjrei*B (Dnwiiltootu OarsntUolietl) rioui Unit Vuii via.Piurscm Kud Boontoa, runt* through to WaiO»p, titruttUuljuric. Hurnmou, Urtai BunUlugliLnituL, LiHte. Uarftthoo, GorHaud

Dovur with Oboaltr II. B-, ut'Waterloo widDavoi U. 11- tor Atidorct, Sowton nud »ll s tlions ; at JjaUnixa with EJnirsiowu Itr..tiiTaiitoti, with *j|oonn.tniru Uiviaiou furl'ittIon, KiuKBtitii, WlU»c»b»rre, Pauvillu, nurlliumtwrlaul, &c, a t Uiagliamwu vltti Utto,CiFUtion lor ft-miiio.. fiumioh. Utiaa, nm

jpriugB. raaaonger* Ulsiag tillNew Kork, i'ttoraou iwidltoon"

it at VVatUiiUgtuii wltij traing, Eaeton, Uuttiloliem, Ulenlo'midnoiutioii tlio Lot ib Vill-

i HDil SunqiKiliet.nl It*. fflfttJi; aiB witli imividure Divuion or F». It.

.. toTiAiaUortvilUs, 1'runtuu and ?hlladolphia<At 1U.UI A. HI. Dover Auaowiuuilat.au,

JJiFiaion lJlloblleiil

HarriuLmaud LitbiI ' l i U i i

OtcaatlMbibug, Sana

.JQltnifL. -,-m^.^-~ • . — .

H. U. foi Pittitoo, Wyoming, Ktngiton ,Uirre. Paaaeumn taklns tUia train fruio NiYork. P»taraou aud Boouton can counect at Wi' gtnnallh train lin &,

Leave Men Vork at».3V P. U (E.aton Ex-'oaa) ooBUoctiog at Waterloo for Auduvor,

..KWtun aud Bntiehvflle, and at Pliltlipaburbwith Leblgii Valley Itafiroail and Lelilffli natiBuaquehaau*li. It. forBetbleljoui, Aileutowu," ading and Harriaburg. Also mill Bel. Dr

-liroid toi-BolTiUer*.At*i^t>P. M.(Hnolti3ttal

" •' uiiaiiu._.,._ _.tollnchctl

j t inua t Watarloo with train itAndovcr and New\oD.

»ii*U P. U., Uuver EiproeB for Siinimi(Uornarilaviilu, Uaakiotfriclgt Bud ml point* «'ttsaaia md fauliwtrti EsiIro«tU OlmHnD

Madmuu, Morrintuwu, HOHU IWUB,DVU\UUltoohnwuy and Dover. Connocting ot Duvcwltli Exureae train for Waterloo, HuokottstuwWaabtiiKtnu, Bin nimbi flliuuk. Water Oap,HtroudnUurs, Scnnton, DiDRliamton, Dlfcfl,Riulitlold HpriOKS. Hjraoano and Cxnogo, rritliBleeping c m ailuched,

i t »;t>0 P. M. Oawiffo BipreHs lr< . ,„ .Yurk (Bleeping unto at Inched) via, fulersun .V3uonloa tliruilRli to Water Gail, HtruudHbiiig

tJciaatcu. Biiigliaintati, Ualu, Itlunulioii.t'c'ctland, Uumar. avuiuum! uud OBWLRO, oinnuolat \VuUrlw> wltli HUWBI lUllroad for Aiul»r«i

ml Newton ; ntDnlanurfitcnii DlairaluwNHyit BlUKliaiiiion with train Far Oreeiia, OxmrdInrwieli, Utk-a, Ac. Tbistrtlurumt throughIOBVIPKO " '— -'•'•""At ii*a r

am.Murriiinj;lou,Fanton, Bethlfli1'--,Ins aiidHarrliiliurg. without ohm

Fur IkrtwJtvilln, Bnskmj,'rnlf,Fc, Li-iilllneUii., Utirlmg, llilk-tlo, Berkeley U>inJ alt BlftHoUB ou PsBflaien.il Dclmniit. (N. J. Wi-Pt Lino RailroaJ) H;« A. M,':60 aud 3:20 P.M.

