res : Eva..Cu..c.. D>"- -r; e:>..-v-A_ v

Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

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Page 1: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

res : Eva..Cu..c.. '}~ D>"- -r; e:>..-v-A_

,.:;brk«,~ v

Page 2: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to
Page 3: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to




Ext~risidn tif this License

Re~~_Wal_-of this License .

Other (Specify)

. .

For memo from Joint AnU:-Fascist hefugee Committee re: Proposals for facilitating aid to. Spanish Republican ·

"Rerugees e.nd members of the International Brigades iri Switzerland, France & Spain. ·



i .. ·. ~-- !

;-. i.

Page 4: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

'.the.· ('c)llCIW11JB ••t~Sil&e• t~t rou• ~ ~:r••·llllatll watt,.._l'fea ·thtougb 'tba '11111 ted Statal EtibiP)' ~ Ltal.loJi ~- da'te .· Qf hiGJ; 241 194,, ae i'OI.U' ilo. 446• .· ·· · ....•.. ·· · ··. · ··.··•·.· .. · · . · · · · · · · · · .

"~eve our 446 upliot.t17 ana,ere y~ ~~ ~ 248. 17 1iltcnation 8114 pleb in 426 aJid ~ X believed · · ·.· I sae ~ 2413• Det.l.tilt 1Jir)illn met hom relief 1Jl Sf.fllD ae Jou:t. conw:rN.ttou. and ·JCUl' ·240.·~, ~til.·Mal'Ob 1 at \llhi~ .. tis lexloan I.U.n3.•.ter )~Qllllilad to aet adtUtlOMl .~· ~ •••lllld IIIU'k• on otte)'ecl!Jl Februa~ 12000 \Uliollctte4 M' 411icret1on

· UaboJI. llpinat ~heme· two p:rord.aea bon'o'if~d ~l!i Un1ta1'1111l Iunde until p:re~t tlmq llhen Moioart W.n1.-ter teUii Jlie CAV.are temit.Ung trD1tariiln Li•tiQn . 1000'·month1J •• · hi•· fOI'· ~•ro~nt .• Pt.e~nt · $11207 defit;t ml rumieh1126 .fllUU"G ne!Nla ab4 .· • · •· pr1tone:rli. Janu&J7 2l.o · All: dtl:lpted · tbat ·,yoU. lo:e. aettiq. mvel· :rurut• Mencan .. ediratlon •. · t.tmoan.M1n1atu JIG)'lilltt~!tl t.o ee~Mt ·.n ot hie A11117 • ta~r•• vim,; . . What pele1b111t,y· ~nwOl. ~_.:ftrit, 20 eilllfJrarit•·.~.·· · Venezuelan plane atarl7 cllciillplete. 11 • ·

~~.tmlJtow•• .. [(signed} J3,orent~ '".~:cl,

.· FloJttlncte Modti . . .· Aetlril hew~,.. ~l'ee,tcw

DJo. Clbarloa J 01; . . . · .. · VDl tade.n tiertico (1ollll01 ttee, · ~5 BaciOQ Stl'eet;. ;

. BoiPton .s, MaillftChWietta.

·. 1

Page 5: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

• <~-~~ :.- ~-'"- ,'--~>t·::o;; :\/_::.} :;_-. . -~- ---~ ·-;:·:~--~~:-. ;-'

·- _,_ . ..--_·:·· . ..__ :~:-:---~.· -. .- :: ·::~:;_~-~~~::_~<_-_ . -: --~: :·_·· .·;;_

'" . ·: -~ .----

. SEcrEtrrr;r of st::::tE,

y,r_shihgt on

1119, l'-~Cly 24, noon X /

'.:RB ~lB UNITARI.i.N 446 FOR CH.li.RLES JOY ffi.Oll ,,-l_ --1..


