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W W W . S C O R E A T L . C O M



W W W . A T L A N T A F A L C O N S . C O M


Longtime Atlanta sportswriter and ScoreAtlanta publisher I.J. Rosenberg spoke

with Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank.The subjects ranged from quarterback MattRyan to a new stadium. Here is what Blankhad to say on the state of the franchise …

I.J. Rosenberg: It’s amazing to see where thisfranchise is compared to this time last yearwhen it had hired a new general managerand head coach.Arthur Blank: Well, I had great confidencein the selections we made for our generalmanager and head coach, and obviously assoon as they worked together during freeagency and the draft, we saw the quality oftheir decision making and then I saw what washappening with our OTAs (Organized TeamActivities) and I really felt more confidentabout the team than I did prior to that. Did Ithink we would end up 11-5 and in the play-offs? I can’t say I knew that was in the bag, butI certainly thought this team would be morecompetitive than most people thought.

New GM Thomas Dimitroff now has a yearunder his belt. His draft class last seasonand free agent acquisitions made big contri-butions to the 11-5 record and playoffappearance. How has Thomas been so suc-cessful in such a short period of time, espe-cially considering his youth and the fact thathe had no GM experience?Arthur: I think the fact that he had no GMexperience was not an issue. You have toremember, his dad was a scout in the NFL for along time. Talent evaluations were discussedregularly in his home and he spent over 20 yearson the road as a talent evaluator himself andcame out of a great organization, New England,where he had been for six years and spent thelast five as director of college scouting. So I hadgreat confidence in his intellect and his creativethinking and all things relating to his characterand integrity. So I’m not shocked he has been assuccessful as he’s been.

Coach Mike Smith has also made a majorimpact. Your feeling on Smith’s first sea-son as an NFL head coach?Arthur: The fact that he was named Coachof the Year was exceptional. He had a won-derful first year. He did a great job bondingwith the players and developing a wonderfulcoaching staff. It’s not just about the headcoach, it’s about the coordinators and theposition coaches and Coach Smith hasreached out to every other tentacle in thisorganization, whether it be finance, or mar-keting, or ticketing, or sales. In any area hecould be supportive, as well as being activein the community, he’s done it all in his firstyear. So he’s had a wonderful first year andgetting Coach of the Year was certainly arecognition he deserved.

After going from four wins to 11 in oneseason behind rookie quarterback MattRyan, many around the league feel theFalcons are ready to take the next step andbecome one of the league’s top franchises.How close do you feel this team is to givingthis city the consistently winning teamAtlanta has always hoped for?Arthur: I think we have to do two things atthe same time: we have to focus on theimmediacy of the current situation—that isthe game of the week or the current season—but we also have to continue to build the ros-ter and the team for the future at the sametime. But I think Thomas and Mike both havethe unique perspective and ability to do that.I’ve seen many decisions they’ve made overthe last 12 months that were not only theright decisions for the team at the currenttime, but they will feed into building the

right kind of roster for us in the future. I’mall about creating and sustaining a winningorganization for a long period of time asopposed to just a one-year wonder deal andthat’s the avenue that the organization ismoving towards.

A lot has been written and said about youryoung quarterback Matt Ryan. Is it fair tosay he is going to be one of the greats in thisleague some day?Arthur: I think he had a good first year andlearned a lot, but he knows he needs to getbetter in his second year and he knows thathis decision making will need to continue to

improve. He can still understand the coachesand their schemes better and can work toopen up the playbook even further. Whetherthat leads to greatness in the NationalFootball League, hopefully, if he keeps hissense of humility, which I believe is an inte-gral part of who he is, and continues to workon improving, then someday that will be saidabout him. But I don’t think he, nor I, arefocused on him being great today.

Ryan has also become the face of the fran-chise. How important is his play and popu-larity in giving you the complete franchiseyou have always wanted to build?Arthur: I think it’s important, but it’s reallynot about one person. This is about a team; it’sabout a team of coaches, it’s about a team ofpersonnel folks who are all working together,it’s about a team of players that have a com-mon vision and a common understandingabout what they are trying to get done on thefield. It’s not about “me,” it’s about “us,” and Ithink that Matt certainly supports that.

Your team will face one of the toughestschedules in the league, playing non-divisiongames against clubs from the AFC East andNFC East. Can your team match last year’s

win total or even better it playing teams likethe Patriots and Giants?Arthur: It is a very tough schedule. Based onwins and losses from 2008, we have thefourth most difficult schedule in the NFL.Having said that, that’s all about last year andwe’re about this year. I think it’s going to bebetter. We have a lot of young players whonow have had a year of on-the-job experienceand we will continue to build the rosterthrough the draft. Also, our coaches will havespent more time together, they’ve had a yearto start understanding each other and will beable to build on that. I see this team as beinga very competitive one with a ton of energy

and focus and I’m hoping that will lead to alot of victories.

Anyone who went to the Georgia Dome lastyear saw the huge improvements made in itsappearance and fan-friendliness. This year,do you have a few more surprises for fans? Arthur: From a physical standpoint, theJumboTrons will be the single biggestchange. But that is a huge change becausethose screens are twice the size of last year’s.We are also excited about having a full yearbehind us now where we have all the exteriorand interior improvements made, and it willbe an opportunity for the fans to see all thosethings and really appreciate them. We willalso definitely have some new and excitingstuff for fans to see.

There continues to be talk of the Falconsbuilding a new stadium. Where are you onthis possibility?

Arthur: We have a great partnership with theGeorgia World Congress Center and will con-tinue to do so. By the year 2015, ‘16, or ‘17,when our bonds are paid off, we will have anoption to move to a different site and our sta-dium will be close to 25 years old. Whilewe’ve put a lot of money into the Dome, about50 million dollars in the last three years, even-tually, in order to have the best environmentfor our fans and for us financially, we willneed a new stadium. So we will be looking atsites downtown and at some other sites in thegreater Atlanta area as well.

The economy has wreaked havoc on pro-fessional sports in general, even having aneffect on the NFL, considered the strongestfinancially of all the sports. How are youhandling this with your franchise and howwill you continue to make it affordable forfans to come to Falcons games?Arthur: We made a tremendous commitmentin 2008 to try and hold the line on ticket pric-ing. In 2009, 69 percent of our tickets wereeither held flat or went down as well; weincreased about 30 percent of our tickets. Sowe’re very sensitive to the economy, fromboth our fans’ perspective and our sponsors’perspective. We try to give both as manyoptions as possible and we try to maintainour prices as well as we can; we are wellbelow the league average in terms of all theseating components.

How encouraged are you about the fanbase and where it is headed?Arthur: I’m very encouraged; we are one ofthe top teams in the NFL in ticket renewalsand probably second or third in the league interms of new ticket sales and all that is a trib-ute to Atlanta. Having said that, we have a lotof tickets available still, at all price ranges,and I would encourage any of our fans tocome out and support the team and takeadvantage of opportunities that will notalways be there in the future.

You have always been one that has wornhis heart on his sleeve. A year ago youtalked about the 2007 season and said itwas one of the most difficult experiences inyour life. But you and the Falcons appearto have taken that experience, grown fromit and have a city buzzing about their pro-fessional football team. How excited areyou about the 2009 season and what’sahead for this franchise?Arthur: I cannot be more excited than I am.I’m excited because I’ve seen the quality ofour play this last year with the team, the qual-ity of the leadership, particularly with ourgeneral manager and our head coach, and alot of our great play came from young playersthat are only going to get better over time. So,I look at that and I see the preparation and thethought process that went into the draft andthe opportunities we will have to pick up play-ers that will make us better; I’m very excitedabout that. But having said that, that’s all onpaper. We have to go out and play the gamesand win the games. The campaign we havegoing on right now, “The Hunt Is On,” I thinkis true. The hunt is on for us and our competi-tors, and on the field on Sundays the hunt iscertainly on. We understand that given today’seconomy and today’s reality, we have to workharder than we’ve ever worked before.

