Annual Report 2013

Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

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Page 1: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

Annual Report2013

Page 2: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

04Introduction 05

Boosting Innovation

06 Food Valley Society

06 Leaders in Ambition

07 Project Support & Participation

08 Food Valley Award

09 Food Valley Expo

09 SME Innovation Vouchers

10New Business

12 International Matchmaking &

Technology Scouting

12 Foreign Delegations

12 On Request

Page 3: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

20Communications & Promotion

26Food Valley NL

13Creating Networks

27 About Us

28 Board

29 Advisors to the Board

29 Staff

30 Food Valley Society Members

14 National Networks

18 International Networks

19 Consultation

22 Publications & Digital Newsletters

23 Websites

24 Social Media & Innovation Database

25 Food Valley NL in the Media

2013 Annual Report

Page 4: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013


New Challenges for the Agro-food Industry

It looks like 2013 might go down in history as the year of the economic turnaround. After a long recession,

we finally saw slightly more positive signals. Agro-food fared better than most other industries during the

downturn, but did not make it through entirely unscathed.

We saw the effects of the recession in our own network, the Food Valley Society, where we had to say

goodbye to some wonderful companies that were unable to stave off bankruptcy. But all in all, the Food

Valley Society continued to grow in 2013. Our new members were not just Dutch companies, but also

businesses from further afield: from Japan, Thailand, Denmark and the USA. Foreign businesses tend to

see Food Valley NL as an efficient inroad into the Dutch innovation system.

Every year, we critically assess whether we are serving our members to the best of our ability. We measure the

Food Valley Society members’ satisfaction through personal interviews and an annual questionnaire. This reveals

which innovation topics are high on their agenda and how Food Valley NL can help them achieve their goals.

The results of our annual questionnaire also set the agenda for the topics to be explored by our ‘Leaders in

Ambition’ Program for the next 12 months. Members’ responses have also prompted us to create Food Valley

Direct, our single point of contact for submitting knowledge-related questions.

The Dutch economy started to climb out of the hole, but the days of unbridled growth may never return. For

businesses, the key to long-term success lies in the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. This also

holds true for Food Valley NL. This Annual Report provides a brief overview of the ways in which Food Valley NL

contributed to the Dutch agro-food industry’s innovation performance in 2013.

Roger van Hoesel, Managing Director, Food Valley NL

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52013 Annual Report


Boosting Innovation

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Food Valley NL offers entrepreneurs

ways to gain inspiration and

knowledge as well as opportunities to

meet like-minded (or surprisingly

other-minded) people. Food Valley NL

works hard to boost innovation and

business in the Dutch agro-food

industry by offering services,

organizing events and managing

innovation projects.

Food Valley Society

1.1 More and more agro-food organizations, both Dutch

and foreign, are participating in Food Valley NL by

becoming members of the Food Valley Society. The Society

speaks the language of business, encourages new ideas and

makes trends tangible. In 2013, membership grew from 115 to

234. The Society welcomed five new international members.

For an overview of all Food Valley Society members, see p. 30.

In 2013, Food Valley NL organized three field trips

exclusively for members, hosted by:

Ojah, in Ochten, The Netherlands; 40 participants

Newtricious, in Oirlo, The Netherlands; 40 participants

FrieslandCampina European Innovation Centre, in

Wageningen, The Netherlands; 90 participants

Leaders in Ambition

1.2 In 2013, Food Valley NL further developed its

‘Leaders in Ambition’ innovation program. This

program specifically targets agro-food entrepreneurs whose

innovation ambitions are aimed at sustainability and/or

healthy nutrition. It follows on from our earlier series of Open

Innovation Seminars, which concluded in 2012.

Inspiration Chapter 1

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2013 Annual Report 07

Leaders in Ambition focuses on the following topics:

Upcycling waste streams;

Sustainable energy consumption;

Formulating low-salt, low-sugar and/or low-fat products;

Reducing water consumption.

‘Upcycling Waste Streams’ started in 2012. After the kick-off

meeting, another three meetings on the same topic were

held, each at one of the participating companies. In 2013,

four companies – two food manufacturers and two

knowledge suppliers – concluded this year-long waste stream

project. The year 2013 also saw the start of another waste

stream project, this one in the bakery sector. A Wageningen

University student conducted a Delphi study among experts

and industrial bakeries to identify the most promising

opportunities for upclycling waste streams in this sector. The

results of this study were presented at a meeting attended by

27 companies from the bakery sector in June 2013.

