DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402 Notre Dame, Indiana For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35 Notre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, director of the Mediaeval Institute at the University of Notre Dame, has been invited to address an international congress to be held in Paris June 19-23 com memorating the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. He w ill speak on "The Early Schools of Notre-Dame de Paris." The Congress is under the patronage of President de Gaulle and Maurice Cardinal Feltin, Archbishop of Paris, Another Prince of the Church, Paolo Cardinal Marella, has been named papal legate for the centennial celebration. Professor Gabriel is the only American scholar scheduled to address the Congress. He is a Corresponding Fellow of the French Academy and a historian with numerous publications on the history of mediaeval univer sities. He is also director of a mammoth microfilming project of classical, mediaeval and Renaissance manuscripts at the Ambrosian library in Milan. The documents will be available to American scholars beginning next f a ll a t the new Notre Dame Memorial Library.

For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35archives.nd.edu/pr/pdf/PR_1963_06.pdfNotre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, director of the Mediaeval Institute at the University

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Page 1: For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35archives.nd.edu/pr/pdf/PR_1963_06.pdfNotre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, director of the Mediaeval Institute at the University

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

Notre Dame, Indiana

For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35

Notre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, d irecto r

of the Mediaeval In stitu te a t the University of Notre Dame, has been invited

to address an international congress to be held in Paris June 19-23 com­

memorating the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. He w ill

speak on "The Early Schools of Notre-Dame de Paris."

The Congress is under the patronage of President de Gaulle and

Maurice Cardinal F eltin , Archbishop of P aris, Another Prince of the Church,

Paolo Cardinal Marella, has been named papal legate fo r the centennial


Professor Gabriel is the only American scholar scheduled to address

the Congress. He is a Corresponding Fellow of the French Academy and a

h istorian with numerous publications on the history of mediaeval univer­

s i t ie s . He is also director of a mammoth microfilming project of

c lassica l, mediaeval and Renaissance manuscripts a t the Ambrosian lib ra ry

in Milan. The documents w ill be available to American scholars beginning

next f a l l a t the new Notre Dame Memorial Library.

Page 2: For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35archives.nd.edu/pr/pdf/PR_1963_06.pdfNotre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, director of the Mediaeval Institute at the University

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext 401 or 402

For release In AM's, Sunday, June 9; 63/36

Notre Dame, Ind., June 8** Two department heads have been appointedin the College of Arts and Letters at the University of Notre Dame, accordingto an announcement today by Rev* Theodore M. Hesburgh, 0 , 8 . 0 ., University president,

Dr. Julian Samora is the new head of the sociology department, FatherHesburgh said, and Dr. Robert Nuner has been named to head the department ofmodern languages, Samora succeeds Dr* John J. Kane, who will continue to teachat Notre Dame, while Nuner replaces Dr. William J. Grupp who has been on leaveas cultural affairs officer at the U. 8. Enhassy in Buenos Aires,

Samora, who joined the Notre Dame faculty in 1959, has specialized inanthropology, medical sociology and race relations ♦ He has done extensive fieldwork among Spanish-speaking people, including migrant workers, in Michigan,Colorado and New Mexico, Samora has been directing a study of civil rightsproblems of Spanish-speaking people in the United States under a grant from theU. S. Commission on Civil Rights, He has just received a travel and study grantfrom The Ford Foundation to teach at the National University of Colombia at

Bogota from July to December, 1963, He holds a doctorate from Washington University of Saint Louis.

Nuner, who has been acting head of the modem languages department, beganteaching at Notre Dame in 1946, A specialist In the Romance and Celtic languages,he is believed to be the first person to earn a doctorate in Celtic studies atan American university. He holds three degrees from Harvard. He is a nativeof South Bend, Ind., where both his father and maternal grandfather served as city school superintendents,

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am e***#

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION W James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For re le a se in PM’s , F riday , June T: 63/ 37

Notre Dame, In d ., June j — Waldemar O tto, a West B erlin scu lp to r,

has been named a r t i s t - in -residence and a fa c u lty member a t th e U n iversity o f

Notre Dame.

O tto, whose scu lp tu re can be seen in sev e ra l B erlin churches, i s

the f i r s t to be designated a r t i s t -in -residence a t Notre Dame since the la te

Ivan M estrovic, th e ce leb ra ted C roatian scu lp to r, who died January l 6 , 1962.

According to Rev. Anthony Lauck, 0 .8 .0 . , head o f th e U n iversity

department of a r t , O tto w i l l teach advanced c la sse s in scu lp ture in add ition

to executing commissioned works. Notable fea tu res of h is work, Father W ick

said , a re "his keenly personal germanic p o r t r a i t s , th e strong p lane modelling

in h is low r e l i e f s , and th e s im p lified and fo rc e fu l forms of h is f ig u re s in

the round . 11

Born in Poland in 1929, Otto stud ied a t th e Academy of A rt in B erlin

fo r s ix years under the tu te la g e of Alexander Gonda. During 195k and 1955 he

held a German government scholarship fo r advanced study in F lorence. Otto has

won severa l important m unicipal p rize s in B erlin a r t ex h ib itio n s , and essays

about h is work have appeared in Das Munster, th e Munich a r t p e rio d ic a l.

O tto 's sc u lp tu ra l commissions in B erlin include a hero ic bronze

figu re of "King David w ith th e Harp" fo r the Evangelical Student House in

B erlin , a continuous bronze r e l i e f dep ic ting B ib lic a l scenes on one w all o f

H eilandskirche, and a la rg e bronze c ru c if ix fo r the P h i l n pur church.


Page 4: For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35archives.nd.edu/pr/pdf/PR_1963_06.pdfNotre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, director of the Mediaeval Institute at the University

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For release in PM's, Wednesday, June 12:

Notre Dame, Ind ., June 12 — The appointment of two department heads in

the College of Business Administration a t the University of Notre Dame was

announced today hy Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University president.

Dr. Bernard J . Kilbride has been named head of the department of

finance and business economics, Father Eesburgh said, and Dr. John J . Kennedy w ill

head the department of marketing management. Both appointments are effective with

the opening of the new academic year in September.

K ilbride, who has been teaching a t the University of I llin o is , succeeds

Prof. Thomas T. Murphy in the departmental post. Murphy was named acting dean

of the College of Business Administration la s t December. Kennedy, who comes to

Notre Dame from The Ohio S tate University, succeeds Prof. John R. Malone who

recently was named assistan t dean of the business school.

A sp ec ia lis t in business finance and cap ita l theory, Kilbride was

educated a t S t. Francis University, Antigonlsh, Nova Scotia, a t Columbia

University and a t the University of Texas where he received his doctorate. He

is a c e rtifie d public accountant. He formerly was a department head a t S t. Francis

University and at St. Edward's University, Austin, Tex. He has been serving as

an assistan t professor of finance a t the University of I llin o is and w ill hold

the rank of associate professor a t Notre Dame.

Kennedy has specialized in quantitative methods in marketing. He

studied a t the Newark College of Engineering and a t The Ohio State University

where he received his m aster's degree and doctorate. He has been an assistan t

professor of marketing a t Ohio S tate, and has been named to the rank of associate

professor a t Notre Dame,

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DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext. 401 or 402


Prime M in ister o f Canada a t th e 118th annual comencement exercises

U n iversity of Notre Dame June 9 , 1963

For re le a se a f te r 2 p .m ., ESI, Sunday, June 9 th ;

I thank the U n iversity - deeply and s in c e re ly - fo r th e honour i t has

done me today in making me one o f i t s honorary graduates. I thank i t s P resid en t,

Father Hesburgh, e sp e c ia lly . His in v ita tio n came to me before I became Prime M in ister

o f Canada. I t was then a personal honour fo r which I was very g ra te fu l; as i t is

now, in ad d itio n , a recogn ition o f th e o ffic e I hold in a country th a t i s your

neighbour to th e north .

An honorary degree has one c e rta in e f fe c t upon me. I t makes me value

much more th e degree th a t I earned.

By th e same token, my fo o tb a ll coaching d u tie s a t the U n iversity o f

Toronto many years ago, have given me a b e tte r appreciation o f th e f in e r p o in ts o f

touch fo o tb a ll! For th is I am g ra te fu l.

The moral o f th is i s th a t you can never know when or what co llege exper­

ience w ill prove valuable a f te r you graduate.

Notre Dame has many h is to r ic a l connections w ith Canada,

The order o f th e Holy Cross i s w ell known and h ighly esteemed in my

country where i t i s engaged in the work o f education to the g rea t b e n e fit of our


Notre Dame's founder, F ather Sorin, as general of the order, guided much

of i t s e a rly work in Canada. Your seventh p re s id e n t, F ather Thomas Walsh, was

born in Canada. For many years th e enrollm ent a t Notre Dame has included a

s ig n if ic a n t number of Canadian studen ts who have la te r con tribu ted to the development

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. ■ 2 *

o f my country. John Wintermeyer, who took h is degree h e re , I s th e lead er o f th e

l ib e r a l p a rty In O ntario and a co llab o ra to r o f mine. The P resid en t o f the N ational

L ib e ra l F ederation , my frie n d Senator John Connolly, who i s w ith me today, was fo r

some tim e a member o f your fa c u lty .

I f you were to v i s i t th e la rg e ly French-speaking Province of Quebec, you

would f in d th e name "Notre Dame" attached to v illa g e s , h o sp ita ls , convents and


In the e a r ly 17th century , as one o f our poets has put i t : "The winds of

God were blowing over France, k in d lin g th e hearths and a l t a r s , changing vows of

ro te in to an alphabet o f flam e."

This began th e French e ra o f our h is to ry . The language and tra d itio n s and

s p i r i t o f France became a p a r t o f Canada's re lig io u s , c u ltu ra l and p o l i t ic a l h e ritag e .

Many years l a t e r , p r ie s ts and la y b ro thers from France came w ith F ather

S orin to th is p a rt o f underdeveloped America. Here th ey found freedom. Like

th e i r com patriots who went to Canada, th ey a lso e s tab lish ed a c la s s ic a l co lleg e .

They tra in e d young men in th e a r t s , th e hum anities, th e s o c ia l sciences and

re lig io n . The c u ltiv a tio n and ennoblement of the human s p i r i t was th e i r purpose.

As a r e s u l t o f th e i r work, b e t te r men have l e f t th ese co lleg e h a l ls , b e t te r c itiz e n s

have gone out in to many communities.

We owe much to such in s t i tu t io n s . They have given us men of l e t t e r s ,

judgment and of moral purpose; men who have recognized th a t our w estern c iv iliz a tio n

is founded on enduring s p ir i tu a l values; on the d ig n ity and worth of the human person­

a l i ty .

C ardinal Enriquez, had he been w ith us today, might have le d me to

emphasize th is p o in t. His Eminence has given g rea t lead ersh ip in h is n a tiv e C hile,

and indeed throughout L atin America, in h is pronouncements upon the so c ia l conditions

of h is people. But th e sad reason fo r h is absence is w ell enough known, pcpe John,

whose death a l l men lam ent, as a l l men re jo ic e in the n o b ili ty o f h is l i f e , the

g reatness and g lory of h is achievement fo r a l l humanity; Pope John, in h is g rea t

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en cy c lica ls and by h is e f fo r ts through th e V atican Council to u n ify a l l men, has

encouraged us to hope th a t th e w est can b rin g th a t lead ersh ip to th e world which i s

more than th e lead ersh ip o f power o r economics or p o l i t ic s .

In our complex world, th e leadersh ip we need i s o f many kinds and must

operate in many f ie ld s . In seeking i t , I b e liev e th a t your country and mine can

work, must work, to g e th e r. Of a l l th e reasons fo r t h i s , th e most im portant i s th a t

to g e th er we can co n trib u te more to the fundam ental needs and hopes o f f re e men

than e ith e r o f us can co n trib u te alone.

We in Canada a re your northern neighbour; and in a sense your c lo se s t

neighbour. Our common border spans a con tinen t and runs close to many o f th e

b ig g est cen tres o f population in both of our co u n tries . I t s importance to both o f

us was recognized in th e communique issued by th e P resid en t and. m yself a f te r our

recen t m eeting a t Hyannis P o rt, I would l ik e to quote two sentences from th a t


"While i t i s e s s e n tia l th a t th e re should be resp ec t fo r th e common border

which symbolizes th e independence and n a tio n a l id e n tity o f two co u n trie s , i t i s a lso

im portant th a t th is bo rder should not be a b a r r ie r to cooperation which could

benef 1 1 bo th o f them. Wise cooperation across th e border can enhance ra th e r than

dim inish th e sovereign ty o f each country by making i t stro n g er and more prosperous

than b e fo re ."

From th is co-operation we both have much to gain fo r ourselves* M ateria lly ,

our tra d e is th e b ig g est between any two coun tries in th e world. But th e re i s a

f a r w ider p o in t than th a t . I t i s o f the utmost importance th a t th e re la tio n sh ip

between our two coun tries should be an example to th e world; an example o f how two

fre e and independent coun tries - o f g rea t d is p a r ity in power - can work to g eth er

w ithout fe a r on th e p a r t o f th e sm aller, o r force on th e p a r t of th e la rg e r .

