NAME CLASS DATE for VOCABULARY MINI-LESSON ADDITIONAL PRACTICE Parts of Speech and Context Clues DIRECTIONS Use the italicized word's part of speech and its context to figure out its meaning. Consult a dictionary to check your answers. I PART OF SPEECH CONTEXT CLUES MEANING 1. Her acute reaction to the bee sting made a trip to the emergency room necessary. 2. The school could avert the spread of the flu by shutting down during flu season. 3. Mom's birthday and Mother's Day coincide, so I will send only one card. 4. She compensated the staff for their good work with raises and bonuses. S. I felt conspicuous wearing the silly hat with so many people around. u. 6. Now that it's summer, we can sit and read out in the gazebo. 7. Are you sure this river is navigable? I think it is too shallow. l 8. The directions to the theater were too vague, and I got lost. CHAPTER 1 I Witnessing an Event I Reading Workshop 11

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Parts of Speech and Context Clues DIRECTIONS Use the italicized word's part of speech and its context to figure out its meaning. Consult a dictionary to check your answers.


1. Her acute reaction to the bee sting made a trip to the emergency room necessary.

2. The school could avert the spread of the flu by shutting down during flu season.

3. Mom's birthday and Mother's Day coincide, so I will send only one card.

4. She compensated the staff for their good work with raises and bonuses.

S. I felt conspicuous wearing the silly hat with so many people around. u.

6. Now that it's summer, we can sit and read out in the gazebo.

7. Are you sure this river is navigable? I think it is too shallow.

l 8. The directions to the theater were too vague, and I got lost.

CHAPTER 1 I Witnessing an Event I Reading Workshop 11

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Identifying an Implied Main Idea DIRECTIONS Read each passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Use the steps in Thinking It Through on page 26 of your textbook.

PAS SAG E A ------------------------GU aD E D PR ACTa C E

Don't Call Me Chicken

At first my little brother thought he just had a cold. Then he noticed red bumps on his face and neck. The bumps were a sign of no ordinary breakout. He had chickenpox. Within hours his entire body was covered with tiny red spots. The doctor told him to forget about school and go to bed.

He missed an entire week of third grade, but having chickenpox was no vacation. Once the swelling went down, the blisters turned crusty and itchy. It seemed impossible to refrain from scratching them, even though scratching could cause infection or scarring. Even worse,


The implied main idea of the passage is ­

A chickenpox is an illness

B chickenpox requires special medication

C chickenpox can keep you out of school

D chickenpox is an annoying illness

while the old blisters were itching, new ones kept appearing. The process seemed never ending, and my brother found it very hard to believe that he couldn't be cured quickly by tak­ing some kind of medicine.

The remedies in the end were pretty simple. To soothe the itching, he used calamine lotion and took lukewarm baths with baking soda. To help with the headaches and fever, he took an over-the-counter painkiller. I offered him chicken soup, but he told me, "No way. No more chicken anything for me."

This item asks you to identify the implied main idea of the passage.

A is incorrect: This subject of chickenpox as an illness is too broad for this passage.

B is incorrect: The passage explains that there is no special cure-all for chickenpox.

C is incorrect: This is a detail, not the main idea. D is the best answer: This answer sums up the

writer's point ofview toward chickenpox.

1 What details suggest that the writer's brother was uncomfortable?

A He noticed spots on his face and neck.

B The writer calls chickenpox an annoying illness.

C It was hard not to scratch the blisters.

D The writer's brother missed a week of school.

2 In this passage, the word refrain means to-

F train oneself

G keep from doing

H stop completely

J try again

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3 What is the implied main idea of the third paragraph?

A Nothing helps when you are sick.

B Treating chickenpox can be expensive.

C Simple remedies are often effective.

D Never eat chicken soup.

4 What detail does not support the implied main idea of the passage?

F tiny red spots

G some kind of medicine

H itchy blisters

J headache and fever


The Force of Nature

I had invited two friends over for dinner one Friday. All evening the news reports warned about the hurricane. In four neighboring coun­ties, rain was pouring and the wind was rising. Our town was a hundred miles from the coast, so we all thought that even if the storm reached us it would not be a big deaL

We were wrong. While we were playing video games, the lights went out. My mother lit candles, but darkness was not our only prob­lem. The wind started to roar and shake the house like an angry child shaking a toy. Soon we heard warning sirens. We grabbed blankets, towels, a jug of water, and a flashlight, and we ran to the basement.

5 The passage is about ­

A preparing for a storm

B surviving a storm

C hosting a party for friends

D recovering from a storm

We huddled under the staircase. Above us, we could feel the house vibrating as it resisted the powerful winds. Unfortunately, we had for­gotten the radio and had no idea how long we might have to stay in the basement. After a while, the air grew quiet and still, and I volun­teered to go upstairs. My mother the idea with a stem "No."

Later, we discovered we had been in the eye of the storm, which was why everything seemed so calm. Within minutes the wind was howling again, so we waited another hour before going back upstairs. It was two days before we had electricity, and it was weeks before we had cleaned up all the branches and repaired the damage from the storm.