A. REASONED, Supt'rm.iiudo

urdiy niglllB.. Plilili|iBi>urgS|)Dcl

w.i. Dura, Itacketlt, fiptWi'licni, Al l i l t

DOVER TIME TABLE.m arri to ami donart from thisu*'B :1 BOUND * . M. WIST nOtTHU

Eistuu ElptCBB S;'2UH 1 l t t E l ! l i t

ofer Iluw York Exp. 't

i'KUamton Eli).* ]IT York Mwl !per Acoum. E

iv York Xccnm. §*Vn. Bouutoo Braucti.

Dover Eiprees 7:2^Onweco Exp," 8:34Pliill!pib'8Bpec.lO:35

UTWaUtl).it. J * .M,

,S7 7.001.47 C.62

:!? -t&LIT e b»1.65 6.80

" 6.23


A . M .OhoBterHortuu .Ironjaflocewnon*MoCaiUBTllli-Por t Oratn

9.iaB.178,208.2Sa 85



W.S.BABBITT.State for 50ets. par y a H .

Tli« lieat BLACK CASHME11E for tirmDCHand color.

The beet Hours CLOTH in colors and )>lack.Ttie beat Hoorietta Clotli and HotiraingTens Qoodn of all kinds.The cheapest ALL WOOlfSHUDDAS, single

and double width, colors and black.Superior line oi MOMIKH, in cnlormsnA black.Jona in D U B B DOODB of all kinds it


Profitable Reading for Everybody'

_-.Jha*4 StrMolb BeHoreI, nod U IM «uptntii IOTKUH. Et«

^ i n r e £1 on th» ouO,, Chtml.ii, N.Y.

; Parker's Hair Balsam. SS3?iKSTk. E. .I * >«« &»>o»leal Hair Dr. . i l . f

' l l l i<t>*iMi that krtbencnculh B Q1 U ( d

Urnun rII lartr n « i l« Btitor. Or. j t

Morris County Surrogate's Office.APRIL IHtli, 1881.

n the mat ter of IVter D. HI-IKIWROII. Adminialralor of CclumbnH ? . lltlcr, deccasudSnrmgnte'g order to limit crediting.

OH application ot tbe above nnmoil Admin-istrator, it in ordered b j tlio S u m

; in thflr detitl, lit)miI nut the aaiTip. uiider ontliB from this date.

[fa, tdtlili_ :e. by Buttlnp np a copy

or thin order, within t^outy days hereafter, inflTe of tbe nioat pnhllc pliciw la the County ofMorris for two won tlin, ami also wlthla tbpHid tweittv rtaj-8 b r kdvortiH.tiR ttio SAOO intlio IROM E E A , «n» of tlie newapapprs of thisHiato.for tbo

iry); BnS ir anyitiit tiEft or tier oeot , uijinnii- — .._

wiibintbe a\i& perloil i>f nine raonlhn, pnbtlotwinKCivon i f afoKuld , cncli creditor»foruver daU(re ' l of bin or ?•»«• actlou

• H*ldAili • "

•lflwv rrtiin OicOic m i n n l f .

a A. GlJI -EN, Sorrogi te

Bktist Sh&vls I Drmhwh!AT





R D. B<K1M» I b u i t i n r .

In the renewal of MoKIEGAN & Oo.'s ad-vertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm has essentially "StruckOil." Commencing business -with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady indus tryand strict attention to business and the wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State. MoKIRGAN & Co.OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY.BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers in MorrisCounty and vioinity, if there are any who donot deal with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them, as weknowwhereof we speak when we advise themto that effect. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR WATER WHITEbrands ior illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the ekctiio light icr illu-minating purposes.

McKlRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,etli.lSIB. Sfl-flm A T Z a i T C T ' . a . X I . K * 1ST.


OU8SEI ST., [KMT">""«««I I»« . ]

D O V B B I H . J.

juil raclyed aaJ pl««l In pealUon TBBEEFINE SEW

BEATTYS ORGANS 14. STOPS ONLY $66.HBeautiftU Stops """ " "

Bill led oifir HliiQb<nittlieco«ofm«nafMt«ro. Order AtOair 1 very orjnm of mj liimmfK-turH, vhtnlatrQdu»iIn mi u l ubfttr » 111 maiiTliLortt far ma. Every rlMiio or

nl j c u r a n q W u n , Icon (lierefora atnd auttha fln,tNimiiilnartanora riowtiiioitt Bltout coat.relying00

ifutiito riiilenriir my proill*. ir j<m do not «iuif tnllnnniuieitjouiKflf *IUyoa plcato hinJormidltil* olTa

HgNgSJgH; ciff.TtK

r68B"o"r°ca"l'on"d D A N T E L F I BEATrTYTwaBhlngton. Now JarBeJ.