J.ssuinE our 446 Explici t1y answErs yotlr 276 .:md

248 0 BEliEvEd I wus unsvTEring 248 by inf'ormnti:ori and

plEc.s in 426 c.nd 430. Bryan dEficit mEtfrom,rEliEf ·

in spo.in ::.s dirEctEd by yo-u:bconvEpsutionsnndyo-ur - l'- - -·- - ' - ------~--- - -_ - -

248 untilJ1o.rch 1 \vhEn HExicnn Ministtr pr:qmise:d obtnin I

udditicin::tl funds Bryan CO.SES and marks on 6rftrEd: in' ,..... :.-.- :_ . ·_· ·_._··'

FEbruury unsoli?itEd :;:;2,000 my discrEtion

BorroVTEd from Unitarian fu'hds 1ngttinst thE~Et~vo prol11is,;E;s ..

until no¥1 WhEn Htxicnn r!inis~E:r informs ~{ Cil.F. nrE; .. - - -. - - !'

sEnding Unitarian Lisbot;t through h~m i;o()() monthly

for Bry~nrEp~ymmt prEsEnt ~11;;()7 dEficit

fut-urE nEEds and prisonErs Jnriuary 21~ __

obtaining travEl fuhdS- ulxico.~ Etnigrntiorr• l1E~ic~k . .. - .:~ . \. . -:.':_.:: -;:i "i ·_ '- - . - .

EitiistEr_ o.llouEd st_hd 1ilho1e: family on f'nthe:;i>•s visa..-.. -

VEnEZUElan pl::::_ns riEnrly complEtE what ~bssihil{ty '-

trnv.El- funds- first ·20 Emigrants. -


Page 6: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

'-Dear- DJ>. Jfi¥1

'lije followlnl••...e for ¥OU ti-o!ll ~ba Shtl.'rp was r~tv«4 tbl'o•- the Urlt.ted. s•tea ••••1m Lt.abon utide.- _date of Mq 18, _ l94f,_ .. tour Bo. 444a - --

IIV1ua at:reaBI ~ted bJ-vene•~an~tnmat$1'--tor t~>ial emlpatt.on 20 ~ Spflidth ""~aana•

1lPl~ 30 more 1f tbele prove.-~bl.• \YOI'kmeD• .A,lnaq' ttcnu'ed reeervaUona on boat C!aU.lJIS Mit¥ 18 • Be~&ue't -_ _ --.rtoan tranelt vt.aaa. llexlcan IU.nlater, L1abon, au.tlll;lr~ laed. -0 sran,t tmit,ratlon c/81o/ Vlll8 at once for _,0 en• • __ --~- Lntelleotuala. ___ kequest·.urgentl:r _tlat au.thodsatl_ol) be &iven at Qi'10e to epend travel ;tunda for 10 aa'\li!Ua ~· ' -_ well aa t)leae ~·- -> l~ of the latw l" p,S.aon in ~ortUgal.. -now bu\ pollc' Pl'QrD1ted :releate rather tba1l extl't4lts.on to Sptdn provided t~t .n&tAte l!lmedl.atelJ. ---

Page 7: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Dr.· Charles Joy, Uili tarian Service Comm1. ttee, 25•· :seaCo~ • Street, :Boston 8, Maa8acbusetts.

J , ~ut~piao~r •. 5/2/+/45

(Signed) Jlorenoa Ho.dEil

Florence Hodel Asaistant Etecuti"{e Director

i. i

Page 8: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

llOiU' llr'~ Joy a

. 1'ho toll0\711\if •ssqe ·.tor- lOU fl.'ffl'G ~ ShtuoP was ~VEld thrOUgh thetfniteii gtntel3 ll"mbaeay in l.il$im un~ lfa~t\ of ~ 1S,l94S, aa yo\lr flo. 44Sa · · · · ·