The fall of 2013 also saw the start of ‘Sustainable Energy

Consumption’. The first informative meeting took place in

November, with 30 companies from various sectors in the

agro-food industry in attendance. This project will run until


Project Support & Participation

1.3 Companies can count on Food Valley NL for help in

formulating project proposals and innovation plans,

pointers on raising funds and tips on interesting business partners.

In 2013, Food Valley NL contributed

to the following projects:

Project Food Valley NL’s contribution

Knowledge Works! Ambassador Program & Project Manager

IPC Sports, Health and


Secretariat & Communications Consultant

StartLife Chair of the Supervisory Board &

Communications Consultant

European Food

Alliance (EFA)

Initiator and Project Partner

Food2Market Project Manager

NetGrow Project Partner

Page 8: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013


Hans Verhagen, Sr. Scientific Advisor ‘Nutrition and Food

Safety’ at RIVM and Hugo de Vries, member of the manage-

ment team at Waterschap Hollandse Delta.

Food Valley Expo

1.5 The annual Food Valley Expo brings together

knowledge and entrepreneurship in an inspiring

context. The 9th edition of the event attracted a record 700

visitors, mostly from The Netherlands and other Western

European countries, but also from the countries further

abroad, e.g. Japan, Kazakhstan, Thailand and the US.

The annual event is organized by Food Valley NL with

assistance from many other organizations.

Food Valley Award

1.4 Food Valley NL annually presents the Food Valley

Award to the most innovative and economically

viable food innovation. Other characteristics the judges’ panel

may reward include originality and degree of collaboration.

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are

basic criteria that all entries must meet. Over the years, the

Food Valley Award has become one of the most coveted and

prestigious innovation prizes in the Netherlands.

In 2013, the Food Valley Award was presented to NXP Semi-

conductors and Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research

for their Pasteur Sensor Tag, an intelligent tag that can moni-

tor the freshness of produce. The tag was developed by a

consortium of high tech and agro-food companies. The two

runners-up were the Super Salad Spin Dryer developed by

Food Technology Noord-Oost Nederland (FTNON) and the Bio

Product Processor developed by TCE GoFour. The in-line spin

dryer reduces damage to vegetable leaves and hence extends

the shelf life of salads-in-a-bag. The Bio Product Processor

(BPP) adds value to farm crops by enabling farmers to pro-

duce bio fuel on their own farm.

The 2013 Food Valley Award judges’ panel consisted of Jan

Maat, Managing Director at TI Food and Nutrition (chair);

Anne Mensink, International Relations Manager and Sr. Scien-

tific Officer at Food Valley NL; Pim Lindhout, CEO at Solynta;

Govert van Oord, Managing Director of IXL Netherlands BV;

Page 9: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

2013 Annual Report 09Highlights of the 2013 Expo were the matchmaking sessions,

a performance by artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde,

the Food Valley Award ceremony, the introduction of Dutch

businesses to European food clusters and vice versa, inspiring

speakers and many exhibitors showcasing their latest innova-

tions. The European NetGrow project, in which Food Valley

NL takes part, organized a breakfast session to explain the

NetGrow toolbox. Other informative sessions focused on

possible funding opportunities under the EU’s new Horizon

2020 program and the innovation vouchers the Province of

Gelderland provides to help SMEs get their innovation to

market. And finally, the Sports, Health and Nutrition inno-

vation program offered its participants a platform to inform

visitors about their collaboration and to present their

innovative products for athletes, patients or senior citizens.

Food Valley Direct

1.6 Food Valley Direct helps agro-food and feed

companies find answers to their knowledge-related

questions in order to accelerate innovation. Food Valley

Direct is Food Valley NL’s first point of contact for companies

looking for knowledge. Every individual question is dealt with

immediately in order to find the best and fastest solution.

The author of the question is matched with a company,

research institution or other knowledge supplier, or is put into

contact with a student from the appropriate field.

In 2013, Food Valley Direct received 124 matching requests

from agro-food companies. Of those, 72 were referred to

appropriate companies and research institutes, while 52 were

linked to educational institutions. These referrals resulted in

a total of 60 successful matches with companies/knowledge

institutes and 20 matches with educational institutes.

