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Page 2: Folder 6 - Marist College

JUN 13 l!US

Dear Mr. Huber1

Thank you very muoh for your letters or June 5, 19451 ( S/ 4/ c and c/x/b), ooncerning relief ehipments to inmates or the concentration c&mJ;>B at Theresienstadt /.lfld Lendeberg•am-: Le oh.

As you know, programs for relief distributions to· personQ in concentration oampe have been a matter of paramo\int interest to the War Refugee Board, and we very much appreciate the information you have submitted and the excellent work of your organization in this matter.

Jil', Charles Huber, Delegate,

Very truly yours,

William O•D!fYer E:1«1cutive Director

International Col!lll1ittee of the Red Croes, 1645 Conneotiout Avenue, Washington 9, D. c.

·~ EBT:inp 6/9/4'ifa</


_, .... ~.

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I Comite InternatiL. . .il

de la Croix Rouge a Geneve, Suisse · Delegation aux Etats-Unis

d'Amerique + - lnternatio11~ _ Committee of the Red Cross

in Geneva, Switzerland Delegation frrthe United States

1645 Connecticut Ave. N. W. -

W aslzington 9, D. C.

June 6th, 1945.

Brigadier General O'Dwyer, Executive Director, Executive Office of the President, War Ref'ugee Board, Y/.ASHINGTON 25, D. C.

Dear General O'Dwyer,

of America

In replying. refer to ( $/4,_/~. ----- )

~ We have just reoei ved a cornmunicati,9'n from our Headquarters ih Geneva, giving us extracts of a firs~ report 1'urnished by our Delegation in Berlin, ooncerni_pg a visit which

! has been made under d1ate Of April '7th, to the concentration camv oi' Theres ienstadt. _

According to this report, the general impression is favourable, and since the visit ofm.ur Delegate, nothing has been changed. T'ne effecti Ve is Of 201.000 Hebrews co- posed or Hungarians, Tchekoslavaks, Dutch, Danish and Uermans. It is further .ste.Ded that at th,., present time, the food supply at Theresienstadt is sufricient and that all collectice shipments of relief effected b;y-_,;the Internattona-i-­Committee or the Red Cross, as well as individual and National Red Cross Societies' shipments have been received. At the time or our Delegate's visit, four trucks loaded vtlth foodstuffs had arrived at this camp and the relief had been.distributed.

Other important shipments or foodstuffs and medicaments have recently been effected in that camp and on April 2'7th, a convoy was leaving SWiizerland with approximately 40 tons of fo-6d-stuf'f's to be distributed to the internees at Theresienstadt. The Committee hopes that despite the difficult travelling conditions, this convoy will reach its destination safely, _

.AB soon as we receive further news and more detailed information from our Geneva Headquarters, we shall not_ fail to communicate them to you.

We beg to remain~


Sincerely yours,



-- . ·.-.. _--....


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. , -~~

.. __ ,.__, ___ ... -., _,_ ......... , -.-· ~tJ;. __ . _____ ;;

, ·--r. .r l.-·(-1..d: c. ~r-,-'-'· -µ,.__,~ -~~)-:__~er· - . >-,~

/ Dear Mr. Huber:

I wish to acknowledge reoe1pt of and thank

you for your letter of July J ,. i91~5, ( a/4..o), enolos3.-ng

a· copy of a further :report submitted by your Delegt\te,

Mr. Dunant, follow1ng.h1s v1s1t to The!'es1ens11ad.t on

April 21, 1945.

Mr. Charl~s Huber, Delegate,

Very t:ruly youi-e,

Flol'enoe Hodel Assistant Executive J>lreotoi-

Intel'llat1onal Committee ot the Red Oroaa, 1645 Oonneoticut Avenue, N. w., Washington 9, D. C.

~ .... EBT:inp 7/6/4-5

_ ... ,.,;._


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/ Comite Internati<:mal

de la C_roix Rouge a Geneve, Suisse . + Internatio\.~, Committee of the Rea Cross in Geneva, Switzerland

Delegation aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique

Delegation to. th¢ United States ·

1645 Connecticut Ave. N. W.

"' Washington 9, D. C.

·of Amerit:i


July 3rd, 1945. In replying, rele~ to ( ... ~/~."::..'!! ....... )

Brigadier General O'Dwyer, Executive Directr.or, EXecutive Ottioe o:f' the President, War Refugee Board, WASHINGTON 25' n.o.

Dear General O'Dwyer-,. _. ·

. Pursuant to our letter of June t)th, 19~5 i~ which we gave you a r~sume ot a visit made to the concentration camp o:f' Theresienstadt under date o:f' .April 7th, 1945. .

. As mentioned at the time, our Headquarters in Geneva had mentioned that.}they would send us another report. We are now in receipt o:f' a r~port established by our Delegate Mr. Ddnant when he visited this -08Dl.p again und,er date of Aprii 21st, 1945, and transmitted to us by a letter dated in Geneva on May _4th. --~--------

We enclose herewith :f'or your information a copy o:r the accompanying letter from Geneva, as well as a copy

. o:f' Mr. Dunant's re port.

sgc. encls.

We beg to remain,

Sincerely yours,

/_ .

~ CH.AR!fSS HUBl!lR, Delegate.

- . , . .;\_

.i' '

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GENEVE, le 4 mai 1945.

COMITE Il~TERN_4TIONAL ...._ de la


Agence Centrals

des Prisonniers de Guerre

G 8/47 G 59/12 CR/MB No 1678

Note a la Delegation du C.I.C~R. a' Washington

Concerne visite du camp de Theresienstadt par les Delegues du cornite International de la Croix-Rouge.

l<'aisant suite a notre lettre du 27 av:ril 1945, nous vous remettons pour votre information la copie d'un second rapport que notre Delegue, M. Dunant, a etabli lors de sa visite au camp de Theresienstadt, le 21 avril 19450

c 0

p i



Pour le Comite International de la Croix RougE): t


Division d'Assistance Speciale

. _.,.,f._

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·\' -''°' Rappor.t No. 3.

Prague, le 23 avril 1945.


Jtai visits Theresienstadt le 21 courant apres• midi.

En prenant contact avec le chef' du camp, j tai demande que le Conseil des Anciens soit reuni dans le but de recevoir ma declaration et de repondre a differentes questions que j•avais a poser. Je vais rapporter aussi fidelement que possible, sous forine de dialogue, cette phase demon court sejour ~u Ghetto. ·

Dunant: " Le Comite International de la Croix-Houge m•a charge tout specialement de vos interets. J•ai consacre mon temps entre ma uremiere visite du 6 avril jusqu•a aujourd ... hut a •it execution de cette mission. Le gouvernement du Protectorat m•a assure, .qu•a mains de necessite atrategique, personne ne serait deplacedu camp jusqu•au jour de sa liquidation. Celle-ci sera assuree par les soins du Comite lnternational en collaboration d•institut·ions juives. Je vous prie de me faciliter ma mission en assurant ltadministration et irordre de la ville pendant la periode de transaction comme vous ltavez fait et continuez a le faire sous l•autorite allemande. Vous aurez vraisemblablement a recevoir a Theresienstadt des coreligionnaires evacues d•autres camps, voire meme des internes Civils, prisonniers de guerre OU blesses. Vous devez vous souvenir que, quelles que soient les conditions. de vie ici, vous y trouverez plus de confort et mains de risques qu,e sur le chemin de lrevacuation."

- ~Lurmelstein: "Notre Conseil a toujours maintenu 1 •ordre et la discipline a Theresienstadt et il en sera de meme pour l•avenir."

- D.: "Q,uelles sont les personnes qui ont quitte le camp a dater du 6 avril courant?11

- M.: "423 Juifs danois ou d •autres nationalites habitant le Danemark sont ~artis avec leur chef, Dr. ~illinger, sur 35 vehi­cules de la Croix-Houge suedoise. La colonne etait accompagnee par le docteur suedois Holm" ( ce renseignement m•avai t deja ete fourni p.ar le chef du camp). ·

D.: "Y a-t-il d'autres personnes qui cours de cette meme periode?"-

- M.: "Personne d'autr~."

- D.: ttEst-ce l•avis·des Nembres du Conseil? '

Reponse affirmatt ve mais muette de Pun d' ~/2

- ' ,/-~

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- 2 -

- D.: "Veuillez me repondre par out ou- par non."

Affirmation plus pracise des quatre membres.

-..:. D.: "Veuillez etablir une feuille "de presence de_ votre reu­nion qui sera signee par tous les membres. vous y stipulerez VOS reponses i CBS deUX points.

Eonsieur Murmelstein, voici une liste de 33 personnes OU familles. J"e VOUS prie de me repondre en etablissant trois listes: la premiere comprendra les personnes qui se trouvent a 'l'heresienstadt: la deuxieme, celles qui s'y trouvaient et qui sont parties en precisant la date de leur depart et, si possible~ leur destination: la troisieme, celles qui ne sont j amais entrees a Theresienstadt. !I -

-- ll.·: "J"e vais etablir le -rapport et les listes _que vous me demandez. vous avez par le de la J.ic;u idation du camp·; que faut­il entendre par la?"

- D.: "Le camp sera un j our liquide. Ce sera demain ou dans dix ans. Ceci denend aussi bien des decisions de l'Autorite allemande que de ia situation militaire. 11 ne m'est pas pos­sible d'en fixer lu date dans le temps. Mais, en tous cas, je serai ici en personne pour m'occuper de cette liquidation."

-- --'~'-~ ... .;.-~ .. ; '':' '

Cet entretien qui s'est tenu en presence du chef du cam,, et de son lieutenant, ainsi que d 'un inspecteur de la police de surete de Prague, prenant l'in, j'ai f'ait part au chef du camp, cu'en attendant les reponses ecrites, mon inten­tion etait de visiter Theresienstadt. Pendant deuz: heures et sans aucune objection de la part d'officiers et civils alle­:-::ands oui rc;'accompagnaient, j'ai pu inspecter tout ce o_ui au cours de la visite du 6 avait provocue ma curiosite. De cette pro~enade absolunent libre a travers les edifices de la ville et dss baraquements annexes, je rapporte la meme impression o_ue nous avons eue, Dr Lehner et ~10i, au cours de notre vi- t site du 6 et la conviction nu'aUCUne mise en scene Speciale n'avait ete prepare~ pour cette visite officielle. Les habi-tants de 1-h·0 resienstadt y vivent tous les jours c0Il!J'l1e nous avons SU l'occasion de constatar a trois renrises. En ce mowent, des contingents juifs d'autres camp~ sont diriges sur Theresienstadt. Ils y arriveht naturellement dans un etat pi­toyabl-e, mgis tout y est prevu pour les amener rapidement au ni veau de ceux c_ui les y ont precedes. Depuis 1B ,-6 'l'heresienstadt a v~ sa population augment_er de 4.000 person · :mmes de 18



an::·cours d'un entretien antarieur le .d'Et t Frank J1'ayant assure c:ue tous les J:uifs sur le c l'e acuation cui nassaient a ')roximit§ du Protectorat, s ,raie s s Theresienstadt, J'ai _pu, le jour-meme, con tate _ tio de cet or~re dans·la ville d'Aussig ou je me s is~~~ .. ep_ quit ant. The r as iens tad t 0 u,..,.,.,..,,.'S..,..,.._ "'-.


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,_ - 3 -

:'.i:n fin de j o~rnee, l 'Ancien m' a a uporte le pro -tocole de leur reunion rui, contrairement a-ma demande, ne p~ecise pas nu' a part les 423 danois dont. il a ete question, aucun autre interne du ce.!'lu ne l'ait ruitte entre le 6 et le 21 avril. Je n'ai pas cru-devoir insfster a ce sujet. Il ro'a renlis a !TIB "liste-o_uestion"' les "listes-reponses". La -agalement, en group9.nt dans une seule liste les personnes qui sejournaient a :'heresienstadt et en etaient parties avec celles qui n'y etaient jar.mis entrees, la for:nule ne pouvait me donner sstisraction. L'Ancien n'aysi.nt fait remaro_uer qu'il ne disposait d'un tel'lps suffisamnent long pour l'etablisserient de ces :).istes, je lui ai de:::1ande de r1e les faire parvenir. Le chef du camp, present a l'entretian, m'e assure que la chose serait faite. Si je r~~ois ces precisions avant le depart du ~resent rapport, je les y joindrai.

J'ai eu l'occasion de m'entretenir a-Vee l·I. 'Praag, ex-Vice-President de la cr,'.'ix-;iouge ne erlandai se, et I\fillle Aurelie Donnebaum cu:'.. r:i'a confirme cue son mari et les deux autres mem­bres de sa -famille avaieht ate senares d'elle avant son entree a ~heresienstadt et eiriges sur une autre destination.

Voyage a Aussig :

On m'avait signale a Prague des passages de trains contenant des 8vacues blesses OU Civils oui, a la suite du bombardecent C. ,-Aussig, 8tai2nt bloc,ues dans cette region. J' ai pror'i te de non voyage a Theres ienstad t pour me rendre a Aussig et y recolter des renseignements. Les employes de gare, autorites silitaires et de police ne ~·ont pas donne grande precision. Les convois nilitaires ont pu etre transbordes; les convois civils sent encore en panne sur des voies de ~arage (je ne leB ai pas vus 3 proxi~ite de la gare en tous cas); les convois de juifs ont pris OU prennent a pied le chemin de Theresienstadt. Les .. deux bombarderEents de la seriairrn ont ete serieux, Les trains en 3tationne:nent ont et~ durer1 ent touches.

c 0

p i


P.J!,. Dunant neiegue

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1945 Jl:N 2 AM 8 54



Secretary of Statti,


2980~ First '/-



Rec 1 d


Legation 1 s 2471, April 27.



June 1, 1945,

9:30 p,m.

Following report has been received from Dunand,

IC:SC delegate, who was in Theresienstadt in early Hay:

As of April 6 there 'TGre 17, 556 Jewish deportees

in 'l'horesienstadt between that date and Hay 5; 12,863

nc1·1 deportees. arrived _frora camps all over Germany mrnh

. _as :a0rgen Belsen, Buchem·mld; Dachau and Mauthausen.

Of th0se 12,B63 88 arrived dead and.221 died shortly after

c>.rrival; total survivors there as of I.fay 5 was therefore

30 1110. Theresiens~adt is now reported'to .be under

Czech control.




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Dear Mr. Leavitt:

The following message for 1011 fiom Joseph Schwartz was received through the United States &baaq in Peria under date of Ma1 :e~ 1945: .

11Have ·spoken with International Red· Oros& clel.•te wbo Just retumed from 'l'hereei~'8.dt and addaea 3(),000 Jews t~re now of whom 17,000 fr'om or1g1Dal ~and l.3,000 recent arrivals from other camps. Thie later group baa brought tn>}ll>.8 which causing great barclebip and medical supplies Ul"gedtly required. UNRRA. has sent J planes of su.ppl.iea fl'om Londonmd lntemational Red Cross in planning to send one plane from SwU•erland with supplies ohiefl¥ fl'oll1 US provided the¥ oen get permiasiOll Czech Govermaent and Buesian authO'fitiea for supplies to be flown in. In addition Red OroH sending several trucslm of food auppl1es a large part of wbioh will be ours. Similar conVOl'B being sent to lAlchau LJ:..ndesberi and other camps with some of ov supplies for the internees. Largest ai:Dgl.e group in ?:herelienstad.t Czechoslovaks of whom about 6, 000 second largest gronp former Oel'lllans of whom some 5,000. Regret advise Epstein and ll'delstein were both deported from Thereeien­stadt last Octo'bel" and Leo :Beck now the Oo:nmi ttee Ob&J.rman assisted bi ~stein formerly a.&aiatent to towentel'Z Vienna. International Re4 Oross considers it utmo1tt importance we send repreJ!entative ~o Theresi.enstadt · it at all possible. We appi'oaching Oaeoh Gove~t this oonnect~9n."

Florence Hodel An1stant mitecutive Direotor

Mr. M. A. l-eavitt, Secretary, American Jewish Joint Dietributl on Comittee, :2'10 Madison Avenue, New York 16, _Hew York._

${/ RBHu.tchison: 5/J0/45

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,,,-.,-· •.

tR:.·, •... NT

-~~'t' c INC.OM ING


-~·.. ., DIVISION OF ., •""L.)'CENTRAL SERVICES . !~i


·Baris .. · .. . .I

EF-42? CENTR..\ 1• SE"i\'!GcS

·'I ; ' ~.I i1J 04 natOd May 29;.1945 () -7-cl Rec 1 d 12:41 a.m. 30th 1

•.t:• ..

Socrotary·or State


3036, Twenty-ninth .~ I I

?O ~ ;L\F. -~K· ~'Gi!.:E B0A.~-ilJ FOR HOSES LEAVITT JO!NT · . I ,

DIGTF::.1.f'U~:~on. cc;vIK'.:'.'..'T:L;?-; Y'.!Oic JOSEPH SCHWARTZ. I

., FiBY6 s~,ol:cm 111i th :;:nt0.>"no. tionat Rod Cross delegate I

whc .]:.:s"~ :·s+urned from 'Ihei·osienstadt and advises

30, OCO .~· ews there now of whom 1?, 000 from _original

groupand 13,000 recent arrive.ls from other camps.

This later group bas brought t.Jphus which causing I

great hardship and medical su~ylios urgently reQuired.· j

UNR3.A has sent 3 planes of supplies from London and

Int.;,rnational. Red. Oross in l'l.anning to s0nd. one plane

-from Swi tzerl.and with supplies chiefly from US provided

I ~ they can get permission Czech Government and Russian

aut~1ori ties for suoplios to be flown ·in. In addition . ) - I Rcc1 Cross sending several trucks of food supplies . a la:.nge part of which will be ours. Similar convoys

' bc"~.ng sent to Dachau Landesberg and other camps with

sorJe of our supplies for the lntcrnees. Largest single

group in

i ----:-----"-~--

' ~

l I

. I

r [ J

. .., _,.,,,/,_


Page 13: Folder 6 - Marist College

' ._.,

• -2- #0006, Twenty-ninth,from.Paris.

group in Thoresienstadt Czechoslovaks of whom about

"' 6 ,000 second largest group fovr;ier Germans of whom some

:;,ooo. Regret advise Epstein and Edelstein were both

'1G!Jo:rted from Theresienstadt ln.st October R.nd Leo B~~k

,~o:.- -·:><: Committee Chairman assisted by H~rmelstein

ro:·-r.:rn:L/ assistant to Lmventcrz ViGnna. International

::i.,;,, r,.;:c s>c ;0:1siders it utr.10st importance we send

:""EJ~)''ceEntA.tiv·: to Theresienstadt if at all possible.



. ...,, ,,_.1,_

. I

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_f,_ .,·

lt1,4y 3 0 1945

·Dear Mr, Leavitt:

The following meal18.ge fo:r you from Harold I.inder was received through the United States Embassy in fondon under date of lle.y 24, 1945•

• ..

"Received your cable 'l'he~~~enstadt todaf •. ~iat4J)¥ upon hearing of broadcast fl'Oin Prague one week ago about. conditione The:reeienstadt an~. on reoeiv.t.ng · cable from Stockholm giving indicat!llne of possibility of sending an nirplrine. I~got in touoh with Czeoh government here which co.bled Prague for perm1se1on to land and tried to arrange td.th military authoritiee for flight over occupied area. Two thirds coats will be defrayed by Czech authorities here under agreement. lla;,e receiited no reply from Pragul:I thus far. Understand SHAEF.proVided three airple.nee carrying six tons ~edical. supplies which UNI1RA provided left here today for Pileen which in .American zone permission not received for Czech doctors to accompany shipment which might have given more assurance of arrival at The:resienstadt. There is no question of Czech government or our desire tci help but results depend.entirely upon attitude of SHAEF', Russian mil,i'tary authol'itiee, and P'-'&gue government, Delaying departure Sweden until 8chwartz returns Paris from Ewitzerle.nd. Thie at Sohwartz•e suggeetions. 11

Mr, Moses A. Leavitt, Sec:retaey,

Vert. truly yours,

Ameriean Jewish Joint Distribution Committee~ .-- .

270 Madieo11 Avenue, New York 16, New York. ({J.I RBH:inp 5/28/45

Page 15: Folder 6 - Marist College


P•'" er-~! Secretary of State CUNlRiJl ~.UPY , . Wc.shington


5179, Mny 24, 1 p.m. I>





Your cr.ble Theresienntl:'.,dt received todO:y"

One week P.go - innnedintely upon hec.ring Of' brohdcr.st I

from Prc.gue concerning conditions Theresiensto.dt nnd -

upon receipt of cable from Stockholm indicnting possi-

bility sending airplane contacted Czech Govt here which I

cabled Prague for permission to land and endeavored

---__ orrrmge mili tr.ry authorities for flight over occupied

c.ren. Czec authorities here agreed defray two thirds

costs. No ~eply thus far from Prague. Understand three I / /

0-irplcnes provided by SHAEF cc.rrying six tons medicr.l I

supplies provided by uflRRA left here today for Pilsen

w'.-iich in Americc.n zone permission unreceived for Czech

. ph:,rsiciO:ns accompany shipment which 1!1-ight have given

grec.ter f'.S surance o.rri vr.l c.t Theresiensto.dt. No question

our or Czech Govt here desire to help but performnnce

dependent entirely attitude SHAEF Russinn militECry / - .

r.uthorities rmd Prngue Govt •. At Schwartz's suggestion

Sweden until he returns Pnrisfrom

.•. ..-,._...-:.- ..

,~-e lc. yini; __ depar~ure

Switzorlnnd. D"J-J1fJS

:QEb!,AJlSIFIJl:D _ - ;- -c • 'tVINAHT State Dept; Letter; 1.11.72

By R. H.Parks ~a~£JiL :1J97Z!


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,_..:_.,•o'F'·•c··· .. STATE


/; ~ t .-.

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· :{:~:. •::~:~::•;::dfollowiil, •• do<w,• (iiRli 1> . to ;~.,,~~ • i .· . 'ff /U~hwt>.rti from~ M:- A-~-Leavitt Of. J~eric;11· Je{.1isii 'iro111t' uf slf~fu~--.'.".~--.. ;:~---· _-_,~-:<:,:1:

... t ·ion Co"''""i."t1'ee •• · ·--:.: .. ··:-::" ··:·:;;· .<· '!.> ·· ·0

UJJ.i,I "' '• - . ] . ~-,_:' •• --.~ '/:, / :~-,/·~~.: • .. ~ .. -., .. ; J_,.-,:' . .•. .. - ~ . . - - ... ~ ~~· . . '~;." . . . ".-' _- ·.-~:·.--_: , .. :·/ ~.,....;-:<<~-_>,_ -~.j ~.:·

,iu0•11E . Deep co11cel'-n t'el t •• ere l'egarc1ing s1 tilt'~~ori ~'i~ \ ..... ~c~.;., :·. :uc'.~;il I .. - ·.. I ·. . · ·· ·. · ·--.······ . ".~:;.>'/·

-~·1~;~re~lenett,tlt pnx•ticulnrl}' due lack mecl~cr-1 El~p~'.j.ie~. ':~~-·._c:in'\j~~,:tf;(\ {i::s'>; tY::-:.hue_ othex• diseases.· Cari you cJ.irH.mse w1tn.·czecn.GoveI·nll\&nt ·•:'·": .. :>~.:ij.

. ..,,

-,, .. -.·_:;,-~ ~··:·.:.-·.:~:.- ·, ·.:·,·:~

=~::::-:r.~:::~:::::::::::::::::.::::~;:~t]!~~~;t;~/~~l -.. ~··· particulurly-whether--foll-owing•- supplies ca'Vaile_ble'"'Sweden fop. ~¥por:.~~·- .>/:' to conti.n~nt l'iloee, clothirig. me(lice.Jiients, hand toob -e.~d. rh~cii(nfi~·. -: . i'or ·tail.ore, · fqrmers, ·· sboe:ril~lte:Nl, carpp,nt(lz's, . lea;ther• t-1'61:K~~-·_s·~~!i . . · · · -


i~lill :rlhV :Jtg· 5/22/45


. ;(AC'l'l;t;!(lJ ·;> ..

' 1 : :::;,i~i;; ;;:p~ ··•••· ;~:lJ .• , . ·• , ... ' '•"',( - ';,; .. t '

·_. · J -~·:·_;··_if ;~r·:~i

Page 17: Folder 6 - Marist College

Plea .. dtl11'1'. ~ <f'ollo~ ....._ ... lo..,ai ~.

f.ra ». A. Lea'1U of Aaer1tan ~ J•t. l'Jlftt!l!iD• c..lttWt

qJQ'.i:Ii! llm ~ li'i£1' --~ $l!J.'U.Afl'11 ll TBUSntJS!A.t11 PAtttlOUl'.A'Gt q umt ••OAii. svnuu

. ftltllJS OTilitl Dl~1. OU fOU Dl$Q'1$$ ttlta ~ omew:.s WftAf !Ulil• lllllf -'.f.1f1.111J M.So ASORAJM . we u liLT . l.nt .· _..._

VlSll' .... W<m.t> Bl MOS! . ~1.1,1.1. II PUflWWtLt 11--10~ ~= ~

· •· ~ .. ro oom.'ltG'M' lo,,. ra.iii · =-~.~~ •. -.tht~ - -J~,


.2:J5p.m. ;..:ay 18, 1945

'.iiss Ch .. auncey (for the Sec 1y), Cohn, DuLlois, Gaston, ~del, P'.utchison, ; .. :cCormack, O • Dff'Jer, 3'il es.

~' 5/17/45

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19.15 M!\Y 6 AM 10 0.9 .......___ Bern




This tele;-;rnn Gust be !18.1'[' ch..rased bo~&lr boinc co:·r:w1~_cnted tq ,MQ,yono

Dnted May 5, 1945

ot ;10 r ·c i-:.nn n \;J~'tlJino nt Lc;ency. (!il:S8TrH8'.l'EB)

Secretary of State,

·.1 ashinc.;t on.

2~'12, Kuy 5, 6 ·p.n.

Rec'd 9:21 p.m.

o 1 D'Jl'EH WRB FR'm.1 i ;ccLELL/iND

Hans Bnchmann, confidential. secretC'r~c to Burckhurdt

h'osi<:~ent of J:c;::.c, reported to us thc.t I:8.ltenbrunnet of

SS r1i th v1h~1:i Bachmann v1f'.s nc:::;otiutini:; neck a;~o in Innsbruck

SC'VO nssur8.nce th8.t Therosienstndt•s st8.tus quo would be

nmint::inoC:. up to 1£'.st rend that no last minute extormiria-

tior: of im:iQ.tes woulc~ tr'.ke place.

Let ui:- hope tho.t this proves to be tho cnso as

Thcresienstndt is tl-c£ le.st 11 oamp 11 of its size in German



___ ;;._

Page 20: Folder 6 - Marist College

· .•.

S~atetary of State,


2562, May 2, 9 a.m. ;<


Dated May 2, 1945


.Legation 1 s 2471, April 27 • "· .

· ·;·· / · ICRC delegate Dunand::visi ted. the Resienstadt again ' · · ·· /bn .11.pr.il 21 and reports conditions there good (repeat ··

I good} in eveiy respect. 'if,)000 new Jewish internees have arrived. ap:p11.1.rently. -mostl;y:. from 11 protectorate 11 since h:i..s _

_ . previous visit on ~pril 7. Dunand advised ICRC that he · considered it unnecessary send further food shipments to f the Resienstadt. U1 timate fate cif Ghetto is still un­

certain although Dunand seems very optimistic,

On other hand, deportees recently rescued from con­eentztation camp of Mauthausen Bei linz (Legation 1 s 2468, April 27) reports frightful conditions prevailing there. Most brutal type of extermination is ln progret111.