Let me pu t i t in a d if fe re n t way, and w ith th e b lun tness th a t we can

use w ith each o th e r. I f United S ta te s cooperation w ith Canada were not close and

happy, w ith whom could you cooperate c lo se ly and happily?

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This po in t was fo rc ib ly p u t, s ix years ago, by a Canadian w ritin g in th a t

g rea t American jo u rn a l. Foreign A ffa irs ;

He sa id : "The a b i l i ty of th e United S ta te s to get on w ell w ith Canada

is th e f i r s t and most d ire c t t e s t o f her a b i l i ty to get on w ell w ith every o th e r

sm aller power — Canada i s the w orld’s hostage o f American good in te n tio n s ,

i s o f good repu te in the f re e world. I f Canadians sa id th a t th ey were being brow­

beaten by th e Americans, i f they sa id th a t th e ir in te re s ts were being se rio u s ly

prejud iced by th e United S ta te s , th e w orld’s sympathy would l i e overwhelmingly w ith

Canada. (That, I may in s e r t , i s th e p r ic e you have to pay fo r being top dog; th e

sympathy we enjoy is th a t which a ttach es to and cheers us sm aller dogs. )

"The world sees Canada as a country very l ik e th e U nited S ta te s — I f

th e Americans could not get on w ell w ith Canada, w ith whom could th e y g e t on well? —

Good dela tions w ith Canada - th e good re la tio n s o f d iscussion and cooperation , o f

seme r e a l give and take in p o lic y - a re a prim ary in te r e s t o f th e U nited S ta te s ."

Having suggested th a t we a re o f some importance to you, l e t me hasten to

say th a t you are of very obvious, and o ften of overwhelming im portance, to u s.

Geography, h is to ry , economics, defence, combine to make your in te r e s ts in world

a f fa ir s very la rg e ly our in te r e s ts , When your s e c u r ity i s weakened, we have cause

to worry. When freedom f a l te r s with you, ours i s dim inished.

The b asis o f our re la tio n sh ip , in sh o rt, i s th a t we a re e s s e n tia l to each

o th er.

I t was not always so . For a long tim e, in th e form ative years of our two

co u n tries, we were by no means th e b es t of f r ie n d s , o r even very good neighbours.

Indeed, I should t e l l you th a t only yesterday I was tak in g p a r t in ce leb ra tin g the

150th anniversary of a b a t t le in which we re p e lle d American invaders; a t le a s t

we d id in our h is to ry books. Yours a re le s s accu ra te . That was along tim e ago. I

th ink th a t both our countries are e n t i t le d to some sense of s a tis fa c tio n about th e

way in which we have since worked out a peacefu l re la tio n sh ip .

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- 5 -

I t has no t been a lto g e th e r easy, and J d o n 't expect i t t o become easy , and

I d o n 't expect i t to become easy . There a re and always w ill be d i f f ic u l t ie s and

d iffe ren ces o f in te r e s t between u s. I t would be fo l ly to ignore them, a country

i s a whole th a t i s g re a te r than th e sum o f i t s p a r ts .

But i t has p a r ts . And those p a r ts have th e ir own p a r t ic u la r in te r e s ts .

In d iv id u a l in d u s tr ie s in Canada, p a r tic u la r areas of Canada, in e v ita b ly have

in te re s ts which are com petitive w ith the in te re s ts of in d iv id u a l in d u s tr ie s and

p a r tic u la r a reas o f your country . The very closeness, the acu te interdependence,

o f our re la tio n sh ip means th a t th e re are bound to be a g rea t many d iffe re n c e s .

Those a re th e fa c ts o f l i f e . I t i s evidence o f th e na tu re o f our neigh­

bourhood th a t we do not have to worry m orbidly about them; o r allow them to poison

our re la tio n s h ip . Perhaps I should say i t ought to be th e nature o f our neighbour­

hood, and u su a lly i t has been. We should be ab le to take d iffe ren ces in s tr id e ; as

good frie n d s who know how to tak e the broad view, to make th e general in te re s t

p re v a il, and th e re fo re to accommodate the minor d iffe rences w ith reason and r e s t r a in t .

We w il l th e b e t te r h e ab le to do th is i f we remember th a t th e t.M »ge we

have in common a re much g re a te r than the th in g s th a t d iv ide u s . The p o l i t ic a l

tra d itio n s o f th e U nited S ta te s and of Canada are from the same ro o ts . of us

has t r ie d to b u ild a so c ie ty th a t gives f i r s t p lace to the in d iv id u a l man; h is

needs, h is hopes, h is r ig h ts , h is re s p o n s ib ili t ie s . Our methods a re in some ways

d if fe re n t, and our e f fo r ts on b o th sid es le s s than p e rfe c t, b u t on balance we can

both claim some success in our ded ication to th e fre e so c ie ty . We stand to g eth er

a lso in our common ded ication to th e ways o f peace and in our common determ ination

to cooperate and p re v a il in th e cause o f freedom and f a i r dealing between n a tio n s.

We stand to g e th e r in th e A tla n tic A lliance which has proved i t s e l f to be the sh ie ld

o f a f re e w orld, and in a U nited N ations which is groping toward a world brotherhood

which in our n u c lea r, je t-p ro p e lle d age has become a n ec ess ity fo r su rv iv a l i t s e l f .

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*• 6 —

I am su re th a t to you a t th is U n iversity , who are students of h is to ry and

o f id e a s , th e se th in g s th a t our coun tries have in common need no emphasis from me,

Of our d iffe ren ces you may be le s s aware; th e d iffe ren ces which make th e good re la tio n ­

sh ip . X do no t th in k so much of our d iffe ren ces in p a r tic u la r in te r e s ts . Those are

normal and can be d e a lt w ith . I th in k o f another and c e n tra l re la tio n sh ip which

I have already mentioned, th e enormous d is p a r ity in power between the two co u n tries.

You are g ig an tic , a super power, Canada i s f a r from th a t .

From th i s , two consequences fo llow . We are always watching Big B rother to

see what tro u b le he might g e t us in to - while a t tim es p ro te s tin g a t th e fa c t th a t

Big B rother i s not watching u s . You are unaware. We are uneasy. This can cause

m isunderstandings th a t should be avoided.

A second consequence o f your being a b ig power and our being a much

sm aller power is th a t you and we a t tim es re a c t d if fe re n tly to in te rn a tio n a l

problem s. d e sp ite a l l th a t we have in common as north am ericans, we o ften

look a t th in g s through v e ry d if fe re n t te le sco p es . We share th is d iffe ren ce

o f view point w ith o ther sm aller co u n trie s .

Our d is tin c tio n , among those sm aller powers, i s th a t we are Hearth

American. We are very c lo se to you in so many ways; c lo se r to you than o ther

co u n trie s .

There a re bound to be th ese d iffe ren ces between u s , a ris in g p rim arily

from th e co n tra s ts o f s iz e and power and re s p o n s ib ility ; but we do not have to

allow those d iffe ren ces to d iv ide u s . On th e con trary , the ob jective we can and

should s e t fo r ourselves i s to make th e d iffe ren ces work fo r u s, to th e b e n e fit

o f both our coun tries and o f in te rn a tio n a l re la tio n sh ip s generally .

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- 7 -

By making th e d iffe ren ces work fo r u s, I mean th a t we can complement

each o th e r 's p o lic ie s and id eas. I mean th a t , on th e foundation of our own c lo se

p a rtn e rsh ip , th e re are ways o f some importance in which Canada can a s s is t in th e

broader p a rtn e rsh ip o f bo th our coun tries w ith o th e rs; w ith th e North A tlan tic

Community, w ith th e members o f th e Commonwealth, w ith the new and developing

nations in th e world. Our very lack o f power makes p o ssib le fo r us a c e rta in

measure of ease and f l e x ib i l i ty in in te rn a tio n a l re la tio n sh ip s which is not

p o ssib le fo r th e g ia n t. You cannot sneeze w ithout o ther coun tries th ink ing th ey

are g e ttin g a cold and fe e lin g in c lin ed to blame i t on you. We can sneeze w ith


We have much in common w ith th e sm aller nations o f Europe; and our own

p o l i t ic a l and economic development i s recen t enough fo r us to have considerable

sympathy w ith th e problems o f th e newer n a tio n s.

I am bold enough to b e liev e th a t th ese circum stances give to our

p artn ersh ip w ith you a sp e c ia l v a lue . I t i s more than a p artn ersh ip of d ire c t

mutual b e n e fit. I t i s more than an example o f a good re la tio n sh ip between two

n a tio n s. I t i s a lso a p artn ersh ip in which, i f we work w isely to g e th e r, we can

do a more co n stru c tiv e job in in te rn a tio n a l re la tio n sh ip s than e ith e r you, as

the b ig power, o r we, as a sm aller power, could do i f th e re were no such

p artn ersh ip ; o r i f h is to ry had created in th e northern p a r t o f th is continent

one nation in s te a d o f two. Because th e re are two nations, I b e liev e th a t we are

c rea tin g more vigorous and more sa tis fy in g communities than could ever have been

produced w ith in one framework.

That i s p a r t o f the challenge th a t faces my country. I hope th a t in

ta lk in g about i t I have sa id something o f more general value to th e people to

whom I am p rim a rily speaking - to the graduating c la ss of 1963 a t Notre Dame and

to th e members o f th e F acu lty who have worked w ith the c la ss to make th is g rea t

day p o ss ib le . As a Canadian, I admire th e g rea t work your fo re fa th e rs have done

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to shape th is n a tio n and make i t a mighty fo rce fo r freedom, progress and peace

in th e w orld. Your generation w ill soon toe carry in g on th a t work. I t i s a more

d i f f ic u l t and challenging ta s k now. You w ill toe c a lle d on to meet new te s ts and

overcome new challenges. Whatever you may choose to do a f te r you leave U niversity ,

you w ill have to make your own co n trib u tio n as c itiz e n s to th e so lu tio n o f

problems th a t face your country .

In doing so , I hope you w ill continue to f e e l the value o f your

p artn ersh ip w ith Canadians.

I f e e l m yself a deep sense o f th e value and o f the n ecessity of th a t

p a rtn e rsh ip . I share th a t fe e lin g w ith th e v a s t m ajo rity o f a l l Canadians.

I s h a ll do my own b e s t to p reserve and streng then i t , on th e only foundation th a t

can endure, frien d sh ip and co-operation based on m utual re sp ec t and good

understanding between our two n a tio n s ;

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oj!tAfcj/Mi Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E, Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate release:

Notre Dame, Ind., — Twenty-six students from Connecticut will receive degrees from the University of Notre Dame at its 118th annual commencement exercises June 9 (Sunday) at 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson of Canada will be the commencement speaker, and His Eminence Raul Cardinal Silva Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, will preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn Pontifical Mass at 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dam, will confer approximately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees at the afternoon ceremonies.

Connecticut graduates and their degrees are:Thomas D. Flaherty, Waterbury, M.A., History- i84 Oronoke Rd,, Waterbary Lewis Taft, West Hartford; Ph.D., Chemistry; 23 Boswell Rd., West Hartford Martin J. Daley, Hartford; M.S. in Aero. Engineering ; 90 Rowe Ave., HartfordClinton M. Brooks, 117 Fountain St., New Haven; B.S. in Aero. Bngr.Nicholas A. Carbone, 4 Fairmont St., Wethersfield; Bachelor of Bus. Administration Thomas J. Carroll, 304 Freeman St., Hartford; B.A.David W. Chester, 104 Pioneer Dr., West Hartford; B-A»Anthony E. Coppola, New Haven Rd., Naugatuck; B-A.Francis P. Dicello, 218 Palmerhill Rd., Old Greenwich; B.A.Patrick Di Domizio, 74 Ledgeside Ave., Waterbury, Conn; B.A.George J. Dooley, 19 Cleveland St., Springdale; B.S. in Metallurgical Engr.Robert L. Dubois, 619 Willow St., Waterbury; B.A.Thomas J. Dunn, 71 Rosamount Ave., Waterbury; B.S. in Physical Education Robert Fitzmaurice, 7 Nolen Lane, Darien; B.A.James R. Fleming, 48 Indian Field Rd., Greenwich; B.A.Theodore G. Fretel, 31 Harvest Hill Dr., Trumbull; B.A.Neil Kelleher, 11 Somerset St., Wethersfield; B.A.David M. Kennedy, 68 Third St., Stamford; B.A.Stephen C. Knup, 47 Woodside Dr., Orange; B.A.Francis E. Lamboley, 105 Gilnock Dr., New Haven; B.A.John A. MacLeod, 185 North St., Greenwich; B.A.Michael H. McCarthy, 806 Lake Ave., Greenwich; B.A.Jose Reynes, 38 MeadoWbank Rd., Old Greenwich; B.A.Michael J. Sullivan, 856 Birchwood Dr., Orange, B.A.Lawrence J. Weber, 32 Overhill Dr., Berlin; B.S. in Aero. Engr.Francis J. Weldon, 8 Myrtle St., E. Norwalk; B.A.


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DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext. 401 or 402

Notre Dame, Indiana

For immediate release

Notre Dame, Ind., — Two hundred students from Illinois willreceive degrees from the University of Notre Dame at its 118th annual commencement exercises June 9 (Sunday) at 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson of Canada will he the commencementspeaker, and His Eminence Raul Cardinal Silva Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, will preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn Pontifical Mass at 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame, willconfer approximately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees at the afternoon ceremonies.

