VOL--IH NO. 188 PLAINF1ELD. N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. PRICE TWOCENTO. ARTISTIC DECORATONS «• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which !• Bmt K(M la S t u * IT. X. Church. - B.mj IkCtf HoTdtiti OB Bile. WbeWTW ihe Mies of Or a w M E . (Dinreb nmlertake t<> carry out an Men hearts anil the result is always lUrssan!. This Iwppy combination was plainly shown last nlsbt, when Ibey be. •ran [heir fraltv.il and Bale In the.r and sale ID inetr I «,•!„/•] niili the i.ilieraii.l Ivetwefu them their vi-itor* were made 10 feel very min-h al tn>mc. Much taste wo> shown In tbe decora- lion! At Ihe Uoral bjoth, where Mi-« Alice Carroll, awlsted by Miss Belle 1 iMi.-cr Miss .Alice Loomis, Miss Grai-e . UarralUadMlwOlart. BuAwr waited nnon numerous ennlomera, the dense maas of evergreens tb»l g-eeied fhe eye harmonized nicely with tbe beami- (nl colors of the flowers so temptingly arranged. Al (lie lemonade stand, an- i • IT ,ir s'i tilt of work was seen In tbe shape of an old wall, with its mots corereil stones, srnnnd wbicli many nrt-uy fenis ere*. Here Mrs. W. H UrilfiinwiMrs B. K. Randolph pre- sided. I > Tbe deoOtationa of the candv table were ol spotless white, and looked very iirettv. Mrs. S."Winckler,' assisted by ilrs *.\fin .Must, Miss Ot-lplitoe Vochl, Miss Usrgsrei PcbDek, Mbs Aenes ami MissOrooe Tioglej had UJH y cusio- mera and tlitlr ij ain ties disappeared rapidly. Tim fancy tallies In charjie or Mis. il K 1'ntroll, Mrs. L A. Hum- mer, Mr*. K/.ru Loomis an.l Mrs. .1. C Uary, tin- cuke table in cbarge ol Mr*. J S. Lunger, Mrs Aniirew Lmktim, Mia J . P. Scbr-i ler and Mrs. J. W Jiauersai lis, Ihe Mraw!,;erry department I11 charge ul Miss E m m Smallcy. Mrs. E. silent, Mrs. Charles Force and Miss Van Cleat umi the ice cream depart- ment in Hiarue.o! Mrs K A. Vermmle .xi sa 1 bra Hummer, ar.d Miss •Edward r-ebriin: hail their gunds tempi UIEIV ilisplar.Tl uti'l hull no lack uf enslo- nitrj ' TLe |.rei tCe ables Mthel Benny. Miss Nellie Yermeule, SliM l.uzie Hoagisucl, Mis* Minnie linlicls. Sli^s Nyllie Kreeer, Miss M»y 1 unroy snil Miss Ella Banner, were he~- romiagh attired ami their costumes UtrmoBized nicely wiili tliHr surronnii- mga No programme ul mnsic WUH pnsented last bight, but lucre will be tonight aiid a large attendance is looked It Linked Plain to Boih Partiti but Tatj Could nol •*« it Aliki. Tn« Jury flat* toe Plaintiff ill b< Asked. Tliecmeof W. ft. Clurkson acalnst came on hefore Jnatico N»sb and a jury Tlie [^uimitrs i-uutisel was J. P. ers aod ilio«B 'or ^ lLhui i ill [na a claim fur 8125 rent for Hie rooms in :Jie JJJBI office building allied I J be due, lint over wliidi a difference il ornuinn hail arisen. TUB ilffeuilnn'.s filed ati offset claim- in^ s redneiloji m rent under a ue» fin year, ami claiming pay tor tt sky ii/'il winch Hie fltili IIH'I plai'tii ni tlii- r.»jl for use In ila work, lo Hit origins' 'Ihe defendant! ul'ege.1 Hint last jt-ai ulien the iiumln-r of club membeiM liu.l j(r..WL lea-, they aaktJ Mr. tUtk- Bun ia" reduce the rent, from *2W) a y-nr »Uiih they liutl engaged lo pay, i<> SlGD,and Itml BOCb ttrms had been greeil u|»on. A paper was produutd I iirpur'itig to be aucli ati agree- ilainiifTit admitted that would pay Hie rent Iheo due, and u[ in November i,inu:)atihe rute o- fttoi b \e.ir, ih*?y OEIUIII have th* May 1, 1891, (tie end of year, at ihe i.ie of «ieo a . tided they would Uke 11 lease from the lallsr date W May 1 l»9j. The defen- ; (iai1U1l.1l not accepi tlju provisions r«- luiiDf; to a leant !<>r another year, and Ii4unnj; at the Sl>-U rale to May 1894, turning in Hie tty light al ?60 claitnul to m e but S45. I ..•• plaintiff claimed that wnte ihe propOSUOB ol new termi huil been accepted by Ibe defeudanti only in ibM f a n referring to ihe re dilution ul rent, but declining ihe pm flaloa lor a new lense, thai the propo- aiiiuii wag not in • ;> • • and lliat the old terms ',buioed. The jury returned with a verdict for ••:•:•• 1 ••':< -:,...u\:[] ,md allowed him ONE FAULT EASILY REMEDIED. Tliere wby 1 people i'mt mind tbelr own business. One i- tLat they liaven't any mind; the uther mat they haven't any bull [Till-Bits.] The first fault is irreparable The second, a Courier want adv. wj|] quickly remedy. Comic want ad's pay. LATE NEWS. TO CONNECT NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY A8nrsGTOK, J a n e S —Tb* bill to connect New York and New Jersey by a bridge baa been signed by tbe Prest dent. ' DR. MEYER GOES TO SING SING [SPECM O TBE O0DRI NEW YORK, June 8.—Dr. Henry C. '. Meyer was sentenced by Recorder myth this morning lo SI,»g Sing Prison ir tbe reit of bis lire for the poisonli I Ludwig Brandt. Hewill be tak here tomorrow. BOLT CBOSS 1T« la th* Pirnh g Lut Klgbt Btfer* » Ltree Audi .he p«rlsh bnlidlnir, of llol' ;hurch last night An enjoyable pro- r ramme was rendered under tbe su pices of Holy Cross Brotherhood •Incii ofpaiilzfilion 'ad the affair in arge. The nudt-nce wh^h cam red about 2.0U persona •,, ,1- orongiily spprecialive and often re- warded ihe performers with hearty ap- se. The programme opened by s 0 duel i)> Mrs. B. B "Wcrtcrn »IH1 M. Western. Then I" 'Moved a arce entitled '-The Stupid -Servant" bj Spencer brothers whu'h was all loo ft. TIIB tableaux rcpreaenliuit !he '(JhiiiJren Of the Week" followed. Monday's child Is fair of face" WBB ^presented by Mn J. P, Ma^naide who was seen seated :n a "boudoir ' idling a mirror wherein was reflected BT lovely liiaturea. Tueiiil<t> T s child s full of grace'' wasM'S Wm. L. Saun- IP periectlon of gracelal pen \V«flne«lay's child Is fall uf woe" was Ille Percy "Western holding a bros«n itcher while a large unite pig looked t him In apparent, astoniahraeni nrsday'i child bas far lo go" was les Western in tourist costume __.ily hailing s. cab. "Friday's child a good and eivtng" was represented by liss Grace Barlow tb» generous lady, (•glowing apon little Mary Uirlow, tbe 1'gea.T child, Apiece of money. ".Sst- rilav's cliilii must work for her UBIIIB, was Miss Jeuule HHviUnd in old faab- m costume eplunlng an old lime spln- mg wbeel. I'ittle Louise Saandcr* as "Sunday's child, wise, boony. good ay'* and reproduced the Frontlae- uf a late i«ae of St. Nicholas, fallowed "the lour seasons" and her Ol'jireuy miscellaneous tab- , o r whic-h ihe one representing >T!ie Kales" »fti perhaps the U>flL [jss Maude Jmiies ClHIton ave B ileliebllul recitation, mi for encores 'The Goblin" and new erslons ef toary'e Lamh." ,Kbe has de- (led talent and waa.wnrmly applauded lie closing number a farce entitled '•Sylvester l)aggerwo>d;" modernized, Americanifceil, paraljzeiland otlieraiae lenry M Wetaier. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. TII-J AmaljEamaleil Societj of En- neerd will bold a meeting tonlgbt - -ChiMren'M [»av at the Seventh Day i Qb »l '< eld t —Si. Joseph's Chim-h will holil I trawlierry festival in Singer r!all,.laii> " and B8. A rousing mcsetlng was held m thi Third Street Mission last nigfit led by ). E. Thompson. A flag Bidewalk is being luiil on iirview avenue m front of W. 0 uih's property. Mlanionomo Tribe will have lw< adopiions and confer the burner's de nineteen red men. s expected that eronnd will be tomorrow on. Pairvlew aven _ j w honse for Clarence rimith. East Secood stret-L —At the Council fire ol Paugb Caaeh. Naugb Siuque Tribe Wednead iy uigb ,e pale (ace was adorned with tb< aiuDiary leathers. Asa Collier, of I'ari avenne. h- usi received from a friend in Florida,a ox of chameleons which are on ex- .!,'•:• la the window, changing lelr colors with tbe nsu«l r —Michael Welsh, of West F< Lrtet, had one ol bis hones di« yt»... ay morning as hewas eboot to bitch ,.lm up lor tne day's work. The I was apparently In tha best 01 s, nd there was no apparent c*u»e lor s snadeD death. Tlie county meeting of the A.O.H was held last night at: Newark for tb tiation Of members to the various k cai divisions. County Chairman Case and local President J. F. gheenan al tended from this city. AHPTM. ''tlioav-wtao ha*e used Dr-Klng 1 * New Discovery knows Its value, and those ' have, not, have now tbe opporion Ity lo try It free. Call on the adver Used DraggM and get a Trial Bottle free Bend your name and address to " k. Bucklen k Co., Chicago, and ge 1 sample boxof Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Qnlde to •Iea<thaml HoutehoUl Instructor, Free All of which la gnaranwed to do yon good and cost you nothing at L. W Randolpb's Drngatore 21 War. Fron gnut MUCH fOOD SPORT PROMISED LUt of l i t r i n for tb. JLthtl.tlc O u t * th# PSsiaflcld Hl(b Ithovl Alkliie A>K elution Tbe following are the entries for the athletic sports of the Plalndeld High School Asaoclatlon tobe held loraor row afternoon on ihe Crescent Oval nnndred yard dash, open, F. M Schroder, N. P. George Smith, -P. H. a, W. Abbott, I.. 8.; Ralph Campbell, P. It. S , B- I. Serrell, P. H. a ; J. C. Whiting, P. B . S.; R. E. Sebrlng, P. II a ; V. Riitenhouse, P. H. 8. One ihlffl mile bicycle race, bandi cap, open. William McCulcben, L. S. Is; Volney Green, P. H.a George Smith, P. II. 8., 20 yard*; Carl Wbllebead, Lincoln School, —estfleld, 10 yards; John G!nck, Lin coin School, WeBlfleld, 5 yards; W. J; Mconey, Friends Select School, Ranwa>vlO yards; R. L Eaton, Plngry School, EltzabeU, U yards; J J. Mora, Pingry School, Elisabetn, if yards; H. W. Moore, N. P., 25 yards; J. C. Whiting, P. II. 3,-10 yards; J. W, Kirkner, P. H. S., 10 yards; A. Woliras.11, P. H. S., 10 yard*, E. Ser- rell, P. H. a, 10 vardt;K Sebring, P. 1. H, SS yitrds; Charles E* Damon, Cranford School, 15 yards; W. Philips, P. H S., 22 yards; V. Rittenbonse, P 40 yards; G. Pike, P. G. S., 20 ning high Jnmp, open, George Smitb, P- H. S., Wesley Abbott, L. S., ph Campbeir, P. H. S., E. Sebring. M- K, V. Biit^nhoiiN", (>. ne half mile biiycle race, scratt-h, ed, (J<-orRe Smith, E Serreil, A. Itmann, J. Kirtuer, J C. Whitu g, li. K Sebring, V. Ritleiiiniuse, \V -hilipps. Pulling twelve |>ound shot, Gporjre inuii. I 1 H. S Ralph Campbell, I'. H. E Sehnng, P II S. V. Ritten- us-. P. H S. C M Sm th, I' II S ohn Whiting, P. II. S. urd mile bicycle race wra'.ch, irae 03)1 h, P. H. S J Ulnc-k, .'iocoln, WtrtlB-W: W. J. Mooney, nils' Selxrl Scbottl, Kahway; J Mora, I'inprv School, EliZn- letti; E. T. derrell, F. H. H. Woltmann, P. H 3.; J. Kirkner, H. S ;'Jo.1n Whitin", P. H. S. ; li. . SebriBrf, P. H. S.; Charles E Da- IOD, Cranford School; W. Phillips, I*. H S. Standing brondjurop, dosod. George nith It Campbell, J. .Kirkner, J biting, K. Sebring sad \'. Bitten- 1use. DOB mile bicycle rape, scratch, losed. (iBfirjre Smith, E. Strrell, A. j, J. Kirknpr, J. Wbi'.lng, E. -.ebrlng and W Phillip*. Oi.e-ihlrd mile run, closed. George ,niilh, R- Campbell. J. Kirkner John JVhiiiitg. B E. Hftbrlne, v. Knten- ionse and II. Richardson. Two mile bicycle race, handicap, inen W. McOolcben, L. S , 150 ar<ls; Fred Fullerton, H. A., 200 ards; S. C. Crane, ex P. II. S, BCTftlcbj G. Smith, P. H. S.. 100 yards; V. F. Green, P. II. S., 30 yards; J. alack, Lincoln, WeslUeltl, 60 yards; W J Mouuey, Friends', Kdhway, 75 •ilsj B. L. Eaton, Pmgri's, Eliza- b,83 yards; H. W\ Moore, N. P., 1 yttrtls; -'. Q Woiling, P. H. S , 60 K W. Kirkurr. F-. II. S , 8S yards; A Woltmann, p. II H., TD; K. J. rter- rell, I' II. S , 7U yards; It. E. S p r i n g , " II S., 200 yards; W. Phillips, P. S ^ 150; V. Kitteohouse, P. H S , i); O»rllekl 1'ike, I' U S,. IOO yard*. Referee. Cbarlea Anglemun, N. y U. Judge*. .1. W. Travell, P. H. S A. A ; F. L. C. Martin, P. B. C; ; E. Teel, C. W. 'rimers ami rtcsurers, W. Rittenuouse, Steven's nslllutc; J. Hervey Doane, C. W.; ! Slovens, C. W. Clerk of Course, C |(. Moore, P. H. S. A. A. Asstst- THE LA3I rut 0HB1K XI Pro/Msar HacClyaMt Will luni Us BertM BVWCTCTia th» UU, »d ill will b* Gl»d to Bear UM 111! Professor MacClyttiont gave bis tantfa organ reciUI last night In the First Presbyterian Cbarcb, assisted bj Faa O. Beebe, 'cellist, of NewT o r t , MM .he choir. By reqaest be introduce! Me programme with Bach's Toccats. n F. - . The first number, an overture, "The Black Prophet, was played wth much spirit bringing, much ' applanse. The 'amiliar serenataXby Moukowakl wi Iso well received. Mr. Beebe wno_ I pupil of Victor Herbert, rendered ioherroann's "I,aTteve", in a mocl redilable manner and was appreciated accordingly. For an encore be ga*e 'Illnalon" by Ressner. Tbe next was 'bemes from Tannhanter by Professor lacClymoaL Tbe ti(Ui selection was part song for mixed'voices entitled •April", written byhim For the occa- ion. The rendering of it did him Jus- tice as the com>oser and choirmaster nd was called for again. After an Bertory in G. Mr. Beebe appeared gain, rendering tbe 'cello selection 'anay Amoreaux by Victor Herbert. is anew composition yet In mnuu- ript but wltl be poblisUed soon. The Mainrta by Popper came next. was a delightful little piece which veryone liked and was beanlly en- ored. Tbe choir then rendered Maiden with the lips sorosy," a pret- y linle part song, and the programme l'i*e.) »Uh Ihe I'nesl'u March, from Alhalia," by Meiidelssqhn. It WHS the lasl of Ihe series of recitals mil Piiil when they will! he returned. II wbo bave attended them have be»rd le best ol muaii: at U|e hands of an iceileut oritauiat wbo bad a grand latrumeut at his command, aud played to bring out all there was in 11. He M been a real benelactor, giving the uMic free what would bave cost tbe irs good prices elsewhere, acd has 1 the standard of music lor such Carl Plender, P. H. S. A. A. An- nouncer, Morton Plerson, P. H. S. A. A Official Handlcappera, F. I.. C. ftrun, P. B. C; W. H. Rogers, C. .; II. C. Wells, P. H. 8. A. A. immittee of Arrangements, K. Camp- ill, Chalrmas; H. C. Welis, C. L. Riley.W. F. Cornwall, F.W. Goddard, W E. Probasco and A. B. Crane. KIT. Mr. BHHI b* Callad. A meeting of the Conststery of the German Bufot meil Cbnrch, on Craig place was held last Tuesday evening, at which time 11 was decided to call a meeting of tbe congregation on Wed- *y, June 20, to decide upon a sue .___« Wthe Rev. Mr. Keochli, as pastor ol ibe chnrch Ttie sentiment of members Is in lavor of the Uev. „ . . lluntf-r, of Jersey City, and It is understood mat be will be called. —Two machinists are working on iirrtu engine replacing the tubes in ^ Ixxjtr Hmcb were burned out or dis abled. T»e new ones will be coppei In place of Iron. Tne Job Is expecte* to be done Intwo weeks. ••Lai V* C n u Ortr tke E •,-« in the ahsde o cp«te the dyine brro, (t lio»pPooe(Klon» —On Friday, Jnna 23, Wubbum drens will exhibit In PUlnfleM. Tb show will be located on tha Hand k Me Intyre lot, corner or Berckman sir*- and South avenoe. OOAKDEKS vuited. Two Urge coon P to let wilh board (one alco*e). o u t Fifth street, 6 minutei from depot, ri rlleot taM«t hcJrne-made bread and paslrj i n u moderate. Address P. O. Box j : ..!. S3' •• W PERSONALIA . Fred Taylor, formerly ol Cornell iiver.-n\, Is hume again. ..Mr. ami Mrs. Drake, of WestCeld, ere in tbe city last night attending be club ride. ..Miss Adelaide Baxter, of Ricb- 9nd street, has returned from a visit Orange county. ..George Dnnsbee, of Newark, was e guest last night of U. R. Thorn, of Orchard place. . .Mr. and Mia. Abram Vandeventer, Philadelphia, have been visiting rala- ..Mrs. Williams, of West Piustoo, •tin., is visiting her sister Mrs. li. S. Roberts, of North avenue. .William M. Sandfoid, of East Front tet, Nijs sold a bowse and lot on bsier place to Mr. Cailn. .August'n A. Weston, of Brooklyn, returned home yesterday, aler bis bort visit at tbe Arlington Hotel. ..Misses Ida and Mamie Dem her, of imerset street, bave been spending a eek with friends at Nona Branch. Irs. Seymour, of Newark, former- P IANO far sale. Kimilr moving. Bemu- ' t ifut Cpright Onnd Piano, eliborate- cjivp.l »nd engravtii, UlMI dnigO : ' jprovementi. Large die and UDUSU >F. COM last December *5so; price » l . il»n, addreii Monroe, Daily mther pcniei Courier office. . Kev. Dr. Jocelyn Johnjson, of New urk, will officiate at tb* services of e Chnrcb of Ibe Redeemer on Sun »J ..The Rev. Dr. A H: Lewis wi! cupy tbe pulpit of tbe Park A vena teptist Church dnnday, both morniuj id evenieg. . .Watson J. Tunison, the Watchnti^ en ne Boar and feed, merchant b* een confined 10 bis room byillness, at be City HoteL ..J. C. Van Dyke, of Esst Front treet, after a serious Illness of several H)B with neuralgia, is able tn t>e about lie bouse again. .. Mr. Plckell, of NewIVork, wbo as been visiting bis brother-in-law I. F. Williams, of Weat Front street, returned home today. . .The question of having a teacher r manual training for the ¥. M. 0. A- Auxiliary will be brought up at tne next meeting of the associalioi .. A. C. Vail, of West Eighth street, ...9 received a patent for a device for haplng folds on linen collars, aiidL.E Howard one Tor an electric arc lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Edstll of West t street will remove tomorrow Banlord arenue wb«re they will lire with Mrs. Edsall's parents until they build tbeir bouse on that street. . .William N. Kanyon, W. G. Wright WAKT9 JLKD OFFERS. L OST—A Gold Watch whh inilUI* K W. k., with n l d lull and pear! pen cil, SniUble renrd. K. W. R. ' T^OR SALE—A huHbomc heifer elf C rrgiiternl Jener Mock, price very rea wlJf. W. P. Smith, NetBcrwood. 68a L OTS for isle on Netberwood at . Soii3< feet price #115; m i l be Kill H once. Charles II. H«id, 317 Watchung TXTANTKD-—A * ~ trier «Se«. H AVE roor f by A. M. t SALE—Douhle v»!ve fnrce pom n good condition. W. V. A.. Cour C 6 1 Si ANTED — A small safe. man wanted, while or col underVand his businea and iTi-.mi :i !«!. Apply at No 144 FOR 3 DAYS (IF THE GOOES HOLD OUT). THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUrirjj|, EDSALL'S Commercial Palace, ltabcock Ituilding'. house, all ncHlcrn impruvemeniv i rletliu lif-hr. rent mwlrrair, elev its, 1-otfi ciry water and pump. A«ldr« H". ORSES wantt.t to paiture. Apply lo S. R. Titswoith, r.O- Box 45. New Market, N. J. S l o 3 * 1 " J. improTcmcntt, cur Sumerset and Cral •lace. A p p I j t o A l e t Thorn, 37 Sonie™ No reuoD whyPolly sbouldnt h Cracker at these prices. •Jew York Biscuit Co. (Holmes 4 CoutU.) flemoon Teas bocolate Wafers anilla Wafers Ginger " Extra Cream Toast •acker Meal nnlley k Palmer* (Sugar Wafers) 1-lb. box 22c 22c 22c hocolaly Wafers Raspberry Holmes &Contu per Ib Afternoon Teas 16c Banquets (salted) - - 13e Bent's (water) 19c Bnffet Wafers 17_ wcknell (Egg Biscuit) 17c (Tee Cake (plain) 9c " (iced) 10c Coroh'lls (fancy) 9c Chocolate Wafers 17c )og Biscuit, Spratt'a, S-lb. bx, each 39c Fig Newton 16c Fruit (Sultana) !*<= Fruit (Iced, all colors) inger Snaps xx •• " extra fancy Graham Wafers ill Honey Bar (ked 1 Milk Biscuit (Royal) " " (extra cream) Oyster 11 Oatmeal Wafers ihge Slice* Pilot xxx Sea Foam Wafers Soda xxx Soda (HrinckerbofTj Vanilla Wafers Water Thin Zoological , 14c DEMAHEST 4S0H All Ooodi bought and sold for Cash. School on Wednesdsy nlRht. The t*o MM. Wright graduated com laa<]e. ..Mrs. Elizabeth Cbapln, of West front street, wbo has been spending tne put three mouibs with ber dauKbter Mrs. Jlorris C. VanAr-dale of Greenwleb, Conn, bu retontcd ! MONEY TO LOAN ! £SSS . nave two UtUe grandchlWresi wh» are teething toll Dot summer weather - « troubled wltb bowel eomplalot. _._ them Chamberlain's Colic, Choi- en and Diarrhoea Remedy aod it acts like •> charm. I earnestly It tor children with Ixiwel e Wttbin twentyroar boa out of bed and doing my DOOM work. Mas. W. L. DraAQON,Boo-aqaa, Hlck- roan Co,, Tonn. For sale al Reynold's pbarmacy, Park and North arenrM, STRAWBERRY AM) ICE CREAM Festival Under tha a L« d ws' Aid Soci ety la Ih e GRACE M. X. CHAnL, Tlmrs'Uy ui Friday KtriiDgs, Jnne 7th and 8 Ln. TICKETS OPADMIB8I0N 10 CENTS HIILSIDECEHETERT ASSOCIATION. PLAIKFULD, N. J., June 5th, 1S94. I r for tins ssr" WE DON'T USE ACIDS TO CLEAK WATCHES. We clean them ID tbe olil way and save your watch IF YOU HAVE SMASHED YOUR WATCH driving nails, or leaving it on the railroad track, bring It In and bare It repaired while yonwait Specialty of epalrlng old broken violins or any mns- cal Inttmments, and also French clocks VAN'EPS. Jnrrler, 119 Park Are. An extract from th*speech of Hon. COMMUTERS I MOTaBTaTDBLIO. tiipaiiilnsl. c. . , " I t wlU pay every woman U> trad* at PECK'S, bis c<wd« are i M M Mr constituents all trade H. Clarence Hadley o.Kl.T.) I yEVEN HUNDBED FOLDING JAP 9 C p >ncy Corded Handle*, regular 8cent and la-cent FANS for 2 c I he of them. On sale Friday snd Saturday ONE THOUSAND 8RV8IDE LIBRARY ia popnlar titles. 10 and 30c. books for 3 urns, DountlMi tbe o these popular hooka for 3 rents. Untale Friday WARRANTED ALL-LISEV 4-FLY GENTc e LATEST and MOST FASHIONABLE- STYLES at BE DUPLICATED ONE YARD Good quality. Sells regular for 7 cents a yard. " ONE TABD WIDE BLEACHED MU C *'">« qosllty, sells Intbe regular way for 8 to 9 cents. f DURING 18< 2 12 TABD WIDE FINE BLEACHED i Usually sells for 25 cents DURI I LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKEBX h C In While and Colored, and extra Hue goods that sell every day a I SALE ONLI 3 CENTS.... ALL BILE PISH NOTVEILINC ... : ..;. f in the Fashionable Colors Sells regnlar at 15 cents C"^C *S-DCRING THESAJJB GOBS AT S CBNTS mj- BOOKS [ .... Iy cbaooe yonwill have to buy d Hatunlay only -. THEY CANNOT SPECIAL SALE rBIOE 4 CENTS LIJT , j FOB 6 CENTd A T A K P EETINQ G SALE FOR 18 VESTS ' *W-DURINQ_ r ^(( 13c A SPLENDID LINE ^ Of new andbeautiful FINE SATEENS that hare been telling right along for 2 s«-8p«iaJMfc'tirteeoiilyi3eent« THE VEBT LATEST i.: L.,\ Thing oat in LA.DIE4' DUCK TESTS at only $1.00. Kir-worth »orc than dooble tha price U> have It DMdft. L.J $3.75 LADIES' DUCK ETON SUITS. \..'.\ Elegant lit, inNavy, Ta.n and Light Colors. They anrery swell, and would cost' 1 more than the price we ask for Uie making alone 50 BOYS' DUCK 8BIBT WAIST... ..\.. © Large Bailor Collar. Tbe latest thing out. J., ; A. Wblatle Ineach pocket. Best Ten Wire Tapestry Carpets, 8O cents. 0-Made, Laid and Lined Free of Charge.-** Also Good Tapestry Carpet sat 619 cents. : Msr-Mad*, Laid and Lined Free of Charge. *«t Lave and Chenille Curtains, I POLES, WINDOW SHADES. 7 C VERY LOW PRICES Don't Fail to Visit Our Big Basement, Where you will Bodalmost everything Intbe H u w Famishing Lln«. We keep increasing our iloek daily wtth aU th« latest novelties to make bouie a comfort. IWLAWN MOWERS-We keep lh« b*K make at S3.39 np. *»*riND<5W S C R E E h l NTJAPANESE PORCH SCREENS 9 il latest novelties to make boui W RS ep lh« *Kmake at 3.39 np. *»riND< SCREENS-Patent extension—another lot at 25c np, NT-JAPANESE PORCH SCREENS at 59c, 89c. aftd t i l l . tm~WATEB COOLERa, best BtakM, with faoeeu, at 94c up. KsT-IOE CREAM,FBEEZKBS—TM Ugntnlag Ubi»*l at tl.97 up. jtkT-REFRIGERATOS—all BISMla stock, Inbard or ion wood PORCH REAM, d. In Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets We are showina: ail the newest styles la sbspes aod decoraUoaa, at pnees to salt tha times. *•»-] $6.98 np. •ph.TOILET 8BTB, «1.9J up. TEA iXTS, »3.98 •#. All perfect mods t J WhlM French China tor decorating. Wa keep a full hue at Tar] low prlowv YOU OAN SAVE MONET BY ATTENDING THIS GREAT SPEOIAL SAtE AT BABCOCK BUILPIM©. fbe fUainfielft Qouiu VOL—III NO. 188 PLAINFIELD. N. J. FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1894. ARTISTIC DECORAT ONS 0„t ik« fj» ii lW Ffiiml ni Fair Which la B*nr « Or mm *• Ck«r«k. - «... Tasty levvltta# •*»*. Wlmmr the Indira of Grace M K C|,nrfb undertake t*» c*rrv out an idea i , v M *t their «Mt with all their lie* r* a and the result i* always very j.lromnl Tlua happy combination wa plainly allowu laat maht, when they be. can their f- «W*1 md *»l# lo the.r thuMi F.ror) one worked with the ••tlier and between then their visitor* were made to fool rery rnoeh at home. Much taste wa* ahowo In the decora- lion*. At the rlornl I»oth, where Mi'* Alice Carrol!, ablated by Miss Belle Uncrr, Mis- Alice Loom*. Mim Grace larroll and MIM Clnra Sielner walled upon rumrrooa coatomera, ihe denae inua of ererrrorn* thil g'eetud tlie e«e harmoniied nicely wlUi the beaml- ful rotor a of the flowed ao temptingly arranged At the lemonade atand, an- other art 'it k- bit of work waa seen io the shape of an old well, with ita moss covered stone*, around which teeny prottr leriia grew. Here Mrs. W H tirtt'n iteAMra If. F. Uandolph pre- sided I ' The dedotation* of the candr tabic were ol *|>otlee* white, and looked Tery preltv. Mra S.'Wincklcr, satiated by Mr* Arm Mutt, Mu* Dr Ip blue Yoehl, Mis* Msnraret Hcbook, Mm Aeries and Mm Grace Tir jj »•> had on y cuftto- tuer* and their dainties disappeared rapidly. The lanry tablet in chars* ol Mia II k Cal roll. Mrs I. A. Hum- mer. .Mrs Kara Loomis and Nr* J. C Gary. the cake table in charge ol Sir* .1 I.w-ger. Mrs Andrew l.ntkina. Mi* J. I Scbro ler and Mr*. J. W Kaucrsf<!ir. the strawberry department In charge of Mins Kotos Smalley. Mrs. K. Stem, Mr- Charles Force and MIm gent in rliante vi Mrs K A. Vertmule N is t Isra Hummer, ai d Mtsa -Edward ttabring Bad their good* temptingly •haplaycd and hod no lark of cnato- twr* Tne pretty vonug ladles -wno *** ted upon the "tables were Mis* Mabel Benny Visa Nellie Venueal*. M.m 1j/*u* lloagbiiid, Mia* Minnie Coin k. Mia Nellie Kroger, Ml** May «cm my and Mias Run Benner, were be- ••Hoingfy attired and their costumes b*rm<'(. /.—l nicely with their surround- »«'*• No programme ol maaic w*s presented last night, but there will be tonight and a large attendance ta looked It L-<k#d Plait U B«'h Parlies k«t Tae; Coaid nat sae it Alika.-Th« Jary 0a*« \** PlatattC vU t* Ulit. The rate of R. Clarkioo against i* e I’ln infield Cameos Club on contract mine up before Justice Naati and a jury yesterday afternoon. . 1 M |i!*iM ir» roiiuael was .1 P I’owcrs and ih->«e lor the ddcndaul W i ia a. f»' i .1 in aii and Hosuril mi liman It waieriulm for «r.*i rent for tbr rooais m :.’ip ,,jM olive building alleged t he due, but over which a diSorenc* < I opinion had arisen. Tti" defendants filed an offset claim- agreement entered into du.-mg the cur a fco i work, lo the origins dwft .'aril* laat oberofelub mcnibei* had gr. wti le* , I Ley waked Mr. I lark- son to reduce the rent, Iroin t-»9 a tent shii h they had engaged lo pay, io fii.it, and tnal atirh terra* hail been sgrml ii|-jn A paper waa produ<*d j urporing to be sacl. an agree The plaintiff in answer admitted that a pr j|k anion tor new terms had been la sue to ihe deienduuts that II tbwy Would pay the rent then due, and up io Nwriubvr 1.1£9) at the rwie o $Juu a year, they cotiWI bare the room* to May I, 1-94, toe end of the current year, at the r*;e of $160 a year, pro- v ideal they would lake a lease flora the i r late to Mi} 1 lstt. Hwdefcs- Iwu(s d.d not accept the provwkiua re- la-mg lo a Jeaac lor auolber year, and liguring at the «l"0 rate to May 1894, d< duel lug ST.’i pail on arcouot am: turning m tnr aky light at f 60 . laim. d to me but B*j Tne plainilfl claioco that sn.ee the proposition ol now term* had teen ar rep led by the defeudwbla only in that part reterring to the ductiou of rrut ( but dechulug tne pro- tirivo for a new lenae, that the pro[*o- •“•oo was not in effect and that Uie old terms obtained. The jury returned with a verdict for tor the plamtiO and allowed bltu Ibe akyligbu LATE NEWS. TO COKNECI NEW YORK AND NEW JER8EY [erBCUL TO TBB cot*RICH. J Wash inotok, June 8 —Tba bill eonoect New York and New Jersey by a bridge baa been signed by Ibe Pres! deal. DR. MEYER GOES TO SING SING [STBCIAL TO TUB COCKIER. ] New Y'orc, June 8.—Dr. Henry C. F. Meyer w»i sentenced by Recorder Smyth this morning to 8l.ig Sing Prison the real of his life for the poisoning Ludwig Brandt. He will be tRkeii there tomorrow. HOLT CROSS UrUTilXIUT. A Time Pragmas* Oi«*a t aildioc last Wight B*fcrs a tbs Pariah Urgs Aadl A plewtant entertainment waa gfren In the pariah building of Holy Cnwia Church last nlgbt. An enjoyable pro gramme was rendered coder the an ’( •cea of Holy Crow- Brotherhood Inch o'gnulmion * ad Ibe affair in charge. Ttie audl-nce wh'ch nnm lieml ab>AUt ZOO persona wa* thoroughly appreciative and often re- warded the performers with heany ap- ir The program me opened by a > duel by Mrs B. K Western and M tVewtcru Then f »llowe«l a entitled ‘’Tbe Stupid Servant" by tbe Speocwr brother* which waa all too lion.. Tbo tableaux rcpreacnllug the Children of tbc W*sl" tollowad Monday’s child la fair of face” waa represented by Mrs J. P. Mitjaalde waa aeeu seated in a "boudoir holding a mirror wherein waa reflected lovely I oat ore* Tuesday’a child Is full ol itroce" wssM-i Wm L. Saim- Im a* a <«rceK girl wub l«ml-»nnr In he perfect loo of graceful pose •Wednesdays chtlrt la toll ot woe" waa little Percy Weatern bolding a broken pitcher while a large white pig looked t him In apparent astonishment -Thursday’* child Vaa far to go” wa* Charles Western in tourist costnme hastily hailing a cab. "Prlday’a child I* good and giving" was represented by Mina Grace BAllow the generona lady, l*-*Ujwiog upon little Mary Hirlow, the beggar child, a piece of money. ".Sat- ay’a child must work Tor her living, , Mias Jeuule Havllaud in old r*sb- coatnma fptuoiog an old lima spin- Ding wheel Little I^ulae Meanders as "Sonday’a child, wiae, bonny, good ml gay" aud reproduced the freatise ere of * late irnae of St Nicholas ‘nen f.illowed "the tour aeasoDs” and number ol pretty iaiaceilao«oaa taO- -aoa, of which ibe ouo representing •Tbe Fates" a a* perhaps the boil 11— Maude James Chilton _ave a dtdigbirul recIlaDou, ami for enorea ‘The Goblin" and new versions of Man’s Lamb Hhe has de- filed talent and waa,warmly applanded ’ne closing number a farce entitled 'Sylvester l»aggerwo»d;** moderuiBed, Amertcanlted, paralyzed and olbvralse l.y ihe players, wa* a great saceeaa. Excellent plaao mu«.c was pr.ividetl hy Henry M Webster. ONE FAULT EASILY REMEDIED. There are two rpu.nl why aon.e people I’uu't m I ml ib«lr own bueiheH. One i, ihu they li.ten i .oy mod; uie •ether ta.l they b.vuo’t any bu.iaceL |TW.BIt..] The first fault is irreparable The second, a Courier want adv. will quickly remedy. Courier want ad's pay. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. The Am.ta.ru.ted Srxiety of tier- alneer. will bold meetlog tonight Children*. I lav ut the Seventh III Baptist Church will lie held tomorro —SI. Joseph'* Church will hold strawlierry festival in Sanger I lull,.lone 27 and 2M. A roo**Dg meeting waa held at Third Street Miaaioc. laat night led by E. Thompson. A flag aidewalk la being laid Fairvmw avenue in front of W. It’* properly. Mlantonomo Trll»e will have two adnplloBS and confer the bnnier'i give oo uli*et®rn red men It la fgpected UlM vround will be broken tomorrow on Pairview avenue for a new bouse lor Clarence Smith, of East Second street. —At the Council Are of Paagb Caegh Naugb Sinque Tribe Wednoad iy nigbl ..rie pale face was adorued with the customary lenlberw Asa Collier, of Park avenue. Ir lost received from a frsend in Florida, b. x of chameleon* which are on ei hibtUon io tbe window, changing their color* with the oaoal pecu iierity. Michael Welsh, of Weal Fourth strvet, bad one of bi* bTrace die yester- day morning as he waa about lo bitch Im up lor tne day’s work. The borae raa apparently In tbe beat ot *i Irlta nd there wa# oo apparent cause for bis sudden death. —The county meeting of the A.O.II. waa held mat uight at Nawark for tbe Initiation of member* to tb* varloua lo- cal divlaiooa County Chair mao Cnoey sod local president J P. Sheen an at tended from tbl* city. AH Ties. TlioOT who have aaed Dr.Klog'f N*w Discovery knows luvaloe, and Uioa* wbo have, uot, have oow the opportun- ity to try It free Call oo tbe adver- ted Druggiat and get a Trial Bottle, free. Saoa jroor name and addreae to H. E. Buck ten k Co., Chicago, aod gel a aampie box of Dr Ming’s New Life Pills Free, aa well as a copy of Gufoe to Ileanh and Horn ebold Inalructor, Proa. AH of whmli la guaranteed to do you good aod coat you nothing a* L. W. Bandolpb’a DrugMore II W**t Front NCUCH fOOO SPORT PR0W8ED List #f latrti* fkr tkv AtkcMtta tun otl Ik* rial a** 14 High toal Aikitlc Asm | etathaa THB LAST fUlOMtl RECITAL. The following aro tbe enlrtea for tbe athletic sports of the Plalnfleld High School Association to be held tomor- row afternoon on the Crescent Oval. <H»e handred yard daab, open, F. M Hcbroder, N. P. George Smith, V. II a, W. Abbott, L 8 ; Ralph Campbell, P. H- s , B L Serroii, p ' O. Whiting. P. II. 8;R E. Sebring, P. H. &: Y. Kittenhouae, P. H. a One thlr3 mile bicycle race, handi- cap, open. William McCntchen, L 25 yards; Voloey Green, P. H.a, acratch; George Smith, P II. a, 20 yard*; Oarl Whltebrad, TJncoln Reboot. Westfield, 10 yards; Jobn Omck, Liu coin Reboot, Weetflald, 5 yard*; J; Mcooey, Frtenda Heleci School, Rahway.10 yards; R. L Katoo, Plngry School, EfixabeO>. yards; J J. Mora, Piegry Rcbool, Elixaheth, 10 varda; fl. W. Moore, N. P., 24 yard* Whiling. P. II. 8 , *10 yards; J. NY. Kirkner, P. H. R, 10 yard*; A. Woltman, P. H. a, 10 yard#, E. Ser- roll, P H. ft, 10 vards; E Sebriog, P. II. a, 35 yards; Charles E Damoo, t.*ranf'*vd Rcbool, 14 \anls; W. I*bilipa, P. II. a, 22 yards; V. Ritteohouae, P. II A, 40 yards; G. Pike, P. O. a, 20 yard*. Running high jump, open, George lilb, P II- 8., Wealey Abbott, L. 8., Ralph Campbell. I* If. S., E Sebring. Kit ten boo.*-, |\ II. 8 One half mile bicycle race, scratch, closed. G* urge Smith, E HtrroSI, A. ••lUDann, J. Kirkucr, J C. WbHIf g, R K Sebrlag, V. Kiltaaliouee, W Philippe. 1‘utting twelve |rannd ahot. George tub, P H S Ralph t’ampheli, P. II E. Sehriug, P. II 8. V. IMten- hona*. r. II a C M Sm tb. I* If 8 lohn Whiting, 1’. 11. a Two Hurd mileblcyrle race acra'ch, o|H*n George .-»-i>i h. P. H. 8 J Uloch, Mooney, Friends' 8el*el Rcbool, Rahway, J liota. Ilajirv School, EUz#- •teth; E. t Serroii, P. H. a WoltmKnii, I* H 8.: J. Kirkner, H. 8 : John Whitin* P. II a; R. E Hehnoj, P II. 8.: I’haiiea K Da- . Ci an ford School; W. Pbllllp*, P. II 8. Htandlng broaljurop, closed George Smith, R Campbell. J. Kirkner, J Whiting, K. Sebring and V. Uitteo- bouae. tic bicycle race, scratch, George bmllb, E scrroll, A W Oil man ., J Kirkner. J Whfing, E Sabring and W l»billipa. »,.e-'hird mile run, closed. George Smith, R <Ian>|»bell. J Kirkner John Whiting. K V. Sebring, V. ttuteo house and II. Ifichardaoo. Two mile bicycle race, fiatuiicap. uiva W. MeCateben. L. S, 140 yards; Fred Fullerton, H. A . 200 yards; a C. Crane, r* P II 8, scratch; G. Smith, P. II. 8,10O yard*: Green, P. H. a, 10 yarda; J. Gluck, Linola, Weetdeld, 60 yard*; V. J. Mooney, Friends , Rahway, 74 yards; H L. Eaton, Pmgry'a, Eliza- beth, yards; H. W. Moore, N. P., Minis; J. O. Walling, P. 11.8,60 K W Kirkurr. P II. 8., 85 yard*; WoUmann, P II 8., 70; K J Ser- roii, I’ If 8 , To yard*; It. E Sebring, yanl*; VC. Pbllii;>a, P. II S al50;V KiUenhouae, P. B 8 . ”00, OarBeUl Pike, U S,. loayard* Referee Charles Angieman, N l*. Judge* J W Travell, P H A A ; F L C. Martin, P. B C.; E Teel. U. W Tlmera and Mc^aurore, W Rittenbouae, Steven’s Inatltute; J. Harvey l*oune, C. W.; It. steveua, C W. Clerk of Course, B Moore, P. II 8. A. A. Assist- ants.!: L Riley, P H 8. A. A ; H. Weils, P.- II. 8. A. A. Starter, Carl Pleader, P. H. 8. A. A. An- nouncer, Morton Pierson, P. H 8. A Official Hardlcappera, P L. C. Martin, P- B. C.; W. II. Rogers. C. Walla, T. H. 8 A. A. mmt Will tk* Vail, sad all win ka fllad u Hrarklm Acaia Pro feasor MacCIftoool gave his tenth organ recital laat nlgkt la the First Preabytanaa Churrb, assisted by r*ol a Beebe, 'cellist, ol New York, end the choir. By request be Introduced Ute programme with Bach's Toecats ia lo F. The first number, aa overture, "The (Hack Prophet, waa pUyed w tb much •pirtt bringing much applause. Tba familiar aereoaia by Moaaknwakl also well received. Hr. Beebe whojs pupil of Victor Herbert, rendered Goltermann’s M I«a Reve", accordingly. For _ Illusion” by Ileeauer. Tbe nexfwaa rnemee from Taouhauker by Professor MacClymocL The Oftli ewleciloo waa k part eoag for mixed voice# eotlUed -•April”, written by him for tbe occa- sion. Tne rendering of it did him Jaa- Uce aa the comxteer aod choirmaster aod was called for ajgalo. After an offertory In 0. Mr Beebe appeared again, reodertng tbe 'cello selection Pansy Amoreaox by Victor Herbert. It ta a new composition yet lo mauu- script but will be puNiehed aooo. Tne Mazurka by Pop{»er cam next, waa a deligbtfni iltUe piece which everyone liked and wda heartily en- i-ored. The choir then reodered Maiden with the Up* ao rosy," a pret- ty UUle pari aowg, and the programme iJrMStl wiili the Prteslta March, from Alitalia," by MebdelaaObD. It waa the laat of tbe aeries of recitals unul Fall when tbey will he resumed All a bo have attended tOem have be»rd tbe beat of music at Uie bands of an oxcolivbl oritanist who bad a grand uoMriil at bis command, and played bring oat all there was io it. He baa been a real bcnelactor, giving tbe public free wbal would have met tbe nearer* good prices eiaewbere, acd baa sucb .. | show will be foeaud oa tbe Hand k Me- Intyro lot, comer of Bwrckmaa etre*i Bav. Hr. Haaaar to M Call**. A meeting of tbe CooaiaUry of tbe German Reformed Cuurcb, on Craig place wa* held last Tuesday eveolng, which time It waa deckled to call a uPg of tbe congregation on Wed ueadsy. June *0, to decide upon a aoc »r W tbe Rev. Mr Ksorbll, aa paa'.or ol tbe ebureb Tbe keoiiment of tae member* ta in lavor of tbe Rev. Ifanaer, of Jersey City, aod U is uudervtood that he Will be called. —Two machinist! are working Warren engine replacing the mixes the bude r a inch were burned oat or dw- abled. The new ones will be copper in place of Iron. To# job ta expected io be done in two weeka § wanted. Two Urge rooms rth board (owe alcove), an Art Fifth street, b rainutra from defnt. ft I tsVJr. l.«»wc -m»<W bind and paMiy. m-icralc. A'klrra. P. (J. lk>* JSJ- P1AMO for sale. Family nonnr. Bea* liful 1‘ p»gkl Uran.1 l\«n... idaborate “Ut Us Creas 0v*r Ike R-ver an cblvalrt«i«taat friroda aw* tom l alik-. tbey PERSONALIA Fred Taylor, formerly ul Con»*U I ulveraity, Is home again. . Mr. and Mm. Ilrake, of Weetfleld, ere m tbe city last night attending he dob ride. Mias Adelaide Baxter, of Rich- mond street, baa returned from a vl*lt IP Grange county. George Dnntbee, of Newark, waa the guest last nlgbt of H. R. Thorn, of Urchard place. and Mia Abram Vaodeveoter, ol Philadelphia, have boon TtaUlBgroU- «n this city. Mr. William*, of West Phtstoo, Peon., ta nailing her slater Mr*. 1>. 8. Roberta, of North aveaoe. . William M Sand fold, of East Front street, has told a bowao and lot on Webster place to Mr. Catlm. . August'u A. Weston, of Brooklyn, reed borne yesterday, 'ter bta abort nan at tbe ArUugtob Hotel. Ida and Mamie Dember, of Somerset street, have been apeodiog * M-k with friends it North Branch. Mrs. Seymour, of Newark, former of this city, waa >he guoat yesterday ol Mrs John Ihinham, of NadMon ave- Rev. Dr Jocelyn Jobnaon, of New York, Will officiate at tbe services of Church of tbe Redeemer on Soo- The Rev Dr. A H. Lewis will occupy the pal pit of tbe Park Avenoe Baptist Church rfunday, both morning aod evening. Watson ue flour aod been eonfloed to bta room by iilneae, At tbe City HoleL J. C. Van Dyke, of East Front street, after a serloa* Illness ol several d*ya wlih neuralgia, ta able to be about he Loose again. . .Mr. Picked, of New York, wbo has been visiting bta brother-in-law H- F- William*, of West Front atroet, returned borne today. Tbe qnesOon of having a teacher for manual Usiblog for the Y. M. xi. A. Auxiliary will be brought up at me next meeting of the aaeocialioo. A. 0. Vail, of West Eighth street, baa received a patent for * device for abapiog fold* oo lloeu collar*, aodL.E Howard one for an electric arc lamp. Mr. aod Mrs Lion Edeall of West Front Sanford avenue whore they will live with Mr*. Edaall’a parent* nutU they build their boose on that street. .. William N. Runyon, W. G. Wright and Board mao Wright, of this city, graduated from the New York Lew School on Wednesday olgbL Tbe two Messrs Wright graduated cum lands. . .Mrs Elisabeth Cbapta, of Wee* front street, who has been apaodmg the past three months with her daughter Mrs. Moeria C. VanAr-deie of Greenwich, Coon, baa retareed sad elrcliK- lighr. reel woilr'.ir. clews «n», l-ah city "alct and pump. A^I'cm McMcr.mi.il. 8.« J.ckaoa Avc. j tail GRSES wanUd”tc . Trtavocth, WANTS AJTD OF7XJU- vatc family. iyj East Fifth S*. 61 LOST—A Gold Watch -1th initial* K. W. R., —ith gold hall aa* pearl pro Ol. Suitable reward K. W. R. 6 8 It f°; Hit LSIDE CESETEEY ASSOCtATIOK. Pi.ii.rnu., N. J.. Jwph. qg* site fret Chailca H. Hand, 317 Watcbuag uomrrt. Addrcaa, Scanastma, f 5R SALE—Horse a ad carriage. Ap- ply 1116 West Front SC C m ir F°* good' IR SALE—Doohle valro fore* rt force pomp . V.A., Coar 6 a 8t W A clam bcaul. SI S I’ark Arc. WAITER man wanted, while or colorod. iAmt 11 wderaland hit hudiwra* and deaigv and and anosually la« Drceoibc. *550 poc* $190. H l Market. N. J. 5 lo jwka rl.F.T Flats in ibe Thorn Uock. a improvement*, cor Somerset and Cral pUcc. Apply IO A lea. Tboro. ay Sonera* Wafer* oo why Polly ihooldut b»ve Cracker at these prices. New York Biscalt Co. (Holme# k Ooutta) l-lk bo Afternoon Tea* 22 Chocolate Wafer* 22 Vanilla Wafers 22 Ginger 22 Extra Cream Toast * tracker Meal 9 Huntley k Palmer* (huger Wafer*) bo Chocolate Lemon Raspberry Holmes k Couita Afternoon Tea* Banquets (sailed) Beni’* (water) Buffet Wafers Crack sell (Egg Biacort) . Coffee Cake (plain) (I«<l) Cornh'Ha (fancy) Chocolate Wafer* lfog Bmcalt, Sprat 1 a, 5-lh. Fig Newton. Fruit (daltana) Fruit (Iced, all colors).... Singer bnape xx extra Taney Graham Wafer* m 4c -lire cre.ro) IV Oyrteru « O-tme-J W-fere Orann >8« Pilot III »« Sm Fown Wafers 13< Mans tkala (HrlcckerboET) 8< Vanilla Wafers >•< Water Tl lo >*< Soolo|ical !' DEMABKST ft SOI lUOooda boegtit sod sotd tor Cash Money to Loan ! ar“ —I Sara two BtUe ^aadafeUdraa w»» are taatlilu this Hot sanaar waatbar aad are troablad wilt bowel coaiplalat I (Ira Uicn Ubamberialo-s Colic, Ael- erm aod Dlorrboaa Beared, aad Is aaU lisa s ebarre. I aanieatlj raooauMOd It for ebUdrea wllb bowel uoeblea. I waa njaalf lalaa with a aarara atloek Mia. W. L. Praaoow, Boo w^m. Bfajt- aaoOo, TW.B for Waal Pbarnrecj, Put sod Nortt r. a. w reju^rj STRAW BKRHV AND I Cl CREAM Festival WE DON’T U8EACID8 TO CLEAN WATCHES. W* dean them la tbe oM way nod aav* your watch F YOU HAVE 8MA8CI YOUR WATCH drirln, nalla, or leans. Il oo tbe rallrorul trees, brio. It Is sod hare II repaired while too wait Sped all j of repairing old broSaa nollos or aa, moa leal Inarnnoeola, aad elao French HucSa VAKEP8, Jnrrkr, lit Pirk Ave. Aa extract from tb* speech of M It wtll pay every wnmet at TMJK% bta good* era J (cam) COMMUTERS I "iBXsr^tsc: rnwr nvM ahd m RoraRT^uRLia r = ' H. Cltrtnw Hftdluy tarn wnn A > **# Waa*Oa.»,r.y piaHos R, eimv.M. K Hniss*. FOR 3 DAYS O , < (Ik thb Goods Hold O THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURD -AT- EDSAL Commercial Palace, Ba SEVEN HUNDRED FOLDING JAP Fancy Corded II and lee, regular 8 cent and 10-cent FANS for 2 e rat* 8^-Thta la all t be of them. O* sal* Friday and Saturday 1 ONE THOUSAND BRAUDE LIBRARY BOOK8 la popular utle# 10 aod 20r. books for 3 vjata Douhtlsaa tbe only rbauoe yon will hav theae popular liooka for S rent a Do nta Frtdny Ud Saturday only WARRANTED ALL-LI NEN 4-PLY GENTdf COLLARS > of tbe LATEST and MOST FASHIONABLE- 8TYLE8 at f cents. *UF*THEY CANN BE DUPLICATED ONE YARD WID^t.NBLEACUCD MUBUN Sella regular for 7 cent* a yard, .J.. .1 4c IC ONB YAUII WIOB BLEACHED MC Fine qnalily, sells In the regular way for 8 to 9 cento. 18 2 12 YARD WIDE FINE BLEACHED 8 finally aells for 25 rente LADIES’ HEMSTITCHED If ANDK KRaiUHFS In White nod Colored, nod extra fine goods that s*U every day ai 8ALE ONLY 3 6 c IC 18< aaala awDL'BINO ^^^C In tba Faablooabla Coloia Balia ratal ALL SILK FISH NET VEILING.. .1 Ilar at 11 oaou 1.. .1 r-DCRIMJ THE SALE GOES AT I 0HNT8 13c A SPLENDID LINE aad bean il fill FINE SATEENS tfeal bav# been aeiling right along for 26 rent*. W Sped*! a*Je price only 13 ouote $1 l£c THE VERY LATEST . lo L ADIEB- DUCK VESTS ot oolj $1.00. OW Worth more man doable tba price U bore II made. $1 $3.75 LADIES HUGE ETON BU1TB.,. . Elegant 01, lo Naay, Ton and Light Colon Tber ora rarf aweil, aod a otl Id I more than tba price wa a* for Uie making aloha 50« BOY8- DOCK BHIBT WAI8T. Large Bailor CoUor Tba lolatt thing ool L.. J. -. A Wblatlo .50 Best Ten Wire Tapestry Carpets, 80 cents. Mir-Made, Laid nod Lined Free of Charge. -* Also Good Tapestry Carpet 09 cents. 81^ Made, Laid nod Lined Free of Oban*. Lave and Chenille Curtains, POLES, WINDOW SHADES. ^ VERY LOW Don’t Fail to Visit Our Bie Basement, Ladaaaf Aid Becaat, In toe GRACE M. # CHAPEL, Ttanfer u4 Fridoj Bmlasb. Jana Tib aod tlk TICIEII OP ADMBfflON M CENTS In Dinner, Tea and , Toilet Wa ora abowtag all the oewaat atjtaa lo Miopaa aad dacoraUoaa, at prtcaa lo KM op. ire_TOILBT 8BTB. Bi ll op. TBA ABN, SS.IS M. AM aaiBdbrilnw. w t Ita Praoib Cbreb for daeoreiloE. Wt leap a fail boa ac rar Seta asp-i I0U OAN SAVE MONET BT ATTENDINO THIS GHEAT SPECIAL EDSALL’S, BABCOCK BUILDIN®.