SME Innovation Vouchers

1.7 In 2013, Food Valley NL awarded innovation vouchers

from the Province of Gelderland to small and medium-

sized agro-food and feed businesses. The province had earmarked

€ 400,000 for this purpose. The innovation vouchers are meant

for SMEs in Gelderland that have a narrow, well-defined

research question. Vouchers can be used to buy knowledge

from knowledge suppliers, other businesses, or research and

educational institutes. Companies can submit their research

questions to Food Valley NL. Food Valley NL assesses whether

the questions qualify for a voucher and, if necessary, helps

applicants find a suitable knowledge supplier. SMEs can use

these vouchers to conduct research, to rent laboratory facili-

ties, or to hire an innovation consultant or grants advisor.

Vouchers are worth a maximum of € 10,000 and SMEs must

match the voucher amount from their own budget. Companies

may apply for only one voucher per calendar year.

In 2013, 33 applications resulted in the awarding of a voucher.

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New Business


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112013 Annual Report

Food Valley NL encourages new business

and the creation of new jobs in the Dutch

agro-food industry by putting companies

with questions that go beyond their expertise

in touch with knowledge institutions that

can provide an answer. Food Valley NL

provides international matchmaking and

technology scouting services (2.1) and

arranges for foreign delegations to be

introduced to Dutch businesses and

knowledge institutions (2.2).

EncouragementChapter 2

Page 12: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

12International Matchmaking & Technology Scouting

2.1 In 2013, Food Valley NL again received numerous

requests from abroad from parties seeking specific

expert knowledge or potential business partners. Food Valley

NL advises and assists foreign businesses in finding the

information and contacts they need by brokering international

matches and scouting new technologies. For Dutch

businesses, this means new opportunities for partnership,

innovation and business.

Meeting point Europe: international matchmaking

@ Food Valley Expo

During the 2013 Food Valley Expo, Food Valley NL organized

matchmaking sessions focused on food technology, food safety

and nutrition & health. Businesses, knowledge institutions and

universities attended one or more of 160 such sessions,

organized in collaboration with NL Agency (now renamed RVO

– Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and Enterprise Europe

Network. The sessions provided a chance to meet potential

commercial, technological or research partners in Europe and

beyond. In 2013, 51 businesses and institutions took part (up

from 40 in 2012), from six different countries: Belgium,

Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

Food Valley NL also organized a morning session about

creating consortiums in order to share in the subsidies

available through the new EU Horizon 2020 program.

The day after the Expo, several companies (mostly from

Spain) received a tour of NIZO food research and then

visited Wageningen University, where they attended

presentations by Solynta and Feyecon.

Foreign Delegations

2.2 Other countries have been showing a great

interest in the concept behind Food Valley NL

and its extensive network. In 2013, Food Valley NL received

25 foreign delegations from Brazil, China, Japan, Singapore,

Thailand and many other countries. Visiting businesses are

often looking for business partners. In 2013, Food Valley NL

also received cabinet ministers from Japan and South Korea,

and the state governor of Michigan, USA.

On Request

2.3 Food Valley NL is continually and actively expanding

its international network. To this end, Food Valley

NL honored numerous requests to present its goals and

methods at corporate offices and conferences abroad. In 2013,

Food Valley NL presentations included keynote addresses at

the inaugural conferences for Thailand Food Valley in Bangkok

and the Danish Food Cluster in Aarhus. In addition, Food Valley

NL organized guest lectures at the University of Kobe and

presentations at the University of Kyoto in Japan. Such

contacts may in the future lead to new collaborations.

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13Jaarbericht 2012


Creating Networks

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Food Valley NL actively creates and

maintains many different networks,

often by collaborating with other

Dutch clusters or foreign parties.

Joining forces fosters co-creation

and innovation.

Co-creation 3.1 National networks

Kennis Werkt! (Knowledge Works!)As part of the Kennis Werkt! project, Food Valley NL invests

in building a network of highly-educated knowledge workers

from all over the globe. To this end, Food Valley NL continued

its successful Ambassador Program.

Food Valley Ambassador Program This program recruits foreign MSc students and places them

as interns with Dutch multinationals. In 2013, nine Ambassa-

dors were recruited, bringing their total number since the

program’s inception to 44.