Russell V. Circo, 5927 S. California Ave., Chicago; M.A. in Sociology Ronald J. Dvorak, 2839 S. Kilboum Ave., Chicago; M.A. in History John B. Derwent, 1430 N. Massasoit Ave., Chicago; Ph.D. in Mathematics

John J, Lemon, Ph.D., Sociology, Loyola Univ., ChicagoNorbert L. Welch,3228 No. Nordica Ave., Chicago, 34, 111., M.S. in BiologyPatrick J. McDonald,807 North West St., Wheaton; M.S. in Chem. Engr.John F. Yost, 2309 Lowell Ave., Springfield; M.S., Civil Engr.James J. Toal, 226 So. E. St., Monmouth; M.S. in Engr. Science William D. O'Neill, 21150 Main St., Matteson; M.S. in Elec. Engr.John P. Ahern, 7419 Paxton Ave., Chicago; B.A.William R. Ahern, 7348 N. Ridge Ave., Chicago; B.A.David W. Ames, 310 N. Jefferson Ave., Dixon; B.A.Jerold E. Aubry, 1216 Jefferson St., Ottawa; B.A.James C. Bachmann, 5733 N. O'Dell Ave., Chicago; B.A.William M. Barth, 3000 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; B.A.Anthony R. Basche, U 01 Fair Oaks Ave., Deerfield, B.A.William E. Beier, 234 So. Stewart, Lombard; B.S. in Civil Engr.James M. Bennan, 232 Walton St., Chicago; Bachelor of Bus. Administration Philip B. Bertoni, 401 B. Jasper St., Mt. Pulaski; B.A.Conrad J. Berta, 2329 S. Euclid Ave., Berwyn; B.A.Parle T. Blake, Box 124, Wayne; B.A.James T. Blazina, 8438 S. May St., Chicago; B.A.Prank W. Bolek, 5639 N. Rogers, Chicago; B.S. in Elec. Engr.Thomas E. Brannigan, 5321 S. May St., Chicago; LL.B.

I Illinois graduates and their degrees are:

Charles A. LeRose, 28 East 119th Place, Chicago 28, 111., M.A.,in Cerr. Administration

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Illinois graduates...2

Robert L. Braun, 4l4 Pierce St., Aurora; B.A.Patrick J. Brennan, 826 Somoanauk, Sycamore; B.A.Edward T. Burke, 12014 Elm, Blue Island; B.A.Michael R. Burke, 4204 Main St., Skokie; B.A.Louis J. Buscher, 1913 Wesley Ave., Berwyn; B.A.James A. Calderone, 115 Allens Ave., Galesburg; B.A.Maurice J. Callahan, 7277 W. Palatine, Chicago; B.A.John F. Calmeyn, 43 Bay Brook Lane, Oak Brook; B.A.Robert M. Carlton, 924 Hull, Westchester; B.A.James W. Carney, 8424 S. Aberdeen St., Chicago; B.A.Paul J. Carroll, 2943 Maple Ave., Berwyn; B.A.Daniel Castellan!, 8050 West Leland A., Chicago; B.S. in Civil Engr. Joseph F. Chocole, 2236 W. 115th St., Chicago; B.A.John T. Christ, 1051 Randolph, Carlyle; B.A.Ronald J. Ciancio, 29OO Mayfair, Westchester; B.A.John F. Clark, 929 N. Euclid Ave., Oak Park; B.A.Robert P. Clark, 921 N. State Rd., Flora; B.A.Terrence J. Clark, 5328 W. Warner, Chicago; B.A.David J. Cleary, R. R. #1, Gridley; B.S. in Chem, Engr.John T. Coleman, 933 Ridge Ave., Evanston; B.S,Timothy J. Condon, l4o8 National Ave., Rockford, B.A.Kevin P. Connelly, 825 Parkside Dr., Wheaton; LL.B.Thomas J. Connolly, 117 De Leon, Ottawa; B.S. in Mech. Engr.John A. Costello, 8295 Archer Rd,, Willow Springs, B.S. in Civil mgr. James B. Coyne, 7017 Northern, Belleville; B.S. in Civil Engr.Thomas J. Crowe, 543 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park; B.S.George T. DeMetrio, 2245 Central Park, Evanston; B.A.Gordon P- Dietzler, 3901 Nottingham, Chicago; B.A.Robert W. Dillon, 440 Shady Lane Rd., Palatine; B.A.James C. Dippoan, 419 S. Main St., Mfc, Prospect; B.A.Paul F. Donovan, Hawthorn Lane, Wheaton; B.A.Charles K. Driscoll, 1110 Western Ave., Flossmoor; B.A.James D. Duncan, 512 Putnam St., Peru; B.A.Eugene M. Faut, 5228 Cleveland, Skokie; B.A.Robert J. Feehery, 8828 S. Wood St., Chicago; B.A.Michael Feldmeier, 9145 S. Oakley St., Chicago; LL.B.John W. File, 904 William St., Chester; B.A.Edward W. Fitzgerald, 562 Hill Terrace, Winnetka; B.A.Timothy F. Flynn, 1348 Elmdale, Chicago, B.A.William Freidheim, 2053 E. 68th St., Chicago; B.A.Willis F. Fry, R.R. #3, White Rock, Dixon; B.A.John C. Gaynor, 1835 N. New England, Chicago; B.S. in Mech. Engr.Louis S. Gibson, 2021 S. 20th Ave., Broadview; B.S. in Elec. Engr. Timothy F. Glennon, 8718 S. Parnell, Chicago; B.S. i n Elec. Engr. William D. Gorman, 1343 W. Granville, Chicago; B.A.Andrew J. Griffin, 1426 Dempster, Evanston; B.A.Charles J. Griffin, 8231 S. Loomis Blvd., Chicago; LL.B.Peter A. Grzesiak, 5129 N. Nottingham, Chicago; B.A.James E. Hakes, 8801 D. Robin Dr., Des Plaines; B.A.Patrick L. Haley, 1415 Campbell, LaSalle; B.S.Thomas C* Halperin, 3750 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago; B.A.John A. Hauter, 15617 Ashland, Harvey; LL.B.Walter J. Heeney, 22 W. 531 Tamarack, Valley View, Glenn Ellyn; B.A. James M. Hess, l6o4 Maplewood, Rockford; B.A.Kevin J. Heyd, 3222 N. Biltmore, Peoria; B.A.

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Illinois graduates«. .3

E t S" t r£ir“ 5=**■James H. Hughes, 5520 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago: B.A.John J. Jiganti, 6848 S. Ashland, Chicago; LL.B.Thomas A. Jolie, 12 Berry Parkway, Park Ridge; B.A.Philip J. Jones, 1749 Washington Ave., Wilmette; B.A.Charles A. Jordan, 336 Ruby, Clarendon Hill; B.A.David J. Joyce, 960 Private Rd., Winnetka; B.A.Richard Juckniess, 105 Southcote Rd., Riverside; Bachelor of pine Arts Thomas Kapacinskas, 726 N. Walnut St., Kewanee, B.A.Prank T. Kapple, 6503 Eldorado Dr., Morton Grove; B.A.Albert A. Kashinski, Route $1, Kelsey Rd., Barrington; B.A.John P. Kearney, 519 Cedar, Winnetka; B.A.Joseph C. Klaus, 1365 N. 38th St., E. St. Louis; B.S. in Elec.Gerald J, Koerner, 225 Grace Ave., Elmhurst; B*S.Allen J. Korenjak, 3058 Wilson Ave., Chicago; B.S. in Elec. Engr.Michael G. Kovac, 6620 N. Kilboum Ave., Lincolnwood; B.S. in Elec. Engr.John J. Kracklauer, 422 James St., Mundelein; B.A.Nicholas H. Kuehn, 6429 N« Lakewood, Chicago; B.S. in Mech. Engr.Michael J. Kurzeja, 11956 Prairie, Chicago; B.S. in Elec. Engr.Michael M. Lane, 2022 Kenilworth Ave., Wilmette; B.A.James N. Langworthy, 2515 Lawndale Ave., Evanston; B.A.John P. Lehman, 6373 N. Legett, Chicago; B.A.Albert Leineweber, 3244 N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago; B.S. in Engr. Science Thomas P. Longeway, 6651 W. Keating, Lincolnwood; B.A.

n' TUdWfS’ ' Luella Ave., Chicago; Bach, of Bus. AdministrationMichael C. Lueeke, 262 Irving Dr., Chicago Hgts.; B.S. in Elec. Engr.Frank P. Maggio, 1645 Arlington Ave., Rockford; LL.B.James R. Mark, 1721 Dobson St., Evanston; B.A.Robert M. Martin, 1620 Washington, Wilmette; B.A.John L. McCabe, 2325 Asbury, Evanston; B.A.

Charles P. McErlean, 629 S. Ashland Ave., LaGrange; LL.B.John E. McPadden, 6201 N. Wayne Ave., Chicago; B.A.Harold h. McKee, Jr., 4145 Lawn Ave., Western Springs; LL.B.-Robert P. McNeill, 110 De Windt Rd., Winnetka; B.A.Dennis McWilliams, 8825 S. Honore St., Chicago; B.A.Robert P. Mensik, 637 Catherine, LaGrange; B.A.

j'f’ller> 930 Ashland Ave., River Forest; Bach, of Bus. Administration John D. Mooney, 712 W. Green, Champaign; Bachelor of Fine Arts Fred M. Morelli, 6905 So. Bennett, Chicago; B.A.John P. Motier, 8045 S. Sangamon St., Chicago; B.S.John H. Mulhern, 10230 S. Leavitt, Chicago; B.A.Michael P. Murphy, 303 E. Everett St., Dixon; B.S.Thomas J. Murphy, 7332 S. Clyde Ave., Chicago; B.A.Richard G. Napoli, 11317 South Park, Chicago; B.A.James B. Nerad, 1946 Euclid, Berwyn; B.A.Robert J. Noe, 1233 17th St., Rock Island; LL.B.Patrick C. Nolan, 13 East Dr., Decatur; B.A.Michael J. O'Donnell, 1131 Pair Oaks Ave., Oak Park; B.A.Michael Oester, 1225 Balmona!, Westchester; B.S.John J. Ohala, 2222 Highmoor Rd., Highland; B.A.John A. O'Loughlin, 1621 W. Thome Ave., Chicago; B.A.Louis E. Ostermann, R. R. #2, Carrollton, B.S. in Engr. Science

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Illinois graduates...4

John V. Pasternack, 2252 W. Rosemont Ave., Chicago; B.A.Joseph A. Peters, Jr., $8<A Olympia St., Belleville; B.A.Kenneth R. Piceoli, 3105 N. Octavia, Chicago; B.A.Thomas P. Prisby, 8728 S. Kingston, Chicago; B.A.Thomas M. Prusha, 3808 W. 65 St., Chicago, Bach, of Bus. Administration Larry L. Rabideau, 381 S. Washington, Kankakee; B.A.John M. Rammel, 4l6 Lawler, Wilmette; LL.B.George W. Reifenberg, 1617 Lake Ave., Wilmette; B.A.Raymond Richelsen, 10832 S. Maplewood, Chicago; B.S. in Elec. Engr.Vincent F. Rickey, 1816 N. Missouri Ave., Peoria; B.S.Edward D. Roberts, 201k Lake Ave., Wilmette; B.A.Michael B. Roche, 7929 N. Long Ave., Skokie; B.A.William A. Rogers, 931 S. Broadway, Park Ridge; B.A.Michael E. Rohr, 4831 S. Karlov, Chicago; B.A.Joseph J. Romanek, 3581 W. Belden Ave., Chicago; B.A.Robert R. Rowe, 7262 W. Howard St., Wiles, B.S. in Chem. Engr.Philip C. Ruddy, 164 S. Elmwood, Aurora; B.A.Edward V. Rust, 1105 Forest Hill Dr., Belleville; B.S. in Civil Engr,Richard F. Rusteck, 7001 S. Campbell, Chicago; B.A.Donald J. Ryan, l6kl Walters, Northbrook; B.A.John V. Ryan, 1020 Miami Rd., Wilmette; Bach, of Bus. Administration Philip J. Ryan, 1130 N. Sheridan, Waukegan; B.S. in Chem, Engr.Mathias J. Sagartz, 5842 W. Medina Ave., Chicago; B.S. in Civil Engr.James M. Salmon, 7226 S. Luella Ave., Chicago; B.S. in Elec, Engr.John P. Sammon, 558 Lathrop Ave., River Forest; B.A.Gilman Schimmoler, 115 W. Roosevelt, DeKalb; B.A.Wm. J. Schindlbeck, 831 Walnut, Aurora; B.A.William E. Schirger, 1358 Boilvin, Rockford; LL.B.Robert W. Schmiege, 537 S. Kensington, LaGrange; B.A.David P. Seng, 5555 Sheridan, Chicago; B.A.John R. Shaf, 419 Holmes St., Lemont; Bach, of Bus. AdministrationJames F. Sherlock, 64l6 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago; Bach, of Bus. AdministrationAugust L. Sisco, 201 S. Harvey Ave., Oak Park; B.A.Philip W. Skwiot, 7016 N. O'Dell Ave., Chicago; Bach, of Bus, Administration Arthur C. Smith, 7658 Rogers Ave., Chicago; B.A.Michael S. Squyres, 10644 S. Seeley, Chicago; B.A.Raymond W. Starmann, 9735 S. Lawndale, Evergreen Park; B.A.Stuart F. Strieby, 801 So. 23rd, Quincy; B.A,Robert C. Swed, 9128 N. Cherry, Morton Grove; B.S. in Chem. Engr.James C. Sweeney, 9237 Karlov, Oak Lawn; B.A.David P. Swire, 6650 80. Karlov; Chicago; Bach, of Bus. Administration Lawrence R. Teinple, 43 Park Lane, Golf; B.A.Edward T. Thilman, 1012 Cherokee Rd., Wilmette; B.A.Michael C. Thoman, 917 Cambridge Lane, Wilmette; B.A.David P. Thomas, 2726 Park Place, Evanston; B.A.James J. Thomas, I927 Douglas, Rockford; B.S. in Mech. Engr.Joseph A. Toland, l8l8 Lunt Ave., Chicago; B.A.James R, Uhlir, 4435 Oakwood, Downers Grove; B.A.Francis p. Valenti, 5020 Wabansia, Chicago; B.A.James M. Walsh, 2331 Chinook, Waukegan; B.A.Tom H. Walsh, 619 N. State, Montlcello; B.A,Thomas J. Walton, 301 N. Western, Park Ridge; B.A.John F. Ward, 6755 N. Jean Ave., Chicago; B.A.James E. Weber, II85 S. Eight Ave., Kankakee; B.A.Francis J. Wong, 1344 Wellington, Chicago; B.S,John R. Woods, 10450 S. Hoyne Ave,, Chicago; B.A,