Rosenberg can be reached at [email protected].

‘The campaign we have going on right now, “The Hunt Is On,” I think is true’

THE MAN IN CHARGE: Falcons owner Arthur Blank overhauled the franchise last offseason andset his team up for a playoff run in 2008. Now that the fans, players and personnel are ener-gized after an encouraging 11-5 season, the Falcons are hoping for even bigger things in theyears to come. Photo courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.

The Falcons 2009 State of the Franchise Edition is a joint effortbetween the Atlanta Falcons and Score Atlanta, a full-service sportsmarketing company that handles print, web, web video, radio andevent activation. The number at the Score office is 404-256-1572.The cover photos were taken by Falcons photographer Jimmy Cribb.


W W W . S C O R E A T L . C O M


Nothing happens by chance with thisFalcons management team.The move last week to trade for All-Pro

tight end Tony Gonzalez was the catalyst forimplementing a draft strategy over the week-end that had been set for months.

Gonzalez, who will help this team asmuch off the field as he will on it, filled theteam’s only real void on offense, givingquarterback Matt Ryan an option under-neath and a possession receiver that willforce defenses to cover the tight end posi-tion, taking attention away from the bigthreats like running back Michael Turnerand receiver Roddy White.

So, with Gonzalez in town, generalmanager Thomas Dimitroff could focus onwhere the help was needed on a defense thatthirsted for more weapons.

Picking 24th, the Falcons would have towait and see which players would be remain-ing on their board when their choice arrived.

When the bell rang, big defensive line-man Peria Jerry was there and the Falconswasted no time making the Ole Miss defen-sive tackle their own. Suddenly, the team hasa huge force in the middle, as Jerry is a pass-rushing specialist from the inside who helpsgive the Falcons a formidable front four intheir 4-3 base defense with other tackleJonathan Babineaux and defensive ends JohnAbraham and Jamaal Anderson.

THE URGENCY IS HERE …Dimitroff, who had brought Jerry in for

an interview about a week ago, left no secretson the table about why the team took him,

saying, “We wanted to be stronger and fasterand more aggressive and more urgent.’’

That urgency, combined with a back-to-the-basics approach, has brought this fran-chise to the forefront of the league in just oneseason. Jerry is just another solid move for amanagement team that continues to addstrong pieces, which should make them aconsistent winner for a long time.

Last year, Dimitroff went on the offen-sive, bringing in Ryan, acquiring free-agentTurner and drafting Sam Baker to anchor theoffensive line.

In this draft, he drove home a defen-sive message, coming behind Jerry and tak-ing Missouri safety William Moore in thesecond round with the 55th overall pick ofthe draft. Moore’s huge at 221 pounds, runsas fast as many running backs and gives theteam the needed safety that not only cancome up and make the big hit, but alsocover receivers. The Falcons are bettingthat Moore will stay healthy. Many felt hewould have been a top-10 pick had he comeout of college after his junior season, but hefell to the second round after hurting hisfoot last year.

HERE FOR A REASON … Said Moore about coming to the Falcons,

“When I slipped, I just thought about what mymom said, ‘Everything happens for a reason,’and this has to be the reason.’’

Then in the third round (90th overall)came a cornerback, Chris Owens, from SanJose State, and then athletic defensive endLawrence Sidbury of Richmond in the

fourth (125th overall) and Furman corner-back William Middleton in the fifth (138thoverall). Owens is considered to have poten-tial to be a shut-down corner in the leagueand gave up just one touchdown in his last 37starts, while Sidbury will likely be used as asituational pass rusher. Middleton is a localproduct, having played his high school foot-ball at Marist; the team MVP at Furman lastseason, he’s likely to be groomed as a nickelor dime defender.

The Falcons traded their second pickback in the fifth, picking up a seventh round-er. With the second pick in the fifth (No. 156overall), the Falcons went out and addedoffensive line depth by getting GarrettReynolds from North Carolina. WithReynolds, a right tackle, there is plenty ofpotential as he stands 6-foot-7 and weighs inat 310 pounds. The Falcons like his tough-ness. In the sixth round (No. 176 overall), theFalcons went back to defense, taking outsidelinebacker Spencer Adkins from Miami,another pass-rushing specialist with goodspeed. The Falcons then closed out their pickswith another local tie-in, taking defensivetackle Vance Walker from Georgia Tech in theseventh round (No. 210 overall).

When the draft ended and eight newFalcons were born, seven of them were onthe defensive side of the ball. Dimitroff betheavily on the draft last year, getting hugecontributions from the rookies, especially onoffense, and the team went from 4-12 to 11-5 and the playoffs. This time he gave his headcoach Mike Smith, who came up a very

defensive-minded coach, a plateful of newyoung new talent.

The opening of training camp is in lateJuly. I wonder how many people in this towncan’t wait for it to open. I know I’m one of them.

Rosenberg can be reached [email protected].

Draft weekend concludes with Falcons addressing defensive side of the ball

ALL THE RIGHT MOVES: In his second draft asgeneral manager, Thomas Dimitroff took threedefensive linemen, two cornerbacks, a safetyand a linebacker, giving head coach Mike Smith(back to us) the opportunity to make strides ondefense. Photo courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.

With Pro Bowlers at running back and widereceiver last season, and a rising star at

quarterback, the Atlanta Falcons establishedthemselves as one of the top offenses in theNFL last season. Now after filling one of theirfew offensive holes with a pass-catching tightend in future Hall of Famer Tony Gonzalez, theywill only get better. General manager ThomasDimitroff signed off on a deal last week with theChiefs, trading a 2010 second-round draft pickto the Kansas City Chiefs for Gonzalez, one ofthe best to ever play his position.

“His credentials are incredibly strong,”said Falcons Owner and CEO Arthur Blanklast Friday at a press conference at the BlankFamily Office. “Most folks would describeTony as the league’s most accomplished play-er at the tight end position.”

Gonzalez’s reputation certainly lives upto the praises of Blank, Dimitroff and HeadCoach Mike Smith, who all echoed similarcompliments when Gonzalez was introducedto the media.

“Tony is, for us, the type of guy on andoff the field that we want to continue to bringthe program around,” Dimitroff said. “Whenwe drafted Matt Ryan last year we talkedabout providing him with tools and instru-ments to make this offense continue to jelland evolve.”

ALREADY A LEGEND …The Cal-Berkeley alum has appeared in

the Pro Bowl 10 consecutive times in his 12seasons in the NFL. He also may end up

going down as the best tight end in the histo-ry of the game. Gonzalez ranks first on theall-time list at the position in receptions(916), receiving yards (10,940) and 100-yardreceiving games.

But the Huntington Beach, Cal., nativemade it clear that stats aren’t why he wantedto be in a Falcons uniform this fall.

“I’m here for one reason, that’s to win aSuper Bowl,” Gonzalez said soon after takingthe podium.

Now Gonzalez joins wide receiverRoddy White, NFL Rookie of the Year quar-terback Matt Ryan, and running backMichael Turner to form the core of whatcould be a truly prolific Falcons offense.

“You double-team somebody or youstack the box and somebody is going to getopen,” Gonzalez said. “Do I think I’ll get 100balls? I don’t have to. I’ve been fortunate tohave such a good career it’s not about goingout there and breaking records. This is aboutgoing in and moving those chains.”

The Gonzalez signing also could helpplug a few of the offense’s weaknesses andwill especially help Atlanta’s red zoneoffense. Gonzalez is known for getting intothe end zone. He caught 10 touchdown pass-es last season, and has caught 76 for hiscareer, another category in which he ranksfirst all-time at his position.

The move means that Justin Peelle, whocaught three touchdown passes last season,should join Ben Hartsock in a backup role,with both getting most of their time on running

downs. Peelle also could be used in the redzone, an area where he made several importantscoring grabs last year.