It is most doubtful that ICRC will be able to evac.. uate further inmates camp since Russians were reported to ]lave crossed Enns river south of Mauthausen about two days ago.

Ironically enough at last minute (April 30) S;,(iss Army placed 60 postal 'b'\ises With Capacity Of 25. to 30 persons each at disposal ICRC for such evacuation wor~. ··­If thes·e· buses 'had been aVB.il'able -a month ago -sever-al hundred more detR1nees cotild'}ia..te been rescued. !~fear, however, that ;i.l is too late,


Miss Chauncey (for the Sec 1y), Co~, DuBois, Gastorr:, Hutchison, McCorm"1&:, O'Dwyer; Files. · ·.

Page 21: Folder 6 - Marist College

" c~11...t:.~-·~··u-:;:t~A·--. ,_ ........ _ t

I ''./_,1 ~:' ~.f '. -~ ,..,.·._.,.-

. /o"' . ·'.

. -:-:··-


· ·i>ear Dr. Tartakower'

The f'.ollowing mesilage-tor ~ f'roll l\lr. RiegOel' ft8 ~cai:ved, through our Legation in Bern under date of P'ebruar.Y 17, 194Si

"Congress, Gene•, not in&truMnt.al in release ot 1200 people who recently arrived in Slfi.tserl.am from Theresienst.adt. Agud:iste apparently organUed this. Office at Stockholm indicates their negotiations helptul in tbis question.

"131000 Jews remain Tberesienstadtaccording to int~tion

f'urnished 'b7 this group, of whom 31000 newcomers and 10,000 old internees. Ot newcomers, about 2,000 are Christians of Jewish descent and •miscbling1 which includes appronmately 600 Slovakian Jewish w0111en who recently reached Therealen• stadt from Sered under guidance Malrkabi leader Schoenhauaer. Apparently 5,000 left Theresienst.adt tor labor in Belch in September. 18

1000 more departed in October, ostensibly tor

&8.!118 purpose. These lS,000 are first sent to Birkena.u, aceording to testimony Of two persona eacaped from that camp, and shortly atterwarde sent to GerlaaW •

"Of previous members 1aeltestenrat' at Therea:ienst.adt it seems'Edeletein no longer alive, Eppstein is in concentra• tion camp. Frits Kahn, Ot\o Zucker, Stricker, Hannasteiner and majority or old Zionists apparently haw gone with autumn transports. A.eltestenrat presently urider direction

, ot FrotessC)l' Cohen trom Amsterda111, ~lstein fi'om Vienna, Ra bbl lriediger trom Copenhagen, former Czech Minister . Meissner, and Moritz Hena~hel'~ R&bbi leo Baeck also still

Page 22: Folder 6 - Marist College

;~;~~~L.·•o .... -:--·"i.-.-


i l~"

((Signea.] J'lol'en--;;;~ .,: :. uG nO<'feil

Fl0Hl104!1 Redel · Aa.S..tant Exeeu.ttw D1rec•



Page 23: Folder 6 - Marist College

.•···I· ''


-_l_ - -~---~------ - -


REc'd 2:16 p.m.

SEcrEtary of

CONTROL COPY Washington.

1057, FEbruary 17, 9·a.m. '>( I -



I . 11 CongrEss· GEn~va vias not instrumEntal in rElEasE of ,

1,200 pEOplE from ThErEsiEnstadt who r~crntly arrivEd -., Sv1itzErland. This was apparEntly organizEd by Agudists.

Stockholm officE intimatEs thE ir nEgotiations wErE

hElpful in th is quEstion.

According informatiori furnishEd by pEoplE in this-::- _____ -~ I

group about 13,000 Jn;s rEmain ThErEsiEnstadt of v1hom

10,000 old intErnEES 3,000 nEPCO.mErS. Of lattEr about

2,000 Christians .of Jrnish dEScrnt and •~1ischling' in-

clud_ing somE 600 Slovakian JEv1ish v1onlrn who rEcEntly '\

rEachEd ThErEsiEnstadt from SErEd undEr lEadErship

I l.'Ial{kabi lEadEr SchoEnhausEr, In SEptEmbEr• appar'i::ntly

5,000 lEft ThErEsiEnst~dt for labor in REioo •. ··In Octo.­

bEr 18,000 morE. dEpartEd ostrnsibly for samE purposE•

According tEstiwony two pErsons. EBcapEd from BirkEnau


l r

th~_st=: 18,, OQO wErt; first s Ent thErE and shortly aftErWards' ·~ -· .·· DECLASSIFIED - ><;~ _-

tra nsfErrEd Staten t Letter 1.g;~2 it - _- ep. - ---~' - .; --·· ;-;,~-

-BJ B. H. Parks D~ie....;;__.; ;Cf - SER l.;1912. ' ;~:

_.i-- <-

'..,, _,.,.o.\_


Page 24: Folder 6 - Marist College

- ~

• ' .. '·

.. -2- #1057, FEbrufrry, 9 a.m., from BErn.

transfErrEd int~W(l~i,>)lli:fn~'•

Of formEr mEl1Jbe:rs ThErEsirnstadt 1 aEltEstrnratl.

EdElstEin sEEms no longEr to bE alivE; EppstEin is in

/ -concrntr~tion camp. Otto ZuckEr; Fri.tz Kahn, Stric},<:Er~

Ha.nnastEinEr and grrntEr. part old Zioni,sts seEm.to havE

· lEft with autumn transpcirts~ AEltEstEnrat now undEr ~: -~ . ·,,.

dirECtion Murmr,:lstEin from ViEnna- ProfEssor Coprn, from

AmstErdam Rabbi FI_'iEdigEr from CopE:nhat;tri formEr CzE-~h .. •~ MinistEr MEis:'!nEr and Moritz Hrnscl1El.. Rabbi lJEQ ·13a~qk~

also still thErE. Conditions in ThErEsirnstadt on wh:olE

hard pEOplE working 15 hours dail~r. Many old pErsons

dying from. malnutrition. Individual parcEls from SwEd;En

. ·~ '·-"·~

- 1

arrivE satisfactorily. VJRB will shortly havE list o~·-. ~. -- c...:.c~~- ---------·-·· -------- - -

1200 11 •



Page 25: Folder 6 - Marist College

-- :: ~.: • .!..•.

MF ... 415 Distribution

·reading only arrangement.

Secretary of


DEJf.nJr:ff'.r~nii\:~ TElEGR~P-H ~c:1:01 fli\'1c1n:1 o::· ~crn 1;.J.,/-!C~;:{:J;~. ~~{;~

of. tru~ '4/' ,J/ by ~~l!Bi.13 AM g ~>ted. February 2, 1945~~f~~ z£t. ( news •- r- ..A- "-

Rec'd GVi·i·""'ii';,(:i\TlO NS

11:27 a.m.



CONTROL copy 742, February 2, noon. 'I I


.With reference to-Legntion 1 s 5'70, January 26 i

post cards from_ a nu~ber of Jewish women previously

in the Resienstadt have recently been re'cei ved in

Switzerland from Hamburg. They seem to be engaged ,,, within city itself in heavy physical labor of clearing

bombing debri_s. Their number is unknown.



. - -------~--~~·

..... . ·' '·-'·~

Page 26: Folder 6 - Marist College





. -~



JEC-412 Distribution reading only arrangement.

1945 JAN 27 AM 11 ~t~.'n of true

~P/111 - ·vlq~~·1

by s1:00MUt.Dit1Ci\TIONSDated (\& l!GORDS

· (LIAISON) Rec 1 d 7:53, p.m.

January 26, 1945

Secretary of State,


5?0, JanuEJ.ry 26~ 7 p.ra. , CONTROL COPY x


I imnediately icontacted Dr, Riegner World


J' r· I

J ...

l !:

.... -___ , .,/._ , -..

Jewish Congress re9resentative in Switzerland in an

attempt check on these reports. (Department's 400,

January 24 WRB 1 s 379) Rieg.nor stated that he had

received-no (repeat no) information to effect that - - -- ------=------ - --. --. --- -- --- -- --·~--

/ Gerr.ia.ns uere tr?.nsforraing the Resienstadt into an

exteruination camp. His information was princi-

·pally to effec.t that since about last October Nazis -- ,.,;o-

hac1 transferrAd great many people from the Resien-

stadt into Germany P,roper ~osterisibly as labor,

Ntinber is unknown as is fe.te of many elderly people

unsuited for worlc who must have been left .beM:nd.

Customary post cards dated end Nove_mbpr, however,_

reached Geneva 2 days ago from the flesfenstadt<;l~h.ich·

contain no indication-that situatlon,as far as

.. -· ;:M;·~hi~C~'trnerit : ·· ., i>kcLAS~lFIED ._ . -

State Dellt. Letter, Ml-7ll .

_B7. B. B. Parks Pate 1£f l1~U -•· .---~-


Page 27: Folder 6 - Marist College


\.._:.-.;: __ ..;..,....,....-~--.. -~,.<;..~ <,..:.-.-~ .. _;.;,._

._...,.-._ .... -

-2-', #570, January'-26, 7 p.m., from Bern

treatment is concerned has changed in the Resien--


Reports contained your uire were nev-~rthel·ess

used as basis urgent a9peal to ICRC to do nll its

power investigate and. sec~re permission visit the

Resienstadt once more as ·soon as possible.-·


( 4~) correetion to follow



------~~ --- ---------'···

Page 28: Folder 6 - Marist College


i ii I

-;:1'· -,.





I Bern, J2.Uuo.ry 26, 1945,

Dear Mr. ?ehle:

·.ri th reference to l:!J' pouch letter of.

-J~muary 19 trc•.nsmittinr: tvro lists, establi.sl~ed

by the Dutch Jeo·Iish Coordinatinz Cornmi ttee in

Geneva, cov0rinr; the 11crsons lJJ.own to them in

both Berr:el'i-;3elsen and Thercsienstadt, I am

'.•leased to forward 2ttached hereto 2 further

CC)ies of the same, lists. These copies are

"' either for the :3os.rcl or for ];Jr. klJilon, 180

Fiversi6.e :Drive, IlYC deye>:.ding on what clisposi-

tion tlie Board took Ylith the lists ~1reviously


Very sincerely yours,

?hweil ~- \W~~z__ Roswell D, l\'IcClell1ma. Suecial ;issistant to

,, the American hiii.1istf!r.

:Snclosures: 2 lists: 3ergen-3elsen nnd J'heresienstaclt internees,

Jolm -,'/ ~- ?ehle, Esquire

~xecutive Director,

~Refugee :bd"~.rd,

· .ie.shington 25, D, C,

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11·7 2

BJ. B. H. Pai:ks Dat8.s£2,.. 1197l

. ,~_,·""~ ·~.I

Page 29: Folder 6 - Marist College

. :_,- .... -~ .· ·;. ...


GENEVE, Tel. 5.53.80 (b.g.g. 5.60.93) 16, Rue du March_e

·Kanloor Zat, en Isr. feestd. ges\pten.


'l'hB hft sicl• ot oail!h pa.g., eont('-'ltle all dntl\ neo•1nlfl¥? f'or ttut .. ndlng of toad"'

pt-T"l'Oll' tbu r!11;bt dl ll•'t-*- e.1, t'll,. i~ent:ll'i'let!ou,c1"t'ln~inatlc.n oX fml'llilJ•

co~~eotion, th~ dat~ of tho laot uireot newY r"o~v~d £rO!!I tlttl ~eporte• !Uld- &

~i'erenc~ t!.I the eoureo by llllilntinntne tl'le U!ll'!tl er the 1-af.'r;r'Mr <ir ;tbf\ RIW!!E of the U.11t on t4d.oh hie oarao figured•

~. o, nnd t. .. Quet1tiormnira h11u•d hy l)UT Oomu1 ttee.

i •• ~ .s. · • lbte of vet•r11n si.oniete to whom PaletUmt oertit'icat.c• hff.Y•

beon i Hued • · - . :

• 11peoinl uirt. reoi:d.'ftd bJ our Col'llll1ttee. '11M dat• unti.ontd l}:S tbil

licit C\l'fl a\molutely rtliliflbli'l •

Li9te Pd. .. lbt cc!llpoeed by tho Nethel'land111 ~'ta Co;11114ttfjle 11Jena1111lf.ffli

Litlt<l L( ondon)• a Ucrt roc&!V'lld t~·o1H tho Hotber1 • .\ln-'.'ltl 1Jomiiord.1.1nl'J\• to~ ftept1trlll'f~t,011•


J.R. .. ltli'onm·~iou rU.r1:totly ;~;I.vim b!f th" Jtw1ieh CimklCJilt1'11>1~1'QI'~•

'l'ho lilltll urt~ not eo11plote. Nor cw. 0e gunrun·t;eu in i.t-1.l 111u:u111 for tbtJ-PJ'9ilt9"i.on.-------------·-­

D0t11.ilu h.:1.vo hi:'>~n oolbo·i.od n.bout ttll Jns deported tra Hollaml ldthout d1Htil4tt.on

<'f nutiontll.i ty, ~()t' t:lo wu l.Uli:• Mnlt' cU.111odl11nation whart\ thl!I &100tU.ng ot i'Oodpt\ro•je

Publiuuti1m of_ lbtl'I h absolutely dr.ager·ou .. or courec infot';ar>tion ean be glYen

when indh'i.rlut\l. d$L~l1.nd.o a,.; v.mh• aboiit aotual reeil.~eJ!co fof f'J'iB~e or relatlo.ne.

We will b~ -ncy glad to ncoin oomplflmentacy dt1t111. ~ TI1otif:l."!;ltion19 of th• lf.•ht ·

am hope that evel'y avaib.blo dtt'tlllil a~ut depolrt$•• {e¥&D H' :ic:itua.1 reeidenoe le.

ignc:n:"•d) will u~ult1rly be aem to \UJe

Page 30: Folder 6 - Marist College

JOODSCHE COORDINAf!E COMMISSIE (Coinite juif-hollandais)

16,rue. du Marohe, G e n e v e x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

PHERESIENSrADT =====-==·======;:============;===

***V .. darn .nouv. 7-9-1?43 •


AB!{AHAMSON, Harry ad:r.aot:L. 120.

ABT, Jenny . Rathausgasse 11.

·ADLER Felix L. 11~.

. 4.DLERA·Friederike L, 20.:i_,

ADLER, K,Mons. Postgasse 5,

lillLSRi 11.aroline 'l. 61 •

ALI'MANN, A;Rabbin


7-9-1943. ,


.. ' ·7-S-1943.

7-9-1943 .•



2e 1.'V ,Jh

' ·-· .1~:.







k •. ·

dern.adt,15 st.Jansstr.A'dam

ALTMANN, Leo L. 212,

.111'MANN, Tana Q. 411.

.lLEXAND.ER, Berta Hauptstr. 22,

ALEXANDER, Julius Haupts tr, 1.

ANDORN, Meier Q, 509.

ANS0RGE; Olga 'Valls tr. 8.

ARDEL1 Adolf ne: or .1894 en Allemagne . Raup ts tr. 1.

AR::Jm, Hermine H. IV. .

A~ENDBERG, Frieda L. 505.

ARSNDS; Martha L, 120._ .... :


7-9-1943 •

A, 7-9-1943,

A., 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944,

A. 7-9-1943.

A, 7-4-1944.

A. L,414,. 7'-4-1944. Utreoht,Hartingstr.

"""" . il. 7-4-1943.

A •. 7-9-1943.

A. 7-9-1943 ..


Page 31: Folder 6 - Marist College

ARKADE 1 Herbert Haupts tr. l.

.L~ONS-Salomons, Rtlsohen 11-2-71 en Allemagne Hauptstr. 20.

AU:::;RMCH;. Rosa _"" )I![\uptstr. ~'l"':~

BACHMANN-Zadick 1Rebecca 25-9-1911 a Amsterdam

BACHMANN 'Robert 16-1-1939 a Amsterdam BACHMANN, 'Verner 4-3-1906. \ I prof:oommergant en'\ruir


BACHRACH, Pauline . nee: a Hambolirg infirmiere- - - · Bahnhofstr. 23. ~.601.

BACHRACH, Rosa· Rathausgasse 5.

BAER 1 Alfred Seestr, 18.

BAER.i. Rosa 1. 3u6.

BALEK, Leo Isr. Seei:itr. 28.

BALLIN, Bertha Bahnhofstr. 17.

BARDEH, -Max Parkstr.17 ou 5.

BASCHI Elise K. VI •

BASS, Benjamin Badhausgasse 7,

BASS, Ch. Mons.

BAUMANN, Mons: 11/estgasse 4.

BAUMANN, Ellen Hauptgasse 14. ·



-2-A. . 7-4-1944.

1. 176. Fin 1942.

A • 7-4-1944 •

..... --~-

I.-. '~'·'.

L.J.R.20-7-44.L •. 401. G.265. .~ 25-2-1944. . · ··• - · · 12v A' dam, Afrikanerpl .15 ou s tadionswe·g:­vo ir: epoux Werner

" pe11e "

L.J.R.20-7-44.L.401. G.265. 25-2-1944. . 125, A'dam,Afrikanerpl.15 ou Stadionsweg voir:e~ouse Rebecca-Zadick " : f1ls Robert .

. A. Q. 407. 20.8-l9M.

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.

;\., 7-9:..1943.

A, 7-4-1944.

A.A. 7-4-1944.

A.A. 7-4-1944 ..

A. 7-9-1943.

A,A. 7-4;-1944.

A.A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.

A, 7~4-1944.

~-----~-------__, __ _

Page 32: Folder 6 - Marist College

BAUM.iNN, Walter -Badhausgasse 10. BECK,,_ .Bruhe Q. 6u5.

BECK; H:i. lde H. ff.'

1• BECK, Jenny

B!'.LV:IB van, Llie 1-12-22.A'dam BEEVER van, Godfried 6-7-188.9 a Amsterdam dinmantair , Langestr.260/5.

BLEVER van-Cohen,Rosa 10-1-1887 a Rotterdam

BEHRENDT Anno Dr. Bueckere tr. 2.

BEHRENDr Frank Bahnho.f s lr. 13.

BEHRENDr 1 Sie"lllund · Bahnho fs tr . l!j.


A. 7-4-1944. A. 7-9-194q,.

A. 7-9-1943,



.;,.. __ ,, ... :

voir: 1Jelle Godfried 1. 131/. Lg.

· Hacquartstr.3.A'dain epouse:Rosa-Cohen;fils~Elie Cert,nat. San Salvador. 14-9-1944. voir:epoux Godfried

A. 7-4-1944,

A, 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944 ..

voir:pere-Ernst · 1932 a.

BELINFANTE, Mr. - voir: pere Ernst ·!; 1934 a. BELINFANT5, Alex D. Dr.Juge

BELINFANTE, Eduard,juge 1874. den Haag,

BELINFANTE-Belinfante,Lmmy 23-3-1875. den Haag.

BELINFANTE, Ernst 13-9-1904. a Amsterdam Dir. Badhotel,Wijk aan Zee.

BILINrAt~TE~ _Fr~derik Erik, juge prof. ,dv:.AUJ .Dir .A.N .P. BELINF ANTE- Jetty

31LINFllNT:S-Mendes da Costa,Judith 1879 a Amsterdam

BELINF AN'r :S, Ra phae 1 7-2-1879 a Amsterdam Dir. '.IJns telhotel, elms terda.m


Lettre Hijman,Pal.L. Den Haag

1Westeinde 34,Voorburg.

voir:Bel1nfante,Eduard,juge L.Hijman.G.271. 3.VLZ. · · Den Haag,Schenkkade 126. voir: epo1:1se Judi th-Mend~~- d~_Q_o~ ta ___ .

'' Belrnfante, Al'ex D.Juge 1. 31. voir: evoux Raphael,Dir.Amstelhotel

" flls Ernst,Dir.BadhoteL &. 39/125. " voir: peEe Raphael 1Dir.4mstelhotel

11 mere Emy'""Behnfante 11 8J?OUSe Jetty-tf fille ,nee 1932 " fils , 1934

Pal.L. den Haag, v. lmhoffpl,3 •. G, 125. Badhotel, ~ijk aan Zee. voir: epoux Ernst,Dir.Badhotel Jan. 1944. ._ L.Hijman. G.271. . der,i Hai:g, Schenkk:_ade _ 126. .· __ . voir: epoux Eduard,Juge .. G. 39/125/183. 31-8-1944. voir:epouse Emy-Belinfanthe 1 fils Ernst,Dir.Bad ote


Page 33: Folder 6 - Marist College

BBNDIX, Selma L.M.15,

BENEDIE, Siegfried 1. 306.

~ERG van den,Mark Louis,juge 1909 a Rcrtterdam ·,,


BLRG van den-Cohen,~iarjan 1916 a Rotterdam

B:S1GMANNi.Fi:i:tz 1894 OU 874 a , Amsterdam 1 commergant

BERGMANN, Hedwig Langestr. 19.

BERGMANN- Kl:tthe 1894 a Kleinlangheim(Baviere)

BERGMANN,. Lucie Langestr. 5.

B~GMANN, Rosel 1922, Nuremberg

BERNBLUM, Dr. 'lilhelm

BERNSTEINA Betty Parks tr. J.

B1..TWSrEINA Gerhard "lalls tr. t5.

BEYER, Alfred Bahnhofs tr .11.

BIEDERMANN, Dr.Magnus Ma1er 11-12-1905 a. BIEDERMANN, Regina Estella BIEDE31.WlN-"lolf ,Saartje 10-11-1910 a Amsterdam BIED:sRl.\1ANN, Samuel 27-1-1907 a Amsterdam Fabi .RadioAacc.

BILS rEIN' Max L. 609.

BING 1 Johanna Bahnhofstr. 7.

BLANKENSTEIN, Sophie Langestr. 21.

BLAUf Adolf K. V L

~~----~------:-----:--,-----0~--.----... - __ --------- --

-4- . A. 7-9-1943.

:\., .7-9-1943.

L. 187 . (} ;.,,-zis; Rotterdam, v. Beuningens tr. lL 9-8-1944. . ~oir:epouse Ma,rjan-Cohen "'mpap: Pal. Cert. voir: epo\ix Mark Louis, juge

L,49. jan.1944 voir:e~ouse K~the nee· 1894 " ' fille Rosel " 1922

A. 7-4-1944.

voir:epoux Fritz,1894

A. 7-4-1944.

voir:pere Fritz,1894. . " mere Kil.the, 18g4 ·

Pal. L,

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944,

A. 7-4-1944.

Pal. 1. Amsterdam-Oost,N.Weg 17.

voir:pere Samuel,27-1-1907. If epoux " " •

G.244. Amsterdam,Amstellaan 155. . : voir: epouse Saartje "lolf, 10-11-1910

" .fllle Reg .Estella , 25- 3-1937 . Ernpap:Suisse 16-7-1944.

A. 7-9-1943.

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.

A, 7-9-1943,

Page 34: Folder 6 - Marist College

... --

BLITZ, A.I. CorrmerQant en mataux

BLI'rZ­ne e


-~~{~~~~~n~~~9-~,,-~ BLOCH, Ella

i. Sees tr. 16.

BLOCH, Eva Herta Langes tr . 5 ,

BLOCH, HCillila

BLOCH"' Martha Q. 3l;:i.

BLOCH, Max 1860 a BLOCK, Bernhardine 1885 a . Bahnhofstr. 7. BLOCK, Feodor, Dr.

· 1888 a. . . Bahnhofstr. 7 .

. BLOCK, ·Max· Seestr, 18.

BLOEMENDAAL, Rachelle 9-5-1221 a. BLUETH-Fechheimer,

· lB-2-1870 a. BLUEI'H"' Curt 4-11-lti91 a

BLUErH,1, Ellen 28-3-1~28 a ~LU~rHA Eva G7-3-1~26


BLUErH-Henschel, Frederika 1-2-1896 a. BLUMENSOHN, Leo BLUMENrIUL, Lilly L. 304. ,

.. -----·--·--~·

-5-P al.1. voir: epouse. Rotterdam,10, Oranjelaan

voir: epciux A.I.<

London L.

A, . 7-4-1944,

A • . 7-4-1944.

London L.

A, 7-9-1943.

London 1.

L. 17. Deventer voir: fam: Feod~r,Dr.1888. 1. 17. Deventer voir: fam:. Bernhardine.11885,,

A. 7-4-1944.

Philips 1. . · Pal,Cert.W438/43/I/18.

voir:fils Curt, 4-11-1891



':f'· l

l J.R.A'dam.1-8-44. 4.VLZ. ·~ iUnsterdam, Retiefs tr .13 ou J .v .Eijks t~ .. f­Pal.Cert. 4.VLZ.lvl/438/43/d/113-;-- t e~ouse:Frederik~-Henschel, 1-2-1896 ~ fille : Eva 27-3-1926 't·.· fille :Ellen 28-3-1928 ~ mere :Anna-Fechheimer 18-2~1870 f voir: pere Curt,4-11-1991. "' ri


vo~r:epoux Curt,4-11-1891

Pal. L., A. 7-9-1943.

f ~

•tc ;);

lr I~.

·t ff


BLUMENrIIAL-Rothschild,Louise Henr. Q. 565. 15-0-1886 a SadtoldendorfiAllem, Ainsterdam-~.Haarlemniermeerstr,112.

"t' ·.i~

t J dessinatrice · 5-7-1944

r<lrkstr. i2. Fam: ii.B1umenthaLen Suisse '·· f -r r:

·i ·l_

Page 35: Folder 6 - Marist College


c BOD:::.NHEIMER, Edith

30-1-1933 a

BODENHEIMER, H. L. 205-' 11

·BoD:;NHEIMER- Hf'!d·r="" -· 27-9-1927 ~

BODENHEIMER, Joh. Seestr. 20.

BODENHEIMER, K~t 20-9-1929 a

BOOD-van der Stam, Sophia 26-3-1871 a Rotterdam

-6- 0., J .R ,A' dam,1-8-1944 •. Galileiplantsoen 95~A'dam fam; Kurt,209~1S29

11 Hilde 27-9-1927. 14-9-1944.

A. 7-9-1943.

J .R.A 'dam,l-8-1944, ·•. Haarlem1S_chotersingel 13.b. 18-11941,J;.. .' . . .

A. 7-4-1944,

J .R,A' dam,l-8-1944. Al;nsterdam,Hoogeweg 112. 14-9-1943.

Q. 30. G. 87, Rotterdam,Rochussenstr, 77,c.

. ""

i' :

BRAHN), Max, Prof. Dr. 5-6-ltl73· a. 2 pars. Parent:Dr.Benno Brahn,Potterstr.~8.

. A1dam.-Z. Langestr.

BR • .\NDEL, Abraham


· BR:\NN, Fanny Bahnhofstr. 8.

BRASCH, Lotti Berggasse 9.

BRAUER 1 Gtlnther Hauptstr. 14.

BRESLAUERi· ·Selma Parks tr. •

BREUER 1. Alice Bahnhorstr,

BRODER-Leon, · 1863 a.

BRODER:...Steinrefon, Else · 1908 a ..

BRODER, Leon 1907 a CommerQant en metaux

BRODER, Manfred 1931 a L~ipzig



Pal. L.

Pal. 1. Epouse:

Pal. L.

A. 7-4-1944,

A. 7-4-1944,

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944,

A, 7-1-1944 •.