IIJte yetir 21+11, hllvo tak<m no new oases 1!11nee anlyal. when · not possible to3.1lltned1at.~ly "duce Br,ysn C(illJillj,tll!Qnta wh1oli· sii\c(J Septialn~r av.raieii $41000 l)$r montl&~ · · aaJ.-.ed .)'75 puundlt for tlr.yan l\Uld by Rathbone lle,rlct, England •. if.et deficit until ll41.'ob from·.~io£ ill Spain. Totai..cl8t1o1t to 1/.ay 1Dt ~.207 •. Reduced mO!ltbly' mainWnanoo n,soo \11 d«Jparture ot 70 endaratioo caseo 1n June.. . . · llon\llly ole>t.hiry~ u,pondltu.-e or $6QO would b1.1 nl.caaai:l Qrl !mecSiata rocelpt. . ot olotbing e.a hqlle~ed Uotton ~PY· . Old SI)Mi¢1 caaea :wOIUd thea be o~d by · ... Si"jjid b\ldget clu.e tQ ttnt~ t.wo ttav!ngs. .In .ApJ'll tuloan tit.lt~Bier Lisbon, ).:'t!llito\tlci (UU'IU'& GOtnliteao Admin18trativa Fund()$ Al,lx.tl.iare Ji\li.!illdoBlBIIP®oJ.••• tte~ao Oity ~d . monthly $21(')()0 Unitmtu\ :Lh~ to flid Spaniards ~~ NN~&tt~c~~~--o~-l~~ffi01W~O¥.:o~- ~~~·--·~d!" ···=··,

Dr. OhM"loa JfiT~ .. ·· : · Urd.t&rl~ . f-".M1'V1oe, COflllaittee, as BeaaQI\ 5trie•- ·· · . BDIIttm 81 .Ka.~a.~~ •.



'(Sigzu,td) ~lorenM Hodel

.··ll'lorenos ·Hoael. AotJ.ns ~~~i._ ntl'tOtor

Page 9: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to




Of tL'U t: by spEcial •••• W) REc td: 6:17 p.m.,


SEcrEtary of StatE, _.;, \_/')'

' 'iashington,

CONTRil niPfMB ~:;o~::~E~


:0~ :~:!,~ I.:ARTHA ;HAR; ~ ~' :~~-~1 / ~-

Visas for trial Emigration 2,0 EndangEr~ Spa't:f:.. I . . .

ish artisans alrmdy grantEd by VEnEZUElan MirlistEr.

(This is 'iiRB 415 Unitarian 444)

"' If thEsE provE capablE workmEn plEdgts ·30·morE. . ... / ' ...

RESErvations boat sailing Lay 29alrEady.s.Ecu:r'Ed

· A~.Erican transit visas rE:q\lEStEd. · mE:xic'anhinistEr -- - . -

Lis.bon EmpowEi?Ed .grant visas Emigr~ti~n i1nn1~diat Ely .

50, EndangErEd irttEllEctt;als. UrgEntly rEquE:st imnEd-' . . .- -: .. -_-_-<_··- .- __ _._ :.

iatcauthorization. spmd travEl funds' for'20 artisans· . . ·.·: ... · · .. •·:·· . I. ..

as Wtll a~. thEsE 5o. lR. th.E:s E lattEr: intpriso:ri.Ed l?or::-

. . , .. ·· ..... ·.· .

tradition Spain providEd lin;ieration,immEdiatE,

I'laVE proOf that 22 Spaniards rEt~rnEd to~s~an'7 . .. . ., . •' ..... I

ish bordEr ExEcutEd April., Cat:qolic Spaniards dp 1l

not intErEst HicEm. REpublice.ns cari l~avE s.9:te:ly

mi.ly yia Portugu~~ E ship tHILADELPHIA'. ' ThosE ro~tEd. ' ' .

South AmE.rica via Spanisl~; shtP$· i',Ett(r~Ed to ci.EB:th •• -·---c _ • . • • ·_·-·.- ·<·. rl: ;:-::: ;;: '\".!\>.·,~-. ·

Spa ih . aft EX' r E:mbva l cS·p~Wi!'titi\~~t}ltl:(i;J~~_ibd,s ; .·I madE' , · .. · . · DEGLASSlFIED' .. · . . . . " · · · · · · \ ..