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Illinois graduates...5

Patrick J. Woods, 1106 S. Kensington, LaOrange; Bach, of Bus. Administration James R. Woolwine, 313 Main, Wilmington; B.A.Emert L. Wyss, Fairmount Addition, Alton;;B.A.Samuel H. Young, Jr., Maywood Dr., Danville; B.A.Anthony J. Zack, 1400 N. Waukegan Rd., Lake Forest; B.A.Vincent J. Zipparro, hgl2 W. Montana St., Chicago; B.S. in Civil Engr.James J. Zmigrocki, 3601 N. Luna Ave., Chicago; LL.B.


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news Notre Dame, Indiana

iDEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate re le a se ;

Notre Dame, In d ., — One hundred seventy-two students from Twat

w i l l receive degrees from the U niversity o f Notre Dame a t i t s 118th annual

commencement exercises June 9 (Sunday) a t 2 p.m .(1ST).

Prime M inister L ester B. Pearson of Canada w il l he th e commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Raul C ardinal S ilv a Henriquea, Archbishop o f Santiago,

C h ile , w ill preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S.C., p res id en t o f Notre Dame, w ill

confer approximately 1,4-50 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t the afternoon


Rev. Campion Baer, OEM, R. R. #2, Crown Poin t; Ph.D. in EducationS r. M. Aquin D ally, BVM, Notre Dame Convent; Ph.D. in EnglishS r. M. Celine Martin,OSP, S t. F rancis College, F t. Wayne; Ph.D. in BiologyCharles R. M ullin, 2815 F ir Lane, South Bend; Ph.D. in ChemistrySr. Michael Schaefer, SP, S t. Mary-of-the-Woods; Ph.D. ChemistryRev. Ohomas E. S lan ts , CSC, Notre Dame; M.A. in H istoryJames J . Brady, 19596 Orchard S t . , South Bend; M.A. in EconomicsJohn F. Burke, J r . , 1126 Harvey S t . , South Bend; M.A. in EconomicsFermin Juan Donoso, CSC, Notre Dame; M.A. in PhilosophyRev. James F. Flanigan, CSC, Notre Dame; M.A. in ArtJohn P a tr ic k H art, 508 W. Colfax, South Bend; M.A. in A rtJohn J . Kern, 521 W. Washington, South Bend; M.A. in SociologyBro. Charles R. Marchand, FSC, Notre Dame; M.A. in TheologyBro. Germain Faddoul, CSC, Notre Dame; Ph.D. in EnglishRev. John Mackey, Notre Dame; Ph.D. in EducationS r. Alma L. Mescher, SP, S t. Mary-of -the -Woods; Ph.D. in BiologyAnthony J . Mastro, U niversity V illag e , Notre Dame; M.A. in EconomicsMrs. Marie Joan Meehan, 527 W. l6 th S t . , Mishawaka; M.A. in EducationCharles E. N oll, 54169 Northern Ave. , South Bend; M.A. in SociologyJames J . Novak, 602 E. Pennsylvania, South Bend; M.A. in EconomicsJames M. Rhodes, 110 Laura Lane, Bloomfield; M.A. in P o l i t ic a l ScienceJohn W. Sands, 2131 Stevens Ave., E lkhart; M.A. in EducationRev. Hubert H. Schwann, CSC, Notre Dame; M.A. in SociologyA lfred T. Selva, U niversity V illag e , Notre Dame; M.A. in H isto ryMelvin D. S h o ll, 818 Manchester D r., South Bend; M.A. in P o l i t ic a l ScienceHarold Brown, 1217 Congress, South Bend; M.S. in MathematicsCharles J . C hantell, .505 N. B rookfield, South Bend; M.S. in Biology

Indiana graduates and th e i r degrees are

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Indiana graduates. . .2

John L. Saunders, 823 Notre Dame Ave., South Bend; M.S. in Mathematics Richard R. Thais, 619 So. 10th S t . , Vincennes; M.S. in Chem. Engr.Thomas J . Sorg, 4005 A rlington, F t. Wayne; M.S. in C iv il Engr.William Henry Anderson, 1836 Greenwood; South Bend; M.S. in Elec. Engr.James B. Houghton, 2811 LfecuSt Lane, South Bend; M.S. in E lec. Engr.Roland L. L ippert, 1634 Sunnymede, South Bend; M.S. in E lec. Engr.Theodore E. Sarphie, U n iversity V illage , Notre Dame; M.S. in Engr. S ci.Donald W. Boekemeir, 117 E* Tasher, South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.W alter B. Hodapp, 750 Diamond Ave., South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.M ilton F. Keck, 50760 B r is to l S t . , South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.Donald R. Kimble, 4204 York, South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.John V. Rejeske, 19085 Oakmont Park, South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.Joseph P. Ruppe, jr., 417 So. 28th S t . , South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.David C. Thoman, 4l6 Manchester D r., South Bend; M.S. in Mech. Engr.Edward J . Burden, 616 Olive S t . , South Bend; Ph.D. in BiologyCharles E. Dick, 3107 So. H arrison S t . , F t. Wayne; Ph.D. in PhysicsDavid T. Armstrong, 720 W. 54th S t . , In d ian ap o lis ; Bach, o f Bus. A dm inistrationStephen C. Bower, Kentland; LL.B.Terrence K. Boyle, 223 Beverly P lace , Munster; B.S.Myron J . Busby, 136 South 2 1 s t, Terre Haute; B.A.William Dellekamp, 1632 S. R iley Hwy., S helbyv ille ; Bach, of Bus. Admin.John P. Duffy, 1950 Lake Shore D r., Michigan C ity ; Bach, of Bus. Admin.Dave P. E a rtly , 10 Roselawn, Hammond; B.S. in PhysicsRobert F. Falkner, 7965 Dartmouth Rd., Ind ianapo lis; Bach, o f Bus. Admin.C arl D. Feske, 4614 Graceland, Ind ianapolis; Bach, of A rchitecture Edward F illenw arth , 1328 N. Hawthorne Lane, Ind ianapo lis ; LL.B.Francis M. Flanagan, 2701 Lake Shore D r., Long Beach; B.A.Michael F. G artland, 915 Spencer Ave., Marion; B.A.John R. G ildea, 5 S t. Joseph Manor, E lkhart; LL.B.Thomas J . Guerre, 308 S. Howard, Gary; B.A.Edward W. Guntz, 1219 N. Wallace, Ind ianapo lis , Bach, of Bus. Admin.William B. Hardigg, P. 0 . Box 411, Madison; B.S. in Chem. Engr.James C. Hartman, 1525 Kensington, F t . Wayne; B .S. in M eta llu rg ica l Engr. William J . Hein, 218 E. Main S t . , Peru; B.A.Mark L. Hermann, 413 N. F ranklin S t . , Greensburg; B.S. in C iv il Engr.John G. Hoos, 1319 N. 4 th Ave., Evansville; B.S. in Elec. Engr.Timothy P . Jenkins, 144 S. 21st S t . , Richmond; B.A.Thomas F. K elly , 1819 Kensington, F t. Wayne; B.A.Thomas J , Kern, 6055 Barth Ave., Indianapolis; LL.B.D aniel D. K iley, 5318 N. I l l i n o i s , Ind ianapo lis; B.A.Je ffre y E. Klngan, 5948 Evanston, Ind ianapo lis; B.A.Chester T. K itch, 4117 S. H arrison, F t, Wayne; B.A.Charles F. Knapp, 708 North Third Ave., E vansville; B.S. in Aero. Engr.Vincent Labarbera, 2901 Euclid Ave., F t. Wayne; B.A.Charles J . Lauer, 329 B laine Ave,, E lkhart; B.S. in C iv il Engr.B i l l Lee L ieber, 723 W. 35th Ave., Gary; B.A.Michael J . Maher, 1609 W. Taylor, Kokomo; B.A.John T. Manning, 269 S. Audubon, Ind ianapolis; B.A.John C. McLaughlin, R.R. #2, Pendleton; B.A.Thomas R. Michael, 1015 Raible Ave., Anderson; B.S. in E lec . Engr.Dennis M. Murphy, 5947 N. H il l is id e W., Ind ianapolis; B.A.A llen D. Murray, 1713 23rd S t . , Bedford; B.A.Edmund Naspinski, 3679 H arrison S t . , Gary; Bach, of Bus. Admin.Thomas F. O'Dea, 312 South 7 th , Goshen; B.A.Dav id J . P a liganoff, 501 W. Sherwood, F t. Wayne; B.A.John T. P eh le r, 617 E. 58th S t . , Ind ianapolis; B.A.

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Indiana graduates. . , 3

Vernon L. Pellman, 4702 Tower Rd., E lkhart; B.A.Charles J . P o tte r , 210 Mouser S t . , Madison; B.S. in Chem. Engr.Ronald M. Saldino, 14-58 N. Leland, Ind ianapo lis; B.S.Robert J . Sauer, 1402 L o re tta D r., Ind ianapo lis; B.A.John P. Schm itt, k$Q5 E. 72nd S t . , Ind ianapo lis; B.A.


Ronald J . S tap le ton , 824-7 Maple" Ave., Gary; Bach, of Bus. Admin.Edward E. S tark , 5301 Madison S t . , Gary; B.A.Harry W. S tee le , l4 6 l N. Emerson, Ind ianapo lis; B.A.Richard M. Stevens, 3939 Wyandotte T r ., Ind ianapo lis; B.A.Joseph F. Terranova, 2012 Davis, Whiting; B.A.C. E ric V andagrift, 1330 I l l s l e y P lace , F t . Wayne; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Francis V antreese, 210 E. 5th, Peru; B.A.R. N. Vuksandovic, 929 173rd S t . , Hammond; Bach, of Bus. Admin.Timothy C. Wright, 3621 Birchwood Ave., Ind ianapo lis; B.A.David L. Zeph, 1320 N. Delaware, In d ian ap o lis ; B.S. in E lec. Engr.

John W, A llen, Moreau Seminary, Notre Dame; B.A.Charles B aldinger, 1234 H illc re s t Rd., South Bend; B.A.Bro. D. M. B a ltr in ic , D ujarie H all; Notre Dame; B.A.Robert R. Banacki, 517 S. Kaley S t . , South Bend; B.A.John D. Barry, C .S .C ., Moreau Seminary, Notre Dame; B.A.Anthony T. B ird, 533 B. Angela B lvd ., South Bend; B.A.John J . Blazek, C .S.C ., Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Thomas J . Brunner, 236 Timberlane R d., South Bend; B.A.Ronald M. Budzinski, 420 S. Dundee, South Bend; B.S.Salvatore C i le l la , 811 E. Peashway, South Bend; B.A.James R. Cocquyt, 613 W. 11th S t . , Mishawaka; Bach, o f B .s . Admin. F rancis X. C olligan , Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.P a tr ic k G. C ullen, 2516 Grace S t . , South Bend; LL.B.David F. Czulewiez, 234 E. Indiana Ave., South Bend; B.S. in Physics David J . Deka, 534 S, C a r lis le , South Bend; B.A.Edward L. Delahanty, 805 B. Miner S t . , South Bend; B.S.John E. Delee, 426 Edison S t . , South Bend; B.S. in E lec . Engr. Vladimir Drobot, 17431 F airlane D r., South Bend; B.S.Francis J . D ro lla , Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Frank J . Duda, 1005 Cleveland Ave., South Bend; LL.B.Thomas E l l io t t , C .S.C ., Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Richard H. Foley, 1024 Vassar Ave., South Bend; B.A.Rudolph B. Gawlik, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Charles H. Gerwels, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Robert M. G ilbo, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Bernard J . Gorski, 801 24th S t . , South Bend; B.A.Ronald J . Guzda, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Theodore J . Habarth, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Thomas E. Harvey, 2501 Miami S t . , South Bend; B.A.William H ighfield , 216 S, Greenlawn, South Bend; Bach, o f A rch itecture David A. H osinski, 3820 W. Huron Ave., South Bend; LL.B.James E. Jack, 2 l6 A lford, Mishawaka; B.A.John J . K acsits, 2115 S. S co tt, South Bend; B.S.Kenneth K intz, C .S .C ., Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Edward Krause, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.H erbert J . Kuehne, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.M artin T. L a lly , C .S.C ., Moreau Sem., Notre Dane; B.A.Thomas B. Lawrence, 701 N. Mason S t . , Mishawaka; B.A.Paul M. Lebner, 601 E. Angela B lvd., South Bend; B.A.Francis P. Lucas, 724 Portage, South Bend; B.A.