Freeman Wood,FIRB

INSURANCE AGENT.;omofiOK BbAoivsLL i T i s r r , K H T T O O W J B O I

B1O0ABDB 4 OO.'B iTOBl.)

DOVEB,i\.J.LegftUjaiithorizod agent of tho follewiDg fitBt-

Liaoompiolet—tbebsatln t bawor ld :


GLOBE, Capita! (20,000,000.


Citpital 810,000,000.

EOTAL OP L1VEBPO0L,Capital $10,000,000.


Capital 15,000,000.


Capital tSOO.OOO.

'EOPLE'8. Nemu-k. " SOO.000,


The London AHsuntnoa Corporatiou ofLondon, capital $5,600,000.

Spriugfltld Fire Insuninoe Oo.,setts, cupital $1,BOO, 000.

Westohestar Fire Ineurance Company ofNew York, capital JWKJ.OOO.

ERMAN AMEU10AH «1,000,000

Fire Association of PMl'a.swum?, $3,500,001

APITAL 600,000

CHICAGO, ROOK ISLAND & PACIFIC BYIs The Great Connecting Link between the East and the Weit I

•-- — • - ••— * —Li- •- *T-...,#.II £7ffrpin0 Car*f3r ulc^pins puri^oiev and Pnlae*

J m i c t l u . . . - _

cUftrertlie.pflt™1Tuhlii|ilu»l<iSI(villa; Keotulto

iT.OFitulliieH.ti, 1EFiluti, t

MMonroe! liesvi IH. oaknlcioiL Vcllv Monroe.and I}|'B Sioln^G;

Ohiwolifiii'd Auiiilloii; and ' A » P » IO llariananUUanoti. Tlilj It jiositi vei_y *Jl*h*^^ 1fJt


from' Chlcsao Into the Slato ut Kaunas.Throi,«h£i|.r«8?I '^ l ,K_ t .rTrBm.,^ihr. l ill-


" & iijriilncent Iron lirlilrci unin tb« MilMlatuurl rlvirl i lal l jip(r.!»c-un*i

BT 1inn KL

m MoiNU N I L

i. s B.s,.uittr.,Kith ¥., C. AfiL

T. with thB IiU.n.ft N.B.R.ll t i l I f t K It

U.n.ft N.ft K. It.

II It ftD. M A P. II. It. ft.

with Union 1'aelllc RB.

;entral'liiw»'R R- WAiO?TUKw'i9.ii?IthT;entral'liiw»'R. R-

BI.UA 1-ac. >iiil C, II atiil «. R- Hd»,At KirnJCiTK lclIhTtil., PPO. A Wtr.: Wab

Louli & l-ac knd St L KeoA H W R IAl C

r (;i .:ppO"4W.r.Tw.b..Br

At ATCTIIHOV witri Atcb. TaMka A AantaFa;Atcli. A Nub., and O n . Hr. U. P B- Rd*.

Al LKAVKHHOBTB, Wltli Union I'*c.*uidK»H.Ctnt-It- Hil*.

AC KAMBAB CITT, with all line* tor the TVottnml Bnlllliw*.!


italnublo «t your b o u t o(Hc«, addreaa.


ftokctK vi:. thin Line, known n« tne • nr»&t Rock laluud ILoDtc," are >ulall.Ticket AK^M. In the VPl!*IM«t-a.i_B"A£aJ).?I!n-_ . .


All-nit nw tlmiiuniMl of f-.cso uelfbratctl tuacliiui l lJ i M i C Si


PHOSPHATE!J I . n . Dioljerhon, for n number of years

hoa conducted the busiuesa of selling

Lister's Phosphate and Bone,in this vicinity, which tie has cow IraiuJerred to me, and I am prepare*! to fnroishthe same to fftraiem and [pirdencn. for theSpring trade, ID Inrga or wmll quantitlea at

iWeBt prioBB. A.pplj at the coal ynrd ofW«. W. HILL.