FOR 3 DAYS · VOL--IH NO. 188 PLAINF1ELD. N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTO. ARTISTIC DECORATONS «• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which!• Bmt K(M la Stu* IT

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Page 1: FOR 3 DAYS · VOL--IH NO. 188 PLAINF1ELD. N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTO. ARTISTIC DECORATONS «• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which!• Bmt K(M la Stu* IT



«• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which

!• B m t K(M la S t u * IT. X. Church.

- B.mj IkCtf HoTdtiti OB Bile.

WbeWTW ihe M i e s of Or a w M E .(Dinreb nmlertake t<> carry out an Men

hearts anil the result is alwayslUrssan!. This Iwppy combination wasplainly shown last nlsbt , when Ibey be.•ran [heir fraltv.il and Bale In the.rand sale ID inetr

I «,•!„/•] niili the

i.ilieraii.l Ivetwefu them their vi-itor*were made 10 feel very min-h al tn>mc.Much taste wo> shown In tbe decora-lion! At Ihe Uoral b jo th , where Mi-«

Alice Carroll, awlsted by Miss Belle1 iMi.-cr Miss .Alice Loomis, Miss Grai-e

. UarralUadMlwOlart. BuAwr waitednnon numerous ennlomera, the densemaas of evergreens tb»l g-eeied fheeye harmonized nicely with tbe b e a m i -

(nl colors of the flowers s o temptingly

arranged. Al (lie lemonade stand, an-i • IT ,ir s'i tilt of work was seen Intbe shape of an old wall, with its motscorereil stones, srnnnd wbicli many

nrt-uy fenis ere*. Here Mrs. W. HUrilfiinwiMrs B . K. Randolph pre-sided. I >

Tbe deoOtationa of the candv table

were ol spotless white, and looked veryiirettv. Mrs. S."Winckler,' assisted byi lrs *.\fin .Must, Miss Ot-lplitoe Vochl ,

Miss Usrgsrei PcbDek, Mbs A enes amiMissOrooe T i o g l e j had UJH y cus io-

mera and tlitlr ij a in ties disappearedrapidly. Tim fancy tallies In charjie or

Mis. il K 1'ntroll, Mrs. L A . Hum-mer, Mr*. K/.ru Loomis an.l Mrs. .1. C

Uary, tin- cuke table in cbarge ol Mr*.J S. Lunger, Mrs Ani irew Lmktim,

Mia J . P. Scbr-i ler and Mrs. J . W

Jiauersai lis, Ihe Mraw!,;erry departmentI11 charge ul Miss E m m Smallcy. Mrs.E. silent, Mrs. Charles Force and Miss

Van Cleat umi the ice cream depart-

ment in Hiarue.o! Mrs K A. Vermmle.xi sa 1 bra Hummer, ar.d Miss •Edward

r-ebriin: hail their gunds tempi UIEIVilisplar.Tl uti'l hull no lack uf enslo-nitrj ' TLe |.rei

tCe ablesMthel Benny. Miss Nellie Yermeule,SliM l.uzie Hoagisucl, Mis* Minnielinlicls. Sli^s Nyllie Kreeer , Miss M»y1 unroy snil Miss Ella Banner, were he~-romiagh attired ami their costumesUtrmoBized nicely wiili tliHr surronnii-mga No programme ul mnsic WUHpnsented last bight, but lucre will betonight aiid a large at tendance is looked

It Linked Plain to Boih Partiti but Tatj

Could nol •*« it Aliki. — Tn« Jury flat*

toe Plaintiff ill b< Asked.