While he will improve the passing gamegreatly, the trade should also pay dividendsin the run game. Gonzalez has been one ofthe best run-blocking tight ends in theleague, paving the way for running backssuch as Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson.

The Falcons also felt that Gonzalez’sleadership ability and intangibles wereessential in pulling the trigger on lastweek’s deal with the Chiefs.

“Everyone realizes that we need tocontinue to bring in veteran leadership,”Dimitroff said. “It’s something that we feelstrongly about, knowing that we are ayounger team, and we need to continue tosort of sprinkle in the free-agent acquisi-tions that have that presence, and obviouslyTony has that.”

LOOKING FORWARD TO FALL … The Falcons are getting a great player

in Gonzalez, and one that just might havewhat it takes to get Atlanta into the SuperBowl for the second time in franchise histo-ry. Gonzalez is already excited aboutpreparing for what the Falcons are hoping isa great season this fall.

“This is an unbelievable opportunity,”Gonzalez said. “To be able to play with theguys out here, guys like Matt Ryan, RoddyWhite, Turner in the backfield, wide receiv-er Michael Jenkins, the list goes on and on.

“This is going to be something special. I’mreally looking forward to being a part of this.”

Bagriansky can be reached at [email protected]

Addition of Gonzalez gives Falcons future Hall of Famer and veteran presence

BIG MOVE: The Falcons are hoping that TonyGonzalez can provide quarterback Matt Ryanwith another offensive weapon, especially inthe red zone. Gonzalez ranks first all-timeamong tight ends with 76 career touchdowngrabs. Photo courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.


W W W . A T L A N T A F A L C O N S . C O M


Todd McClure stood in front of his lock-er with tears in his eyes. His Atlanta

Falcons had just been defeated 30-24 by theArizona Cardinals in the NFC Wild CardRound of the NFL playoffs. The season wasover. But after the franchise was in tattersjust one year ago, he was one of manyFalcons who viewed the 2008-09 season asthe beginning of something special.

“I’m really proud of this team,” hesaid, “especially with what we went

through last year.”McClure wasn’t lying. The Falcons

were reeling after suffering through one ofthe worst years imaginable in 2007. Thefranchise quarterback was in prison andtheir head coach bailed on them before theseason even ended. They finished 4-12 and

appeared to be headed into a major rebuild-ing process after releasing or trading manyof their veteran players.

Then the Falcons were counted out bypundits before the season even began. Witha rookie quarterback in Matt Ryan headingup an inexperienced roster, there weren’tmany reasons to believe otherwise.

We were wrong. First-year generalmanager Thomas Dimitroff assembled asolid core of players, even though many ofthem weren’t exactly well known. But themost crucial addition of all was likely thehiring of former Jacksonville Jaguars defen-sive coordinator Mike Smith as head coach.

TAKING CONTROL …Smith and his staff paved the way for a

seemingly undermanned team that playedwith confidence from day one. The formerJacksonville defensive coordinator came totown preaching patience, and after the teamhad endured a controversial 4-12 season, itseemed that it would be some time before

the Falcons rebounded. Instead, Atlantashocked the football world by finishing theseason at 11-5 and garnered their first post-season berth since the 2004 season.

Smith also played a big part in thedevelopment of rookie quarterback Ryan,who flourished under Smith and enjoyed oneof the greatest performances from a rookieQB in NFL history. The team rallied around

their rookie quarterback immediately, androde the wave of a 7-1 home record to the post-season. In the meantime, a roster full of young

and unproven play-ers came together.

“I haven’t beenaround a team thathas jelled likethis,” said kickerJason Elam. “Ithink the guys thatwere here last yearand went throughthat debacle, theynever wanted to go

through something like that again. They wereso hungry to win that gave us an extra level ongame day, and the young guys are seeing that.”

In the end, the Falcons were eliminatedfrom the NFL postseason. Three turnoversand two long touchdown passes fromArizona were too much to overcome at theUniversity of Phoenix Stadium.

“They just played great football,” saidFalcons Pro Bowl-bound running backMichael Turner.

Despite being behind for much of thegame and having to fight the future NFCChampions and their raucous crowd atUniversity of Phoenix Stadium, the Falconsfought back all game long. They trailed 14-3in the second quarter before storming backto take a 17-14 halftime lead. They alsopulled back within six late in the fourth quar-ter but couldn’t get the ball back, as theCards ran the clock out behind three firstdown conversions.

“It’s tough to have a chance there at the endand we weren’t able to stop them,” Smith said.

While they mourned their eliminationfrom the playoffs, many players in the lock-er room took solace in the fact that they hadbattled back in the first and second halves.Responding to adversity became a theme forlast year’s team, as Atlanta had defied theodds simply to achieve a winning season,much less a playoff appearance.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to

It just takes one: Falcons’ ’08 season revived franchise, set tone for future

SHOCK THE WORLD: After a trying 2007 season, predictions were still bleak heading intolast year. But the addition of head coach Mike Smith (middle) and general manager ThomasDimitroff reinvigorated a Falcons franchise that was in need of a new direction. Under theirguidance, the team achieved a seven-game turnaround and made the playoffs for the firsttime since 2004-05. Photos courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.

be on this team and play with the guys in thislocker room,” said linebacker Coy Wire. “It’struly a great group of guys and coaches thatyou enjoy playing with. It brings fun backinto this game.”

FORGING AHEAD …Despite the early playoff

exit, an organization that wasthought to be at an all-time lowafter the 2007 season now hasone of the league’s brightestfutures. Fourth-year receiverRoddy White caught 88 recep-tions for 1,382 yards and seventouchdowns. Running backMichael Turner exploded ontothe NFL scene in his first year asa starter, rushing for 1,699 yardsand 17 touchdowns to finish sec-ond in MVP voting. Both went tothe Pro Bowl, and joined theRookie of the Year, Matt Ryan,to form one of the best youngoffensive nuclei in the league.

“I think this season was ablessing for us,” said the 2009Pro Bowl receiver White. “Ourteam can’t do anything but getbetter and I look forward to theyears after this.”

Ryan also appears headedtowards great things. He threwfor 3,440 yards and 16 scores onthe season. But he wasn’t theonly young player to step up andplay a crucial role for the birds.

“We had a lot of youngplayers that were thrown into

starting roles this year,” said veteran wide-out Brian Finneran. “They got a lot ofgood experience in their first year. I’mtalking about guys like (cornerback)Chevis Jackson, (defensive end) KroyBiermann and (linebacker) Curtis Lofton.”

Even though the season came to a dis-appointing close, there was no doubtingthat last year was an extraordinary season,and one that witnessed of the 2007 seasonwill never forget.

Now the Falcons want more.“We don’t want to be here, losing in

the first round of the playoffs in thefuture,” said Ryan. “What we want to do iscontinue to advance in the playoffs andgive ourselves a chance to win. I thinkeverybody will use it as motivation fornext season.”

Next season can’t come soon enough. Bagriansky can be reached at

[email protected] to adversity became atheme for last year’s team, asAtlanta had defied the odds simply toachieve a winning season, muchless a playoff appearance.

Week 1 Detroit W, 34-21Week 2 at Tampa Bay L, 24-9Week 3 Kansas City W, 38-14Week 4 at Carolina L, 24-9Week 5 at Green Bay W, 27-24Week 6 Chicago W, 22-20Week 7 ByeWeek 8 at Philadelphia L, 27-14Week 9 at Oakland W, 24-0Week 10 New Orleans W, 34-20Week 11 Denver L, 24-20Week 12 Carolina W, 45-28Week 13 at San Diego W, 22-16Week 14 at New Orleans L, 29-25Week 15 Tampa Bay W, 13-10 (OT)Week 16 at Minnesota W, 24-17Week 17 St. Louis W, 31-27First Round at Arizona L, 30-24



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SECOND ROUND: WILLIAM MOOREBig, ball-hawking safety will provide instant boost to secondary unit

FIRST ROUND: PERIA JERRYSuper-athletic Ole Miss defensive tackle leads Falcons' 2009 draft class

Atop recruit out of high school and a starin college, Jerry has been getting the

job done for some time. He was the Class5A Defensive Player of the Year during hissenior season at South Panola High Schoolin Batesville, Miss. Jerry then attendedHargrave Military Academy, and was laterrated as the 15th-best prep player in thecountry by Rivals.com.