. '

-.Andreson ·

voir: fils Leon, 1907.

voir:epoux Leon, 1907,

G. ?80. . Ams terdam-\V .Scheldep_l.2, . · Dir:L.Brode_rs metaa_lhandel,;den Haag voir:e:rquse-Else-Steinreicn,1908

" fils Manfred 1931 . " mere -Leon 1863 ·

Pal, Cert. · 31-8-1944, voir:pere lean, 1907.

.-.--,•,,._:·--<--*":'---:::o-•~~---c-·-.·-_·, __ -

~::';..'aj! -,---~ ·-::--:::;·-·---"'·--- -

Page 36: Folder 6 - Marist College

. \

B~ODMAN David 22-3-1936 i ]otterdam BRODMAN-Iwanier-, Perl 14-4-1908 a '.Yascauoi c/o.Paula Jftcker,Badhausg,18,

BRODMAN Sossie 1. 18-~-19S8 a Rotterdam

B~OMEri A. B. 24-12- 908.


BROMEP-van Adels berg ,Dina 1-10-1909 a Amsterdam BRUMMER, Metha Haupts tr. 8.

BRUENELL-Kahn, Nillle


BUCHSB.i.UM, ,\.kiba 4 pers.

BUCHSBAUM, Gerda 1921 a den Haag BUC!ISBAUM.i. K. 1890 en liussie ·

.. commer<;ant an verre Langestr. 76/A/__5.

BUCHSB.\UM-Schnelling, Lea BUCHSBAUM, Nathan 1901 a

BUCHSBAUMt Norbert 1925 a uun Haag. Lang(!S tr. 76/A/5. BUCHSBAffiv\, Mischa 1910. Langestr. 76/4/5.

. BY'PPINGER, Berta 1. 405.

o. voir:mere. Perl-Iwanier,14-4-1908

Q.,86/87/88/99. den Haag,Scheldstr.77. Boucherlb et restaurant voir: .fils David ,22-3-1936

t1 £ille Sossie 18~4-19"3B ·· ::. · "" epoux:Samuel,28-8-i910,lieu de dep, . 20.4.1944. incor;mu. voir:mere Perl-Iwanier,14-4-1908.

L. 251. Amstvrdam,UitEJrwaardenstr.28.II .. ..,, voir:epouse Dina-van.Adelsberg

31-8-1914. . voir:epoux A. B. 24-12-1908,

A. 7-1-1944.

Pal. 1.

Pal. 1.

voir:pere K. 1890

~. 5.2. den Haag,,Nw .Duinweg 7. voir: e~ouse Lea-Schnelling

" fllle Gerda· · 1921 " fihls Norbert 1925 11 frere Mischa 1910 11 frere Nathan 1901

Sept.1944. voir: epoux K.1890 voir: frere K.1890.

t1 epouse - -Friedlaender . den Haag, Belg,Plein,Flatgebouw.--~ voir: frere K.1890. Sept. 19A.

voir: frere K.1890, den Haag~~w.Duinweg 7. Sept; 19'±<± .

A '7:9-l9ib3.


Page 37: Folder 6 - Marist College

. ·-. '

C.uN, Klara 'falls tr. 8 ou 1


GAFFEi 11.ni ta ::Slisabeth 28-9;.. 921 a .uns terdam GAFFE

0 Hilda Julie.

2-8-L2~ ~i. Ams t<Ji'dam - . ¥

.G~FF~Hoilbu_~,.QJ-8'1l~r:ikt< l::J-10-1889 a AIDS £6rQaiil .

C Alm 1 D •. , Mons • Seostr. '"'•

"' CAHN-3ch~nmann,· Emmy L. 609.

GAHN, G. h.urzes tr. 5.

OAHlVJ. Leo L. 6u9.

OAHNl Moses 'i.. 7 3 •

!JAHN, So;:ihio Dahnhofs tr·. 2J.

~ANES, Samuel IJhaim, juge 17-10-1877 a llms terdam

CASSSL, faul

Ci\SSIERE.R, Julie B<::.d!:tausgasse 19.


COHEN, _,uelheid Pos t~·~·SSl; 8.

COlf=.t'j, ,\rnoB

COH:&\f, Daniel Neugasst: 18. COH:E.N-Kon"wsky 1 Eugenie 3-5-1880 .3. LenrngTadu · violiniste

CO HSN-Har tog, :Sva 1890 a Oss

-8- ' A. . 7-11-1944.

voir: mere Olga Frederike-HeU.but Pal.Cert. M/,138/113/K/ll.

P~t:be~t~0MJt~~;{§MiI§~e,.H~j,lpµ~ L. 195. rel,Manfred Osieck Amstelveen,l.Laanhorn Plantsoen ou Am~ terd~i Lijt:ibaansgraoht vain ,f:i,l e An1 ta Ellsabeth,28-9.,.1921.

" ' it Hilda Julio 2.-8•1924. Pal, Ocrt. don1<:.nde, , -'· 7-4'-194·1.

iH 7-9-1943.




_\, 7-9-1913.

A. 7-4-19H.,

1. 343. Pal. L. 1\ms terdam, Appollolaan epouse:.Anna-Bos ,29.;.11-81, pair a 1'11. -Pal. L,

A, 7-4:-19,i4.

P.L. voir:epoux Louis

A, 7-±-lS~·i.

Pal. L. epouse van Gelder-

A, 7-4-191±. L.19. Rotterdam,Diregaardcnsingel 95, h. Visa pour la Suisse fam:Mme Gabrilowitsch,HOtel Monney,

. .: ~ntreux~

voir: epoux Salomon Dr.1879.

COIEN-vanDelft, Fini ls12 a . . infirmiere P.S.Z.

3 pers. Pal. L.

COHE;Ni Hurbert Samuel 2J--1- 925 '-~ lot terdam

voir: pere Salomon Dr.1879.


Page 38: Folder 6 - Marist College

c COHEN, Jozef 1919 a Rotterdam COHEN, ·Ida Seestr. 1. L. 101.

COHEN, Louis

--cmIBN·, Salomon-~u~ -·· 1879 a Hotterdam ·

1, chimist

COHEN-kleermaker, Sophie 15-10-1886 a' Amsterdam Langastr. 156/5,

COH.i.'f, Alice 190·~ a COHN, Frieda Parkstr. "'

CO!lN 1

. Fritz !foinrioh Dr. Hauptstr.l. .

COHN, Georg Langes tr. , 15.

· - COHN H. . Hauptstr. 22. H.5.

COHN, Herbert Hans Langestr. 18.

COHN~ Lina Q. 7u5. COHN, Mathilde ·•1es tgasse lJ.

COHNi·' Rosa Q. 3 ±,

COH.i.'fHOFF, Iknriette L. 203.

-9- '()"' voir: pare Salom~n Dr. 18'79•

A. 7--1-191.:4.

Pal 1 .. '·· voir: 6pouse

L, 187, G.218. Rotterdam, Gr.Floristr,36, Pal. Cert .W ;,38/-~3/C/13. · voir: · -e'!'ouse; Eva-Hartog 1890.

· 11 f1ls 'Jo11.ef . . 1919. " fils Herbert Sam. 1925.

Q.. 181. G..18. Venlo0 .~amburgers:l;ngel 88, 1-6-bn,


A. 7-·i-1944.

A 7 :,i-194.'h ~

A. L6ndon. L. 7-11.-1944,

A, 7-~-19-H.

\. 7-9-1943.

_, .. •.~-

--- ;-T

,\. '7~1-19iL


A. 7-9-19-±3,

COL.i.CO OS;\...1i.IQ,.Q.e Lieme, Juda 2 pers, Pal. 1. . epouse de Lieme-

COLLEM van-Benavente, 1sther 21-2-1873 a Landres

COLLEM van, Philip 9-'-3-1870 a .l.ms terdam

COLrHOFF, Nathan COSM.\N-Mendes da Costa, R.

· -COS SEN~ -Lina 1872 a COSSMANN, ;uma H, IV,

G. llSo, ·Amsterdam, Lepelstr. 59. voir: epoux Pbilip 1 9...,3-18'70

voir:"eg~use :Ssther:..:.Benavente,18'73 Sept.· lAL ·. _ P~l.L, epouse vanDantz~g pas a,Th. L: Dr,Meihuizen1Zugerbetg Leiden, \Yitte S1ngel 19. London L, .

A. 7-9-J.943.

Page 39: Folder 6 - Marist College

. -10- . 0

D...1.HL, H. · Bahnhofstr. 8.


Rosa L. 2 8. D:\M- van , DAM van, S ,_

--: ~ -··--c"?=''C~ -·

DAl{IEL 1 Franziska Seestr. 4.

D ;\NIEL Hans Hauptstr. 1, .•

D.\NIEL, S. Mons. "' - 'Vestgasse 10. ·

D:\NIEL1 Selma Langestr. 5.

D.\NIEIS, Jutta 'i. 611.

D.\NIEIS, Magda ou Martha rurmgasse 9.

DA1'frZIG van, Branco 1871 a DAVID 1 ,\dolf L. llo. ·

DAVID, Johanna

DAVID, Marianne Rathausgasse 9.

DAVID, Martha Bahnhofs tr. 27.

DAVID, Reg~na Berggasse i.r,

DWID, Samuel Berggasse ~.

DWID, '.Vilhelm Haupts tr .1.

DA'VIDM_\NN, Rosa Haupts tr, 21.

D1RESI'~:"IGZ, Miriam DSR:SSI ·• CZ, Salomon 3-2-18 u.. a.


Langes tr . 335/5 ou 202/5. llb.

DL\M,.lN1', SsJomon Dr, medecin . Seestr. 2.

A. 7--1-1911.

A. 7.,.9_19;3,

voi;i:-: epo~ .. ~ob ~~·· .,, .. Pal. 1, .,

Rotterdam, 84,Statenweg voir: epouse

A, .. 7-·~-194'1.



d .•


~L 7-4-19A.

.. .. - ~ -

Pal, L. Amsterdam, 1.Roelof Hartplein



•Lo 7-4-19:i:-1.

;\., 7-1-19-14.

.. i

----------t--1. 69.

L. 69.

~\. 7-~1944.

voir: pere Salomon, 3-2-1891 . L. 128. · · Amsterdam C .N ,;\Ills tels tr .35. voir:fille Miriam, 7-7-1923 . . -e!1ouse:Helene ,Camp Intern.Morgins,S. fille : inconnue, . 11


" •

,1.. 3.VLZ. . _ :pen Bosch, Or ,Nassaula:an 27. -Pal • .Cert. 3.VLZ.Nr.63, 7.;;i-l9t1.:;,.

Page 40: Folder 6 - Marist College

' ..

c DILLENBURG 1 Hertha Seestr. 18.

DORMITZER,, Else Seestr. lo.

DORMITZER1.·Siegmund Seestr. l_o, .. ·

DREtFUSZr Isidor/='''--~ Haup ts tr • 1. I.

D. RI.YER~ 'Villem Bahnhors tr. 35.

DREYFUSS Sees tr: is.·


DRE'.'.FUSS-· Seestr.18.


DRUCK!ili, Bertha L, 122.

DUENNE.1. 1 Baruch

1HRLiqH, Elisabeth Q. ·10·±,.

.EI~SCHUETZ, Hermann B. IV. -

EI CHSClillELZ, Hermann Haupts tr. 1.

EINHORN, Heinrich 189'.l: a Oswiecsin,Pologne banquier · Langes tr. 2-12 a/5.

EINSrEIN, Siegfried 5-6-1888 a Munich Commer3ant Langestr. 273/5 ou 156/5,

.Eisrn·i ·Rosa E. VI .

:SLHS, Jacob :.:ta.thausgasse 11.

LIS:3ACH, Franziska Hauptstr. 22.

ELSB1CH, Friedrich Langes tr • 7 •

:SLrE Harry 3-9-i880 a Amsterdam architecte

E~TE-Speyer, Elisabeth-2.r-12-1896 a Amsterdam

-11-· c

A. 7--1-1944,.

A. 7-·:t-1944.

A. 7-~~-19~4.

A, 7-·1-1944.

I -l • . , .. -


A. 7- .1-19'1·1.

,t, 7-9-19~3.

Pal. 1.

,\. 7-9-1913.

A, 7-9-19t~3.



L. 179/399. epouse inconnue 20-8-1944 1\ms terdam,Lairesses tr.

~. 121. ---- ----'--~ _ _,:] -Ams terdam,Pres ,Steijnplantsoen 9/11 ·1-·1-191-1.

A, 7-9-1943.


A• . 7-'1-19·±·±.

:l. 7-4-1944. . . J.R.A'dam.L.7a/321.G.265/345. S tadionweg 1''.l: .iuns t erdam 25-2-191:4 voir: epouse Elis11~~th.-Speyer .. ' 2.1-:-... 12 .. -. 9.y .. ~r ,-:--

" epoux Harry, 3-9-1880 . . - · '>

- l

Page 41: Folder 6 - Marist College


( 1MaNUEL, '.Val tar

EM.'\NUEL, ?folfgang Bahnhofstr, 8,

EN GELBER r .i. ·Chana Seestr. 2;:; •.

-E'l''l'LINGER Albe-r-~ 1863 a. ' ··

1. J:',l'rLINGER-

EYL~3URG, ~alter Hauptstr. g,

"' FABISCH, Fanny L. 511,,.

F:\IlISCH, Max Parkstr. ~.

FALK, II0arietto Langustr. 21.

F.1.LKi,· Siugmund L. 3d.


F.tLK:iliS FEIN I Elly 1. 609. . '

F_:,foENSTEIN, Eugen E. III a.·

FAERBER Uice 18-7-19S!;, a Amsterdam Langestr. 189/5.


FEINGOLD Benjamin 11-6-1897 a Kolbuscowa,Pologne

FEINGOLD-Feldmaus, Channa 16-8-1902 a Lezaysk,Pologne FEINGOLD Jakeb 3-11-E'27 a Berlin

· F;INGOLD, Ltio 5-3-1929 a Berlin

. FEINGOLD Manfred l~-5-193~ a Berlin FEINGOLDi. Margot 12-1-192b a Berlin. FEINGOLD Rosa .·· 3-11-1927 a Berlin

FEITSM.t, Hanna·· Nurse

c A<

3.VLZ. .tms terda.m, Albr .Dlirers tr.

.. l..


London L. L voir: epouse Hedl.wig, 1873. voir:.;,e12oux !llbert Dr, 1863.

.t. 7-,~1%1,

.\, 7-9-1913.

-~. 7-~-19-t:~.

.l. 7-~191·~.

A. 7-·~;..191.3.

;\.. 7-9-19·'.:3.

L. 107, .illlsterdam Pal.Cert. et Cert.nat pou Paraguay

1. l~. . -voir: e~ouse Ohanna-Feldmaua 1902

11 f1ls Jakob 3-11-1927 t1 fils Leo ... - · · -.3...-3..-19-29--'--· 11 fils Manfred · H- 5-1934 11 fille Margot 12- 4-1926 t1 fillo Rosa 3-11-1927

17-7-191/,, . voir: epoux Benjamin ~

voir: Pere Benjamin

voir: peere Btnjamin

voir: pere Benjamin

voir: pere Benjamin

voir: pere Benjamin

Pal, 1.

A. 7-'±-194k.

' I l

Page 42: Folder 6 - Marist College


FINKE, Evelyne 1907· a FINKEN1 Johannes 1904 a · Turmgasse 9,

FISCHER, Klara ,If

__ .'ful.r:!lgasse ~. __ ,~~·o:~

FISCHER-Goldschmidt, Lotte I. Langes tr. ll. . .

FLA·row- Mme

. · FL:\TOW- ..._ Mme FLATOW, Georg Dr.

FLEISCIThtlNN · Langestr, 7?/5,


Fl.OERsHEIM; He~ena. Parkstr. 3,



FLOERSHEIM, Jules FLOERSHEIM, Karel Fl.OERSHEIM, Salomon banquier ·

FLUSSMANN, Rudolf · 1901 a.

FON'rEYN Alex 2-6-190~ a Amsterdam Commergant en art.menag,

FONr:!WN-Cohen, .1nny ou Emmy 1900 a Rotterdam FON·J'EYN, .\.rthur 1928 a Amsterdam • FONrEYN, Herbert 1930 a .ln!s terdam FONrEYN, Simone 1930 a »msterdam



-13-London 1.

A. 7~4-1944.

,\,, 7-4-1944.

London 1. Amsterdam, Obrechts tr. 74 •

voir: ep9ux Georg Dr. ·London L. Amsterdam, J.v.EJckstr.35,, voir: epouse . .

Q. 119. 1. -±14.


Utrecht, Hll.ndellaa.n fille: . pas a Thi fils : Siegfried 1904 II a Th. belle-mere: Mathilde-Rapp, 58'' a .. Th,

voir: epoux Salomon

A. 7.:.·1-1914,

voir: pare Salomon· .11 . II II

Q. 510. 2.VLZ. 4,VW. · --,\.Ills terdam,,~lb .Hahn plan tsoen '.14, voir: epouse Eva-

" f1ls Jules t1 fils ·Kare 1

Pal. Cert. 2.v1z, Nr ~172. . ,, II 4.VLZ.W438/:13/d/153.

LOndon L,

G. 122/265/311.L,,~6/G:.v .H, .·, .ims terdarn,Or .Nassaulaan 62 01.i 89

t1 Konings laan ~ voir: epouse J'.nny OU Emmy-Coheµ.

t1 f1ls Arthur 1928 " fils Herbert 1930 · " fille Simone 1930

14-9-19·14. voir: epoux: .tlex

voir:, pare :Alex

voira pere .,lex

voir: pere .1lex

voir: epoux Hans .. . " . . ep0use Else.::Boas ·


Page 43: Folder 6 - Marist College


-14-FRtNCO MENDES, Hans voir: epouse Else-Boas


."t ..

F?t \.NCO MENDES-van der Kous 2 pars.Pal, L.

FR1ENiEL, Benedikt Elk. L. 203.

FIL\£.1\/KEL, Giln:tnei" x::::::: • -

FR.LENKEL, Henny L. 1G4.

FR\ENI\.E1, Max ''falls tr . 9 •

" FR.\ENKELi Sally Seestr. 8.

FR,\.NK.l Henriette ~. 70~.

FR.tJ'!K l Louis Q •• o .•.

FR.1NK, Martha Langestr. 5.

FR\NKEN, Rebekka Seestr. 22.

FR_\Nf;_ENSTEIN J. Dan Bahnhofs tr. b. •

FR \NKFORT-Israels, Mathilde

FRENKEL, Debora Hanna 21-5-1929 FHENKEL-Goldschmied t, Edli.lie 3Cl-11-1900

FREl~KEL-Loopuit, Elisabeth 31-7-1889 a ,ilnsterdam

_ Langes tr . 5 •

F]EN'KEL~ Herman Emile 2-5-192·r a Utr.echt FRENKEL,i.. HtJrman Salomon Dr • . 18-8-18~1 a Utrecht bacteriolog Langestr. 5.

FREN'KEL, Hermine 1890 a Utrecht secrets.in: de Lissa & Kann Langes tr . 5.

F.'{ENh..ELJ. Mietje ou Jetje 28-8-18b6 ~ Utrecht instutitrict: Langestr. 5.

A.· .--<t·


Pal. 1. epouse: -Gerson. pas a Th.

1l. .,· 7-9-1943.

.. 1.' A:


A. .. . 7-9A;l.9•13.

.L 7-'l-19-±4.

,,, 7-J-19'Jo±,

Pal. L.

. ....

voir: pere Herman Salomon, 18-8-1891 voir:epoux " " "

L. 4/137. L.Frenkel 7-12-:f.i;·-----~­lills terdam, Hemony laan Cert.nat: San Salvador. V1Z. epoux: Ezechiel 13-11-1889 pas a Th. flls : M.Frenkei,18.Montagibert,1aus • .. voir: pere Herman Salomon, 18-8-1891

1. 187. L.M.Frenkel 7-12-44. den Haag ·. voir: epouse Emilie-Goldschmiedt

· " flls Herman Emile 2-5-27 11 fille Debora Hanna 21-5-29

VL;. .eHt~ duR~MIQ~pbrt. . 9- 5-'32

L. 137. 2.VLZ.L.M.Frenke.l 7-12-:tJ: den Haag Pal. Cert. 2.VLZ.Nr,±3. voir: souers Rosalie et Mietje

voir: souers Rosalie et Hermlr{e · den Haarr Bal.Cert 5. VLZ .M/i-38/±3/.E/U5.

. . . . ;_ ~--: -

Page 44: Folder 6 - Marist College

~· .

' . ~ ! (:~\ '· ; ,. c C - :~;

-.·-· - =~·"'t"''"""""'~~~.r,,;

-15- .,; .,-j~

FlENKEL Rosalie 23-11-1B81 a Utrecht Langestr. 5.

FRSNKELA 1osomarie 9-5-193~ a Utrecht

-· FRENl\.EL, rheo_dQf,,,IJ~.~ .Q.509.·

1,FRillNDA Hermann Prof. Dr. 11-8-1~82 a.Breslau

. empl. de Brocades & Steeman, industr.cnim.

Langestr. 5.

"' FREUND, Richard Seestr. 18.

FRLUND 1 Therese Langes tr . 6 •

FRIEDA .. d.olf 1. ~2j.

F''UEDf Jacques E. VI •

. FRIED, ·Paula -121. .

FRII.DB.GRG.IB, Erich 23-3-1892 a Gies.sen, .. llem. commer6ant Langes tr . 235/5

FRI:IDBERGER, Gerhard 2-7-1921 a Hambuurg FRIEDB:sRGER-Frank 1 Henriette 18-6-1897 a Berlin FRIEDB:sRGER Vera 11-6-1925 i925 a Hambourg

FRIEDENBURG, Walter Seestr. 10. .

. FRIEDL.\ENDER, \.dolf


FUCHS, Frieda Bahnhofs tr. 8.

FUCHS, Otto Langegasse

FU.pHUER ; P • Ha up ts tr. 1.

FULD:\UER; R, Raup ts tr . 1.

L. 137. 5.VLZ.L. M.Frenkel 7-12-4·:1:. i dt:in Haag ~ Pal. Cert.5.VLZ.M/~38/±3;-J:,/144. voir:souers Mietje et Hermine

voir:. pere ijerman Salomon,18-8-91 "-:.y' -



Q. 250.--, .llllsterdam Overtoom 272. rol:Prof.Dr.med Walter Freund


.l •. 7-i-19~,L

.t. 7-·~-1944.

.L 7-9-1943,



_i,, 7-4-1914.

L. 186, _ . voir: e~ouae Henriette-Frank,18-6-97

" flls Gerhard. 2-7-21 " fills Vera 11-6-25

l~-2~19·±4 voir: pere Erich 23-3-1892

voir: epoux Erich 23-3-1892

voir: pere Erich 23-3-1892

Pal. 1.

Pal. L.



.1. 7-4-1944.

;\. 7-4-1944.

Page 45: Folder 6 - Marist College

. -~~--..--. :'\'.-.

c c -16- "

GINS, David Jae. 6-10-1939 G.i.ND, Jacob 23-6-19h

G,NS, Johroma Kurzestr- ;.- 9 •

G,i.NS-Roeg, Leentje 2()-. .:5-1913

G:ilis, Moritz

GAHRTNER, Mathilde L. 306. '

GELBER, Selma 1898 a. GELDER van,Eugene Benjamin 5-7-1902 a Utrecht commergant

. GELDEREN van, Joseph 17 .... 11-1881 a

GELDE1~N van, Mozes. ;~2-7-19:21 a

G:SLD::..'i.:SN van, Mozes 5-12-189:~ a

GELDEREN van, Robert Is. 27-5-1930 a. GbLD~~}]J van-Stibbe, Rosalie 6-9-1897 a pharmacienne

GEIL.10N, Kurt 1894 a regisseur

G1i1SLi~, G0orge Haupts tr. 1.

GERSON 1 Lilly Langestr. 5.

GLlSONS,,, Berthold 16-12-1:!02 a


Commerce dt; peaux:Fa.D.S.Gersons

G'::RSOKS,,, Heriri 21-2-19.:i6 o. GL~SONS-1opvel, Josephine 11-2-1907 a

voir: pere Jacob,23-6-1914

J ,R.,,' dam.20-7-19'14. Aills terdam, B.yns tr. 50. voir: eriouse Le·entje-Roeg,20-5-1913 -

11 fils David Jae 6-10-1939 25-2-191.t.. .-,.,_.., __ ,;.,.. •"

... . .... 7-4-19·i::O.

voir: epo~x .Jacob 23-6-1911

Pal, L,

7~9-1913. London 1.

Q.. 251. :,msterdam, rintorettostr.7. Pal. Cert.N/438/i3/K/23 5-:::-19'1-1. nil: c\rthur van G0lder en Suisse .

J .R ·"' dam.25-7-19·~ ~ . .uns terdam; van Os tades tr. 302. _ 18-1-1944. . . .. -

J • .!1 •• , • daril.25-7-19,14. iuns terdam, Commelins tr. - 3-1. 18-1-1%~. .

J .R.»' dam,25-7-19·i4, ,1msterdam, Rynstr. 56. voir: epouse Rosalie-Stibbe,,,6-9;..~n

" fl.ls Robert Is. · .::;7-5-30 25-2-19·14. voir: pere Mozes 5.:..12-9·i

I·, . .


;-"'II .

-~- -(!



l ! t f l

I l .. -•- --------·---1-

voir: epoux Mozes 5-12-94 1 ' f.

I G. 32.i:. .'1llsterdam, Fr.v.Mierisstr. 68.lfi

- J

A. 7-1-194~.

"t ·i


13.VLZ .J .R ,.1. 'dam.18-19·14, :\ms terdam Rubenss tr. 18. \ Pal.Cert.i3.VLZ.tV±38/13/N/l:4. . . \ t vo~r: ef'po

1use HJosu:(ihine-Koppel,





6 \ .,[

. , ~ El enn . . - - . \ , 2572-19~A. _ . . . \ ~ voir: pere Berthold 16-12""1902 t 'l voir: epoux Berthold 16...;12...;1902


Page 46: Folder 6 - Marist College


GERSr J. Gustav 1. 20b.

GLRS·rA Jacob ~-l-ltJ85 a


G=T3rLE, Julie Badhausgasse 12. Q,. ~12.

GLUEGKSOHN Hanna,-,-~ Langustr. 5. ·

1·GOLDB1.:.1G, Rosa 1. '121.

GOLDMii.NN; ;umi Kurzes tr·. 3.

"' GOLDM,\NN; B, Mons. Haupts tr. 1.

GOLDM.J.NN; M.0ritz Kurzes tr. 3.

GOLDSCHMIDr, Ca to Sees tr. 18.

GOLDSCHM.mr, Gurtrud Bahn...1-iofstr. 3.

GOLDSCHMIDT, Lothar Seestr. 21. ·

GOLDSCHMIDri· Leo '.Vern0r Langestr. 1 . -

GOLDSCHMIDr, Marielens Langes tr • 5 •

GOLDSCHMIDr, Richard GOLDSCHMIDT, S. Mons. 1. 118.

GOLDSrE1N-Knap, Hetty 20-3-1910 a }msterdam GOLDSrEEN, Paul

. 5-10-1905 a dills tordam commergant Ein textile · Langestr. 5/291. C.III.

GOLDSrEEN, Robert 3-11-1937 a Amsterdam

GOLDS·rEIN, Camilla

GOLDSrBINi Ludwig Parks tr. 2.

