KHSM Form No. 'r62 REV.1/01 TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (Forschools visitedduringthe2000-2001school year) School: EstillCounty High School Reviewed By: Gary W . Lawsen DateOfVisit: 2-7-01 TelephoneNtunberof Reviewer: 502-875-3817 1. Com pleted Required Form s GE-19 YesX NO E1 Survey StudentlnterestForm YesX No Q Summary Form sT-1Thru T-41 CorrectiveActionPlan(Form T-60)YesX NOE1 Yesu No X : FJZ,T-38,T-39,T-40wcreomitted 2. OpportunitiesCom ponentofTitleIX Com pliance AreaofCompliance: (CheckOneOr More) A SubstantialProportionality B HistoryandContinuingPracticeOfProgramsExpansion C Full andEffectiveAccommodationofInterestandAbilities

(For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

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Page 1: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

KHSM Form No. 'r62REV.1/01


(For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year)

School: Estill County High SchoolReviewed By: Gary W . LawsenDate Of Visit: 2-7-01Telephone Ntunber of Reviewer: 502-875-3817

1. Com pleted Required Form s

GE-19 Yes X NO E1

Survey Student lnterest Form Yes X No Q

Summary Form s T-1 Thru T-41

Corrective Action Plan (Form T-60) Yes X NO E1

Yesu No X : FJZ, T-38, T-39, T-40 wcre omitted

2. Opportunities Com ponent of Title IX Com pliance

Area of Compliance:(Check One Or More)

A Substantial Proportionality

B History and Continuing Practice Of Programs Expansion

C Full and Effective Accommodation of Interest and Abilities

Page 2: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

A.) If Substantial Proportionality is chosen; does it appear t.hat the school has performed tlkecalculation correctly?

E1 Yes LNo

(1f No, include in conunents section and analysis of what is incorrect in the calculation.)

Comm ent'.

B.) If History and Continuing Practice Of Program Expansion are chosen; does it appear thatthe school has performed the calculation cocectly?

DYes E1 No

Comm ent:Although the standards for this test were not achieved, the school plans to start volleyball nextyear, and shouid then meet the requiremenls at that time.

C.) lf Full and Effective Accommodation of Interest and Abilities is chosen, does it appearthat the school provides opportunities in areas of sm dents' interest?

D Yes D No

3. H as the school properly surveyed its student body to accurately assess the interestsand abilities of its students?

E)11 Yes lZ1 No

Comm ent:

The school did an excellent job of surveying its student body and received a high perdentage of

Page 3: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

4. Checklist of the Title IX Com onents of the lnterseholastic Pro ram

Benefit to Dellcienf ComlnentsSatisfactoryStudents

Aecom modation W ith tlae addition of volleyball during the 2091 - 2002of Intçrests and X school year, the school shows a movcment towardsAbilities meeting the standard establishments in test #2. It is

recommended that the school's gender equity committeemeet a minimum of three times each year. The schoolappears to have perlbrmed the calculations to determ iaeopportunities correctly.

Equipment and X lt is requested that the school look at the feasibility ofsupplies developing a rotation plan for the purchmse of unifonns.Sehedaling of The school is requested to submit scheduling informationGames and X to the KHSAA by April 15, 2001 (see comment section)Practice Time

Travel and Per There does not appear to be any deficiencies in this area.Diem XAllowances

The salary schedulc for coaches appears to be equitable.coaching X The school was informed to the fact that the number of

coaches used, relates directly to benefits received in anygiven sport.

Locker Room s, The need for a long-range facility plan that includes anPractice and X upgraded dressing facility for girls' basketball was

discussed.Com petitive

FacilitiesM edical and The school was requested to Ilave a posted weight-trainingTraining X schedule. The need to have weight equipment tilat is

more suitable for use by female athletes was discussed.Facilities and


Publicity X

Support Booster club support was discussed and properservices X completion of the -1--35 and *1--36 forms was explained.


The school is requested to submit complde and accurate-1--35 and 3--36 forms for the 1999-2000 school year. (Seecomment section)

Athletit XScholarships**

Tutoring** X

Page 4: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

Iiousing and XDiningFacilities andServices **

xRetruitm ent of

6O dYXtXtiletesv W

5. Brief Summary/Analysis of The Corrective Action Plan (T-60)The 1999-2000 Corrective Action Plan, calls for better accommodation of interests andabilities by adding volleyball and girls' and boys' soccer programs by the fall of 2003. Italso calls for making other options available to improve dressing facilities for girls'basketball.

O bserved Dtfieieneies in Overall Girls and Boys A thletks ProgramsAlthough the visit to Estill County High School showed som e nçeds for betterdocum entation, the total atùletic program looked to be working toward high standards ofequity.