6 Which statement describes the main idea of the passage?

F It is important to stay at home during a storm.

G It is important to listen to a radio during a storm.

H It is important to take cover during a storm.

J Storms can take you by surprise.

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7 What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A The storm was dangerous.

B The writer was not prepared for the storm.

C The storm was like an angry child.

D Always hide in the basement during a storm.

8 The details in the third paragraph suggest that the writer's mother-

F was nervous

G was afraid for her life

H knew exactly what to do

J wished she had brought the radio

9 In this passage, the word vetoed means ­ .J A agreed with

B hated

C ignored

D disagreed with

10 From the passage, you can tell that-

F everyone wanted to get back to the game

G everyone enjoyed the storm

H everyone was disappointed by the storm

J everyone survived the storm

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Proofreading: Punctuating Dialogue------------------0

DIRECTIONS Proofread and revise the following passage by correcting the mistakes in dialogue punctuation .

• Correct the errors by inserting the correct punctuation in or above the lines. • After you have completed this exercise, proofread your eyewitness

account for errors in dialogue punctuation, as directed in Your Tum 9.

A Saturday with Didi

In one year said Mr. Goldman the average American teenager sees more

than twenty thousand commercials. Twenty thousand! And what do those

commercials make you want to do?

We thought for a moment, and then someone raised a hand and said Buy

stuff. Mr. Goldman nodded his head in agreement.

I decided to watch television one Saturday morning with my neighbor

Didi, who is seven. I like programs about animals that talk Didi told me, so

we watched a show about a pink talking elephant. The show was predictable,

so mostly I watched Didi watch television. She laughed at all the jokes, but

her eyes lit up like fireworks when the commercials came on. The ad for

a talking doll made her say Wow! The one for the sugary sweet cereal

prompted her to comment I like that stuff. It makes the milk tum blue.

During an hour of television, there were seventeen commercials. Four

were for other television shows, five were for cereals or food, and eight were

for toys.

I asked Didi Do you think television is a good thing?

Her answer was Yes. How else do you know what you want?

CHAPTER 1 Witnessing an Event I Writing Workshop 2S

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Journal Warm-up: Instructions Fruit' slVlootnies lVIake great after-school snacks. In a. 6/ender, Mix one

cup of lVIilk wiM a. cup of sliced banana. or oMer fruit: Itdd three ice

cu6es and turn on the 6/ender: Pour into a. tall glass a.nd erjoy!

Organizing a. car wash for your clu6 requires only three easy steps.

Arst, local:e a. site and get perwtission to hold Me car wash there.

/tdverlise the event wiff1 radio announceMents and posters placed in

high-fra.ffic areas. ~mi;e at Me site wiM your own 6ucket, sponges,

and clean towels.


Write for five minutes about how to do something, using one of these prompts.

~. Explain how to playa sport or game you like.

\!!-'57 Write the directions from your school to your home.

\!!-'57 Describe the steps you follow to do something on your computer.

\!!-':P. Explain how to start a club at school.

\!!-'57 Describe how to operate a particular machine or device.

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DIRECTIONS Use the first chart to determine the meaning of each italicized word in the second chart.

• First, separate any roots from the rest of the word and define the roots . • Then, guess at the word's meaning, based on the meanings of the roots, and

see if your meaning makes sense in the sentence.

I""Oreek Root Meaning Examples -Iog(ue}­ speech, word, or reason monologue

-op(t}­ eye; to see optician

-pol(is}­ city, state politics

I.- Llttn Root -man(u}­ hand manipulate

-script­ to write script

-spec­ to look inspect

-un­ one unicycle

• -vis- to see vision


1. Manual labor is hard work.

2. The surgeon found damage to the optic nerve.

3. She speculated about what caused the accident.

4. Re-read the dialogue, and explain the conflict between the two characters.

5. When you revise your work, you have the chance to improve it.

6. When the team won, the fans screamed in unison.

7. Your conclusion does not seem logical.

8. Be sure to supervise young children when they swim.

9. Living in ametropolitan area is often exciting.

10. It took seven years to complete the manuscript.

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Identifying Sequence of Events DIRECTIONS Read each passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Use the steps in Thinking It Through on page 58.

PASSAGE A ---------"--------------- G U IDE D PRACTICE

Going Fishy

Having a tankful of colorful fish in your room can be a lot of fun, but buying fish is not the first step in setting up an aquarium. First, you must assemble a tank with the right equip­ment. Once you are sure that your tank has no leaks and the water chemistry and temperature are fine, you can add the fish.

Do not pick fish at random or because they are attractive or have interesting names. Instead, find out which fish will live well together and will not grow too large for your tank. Start with just a few fish. Swordtails, rosy barbs, and silver dollars are good choices. The fish store will probably send them home with you in a plastic bag filled with water.


According to the passage, when setting up an aquarium, you should buy fish ­

A whenever you can

B after the tank is set up

e before doing anything else

D a day after the tank is set up

Place the unopened bag with the fish in your tank. This allows the water in the bag to adjust to the tank's temperature. After waiting at least fifteen minutes, open the bag with the fish and let in a little water from the tank. Then, wait fifteen more minutes and let in more water from the tank. Repeat this process one more time, and then release the fish.