Neit ta the ntn ber Mill, Blaakwell St.,MBi . .Dover, N.J .


CHILDREN'S WOODEN TOYSbaa Jnst bcon rooeived at



NICE WACI0SS FOR $1,Children's Baby Carriages,

'HEBLBAimoWB, *nH m iny otheri wood equally elieap. A prime lot ai


u d piirB canf^cllonurj on him'.

'H OnOANri, 17 B t o p i . H


M A R T I N & B U C K ,

House, Sign ad Oraamental hnters,UflAINEllS, U I L D E n s m d TArEB HAKQ-L11B. O ,nU,c t ^ and mated

(retcoe ttylos, Hi'Itfdfio of boate and »Iffn

ipetent io niset the ilcinandi^ _ k«. _ ™TI-"*_I_ . . . .

InB, «ie leel cam potent Ui niaet the dcmiridi»r all, J a m t i>hpp over tfiaa White's millloerrRtoiD, next to Voajh t & Klllgarv'a d rug store.




^FILLING. *<>-

N iaiUonal charge for etootb*»ia«*rteil. Wowonownnk.

g Ltintlfnl u t i of taath for


Diner, &m«mber ISIb. UTS.


gholao Vioel iDd LtoDarw prime u p A a n d i

Pool Tables1 the oeloliratod mionraotor j of J- H .


OECHESTEIONIAB al«o tu i t lieen gopiilied with new Dtullemd will dellglil tlic pa i r™; ol Ihe bonw nior.ban ever, fnrnlabltig mcaio oijnat to a bratathan ever, farnii

hmi or 50 pleooi.


LAGER BEERalways on draught tnd the best of


BSwaya provided for tbo patrons ofOPERA H0DBE AND


IIot-A* • 0a» & Base-bnrn-


UK.ILII. l^l.AUIC,l'ou[h1<ero,rt.,.an,

Beted llkPB.I«..t . . IlIiu.curLamu.7iur,



Also, » L»rfi* AaiortmBiit or o th t r fluf Cooking Stovtii; It»oj{efl, Parl

Htovea, Ac.,


the poisonous hIn Kidney and U

Jaundice, Conatipation,Piles, orlnHMcumctism, Nand Fomnle dicordorc.

K1ONEY-1VOK I' •• t< :\n > • KHaittHH, Wooden, Copper, PlAia Di


OllOio(tn,Can>«u, pbird OiRei, battlers, Prau'H AHlral Oil (

XT' 3UOW •


Rooting, Plumbing and Jo!iWorkp


Scales atturer's pricee;

flld I ron, Copper, 13ro.HU, Li-atf, ItaL'c antOreeultachit tukeu in eidioiiKo Tor I;(W<1B.

UltUEN i- IJONK11JJ...Mtw. inRimfnolure™ of BI7NNF-LL'B RKI.F-T I G U T E N I N G W I R E KF1MKG UK1> l i O TTOM.

RuckswaT.Marplil.lR13.IUAWDDnYBOLD HY DH


I OOM Tflt)lcI)hm*.=k.l)airn!iiliiil,; ll l. t,,]J[,(|J HLiim-aly Tcblf 1-iui'ii, IA.III.JI- U»,,,rti[*




r i l H E uatlnrripucd nil) MIIUIHII I't neb1 t>y tho tlK.iisind at x.-iv )un raU

b b L bitreb being ILn be

unty, Al

Standard Apple, Pear,

Cherry and Quince Trees.Gripe Vims nixl Hmall ]''niilr<, AHimrflgUHttlitubs, ltiiHVH nnd UviTKiimiH fur llcji ' inj; .Snail hit nibbed (nun Of-ueva, N. Y. I ovei-

riiS«1I!ir;u.tiive orpiiim, t'A i\!,n\ '»,'•

Ht'-pit, 161 ; iivf f . i i^r , 7

ONKHUKDJtI'TiOTiirKSTYI.KW up to IM amiuiort'. OIJHITW tlinr M11.

varinty mid ca|>ai:ity cvuiy way, uml VKIlYMUuU U-Hfr qu i l i ty tlitin tin;" iniu-li U l h i r -t;n'.l " eli«!i|)!! or (j.uis with two or Him, tim.-an nmny nt<i[iH. All L-n-epL llici viirj- HIIIUI!I n-,Btyleu of tlicsu crpiimt r.n> now tulil


Freeman "Wood,ue of tlie Poioe and Polloe Mi git t rate.

