Standard application form 09 th April 2013 For Office Use Ref. No._________________ Application date:__________ Date of receipt. ___________ Date Validated:____________ APPLICATION FOR A LEASE/LICENCE/CONSENT UNDER THE FORESHORE ACT 1933 (AS AMENDED) Applications for Offshore renewable energy (ORE) projects should use an ORE specific form. Please complete the form electronically. Type details in the boxes provided, space will expand as you type. The enclosures checklist should also be completed Applicant Details: Contact Name: Paul Fallon Company/Organisation: Irish Water Address: Colvill House, 24-26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland Phone No: 018925355 E-mail address: [email protected] Nominated Contact/Agent (Where different from above): Name: Company: Address: Phone No: E-mail address: Applicant’s Legal Advisor: Name: O’Flynn Exhams Solicitors Address: 58 South Mall, Cork, Ireland. Phone No: 0214277788 E-mail address: [email protected]

For Office Use Ref. No. Application date: Date of …...Name: O’Flynn Exhams Solicitors Address: 58 South Mall, Cork, Ireland. Phone No: 0214277788 E-mail address: [email protected] 2

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Page 1: For Office Use Ref. No. Application date: Date of …...Name: O’Flynn Exhams Solicitors Address: 58 South Mall, Cork, Ireland. Phone No: 0214277788 E-mail address: info@ofx.ie 2

Standard application form 09th April 2013

For Office Use

Ref. No._________________

Application date:__________

Date of receipt. ___________

Date Validated:____________



• Applications for Offshore renewable energy (ORE) projects should use an ORE specific

form. • Please complete the form electronically. Type details in the boxes provided, space will

expand as you type. • The enclosures checklist should also be completed

Applicant Details:

Contact Name: Paul Fallon

Company/Organisation: Irish Water

Address: Colvill House, 24-26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland

Phone No: 018925355

E-mail address: [email protected]

Nominated Contact/Agent (Where different from above):




Phone No:

E-mail address: Applicant’s Legal Advisor:

Name: O’Flynn Exhams Solicitors

Address: 58 South Mall, Cork, Ireland.

Phone No: 0214277788

E-mail address: [email protected]

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Part 1: Proposal Details (Attach additional documents as required)

1.1 Description of proposed works/activity.

The survey works proposed are offshore investigations for the purpose of designing a marine outfall for the Greater Dublin Drainage (GDD) project. The aim of the GDD project is to progress through the planning process a wastewater treatment plant (WwTP) with associated orbital piplines and a marine outfall. The prefered location for the WwTP is at Clonshagh in North County Dublin with pipelines from Blanchardstown and the Grange and a marine outfall commencing North of Baldoyle and extending approximately 6km to a point North-East of Irelands Eye. The proposed marine outfall will terminate within the Rockabill to Dalkey Island Special Area of Conservation (cSAC).

The offshore investigation works include: • Ground Investigations

The investigations will consist of the installation of No. 12 boreholes. In-situ standard penetration testing and vibro core samples will be taken from the boreholes.

• Bathymetry Survey The survey will be completed over a 4 month period and will consist of a side scan sonar survey.

• Underwater Noise and Vibration Survey The survey will involve underwater noise and particle velocity measurements at the sensitive locations within the study area.

• Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC Reef Habitat Survey The survey will consist of habitat mapping using acoustic sampling, scientific divers and comprehensive drop down high resolution still photography.

• Surface Sediment Survey The survey will consist of surface sediment sampling on an extended study area from Lambay Island to Howth.

• Archaeological Dive Survey The survey will consist of observational dives throughout the study area by scientific divers.

Refer to the attached report titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in enclousure item 12 for detailed information on the scope of the surveys.

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Describe the nature and scale of any structure to be erected on the

foreshore. Is the structure proposed to be temporary or permanent?

There are no proposed permanent structures to be erected on the foreshore. The surveys will require temporary structures to be erected on the foreshore such as borehole rigging equipment. Refer to the attached report titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” for detailed information on the scope of the surveys.

Survey Name Temporary Structure Description

Ground investigations It is proposed to create a total of twelve 150mm diameter boreholes on the seabed along the alignment of the proposed marine outfall area. A drilling rig will be required to create the boreholes. This rig will temporarily be mounted on the seabed during the investigations. The vessel will hold station at each sample site for the duration of the investigations, up to several days if required.