Jerry was a major contributor as anupperclassman. He started all 12 games hisjunior year at defensive tackle, registering14 tackles for a loss (sixth in the SEC thatyear) and 58 tackles. He was recognized forhis efforts by the Associated Press andRivals.com, who both named him second-team All-SEC.

Jerry’s progress continued into his sen-ior season, where he emerged as one of thepremier defensive players in the nation. Hefinished the season leading the conference in

tackles for loss with 18 (which was also goodfor 11th in the nation) and was fifth in sackswith seven. His play sparked a dangerousRebel defense that was ranked No. 2 overall

in the SEC. And he anchored the rush defensethat was No. 4 overall in the country, yieldingjust 85.5 yards per game. He also earned fourweekly SEC awards, a school record.

Jerry is also renowned for his workethic. He was a team captain during hissenior year, and was also honored by theOle Miss Alumni Association, whichselected him as the winner of the MostDedicated Player Award in 2008.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Jerry is an active tackle with great

quickness in pass-rush situations, and agreat ability to penetrate and get to thequarterback. He also has excellentstraight-ahead speed. He can be very quickoff the first step, moves well in space andshows good pursuit of the ball carrier. Heis very strong and has a great motor. Hishands have been looked at as a strength bymany scouts, who are impressed at hisability to fight off blockers and make firstcontact, blowing his would-be blocker offthe line. His work ethic is definitely astrength, and he finished his college careerwith a dominating senior season.

QUOTE …“As a hard-working one-gap penetra-

tor, Jerry gives Mike Smith the ‘3-tech-nique’ that he covets in the middle of thedefense. Though Jerry's production in col-lege was a byproduct of an aggressivemovement system, he's a solid player whofits in well with the Falcons.” - NFL.com analyst Bucky Brooks

Moore was actually recruited toMissouri as an athlete to play for Gary

Pinkel. Rivals.com rated him as the No. 12overall senior prospect in the state ofMissouri. Moore was a star on both sides ofthe ball at Hayti High School, earning all-state honors at cornerback and wide receiv-er. He also led his team to three consecutiveconference championships from 2001-03,and HHS finished the year as Class 2A run-ners up in 2002.

Moore burst onto the scene his juniorseason, showing himself to be one of the topplaymakers in the nation at the safety posi-tion. The native of Hayti was simply fantas-tic two years ago. He made 115 tackles andchecked in with eight interceptions, earninghim a first-team All-Big 12 nod and first-team All-America honors from Rivals.com,and was chosen as a second-team All-Big 12selection by the coaches.

Like first-rounder Peria Jerry, Moore wasnamed team captain in 2008. He would go onto record 86 tackles, with 6.5 of them for aloss, and force three fumbles during his final

season at Missouri. This time the coaches rec-ognized him by selecting him to the All-Big12 first team. He closed the year with a bang,earning Defensive MVP honors at the Alamo

Bowl win over Northwestern; he registeredthree tackles, a sack, a forced fumble and acritical pass breakup late in the game.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Moore is an excellent athlete for his

size, with quick feet, good agility and fluidhips for such a big defensive back. He is aphysical specimen at 220 pounds, and hasshown the ability to make plays and deliv-er big hits, as shown by his eight intercep-tions during a breakout 2007 season as ajunior. Moore reacts quickly and instinc-tively to the football and was one of thecountry’s best ball-hawking defensivebacks. In coverage, he can match up wellwith most tight ends, and is good at cover-ing ground in a zone coverage scheme.Moore went into his senior season as thefavorite to win the Thorpe Award (nation’stop defensive back) honors but suffered afoot sprain in the opener, missing twogames and parts of two others. But scoutswere always impressed with the way hewas able to bounce back and play throughthe pain. Coming into the league, Moore’selite athleticism is his best attribute.

QUOTE …“Moore definitely has ability. I do

believe he will be a potential steal inRound 2.”- ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper

Position: Defensive tackle

College: Mississippi

Height: 6-2

Weight: 300 pounds

40-yard dash: 4.98 seconds


RUNNIN' REBEL: Mississippi's Peria Jerry ran one of the fastest 40-yard dashes for a defensive tackle atthe NFL Combine, clocking in at 4.98 seconds. Jerry's speed and quickness gives the Falcons' defensiveline a threat to get to the quarterback on any given play. Photos courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.

THE PLAYMAKER: Possessing excellent size at the safety position (6-foot, 221 pounds), Moore turnedheads with eight interceptions in his junior year. The All-Big 12 defensive back should have the experiencenecessary to excel right away, having played in the pass-happy Big 12. Photos courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.

Position: Safety

College: Missouri

Height: 6-0

Weight: 221 pounds

40-yard dash: 4.45 seconds



W W W . A T L A N T A F A L C O N S . C O M




Lightning-quick corner kicks off Day 2FIFTH ROUND: WILLIAM MIDDLETON,


Birds take big OT, local product in fifth




Position: Cornerback College: San Jose StateHeight: 5-10Weight: 181 pounds40-yard dash: 4.45 seconds

Owens ended up leaving college as oneof the top cornerbacks in the Western

Athletic Conference after playing at a highlevel from the end of his sophomore seasonthrough his senior campaign. Owens hadfour interceptions in his last five games in2006 and then delivered six interceptions in2007 to lead the WAC and rank 12th nation-ally. He also finished fourth on the teamwith 75 tackles as a junior in ‘07. Also in2007, he handled himself adequately againstKansas State receiver Jordy Nelson, who isnow a current second-year pro for the GreenBay Packers. Against the Wildcats, hehelped hold Nelson to six catches (his sec-ond-lowest total of the season), 82 yards (hislowest total of the season) and zero touch-downs while also intercepting Kansas Statequarterback and 2009 Tampa Bay first-round pick Josh Freeman.

The native of Los Angeles capped offhis career by being named first-team All-WAC after finishing with one interceptionand eight pass breakups in his 2008 seniorseason. His play helped the San Jose Statedefense rank 10th nationally in pass defensein ‘08, despite playing in the pass-happyWAC. Owens was an all-league choice as asenior at Dorsey High School after inter-cepting five passes.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Owens showed decent speed for a cor-

nerback at the NFL Combine, running a 4.5140-yard dash, but displayed terrific change-of-direction ability with a 4.17 20-yard shortshuttle. Those agility and quickness skillsare important; despite being under six feettall, Owens can play aggressively and bephysical with receivers on the line of scrim-mage, forcing them to work against hisquickness. Man-to-man coverage is some-thing he is familiar with and something hethrives at.

Atlanta general manager ThomasDimitroff has the reputation of an expert atevaluating defensive backs and Owens fallsright in line with the Falcons’ third-roundselection from last year, Chevis Jackson.While he did not play in a high-profile con-ference like the former LSU and SEC prod-uct Jackson, Owens was tested in college. Inaddition to facing Nelson, he faced formerteammate and third-year Packer wide receiv-er James Jones in practice every day. He alsoplayed opposite highly-regarded cornerbacksDwight Lowery and Coye Francies duringhis time with the Spartans, meaning he isused to being targeted. His play in his junioryear, however, made opposing teams throwat Francies more in 2008, leading to Owens’decline in interceptions.