. -~ta~ pept: ~tte~~:-~-~:1 ·7~· ··_- .. ::.: cotriril'itr,l.En~~-s:· .. ·~~~...,;;.~-=-~...::..:._---=B:Ly~R,~·~=·:::.·Par::• k::s:..::Dil~~ 5.1972 :. :.:' . • .·, 7--- . . ~--:--··-· --:----......... -...... ·-'-:-'-'~""'-'=-~-=='=='~~"":~'=\-_·,;,"::==~

Page 10: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

comn1itmE:rits AmEi"ican VEnEZUElan

. --- - -

assistancE; COll1l11issionEd' by diSCUSSf()nS .January and

cablEs 26.0, 262, 263, 267; 271, th:j.s bEforE: r.Ectipt ~

your 272 sta·ting funds wi tbdrawn, ThEsE 'two Emi-

gration arrangEmEnts considErEd by local agmci~s

immEnsE Unitarian succEss, BEliEvE: highEst Uni-

tarian rEsponsibility savE impErillEd lEadErship

I" .· . . carriEd out by rEscuE thEsE Spanish LibEral$.. RE-


rEsult of

good will four.' friEndly GOVTSwi11 bE

dEnial tubds 'this point i . AppEals for

futurE assistance: including transit -. .·-·_:. __ .·.: :· .. ,

sonnEl will bE prEclud~d and loca1 .•. Ufitt8.rian r:'Epu''" • < ' -- ._ • • -- ••

tation ruinEd,


Page 11: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to



RP Distribution

. rEading only arrangEmEnt•,

RE 1079 f'rom Lisbon dattd

14, changE11Fugiaaon" to rEad 11Fugiado,s"{ ··tinE 1,5''

changE 11 HEpanolES11 to rEO.d .~'Espo.noiEs 11 makig linEs

na.d "Cnf'urE Comissao Aclministrntiva Fuhdos Auxilian -- ' '

Fugindos EspnnolEs l:Exioo City rEquEstE:d by






Page 12: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

.., Ill ::J­

Ill ~--1:1 ·o Ill (1j

"' H

. ;; "' .

-. ·~- :E·. ~· :;:~+-'~ ~-""·.Ill Ul 0,0

. .- .., rl r-. ~.-_o 0.(1)-Ql fxi+-'.0

'<:e olvfsrON oFi"' ·-> ~NTRAL SERVICES'' ...

yc;;fl:~ RLVf...,706 ,

1945/viAY 19. AJ\.1 8. :§~sbo~ . tf) ~M_ -·

Distribution: of true r<'-roo.ding onl';;' by. special . · D£ttod May ;18, l9":1;Q o.r:ro.ngor.tont •. · .. 'I'/!Oi~.

Secretary of'Stato~


., Rocid 4l05 p.tl~

1~79, May 18, l p.m. ;" . _· _,. --.



In roJ?lY your 248 no nm'l ctisos taken since :iirri val /

when impo.ssiblo roduco inuno,iatcl:; Br:1an corumitlncnt~

\'lhi.ch avorr~.god since Sept four the>usmid dolla1,s monthly.-- . . . . ·•/ -

~75 pounds raised for -Bryan f1..md by R'athbono I:arl~s

Englan:d. Deficit Ui].til I.1al,cli n1ot- fr,cnn relief in Spain. .. .

liars l207 total de-ficit to. Hay first-~ I!cii)_t11ly mtfi~~

;reduced. dollars 15oo by dcix1rt~i,l): 70 on)igl'atiol;i. •

June. Dollars 600 morthlyclothing ' - . .

bo r61oasocl on inifnd~lio:to :r'OCbipt·- cl~tl).ing as.·

roques tod Boston February.

• . . . . .-:. /;'. . . :-' i all'OVI old Spanish casas- to bo covorod by Bryan. b'udgcj:;··

c(fo.ro. _Comissao. Mmini:Strati~o. F~~os Luxilim'o Es . · · · _ . _ .. _. . ·. . •· · .. __ .·. . · i

·----....;..• ~panolos Mexico Oi ty r~qliost<Jd b',y~tiMxic~n· Eini~•cor

Lisbon f~pril sond dolla1,s 2~00 'monthly Uni btiric\n

to assist Spaniards now turnod do\:;r\ ndc'oupt . -· .

·. J3ryan fun9-.