GOLDSrEIN, Ruth Hauptstr. 20.

-~---- .. ·~-~--.. r---1:r:~·ti"c~"''~""~· ~~

-17- c ;\., 7-9-1943.

J .R •. l' dam. l-8.,,l,9"'l· 18-1-19~4. ,,..

.t ;\. 7-4-191.1:4.

_\., 7- ~-194-L

_\, 7-4-1941.

... 7--i--1944,

_l A 7--1-1%4.

'" 7-,1-1944.

:l. ±.VLZ ,5.VLZ. - . . illlsterdam, Hacquartstr. 7. Pal .Otirt. ± .5.VLZJfi/136/-13/d/25/F/163, 7-i-191~.

Pal. L. .l. 7-9-19±3.

voir: epoux Paul, 5-10-1905.

Q. 34:9/350. ,,,. Heemstede,Leidschestraatweg 123 . voir: e~ouse Hetty-Knap, 20- 3-1910

" f1ls Robert 3-11-1937 Cert.Nat: San Salvador voir: pere Paul

London 1.

.L 7-4-19'1-L

A. 7-1,_1944:.



" l . i

Page 47: Folder 6 - Marist College


( GOLD1J/ !\SSIB, Fred· . 11-2-1935 a ;i.mS terdam GOLD'V.lSSER~ Jacques 6-3-1938 a ·

OOMPtRTZ Cos Abfali~. - -13-10-1900 a Paramaribo

1)neddcin Langes tr • 5 •

. GOMPERrZ-Polkey, Gisi Per le 28-'1-1909 a Brody . GOMPER"rZ Hermine 2-1-6-193i a ;~terdam GOTTSCHALK; Erwin · Bahnhofstr. 8. L. 208,

GOl'l'SCIL\.LKSON 1 · .1.nna Bahnhofstr. 1±.

GR.illN .LUER, Mar got 1903 a Berlin secretaire

.GR'iDUS; Wilhelmine L. 208.


GROESCHLER-S teinfeld, .1.nna 1889 a. . GROESCHLER, Hermann 1881 a. GROESCHLER; J. Mons. Parkstr. 3.

GRUENK1UM, Amalie Q. 602.


GRUENBERG, -Hermine Bahnhofstr.li. .L. 2H.

GRUENBERG, Julie 1873 a GRUENBERG, Ursula

GRUENEB.1UM, Siegfriecl 3-10-1887 .

GRUENE1faLD, Marianne L. 321.

_ QRUEN~'HLD ~ ·Regine . Parks tr. 1,,. -



c -18-voir: frere Jaoques, 6-3-1938

L. 179. voir: frere ~red, 11-2-1935 Nat, ,\rgentitie Oert.nat: San Salvador · Pal.Cert-;..'Ei~L.'r3/27q3 et 273?. , . parents: Goldwasser a Ohamby,Su1sse

·:: •' _.'/

·a. 9. L.M.Frenkel,7-12-1944. .uns terdam, Gabr .Me tsuss tr. voir: e~ouse Gisi Perle-PolkeyA28-1-09

11 frlle Hermine 21-6'."1~31 voir: epoux Cos Abrabam,Dr.13-10-00 l voir: pere Cos Ab-rahalil,Dr .-13-10-00 ... f

-·--1. ... t. 7-4-1941:. l;

A, 7-·1-1944.

L. -19. Amsterdam, N •. unstellaan 140,

.1. 7-9-1943.

Pal. L. den Haag

London L.

London L.

A. 7-·~1944.



Pal. L.

". 7-1-194:i.

London L.

Pal. 1.

L. 379: 9-3-1943

-" 7-9-19-~3.

A. 7-4-19~4.

t f

' v

l l

f --- ------~ I-.

l I I ! i . ,. , ..

. ,.:-

Page 48: Folder 6 - Marist College


c GRUEN1'H,l.L, ,1dolf

GRUENTHAL, ~alter­

GRUNDMANN-Neuberg Alma 17-6-188~ a Sarsted GRUDDMANN, Emil 27-7-1873 a Essen L~?'e_s:r: 16~5~-~··"""~

1GUETERMilNN Erna t Q,. 801,,. ,

GURElU Max '1. 211'. .'

GURSSEN, Kurt Badhaus-ou Rathausgasse :.

GUrM:lNN, Friedrich 1886 a. . Neugasse 8.

GUr1LlNN-Fabiun, Hanni . GU ThbNN ,. Irene 1930 a GUThLi.NN,...Landau, Louise 1893 a GUThLiliN , ·Margot Langestr. 21.

GUTIA...iliN Max - -ls9o a: schw!!b. Gmllnd banquier· -Langes tr. 161.

GUrM..NN'. Philipo Langestr. 21.

GUrrM.lNN' Max

H.US ,i. Ubert L. 2u3.

H.US, Helma 1¥es tgasse 4.

H.L~l- Hugo Hauptstr. 1.

HAHN 1 Jette IL Lt,

H:lHN Selma B~ofstr. 5.

JL\LBERSr'1DT, Beatrice

-19..:. c Pal. 1.

Pal. L.

voir: epoux l!iiiil, 27-7-1873

L, 75. L.F;t;ugi.19-4,-1~~4. -lilllSterdam;" Trompenpurgerstt.117. -<.; voir: epouse ,i.lma.-Neuoerg,17-6-1884 Pal. Cert. -£ils: Heinz Gr:undmann ,Mont Pe lerin

ii' ......


_,. 7-9-19·i3.

.l "' 7--~-1911,

"l' voir: epouse Louise~Landau,1893 7-·1-1944. -

voir: It

e:poux Max, 1890 pere Max,. 1890

voir: epoux Friedrich, 1886

A. . 7--±-1944:

Q.. 532. L.7a, .illlSterdam, M.ii.ngelostr ,44,I. voir: e~ouse Hanni-Fabian

11 falle Irene 1930. H-9-1944. Pap: "Frontkfunpfer".

... -: .. ,-;o--.

l i I ! I f t

I !

- ----- ----l A. 7-t'.i:-194~.

Pal.. L.

_i. 7-9-1943.

,l, 7-4-1944.

,,.i.. 7-,±-194·1..

''· 7-9-1943.

,,, 7-·~-1944.

London L.

,.~ -

I f l

i .! t I ,_

! t .


i ·!

Page 49: Folder 6 - Marist College

c H.tLBEHsr,inr, Joseph Nathan 1%1 a. H:l.LBS.-qsrADr, Julius 1911 a

H.1LBE~1ST.'illi', Si<:Jgfried 191,,0 a

1. H.\MD1JR'.l-:S.tt-Nos t, Ca to 18-3-186'~ a Groningon

ii .~IiJUR~LH, :.\i ta 17-2-1901 a.

..... H 'J1ilBURG:SU Hosa 11/alls tr. 8.


London L,

London L.

London I;•

i.·\., 7-9-1913.

1, 139-, t. Flugi.19-1-1 ±. Pal. Cert, · _

London L.



H.'l0il:SLBURG-van der Hoedon, Judith Pal, L.

rL11\llMERSCH1.tG, Isidor Si:mstr. 22.

H JlrOG_, Mons •

. n,rn-roa- Mm0

H .i.:"1 rOGSOilli-Elbo, Klara . 1889 a.

HAR:l'OGSOI-IN; Mota­Bahnho fs tr. E .

HL.1-rOGSOIIN, Moritz L. 2E.

IL3:1',}!BE.:l.G, Mae L. 231.

H T:X SiQlllund · ~allsir. §. K.VII.

II:::Cnr, Hurmann 3ahnhofs tr. 31.

H:SIDl'll'i.u'i, Klara

HSillThl ;_!(, Leo Dr,


HIIDENIISIM, 'Vi:irner Su8str. 2J.

HSILBOSlli , Jenny L. 217.

H::::.ILKmNN, Babette Ls.ng.,s tr. ~).

IEILB'.1UNN, -"Ianachen Bahnhofs tr. 31.


Ll o


Pal. L. , Rotterdam, Heemradsingol 56. voir: epouse Rotterdam, Heemradsingel 56 • voir: apotiX London L.

A. 7-'.:-1941.




! t

J l

I l 7-9-1943.

--· ----------~--~;-- -

... 7 -·i-l~_}~.~ .

London L.

London L,

London L,


.. 7-9-19±3.

-·· 7--:-19±-f' I -·· 7--~19-H.


i ~ '


t J l

1 ;_,--, _- -- t-:_

Page 50: Folder 6 - Marist College

-.. .

HEILBRUNN, Hannohen Bahnhofs tr. 31.

HEILB.RUNN, Louis L. 213.

u;ILBU r, J amos B. IV. .

-HULBUT 1 Olga Frt-~ -maneo avoc Dorus Gaffe et

1_ divorceo · Sees tr, 2.

HEILBUr, Sophie

HEIM\NN, 'folfgang Seestr. 2, "'

H.E.INJ. Ludwig Q,. 3o3 n.

HSINE, Lmrna Hauptstr. 15. L.415,

H:.:.INlilvbNN J. Meta 7/alls tr , o,

H.LLL~1, Ethel nadhausgasse

]:S,.'ilvL.NN, Sedonie -n. v. . HIB::"1M.JIN; Carl -Langestr. l~.

tCRl\M.lliN, Harry

HERRM \NS , Erns t Ur • H. V,

HE..'UZ, Sophie 1893 a. !l:'.:RTZB:'DGSR, Ellis Dr. 5-1-1915 h Rotterdam ine,6decin . Langestr. 283/5,

IIE3rZIC3G:'.:ill-de Raay 1Jossy 17-1-1918 a Utrecht

fU1Z, .lbert Langus tr , 11.

HL..i.Z , ;Hfred

HLRZ, Charlotte Parkstr;t,,, ·

HSRZ-Simon, :Srna


.t. 7-·'.t-1941. .

... 7-9-19·~3.

.. l. •,~ --;_· ;:;..·


" Pal, Cert,M/138/13/K/12, · 7_.::,_19'1,4;

London 1. ' .a .• 7-1-19:t,1 •.



" .1. 7_.;,...19.~~

-·· ?-'~-19:t ~.

'" 7-~-19i1,

I . -a t r

- ·~·'A 1 .

·I I l

l I

. London 1,

G. 33/118, L. 137/291. L. G.v.H. Hilleg~r,sberg . 6-.r-19-.r·:i; voir: ep~use Jossy-de Raay:'17-1-18, · mere: .nna.-Cohen 188,1 pas a 'l'h, frere 1eopold,eetua.~92z. 11 a. n~. bdl1:;-souer: Selmu. StJ.bbe-de Raay, boau-frere Paul S ti bbe ,meed,

voir: epoux Ellis Dr, me,e'd .1915, :

_i,.. .•, 7-".1:-19 .. ~.

London L.

,; , ?-'.t-194-1,

London· L.


Page 51: Folder 6 - Marist College

_ . .:;.·

HERZ, Frieda Bahnhofstr. 3. L. 203,

HERZBERG ou ]f'.2,,.-qTZBERG, Mons , 'Iles tgasse 4.


J!E'lZiiSR_G, Mo.ritZ·--..;~ 1. 218.

! • HERZKO, Rudi

HESS, Albert 1905 a. Sees tr.- 2.

HESS, Anna· 1851 a HESS-Oettinger, Annemarie 12-9-1898 a. HESS, Benno

HESS, Carel Frans . 1931 a

HESS, Gertrud


Henriette 1. 3 6. -

HESS Otto 3-4-1892 a. direct. chez Philips Langestr.

HESS, Ursula 31-3-1923 a HESS 1 Yvonne Sees tr. 2.

HEUMANN , Hug<? Bahnhofs tr. 14.

HEU!vl!\NN, Isidor Seestr. 16.

HEYMANN, Fritz Dr.

HEYMANN, Karoline 1. 203.

HILB; Emma H. V.

., '

-22- . A, • 7-4-1944.

A, ''" 7-4-1944...-.

A, ,,, 7'-4--1944 •'

A, 7-9-1943,

A, ~· __ .. 7-4-1944.


. 7-4-1944,

Lqndon 1,

voir: epoux Otto, Dir.Philips.1892.

4, VLZ. Amsterdam, Slakstr. 5, Pal.Cert, l\V438(43/d/181,

London 1.

London L. · ·

A, 7-9-1943.

Q. 381, J .R,A' dam,1-8.-44. · 33. · Eindhoven,Lysterlaan 20 ou B.Wierstr. voir: e~ouse Annemarie-Oettinger;l898 " fille Ursula 31-3-1923

1-4-1944, voir: pere Otto,Dir.Philips.1892.

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.

A, 7-4-1944.

4. VLZ.

--- ~------" -- -

Amsterdam, Scheldestr. 181. Pal. Cert,M/438/43/D/184,

A, 7-9-1943,


A. · .. 7--9-1943,

Page 52: Folder 6 - Marist College

HrnSCH, Albert Haup ts tr, 1.

HIRSOH).. Alfred 'Verner 8-4-19~8 a Magdebourg

HIHSCH1 Anita . Haup tS"tr , 5 . · · ~

-----::.::::-·-...~~ ---UBS CH).. Arthur .· · 8-12-1~87 a Bourg/Magdebourg

/, fabrikant · · Haup ts tr . 1.

HIRSCH.::Heller, Barthel 6-1-1905 a Bel:-lin directrice dans la confect.

HBSCH-Duelkeni Else Dr, 27-9-1878 a Co ogne .

· HIRSCH, Ernst Dr.


HIHSCH-ZweiP', Lilly 15-6-1900 ·~ Bourgi'Magdebourg

HIRSCH, Martna H. VL

HIRSCHBERG). Julius Juin 190;) a

represttht.d'une mais.americ.

HIRSCHFELD, Albert Q. 302,

HilSCHFLLD, Bela Seestr. 18. L. 118.

HI'lSCIIF:SLD, Gl1~ tav · Seestr. 18. 1. 118.

HI3SCHFELD, Rose Marie

HIRSCHLAND, Max 1881 a Essen/Ruhr banquier

HI3SENHEIMER; nolf Berggasse 21.

HOCHHLRR; Ella.· Lailges tr . 5 .

HODES, Hermine HODES, Jacob


-23-A, 7-4-1944,

voir: pare Arthur,fabrik.8-12-1887.

A, 7-4-1944,

L. 17/69/204. Bussum . . voir: .. epouse Lilly-Zweig, 15-6-1900

" fils Alfred Werner, 8-4-1928 3:..4_1944, -

1. 37. G. 345. · 120. A'dam~Rubensstr.120 ou Transvaalsr. nat. ue Haiti et meme·passport Pal.Cert.l.VLZ. Nr.29. 1

Avril 1944 epoux: Georg, 29-5-1902.pas a Th. belle-mere:Bertha;.Baer,1863. " a '!lh

1. 254. Amsterdam-Z.EuterEestr,121, Rel: Dr.Herrmann,Wenkenstr.51.

London L •.

London L •.

Ri ehen/Bftle

voir: epoux Arthur,fabrik'.8-12-87.

~L 7-9-1943.

?al. 1. Gouda

A. 7-9-1943.

A, 7-4-1944.

Pal. L,

Q.. 483. Amsterdam,.J.Vermeerstr. 26. 8-3-1944 .. fam: Kurt M.Hirschland,Geneve

London L.

A. 7-4-1944.

London L. London 1.

. ·-<r

Page 53: Folder 6 - Marist College


HOFMANN, Samusch 1. 408.

HOLLASND:E.R, Josephine L. 425. . ·

-24- . Pal, 1,

A. 7-9-194$,

A, .. 7-9-:-1943.

HOOG'311RAAL-Scheff~r 1 Abraham_ w. Pal. L • ... ' ~ .~ - ... co=·"~

HORO'VICZ, Jean A, Badhausgasse 19. 7-4-1944, __

! ~ -.· ..

ICHENHAUS~R, Fanny 20-6-1923.a

"' ISAAC-GoudJmi t, Ella 13~2-1874 a Amsterdam

ISA.<\.C 1 Sophie 1. 214, .

ISACSIN 1 Mathilde Bahnhofstr,8.

ISRAEL'RKI, Martin . Haupts tr. 1.

JACOB, Emil 'furmgasse 9.

JACOBS-Italiaander Mme JACOBS, AJexander Mozes

JACOBSJ Jacob 1860 a

JACOBS-ieingenheim, Sartine 1872 a . JACOBSOHN, Eva Postgasse 8,

JACOBSOHN , Paul . 1918 a Hambourg commer3ant JACOBS HN, Rolf 1914 a Hambourg

JACOBY, Jenny · Badhausgasse 9,

JACOBY--Heidemann, Lea

JAKOB 1 Jakob Tur!llstr .1.. .

JAKOB, ·Paula Seestr. 18. ·

Pal, L.

. G. 240, L~ndol\ L Amsterdam, Minervalaan 49,

A, 7-9-1943,

A, 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944 •

A. 7-4-1944.

voir: epoux Alexander Mozes Pal. 1, voir: epouse

London L.

London 1.

A. 7-4-1944.

G. 50. Amsterdam, M.Angelostr.65,

G. 50. Amsterdam; M.Angelostr, .65, mars 1943,

A. 7-4-1944.

Londo~ L.

A. 7-4-1944 •. ·.



Page 54: Folder 6 - Marist College


JAKOB, ·Paula Sees tr. 18T


J~OBS, Jeanette Postgasse 8.

JELLINEK, Frieda Iladhausgasse. 7. ·"

·Jo:EOO Elsa··[=''"~ -· Hauptstr. 22. ·

J'ON tS , Max 1866 a JONAs

1 .. Paul Friedrich

30-4- 889 a. ,

JONAS-Isak1 Rosa 9-7-1891 a

JONGH de 1 Klaartje R. 30-9-1900 a -

.JONGH de, Maximiliaa.n 3. 6-5-1935

JOSEPHS, · Smma · . Hau p ts tr • 25-.

KAHN, Alfred 1894 a commerQa.n t · Langestr. 5.

KAHN, Alll'lemarie Langestr. 5.

KAHN, Gustav Bahnhofs tr. 11.

KAHN, Isidor Turmstr. 9 ..

K.1.HN Jozef Seestr; 20.

L.tHN , Karo line · Bahnhofstr. 11.

lCJlli-Meyer, Paula ,,.,

KARN, Rene 1916 a Rotterdam meidecin

KAHN, . Trude 1899 a.

-25- . A. 7-4-1944 •.

A, 7-4-1944,

,-_ .,

A. "-f"· 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.


.•:.~ .. .-

J.R.A;dam.29-6-44. Amsterdam· . . . voir: epouse Rosa-IsakA9-7-189i · fils: Erich, 14-;j-15 pas a Th belle-fille Martha-Simons '11 a. Th s ' 25-2-1944. . voir: epoux. Paul Friedrich,1889

London L.

London L.

A •. 7-4-1944 •.

A. G,316. Amsterdam, Amstellaan 22~. voir: epouse Trude 1899. 7-4-194A:,

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944,

A. 7-4-1944 •.

A. 7-4-1944.

A·: 7-4-1944.

London' L.

G. 118. Rotterdam,N-,Binnenweg epouse pas a ·rh, .

voir: epoux Alfred,1894 .-- ..

Page 55: Folder 6 - Marist College

. ,_.

c KAHN, ''lilhelmfna Postgasse 8.

KAISER 1 Edmu:d Langes tr • 1.

Kammermann ·Hanna Langes tr. • 5 • . · K~NN .Julru~~ --Haupts tr, '7. .

1'KAMM1RMANN.1 Kamilla . Langes tr . :::> •

KANTOROWUZ, Ernst Prof, 1889 a ..._ IJrof. a l'universit. KAN·rOROWirZ-Prins, Greta 1904 a. K.ARISBERG, Ilse Langes tr. 14.

KAT-Komkommer, Belia 31-8-1886 KAT Salomon 29-12-1887 a . .Langestr. 245/5, llb.

KATS, W. · • - Mons, L~nges tr • 3. -

KATZ, Gerhardt _ 16-2-1929 a Cologne

KArZ, Isaak Badhausgasse 3a.

KATZ, Joseph

KATZ, Ludwig 30-1-1886 a Cologne commer3ant Rathausgasse 9.

KATZ~Simon, Paula 20-7-1898 a. Linz/Rh.

KArZ, Simon 'l'urmgas s e 9 •

KAUFMANN, Alfred 1890 ~ Geldern Bahnhofs tr. 3.

KAUFMANN, Ernst 1928 a. KAUFMANN,· Evelyn 1926 a. is.AUFMANN-Holzheim, Hanna

. ,,


A. , 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.


.A:; · .. ~.:'.it.;~:·.-.~ ,- . .... l· .. .- .-. ~--~ .. ~.- _,.,, . .,_,c:..-;:· -~.-.... ~···.;;;.·:.-.·

7-4:'..-1944 •

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944.

·Pal. L~ - - . . - -- . _ · Amsterdam,Haringvlietstr.20.c/o Cohri voir: epouse Gr~ta-Prins.,1.1904 · · "' . epoux Erna t Prof .JJr .18~9,

- I

A. 7-4,-1944.

voir: epoux- Salomon, 29-12-1887

A. voir: epouae Belia-Komkommer,1886

A. 7-4-1944•

voir: pere Ludwig, 30:..1-1886

A. 7-4-1944.

A, 7-4-1944.

f t

I _r-

G.313. A.VLZ. · _ -~ !-Amsterdam, Beethovenatr-;.8t~---~- f

voir: evoune Paula-Simon, 20-7-1898 J " fils Gerhardt 16-2-1929 ;f;

Pal .Cert .W438/43/D/32. voir: epoux: 1udwig, 30-1-1886 !


A. 7-4-1944.

L. 16. A. 4.VLZ. . e:pouse:Ella-Meyer,1890 pas a Th. f1ls Klaus 1920 " a 1'h. soeur Hedwig 11 a 1'h. soeur Mathilde-Stet.ti. en Amerique,S. 7-4-1944 -_ -Pal.Cert.!vV438/43/D/217.

London L,

London L.

London 1.


Page 56: Folder 6 - Marist College


c KAUFMANN Kar 1 Bahnhofs tr. 33.

KATJ:liNANN, Marron · 1931 a.

KAUFMANN Ott0 Bahnbofstr. 3,

.__ .. · KAU.™ANN; Yaf'IIJ.~~ -1901 a. ·

I. 'KERN Max Haup ls tr • 1.

KIEK..Sohaap, Henriette 4-9-1888 a. , KI.EK Ina 13-3~1920 a. KIEK Louis 23-6.:1880 a magaz. de montres Langestr. 225/55

KIHAUPT 1 Rosa 'Valls tr, 8.

KINDLER, Heinrich Dr.

KIROHHEIMER, J. Mons • Bah!ihofstr. 3, ·

KLEEBLAr·r, Louis Neuegasse· 1, _

KLEIN, Daizy· Langestr, 18,

KLEIN, Moritz. Bahnhofs tr. 9,

KLEIN, Rita Badhausgasse 11,

KLEIN, Rosalie Bahnho fs tr. 9,

KOBER, Eva 1905 a. KOBE.~, Michael Willem · 1937 a

·KOBER, Miriam 1930 a. KOBER, Ruth 1933 a. KOBER, Salomon Dr. 1905 a. Langes tr. 198/5.

.-KOHN, Frieda .. Postgasse 5,


-27-A. 7-4-1944", London L, .. ·.

A. .. ·;i'c'

7-4-1944 •

London L.

A, ; 7-4-1944.

voir: epoux Louie, 23~&.;1880

,voir: pare Louie, 23-6-1880. t ' 1. Bamberger' . i

Amsterdam; Fr.v .Mieristr.86. I voir: e:pouse Henriette-Sohaap,1888

" . fllle Ina 13-8- 1920 . I A. I 7-4-1944. :

Pal. 1;

A. . . 7-:1-1944.'

\, 7-4-1944,

A. 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944,

I f i

' '

A. . . .. . ·, -7:..4-1944 •.

--- ~----"- 1 -- -- -

\ .1. 7-4-1944.

voir: epoux Salomon Dr. 1905.

voir~ pere Salomon Dr. 1905,

voir: pare Salomon Dr. 1905.

voir: pere Salomon Dr. 1905.

2.VLZ. . Oss , 1lo el ens tr. 19 • · voir: ewuse Eva- 1905,

" fille Miriam . 1930. " fille Ruth 1933, " fils Micha.el Will937,

A, 7-4.:-1944.


Page 57: Folder 6 - Marist College

-_-. r

-28- . KOHN Ludwig Dr. 190,1

1 em Allem.

KOHN Ludwig Hauptstr. l,

KOHNKE- Leys 1907 a.-· --- ~ ' .- - __ ,,~=·--:~ .--KOLrHOFF, Ernestine

1KOPEEL Eduard , Langes tr . 13 •

KOPPEL, }Iermann Badhausgasse 17.,


11.R.1.KAUER, 1890 en Pologne Mais.Bucfusbaum,commerce en verrea Langestr. 76/.V5. 11b.

KR .\ILtUER-Buchs baum 1890 en Russia KR1\KAUER, Leo 1920 a den Haag

KRAUERER, Hermann .. · Pqstgasse 5. _

KRAUERSR, Margot Postgasse 5,

KRATZENSTEIN, H, Haupts tr. 1.

l\.3EBS, Fann~ Hauptstr. 2~.

KRis·rELIIB, Mordechai E. VII.

KRONHEIMER, Hermann Dr. 1875_ a h..RONHEIML.1- Josephine 1890 a. KUGEThiJ.,illN 1 Rebeo~a E. -VII. L. 302,

KULD Julius Haupts tr. ·±.

KULD, Rosi Langsstr. 5. ou Baupts'tr. 2.

KUPPERSCHL,1G, Joseph Badhausgasse 1.- _

KU~SY, Olg<:1 Langestt.-1 •. -KU~S!..J.Werner Dr. Hauptstr, l, · KUrrNER, Dagobert Bah.nhofstr.7, K'VIESER, Simon,1909 a .1.IDsterdam diamantair

L. 15. Pal. L, Naarden Jan. Steenlaan 54. - · · epouse Dori:i;r,q~V".e~sohn,1914 pas a Th,

.. \.. 7-4-19.44.

London L,

Pal. L. f'·

_\. ~- --


:A. 7-:4-1944.

Pal. L.

Q. 541, Scheveningen,Leuven~che~tr, voir: e~ouse Buchsbaum~ 1890

11 · · fils - Leo 1920 •• belle-soeur Lea-Buchsbaum

voir; epoux 1$90

voir: pere

.l. ' 7-4-1944.

A, 7-4-1944.

A. 7-4-1944,

,1, 7-4..:1944.


- --~-~~~~-"--·- -- -

London L. voir: epouse Josephine~ voir: epoux Hermann Dr.

A; 7-9-1943.

.Li-. • 7-'1-1944.



A. 7-4-194·h ' ~lo 7-.4-1944.

A.• -7-4-194~L -.t.L.335. 7,..9-1913 •

1890. ~-1875.

. .n.v ers-Bor gerhou t ,K ; van 0 eve rs tr .16 epous-e Roza-de Haan,J908 pas a ·!fu.

Page 58: Folder 6 - Marist College

-29 ... L;tBO'!ISKY-Meyer, Alice 29-10-1886 a. L«BOWSKY;i... Edith 11-11-19;:;3 a. L.1.BOWSKY .t Walter 16-2-188·t a. Haupts tr. 1 .•

LiiliDAUER-Hoeohs taetler, Tilly 2-4--1887 a Munich .

LANGEi. HeinriQ_h 19-9- 893 a.