QUOTE …“Owens is an effective drag-down tack-

ler who can limit receivers' production afterthe catch. He also has the ball skills to devel-op into a playmaker.” - ESPN.com

William MiddletonPosition: CornerbackCollege: FurmanHeight: 5-9Weight: 193 pounds40-yard dash: 4.42 seconds

Last year was Middleton’s best with theFurman Paladins, as he earned All-

Conference and All-America honors. In hissenior year, the Marist School alum notched95 tackles, five passes defended and fourinterceptions. He was named SouthernConference Defensive Player of the Weekfor his performance against the Citadel. Inhis junior year he totaled 53 tackles, threeinterceptions and six pass deflections. He seta career-high in tackles with 10 againstAppalachian State.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Middleton has a thicker build than most

corners in this year’s draft. He has goodspeed and can run with any receiver that goesone-on-one with him. He was not invited tothe NFL Combine but became better knownby running a 4.4-second 40-yard dash on hispro day. Middleton thrives in a zone defensebecause of his good reaction time and quick-ness. He also has good lateral speed. Overall,Middleton is an aggressive corner that wouldadd good depth to any NFL team.

Garrett ReynoldsPosition: Offensive tackleCollege: North Carolina Height: 6-7Weight: 310 pounds40-yard dash: 5.40 seconds

Reynolds was named second–team All-ACC by the Associated Press and first

team All-ACC by the ACC Sports Journal. In2008 he graded out as the Tar Heels’ topoffensive lineman. Reynolds posted a 92 per-cent grade in the game against Maryland.Before the season he was named to theLombardi Award Watch list. In the 2007 sea-son he had a team-best 88 percent grade anda team-high 51 knock-down blocks.Reynolds was named ACC Lineman of theWeek for his performance against Miami,grading out at 90 percent.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Reynolds certainly has the bloodlines;

his uncle, Jack “Hacksaw” Reynolds, playedin the NFL for 15 seasons and his father, Art,played at the University of Tennessee.Reynolds has a larger frame with long armsand has the ability to push defenders withease. He can also play with a mean streakand is a very physical lineman. Reynolds hasa lot of experience at the right tackle posi-tion, which makes him a very good run-blocking tackle.

Position: Defensive endCollege: RichmondHeight: 6-2Weight: 266 pounds40-yard dash: 4.6 seconds

Sidbury helped lead Richmond to aFootball Championship Subdivision

National Championship as a senior, totaling11.5 sacks, 20 tackles for loss and 56 totaltackles. In the championship game he set anNCAA record for most sacks in a playoffgame with four. His dominant senior yearalso helped him earn his second All-Colonial Athletic Association selection. Atwo-year starter, he finished with five sacks,8.5 tackles for loss and 48 total tackles as ajunior to earn his first spot on the All-CAAfirst team.

Most of his production came in his lastcouple of seasons in college. He managedone sack as a sophomore; as a redshirt fresh-man in 2005, Sidbury compiled three sacks,four tackles for loss and 24 total tackles inlimited duty. Sidbury prepped at Oxon HillHigh School in Oxon Hill, Md., where hewas a three-year starter, two-year captainand all-state selection as a senior.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …The 4.6 40-yard dash speed he show-

cased at the NFL Combine was not a fluke,as he ran the 100 meter-dash for the Spiders’track and field team. He also has experienceparticipating in the shot put, providing aunique combination of athletic skills. Heused that uniqueness to put up other jaw-dropping Combine numbers, throwing up 28reps on the bench press and registering a ver-tical jump of 35 inches.

The fact that he got better throughouthis college career shows that he is coachableand not just a workout wonder. Sidbury dis-plays a good playing tempo and an ability touse spin moves on his highlight film. Anadjustment to a higher level of playingshould not be as big of a challenge toSidbury as it might be to other former FCScollegians because of his athleticism. Thatathleticism gives assurance he will be a qual-ity role player, but those tools also mean hemight develop into a star.

QUOTE …“Sidbury is one of the highest-rated

small-school prospects in this year's draft.His strength comes from his ability to get tothe quarterback off the edge.” - ESPN.com

Position: Defensive tackle College: Georgia TechHeight: 6-2Weight: 304 pounds40-yard dash: 5.32 seconds

In his four years at Georgia Tech, Walkertotaled 110 tackles, 26.5 tackles for loss,

13 sacks and one pass breakup. Walker was atwo-time All-ACC player and was named aBednarik Award Semifinalist. In 2008,Walker started all 12 games and totaled 33

tackles, 8.5 tackles for losses, three sacks andone pass defended. In 2007, he started all 13games and notched 45 tackles, 14 tackles forloss, 8.5 sacks and two fumble recoveries. Hefinished his Tech career 15th all-time in sacksand 20th all-time in tackles for loss.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Walker can get a good push off the line

on the point of attack and has good instincts.He can make plays behind the line of scrim-mage and can play with a mean streak.

Position: Linebacker College: Miami (Fla.)Height: 5-11Weight: 230 pounds40-yard dash: 4.48 seconds

In four seasons at the University of Miami,Adkins saw action in 31 games and totaled

72 tackles, 10 tackles for loss, five sacks andone interception. Adkins’s junior year is con-sidered his best. In 2007 he played in 11games, making five starts. Adkins finishedthe year with a career-high 53 tackles, onesack and one interception. His best game,and first collegiate start, was againstOklahoma, where he had eight tackles, fourof them solo. He made starts at weaksidelinebacker and strongside linebacker and hasalso played some defensive end along with

some time on special teams. In 2008, he sawaction in 10 games, logging 17 tackles, sixtackles for loss and four sacks.

WHAT THE SCOUTS ARE SAYING …Adkins’s thickness and sturdy build

make up for his relative lack of height for thelinebacker position. He has good speed andcan play with explosiveness. Adkins had agood pro day at Miami, running a 4.48 40-yard dash and totaling 30 reps on the benchpress. Many scouts say that he can changedirection just as well as any linebacker or anydefensive prospect in this year’s draft. Adkinsis a bit raw at this stage in his career, but heis extremely athletic and should be able tocontribute right away on special teams. At thelinebacker position, Adkins has good side-line-to-sideline range.


W W W . S C O R E A T L . C O M


No question about it; the Falcons’ 2008draft class, the first picked by General

Manager Thomas Dimitroff for the organi-zation, was a smash hit. Let’s take a lookback at the 11 Falcons picks in last year’sNFL Draft.

Matt Ryan,QB (1st round, 3rdoverall): What canyou say about MattyIce that hasn’talready been said?The prodigy turnedin one of the best sea-sons by a rookie quar-terback in the historyof the NFL. All Ryandid was throw for3,440 yards and 16touchdowns while lead-ing his team to the play-offs for the first time infour seasons. His quar-terback rating of 87.7was 11th best in theleague and third best everby a rookie. Ryan also ranaway with the OffensiveRookie of the Year award,cementing himself as one of the best draftpicks the franchise has ever made. Ryanand Ravens rookie quarterback Joe Flaccowere the only first-year signal callers tostart every game for his team.

Sam Baker, OT (1st round, 21stoverall): The Falcons swapped a handful ofdraft picks with the Washington Redskinsto grab this talented O-lineman in the firstround, and the big man didn’t disappoint.The Tustin, Cal., native played in eightgames last season and started five of them,protecting fellow first-round pick MattRyan’s blind side. The former USC Trojaninjured his back in October and had toundergo surgery during the season.However, in an amazing recovery, Bakerreturned to the starting lineup on Dec. 15against Tampa Bay. With Todd Weiner nolonger in Atlanta, Baker will look to returnto his starting left tackle position; if allgoes according to plan, Baker will be theanchor of the Falcons’ offensive line foryears to come.

Curtis Lofton, LB (2nd round, 37thoverall): The second-rounder out ofOklahoma started 15 games for Atlanta lastseason at the middle linebacker slot. Loftonused his 6-foot, 248-pound frame to make 67solo tackles during his rookie season, goodenough for fourth-most on the team, and firstamong all Falcons rookies. The former Big 12defensive player of the year and All-Americanselection also managed a quarterback sackagainst Donovan McNabb in the game atPhiladelphia. With Lawyer Milloy and KeithBrooking leaving Atlanta, Lofton should playan even bigger role on defense in 2009, team-ing with free-agent acquisition Mike Petersonto make a formidable linebacking duo.

