An initiative by Youth Wing of Global Bhatia Foundation June 2015 For Private Circulation Only @ 33 33 rd Issue Page 1 History of The Bhatia Community (Southern India, Eastern India & Maharashtra) Volume - II Donation: Rs. 500/- (in India), Overseas : RO5.000 (Muscat), US$ 10.00 for other countries Postage : Nil in India, Actual for other countries Limi ed t n Editio Your order may be placed by a Demand Draft drawn on Mumbai in favor of GLOBAL BHATIA FOUNDATION. The order can be placed at 1/6, Dossa Mansion, Next to Apna Bazar, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 022-22630888, Mob.: 9167826768 Order your copy now Delivery from July 2015

For Private Circulation Only History of The Bhatia Communityglobalbhatia.org/downloads/June_2015.pdfWhite patch of clouds simply enhanced the beauty on Earth's face. Feel like never

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An initiative by Youth Wing of Global Bhatia Foundation

June 2015

For Private Circulation Only

@ 3333rd


Page 1

History of The Bhatia Community

(Southern India, Eastern India & Maharashtra)

Volume - II

Donation: Rs. 500/- (in India), Overseas : RO5.000 (Muscat), US$ 10.00 for other countries

Postage : Nil in India, Actual for other countries

Limi ed tn


Your order may be placed by a Demand Draft drawn on Mumbai in favor of GLOBAL BHATIA FOUNDATION. The order can be placed at 1/6, Dossa Mansion, Next to Apna Bazar, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 022-22630888, Mob.: 9167826768

Order your copy now

Delivery from July 2015

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Dear Readers,

Here is the June 2015 issue of GBF Newsletter for you.

We are accepting your orders for “ History of the Bhatia Community” Volume II which includes achievers and inspiring personalities of our community. Since only 1000 copies are printed, you are requested to order your copy immediately. A separate chapter on “Concerns and Opportunities” is also included. So hurry up !!

We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Happy reading !

Haridas Raigaga, Nisha Gandhi : Dharmesh GandhiEditor : Correspondent : Design & Layout

Page 2

Inside this issue

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‘Fun - N - Fair’ In talks with the Sky

PoemA Special Prayer by Senior Citizen

Parekh Shipping Co.

Ten best Indian Army quotes

Jadav "Molai" Payeng


Aam Manorath

We are proud of you!

What readers say..


Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh

Dakshin Bharat Bhatia Mitra Mandal

Photo of the month

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Deep Prajwalit done by Shri Dilip K. Kapadia ( Shri Pratapbhai Sampat (Shri Kulin Sampat (Trustee of Bai Manibai Trust, Borivali), Shri Gulabsinh Gajaria (Trustee of Bhatia Balrakshak Vidyalay, Borivali - W), Shri Ranjitbhai Kapadia (CEO of Western Decorator) and all other Committee Member Shri Gopalbhai Ved, Shri Pushpak Ashar, Shri Mukund Bhatia, Shri Mahendra Sampat, Shri Jitendra (Jitu) Merchant

President) with Vice President),

on 17th May 2015 at Bhatia Balrakshak Vidyalaya, Borivali-Mumbai

‘Fun - N - Fair’ organised by Borivali Bhatia Mitra Mandal

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A Simple, not-so-intelligent, but sincere prayer,My dear God you know that I am growing older,

Keep me from becoming too talkative, from repeating all my jokes and anecdotes, and particularly keep me from falling into the tiresome habit of expressing an opinion on every subject.

Release me from craving to straighten out everyone's affairs. Keep my mind free from recital of endless details.Give me wings to get to the point.

Give me the grace, dear GOD, to listen to others as they describe their aches and pains.Help me endure the boredom with patience and keep my lips sealed, for my own aches and pains are increasing in number and intensity,and the pleasure of discussing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by.

Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally,I might be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet.

I do not wish to be a saint (Saints are so hard to live with), but a sour old person is the work of the devil.

Make me thoughtful, but not moody, helpful, but not pushy, independent, yet able to accept with graciousness favours that others wish to bestow on me.

Free me of the notion that simply because I have lived a long time, I am wiser than those who have not lived so long. I am older, but not necessarily wiser!

If I do not approve of some of the changes that have taken place in recent years, give me the wisdom to keep my mouth shut.

GOD, please know that when the end comes, I would like to have a friend or two left!

Yet another high,My rendezvous with the sky.Considering the zeal in me that lie,Hope all the traveller in me never die.

With houses getting smaller,Land, mountains and greenery growing blur,And about to commence my conversation with the clouds for sure,In love with the heavenly world that I frequently enter.

Lovely sight of the Earth's surface,Roads and rivers seem like a beautiful gifting lace. Water shinning like a stunning solitaire's grace,White patch of clouds simply enhanced the beauty on Earth's face.

Feel like never to stop this conversation,As you selflessly help me each time for self transformation.With each passing time & changing destination,I hereby tie a knot for life with you for each celebration.

A Special Prayer by Senior Citizen

In talks with the Sky Poem- Hemisha

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Indian hero aircraft carrier I.N.S. Vikrant towed by the tugs owned by Parekh Shipping Co.