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Indiana graduates, . . 4

Conrad R, Maslowski, 501 S. Kaley, South Bend; B.A.John B. Matthews, 730 Allen S t . , South Bend; B.A.W ilfred M ayette, 507 W ..LaSalle, South Bend; LL.B.Timothy J . McAloon, 407 S. 29th S t . , South Bend; B.S. in C iv il Engr. Richard W, McManus, 1143 E. Dayton, South Bend; B.A.Michael F. Mikan, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Frank Minik, 635 N. Main, South Bend; B.A.Lawrence M. Mosko, 53155 Hickory R d., South Bend; B.A.Walter A. Mucha, J r . , 432 Kosciusko S t . , South Band; B.A.Dennis M. Murphy, 210 N. Tuxedo, South Bend; B.A.Bernard L. Nemeth, 54581 Northern Ave., South Bend; Bach, o f Bus. Admin. Theodore M. N utting, 53240 Juniper Rd., South Bend; B.A.John A. Obhagy, 621 N. Main S t . , South Bend; B.A.James H. O'Donnell, 122 E. Angela, South Bend; B.A.Joseph J . 0 'Keane, G 12 Univ. V illag e , Notre Dame; B.A.M. J . O'Shaughnessy, Box 543 7 43, Notre Dame; B.A.Charles R. Payne, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Thomas E. Pearson, 1220 Longfellow, South Bend; B.A.Richard L. P o tth a s t, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.John J . Reder, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.P h ilip F. R iley , 428 E. Angela, South Bend; B.A.Juda E. Rosenberg, 1429 E. Miner, South Bend; B.S. in C iv il Engr.George A. Rozum, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.James F, Searcy, 207 Hone Ave., E lkhart; LL.B.Thomas E. Sowa, C .S .C ., Moreau Seminary, Notre Dame; B.A.David A. Tarwacki, 530 W. Indiana, South Bend; B.A.Merwyn J . Thomas, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.James M. Verleye, 526 W. 10th, Mishawaka; B.S.Francis J . Wagner, Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.Robert K. Wilson, 129 N. C oquillard, South Bend; B.S. in C iv il Engr. Edwin Wood, C .S .C ., Moreau Sem., Notre Dame;B.A.James A. Wysocki, 220 McCombs S t . , South Bend; LL.B.A lbert J . Z a n g r il l i , Moreau Sem., Notre Dame; B.A.


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tyfoM /W 4!fafad/U/ o j/ Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate re le a se :

Notre Dame, Ind . — Seventeen students from Iowa w ill rece ive

degrees from th e U niversity of Notre Dame a t i t s l l8 th annual

commencement exercises June 9 (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (ESI).

Prime M in ister L este r B- Pearson o f Canada w i l l he the commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Raul C ardinal S ilv a Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago,

C hile, w i l l preach th e baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a.m. (ESI).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S.C ., p res id en t o f Notre Dame, w il l

confer approxim ately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon

Iowa graduates and th e i r degrees are :

Michael Burke McGrath, 1842 Ridgewood Ave., Davenport; M.S. in Engr. S c i. Kent L. Ackerson, 602 Elm S t . , Red Oak; B.S*William B. Bowling, 813 W. 1 s t , Sumner; B.A.Barry E. Burke, 810 Chestnut, Anita; B.S.P h ilip Lee Dorsey, 413 F if ty F i r s t , Des Moines; B.S.James E. Huiskamp, 1031 Grand Ave., Keokuk; Bach, of A rch itecture James E. K elley , 3 6 ll Woodland S t . , Ames; B.A.John J , K ir l in , R. R. #1, Buckingham; B.A.Daniel R. Lawson, 2312 Ave. E ., Council B lu ffs ; B .S ., C iv il Engr.James L. Lekin, 3801 Adams, Des Moines; LL.B.P a trick F. McCarthy, 18 Glenwood Ave., Davenport; B.A.Michael McDonnell, 1006 Farnam S t . , Davenport; B.A.Michael McDonough, 1897 Chaney Rd., Dubuque; B.A.Steven C. S chueller, 501 Sunset Ridge, Dubuque; B.S.David W. Stegman, 803 Jerome S t . , Marshalltown; B.S.I r a J . Studebaker, R. R. #1, Belmond; Bach, of A rch itectu re Je ra ld E. Zeiban, R. R. #2, Webster C ity; B.A.



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ews €!/Wi4Z Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate re lea se :

Notre Dame, In d . , — Twelve studen ts from Kansas w il l receive

degrees from the U niversity o f Notre Dame a t i t s 118th annual commencement

exercises June 9 (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime M in ister L es te r B. Pearson of Canada w il l he th e commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Raul C ardinal S ilv a Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago,

C hile, w i l l preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S.C ., p res id en t of Notre Dame, w il l

confer approxim ately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t the afternoon


Kansas graduates and th e i r degrees a re ;

B. L. C ron ister, l805 North Elm, P ittsb u rg h ; B .S ., C iv il Engr. Timothy M. Fabac, l400 Tauromee, Kansas C ity; B .S ., Aero. Engr. Robert F itzg e ra ld , 2700 W. 69th S t . , Shawnee; B.S.Robert A. Frey, R t. 1 , Box l 6l , Bonner Springs; B.A.Robert L. Heath, P . 0 . Box 400, L eoti; B.A.Robert B. Irv in e , J r . , 729 Poyntz, Manhattan; B .S ., Mech. Engr. James R. Mantey, Box 185, Sharon Springs; B .S ., E lec. Engr.Dennis P . O 'Brien, 1101 Lowell, Kansas C ity; Bach, o f Bus. Admin.Harold J . Reno, 6806 W. 67th , Overland Park; B.A.Michael J . Ryan, 115 Lombardy D r., Kansas C ity ; B.S.David R. Scheetz, 320 N. F i r s t S t . , Norton; B.A.James S. S ch illin g , 3629 W. 50th T e rr ., Shawnee; B.S.


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DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext, 401 or 402

Notre Dame, Indiana

For immediate re lea se :

R otre Dame, In d ., — F orty -th ree students from M assachusetts w ill

receive degrees from th e U niversity of Rotre Dame a t i t s l l 8th annual

commencement exercises June 9 (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime M in ister L ester B. Pearson of Canada w il l be the commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Raul Cardinal S ilva Henriquez, Archbishop o f Santiago,

C hile, w ill preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S .C ., p resid en t of Rotre Dame, w i l l

confer approxim ately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon


Remi Gerard Dubuque, 28 Krahan Ave., Worcester; Ph.D., English.S r. E lizabeth L. M ichaels, 3RD, 400 The Fenway, Boston; Ph.D ., Mathematics Sam Z. Toma, 6 Ober S t . , Beverly; Ph.D ., Chemistry.Robert P. B ennett, 38 M arshall Ave., P i t t s f i e ld ; M.A., English Gordon J . DiRenzo, 158 Grant S t . , North A ttleboro; Ph.D., Sociology Timothy R. Donoghue, 99 Beaumont S t . , Dorchester; Ph.D., Physics William J . Bennett, 38 M arshall, P i t t s f i e ld ; B.A.Robert C. Casey, 33 Bonders Lane, Boston; B .S ., E lec. Engr.Mark A. C hiros, 272 Auburn S t . , Whitman, B.A.John K. Cruger, 521 Hood S t . , F a l l River; B.A.Joseph S. Desmond, 9 Grogan Ave., Quincy; B.A.Edward 0. Donnelly, 44 Clements Rd., Waltham; Bach, of A rch itec tu re Michael A. Dunning, 63 Homestead Ave., Weymouth; B.A.Stephen L. E nrigh t, 4 P ine S t . , Winchester; Bach, of A rchitecture David A. F ac in i, 4 Moulton Park R d., Framingham; B.A.Leonel R. F e lteau , 11 Bellevue Rd., Lynn; Bach, o f Bus. A dm inistration Maurice G ille sp ie , 555 Summer A e . , Reading; B.S.Kevin G. H art, 39 Short S t . , E aft Walpole; B.A.H ilton G. H i l l , 4 Hazelwood S t . , Roxbury; B.A.John A. Karcz, 5 Mt, Vernon, Lawrence; B .S ., E lec . Engr.John F. K elleher, J r . , 992 Memorial D r., Cambridge; B.A.Robert J . Kendra, 38 Warren S t . , Fitchburg; B.S. in C iv il Engr.Henry B. K iley , 21 Winslow Rd., Winchester; B.A.A lfred G. K i l l i l e a , 139 Hidden Rd., Andover; B.A.Stephen F. Lawless, R.F.D. #1, Buzzards Bay; B.S.William McConathy, 21 Aberdeen S t . , Hewton; B.A.

M assachusetts graduates and th e i r degrees are

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M assachusetts g raduates. , . 2

John C. McCullough, 15 Gleason E d ., Reading; B.A.Richard McDermott, 111 High S t . , Chelmsford; B.S.Laurence McDonald, 95 Grand Ave., Falmouth; B .S ., Chem. Engr.Thomas A. McGowan, 2 Maurice Ave., Lawrence; B.A.George G. McGuire, 113 Elmwood R d., W ellesley; B.A.James M. Moran, 53 Austin S t . , Leominster; B .S ., Blec. Engr.Charles G. Murphy, 10 Palmer Ave., Peabody; B.A.Lawrence E. Norton, 9 Hartw ell R d., Bedford; Bach, o f Fine A rts Daniel A. Nugent, 59 Benvenue S t . , W ellesley; B.A.John F. O 'Connell, 10 Pearson Rd., Holyoke; B.A.Robert R. Pennell, 2 Sagamore Farm Rd., Hamilton; B.S.Edward P . R aleigh, 43 Winnifred Ed. , Brockton; B.S. in Aero.Engr.Thomas L. Reid, J r . , 32 Lincoln R d., Brockton; Bach, o f Bus. Admin.M arshall F. R e illy , 12 Peck, A ttleboro ; B.A.Robert F. S ie rack i, 71 Winter S t . , Norwood; B.A.A lfred J . T o rr is i , 549 Prospect S t . , Methuen; B.A.Thomas E. Unsworth, 257 Tremont S t . , Taunton; B.A.


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ewsDEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

Notre Dame, Indiana

For immediate re le a se :

Notre Dame, In d ., — Eighty-nine students from Michigan w ill receive

degrees from th e U niversity o f Notre Dame a t i t s l l 8th annual commencement

exercises June 9 (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (ESI).

speaker, and His Eminence Raul Cardinal S ilva Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago,

C hile, w il l preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a-®* (ESI).

confer approximately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon


E rro l Timothy C a rro ll, R. #1, Box 615, Traverse C ity; M.A., English Rev. William F. Meyers, 220 Ferguson, Lansing; Ph.D ., Education Henry J . Prask, 2158 McKinstry, D e tro it; Ph.D ., PhysicsS r. M. Gabriei*ne Wagener, IBM, S t. Mary Convent, 610 W. Elm Ave., Monroe, Ph.D. Roger J . Eldred, 330 W. Iroquios Rd., Pontiac; M.S., Chemistry S r. Mary de Lourdes McAloon, 0SM, 14301 Longview, D e tro it; M.S.Je r ry P. Barrack, R. R. #5, Coldwater; M.S. in Aero. Engr.P a tr ic k J . Roache, 19635 Caldwell, D e tro it; M.S. in Aero. Engr.William E. Zenk, 28 N. 22nd S t . , B a ttle Creek; M.S. in Chem. Engr.Richard M. N ielsen, J r . , 2321 W estfield Rd., Trenton; M.S. in Engr.C liffo rd N. Angers, l4 ll3 Asbury Park, D e tro it; Bach, o f Bus. Admin.John W. A rehart, 224 N. Hudson, Lowell; B.A.Robert F« Baer, 1055 P u ritan , Birmingham; BAch. of Bus. Admin.Duane A. B alcersk i, 590 B arrington, Grosse P o in te ; B.A.Thomas H. Barkley, 725 Jamestown Rd., Pontiac; B.A.Robert C. B artolo, 40522 Ann Arbor T r ., Plymouth; B .S ., C iv il Engr.Larry W. Beaupre, 2645 C h ristian H ill , Rochester; B .S ., Aero. Engr.John P. Bechtold, 1902 Hampden Rd., F lin t ; B.A.Thomas H. Bejin, 71 F a irfo rd R d., Grosse P o in t; B.A.Gerald M. Belian, 18421 Snowden, D etro it; B .S ., C iv il Engr.Raymond J . Bonanno, 18610 Northlawn, D etro it; B.A.Michael M. Byrne, 10720 S. Eaton Hwy., Grand Ledge; B.A.Anthony Calderone, 85 H. Broad S t . , B a ttle Creek; LL.B.C la ir R. Carney, l 686l Stanebury Ave., D e tro it; B.A.P a tr ic k I . Cawley, 709 Washington, C adillac; B.A.George A. Cooney, 17177 Parkside Ave., D e tro it; B.A.James p . Dejenovich, Route 2 , Box 51, Eau C la ire ; Bach, o f Bus. Admin.Terence B. Desmond, 66 W. G rixadle, D e tro it; B.A.Thomas E. D ietz, R.ljBox 32, Lawton; B.A.