Bathymetry survey The survey will not require equipment to be erected on the foreshore. All surveys will be conducted using equipment mounted on or towed by the survey vessel.

Underwater noise and vibration survey

The surveys will not require equipment to be erected on the foreshore. All surveys will be conducted using equipment mounted on a survey vessel.

Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC Reef Habitat survey

These surveys will not require equipment to be erected on the foreshore.

Surface Sediment Survey Archaeological Dive Survey

Refer to the attached report titled “Proposed Survey Equipment” found in enclousure item 4 for further information.


Indicative timing of the works/activity: (i) Start date (ii) Duration (iii)

Any other information relevant to timing.

Survey Name Proposed

Start date


(weather dependant)

Ground investigations 07/08/2015 6 months Bathymetry survey 26/06/2015 4 months Underwater noise and vibration survey

28/05/2015 4 months

Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC Reef Habitat survey

25/06/2015 4 months

Surface Sediment Survey 25/06/2015 2 weeks Archaeological Dive Survey

07/08/2015 1 month

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Primary usage for proposed development (please tick)

The primary purpose of the survey works is to gather baseline data for the GDD project to aid in progressing the project through a planning application. This baseline information will be used to assess any potential environmental impact that the construction of a marine outfall may have. The results from the assessment will feed into the Enivornmental Impact Statement and Natura Impact Statement for the project.




Within Fishery Harbour Centre

Sea Fisheries

Local Authority

Community/Co Op scheme

Other(specify) X


Do the proposed works provide for public use, commercial use, restricted

use or strictly private use? Provide Details

It is not envisaged that the works will provide for public use, commercial use, restricted use or strictly private use of the foreshore. The survey works are only a temporary measure.


Might the proposed works restrict public use/enjoyment of the foreshore?

Provide details.

It is not envisaged that the works will restrict public use/enjoyment of the foreshore. The survey works are only a temporary measure.


Has the applicant held or does the applicant hold any previous Foreshore

Licences, Leases or applications over the area sought or over any other

area including pending applications? (Give details including Department’s

file reference number(s)).

Yes, Irish Water hold existing licences, leases and applications. Refer to the attached tables “Predetermination cases”, “Annual rental cases” and “Executed Deeds” found in enclousure item 12 for more information.


Status of planning permission application: Pending/granted/not required.

Planning permission is not required for the proposed investigative survey works for the GDD project. This foreshore licence application is only dealing with the proposed offshore investigations. The planning application for the overall GDD project is due to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála in 2016. Irish Water will be submitting a separate application for a foreshore licence for the project in November 2016.

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Are any other consents required for this proposal? Please detail.

Yes, a derogation licence is required. The licence application includes for the disturbance of all marine mammals protected under Annex IV of the Habitats Directive. The derogation licence application was submitted to the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on 8th September 2014. Refer to the attached report titled “Derogation Licence Application for Disturbance of Marine Mammals” found in enclousure item 6(iii) for further information.


Employment Implications (if any)

The proposed works will not impact employment to local marine industries.


Capital cost of proposed works (€ - Euro)

Survey Cost (Euro)

Ground Investigations €2,000,000 Bathymetry Survey €75,000 Underwater Noise and Vibration survey €60,000 Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC Reef Habitat survey


Surface Sediment Survey €30,000 Archaeological Dive Survey €70,000


Do the proposed works involve the draw down of European Union or State


If “Yes” give details, including any time restrictions, etc. applying

No, the proposed works do not involve the drawdown of European Union or State funding. Irish Water are currently funding the project.

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Part 2: Proposed Site. (Attach additional documents as required)


County: Co. Dublin


Location name and nearest townland name: Portmarnock. Refer to the attached map 32102901-FSL-002 showing the proposed locations of all the survey equipment.

