An ExpAn sion for

for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards

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Page 1: for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards

An ExpAnsion for

Page 2: for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards


Game RulesIn order to play Star Trek Catan: Federation Space,

you must use some of the pieces from your base Star Trek Catan game. You need all of the plastic pieces,

cards, and dice. You might also want the rules and almanac handy. The rest of the components are not needed.


� 2 maps of Federation Space: Map 1 Map 2

� 4 Large hexagonal scoring tracks with matching score markers.

� 4 “11” markers for scoring longer games.� 18 victory point (VP) tokens.

Page 3: for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards


Space Route

VP Intersection

Interstellar Trade Route

Outpost Site

Overview of Game Board Elements


� Choose the map you wish to explore and place it on the table.

� Distribute the components from the base Star Trek Catan game normally.

� Give each player a scoring track & matching marker. Place the marker on the “2” space of your track.

� Place 1 victory point (VP) token on each VP intersection on the map.

� Place the Klingon battle cruiser on the board. On Map 1, place it on the asteroid field near Talos. On Map 2, place it in the Klingon Neutral Zone.

You are now ready to play.


The standard rules from Star Trek Catan apply when playing this expansion, with the exceptions listed below.

Building Outposts

Outposts may be built only on space intersections that contain an “outpost site” icon. Further, the “distance rule” from the standard game does not apply to these expansion maps, so you can build on any of the outpost sites on the board.

Building Starships

You can only build starships on the yellow or red space routes. The yellow are normal space routes, and the red are interstellar trade routes.If you build a starship adjacent to an outpost site that has not yet had an outpost built on it, you may not build another starship beyond this outpost site before you build a outpost on this site.

Interstellar Trade Routes

If you build a starship on a red interstellar trading route, you now control the adjacent trading post. You may trade resources with that adjacent trading outpost as per the usual border trade rules described in Star Trek Catan.

VP Intersections

If you are the first player to build a starship adjacent to a VP token, take that VP token and place it in front of yourself. Once you have taken a VP token, you can never lose it.VP tokens are worth 1 VP each.

Scoring Tracks

The scoring tracks are all numbered, in clockwise order, from 2-10 (although some are in alien languages).Each time you earn a VP on the board, move your scoring marker up 1 space for each VP you earn. VPs from development cards are still kept secret.


You win the game if, on your turn, you reach 10 VPs.For more advanced players, you should play until you reach a higher score.13 VPs for 3-player games 12 VPs for 4-player gamesIf you are going to play games that end at 12+ VPs, mark your score card with the “11” marker once your score exceeds 10.

Page 4: for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards


NotesAfter Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards the ”Final Frontier,” we thought long and hard about what kind of game expansion you would enjoy.As we knew that a lot of players liked our Catan Geographies™ maps so much, which take the whole Settlers of Catan experience towards a real map to put settlements in, we thought: Let us take Star Trek Catan into a “real” region of space to put our little NCC-1701 spaceships in.The crucial question was: Is there a region of space sufficiently “real” inside the Star Trek – The Original Series time period? After a bit of research, we discovered this wonderful map titled “The Explored Galaxy.” As it turned out, this was “as real as it could get,” as it had been first shown hanging on a wall in none other than Captain James T. Kirk’s quarters in the Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country motion picture (and subsequently in various episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation).Every true Star Trek fan knows that this particular map depicts a lot of the known and beloved locations shown in The Original Series of the 60s, and some of those from The Animated Series of the 70s. We took great effort to investigate and cross-reference all these depicted celestial bodies with their respective episodes. We then added a couple of planets that were not actually shown on this map but that we would really