Ambassadors are informed about Food Valley NL’s services,

trained in presentation and networking skills, and asked to

help host foreign delegations.

Kennis Werkt! is a collaborative project involving Arla

Foods, BLGG AgroXpertus, Danone Research, Food Valley

NL, FrieslandCampina DMV, H.J. Heinz, Keygene,

Koninklijke Euroma, Lyempf, Mead Johnson Nutrition,

Micreos, NIZO food research, Nutri-Akt, NZO, OMVE

Netherlands now RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency),

Corbion Purac, VION en Wageningen University & Research

Centre (Wageningen UR). Food Valley NL manages the

project. Duration: 2009-2014. Budget: € 1.8 million.

Chapter 3

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152013 Annual Report

Page 16: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

16Sports, Nutrition & Health Thirteen SMEs and knowledge institutes are collaborating in

a Sports, Nutrition and Health project aimed at developing

customized food products for athletes, seniors and medical

patients. The companies involved are investing their own

money in this project and actively working together to

develop new products and initiate new partnerships.

The innovation program was kicked off in January 2013. In

May 2013, the participants met at Papendal, the Dutch

Olympic training center, to discuss special nutrition for

athletes. In November 2013, they met at Gelderse Vallei

Hospital in Ede, this time to discuss nutrition aimed at

patients with specific diseases. The participants presented the

developments they were working on at the Food Valley Expo.

They launched their first innovation, a type of bread designed

specifically for athletes, which was first tested on sportsmen

and sportswomen training at Papendal.

Food Valley NL (secretariat) helps and advises the

companies participating in the Sports, Nutrition & Health

program, in collaboration with Alliantie Voeding Gelderse

Vallei (a partnership formed by Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei

and Wageningen University), InnoSport NL and Oost NV.

The project was partly funded by an innovation grant

(Innovation Performance Contract) from NL Agency,

(now RVO - Netherlands Enterprise Agency).

Duration Sep 2012- Mar 2015. Budget: € 960,000.

StartLifeStartups and aspiring startups in the agro-food industry

can turn to StartLife for:

advice on starting a business or turning an idea into a

marketable product;

funding (loans);

an introduction within Food Valley NL

In 2013, thirty out of 47 proposals were considered viable

startups in StartLife. These 30 startups were interviewed to

analyze their individual needs. Of those 30, seven were

granted a loan in 2013, four were waiting to receive a loan as

of December 31, 2013, and two are considering applying for a

loan at a later date.

In StartLife, Food Valley NL collaborates with Kadans

Biofacilities, Oost NV and Wageningen UR. Food Valley NL

chairs the Supervisory Board and acts as a

communications consultant.

Duration: 2010-2016.

Budget: approx.€ 8 million.

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United States




roemenie, india, indonesië, vietnam, mexico, china, griekenland, peru, duitsland, VS, jordanië, Macedonië




United States




roemenie, india, indonesië, vietnam, mexico, china, griekenland, peru, duitsland, VS, jordanië, Macedonië

172013 Annual Report

Friesland Campina/ DMV International:Internships in 2013: 1

Nikolaos Kantzas,

Food Technology, Greece

Danone Research:Internships in 2013: 3

Ibnu Khamais,

Food Technology, Indonesia

Jovian Bunawan,

Food Technology, Indonesia

Sevinç Özerdoğan,

Food Technology, Turkey

H.J. Heinz:Internships in 2013: 1

Annelise Tripp,

Food Technology, USA

NIZO food research:Internships in 2013: 2

Thinh Nguyen Duc, Dairy Science

and Technology, Vietnam ,

Verena Klaus,

Food Safety, Germany

2013 Overview of Food Valley Ambassadors

Corbion Purac: Internships in 2013: 2

Kartika Subagia,

Food Safety, Indonesia

Patricia Zeballos Rebaza,

Food Safety, Peru

Internships 2013

Internships 2010-2012

No Ambassadors

Page 18: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013


3.2 International Networks

European Food AllianceNine successful agro-food clusters actively collaborate in the

European Food Alliance (EFA). The Alliance offers European

agro-food companies services and network contacts from all

over Europe to speed up the pace of innovation and growth.