Tliecmeof W. ft. Clurkson acalnst

came on hefore Jnatico N»sb and a jury

Tlie [^uimitrs i-uutisel was J . P.ers aod ilio«B 'or

^ lLhui i ill [naa claim fur 8125 rent for Hie

rooms in :Jie JJJBI office building a l l i e dI J be due, lint over wliidi a difference

• i l ornuinn hail arisen.

TUB ilffeuilnn'.s filed ati offset claim-

in^ s redneiloji m rent under a ue»

f i n year, ami claiming pay tor tt skyii/'il winch Hie fltili IIH'I plai'tii ni tlii-r.»jl for use In ila work, lo Hit origins'

'Ihe defendant! ul'ege.1 Hint lastjt-ai ulien the iiumln-r of club membeiMliu.l j(r..WL lea-, they aaktJ Mr. tUtk-

Bun ia" reduce the rent, from *2W) ay-nr »Uiih they liutl engaged lo pay,i<> SlGD,and Itml BOCb ttrms had been• greeil u|»on. A paper was produutd

I iirpur'itig to be aucli ati agree-

• ilainiifTit admitted that

would pay Hie rent Iheo due, and u[in November i , inu : )a t ihe rute o- fttoib \e.ir, ih*?y OEIUIII have th*May 1, 1891, (tie end ofyear, at ihe i . i e of « i e o a .tided they would Uke 11 lease from thela l l sr date W May 1 l » 9 j . The defen-

; (iai1U1l.1l not accepi tlju provisions r«-

luiiDf; to a leant !<>r another year , and

Ii4unnj; at the Sl>-U rale to May 1894,

turning in Hie tty light a l ? 6 0 claitnul

to m e but S45. I ..•• plaintiff claimedthat wnte ihe propOSUOB ol new termihuil been accepted by Ibe defeudantionly in ibM f a n referring to ihe redilution ul rent, but declining ihe p mflaloa lor a new lense, thai t h e propo-

aiiiuii wag not in • ;> • • and ll iat the

old terms ' ,buioed.

The jury returned with a verdict for• • : • : • • 1 ••':< -:,...u\:[] ,md allowed him


Tliere wby 1people i 'mt mind tbelr own business.One i- tLat they liaven't any mind; theuther mat they haven't any bull[Till-Bits.]

The first fault is irreparableThe second, a Courier

want adv. wj|] quicklyremedy. Comic

want ad's pay.



A8nrsGTOK, Jane S —Tb* bill toconnect New York and New Jersey bya bridge baa been signed by tbe Prestdent. '



NEW YORK, June 8.—Dr. Henry C.'. Meyer was sentenced by Recordermyth this morning lo SI,»g Sing Prisonir tbe reit of bis lire for the poisonliI Ludwig Brandt. He will be takhere tomorrow.


1 T « la th* Pirnh

g Lut Klgbt Btfer* » Ltree Audi

.he p«rlsh bnlidlnir, of llol';hurch last night An enjoyable pro-

r ram me was rendered under tbe supices of Holy Cross Brotherhood•Incii ofpaiilzfilion 'ad the affair in

arge. The nudt-nce wh^h camred about 2.0U persona •,, ,1-orongiily spprecialive and often re-

warded ihe performers with hearty ap-se. The programme opened by s0 duel i)> Mrs. B. B "Wcrtcrn »IH1M. Western. Then I" 'Moved a

arce entitled '-The Stupid -Servant" bjSpencer brothers whu'h was all looft. TIIB tableaux rcpreaenliuit !he

'(JhiiiJren Of the Week" followed.Monday's child Is fair of face" WBB^presented by M n J. P, Ma^naide

who was seen seated :n a "boudoir 'i d l i n g a mirror wherein was reflectedBT lovely liiaturea. • Tueiiil<t>Ts child

s full of grace'' wasM'S Wm. L. Saun-

IP periectlon of gracelal p e n\V«flne«lay's child Is fall uf woe" wasIlle Percy "Western holding a bros«nitcher while a large unite pig lookedt him In apparent, astoniahraeni

nrsday'i child bas far lo go" wasles Western in tourist costume

__.ily hailing s. cab. "Friday's child

a good and eivtng" was represented byliss Grace Barlow tb» generous lady,(•glowing apon little Mary Uirlow, tbe1'gea.T child, A piece of money. ".Sst-rilav's cliilii must work for her UBIIIB,

was Miss Jeuule HHviUnd in old faab-m costume eplunlng an old lime spln-mg wbeel. I'ittle Louise Saandcr*as "Sunday's child, wise, boony. good

ay'* and reproduced the Frontlae-uf a late i « a e of St. Nicholas,

fallowed "the lour seasons" and• her Ol'jireuy miscellaneous tab-, o r whic-h ihe one representing

>T!ie Kales" »fti perhaps the U>flL[jss Maude Jmiies ClHItonave B ileliebllul recitation,mi for encores 'The Goblin" and newerslons ef toary'e Lamh." ,Kbe has de-(led talent and waa.wnrmly applaudedlie closing number a farce entitled

'•Sylvester l)aggerwo>d;" modernized,Americanifceil, paraljzeiland otlieraiae

lenry M Wetaier.

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS.TII-J AmaljEamaleil Societj of En-

neerd will bold a meeting tonlgbt- -ChiMren'M [»av at the Seventh Day

i Qb » l '< eld t—Si. Joseph's Chim-h will holil I

trawlierry festival in Singer r!all,.laii>" and B8.

A rousing mcsetlng was held m thiThird Street Mission last nigfit led by). E. Thompson.

— A flag Bidewalk is being luiil oniirview avenue m front of W. 0uih 's property.— Mlanionomo Tribe will have lw<

adopiions and confer the burner's denineteen red men.

s expected that eronnd will betomorrow on. Pairvlew aven

_ j w honse for Clarence rimith.East Secood stret-L

—At the Council fire ol Paugb Caaeh.Naugb Siuque Tribe Wednead iy uigb

,e pale (ace was adorned with tb<aiuDiary leathers.

Asa Collier, of I'ari avenne. h-usi received from a friend in Florida,aox of chameleons which are on ex-.!,'•:• la the window, changinglelr colors with tbe nsu«l r

—Michael Welsh, of West F<Lrtet, had one ol bis hones di« yt».. .ay morning as he was eboot to bitch

,.lm up lor tne day's work. The Iwas apparently In tha best 01 s,

nd there was no apparent c*u»e lors snadeD death.

Tlie county meeting of the A.O.Hwas held last night at: Newark for tb

tiation Of members to the various kcai divisions. County Chairman Caseand local President J. F. gheenan altended from this city.

AHPTM.''tlioav-wtao ha*e used Dr-Klng1* NewDiscovery knows Its value, and those

' have, not, have now tbe opporionIty lo try It free. Call on the adverUsed DraggM and get a Trial Bottlefree Bend your name and address to" k. Bucklen k Co., Chicago, and ge1 sample box of Dr. King's New LifePills Free, as well as a copy of Qnlde to•Iea<thaml HoutehoUl Instructor, FreeAll of which la gnaranwed to do yongood and cost you nothing at L. WRandolpb's Drngatore 21 War. Fron



LUt of l i t r i n for tb. JLthtl.tlc O u t *

th# PSsiaflcld Hl(b Ithovl Alkliie A>K


Tbe following are the entries for theathletic sports of the Plalndeld HighSchool Asaoclatlon to be held loraorrow afternoon on ihe Crescent Oval

nnndred yard dash, open, F . MSchroder, N. P . George Smith, -P. H.a , W. Abbott, I.. 8.; Ralph Campbell,P. It. S , B- I. Serrell, P. H. a ; J.C. Whiting, P. B . S.; R. E. Sebrlng,P. II a ; V. Riitenhouse, P. H. 8.

One ihlffl mile bicycle race, bandicap, open. William McCulcben, L. S.

Is; Volney Green, P . H . aGeorge Smith, P. II. 8., 20

yard*; Carl Wbllebead, Lincoln School,—estfleld, 10 yards; John G!nck, Lincoin School, WeBlfleld, 5 yards;W. J ; Mconey, Friends SelectSchool, Ranwa>vlO yards; R. L Eaton,Plngry School, EltzabeU, U yards; JJ. Mora, Pingry School, Elisabetn, ifyards; H. W. Moore, N. P., 25 yards;J. C. Whiting, P. II. 3,-10 yards; J.W, Kirkner, P. H. S., 10 yards; A.Woliras.11, P. H. S., 10 yard*, E. Ser-rell, P. H. a , 10 vardt;K Sebring, P.1. H, SS yitrds; Charles E* Damon,

Cranford School, 15 yards; W. Philips,P. H S., 22 yards; V. Rittenbonse, P

40 yards; G. Pike, P. G. S., 20

ning high Jnmp, open, GeorgeSmitb, P- H. S., Wesley Abbott, L. S.,

ph Campbeir, P. H. S., E. Sebring.M- K, V. Biit^nhoiiN", (>.

ne half mile biiycle race, scratt-h,ed, (J<-orRe Smith, E Serreil, A.Itmann, J. Kirtuer, J C. Whitu g,

li. K Sebring, V. Ritleiiiniuse, \V-hilipps.

Pul l ing twelve |>ound shot, Gporjre

inuii. I1 H. S Ralph Campbell, I'. H.

E S e h n n g , P II S. V. Ritten-

us- . P. H S. C M Sm th, I' II Sohn Whiting, P. II. S.

urd mile bicycle race wra'.ch,irae 03)1 h, P. H. S J Ulnc-k,

.'iocoln, WtrtlB-W: W. J. Mooney,nils' Selxrl Scbottl, Kahway; J

Mora, I'inprv School , EliZn-

letti; E. T. derrel l , F. H. H.

Woltmann, P. H 3 . ; J. Kirkner,H. S ;'Jo.1n Whitin", P . H. S. ; l i .

. SebriBrf, P. H. S.; Charles E Da-IOD, Cranford School; W. Phillips, I*.

H S.

Standing brondjurop, d o s o d . George

nith It Campbell, J. .Kirkner, Jbiting, K. Sebring s a d \ ' . Bitten-

1 use.

DOB mile bicycle rape, scratch,losed. (iBfirjre Smith, E. Strrel l , A.

j , J. Kirknpr, J . Wbi'.lng, E.-.ebrlng and W Phillip*.

Oi.e-ihlrd mile run, closed. George

,niilh, R- Campbell. J. Kirkner JohnJVhiiiitg. B E. Hftbrlne, v . Knten-

ionse and I I . Richardson.

Two mile bicycle race, handicap,inen W. McOolcben, L. S , 150ar<ls; Fred Fullerton, H. A . , 200ards; S. C. Crane, ex P. II. S ,

BCTftlcbj G. Smith, P. H. S. . 100 yards;

V. F. Green, P. II. S., 30 yards; J.

a l a c k , Lincoln, WeslUeltl, 60 yards;

W J Mouuey, Friends', Kdhway, 75

•ilsj B. L . Eaton, P m g r i ' s , Eliza-

b , 8 3 yards; H. W\ Moore, N. P . ,

1 yttrtls; -'. Q Woiling, P. H. S , 60K W . Kirkurr. F-. II. S , 8S yards;

A Woltmann, p. II H., TD; K. J. rter-rell, I' II. S , 7U yards; It. E. S p r i n g ,

" II S., 200 yards; W. Phillips, P.

S ^ 150; V. Kit teohouse , P. H S ,

i); O»rllekl 1'ike, I' U S,. IOO yard*.

Referee. Cbarlea Anglemun, N.y U. Judge*. .1. W. Travell, P. H.S A. A ; F. L. C. Martin, P. B. C ;

; E. Teel , C. W . 'rimers ami

rtcsurers, W. Rittenuouse, Steven'sns l l lu tc ; J. Hervey Doane, C. W . ;

! S lovens , C. W. Clerk of Course,

C |(. Moore, P. H . S. A . A. Asstst-

THE LA3I r u t 0HB1K XI

Pro/Msar HacClyaMt Will l u n i UsBertM BVWCTCT ia th» UU, »d ill will b*Gl»d to Bear UM 1 1 1 !Professor MacClyttiont gave bis tantfa

organ reciUI last night In the FirstPresbyterian Cbarcb, assisted b j FaaO. Beebe, 'cellist, of New Tort, MM.he choir. By reqaest be introduce!Me programme with Bach's Toccats.n F. - .

The first number, an overture, "TheBlack Prophet, was played w th muchspirit bringing, much ' applanse. The'amiliar serenataXby Moukowakl wiIso well received. Mr. Beebe wno_I pupil of Victor Herbert, renderedioherroann's "I,a Tteve", in a moclredilable manner and was appreciated

accordingly. For an encore be ga*e'Illnalon" by Ressner. Tbe next was'bemes from Tannhanter by ProfessorlacClymoaL Tbe ti(Ui selection waspart song for mixed'voices entitled

•April", written by him For the occa-ion. The rendering of it did him Jus-

tice as the com >oser and choirmasternd was called for again. After anBertory in G. Mr. Beebe appearedgain, rendering tbe 'cello selection'anay Amoreaux by Victor Herbert.

is anew composition yet In mnuu-ript but wltl be poblisUed soon.The Mainrta by Popper came next.was a delightful little piece which

veryone liked and was beanlly en-ored. Tbe choir then renderedMaiden with the lips so rosy," a pret-

y linle part song, and the programmel'i*e.) »Uh Ihe I'nesl'u March, fromAlhalia," by Meiidelssqhn.It WHS the lasl of Ihe series of recitals

mil Piiil when they will! he returned.II wbo bave attended them have be»rdle best ol muaii: at U|e hands of aniceileut oritauiat wbo bad a grandlatrumeut at his command, aud playedto bring out all there was in 11. He

M been a real benelactor, giving theuMic free what would bave cost tbe

irs good prices elsewhere, acd has1 the standard of music lor such

Carl Plender, P. H. S. A. A. An-nouncer, Morton Plerson, P. H. S. A.A Official Handlcappera, F . I.. C.

ftrun, P. B. C ; W. H. Rogers, C..; II. C. Wells, P. H. 8. A. A.immittee of Arrangements, K. Camp-ill, Chalrmas; H. C. Welis, C. L.

Riley.W. F. Cornwall, F.W. Goddard,W E. Probasco and A. B. Crane.

KIT. Mr. B H H I t» b* Callad.A meeting of the Conststery of the

German Bufot meil Cbnrch, on Craigplace was held last Tuesday evening, atwhich time 11 was decided to call ameeting of tbe congregation on Wed-

*y, June 20, to decide upon a sue.___« Wthe Rev. Mr. Keochli, aspastor ol ibe chnrch Ttie sentiment of

members Is in lavor of the Uev.„ . . lluntf-r, of Jersey City, and It isunderstood mat be will be called.

—Two machinists are working oniirrtu engine replacing the tubes in^ Ixxjtr Hmcb were burned out or dis

abled. T»e new ones will be coppeiIn place of Iron. Tne Job Is expecte*to be done In two weeks.

••Lai V* C n u Ortr tke E•,-« in the ahsde o

cp«te the dyine brro, (tlio»pPooe(Klon»

—On Friday, Jnna 23, Wubbumdrens will exhibit In PUlnfleM. Tbshow will be located on tha Hand k MeIntyre lot, corner or Berckman sir*-and South avenoe.

OOAKDEKS vuited. Two Urge coonP to let wilh board (one alco*e). ou t Fifth street, 6 minutei from depot, ri

rlleot taM«t hcJrne-made bread and paslrj

inu moderate. Address P. O. Box j:. . ! .

S3' ••


PERSONALIA. Fred Taylor, formerly ol Cornelliiver.-n\, Is hume again...Mr. ami Mrs. Drake, of WestCeld,

ere in tbe city last night attendingbe club ride.

..Miss Adelaide Baxter, of Ricb-9nd street, has returned from a visitOrange county...George Dnnsbee, of Newark, was

e guest last night of U. R. Thorn, ofOrchard place.

. .Mr. and Mia. Abram Vandeventer,Philadelphia, have been visiting rala-

..Mrs. Williams, of West Piustoo,•tin., is visiting her sister Mrs. li. S.

Roberts, of North avenue..William M. Sandfoid, of East Fronttet, Nijs sold a bowse and lot onbsier place to Mr. Cailn..August'n A. Weston, of Brooklyn,

returned home yesterday, a l e r bisbort visit at tbe Arlington Hotel.

..Misses Ida and Mamie Dem her, ofimerset street, bave been spending aeek with friends at Nona Branch.

Irs. Seymour, of Newark, former-

P IANO far sale. Kimilr moving. Bemu-

' t ifut Cpright Onnd Piano, eliborate-cjivp.l »nd engravtii, UlMI dnigO : '

jprovementi. Large die and UDUSU>F. COM last December *5so; price » l .

il»n, addreii Monroe, Dailymther pcniei

Courier office.

. Kev. Dr. Jocelyn Johnjson, of Newurk, will officiate at tb* services ofe Chnrcb of Ibe Redeemer on Sun»J. .The Rev. Dr. A H: Lewis wi!cupy tbe pulpit of tbe Park A vena

teptist Church dnnday, both morniujid evenieg.. .Watson J. Tunison, the Watchnti^en ne Boar and feed, merchant b*

een confined 10 bis room by illness, atbe City HoteL

. . J . C. Van Dyke, of Esst Fronttreet, after a serious Illness of severalH)B with neuralgia, is able tn t>e aboutlie bouse again.

.. Mr. Plckell, of New IVork, wboas been visiting bis brother-in-lawI. F. Williams, of Weat Front street,

returned home today.. .The question of having a teacherr manual training for the ¥ . M. 0.

A- Auxiliary will be brought up at tnenext meeting of the associalioi

.. A. C. Vail, of West Eighth street,...9 received a patent for a device forhaplng folds on linen collars, aiidL.E

Howard one Tor an electric arc lamp.Mr. and Mrs. Linn Edstll of Westt street will remove tomorrow

Banlord arenue wb«re they will lirewith Mrs. Edsall's parents until theybuild tbeir bouse on that street.

. .William N. K any on, W. G. Wright


LOST—A Gold Watch whh inilUI* KW. k., with n l d lull and pear! pen

cil, SniUble r e n r d . K. W. R. '

T^OR SALE—A huHbomc heifer e l f

C rrgiiternl Jener Mock, price very reaw l J f . W. P. Smith, NetBcrwood. 6 8 a

LOTS for isle on Netberwood at .Soii3< feet price #115; m i l be Kill

H once. Charles II. H«id, 317 Watchung


~ trier «Se«.

HAVE roor fby A. M.

t SALE—Douhle v»!ve fnrce pom

n good condition. W. V. A.. CourC 6 1 Si

ANTED — A small safe.

man wanted, while or col

underVand his businea andiTi-.mi :i !«!. Apply at No 144



EDSALL'SCommercial Palace, ltabcock Ituilding'.

house, all ncHlcrn impruvemeniv i

rletliu lif-hr. rent mwlrrair, elevits, 1-otfi ciry water and pump. A«ldr«

H".ORSES wantt.t to paiture. Apply lo

S. R. Titswoith, r.O- Box 45. NewMarket, N. J. S l o 3 *


J. improTcmcntt, cur Sumerset and Cral•lace. A p p I j t o A l e t Thorn, 37 S o n i e ™

No reuoD why Polly sbouldnt h

Crackerat these prices.

•Jew York Biscuit Co.(Holmes 4 CoutU.)flemoon Teasbocolate Wafersanilla Wafers

Ginger "Extra Cream Toast

•acker Mealnnlley k Palmer*(Sugar Wafers)

1-lb. box22c22c22c

hocolaly WafersRaspberryHolmes & Contu per IbAfternoon Teas 16cBanquets (salted) - - 13eBent's (water) 19cBnffet Wafers 17_

wcknell (Egg Biscuit) 17c(Tee Cake (plain) 9c• " (iced) 10c

Coroh'lls (fancy) 9cChocolate Wafers 17c)og Biscuit, Spratt'a, S-lb. bx, each 39c

Fig Newton 16cFruit (Sultana) !*<=Fruit (Iced, all colors)

inger Snaps x x•• " extra fancy

Graham Wafers i l lHoney Bar (ked 1Milk Biscuit (Royal)

" " (extra cream)Oyster 1 1Oatmeal Wafers

ihge Slice*Pilot x x xSea Foam WafersSoda x x xSoda (HrinckerbofTjVanilla WafersWater ThinZoological , 14c

DEMAHEST 4S0HAll Ooodi bought and sold for Cash.

School on Wednesdsy nlRht. The t*oM M . Wright graduated com laa<]e.

..Mrs. Elizabeth Cbapln, of Westfront street, wbo has been spendingtne p u t three mouibs with berdauKbter Mrs. Jlorris C. VanAr-daleof Greenwleb, Conn, b u retontcd


. nave two UtUe grandchlWresi wh»are teething toll Dot summer weather

- « troubled wltb bowel eomplalot._._ them Chamberlain's Colic, Choi-

e n and Diarrhoea Remedy aod it actslike •> charm. I earnestlyIt tor children with Ixiwel

e Wttbin twentyroar boaout of bed and doing my DOOM work.Mas. W. L. DraAQON,Boo-aqaa, Hlck-roan Co,, Tonn. For sale al Reynold'spbarmacy, Park and North arenrM,


FestivalUnder tha aL« d ws' Aid Soci ety la Ih eGRACE M. X. C H A n L ,

Tlmrs'Uy u i Friday KtriiDgs,Jnne 7th and 8 Ln.



I r for t i n s



We clean them ID tbe olil way and saveyour watch

IF YOU HAVE SMASHED YOUR WATCHdriving nails, or leaving it on the

railroad track, bring It In and bare Itrepaired while yon wait Specialty ofepalrlng old broken violins or any mns-cal Inttmments, and also French clocksVAN'EPS. Jnrrler, 119 Park Are.

An extract from th* speech of




tiipaiiilnsl.c. . ,

"It wlU pay every woman U> trad*at PECK'S, bis c<wd« are i M MMr constituents all trade

H. Clarence Hadleyo.Kl.T.)

I yEVEN HUNDBED FOLDING JAP9 C p>ncy Corded Handle*, regular 8 cent and la-cent FANS for 2 cI he of them. On sale Friday snd Saturday

ONE THOUSAND 8R V8IDE LIBRARYia popnlar titles. 10 and 30c. books for 3 urns, DountlMi tbe o

these popular hooka for 3 rents. Un tale Friday



ONE YARDGood quality. Sells regular for 7 cents a yard.

" ONE TABD WIDE BLEACHED MU• C *'">« qosllty, sells In tbe regular way for 8 to 9 cents.f DURING

18< 2 12 TABD WIDE FINE BLEACHED iUsually sells for 25 cents


I LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKEBXh C In While and Colored, and extra Hue goods that sell every day aI SALE ONLI 3 CENTS. . . .

ALL BILE PISH NOT VEILINC . . . : . . ; . fin the Fashionable Colors Sells regnlar at 15 cents C"^C


BOOKS [ . . . .Iy cbaooe yon will have to buyd Hatunlay only -.







*W-DURINQ_ r ^ ( (


Of new and beautiful FINE SATEENS that hare been telling right along for 2s«-8p«iaJMfc' t ir teeoii lyi3eent«

THE VEBT LATEST i.: L.,\Thing oat in L A.DIE4' DUCK TESTS at only $1.00. Kir-worth »orc than dooble tha price

U> have It DMdft. L.J


Elegant lit, in Navy, Ta.n and Light Colors. They a n rery swell, and would cost'1

more than the price we ask for Uie making alone

50 BOYS' DUCK 8BIBT WAIST. . . ..\..© Large Bailor Collar. Tbe latest thing out. J.,

; A. Wblatle In each pocket.

Best Ten Wire Tapestry Carpets,

8O cents.0-Made, Laid and Lined Free of Charge.-**

Also Good Tapestry Carpet sat

619 cents.:

Msr-Mad*, Laid and Lined Free of Charge. * « t

Lave and Chenille Curtains, IPOLES, WINDOW SHADES. 7 C VERY LOW PRICES

Don't Fail to Visit Our Big Basement,Where you will Bod almost everything In tbe H u w Famishing Lln«. We keep increasing our iloek daily wtth aU th«latest novelties to make bouie a comfort. I W L A W N MOWERS-We keep lh« b*K make at S3.39 np. *»*riND<5WS C R E E h l NTJAPANESE PORCH SCREENS 9 i llatest novelties to make boui W RS ep lh« *K make at 3.39 np. * » r i N D <SCREENS-Patent extension—another lot at 25c np, NT-JAPANESE PORCH SCREENS at 59c, 89c. aftd t i l l .tm~WATEB COOLERa, best BtakM, with faoeeu, at 94c up. KsT-IOE CREAM,FBEEZKBS—TM Ugntnlag U bi»*lat t l . 9 7 up. jtkT-REFRIGERATOS—all BISM la stock, In bard or ion wood


In Dinner, Tea and Toilet SetsWe are showina: ail the newest styles la sbspes aod decoraUoaa, at pnees to salt tha times. *•»-]$6.98 np. •ph.TOILET 8BTB, «1.9J up. TEA iXTS, »3.98 •#. All perfect mods t J

WhlM French China tor decorating. Wa keep a full hue at Tar] low prlowv



fbe fUainfielft Qouiut.


0„t ik« fj» ii lW Ffiiml ni Fair Which la B*nr «■ Or mm ■ *• Ck«r«k. - «... Tasty levvltta# •*»*. Wlmmr the Indira of Grace M K C|,nrfb undertake t*» c*rrv out an idea i , v M *t their «Mt with all their lie* r* a and the result i* always very j.lromnl Tlua happy combination wa plainly allowu laat maht, when they be. can their f- «W*1 md *»l# lo the.r thuMi F.ror) one worked with the ••tlier and between then their visitor* were made to fool rery rnoeh at home. Much taste wa* ahowo In the decora- lion*. At the rlornl I»oth, where Mi'* Alice Carrol!, ablated by Miss Belle Uncrr, Mis- Alice Loom*. Mim Grace larroll and MIM Clnra Sielner walled upon rumrrooa coatomera, ihe denae inua of ererrrorn* thil g'eetud tlie e«e harmoniied nicely wlUi the beaml- ful rotor a of the flowed ao temptingly arranged At the lemonade atand, an- other art 'it k- bit of work waa seen io the shape of an old well, with ita moss covered stone*, around which teeny prottr leriia grew. Here Mrs. W H tirtt'n iteAMra If. F. Uandolph pre- sided I ' The dedotation* of the candr tabic were ol *|>otlee* white, and looked Tery preltv. Mra S.'Wincklcr, satiated by Mr* Arm Mutt, Mu* Dr Ip blue Yoehl, Mis* Msnraret Hcbook, Mm Aeries and Mm Grace Tir jj »•> had on y cuftto- tuer* and their dainties disappeared rapidly. The lanry tablet in chars* ol Mia II k Cal roll. Mrs I. A. Hum- mer. .Mrs Kara Loomis and Nr* J. C Gary. the cake table in charge ol Sir* .1 I.w-ger. Mrs Andrew l.ntkina. Mi* J. I Scbro ler and Mr*. J. W Kaucrsf<!ir. the strawberry department In charge of Mins Kotos Smalley. Mrs. K. Stem, Mr- Charles Force and MIm

gent in rliante vi Mrs K A. Vertmule N is t Isra Hummer, ai d Mtsa -Edward ttabring Bad their good* temptingly •haplaycd and hod no lark of cnato- twr* Tne pretty vonug ladles -wno *** ted upon the "tables were Mis* Mabel Benny Visa Nellie Venueal*. M.m 1j/*u* lloagbiiid, Mia* Minnie Coin k. Mia Nellie Kroger, Ml** May «cm my and Mias Run Benner, were be- ••Hoingfy attired and their costumes b*rm<'(. /.—l nicely with their surround- »«'*• No programme ol maaic w*s presented last night, but there will be tonight and a large attendance ta looked

It L-<k#d Plait U B«'h Parlies k«t Tae; Coaid nat sae it Alika.-Th« Jary 0a*« \** PlatattC vU t* Ulit. The rate of R. Clarkioo against i* e I’ln infield Cameos Club on contract mine up before Justice Naati and a jury yesterday afternoon. . 1 M |i!*iM ir» roiiuael was .1 P I’owcrs and ih->«e lor the ddcndaul W • i ia a. f»' i .1 in aii and Hosuril mi liman It waieriulm for «r.*i rent for tbr rooais m :.’ip ,,jM olive building alleged t • he due, but over which a diSorenc* < I opinion had arisen. Tti" defendants filed an offset claim-

agreement entered into du.-mg the cur

a fco i work, lo the origins dwft .'aril* laat oberofelub mcnibei* had gr. wti le* , I Ley waked Mr. I lark- son to reduce the rent, Iroin t-»9 a tent shii h they had engaged lo pay, io fii.it, and tnal atirh terra* hail been sgrml ii|-jn A paper waa produ<*d j urporing to be sacl. an agree

The plaintiff in answer admitted that a pr j|k anion tor new terms had been la sue to ihe deienduuts that II tbwy Would pay the rent then due, and up io Nwriubvr 1.1£9) at the rwie o $Juu a year, they cotiWI bare the room* to May I, 1-94, toe end of the current year, at the r*;e of $160 a year, pro- v ideal they would lake a lease flora the • i r late to Mi} 1 lstt. Hwdefcs- • Iwu(s d.d not accept the provwkiua re- la-mg lo a Jeaac lor auolber year, and liguring at the «l"0 rate to May 1894, d< duel lug ST.’i pail on arcouot am: turning m tnr aky light at f 60 . laim. d to me but B*j Tne plainilfl claioco that sn.ee the proposition ol now term* had teen ar rep led by the defeudwbla only in that part reterring to the ductiou of rrut( but dechulug tne pro- tirivo for a new lenae, that the pro[*o- •“•oo was not in effect and that Uie old terms obtained. The jury returned with a verdict for tor the plamtiO and allowed bltu Ibe akyligbu


AND NEW JER8EY [erBCUL TO TBB cot*RICH. J Wash inotok, June 8 —Tba bill eonoect New York and New Jersey by a bridge baa been signed by Ibe Pres! deal.