Faeility Reeom m endations or Concernslt is recommended that the school plan for upgraded dressing facilities for girls'basketball.



8. KH SAA Recom m ended A ctionD Notify Office Of Civil ltights and Request Federal lnvestigation of Possible


ID Notify Equity Division and KBE of Potential Title IX Violations

IZI Suspension From the Association

D Prohibition From Post Season Play

D Probation For

(:1 Fine In The Amotmt of

D None At This Time

X school shall submit the following additional information:

Page 5: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

(Support Servicesm udget) The school is requested to submit, by April 15, 2001, a 7--35and -1--36 fonn showing corrected budget figures for the 1999-2000 school year. Thesefonns should include expenditures made by the school and booster organization.

(Selettion of Cheerleaders) On or before April 15, 2001, the school is requested toprovidq information to the K-HSAA concerning the manner in which cheerleaders areselected for boys and girls' teams. If cheerleaders are selected in such a way as to resultin a.n arguably better (i.e. t$A'' team vs. t%'' team), cheerleaders performing at boys'events, tllen the school shall also submit a plan under which oheerleaders of equétl abilityshall perform at an equal number of boys' and girls' games in comparable sport (i.e.,boys' varsity and girls' varsity basketball game).

(Prime Time Contest/Girls' Basketball) On or before April 15, 2001, the school isrequested to provide information to the KHSAA concerning the number of ttprime time''games scheduled (games to be played on Friday and/or Saturday nights) for its girls'varsity basketball team during the 2000/2001 season. To the extent that a fewerpercentage of girls' gsmes are played during prime times (when compared with thepercentage of boys' games scheduled for prime times), the school shall advise theKHSAA of actien it intends to take to im mediately correct the differences.


l'ligh School Title IX Coordinator: Arthur D. Ballard: 606-723-3537


District Level Title IX C oordinator: Randall Christopher: 606-723-2181

Name Address Telè honePh llis Catlett K HSAA 859-299-5472G a W . Lawson K HSAA 502-875-3817Arthur D. Ballard Estill Coun HS 606-723-3537

10. Com ments:The public comments session began at 6:00 p.m. and ended at 6:25 p.m. with 12 peopleattending.

Page 6: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

. ' ' ' '

, .

rêrttltky p'lgh Sthûûl lthlêlic lssût'1ûtiûr


To: Principal, Superintendent, Athletic Dir rm w$ ,


From: Louis Stout, CommissionerBrigid L. Devries, Executive Assistant Commissioner . .

* aDate: February 16, 2001

Subjectr KHSAA Title IX Final Audit Report2000-2001 School Year

Enclosed please find a copy of your school's Title IX KHSAA Atidit Report for the2000-2001 school year. Please pay particular attention, as you qeview the report,to the fact that the reviewer may have requested, by a cedain date, additionalinformation to properly assess your athletics program . In addition, fines and/orpenalties may also be imposed.

At this time you are probably aware of the required Title IX Forms to besubmitted by April 15, 2001. They include the following: GE19, T1, T2, T3, T4,T41, T60, T63. Most 'Importantly the 2001 Corrective Action Plan (T-60) needs tobe updated on an annual basis.

Should you have specific questions regarding the content of your 2000-2001 finalrepod, please contact the person who reviewed your Audit Document.

Thank you for your work in this very impodant project.

2280 Executive DriveLexingto ,n Kentucky 40505

(606) 299-5472 Fax (606) 293-5999

Page 7: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

V2@01 19:29 6067234894 ESTILL COUNTY HIGH PAGE 01

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Estill County High School has one Varsity Cheerleading squad andone Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad. The Varsity squad cheers % r a11Varsity football games, all home Varsity boys' basketball games, and allhotne Varsity girls' basketball gam es. The Varsity squad also cheers for a111 ff games, distrlct and regional gsmes, and away games with 40thp ayoDistrict rivals. The number ofraFay games is kept the samè for boys' andgirls' basketball. The Varsity sqgad also competes in the KAPOS Districtand Regional competitions. The punior Varsity squad cheers foç home JVfootball games and home boys' and girls' basketball gnmes.