In June 2013, Food Valley NL organized an EFA meeting at

NutrEvent in Lille, France. In September 2013, Food Valley NL

and Skåne Food Innovation Network organized a food tour

in Sweden. Three Wallonian, four Dutch and nine Swedish

companies took part in this second food tour. The event

resulted in 29 matches, nine of which were regarded as very


The European Food Alliance (EFA) is a partnership

between Agrofoodpark Aarhus (Denmark), Flanders’

FOOD (Belgium), Food Processing Initiative FPI

(North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) Institute of Food

Research IFR (UK), NiekE/DIL (Lower Saxony, Germany),

PdC Nutrition, Health and Longevity NSL (France), Food

Valley NL (Netherlands), Skåne Food Innovation Network

SFIN (Sweden) and WagrALIM (Belgium).

Food2Market Food2Market offers SMEs information, advice and practical

help in order to foster innovation and encourage new business

on the German, Flemish and Dutch markets. In 2013, 181

Dutch companies made use of Food2Market’s services. This

year, 11 meetings were held in the Netherlands: seven co-

creation and open innovation sessions, two innovation training

sessions and two master classes on distribution channels.

In 2013, Food2Market’s FoodChallenge platform awarded a

FoodChallenge 2020 prize to three winning ideas: Eat&Travel,

Safe the Best and Sustainable proteins in human nutrition.

Food2Market is sponsored by INTERREG IVB North-West

Europe (NWE) and the Province of Gelderland. The project

is a financial instrument of the EU Cohesion Policy. Food

Valley NL manages the project. Duration: 2010-2015.

Budget: approx. € 2.4 million.

NetGrow Behind the scenes, Food Valley NL is continuously developing

new and better ways to support companies. To this end, Food

Valley NL shares its knowledge and expertise with eight

other European knowledge clusters in an umbrella project

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192013 Annual Report

called NetGrow. In 2013, NetGrow questioned SMEs in the

agro-food industry about their preferences when looking to

join a network. The analysis also drew conclusions about the

impact of effective and ineffective networks.

The results of this analysis were published on the NetGrow

website and used to develop a toolbox. This toolbox helps

food SMEs to identify how they can make more effective use

of the services and activities available in their network.

Network organizations can use the toolbox to develop activi-

ties better tailored to their members’ needs.

NetGrow is a partnership between Bologna University

(Italy), Bonn University (Germany), Debrecen University

(Hungary), Institute for Food Studies and Agro Industrial

Development (Denmark), La Salle Beauvais Polytechnic

Institute (France), Ghent University (Belgium), Skåne Food

Innovation Network (Sweden), Food Valley NL (Netherlands)

and Teagasc Agriculture and Food Authority (Ireland).

Food Valley is a project partner in NetGrow and project

manager of work package 7 and 8: Testing the ‘network

learning toolbox’ at companies, all communications

surrounding this project and organizing the NetGrow

Network Learning Day in Brussels on April 10, 2014.

Duration: 2010-2014. Food Valley NL’s budget: € 426,460.

3.3 Consultation

By acting in an advisory capacity, the staff members of

Food Valley NL make their experience and expertise available

to third parties in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2013, they

were consulted by various organizations including Kennis-

centrum Plantenstoffen, Institute of Food Research (IFR),

AIESEC international youth network and Food Valley Thailand.

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Communications and Promotion


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212013 Annual Report

In 2013, Food Valley NL’s communications

and promotional activities comprised the

introduction of a quarterly, weblogs, and

speaking engagements and exhibits at

trade shows.

CommunicationChapter 4

Page 22: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013


Food Valley Update

4.1 Food Valley NL believes it is crucial to keep compa-

nies informed about the latest knowledge,

innovations and opportunities for innovation. In 2013, Food

Valley NL launched the quarterly Food Valley Update. This

periodical offers news and feature articles about develop-

ments and trends in the agro-food industry. It is published in

English and Dutch and distributed to member companies in

the Food Valley Society and to other Dutch and foreign insti-

tutions that express an interest. In 2013, two editions were

published. Readership figures are listed below:

Online readers Circulation

Food Valley Update 2,726 2,200

In readership figures, the top 4 countries that consult the

Food Valley Update online edition are: The Netherlands,

Japan, UK and USA.