Prime M inister L ester B. Pearson of Canada w il l be the commencement

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S .C ., p res id en t of Notre Dame,

Michigan graduates and th e i r degrees are

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Michigan graduates. . . 2

A ustin J , Doyle, 332 W, Lovell S t . , Kalamazoo; B.A.James P. Dubois, 7301 Oskman, Dearborn; B .S ., Bngr. Science David R. Evans, 334 McKinley, Grosse P o in ts ; B .S ., Chemistry P h ilip C. Fedewa, 1805 Moores R iver, Lansing; B.A.Richard P. F e llra th , $44 Meriden, Dearborn; B.A.Robert E. G esell, 478 Lexington, Grosse Pointe; B.A.Daryl J . G lick , 4535 Herron Rd., Okemos; B.A.Gerald P. Grahek, 2o4 E. D e l., Decatur; B.A.Thomas E. G r if f in , 317 Hollywood D r., Monroe; B.A.Charles M. Hartman, 24-939 Ward Ave., Dearborn; B.S.George E. B e il, l4o N. Macomb, Monroe; B.S. in E lec. Engr,John F. H ildebrand, 24617 S. Cromwell, F ranklin V illage , Birmingham; B Howard W. Hooper, 909 Tostenabe Lane, N. Muskegon; Bach, of Bus. Admin Casper M. Howard, 209 Sydelle , Kalamazoo; B.A.George Jackobolce, 231 Park H ills D r., Grand Rapids; B.A.P e te r D. Jason , 1025 W h ittie r, Grosse P o in te ; Bach, o f Bus. Admin. Samuel P. Jones, R. R. //6 , Dowagiac; B .S ., Engr. Science W alter T. Jones, 275 N. Main, Marine C ity ; B.A.Raymond J . K elly , 2734 Park Side D r., F l in t ; B.A.Garron L. Klepach, 9262 B ra ile , D e tro it; B.S.David R. Koepele, R. R. #1, Grandledge; B.S. in E lec . Bngr.Robert J . Konopa, 440 Cedar, M anistee; B.A.John C. K oster, 892 Amity, Muskegon; B.A.Robert A. Kratage, 3655 Wards P t , , Orchard Lake; B.A.John S, L eadbetter, 801 W. College, Marquette; B .S ., E lec. Engr. Alfonso A. Magnotta, 10045 28 Mile Rd., Albion; Bach, o f Bus. Admin. Ronald J . M astej, 16744 O akfield, D e tro it; B.A.Francis J . McDonald, 164 Moran R d., Grosse P o in te ; B.A.John D. McLeod, 97 Hubbard Ave., Mb. Clemens; B.S.Lawrence W. Morgan, 13011 Rosemary, Oak Park; Bach, o f Bus. Admin.Matthew K. Murphy, 1058 Arden Lane, Birmingham; B.A.Michael S. Novak, R. R. %%, Box 428 A ., N iles; Bach, of Bus. Admin.P a trick T. O’Brien, 17521 Muirland, D e tro it; B.A.L eslie E. Renkey, 113 N. B a ll, Owosso; B.A.Brian D. Richardson, 21325 S tah e lin , Southfield ; B.A.Thomas P. R iley , 16781 F ie ld ing , D e tro it; B.A.Henry L. R i t te r , 387 Chalfonte, Grosse Poin te; B .S ., C iv il Engr. Charles E. Rivard, 32926 Je ffe rso n , S t. C la ir Shores; B.A.John A. Sacksteder, 433 S ta te S t . , Adrian; B.A.Paul J . Saghy, 4 ll4 Lanark, P o n tiac ; B.A.Arthur A. Schrage, 201 W. F ort S t . , D e tro it; B .S ., C iv il Engr.Gregory J . Schwartz, 6411 W. Outer D r., D e tro it; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Edward G. S ieg fried , 77 S co tt, Mt. Clemens; B.S.John A. S la t te ry , 916 Grand M arais, Grosse Pointe; B.A.Hurley D. Smith, 221 N. Sycamore, Lansing; LL.B.James J . Smith, 505 Cherry S t . , Petoskey; B.A.Robert P. Stanojev, 2428 Smiley Way, Jackson; B.A.James B. S to u ffe r, 1628 Pontiac Rd., Benton Harbor; B.A.Michael P. S u llivan , 3903 Bronson, Kalamazoo; LL.B.Paul M. T sch irh art, 17821 Oakwood, Dearborn; B.S.Gerald G. V airo, 601 Lake Linden Ave., Laurium; LL.B.William V. Vasu, 3421 W. Shore D r., Orchard Lake; B.A.Paul M. Voss, 1298 Lyonhurst, Birmingham; B.A.Nicholas R. Vucich, RED # , Box 293, Benton Harbor; B.A.Michael E. Walker, 9566 Cheyenne, D e tro it; Bach, of Bus. Admin.George H. Ward, 1401 Center Ave., Bay C ity ; B.A.William A. Westhaus, 4321 W. 14 Mile Rd., Royal Oak; B .S ., Chem. Engr. Thomas G. Willmeng, R.R.#2, W aterv lie t; B.S.John K. Yeckley, 813 S t. C la ir Ave., Grosse P o in te; B.A..Tosenh W. Yuchasz, Kewadin; B.A.

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5 Notre Dame, IndiansMM

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate re le a se :

Notre Dame, In d ., — Twenty-three students from Minnesota w i l l

receive degrees from the U niversity o f Notre Dame a t i t s l l 8th annual commencement

exercises June 9 (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime M inister L este r B. Pearson o f Canada w il l be th e commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Haul C ardinal S ilva Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago,

C hile, w il l preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S .C ., p res id en t of Notre Dame, w il l

confer approxim ately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon

Minnesota graduates and th e i r degrees a re :

Matthew J . K elly , l 8l 8 Dayton Ave., S t . Paul; Ph.D, Philosophy Leonard H. Hauer, J r . , 1968 S tanford Ave., S t. Paul; M.S., Mathematics Thomas T. K ubista, West Concord; M.S. in E lec. Engr.Calvin J . Wolf, 819 N. Je ffe rso n , New Ulm; M.S. in Mech. Engr.Thomas T. B ennett, 104 Groveland T e r ., Minneapolis; B.A.P h ilip B. Byrne, 1358 W ellesley Ave., S t. Paul; LL.B.Anthony Friedmann, 1210 Watson, S t. Paul; B.A.P a tr ic k M. Hickson, 6112 Idylwood D r., Edina; B.A.Richard Huelsmann, West M yrtle Rd., R t. #3, S til lw a te r ; B.A.Thomas R. Joyce, J r . , 2132 Elean Ave., S t. Paul; LL.B.Jerome R. Klukas, 13o E. Lawson, S t. Paul; B.A.John F. Koss, 1 8th Ave., S o ., Hopkins; B-S.Robert K. M aturi, 319 6th Ave., N.W., Chisholm; B.A.James J . Moran; 2655 E. Lake I s le s , Minneapolis; B.A.John J . Mulrooney, 4045 Thrushwood Lane, Hopkins; B .S ., E lec. Engr. Edward L. Murphy, 2?0 S. Miss. R iver, S t. Paul; B.A.Kenneth L. Nelson, 445 2nd Ave., S.W., Perham; B.A.Robert D. Rose, 2331 Beverly Rd., S t. Paul; B.A.T. P. Schwartzbauer, 1396 N. P ascal, S t. Paul; B.S.Joseph L. S h ie ly , 311 Mt. Cu, S t. Paul; B .S ., C iv il Engr.Ralph E. S ip p le , R.R. #3, Hayward; B.A.Dennis M. Walsh, 8l4 W. 8th S t . , Willmar; B.A.Randolph J . Wolf, 819 N. Je ffe rso n , New Ulm; B .S ., Aero. Engr.


Page 30: For release in AM's, Tuesday, June 11: 63/35archives.nd.edu/pr/pdf/PR_1963_06.pdfNotre Dame, Ind., June 10 — Professor A. L. Gabriel, director of the Mediaeval Institute at the University

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - GE 4-9011, Ext, 401 or 402

For immediate re lease :

Notre Dame, In d ., — Thirty-one students from M issouri w i l l receive degrees

from the U niversity of Notre Dame a t i t s 118th annual commencement exercises June 9

(Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime M inister L ester B. Pearson o f Canada w ill he the commencement speaker,

and His Eminence Haul Cardinal S ilv a Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago, C hile, w ill

preach th e baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass a t 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgb, C .S .C ., p res id en t of Notre Dame, w i l l confer

approximately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon ceremonies.

Missouri graduates and th e i r degrees are:

Bro. William L. Nance, S.M., 1101 So. Kirkwood Ed., Kirkwood; Ph.D ., English Richard Lee H air, 4128 Warwick, Kansas C ity; M.A., C arr. Admn.John P au l Boka, 50 B erkshire, S t . Louis; B.A.Win. J . Burglechner, 434? Swan Ave. , S t. Louis; B.A.John E. Cash, 2027 E. Gregory, Kansas C ity; B.A.Richard J . Connors, 83 P o in ter Lane, Clayton; B.A.Joseph A. Conrad, 1202 Jackson, C h illico th e ; B.S.C a rlis le E. Coope~, 1515 So. Rock H ill; Webster; Bach, of A rch itec tu re Michael p . Curran, K 7, Lake Botswana, Lees Summit; B .S ., Engr. Science Thomas F. Gordon, 1200 Huntington Rd., Kansas C ity; B.A.John W. Green, 3323 Delo, S t. Louis; B .S ., E lec. Engr.Paul J . Gund, 6228 Westminster, S t. Louis; B .S ., Chem. Engr.George W. Hardy, Clarence; B .S ., C iv il Engr.Robert J . HeUrung, 7027 Forsyth , S t. Louis; B.A.Richard J . Kuzmich, 1100 Rockman P lace, Rock H ill; B.A.Paul D. Lewis, 6 White Gate Lane, Clayton; B.A.James C. Maender, 7456 Cromwell D r., B .S ., E lec. Engr.Michael E. Meek, 2274 Edgewater D r., S p ring fie ld ; B.A.James p . Mercuric, 7217 Chamberlain, U niversity C ity; LL.B.James E. O'Rourke, 2509 Remington Lane, Rock H ill; B.S.David R. S h lv e ll, 5509 Sand D r., Park Towne Gardens, S t . Louis; B.S.David H. Smith, 516 W. Boulevard, Mexico; B .S ., Chemistry William B. Smith, 44 l Oakwood Ave., Webster Groves; B.A.John R. Sonderman, 1011 Hansom D r., S t. Louis; B .S ., C iv il Engr.L, M. S til in o v ic , 5052 Tholozan, S t. Louis; B.S.Richard P. Sugg, 6l28 Waterman, S t. Louis; B.A.William W. Todd, 11308 B. 14th, Independence; B.S.Lawrence W. V a lli , 1377 Green Tree Lane, Glendale; B .S ., C iv il Engr.Richard F. Woestman, 1335 Main S t . , Carthage; B .S ., Chem. Engr.James R. Wyrsch, 1360 E. Meadowmere, S pring fie ld ; B.A.Joseph R. Yoch, J r . , 21 Clayton T e r r ., Clayton; B.A.

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DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext. 401 or 402

tim e Notre Dame, Indiana

For immediate re lease :

Notre Dame, In d ., - - S ix ty -th ree studen ts from New Je rsey w i l l receive

degrees from th e U niversity of Notre Dame a t i t s i l8 th annual commencement

exercises June $ (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime M inister L este r B. Pearson o f Canada w il l he th e commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Haul C ardinal S ilv a Henriquez, Archbishop o f Santiago,

C h ile , w ill preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass a t

9 a.m. (ESI).