New Y'orc, June 8.—Dr. Henry C. F. Meyer w»i sentenced by Recorder Smyth this morning to 8l.ig Sing Prison ■ the real of his life for the poisoning Ludwig Brandt. He will be tRkeii there tomorrow. HOLT CROSS UrUTilXIUT.

A Time Pragmas* Oi«*a t ■aildioc last Wight B*fcrs a tbs Pariah

Urgs Aadl A plewtant entertainment waa gfren In the pariah building of Holy Cnwia Church last nlgbt. An enjoyable pro gramme was rendered coder the an ’(■•cea of Holy Crow- Brotherhood Inch o'gnulmion * ad Ibe affair in charge. Ttie audl-nce wh'ch nnm lieml ab>AUt ZOO persona wa* thoroughly appreciative and often re- warded the performers with heany ap- ir The program me opened by a > duel by Mrs B. K Western and M tVewtcru Then f »llowe«l a • entitled ‘’Tbe Stupid Servant" by tbe Speocwr brother* which waa all too lion.. Tbo tableaux rcpreacnllug the Children of tbc W*sl" tollowad Monday’s child la fair of face” waa represented by Mrs J. P. Mitjaalde waa aeeu seated in a "boudoir ’ holding a mirror wherein waa reflected lovely I oat ore* • Tuesday’a child Is full ol itroce" wssM-i Wm L. Saim- Im a* a <«rceK girl wub l«ml-»nnr In he perfect loo of graceful pose •Wednesdays chtlrt la toll ot woe" waa little Percy Weatern bolding a broken pitcher while a large white pig looked t him In apparent astonishment -Thursday’* child Vaa far to go” wa* Charles Western in tourist costnme hastily hailing a cab. "Prlday’a child I* good and giving" was represented by Mina Grace BAllow the generona lady, l*-*Ujwiog upon little Mary Hirlow, the beggar child, a piece of money. ".Sat- ay’a child must work Tor her living, , Mias Jeuule Havllaud in old r*sb- coatnma fptuoiog an old lima spin- Ding wheel Little I^ulae Meanders as "Sonday’a child, wiae, bonny, good ml gay" aud reproduced the freatise ere of * late irnae of St Nicholas ‘nen f.illowed "the tour aeasoDs” and number ol pretty iaiaceilao«oaa taO- -aoa, of which ibe ouo representing •Tbe Fates" a a* perhaps the boil 11— Maude James Chilton _ave a dtdigbirul recIlaDou, ami for enorea ‘The Goblin" and new versions of Man’s Lamb ” Hhe has de- filed talent and waa,warmly applanded ’ne closing number a farce entitled 'Sylvester l»aggerwo»d;** moderuiBed, Amertcanlted, paralyzed and olbvralse l.y ihe players, wa* a great saceeaa. Excellent plaao mu«.c was pr.ividetl hy Henry M Webster.


There are two rpu.nl why aon.e people I’uu't m I ml ib«lr own bueiheH. One i, ihu they li.ten i .oy mod; uie •ether ta.l they b.vuo’t any bu.iaceL |TW.BIt..]

The first fault is irreparable The second, a Courier

want adv. will quickly remedy. Courier

want ad's pay.

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. The Am.ta.ru.ted Srxiety of tier- alneer. will bold • meetlog tonight — Children*. I lav ut the Seventh III Baptist Church will lie held tomorro —SI. Joseph'* Church will hold strawlierry festival in Sanger I lull,.lone 27 and 2M. A roo**Dg meeting waa held at Third Street Miaaioc. laat night led by E. Thompson. — A flag aidewalk la being laid Fairvmw avenue in front of W. It’* properly. Mlantonomo Trll»e will have two adnplloBS and confer the bnnier'i give oo uli*et®rn red men — It la fgpected UlM vround will be broken tomorrow on Pairview avenue for a new bouse lor Clarence Smith, of East Second street.

—At the Council Are of Paagb Caegh Naugb Sinque Tribe Wednoad iy nigbl ..rie pale face was adorued with the customary lenlberw Asa Collier, of Park avenue. Ir lost received from a frsend in Florida, b. x of chameleon* which are on ei hibtUon io tbe window, changing their color* with the oaoal pecu iierity. Michael Welsh, of Weal Fourth strvet, bad one of bi* bTrace die yester- day morning as he waa about lo bitch Im up lor tne day’s work. The borae raa apparently In tbe beat ot *i Irlta nd there wa# oo apparent cause for bis sudden death. —The county meeting of the A.O.II. waa held mat uight at Nawark for tbe Initiation of member* to tb* varloua lo- cal divlaiooa County Chair mao Cnoey sod local president J P. Sheen an at tended from tbl* city. AH Ties.

TlioOT who have aaed Dr.Klog'f N*w Discovery knows luvaloe, and Uioa* wbo have, uot, have oow the opportun- ity to try It free Call oo tbe adver- ted Druggiat and get a Trial Bottle, free. Saoa jroor name and addreae to H. E. Buck ten k Co., Chicago, aod gel a aampie box of Dr Ming’s New Life Pills Free, aa well as a copy of Gufoe to Ileanh and Horn ebold Inalructor, Proa. AH of whmli la guaranteed to do you good aod coat you nothing a* L. W. Bandolpb’a DrugMore II W**t Front

NCUCH fOOO SPORT PR0W8ED List #f latrti* fkr tkv AtkcMtta tun otl Ik* rial a** 14 High toal Aikitlc Asm | etathaa


The following aro tbe enlrtea for tbe athletic sports of the Plalnfleld High School Association to be held tomor- row afternoon on the Crescent Oval. <H»e handred yard daab, open, F. M Hcbroder, N. P. George Smith, V. II a, W. Abbott, L 8 ; Ralph Campbell, P. H- s , B L Serroii, p “ “ ' O. Whiting. P. II. 8;R E. Sebring, P. H. &: Y. Kittenhouae, P. H. a One thlr3 mile bicycle race, handi- cap, open. William McCntchen, L 25 yards; Voloey Green, P. H.a, acratch; George Smith, P II. a, 20 yard*; Oarl Whltebrad, TJncoln Reboot. Westfield, 10 yards; Jobn Omck, Liu coin Reboot, Weetflald, 5 yard*; J; Mcooey, Frtenda Heleci School, Rahway.10 yards; R. L Katoo, Plngry School, EfixabeO>. yards; J J. Mora, Piegry Rcbool, Elixaheth, 10 varda; fl. W. Moore, N. P., 24 yard* Whiling. P. II. 8 , *10 yards; J. NY. Kirkner, P. H. R, 10 yard*; A. Woltman, P. H. a, 10 yard#, E. Ser- roll, P H. ft, 10 vards; E Sebriog, P. II. a, 35 yards; Charles E Damoo, t.*ranf'*vd Rcbool, 14 \anls; W. I*bilipa, P. II. a, 22 yards; V. Ritteohouae, P. II A, 40 yards; G. Pike, P. O. a, 20 yard*. Running high jump, open, George lilb, P II- 8., Wealey Abbott, L. 8., Ralph Campbell. I* If. S., E Sebring. Kit ten boo.*-, |\ II. 8 One half mile bicycle race, scratch, closed. G* urge Smith, E HtrroSI, A. ••lUDann, J. Kirkucr, J C. WbHIf g, R K Sebrlag, V. Kiltaaliouee, W Philippe. 1‘utting twelve |rannd ahot. George tub, P H S Ralph t’ampheli, P. II E. Sehriug, P. II 8. V. IMten- hona*. r. II a C M Sm tb. I* If 8 lohn Whiting, 1’. 11. a Two Hurd mileblcyrle race acra'ch, o|H*n George .-»-i>i h. P. H. 8 J Uloch, Mooney, Friends' 8el*el Rcbool, Rahway, J liota. Ilajirv School, EUz#- •teth; E. t Serroii, P. H. a WoltmKnii, I* H 8.: J. Kirkner, H. 8 : John Whitin* P. II a; R. E Hehnoj, P II. 8.: I’haiiea K Da- . Ci an ford School; W. Pbllllp*, P. II 8. Htandlng broaljurop, closed George Smith, R Campbell. J. Kirkner, J Whiting, K. Sebring and V. Uitteo- bouae. ■tic bicycle race, scratch, George bmllb, E scrroll, A W Oil man ., J Kirkner. J Whfing, E Sabring and W l»billipa. »,.e-'hird mile run, closed. George Smith, R <Ian>|»bell. J Kirkner John Whiting. K V. Sebring, V. ttuteo house and II. Ifichardaoo. Two mile bicycle race, fiatuiicap. uiva W. MeCateben. L. S, 140 yards; Fred Fullerton, H. A . 200 yards; a C. Crane, r* P II 8, scratch; G. Smith, P. II. 8,10O yard*: Green, P. H. a, 10 yarda; J. Gluck, Linola, Weetdeld, 60 yard*; V. J. Mooney, Friends , Rahway, 74 yards; H L. Eaton, Pmgry'a, Eliza- beth, yards; H. W. Moore, N. P., Minis; J. O. Walling, P. 11.8,60 K W Kirkurr. P II. 8., 85 yard*; WoUmann, P II 8., 70; K J Ser- roii, I’ If 8 , To yard*; It. E Sebring, yanl*; VC. Pbllii;>a, P. II S al50;V KiUenhouae, P. B 8 . ”00, OarBeUl Pike, l» U S,. loayard* Referee Charles Angieman, N l*. Judge* J W Travell, P H A A ; F L C. Martin, P. B C.; E Teel. U. W Tlmera and Mc^aurore, W Rittenbouae, Steven’s Inatltute; J. Harvey l*oune, C. W.; It. steveua, C W. Clerk of Course, B Moore, P. II 8. A. A. Assist- ants.!: L Riley, P H 8. A. A ; H. Weils, P.- II. 8. A. A. Starter, Carl Pleader, P. H. 8. A. A. An- nouncer, Morton Pierson, P. H 8. A Official Hardlcappera, P L. C. Martin, P- B. C.; W. II. Rogers. C. Walla, T. H. 8 A. A.

mmt Will ■ tk* Vail, sad all win ka fllad u Hrarklm Acaia Pro feasor MacCIftoool gave his tenth organ recital laat nlgkt la the First Preabytanaa Churrb, assisted by r*ol a Beebe, 'cellist, ol New York, end the choir. By request be Introduced Ute programme with Bach's Toecats ia lo F. The first number, aa overture, "The (Hack Prophet, waa pUyed w tb much •pirtt bringing much applause. Tba familiar aereoaia by Moaaknwakl also well received. Hr. Beebe whojs pupil of Victor Herbert, rendered Goltermann’s MI«a Reve",

accordingly. For _ Illusion” by Ileeauer. Tbe nexfwaa rnemee from Taouhauker by Professor MacClymocL The Oftli ewleciloo waa k part eoag for mixed voice# eotlUed -•April”, written by him for tbe occa- sion. Tne rendering of it did him Jaa- Uce aa the comxteer aod choirmaster aod was called for ajgalo. After an offertory In 0. Mr Beebe appeared again, reodertng tbe 'cello selection Pansy Amoreaox by Victor Herbert. It ta a new composition yet lo mauu- script but will be puNiehed aooo. Tne Mazurka by Pop{»er cam next, waa a deligbtfni iltUe piece which everyone liked and wda heartily en- i-ored. The choir then reodered Maiden with the Up* ao rosy," a pret- ty UUle pari aowg, and the programme iJrMStl wiili the Prteslta March, from Alitalia," by MebdelaaObD. It waa the laat of tbe aeries of recitals unul Fall when tbey will he resumed All a bo have attended tOem have be»rd tbe beat of music at Uie bands of an oxcolivbl oritanist who bad a grand uoMriil at bis command, and played bring oat all there was io it. He baa been a real bcnelactor, giving tbe public free wbal would have met tbe nearer* good prices eiaewbere, acd baa sucb

.. | show will be foeaud oa tbe Hand k Me- Intyro lot, comer of Bwrckmaa etre*i

Bav. Hr. Haaaar to M Call**. A meeting of tbe CooaiaUry of tbe German Reformed Cuurcb, on Craig place wa* held last Tuesday eveolng, which time It waa deckled to call a uPg of tbe congregation on Wed ueadsy. June *0, to decide upon a aoc »r W tbe Rev. Mr Ksorbll, aa paa'.or ol tbe ebureb Tbe keoiiment of tae member* ta in lavor of tbe Rev. Ifanaer, of Jersey City, aod U is uudervtood that he Will be called. —Two machinist! are working Warren engine replacing the mixes the bude r a inch were burned oat or dw- abled. The new ones will be copper in place of Iron. To# job ta expected io be done in two weeka

§ wanted. Two Urge rooms rth board (owe alcove), an Art Fifth street, b rainutra from defnt. ft I tsVJr. l.«»wc -m»<W bind and paMiy. m-icralc. A'klrra. P. (J. lk>* JSJ-

P1AMO for sale. Family nonnr. Bea* ’ liful 1‘ p»gkl Uran.1 l\«n... idaborate

“Ut Us Creas 0v*r Ike R-ver

an cblvalrt«i«taat friroda aw* tom l alik-. tbey •

PERSONALIA Fred Taylor, formerly ul Con»*U I ulveraity, Is home again. . Mr. and Mm. Ilrake, of Weetfleld, ■ere m tbe city last night attending he dob ride. Mias Adelaide Baxter, of Rich- mond street, baa returned from a vl*lt IP Grange county. George Dnntbee, of Newark, waa the guest last nlgbt of H. R. Thorn, of Urchard place. and Mia Abram Vaodeveoter, ol Philadelphia, have boon TtaUlBgroU- • ■ «n this city. Mr. William*, of West Phtstoo, Peon., ta nailing her slater Mr*. 1>. 8. Roberta, of North aveaoe. . William M Sand fold, of East Front street, has told a bowao and lot on Webster place to Mr. Catlm. . August'u A. Weston, of Brooklyn, reed borne yesterday, ■'ter bta abort nan at tbe ArUugtob Hotel. Ida and Mamie Dember, of Somerset street, have been apeodiog * M-k with friends it North Branch. Mrs. Seymour, of Newark, former of this city, waa >he guoat yesterday ol Mrs John Ihinham, of NadMon ave- Rev. Dr Jocelyn Jobnaon, of New York, Will officiate at tbe services of Church of tbe Redeemer on Soo- The Rev Dr. A H. Lewis will occupy the pal pit of tbe Park Avenoe Baptist Church rfunday, both morning aod evening. Watson ue flour aod been eonfloed to bta room by iilneae, At tbe City HoleL J. C. Van Dyke, of East Front street, after a serloa* Illness ol several d*ya wlih neuralgia, ta able to be about he Loose again. . .Mr. Picked, of New York, wbo has been visiting bta brother-in-law H- F- William*, of West Front atroet, returned borne today. Tbe qnesOon of having a teacher for manual Usiblog for the Y. M. xi. A. Auxiliary will be brought up at me next meeting of the aaeocialioo. A. 0. Vail, of West Eighth street, baa received a patent for * device for abapiog fold* oo lloeu collar*, aodL.E Howard one for an electric arc lamp. Mr. aod Mrs Lion Edeall of West Front Sanford avenue whore they will live with Mr*. Edaall’a parent* nutU they build their boose on that street. .. William N. Runyon, W. G. Wright and Board mao Wright, of this city, graduated from the New York Lew School on Wednesday olgbL Tbe two Messrs Wright graduated cum lands. . .Mrs Elisabeth Cbapta, of Wee* front street, who has been apaodmg the past three months with her daughter Mrs. Moeria C. VanAr-deie of Greenwich, Coon, baa retareed

sad elrcliK- lighr. reel woilr'.ir. clews «n», l-ah city "alct and pump. A^I'cm McMcr.mi.il. 8.« J.ckaoa Avc. j tail GRSES wanUd”tc . Trtavocth,

WANTS AJTD OF7XJU- vatc family. iyj East Fifth S*. 61

LOST—A Gold Watch -1th initial* K. W. R., —ith gold hall aa* pearl pro Ol. Suitable reward K. W. R. 6 8 It f°;

Hit LSIDE CESETEEY ASSOCtATIOK. Pi.ii.rnu., N. J.. Jwph.


R° site fret Chailca H. Hand, 317 Watcbuag

uomrrt. Addrcaa, Scanastma,

f5 R SALE—Horse a ad carriage. Ap- ply 1116 West Front SC C m “ ir F°* good' IR SALE—Doohle valro fore* rt force pomp . V.A., Coar 6 a 8t


clam bcaul. SI S I’ark Arc. WAITER man wanted, while or colorod. iAmt 11 wderaland hit hudiwra* and

deaigv and and anosually la« Drceoibc. *550 poc* $190.

Hl Market. N. J. 5 lo jwka rl.F.T Flats in ibe Thorn Uock. a improvement*, cor Somerset and Cral pUcc. Apply IO A lea. Tboro. ay Sonera*


oo why Polly ihooldut b»ve Cracker

at these prices. New York Biscalt Co. (Holme# k Ooutta) l-lk bo Afternoon Tea* 22 Chocolate Wafer* 22 Vanilla Wafers 22 Ginger “ 22 Extra Cream Toast * tracker Meal 9 Huntley k Palmer* (huger Wafer*) bo Chocolate Lemon Raspberry Holmes k Couita Afternoon Tea* Banquets (sailed) Beni’* (water) Buffet Wafers Crack sell (Egg Biacort) . Coffee Cake (plain) (I«<l) Cornh'Ha (fancy) Chocolate Wafer* lfog Bmcalt, Sprat 1 a, 5-lh. Fig Newton. Fruit (daltana) Fruit (Iced, all colors).... Singer bnape xx extra Taney Graham Wafer* m


-lire cre.ro) IV Oyrteru « O-tme-J W-fere 1« Orann >8« Pilot III »« Sm Fown Wafers 13< Mans tkala (HrlcckerboET) 8< Vanilla Wafers >•< Water Tl lo >*< Soolo|ical !'■ DEMABKST ft SOI

lUOooda boegtit sod sotd tor Cash

Money to Loan !


—I Sara two BtUe ^aadafeUdraa w»» are taatlilu this Hot sanaar waatbar aad are troablad wilt bowel coaiplalat I (Ira Uicn Ubamberialo-s Colic, Ael- erm aod Dlorrboaa Beared, aad Is aaU lisa s ebarre. I aanieatlj raooauMOd It for ebUdrea wllb bowel uoeblea. I waa njaalf lalaa with a aarara atloek

Mia. W. L. Praaoow, Boo w^m. Bfajt- aaoOo, TW.B for Waal Pbarnrecj, Put sod Nortt r. a.

w reju^rj



W* dean them la tbe oM way nod aav* your watch F YOU HAVE 8MA8CI YOUR WATCH drirln, nalla, or leans. Il oo tbe rallrorul trees, brio. It Is sod hare II repaired while too wait Sped all j of repairing old broSaa nollos or aa, moa leal Inarnnoeola, aad elao French HucSa VAKEP8, Jnrrkr, lit Pirk Ave.

Aa extract from tb* speech of

MIt wtll pay every wnmet at TMJK% bta good* era J (cam)


rnwr nvM ahd m RoraRT^uRLia

r =' >? * H. Cltrtnw Hftdluy tarn wnn A ■> ■■**#■ Waa*Oa.»,r.y piaHos

• R, eimv.M.KHniss*.

FOR 3 DAYS ONLY! , < (Ik thb Goods Hold Out).


EDSAL Commercial Palace, Ba

SEVEN HUNDRED FOLDING JAP FAN8 Fancy Corded II and lee, regular 8 cent and 10-cent FANS for 2 e rat* 8^-Thta la all there will be of them. O* sal* Friday and Saturday 1

ONE THOUSAND BRAUDE LIBRARY BOOK8 i.... la popular utle# 10 aod 20r. books for 3 vjata Douhtlsaa tbe only rbauoe yon will have to buy theae popular liooka for S rent a Do nta Frtdny Ud Saturday only 3«

WARRANTED ALL-LI NEN 4-PLY GENTdf COLLARS > of tbe LATEST and MOST FASHIONABLE- 8TYLE8 at f cents. *UF*THEY CANNOT BE DUPLICATED J..J — 1.... ONE YARD WID^t.NBLEACUCD MUBUN Sella regular for 7 cent* a yard, .J.. .1 ..8PB01AL 8AL1 PRICE . 4c

IC ONB YAUII WIOB BLEACHED MC LW.. Fine qnalily, sells In the regular way for 8 to 9 cento. DURING SALE FOB ft CENTS A-YAJtD

18 2 12 YARD WIDE FINE BLEACHED 8 finally aells for 25 rente DURING BALK FOR 18 CENTS

3« LADIES’ HEMSTITCHED If ANDK KRaiUHFS In White nod Colored, nod extra fine goods that s*U every day ai 8ALE ONLY 3 CENTS




aaala awDL'BINO ^^^C

In tba Faablooabla Coloia Balia ratal ALL SILK FISH NET VEILING.. .1 Ilar at 11 oaou 1.. .1 : r-DCRIMJ THE SALE GOES AT I 0HNT8

13c A SPLENDID LINE aad bean il fill FINE SATEENS tfeal bav# been aeiling right along for 26 rent*. W Sped*! a*Je price only 13 ouote


l£c THE VERY LATEST ! . lo L ADIEB- DUCK VESTS ot oolj $1.00. OW Worth more man doable tba price U bore II made. L... $1

$3.75 LADIES HUGE ETON BU1TB.,. ..y Elegant 01, lo Naay, Ton and Light Colon Tber ora rarf aweil, aod a otl Id I more than tba price wa a* for Uie making aloha

50« BOY8- DOCK BHIBT WAI8T. Large Bailor CoUor Tba lolatt thing ool L.. J. -. A Wblatlo lo aorta pocket. .50

Best Ten Wire Tapestry Carpets, 80 cents. Mir-Made, Laid nod Lined Free of Charge. -*■

Also Good Tapestry Carpet sat 09 cents.

81^ Made, Laid nod Lined Free of Oban*.

Lave and Chenille Curtains,

POLES, WINDOW SHADES. ^ VERY LOW PRIOES Don’t Fail to Visit Our Bie Basement,

Ladaaaf Aid Becaat, In toe GRACE M. # CHAPEL, Ttanfer u4 Fridoj Bmlasb.


In Dinner, Tea and , Toilet Wa ora abowtag all the oewaat atjtaa lo Miopaa aad dacoraUoaa, at prtcaa lo KM op. ire_TOILBT 8BTB. Bi ll op. TBA ABN, SS.IS M. AM aaiBdbrilnw. w t Ita Praoib Cbreb for daeoreiloE. Wt leap a fail boa ac rar

Seta asp-i



Page 2: FOR 3 DAYS · VOL--IH NO. 188 PLAINF1ELD. N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTO. ARTISTIC DECORATONS «• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which!• Bmt K(M la Stu* IT

THB PLAICTIf tuP C O P B I M t FRIUAT. J t W C 6, 18S4



t. W.


It June, Stay clear, slay clear.—Ellzabelb Journal


0 Co, O Jnne, O do, O do,O do. O do, boo hoo.

O do, O do, de doodle do,O do, O Jnoe, O do.


••1 Wall-Wi.bi.ri of \U Institution BO ii

Tbe anr.nal reception by tbe lad)managers of tbe ChiMren's Home w»!heW yesterday afternoon from four t<six o'clock and was a very pleasangathering. II Is a kind ol new departura from tbe regular custom of holidayanniversary ID one of the i-huri-lics asformerly, and will perhaps Lakeplace of t Lat custom.

There was a good attendantt'ie management and man; ladles be-sdes wbo are Interested ID the welfareor the institution. The children look.ed very happy, anil apneared In nea1

•Ore.They are all real little iadles am!

gentlemen. Oue little fellow bad juMdiscarded drosses for trooBers ao<while lie bad quite a struggle wltb himself to gel used to tbe new order aitilings be comforted himself very grace-fully. One of tbe feftinres of the after-noon was tbe call from a gentlemanand hi* wile to Bee the place where tltef jrmer bad been eareu for m early life.Now a Bnccessfal business man be wason a visit to ['Iftiulieltl and was pleasedto meet Ura. Kimbatl again. Refresh-ment* and a social boor were enjoyedheartily by all wbo came.


The monthly meeting of tbe w- C. T.t u held yesterday afternoon whenreports by tbe different •upennlend-RDts, Mrs. 8. B. Josephs, Mrs.M. Win-Mr, Hisa May Tomllnsoo, Mrs M 0.Dobbins, Mrs. S. R Krom and Mrs.T.H Tom I in son were read.

Very much Interest was taken In ellthe readings and the talks by botnLboae wbo look part and those wbowere listeners only. Tbe question boxwaa brought out and will hereafter bea feainre tfr tbe meetings. The matterof baTing water barrels at street corners (or the thirsty was toached upon!iut was laid on tbe table. Tbe Unionwill make ati effort to have reportsfrom MBCbers in the public schools up-on tb« new aludy of the evil effects ofalcohol to be introduced next Fait, andwill waMb tbe effect It bas nr>on tbeminds of the young.

One lady told of a conversation thatwas held wllh a little boy who was in sschool where this study has alreadybeen introduced and found that be balllearned to bave a fear for beer or tig-arettea. Soeiflg a boy smokiug UKperson aaked him how that happenedaid Hie one speaking laid "0 be learned to smoke before we got that ne*book on 'physiology'.".

A. FUiB&tM fciia'i PaUBt.

Uolooel King, of ihe Hotel Albn__received Una morning a notice tbat bisapplication for a patent railway switchhas been granted. Tbe Colonel, baabeen working on it the past Winter,and bas a device which railway menthick will be a success. Seeing Ibeinconvenience of operating the switchon the trolley road near the Courieroffice gave him tbe incentive to ion lie detice. He now bas onewbtcn can be operated by tbe mo,tor-man Irom tbe platform to switch eitherway, or be can leave It If tbe track Isright for blm to go straight ahead.

7. X. C A. Jobii»« atsttiae.At tbe Y. M. C. A. jubiltjc meeting

to be beld ID tbe CresceDt AvenueCbnrcb on Sunday evening next, musicwill be rendered t,y s. doable malequartette. At tbe Hetbodiat Churchthe music will be rendered by tbe choirof Ibe First Baptist Church, led by EJ. Fiuhugh. DT. Richards and JameiMeGee will deliver short addresses athe service in the Urescent AvenoeCborcb, and Dr. Baraea and Rev. C.E Herring will address tbe meeting Inthe Metbodut .Cbnrcb. PresidentHurray wtH speak al botn services.

_Ca)eU Dickinson baa Hie onl•lectrfc alarm clock in tbe city. Itbithe regular alarm inside and throws•witeh to tbe electric hell In connectionwith It when the other faJla 'awake tbe• taper .

—TbeY. F- 8. C. E. of Ihe ParkA N D M BapUst Church will bold .meetiDg tonight. The subject will be••Our deliverance from what and bywhom". A large attendance is re-

- unacted. A cordial invitation toMrangert i* «xt»d«d.


—Yesterday n i tbe first day sinceMa? 18, itial rain did not fall.

- T h e class of '9* In Leal1. School,together wlUi ibe teachers was photo-graphed by O. Thorn this morning.

—The eitremes of temperature yet-lerday were G8 and 45. On the asmsdate last year they wen 76 ami 65.

••,- „ concert was given at tbe Arlington Hotel last night, although tbePress of tbe night before - ' • ' " • •there wonld be.

—An auction Bale of tbe _effects tbat belonged io tbe 1st* Voorbees Tan Fleet Is being held Uns af'einoon by T. J . Carey.

—Frisble sent five dogs to tbe bapp*inline eronnds yeMerday which weirxunlDg »bont tbe Pond Tool Work

district not registered.—Demarest'a special cracker saliIventsod in Ibe Courier has had gootsulu He has bad to duplicateal of bis orders already.—Tbe Boond Brook bowling team

-will meet a picked team tonight on (brManhattan alleys, composed of tb«beat bowlers in ibe I'olter and ScotPress Works.

—Franklin Coaneil No. « Jr." O UA. M. initialed four candidates, re-ceived two propositions last night, andaccepted an invitation to visit tbe PerilAmboy Council Tuesday night.

—A Ititl riding a wbeel oravenue last night tried to tunand collided witb a carriage Whenbe picked himself op he was uicarriage but fortnnalely was nroncb.

—Neptune Eogloe Company of NewruBswIck bave engaged tbe riwniioj.jmet Band to play for it at the bien-

nial Bremen's parade to be held InOctober. *

—Alert Hose Company held a meetIng last night and settled up the busi-ness for tbe month. No meetingswill now be beld by them during tbemonths of July, August or September

dess specUlly called.—Have you tried Gardner'rNl. M

(homemade) cake? No better Is msdiin tbe city. In fsct al! of Gardner'iprodncu'bave that deligbtmi homimade flavor we all like. Uardner1

ihop is al 41 Somerset street.—Because the public school com

uencemem exercises will be held oi\, tbe illustrated lecture »m Chambers, tbe Panoramiyan's Pi'grim's Progress t>

Bethel CbBpei, w.l be given on the 22.at 8 p ra.

—Tbe license for IMe WashtmnvCircus waa granted, last night to shotJune 22, and that for Furepaugb'Circus the Digbt belore to^xhityi Jnl;S, the former ou South averse amBertman streets tbe letter at Fourtl

reel and Monroe avenue. ,—Tbe monthly meeting ol tbe Re

form Club was beld last night, bothere was no quorum for businessThe lime was spent in Borne spirit?!

lbs in tbe good of tbe order, and nas announced that Rev. Mr. Him3ulii be present next Thursday n'Lili• give a lecture.