want to have in our game, and tried to pinpoint their locations according to mostly in-canon and sometimes semi-canon sources. For example, we were convinced that we absolutely needed Sherman’s Planet together with Deep Space Station K-7—we certainly couldn’t have done this without tribbles, could we? There are seven additional planets, which we will reveal in more detail in a blog post at www.catan.com. We will also discuss our deliberations as to where we chose to put them on our map.The next step was to overlay the star chart with a hexagonal grid to create a Catan board. Like with our regular Catan Geographies maps, this required making a few compromises about the true real-world locations or, in this case, fictional space topography versus suitable Catan building spots. Almost immediately it became obvious that one regular sized Catan map would not be nearly big enough – so we decided to split the map in half and create two maps instead of just one. We honestly believe that the compromises we made were acceptable expenses for having all those famous planets and systems from “The Explored Galaxy” map on our two Star Trek Catan: Federation Space™ maps.We now present you what James Tiberius Kirk himself voices over the intro of the Star Trek TV show: “These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.” Gero Zahn — March 28, 2013

Page 5: for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards


Other Iconic Elements

On the cover of the box, or hidden somewhere on the board, you will find the following iconic Star Trek elements.

The Antares

The Antares was a Federation Antares-type Starfleet freighter. In the 2260s, the Antares was commanded by Captain Ramart, under whom served his first officer and navigator Tom Nellis. The Antares had a crew of 20. Charlie X was a passenger on this ship (see Sirius listing for more information).

First Federation Bouy

“We’ve got phaser weapons; I vote we blast it.”“I’ll keep that in mind, Mr. Bailey...when this becomes a democracy.”—Ensign Bailey and Captain Kirk, “The Corbomite Maneuver”

A mysterious object that approaches the Enterprise at light speed while it is mapping a previously unexplored region of deep space (see First Federation listing for more information).

SS Botany Bay

The SS Botany Bay was a ship launched from Earth in 1996 under the command of Khan Noonien Singh. Khan and his crew of genetically-enhanced Humans (Augments) were fleeing Earth after being defeated by non-Augments. Khan intended to find a world for himself and his people that they could colonize.

“Space Seed”—Season 1 , Episode 22

A piece of one of history’s great puzzles falls into place when Kirk’s crew comes across the Botany Bay, an old-style, pre-warp sleeper ship from Earth that contains several bodies in stasis. Amongst these bodies is Khan Noonien Singh, a genetically engineered strongman and one of the great leaders of Earth’s Eugenics War of the 1990s, who disappeared without a trace. Once Khan is aroused from his long sleep he soon reveals the ambition, strength, and intelligence that helped him conquer a quarter of the Earth.


Designer: Klaus Teuber (www.klausteuber.de)License: Catan GmbH (www.catan.com)Original Planet Art: Franz VohwinkelNew Planet Art: Ron MaginVectorized Explored Galaxy Map: “Schisma”Layout: Ron MaginScenario Design: Ron Magin and Gero ZahnAlmanac Text: Chuck Rice and Ron Magin

With a lot of help from the excellent: startrek.com and en.memory-alpha.org

Production: Ron MaginSpecial Thanks: Peter Bromley, Robert T. Carty, Jr., Coleman Charlton, Dan Decker, Marinda Darnell, Morgan Dontanville, Nick Johnson, Misty Kesler, Kim Marino, Marty McDonnell, Brad McWilliams, Jim Miles, Jacqui Rex, Bridget Roznai, Larry Roznai, Loren Roznai, Brad Steffen, Benjamin Teuber, Guido Teuber, Bill Wordelmann, Elaine Wordelmann, Alex Yeager, Julie Yeager

You have purchased a game of the highest quality. However, if you find any components missing, please contact us for replacement pieces at:email: [email protected]

Federation Space Partsc/o Mayfair Games, Inc.8060 St. Louis AvenueSkokie, IL 60076


™ & © 2013 CBS Studios Inc. © 2013 Paramount Pictures Corporation. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.“Catan,” “The Settlers of Catan,” and the “Catan sun” marks are trademark properties of Catan GmbH and are used by Mayfair Games, Inc. under exclusive, worldwide English-language license. All rights reserved.


Page 6: for - CATAN 4 Notes After Star Trek Catan was so well received, and as many of you asked us to take this joint venture of the two franchises Catan and Star Trek even further towards