Do not be surprised if the fish act nervous and try to hide. You would be stressed, too, if you had to travel in a plastic bag to a strange place. Your fish will feel right at home in no time at all.

This item asks you to identify the correct order for a particular step in a process.

A is incorrect: First, the tank must be set up. B is the best answer: You should buy fish after

the tank is set up. C is incorrect: The fish should not be bought until

the tank is prepared. D is incorrect: Anytime after the tank is ready

will work.

1 What is the first thing to consider when choosing fish?

A The fish should be pretty.

B The fish should get along well.

e The fish should survive the trip home.

D The fish should be young.

2 According to the passage, after purchasing fish, you should not

F let the bag float in the tank

G dump the fish in the tank immediately

H add tank water to the bag

J let the bag adjust to the temperature in the tank

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You can tell from the passage that the word 4 random means ­

A without purpose

B with consideration

e quickly

D awkwardly

According to the passage, what should you do before adding fish to an aquarium?

F Add fresh water to the tank.

G Put lots of gravel in the tank.

H Make sure that the tank does not leak.

J Read books on setting up aquariums.


No One Is a Desert Island

Hiking in the desert is one of the most peace­ful and solitary outdoor activities. There are some things you should know, however, before you spend time in a desert climate. First, you should always pack plenty of water; you will need at least a gallon a day per person. You should wear a light-colored, broad-brimmed hat and loose, lightweight clothing that covers your arms and legs to protect you from sunburn and weather changes. You should also carry sunblock and a good compass. Finally, study a map of your trail before you hike and let others know where you are going.

If you become stranded without enough water in the desert, there is no need to panic. There is actually something you can do. The

5 According to the passage, the first step in collecting water in the desert is to

A use your cup to collect rainwater

B find a cactus

e dig a hole

D cover the ground with plastic

6 According to the passage, water collects when you-

F line a hole with plastic

G cover a hole with plastic

H dig until you reach water

J place a cup in a hole

process of creating water in the desert is not intricate. The only materials you need are a dig­ging tool, a cup, and a clear sheet of plastic.

The first thing to do is dig a hole in the ground about two feet deep and four feet wide. Next, place the cup in the center of the hole. Then, place the sheet of plastic over the hole. Secure the sheet by placing a rock or sand on each comer. Put a small rock in the center of the plastic sheet to make it sag a little just over the cup. The heat of the sun will cause the moisture rising from the ground to collect on the under­side of the plastic and then dribble into the cup. You can collect about three pints of water per day this way.

7 What should you do before you cover the hole with plastic?

A Line the hole with rocks.

B Squeeze water from the soil.

e Place a cup in the hole.

D Lie in the hole and wait for rain.

8 Which of the following is the meaning of intricate in the passage?

F desperate

G simple

H delicate

J complicated

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What happens when the heat of the sun warms the ground under the plastic?

A The plastic melts and pulls water from the ground.

B Moisture rises from the ground and collects on the plastic sheet.

C The heat boils the water in the ground.

D The rocks begin to sweat and even­tually crack open.

10 The first thing to do when you are stranded without water in the desert is ­

F avoid panicking

G call for help

H conserve energy

J abandon your gear

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I Drawing Conclusions L.-----------=-----------------------------------------------------------0 DIRECTIONS Read each passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Use the steps in Thinking It Through on page 90.

PA SSAG E A -----------------------------------------G U IDE D P R A CT ICE

Hey, Not So Fast!

To Jessica, using the expression "I'm starv­ing" to describe ordinary hunger did not seem right anymore. She was in the final hours of a fast, and she felt a little weak. Still, knowing that her discomfort was the result of helping others made her feel better.

When the student council suggested that the seventh-grade class participate in the fast, Jessica knew it was a good idea. By giving up two meals, she would be helping to raise money and food for the local food bank. She also thought fasting would help her better under­stand what hungry people around the world feel every day.


You can tell from the passage that Jessica

A is hungry all the time

B cares about other people

C worries too much

D did not join the fast

Jessica knew, too, that there would be a downside to the fast. Without breakfast and lunch, she would be hungry all day, and she would not have as much energy as usual for homework and fun. Secretly, she worried that the fast might ruin her weekend.

Many of Jessica's classmates were excited by the idea. They got pledges from family mem­bers and friends, and they got checkups from the school nurse and received water bottles to remind them to drink lots of water. Then, on Friday night, the students gathered for a meal in the school cafeteria. They left school that night thinking they would never be hungry again. As Jessica learned, however, hunger is never far away.

Re-read the passage carefully, and choose the best answer.

A is incorrect: Nothing in the passage implies that Jessica is always hungry.

B is the best answer: Jessica was willing to suffer some discomfort while fasting in order to raise money for the food bank.

C is incorrect: Although Jessica secretly worried that the fast would ruin her weekend, the pas­sage does not say that she was overly worried about anything.