1.1.NGE-Schragenheim, Ilse 17-6-1903 a LANGEi Johanna 22-3- 932 a LAN GENDIDRF, Lotte C.III.

LANGST:\DT, Ruth l-l0;,,,.1924 a. ..

- L:tNGSr.\D·r, s. Langestr. 5.

1.1.NGST:\DT-Schott, Sara 13-3-1895 a 111.NGS l11illT, Wilhelm 7-11-1891 a. Ha up ts tr. 1.

L:tUINGER Karl 12-8-1889 a Nuremberg

EEER van-van ~aalte Ida 15-5-1870 a Rotterdam

. LEEUlV de , Marcus

LEEUWARDEN 1 Levi Bahnhofstr. 35. Q. 509.


LEHRER, Rebecca· H. 5. LEHRER, ·Sophie· Badhausgasse 9 •

. J

J.R.A'dam,;j,.:.,ij-1944, voir: epoux Walter 16-2-1887 voir: pare Walter 16-2-1887. _ . . J.R •. l.'dam.1-8-1944, .l, 3.VLZ. . .\n!Sterdfuii, .N .,1.mstellaan l??.,·; .­voir: e:pouse Alice-Meyer 1886~

" fille Edith S. 1923· soour:Margaretha 11890 pas a Th. Pal. Oert. -3.VLZ.Nr,143. G.. 7-4--1~-H. " ·

G. 118, deo. 1943.

J .R .,t' dam.8-8-1944. . ..

~·uns terdam, van Os tades tr. 255. · voir: ·e:pouse Ilse-Sohragenheim,1903.

" fille Johanna 22- 3-1932. 25-2-194;1. voir: epoux Heinrich 19- 9-1893,

voir: p~re Heinrich ·19_ 9-1893.



voir: pare . Wilhelm · 7-11-1891.

.l. 7...:.~-19-~L

voir: epoux Wilhelm 7-11-1891.

J .R •. I.' dam.8-8-1944. A.· ,Unsterdam, Valeriusstr. 71. voir: e:pouse Sara-Schott, 13- 3-95·

11 fille Ruth 1-10-24. 7-1-1944.

L. Zurich. -Q. -~61. Zeisti J.v. Vondellaan 8-7-1~44. soeur:Emma Mayer-Lauinger, '

HOtel Bellevue,Neuhausen,3.

L. 15. . :.:0-9-1944.

freres:Marinus et Gerard v. Raalte

Fal. L.

11. :·


Pal. L.

.. -1. 7-9-1943.


.., .• f

Page 59: Folder 6 - Marist College

LEIB1 Hedwig Seestrl. 16,

LEMBERGER,·Hedwig Rathausstr. 8.

LENZ, .. rnold H. V. -

LENZ ; Mal vine H. V.

LES"BRUZ, Henriette H. V.

LE.SS, Julius Hauptstr. l,

LESSER Hannd Kurzesh. 7T

LEVEN, Froderike 1870 a. LEVIE de , Jacob 1906 a .lssen commerliari t

LEVISON, .1lfred ~. 609.

LEVIr.l ~ Irma · -Bahnhors tr. 11.

LEVY .'IIllalie Sees tr. ~. 1. 10 .l:.

LEVY, "ugus te Hauptstr. 20. 1, 122.

LEVY, Erna · Parkstr. 12.

LEVY, Gertrude 1897 a .ims terdam

LE.VY, Hedwi~ Langes tr • b,

LEVY, Helene Bahrihofstr, 6,

LEVY, Hertha Bahcllofstr. 5.

LEVY-Oohen~·I. H. Mons. Haupts tr, ;::; .

LEVY, Jacob 1894 a .illlS terdam Diamantair

LSVY, Ludwig 1889 a.


-30-.l. 7-4-1944.

.1. .. -


.l.. 7-9-19c.i:3,

"· 7-9-1943.

.-l.. 7-4-19±,1.

. .\.. 7-i-1944.

London L.

G. 25. Pal. L. Oss . epouse Rieka -van Hal (Westerbork)

.l.. 7-9-1943.

A. 7-·i-1944.

.1.i. .• 7-'l-19io-'t,

A, 7-4-194.i:,

L. 17.

.l.. 7-4-194·!.



_._1.. •


. .tlo. • .,,


G. 29. Pal. L. . .nvers famille pas a ·rh. .l,

· 7~~19,M.

. ...,

Page 60: Folder 6 - Marist College

LSVY, Matthilde Bahnhofstr. 6 ou 11

LEVY;. Rachel L. 3u6.

LEVY, Sal. · Mons, l3ahnhofs tr ... 6,

h:t·~~~~gf 1:t -I.

LS.!i.1.Lii, Cecilie Q..' 313.

1E''/IN .1 · Jozeph L. 220.

LE'VY Friede Mme 1. 207.

LICHUNSTEIN, Gertrud 1. 217.

LIOHrENSTEIN, Julius 1889 LICHrENsrhllli, Maximiliaan Dr. ·E •. VII.

1ICHIENST5RN, Renee .. _ Hauptstr. 10. L.-~10.

LIEBR;<,CH'r J: · Kae the ?falls tr. (},

LIEM.l.NN, Sabine L, 225.

LIER van, Sigismund K.D.M. 1870 a .i.mersfoort avocat et notaire

LILIEl~FELDi· Ernst Hauptstr. •



LILLING, _\dolf L. 107,


A, 7-4-1944.

.i. 7-9-19 i3.

.\. , ... ;::;:;:_

7-4-19~4. :,_,f


.\. 7-4-1944,

.l. 7-9-1943,

.. 1.!..


~.-\. t t . .


.i. 7.-19-19·13,

London L.

_\., 7-9-1943.

... -\., . 7-·~1944. ,,

.t. 7-9-19-13, . .

2 persG. 317/3-±6. L. Flugi don Haag,L.Copes v.Oattenburg 46 spouse Suze-Eilthoven 1871 aden Haag

_ probabl.-morte _----"·

.\.1 7--1-194-L

Pal. L, voir: epoux Saul voir: epouse Fuchs-

... 7-9-1943,

London L~ London L. LISSER- Wolf 1 aalte Grietje

LISSER Liuntje Betsie 1QB.irrd, .rngus t ,, 3 pers. London L. · · · -

Q.. 520/521. L .144. · LOEB, Bertha 1861 a Kreuznacb/Naha

LOEB, Rosa . 1856 a Mandel/Kreuznach/Nahe

.JJns terdam, Koninginnoweg 5. Visa pour la Suisse · voir: belle-soeur Rosa,1.1856 . " beau-frere: ,i.rthur '189t: ,pas a Tb. belle-soeur:Clara _1898 II a Th. Pal.V .Cert. demands·; ·. -. . .. ·

·voir: belle-soeurBE.rtha,1861

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r·-=--·=·'-'~··-·~-··p•·~-~'-="'""'-=-~·-·=-o=-~·"'='-~:·~····,=·,,~~===--~~===-~=""'~--·•c·•·.·· .... ·,co

I c -32- . 0


LOE"IE de, Selma;

L@!fENlfaRDr' Adolf Hauptstr. L

LOE 'lENH.'\PJlr .i. · Julia Hauptstr. 2;.:;,

London L.

A. 7-<l-1944.

A. 7-4-1944 •

. ,.. .. A, t~E~~-~J\ ~iegmu_ri~ .• ~·c~ ,>M:::xz -· _·7-9-1943.

LOE"l~S·U,IN, Herm. Badhati.sgasse 1. 101'.VENSTEIN, Salomon

LOEllfENSTERN, Laura Bahnhofstr. 19 •

. LOEWfill'rH.,Li Bert. Langes tr • 5 •


LOE'VENTHALi Gerda Langes tr • 5 •

LOE'llENrifaL ·Leo Hauptstr. i.. LOE'VEN'l'H.11, Male a

LOE?/ENrHaL). ·Rosa Langas tr.. t> • '

LOE 1EN~lfo.L ·Walter Haupts tr. 8, · LOPES Q,JIDOZO- de la Parra,Esther 1916 a Rotterdam ·-LOPES C .lliDOZO, Hendrik 190'1 a Rottardam Langestr. 246/5.

LOPES- de Leno-Laguna,R.Mme

LUC .\S-Mannerhaim, Diana 1878 a. LUC.ls, Jakob 1877- a.

LUSrIG ;. _,,malie C. HI.

LUSTIGj Gustaf Dr. 1899 · a E, I.

.. ~i.. 7-i-:-19.q!J:, Pal. L.

.t. 7-4-1944.

A, 7-4-1944.

Pal. L,

,\.. 7-4-1941.

A, 7-4-194,1,

voir: epoux Hendrik,19CY~

L, ·rroos twyk .28-8-44 .G.118 ,Q,488. Rotterdam, Statenweg voir: e~ouse Esther-de la Parra,1916 20-7-19':!:4.

Pal, L.

foir: epoux jakob, 1877

L, 379, . :illls terdam, Merwedeplein 37 tif· voir: epouse Diana-Mannerheim,1878

·' 7~9-1943.

A, 7-9-1943 •.

o-.-.,.~-·---~,~-~---- - --o--·. -. . .

- ~-'----..:__;:.-- ':-=-:--_=:-.·-:;,,,~f!;.:/~~~!~:..:,- __ .. ,

Page 62: Folder 6 - Marist College


M.\GNUS- Goldschmidt,Fraenza 2pers. Pal. L.

M.1GNUSi Julius Prof .Ur .m~d. Pal, L, de ber in · .lllls terdam

A. M.~INZER, ·Albert Hauptstr. 23. ;r 7-4-.19~4,

· __ .· ·~ .. · .. . . ..;""•·,ct~:;;j,fi -· -. M.1LINI.ili:-Herschfuss ,Fefge.alka. 28-3-1910 en Pologne · tl'illINLili:. Guta · 23-4-1932 a .uns terdam M.1LINI.1K Schalom 11A-1935 a Amsterdam M.1LINIAK(.; 'Volf David 20-8-1900 en Pologn..e

_coU1U1er9ant de bois

M .JSCHQWSKI, Rosalie IJ. 302.

M;JI ASSE Heinz 25-ll-1S93 a Berlin employs . . . · Langestr. 297/5.

M.1.N.\SSE-Steinthal, Hermine 25-6-187Q a Magd.ebourg Langestr. 197/5, -

M.1Nc\SSES 1 Bertha Kurzes tr. 7.

Mii.NNHEIM, Martha 1. 205,

M!iliCUS, Abraham Berggasse 7-9,

M.~cus, Erna L. 405.

M.\.RCUS, Levie · Rathausgasse 7.

MA'alUS 1 :tbraham Q. 707.

M.\RrIN i Stefanie Dr. Bahnho1str. 7-

MJU, Fanny· Langes tr. 6.

. M.\RXi/ Roeschen Q. 7 5 •.

voir: epoux Wolf David, 1905; ' voir: pare .. , Jlolf David 1905.

voir: pare Wolf David 1905, . . . . , . .

·1. 83. G.339. 2.VLZ.·J.R.A'dam · · . Amsterdam, Hemonystr.40 bu Roerstr.10. voir :. ,~pouse F ,Malka-Hetachfuss, 1910 • 11 'ft.ls Schalom 1935

" fille Guta · 1932 Pal. Cert. 2,VLZ. Nr.100. 24-8-19·13 ./25-2-191;;4.

.l, 7-9-1943.

1. Zurich.Q. 431 .>lmelo , Bru~ tr, 89. Visa pour Cub. a 27-5-1944. .

1, Zurich, Q.,44. • ,.msterdam, Nierstr, 59/IJ. Visa pour·la Suisse 27-5-1944.

A, 7-9-19113.

"· 3-.VLZ • • 1.U1sterdam Pal. Cert. 3.VLZ.Nr.160. 7-4-191±4.

••• 7-9-1943.

.l. 7-~-1944.

.i .. 7-9-1943.

,\., 7-4-1944.

... ,


' .d .•


- .----,_~_ <-- --.

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r·-------------------------------------------:··------.. - ----------~--

c (;'


-34- ,c

M.IBXHEIMER, Julius Q. (c04.

M!iYB,.UM, Regina Seestr. 4.

M:i. \'.'ER J. • :Em@ue1 L. 30b •.. '

M.'l.YER, Erns t ·Dr. Langestr. 11,

M,tYER, Paula · Bahnhofstr. 5 .•

MAYERi ·Rosa - 21 •

MEEDEN-Stokvis, Marianne 15-8-1905 a. MEfilu"l\EN van Herrp.an 2±-10-1887 ~ Mais.J.v.Meekren,Conf.p,dames Hauptstr. 58/1.

MEIJE,.113-Gottschalk, .Ultonia · 1885 . a .1ms terdam . MEIJERS, E.M.Prof.Mr,. 1880 Et itffiS terdam -. Prof,Univers. Leiden

. Langc:s tr. 177 /.v5.

MEININGER;.· Karl Parkstr. D.

MENDELSOHN ·Fred . Haupts tr .22.

MENDES D,i. COST.\, Jet 19H a instutitrice P.I.S. MENDES DA cosr ·', Line 1874 a. MENK.EL Karl Hauptslr. 1.

MENKEL Liny Haupts-t·r. 2.

MESSON Richard Langestr. 277/5.

WI.EYER , · .1lf ons Seestr. 10.

MEYER -Caesar 1. 20$.

MEYER,.- Char lot.te Bahnhofstr. 6 •.


7-9-19·:::3. Oherche par Marxheimer c/o

Fl11ch tlingscomi t~ . Lausanne

""'°• • ?-·1-1944.

··~ - ..1..\..


.\.. I


A. 7-9-1943.

London L.

Q, 3. .1.ms terdam S tadionkade 116. Rel. Mme Fietje Neufeld-v.Meekren,


voir: epoux E.M.Prof.Mr.1880;

.L.7a. Leiden,Rijnsbur~rweg 13~ · voir: epouse- .tntonia-Gottsehalk

,1,. 7-1~19·~4.

.1. • 7-1-1944.

Pal. L. • ,\ms terdam

1 N .Prinsengr,23. __ _

~oir: tante Line Mendes da Costa voir: nieoe Jet Mendes a·a Costa

.t. 7-4-1944.

... L •


A, 7-4-1944.


I ·. '


l ' ~{ .

Page 64: Folder 6 - Marist College


MEYI.R-Bos, Ooba

MEYJ1R).·Elisabeth 1. 12;:s.

MEYER~·Elisabeth fl. '70·r.

-35-Pal. L.

••• '7-9-1943.

London L.

MEYSR.1. . Hermann '" l L, 18u; ' ~ - --=-=":t;~ --· 7 :9-1943,

MEY~, ,Ludwig

MEL:!IB). ·Mathilde L. 20~.

METSR, ·Olaf . Seestr. 22. '

MEYJ:R, Siegfried Badhausgasse 3a.

MEY:sRS-N elke , «gi_rns 21-6-1886 a Berlin Badhausgasse 2.

M'.:.YERS rEIN J.: · Betty Haupts tr. tl,

MIOH .• EIS, Jona Berhardina L. 2l:'r. . . .

MICHEL, Sally Mons. Badhausgasse 18.

MICHEL, Selma ~. '715.

MILDSNBERG, Jacob L. ·108,

MOGENDORFF, Michel 30-7-1901 a Arnhem fabrikant · Langestr. 237/5.

MOGENDORFF-de Leeuw,Suzanne '7-7-190:'r a J.rnhem

MOK.i. Pauline 190tl a Haar lom infirmiere Langestr. 225/5.

MOLL±. Gertrud . C. II.

MORGENSTERN, .i.rthur 1889 a MOTIGENSrERN, Fanny 1875 a MORGfilsr:ERN-Gruenbetg, Lucie 1-4-1910 · a. · .·

Pal. L. -•.-.-



.\. 7-4-1944,

.. l-. 7-~-19·.i:1.

L. l '7.

A, '7-4-1914.

A, 7-9-1943.

. .. 7-4-194:~.

... ~. 7-9-19:t3.

f t;

,l, 7-9-1943.

'i,. 534/533. 3.VLZ. · t .\rnhem Frombergdwars tr .13. . . · t voir: ~pouse Suzanne_.de--'L~euw:;19Qir.---r.· Pal.Cer1;i3,VLZ. Nr.2'7. r 1-9-1944. l voir: epoux Michel,30-7-1901. ·

G. 285. Haarlem).f: Ziekenhuis 13-11-l~N':t,

.~ . '7-9-19•±3.

London L.


J.\. - --30-1-1944.

Page 65: Folder 6 - Marist College




c M6RITZ 1 Erna Seestr. 18,

MORH'Z 1 Judi th L, 118.


MOS~~Q,1 ,B~rnhai:d._l)_£"e:~&.:; MOSBSRG, Gurtrud Dr. med, ,,. MOSSNER, Eduard Bahnhofstr. 7 •

MOSSNER, Helene Bahnhofstr. 7.

MOZES ·Bernard E, Hf. . MUEHIS'rEIN, Friedrich 1. 208.

MUE~ER, Friedrich ing. L • .tlS,

MUELLER, Rebecca ·A., 312. .

MIJENSTERB&iGER, ,i.lfrecl L. 203. .

MULLER, Salomon Badhausgasse 3b

N.ArH.\N; B. Mons, L. 313,

N.i.Tfi:\N, Bernhard Badhausgasse L

. N ''i'HAN F. 1884 ~ .

Nlt'fHAN l Fritz 187~ a

N.HH!IN; Henrietta 1. a5.

NArtIAN, .Jules Wallstr. 7.

N.1-rILINS.i. .<braham David Dr. 21-3-18ti8 a !wsen instituteur;Gymn, Langes tr • 5.

HTHANS H&ntiette ... 21-12-1919 a Zwolle N ."..TH\NS-:Sisendrach t, Marianne 1-9-1888 a ·\ms terdam


A; 7-9-1943.

Pal. L.~·· ,~ ,_,

Pal. 1.

Pal. L.

,\. 7-4-194~.


7 -4-.19-14.

.... 1. 7-9-1913.

.'\., 7-9-1943.

A, 7-9-1913

ii, 7-9-19-~3.

-•· ... ~-

A. - ._. : 7-9-19;~3 •. ,.

... 7-·1-19·11.

.4\.. 7-9-1913.

1, . 7_1~.-1944.

London L,

London L.

A. 7-9-19'1,3.

- J .• 7 .... 1-.1914.

. .. ~· ..

1. 168. G. 326. ~. 50. 2.VLZ. Utrecht, Mauti tsstr. 74, . . voir: e:pouse Marianne-Eisendracht.

'' >fille Henriette ·21-12.;.1919 · Pal.,i.Cert.2 .VLZ .Nr .114. 7-8-1944. . voir: · pere ,.brahain David Dr~ ; ·.· .. Pal.Cert. :LVLZ.M/~38/-13/D/47. voir: epoux ."-braham David Dr. Pal. _:., Cert. ·


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0 C' _37 ...

NEU, Siegfried Seestr. l6. -NEUB!!RGER-Jaffe, Friedr:i:chDr.

NEUG;l.RTEN, Sally Mons • L. 203.

NWHOF ;-J3;ry,rio -Seestr. 2._,.,_,_-.·:· ---~-'~"''"'~

· NEUHOF,; G;re the Soestr. 2.: ·

NEULtGNDER; ·Franz Parks tr. 7,

N:SULXfilffiIB l · Franziska "' Parks tr . It.~.

NSUM.iliN, Berta L. 505.

NEOM.iNN, Marie Bahnhofs tr. 25.

NEUM.illN, Werner

NEUWAH;L, Hma - L. 203~

NlJKERK,,..Goudvis, Duif 10-1-1890 a. NIJKERK Marc . 28-2-1891 a :\ms terdam ~ agent de · bours e Lan'ges tr. 225/5

NORDEN-Lelyveld, Mme

NORDEN; Carl rt. 715.

NUSSB.\.UM, Jenny 1. 203.

NUSSB.1.UM, Marianne Berggasse 21.

NUSSB.-i.UM, Max Badhausgasse 2

, .. 7-·1;1944. Pal. L.


7-9-1943 •.

l.. -- 7-4-1944.

.l.. ' 7~1-1941. .:.··.--.-


A. 7-9-194:3,

Pal. L.

.i.. - 7-9-1943.

voir: epotU. Mt;t;rc,.28:..2-1891

L. 10/332. Q.. 2i3/21-'l/~29/l:31. · , _l!lls terdam, Deur loos tr. 115. _ voir: epouse Duif-Goudvis-,189!) · fille Louise 20-7-1920 pas a ·rh. Pal.Cert,

.L 7-9-1943.

.1.. 7-9-1913.

.l.. 7-ix-1911-f'

.d ••.

. 7-·:C-}9·~4 !

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' .

c , c, ,

-38- . OBERLi\.ENDER Gertrud Henriette L. 360. 1,·134,

' 2-10-1902 ~ Rheyd t ,Rhenanie ~1.ms terdam 1 M.,illgelos tr. 105. fe-vr.194'l:. ,, c .. ·

OETrINGER-Ettinghausen, Betty 14-12-1907 a Frankfor.t/M, OE'frINGER, Elionor . 8-9-1929 - a Hambourg . OETrINGl1R, Herbert''~ 19-1-1896 a Hambourg . commerqant do tabac Langestr. 178/b/5.

OErrINGER-Rau Reoha 10-~-1872 a·tuerth,Bav. OEI1rINGER, Rolf 10-9-1933 a .lnls terdam


OErrINGER, Samuel 1'7-8--186'7 a Buttenhausen,.\gne

OF.FENBACH, · Langes tr_. 14 •

OPPENHEIM, David Haup ts tr. 1.


OPPENHEIMER1 ·Laura Haup ts tr • 2;; •

OPPENHEIMER; Rosi Langes tr . 5 • .

OPPENHEIM~, Simon' . Hauptstr. 1.

P :11\CHE ,,_ Esther . 1~6-18~9 a .'.msterdam infirmiere P. I.Z •. ~'dam

P 1L .• GHE ,,_ Isaac Leo 28-1-19;:;6 a. P:i.L 'lCHE-de Pinto,Jacoba Sarah 28-'3 -1894 a den Haag , . .

voir: epoux Ha~bart Noe.ch, · 1896

/voir :, p~~e;f:'liarbart'•No:aoht>l896,,;;1.x~~

L. Zurich. L, 350. . ,uns terdwn, M. ~.np;elM tr. '15. voir: e~ouse Betty~Ettinghausen

" fils.;. Rolf · 1933 0 fille Elionor ·· 1929 II mere Recha;;.:Rau 1872

soeur Ruth Oettinger-,Lom1res N.W.3. 22 Frocro.cE\J, · ·

neveu Leo Elton,Lonres-Hampstead .. 1 . 9, Hollycroft

Visa ·pour Irlande · · ~6-~Ql'.~44 ~ . voir: fils Herbert Noooh, 1896

voir: pere Herbert Noach~ 1896

G, 2·18 . fl·~ 382 • • . · . Eindhoven,Lysterlaan 20,B.'Yiertzstr. 1 ... 8-1944. Rel. Mr.L.J.M•J3eel, Eindhoven

-1. ,~,


_., 7-4-194/;t,



... ~ •· 7-'1-1944.

·' .:l •


Q,. 275. Pal. L. fin 1943.

• Fam:J .S.Palache-de Pinto a ['h.

voir: pere _Lion Juda,Prof .1887. ·

voir:beau-frere Jada Lion Prof. Enschede, Emmas tr .239. · , epouse .1.instituteur a Enschede

mart a Mauthausen avril 1944. . . .. . . . . .. , . . .. · Fam: 1sther Palaqlie,J889 a 11h:


Page 68: Folder 6 - Marist College

.. •


P AL..CIIE J.. Juda Lion Prof, Dr. 2'7-10-11:58'7 a .uns terdam Prof. a l' Uni vers ··'I dam Langestr. 211/5, ·

'(, -39- · ~Y

L, 45a. L.375. . .· J\mS terdam, Sohuberts tr. 52. . ·•···· .·· ..•. · voir: 6:LJouse. Sophia \Vilhe:J.mina;..d~ J,:>.

" fils · .Mozes Herman · . 1918 · " fils Isaac Leo · 11 fill-a Jl.ldi th-Mendes da Costa

i :;/. :g:: ·:~:~:~cia ~~l:C~:··y~~~"·"'i.''.''~··X:,.: . "belle-"· Jacoba Palache-de Pinto

, tr·- i'

P.i.L'.lCHE,1_ Mozes Herman 23-10-1~18 . etudiant P .I.S. P AL.\CHE .l Re beocia 4-2-188tl a .ln!S terdB!jl. secrutaire ·P.lL ·,cm;: Sara 15-10-1890 a .ims teraurn secretaire

P AL.tCIIB- de Pin to .l. Soph. 'Vilhelm. 31-8-1890 a den ttaag

P .iPPENIIBIM t .. . Langestr • .:.;;,

11 fam, Esther Palache 1889 Mei 1944. . .. Rd: L.de Pinto ~Dahlias tr .11.Zurich voir; pere ·' ·Juaa -~ion, Prof.1887 .

·voir: frere J. uda Lion 1- Pr.of;1887 .. lms terdam, van Baerlestr; Q. 274. Janv ,1944. · voir:•frere Judu. Lion 1 Prof.1887 .tms terdam, van ,Baerlestr. · i Q, 276. .

voir; epoux Juda Lion,· Prof .1887

,, . 7-4-1%~.

P .;ra., de la., Dr. 2 persG. 308. Pal. L. · · Drente 1909 a


PARR;l de la-van Raalte,Esther J. 1916 Rotterdam· _ Langestr. 166/5.

P .rro, Eduard 1879 a illliSterdam Oom.-voyageur

PEG:SLSOHN, . ..lice

~-·- _,

L.-rroostwyk~2s..;9-1944. G~lls:; , Rotterdam; Statenweg -. · 20-7-19,~4. . -.· ... - --- - -

G. 251. J.msterdam, N.Prinsengr.116. dec.1942.


.-.; ..

. ··'-.f'.

1. 2H. 7-9-19/,,3, -··---- --·----+

PSPER~ORTEL 1 Bebby 1921 a ,'tms terdam

· PERLSl'EIN~van Raalte, .illne ·

L. -H9. p~re PeRerwortel mere · soeur " Clara frere 11 Jopie

Pal. 1.

PETZ.d;, U/erner

PFSIFFEl1, Mina L, 206.

2 pers. Pal. 1.

PHILIPP, I. Dr. Seestro 18.

PIEK, Berta IL V,


7;_9-19·1:3. _,,-

,\.. 7--1:-1944.

-~. . 7-9-1943.

PIMEN.rEL, Daniel Pal.L. ..·. . ...•.... 18\89 a . · agent de Course .illlsterdam~v;Breestr.132~ PIMENTEL-Schaap, voir: epoux Daniel 1889 1894 a. ·

pas a fh. " a 'i'h, " a l'h. II ia Th,

Page 69: Folder 6 - Marist College



_4o;., PIMENrEL, Jozef

PIN!O de, Leah

2 pars. Pal. 1. ,,;-: ._.

PINTO deiNanette Esther 12-9-189 a den Haag

POL.tOIEK; Luclra Hauptstr. 22,

!.~ --i_.

PQLAK .i. · Emmy L. 2Q;j,

POL.UC, Jetfr: Langastr. 19.

POL.IK, Kurt

POLIK~de Hond, Frederika 17-1-1893 a .illlsterdam .

POLAK, Helena

POLAK Jacob 'l 7-7-i892 a .tms t er dam pape·terie . Raup ts tr. 55/22 '.