—Much complaint Is rasde about tbtrJlBtorbsncea rased by boys Snndavnights on Wast Second street wbo vi-brate between tbe Silvation Army andTrinity Ubnrcn, Interrupting the services/ They watch their chance he-,ween the officer's visile and skip wber

i comes.—The picnic held in Greders Evoot

grove by tbe B. B. G'e, was well attended aud,a pleasant dance was had.Milton Keeker made aa efficient •: «nnanager and he was ably assisted tnacob Fox.' The club will have an->lher picnic next Wednesday nlgbL

—The work of wiring tbe Wotbprspoon house on East Front street foiX. Pendleton Rogers, of New Yorknm *iii oecu|>y it, bas been completesmil beautiful eieclric lsmpa now art•etdy tor use. The light* have al«jeen extended lo tbe stables. Tinwork was done by Joseph Sobt.

—The Wbyo gsng held a meetingsi night at the comer of North avene and Berkman street and Inltlatec

sixteen new members. It is stated tha•he gang has needed more force »ine<Dennis Carney baa been'added (o !b<terrora,tbe evening stars Tne initiatioo

pecnllsr one arjd wonld be>ennla. Forty .eight fnll

members have now been -It.

Tbe reception given Inlapel laat night to the Re'

Joseph O. McKelvey wasJoyable affair, and its informality lent

lUSnal interest to it. Daring theag. a lew of tbe members playedand recited, bat there was o<ar programme. He Ires am en tiserved before the gathering brokt


ThcT Trtci Taste M»«t « at««1lval at Trlntj l * n »Us bUrM tf CaarttT as* Wmm CaMBIT* hea lattsr.-TlwTalsn la Abaidues.Tbe Whatsoever Circle of King's

Daughters of Trinity Reformed Choresopened the parlors of Ihe chnrcb lastnight for a strawberry festival In tininterest ol charity, to gather u|

to assist in supporting itrained nurse lor this city wbich haibeen proposed by Ibe union of thecircle* in tbe city.

The parlors looked very pretty with..ie glorious display of bottling carry-Ing out tbe general effect of pink andgreen. Tables were placed abonl theroom, each laden with a weight of goodilungs either fur Ihe eye or palate, andattended by affable young ladies whowere the pictures of neatness, wbicb

banced Ibe beauty of the surround-;a The evening was a — -ilcb is lo be repealed tonight

credit Is to be given to Hiss EmmaGillem, the chairman over all, as wellaa to Ibe oiber chairmen and assistant!whose effurts «od zeal in the cause

!ie so well appreciated.Tne booths in tbelr order were Iberon boo<h,wbeie ihoBe useful and or-mental articles of dress wtre display.I In abundance. It was in charge ol

Miss Minnie WllliamB and Mrs WillVilllams. The next was the refresh'sent headquarters with Mrs. J. FredlatDo.iald and Mrs. Jamea LoveUendance. Here waa where Ii9uiii watered tor the good things amice cream, strawberries nd cake were

tha dainty tid bits that appealed torery one.The lower booth was a kind of sivlllon which stood In the center at-nded by Miss Phebc Mills, Miss Flor-ice Clark, Mias Grace Roland, assist-

ed by the little [lower girls, BessieWilson and Gertie Ti

of flowers was displayed,'loleta, fuchsias, verbenas

palms.Tlie China table was very uniqa! appolntmenta. Here Bome tieI band.painted China waa on ssle,•ought there by Miss Beatrice Craig,

U was in charge of Hiss Lizzie I)e<candy table were Miss Lilian

Force and Miss Etta Kry;•lea exhibited neededban tbe taste to prono

jierfect, for they were home made byIbe ladies ol the circle.

Tbe lapt place in line, and '.!.<iturally when one has eaten hietbe place to drink. Tins was•cra'» well with two Rebeccas, Misszzie Dunn and Miss Huff. Lemon-le waa tbe beverage, sod lemoming Irom the branches abonc ibe well

rendered very pleasantlyquartette, Will Tallamy, Ilarry

iger, Will Iceland and Hen Tallumy.The entertainment closed about ele<

'lock with very gratifying result*.

Kid Mr

—A new base ball dob hM beeneanized in town under the name ofPiainneld Junior-. Us players(Julnee. r. I ; Miller 3 b; Erickson, Ctack, c f) Van Horn, manager and p:. Smith, s •; Scbrack, 2 b; K. Ljont.

I f; IX Kane, lb; Schroder and Carneyixtraa-Tbe JaDlore are SDIIOQI to lies

from tbe Crescents, They nr<inlformed.

—in ordinance on the stainte book*j{ ibe city provides tbat ill trees Iiroadways most be kept free from brancbes for ten feet from (he ground. Inmany parts of the city ibis provision Isentirely neglected, so that property

must not be at all surprised tontlmatlon from the Street Com-

missioner shortly that they most com-ply witb the ordinance.

—Yesterday morning as Patrick MCilmont of Somerset street was aboito leave bis boose, t«o of his dog*which were playing abont, sudd-nlj•topped, stretched out on tbe floorami died within a few min-utes of each other Mr. McCl!tnoai s_ jable to tell what csnaed their death,other UtM Ui*t " • h « reasonHere they were poisoned.

—The W C T. IT. feels very mucheneonrage.1 si nee the lecture Sundaynight by Jouph Cook, by a conrerx-lon which one of toe members bad

witb bin afterwards at Ibe temperanceonvenUon on Staten Island. He told

ber be never was so {vMiocd Is his Hieaa on thai night wbe« he saw such I.rge attemlanc- at bis tocture and

specially or yoang people. He addedhiTu MgwtaM10!1 U d a ferUle Held

, before it .

eople He addU d a ferUle Held

Mh> Kr> Nelson, of N«r Mark.!, it vi«tng In Soalb Orange.

Clarence Field*, of Bay OBDC, has bren vi»uing friends in town.

Pal McMaon ha* rrtsmed fton, bit mforced d i e inibeKewBrswwidijail.

Mr. and Me. Hall, of Philadelphia, an*inting W. H. Slape, of North avenue.

Mr. HSiUnwn moved his family r«terd.)rfrom New Market to Grant avenue. Plainfield.

Doolitt'e, who has been connnedher bed for tbe past year, b (lightly Iproring.

Mi*e Maud Beoron his accepted a poiifii the choir of the Church of the Redecirn Grove street.

Mr*. N. BUckford, oF-New Farket,inr to Brooklyn, N. V. lo like cure of her

Keidy, of Grecnbroak, have returned hooirAmong ihose wbo attended tbe Epwort!

League Uoovenlioa at Woodbridge yeWerdaire Ibe Kef W. V- Kiroey and Mrs

Tbe Sunday achoois of the Melhoditt, Bap-,t and Presbyterian Churche* will ob*iildren** Day, Bunday.wiih appropriate

John Huff unloaJcd the household pMr. Tiffton, who rbrmerlj Jived ID

lie, from Ihe can yesterday and look t

Howard Giles it mourning tbe loss of«•- for whom he took EO roach pains

house. The dog spent'One night in

ilng I several aelec-




The Monroe Avenue Chapel lookedvery Inviting last night.leld a strawberry and Iceva\ nnder tbe snapices of

ty. The aixendance was verjgood, and the delicacies on sale rapidy disappeared. Tbe becoming decoritlons were tbe work of tbe YooogMen's League. Mis Ilaff bad charge>( tbe fancy table, Miss Lottie Aid.rich and Miss Elizabeth Forster olhe candy table, Miss Mary Beekmanind Miss Klttie Apgar of tbe Sowei><joib. Miss Ilertoa La Rue of tbe (em-

trie, Mrs. LaKue of the cake, MrsH n A. Ii. I'e



Roger*, the aea food man on WestSecond street, will begin tomorro'special sale to be continued on Sainr-<lay evenings tbrongh ibe setThere will be special prices for thesedays caib. >wh orders are noidelivered for the ] trices do not permit3f It. All tlie prodacU. on sale will beif the first quality, a great variety andio "fakes." Bverjtblng is BB repre-lented. People who BDJoy eating fishir anything in that line will appreclalbese Salurdav sales In getting op Hn

day dinners.

iJOR. PAUL IS r»HGEROUBL'MitjorJ C. Paul, who was strkkeo

lib spoplezj Saturday,ni at bia bome wltb lit* right K,,ie

paraiyEed. His recover}' >• doubtful.He bad been ailina; for some Lime past,before Ibe stroke, and bad to keep tobis bome. Saturday, wben be waa

D, be bad gone to tbe baiband tbe door locked Itself. Mrs. Paulbecame smioni about bla long rbsenceand called. Tbere waa no anawer, ai *

j'.-iii'i not. get ID, BO she climbed

b t n u l l n u Aaktrkita a latioaa! Dtlt-

B meeting of tbe cHirers andEieeutive Coramfttee of the State Re-

D Leagne held in Trenton yea-It Ackennan, of thisI Scott Chamberlain,appointed delegates

rom tbe Eighth Congressional District

SM th. World * r»l; tor Fiftatm CmU.Upon receipt of your address and

fifleen cent in poaUge lUmpB, ws willmall you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolioof the World's Columbian Exposition,the regnlar price I* fifty cenU, bat aswe want yog lo bave one, we make (heprice nominal. You will fled It ft workof art and ft thug to be prized.

tot"a** 3£fli»« iinctis to he given by (he Colom

Quartette, of Eliiabcth, under1 the • spi' \he ehuir of the Presbyterian Church;

ipel next Thursday evenitnipe will be a

Nex.t ol har

sday evenibl charge f

, to. admiis

Thursday afternoon at five o'clock,_. ..arness and robe, the personal pro]

•y of Joseph j . Sullivan, of PJainfield. w&ui<l by older of the Board of Health, I&fy their claim for burying hit horse,abonich the Conritr spoke last February,u-tkc Storms, of New Msr|;Fl, 13 >un"from a tumor on his lower Up, which

has had for sereral yean. Of late the tunlead of bctjter, and ni clamp lo keep 1

. with difficulty (batcan speak.

The Borough Commissioner* give notat all >logs not ]>ropetly registered by Jand found runninE at large upon the pi

• highways of the Horongh, mbv be sho!ly one. Registered dogs will; have a cIB kind of collar alioui their nfecks as a <,BmshinE mark.The funeral at the Ute Jacob rk. T'tawoas held this afternoon in the Seventh Da

liipii-,1 Churctj'at New^Market. The fanm l was largeiy-atieiided, for Mr. Titawonf« one of the oldest residents of the plaind was largely identified wil^chorch ••:m pern nee work.The Antorai of the Vale Jerijy Dunham

Inch is being beld th s afterDOOta in the 1'resyterian Church, is very largely attendedne services were conducted by the Rev. Mr

SheUinger. a former pastor, and a Urge dele•ation from the United BrotherHofJ 'jirwers was

At the i

woe elected; PiPresident, Mrs. Annie A. Abbolt; Secreui

larrj U. Tenji.i One ae:ted. The club Iwhich is •

nourishing condition, has just 'purchased. . , - . , , „ . , . _ _ , . — , h i | . n , h e c ! l l b

will be flown.

«Ut meeting of trie Danelleni Cluh, the following officialPrcsidmt, WillUn) Slape, Vice

nourishing condition, haslag pole, 30 Feel long, fro:t,lt>rs of blue and whit

A surprise parly was given last nighl aKater't Park Vtel by Miu Marj E. HacoLBd II . Lyons in honor of ihc . twenly-fimjinhday of Joseph Maier, Music was furlished by Prof Nailor ol Flaiitfield. Themung people met at the depol arid oiledheir vi'.iui) about nine o'clock. ' He ree.

ed many valuable present *,amnne them beinga birthday cake fr.im his motherj which wascovered wirh icing and «urfimnded « "l h d candies. «any young [ieopi

WHS presented Ichapel by the child

The fai.y play whichit.l,I ,., 11K- I>IL',1.>1L:;J,BH of Lincoln school toind. was a WfWM, Nfusic between the act,-as fumnhed by the I jdies Ordiewr*. Misslati'l Benron made a iharroing M< 'lame, while Maggie VanAradale n t.retty Fairj (jacen, Julia DodweU was hin-I and Lot lie Carman, Nanette., The.

parti were nicely tafcen by Liaje MarEthel Boice, Asa Huff. Willie 'Dealam.

. . Maire, t.[lie, John Trngley, Krnol I 'ete"inC, Michael Moynihan, FreddL . . .Lizzie iUdick, Kreil Touiean. ChWrlie UHetUtoyer Kraticl. Willie BeekmMn, IrvingVtartine. Herbert Wyekoff, Walter Hotline,Kdos Vai>, Eddie llnfT, WUIici KennofA:-.,. A)»jir. Kred Hylrr, Diuiel Km doshi.^Kdna CorielL About 6o childrcn'in all tookpan and Miss Imogtnt Smith. lh< priacipawho had charge, deserves much credit for the


LHUe Rennie Coon, wbo wa* soj bnrned by a boDtlresome weeks sgos slowly improving, bnt the awluHums on bis back keep him restless.Hii parent* are beginning to feel mocbIBCOOraged, however, by Ibe j sppea.--.nee ol new skin In places slpng tbemrned surfuce.

Wt*t sad In i s TU Cassapssks * Oslo.The F. F. V., a solid train of Pad

man vea tibnle sleepera, dining car *t£day coaches, heated by Bteam, a-nclighted bj eleetriciiy, New York toCincinnati and Louiaville, via W&ab-

izton, without extra fare, leaves NewYork duly by Pennsylvania Railroad,9.00 p. m., Pblhsdelptiia, 7.40 p. m.arrives Cincinnati, 6 p. m. neit da ;Loaianlle,9.00; Cbicago; 6.55 and SILonla, 7.OS next morning. Tbe Cincin-nati express leave* New York, weekdays8.00*. m., Philadelphia, 10. 20 a. m.;due Cincinnati, 7.30 next morning,Chicago S. and St. Lonls, I.&0 ~ *glvhsf direct connDeetions *~«.3o p. m.,

to points be

beta to CincinosU, 916; LoniBTllle 919.50; St. Loahi, 921.25. Calitornla oneway ami eienrsion tkkeU at 'gn "redaceil rates. Through ticketsbaggage checks at Pennsylvania R. ]Station Elixabeth. *

PaURK MrXtosxtLL, R A.362 Broadway, New York.

L W. FCLUK, 0. jF, A.

cojitain, fnll page riera of tbe greatbuildings, with descriptions of «ame,aiidU vzeontfld In bigheat style of art. Ifnot MthBtod wltb it, after yon gel it, wewill reftnd ibe aUmns and lei yon keepha book. Address H. E. Bucklen *

Co., Chicago 111 <

Tbe beat salte ' n th« world for OnU-rolaes. Bores, L art, Halt B I W O L

Ferer Sores, Tetter, Char>r«4 Hao4a,Ohllbialns, Corns, and ail Skin Irap-

aod posiUreiy owe. Pile*, or *>_ . eqnlmL It Is guaranteed to ginperfect satla/acUoo, or mooay nrswd-•d, Prtc« 35 E M U a box. For B*W byL W. Btndolph, II Wnt Fniat tW««t,


Tern mmOm MW»* to PrLifktkf 0, ofHe. 144 CreseMt A T *• M , PUliflrM, New Unn.

MiDDLHCsa, Bomenet Co., N. J .TO THE PUBLIC :

For die p*st forty ytwn I have beenafflicted ith W d l i l 1 •oferedconsunt pain la the lower part of mybody, bat when I had an operation ofthe bowels tbe pain was perfectly terrlUle,aod was mot; always attended wiltthe loss of a large quantity of Mood.My condition was complicated witbprolapse Of the ret-torn, wblcb at Brsonly made its appearance wben I bad amovement of the bowels, bat at lengthtbe parts became BO weakened that theprotrusion took place while walking ~stooping, or after tbe slightest exerticand sometimes even while I was alrest. Whenever this happened ltga<rise to the most agonizing pain, ar.-elt as though something was pullinghe life right out of me. In fact onl.

those similarly situated can imaglti"the Buffering and distress which I h*<lo endure from day lo dsy, and whichmade my life a terrible burden. Hearing of Dr. Light hill'* wonderful snecessIn tbe cure of difflco.lt chronic diseases,i placed myself under his care, an/now I am proud arid happy U> say thaimarvelous as It may seem, be effected

complete and radical care in_ se in every respect, and be perfted this care without any painful opera-

Lingthis terrible dii

once more whal H ia to be witb'dally discomfort and dlatcess. I

" a wealthy mao, but no amountey wonld tempt me to be put backiy former condition.

H. VR00M.


3 Somerset sL, PlainBeld, N. J

T o i l

Mr. H . Vroom. whose statemenpears above is a brother-in-law of mineI personally know of bis case and hiblB tofferiQg and also know tbe Iifact tbat to the surprise of hlmselJhis Mends, Dr Ligbthiil effected iical and permanent care. His iment is true in every respect and duesnot say half enough In praise ol DrLlghtnlll. A in one who wishes tinstatement verined Is at liberty lo comeand see me personally.


DR. LIGHTHILLFormerly of New York and Trentonthe well-known expert In Chronic hiseases, has taken np his residence ioI'lmnfield and can be consulted daily(<-i-cepl Thnwdays) on all OBSTINATE AND COMPLICATED diseases!ibe human system ol whatever mimeand nature, at Ms office and residence,



meeting held Dec 11, 1893,ordered an Interest Dividendpaid at the rate of 3 per centper annum on all sums en*titled thereto for money depos-ited three and «ii monthsprior to January I, 1894, pay-able on and after January 10,1694.

Interest not drawn will hecredited the same as originaldeposit. Honey depositedDOW and before January 10,1894, will draw interest fromJanuary 1, 1894.

JOHN W. MUBKAY, President


t 1 A. DUNHAM.

Civil fiogiseer and Surveyor.

THEODOBE GBAZ.MASON AND CONTRACTOR,Estimates given and repairlDg prompt-

ly attended to.KEBIDEUCS.

Central Hotel Cafe,115 EAST FRONT ST.



EdW.CMULFORD,Real EstateAnd Insurance.


169 North Avenue.

DAVE'S213 Wart Frat St

Tonsorlal Parlors.ParUei deorinf lerTiisei of ohir-o podiat or maiicora n ) le»v«

crdert with me. irst-cl iu operation-


v Mmwwmm A3O1 and 3O3 West Front St.

Give it a trial and you will use no other. Ask your Grocer tor it ,



CASH0r Easy Payments


S U B S C R I B ENOW~For the new Hafof Plalndeld and NorthPlalnfleld, pabllshed byF. A. Daobam, C. S.

The map will sbow lots,bandings, railways, housenumbers at street con-•en , etc., etc., also aplan of Hillside Cemetery.

Published also ID atlasform, containing In addi-tion a double page trapof the entire city and bor-ough; the atlas will behandsomely and snbetanUaUy bound.

Price of Hap (10.00 per copy.

Price of Atlas $]fl.oo per copy.

D. W. HYDE,Teacher of Piano & Hirmon J

J. r. TIN Erri . B. f.

Ten Eyck & Harris,I)t»lc«r. In PACXRB VEIN

LEHIGH VA1LLEY COAL,vaM- at Boutll PUlnflclil. K. J.

ciijOmcc ;is WatcbaoB atacTKUMS CASH.

e goods ure us low na yoaWe gnarnnteo that oar prices oid anywhere, for instance ; t

Genuine Grain Leather Ol.ib & J , nickel lock, clasp' and Icy,10 inch. $1.13; 13-inch, $L3Sfl4lineIi, $1.68; 16 inch, $1 9$. f

Iinirntion Alligator Bags, from 49u on ihe lO-inuh, to 56^ on the 16-MchA Packing Trunk for $1.48.

Men's DreeaSuitGnsOTat tottom* S

E. J. Richards,-


Dealer Beat Qnailiy

LEHIGH_COALDry Kindling Wood

Kept constantly on hand.

Office, 17 Norm ATetrae with W. k iYard, 308 *U<liionAT«no«,opp.Kle-

tric Uzhl SUUOD

BOWLING ALLEYSThe public is invited to cmll and

trj the Dew bowliDg alleya at-tached to the wine rooms late-

ly conducted by F. Liakn, at179 and 181 Somerset St.

As BOOH aa everything la completed I

will give a grand opening.JACOB HIPP, jpnpritar.

ft 20 9a

aiimeSppipnibtT IS.

BtAHTilf.fOor. Park Avenue and Fourth St.

Hotel Albion 1is now open

"for1 aoeomodation of picmtt ,

These are timesWhrn Urn Buyers ire looking for Bargains.

We I my onr goods direct from the manufacturers in l;ir <> qns,nfitii-scaah, ihi- is one of tht! man; reasons wiiy we rna undersell t>«ripetitors on the nme grade of goo^s. I Among the nnuiy liHrgaitiii;have only the space lo mention a. few, lor iosttUK^ : *

Men's B Oalf Bahnor la, a; nice stylish dress *hoe we -11 f^r $1.1 flMen's Top Sole V. Cnlf Working Shots, i .- . . * t 15Womon'B DongoU Fateut TID B(«. BalinanilB . . . t t .15

Also the same in bcitonThtw goods Are ooldin moetiahoe etore» for $1.50.

Women's Gernioe Tan GORI Oxford tbt \ • . • E l?*cThe eiutie in Black DMH-OIJI with Patent Tip. -


In f «ct, all kinds

priesTnnikt and Wanks and Bags,

t t o pries.Steamer Tnnikt and Wall Trutiks

d prioes| of (Trunks B I|




FIRSTIn their w stors in th > B

Front S-ret and

Carefully Read I

52-inch Table Linen . .56-inch " « . .54-inch " " , ex t ia .Red Damask

!lbo6)k Building, oori | | . ,

tadison Avii.

i- Following:


Fancy Colored Damask .One Lot India 1 inen .

(10 and I2o Dress OinghaUs:Silkaline Diaper j *Dress CalicoesNew OrgandiesBlack and Colored Veiling;..Fancy Curtain SwissEmbroidered Handkorcliie's..

t o PEB CElTr L

Ireat Reductions

Ladies' Jersey Vests, silk

• 21c.83c-S7c.16c.?0c.25c.25c.. «je... 7c. . 8 b


rimmed, each..1 1-4 yard wide T a b b Oil Cloth.Shelf Oil Cloth ;One Lot Ladies' Ribbed jVests, oachOne Lot Twilled TowellmL




TM*l la U«W» Tim Wkataaarar Circle of Klng-a Doagkleri of Trinity Reformed OborcD op.oad U>. parlor* of UM cborrh bat oigtK for > etrawbnrry featlral In tba , In larval of charltj, to gaiter ap ’ rureone to naalat la anpporUng a trained name lor thla city »tnch • been propoaed by lb* onion of lb* elrrlaa In the city. .... 1 Of.ll. «ilh

lift * 301 and 303 Weal Front St.

Qim it a trial and yoa will ate no other. dsk your Grocer for it Wtv nool.n'e. who haa

effects that belonged lo the late Voor- baa Van Plant U being bold thla afer noon by T J. Carey. —Frtobt* aanr «T* doge to lb* happy booling ground! yealerdai which weio roan log about th* Pond Tool Work* (list net not registered sperial eraeker iale .. -a ... a...I I

Tbe parlor* looked eery pretty with the gloriou* display ol bunting carry. Ing oat the general effect of pink aod green. Tables were placed about the room, each laden with a weight ol good tluoga either f.»r the eye or palate, and alleodfd by affable yoaog lad tea who •are the pielerea of neatoeaa, which enhanced the beantv of the anrroond- ingv The evening wae a ancceaa which la to be repealed toaight Much credit la to be given to Mias Emma Glllcm, the chairman over all, aa well aa to the other chairmen and aaaiatanta wboec effort* aod real In the cauae weie ao well appreciated The booth* m their order were the apron boo«h.where thoa* uaefnl and or- namental articles of dreas were diaplay- rd in aboodanec. It was In charge of M>88 Mmole WUUams aud M^a WiU William a The next was the refresh- ment headquarter* with Mr* J Fred Mac Iki laid and Mr* Jamea I .ore in attendance Here waa where the mouth water e 1 lor the good thing* aod Ice cream, strawberries nd cake were the dainty Ud bit* that appealed to every one. The lower booth «u a kind of a pavilion which stood In Hie renter at- tended by Mbs Pbebo Mills, Misa Flor- ence Clark, Mias Grace Rolaod. assist- •d by the lillie Sower girls. Beetle Wilson and Gertie Tier A great variety of flowers was diaplayed, roses, violets, (ucbslaa, verbenas and palma The Chios table was very unique In its appointments. Here some ties till- ful baud-painted ( bins was on sale, brought there by Miss Beatrice Craig It was m charge of Miss Limit- I*e- Camp. At the candy table were Mias Lilian Force and Miss Etta Krymer The luxuries exhibited neeJed no other test than the taste to pronounce them perfect, for they were homo made by the ladies ol the circle. The laat place in line, and the last naturally when one haa eaten bis Oil, is the place to drink This was Re- becca’" well with two Rebeccas, Mim I-ixxie I*unn and Miss Half. Lemoa- ade was the beverage, ami ieaooa hung Irum the branches about the well house Ihiilng the evening several aelec- duns were rendered very pleasantly by die quartette. Will Tallainy, 11 art j Ye-gcr, Will Lcland and HcnTaJIamy. The entertalnmont eloeed about eleven o’clock wlih very gratifying results.


only made Ha appearance when I had a^ movement of (he bowel*. bat at lewgUi the parte becaase so weakened that the protrusion took place while walklne or stooping, or after the slightest exertion, aad sometime* even while 1 was at reel. Whenever this happeoed It gave rice to the moat agonizing pain, aod felt as though something waa pulling the life right out of me. In fact only those similarly at mated can Imagine the suffering and distress which I had lo endure from day to day, and which made nr life a terrible harden Hear- ing of Or IJghtliiir* wonderful euccesi rthe cure of difficult chronic diseases, placed myself under hka care, ami now I am proud and happy to say that marvelous as it may seem, be effected a complete and radical cure in my case in every reaped, and he perform- ed this ear* without any painful opera- tion or preventing me from wort. Since this torrihle disease has been re- moved by Dr. UgbtDlll a skill I feel once more what It is to be without dally discomfort and distress I am not a wealthy man, but no amount of money would tempt me to bo pat back In my former condition. H. YROOM.

— Ikunareai’s a, —- advertised In the Courier das had good results He has had to duplicate sev- eral of his orders altesdy. —The Bound Brook bowling team mill meet a picked team tonight on the Manhattan alleys, composed of the best bowler* in the Totter and Scott Tress Works —Praeklln Connell Na 42 Jt O U A. M. Initiated four candidstes, re- ceived two proposition* laat night, and accepted

RraMwick. who havr brem visiting L. W. Keidy, of GrcvBbrook, haw retained how. Among those who attended the Kpworth league Convention ai Wood bridge yeWlrday -•«« the Kcv W. C. Kinaey aad Mra Ter y. The Sunday achook of the Methodist. Bap- tiat and Presbyterian Churches will observe Children's Day, 8 an day, with appropriate •■- eickma. John Haff unloaded the household goods of Mr. TiMoa, who formerly lived in ihe .tale, from Ihe cars yesterday and took the* to htt new residence oil Front Street. Howard Giles is moaraiag the loaa of h dog, for whom he took so m*ch pains lo I ml Id a hovie. The dog spent one night ia his new <)uarters and died the dext day. A concert

FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1*94.


~a. V>.~J an invitation to vlalt th* Amboy Council Tuesday night —A lad riding a wheel oo avenue laat night tried to turn and collided with a carriage be picked himself up he was uo carriage but fortunately waa no much —Neptune Engine Company of New Brunswick have engaged tbs FlatsMd Comet Band u> play for it at the bien- ulal firemen's parade to be held In October. ' —Alert Hose Company held a meet- ing test night and set Wed o/i the buaJ- neau for the month No meeting* will now be held by them durlug the month* of July, August or September


th* Treat>ytrrun Church; in , t Thursday evening, to which there will be a small charge lot. admission Neat Thursday afternoon at five o'clock, a set ol bar act* and robe, the pdsosul prop- erty of Joseph J. Sullivan, of HlamfirM, will l.s sold by order of the Board of Health, lo satisfy their daiat for burying his horse, a boat which ihe Courier spoke law February. Jofftice Storms, of New Market, is suffer- ing from a tumor on his lower lip, which he has had for several years. Of late the tumor hi* grown worse, instead ff better, and now that he has to wear a clamp to keep the pl.ster In pteesh H « vtafe diftealty that he C.1> .|'.t The Borough Cotamiasioners give notice that all dogs no* properly registered by Jnly I, sad found running at large upon the pub lie highways of the liorough, nsy be shot by sny one Registered dogs will have a err- tain kind of collar about their nlreks as a dis

I CASH 0r Easy Payments


D. W. HYDE, Teacher of Piano & H>rmonj Subscribe

Na 188 Somerset sc, Plainfield, S. J. To Use restates IS of rialaMJ. k. J.

Mr. u. Vroom, wboec statement ap- pears above ia a brother-in-law of mine. I personally know of bla case aod bis tila suffering and also know the happy fact that to the surprise of blmaelf aod hka friends. Dr Ugblblil effected a rad- ical aod permanent cum HI* state- meut ia true In every reaped and due# not aay half enough iu praise ol Dr Llgbthlll An roue who wishes ibis statement verified Is at liberty to come aod see me peraoually. JOHN a KINNEY.

NOW—For the new Msf ol Plainfield and North Plainfield, published by F. A. Dunham, C. E. The map will show loU, buildings, railways, boose number* at street coru- nera, etc, etc, also a plan of Hillside Cemetery Published also In atlas form, containing In addi- tion a double page rap of the entire etty and bor- ough; the atlaa will be handsomely aod aubetan uaily bound. Tries of Map flO.OO per copy.

Price of Atlas *18.00 per copy.

These are times When Lire Bayer* we looking for Bargain*.