The le v . Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S .C ., p res id en t o f Notre Dame, w i l l

confer approximately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon

New Je rsey graduates and th e i r degrees are ;

Thomas J . B re tt , J r . , 434 N. A rlington Ave., E. Orange; Ph.D ., Chemistry Robert J . E r le r , I I I , 353 Perk Ave., Nutley; M.A., Philosophy Emil T. Hofman 598 R iver S t . , P aterson-P assa ic ; Ph.D ., Chemistry P e te r A. Lappan, J r . , 201 Moore S t . , P rinceton; Ph.D ., Mathematics F rederick R. Klebacher, 163 C linton Ave., N. P la in f ie ld ; Ph.D ., Chemistry Richard C. Antonson, R.F.D. P, Box 1107A, M artin sv ille ; B .S ., Chem. Engr, Bernard P. Berauek, 330 W. Gibbons S t . , Linden; B.A.Wallace Berkowitz, 271 Union S t . , Je rsey C ity ; B.S.W alter S. B ialous, 1$8 Pershing Ave., C a rte re t; B.A.Robert Buckley, 167 Branch, Red Bank; B. A.Daniel A. Carey, 25 Hillwood Ave., Metucben; B.S.Robert A. Carpenter, 1019 C linton Ave., So. P la in f ie ld ; B.A.Edmond A. C o llin s , 325 Heights Rd., Ridgewood; B.A.John F. C oste llo , 196 V irg in ia Ave., Je rsey C ity ; LL.B.John B. Dabrowski, 317 So. Park S t . , E lizabeth ; B .S ., Chem. Engr.Austin C. Degroat, 16 Bruce Court, Cedar Grove; B.A.Louis P. D inicola, 135 W. Main S t . , Penns Grove; B .S ., C iv il Engr.James E. Donovan, 126 W. 9th S t . , Bayonne; B.S.John P. Dougherty, Danenhauer Lane, Mays Landing; Bach, of Bus. Admin.John D. Dow, 12 Brookside T e rr ., N. Caldwell; B.S.Robert J . Duffy, 127 H. Wyoming Ave., Ventner; B .S ., Aero. Engr.Owen F. Feeney, 228 Jew ett Ave., Je rsey C ity ; B.S.Kenneth R. F is c e lla , 20 Marion Court, Bayonne; B.S.David E. Fogarty, 119 W. Passaic Ave., R utherford; B.S.A lbert R. Geraperle, 450 Middletown, Red Bank; Bach, o f A rch itec tu reEdward F. H ackett, 178 Garner Ave., Bloomfield; B.A.

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Hew Jersey g rad u a te s ., .2

John R. Hanley, 86 Prospect S t . , l i t t l e F a lls ; D.S,.,. Chau. Engr.Robert M. Hanlon, 711 Srassmere A re., In terlaken ;James J . H artley , 77 W. P a lish , P alisades Pazk; B.A.Joseph P. Heywang, 7 L afayette , B utler; B.A.Harold V. Hoffman, Morris Ave., Trenton; B .S ., Mech. Bngr.P e te r G. Hourihan, 1027 Collidge Rd., E lizabeth ; B.A.James L. Hughes, 213 3rd Ave., Hadden Heights; B.S.Michael E. Ju liano , 77 H olster Rd,, C lifto n ; Bach. Bus. Admin.Robert C. J u s te r , 57 Luisser S t . , C lifto n ; B .S., C iv il Engr.Vincent F. Kavanagh, 4 Day S t . , Bloomfield; B.A.Harvey D. X e lsa ll, 790 Charnwood D r., Wyckoff; B.A.Arthur F. Lange, 7 Portland R d., Summit; B .S ., E lec. Engr.Richard T. Lancia, 236 I . C entral Ave., Ramsey; B .S ., C iv il Engr. Bernard P. Malone, 245 8th S t . , Je rsey C ity ; LL.B.Joseph M. Masso, Delsea D r., Glassboro; B.A.William H. McMahon, 83 ¥. Harmony S t . , Penns Grove; B.A.Barry M. Moore, 190 Monroe Ave., River Edge; B.A.John L. Murphy, J r . , 4-7 Melrose D r., Toms River; B.A.John B. Murray, 24 Tuxedo Parkway, Newark; B.A.Raymond A. N aiao li, 152 Pine S t . , Paterson; B.A.John A. P ezzu ti, 224 MacDonald D r., Wayne; B.A.Michael P. R e illy , 153 Glenwood Ave., Je rsey C ity; B.A.Richard J . Riordan, 27 Marion Rd., M ontclair; B.A.William H. R i t te r , E.D. #1, Sewall Rd., Bridgeton; B .S ., Mech. Bngr. Anthony J . Rusciano, 321 Femwood T e r r . , Linden; B.A.Harry T. Sampson, 219 W. Ramapo Ave., Mahwah; B.S.George W. Sheer, Supawna Rd*, Salem; B.S.Dmitri J . Solga, 214 William S t . , Scotch P la in s ; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Joseph T. S rholez, 28 C h ris tin a S t . , L i t t l e Ferry; B.S.Michael J . Switek, 49 Ward p lace , So. Orange; B.S.Robert J . Taylor, 862 Knollwood T e r r . , W estfield; Bach, o f A rchitecture John A. Thomas, Musconetcong Ave,, Stanhope; B.A.C liffo rd Thompson, 61 West Lane, Madison; B.S.Donald C. T ally , 20 Whitney R d., Short H il ls ; B.A.Thomas B. Ure, J r . , 715 Dorian Rd., W estfield; B.A.Thomas F. W illiams, 1714 Wickford Rd., So. P la in f ie ld ; B.A.Richard H. Woods, 12 Walton S t . , Toms R iver; B.A.

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1 o f jV c fa e Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate re lea se :

Notre Dame, In d . , — One hundred and e ig h ty -fiv e student from New York

w il l rece ive degrees from th e U niversity of Notre Dame a t i t s 118th annual

commencement exercises June $ (Sunday) a t 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime M in ister L ester B. Pearson o f Canada w il l he the commencement

speaker, and His Eminence Raul C ardinal S ilv a Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago,

C hile, w il l preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn P o n tif ic a l Mass

a t 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C .S .C ., p res id en t of Notre Dame, w i l l

confer approxim ately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees a t th e afternoon


New York graduates and th e i r degrees a re :

Denis J . Quane, 21 Denmain S t . , Elmhurst; Ph.D. in ChemistryRev. Joseph F. Cloonan, 9 E. Je ffe rso n C irc le , Buffalo; M.A. in PhilosophyLeonard C. S u lsk i, 919 Mohr Ave., Buffalo; Ph.D. in MathematicsAnthony J. DeBruin, 163 Rockaway, Garden C ity; M.A. in H isto ryE la ine M. Edden, 60 Atkinson Rd., R ockville Center; M.A* in EducationRichard A. Falk, 65 Tenafly D r., New Hyde Park; M.A. in EnglishS r. Sara William Hanley, CSJ, College of S t. Rose, Albany; M.A. in EnglishVincent G. Massaro, 46 Massachusetts Ave., B uffalo; Ph.D. in EconomicsCornelius N ovell!, 34 E. Seventh S t . , Dunkirk; Ph.D. in EnglishDonald P. Gray, 24 Wedgewood D r., Rochester; M.A. in TheologyJohn F. Marszakel, J r . , 341 Como Park B lvd., Buffalo; M.A. in H isto ryJohn S. Mllewski, 930 Lorimer S t . , Brooklyn; M.A. in P o l. ScienceJames S. Noce, 201 Cobb Terrace, Rochester; M.A. in TheologyJohn K. O 'Brien, 1507 M etropolitan Ave., New York; M.A. in SociologyP e te r Paul A iz u p itis , S ta te School, Wassaic; M.M.S.C arl W. S e id e l, 1937 School S t . , East Meadow; M.S. in Chemistry Robert V. Donlon, M e rr itt Rd., Farmingdale; M.S. in E lec. Engr.W alter S. Duspiva, 27 New S t . , Katonah; M.S. in Elec. Engr.Robert P. P a rn e ll, 1834 62nd S t . , Brooklyn; M.S. in E lec. Engr.P h ilip M. Ryan, 15 T u m s te ll Rd., Scarsdale; M.S. in Engr. Sci,Jerome A, Donlon, M e rr itt Rd., Farmingdale; M.S. in Mech. Engr.George P. Jan icek , 168 Jun iper Ave., Smlthtown; M.S. in Mech. Engr.Matthew D, K elleher, 1173 Garden P lace , Wantagh; M.S. in Mech. Engr.Robert V, Chou, 13705 F rank lin Ave., Flushing; M.S. in E lec. Engr.Rev. Raymond T. Quetchenbach, SVD., 135 Ranch V illag e , Rochester; M.S. in E lec. Engr.

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New York graduates..,2

Richard A rakelian, 5017 Overbrook S t . , Douglaston; B.A.Joseph | . Balok, 1105 Renna. Ave., Elmira; B.A.Edmund | | Barton, 59 R lctibell gdf , White P la in s ; B.S. in Chem. Engr.Edward 8 | Basso, 1178 Old W h ite P l., Mamaroneck; B.S. in Chem. Engr.John P. Dennison, 211 Canal S t . , F o rt P la in ; B.A,James R: B est, Dry H il l Rd., Watertown, N. Y.; B.Si in Meeh. m g r .P e te r I . B isco n ti, 109 North Rd,, B ronxville; B.A.Thomas A. Bishop, 64 A lfred Lane, New Rochelle; B.A,Roger L. Brandt, 213 Douglas S t . , Syracuse; B.A.Leo T. Branigan, J r . , 6l 8 N. Aurora S t . , Ithaca ; B.A.Thomas R. Brennan, 27 Fairlawn D r., B g g ertsb ille , B uffalo; B.A.John C. Bruno, 119 E. 8l S t . , New York; B.S, in Aero. Engr.Robert A. Brutvan, 147 N. Broad S t . , Johnson C ity; B.A,William P. Burns, 50 Sands Poin t Rd., Sands P o in t; B.A.Timothy F. Byrne, 675 Rugby Rd., Brooklyn; B.S. in B lec. Engr.Kevin E. C ah ill, 211 Fort Wash. Ave., New York; B.S. in Physics Thomas J . Calogero, 562 Higbie Lane, West I s l ip ; B.A.John J . Calzolano, 4214 25th Ave., Long Island C ity; B.S. in C iv il Engr.Joseph F. C erlino , 605 E. Bay D r., Long Beach; B.S. in B lec. Engr.P e te r P . Cerrow, 5835 212th S t . , Bayside; B.A.George W. Clark, J r . , Box 146, Mahppac; B.S.Michael J . Connor, 205 Sickletown Rd., West Nyack; B.S.Thomas D. Conole, J6 Front S t . , Binghamton; B.A.Thomas F. Conroy, 7200 Ridge B lvd., Brooklyn; B.A.Gary L. Conway, 256 School S t . , W. Hempstead; B.A.David M. Cooper, 19 Hudson S t . , Oneonta; B.A,Ronald J . Dangelo, 8687 25th Ave., Brooklyn; LL.B.Edward A. Davis, 11820 B oncliff D r., Alden; B.A.Alexander W. Desko, 9 Deb S t . , Bethpage, L . I . ; B.A.Nicholas M. Devito, 3524 Hull Ave., New York; B.A.George J . Didonna, 1052 M erlin D r., Schenectady; B.S.Robert T. D ig iu lio , 108 E. Oak Orchard, Medina; B.A.William S. Dinger, 160 I . U. W illets R d ., Searingtown, L . I . ; B.A.Joseph J . Donofrio, 62 Alexine Ave,, E. Rockaway; B.S.Paul J . D risco ll, 30 Overlook D r., S ta ten Island ; LL.B.Edward J . Dwyer, 280 A tlan tic Ave., E. Rockaway; B.A.Thomas W. Fabish, 92 Willow S t . , Garden City; B.A.Edward J . Fanning, 9011 211 S t . , B e lla ire ; B.S.Joseph C. Fazzlo, 165 F ir s t Ave., New York; B.A.David R. Federick, West River Rd., Fulton; B.S.D aniel J . F ennell, 54 R iverside D r., New York; B.A.John L. Finneran, 18730 87th Rd,, Jamaica; B.A.Leonard J . Forys,339 Penora S t . , Depew; B.S. in Blec. Engr.Robert J . F ra le lgh , 29 S ickles S t . , New York; B.S. in Blec. Engr.Frank M. G agliard i, 18 Willow Ave., Larchmont; B.S. in Aero. Engr.James M. Geraghty, 4 Secor D r., P t , Washington; B.S. in Mech. Engr,Michael H. Gibbons, 516 Robineau Rd., Syracuse; B.A.Gerard J . G i l lo t t i , 35 William S t . , Geneva; B.A.Richard P. G ilo th , 4 l4 Locust S t . , Mt. Vernon; B.A.Richard C. Gold, 107 Main, Randolph; Bach, of Bus. A dm inistration Classen J . Gremm, 29 Homest, Albany; LL.B.Hans H. G rauert, 77 Souths, Rochester; B.A.Robert A. Green, J r . , 765 Tarrytown R d., P le a sa n tv ille ; Bachelor o f A rch itec tu re John Q. H all, 35 Claremont Rd., Scarsdale; B.A,Theodore P. Harding, 4 Colony Lane, Roslyn Hgfcs., L .I . ; Bachelor o f Bus. Admin. Robert L, Hayee, 5 Edward S t . , Johnson C ity ; B.S. in B lec. Engr,