1MIR brut itLEACHED MUSLIN for 1 0 c kpur v»nl ia nt W. 8. BABBITT'S. Stand-

ard Ble*cV<l Muelina, N. Y. Mills, Utlca,Prideur tin* West, WaniBtitU, Fruit of thn Lonm 100,Frn i to f thu LI.ODI, Hill, BolmceTille, Barkei: " m . n j o l b e r njakt-bofiiniahn.

10 Hnlmuavllln lighUgOwu cot ton, Cl tnDno Brill, etc., at




i carry a complete itouk of




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,the best In the country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to and from Europe.


Cloreuda 81iupWd I ATTACBsanx

A. Hubert. \ IN CUE.HvTOTlCE it hoi-ol.v irivf.niy* | £ i v i u I I I P I K fiVLl Ol ftt~

tlio suit uf Clemmh Hlicp-d i cliattelH, right H

it A. Herbertf t b d

I efltio!)ir1cnt<liil>toi d l l

H e r r t , r un>uro ! ) i cn t l icf tw.i bundn.d anJ titty doll

y n t 2Ui day of Fclnnury, A. D. 18HIMBLYIM 8. CONt lT , Clork.

Datod MBVOII 10t!., 1881. 15-B


Received flrnt pro ml urn nt N- J- Slate Pair,Wnvcrlv, lust full. Over 100 nolil Iiy nn lautyear. Mend Tor circuUr.


Agricultural Implcmcnts.Sccds,Fertilizers, etc.

MonlatoHu. Jfclj.aii. ltti'l. 0-8m



IIACKETTSTOWN, N. J.manufacturer uf top anil no lopbiiRKies, twoneat c a r m a n , two neat Pl.iptmis, DrewntRr

T 1JLI I J n i J l l , ULll

l a t r l in l BijUliY• b e s t

It'cllflbnt t b t bf- t wdrhttii'ta emplovi'd Fvrrv IJHE-py wiiM-mttcil an rt-jiromfut.-d. ItHPAljUNOdr.nt, in o][itflli^,H-[]trf at llm HIOHI reaHoa-able ratPB. entire mitwfaiMion jjivt'n. Onlyfirst-clans work frill be turned <mt. All orders

per ' i iua r l c rynnr X*8.U8 ami lBizo l t l j O li

111 New Y.irb citV.IISDOQ i Huintin Oifftna an- wrliiinljH in lli« world, liavlsjf- Uki>n lii^l:.-al a'p.vcry oiiEi nf tli*! Orect Worlil'* Indm

Mason & Ham I in Organ Co.,.•) New York,







Tredwelh Jartnan & Slote,273, 275, 277 Broadway,

Cor. of CHAHBEES St., N. Y.


NOTICE!Itc it know

by-virtiip«.f nbutter proH'C" fd l f umnufiicttii

il otlicr biivera^fMaWli Ht l i . 18HI, I, Uanipialil()iltr*PEoltlVr

NOTICE.Be i t Uii'<wu t» all pei'wonK that UIKUT RI

bjrvii-iuc of au net cnthlcil "An aut tnr tlbot t t r p ru t r r tn t i n| nnuarucIuriTH and 1mt l e r i o f n u l ildulttn in minornI wsti.ru, L^enet. anil oilier bi'Vrtgpx "niiprcvt

tb, 1881, I, .A]esandM JianotiMo.bot l t r i n j Je«Irr In tulnnral wa;e_n*, beer, nli

?r and oth^r bevtrni^fn, corSovur . County of M01Jersev, <le licrebv ID ncci

:idut!oaSu tbi19 ami Statedance witli tinIn t l iuoUkcul


d in bottlinp nu l denliug in


FOR SALE I' A property oompTinIng thirty-flt* amostly imprOTed, and located at Oranettwo mile* from Barer on tho road tradingto Ofaeitor. On the premises in «


ontbonse*. Aiwa tecMit honse. Plentyof good frnit, early tnd laU, ugd a very fix

— ct miter n o r tlie bouse. Apply to

Una. JAKE B. -wnxiAMs,

ou the pr*miiwu

881, Carpets! 1881,

.TjaaELBOABPMB. choice •^tiUmiiattOtH. tt«r yutir Tbo b«tt qnalitloa lit Bn*>el Carpeti; China MtttiBg. nf all.biiidi-('am, plaid and fancfNipIr MittlBgi'CoTrlatlin^. VaHltla Ma I tins, Tli^n i la t i v