Wv buy onr goods direct from the inonafnctarera in largo quani/ll*« tor caah, thla la one of the many reasons why we i-.n undersell .our eotnpetltora on th* Mine grade of good*. Among lit® uuuiy b-rgain.. w* have only the apace to mention a. few, for instant* : * Men's B Oslf Bahuor Is, a nine stylisli dress shoe w* -oil for *1.95 Men's Top Sole V. Calf Working Shoe*, ..... ft.15 Women'* Dongola Patent Tip Bki. Balmorals . . . *J.I5 Also the saute Is baltoa Tins* goods are sold in most shoe store, for H 50. Women's Get pine Ton Goat Oxford for j . He The same in Black Dongola with Patent Tip. , .

TRUNfHS and K AON. We ganrrtntoo that our pri-oa ou thnee fgooda are ae low as fou will find anywhere, for Instance ; Genuine Grain Leather Club Bag, nickel lock, <-lnap and I'er, 10 inch. $1.13; la inch, $L38rU inch, $1.68; Id inch, #1 9b. Imitation Alligator Baga, from 49c on the 10-inch, to firi.j oa the lb un it A Pat-king Trunk for$l.4A. Mon's L>rcas Suit Caaws at bottom prtm a. 1 Steamer Trunks and Wall Trunks la fact, all kiuda and prices of Trunks aod Bag*.


■elf u> get used to the new order of things be comforted himself very grace- fully. One of the feature* of the alter noon wee the call from a gentleman aod bla wile to see the place where the former bad been cared for in early life Now a sncceeaful Imslneaa mao be waa on a visit to ITaiofield aod waa pleased to meet Mra Kimball again. Kefresli- menu and a social boor were enjoyed heartily by all who came.

Chuwl -The I lean#* for the Washburn*- 'na waa sraated, laat night to ahow b 22. aud that for Korepaagh »

Ucrkman street* the latter at Fourth street and Monroe avenue. —The monthly meeting ol the Re- form Glob waa held last night, but there waa no quorum for buainew Th* time was apent In some spirited talks in the good of tbe order, and n waa announced that Rev. Mr. Ilxtic) would be preaent next Thur*d*v o*g!>' to give a lecture. — Much complaint Is made about the dlttorbancea ra'aed by boy* Bands} nights on West Second «tr*et who vi- brate between the Sjlvation Army and Trinity Thnrcn, interrupting tne acr vice* They w«tch their chance be- tween the officer*!* vlalUaud skip when he cornea —Tbe picnic held in Greder a Evon* grove by tbe B. II G a, waa »dl at tended and, a pleaMDl dance was had. Milton Meeker made an efficient fit)oi manager aud he waa ably amlnlcd by Jacob Fox The clob will have an other picnic next Wednesday night. —Th# work of wiring the Wotb*>r ■poon houae on Eaat Front street for N. Pendleton Roger*, of New York, who will occupy It, haa beeu completed and beaoufol electric lam|* now art re-toy for use Tb* light* bare ala., been extended lo the sublet The work waa done by Joseph Hold. —Tb# Wbyo gang beld a meeiinr laat night at the corner »r North ave- nue and Berkman atreet and initiated aixt°en new member*, it la suted that the gaug has needed more force alncv r. . . t • L.a .11. .1 ,k..

TBI W. C T. U. HOLD* 11 IBTUttTIVG brm,

The monthly mceung of the W O. T waa held yesterday afternoon when reports by tbe different aapennteDd- ente, Mrs. 8 B. JoeephA Mrs M. Win ter, Miau May Tomlineoo, Mr* M V Dobbins, Mrs. S. R. Krora aod MraT. H Tcmllnaon were read. Very much In ter eat was token In all the rvad'uga aod the talks by boiu those who took port and those who were listener* only Tbe question box waa brought out and will hereafter bo a feature <JT the meeting* The -natter of having Water barrels at atreet cor ner* lor the thlraty was tooebed upon hut waa laid on the table. The Union will make an effort to have reports from teacher* in the public school* up- on toe aew study of the evil effects of alcohol to be introduced next Fall, and will watob tne effect it baa upon tbe minds of the jonng. Oee lady told of a conversation that waa held with a UUle boy who was In a school Where this Study baa already been Introduced and found that he bad learned to have a fear for beer or tig- arettea. rteetog a boy smoking the person asked him bow that hap|>ened awd lb* one speaking said "O be learn-

Formerly of New York aod Trenton, the well-known expert la Chronic !>«*- eaeea. haa taken op hie real deuce in Plainfield aad can be eonsniled daily (except Thursdays) oo all OIWT1N-

The Monroe Avenue Chapel looked very lovuiDR laat night. In it was field a slrawbern aod lee cream toll val aoder the auspice* of the Ladles Aid Society. Tbe attendance waa very good, and tha deliveries on sale rapid ly disappeared. Tbe becoming decor- atlona were tbe work of the Young Men's l-eague. Mra Haff had charge >i ihe fancy Milk Mias Louie Aid- rich and Mim Elizabeth Forster of .be candy table, Mim Mary Beckman and Mim Kittle Apgar of tbe Bower booth, MIm Bertha La Roc of tbe lem- onade, Mr* LaTlue of the cake, Mr* Mr* A. I). Pearson oI the strawber-



OF PLAINFIELD, N.J • The managers at a regular

lirhl in cn of Uncola kUouI 9 Maud Ben 1 on made • .harming Mother while Maggie YaaArsdule made a uretiy I-airy qtrra, Julia Do)well «u R‘wa- ll n. I aad l.ot:ic Carman. Nanette. Thenther pari, were nael) taken by Link Maifiue. r.thei Hoice, A*a IlnfT. WIIHr iVaUnaan. Arthur Craw. Percy Al«bou.Maroueme Net- ton. I'dith Till) a. Helen Mmire, Hue 0>IW-l lde. John Titigicy. Frncal 1‘eiers I'ncy la-* i»g. Michael Moymhan, Freddie Wanlrs. 1 via Hertkft, Fred TommlOMi Uln, Grom Krairel, Willie Beehmon. Irving Marine. Herbert Wyekoff. Walter Bodme. Fdna Vai*. F-ddiv iluff, WJIi* Kcaamly.

meeiting held Dec. 11, 1892, ordered aa Interest Dividend paid at the rate of S per coot UUud thereto for mooey depos- ited litre* and all months prior to January 1, 1894, pay- able ou aod after January 10, 1894. Interest not drawn will be credited tbe asms as original deposit. Mooey deposited oow aud before January 10, 1894. will draw lotarast from January 1. 1894


E. H. HOLMES. Ueeler t« QeelK; LEHIGH COAL

Roger*, tbe sea foodmau oa West Second atreet, will begin tomorrow a special sale to be coounoed on Satur- day e Tuning* through the sssaofi. There will be special price* for tbeeo days cash. Such orders are not delivered for the prices do uot permit of It. All the prod set* on aalo will be of ihe first quality, a great variety and no "fakea." Everything it aa repre- sented. People who enjoy eating Osh or anything in that Hne will appreciate these -Saturday sale* In getting ap Son- day dinners.

Alter ArtT*r. Fred Hyler. Daniel Km cknhn. Kdna CwdL About 60 children in all look part and Mim Imngrnr Smith. It* principal who had charge. <lewrve« much credit for the twrcewi of her »elf appointed taak. Dry Kindling Wood In their »w stora in th i Baboo* Bnilding, oor. Front 8're t and Madiaon Ave.

received tola morning a notice that bis application for a patent railway switch lie* been granted. The Golooel baa been working on iC too peat Winter, and baa a device which railway men think will be a success. Seeing the loooovenieuce of operating the switch 00 tbe trolley road near the Courier office gave him toe incentive to work ou tbe device. He now has oor which can be operated by the mqtor- man from tbe platform to awltch r fiber way, or be can leave It If tbe track Is right for him to go straight ahead.

JOHN W. MURRAY, PrweidoaL THE VICTIM OF TAX BOlllAE 1M- PBOTlffO. Utile Reenie Coon, who wax so bad- ly burned by a bonfire some wnek • ago, la slowly improvmr, but toe awful bums on bis back keep bla resile*.. Ilia pan*la are beginning to feel much encouraged, however, by the appear- ance ol new akin in places along tbe burned surface

Cnrefntly Read ihe Following: Orfl Engineer and Snnejtr. BOWLING ALLEYS ■ajoe Paul it davqeeouslt ill.

Mrjor J C. Paul, who waa stricken with apoplexy Saturday, Ilea uoeof.srl- ou« at bis home with his right aide paralysed. 11 .a recovery is doubtlnl. Ho bad bee* ailing for mo* lime [mat, before toe stroke, aud bad to keep lo bla borne. Saturday, when he waa taken, be bad gooe to the bath room *od the door locked Itself. Mra Paul became anxious about bla long r bounce and called. There wa# no answer, *1 d •he could not get In, to she climbed in through tbe window from tbe outside aod found him lying 00 toe floor.

52-inch Table Linen 56-inch “ “ 54-inch “ “ Red Diunnsk

The public ia invited to cell end trj the new bowling alley* at- tached to the wine room* late- ly conducted by F. Link*, at 179 and 181 Someraet Bt

Aa aeon aa —Mythla* la completed 1 will Kira a creed opealec JACOB H1PP, Piwpri-tar. 5 1S«5

THEODORE GRAY. MASON AND CONTRACTOR, KaUmalea clven and rapalrtaf prompt- ly aUeeded lo.

T. ■ C. A J.Uka IM,,. At the Y . M. C. A. Jebllte meeting 10 he Held Id the Oreaceot Arrnoe 07)oreb oe Sea-lay errolDg orat, Beale •til be rendered by a doable aule quartette. At t»e Metdodlat Oburch tbe music will be rendered by Uie choir of the Ftrat Beptlat t*oreh, led by V. J. Piuhuch. 1’r- ntehards and Jamea MeOee will dellrer abort addreaaea at

Ballroad, Fancy Colored Damask . One Lot India 1 inen 10 and I2c Dress Ginghi

Read Neuman Bros BPEOlALt

jvwl^rar "ore* Move.

114 BAST FRONT ST. CHOICE Wines, uqvoru

AND SECARS FIN* POOL TABLK enuraly neglectod, ao tkat property oween moil not be at all anrpr.aed to rncwlr* tnUmetloo from thr HtroM Oom- mlBlooor abortly Utat Uiey must com- ply with tbe ordloanee. —Yealerdey morning aa Patrick Me Ctlaonl or Someraei atreet waa eooat lo leave kle home, tao of tua dog. wDKh were pie) leg eboul, aedd-aly

Silkaline Diapery. Edw. C. MULFORD,

Real Estate And Insurance.

Dress Calicoes. New Organdies J Black and Colored Veiling... Fancy Curtain Swiss T Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ Jersey Vests, silk (rimmed, each. 1 1-4 yard wide Tabb Oil Cloth Shelf Oil Cloth One Lot Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, each One

Woolrtoni Buckle, klHIatMaii

NEW LINEOF WALL PAPERS 213 Wart Front Bt Tonsorial Parlors.

Partial deairing aerrinea of Mr Lot Twilled Towellii Great Reductions

Page 3: FOR 3 DAYS · VOL--IH NO. 188 PLAINF1ELD. N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTO. ARTISTIC DECORATONS «• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which!• Bmt K(M la Stu* IT


VI0LENCEJ0NT1NDES.Latist Dispatches from the Turbu-

lent StrikAegiona,


CAMBHITK'F:, O.. Jnne Ik—Adjutant Gen----1 Howe. »iih 1.300 men, arrived on a* mUrt!" Thi-j proceeded at onos toSoon* mine's <>r Mineral StdiDZ, fourniilr?. tn«t <>( I'ntiibri'lKe, where no realat-

bsd b*«D lu-lil op there for two day* were

iV 1-*T* "inlue-l in. All wen,amM ii,> ftnfl moved out. Aboutr—t- «ii h i",> fU-M p.«*« were

Franklin, <""' ""• "•»"' l n d «S* mil. Tin- «lid -toriw -about

",«MTJ O U Coal eompa*j"liitMrnoM

from qntet

that • crowd «f 8.0TO toV N

VHI it. here that


V fit

•mot tMtferea i i Hl"1 tbe o t h e r J* t b "Fourteenth, Imve ju»t arrival, arm wer©• i -(1,.'.li.-.l HI iiii.-i- t.> (mini Itover W re-

. ' » , : .L T...1 ii HIM f h i m

dapattoa, baa entire!to u , s llTalicat kl 'It wahAmoml

4,000 n l n m wanH«th«d.pniiMat"onM'pM abont _ _ .casing tbemaelTaa in anticipation of war.It will be a hard matter to get new* fromMtnown without dafajr, aa the only tele-graph offloe then la In th* omnpany'ibuilding, and Superintendent Young willonly allow auch new* to U N i l M hedictate*.

M Illtla O n n m t bj Slrlk.r..DoVKB, (>., Jnne S~Wh. i i Company M,

Berent«enth Infantry, Captain O. C. Pow-elaon. want aboard aapcclal Cleveland andMarietta train here, en rout* to Cam-bridge, 2,000 people, moatlj rolling millmen, slopped the train. Engineer CharleaKounda waa eltberperaanded or compelledto leave hla engine, but protection beingpnr»nifl.ii ha resumed his poat. Hrvi-rnlattraipta were made to start, when tha airwit, cut off. It i™ rumored the track latorn up at Odberta' coal mine, aontb ofIJH-H. Trouble Ii feared before retnforcvment can set b#re.

A Ml-lrtaf. Frophaar.OFSVEH, June 8.—In an addreaa before

the Union league HeT. Myron Hwd, whoresigned the pastorate of the CoDgrega-

feeliog canned by his expression of wjm-path; for the Cripple Creek strikers, .aid:"' am not a prophet, bat 1 am the ton ofa prophet. My father forewtw the begin-IUIIR of the w»r. I see the beglning of a


Ac Used for U ;«an. It la "'

and cheap. Mold by

R.J.SHAW,Drofrgiat, Front St. opp. Fartavenue, I'UiubelO, N. J.

New Planing Mill!Htrd W»od Flooring, Mould

• nvi, wiD<low m - M * .

Turning and Scroll Sawing,

Steam Kiln Drlwl Kindling Weed,


Lumber and Mawa^Matem)


In American Muiual Fire InsuranceCompany of Plain Held.


ure In ihia compwij

•chief,a, TbeRiiard

•d iu Iheir cars.


p._W. B. WI1 ihisclly froi

cosferr-in-e \*r-i veen T he ot«Totjira a

betB« *It. We do not lDHl<ttnow coii>idtr that a

8PR.NO VALLEY, Til*., Jnnt a—Jame*W. Murray, T!C« president or tha Illinois

Kewnr.ee. He was ordered to that placei" tirma the men out, they having re-turned to work without the permission ofth«j itriken. Mr. Murrrr u y i if thosemcnj{o (o work again before a settlementI« reached it will beinipo*sible to preventthe organ LZAUon of an army to more uponthem, HI tbe sinkers' patience la aboutexhausted.

WASHINGTON. Iud.. June 8.—The. MineWorkers' strike Is virtually eDdrd as faras this section is concerned, and tbe minerswill probably resume work Mond*j\ aithey have no grievance, and only quitwork In order to help the movement along.The thref? mlnen who were arreatcd aa

KntKlay wprpirird yMterday. and JudgeTIt>rroa >c(itilit<>d fine Rnd withholds wn-teace on the ol her two.

Jgnotlng MeKrkdfls Itoqneit,W H B M J S O , W, Va., June 8.—There *•>

not a ripple of excitement at Iba Wheel-lug Creek mines, w«.t o( Bridgeport, yes-made. A telegram from President JohnMclirule asking the miner, to vacate

I camps and abandon all attempts toiper the road, was read to tbe miner*,had no perceptible effect.-

Real Estate,

Ko. 101 Iin rwn mi

Insurance, Heal

FRED ENDRESS,(Succettorlo Cuarirt Arnold.)

DEAI.BE INirsl Quality Meat, Jersey Pork & Poultry

——2. specialty.

Spring CliickenB Dressed to Order.

203 I'ilVERTV I TIlKliTfree of C M ' H [ ProD'F

* KTlsalKn,. W.V».. June&—Thestorythe Rnnr.1. at Ihe Norfolk and West-

ern hridireat Keiiova were assaulted andfired on by a Rang of Hlrikers Wedoesday

' " , U without foundation. Twodenuly

only departure fnnii thi- rulo being themlher r'>Tmh hnTjilLiiiu r|f t well dresaodHtfani;er. HIIII WH-< brought to tbe railroad

[<«Tf it until Pin-I.nri; » « . ivar.hed. The•inker-rJirt-n-i. and tiie [Kilice made DOmove !'» im..rrere in behnlf of the man.

lhelube wurkers m Duijuesne,who were

beld a meeting li i.ik'lit iiii'S dt

crea-ed wages were granteil. This Super-intendent Uimxhe Mtyn will Dot be done,•ud UK will cU»e down (he mill indell-

poto* of iie|<UiiuH or n band of recklesa

tic Uct, IIUI of a «reat IIIHH« of eioiledtflriitmiiii; iii.;mirlie9 iuilicatu that theminen BIT willing to lay down their

<juard« wd fn cuuit good cit&ena once

Tli> miliii], yesterday made a foroed

twfuiTl.H lumen and deputies. When

quesi.il ilie deimtien to withdraw theirpicket fine awl he would eabstltate h btntn. To this The dvpntlaa demurred. InHit ,i e.iii,K « si,uad uf dfpiities marched

them Ihej mu»t not Enter Iba corporaUliniUK i't tlip cily auy more. They panaed

vt vantsK.. L-fure dark, Sheriff Bowers*au walled on l,y a large number of dep-uties, »b» uhKBi him to allow them toaO;•nupany bin, lo Dull Hill In the morning.ibU may |>r cii>iVHt« a row.

(>.. JuneS.—B a 10 a

"as mad* up,,,, three Norfolk and West-ern track •••Hikers on guard near theundjie over Lick creek, above this cttj,and two ol the railroad men were badlybrnlwd wlib sU'Dfa. Tbe deputies onguard at Lick creek bridge opened nre ontbe unknown, with guns and revolvers,fli-tujf aliout fifty uliolB, and one of the,a»-•alllll|[ pM!i-ll is SUppOMdwoBLded. Th. rii

Con. B | r l k > n M , | | i^t .rmla.*.SWITTDALE. Pa , June e.~The big m>

IBK of tbe linking uoke workera held hereT«sten]My w w B u immenM aaccau i "matter of attendance, and In Ih*tlenof • n t h a » i a n t h t• e o t i t

In Ih* f«i(th«i theatrika

lline and each man°carri«d a bQDCh oflrwbly cut ri>M*. Alter paraA\ng thePrintipaJ itre^ts <>I i he town they marched*> tb« Calhuitc cemrtary, and the grar~« their dsad comrades were literally bled under flower*. A monger meetl•as held, pmiried ov*r l.y Hon. John B." ! " • • Al iucatrougin their InwnlloawrsmalD oD .trtkr, and much)"ow IwUy', delegaU meeting.

4B.L4 C U T , P*.,

t Coa

ited a)xd


• Nn Hawkins was on the scene tbeem kept quiet, the depredations beingmilted immedintrlr after be left.

• • • n l n H .' : r. : •.' . - . ! . . . ', ,!,.-

ichment of police have ar-rn< who are Biippowd to be

plicated iu the killing of Engineer

,T,.l..!m. aud'tbe injuring of two other

KG Md.,JuueB— TbeMarylanday l.-fj the can In which tbeyquartered since their arrival

a camp on tbe plateau between

that their slay will be a longbought the troops will atay outo weeks.

inlet here. Tbe militia were yesterdayrdered to withdraw to Pekin. Several•ore leaders In tbe riota have been ar-ent«d among them a Baptist preacher,

BeT. Samnel McN'elll, who pleaded guiltyciting riot and w u nned 110.

Pa., June 8 - T h e bodyOf a boy resembling little Eddie Brotber-t*n who mysteriously disappeared (rom

i, home in AahUnd last February, wasIIH fi.uml yesterday In tbe Soiqnebannaver at Danville. Tb« f » i a « ol th» boy.

..•ho visited Danville, waa nnable toident-ify the remains. M i , Brotberton will goto Danville today. It li supposed tbatthaboy waa drowned while skating last win-ter. A D Italian organ grinder waa ar-nated on tbe charge of abducting the lad,but waa acquitted by tbe court alterthree daja" trial.

?iTr, June S.—Eli Buret, whonng wife and btmself Iu North

Bergrn on Wednesday night, la v«ry lowIn Christ hospital. The hospital surgeon*removed the bullet from Mra. Barat'ihead, and she has a good chanoe to re-eover. Baret la 88 year* old and bl» wifeis 30. They have been married three yeara,aud have one child. Three week, ago, onaccount of hla neglect, aba left him, andbar refuaal to return eawjed tha tragedy

Uprs H.ronoHlatliJB CabtaaLJuneS.—It ia reported that Sl|.

ipl will form a reconciliation cabi-net, to include Marq.ul* di Kadlni andSlgnor Zauorilelli.

I l k *f PrwiBB, - " . ^-

NEW 8 I V » , Jnne 8.—Profeaaor W. D.Whitney, the Yale phllologirt and l«rt-cop-apber, died yttfday. fA «•


noward H. Baker haa been n»mby the president aa poatmMMr at B

N N « 1 Coleman, wh.te.lW jm»M. * »mi\ mt f^^uibunr Fla , for rariabing 1*"^ l - S d ^ « F « ^ . - h - - cooditton

U critical.The corporotlon of Umtrldi , Ii^Un-

ha. decided by a nnanimoBa r*M U>«J

Tba Hn'na;arlan eabinat criala eonttoaaa.Or. WekerU refnaing t* e»Igd» HartSugalll at the bidding at Emperor P

I»ni» Wllllaroa, color*!, me*A IS • • « • ,wii lynched at W*-on. Vim., (or at-tenptb* but Frid«y w ouuag* ft » I »old wliiw girL

lusted. No a*>p*sm<T.i* m.rtcyour prop •rij,°S»<ii oiPB.™Fr«i.i

nl»-d a»-n , of the above

Charles M. Wilson,

Charles H. Oill,Carpenter ft Builder,

Eitim»t« fnrnifiWd on all gmdec

of work. Jobbing prompt

ly attended.

WHWr.1 FovU ftracC

Vlevcn by PourtesnA Incha U the u c of each of thei beamiTol photographic viewi of Ifaef World'i Fair m the White Cityf Artfoliot—one third larger andf ten limn more desirable than all

otbtn pnbliihed.

S. SHARKEY, Agent.

SOt AlckwMd Strwt,;«>r. Tkird M n e t

keeps a wcU ickcted Hock of

Groceries 2nd Provisions.



Constantly on Hand.

Tint Class Attendance.

C. DICK1SS0S, PBACTICAL OPTICIARexamined ftec 143 North Ar«BM.

,B. R. CAIN,ifituweuor to Brektv* A din >,

Carpenter and Builder,n GRANDVIEW AVE..

NOKTH PLAIKFIBLD.Eitimate* cheerfully fornuhetl in ail

giadet of work,


. : : j

ctelc. No family should be wiltout it. Sold only by




A Firat-claas iamily Hotel'

stablva and Buuardi Attached

, u d Green Brook Boad

Bearolar and tranalent b iirJrn.Flni-oLBe» 0*r aai nible* «naoa«L


Porter, Ale and Wine


MERRY-GO-ROUNDLocat«l at 8oro-r»rt Street

Open AlUrnoon and Evening-

Solid SILVER Spoons

COLLIERS.E>Ul,luh«i I l l l 101 T i t »>•!!• •


Furniture and Pianos


J. T. VAIL.Real Estate and Insurance


Blue Stone VUtttat. Etc


(Proprietor.)30 u d :2 I W H H St. North Plalnflrid


Krcifbt Trunks and Baggage.CARTAGE

Office. 161 North Avenue

MARSH. AYERS A CO.,143 East Front Street.

Paints, 0 Is and Va'niahef,Wa'l Paper.

L.OSTMany good riollan hy oot ha.ving worn

Aml reliable



1 M - e t OxftnH, 15c u> W.oo.

107 Part AWEU".

TRY OUR NEWHo Ext a Charge.

M. J. 00TNE,

Merchant TailorNo. >83 BAST F O O E T S ST

-BO.for Children during the Summer

or p u t of vacation, at


Hmio and instniction if d«eired.




Dobbin's CigarsIF NOT. TKT T B B t


ran lira t liapsi*,








Hotel GrenadaNorth Avenue.

Tt« Finest Botai i-a tb« Cltv-

It now open for booking rsow, and«

sw. in> wiiuci T. n u a

Henry P. Windham,

Hotel Arlington

Boice, Runyon & Con t e E i t . D. 1. Boicc,JA. D. Cook ft Bro.


Mason's Materials, &c.,We arc Dow prepared with e u n n o a y

fiKMlitirs, (naving pncbaied the attcaiH*arda of Mean. A. D. Cook & Bio.-, 1

l nil all order, aad tollctt roar pa



Flour, Crraln,FEED, HAT, STRAW,

And all Country ProduceuHUtafM MIMi

5 41,Broadway,


AND JOBBER.H*. «61 WM* Front St.

Plalnlleld, N. J .

Something New

WlUiam J. Stephenson, C A T E R E R .Receptions Teas, W«d0lnn and Pmrtlw



All klDds BtoTe work. Wells driven,pampB supplied and repaired.

EIHKE7 4 WILSON,SO .•• i.n-i'•!-.-«.• i S t r e e t .


WHEELS WHEELS WhEELS- Airnoet f-ivert away at .

!OYl?S( cor. Northland Watchung Ayes.Ariel, »100. Ariel, little n*cd last ccaeon, t"S. Remington,

975. New Home, *I00. Call in and iee tbe Wat i f .1

Remington Ladies' Wheel, list price $135,< »o]<l for 990.

We nrc making the eale to nee the room for immeiwe itock

uf Wall Paper?, PainU ' liixl OUB. Painting aad paper-

Si:nii;iii:: ili.nr by first class wjorkmen with beat maleriait at

{•Hoes to -nit the tim

SlipJohn Weagle,

213 W . Fifth.St.

A. «- RTTNTOK & SON*Undertakers and Embalmed

li and MW Htdlsoa:

we* or Mii>L>iDi niuTiir,





Upholstering and Mattress Making.


Mrs. John Brown(Scocnw )

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned2 5 Per Cent. Cheaper

than bj aa j other BMHM.

OLD N m n Sfi4




Leech, Stiles & Co.& CO.


H. M. DUNHAM'S OFFICE, 167 East Trout Street,eren Thu™da> ntOM H *_ M to I P. K,"

K. >V. Bios A Goto

The North Plaiufield Grocers. 48EmlIy Street-






4O8 W. Flflh St.Telephon* 16O.


Clothing ! I OFor Men, Boys and Children.

it gre&tl? reduced prices. Now is ymir vli»nw?,tj«ko It before It ia (on*

E. R. POPB. Assignee for




Fort Storad at the low Rate of FOUR F EB DENT.

Gwmenls left for llepair Daring the 8[JMlfEB MONTHS will l)< Slor*dTee of Charge.






If yon want a Go*ofa,


A. N. DUNSTER & SON. ProorMorr. M

ALLEN'8. 202 West Front Straaft

latest Dispatch** from the Xorbn- lent Strikrtegiont.


C*mmip»> •I*™' ,r^U- ruin'-

. .Inn# «—Adjutant Otn- 1 .300 men. arrived on a irT pnsceeded at one* to ,r Mineral Hiding. four where no mUt 7«"* — *h”-n by «>»• m.ner*. wbo bad taken to Ibr «.hhN «o avo.d .ummoo- la |njaiK«,'‘t* proceedings. The Iralna that had hern held up there Cor two day* warn found !•»■# i»’ bad rendition. partly on- |oad*«l. o^apllntj pin' and chmns nil thrown into ibe creek. parking taken

Aopattaa. baa entirely abaa—d from quWt to tbs lL-Hrot kind of action. LaAatabt a< »,ooo to •M tb. dnput Ira at ooea art about cadlac tbnanlTM In anticipation of war, It wW ba a bard mattar to gat m*i front W a now » wit boot delay, aa tba only tato- graph ofBoa tbara U la tba oom puny's building, and Superintendent Young will only allow aucb new. to ba Bent aa ha

.. June A—Whan Company M. b Infautry. Captain O. C. Pow- t aboard * .pedal Cleveland a Marietta train here, en bridge. *.000 people, mostly rolling mill (Baa, Mopped the train. Engineer Char lee to leave hU supine. but prvtecUoa being guaranteed ha reanmad bta poet. Several attempt- were made to atari, when the air wae cut off. It la rumored tba traok U Olberta' coal mine. Booth of beta. Trouble la feared before retnfoeoe

> of the . , *lrd*ttl in All were and moved out. About it b two Held piece* were tbe remainder It Scot I - min— With guards ."he tunnel an.l tampering

A M In taler's rropheey. Drktkb. June a-In an add re*. before tba Union league Her. Myron Heed.



KUta Bag* o. Omta,^, Cormu, Poutore, blw Bmim, Bom? Be. UredfcvUreu* HImS mJ ebrap. Sold by R.J. SHAW,

New Planing Mill! Hard Wood flooring, (.gil

mo. rrMM. Turning sod Scroll Sawing.

Sltan Ui Dried KkuUU* *oM. lehigh coal.

Charles M. Wilson, Charles H. oiu. Carpenter a Builder,

Eadmataa fnmirhi.l on all gndf

W«* Fourth strost, Clevea by Tourte:n ! Inches is the site of each of beaetifui photographic news of th* World’, rate la the White City ArtfoUoa—one third larger and tea times ■ other, published.


Hu- Fourteenth iyviuh-m.'