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Geographic co-ordinates of the area under application in degrees minutes

and seconds WGS84 for offshore developments and where the area can

also be identified on the Ordnance Survey map and /or is connected to

the seashore/mainland , specify Ordnance Survey map no and Irish

National Grid co-ordinates

Anticipated Locations; Easting Northing

Borehole No.1 / Vibrocore No.1 725076 742346 Borehole No.2 / Vibrocore No.2 725553 742344 Borehole No.3 / Vibrocore No.3 726003 742344 Borehole No.4 / Vibrocore No.4 726452 742336 Borehole No.5 / Vibrocore No.5 726902 742332 Borehole No.6 / Vibrocore No.6 727352 742329 Borehole No.7 / Vibrocore No.7 727803 742327 Borehole No.8 / Vibrocore No.8 728194 742327 Borehole No.9 / Vibrocore No.9 728645 742323 Borehole No.10 / Vibrocore No.10 729095 742317 Borehole No.11 / Vibrocore No.11 729543 742350 Borehole No.12 / Vibrocore No.12 729543 742280 Sediment Sample No.1 728112 750294 Sediment Sample No.2 730304 750275 Sediment Sample No.3 732593 750314 Sediment Sample No.4 725900 747986 Sediment Sample No.5 728112 747947 Sediment Sample No.6 730304 747966 Sediment Sample No.7 732555 747966 Sediment Sample No.8 725881 745600 Sediment Sample No.9 728131 745658 Sediment Sample No.10 730324 745658 Sediment Sample No.11 732555 745658 Sediment Sample No.12 732535 743330 Sediment Sample No.13 732555 741720 Sediment Sample No.14 732535 740517 Sediment Sample No.15 730379 740077 Sediment Sample No.16 728131 740130 Sediment Sample No.17 726186 744298 Sediment Sample No.18 726897 744290 Sediment Sample No.19 727616 744298 Sediment Sample No.20 728335 744306 Sediment Sample No.21 729053 744298 Sediment Sample No.22 729772 744298 Sediment Sample No.23 730516 744298 Sediment Sample No.24 730499 743465 Sediment Sample No.25 730508 742680

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Easting Northing

Sediment Sample No.26 730508 741855 Sediment Sample No.27 730499 740810 Sediment Sample No.28 729789 740777 Sediment Sample No.29 729286 740777 Sediment Sample No.30 728335 740793 Sediment Sample No.31 727616 740769 Sediment Sample No.32 726897 740777 Sediment Sample No.33 726178 740752 Sediment Sample No.34 726170 742640 Sediment Sample No.35 726889 742656 Sediment Sample No.36 727632 742648 Sediment Sample No.37 728343 742648 Sediment Sample No.38 729053 742648 Sediment Sample No.39 729780 742640 Sediment Sample No.40 729789 741913 Sediment Sample No.41 729070 741913 Sediment Sample No.42 728343 741921 Sediment Sample No.43 727624 741913 Sediment Sample No.44 726897 741913 Sediment Sample No.45 726170 741921 Sediment Sample No.46 732560 738986 Reef Assessment 728992 741145

The ordnance survey map number is O24.


Please indicate the size of the Foreshore area (Ha2) or (M2) or (KM2)

Refer to the attached map 32102901-FSL-002 showing the extent of the study area.


If offshore please indicate distance from shore (Km):

Refer to the attached map 32102901-FSL-002 showing the distance from the shore.


Is any of the foreshore in the proposed site in private ownership? If yes

please provide documentary evidence of same (e.g. folio)

Online land registry data confirmed that the proposed site is not in private ownership.

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Any other site details considered relevant:

The proposed survey locations are adjacent to or within the following designations;

• Rockabill to Dalkey Island cSAC • Baldoyle Bay cSAC • Baldoyle Bay SPA • Baldoyle Bay NHA • Ireland’s Eye cSAC • Ireland’s Eye SPA • Ireland’s Eye NHA • Howth Head cSAC • Howth Head Coast SPA • Howth Head NHA • Lambay Island cSAC • Lambay Island SPA • Lambay Island NHA

Refer to Appendix A Figure 1 European Sites within 15km of marine outfall in Appropriate Assessment Screening, Appendix B of document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in enclousure item 12 for further information.

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Part 3. Maps and Drawings, Please refer to Guidance on map and

drawing requirements.


Site location map attached? Please include reference no(s).

Yes, refer to the attached map “Site Location Map- Figure 1” found in enclousure item 2.


