CELEBRATION OF THE LORDS DAY Confirmation Sunday May 5, 2019 10:30 a.m. 2200 N. M ERIDIAN R OAD , T ALLAHASSEE , F LORIDA 32303 Follow the Path of Christ PC(USA)

Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

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Page 1: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida


May 5, 2019 10:30 a.m.


Follow the Path of Christ


Page 2: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

PRELUDE Adam Ravain

WELCOME Brad Clayton

INTROIT I am Growing Cherub Choir

*CALL TO WORSHIP (responsive) Ava Beard

We are called to love the Lord our God. We are called to love with all our heart and soul. We are called to love the Lord our God. We are called to love with all our mind and strength. We are called to love the Lord our God. And we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves.

*HYMN NO. 410 God is Calling through the Whisper



God of Forgiveness, We confess that in our lives we often hide behind our work and play, schools and jobs, fun and fashion. We let ourselves get so busy that we forget the cause of the poor and the suffering. We confess we allow the powers of this world to seduce us into selfishness and silence our witness. (silent reflection) Have mercy on us. Oakley Deison

Teach us to champion the cause of justice for all, strengthen us to love our neighbor and speak truth no matter the penalty. Amen.

KYRIE Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.


*GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

*PASSING OF THE PEACE Reagan Hill The peace of the Lord be with you always. And also with you. (During the Passing of the Peace, children are invited to come forward for the time with our young disciples.)

Page 3: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

ANTHEM I’ve Got Peace Like a River Fantastichoir

PRAYER WITH OUR YOUNG DISCIPLES Mary Steen (After the children’s time, K-2nd graders may follow their leaders to Room 207 for Children’s Worship. Parents are welcome to take 3-5 year olds to the playground.)

SCRIPTURE LESSON Luke 10:25-37 (pew Bible p. 844) Brad Clayton

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You, O Christ!

SERMON No Longer Strangers Brad Clayton


Sacrament of Baptism Adrianna Scheer

Confirmands: Ava Beard, Alice Bonn, Lawson Dailey, Oakley Deison, Jacob Gooding, Logan Harris, Reagan Hill, Syde Long, Atticus Miller, Ella Pursino, Adrianna Scheer, Aiden Van Iddekinge, Ashton York

*Apostle’s Creed (unison) I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Prayer With Laying on of Hands Ava, Alice, Lawson, Oakley, Jacob, Logan, Reagan, Syde, Atticus, Ella, Adrianna, Aiden, and Ashton, by publicly professing their faith, have expressed their intention to continue in the covenant God made with them in their baptism. Let us welcome them as they join with us in the worship and mission of the church. With joy and thanksgiving we welcome you to share with us in the ministry of Christ, for we are all one in Him.

*HYMN NO. 63 The Lord is God


OFFERTORY Come, We That Love The Lord Chancel Choir by Brad Nix

Page 4: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

PRAYER OF DEDICATION Atticus Miller Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly hosts; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


Aiden Van Iddekinge, Ashton York

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the

glory, forever. Amen.

*HYMN NO. 318 In Christ There is No East or West



POSTLUDE Adam Ravain

*Please stand if able

The sanctuary flowers are given by Nancyanne Carothers to the glory of God and in loving memory of her family and in honor of her children,

Allison, Graham, Jr. and Missy.

Live Simply, Love Generously, Serve Faithfully, Speak Truthfully, Pray Daily, and Leave Everything Else to God

Page 5: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Luke 10:25-37

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.”

But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ Which |of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

Page 6: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

2019 Confirmands We asked the confirmands to share what Luke 10:25-37 means to them and how they can live out this scripture. Their answers are in italics.

Ava Beard is the daughter of Tim and Karen Beard. She attends Deerlake Middle School and enjoys majorettes and dance. Ava’s favorite service project was building the wheelchair ramp.

God says to “love the Lord with all your heart and soul.”

Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida High School and enjoys sand vol-leyball. Her favorite service project was the ramp build “because I enjoyed the hands-on experience, bonding with my confirmation group and helping others.”

Christ suggests that our neighbors are the followers of the Lord and that we should love our neighbors as ourselves.