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New York graduates...3John V. Hennigan, 18 Marwood lane , Yonkers; B.A.Joseph R. Hickey, 230 S ta te S t . , Batavia; B.S.John G. Hogan, 25 Esther Ave., Binghamton; B.A.Robert J . Hoover, 619 26th S t . , Niagara F a lls ; B.S.Kevin D. Hunt, 4 Acorn Bane, Larchmont; B.A.John J . Im peria l, 3379 Courtney, Baldwin Harbor; B.S. in Elec. Engr. Murray J . Indence, 7 Concord Rd., Port Washington; B.A.Robert M. Jones, 6 l l Long H ill Bel., B r ia rc l i f Manor; B.S.K elly C. Kammerer, 215 l4 6 th S t . , Whitestone; B.A.Robert J . Keane, 4711 Osman P lace, Bronx; B.A.Edward J . Kearney, 199 N. A llen S t . , Albany; B.S. in M etallurg ical Engr Edward P. Kearse, 425 Robinson S t . , Binghamton; LL.B.William B. Kelley, 139 Main St., Mount Morris; B.S.Paul J . K elly , J r . , 101 Wallace S t . , F reeport; B.A.Edward W, Kennedy, 2847 Wynsum Ave,, Merrick; B.A.James E, Kennedy, 128 Rumbold Ave., N. Tonawanda; B.S. in Engr. Science Joseph D. Kennedy, 243 77th S t . , Brooklyn; B.A.Charles T. Kenny, $8 Chestnut Oval, Orangeburg; B.A.Michael P. Kingston, O ffice Nav. R es., Navy 100, FPO 39, New York; B.A. Bruce W. Kramer, 89 Woodedge Rd., Plandome; B.S. in E lec . Engr.Robert C. Krug, 645 6 Ave., New Hyde Park; B.A.Lawrence T. Kwiat, 69 3rd S t . , Garden C ity Park; B.S.John M. Lamberti, 9024 206th S t . , H o llis ; B.A.Christopher Lane, 82 H illc re s t Ave., Yonkers; B.A.Thomas F. Lantry, 42 Huron Rd., Yonkers; B.A.Lawrence J . Lee, 190 Ferndale, I sU p ; Bach, of Bus. Admin.James T. Lewis, 37 Helen S t . , Johnson C ity; B.S,Michael P. Lombardi, 21515 28th Ave., Bayside, L . I . ; B.A.C arl R. Ludecke, 8 Albermarle Lane, Manhasset; B.A.John P. Mackie, 8 M artling S t . , E. Norwich; B.A.Charles J . Maffeo, 180 Sheridan Ave., Albany; B.S. in Elec. Engr. Francis X. Maher, 50 T u ll D r., Albany,; B.A.James E. M ailing, Sequoia Lane, V esta l; B.A.Edward G. Marcato, 59 Langdon Terrace, B ronxville; Bach, of Bus. Admin. P h ilip W. Marin, 3129 33rd S t . , Long Island C ity; B.S.Francis A. M artello , 1138 Hammond Ave., U tica; B.A.D. J . Mazurkiewicz, 5^45 82nd S t . , Elmhurst; B.S. in Chem. Engr.Joseph F. McCann, 2919 2 1 st Ave., A storia; B.A.Joseph G. McDougall, 2468 Grand Ave., Niagara F a lls ; B.S. in Aero. Engr Lawrence McGinniss, 8211 Grand Ave., Elmhurst; Bachelor of A rch itec tu re Robert E, McGowan, 11411 Linden B lvd., Ozone Park; B.A.John D. McGuire, 105 Acorn S t . , S ta ten Is lan d ; B.A.William J . McHale, 7528 184th S t . , Flushing; B.A.John S. McIntyre, 225 West 232 S t . , Bronx; B.A.Dennis C. McMahon, 6053 Catalpa Ave., Brooklyn; B.S. in Chem. Engr. Stephen McMahon, 55 S. Bergen P I . , F reeport; B.A.John R. McNamara, Jd Oak S t . , Binghamton; B.A.John R. Meyers, 5001 F orest Rd., Lewiston; B.S. in Chem. Engr.Daniel J . M ille r , 39 Old Pine D r., Manhasset, L .I . ; B.A.John J . M ille r, 2979 Marion Ave., New York; B.S. in Engr. ScienceJohn J . Molloy, 352 Abbott Rd., Buffalo; B.A.Edward C. Moore, 3196 Cambridge Ave,, Bronx; B.A.William J . Moran, 3 Gerard P lace, Thorowood; B.S. in Aero. Engr.Robert A. Mulshine, 273 P la in f ie ld Ave., F lo ra l Park; B.A.Lee P. M ulv ih ill, 62 85th S t . , Brooklyn; B.A.Thomas A. Neddy, 21 F le tch er S t . , 'Tonawanda; B.A.

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news (MWl# Notre Dame, Indiana

\DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4 - 9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For immediate release:

Notre Dame, Ind., — Ninety-eight students from Ohio will receivedegrees from the University of Notre Dame at its ll8th annual commencement exercises June 9 (Sunday) at 2 p.m. (EST).

Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson of Canada will be the commencementspeaker, and His Eminence Raul Cardinal Silva Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, will preach the baccalaureate sermon during a Solemn Pontifical Mass at 9 a.m. (EST).

The Rev, Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame, willconfer approximately 1,450 graduate and undergraduate degrees at the afternoon ceremonies.

Richard H. Beis, 219 42nd St., Sandusky; Ph.D., PhilosophyWilliam E. Doreribuseh, 601 l4th Ave., Middletown; Ph.D., PhysicsSr. M. Rosaria Petra, OSF, Sylvania; 6832 Convent Blvd. ;Ph.D., ChemistryEva Fleischner, Grailville, Loveland; M.A., LiturgyRev. James H. Plough, Josephinum College, Worthington; M.A., HistoryCharles R. Bvces, 505 Oakland Ave., East Liverpool; M.S., Mech. Engr.Richard M. Liptak, 5707 Chestnut Ed., Cleveland; M.S., Mech. Engr.Charles M. Lovas, 4675 Roop Ave., Barberton; M.S., in Mech. Engr.Edmund J. Adams, 3530 Hazelwood, Cincinnati; LL.B.Thomas V. Aldert, 1502 Highland Ave., Lakewood; B.A.Robert K, Anzinger, 621 S. Tanglewood, Springfield; B.S.Elio Bafile, Maple St., Waynesburg; B.A.Michael S. Becker, 5031 Indian Ripple, Dayton; B.S., Chem. Engr.Robert E. Bertke, 2023 Warren Rd., Lakewood; B.A.Michael D. Blake, 4700 Logan Ave., N.W., Canton; B.A.Dennis T. Brennan, 21015 Claythorne, Shaker Hgts., B.A.Gerald W. Drinker, 7856 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati; B.A.Thomas W. Brunner, 2006 W. High St., Lima; B.S. in Aero. Engr.David D. Bubb, 87 Edgewood Dr., Grafton; B.S., Civil Engr.Robert E. Burrill, 199 Benedict Ave,, Norwalk; B.A.Patrick Cavanaugh, 205 Elm Ave., Wyoming; B.S.Thomas P. Cliffel, 4033 Corwin, So. Euclid; B.S.Edward G. Crump, 868 Glen Park Dr., Youngstown; Bach, of Bus. Admin, David H> Culver, 105 Conger Ave., Akron; B.S.Robert V, Dahlke, 3230 W. 159, Cleveland; B.A.David C. DeMartlni, 1126 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati; B.S.

Ohio graduates and their degrees are

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Donald B. Dempsey, 14 Hickory St., Norwalk; B.A.Frank A. DeSantis, 581 Cleveland Ave., Amherst; B.A.Robert Dettelbach, 21757 Whittlesay, Rocky River; B.A.Harry E. Deverell, 3012 Fulton, Toledo; B.A.HIcholas DiCuccio, 150 E. 212 St., Euclid; B.A.Robert D. Egbers, 1008 Crest Circle, Cincinnati; B.A.Gerald T. Eisenman, 2279 Canterbury Rd., Columbus; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Terry S. Elberson, 720 Corwin St., Defiance; B.A.Donald B. Emrick, 449 N. Cherry St., Germantown; B.A.James B. Eversmann, 3153 Dot Dr., Cincinnati; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Harry J. Path, 5648 Wynribume Ave,, Cincinnati; B.A.George N. Fell, 842 Hatl. Bank Bldg., Toledo; B.A.Patrick J. Foley, 3816 Woodstock Dr., Lorain; B.A.Michael J. Foster, Route 5, Findlay; B.S., Mech. Engr.James W. Fraser, 55 Overwood Rd., Akron; B.S., Chem. Engr.Frank J. Froelke, 125 N. F. St., Hamilton; B.A.Robert F. Gannon, 1272 West Blvd., Cleveland; B.A.Michael L. Garrett, 202 Westover Dr., Akron; Bach, of Bus. Admin.John F. Gibbons, 2190 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Denis P. Gill, 352 Morewood Pkwy., Rocky River; Bach, of Architecture Richard C. Ginder, 96 Venloe Dr., Poland; Bach, of Bus. Admin.Joseph H. Goldcamp, 3927 N- Cliff Lane, Cincinnati, B.A.Philip M. Grace, 2248 Ohio Ave., Youngstown; B.A.Sam A. Haffey, 5236 Lynd Ave., Lyndhurst; Bach, of Architecture John E. Hagerty, 4840 Boydson Dr., Toledo; B.S., Mech. Engr.Bernard L. Hirsch, Route 7, Box 578, Chillicothe; B.S., Mech. Engr. Michael A. Joyce, 317 S. Virginia Lee, Columbus; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Louis H. Kaiser, 7011 Fair Oaks, Cincinnati; B.A.Robert R. Klein, 10706 Mfc. Auburn Ave., Cleveland; B.S., Chem. Engr. Paul E. Kohl, 16920 Edgewater Dr., Lakewood; B.A.Albert T. Kohout, 84l Jefferson Ave., Defiance; B.A.Dale C. Laporte, 3069 W. 155, Cleveland; B.S. in Elec. Engr.John S. Levicki, 17616 Lakewood Hts., Lakewood; B.A.Thomas A. Lueooers, 1100 Omena Place, Cincinnati; B.A.John F. Lynch, 2980 Erie Ave., Cincinnati; B.A.Richard H. Mack, 7572 Scenicview Dr., Cleveland; B.S.James R. McHamee, 16000 West Park Rd., Cleveland; B.A.Lawrence J. Hiklas, 8928 Sandymar, Cincinnati; Bach, of Bus. Admin. Wayne A. Novak, 5172 Devon Dr., N. Olmsted; B.A.Thomas H. O’Brien, 2200 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hgts.; B.A.Thomas E. O'Connor, 520 E. Columbus, Beliefontain; B.A.Donald J. 0 'Grady, 2360 Drummond, Toledo; B.A.Kevin M. O’Neill, 3567 Riedahm, Shaker Hgts.; B.A.Lyle A. Pauer, 20840 Endsley Ave., Rocky River; B.S.Lee L. Piovarcy, 15401 Fischer Rd., Cleveland; B.A.Paul C. Powers, 21591 Edgecliff Dr., Euclid; B.S.Norbert H. Rascher, 3351 Meadowbrook, Cleveland Hgts., B.A.Fredrick Rothermich, 2345 Dorset Rd., Columbus, B.A.Harry B. Rutemiller, 7341 Tiki Ave., Cincinnati; B.S. in Elec. Engr. Robert M. Sajnovsky, 127 Princess St., Campbell; Bach, of Fine Arts Donald J. Schade, Helena; B.A.Jerome W. Schmidt, 7152 Gracely Dr., Cincinnati; B.A.Thomas P. Schneider, 169H Edgewater Dr., Lakewood; Bach, of Fine Arts Richard J. Schrader, 332 Columbus Ave., Canton; B.A.Richard B. Schwartz, 3429 Chuckfield Dr., Cincinnati; B.A.Frederic K. Scott, ISOI W. Tuscarawas, Canton; B.S.Martin E. Sheridan, 1592 Collinsdale, Cincinnati; B.A.Richard E. Sobonya, 4685 Landchester, Cleveland; B.S.

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Ohio graduates., .3

John S. Sraec, 528? Pinetree Lane, Youngstown; B.S., Blec. Engr. Paul 0. Stadler, 1440 Thomwood Dr., Cincinnati; B.S., Blec. Engr. Joseph Sundermann, 6757 Rollaway, Cincinnati; B.A.Edward W. Tucker, 506 to. Bay View Dr., Sandusky; B.A.Thomas R. Vecchione, 146 Brady Circle, Steubenville; B.S.Ronald ton. Vettel, 420 to. 36th St., Ashtabula; B.A.Eugene C. Wackerly, 1375 Market Ave., to., Canton; B.A.Thomas E. Walter, 13^52 Lake Ave., Lakewood; B.A.Steffen Wellstein, R. R. #1, Fostoria; B.S.Kenneth J. Wernke, 2915 Thursfield, CinctiKKttij B.A.Dennis to. Whitmer, 133 Lauderdale, YourijgKowti«B.S., Civil Engr. Michael A. Whitney, 4139 E. 97th, Cleveland; jB.S., Mech. Engr. Carl F. Wiedemann, 3589 Linwood Rd., Cincinnati; B.A.Geo. M. Wurzelbacher, 6311 Edwood Ave., Cincinnati; B.A.


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Professor A. It. Gabriel to give address commemorating the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral of Notre Dame.Two department heads appointed in College of Arts and Letters; Dr. Julian Samora and Dr. Robert Inner.Waldemar Otto named artist-in-residenceand faculty member of University.Appointment of two department heads in the College of Business Administration: Dr. Bernard J. Kilbride andDr. John J« Kennedy.Text of She Right Honorable Lester B. Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada address give at 118th Commencement.Lists of graduates for California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Sew Jersey, Sew York, and Ohio.