D is incorrect: The first paragraph states clearly that Jessica fasted.

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1 After reading the passage, you can tell that the word participate means to


A take something apart

B expect something

C take part in something

D agree to do something

2 How do you know that Jessica is a good student?

F She considered how the fast might affect her energy for doing homework. 4

G She worried that the fast would ruin her weekend.



At first, she knew it was a good idea to take part in the fast.

She wanted to know what hungry people go through.

Jessica probably took part in the fast because

A she did not want to be left out

B she wanted to prove to herself that she could go without food

C she wanted an excuse not to do her homework

D she wanted to do something that would help others

You can tell from the passage that Jessica ­

F did not eat enough before the fast

G drank too much water during the fast

H ate a big meal the night before the fast

J probably ate during the fast


Sands of TIme

More than three thousand years ago, the Egyptians carved two enormous temples out of rock at a place called Abu Simbel, about 175 miles south of modem-day Aswan, Egypt. The temples, along with their statues and wall paintings, became world famous.

Abu Simbel is on the west bank of the Nile River, Egypt's main source of water for farm irrigation. Because the Nile was not a reliable source of water for irrigation year-round, Egypt's leaders decided to build a dam on the Nile in the 1960s. Unfortunately, one died; would be the permanent flooding of the temples at Abu Simbel.

Engineers from different countries proposed solutions. The French suggested building another, costly dam to protect the temples. The

Italian plan was to raise the temples a fraction of an inch at a time until they were above the flood line. This plan would be expensive as well as time-consuming.

The British plan involved enclosing the temples with glass walls and filling the enclo­sure with clear water before allowing the Nile to flood them. Visitors would be able to gaze down on the flooded temples from boats and to see the temples up close through reinforced­glass tunnels underneath the temples. Experts worried, however, that the water would damage the stone.

The last solution came from Sweden. It 1::involved cutting the temple into blocks and .~

omoving it, piece by piece, to safer ground. The U

experts chose this solution.

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You can tell from the passage that the 8\... 5 temples at Abu Simbel were ­

A of interest only to scientists

B important to people arotmd the world

C important to the people of Egypt

D not important to anyone

6 From reading the passage, why do you 9 think people wanted to save the temples?

F They had historical value.

G They were tmsafe.

H They had religious meaning to Egyptians.

J They were interesting to live in. 10

7 Why were the French and Italian plans to save the temple rejected?

A They required moving the temple.

B They were not well planned.

C They cost a lot.

D They did not cost enough.

The Egyptians wanted to build a dam on the Nile to ­

F save the temple

G control the waters of the river

H attract more visitors

J create farmland

Which of the following best defines the word~?

A damage

B cause

C focus

D result

The Swedish plan to save the temple was probably accepted because it ­

F was the least expensive

G caused the least damage to the temple

H was the only way to save the temple

J allowed the temple to be flooded

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Prewriting: Possible Topics and Audience DIRECTIONS Use the graphic organizer below to evaluate topics for your advantages/ disadvantages essay and to help you understand your audience.

• Jot down at least three advantages and three disadvantages for each topic.


Topic A: TopicS: TopicC:

Advantages: Advantages: Advantages:

Disadvantages: Disadvantages: Disadvantages:



III' Who will need information about my topic?

I" What will this audience need to know to get a balanced picture of the advantages and disadvantages of my topic?

I" What does this audience already know about my topic?

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PrefIXes and SuffIXes DIRECTIONS Use the prefixes and suffixes listed in the first chart, and follow the steps in the second chart to define the italicized words.

Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning I Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning con- with, together in-, im- not -ary relating to -ist one who specializes in

STEP 1: ~STEP 2: Separate word parts. ·1 Find the meaning of

i each part.

1. The Greek gods were considered immortal.

STEP 3: STEP 4: Combine the meanings Adjust the definition to define the word. to fit context.

2. The scientists will be in Antarctica for an indefinite period.

3. Their ideas conform to the evidence.

1 .E! .~


i ~

~ t


4. The naturalist was able to identify the rare plant.

5. Planetary exploration is just one part of the space program.

6. The puppies' immature behavior delighted the children and worried the adults.

CHAPTER 5 I Finding and Reporting Infonnation I Reading Workshop 9S

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Answering Questions That Include Graphs DIRECTIONS Study each graph carefully, and then answer the questions. Use the steps in Thinking It Through on page 167.

PA S SAG E A ------------------------G U IDE D P RACTI CE

What's on Their Minds?

The local health department wants to edu­cate people about staying healthy. It plans to publish booklets and create public-service advertisements. As a first step, it developed a survey, and volunteers telephoned 600 people, asking them to identify one area of healthy liv­ing they would like to know more about. There were 500 responses to the survey. The health department had expected that diet would be the primary concern. To their surprise, people were most concerned with issues of stress. The results of the health department's survey are shown in the bar graph.


According to the graph, about which area of healthy living do most people want to know more?

A exercise

B stress management

C medical checkups

D sleep needs

Public Interest in Healthy living

200 ....................................................................................................... .