1. "Either I will come back after hoisting the tricolor, or I will come back wrapped in it, but I will be back for sure.” – Capt. Vikram Batra, PVC

2. “What is a lifetime adventure for you is a daily routine for us.” – Ladakh Leh highway sign board

3. “If death strikes, before I prove my blood, I swear I’ll kill death.” – Capt. Manoj Kumar Pandey PVC 1/11 Gorkha Rifles

4. “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”

5. “To find us, you must be good, to catch us you must be fast, but to beat us…………you must be kidding.”

6. “May God have mercy on our enemies, because we won’t.”

7. “We live by chance, we love by choice, we kill by profession.” – Officers Training Academy, Chennai

8. “If a man says he’s not afraid of dying, he’s either lying, or he’s a Gorkha.” – Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

9. “It is God’s duty to forgive the enemies, but it’s our duty to convene a meeting between the two.”

10. “I regret I have but one life to give for my country.” – Prem Ramchandani

Proud of Indian army. Let us salute them.

Ten best Indian Army quotes: Must read!

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Padma Shri Jadav "Molai" Payeng (Assamese) (born 1963) is a Mishing tribe environmental activist and

forestry worker from Jorhat, India. Over the course of several decades, he planted and tended trees on a sandbar of the river Brahmaputra turning it into a forest

reserve. The forest, called Molai forest after him, is located near Kokilamukh of Jorhat, Assam,India and encompasses an area of about 1,360 acres / 550

hectares.In 2015, he was honoured with Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award in India.

In 1979, Payeng, then 16, encountered a large number of snakes that had died due to excessive heat after floods washed them onto the tree-less sandbar. That is when he

planted around 20 bamboo seedlings on the sandbar.He started working on the forest in 1979 when the social forestry division of Golaghat district launched a scheme of tree plantation on 200 hectares at Aruna Chapori situated at a distance of 5 km from Kokilamukh inJorhat district. Molai was one of the labourers who worked in that project which was completed after five years. He chose to stay back after the completion of the project even after other workers left. He not only looked after the plants, but continued to plant more trees on his own, in an effort to transform the area into a forest.

The forest, which came to be known as Molai forest, now houses Bengal tigers, Indian rhinoceros, and over 100 deer and rabbits. Molai forest is also home to apes and several varieties of birds, including a large number of

Jadav "Molai" Payeng

vultures. There are several thousand trees, including valcol, arjun (Terminalia arjuna), ejar (Lagerstroemia speciosa), goldmohur (Delonix regia), koroi (Albizia procera), moj (Archidendron bigeminum) and himolu (Bombax ceiba). Bamboo covers an area of over 300


A herd of around 100 elephants regularly visits the forest every year and generally stay for around six months. They have given birth to 10 calves in the forest in recent


His efforts became known to the authorities in 2008, when forest department officials went to the area in search of a herd of 115 elephants that had retreated into the forest after damaging property in the village of Aruna Chapori, which is about 1.5 km from the forest. The officials were surprised to see such a large and dense forest and since then the department has regularly

visited the site.

A few years back, poachers tried to kill the rhinos staying in the forest but failed in their attempt due to Molai who alerted department officials. Officials promptly seized

various articles used by the poachers to trap the animals.Molai is ready to manage the forest in a better way and to go to other places of the state to start a similar venture. Now his aim is to spread his forest to another sand bar inside of Brahmaputra.

This man single-handedly planted a 1360 acre forest. As a teenager Jadav “Molai” Payeng began planting seeds along the barren land near his hometown. His hard labor resulted in a sprawling forest, rich in trees and wildlife including deer, rhinos, apes, elephants, and tigers. This forest is called after Payeng's nickname, and is known as the "Molai woods".

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An Appeal to Youth

Global Bhatia Foundation invites Bhatia Youth from the Globe to serve as volunteers. GBF youth has education, sports & cultural events on its agenda and success of such projects is possible with t h e s e r v i c e o f s e l f l e s s v o l u n t e e r s . C o n t a c t : [email protected]

Views expressed by the authors need not be assumed as the views of Global Bhatia Foundation.


All The Copyrights Are Acknowledged.

YOUTH@GBF is an in-house ENewsletter distributed freely to the members of Bhatia community and published from Mumbai by Global Bhatia Foundation, a not for profit organization.

GLOBAL BHATIA FOUNDATION1/6, Dossa Mansion, Next to Apna Bazar, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Tel: 9167826768 Email : Website : [email protected]

What readers say..We are proud of you!

Hindus seek to scatter cremated remains in all Canadian rivers after Ontario Park permits

Joint multi-faith prayers helped tackle Ebola, Zed claims

Hindu goddesses at Bangkok National Museum

Tagore statue installation at Belgium’s Leuven Catholic University welcomed

Hindus urge Pope to discipline former Nebraska Bishop for terming yoga “serious sin”

Hindu Temple gets preliminary approval in New Jersey

Aam Manorath at Chicago Haveli Patotsav

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that my daughter Purvi has successfully completed the Global BBA program from Sydney. We had attended the seminar in 2011 where Dr. Mukul Asher spoke about higher education.