50 Selected Dutch Food Innovations

4.2 In 2013, Food Valley compiled 50 Dutch food

innovations and published these in ’50 Selected

Dutch Food Innovations’, expanding on the ‘20 Selected

Dutch Food Innovations’ publication issued in 2012. The online

version of ’50 Selected Dutch food Innovations’ was read by

1,561 web visitors. The hard copy was distributed to 1,000

visitors of the 2013 IFT Food Expo in Chicago and the

FiEurope in Frankfurt, Germany.


4.3 Food Valley NL published the following

brochures in 2013:

Over Food Valley NL (in Dutch)

Food Valley Society (in Dutch)

Food Valley Direct staat voor u klaar (in Dutch)

Innovatie: leningen en subsidies voor agrifood

bedrijven in Gelderland (in Dutch)

Profileer uw bedrijf@ IFT Food Expo en Fi Europe (in Dutch)


About Food Valley NL (in English)

Become a member (in English)

These brochures were read by 3,351 online visitors.

Digital newsletters

4.4 In 2013, Food Valley NL published the following

digital newsletters: a weekly Dutch newsletter,

a monthly English newsletter and the NetGrow newsletter

(3 times, in English).

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232013 Annual Report

Food Valley NL NewsletterThis weekly newsletter reports on innovation-related news,

current events and meetings. It devotes special attention to

current news about Food Valley Society members and their

innovation-oriented activities and events. In 2013, readership

reached 1,391, a 14.4% increase from 2012. In late 2013, a

monthly English-language newsletter was introduced, repor-

ting on Food Valley NL activities and Dutch innovations.

NetGrow eNewsletterIn 2013, three editions of the NetGrow eNewsletter reported

on NetGrow activities and findings and those of the individual

organizations involved. Readership increased to 178.


4.5 Food Valley NL manages the following websites:

Food Valley NLThis website is a portal to all information that Food Valley NL

collects and generates about the agro-food industry, national

and international partnerships, food clusters and its own

services. It contains news, publications and information on

activities organized by Food Valley NL, its members and the

organizations it collaborates with.


Food Valley ExpoThis website offers information about the annual Food Valley

Expo and the opportunities the Expo offers for networking,

gaining new knowledge and comparing notes with others

from the industry.


Food Valley AwardThis site is a source of information about all the innovations

that have been shortlisted for the Food Valley Award over the

past nine years, including the winners. It lists eligibility requi-

rements, rules for submitting an innovation and award

criteria, and provides information on the judges’ panel and

latest news on the award.


Food2Market This website offers an online innovation scan, a marketplace

for food and nutrition facilities, current market information,

and information on open innovation sessions and co-creation

workshops for the German, Dutch and Flemish markets.


Page 24: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

24NetGrowThis website provides access to NetGrow research results

and publishes news pertaining to the NetGrow project and its

constituent European food clusters. The site also offers

access to the NetGrow toolbox online support platform.


Food Valley TVFood Valley TV is the Food Valley NL YouTube channel. Food

Valley TV (www.foodvalleytv.nl) shows promotional videos about

the latest Dutch innovations and reports on Food Valley NL’s

contributions to Dutch and European innovation performance.

In 2013, Food Valley NL reported on the Holland Food Valley

Pavilion at the IFT Food Expo in Chicago and on the

Food2Market session called ‘Restyling Dutch products for the

German and Flemish markets’. In addition, the following

videos were produced (in English unless otherwise specified):

Voeding, Sport en Gezondheid, voeding voor specifieke

doelgroepen (in Dutch)

Food Valley Expo 2013 (in Dutch)

Food Valley NL Annual Highlights 2012-2013

2013 Food Valley Award Winner: Pasteur Sensor Tag

2013 Food Valley Award Nominee: Super Salad Spin Dryer

Food Valley Award Nominee: Bio Product Processor

‘Gelderland voor Innovatie’ - Food Valley Expo 2013

(in Dutch)

Harold Bult van NIZO food research legt uit hoe smaak-

sensoriek werkt (in Dutch)

Japanese minister Akira Amari at Food Valley NL

Food Valley Direct (in Dutch)

Social media

4.6 Food Valley NL is active on social networks and

has two Twitter accounts (@FoodValley_NL and

@Foodvalleyexpo). The number of Food Valley NL followers

rose from 850 in 2012 to 1,925 in 2013. There is also a Food

Valley NL Linkedin Group and a Food Valley NL Facebook

page. In 2013, two weblogs were started and maintained: one

focusing on the IFT in Chicago and another covering the Food

Valley Expo. The Holland Food Valley blog (www.hollandfood-

valley.nl) drew 2,348 visitors. The Food Valley Expo blog drew

5,809 visitors.