Chevis Jackson CB (3rd round, 68thoverall): The Falcons chose Jackson in thethird round of the draft desperately seekinghelp in the depleted secondary. The former

LSU star provided just

that, playing in all 17 of the team’s gamesand starting two of them. Jackson’s firstseason with Atlanta was highlighted by a95-yard interception return for a touch-down in a 34-20 win against the rivalSaints, the second longest in Falcons histo-ry. Jackson also recorded an interception inthe 2009 playoff game against theCardinals, picking off a Kurt Warner passintended for Jerheme Urban in the secondquarter. He finished with 31 tackles and aninterception in 2008, as well as five passbreakups on the year.

Harry Douglas WR (3rd round,84th overall): One of the biggest surprisesof the draft, the third round pick fromLouisville was fourth on the team in receiv-ing with 23 receptions for 320 yards. Inaddition to being a wide receiver, the 5-11speedster returned kicks and punts regular-ly. The Jonesboro, Ga., native also finishedfourth on the team in rushing yards with 69on 12 carries. Douglas scored three touch-downs on the season—one reception, onerushing, and one on a punt return in theFalcons’ crucial home victory over theCarolina Panthers. Overall, the versatilewideout tallied 12 rushing attempts with along run of 33 yards.

Thomas DeCoud, S (3rd round, 98thoverall): The third-round pick from Cal played in10 games for Atlanta in 2008 and totaled ninetackles on the year, including a season-high ofthree in the playoff game against Arizona. DeCoudis currently listed as the second-string free safety.

Class of the league: Taking a look back at the Falcons’ landmark 2008 draftRobert James, LB (5th round, 138th

overall): The All-American from ArizonaState was drafted by the Falcons in the fifthround but was placed on injured reserve onAug. 6 after suffering a

concussion in practice. TheFalcons have retained therights to James, who shouldfigure into the linebackerrotation for the 2009 cam-paign after the departures ofmainstays Keith Brookingand Michael Boley.

Kroy Biermann, LB(5th round, 154 overall):Coming into the draft, theformer Montana Grizzly wasa relative unknown outside ofBig Sky Conference country.In fact, the Falcons draftedhim higher than most hadprojected after his stellarcareer in the college footballdivision formerly known asI-AA. Biermann was hon-ored with the BuckBuchanan Award, annuallygiven to the top defender inthe Football ChampionshipSubdivision, after his seniorseason. The 6-3 college line-backer would be moved todefensive end and go on tobecome the lowest pick ofthe 2008 Falcons’ draft tomake the roster, contributingvaluable snaps for the teamdown the stretch. Biermanntotaled 21 tackles and twosacks in 2008 for Atlanta.

Thomas Brown, RB (6th round, 172overall): Local fans remember Brown fromhis days at the University of Georgia, when herushed for 2,646 yards in his career with theBulldogs. The Tucker native was placed on

injured reserve by the Falcons prior to lastseason after injuring his

leg against Baltimorein the preseason. Hewill once again befighting for a rosterspot this season,although he looked tobe in line to make theteam last year as areturn specialist.

Keith Zinger,TE (7th round, 232overall): The LSU prod-uct was waived last fallwhen the Falcons cut theirroster to the 53-man limit.Zinger was then signed to thepractice squad, where heremained for the 2008 season.The 6-4, 268-pound tight endwill look to make the squad thisyear and catch his first NFL

pass, although he excels as ablocker from the position.

Black can be reached at [email protected].

BIG PICKS: (From left to right) Matt Ryan, Curtis Lofton and Harry Douglas all playedbig roles for the Falcons in their rookie seasons. Ryan turned in a historically goodrookie campaign for a quarterback, Lofton tallied 67 tackles and Douglas scored threeimportant touchdowns on the year as the three budding stars led the way for an ultra-successful 2008 draft class. Photos courtesy of Jimmy Cribb/Atlanta Falcons.

1966 Tommy Nobis 1 overall LB Texas1967 Leo Carroll 31 overall DE San Diego St.1968 Claude Humphrey 3 overall DE Tenn. St.1969 George Kunz 2 overall OT Notre Dame1970 John Small 12 overall LB Citadel1971 Joe Profit 7 overall RB NE Louis.1972 Clarence Ellis 15 overall S Notre Dame1973 Greg Marx 39 overall DT Notre Dame1974 Gerald Tinker 44 overall WR Kent St.1975 Steve Bartkowski 1 overall QB Cal1976 Bubba Bean 9 overall RB Tex. A&M1977 Warren Bryant 6 overall OT Kentucky1978 Mike Kenn 13 overall OT Mich.1979 Don Smith 17 overall DE Miami (Fla.)1980 Junior Miller 7 overall TE Nebraska1981 Bobby Butler 25 overall CB Fla. St.1982 Gerald Riggs 9 overall RB Ariz. St.1983 Mike Pitts 16 overall DE Alabama1984 Rick Bryan 9 overall DT Oklahoma1985 Bill Fralic 2 overall OT Pittsburgh1986 Tony Casillas 2 overall DT Oklahoma1987 Chris Miller 12 overall QB Oregon1988 Aundray Bruce 1 overall LB Auburn1989 Deion Sanders 5 overall CB Fla. St.1990 Steve Broussard 20 overall RB Wash. St.1991 Bruce Pickens 3 overall CB Nebraska1992 Bob Whitfield 8 overall OT Stanford1993 Lincoln Kennedy 9 overall OT Wash.1994 Bert Emanuel 45 overall WR Rice1995 Devin Bush 26 overall S Florida St.1996 Shannon Brown 84 overall DT Alabama1997 Michael Booker 11 overall CB Nebraska1998 Keith Brooking 12 overall LB Ga. Tech1999 Patrick Kerney 30 overall DE Virginia2000 Travis Claridge 37 overall OG USC2001 Michael Vick 1 overall QB Va. Tech2002 T. J. Duckett 18 overall RB Mich. St.2003 Bryan Scott 55 overall S Penn St.2004 DeAngelo Hall 8 overall CB Va. Tech2005 Roddy White 27 overall WR UAB2006 Jimmy Williams 37 overall CB Va. Tech2007 Jamaal Anderson 8 overall DE Arkansas2008 Matt Ryan 3 overall QB Boston Coll.2009 Peria Jerry 24 overall DT Ole Miss



W W W . A T L A N T A F A L C O N S . C O M


Falcons continue to serve Atlanta areaThe Atlanta Falcons have been involved in

countless community service and philan-thropic events throughout their history as afranchise. But since Arthur Blank has takenover as owner, the community relations activi-ties have grown exponentially. The programsthat the team and its owner have createdinclude everything from food and toy drives topromoting youth football.

A major aspect of the Falcons’ communi-ty work is with area youth. The entire team hasparticipated in one way or another to promotefitness and education, lift the spirits of the dis-abled, and spend quality time with childrenwho normally would never get to meet anAtlanta Falcon.

The Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation(AFYF) has been instrumental in promotinghealth and fitness in young people. AFYF is thelargest owner-funded foundation in the NFLand it has raised over 16 million dollars ingrants to non-profit organizations in Georgia.In 2005, AFYF created Falcons Fitness Zoneslocated at various YMCAs, Boys & GirlsClubs, and other youth centers. The focus is tohelp children eat healthier and prevent obesityby learning the importance of physical fitness.

HELPING THE LESS FORTUNATE …Recently, Falcons players Ben Hartsock,

Jamaal Anderson and Brian Finneran partici-pated in Read Across America Day at schoolsaround Atlanta. They stressed to the childrenthe importance of reading and good studyhabits.

Offensive tackle Sam Baker and his team-mates recently visited Challenged Child &Friends located in Gainesville, GA. The players

spent the entire afternoon playing all types ofgames with children who suffer from disabili-ties and handicaps.