. obnreb on account of tbe ad feeling caused by hU eaproaeloo of aym- patby for the Cripple Creek strikers, said «m n«H a prophet, but 1 aba tbe son of a prophet. My father foresaw the begin- ning of the war f aao the brglnfng of a a<_ men on tbe hill pro light-

er* comfortably q THE Olsritll

Two more com|>ei»ir*. I. aud ■ In' other of the - Just arrived, and wens v to Canal Dover to re- . with eealed orders from In chief. There are no a Tin-guards

w.r „„w mow men on tbe bill are light- lag tbe first battle Special advantages u» none, equal opportunities to thla bauaer we tight this fight.

rtcred in their t OM rtltKHC

H.-W. B WII- i this city from Frost burg

turned to work without the perm tbe striker*. Mr. Mamy say* If those i men go to wort again before a aeltlei U reached It will hetmpoaeihl* to prevent the organization of aa army to move upon I them, aa tbs striker*' patience la about if the action. - and their in ten many details. The

■ inrrs. (t became oeccasary

WAsmyoToy. lud.. Jane 8.—Tbe Mine Workers’ strike is virtually ended aa far as thla section la concerned, and tbe miners will pmbably resume work Monday, aa they have no grievance, and only quit - along. • u* i m»e mmrn wu« were arrested aa arcessorirw to tbe riot at Cannelburg on Sunday were tried yesterday, and Judge autb<-r!*e dutrtcl eoo- r to facilitate a settle- ’ Maryland region, ■« HefniB acquitted one and withholds sen-

"-liT o the operators and n . directly t > iii.su th*t you do not lu»i«t l*r*' r» rm igniting th* United irgaDisat

up n soylnt if proceeding* tbv

ufereSKW befog held#" . .1. utlt We dount lo.lst consider that a-


rain and told not to r* was reached The in* polico made no behalf of tbe r committed immediately after he Jett.

tbe work* a ■Bill yesterday were again barred * sight l.jr strikers, and if u«lsllo»r Itiru U-fure Mo inlay the damage lam sees will he great 1 bet a be workers at Duquesne.wl <*d»d creased -wn were granted. Tbt* Super- intendent D'uisbe say* will not be tbe tulll IndeU-

• l»*rillM Bepplaeleg by Slate Treeps si t rlppl* Cresk. ItUll! June 8.—1,’ulvae some eidtad iskiug trouble tbe crisis

mrrrdny made a foroed Hand, reaching tbe scene t 3 o'clock Id the nfter- ood t*> prevent a clash be- guteted the deputies to withdraw their picket hue and he would aubetltuta hia o thu tbede|>uties deuiarrwd. the **rnibg a -ouad of drputiea marched throaich fbe mam streeta la military or- M syor i.i adsley took them they r the corporate limit. Of the city any .....re, Tb*y ptmead so, evidently intent on making some point of vantage i-fore dark. Shrntl Bower* w*s waited by a large number of dep- bile«. who u-^cd him to allow them toso- ► •'"lar-y bin, to Bull HUl in tbe mornlag. Thu may precipitate a row.

atle.k.d the 1 Walker*. laovrnv. *#, June 8— Between 10 aad U*k V, nlnrwtay night an attack .Sr, "• track Walkers on guard near th# fcrdg* Oter l.irk creek, gbova thla city, sad two of th* railroad men were badly braised with .tone,. Tbe depnttee on guard at Llr k creek bridge opened fir* on U* BBkaoag* with guns and revolver*. Bring about fifty ekota. and one of tbaaa Bailing parties is suppoaed to ba»e been •vuuCed. lh. rtotam Cek* Strike Stwrroai.r. P* •1 tb* striking <-oke * •m. 8 -Tb# big meet ........ .ok* worker* held hue fmurdar -u an Immense ssocm la the ■utter 'A attendaace. and la tbe geoerw *'•»of etlha.lasm t..strengthen tbeetgika ■aatimeiit There were fully 5.000 man la