Foreshore Lease/Licence map attached? Please include reference no(s).

Yes, refer to the attached map “32102901-FSL-002” found in enclousure item 2.


Drawings of structures to be used and or layout (if required) attached?

Please detail and include reference no(s).

Refer to the attached report titled “Proposed Survey Equipment” found in enclousure item 4 for further information.


Admiralty Chart attached?

Yes found in enclousure item 3.


Other maps/drawings attached ?– please detail and include reference


No other maps attached.

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Part 4: Pre- application consultations


Describe briefly any consultations undertaken with the following bodies.

• National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS)

• National Monuments Service (NMS) of Department of Arts,

Heritage and the Gaeltacht

• Inland Fisheries Ireland

• Sea Fisheries Protection Authority

• Marine Institute

• Marine Survey Office

Please also provide copies of correspondence.

Preliminary consultation meetings have been undertaken with all the above listed bodies for the GDD project. Dates of the meetings are listed below;

Body Date of Meeting

National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS)

10th May 2011, 30th January 2012, 7th June 2012, 6th June ’13th and 1st August 2013.

National Monuments Service (NMS) of Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

30th July 2013

Inland Fisheries Ireland 5th November 2012 Sea Fisheries Protection Authority 19th August 2011 Marine Institute 4th May 2011 Marine Survey Office Not to date.

Refer to the attached “Correspondence Summary Table” found in enclosure item 12 for further information on the content of the meetings. Consultation letters regarding the offshore investigations were issued to the above bodies on 27 August 2014. Copies of this correspondence have been attached for information. Refer to enclousure item 5 for further information.

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Describe briefly any consultations undertaken with other relevant

authorities (e.g. Local Authority, port/harbour authority etc) or State


We have had preliminary consultation meetings with all of the below authorities regarding the GDD project. Dates of the meetings are listed below;

Authorities Date

DCC/CDM 20 April 2011

EPA 27 April 2011

South Dublin County Council 4 May 2011

DoEHLG 5 May 2011

Kildare County Council (Nr 1) 9 May 2011

Meath County Council 11 May 2011

Fisheries Ireland 16 May 2011

ERBD Project Team 18 May 2011

DoEHLG –Planning Section 27 May 2011

Kildare County Council (Nr 2) 31 May 2011

DoEHLG – Water Quality / Marine Strategy Directive 8 June 2011

FCC Biodiversity Officer 20July 2011

Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) 19 August 2011

BordIascaighMhara (BIM) 19 August 2011

CDM 31August 2011

EPA 15 September 2011

Kildare County Council (Nr. 3) 07 October 2011

OPW 12 October 2011

FCC Traffic & Transport 23 November 2011

Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) 24 November 2011

Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) 24 November 2011

Food Safety Authority of Ireland 09 December 2011

BIM and SFPA 19 December 2011

Teagasc 06 February 2012

Local Fishermen 02 March 2012

BordBia 09 March 2012

National Development Funding Authority 27 April 2012

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine 30 April 2012

Ballymore Properties 19 June 2012

The Discovery Programme 03 July 2012

EPA 05 July 2012

Local Authority Representatives 11 July 2012

EPA 30 July 2012

BirdwatchIreland 05 September 2012

KildareCounty Council + Fingal Co Co (Water Services) + DoECLG

14 September 2012

FCC + Hyder Consulting; KCC; 16 October 2012

An Taisce 24 October 2012

BordGáis Energy 19 November 2012

Eirgrid 23 November 2012

Irish Rail 14 December 2012 FCC Water Services Project Office, DCC,

SDCC&DoECLG 19 December 2012

National Roads Authority (NRA) 11 February 2013

Rail Procurement Agency (RPA) 12 April 2013

FCC Bio-diversity Officer 13 March 2014

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Irish Rail 14 March 2014

Ringsend Project Team 19 March 2014

DCC Water Operations 20 March 2014

Coastwatch Ireland 26 August 2014


Describe any consultations undertaken to date with other foreshore


All consultations have been listed in sections 4.1 and 4.2.


Describe any likely interactions with activities of the public or other

foreshore users during the construction and operational phases of the

works/activities (e.g. fishing, aquaculture, sailing, and surfing

swimming, walking). Describe any measures proposed to minimise

inconvenience to other users.