Lawson Dailey is the son of Charlie and Sharon Dailey. He attends Deerlake Middle School, and enjoys basketball, tennis and video games. Lawson’s favorite service project was the Christmas Connection “because I have always loved Christmas, and I was able to improve Christmas for others.” Our neighbors are family and friends. Christ says to treat our neighbors as we would want them to treat us.

Page 7: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Oakley Deison is the son of Tom and Allison Deison. He attends Maclay School and enjoys tennis, running, and reading. Oakley’s favorite service project was the ramp build “because we got to learn how to build and use tools.” Christ suggests that everyone is our neighbor. He says to love them like ourselves.

Jacob Gooding is the son of Casey and Lori Gooding. He attends Fairview Middle School and enjoys band, jazz band, orchestra, quiz bowl, basketball, video games and hanging out with friends. Jacob’s favorite service project was the ramp build “because it felt much more personal as I got to interact with the people who we were building it for. I also enjoyed just getting to do something to serve my community.” Christ says that we should always treat our neighbor with respect and treat them well no matter who they are or who we are. God calls us to help our neighbors in their time of need just as they would do for us.

Logan Harris is the son of Renee and Patrick Far-gason. He attends Cobb Middle School and enjoys playing video games. Logan’s favorite service project was the ramp build “because it was cool seeing how the family reacted to the new ramp.” Our neighbors are people who need help. Christ says to love our neighbors.

Page 8: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Reagan Hill is the daughter of Melanie and Cory Hill. She attends Swift Creek Middle School and enjoys dancing six days a week. Reagan’s favorite service project was Grace Mission “because it was out of my comfort zone. It helped me see God in many different ways. It also showed me that God can be everywhere.” Our neighbors are the people who show us mercy. Christ says to show everyone mercy.

Syde Long is the son of J.R. and Brittany Long. He attends Deerlake Middle School and enjoys fishing and playing baseball. Syde’s favorite service was the ramp build, “just because it was a lot of fun.” Christ suggests that everyone is our neighbor and He suggests that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

Atticus Miller is the son of Courtney Atkins. He attends Cobb Middle School and enjoys golf and basketball. He also participates in Junior Beta Club and volunteers with Cubs United. Atticus’s favorite service project was serving breakfast and participating in the service at Grace Mission. “It was a great feeling to see that small acts of kindness can bring joy to so many people.” Christ says our neighbor is a person that would help you when you’re in need and who stands by your side as the Samaritan did

for the traveler. We are to treat our neighbors as we would like to be treated.

Page 9: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Ella Pursino is the daughter of Holly and Peter Pursino. She attends Raa Middle School and enjoys chorus and cheerleading. Ella’s favorite service project was Grace Mission, serving coffee and talking to people. Christ wants us to love our neighbor as ourself. Everybody is our neighbor.

Adrianna Scheer is the daughter of Dan and Caroline Scheer. She attends Trinity Catholic School and enjoys softball and lis-tening to music. Adrianna’s favorite service project was serving at the Kearney Center “because it makes me feel good to serve others and I like to make sure people are taken care of and to know that someone cares and loves them.” Christ says that everybody is our neighbor and we are to treat them with love and respect and help those in need.

Aiden Van Iddekinge is the son of Chad and Allison Van Iddekinge. He attends Maclay School and enjoys baseball and watching sports. Aiden’s favorite service project was the ramp build “because we accomplished so much.” I think Jesus wants us to refer to everyone we encounter as our neighbor. This is always hard to do but we should try our best each and every day.

Page 10: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Carter Wilson is the son of Michael and Heather Wilson. He attends Deerlake Middle School and enjoys baseball and fishing. Carter’s favorite service project was the ramp build “because it was very hands-on.” Everyone that is around you is your neighbor and we should treat them with respect and kindness so we receive the same.

Ashton York is the son of Shaun and Laura York. He attends Swift Creek Middle School and enjoys video games, playing guitar, swimming, and hanging out with friends. Ashton’s favorite service project was the ramp build “because I enjoyed building the ramp and I got to see our finished project.” Christ says to help all of our neighbors through the hardships they have. Christ suggested that everyone other than ourself are our neigh-bors.

Page 11: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Excerpts from 2019 Confirmation Faith Statements

I believe that God loves me and forgives me just as God loves everybody equally as God’s children.