.. -· ·-- .; ' ' -. · DECLAssiFmo .

. BLRUQH. ,Stat.eDe~tLetter, l-1~;_7li

Page 13: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Dear Dr• Joya

The following message i'or y:ou from Martha Sharp was reoeivedthroughthe United States Ernbasliy in.Liebon-under date of April 281 1945, aa your No, 4401.

"Please arrange transportation £or the follow1ng on }'liiLM>ELPHIA to Caracas. Granted today tor 50 Bryan oaaea to be selected by Unitarian, Liabon, block passport Venezuelllll visas. ~itpermits for elevE>.n irtdi victuals already. protrii13ed .·by· police and Un:l;ted States Government milking applioationi'or American :transits. Transportation cost.s to: lie pliid i'rom IRRC .travel· fund." ··

Very tntlyyours,

(Sit:<nod) l!'l(oo•<;~·~ri Roi!~l Floreno.e Hodei 0 .

Assistant EXeout.i ve. Director .

Dr. Charles Joy, .. · Unitarian .Service. CC11llfUittee, 25 Beacon Street, · Bostoo 81 'Maeaaohuaotte~

~H;inp 4/30/45

Page 14: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

DC/L '!c·r,'-!

···cnNTROL··COPY ,._ ;

G~G ·t'J.•G cable beloT• is \·;·R.t.l 176.

~ ' kleo.se deliver pt:rE.phrnse of tlle tollo~·:ing LlescBg;e to

../ ,/ .

I1artntt. Shurp fror.·· Ohc,rles R. Joy of Uni t·r,ricn Jervice Com;.;-

ittee, 26 tlet:tcon :3treetp i.loston» llnsso

... uo 4.:. 268 Reurcoded cable , .. pr:i.l 5 io<P::Je~ls to c:w t.nd r.l•'L t:re irlposs.ible becaul'le or I

'\'lar l•'untl. I'Ules ~-?e C<Jnnot

compel nntilh1scist to send l<:rt:er funds. 'to .l'~l"tugal. theY

are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their ·~ . - -

.·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to. llm1te,d rlU~lber Of . . . - -

their clients in Fortuc;clo I am very r.'orry but ybu l·J1l.l h~::ve ,, I . .. . ·· .. to stretch your ~:mtiFneciet money for Sps.n1sh c;veee.; ;3uggeat

if necessary you drop m~c: teri&.l aid to thop,e' in prison:;, B.em'emti~:r . '

lnter~overnmental Cornm:lttee pro'bt·bly tv.ldn{-:; over. in Lriy.,


.. i:HlHll.tWtDt·~ 4/27/45

GREn (Acting)


DECLASSIFIED , . State Dept; Lett~r, ·1.i1;72. · . . . ·

~YR. H.Pilt!isbawSEP 15:1972 ·

Page 15: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

9f6 1 April 28, 1 p.m.


~!IARTH.A SF..ll.RP ·.··)

PlED.sE arrangE trans1iortation on PHIIADELPH.L\. . /

Caracas for thE I

following. Gl"antEd today blocl{ pass­

port VEnEzuElan visas for . l . . • 50 Bryan .casEs to bE sElEctEd

by Unitarian, Lisbon.· ElEvEn fndivlJuals a:lrwdypromis-.

Ed Exit pumi ts by polio Eand only AmEricnn. transits . . . - ·.- -

nE~dEd for which UnitEd S'GatE~ GovErrunEnt making ~ppli,.t( . I ... ····.· . . .·.· .. . cation. IRRC travEl fund to. pay;tr>ansportatfbtl costs.,.

--cc'-·---··----· ~-·-'·-~.c-

'·: t ~ . -

Page 16: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

'- - - -: _. __ -- - - __ - ~·-- _- . - -- - - - - - - : : : .- - - - . -

a. '•T ot--..... ~~ ~~"-. ,a4 ~ ~' »oat~m .....


.9:45 a:.m. April 25; ;t9Lf5

Miss Chauncey (for the Sec 1y), Cohn, 'DuBois, Gaston, Hodel; Hu:tc~so~. llcCormack, O'~er, l!'iles.