It is anticipated that access/egress will be from Howth Marina. Access from Portmarnock beach may be required as shown in the report titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in enclousure item 12. The majority of machinery will be mobilised by sea rather than across the foreshore to minimise impact to the public or other foreshore users.


Have adjacent land owners, whose properties may be affected by these

works been consulted? Please provide details/permissions as


Not applicable, there are no adjacent landowners at the proposed sites.

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Part 5: Environmental Considerations

(your consultations with National Parks and Wildlife Service and National

Monuments Service may inform your answers. Attach additional reports

as required and mark under the R column)

www.epa.ie/downloads/advice/ea/guidelines/ www.environ.ie/en/DevelopmentHousing/PlanningDevelopment/EnvironmentalAssessment/

http://www.npws.ie/protectedsites/appropriateassessment/ http://webgis.npws.ie/npwsviewer/

Environmental legislative requirements

Yes No R


Is an Environmental Impact Statement required for

this proposal?

An Environmental Impact Statement is not required for the proposed works. However an environmental report has been undertaken. Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” under Item 12 of the enclosures list.



Is a Natura Impact Statement required for this


An Natura Impact Statement is not required for the proposed works. However an appropriate assessment screening has been undertaken. Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” under Item 12 of the enclosures list.


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Is the area within or adjacent to a NHA, pNHA, SAC,

SPA, or National Park?

Specify site names and code(s).

Rockabill to Dalkey Island cSAC (site code: 003000) Baldoyle Bay cSAC (site code: 000199) Baldoyle Bay SPA (site code: 004016) Baldoyle Bay NHA (site code: 000199) Ireland’s Eye cSAC (site code: 004117) Ireland’s Eye SPA (site code: 002193) Ireland’s Eye NHA (site code: 000203) Howth Head cSAC (site code: 000202) Howth Head Coast SPA (site code: 004113) Howth Head NHA (site code: 000202) Lambay Island cSAC (site code: 000204) Lambay Island SPA (site code: 0004069) Lambay Island NHA (site code: 000204)

Refer to the attached Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Statement Statement (Appendix B of the document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information”) under Item 12 of the enclosures list.



Describe any other projects or plans for the area,

anticipated or developed, that in combination with

this proposal, may have a significant effect on a

Natura 2000 site: Please list with planning reference

numbers (where available).

Refer to the attached Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Statement (Appendix B of the document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information”) found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.


Environmental Considerations

Yes No R


Will the proposal have any potential environmental

impacts? If yes, please describe

Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.


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Are you proposing any measures to mitigate the

potential environmental impacts? If yes, please


Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.



Are there public health/safety implications arising

from the proposed works? (e.g. effluent disposal,

removal of derelict or dangerous structures etc.) If

yes, please describe

There are no direct health/safety implications arising from the proposed works. All operation works will be carried out in accordance with relevant health and safety regulations. Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.



Will the works involve the storage and/or disposal of

waste? If “Yes” please give details of the type of

waste and the proposed method of storage and/or

disposal (including location)

Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.



Other Environmental Considerations? If yes, please


Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.


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Built Heritage Considerations

Yes No R


Does the area contain an archaeological site or

feature? If yes, please specify.

Yes, a desktop review indicates that Portmarnock strand is an area of high archaeological potential and a known shipwreck site (W00860) is located on the intertidal foreshore immediately adjacent to the marine geophysical survey area. It is one of a series of shipwrecks recorded on Velvet Strand. For more information refer to the attached document “Marine Archaeological Assessment” conducted by The Archaeological Diving Company Ltd. (ADCO) under Item 12 of the enclosures list. The assessment also reviewed geophysical survey data acquired.



Does the area contain or adjoin a listed

archaeological site or monument? If yes, please


As per 5.10.



Will the proposal have any potential impacts on the

archaeological integrity of the site? If yes please


The proposed surveys works will not have any impact on the archaeological integrity of the site.

Refer to the attached document titled “Foreshore Licence Application, Supporting Information” found in Item 12 of the enclosures list.



Are you proposing any measures to mitigate potential

archaeological impacts? If yes, please describe?