I believe that the church is a place for everyone, no matter their belief.

I believe that service projects show our faith.

I believe that the Holy Ghost resides in everybody.

I believe in the Bible as a source to learn from, a book of metaphors, not to be taken literally as a history of all things.

I believe in the Church as a catalyst of God.

I’m not exactly sure what I believe about the Holy Spirit, but I think the Holy Spirit is something that is everywhere.

I believe that the Bible has been modified through generations, but the teachings and stories of Jesus Christ are valid and factual.

There’s still a lot I don’t know, but I believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and I believe in my church.

Before confirmation I had a lot of questions about God, so I naturally saw this as a great opportunity to learn more about my faith and Christian values. Now, months later, I still don’t have all of the answers. But if there is one thing I have learned, it is that God is all around me and is someone who I can always rely on, talk to, and someone who accepts me for the person I am.

Some questions I would have for Jesus would be why do people die, get sick, and have to have bad things happen to them.

I believe that God accepts everyone as they are.

I believe that churches need to invite anyone and everyone to God’s table.

I believe Jesus was born to show us, as people, how to live.

Church is my second home. I feel welcome and not judged at church.

I believe that Jesus lives in my heart.

Jesus calls us to be better people and to spread the word of God to everyone.

I believe God guides me through rough times.

Page 12: Follow the Path of Christ M R T F 32303a42f15a334cc6a239bed-b600258f72252680e3460388c3149f8f.r27.cf2.rackcdn.c…Alice Bonn is the daughter of Mark and Alice Bonn. She attends Florida

Mission Luncheon. The 2019 Guatemala Mission Team needs your support! Join them for lunch today after worship in Fellowship Hall, where they will share plans for building houses, medical clinics, and children’s Bible School this June in Guatemala. The team will provide a delicious feast of Guatemalan chicken, yellow rice, black beans, salad, and homemade desserts. The team needs and welcomes your donations of money and supplies.

Capitol Bells in Concert. The Capitol Bells, Tallahassee’s community handbell choir, will have a 10th birthday celebration concert at Faith this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. There is no charge for this event.

Tallahassee Ecumenical Taize Prayer Service. The next Taize Prayer Service will be at Faith on Friday, May 10, 6 p.m., in the Sanctuary. Note that this will be the last Taize service until fall.

Thornwell Offering. We have an opportunity to help children by participating in the Thornwell Offering next Sunday, May 12. Thornwell has been helping children and families across South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida since 1875. They offer a foster care program and other family and educational support programs. They also provide safe and loving homes for children in need, offer hope for a brighter future and encourage wholeness and healing with counseling and support.

Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering. All women are invited to the Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering in Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, May 15, 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Childcare is available upon request. We will have amazing appetizers and desserts provided by the Presbyterian Women. Our time will include a guest speaker from one of our service partners, installation of new officers, and time to unwind and catch up with the women of the church. Please RSVP at this link: http://evite.me/WcjDcGY6Xn. If you have any questions, please con-tact Alison Denny, [email protected].

Fellowship Luncheon. There will be a churhwide Fellowship Luncheon after worship on Sunday, May 19. Thank you for bringing enough food to share with our guests according to the first letter of your last name: A-H side dish, I-L dessert, M-Z main dish. Drop off your dish in Fellowship Hall before worship, where it can be kept hot or cool until lunch.

Summer Sundays are coming! Beginning on Sunday, May 26, there will breakfast in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 in lieu of Sunday School. This gives our teachers a summer break and allows time for Faith family and friends to fellowship together over breakfast.

2200 N. Meridian Rd. Tallahassee, FL. 32303 850.385.6151. www.faithpcusa.org

Brad Clayton, Senior Pastor Trinity Whitley, Associate Pastor

After hours Pastor-on-call: 850/684-4325 (you must dial the area code)

Stewardship Update Budget YTD: $392.421 Received YTD: $399.828 Spent YTD: $379.361

New Member Class Want to learn more about Faith Presbyterian or feel ready to join? Attend our next New

Member Class on Wednesday evening, May 22, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Parlor. Dinner provided and childcare available upon request.

Please RSVP with Trinity Whitley, [email protected].