DhUtKeta; BUirCanmta: OilClothi, Uno-t n t : Table«il aintb} 6tu4a IIDUIDAH, tnHlliCAbn Oar[KU inHk^satVlaid, SbUH1

flvt«d aad Aang, KOO«11I»B itiihfaAte^ftt, .


tbereon, owned »ud us^cl bv DIO in u r HiQslnotis t s iforeanid, whioh mid duBcnnti1 •• follDWi : BitiPB, WOO.]CD, tnarkDil on botl

J . " Bot

on ana"*!?! ._,prenBed, "A. KIHICIUBR, Diwer,

n . j . " AIBO t> Ii,t or luilllne nsod tor t i tparpen© iroromii], marked, itiiared—esiofl witli tbfi mouceraia compo6Dt.

ttiTit K. & 8. Tiio bollliis UBO(1 hy laid Alf-I-tler Eanuiific, tu llin W I I . U K of und dealiofi

ID beiT »nd tiger bocr. are of c^pnoitv it foiIowa: Pint* •ml lintf pints, m.rkad nUmpcor iropreeied an follow•; On UDO aide ••>"anouse, Uovor, S. J." On lite otV.or eide

toll tnttle aof ta \,Q mil!]," On tb t battumKarl Hulter." Tbii not i^ iu jivi-u no

description filed fur ihi purpuio of proticiinnpiler tLo provioions of uid iot abovu tefsire^\o,

Wiluemmj hind tliitaCLh I(liyofApiil.A.D. 1831. f

ALEXANDER EAN008E.Piltd In tlie offiun of llio Olcrk ot tba Conntr

>t Horrla thly 38tU day of April, A. D. 1881.31 •*» M.8.C0KDIT, Olurk.




are now cutabliihed in their

NEW MANUFACTOltY,ind mtb nsw «pp[l»DMI and ^nl-m-od f»ii

ado Ki ordt^-iii t heVnt

Tebwle/nr dihrent kiodil kTpt J*•- A call will wtlifr fithflifil-'

ui *f ihe t«at, •iiar « • • cil« Ilia


I>iiVir. U. J., known HH lub'T IXH'I boicH man-"lutruiml for tlic UHO cf nai<l 1). Moiler, wiiifli

pmtnoil ft blue color. A larfroi- Hl^n ^,,x iiricJby kniil D. Mollpr in the bii«iu«Btf DroriMiiiil.dm niniui; each room for nevnnty-twii hnitl->tKtamiifk! or imurohnrd " D . Jlollor, Powr. N.J. !iu<l iisiuiud witb a blue color. Tbe bet tinused and t'wueil by said Dauk>| Mollor ftre ofMiB lutk»w!uK fietioriptifni, to-w!:: TiatB nodli-li-pmt Imtllta, *iubo, sud whllo class,ninrtoj 011 oiioaiJo " I>. Moiler, DoTPr K J.""•ithrni-PLl .Piter* "itliin » circle, ntul «u tin

IIKT hi;ii' tlic worflH "this boltle la neverifO," In raiBMl let.-re, mmlc- in Ihe nimiufiic-iritinnf mitd bottlfB,Tins notice I* giv<!,i anil dewritiUtra illeJ MI"! parp(ne orprolrr.titinnudtr tliepryvUUn*

* y " r A l ' r ' " A'D"i>A?IIBt, MOLLEIt.Pilo 1 in (lift nf»™ of tint C.itiutv (.r Morris,

SliitotirNcw Joriiov. thin 19ili \,,'rU, lust ."'•5w * M. H. COSDri^olrrk:




BEAUTY OF DESIGN,Thty will nntlupt nil curamon, chosp (irgJPfi

wliilo their inuilcal ami mri-hinical qoalitiMlend Ibem to &II wlio wluli a stricllj hifib1 instrument.

Agents Wanted in this Vicinity.ADDHEH2


Cambridgeport, Mass.