Innovation Database

4.7 In 2013, Food Valley NL started compiling a

database of innovations in the Dutch agro-food

industry. We are continually adding new innovations;

members can gain access to the most up-to-date version by

contacting the Food Valley NL staff. A selection of

innovations from the database was presented in our 2013

publication ’50 Selected Food Innovations’.

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252013 Annual Report

Food Valley NL in the Media

4.8 In 2013, one or more Food Valley NL activities were publicized by the

following Dutch media and other organizations, either in print or online:

A–C Algemeen Dagblad

Amersfoortse Courant

Haagsche Courant

Bakkers in bedrijf


Barneveldse Krant

Boerderij Vandaag



D–H De Coöperatie

De Gelderlander

DW Drogisten Weekblad

EVMI Eisma Voedings-




Groenten en Fruit

I–M Kijk op Oost-Nederland

Leeuwarder Courant


Management Team


Milieu magazine

Nieuwe Oogst

N-T NRC Handelsblad



Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant



U-Z Vee & Gewas


Vers & Vers

VMT Voedingsmiddelentechnologie

Voeding Nu


Zakengids woensdag


Foreign MediaAbout Nikkei (Japan)

Bangkok Post (Thailand)

Food & Drink Business Europe (International)

From EU-Japan (Japan)

Process Alimentaire (France)

TA NEA ( Greece)

The New York Times (USA)

Tpopoma Kia Nota (Greece)

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Food Valley NL


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272013 Annual Report

Food Valley NL has been boosting innovation

in the Dutch agro-food industry since 2004

by fostering links and partnerships between

business, knowledge institutions and

government agencies.

About UsChapter 5

Page 28: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

28Board *

Bert Roetert (Chair)Chairman of Centraal Bureau

Levensmiddelenhandel (CBL)

Aalt DijkhuizenChairman of the Board at

Wageningen University

Rob HamerDirector at Unilever R&D

Toon van HooijdonkProfessor of Dairy Science &

Technology at Wageningen


Ad JuriaanseManaging Director at NIZO food


Roel KremersCouncilman for Economic Affairs,

City of Ede

Govert van OordManaging Director at OMVE


Food Valley NL’s core activities consist of:

Consultancy & support in finding expertise, information

and potential business partners (Food Valley Direct);

Tailor-made tours and programs for foreign companies

interested in doing business with Dutch companies;

National and international matchmaking & technology

scou ting;

Building national and international clusters of businesses,

knowledge institutions and government agencies (Food

Valley Society, European Food Alliance, Food2Market,


National and international promotion of Dutch

businesses’ innovative capacity (Food Valley Award, Food

Valley Expo, Holland Food Valley Pavilion).Expo, Holland

Food Valley Paviljoen)

Food Valley NL’s core activities consist of:

Consultancy & support in finding expertise, information

and potential business partners (Food Valley Direct);

Tailor-made tours and programs for foreign companies

interested in doing business with Dutch companies;

National and international matchmaking & technology

scou ting;

Building national and international clusters of businesses,

knowledge institutions and government agencies (Food

Valley Society, European Food Alliance, Food2Market,


National and international promotion of Dutch

businesses’ innovative capacity (Food Valley Award, Food

Valley Expo, Holland Food Valley Pavilion).Expo, Holland

Food Valley Paviljoen)

Page 29: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

292013 Annual Report

Karin van WilligenDirector, Ontwikkelings-

maatschappij Oost Nederland NV

Staff *

Roger van Hoesel Managing Director

Ynske AckermanProject staff

Joyce BerntsenOffice staff

Monique BuijtendorpOffice Manager

Ilse DulkCommunications staff

Saskia van ErkelensProject Manager & Account

Manager, Food Valley Society

Frances FortuinSenior Project Manager, Expertise

Center for Innovation

Lieke de KanProject Manager, Food2Market

Hans KellerhuisWebmaster

Rowena KleijwegtProject Manager, Food Valley Direct

Roland KlefothProject staff, NetGrow

Emmy KoelemanCopywriter

Mia HollemanProject Manager, Food2Market

Guido MatthéeProject Manager, Food Valley Direct

Anne MensinkInternational Relations Manager & Sr.