All girls try out for the Varsity squàd, with 16 to 24 girls being namedto the squad depending on the number with good scores from the KAPOSjudges and the number who meet the minimal requirements. The minimalgymnastics requirement is a back-hand-spiing. If there is a sufficientaumber of participants, the rem ainder of thc girls is placed on the JV.


ned; --- - Date: e/-/f--//Sig - -

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05/24/2001 6067234894 ESTTLL COUHTY HIGH PAGE 05



A 6/7:30

Dec, 2 Saturday Danville H5 Tuesday Mcntgomery çiqnty DM H 6:00 > 81wl YG V$$:*2*e''

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. %h 6/z:30

* f TBA klk ttGï VZXYWZXWX: ' wj t1 9-22 T-S Laxington Cathelic Tourney2/-30 W*S East Carter Quoen of Bluegrass* A TBA *. ZMGWSJWA WVWIXfv- %s

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Jan, x s'

8 Vonday Fleming Co. H 6/7:30li Thursdgy .clark County A 6/7:30

Mo a O nwsp,ii-s,urs >ri22 Mondpy Sayre25 Thursday Powell Co,20




6/7:306/7:306/7:30Montay Harrison Co.

h g elv e'w ? 's owiOJQ . Jz w , tw

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Nov, 30 Thursday Paris

%' Xt>

Feb .'1 . Thursday Open' .' #,

5 .' MonéMy ''J.i-ûe Cöunty .

8 Th. ur?d4y Madison Centrali

12 Mondaf'' Madison SouthelnI ?

1 5 Thursday Lexington Cathdlic1 9 Monday Open22 Thursday Bourbon





Head coach: Azpkwc !$.okAssistent Coaches: Jill Davîs,Kevin Turpin , y%.1lerDistrict: 40thRegion! 10thNickname: Engîneers

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85/24/2001 19:29 6087234894 ESTILL COUNTV HIGH PAGE 06



During the gast seasoa (2000-2001) our Girls' Varsity Basketballteams played on s1x Fridays and Samrdays and were scheduled to play onanèther that was canceled because of the weather.

During the upcoming ssason, we are scheduled to play at GarrardCounty in a showcase on a Saiurdayy-the Prime Time Claskic at LexingtonCatholic, the Queen of the Bluegrass at East Carter, the Faydfè Countylnvitational where the ilrst round is on a Saturday, Jackson County for aBoy/Girl doubleheader on a Friday, and M adison Central on a Friday.

jv 'W e are continuing to negotiate wjth oppono ts for next year il .lnopes

that we will be able to move more regular seasotn gamts to Friday lîljhts.


. oate.. V-/TU & /Signed.

Page 13: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

rgrtktky h'lgh Sthûûl lthlêti: lssûl'lût'lûq

I ..''

TO: ICIISAA M ember School Superintendents aad Principals

FROM: Louis Stout, Commissioner )1YI2DATE:

RE: Title IX Audit Docmnent M aterial

ln an effol't to assist KHSAA member school personnel, we have begun to review your

dit btitikflt' ' 4ni Mai:t' i/ls atid..havé f'okjpd that qkn hive tïù' i received the requiredTitle IX Au .L: L ' . . '. . . . :. ''. . . J ) ';..' ! ' . ' ' 't . :, E':.. ' ' ' ' . ' '

. . j '' :( '..,,formts) as checkid b.:êloWiu,pleàp't.'foe ldtth.e fMqizired fotmj to thç. KHSAA by? ',. . ' .

'' . '., '' . ' '(j ' . . , (. ' ' , '- ' '. l r . . :.. . ; .(

Member School Name X-PV'.Z .ZVz- Y .. Y .KTISAA Audit Document Information

u GE 19 Form . . . (sigùçd by the pfincipal, superintendent, school board chair andothers)

a Student interest sutvey i*suhs

Sttmmary forms

a T- 1 Accommodations of lnterest & Abilities, Chart 1

u T-2 Accommodations of lnterest & Abilities, Chart 2

o T-3 Accommodations of Interest & Abilities, Chart 3

o T-4 Accommodations of Interest & Abilities, Chart 4

o T-5 Eqaipment & Supplies - Team Chart

o T-6 Equipment & Supplies - Summat'y ProgTam Comparison 1

a T-7 Equipment & Supplies - Summm'y Program Compmison 2

o T-8 Equipment & Supplies - Stzmmary Program Comparison Chart 3

o T-9 Equipment & Supplies - Sllmmary Program Comparison Chart 4

a T-10 Equipment & Supplies - Sllmmary Program Compmison Chart 5

a T- 1 1 Scheduling of Oames & Practice Times - Team Chart

2280 Executive DriveLexingto .n Kentucky 40505

(606) 299-5472 Fax (606) 293-5999

Page 14: (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schools visited during the 2000-2001 school year) School: Estill County High School Reviewed

j . . '

o -1--37 Athletic Scholarships- Sllmmary Program Chart

u -1--38 Tutoring - Team Chart' u -1--39 Tutoring - Summazy Program Comparison

T-40 Housing & Dining Facilities & Serdces - Team Charto

ta T-41 Cheoklist- Overall Interscholastic Athletics Program

u T-60 Title IX Corrective Action Plan

o .

u .


o Additional documentation when necessary

Thnnk m u for your cooperation is this important endeavor and please do not hesitate tocall should you need further assistance in tlzis area.