-;, __

. --'·

.-i .. -

Page 17: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to


25 Beacon Street,.aoston 8~ Ta:i.EPffONE CAPITOL 3660-.



Miss Florence Hodel ~ar Refugee Eb&rd Fc;shington, D. c.

Deat Miss Hodel:



'J:ill you be kind enough to see tim t the folloFing cable is tr~msmi tted, ~ tnrough consular code, to Martha Sharp in Lisbori:

~~~~68 fleurcodod cr,ble Apl'il 5 a;Jpeals to CIO and AFL are impossible because of WarFund rules we Ce.nnot cou.Je:!, Antifascist to send lal'ger funds to Portugc.l they ai·e convinced danger of starvation to .thousands.of their clients in France far out';reighs danger to .linli ted number of their clients in Portugal. I am very sorry but you v;ill ha.ve to stretch your J.ntifascist money for Spanish cases. Suggest if necessary you drop material aid to those

. in prison. F.eJ,<ember Intergovernmental Committ0e probe.bly taldn g over in lilay. n · . . .. . ·

\'ii th many thanks for your cooper8.tl~n, I am


Sincerely yours,

~~Jrc~ Charles H• Joy Executive ])irector



Page 18: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Dear Mr. Brookst

I have your letter of April 16, addressed to Mr. McCormack, concerning the problem of relief and evacuation of Spanish Republican refugees j,n Portugal.

As indicated in my letter of April 12, the Board has communicated t.o thP. Intorgovernme11tal Col!llllittee its interest. in these refugees and its recolllinendation that the roc undertake . the maintenance· and evacuation of the group as soon as possible. · ·

Mr. Howard L. Brooks, Assistant Diroctor, Unitarian .Service Gol!llllittea, 25 Beacon Street, Boston·, Massachusetts.

' ' L

·. ve~y 'trali ytiurs, . ' . . . .

IB1).;nea) w.tr~:ram 0 '»!Vye~ . Williwn o i Dlf¥er • Executive Dir!>Jctor ,,

·1·.•· ,-,- .' ,·

i I

Page 19: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to


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~ ;_:~~ ,,·~ . ..,:,._T/·-~-_:__ ->- _ .- -., _, , _'";• • -._- r-. C~-oOi -~-· -_.--:': --,.

-... _ .. .:i·,:fl/:2-:, --.· L: /)K# 'fs:~2rcq~'CC:·4~t/~.:·,:,(_ .. _- · · · ---~~--~•·-· · _,-~ · .mASSY of rilE .. '.·.•. ,_. -:?~ :. -~/~-~-§'••;~<). i• ~/2~ . ·~-c-


. · Li~bon~ Aprll~l~; ~1;4j% ;y< ···~0 · · Y{'!·~; ;, c~ ;~"'-~-~--~~ .if-f"· ' •·.

SUBJECT: '_: =-- ---- - - .__ - :- - ~- _- .- : _-_- - . - --- ___ -, -_ : ; - -_ <-- _-- -:

Spanish Re$Ugees in Portugal.; V~w8 of C~:tain . Agostin Lo'urengo, Chief of the Portugu.ese• __ • < .••.

Intl!lrhational Police (P.V.D,E.)o · ·· ·_.·. · ,

-~; --.- : ·-



CONTROL :s_._~O.~'~_.Lv __ vr_-._ ,(v~~~--rht~ . ,. The Honorable

The Secretacy of State, · Wash:ingtone

Sirt . . _ <~.}~{f~u\.",r_··· l. · ln continuation of the Embassy's despatch no. i7f9, _.,v\,;ri:' ·

of April 11, 19451 concerning the problem created. by the presence in Portugal of numeroJs Spanish refugees politic-ally opposed to· the present Sparush . Gov'ernment 1 I have · the honor to enclose, as.of' ,interest to the Department, as well as to theWar Refugee Board, 9PPY of' a memorandum of conversation between Mrs. Martha Sharp:, Chainnan of' the Uhitarian Service Collllri:l.ttee in Portugal and Captain Agostin Lourfi)nco ~ Chief of the Portuguese International Police {P.V.D.E,).