Management Checkups Needs

This question asks you to use the graph to deter­mine about which area ofhealthy living people most want to know.

A is incorrect: Exercise is the second highest area of interest.

B is correct: About 173 people were interested in this topic.

e is incorrect: Medical checkups rated next to last. D is incorrect: This topic had the lowest

response rate.

1 In this graph, the word nutrition means­

A nourishment for the body

B weight-loss plan

C health-care professional

D vitamins

2 People care least about ­

F nutrition

G exercise

H sleep needs

J medical checkups

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3 Almost 100 people want information about-

A exercise

B stress

C nutrition

D medical checkups

4 If the health department has enough funds to publish only two booklets about healthy living, the booklets should focus on

F stress management and sleep needs

G medical checkups and sleep needs

H stress management and exercise

J nutrition and exercise


Just Park It

The local parks and recreation department is planning youth activities for the coming year. As part of the process, the department is study­ing the ages and number of young people who took part in each activity this year.

5 According to the graph, what was the most popular activity among children 6 to 10?

-0 A soccer ~ ~ B dance j!l

OJ .<;;

C swimming0;::

::t D nature hikes

~ ~ "0 6 Which was the least popular activity '" c

among young people 11 to 16?1:: .<;; '" <IJc::

C2 F soccer ~ :r G dance }; @ H swimming.E -~ '" a. J nature hikes 0 U

Recreation Programs 70

r ... fi so

~ 40

Q.... 30 0.. 20G.I .a E 10:::I Z

0 Dance Soccer SwimmingNature


7 Which activity attracted almost the same number of people from both age groups?

A soccer

B dance

C swimming

D nature hikes

8 Sixty children 6 to 10 and 35 young people 11 to 16 took part in ­

F soccer

G dance

H swimming

J nature hikes

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9 In this graph, the word participants means

A people, ages 11 to 16

B people who travel in groups

C people who take part in an activity

D park rangers who guide nature hikes

10 Based on the graph, next year the parks and recreation department should definitely offer

F soccer and nature hikes

G soccer and dance

H swimming and nature hikes

J soccer and swimming

E en .~

o u

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Logical Support DIRECTIONS Use the graphic organizer below to identify the issue, the author's point of view, and the reasons and evidence supporting the point of view in the following passage. Label each piece of evidence as fact (F), anecdote (A), or expert opinion (EO).

Starting Right

Eating breakfast is a great way to begin the day! Although many of us are tempted to catch a few extra minutes of sleep instead of taking time for breakfast, this strategy works against us. Ten minutes of sleep cannot provide the energy of a well-balanced meal.

Not eating breakfast can lead to physical problems and a lack of concentration. My cousin experienced nausea, stomach pains, and headaches because she went to work with­out first providing her body with fuel. Some of my friends have been easily upset or unable to concentrate on their studies because they are hungry.

l ~ ~ .c:: '" "" ~ c: 0 t;:; Reason: c: ~ '0 c: '" to

.c:: '" ~ ~.

<5:r: '" C 1: .g Evidence:i;: 0 u

Results of a Minnesota study demonstrated that students who ate breakfast scored higher on both reading and math tests. Clearly, stu­dents who eat breakfast have an academic advantage.

Skipping breakfast has been identified as one of seven critical factors in increased health risk. A study by Dr. Lester Breslow indicates that not eating breakfast could signal not pay­ing attention to one's general well-being. Dr. Breslow links a frantic lifestyle, which keeps some people from eating breakfast, with damaging stress levels.

Let's begin each day by treating ourselves well. Let's make time for a healthful breakfast.





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I~W_o_ro_bu_s_tin~g~S_tr_m~eg~y_(C_S_SD_)__________• DIRECTIONS Determine the meanings of the italicized words below.

• In the chart, check off the step or steps of CSSD (Context, Structure, Sound, Dictionary) that you use.

• Show how you used the step or steps to define each word.

Strategy How I used the strategy ~ Meaning

1. Her voice was barely audible on the telephone.


2. It is hard to enter the building because so many people congregate in front of the door.


3. He was so eloquentthat a hush came over the room when he spoke.


4. An idea began to germinate in her mind.

C 5 SOD 0

5. The teacher tried to answer the inquisitive student's questions.


6. Her luminous smile lit up the room.

C 5 5 DO

7. Some advertisements promise so much that it is difficult to think the manufacturer is credible.


8. I bought a new computer because myoid one had become obsolete.

C 5 5 D

9. Her time in the preliminary race determined her starting position in the afternoon event.


10. After being in the city, they found the countryside tranquil.


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Identifying Author's Purpose and Point ofView DIRECTIONS Read each passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Use the steps in Thinking It Through on page 210.

PASSAG E A ------------------------GU I D ED P RACTI C E

Eating Well on the Go

We have all heard the expression "You are what you eat." That's a pretty uncomfortable thought when you're about to indulge in fast food. Do you really think of yourself as a double-decker hamburger with creamy dress­ing, accompanied by a mountain of greasy french fries and a fat-filled milkshake?