priorist rWta * the Catholic •f thetr dead os- M under Sowers. k •w held, presided over by II netery. and ra they marched sad tba graven literally

~~~ “■». presided over ny lion. John H. ■Tr*e All are strong In their la tan £"■■10 on strike, and much la »«*dar s delegate m~tlng ■[WdaggLA Cur. PA. June *—Th»

Igl—ring NfMrMt1* It**see*. WiiggLIBO. W Vs. June 8 -Tbwr.s. not B ripple of eirHement at tbe W heel- Ing (’reek mines, weal or Bridgeport, yee tnkile A telegram from President John McBride, asking tbe miner* to vacate their camps and shandi.n ell ettetnpis to hamper the road, was read to Uta miners, but had uo perceptible effect.'

JK he gnsrals at th# Norfolk and Wm bridge at Kenova were assaulted and fired ou by a gang of strikers Wednesday night I- without fnnndaMoo Two deputy

Brazil, lud . June A. crowd miner* tore tbe rails nut of ati rot •kick w-err cap lured an tba Kri hlle I'nlted fitatea Marshal Hawkin* was on tbe scene tbe liners kept quirt, tbe de|wrdationa being

back and » detach meat of pollca have ar- rested sis -trlker* who are supposed to be implicated In the killing of Kag kllll (I I lam Harr, east of H Vandal la. and tbe Injuring of two other trainmen, and arreeta of twenty-five others ar* expected to follow. Maryl-ad ■ Fnnerat’HO. Md . June a.—Tb* Maryland militia uday left tbe car* In which they

Kckbart and Frost burg This woald lodlrata that their stay will be a long e. It la thought tb* A Ministerial Rioter I

rested, among t

Lumber and Mseon’s Material I— A. KJi«*ome, m RROADWgy.

MUTUAL INSURANCE IN THF LEAH. Hu American Mutual Fire Insurance Company of I'lAiafielil

ii-rai ut sewyetopar by Ore. for cheap and -afr aK«aa»S »cal gatate, itisuvancc M

Insnrance, Real Eetat .

FREO ENDRESS. ISuccntor lo Ckarln AmiM.) —DE»t M is — First Qoallty Meat, Jcn»y Pork a Poultrj a Ipeclallj. Spring Uilckeu l»re««e<l vollraer. 203 I lBEBTr t tbkdt irdereca

S. SHARKEY. Agent. Tata Gaocas

•M Richmond •MrceL'.fiM’. Third Btrwt keep* s well adccted stock of

Groceries ad Protista. CANNED GOODS, BUTTER,

CHEESE AND EGGS. Constantly on Hand. Fint Class Attendance.




pass iVZ, OOUNZB SI00ND ST n.AiKn*M>. a. j.

A Fint-claa Family Hotel' Somoroot SL, ud OroM Brook Bo»0 Regular and traaaleat b>srJer* Firm-Mam bar sal el

BUkblM RRd Dllllsrdi AtUsohrd

PlaiDflild SoDTiDir Solid SILVER Spoons

COLLIERS, EkUhl.httt llil. I0S Put It. •

HoaglantTn EXPRESS

Furniture and Pianos freight. Tranks and Baggage.

CARTACE Oflloe, 161 North Avenue rma in.

HAI.I.AN‘TIXK'8 EXPORT BEER, Porter. Ale anti Wine Bottled for family use by


Ashland last February, waa lay In tb# Susquehanna Th# father of wn* farad ysatorlay in tba »u#qa Wbo n-ltrd Daovlll*. aa# uasbl#U»Ident- ify the remain a Mr*. Brothsrum will go to Danville today. It Is supposed that tba boy waa drowned wbll* akaUng last wla- Italian organ grinder was ar- tb* chanr* of abducting th-lad. but was acquitted by th* court after a throe days trial.

T CTTT. June A-Ill Bnret, who young wife and himself in North Bergen on Wednesday night. U very low lo Christ hospital. Th# hospital surgeons removed tb. bullet from Mrs Harm's good chance to re- cover. Buret la 88 year* old and bis wife la JO. They have bean married three year*, and have on# child Three weeks ago, on account of hU neglect, sb# left him.— be* refusal ’ ,K“ *“ 3 return oaasedtb# tragedy. 1—It la reported that Big- nor Crisp! will form a reconciliation cabi- net. to Include Marquis dl KuOlnl aad Signor Zauardelll.

Kew Ha)D, Jane 8 —Professor W. D. Wblti.x, tl>. V*>- pkllotojp. '•*> wphfT. dlrf T-Wrt.,. «• NUGGETS OF NEWS

II- IUkM k" >>~* , b, *, p™i«a. « 1—-““r “ smi coimu... -hiu.M r-q-As.? Jail u L~bam, nm.. I— r»-*kta« «*• wb°“ Tfc. eorpof»Uu» of I.l.wfok. Ireleod.

of U. cU,«P0C 1^7 Tk. Iwrti *>M *»,«!#» Dr. BU..III e to. o' «*I*“ ~ IM, WUUAmt, kotoroi. k«rf » /« »“ Ijncbod oo, MI— to tMpalok U. Vrldof lo omtw*. * *1*' oM wUU tlrL

VISIT THE , MERRY-GO-ROUND LoMjtrd st Aore-r«ct^»»rect

Open AfUrooon aud Evening. MARSH. AYERS A CO,

143 East Front Strrot. Paints. 0 Is and Va-niahes,

Wa’l Paper.

Coal Delivered 1,OTS5..Nka


You may bare


M. J. COYNE, Merchant Tailor jgss .wa&'BS£ru2sr‘a t£


Many good oollkl* !>J sol having vonl

Good rcll.U.




ltoT.' R.—. l*lf BKtl»A M —

l*H.k' HUH OxtJT*, T6eU,»3 00.

107 Park Avecu -.

For Children during th. or port of rnction, at ROCSTHW SCHOOL.

Muiic and initraction if dnired. »mr to in*


■ATI TOO TUB) Dobbin’s Cigars

so* pm AMuruz.

Vu Bara k Tlspsa, Brnl Estate

INSURANCE, iky Nona An





B. R. CAIN, vAiora.ser lo Brokam 4 Cam).

Carpenter and Builder, FT GRANDVIEW AVE.. NOKTH r^AIKFIELD. Esrimsrc chccrfaNy famished la til

row rmoruBTom.

Henry F. Windham,

Hotel Arlington


R..1 Estate and lnsur.no. »«. 17! MIRTH HW.

Blue St on* F UtglmR. Btc TBE CRESSENT HOTEL RULOL^H SPItGEL ( Proprirtor.) 70 sad :t Samrrarl M. Narth nglairW CHOICE MIXES. IIQIOKS

ASDSEGARS. 1 Transient Bosnteis. Boice, Runyon & Co

n-be Eat. D. I. Bmea. * “ \A. D. Cook k Ban.

COAL LUMBER AMB Mason's Materials, Ac.,

4# to do Park's***®* We ar* now prepared with ear iao e

promptly 111 all order* aad solicit yoar ja BOZCX. RUHY0Jt SO.


Flonr, drain, FEED, HAT. STRAW,

And all Country Prod use. S ft Broadway, ■u. luomsu. s j


AID JOBBER. Rreldrens Ml Wm» Tre.1 St.

Plainfield. N. J. Ejrlmsles carrfaDr f»*ra. ' AD work net d to. and aaUafactioc gas ran


Sotelo, Ac.

Hotel Grenada North Avenue.

Tba PloMt Hot.! lb tbs Cltv la now opM for booking nw, ondn tb. DkO^kCMOtOf

•a. in wiliac* ?. run TINNING and FHBNACE


All kinds sIotc work. Wells drireo, pomps supplied sod repaired. BINNEY L WILSON,

BO Somerset Street. ■ work ginraMfid R-ilwsIrs frr»l) *lv


Bilk Sips Of fill kinds.

John lYeaglf*, 213 W. Fifth St

A. Id. RUKT0H A SON. I'ndertAters and Embalm*!'

orrica or aibbSiDB nawwtbut.





Upholstering and Mattrm Making.


Mrs. John Brown. (Scocbms to Job* Be**a) Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned

25 Pa Cat. Cheaper uu&jwi7<nhw


FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED. HAY. STRAW omu* hid non. im rase avenue.

Antes DwtgM -sal Th. L.let StTimm

DUmonda DO AWE’S Watobea

Leech, Still iles & Co.

QUE&N & CO. OF PHTT.Atmr.pma

Eye Specialists

B. W. Bin A Cofm

The North Plata field Qroeers. 48 Emily mug.



Receptions Tea*. W-ddln-s and Parties


WHEELS WHEELS WHEELS AlmoM given nwaj at ! OYE’S, cor. North and Watchnng Avea. Ariol, eiUO. Ariel, little used Inst season, $71. Remington, *75. New Home, *100. (Ml in and tee tbe Wutifal Remington Ladies’ Wheel, list price $135,< sold for $90. Wo are making the snlo to ase tho room for Immsuss stdx k of Wnil Pnpere, Pnints nml Oils. Painting and paper- hanging done by first class workmen with best materials at prices to sait the time*.

Great Bargains


W. i H. ROGERS, 408 W. Fifth St. Telephone 160.


Clotliiug I ! Clothing X For Men, Boys and Children.

>t grretlj n-.lnr.il prim. Now i* jonr rhMice.tak. H before it la goe. H. H. POPE, Assignee for



TEN CENTS PBR FOUND. i , Fore Stored *1 th. low Rat. of FOUR PE it CENT. C,uTD.nl* left for Repair Darin* th. SCMMER MONTHS stl h< Stand (rn ot (Kluge.




J. F. MacDONALD’S la the lira to Bay it. 't -1

Call “IT*” If fou want a Ooaeh, Coop Saddle Horae.


ALLEN’S, 202. Want Front Stirofi

Page 4: FOR 3 DAYS · VOL--IH NO. 188 PLAINF1ELD. N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTO. ARTISTIC DECORATONS «• ?M (lie Ejt al tb« PtttiKl a»d Fair Which!• Bmt K(M la Stu* IT

Corporation Notice.Publw oo«ice ia hereby given th t

i COBDCII of l'

I lon«7 trial held In the Contcllber i-Mifrtiy before lawyer: Bergen, Vr. Ewlicotl n i t Lay-

TbeliChamberPrmnk Bergen, _ .man E. R Pop* and • special jurydrawn by the Sheriff of the Count;,•bow* bow extremely carefall tbe lawIt to prevent advantage iwinK taken of»nj body on * Mm p'M of insanity.In Ibis M M there n i no questionabout the Insanity of Mar; £ . Laing,who bw been in ibe Morrli PlainsAsylum o»er fifteen year*, yet the Mineproceedings were retia.red as if thewere fres tad claiming to be ssoe.

The reason for taking the proceed-ings «t mis late day were stated to tbocommlMOD *nd the Jury by Craig AMarab in opening tbe case. He saidthat be bad aet asi.le Hie alleged lastwill of Miss Lsing's father which baddisinherited her, and thereby she (ellheir U> her snare of the estate. It w unecessary to have a gaardian appoint-ed to receive and manage this estate,and hence tbe ne-ess'ty for tbe Bait InChancery wbicb would be decided inaccordance with tbe verdict of thejury.

Tbe jury and tbe three commission-e n found a verdict that M LSS Laiog w uinsane ind finable lo govern henelfbw property, and Used tbe valueher re»l and personal property.

afM orihe otUera. l» I»»rt>V, hand,.M f - 7 scored 23, IX Terry, handicap 2,

made 24, Manning, handicap 4, ons.le23, Z"g»o, handicap B, m"de 25, Wi|.

handicap 4 made 24. Ss-ort,landicai) 10, made M, Van Dyke, han-

dicap 8, made 21. J. Darby, handicapS.<nade27,Gorham,bandicap5,a)ade2*,Squires, handicap* 5, made M, W.Ter-ry, handicap S, made 20, II- Campbell,

d l a p 3, made 24. At the cone u-f the club •hoot, a missing ont

h t b thhad, tbe winnerme who made tbe last-«oo'.iweepsuk« event, C. Srafcn,

and M. Caupljeli stayed to tbet ri Fially


Daniel Guilck and B. F. Corie.1 re-turned Uat niglit from a trip on tbeirwheels, taking in New York.

ChierDoane Is the latest venturerwho n u dared to straddle tbe chained

ma. He made u trip on the un-sable yesterday afternoon tbrongb

East Second street and alighted wild-oat Injnry. This,however, Is not to be

companies will hereafter attend Urea onbicycle*.

Tbe elegant silver and bronze med->!• wblcb »re to be given to tue win-ner* or tbe P. H. S. A. A. events areon exhibition at J. Hervey Djane'a•tore on Park avenne.

Tbe Eilzanelbj Trophy race takesplace tomorrow.

From tbe appearance of tbeweather thus far it is expected that ibe

i ron of tbe cyclers under tne auspice*of the y , M. C. A. Anxilliary will taKeplace tonight It is also expected thattbeir rides will become a regular oc-lurreace.

Stage* will leave the depot and cor-ner al Park avenueai.d Front street.lorthe atbJetic aports of the P. II. S AA. in time for tbe game.*, which w.Hbegin at 2.30 p . m.

side avenue, inolberbardt B. Gray, died at ner n.

No.ice of funeral

IDDO, or WatcUnnjdinner to a numb

borne last ever

lighth ev

Th* Orsat Cntarj Run.Tbe participants in tbe seventh an-

nail centn-y run trom Newark to Piii'-a lelpbia will leave Newark tomorrowraomine at four o'clock. Over threehundred wheelmen are expected tosuit.

THe cheeking system adopted thisyear Is to furnish each rider with abunch of tickets with his number there-on, one of which mast be deposited atever; cheeking station,

The sups will be at Plaiiifleii!, ut ia, m., reat; BOUBJJ Brook, 8 a m,;Som-ervltle, 6.30 a. m., reollllopewell, 11 a.m.; Trenton, 1 p. m., rest; Bristol,*.15 p. m . Franktord, 6M *. m. Phil-adelphia, 7 p, m.

The entire route Is 101 miles longand the average rate of travel will be•bout eight and one-half miles an houThe Century Wheelmen, of PhSlad'phis, have always carried off the tiihonors, and last year took through 1men.

BrtiKiac th. Strtwt Bai.nr to Tim*.

Chief Marshal Vanghoro this moilog served notice U|K>O Superintend*Adtemaa, of the Street luilway, io re-pair jiuuied law I y tbe roadway on Som-erset street. The Borough Street4-umailttee have Uei-ome tired of thedilatory tactics of the Street Itailwajfoui|r»ny, and Intend to st(practices ID short order.

specta ora,illy B|tentmdered bis

clsloD this u rr ni::,' is the case ofiall vs. Hoffman which wan triertyeK--,Inv morning. Tue piaintiff is aw '

ed 830 and the costs of the court—The A. 0 'H. will hold a 5nvention at Newark Jane 14.rs of the Flainfletd Division No. 4

_ junty Delegate Caflt-y will attend. Theelection for Htate officers will>etd.

—Senate Lodge, No- 3Si2, K. of Iield a meeting last night and besrd•orts upon the question of a sick bene-it land which was proposed a tugo. The matter wia Isid over :line without action. Al the next nnij a musical programme will l>$

sealed followed by a social un "; C


At this meeting of Gesang TuVerein, held last bight, three acmembers were elected and two propsitlons were received. The drammsection presenwd a copy of ttie necoasutation and by-laws under wbiehthey were adopted. It was decided tohave the wood work on the front of tbebuilding painted and new curplaced in tbe windows. The scomtDlttM presented their report abontUe distribution ol prizes to the beatscholars and on motion, the malleilaid over until Hie next meeting

—Wntle at Peekakill, N.V., i|r.Scnven, a prominent manaFacturfNew York City, pnrchased-a bottlChamberlain's Cough Remedy. Such.good remits wefe oDUuned from Hiti«t b« MDt back to the druggi,twlium lie bad obtained It Tor twobwttlea-orthe same remedy. Whet

. havft^cnjlgh or cold gtve tlils^repara-ti'i" a (rial and like Mr. Bcrlvenyou wilwant it wben again in need ol such smedicine. It is a remedy of greatworth and merit. 25 and 90cent b-Jitla*for Mia M Bejnold'i Pharmacy, Parkand Norm BTeaaea, T. a Armstrong.Maaiger.

I ' One Oonponn and 30 eta." enilUM U* holder to one

part of tiiii aerie*

PialnneM, H, J , Jui

gbe the


. Caupljeli stayed or twenty entries. Finally i: ,-u.iUid f b k i 21 f 2" *"<'«

PERSONALIA. .Hiss Iray and Hiss A W. Lansing

eacbers in tbe Franklin School, wento East Orange today to attend the ex.ilblt of school work at thai pls.ee.

Mrs. Frederick W. Gray, ot Hillbe late Beri;-


irienda at heIdes the othoral decora

' pleasant features th

APER1L0MLST0RMGreat Defltrnctifaa by the Stonea in

and About Vienna.


. tver vt«t«J thi* citj comroenwd at 7

nilos ntiiiiiiy. Tbe wind rained lh»In columns lo Ihe heiKbt of four

T honwn. Tut* L**ied a few minute*,tbfn tbe ball bc-Knn to fall nnd COT-t b e t i l j i n > s h u n lim» Io the depth

i lo eij^bt inch-p*. In lesn ilian fifteen

len in ibe mini-try of commerce baild-•!.-•:• On ibe upper floors and tbeeror'x wing of tbe p«lnce hardly as remain- .iubr..ki-n. In a large mill


—A large brsox broken off fromt>y i fie brei /.»

iBterday morning and lies there. *—A special meeting of Perseverancs

Lodge will be neid tonight. Hereaftei»ill be held only every l*o weekiil September.

alter.t the Biding

oth of riders anning was pleasa

IS JUSTICE 1 U B 8 COURT.A summons was iwuei. in the

f Pierce el a] vs. Carty et al, anil

June 13.Judgment was entertil in fav<>r c

iamtiffin vhe case of Van PuzfTodrJ, for 816 50 anil costi W. H

I frrt liefrire Ibe tl

. Ora., June «.—A dj.ss«-

Dfer a porllon of li

of lire stock W M

I'arri-b. a f

•*d from jail itbe fine of *•'.

, . 1 , , , , , , - H i

or h.mwH an<

IbUB that Ibfblam! Ibe »<Jdi

F R A \ I ifii-o,.r.-i . i , .n . =

Wreck, and i

r way into (he barbur at good spew.night of star S>, wben she . ' "i t l . and all efforts to get hi

confined In the Brooklyn penitentiary « Udlacovend bj Warden Hayes Wedoendaymorning, and the ring leaders placed Indungeons. It was unmasked by one o

—Sometime ago I waa troubled withSD attack of rheumtiam. I tuetl Chamberlalc's Pain Balm and was completelycared. 1 have since advised many omy friends and customers to try theremedy and all speak highly of ItSimon GoidDanm, Sao Luis Bey. Cal.For aale at Reynold's Pbaraacy, Parkand North avenue, T. E Armstrong,Haoager.

THE PLA1WF1KU) CODhlBR- FRiUAV- JUNE 9. 18M.-wHi.i.i^-.k-M-d.^ET, M a d a m K n i g h f s



a peti ion sipwthree-fifths in valu.

ihe real estate in wid c h j at shown by._ A I K » O I - « booki, •»» preaenlal W Ihe

uid Common Cornell, praying them lo pro-Tide for and cuoie to be amuracted a *y*-

ni of iew«rage in ttid citj in the manner•ovidcci in, and by a certain act -o£the I-'S'lalarc of the State of New Jerter, eolilled.An Act to prnvide for drainage and •ewer-

cge in citin of thi iSutc ," approTCd Aprilih, 1890;

'.ni> WIIKBIAS. On the laid I I M day ofr A D eigtitan hundred and and ninety.', the laid pelitioD w u by m unanimooi' of the laid Common Council referred t<

Finance for *erificati

the g nd. I of them• lied.

Tbe bfnutif!il KsrrtPn- of The pity are aitiWl nJgJ.1. The i n * . «n- Mrijqwd "

i duly in

iber of signitiiresaforesaid, which report w u then and theredni; accepted by the Common Councilordered logether with the niTupon the minutes of tbe u id

Ast> WHEREAS itj ias appeared and d o «appear to the said Common Council and theaid Common Council has found and deermined and doth hereby find, mcertaia amilelermine that the owners of M least threeifths in n lue of the real atmXe in Ihe saicicy as ihowo by the assessor'* books han•etilioned u id Common Council lo pro-rideor and CXUK to be conHTucled a system ofeuerage for said cily in tho niannar providedor 5jjJ act-

A M - WKKREAS in ihe opiniaa of ihe.'oirimon Council the public 'good lequireshat a system ol sewerage shonld L

r-nstructed in and for u id cily underirovisiona of uid act, and the t*i<] ComiCouncil has to determined and doth hereby

determine: therefore,'u nbf&taaU of On City nrfpiaiiifield, bgHmr Uvn-mvn CM not, rfu tnatt at /of

1 orde y gni in and for said city under the proihe act of the legislature afovesaic

le apportenance neceuary to comsame, and of such dimensions aiwjid according to such plans as Ihimon Council may heieafter dtrec1 h rough Uic foi lowing describesitnues, properly, land, and right«Tib«d, mentioned and referred 11

i«'l tried to p i W

lie Wat. looking


At Phllaili-liihia—Pbisml- !|ihia.fl,ClpT(ttnd. O. Ai \V>.bi i i , t i .n -U .-.-binKton. iJincinnati. 3 Al Bonloa—B*»ton, 1": St


<.iuit n u wrlldis-

j^r t- i'--H>«r,. r u n s .ttr family Is '¥i&'£JitfMratshl. e-Ojuji.TS: >I 'iVl f \\'l t

. (tendy. will. tie. bidI (or June- , Q*u qi

Uc. bid and i/d*. a.ked for Ji

tI.ll@«.:S: NPeuotiy 1 tanj»<rn winu-..ith. irregular.

ina. Beef qnlot.li:ian-». Lard.V-a&i- ButiYorU dalr™V

lie. liaiOr ; d

Urge, TNasHeT;

iklma. Mac. Ens itrons: New York and

„ W nnr , Kan.,was takw wtth cbolera<££ ,-ir>- s -« rc . j . Thenlfhl clerk

t tbe hotel wber* be was stopping hap-peotxl la bare a boUle of Chamberlain'sJolie, Cholera and Itiarrliopa Remedy,

aad « n him threedoaes which relievedIra and be thinks saved bis life. Every

ami!' should keep this remedy In tbeiri*s ai all Ume«. No no* ean tell

„_ soon It nay b" ne^ed. It«nt a trifle and may be ibe nwan_

savins math suffering and perhaps tbeA of some member of Ibe family. 25

and 50 cent bolUes for ItejBOld1 S Pbar-, Park and North aTeonet, T. H.

Honk, of Tenonto penslou at tl2sailors I

[> WMI s,0n the fourth dif of June,. jched the a«e of

SctTsd nlDHy d>js durlug tor *

Hliin antlaventxPutnam avenu

Fmklin ! ! »Put

Fmntnam aklin !>!•

ic rrom Souln >Tenne'

rum Woodland ivenue

. from Richmond street

j n Sevento •

n Bert-ktoan

Mrou.Third strix* rron

I - .1 •VPIIU1-.

flaiaucld BveDU<


lik aid Common Cnancinine lo acquire by purcha'ppropriate Ihe land< an.> lo n u k i n g appro

nsk<-ccin.|»-ii-aiion toIhereuf l.y payment

i in itcordknce with

.Uy :li'cnght«niur ol g o'clock :

, of FUinficld, .<]<tj of June inn., a; ihe hour ol g o'clock

' e evening ot that day. and at such i

.rtie^ in fa or of or opposed in the imprnt c(>nleni|.tatii] t>y •anl nrdinance, nnt their news aiih rtfcrtiict tu ihewriting or otherwise SS tne Con.until may at that um^ Jirtct; and pohiirticc is henftW given uf ihe Intention uf thiil Common Council to inau»: said imprmr

id such penu.rn* or cori*>raiions »>:t thereto are requested lo [resent their ohAloas in writing at the Ciqy Clerk'f officJo. i 9 Park avenue in the. City of PlainLltl. N. I. at or before the expirationn days V ™ the dale of It),, notice ore Con to in Council at ittfiiu meeting hel[ meeting hel

days and sai_ :o be hel

1 the diy uf June instant 21 above state:afterward, may proceed flo consider im

itis such ordinance notwiihslandit

' CUyCUrk., lr^ Park avonue,

Plainneld. Bl. j .

WntHilGMlTnLHaving ptifcbssed the eoal business or John I lei DHd, 1 no p npared to furuisli the beat qaalityLebigb BD£ Honey Brook Coal iiIbe market. Hickbrj and oakwood, G barrels for «1.M.


Yard, 6B6 Sou'li Sveoed StreeL

Wall Paper



me >.—RapnMDtatlTe, hasiBtroducwlabilmonth all soldier* soddlacharsed who bSva

and who

Rogers' Sea Food232 w . 2ad

at 15c Cod FlBb 12<Flab 6c Porgies 0>flah 8e Flounders SirFlab-. . 8c S«a Baas lot

No goods deliveredat 1 he>e prices.


• t snmr- -—*-*


l trimmed t 0 c , tl-2T,

a bat (or Children's My.LadlM hats and boonels al prtees t

•tut tbe people. lm*n yoor ordersahead as we are rushed.

112 West Frentjt.Carfls.


good cake, bat I did not make that. It cSomerset street."A s k for H M

• yon do make," sbe said as sbelece. "Yes, dear, I can ie from that new baker's down on

It Pay* to Trade at Gart'i

41 Somerset St

BARKERf PHARMACIST.332 West Front Street, corner of Grove Street, PlaluBeld

Delicious Soda Water. Best in the Country.Made from tbe Purest Fruit Syrups. Fruit Gmsbes In their Season

PUTNAM & DEKBAW21O W2st Front Street,

a few days we will ofTur ibe I ol low Ing goods at special prices; for wantspace we cuii only mention a Tew of tbe many bat-gains to be found at oar stoi

Special Pr

- \

ROELad.MYT n '

Bla«e •

rd wide English IVrviiK

yard wide Crepe Cloth, -

mm Dtu:kios" Wliite H S Sii'a White Ganz^

ileaohed Tulile LitKt-hod Table Linen

>n Linings, Gloves

pletc lino of Gent

i Crepe


icn from

. fmm

9c, worth 15c9c, " ]SP

13c, " |9o10c, " 12o3 -, " R<:

2ic, " 80c

22t- np.4lk: tip.

, P»r«Bols, Laeca, et.-.

s' Furnish ing Q « K ! « .

T i l t * T A H J I 111 »FT«CT MAY M. MM.

r u i n i t u *•* Raw Tow.

Deer Park ^ OaklandOl tbe crest * the innfaAH.

(HAIN LINK I: i u R }- ,

SKA5M.V O P r . « II NK •• t . jyM>

Rate*, %M, fTft and « » , *&&cwoniing to location. Address 1 '

EOBOE D. PeHIIIEU.^ Haa^erberlao.1, Md , np to JOPS j - - tnt'rdale, either Deer I'ari w S^k

Oarrett County, Md. ^ "





' ijisp m^-For Fl' TC! -(ton.

.KaJsasAsasaiiaxs-Buffet parlor ear'

AUCTIONSALEI, the undersigned, having IWCD jiulhorizt-i] tu cloce out

all t.i<! effet-U of the Ute Voorhees Van Fleet, deceased,

will offer for BH)« on Friday, June f th , at 2 p. m.,

itharp, comer Emily and Dner etreete, all ihe 1 on>>ehold

«Pfc«te, oonsiatingof Ki'.-hon. Dining, Parlor Hi.d Bed-

room Furniture, alen „,„• Bngg ; Wn^on nnd a hit of

Bi rBHtw, T K R H 8 C A S H .

The OnlyNew Art Tile Soda Fountain

IN THE CITYThe nif at delieiom pare uronliod fruit gjmpe in tho we

Drugs, mediuine" and themicala of every deflin'ption. Also a libraryof directories of recent drtte of all the cities nearby Plaintield, for meby any who wish.

A. D. MALL1NSON,No 205 X,.,ih Area**, Oppotite the Railway StatUm.

LEFT!Very few of those standard make Men'sand Boys' Suits we advertised last weekfor $8, $10, $12, $14 and $15The broken lots will be closed out cheaperstill if we have one to fit you.


B.P. P. mAtAM&tf'JSSgSi**-

Post Office lime 7*b!e.

»%m T u u MAIL*

J u « » - 7 . 3 0 and W.SUi. M,; B.00 I«iil 8.00 >• M.

Ajtiivs—7.90, 8.40 fcnd 11.00*. x, i4.TO and 0-80 P.

•T1LLL.-T.SO a—8.40 1

Direct mall lor Trenton and 1bia al 4.30 p. m.Hall for WajTeiiTille daily 13.00 SLPusl-offlce opens at 7 • *. and cloSM

t T.00 F. a. cMurdkya clooes at 7.80 r'. Open every evening until 8.00 p. ui >wner* or lock boxes.S»rM)iT MAILS—Om at f.80 A. M.

Jfflcc open trom fl.30 IO 10.90 . . « . Halcloses at fl.*' P. SL

Mrs UADAMSIs sellirg off her smnner mtllinerj goods, all tbe latest styles,at greatly redaecd prires. O*ing to the great demand, a newinvoice ol India silks bas beeireceived.

No. 107 East Front streetOpposite Park arvetie, op stalra.

NOTICE! .Now la the Unw lo oiMfer youWinier anpply of Coal.We are ereciing a large planton Bonlb A vump, and can tupplf yon with l.->si (inahty olLehlffh cjal In tbe market iorders promptly attended u>.B l t F i l d ' h

romptly a t t e u>.Blueaton* Fiijr^lns: aod t'orhing11 large barrels uf best KindlingWood lor tl.OO

OTS otdm at OOV* It? Nortb iTpnup,

M. POWERS & SON.8uss«tart MnM aad F«rk Ptaoa


PWMrij SritUli'i Hotel)


H. HAND, Proprietor I

MASON&HAMIINi 158 Fifth Avenu*.

NEW TOBB C1TT, J ' .L lai e u a t w M of Grand and Upl



Organs and Pluoa »ld for oub o;1 oe our

IT POPS. )Effervescent, too.

Exhilarating, appetikinyiJust the thing to build «p the


Hires'W l i o t i - i i i i u - a m i ' - ' .K . . . .

pure blood, free from b*9l* oi -carbuncles. General good, t«Hl- >—results from drinking HIRES'Rootbeer the year r o i i n d . & .

Package makea five g*J,.,oi./WA U y q o r < ! - . • ( . • . : { o r g r o c c T tkr il

Take no other. : *.;?.




SCHdOL26 Washington Av<\

SfMcul deputtBCBl for h ^ i to the we of IS.Sfttctal <lepartaM!Bl iWglr's awl •

tea. Girls prepared fcrMll^. " |


»• Mu b, • ip~la> Mil Ca*M M • IMM, • U*»ar. . UI»i. aaB • Jaa».‘ Tbe Innvj Ml beU la tM Goo aril Chanber joalenHy oator* Lawyar Fraal Bargaa, I>r. tad,colt tad lay. ,aan E u Popa am! a apaoal jor, lira an by lie SOerlE ot Ilf Ccualy. ■kowa bow ailramaly careful! iba law U lo praraal adranlafa lietog tabao of any body oa a falaa pie* of laaanlty. la Ibla caaa Ibare waa no qoaaUon abool iba laaaolly of Mary E. Lalag. wbo baa bora lo Iba Morrla rialoa A By law oyer •Haan proaaodloga wera wara baa Bad alaln>ln« >u aa wa Tba raaaoo for labia* Ibe proceed- ing. at Ibla lata day ware Blared lo Iba coamlaaioD and Iba Jory by Oral* A Marab la opaala* Iba caaa Ha laid that ba bad aal aalda Iba alleged l»a< will of MM Lalag-a falber wbicb bad dlalaberllad bar. and thereby aba fall heir to bar abara of tba eaiaia n waa i bare a guardian appoint- ) raoelre and menage ibla ealbre, be nereuuy for tbe mK In which woo Id be decided in aooonlanoe wllb iba ranllcl of iba Cboocery

J“?». . _ t jury eod the three commissloo ■ foaod s verdict that Mi— I.aing »u iossM and unable to govern oerself or bar property, nod Axed the vaIop of her reel nod personal property B1CYCLX ■UTIL

Daniel Gallck and B F. Corlell tamed Joss sight trvm » trip oo their wbeela, taking lo New York. Chief Dosne is the Inteat venturer wbo bos dared to straddle the chained Pesos'* lie made a trip oo the on- loioeabie ymterday afternoon through Kast Serwod street and alighted with- out Injury. This, bowerer, is oot to he Ukeo ss no intimation torn the Ore compewtee will hereafter attend Ore. oo bicycles. The elegant silver and bronze rocl- als which are to be given to the win nereoribe P. H. S- A. A. cn.nu are oa exhibition at J. Ilervey I pane's ■tote oo Park avenue. The EllxaoeUh Trophy race takea place tomorrow. Prosa the appearance of the weather thus far it is expected thst the mo of the cyclers ondrr the i»uspl«*e» ol the V. M. U. A. Aoxilliary will uxe place tonight It » also expected thsi their rides wiU become a regular oc- currence. Stages will leave the depot and cor- ner of Park avenue and Front street,lor the athletic sports of the P. II. 3 A A. in lime for the games, which w.ll begin at 2 50 p. m Tbs Orsat Csstsry In

The participants in the seventh an- na d c*nla*y ran Irom Newark to Pbl'- adelpbio will leave Newark tomorrow moralog at four o’clock. over three hundred wheelmen are expected to start The chocking system sdopted this year is to fnrnlsh each rider with a bunch of tickets with his noinber there- on, one of which must be deposited at every checking stat.on, The stops will he at Plainfield, at 7 a m, rent; Boo*} Brook, 8 a m, Som- erville, 8.30 a m., rest'.nopewrii, li a m ; Trenton, 1 p m.. rest; Bristol, t.15 p. w , Frmnklord, 6.05 p. m. Pbil- •delphia, 7 p, m The enure route Is 101 miles long ami the average rate «*f travel will be about eight and one half miles an hour ThaUHUry Wheelmen, of ITuladcl- phia, bars always carried off the firs' honors, and last year took through 106

MMX »«*» X The Climax 0oa Gob held Iberr reralar monthly shoot yesterday afUr. i.ooa oo their groaode la ttadob shoot, the results were as follows: -C. Smth, srratch, made 22 oot of 2.1 and T Bramingham. much, muds 24 owl of 25 OT the others. D I>srbr, hsndi- eap 7 scored 25, IV Terry, haodicap 2, made 24. Manning, handicap 4. ■«(« 25, X-guo, handicap f». m-de 23. W*. bam*, handicap 4 made 24. Swort, handles[> io, made 26. \ anPvke, haa dicap 8, made 21, J. Darby, handicap B.taadc 27,<iortiat0.handicap 3,made 24, Squires, handicaps 5. mode 23. " Ter- ry, handicap 5, made 20. II Campbell, handicap 3, made 24. At ihe cone o- eJvc of the dab shoot, a missing oot shoot was had, the wwwsr to be the one who made the last sho*. In this sweepstake event, C. timlfb, William* and II Ga-apbeti stayed to the fast oot of over twenty entriea F.nall) C Smith r-Urrd after breaking 24 out ol 23 Mrds tie event was wou by Williams a ho broke 23 straight. PERSONALIA

. Miss Day and Miss A W. Lansing teachers io toe Franklin School, went to East orange today to attend the ex- hibit of school work at that place Mrs. Frederick W Gray, of HIU side avenue, mother of Ibe iare Bert- bardt B. Gray, died at her home this morning. Notice of funeral will be made tomorrow. Miss Lions, of Watcbang svenae, gave a club dlnuer to a Dumber of her irtends at her home last evening In- side# the other pleasant features the floral decoratioM were very pretty. Mrs. llermance, of Netberwood, gave a very d»i ty lonrlieoa i*arty yea- erday lo honor ot Mra L. a. Halsas, ■ Do is visiting her daughter, Mrs (J. V Halil Tue table w** prettily dworated lih rosea Tho other ladies present ere Mrs J I* Aotbony and Mra K , Boroctt.

■rltrn tks B(ra*t Lallway to Tim* <*btaf Marshal t’ang'toro this morn log served notice upoa Superintendent A Uetnsu, of the Street Hallway, to re pair >uiuiedioi«l> the ruadway c*u Sota- eraet street. The Borough Street t'omsslitae have become tired of Uie iHistory tactics of the Street Hallway

■OBI UDOniDID ItllltS 1LECTKC At Ua meeting of Gesang Turn Yeretii, held las', night, three new members were elected and two propo siliona were received. The dramat section presented a copy of the ne coDSUvalion sad by-law* under wMcfa they were adopted. It was decided have the wood work on the front of the building painted soil new curtains placed la the windows. The school committee presented their report shoot the distribution ol prizes to the best scholars and on motion, the matter was laid over until the next meeting The society la lo a very prosperous con- dition sad many of its old members who had resigned, are joining again -While at Peeksklll, S remittent manufacturer of New York City, purchased*a bottle of Chamberlain “ good result* that he sent back to the druggi.t Irom whom be bad obtained It for two more beitiew-ofthe same remedy. When yon . have Hcafteb or cold giro this—reimra- uoo a trial and like Mr. Hcrlveoyou will want U when again In need medicine It m a remedy of great worth sad merit 25 and fiOceot bottle* for sale at BeyaoM’s Pbarmacy, Part aad North Maatger.

PROPOSALS FOR COALFI Corporation Notice. P.blK —■«« * Wre»r I"** Ik-1 “ * M frf f -re — I, JM BHIli, ol Ih, Corel— C-MCU M IbB C«7


aga | Hidaliwn't) sMMvilion ur lone InW. ’ ,i .i._ |~n■>■.<!■ CoaacU Of lb* CUv ■ T»» banl r*wn lig it* rl*M I* n)«i W , ^ N (a* iwvtMy-HrW day of io 0. real la lb. —Hire Ml*. blMp-ol IS*. B pi. Ire >I(im4 ' 1 . PlainirtJ. It. J, Juar T. laM

A PERILOISIWLSTORM Great Deatructioo by the Stonet in


laaa, Wklvk Apr**' «• ,fc* T.-s-t. f.r • SSaahgSry VelUy. Vuvva Jna* ft-The wor.t halletorm that rvrr vl-ilKl IhU cilT commenred at 7 'dork yeeterday ai<wntng At that time rune copper cd'ired, cl<-n«le rt—c with lerniiuu reptdily Tb* «io*l raised the _u«i la n.lunins lo tbr hHght of four •lory bou-c» TLw la.ird s few minute*, mud I ben the bell bcR»n to fail end »»• be city In a short Uu.e io the drpth U> Hght inehrm. In lrw.ihaoflrteen lee the efi y W-ked a- f dergones'*

• he mlnMry of com re

■XU AMV t■XXX. —A large branch was broken off fr-m tree on Craig place t»y the brr« xe yesterday morning and lies there. * —A special meeting of Perseverance Lodge will be held tonight llereafler It wlil be held ooly every two weeks nntll September — There was a very good atten- dance at the Hiding Club meet laat igbl tx*b of riders an l spi cta ora, and the evening was pleasantly speuL Inst ice Xewcom rendered his de- cision this morning in the case of Small vs. Iloffosn which was triedyer- icrtlay morning. The plaintiff is award- ed *30 and Ibe costs of the court. —The A O -II will hold a Sute convention at Newark Jons 14 CUB ... of the Plainfield Division No 4 and County Delegate Casey will attend. The election for state officers will be hold —Senate Lodge, No. 3542, K of II , held a meeting last night and beard re- ports opon the question <»f a sick bene- Ot fond which was pro|«ed a month The matter w is laid over for a time without acuoo. At the next meet- musical programme will be pre sente*! followed by a social and colla-

iff justice ffaxaa coo*r. A wramon* was issued In the ca*«* •f Pierce et «| vs forty el al, ami Sae- ors -»*• Cole oti contract, returnable June 15. Judgment was entered in favor of u < dam tiff m the eu«e of Van Dnzafi v* To-ld, for 816 30 and costs It God ng’on plalutiffs attorney.

lone* av<TBK«d the vise of ml <V*creu<lrd in -trram*. are rei».rte.l a* duv lo fail-

Much ilamaffe *»• done In a (irM ile of Vienna, where a dnachaik artillery. «««h thirty two gnn«. wan Am. I*hc hor-e- lx frt«ht reetlons. and Ihlr'y wldirra »-«« hrlpliMaiHithegr ii ml S, v. r»l of

Albany, on the I I arpio the trsn* by mean* of heat y price- of lrou.

- «- in believed that the tram arrived at Ihe scene before the *||lain« bad completed their job. fieorae llerlot and William Kleim have been arrr*ted oo mu* BaKSB C-'lir, Ore . June ■ — A d}*a«- troua and d«ath dm'.inu cyclone pas-c.| orer a portion of liraut couuty. The path of the cyrlone waa from Fox Valley t Loo« Cruet. It drm -l»-bed evreythiuiri lb* way. Janie* Parri-b. a farmer, hi

ber of hou«BM were «l<—1 royeil. and ibu |ou of live ab»clt waa con*iderable. The ey clone waa ai:com|Mtmrd by a terTibl# halt

r of f-> rat h f H—t'oxey. Browne mt>u* Jnwea wl <w Co xejr ho* > hiniaelf and

Wamiinotos. Ji and Christopher (’ rvUareed from >»|| B2 " meute heretofore made by them that they would not pay, bat would bland Ibe addi- tional ten day*' tnipnaonmeut. Jraae Coxey baa Urn attrmptiDK <*> Bel a per mlt from the auiboniiea for a parade of tba Comuioowral in h-*u<H «-f the Mere tlon of Ra leader*, bot ««jet ha* tint , ceedrd. r

battered to pierem A Ol.patch aays *h# li faat on the r.*ka at the rntrauev to th« harbor at Hitka. The Meamer waa plow, lag her way into the harbor at good apeod have been unavailing

frlHwn nut A gala BSOOCLTX. June X - Tba third j within two month- to liberate TOOooavl eouflasff lw the Brooklyn penitentiary « . dUcovered by Warden Hay** Wednesday be ring lewd ere placed in waa unmaaked by ooa of

ego I was troubled with aa Stuck of rtienuatism. I used LUsm- beriale's Palo Balm nod was completely cured. I have since advised many of Meads nod customers to try the remedy sod sll speak highly of It 81 dob OoWbaam, daa Luis Rey, Oal For sale at Boyoold's Pharmacy, Part sod North avenue, T. % Armstrong,

vide for aad cam to be constructed a *y*- _r tasted city in ibe p*-retell w. aid by ■ certain act «Mtb* I«g Mixture of the State of New J every, entitled, a Act to provide for drainage aad in at in of this State." approve ■ 690; ND WitSBEA*. On the said sim day of Ms? A D.cighte* n hundred and aad Bind four, (be said pennon wi« by a uaxsiteo he said Common Council referred the Committee on Finance foe vc.« heal ton: A sm• WHBSBAS,On thsfotuth day of Jane, evghi^n hundred and n.nety-foar. mid com- mittee reported that they had duly invetogat eJ and aKeriaineu that mid petition contain cd the rroaiMte uumber of agaatunai aforcmi.l. which report was them and then duly accepted by the Common Council and ordered together with the mid petition ■pread <* of the mid Common Cona- lav it has appeared and doe* tid Con moo Council and the mid Common Council has ined and doth hereby find, ascertain and

hem Many p»r

The beautiful garden* of the city are a dtiful vlgli* Toe in— are -tripped of irmur* ktrewii with bran lire and *mnll he appenranre of having breti Ibe target Trlegrnpb nud

1 hr wire- ar* >d* of

I (Rea 11 In .-r I feared that irretrievable damage •n done to the cr»|>a. 11- -porta from I're—burg show lha that pises waa ala» vtatird by a di*uair<H>abnll>lorm. aud »hat

iioi/v. I. reported to have

erne* be.t . m.tahle Ned l*. kaa> badly la* ig dnntage i

i> l^-high l of a rar *

1 PnnereaAnno. breat* of lynch

Ir-iubt eondurt* rearl. nut a horrible v j De waa looking

llbgton ha* ' Weilnewlay

YESTERDAYS BASF BALL GAMES laud. 0. A C'lucinoati. Lou la. 7. / IVwiim—IVwt.in. IS, Kt •klyn :<• inning*: called; I*l<■•burs. l.» At New >. 7. At bal re. 7; let

- Providence, I Al Prov! barre. * At Hpr.imlleld-Hprlnulteld. !•: Binghamton. S AtSyrmu— l« innmgai -Buffai... n.HfraeUur, 7. At Allvnfowo — Allentown. IO; Scran- ton.- AtH«adiug— llarri.burg. s. Head ». STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS

ct—lac o-awil-at ml u. Hew Ink aad Mhare *pecaUtM>a 00 p»n»d up ijafla h»Ua trading -at aelldla- l K*« bangr opened up < tng and lbs t; The *rrai»*t b trial— ' --lini bid alley W m

Lehigh Na* tet* N. V.t entral . IS H YANK *4 l-k.Krl,a \V 14 Nuw Jenie) t et» l>rl * lladwm US '•eueeal Harhata Pnn.anui.mia-. T.-Pteor Aria, -la- ter auper . |r<*7 hffila vnraa. HHUtZ-S. No. I winter fao.ll,. |z.a«Xh>. IVnoMUanla roller straight. %2 "UCi: amt era winter, clear. fZ.X,a: 9' Wheat feverMfc. Irregular.

•-*-1 for June Oata aulM. Ora. VIU «te bid and iH*c aakad for Juaa. iteef quiet

New York, largu. 7k««SMe.; port Ulna. full fn* wrung. New Turk aad ala. IMSUMe.; weutara. frmh. IStea. Iw'1 Ibla ! r Hundred Dollars Eewbnl innot be cured by

n W,Pmpa.T(4ado.O. Lhareknowa T.J i —te, and Mlevehlm

-WhU* I* Topak* MU March, XT. Bub*, * prom o*ot a***p*p*r m ol L* OftV. Iu.ru uam «*» «Mmrrn -orti. vac, ammU. Th. a%ht cMrh al lh* bout aher* h« waa aopptof h*p- pmd lu Mra a honit or Oha>bartol*-a OoOc, ChoMi* ad Iiiorrtoa* Ro»«dj, am mra hlaa ihrMdoaoa ubkh ralMrod him am b* lM*ka aarod hla kfc. Erorj famllj ahoHld kaep ibla ro-mj la iholr bomoa al all llmoa. No oa« w l*U boo 0000 It map bo oomim. ItooOU bot s in«o ud m»y bo Ibo mama ol aarloc mocb aafaflo* am portmpo Um HI* of aomo mombor al Iko ru|d, 1J am Mi cool bouMo (or Baymhl ■ Phor mocy. Port and N»rtb arenoea, T H. A rout took, maoo*cr.

- Madam Knight’s



a, «.*r, SI.8? am op. WhU child con-t bar* h.t (or Cblldre*'. IMJ. aoil lb. pooplo. I**to jow «rd«* abem oa *e an raabad.

112 West Front St. yrofesstonxl Cxvds.

%x*v*Ur* #«tAt


Deer ParkA Oakland Ot HietmtS ihe iOtiUM.


, «M, r.i am «M a MU If lu location Addrom DBGS 11. I>WHIILH,NmL erlaad, Md . ap lo Jan. |,. ' ibal dau, fllbor Dear 1’u, a, land, OarraU Coaoty, Md.

1*7/1' PUSH BACK rOCk PLiTk APTKK KTKIir MKAI. niBMATisriKDr Tlu Kre.1 wm ««f. did,.,, TM* C* l. Ouw. «.(«,. 41 l . aud. ...t .*• * 1..,:' ,.f ..

Rogers’ Sea Food market, j.h w. 2m ».

Knteev I ■ ateee fa

thrcc- fifih* in value of the shows by the tt •rrift for taxi city sani ad: Ind Wn«BXA»mlb* opmionofihe tted Council the prhlir |md reqairrt

ixr provided

Council haa to determined aad doth hereby w» determine: therefore. 7 Ac ,»h«lnla*U oj Ox* CUg JkU, 4* Ue.r UdNw»i Cuunduf, emmet a* /J-

v<x>»i reeled in and rsi i»h Irte ihe mi material aad

Hal.but..,. Bine Fish.. Weak fish Batter Fish No goods delivered •t there prim.

Ood Fish . Porgies .. Flounders Urm Bass. .

v^ELJON IMT«* Omcne—Orwwur Froet Ss. tetd Park Are.

a* dKafvsyiptf, ■ ku 7 AS. SA MS. SAS tfsT a. te^M? ]£,

w. - CX»DDUtOTOn, Ui Park Aw


ISSS j Ask tor M M

nh A ,a nl v * Wb“ P"*1 J°* do o’.lo." abo aald oa abo sen, Auiiij # ,.Vth amti , ma. good rake, but I did not make that. from that new baker’s down It Pay* to Trudr at dar^mrr’t,

41 Somerset St, according to such plans as the said Cum mud Couku may hcieaftef direct ••/•eta, avenue*, properly, land, and rights HOKHLKY BAKKERy PHARMACIST* * way, derenbed, mentioned ud referred to I ordinance to wii: 332 Weal Proot Slfcat, coroor 0/ Orore SlrcM. PtaloBold. » "o- - Delicious Soda Water. Best in the Country.

Made from the Porust Fruit Syrups. Fruit Crushes lo their 8*u*oo.

hour ot s o'clock be evening of that day. and at with airs q«t*ml a* • Tjjrinjjy ^ niplatrd by hu-1 -wdinance, I

after the eipiratM CiMiinvn louacU oft the day of Ju led at lUfiru meeting I ol said im days and it such meeting lo he held e instant at above stated, r proceed to conmadcr so c not a it h Handing oh-

FslofisM. |. Corporation llotica Fuumn-D. N- J . June S. ISM The alien Hi« or ail . unerneg i. oaite Ihe Jr I lowing exlfte^ from an^AeS^pnterd^by approvi-d April 4*h, Wt

rifkwtayfATiy* w wteare I hr gigr H^jin^tef number* 'ixzf&st »r barhorud. a »*idar hay l ng uqgravw^tnevnMs «^#nifd“<W or bitch, and Us* rm-mmrmt°mom bur tberwof; mmO it -Sail bu> Swfni foe m, P*ewun U> kill any dug or bib h found atraylng •41 Ibuowitf^ytewtelaea without auoh cotter

Ur**JAMgO T MaCMCRUAr, City CtmU.

Having pnrchnasd lh® coal t.uai- dcss of John IlstfieM, I sjd pre pared u> forolsh the bsst qnslity Lehigfi sne Housy Brook Coul In lbs KarktL Hickory sad oak wood, 6 barrels for fil .OO. CHAS. W. DODD,

OniCB, ll« PARK AVENOR Yard. IN Boo'.b Swom WraaL

Wall Paper


For s few days i spscei 210 W?st Kront Street,

i will offer tbs loUowtog goods si special [ oily mentiou o few of ihe mooy bargains to be found at our 1 yard vride English Percale, Or, worth 15c 7 8 y*r«l wide Crepe Cloth, - i*c, M 12c “ “ Ppu iisl. Crepe 13c, “ 19c * Uussisn Duck - lOe, 44 12c Lotiic»* White H S HandVh'fs 3 •, M h«? Men's White Gaiix-* 81iirle 2lc, •* 3l*c UnMenchcd Table Linen, from 22c tip. Pleached Table Linen, from 4i»c up.

Special Prices on Linings. Cloven, Parasols, Lace*, etc. Also i pleUs lino of (vents* Famishing Good*.


SALE I, the undersigned, having lieen authorized to elite out all the effects of the late Voorheeu Van Fleet, deceased, will off or for sale on Friday, Jane 8th. at 2 p. m., -harp, comer Emily i,nJ Dner streets, all the 1 ourehold effects, consisting of Ki'rhsn, Dining, Parlor atiJ Bc»l- rooot Furniture, also one Hnggy Wagon and a lot of Harnesses. TERMS CASH.

•■r-- The Lateiit

“■“•JSimm " ' i Meo’v Hcnd gear

©• K. UjUmhMis 1 N*. tu W,.l Ir**l MW


Cbnpn Ibui OiAoB cib\ O. H. VAN NEST, i m . if 9 Mil*

MASON&HAMLIN 158 Fifth Avenu*. — _ NEW TOR* CITY, f Maucb On*nk. Cmauua. aiteiaohlii. "U- A largu assoruacwl of Oawd aad l*{Sigh:

PYA1V08) ^i&aay'ESTtemmm r v w • AfSSn, Mbb.B liuMTEai"*. H«-» naIU> ^ LOcauOsovx

Fur Puri* Amboy7 t*;. Cm MO, •*-** a. Si ftSwr ^ \r. zxsSbXizsi '^iitiB.«. P m' HOTAU BLt'B URL

i< *». ur. ur.m V ■_ i-iinSkt >X *. «. irf. ll<\ *••. *.

sta*a-v -- •* JSL 'ZZZim

awnraaigs— Lwavb pbiladi SAnf^:uS4S‘-’ <4, 'M ** “ t**'


Ktf!£«*KS5r" ■*” T. J. CJUIK r


The Only

New Art Tile Soda Fountain IN THE CITY

The tot st deliciona pore ernahed fruit syrups in the world. Drugs, medicines and cbsiniculs of eTery description. Also s library of directories of roeent date of all the cities nearby Plainfield, for by any who wish. A. D. MALLINSON,

No 2fiS Non* Aren me, Opposite Or Railwo* Static*.


Very few of those standard make Men’s and Boys’ Suits we advertised last week for $8, $10, $12, $14 and $10 The broken lots will be closer! out cheaper still if we have one to fit you.


Post Office hme Table. fttw Yuan Mail* Cuwi-9.au and v.iOa. a.. LOO 5.SB red LOO r. Mm Aa*i«s 7.J0, L40 aad 11.00 a. a, an I 4.80 aad LEO r. «. BowaaviLia, Barrow. «a, Mans. Cuaa—T.SO a. a., and 4 EO r.a. Axnrs—8.40 a. w.. 8.40 red LIS r. M Direct Ball for Trenton aad FhlladeJ • bin at 4.B0 p. m. Mall for WairsoTills dally 1*00 s H 7 • w. i * * opens st 7 • a. and closes fVatnrdajr* clnaea at 7.SO r. w. Opea every evening until 8.00 r. m Ij ivson of look boxes. Rr*D»r Maire—Om al L80 a. m. XBca opso from 9.80 to 10.80 a. a. Mai dooss at s.ao r. m

Mrs L. ADAMS Is selling off her saurnsr tnlliln sry goods, oil tbs latest styles, at greatly reduced prices, log to tbs great demand, S lo voles of ladle milks has been received.

No. 107 East Front street Opposite Park avssos. sp stair*

NOTICE! . No* I* l** II*, to oiOtr Wlaur avpfi'r of Oo*L We ara aroclinc ■ l*r*« plaat o* Soalk Aravao, and na l*p pi, ,o. onli b-al 1)0*111, ol L*Uk* 03*1 I* lb* aartM. A!l onion proapu, aticmm lo. iKadliM **«•.



HOUSE, (Eonaaol, Brliuia'a Haul)



Eassrs'js4 a fwlas for srif mearoremrot ? H The ft "tit Tailoring ¥Jo. MstabUsM 1ST D Ana 8u. Mf* Tort

IT POPS.] Effervescent, foo.

F.xhiUrating. appetikingA Just the thing to build Xtf> the constitution.

Hires’ R^cr WholcHomr and atrengthftwinu. pare blood, free from ball or curtmneks. General good —result* from drinking HIRES' Root beer the year round, t

Package make* five gallaHia, i*jr. X yotir dragglat or grocer (kr it .* ml.., . '




25 Washington Ave. 3*«U emmrmmmi to. I*,* “ U-*«- •< '* Si—I 3—1—- bill'. ..I b.oAipi ML GIMprapmUmbSkv. ;