POL.iK Leon. Dr. · -l-lO-ie84· a Rotterdam Prof. Gym. · Langestr.247/B/5.

POL.UC-Vos, Nora

POLLACK, Er>ich Bahnhofs tr. 3.

PR.~GER Jeanette 7-9-1877 · a Fuerth,Bav. Langestr, 28-1/5.

PREIBREN, Elisabeth Q.. 410.

PREUSS- Ella ' . · 28-3-1S72 a Rottweil,Allem.

PRIESrER Cutt 30-5-1895 a. PRIESTER-Sch8nfeld, Rosa B. 7-11-1901 a.

r~I~~s>Fri~dr~ch Karl

PRIVIN, Anita 1928

soeur: Soph. W:i.lh .Palache-de P$.ri to ,-'J.h, " Nanette Est:nerj!..e. Pinto Th.

~.: f..

L. 45a .uns terdam -- · ..•. soeur:Soph.:l/'Hh.:Palache.ide,.Pintoj·Th~'"'v''.>''.'"'···

'" " Leah de Pinto Th~ ~ ·

.A. , 7-4-1944.

.\. 7_9 .. 1943,



4~VLZ. 0

Pul. L. . · Pal. Oert. W-138/43/D/50.

voir: epoux Jacob,17-1-1892

voir: pare Leon Dr.1884. • • I.

G. 35/110. Q.. 497/498. . ! AlllS terdam, Joh. Verhuls tr .170. . · I

. voir: epo~e Frederika-de Hond,1893, J 28-5-1944. Pal. ·Oert. __ · I

· fils •· Max· · · · -.· · '(~es terb6rk) · · ! belle-fille 'Bet'tie~de Haas · " · · . · I -1: 418: G: 18§/272: · \ den Hnl.ig W .v .Dijkveldstr..88.- ·- -::'.- -~t voii-: e~ouse Nora-Vos,14-l.-1887,Th) ! 5:


4i:e Helena. 24-5-1922. rh~ _ _ . ,!

fils: acteur . . pas a Th. ) voir: epoux Leon Dr. ~84 j

.1.. 7-""4-1944. ---- --·

L. Zurich. Q. 386. · · Ams terdam

1Dan. Willinkpl. 9/II.

10-10-194 ....

,l, 7-9-1943.

L. 260. Amsterd.am 9-2-1943.

. 1,J ~R.A' dam,.8-8--44. Amsterdam, J .v. Galensti. 76. voir: epouse Rosa B.--Soh~nfeld

II epOUX Curt) 3()..;.5~1895'•

. A. 7-9-19430 ..

London L.

Page 70: Folder 6 - Marist College


PRZIBRAM, Hans Prof.Dr, ne · en Au triohe

·Prof. . Neueg~s~e 10. -PRZIBRAM·-Ruhmann 1 Elisabeth nee . en Autriche


•11 .•

.C Q. 379. . Amsterdam. voir; epouse Elisabeth-Ruhniann

voir: epoux Hlks Prof. Dr.

QUERIDO .. Sarphati.,-1~1~ pars • Pal. 1.

RAALrE van, Dirk Lodewyk Hepdrik 20-8-1878. a Vlissingen · .. Dir • Gem, 1'fa ter l, bedr.


RAAME van-van Raalte,Lousie Mar.· 5-1-1883 a Rotterdam


RANZHOFER, Berta Langestr. 5c/III. RATHENAU, Fritz 9~7-1875 a Berlin "Ministe:riah'at" : La~ges tr. 11: · RATHENAU, Gerhard _Wolfgang

RATHENAU-Dannenbauin, Sophie 20-3-1882 a Berlin

RATlJM,iliN, Fritz 1874 a ~AUSENBERG, Irma L. 485.

RED LICH, ·Ursula Langes tr , 5 •

RICARDO, Eljakim Dr. 1909 a. medecin

RICHrERSHEIMER, Karl 24-3--1869 a Mannheim

RIMINI, Ben Rathausgasse 11. RIMINI, Elisabeth Rathausgasse 11. RIMINI, Lea Ratha.usgasse 11. RIMINI; Phili Rathausgass-e lL 3.IMINI, Sophie · Rathausgasse lL

.. -"-_

) G. 6. Vlissingen,Koudekerksoheweg W.4. · voir: epouse Louise Marianna-van R, Pal,Cert.M/438/43/R/84. -4-9-1944. . voir: epoux: Dirk Lodwyk Hendri~

A. 7-9-1943 •.

A. 7-4~1944.

1, 17/191. ... .!unsterdam, Rubensstr.60 .. · v:oir: epouse.Sophie-Dannenb!).Wli fils: · Dr .J!an? R~thenau, Zurich

Pal. L.

voir: epoux Fritz1 1817-5-- - ·

London L •.

A. 7-9-1943.

A. 7-4-1944.

Pal. L.


Amsterdam-0.v .d.Walstr. ii' epouse Jessurun- . . :).91Lpas a Th. frere David ep. Palestine

L. 288. Amsterd~,R. de Hoogb.str.34.

A, 7-:'4-1944.. A. 7-4.-.1944, A. , 7-4-1944. A, 7-4-1944 •.

.· ;!,. _;·

7-4-1944 •

p •• ·~--••


Page 71: Folder 6 - Marist College

ROESSLER 1 JGzef Haupts tr. 2 .


-42- ' A• , 7-4-1944.

A, , 7-9-1943.

ROSEN, Joseph .2· p~rs, Pal, ~l . .

~g~~lrnKUM, Befoai'if .· ·. - ··-..c"""";,,,'··""'' :;;::~:=~""', r: L. 280. Deventer, Walstr. 5. 1

It ROSENBAUM-F~ankfort, Betsy 1890 a Deventer

ROSENBAUM ,1. ·Elisabeth Sees tr. lti.

.ROSENBAUM, Ernst · 29-5-1904 a Witten/Ruhr commerQal'lt Langestr. 227/d/5.

ROSENBilUM, Hans Dr. E~IIIa.

ROSENBAUM., Harry · 18-1-1944 a Wes terbork ROSENBAUM-Bernstein, Zita . 6;..11~1911 a V~enne,Autriche ROSENBERG, Grete E. VI.

ROSENBERG,1. Irene Sees tr. llJ .


ROSENBERGER-Goldschmidt; nee Frankfort/M.

voir: epouse Betsy-~~for.t,1890 fille Meta, 1924 pas··a Thi voir: epoux Bernard, 18901

A. 7-4-1944.

Q. 249. . . , Amsterdam, Jan v.Eyckstr.35b. voir: epouse Zita-Bernstein,1911

" fils Harry 18- 1-1944 19-5-1944.

A. 7-9-1943.

V"oir: pere Ernst, 29-5-1904 a Th. voir: epoi,u Ernst,29;..5..;1904 a Th• ·

Rel: H.Schmid,Villa Riensis,Montreux·

A, 7-4-1944.

A. 7-9-1943.

' L. 181, P_a_]..L, .. Roompotstr.13.Amsterdam fam: Rena Rosenberger fin 1942.

ROSENBERGER, Margot voir:Regine Blanche-Goldscbn:l.dt,19o3 19-12-1924 · a FriinkfortAt · · · · · ·

. ROSSNBE3.GER~Goldschmidt,Ragina Blanche .J .R.1-8-44,Q. 218/219..(121), G.1,311. Langestr. 5. voir: fille Margot, 19-12 ... 1924 .

11 fille Rutfi · 6-12-1922 10-7-1944 epoux: Sieggfried Rosenberger,Zurich

• • I ' I

ROSENn,\:\tWER, Rena . L.Zurich.L.181. PaL 1. . . 1903 a Frankfort;M. "' Amsterdam, Roompots-tr. ·13: .·· ··

·· fam; Rosenberger-Goldschmidt a ·fu. 1-8-1944. .

ROSENBERGER Ruth · 6-12-1922 ~ Frankfort/M •.

Pal. 1. .~ terdam, Ams telkade 169 .

_ voir:. mere Reg.Blanche-Goldsq}miidt · .. · u- · soeur Mar@t c 19-12..,192.4

pere: Siegfried Rosenbergei-,Zurich


Page 72: Folder 6 - Marist College


-···-·--·-·-·--····--·~----"·~·--'--'--'·>:--.<·-:-~:7~·:-::~~~-:·--:--'f:~~ l . ·~

'. ;.- .

·c () -43;.. .

A, , 7-4-1944. ROSENBL..tTri ·Ludwig

Haupts tr. •

ROSENDGRFF, David A• . 1 · 1. 514. 7-9,...1943. . .· . . ROSENHEIMER-Vecht, Oonny ou Oen- L~' 31/73: L~ndon 1: ·. ,_.. . . . " ' ··'·''"'"-<_,_l,._ . ._ 1883 ou 86· .., .. ~· ··· - ·-·=--0~ -den Haag, Badhuisweg1 • • fc

a den Haag OU a Londres . . $ohevem.ngen,PansiersJ;r .15. \ . !, /, t. epoux ...... ne' ~884 pas. a ·rh. . ~

ROSENS fEIN, B. Ions • A. fi ~ -~~. k -~ RGSENSTEIN, Jette L. 425, "

ROSENSlrEIN , Max 23-7-1893 a


ROSENSPOCK; Hedwig Bahnhofstr. 5 •.

ROSENS !OCK-Schmid t, Tilly . 1909 a.· . · RGSENTHAL, Anna

L. 203. .

ROSEN rHtiL, Erich furmgasse 9.

~OSENrHAL, Flora Turmgcusse 9.

ROSENrHA1, Hugo Hauptstr. 1.

RO~ENrHiiL) Rolf

RQSER -Ernst Q. 509.

ROrHE,·Margarethe Langestr. 11.

ROrHE, W •. Mons.

ROl'HGIESSER-Wolfers, Ilse 11-9-1907 a Hambourg infirmiere ROrHBIF.SSERi Peter 17-10-1934 a Hannover ecolier ROrHGIESSER,Rud.Ludwig Fritz 3-8-1..895 a Hannover commerQant · Langes tr •. 91/!;i_

. J

A. 7-9.:.1943.

L. 17. ,unsterdam

• voir: epouse Sophie-14-9-19il3 voir: epoux Max, -1893

A. . 7-4-19:44. London L.

\, . .• 1~ . ' 7-9-1943.

A, 7-4-1944.

J.. . 7-4-1944.

.i. 7-4-1944.

Pal. ·1.

A, 7-9-1943.

A, 7-4-1944,

ii. 7'. 9-1943.

. -~--~-L--~----->-- ---~ -

voira epoux Ludwig Fritz,3..:$ ... 1895

voir: pere Ludwig,·Fritz ,3-13-::.:\.895

. Q,. 443/444. . . Ams terdam.1 ·Hofmeyers tr. 37. voir: e:tiouse Ilse-Wolfers, 1907

'' · fils Peter 1934 · Gert.oat. ·San Salvado)7 Pal. Cert, · · 18-8-1944 •

Page 73: Folder 6 - Marist College

. '\.



( _,

ROrfISOHILD1 Emma Bahnhofs tr. 11.

R0rHSOHILD, Erna 1. 423.

ROTHSTEIN, .m thonie Langes Jir. 5 •. -· .. ·

·Ro·rmlrEIN , ·• Hanw".""" , :Ii:::::::: Hauptstr. l,

S.tBATztl, Gttnther 1914

S.lB.<·rZKY, Karoline Lina 1882

S:iBATZh.'Y .t Willy 30-6-187{j -a . Bahnhofs tr. 6.

S.tBOR 1 Therese Wallstr. 8.

S.1.CHS, ,\lbert . Badhausgasse 6 •

. .S.AO~.I. . Erich 1.4.rr.

SJ.CHS, Hanna Langes tr. 7 •

$,\ENGER, Hanna Badhausgasse 10.

S·\.LINGER,,, Caroline Seestr. ~2.

SALINGER, Regine L. 6()2.

S.tLM, Robert 30.-:1-1918 a Berlin

$,J,QMON, Karoline , Seestr. 22.

$ .LOMON, Me ta 1885

S!~LOMDN, Moritz 1879

., . s,·1LOMONSON, Godfried,Mr. 24o.4.i90? a Ams.terdam . avocat. · ·

A•. 7-9•1943.

... ~. . 7-4-1944,

London 1,

London L~

1. 17. ,unsterdam

.\. 7-4-1944. .A• • 7-4-1944.

.~. . .

7-9-1943 •.

.\. . 7-4-1944.


I ·-.~ .

-· !'. _____ _r

' f t J 4o · I

;~::::: -···----~-- ·:: ',,·. Q.. 109. Pal. L, '• . den Haag1'Nillem Lodawijklaqp 17.; l sept. 1943, -1 mere Josefine-Ruzicka,1886 a . !

Wes terbork . _ i

l I l London 1. _ i } \

! London L,

• • I r L.Gans .~.rlJigi .• 1~.-4.44~1.415.G-.301-~-- '} A' dani,_go. fm ... eye.r1:3.t:i: ..• V· i.ottastr •. (G_.~317,., ·o. J pere uarel D.Mi. 1874.mort aoW ... bork - <er mere Mimi-Wer·theim; · a " l

-~ :~ :'.:'.;'-

Page 74: Folder 6 - Marist College

stLm•~•. -~~ur ......... ~·-·~=·~ .. -~~-- ·-· ~·:· .. r'''·)t1~1, 1 .. ~3c. 7-9 .1943. I S:\MUEL1 Ma:t?tin 7.\. '1.944. , ·,1 Seestr. 12. ~

v~ir: -e'pnti. Salomon°f;t0-?--1885 ,:,/::; .;;-'"'_,.,_;l · S.i.NDEu.'iS-Philips teili, Paula _ 23-1-.1887 a Groningen 't -$-1NDE.1iS Ezn.S.al:om~ -- -. 10-7-18$5 a Sn.eek . . commer9ant,Dir.Meindersma

I± c/o .Oberschwes~er Netty Kllrbchen,

SGH.1.CH'.l', Esther E. VII.

SOH.i.EFFER, JGhanna Hauptstr. 19.

SGHEUER, Na than Q. 713.

SCHINDLIB Gisels . 1. 209. '·

SCHL1CHEIS, Joh~ Wilhelm 28-4-1895 · ~ Hambourg commer&cant · Bahnhofstr. 35.

SCHL::.SINGIB-Feuchtwanger, SCHL~SINGER, Felix

SCHLSSINGER, L. 1879 a. SCHLOSINGER, Hedwig Bahnhofstr. 9. ,

SCHLOSS, Emma Sees tr. 18 •.. ~,

. SCHMITZ., Paula

SGHNELLENBERG, Jaeob. - L, 2'.)6"

SGllOl'l's Else r;.. 3080


SCHOrT-·Goldschmidt, Grete 15-12-1900 a. · SGHl.>GENHEIM, Martha

' L. 210. · · · · "

SCIPT \M 1 Ernestine Hauptstr. 22.

L. 77. 3.VLZ. · · · 'l' den Haag, .1dr .Goekoopl.87a. · . voir:. epouse Paula-Philipstein,1887 . , £ils: -])J,kan Elias ,11-4-1911. travaille i

Q:ans une :fabr.chim.allem~ E f~ls: Paul1 3-2-"1937 .deporte !'. fllle:Hannie-Hartog en E.U. (USA) .·· t: fille:Sara·Elisa-Kerdei- en Holland·... r· Pal.Oert.~.VLZ.Nr .205. . •··"~·~ 10-9-1944. . . [

.. 1 •.


.l. 7-4-1944.



.d.. - --- .


J ~ } . ~


l I rl ~

f f f; r

"· Q.457. ·-- • t l~~~I~:1 Bee~~oven_s_tr~=-1~ ... - ~-----~-4

voir: (§poux Fdix a rh •. Pal. L. voir: epouse

London 1.

A. 7-4-1944.



••• . 7-4-1944.

A.. 7-9-1943.

.J.. "" / 7-9-1943.

.I.. 7-9-19,13.

,.\.. 7-·1-1944.

a l'h.

• ~ i

t .J

' i

. ~

! i­~

-:-e:,f ·-~- ·<~ft~·~ c l


Page 75: Folder 6 - Marist College

. \

c SGHW.iliTZ, Henriette L. 200.

SGHW.ilirZ, Regine 1. 116.

SCifV iliZ · . Mons • Hauptstr. 22~ ·•'f ..

- - _ - -- ·~-:~·-z·;;..11a::zmz:

SCIPLRZ, Isi ·furmsasse S.

/ .. SCHW,1RZ, Martha ·furmgasse 9 •

SOH'l/EITZER 1 Hl:llena Bahnhofstr. 6."-

SCHtVEIZER, Grete 1. lOL

SEELIGM,JlN-Veerscheim, S.Vve 1874 a .

SIEGEL Fann · " . · Ln 223~ y

. -46- . c .. A. . . 7-9-1943.

A.. -




.l. 0



7-4-1944 •.

... l.,,:


Pal. L. 3.VLZ • • rJll6 terdam Wits ens tr .. 7. . file: I. Leo Seeligmann,1907.W-bork belle-fille Eva-Darins taed tar, 11

• pet.- fille Miriam · ·. 1939 '° " " Judith · · 11

.I.. 7_9;...1943,' . - . - . . . fille Ida Siegel,Davos,Notburgenheim

j I

! 1 -[

SILBERBLRGJ Ferdinand 8-3-1881 a

J .R.~1 1 dam.1-8-44.- .. Gouda, Kattensingel 1i4. ;

l ----.-r

SILBERBERG-Schmitt, Lilly 14-2-1884 a SILBEHB~JG, Paula Q,. 609.

SILBERSI'EIN, Friedrich E. 1.

SILB:!filSTEIN 1 Fr. Dr. Turmgasse 7.

SILBINGER, 'bdrth Langes tr. 5. _

voir: epouse Lilly-Schmitt,14-2-1884 voir: epoux Ferdinand ·· 8 .... 3.:..1881--

... 7-9-1943.


.i.. 7-~-1914._

D;·. SILV,. CURIEL, Levie J.R •• 1' dam,1-8-43~· . ··. · . 19-7-1901 a ,iJllSterdam, ~l.frikanerpl.7. .

Voir_ .. · ePOll.SS Judith-van nllH:lrOngen.'_11886 18-1-1914. . . ·.· .-

D;i. SILV,i CIDIEL-van·,Amerongen,Judith.vofr:epoux; Levie,19-7-1901 26-11-1886 a · ·. -SIMONS, i•lfred 1889

. -sIMONs . ..;·· 1896 a SIMONS 1. Love · Haupts tr. 14.

·Else· ..

London L. Pal. L • ,lmsterdam, v oEeghenstr. voir: spouse Else- · 1896 voi:r: epoux; Alfred 1,889_~,.-:,

.\. 7-4-1944.

Page 76: Folder 6 - Marist College

SIMONSQHN, Julie L. 227.

SINGER, Kurt· Dr. Nouegasse 10.

-- •· -, '~. . . . . ··-c7''"-·~'i\i..,M:;::;

SINGI'EN, Frieda . . Bahnhofstr. 29. L. 229. ·

i. Si...lGER 1 Ll. · Mons. Hauptstr. 1.

SMUK ·Bejta · Hauptstr. _23.-...

SMUK Mal'kus· Hauptstr •. 23.

SONDHELM Bertha · 1864 a Walsdorf,Bav.

SONS-'l'aub, SONS, Emanuel Louis 21-6-1915 a

SP .\NIER, .lmal.ia L. 110,

SPIEGEL, Johanna Q. 609 •

. SPIEGEL, ·Samuel Hauptstr, 8,.

SPIE3.-van Raal te, .U bertine · 1912 a SPIEH.,1.·Rerta Q. 50::1.

SPUR, Celine ·· SPIERJ Jozeph" . _1909. a Zu tphen

- dessmateur -Jaegergasse 9.


.i. . 7-1-1944. •



A. 7-·1-1944 •.

1. 49. .Wlaterdam epoux Hermann, mort a Westerbork

au tomne 1943

voir: epoux Eni'anuel Louis 21-6-1915 Pal. L. · . , voir: epouse Taub.,.. . .

·:.-. ,·

.l. -7-9-1943.

l\., 7..:.9_19.:::3,

•L· 7-4-1944.

x. voir : epoux Jozeph, 1909

A. 7-9-1943.

veiri per~ . Jozeph, 1909 A. L .Flug:i. ·. . .. · · i .unsterdam.1.Rubensstr. ,73._ C>ll. _, __ ; Broek in waterlailef- · ·; -v.oir: epouse <tlbertine-van J.faalte' voir: .f1lle Celine , · voir: fils Thoma1.> . .· . voir:. fiis Peter · · · 7-4-1944. .

SI'IERi Leo . - , Q,: -535: Kin:1:P:o:L J .' 17-7- 937 a Pans · , .<1.rnllem,Baj{enbergsci i'Heg \29. c/ o Michel Mog0i1clorff, Langes tr .237/5 · · · . ·.·

·--SPIER, -Peter SPIEn, Thomas


voir:. pare " pare

Page 77: Folder 6 - Marist College

I .

SPIERO, Ida · . J a01;'\Jrs tr. 15.

S.PINOSS.1 C .•TEI.Jut, .1braham


STEIN, Else· Langes tr. 6 •

STEIN J.. ·Sophie , L. 12ci. ·

STEINDEOKER, Ida Q. 211. '

srEINER, Ils0 Langegasse 5.

SI'EINH.lRD, Emma Neuegass-0 20.

s l'EIN1EG; Hans Hauptstr. 14.

S1'.EIN'¥EG, PauL Q. 710.

s·rERN i. ·Bertha Q. 700. .

srERN, Ella. Langes tr. 5 •

srr..lN, E:Fich Hauptstr. 1.

STEiiN, Gustav 1896 a. . . Haup ts tr • 1.

_STE.'lli; Hermann -1900 en •• llemagne

STERN ;1.. ·Johanna-1. 400.

SlERNi ·Natalie L. 42 •

STERN, Paula · Bahnhofstr. 33.

SE.:lNBERG-Mayer, Betty 1871 a

~~;~~f :·H~r. ·; S l'E.'\NFELD , S •

·"".1:8"."· .l. 7-4"."1944 •

Pal. L• v~ir: \3:(JO~"!~;;;".Clar~:Pier

I. ff f~i~P. ~~f~~"'''.'"' 11 ~po~.· .,,braham ·· .

... ~. . 7-4-1944.





A. 7-4-1944. L~.


.d.. :··


A. 7-9-1943.

Ao 7-4-1944.

••• 7-4-1944.






1. 272. London L. i Winschoten,Stationsweg ·.. -epouse et enfa.n t e:tl Ailgleterre

- H .• -





... 7-:.4-1944. Pal. L.

--~'·--------'- ----·-~-- ______ --.::-·---:-_----

Page 78: Folder 6 - Marist College

.• _i.

srERN.HEIM, Adolf . Badhausgasse 2. L. 4:15.

SrIBBE-Stibbe, Cato avril 1908 a ,uns terdam

SrIBBE' In . ··. -1936' ~ .unfte1'tr1ID'i""""e:wz

STIBBE Jules i. · 2'"3-18SO a Zwolle

fabrioant de souliers

STIEFEt, Mariwme Badhausgasso 6':-

S'rO:rK · :;elene C,. 713. Sl':l i.NSKY , Paul E. I.

STlhl'EN van-~/allig,Henrietto .. i:t den Haag

sr:.i..us, Cbra M. V.

· ·sr:l.1TJS; Herz Q. 318.

S'fiUUSS, Emmy Seostr. 18.

S m.1USS, ]'ranziska Jathausgasso '7.

SrILiUSS-Schweitzer,Hanny Badhausgasse H. ·

S ill..1USS , Kar 1 1. 208.

STR.lUSS, ·Marg. Langestr. 5.

sri.uss, sai-a'cnemi 1882 a IIungen/Hess e

S'YLl.B-SW,LIB, 'J. ne J. dentiste· Langestr. 205/5

-49- ' .~. 7-4-1944.

Q: 53: 1: 76/367: .unsterdam Nierstr.63. i~~§~-·f¥U:ie .. )ng,e,J~?§. ·''"'µ" ,;;,,< '·""'., .•..


voir: mere Cato;..stibbe, 1908

1: 367: G: 25/23/8~: . .ms terdam, niers tr. 58 . voir: epouseiHenrie:tta- 1912

a 'lles terbork

7~4-1944. ' l.


;l,. '


Q. 396. . .msterdam, ritiaanstr. 36. jul. 1941.

A. '7-9-1943.




; ..., -;••.,/..

7-~-1944. -------- --- -- -------

.a.. '7-9-1943.

L. 184. dern.nouv. de la Croix rou~·a


V0ir: S]OUX J, • dt1ntiste Q. 539/540/338. ' .. . . ' ,IJllSterdam Z.JOh,Vetme$rstr.73a. voir: epouse . .

" fllle udoptive Steffi Wittels­h8fer a..1h.

. -'"-~-- - -


Page 79: Folder 6 - Marist College


(J ' -50- . . _ ~:r' _:- ,

T.tNNENBAUM Carl 13-12-1875'

r.tNNENB.LUM-Schloss, Malahan 24-6-1878 a ·rANNENW.J:Jl., Isidor 1. 31_6.,,, ,._ ·. _·-c.:~'".t;;;a:.;:;;;::

'r.EIXEIRrl. DE M.i.TI'OS- Mme rEIXEIRL DE M.trTOS-:I talie, Dinfl

TEIXEIRA. DE MATTCS, Jacob 1887 a 11.JnS terdam employe d 'Etat

ThllCEIR,l DE M.lTrOS, Joseph Dr. 1884 a .i.ms terdam instituteur Gymn.

TEIXEIR:l DE MATros, Riekje 1929 a .lffiS terdam TEIXEL.i.l DE M.lTTOO 1 iludolf 1891 a Amsterdam comptable _ ·

· ·Langestr. 2u9/5.

TEU'l'SCH, Hilde Q. •. 320.

rH.l.LHEIMfu1' .Lrthu:r


'l'H.-i.LHEIMER ·Max Hauptstr. i. · 'l'H.-i.LHEIME.1, Trude

TH.lLHEIMER , 'Val tar'

TH.U.M.lNN;. Emil Dr. -Seestr. ~O. . .

·:r:i:LtIM.lNN, Martha

roCH; Sigmund - E.-·r-: -- -- --

ro2m de I - Chaim jtb:r •. 26-3-1927 ... etudian t P. I .a:-· TOR:IBS Dav id de 1-3-1883 .· ~ .uns terdam agent de tabac_. .,

1.J .R.il'dam.20-,.7-44. .· · . . -.lIDStetdam, · Z.1uitstellaan_-59. -- -- .. rnzLi~~~~se ~~Jch~n;--soh1oss, 1878 .. voir: epoux Oarl · 1875 ~


1i. 7-9-1943.

v~ir: Jacob, 1887 epoux vUi:r: epou; , Rudolf"; 1891

• J .. G. 175. Pal. 1, . ,lffi~ terdam, Muidergracht 1,5 ·

. voir: epouse ·.- . a Thi f~lle Henriette : · pas a ·111)., · flls •·-· Frederik David . " a Th.


G. 175i271. Pal. 1. · den Haag,Bentinckstr.25. epouse rnconnue .

voir: pere · Rudolf,1891 a Th

G. 175, ~. 499, PaJ."• 1. i!llls terdam, Bans tr .. •31. ' voir: erouse Dina-It~lie, 1889 rh. vofr: fille RiE)kje · 1929. 'l'hL 25-8-1944. . .

-~. 7-9-1943.

London L.

London 1.

1. 7-·~-19-14.