People should eat to stay healthy. They should eat healthful foods. Does that mean that you have to give up eating out with your friends after a soccer game or a movie? No. If you're careful, you can find good nutrition even at a fast-food restaurant.

For example, you could order a plain muffin and juice, and you can even have pancakes.


The author probably wrote this passage to ­

A explain the benefits of eating out

B tell a story about eating at a fast-food restaurant

C inform readers about the nutritional value of a meatless diet

D convince readers that fast-food restaurants offer some healthful choices

Just go lightly on the high-fat, high-cholesterol butter spread. Better yet, skip the butter and use only syrup.

Ifyou really want a burger, go to a restaurant that grills rather than fries its hamburger patties. Drink water or milk, and stay away from the jumbo-size meals with huge portions of french fries and fried onion rings. These meals are loaded with fat, cholesterol, and sodium.

Eating at a fast-food restaurant doesn't have to be bad for you. All it takes is a little knowl­edge and some wise choices.

This item asks you to identify the author's purpose.

A is incorrect: The author does not give an explanation.

B is incorrect: The author does not tell a story. C is incorrect: The author does not mention a

meatless diet. D is the best answer: The author argues that eating

at fast100d restaurants doesn't have to be bad for you.

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1 Which of the following best describes the issue addressed in this passage?

A places to eat out

B nutrition at fast-food restaurants

C good nutrition

D health benefits of eating at home

2 Which of the following best summarizes the author's point of view?

F People can find good nutrition at fast-food restaurants.

G People who eat fast food have poor nutrition.

H People who eat fast food always make healthful choices.

J People who make healthful food choices usually don't eat fast food.

3 Which of the following is used to support the author's point of view?

A examples of healthful fast-food choices

B a story about how fast foods are prepared

C personal experience at fast-food restaurants

D an official study of the nutritional value of fast foods

4 In this passage, the word nutrition means-

F vitamins and minerals

G three meals a day

H what is needed for life and growth

J a person's usual pattern of eating


Let the Chips Fall!

All television sets larger than 13 inches man­ufactured after January I, 2000 must be equipped with a computerized V-chip. The V stands for violence. The V-chip allows parents to block access to programs rated inappropriate for their children. This device, however well­intentioned, is not a solution to the problem of media content.

Parents and guardians have a responsibility to educate children about appropriate viewing. They should not relinquish this responsibility to a computer chip. Recently, my parents and I began watching a show that my mother soon turned off. We sat in the living room and talked through the issues that the program presented. I learned more from that experience than I would

have if my parents had simply blocked the show.

The issue of media censorship is much too complex to be handled by a computer chip. Doug Allaire, adjunct professor at University of Iowa, states, "The best control (of violence on television) is the power button." The V-chip allows the television industry to set standards that should properly be in the control of the parents and guardians of children.

While the desire to protect children is good, the problem is much broader. Television net­works broadcast shows that satisfy viewer demands. Until we demand less violence in pro­gramming, shows that created support for the V-chip will continue to be broadcast.


1: .~ '" a u

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5 The writer probably wrote this passage to-

A encourage parents to watch television with their children

B convince the television industry to change their programs

C criticize the government

0 show why the V-chip is not a good solution

6 In this passage, the word relinquish means-

F allow

G rule against

H give up

J not care

7 Which statement expresses the writer's opinion most dearly?

A We sat in the living room and talked through the issues that program presented.

B The issue of media censorship is much too complex to be handled by a computer chip.

C Television networks broadcast shows l il: that satisfy viewer demands. i!!

E 0 "The best control (of violence on .~

~ television) is the power button." c: £! c: ~ -0 c:

'" t:

ii '" .5;;

'" ~ :r: J5' @

:c .~ a. 0 U

8 What kind of evidence does the writer not use as support?

F expert opinion

G statistics

H facts

J anecdote

9 The writer's point of view is based on-

A a class on media

B a television special

C facts

0 neighborhood surveys

10 Which of the following best summarizes the writer's point of view?

F Controlling children's exposure to media violence is everyone's responsibility.

G Parents should watch television with their children.

H Computers can't solve our problems.

J No one should own a television.

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Prewriting: Choose an Issue/State Your Opinion ,.J

DIRECTIONS Use the graphic organizer below to help you choose an issue and state your opinion .

• Brainstorm several issues about which you have strong opinions, or use the quickwrite sentences provided:

If I were president, the first thing I'd change is ___________

One thing that really bothers me about ______ is _______

• List the issues along with your point of view on each. Circle the issue that you want to address in your essay.

• Then, write your opinion statement in the space provided.

Issue: My point of view:

Issue: My point of view:

Issue: My point of view:

Opinion statement: _____________________________

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·Writing aPosition Paper ~----------------------------~--------o

DIRECTIONS Use the graphic organizer below to help you organize thoughts for a position paper.

• Choose one of the writing prompts below, and take a position on the issue. • Identify the issue, the two options, the purpose, and the audience. • List the benefits of two options related to the issue, using the memory

strategy THEMES: time, health, education, money, environment, safety.