Running backs Michael Turner andJerious Norwood took the time to take somechildren from Children’s Healthcare of Atlantahospitals to the Georgia Aquarium. There, theplayers, children and their parents took part in“Fishy Arts and Crafts.” They also got abehind-the-scenes look at the Aquarium.

Another aspect of the Falcons’ commu-nity relations is the FalCan Food Drive.Partnering with the Atlanta Food Bank andthe Atlanta Falcons Women’s Association, theteam was able to collect over 5,000 pounds offood last November. Through the Falcons’efforts, Thanksgiving dinner was served tothe less fortunate at the CrossroadsCommunity Ministries.

During a home game against Tampa Baylast December, Falcons fans supported theAtlanta Falcons Toys for Tots program. Morethan 700 toys and over $23,000 dollars wereraised for families who could not afford giftsfor the holiday season.

Last summer, the Falcons held their annu-al High School Player Development Program(HSPD) for Georgia high school football play-ers. The weekend was highlighted by a 7-on-7team tournament, as well as personal and pro-fessional development, life-skills training, col-lege-prep sessions and a 24-team competitivepassing competition. More than 400 Georgiaathletes participated. This year, Matt Ryan,Sam Baker and Justin Blalock will host a youthfootball clinic for boys and girls ages 7 to 14.

Deighton can be reached [email protected].

Georgia Dome still improving in its 17th yearThe Georgia Dome has hosted the Super

Bowl, Olympics, SEC Championships,and The NCAA Final Four and has been hometo the Atlanta Falcons since 1992. During itslengthy run as the team’s gameday headquar-ters, the stadium has undergone constant ren-ovation to keep up with the other 25 NFLteams that have either built new stadiums ordone major renovations since 1992.

After the 2002 season, the surface of theGeorgia Dome was changed from Astroturf toFieldTurf.

Since 2007, $53 million has been spentto improve the Dome. There have been suiterenovations that have included new seating aswell as upgrades to furniture, flooring, cabi-nets and 350 flat screen televisions.

Eight 94-seat super suites with privateconcessions and plasma televisions have alsobeen added.

The club area of the Dome has beentransformed with a larger lounge area withnew furnishings, more food and beverageoptions, and new seating in the bowl area.

LED ribbon boards with enhancedgraphics of in-game statistics and scores fromaround the league have been added and runfrom end zone to end zone.

The entry gates and concourses have alsobeen renovated with improved lighting andsigns. A new interior and exterior paint jobusing the team’s red and black colors replacedthe old teal and mauve color scheme. Even theseats were replaced and are now red and black.

“The improvements will provide morevalue to our fans on game day and hopefullybe another step in keeping the Dome a first-

class facility,” said Falcons Owner & CEOArthur Blank.

New for the 2009 season will beJumboTron video boards that are twice thesize of the old ones; they will display enhancedgraphics and game-viewing options.

“We want to provide a great game dayexperience for our fans, and this is one moreway in which we can do that,” Blank said.

RECOGNIZING THE SCHOOLS …The Georgia Dome began hosting the

high school football semifinals in 1994 andin December announced the unveiling of aGeorgia High School Association footballhelmet display located at lower Gate C.

“High school football is an integral partof our sport,” said Atlanta Falcons presidentRich McKay. “Our recognition of GeorgiaHigh School Football allows us to reconnectwith the roots of our game, and encouragethe next generation of players and coaches.”

Georgia Dome general manager CarlAdkins added, “We have a great relationshipwith the GHSA and are very proud to havethis opportunity to salute high school foot-ball in the Dome."

In addition to the recognition theschools received by donating their helmets tothe dome for the 2008 regular season, teamswere also offered 100 tickets on a first-come,first-served basis to attend a home game.

In 2008, the Dome hosted the GeorgiaHigh School Football state championshipsfor the first time.

Wiley can be reached at [email protected].


SERVING THE COMMUNITY: The AtlantaFalcons franchise is known around the league for its year-round philanthropiceffor ts. Here running back Jerious Norwood is seen with one of the attendees of the"Fishy Ar ts and Crafts" event the Falcons hosted at the Georgia Aquarium earlier inthe month. Photo cour tesy of the Atlanta Falcons.


DANCING AT THE DOME: The Falcons striveto bring their fans the best possible game-day atmosphere. The team providesa variety of enter tainment options besides the football on the field, includingthe Falcons cheerleaders, who are excited about another great season at theGeorgia Dome! Photo cour tesy of the Atlanta Falcons.


W W W . S C O R E A T L . C O M



Great ‘08 brings record amounts of hardwareThe Falcons’ surprising 2008 campaign did

not end with the Lombardi Trophy, but itdid result in an abundance of individualawards for several key orchestrators of one ofthe most significant year-to-year turnaroundsin NFL history.

The 2008 revival began when teamowner Arthur Blank brought in former NewEngland Patriots guru Thomas Dimitroff asnew general manager, which led to the sign-ings of a new head coach in Mike Smith, anew quarterback in Matt Ryan, and a new run-ning back in Michael Turner.

All four—Dimitroff, Smith, Ryan, andTurner—received various accolades for theirroles in Atlanta’s remarkable 2008 season inwhich it went 11-5 and reached the playoffsfor the first time since 2004.

THE HONORS …Dimitroff was named Executive of the

Year by Sporting News magazine, which hasbeen in existence for 132 years and has givenout the annual Executive of the Year awardsince 1955. Previously the Director of CollegeScouting for the Patriots, Dimitroff immedi-ately brought in a fresh set of faces to revital-ize the Falcons. In addition to signing MichaelTurner, Dimitroff also inked opening-daystarters Jason Elam, Erik Coleman and BenHartsock. He then used the draft to snag Ryanalong with offensive tackle Sam Baker andNFL All-Rookie linebacker Curtis Lofton.The 2008 rookie class ended up making acombined 38 starts last season.

Smith not only garnered the Coach of theYear award from the Sporting News, but he

also earned the same recognition from theAssociated Press. The former JacksonvilleJaguars defensive coordinator became thefourth head coach in Falcons history to engi-neer an 11-win season, accomplishing themark on his very first try. Atlanta’s seven-winimprovement from 2007 is tied for the sixthbest under a first-year head coach in leaguehistory (since the 1970 merger).

Ryan ran away with Rookie of the Yearhonors from both the Sporting News and theAssociated Press. By sweeping the Executiveof the Year, Coach of the Year, and Rookie ofthe Year awards from the Sporting News, theFalcons became the first team in the history ofthe publication to rack up all three accoladesin the same year. The No. 3 pick in the 2008NFL Draft, Ryan completed 265 of 434 pass-es for 3,440 yards, 16 touchdowns and 11interceptions, good for an 87.7 passer rating.Along with fellow rookie signal-caller JoeFlacco of the Ravens, Ryan became the firstrookie quarterback to start all 16 regular-sea-son games and lead his team to the playoffs.Ryan was also only the second rookie QB tothrow for 3,000 yards in a season.

The Sporting News also recognizedTurner and Lofton as All-Pro and All-Rookieperformers, respectively. Turner plowed hisway to 1,699 rushing yards and a team-record17 touchdowns in 2008, while Lofton finishedsecond among NFL rookies with 94 tackles. Ifthe upcoming 2009 season is as kind to theFalcons as the Sporting News has been,Atlanta is in for another memorable year.

Dimon can be reached [email protected].

Peterson joins group of young, talented playersAfter finishing with a 4-12 record in 2007,

the Falcons almost completely revampedthe organization heading into their 2008 cam-paign. The result? A seven-win improvementand playoff berth. Needless to say, generalmanager Thomas Dimitroff, who was the firstpiece to last offseason’s puzzle, did not have todo as much tinkering this time around.