Scientific Officer

Annemarie NulleInternational Relations Manager & Project


Poulien van MarleOffice staff, financial

Jolanda WelsCommunications Manager

*as of December 31, 2013

Geert van RumundMayor of the City of Wageningen

Henny SwinkelsDirector of Corporate Affairs at

VanDrie Group

Arjen van TunenCEO and Director of Upstream

Research at Keygene


to the Board*

Piet van StaalduinenManaging Director at Syntens

Annemieke TraagRepresentative for Environmental

Policy, Climate and Energy,

Innovation, Youth Care, Culture and

Cultural History, Province of


Page 30: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

Food Valley Society members on Dec. 31, 2013

Adifo • Ad

van Geloven • Agrojobs •

Agruniek Rijnvallei • AkzoNobel Functional

Chemicals • Alewijnse Industrie • Allfoodplaza.com • A/S

Einar Willumsen • AVEBE • Aviko • A-Ware Food Group • Axon

Advocaten • Baltussen Konservenfabriek • Barentz Europe • BasidioFactory •

Betagro Public Company Limited • BioActor • Biqualys • BLGG AgroXpertus • Bodec •

Bouwpaco Packaging Equipment • Broederij Verbeek • Buisman Ingredients • Bunge Limited

• C4C Holding • Cargill R&D Centre Europe • Chainfood • Clean Light • CM Plastic • Codrico

Rotterdam • Contined • CRV • CSK Food Enrichment • Danone Research • Denkavit Nederland • De Vries

Nutrition Solutions • Dishman Netherlands • Docomar • Donny Craves • Dumocom • DUPP/Den Uijl Ploeg &

Partners • Dutch pices • Egemin • EuroProxima • Extensor • Extract • Fabelco • Fagron Industry • FeyeCon •

Foodcase • FoodResult • Foodstep • FrieslandCampina • FydroFire Baking Stones/Fydro • Genetwister Technologies

• Givaudan Nederland • Groen Agro Control • H.J. Heinz • Imtech Food & Feed • Innova Market Insights • International

Flavors & Fragrances ISACert • IsoLife • IXL Netherlands • Kadans Biofacilities • Kaneka Corporation • Kennisinstituut

Bier • Keygene • Kikkoman Foods Europe • Koninklijke • DSM • LaVitella • Leloux, Science & Business • Mead Johnson

Nutrition • Metabolon • MicCell Bioservices • Micreos • Mitr Phol • Nederlands Bakkerij Centrum • Nederlandsch

Octrooibureau • Newtricious • Nippon Suisan Europe R&D • NIZO food research • NSure • NutraVit Technology • Nutreco/

Nutreco R&D • Nutri-akt • NXP Semiconductors • Ojah • OMVE Netherlands • Pectcof • P.G. Korver Transport • Philips

Innovation Services • Phycom • Plantalogica • PNO Consultants • Provalor • ProViand • Puur Veltman • QBTEC • Royal VIV

Buisman • SanoRice • Scelta Mushrooms • Schuiteman Corporate Consultants • Schuttelaar & Partners • Shieltronics •

Silliker • Sime Darby Unimills • Solynta • Sportcentrum Papendal • Struik Foods Europe • Suiker Unie • Syngenta Seeds •

TailTec • TNO Triskelion • TOP • Unilever R&D Vlaardingen • Van Eeghen Functional Ingredients • Veldhuyzen Kaas •

Vermeulen/Coppen Design+Innovation • Vika • Vitablend • VMEngineering • VNO-NCW • Vos Logistics • Vossen

Laboratories Int. • Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research • WeLL Design • W&G Groep • Yama Products • Yummm!

Concepts • Zeelandia H.J. Doeleman • Zetadec • Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei • ZON Fruit & Vegetables/Fresh Park Venlo

Page 31: Food Valley NL Annual Report 2013

Food Valley NL is funded in part by its members and

the Province of Gelderland.


P.O. Box 294, 6700 AG Wageningen, The Netherlands

Nieuwe Kanaal 9D-3, 6709 PA Wageningen, The Netherlands

[email protected], 0031 317 427 095

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Annual Report2013