• Decide which option you support. Then, list the drawbacks of the option you do not support, again using the memory strategy THEMES.


• Noise and loitering have become problems • All seventh-grade students at your middle at the public library in your community. school have the same lunch period. Next The city council is considering whether to semester, however, lunch periods may be keep the library open to all or to limit its use mixed, with students from all three grades to people with library cards. Which option eating together. Which option do you sup­do you support? What are the benefits and port? What are the benefits and drawbacks drawbacks of the option you support? of the option you support?

~."£ £ @

! .E en



Two options:



Benefits (time, health, education, money, environ­ment, safety)


Option I support: ______________________~________


Drawbacks (time, health, education, money, environ­ment, safety)

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Revising: Persuasive Essay DIRECTIONS Use this chart to help you improve your persuasive essay.

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Cliches DIRECTIONS Revise each of the following passages by replacing the cliches with original, forceful words or phrases .

• Cross out the words you need to replace, and write new phrases above them .

• After you have completed this exercise, revise your essay to eliminate cliches as directed in Your Tum 9.

PASS AGE A The Leeville Town Council is trying to decide whether the town

should continue to support the Weekend Youth Recreation Program. Without

this program, many kids in this town would be bored stiff. Why would the

town council want to take away a sure thing? The town council members

obviously don't have a clue about how we feel.

PASS AGE 8 For a while, it seemed that Americans were like eager beavers trying

to save the planet. Everywhere you went, the message was clear as a bell.

"Don't waste energy." "Recycle." "Don't litter." I think the message has been

lost in the shuffle. For example, has anyone else noticed how much paper and

plastic we throwaway at lunch in the cafeteria? It's time for a wake-up calL

PASS AGE C Membership in student organizations should not depend on grades.

This school policy should be changed. The idea behind the policy is that if

students want something, they'll work like crazy to get it. The idea is not

totally off base. However, there are some kids who work like horses but still

get poor grades. These students need a place where they can be the cream of

the crop.

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IProofreading: Using Comparatives •

DIRECTIONS Proofread the following passage .

• Underline the incorrectly used modifiers, and give the correct form of the modifier .

• After you have completed this exercise, proofread your persuasive essay for errors in comparatives as directed in Your Turn 10.

If Principal Hughes and the PTG (Parents Teachers Group) have their way,

Carter Middle School students will have to wear uniforms next year. The more I

think about it, the more clearer the picture is in my mind. Everybody will wear

dark blue pants or skirts, white shirts, and green sweaters. We will all kind of blend

together, like melted crayons. Nothing could be more scarier! Since how I dress

expresses who I am, I think that we students should not be forced to wear uni­

forms. Uniforms are much more bad than a strict dress code.

At assembly last week Mr. Hughes said that students will have a more easy time

focusing on schoolwork if they don't have to worry about what to wear. In other

words, uniforms will make the school a gooder environment for learning.

Uniforms aren't going to change how we feel about one another. Even with uni­

forms on, we'll still get along weller with some kids than others. I think Mr.

Hughes underestimates us by suggesting that we judge one another by our clothes.

Some students may think that way, but most of us are more smart than that.

Write letters to Mr. Hughes and the PTG to explain why uniforms are a less

good idea than a dress code. Ask your families to attend the PTG meeting and

vote against the school uniform proposal. Let's stand up for what we want:

No uniforms!

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Making Inferences: Forming Generalizations DIREcnoNs Use the organizer below to form and evaluate a generalization about the product in the following ad.

Unfamiliar sight? OK, you forget to write things down-like when stuff is due. And teachers really frown on late papers.

The U'I Reminder pocket programmer can help. Smaller than a CD, smarter than your dog, it holds a lot of information and reminds you when stuff is due before it's late.

Get the U'I Reminder, and your teachers will be all smiles.

~ STEP 3: What is your generalization?

STEP 4: Is your generalization faulty? Why or why not7

STEP 1: What does the ad say about the product or company? What does it suggest?

STEP 2: What do you already TOPIC:

know about the topic?

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ior YOUR TURN 3,


DIRECTIONS Re-read the pharmaceutical company advertisement on page 235.

• Complete the organizer below to identify how the advertiser is trying to convince you.

• Provide examples from the ad to support your answer.

What is the ad trying to persuade me to do, think, or feel?

What persuasive words and images appear in the ad?

Which technique would use those types of words and images?

What logical or concrete support does the ad give?

How is the advertiser trying to persuade me?

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Identifying Causes and Effects DIRECTIONS Read each passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Use the steps in Thinking It Through on page 241.

PAS SAG E A ------------------------- G U IDE D P R ACT I C E

Tube Test


E OJ .~

o u

Give up TV? How hard can that be? You might be surprised. American teens watch up to four hours of television a day during the school week. What is the impact of so much TV? Well, think of all the other things you could be doing-working part time, playing sports, com­pleting your homework, practicing a musical instrument, reading, talking with someone, enjoying a hobby, or trying something new. Face it, too much TV watching leads to a limited life.