Yes, the requirement for archaeological monitoring of the ground investigations has been included within the Contractors requirements.


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Part 6: Navigational Safety Considerations. (Your consultations

with relevant stakeholders may inform your answers. Attach additional

documents as required and mark under the R column)

Navigational Safety Considerations.





Are there public navigational safety implications

arising from the proposed works?

There will be minor public navigational implications arising from the proposed works. Notice to Mariners will be issued prior to any works beginning to inform mariners of the works. It is anticipated that each borehole will take 1 week to complete. The vessel will be moored at each sampling location for one week therefore there will be navigational restrictions in the area during these works period. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all his vessels comply with Department of Transport: Marine requirements. Following the completion of the boreholes and the deployment of the marine monitoring devices, there will be no impact to marine users. The proposed temporary structures will be deployed at a depth that they will not impact navigation. All deployed structures shall be marked with buoys.



What marine activity is there in the area?

There are no designated shipping lanes at or around the proposed marine sampling locations. Boat movements in the locality are associated with trawlers (dredging for shell fish) generating out of Howth Fishing Harbour and pleasure/leisure sail/motor boats from Howth/Malahide. There are regular recreational boat trips to and from Irelands Eye also generating from Howth Harbour. As stated above, Notice to Mariners will be issued prior to any works beginning to inform mariners of the works.



How will the marine activity be affected by the

proposed works?

The proposed works will cause minimal disruption to marine users.


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What mitigating measures will be put in place?

Notice to Mariners will be issued prior to any works beginning to inform mariners of the works in advance to avoid disruption.



How will the proposed works affect Marine Navigation

in the future?

Marine navigation in the future will be unaffected by the proposed works. The works are temporary and all deployed structures will be removed from the seabed following the completion of the works.


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Part 7: Fishing/Aquaculture considerations (your consultations with IFI,

SFPA, DAFM may inform your answers. Attach additional documents as

required and mark under the R column)

Fishing/Aquaculture considerations





Is the proposal located in proximity to any of the


• aquaculture operation

• designated Shellfish Growing Waters

• fish spawning ground

• other sensitive fisheries location

Please Illustrate on appropriate chart including

distance in Km.

The proposed survey works is located near a designated Shellfish Growing Waters. Refer to the attached map 32102901-FSL-002 showing the distance the proposed survey equipment is to the designated waters.



Are there other potential impacts of the proposal on

fishing/aquaculture in the area? If yes, please


There are no designated shipping lanes at or around the proposed marine sampling locations. Boat movements in the locality are associated with trawlers (dredging for shell fish) generating out of Howth Fishing Harbour and pleasure/leisure sail/motor boats from Howth/Malahide. There are regular recreational boat trips to and from Irelands Eye also generating from Howth Harbour. Overall fishing activities will not be adversely affected by the surveys.



Are there any measures proposed to mitigate

potential impacts on fisheries or aquaculture? If yes,

please describe.

All marine users will be informed of the works in advance to avoid disruption.


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Part 8 – Additional information


Please detail any additional relevant information.

None at present.

Page 22: For Office Use Ref. No. Application date: Date of …...Name: O’Flynn Exhams Solicitors Address: 58 South Mall, Cork, Ireland. Phone No: 0214277788 E-mail address: info@ofx.ie 2


Declaration and Consent:

The details provided here are correct to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that no works will be commenced, by me or my agents on

the proposed site, without the prior written consent of the Minister.

I agree that on completion of the works, all environmental data that is

not commercially-sensitive shall be provided within a reasonable

timeframe to the Marine Institute; the format and timeframe to be

agreed with the Marine Institute. I understand that the Marine Institute

may make this information available to individuals and organisations in

line with its data access policy.

I give consent to the Minister and his servants to copy this application

and to make it available for inspection and copying by the public. This

consent relates to this application, to any further information, or

submission provided by me or on my behalf and to the publication of the

licence document.

Signed for and on behalf of the applicant:


Name of above Signatory (block letters):


Position Held:


Date _____________________________

Return completed applications to:

Foreshore Unit Marine Planning and Foreshore Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government Newtown Road Wexford

Enquiries to: [email protected] (Other contact details to be included in Guidance materials) Email a copy of application documents: [email protected]