Pal. 1.

Pal. 1.

_l.. 7-4-1944.

.\. 7-4-1944 .

voir: ·pere David,1-3-1883. Th.

. ·- . 1.J .Jl.,•' dam.15-7-44.G. 190/231. .Lllls terdam, N .Kerks tr. 131. . ~ votr: 8J?ouse Margaretha-Rodr,iques Par_ ..•

' ,fils Chal.ID. .~br .26-3-1927 . be-au-frere Rodriques Plireira,Gr.Rabbin 25-2-1944. . . . ' . . . . -. _,_··

TOR.i.1FS, de-:3.odriques Par~ira,Margar~tha. epoux. David,l-..3:--1883. Th 2-11-1886 a .llllSterd~ '·' .• - .- . . - .: .

--_, __ - -_,.~~'-,_·'.=

Page 80: Folder 6 - Marist College

c -51-

mrENKOPF' Margot 1921± a . Chaluzr.h

T.iIBirEL, Max L. 211 1894 a. commerwnt

·rREFP~ ;1brR.hani~ . .c"''";,~ Badhausgasse 2.

I, TREPP, Claire · . Badhausgasse 2.

TRIER-SchlOss Doris · .. 10-7-1867 a Su~enheim,Allemagne Langes tr • 68/5 •

TiiISKEU-Hecht, Selli 1880 en .lllemagne · ·

l'JOMPEUER-Flesseman 1Mari(.Ullle 18&'1 a notterdam ' ·r30MPETrE:\, Maurits 1879 a 11ms terdam commer9ant de souliers·

· 'i'il.OOS l"NIJK-En thoven, Julia 4-8-188i) a den J!aag

l'ROOSIWIJK, Mozes 28-6-1879 a Leeuwarden tailleur

ULLM.\NN-Fleischmann; Edi th ULLM.\NN J.. Ellen 1Vilhelmina . 1940 a uud-Beierland ULLMANN, Ernst · 1906 en :-.llemagne commerQant -La:ngestr. 77/5.

ULLM.OOI, Rolf 19·13 a 'Iles terbork'

UNGEil, Dr. "St~tsanwalt

Pal. L •.. ~ Goude/~uils 'terdam -.

A. ,,, '1-9~1943 Haarlem·~~'.:'r:-: .... ,,~

I '


7-4-1944. '~. ~··-1·:·


' Q.. 7. ··•,-• .rns terdam;i. Deltast;r.· 4. Passport J:'araguay. · 27'-8-1944. ' :iul, Mme Albert Becker-Schloss

25. Zwinglistr. St.Gallen ' L.18.


voir: epoux Maurits, 1879. a Th.

L.· 20/34. G.122/265 •.... Scheveningen,Hasseltschestr.4 . ; , 2~:1§~';~? Marianne-Flessem~, '1h•

voir: e'pouX M~zes,28""'.6-18~9 L .\

G. 128. J .U,1.:.8:.:44~~-:---- -. ,lJllS terdam Z. ,IIllS te llaan 82. . voir: epoliSe Julia-Enthoven,4-8 ... $0 14-9-1943. . ' . '

voir: epoux :Ernst,1906. ______ --c'--~--:-~'-'r----voir: pare Ernst,1906.

. . . L. 114. Q.528/529/~30.e' 531. Utrecht , Htmde ls tr. 24 • voir: e:pouse Edith-Fleischmann

11 • fille Ellen Wilhelmilla,1940 " fils .Rolf · _ 1943

31-7-1944. voir: pere . Ernst 71906

Pal. 1.

1·· .J I



Page 81: Folder 6 - Marist College


'- .. VEG.t-Ooronel, ,illfia 24-8-1878 VEG.i, Obad]a 11-1-1879 ·a. boucher,pres.da..l'Union d,bouch.

VOGEL, Joel 31-12-1881 a Jllsterdam chef de maO'aein ' VOGEL-van ~eren,Jebeooa 21-3-1889 a ,\ms terdam

VQLLM.i.NN, Fanny 1. 116

."l'..CHINHEIMia, Else Hauptstr~-- 5. '

'l/',CHENHEIMfu1, Eugen Hauptstr. 1.

W.1CHTEL, · ,l.lfred De. Langestr. · ·

1LLDNEU., Helene 1. 206.

W.\LL van der-LeJlg, Else . 1884 a · ''L\11 van der, Jul Dr. 1873 a.

_"1',LL l. 1 Richard

'¥'.LL WH, ·Cbhrlotte Langes tr • · 5 .

'lf'ii.SCH!.1!,'sKI, ~iebecca ''/alls tr. 8; 3.

"l\SS::'~iNN-:1.osenstil, .~lioe 20-12-1898 a Luxembourg 111 ~SS:S1M.tl-IN, Fredy . . 1923 a Frankfort/M,

. . -N ..ss:;~lM:iNN 1 YUly,. ... colli!llerg~t 8-101888 a Bantzen/Sacha~ Sees tr. 18. • ·

.'f -

G. 191. 1 · .'Unsterdam,van Mussenbroekstr.3. voir: epouse Rebecca-van ''l'eren,1889 voir: epnux Joel, 31-12-1881



:.-_ ;-·

" --r_ ! ! i t' . · .. t

---- -~-----= k ~~. 7-4:-1944 •. ~------~ ,

~.:4-1944. Pal. L.

~-i.. -


voir: epoux Jul Dr. 1873

London L. i' voir: spouse :Slse-Lang, 1884



• 7.:..~_1914;

voir: epoux 7lilly ,8-10-1,888

voir: pere Willy,8-10:-1888.

1. 18 •. -'· 7-.4;,-1944 •. ··.· .. · · .. < •

·illll?ter~ci.m,SLdignweg 65~ '.<··"·' · voir_: e_(louse 1ihce..;..._wsenstil,1898

" · fils Fredy · 1923 · .. ·


Page 82: Folder 6 - Marist College


'V.i.'l'EJMaNN, Dr. medecin,psyohiatre

w:.TE:.'tMANN-V ech t, Didi 1911 a ,unsterdam


w .. T&lM.1.NH, J'ohn 1935 ~·a' '°'" ~ -- - ··-=""",:~ i; " e;::::z;

WEILJ. · W13.l ter B. Iv. · 111EINBE.1G1 Srioh Hauptstr. 1.

~'EINB~G, Friederike' L. 425.

W:SINB:::RG-Br'lschwi tz ,Marge.rate c/o. Heinrich·Einhorn ·

Llmgus tr. 242/ a/5.

''IEINBEJG, i.'io~a 1. 104.

'.VEIS, Moritz Badh~msgasse 19.

?ZEISS, Else H. V.

"rEISSBKiGK.~-Bacgarach, Babette 1885 a Fuerth, Bav. "'­'.'SISSBERGE:.~, Isidor 1880 e·n 'Vuerttemberg comp table

1/E.ISSENBLG, Pauline Eahnhofstr. 23.

''!EISSM.\NN-Fischer, Regina Langes tr. 16.

'1[1;ISrEGK~J, Henriette Q. 309.

11/E.11'HEIM, H0lene furmgasse 9.

''1.ElUHLIM, 3,,r:.1 Berggasse 11 •

. , '$J.TH,3IM:Err, Salomon Dr. E. I.


''lErZLE~<, · Hermann Haupt~.tr. L .


''/EYL, Lucie __ _ Bahnhofstr. 27. 1. 227.

. -_-r '

•· -____ :,~.~~· _·-:-_:.·;:;_?!;:-1~7~~;~1~~- ·-::17zt1 1-

l ···<_;J c Q. 5'16. .unsterdrun z.:'unstelkade 157. voir: e:pouse Didi;;.Vecht,1911

"· flls· Johh 1935 Jan.1944. voir: epoliX· .,J)r, - . ··:~ '• ... · ----

"'* voir: pere Dr.

,1.. 7-9-1943.

.! • . 7- :-1%4.

,.,,, 7~9-1943.

·l I

- [

·-c->,,_,.~, .... &:._ .• 1-. . -i

Q. 525. .i:mstordam, Keizersgracht 305-309. 20-8-1944. .

. 7.:.9-1943.



' ~ . l..

. 7..:.9_1943: ··--t i

. f voir: epoux Isidor, 1880-

L. 278. -;~--c-f

Jrns terdam, Helmers tr. ·._ voir: epouse Babette-Bach'll'ach,1885 mars 19-14. r

.:l.. 7-4-1944.

-·· 7-l-194i.;,.


l __ ___L __ ~

. ! .

7.:..1-1944. -.-}- - ~ -- - ---- -- -


- -1 •


Pal. 1. ~(otterdapi, Schie·"eg 157.

.l., 7.,.·~-19:b-1.

.l.. 7-4-1944 •

Page 83: Folder 6 - Marist College


''/IENE.a,1. ,i.nnmaarie 31-8-l'd30 a. WIENEJ.-van Leer,.illtoinette l~-4-1901 a -?fl1NE..\ 1 Fritz Q. 601.

"II1NK~ 1 Georg-· L. 211. ~- .

ry/IENEJ:l. Ida B.M. · 9-2-1929 _. a. --;IENEJ., Jan Dirk

~/15.L'f&l.1 Louise L. 211.

l!fIENEni Marie S. 30-11- 888 a. ''llENE.1.1.. Siegfried J. l-5-19uO a

·nLLHEIM, Siegfried

- -7INKLE~l, Hugo Dr, _ E. Illa. -

'.VIN r:s:t 1. Elias Bahnhorstr. 13,

-54-vo ir: pare Siegfriea:.J-.l-5-1900.

voir: epouxSiegfried J.1-5-1900.

.1., 7-9-19'.,3,

voir: pare Siegfried J,l-5-1900.

· voir: pare Siegfried J.1-5-1900. _I

:\ .. 7..:.9-1943.

voir: frereSiegfried J.1-5-1900. \

voir: e~ouse J.ntoinette-van Leer,1901 voir: f1ls Jan Dirk - -1927 voir: fille Ida B. M. 1929 voir: fille .mnemarie 1930 voir: soeur Marie S. 1888 4.-9-19'14.

... 7_9_19,;,3,


g .. 9,...1943, .

'.'/1Nr1..li Josef - _,, ~lelico 22-11- 882 a Koschenbroich,~enanie Bussum

"IISCH, Gerson Haup ts tr. 1.

1rs9Hi Jacob L. ,1:2 •

''111'K0'15~'l 1 Martha Hauptstr. 8,

'VIT'l'ELSHOLFEJ,,_ Steffi 28 OU 29.4-19G9 a Hannover

"IITYSTOCK, Henriette Langes tr • 5 .

'VOLF, :Slfie 1925 a Vienne,_i.utriche modiste

,iOLF J Emilie ·­Bahnnofs tr. 11.

... 7--'..:-1%/i:.

.i .•


:l. 7-4-19·14.

Q. 538/539/540. 30-7-19±4. !;!

.ill:sterdam, Vermeerstr. 73.h. · · voir: pere adoptiv J .Swaab),dentist.'J,'h. oncle .i:rthur GOldschmidt, z,urich

,1uf der Mauer 2.

1. 113. .1.rr:hem

1_ .ll!ls t~~damscheweg 1-3.

voir: rrere .--L1chard, 1928 i'h. voir: pare Karl ·rh. voir: mere Olly -- - Th.

.1.. 7-'.,,-1944.

; ·l'"'Jl


Page 84: Folder 6 - Marist College

WOLF.;.van Gelder, Estella 2'7-8-1873 a _\ms terdrun ~lOLF, Helena 26-~1905 a .ims terclam

\Volf, Karl WOLF, Olly

~~L~Ot'~!lla ·.· - ·-~·,-~ -·

'~QLF\ :.\ichard

.'iOLFi Simon Louis 19-1 -1873 a Leiden orf evre

WOLFF, ,i.dolf 1894

'.i'OLFF ,_ .lmalie L. 300.

WOLFF 1 ·Helmut -1. 414. .

- "lOLF!i · :10 s a L. 1.:. •

·m van der, Ellen

''lYK-Kusiel, =-•u th _

Z.iirZOFF Zinu lo-ll-18Bl a Bobruisk,riussie

z;tUDETI~ Claire 1894 a

z.,UD.S11 i Gertrude 1872 a

ZOMMK\PL.iG, Hartog 1866 a. ZOMM1:.U'L,G-Bos, Jetty 1871 a _ _ _

-55- " G. 2·14, ... · . . . ..... . voir: epoux Simon Louis,19-ll-1873 voir: pare Simo~ Louis,19-11-1873

voii: fille Elfie, 1925 mo dis te voir: fillEi]E'lfiE.J >l~iaP.,, ,.'.' :> ,..,..o. ... ,.,,,,,


.l. 7-9-1943.

voir: so~i:r ElfiE:J',1925 modiate

G. 214. . . _ . .• materdam, Beethovenstr. 142. voir: li:tJ6use Es tena.;.'vrur Gelder, 1873 , .., , . void. fille Helena ·· 1905 16-7-191A, Visa pour la Suisse

London L.



·'. 7-9-1943.

• Pal. 1, Pal. L.

L. 260. .l!nsterdarn; Harmoniehof 35. mars 1943.

London 1,

London 1.

Pal. L. den Haag, ,J.c aciass tr. 25. voir: epouse Jetty-Bos,187li voir: epoux Hartog 1866.

. f r !


Page 85: Folder 6 - Marist College

;_ .


lllJS'l'All, ~artog li124. l

Nl.TS'l't.,, Lelli 1922 -fij;f"Dullerg, RoHUI

jJs·~AD, 3amo.el . .

l ..


• .. " , ..»•tt Ah'f'Mt . 1893

P81l. aert • .PQ\tr ~~" ·111 faidll•_ t

1 • VLZ. IV43P/4WJ.H' .. · . , .. ,.




--.' -----.>._---'------'-·: ~-- -~~-,--'-_. ___ ----=-- ----- ------~.

Page 86: Folder 6 - Marist College


:..::~~-·::_,,.".:_;_--;------·-->. :· ... ~~:';.~?:'""~. - . , .. ------- --

'~ - 'i•



( . oG;;~;~~",,'.., ·~:&l;f lr~;~ifg~. --,f TELPAER ~RAM TELEGRAPH~ECTI N !'

llE TM!:NT Of STATE CfJ;}~\ ~;;;-'.. ft" . .;, RS . DIVISION 0,


F "'anua .... y· n4•/~._ .. ·.·'. ~· ,~"' " .. · ",'.:." ~-Distrib~"ti:.:r. 1>(· -tx·;i.t1 u• ~- .. • ~ _ ,

~~1~·~.:~:\,,,~~·:L l; s:io<:iul 1945 JAN'26 p~ ·41~ P·~~ • ',,d'ee . ' .. J

Uf UMJiNi.




· .·. · >Er:··.·· 'I

b\'r security rea.sons- the· .

be closely guarded. . ,

1_. __


_Q9A~:~~~O~IONS_ .• ~ r~ar c. o.·e_··. :v ... ·.·•·.• <;:,:.

toxt of this me~rnage must. " ,.. · .··~~:

;1 o·al>le below toio-Huddle arut MoOl,ell~cl t~i>m· l>el)ar1illl~#t:~- :,< l.

- ·:. ~:.:.~-: :::::::::.. ot ~ i.Zt>o" ~~.~":.>· . -~ I repreeentathe 1~ London, ~t;d JanuarJ 22. ~~<16:~----=~-·~· = -~ "~ -.. _ - ··1

/ T ' ~ <'

~UOTE World Jewhh OongreH hen baa been 1nf'ormeCI. 'b7 ite '

repnsontat1ve 2.n swnzel'land the:li Theres1en•tadt 1e"being ... 1;~~~ . :,

.formed into extermination oampo Eye wUneae u·aaid·tl) bA"f'e' 0 .~ ;.,'d

::·:: :":~:.::.:oo..:·:~::~-:_:·:.::-: !~~=~~· ·/cl ··· - . • . : -' - - - .-- .:.-- - ~~:_!~" ·::'..-~ .. -_ - . >.-:_~'. - . -· i- -J

ln broadoas'lit from Moeoow on Januart 1 'r tormer ~mb8Z,/Csteo.h~ i · .. I alovak pax>liament 1e reported to have-~tJted thii~ ~cterlllanJaJ.~\·~aJl·,,_j> ·

;- . -... - -. -.-· -- -···- ·: -- . - . - . - -_:.- ·_' ,_ --' -_ ·-- - "'-:~=--,~·-- l ........ ·. ' ;. ',', .· '' '. .'; ! tormi~ Tt'!eresienstadt into an:extel'tllina.Uon~oamp on,11nes'ot·:~"··'-;' . ·····f /.- --~- ----_-...::.!_- _______ ,,_ __ -----,--•--"---- 1

Ha1Clan•k~' .. ·· .. ·····

..... ::::-: .. :w::~:::."..:;.::~:;;.:;;,.: ... i:~Ed ] . .~ ' ' .. ' ' .. ·.. ,,,. ''. . ' ' ' l 11Naz1 gas chamber conta~n1ng th~· b9~~~·;of,69QQ P,e9pie2ot ~s-0111 '· - • 1\

• - - - --- ~_ ! . ,_ . :; '-~~~,{~.~-:---~-~ ·-?_,~ ---i~~:__H~_.:-0.\r'.- =t~~:~<··-.~· --=- .\_.--B at the sntranoe o,f Nahwe1le. UN~O~~wr;.':"''·;.,,, .' · · · · '. n

Please take a.11 ·possible action 1n ~,_ii'i".. the uh~~ ~w ll •• c ••• , :::f:;c,c,i;}, "'f


ot Department's 12? ot


Page 87: Folder 6 - Marist College

c.' };.-

CABLE TO W!. ltUDDliE AllD UR, WCGLELLAND, Bi.RH, SWITZlffiLAN~, l'l\011 Dll'.Ml'J:Wf ANP WA!\ REFUGEE BOAf© ·· . . ..,

. ' ·i}S The f'ollowiii1fiS thl!l aubstanc• 'o't a cable from Ilium, l11UI rep:resent11.Uve

in London, dat.ed .Tan\UU.'7 22, 194'• 1 · -

quo:rE World .:t~l1iill~ bongre1111 heH ba11 been infoJ:aed by its r'epreseutative in Switzerland that Ther0nieniite.dt ill bei.ng tranafo:rzed into extermination camp. ~· w:l.tnol!ll ia said to have i·eported that. 200 t.o 2!10 Jewd are d,Ying each dq at 'l'herep;l.enptadt. and that n creme.tor:l.utn was e:t'eoted there at a place called Nakrete. ,

In broadcarit from Moscow on January 17 i'ol'lller111e111l!er Czechoslovak parl:l.aaent is reported to have stated that. Gerin1ma are transforming '£heresienstndt inw an e~r.rmi~ nation· cruup on liueu of: iM1ide.nek, · .

Rhl:NOLDS NbViS of Janl&ll:cy 21 carries a brief newa .item from As11.ociated Pl'eaa to the effect that. American Seventh Al'!lly dillcovered "Nazi gap clllllllber. containing the bQ~s-ot'-6000 people of Al1111oe11 at the ontraJile of Ne.tl!weile• UHQIJOTi <

Pleaae take all possible action ~this m&tter along the lines of Department•a 127 of January 9. _ _,

~--~....... /"': ~......_/

THIB IB \'/RB Bl5RN OABLS ?lO. 379.

12:30 Januar~- 21., 194;i

Miss Chauncey (for the Sec •y) Ackermann Ak~in _.Cohn Drury, DuBois, Gaston, Holliel, !larks, McCormack, Pehle, 'Files.' '

BAiczin:s.r l/:<.3/45


Page 88: Folder 6 - Marist College




-;~:.., c..'"'",._.L:;_(~.-~ .. \..- L._~~ .· . DEPARTMENT~,-.C .. rn .,_;r:._f!..."{



SH-1092 Distribution of truE rEading only b,X spEcial arrangErnEnt. A 1 )

\ /• London




CONTROL COPY. January 221 1945

TIEc 1d 8:~0 p.m.

S~crEtary of st~tE,



77.0, J.anuary 22, 7 p ~m. ,,,,.


~(~AN 231945 -

·world JE:v1ish congrEss llErE has bEEn inform~Q_ ______ _ ,.....- -

by its rEprEsEntativE in_SwitzErland that ThErEsitnstddt

is bEing transfo:N11Ed into Ex.tErmination camp. EyE

witnEss is said to havE rEportEd that 200 to 250 JEWs

arE dying Each day at ThErE siEnstadt and that a ______ _

crEmatorium was EPEctEd thErE at a placE callEd NakfrEtE.

In broadcast from Loscow on January 17 formEr mEmbEr

CzEchoslovak parliamEnt is rqiortEd to havE statEd that 1't

GErmans art> transforming TliErEsiEnstHdt into an Ext£rmi-

nat.ion camp on ·linEs of ;.,[aidanEk.

RE)'NOLDS HE\'.'S of January 21 carriE s a briEf- cnEWS

itna from AssociatEd Pruis to thE EffEct_ that-AmErican -

SEvEnth Army dis~ovErEd H1;azi gas c_harn]JEr contaip_ing tnE ' < i _J

bodiEs of 6000 pEoplE- of AlsacE 11 at thE EntrancE ·of v

NatzwEilE • . /~



I I.

. '

Page 89: Folder 6 - Marist College


>( Ho. 4285

__ ...,,._...: ~-....... :-'


; ~; .

l' With reterence t.o the Legation 1 s telegram 2640, ls

dated July 17, 3 p.m., which summarhed the tind1ngs ~1. of two Danish representatives who had been perlllitted . by the Germans to visit the deported Jews in Theresi,enstadt, Jj Czechoslovakia, I have the honor to transmit herewith tor · ~! the Department• a· information a photostat oopJ. ot the comple.te ' Danish report on this question. This report has reached the g Legation in a rou~dabout way and neither the Danish Legation .. · W.'

in Stockholm nor other_ local Danes know that the Legat10n is 11 in possession of the report. . ,, . '· ·- · ·· ··. · ·~.I

Respeotfuli).y ·yours; ''


l/ Photostat copy of Report

./ Herschel V. Johnson

Original to the Department for possible Ozal1d1ng -- · --­File copy

File no. 800 PL:rc

. . . - ~ \" ~--~ ~-

'.1 ii ti j r !

Page 90: Folder 6 - Marist College

At a. meeting a.t the.Da.ntsh Lega.tion_'1n Stockhoiii;,:_ ·,,. ... '

on Juiy 19; 1944, ·secti0n_Ohi~t{Hva.ss made a:l'e~ox>tA'or

the Danish Foreign ·M!nistry on a •visit that', he had• ud,e· I . . - 1 - .. ~ ' ' . ·-' .

to Theresienstadt on JUne 23 of this yea.:ttf'.t()gether •with.

Dre Juel-Hemiingsen of the·Hea.lth Adm1n1atrat1ori'<as>t,: ·'-':

representative or the Danish Red 'Crose.· - :-:-' . -~·

Pi>esent at the meet~ at -the Legation there 'lfere Secretary of Legation Hessellund-Jensen, fro:t'essor Stfipilauf<, - - -. ------ · .. ,,. ,, .; . - ,-:-..

Hurwitz, and we, the Widersigne<l, I.>"1'ectoi-.;o. t.e~sohri; ,. ; •' and Attorn~y Kai Simonsen; ·as ··representat1ves 'o~~the5"·;.. .. · "oamidttee 'ior . .Aici!iig Persons ~i><>rted.~irom::n;rt;:t.~J~:~~--;:~ • .~

Section Chief Hvass reporteci the :foll'mt'ing&: ;

The arrival . .at·Pragtle 1iook place on June·23o:f'•this-•·

ye~' and the gentlemen were taken f'roni tha1;

automobile to Theresienstlidt-i which-is

60 lane to 1;he ~forth NorthWest of Prague on the Solith

side of the' Sudeten mountdna. They -were accioiiip~i,ed· ·

by various German authorities, among them· the ·'chtel'·'6f-<

the Gestapo in the Protectora-te of BOhemi~ imd 14e>~a-vi~. and in addition a Swiss physician, nr. Rousell i:iionr'the >

International Red Cross, had joined th6·ptirtyj About

25 kg. of valua"P.le medicines and

taken along in the autO?llobi-les.

'l'hEi visit to' Theresienstadt oovered more

hours from 11 a.m. -to a p.m., and took :place ori«a>'

Page 91: Folder 6 - Marist College

I. and to converse with .B:ii:y~ne. The convers~t~ons wer.~ ,_,,

watched; 1tdisoreetly11 '/ No re'strii3tfbn8·:we1~: plaeed' ~ questions; and the aiis\fers we:t'e ·given> !reei7,r~.<ev~n.wheri the posiM,.?n of relative~ ill. Sweden. was·:under·;iao~liione

The Section Chief' began bic declariiig tbilt·>~'vin"f•'· '

thing: concerning the deported' persons could be' oovere~ . f •. i

by sayiilg that c6nditions were actually far better'~n i.n1$.gined and the visit brought great cheer to the I>anG.8

4own there who ·tbrOllgh it. recei'(edpr0ot thi:Lt,tli••ilut'hori.;.

ties at home still consideredthemwithtbegreatElst'<·


old garris~on town, the former Czech inbabitants'of'·!whfch·

have been forcibly removed. f':t'cln the pl.ac(;~;.Th8=camp-~1ic;::: ~ i~~~:~ ~ designated by the Germans as 11th!' Jewish:hom~ f(11!.· :· .· \ , ~ invalids and old people" ·and· tws· bas· a ispecial;:ccharla.cter•

It now contains about 37,000 to· 40,000> deported· Jews,

distributed as .f'oUowsv·· tr0m·Gerill.IU'l7 about ·91'%1 tram Holl~d about s;i6, from .. Dei:imllrk about 1% (of whom 296

are Danish\ citizens and about.• 150 are· tiefugees ·withoUt . . . . . .· ..

nationality-),. ·!l'he·town is·-not·.·enclosed,;but;,1a:gua;rded'; ,.,, ·

bY' a 'f:ew Czech rm•al policemen.

There ·are in the town onl7 15 non•Jewse:

administration has been established, and Dr• ~P~-~ein, a

former 1ns truc~or at a German uniVersitJ'. 1 iii s,c~~ as ··

11Ch1e.f' of the Jewish Eldersii.- lie 1s an outstanding; ,and ..

strong, pe:r:sonaiit7 who received. tl:).e DB1liah 141ssion s1i its fellow-travelers in his,ofi'ice9

J.1ke a ·publd.!l office in ~nmark•

Page 92: Folder 6 - Marist College

'" lV () t• H .,\ l;~- B- <!> (_~

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\1). r:o~ <.) I) .. ~;\ "'., l~ ~. p ti> ~I ~\


·---· -·---- .. ,_ ---;:. ·-<:·~::::. ·,~;.'- ·;::--··->-'-'·.·.: .. · .. · ·. --·· - ':: ·-~~~'.