Here's something new to try: give up TV for one week. That's right-tum off your television. In fact, do more than tum it off. Unplug it, and then cover it with a blanket or move it out of your room. Pretend TV doesn't exist.


According to the passage, what is one effect of watching TV?

A People have full lives.

B People miss out on other activities.

C People find out what is going on in the world.

D People have conversations with each other.

CHAPTER 7 I Advertising I Reading Workshop

Then, jot down the reasons you watch TV. Do you watch to avoid doing chores or home­work? Do you watch because it distracts you from thinking about something unpleasant? Understanding why you have a habit can result in ideas for improving your life.

At the end of the week, write to us. Send us your thoughts on the effects of giving up Tv. Did you feel bored or lonely, or did you find other things to do? Send your letter to KidStuff Magazine. We'll print the best responses in an upcoming issue, and the writers of the selected letters will get a free year's subscription to KidStuff!

The question asks about an effect ofwatching TV.

A is incorrect: The passage says that TV watching limits people's lives.

B is correct: The passage provides many examples ofactivities a person might do ifhe or she did not watch TV.

C is incorrect: The passage says nothing about people using TV to learn about what's going on in the world.

D is incorrect: The passage suggests that people might have time to talk with others if they did not watch TV.


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1 The passage suggests that some people might watch TV because they ­


A like certain shows

B want to avoid work



have nothing else to do

can do it alone

2 In the passage, the word distracts means ­

F brings closer

G draws away

H focuses on

J tells about



What might happen if a person lists reasons for watching TV?

A The person might win a contest.

B The person might decide to do homework.

C The person might think of ways to change his or her behavior.

D The person might talk to friends more.

According to the passage, turning off the TV for a week would probably cause someone to-

F find more interesting things to do

G listen to the radio more often

H become a better writer

J form a club for people who do not watch TV


Having a Fit

Who can't find a reason not to exercise? Olympic track-and-field coach Mimi Everett wants to help people hurdle the obstacles that keep them from getting fit. Too many people avoid exercise, she says, because they think they have to buy fancy equipment or join an expen­sive gym. Coach Everett also points out that a person's feelings about exercise can be influ­enced by body image. People who feel out of shape are often too self-conscious to work out. These are not good reasons to avoid exercise, Everett says.

"Equipment doesn't make you fit; move­ment does," Everett explains. "What's more, you feel better about yourself and your whole life when you're physically fit. You want to try

new things and meet new people. Exercise improves your mind as well as your body."

If you're not convinced, come to Coach Everett's free health and fitness seminar next Saturday at 2 P.M. in the Lernmoor College auditorium. The coach will provide information on starting an exercise program that will meet your specific needs.

liThe effects of exercise are terrific," Coach Everett reminds us. "You look and feel better. You are more flexible and have stronger mus­cles, including a stronger heart. You feel less stress, and you sleep better at night. All you need to get started are a good pair of sneakers and the desire to feel great."

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5 According to the coach quoted in the passage, which of the following causes people to avoid exercising?

A They think exercise is not ftm.

B They don't want to meet new people.

C They think they have to buy special equipment.

D They don't have very much free time.

6 In the passage, the word self-conscious means-

F concerned about what others think of you

G worried about what will happen to others

H focused only on yourself

J aware of your own abilities

7 According to the passage, what is the effect of feeling self-conscious about being out of shape?

A You want to exercise alone.

B You do not want to exercise.

C You want to join an expensive gym.

D You want to go to the coach's fitness seminar.

(5 -" ~ @


.~ '" a. o U

8 According to the coach, what can cause a person to feel better about his or her life?

F buying exercise equipment

G being physically fit

H trying new things

J attending the seminar

9 As a result of attending the seminar, you may-

A become physically fit

B never want to exercise again

C know how to plan an individualized exercise program

D become a successful coach

10 Which of the following is an effect of getting fit?

F breathing more easily

G not having to exercise anymore

H being friendlier

J sleeping better

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Prewriting: Choosing aProduc


DIRECTIONS Use the graphic organizer below to choose a product or service for your advertisement and to identify a target market.

Name of product or service:

Who will use it? Who will buy it?

\ I Target market:

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Proofreading: Punctuating Possessives DIRECTIONS Proofread the following passages.

• Underline the words that need an apostrophe, and write the words correctly. • After you have completed this exercise, proofread your print advertisement

for errors in possessive nouns as directed in Your Tum 12.

PASS AGE A Book lovers, share your passion! Volunteer at the toddlers story time,

10 A.M. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Los Angeles Drop-In

Childrens Center. Read aloud your favorite stories from the centers huge

collection, or bring books from home. The delight on kids faces will make

your day! To become a volunteer, attend the readers-group training session

any Saturday at noon. Your adventure in reading can begin as soon as

Mondays session.

PASSAG E B Need answers to lifes hard questions? You're not alone. In todays

world, students questions about important issues challenge many teachers.

How do you respond to your class tough questions? You could adopt the

Socratic method of answering with a question. Better yet, share some of

Socrates and other philosophers wisdom with the video "Philosophy for

Teens." The ideas of historys greatest philosophers have never been easier

to understand.

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