Nonetheless, there were—and still are—pieces that had to be replaced. CornerbackDomonique Foxworth, who was acquired forthe 2008 season via a trade with Denver andstarted 10 games, signed a lucrative contractwith the Baltimore Ravens. Keith Brooking, aFalcons rookie when the team went to theSuper Bowl in January of 1999, left for Dallas.Fellow linebacker Michael Boley signed a five-year deal with the New York Giants. On theoffensive side of the ball, tackle Todd Weinercalled it a career after 11 seasons, the last sevenwith the Falcons.

While a host of young talent in Atlanta,including linebacker Curtis Lofton and corner-back Chevis Jackson, lessened the blow fromthe loss of those veterans, the departures stillforced Dimitroff to hit the free-agent market.

MAKING MOVES … Dimitroff first stayed in house, inking

defensive end Chauncey Davis to a four-yearcontract. Davis, selected by the Falcons in thefourth round of the 2005 draft, set career highslast season with 39 tackles and four sacks.Despite fielding outside offers as a result of hisstellar 2008 campaign, the former Florida Statestandout was hoping to stay in Atlanta.

“I was pretty set on coming back,” Davissaid. “We finally got a coaching staff that’sgoing to be here. There were some otheroptions, but I was pretty set.”

Davis was not the first key returnee fromthe surprising 2008 squad. Prior to the end oflast season, Atlanta extended the contracts ofwide receiver Michael Jenkins and defensivetackle Jonathan Babineaux. Jenkins, a first-round pick in the 2004 NFL Draft, signed forfour more years, while Babineaux, a second-round pick one year later, is on board for anoth-er five seasons.

One week after securing Davis in earlyMarch, the Falcons began to address the situa-tion at linebacker by adding formerJacksonville Jaguar Mike Peterson. The 10-year veteran played under Falcons head coachMike Smith for five of his six seasons inJacksonville, and recorded 837 tackles as aJaguar, good for second-best in franchise histo-ry behind safety Donovin Darius.

Peterson pointed to his familiarity withAtlanta’s staff as his main reason for joiningthe Falcons.

“It started with the coach and the coachingstaff,” he explained. “As a person he is astraightforward guy. As a player you want acoach who shoots it straight, so you know whatto expect from him.”

Peterson also reflected fondly upon histime under current Falcons defensive coordina-tor Brian Van Gorder and defensive backs coachAlvin Reynolds, both of whom worked withSmith in Jacksonville. The apparent resurgenceof the Falcons franchise also lured Peterson.

“I was able to follow them last year. Afterseeing the things they did well last year, itgave me the feeling that I fit in well withwhere the organization is headed. To me it wasa win-win situation.”

Dimon can be reached at [email protected]

Falcons head coach Mike Smith edgedDolphins coach Tony Sparano in Coach of theYear voting as both teams made the playoffswith 11-5 records last season. This matchupbetween the two second-year head coacheswill pit two of the league’s up and comingteams against each other.

SUN. 9/131 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- CBS-TV

vs. MIAMIGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

Atlanta put the pedal to the metal offensivelythe last time Carolina visited. A 45-28 win stillseems fresh, as does the Falcons near misson a 2008 division crown thanks to Carolina.Jake Delhomme and the Panthers will try andget a leg up on the Birds in the teams’ divi-sional opener.

SUN. 9/201 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

vs. CAROLINAGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

Thomas Dimitroff travels with the team hehelped build to the site of a majority of hisscouting education. The Falcons have playedthe Patriots, who celebrate 50 years as afranchise this season, just 11 times since1966. Tom Brady should be back and healthyto lead the Pats.

SUN. 9/271 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at NEW ENGLANDGillette StadiumFoxborough, MA

Atlanta was 2-0 in California last season butthe 49ers present a different set of chal-lenges. A new head coach and a hunger towin the NFC West could play a role whenthese two teams meet. As of now, the Ninershave some unresolved issues at positions likequarterback.

SUN. 10/114:05 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at SAN FRANCISCOCandlestick Park

San Francisco, CA

Who can forget the last time these teams metat The Georgia Dome? Matt Ryan to MichaelJenkins with seconds to play, game-winningfield goal by Jason Elam. Will history repeatitself with another great game? The Falconsget home-field advantage again this year.

SUN. 10/188:20 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- NBC-TV

vs. CHICAGOGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

Dallas opens a new stadium in 2009 but that'snot the only reason for excitement as these NFCfoes meet for the first time since 2006. FormerFalcons linebacker Keith Brooking is now aCowboy, and he’ll have to stop the running ofMichael Turner and Jerious Norwood.

SUN. 10/254:15 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at DALLASCowboys Stadium

Dallas, TX

Quarterback Matt Ryan showed some moxieand rushed for his first professional rushingtouchdown in a loss at New Orleans last sea-son. This time the Birds look to get over thehump in the Louisiana Superdome, wherethey absorbed a 29-25 loss in ‘08.

MON. 11/28:30 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- ESPN-TV

at NEW ORLEANSSuperdome

New Orleans, LA

Former Falcons cornerback DeAngelo Hall returnsto Atlanta with Albert Haynesworth and theRedskins. Washington is 14-5 all-time against theBirds, but lost the last meeting between theteams. Redskins head coach Jim Zorn is thinkingplayoffs in his second year at the helm.

SUN. 11/81 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

vs. WASHINGTONGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

The Battle of I-85 enters its 15th year as theserivals square off in Charlotte, N.C. The Falconshave played well on the road at Bank of AmericaStadium, but lost their appearance there in2008. This midseason matchup could have bigimplications in the NFC South standings.

SUN. 11/151 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at CAROLINABank of America Stadium

Charlotte, NC

Compiled by Alex Ewalt

The Falcons get to see former linebackerMichael Boley as they look to make a statementagainst the Super Bowl XLII champions and oneof the more solid teams in the NFC. Giants QB EliManning won’t have Plaxico Burress to throw toanymore, but New York is still dangerous.

SUN. 11/221 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at NY GIANTSGiants Stadium

East Rutherford, NJ

The Falcons beat Tampa Bay 13-10 in overtimethe last time the Bucs visited the Dome. This time,the Birds must deal with some new faces, includ-ing head coach Raheem Morris. Famed defensivecoordinator Monte Kiffin, a mainstay in Tampa,has departed for the University of Tennessee.

SUN. 11/291 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

vs. TAMPA BAYGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

The Eagles and Falcons meet for the fourthtime in the last five years. It's the first trip toAtlanta for Philadelphia since the 2005 sea-son — a 14-10 season-opening win for theFalcons. The Birds suffered a tough loss toDonovan McNabb and the Eagles last season.

SUN. 12/61 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

vs. PHILADELPHIAGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

The Saints spent the offseason working on thedefensive side of the ball, but it was theoffense that made mistakes the last time theseteams met at The Georgia Dome, as ErikColeman picked off Drew Brees’ first pass.Brees and Co. will go for a big divisional winin this contest.

SUN. 12/131 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

vs. NEW ORLEANSGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

Three times in 2009 the Falcons play ateam with a rookie head coach, includingthe Jets' Rex Ryan. A revamped, Baltimore-style defense awaits the Falcons in the BigApple, where the Jets will have their thirddifferent quar terback in three years afterBrett Favre’s retirement.

SUN. 12/201 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at NY JETSThe MeadowlandsEast Rutherford, NJ

The last regular-season game between theseteams was in 2005 in Buffalo. The Bills willbring a handful of new players, includingwide receiver Terrell Owens, on this rare visitto Atlanta. Buffalo and head coach DickJauron are hoping those investments bring aplayoff berth in ’09.

SUN. 12/271 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- CBS-TV

vs. BUFFALOGeorgia Dome

Atlanta, GA

An early interception and other mistakesrattled the Falcons the last time out inTampa. But, a near comeback in the secondhalf showed the team had some fight in2008. Both teams will very likely be jockey-ing for playoff position in this importantgame to close the season.

SUN. 1/31 P.M.92.9 DAVE-FM- FOX-TV

at TAMPA BAYRaymond James Stadium

Tampa, FL


W W W . A T L A N T A F A L C O N S . C O M