The enclosure~ which was made-available to the Embassy by Mrs. Sharp, clearl,y indicates the attitude of the Portuguese authorities towards Spanish Republican refugees. The following remark of Captaih LOUrenc:o iS · of especial interest. in this regard: · · ·

"It has been m.y e:xPerience that all the Spaniards whom we have eX8Jiiined we have found to be colllliiunists, They. are plotti.ilg against the security of our state by making'' propaganda and by their activities. We haw > a long frontier between Spain and Port11gal which we are unable to patrolo0

. . . . . It is also of interest that Captain Lourenco has admitted the Portuguese practice of from time to time sending these refugee Spaniards back t,o Spain .where 1 as heretofore reported, they doubtless suffer exectition or long terms of imprisonment. ·.· · · ·· · ·

. .

it is believed that Mrs. Sharp's oonversati~n With Captain Lounmco and her frank discUssion with· him of . the .

· SpaOish refugee problem, have· probab4r had the effect of ' : at leaat postponing any action_which the Portuguese Gov~

· ernment planned to take against the Unitarian Service· .· Conwittee for having assisted Spanish RepublioEins to re­

. main in hiding in Portugal. It is anticipated that pome · 50 applications for American transit .visati'.willl>e made

shortl,y for Spanish refugees to proceed to VenezU.eli:l. and .. · pronipt action in processing the names WQ\lld bEl appre~iated,,



Page 20: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

I ,_ -· -----~:--:-·::.~ .·-- --. ,. __ -,~ :c-·-~:; :·c-.,- :=-.r~:~~~~~~~~----~ _, __ ·"-i:;..:.·-_:_~---~; ,. ; _- _:--- --<--"· -~-. ------~- >-

.•.... ·· ·l'~'it~~~~~c~!~l~~··· F·_·~·_q,.·c¥~-e_•_·_;_._:_:_:_~ ___ .• _._--- •~---·----- ·-- < .

·-· -·-····--. ···--· -... ,?-- - -->,-·.--------~~;;,}~~ .=,.:-;;~--- "·-· -- _--~: -__ --_.

-1nv'iew.ofthe desirabiiityo;_re~~:r:Z;o~~gl{, ._- ._/;·sz__ z·->_y._:>-those indiViduals 011 the list to be submitted~hose - _ "> ...;."-cc•.:..~:-~".;......__:, presence in the- Western HeDJispherewcilild not -_be·-consi""• - ~Yti~< -•. -.-_•: .. -dered Prejudicial to American interests •. The relationa ---- ----- ---of the Embaasy and the Portuguese_police wpu1a,,- of course,- i'' - ··-~r:~~=d ~ho;~i~;\:e e!~~i!~\~f~~r~ll:!::i:~t~; : L-_,:' individul?ls who ma;r be Undesirable to them, 8lthougii acceptable from .otir point of view. - -


._. -.'

Respectfullyoul'B, For_ the Ambassador,-

J Edward s. Crocker,

Counselor. of Embassy~

Copy of Memorandwn of Conversation between Mrs. Sharp and. Captain Lourenco; dated April 11, 1945


~ ..

Page 21: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to



25 Beacon Street, Boston 8,



:Hr. fanl -li~cCorma:-ck ,;ar i'iefur~ee i'oar<i Hootn 2410 ~ain Treasur~ rluildihE \1ashing ton,_- .0. G-.



I i•e; na,ve recently learned tbrouch ;ass ;viartha C'iehle

that the IntergovernmenLal ,;om:.lt,.tee on Hefugees has <ienied a request from our Com .. i ttee for al1istance in our program for Spanish Hepublica" }{efugees i:1 Portugal and in E<:rance. _