His guidance helped us tremendously.

Sanat & I appreciate the effort that Global Bhatia Foundation puts into education.It is providing a platform from where children are able to soar high.

Wishing the foundation the best in all their endeavour.


- Priti Ved (Haribhai Udeshi's Daughter)

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Born 4th century ADDied 5th century AD

Gupta Empire, possibly in Ujjain or Sri LankaOccupation Playwright and poetNationality IndianEthnicity IndianGenre Sanskrit drama, Classical literatureSubject Epic poetry, Hindu PuranasNotable works Abhijñânaúâkuntalam, Raghuvamúa, Meghadûta, Vikramôrvaúîyam,

KumârasambhavaSpouse Said to have been married to a princess; her name was Vidyotama.

Kâlidâsa wrote three plays. Among them, Abhij?ânaúâkuntalam ("Of Shakuntala recognised by a token") is generally regarded as a masterpiece. It was among the first Sanskrit works to be translated into English, and has since been translated into many languages.

?Mâlavikâgnimitram ("Mâlavikâ and Agnimitra") tells the story of King Agnimitra, who falls in love with the picture of an exiled servant girl named Mâlavikâ. When the queen discovers her husband's passion for this girl, she becomes infuriated and has Mâlavikâ imprisoned, but as fate would have it, Mâlavikâ is in fact a true-born princess, thus legitimizing the affair.

Abhij?ânaúâkuntalam ("Of Shakuntala recognised by a token") tells the story of King Dushyanta who, while on a hunting trip, meets Shakuntalâ, the adopted daughter of a sage, and marries her. A mishap befalls them when he is summoned back to court: Shakuntala, pregnant with their child, inadvertently offends a visiting sage and incurs a curse, by which Dushyanta



Born Bhumihar Kesari23 September 1908Simaria, Munger district, British India (present- day Bihar, India)

Died 24 April 1974 (aged 65)Occupation Poet, Freedom Fighter, Member of Parliament, Essayist, Literary critic,

Journalist, Satirist,Notable awards 1959:Sahitya Akademi Award, 1959: Padma Bhushan

1972: Bharatiya JnanpithSpouse ShyamavatiChildren Kedarnath Singh, Ramsevak Singh

Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar’

His works are mostly of 'Veer Rasa', or the 'brave mode', although Urvashi is an exception to this. Some of his greatest works are Rashmirathi and Parashuram ki Prateeksha. He is hailed as the greatest Hindi poet of 'Veer Rasa' since Bhushan.

Acharya Hazari Prasad Dwivedi wrote that he was very popular among people whose mother-tongue was not Hindi and he was a symbol of love for one's own mother-tongue. Harivansh Rai Bachchan wrote that for his proper respect he should get four Bharatiya Jnanpith Awards – for poetry, prose, languages and for his service to Hindi. Rambriksh Benipuri wrote that Dinkar is giving voice to the revolutionary movement in the country. Namvar Singh wrote that he was really the sun of his age. In his youth, Rajnath Singh, Home Minister of India was inspired by the genius of Dinkarji.

Hindi writer Rajendra Yadav, whose novel 'Sara Akash' also carried a few lines of Dinkar's poetry, has said of him He was always very inspiring to read. His poetry was about reawakening. He often delved into Hindu mythology and referred to heroes of epics such as Karna. He was a poet of

will forget her completely until he sees the ring he has left with her. On her trip to Dushyanta's court in an advanced state of pregnancy, she loses the ring, and has to come away unrecognized. The ring is found by a fisherman who recognizes the royal seal and returns it to Dushyanta, who regains his memory of Shakuntala and sets out to find her. After more travails, they are finally reunited.

Vikramôrvaúîyam ("Pertaining to Vikrama and Urvashi") tells the story of mortal King Pururavas and celestial nymph Urvashi who fall in love. As an immortal, she has to return to the heavens, where an unfortunate accident causes her to be sent back to the earth as a mortal with the curse that she will die (and thus return to heaven) the moment her lover lays his eyes on the child which she will bear him. After a series of mishaps, including Urvashi's temporary transformation into a vine, the curse is lifted, and the lovers are allowed to remain together on the earth.


anti-imperialism and nationalism, says well-known Hindi writer Kashinath Singh.

He also wrote social and political satires aimed at socio-economic inequalities and exploitation of the underprivileged.

A progressive and humanist poet, he chose to approach history and reality directly and his verse combined oratorical vigour with a declamatory diction The theme of Urvashi revolves around love, passion, and relationship of man and woman on a spiritual plane, distinct from their earthly relationship.

His Kurukshetra is a narrative poem based on the Santi Parva of the Mahabharata. It was written at a time when the memories of the Second World War were fresh in the mind of the poet.

Krishna Ki Chaetavani is another poem composed on events that led to the Kurukshetra war in the Mahabharata. His Samdheni is a collection of poems reflecting the poet's social concern transcending the boundaries of the nation.

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Celebration of Silver Jubilee year of Dakshin Bharat Bhatia Mitra Mandal

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Photo of the month

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