:.;:Oi!'.':"'' ,, ->'.". •<>'


:r21e··. ~1sbat1on qo:sf~.~a~. cif r·~··~.?~§·t~?;.~~f:~~.~~!Jof.~~~~~·'c~'i~''}~iEfr ~- _: ~-~_;.;_7~-6~ '.-~~.~~~:-~&:::¥r~~~~-~- .·~.1~g~-~~-r.~~~~ _: ~~--.P~~~-' ~-~·:.;~·~'~'-:'.. .. :; ... : .. :,~:: ... ·:~}:·~ . .\ _.,.-~

are about 1 1 200 Off'.1cials,, , '._.,_. -. - -·: '· .. . ( ··'-· ·- - . .. ~;

The average age 1n .. the te>wri :'~ai4e .Y~~~~: •• 5~~ "*·'*h.~{ 1nhabite.nt.s .are w~en; al;>()u"t ,14,0QO a:r.~ 'ov~~··,~o ·.J-e~~s ·¢' : '

~ l •. - : ""•. ' . " ,. ._ '; :-'.-:, •. : .' ; : -~-::-,_;_ -:.- :; - -;.~ ,- .• _: ·• - :

age. l;t.can be seen from this that.to a great.ext~rit : ' .. ; __ · . - .~5.:>'; .. -,_, .. ;_': -·_,:.:·-· "'.?:~·<:_· .. ;:·: ,_:._.;:.·:~·-_·-~.::--:,;-:·~.:.

this· is an estab;l.ishn1entf<>~· ~t,4e~ PeC>p.le ,~d;}~tJ.~

high death rate, sam~ ~5.tQ,.20 a da;r, ~t·1?:- ~9~~id~~.~c( F

1n connect.ion witl(th:f.s !'act.

is 72;rears;.

-It ie empha_sized ~hat , ?!hereaiens~~~t, 1~~ .. not ai · ,.

transit camp, . 81].d that" no. Pe:r;>~ons. dep<?~ted f';r_Ol!l De~l.'k · · .. have been removed~ fr·9J!l ·it. ·.Of. 3 Dan~~;\~~~ ~e~~~~~P~~~l;(l '_;,

with'' a_ later party- whfch:w ~s brouSlit to: ~aCluiJilh.a~~il~ .· ·. i " • • _ ·::___ ., - " :~_-•• o ;.:.:o•.,-~ .. ~...:--;~,.~7-;'.·:-;~-~7

.· .... -·--·:" .·

.one has b~en transferred to Theresienstadt, .a~thi:;6tlie~'.' - . - . - • ··.-. --..:: •. _-·;_,~-- .• •c-- '--_,,.,_.,_.,,_·_,_c_:___"·:_·_ .. _· '-'··-.~-~~"'-

t~O-Wilr"Be-WUlilJi ·the riia:r rU:ture~:_1t -~ha~'"Ias ko·t~oeeni'-• -.-. ·-. · .. _.

done a1read;r.

1942, a number of marrili,ges.have taken place, ~1:>etlf411e~.-·· , , ·.· ·_' , , ·~~"'""::·'.'"''' ... '•"'-:;,··:-.;;;-::/,·"-

300 and 400 children hav1;1 been. born ths1'.e ~J.toge~he~.f

Interruption .or· the sta~e-of ·pregnanc;y is pe~'t"t'~f4'~ .. -a-:rid~~-~ - ·. . . -. _, - ~>;;..-=- :· ,- .- }<·.='"". ·-;: .-.-.. · -_.

contraceptives are at h&lld•

The food supplies ar.e about as thq are. aivwhei>e , ,, . ' '.'.',,' .•. , .. _, ··ill-

1n th.:t Protectorate but there is no butte:i-, eggs •(>r 'che;;. -'-··,i'o

(butteris sent .from Dez=ark) •. Instead ot ~t~er~rgar11:~1r· 1~ . given, anfi according tQ th~. calculati()DB' : t~t ha!~,


been made, each person gets 2 1 400 calories a. day, w~:Le . -- ' ,- -- ·_ -. ~: ·: s: :'._ ··:·· _· __ . '-_.-· _.·- -_ ...

at home we calcul~te 3,ooo cal<>ries 1'orawoi-~tng~person .. _ . .c, . -· - _, :. .- . '

The Orthodox have tree opportUn1ty to. se()ure_ kosher :tooM . . -_.--;,,_ '-· ·~·-· -

Te>bacco and strong Cl.rinks are prohibited.·

01' the +nhabitants of the place, abol1F 24~()0() are ,,_,, .; .' ,:_~ ·;:_-, ~-.:Y,-. ~c : . ~..:-;:: ---~.~;-·.

working,' not ii'iore' than a lii:>urs a day.

Page 93: Folder 6 - Marist College

ot:~ :··' I u

L~-.'.', -p

'.·~· 0 ~·. ~

I' ,,, ~ ·~

,, \'! r{

t·_l . o~ ~ti ~:)


•••• _, '~ -- ' '...~----~?:!:

-.. ·.·,- · ·;\~.~.-:.: ._,_ - :-.~~-.c'-~-.'(}~{l~·-'.::t· ~~: ·-

are placed in ao;.called nmUidreda", s,ii.wbtch.tii.er'are·· ' ' . .. ·.. _:. . -

given/different ·kind& of~work~' partlt· to\b:i>tnS ab®i6a . "' . . ' ' ..

feeling of cbmpanionah1p•aJJd·.par~l1,.•tc;·.trS:lii:;.theJil'?and''·',

to find out what they: are ·$speoi~l7 f1tted''.1'or•·rirhe·;··. · · L

younger ones1 are ord.ihar11y·•put .te. gardening i and•tllU.Dg

; .;_ -

the guard of- l'l.lral policemen. (Ho attempt at>escaplt l:ias ,. been made so far•)

_.-; -

olll'ried on. · The. women are :engaged in'.so,€3,:~<workf8¥' _-;·'£ . - ·'

cleanhig. -· Tb.a- intellectual persona:.' ~cli· ~a 'eng:tn&.ex;1f; '·

work. There is a special ourreneys • Theresienatadt"Cr~v .··

The minimum pay per month amounts-to ioo of tiiese••cr~

. .

than outside the camp• B3" :the work1Dg agreement··extfa>

. incollll:! can . be• :secured :either in cash or ·extra· meat;9> ,()f

the pay. 50!?618 retail).ed. however,; -.tor.\cbargea an<i·11xi.

penses. · There are ~tores in which clothtni:and;shoea~ ·

can be purChasE!d:. besides small neces&ities•. .They.~are.

mostly worn and mended; a suit· of clothing ~costs ab'out •

350 Theresienstadt'Crowns• ,·./

·Dr. -Epstein: stated that he 'divided the 'PEiop;Le 1Ilto. \--

2 grou.ps: -f·

l. The vegetative ones, who cling witliotJ:),aiJ;o minda

Page 94: Folder 6 - Marist College

,,, ,, "-! (.

' . ' > ~·:. ,i~~

' ' ' t::" t~ ! ; }•

·l ,. ;,)' ,, )--.•

" ~' -~ ~ .• f·:•

•, (\) l "

themselvas'tonew conditions• -·- - ~··r,.I.:."-:' - -:· .-~-~7.-.:::';:~~~ -~-· _.,_

2. - The strong and .e.nergetic ones, who regard '!;he ,,

. whole thing as a transition, someth1ng~-J;:hat the)- have•_ j

to pass through.

. - The second group had succeeded iii exerting a goi>d·­

. ' influence on the weaker ones, so ~hat more and more took

courage and applied themselves to make the beat.of; the

conditions in· which thlly now are. Life has aasum~ a -

nonnal form in the town and in general an a~solute- ja,

in living can be felt.

On going through the village _and its institutions,

I'_-_· -? -{

~ 1 , . ~ {! f.f,

b fi

i .~. k;

The town was ciean and ~ 3;nhab1tants i~~k~d briak and f did. not IP pear to be undernourished. All. of them wore ,:, · _ , ~-~~.

one got a surprisingl.y .good impression of the whole• -

-- -: "--- -=----r;:::

up·on their garments 1ti plain sight the yell:ow Jewish---------:-:- - ~:

star. Order was maintained b;r a Jewish police force ,. - -~ consisting of picked men, who maintain very strict order,-. - fr

~ since the7 know that that 1.s a necessity for the main-

tenance of the comparativel.y good conditions 1n -the-town.­

In the town there is a large open square, l'ormei'ly

_a drill ground, with green trees and flower beds; '!;here

is a band stand where an orchestr!l ·Of 30 men plays. ev;e'1!'1'

day. Irl the- outskirts of tb,e town there ue-vegetable

gardens and the_ greenstut.fs which the peopl.e can raise

are utilized by themselves. The houses of the town are

white washed and clean but·, as the town originally she1- ·.

tered abou.t 10,000 peopl.e and is now providing quarters •

for almost four tiliies that many, s.ome 30 large barracks

have been erected-to shelter the surplus ·population•'



. . .- .~·

••• ·-::'~~~·~ f,i:·-~--,~~~~~-·~:-0:_~':'.:,~~ ~, ~~:.-:_~::~-'.,~~~ • ~ s_.'-~~~~ ,o~;~i~~-

Page 95: Folder 6 - Marist College


nie way 1n wll1Qh t1le :People.~~e!quarte~~.~c·e~.ff~~'~'~,:-~~e,.r:··&~<;l·A~ ~· deah .. ,s!nil.e people .have•.sinSJ.e •rooms~ _b~t otlie,rw:1,ise· .• :1,t'/ :·. ·· · ''

-- ~-,-~-;---:·~ ,,_~,·->.-:-.~~:';:7~~. ~'.-.~. ' . . . is a rule that families live.together.in one,roam.'.or•in."

. . .. . )",-,J: . ... < ·' . large dormitories with sets:,or oots•···t'IxlJ.s~Ei(Tl:!arJ:oacli:S

' 'j

there are Only men.and. 1n others only waneni\ ~S~.<places

have.:i'alilil,ies; different f'e.inU:i.es who are acquaiJ1'ted With .... . ' '

each e>ther are allowed to 1:1,ve .. 'j:'C?gether. • 'l'h~. barraolta

are large and airy, with;ample·:space between the::~otsr f

and they are clean everywhere•· The •beds ·are ~e:.·of'', wood and the mattresses.· are stuf'red with ·hay'or_sti'~w; ·

or in large steem kitchens :which were inspected ail.d f'QU'nd•. _ ,

peri'eotly clean. There are also restaurants, whioh:remipd,

one somewhat o£ a Danish nd.lk bar.

ta.ken home and Vf.al'Dl.ed_up 1n-:the- barrack!"•· Evecy~e"":uc

to be .indoors by 10 P•lll• •-although passes IU'e 'issued "'in::

special (lases• L.

There are no newspapers and .no· radio.· . .

A Jewf&h Court had-been established. ~th the ·rJ.ght

of app_eal. The C,hief of the Gestapo could 'change ,:d~~t-;,

s1ons that were made, •but up to this tme thiS right'·of'

review had been used~:only once, and then to relea:s·~.t1le. 4 - -

montha.' iJDprisonment.; ::.;..

Dr~ Juel...Henningaen gave a detailed repor1;c



- '-· -----. f-

[ I•

- ), __ ._,

Page 96: Folder 6 - Marist College

' ("''

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r. ! ' ~-; ~~·

{,' '" 11. 1--·1 .. \}~

~ _.

.'·;· . · .. ·····.···:• .. ·~·•<''..

·state· ot· heal.th•• ~·· mdn·.~?ing.~~~,:·.tW.~·i.Af~~,l.·~:1:M:~;·.f~;·,'::''~~;,~t;'.s~'.;~ heal th ·was gooo •. · There «weriil no epid,emici!I.; :·, t~re 'b8.d;ibeeil' .. · .. ·'.

~ -~~ - ~~;-: ;..~;::; ...... ~~:':;~'~~-. ~·:·,~_:..: ,·. . . ·. . ,. . ... '. - - .. - ,· . -

some 't7Pbu8, ·but.thil.t,he,d been·overcc:mie•·, Jlentil,•elinients ·. · . . ·-' . . --. If ·-~:~~ .. :·:·----~·:-_-;·-,-, , ... __ _,., .. --.--

WE1re rare.· Thel'e. is;•iompiete :vacc~t1(>n,,·~1a1ns~;,"on.,., tagiou:a. disease••· 1n~luding scarl11t1na uid;!d,iphtl)iirb;

·. • . • - .. _,_. c.

of.'."which a·;ew ca11es had.·'Occu'rr~d~ h!:>Wever.,···Th:el'~.,~iaL:j no rec~nt .. tuberculosis Ji·. O:illY:9l.P. cases ~>r~chit.~t:I,.: .. - ·-·' ... - _·, .

occurr,e!i. Neither. cod l!:;;:er•· o:l,l, nor, vi tali!.in: pi>~p~~;.;

tions were :taken •.. N6 tl,e~~,' lice or bed~s We~e··~9hd (Uld bathing is. compulsol'Y evelf't tenth:diis:• 'l'~.re<)r~i'e·< '

shower·batha and a .sw1mming poolrwhere::the;''P~EI b~~hed. ~'

.· .. }'

Eveeyone is entitled to 4 kg. ot wai:ih~.:evel'J'·:tbr~e< . ;. ·- : --. -- -. ~ . . . - . -~.: .. --~ .. ·i;

weeks,' 'l!htCh i~ considered suttiCi en~•' '~~e.re!. ~.e • ~.;; >: .. ·. · t:

::. ·:.:;:.:";::; ::.:::;·~:.::::~~,.-< ~'G! ·_ . - . . .. --··'· ._· - .f<:-,

pital; or the 2 1150 .beds· available abou1;· l1709·.Were·t1:p,edO-'

The wards are or veey large size: there ar1:1b$tween··4;<>

and 50 patients~ but the bed!I are, pl~ce4,.,c1oser 'togetb:~r.


than 1n our hospitals. ;H,pWeveJ.t,.it·is clean~·..,&.~:~~·--~~. ;~~ .-·-: -.:- :,.-

The operating and x-:ray·~quipJ!16nt is not ent;irelt~m.Qdet-n,

but works comparatively.well, and,

approximately·.·· to a .·Danish px-ovincial hospital ;C)~., th!t·V' - '. - .-'· ~ ·: :·. -~

year 1935:" . ,There are also a mmiber of laboratorie81.·1h

which s cientif:ic. work : ie· done• There

In general there ia no free choice of doctor• 1*':t~~t!1~: . • • c

people .have to utilize the dii'i'erent :medical 'st~t'.~· .

scattered through the town1 although th~y·oan,d}loose •(>;

specialistS,·tO a certain .extent~'! .X .. ray:e:x;amipatioI1s - . ' - - - : ~ - . - ---- -

the whole popul'B.tion. have been undertaken;' 1:10.ii'ar.abCIUt -- ----:_-~-~ :_ ~.t

);tt~~~~)tt?i~ ·i:.= --3i

_-,"'5- .. -_·-_:

.--~: ::;'~:~-~-> .--f:~~ . '<

--o---·'"<o·----":f-e'"~~'"-r,;,~ • .q>~=-=-_,__, __ ==4•'-"-'"""'""°' -:.~~~;-~.~".:..::7-:;~"--:'-o.<:c::..~'f,,'~s:~~::~!:r-_"'''~""''-'".,;O".-~"'='?·~-~·""-:.-~::>-~·"i-;t:~~"'"'.~"'=-->ii"""-'.""'-~~·-"' "=~·:_~-;...c:-:_~_:r;: -,;-,,-

Page 97: Folder 6 - Marist College

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; 'L 1~"'

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? 0 ~t:.


"' !>

,. i

-, .... ,. .-.:.:'.·-,-

50~ ha~e bee,n E!xamirie<i. · ~-r~/'re'. ~~~~:::~f.~~:~~-(~7~,~,)~f,. "Y•:: •• ~·!i;,,·~·"''-~I~. :-ccJ.'l!°,:~ is ~--~0~~~;:1 ~g-~:ore :With 4' bran~hes~ bav11iE$ a _;,,/ " 0



goad suppJ.y ~~ Jlled.76'-ne~,rw~~ch iS. als~~res!l~c1'.af1!f 9,?e~ · ''· firmed by·Dr.; ·Epste1n;'_among.others•;irisulli1.~!l s'4f'a;.;·_

'. '.1- . . ·. _____ • '.. • - . . -~ . ._ • • ·. -, ··:}>~_-:·'.-~-· ~,-.-:'"·._,~:'· ~l'-nimides. While' there• aj-e-plerity_ of A ~nd:·B·vit;~

preparatio:ristbere 188. Sli.oi>tage of-0 vit~ine:p~epar$_~fOna~ ·'· - . ..:..... - ,., . - ·' . '· -_;-~'" ·;.-:'·:·'"-· .. - .;

There ~a.about 280 people .1n:1the old folks' h~e• . . - ... . ' . , ' _.·

The -oidest• is '94; 'e.D4 moat of' them• are bedf'aa_t.. T.tie,'1,- ,>

~e iooli:ed •8.ft&'r l:lt 15 pbysic1a'ns.. :The· old pe~,J.~:-J.ook ··

veey discouraged and as a rule do not hii.ve im;ch hope• Dioh· 15 be1ng· d.c:>ne tor the chUdren•·•'· Th~rlS :are ..

.· '.' ... . ' .· .. · '. :· .. ::;·: . schools; ·the vis1torp wer·e presentc:at· a singing ¢la:s!J c - - . . . '

1n Hebrew. ·Provis ion·is ·also made f'or. ~loymen:t: oi i:,: ;; . . . . ·- -··,, - .. ,- -,- .,-··:<- ·-- .. -

. spa~e ttiie, for there ·are ~laygrounds,:w,;t~i~wµigs~':e~~t· ,

A special, play l'OO!n had been decorated by'" Plltch lli>-1i1St "" ; . •···· _,,__



. ..,

__:_~· __ ;:.:..__~ -~--

with :~:o:: :;;i::e:~:::::· is· entirely·. ;er··~ew~~ll · -~ r ·.· ·' A

management, operates. comparatively. wel-1, and;,V(,e.~d Szi;: opportunity to see the mail.' and the parcel. post that .·

arrived, some of it fran Derimal'k.• cThe~visit .tQok::cP,l~ce·,

as stated, on June 23, and· :Packages _were-.f'ound which ...

bad been sent. ~rom :OeIUiUU'k Oil J~e 149'·· ~8:¢ll:a~~a l'{ere .

also sent from persoris living 1n the Protectorat~, bUt

that was limited by the authorities.

b guards .see to it. that noth1ngc·prohib2:-tt1d:!&,!';

braught'"in. They lmciiN that any oversigl:lt ma.7:l'Uii;l)lhe

wliole set-up.

There 1$ a· bank, which 1s headei:lbf a, .former '1'.ewish•

b~ presiden~, witli a.special currency: ~resi~~tad1;[ Crowns, or which 14 million are 1n cir~Uia~i~,~~El.~ed<

-~·:'" ·_:~-~_l_ •. i_-..• ;~~:1Jj, '· cif}<-l[< · '

: : •• _;-f ~-:_~----~·: ,- -. ___ -;,:

~---_;;-;> .~-~:;,-

- -~:~ --=~:~-~~~2~.~:--·--::;-=-~~~~=~~-~·,_ __ ~--:---~- ~ -_-::~~-~-~;::~· --~:~--~?~-~-:-:_';'-_;-""':~__.·:~,~~:~;:~~~~~=~-~~ -=--"--""='"'o."".~-"'·~,~~~a.J~}'!ti ·ff"J

·-'"·i·· .. , .. ;

Page 98: Folder 6 - Marist College

···-::' -


the Protecto,ate .. -:· .'-·

S.:-.. -::'.,~;; ,~1. ,:- -·;','':

~ i'ire"-tlghtilig equ1i>.llierit wa~not niociern~ There : ' •• -. "!- ·· • . ·;: ·.;: •. :::~< ;..~·.-,_; '.. ,;,: :<-~-· .-

was . orily one mC>toi- p\lmper an,d the . hose was in poor ' ·'. ! . • ·" • .• . ' !

cond1 t ion.···

' There were plenty or opportunities i'or di:Version:

In ~ddit:i.on to the band stand mentioned, there is 8:' - . , ·-· -·:. -.. -}.. .-·:·::f'··' -··

theater 1n the to~-hall 1n which a ~~ldren{~ 9~~~~,;~··; .• be~n gi~e~; compose~ b~ ~e of the inbabit.~ta~· .A.l,eo a··:,

~ ~ ~,-«~·- ~- ,·; • .. . - ' . ... . •' -"·->'

l~rge chob gave the. Requiem by Verd1;. :· <>Per~·s,w:er.~:bfi~

rehearsed ~uc~ as ~~ ~Barter~d ~i~~.· d~~~~~:::_~~~6:f~~:'.i~:·--~~· -·-.-; Magic Flute, eto. There was also chamber mudc arid lee~ V

· ·-~·!.-.'.< ·:;·· ·.:.··.:; •. ;·:, .. " ... , _ ;L>L::

tures, 'and an open-air theater was :being prepared•: ~ere .· ,·)'- - - .. -. '·•' ,l:; ->:.',·.-~·-.-j~,:J;_:-_,_.

was also an opportunity to enjoy spol'ifs.

There is a Library which was said to corita1n;,1661()QO . . ' ,, - - - - - - . ·- .. ~-- ,- =··::: .'.. ·'-..i.----:---~~-1&-·

The l'eading room was· .fully ocicupi~d~ ' TJi6re ls , .. -~-·- . .-_


a l'estaurant in which soft d,rinks. and the like can be


WitJ:L. ~Z:~~~rd especially· to. ~~ ~ers~~s d~porte~ .' Denmark- the Section Chief stated that he ai'}d:Dr •. ·.Tuel.•

. - :-.~ . .-- - - - .. "- : ·.

ErenninSsen had talked i'or some tim,~ with·. Dzi. FfiedlgEir•·: , ' . --...,_· . - . - ·-:-~, --~·- - - ·-- ·-,_ __ ,-~ -

Engineer Ove Jleyu and Attorney Oppe~ejlil~ Eh~in~~~ • - - • _J. - ~ , - ' -· - - - ... , -.

M;yer had stated tpat thel'e was nai;µ~~1Jf''°~' g~~ef:~~'~riil"il depression in his case, ~t tha:t hebadne>thing.tocOJ:ll.~

plain about i'rom _the p~sical and niat~~i~l. st~potnt·. . ··'.fai-.i<=. .>'_S:'.''' -,,-::;;:<,·'

. Gr.eat

I ! l I


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,/'' _f'

-· -. .\.

~\.' c· .



.. -_,_

. .

Great improv~ents .. lla,d beei\1119.~e .1?1'. 1t~:'.~~~:"~~;:,,~~$~!;:' ;,>;',;,,.,:,:~;;:~'.1 ·.·

~ He htms8,1t· ·was· ··s~fer.iDg .. ~~-~--··~: :lie.ar.t··.~or).dit·ioi>.:·•··,.~t-~·.·t;he~(·· .. · .. : · ·· .·· --_ ... ·-~-;~.-:: \>"-:/-~;.~~~.'.';:';~ .. :-~~-.-:..__.:. - -.·· -··· ·:··. '. . ···- _......... .,.-.~:

treatment was fulJ..y 'equil.:l."'tO what bf 'could baye J:ls.d iJl , • . . , . -:·.:· - - ; . ,_I_. '. -. :·:_.. " . . .. ·. < .. · .': .. ··_, : ,_ .'.. -~ ~ (_ . ,;· , . ·:· . : . : .

/. Deillll(l.rk. we .tal.ked altogether with'~o:';Or.:::.3o•:D#J.e151 :but·· -.. • .·. - ·. ·, . -. - _·:· ·- ' ' ,, . ·/·> .' :- -· .... ___ . '

it was not possible. to .~rrange a gen~l'e.1 meet1ng•.1'it11

all Danes~ as that would liav'e, liielint a s'ep8.rat1on• fr°'? : . -... ' . . . . . . .· .. ·

the other· 1nbs.pitants1 who had n~t\bad any ylsitor~•t:l'om . . ,._. '- . . ,•

the outside. · The o~v:ersations 9onfirined the gEilnerlil

impressi~n referred to ~bove• one otthe I>anes, ~. asked that it be· expressly sta'ted at home( We >8.l'EI imich

better otr than people .bel1eve• ... t .. :_::. ~- :·>::

or the persons c;leported fran ~nmark} 4l;>he,'ve• d~ed ..

1n ali, mostly Qld people. A list of them was ~cie'cf . i - .;,. ·- _· -

out· during .. the meeting • ..... -". ._,,

. The Section Chief also stated that another ·op~~.;; ~'c····

to Theresienstadt. TWo packages a month amounting to·::S

or 6 kg. per person oou.ld be sent-, oonta1n~;food1Fa.nd

medibines trui.t. would do sane good• The· shipm,ents wOul.d·

_;:· :t,

. ""

be made, according to the. de.f!ire of the German autP,ol'i•-·· -_-- · .[ - -~ ties, 1n large lots, but the packages could be ad!iressed ·

indiviQ.ua.lly. 'An'Y person deported from Denlnark may iD the future receiVe two of such shipments a month.

addition a ii\:ira.ey of· about 1 1 000 volumes w.ill be

from. J)enmark · 1n ~be nes.r future, containing soieni;M"io

and other Danish literature. Besides,·newspaperswi'th

nEllltral content may be sent there;

been secured to send the amount o:f 10 Harks 1n ~a.sh· a

month per person. Consent bas not beell. given for_ the

sum to be sent more

Page 100: Folder 6 - Marist College

.. ;.y-:·_,.·.··

• can make an· 8.-ttempt to seclil'e such pel'll11sB1on again wh.8n

-··-~- ~-.. ~_-;:-_,_ - .,;::"-;:: ... -:.:.:,1!~-·':~~-some time has ·passed• .:.·

/. The Section Ohief stated that the ·f:avorable gener8.1 ;

impression whioh the ·Danish Delegation had received

coincides entirely with the impression ·or the Swiss

' . Delegate •. The Section Ohief felt 'flpelled to express

his admiration for the Jews who stand at the· .head of

the Government• It is true of all the people in. Thf!­

res1enstadt that.the idea that the whole thing may be only'

a transition has maintained their courage. Finaily the

Section Chief showed some photographs from There~ien.8,;. . . .

tadt that were taken. by the Swiss Delegate during th$ -· · ·

peri~ ofi the vis-it, among ~·other things sh~~'irig ch1idti~n: at playgrounds and in school, the general meeting place~·:·--"'

. etc_. .---'--::-- ----;--:-~-----_ -

In re;ply to ·a quest:J.on, the Se.ction · Ohief said ·that

there was no possibility of the ;persons deported from

De:mnark being removed to Sweden or Denmark.

-~--~---- ------Otto LeVy-solm

Kai Simonsen


! t I


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SFG-223 · Distribution neading only arrangement.

of true by 3pecial


Secretary of State


'II 2640, July 17,. ~ p.m.


Within the past month two Danish -officials were · _ flecv

permitted to visit the Resienstadt for the purpose·_o_f--~- ------~~ .. ~ . v . .,

determining the status of Danish Jews there.

they were not .ace ompanied by German authorities and much

of the visit suggests windowdressing for propt{ganda

purposes. In any event, these Danish officials -(~ -

that 37,000 are living in the {tesienstadt under reasonably

comfortable conditions. The administration of the

~sie~stadt is reported to be entirely in Jewish hands

and it is -stated tha·t good hospital facilities are

maintained, food is satisfactory ahd ":parcels are re-

cei ved regularly' from ·Denmark. It was reported that aTl

J)anish deportees were there except tpose who had died

from natural causes, and that many other nationalities

were in evidence pa:rti·cularly Dutch, Belgian, Lustrian,;

Czechs and some ·Germans . It was stated that these

residents vrere in·:the-ResienBtadt on n. perll!_o.nent .bas

had not been shifted around from pla_ce to pla9e.• -DEL· -\S.:-lYlF.J)

State Dept. Lettor, 1·11·72

B.r & B.l'lrlm Da~ ~912. -' -~-

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