Cur Col!lfni t tee feels ver•y s trongl:y t!1a t this c_·roup of' refugees I"alls within the cate2:or:.Y ofne:no..repatr•iable f)eople for v•hom the lnterEoverru::tental Comioittee assumes some responsi­bility. ~•e believe that the-rnter•governmen tal Committee _could if' it wan ted to find a way to surmount certain complications in re;_c.arci to Spanish Hepublicans in .Portnga11. and we Cari see no reason why the ·rntercovernmental Committee should' no:t .. bear part of ti:ie burc,en of relief for Spanish·Repi.;b:J_icans iJ:l F'i'ance•'

- . - . r • - - • • • •

1 tninh the Intergovernmental dommi.ttee nlight ~e~onside"r­i ts decision if' our request/were strongiy sut:iported by. the ·: V-lar Hefugee Board and the President's '.'iar Hellier Control Doa'rd. · I am therefore suzgesting that you mip,ht g:reatly'strei1gtl;l.Em our position by se:hdine, a supporting memorandum tO the. Intergovern-mental· Cominittee through ifliss Biehle. · · ·

Very sineer.ely ·:;rours; .. ·. .. .. .

~/~ --Howard L. · Brook;s_· __ · ---vr--··-:--' .. -----------Assistarit Director'

ELB: £i'

Page 22: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Dear Mr• ]Jroo}(s:

1 have y(Jur letter of April·5;with 'r'eference to your conversation with 111·. UoCormaclf ,Oil !larch 26 concerning Spanish Republican refugees in Poriugal.i

1 The Board has oabled<the American' 'lice: Chairman of the Intergovernmental Committee oti: Refugees in Lendon recommending that.· the IClc undertake the mOO,ntenance of this refugee group as a part of ita over•all program .on the Ibe:dari Pen;l.nsula, and :that the IGC arrange for the remov:al of these Spanish Repablicsns to· havens .of sai'ety at the earliest possible moliient. ·

·· ur. Howard L~ Brooks1 Assistant Director' Unitarian.servioe Committee; 25 Beaccin Street, ·

:; Boston, .Massachuset.ta.

.. 11'. Plf. ~ ·t# EBT,:,;I.np 4/11/45

, Very truJ.y yOjlrs,

(Signed) William 0 '1lwY<~ii ·•·

Wiiliam O'Dwyer. Executive Direotor


\ I

Page 23: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to







·,;t;_!-·- Et;-fl.(e~ee £,_Jar0. :.:)om :Zt±lC _,_,.Lair: -~l·t:asur;y D....til-,::_~ ll:i;

You _oG::{ -re.:!P,·:tLE-l, the.t <.luring- the -_course of our convel~EE-tiqn oa ~:~arch ~~6:th-, _;{au _s_c.if~- tli~t -yv;;._ ···oulG. ab1~ a·enE-rc.:.l 0 1 J·wyer r1·hetir~r- ~le_ v:o-..J.lCt.. bS_ -11~ ... r'-

-r:RusTE:£5, INC.

t~,~~~~0i-,~~L~~fr;~;n~e~~~~l~G c~;t~·b~t~~~~1;_~~ 1~:~t~~r :·:ort:.L .i~fr·lca J.-. E0::1e o~hPr po1nt ·1n .. tl1:e )J.e¢,i ~crre::..ncG:.r:. ~J:.1.eater.

I siwt;,ld very- ;nucll lH:f to lmo_Yi 'iillut :1-e::erc..l 0. 1 ?wyer 1

8 react ion. \'/a~s t_tJ -t!ll·~-----~~,u-~t-Sf:-st ~O.n. End if you tllin:~ there ls nny point in our tLk:i:nE; t~e ~atter up ~lth our representative in Lisbon.'

;-iLB: f


~./_ ~~/;(6?,~· ~ ~. ~~~ -·:_ .· .·· .

HO\'.'e.rd L~ Bropks Assistant Di~e6tor


Page 24: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

near nr. Joy:

The folloWing message for you fr~m Slu~rp _was _received through the Ailierican Einb®sy in Lisbon under date of April 5, 1945&

"Replying to.yorir !f.o.. 263 there .have . been SE!nt to the Intergovernm~ntal Committee in London by way of the J\lnerican J.!inister in Lisbon ldl · partfc\1lars regard1nglS6 Bryan eases and ln addition lists ·. have been sent to the MeXican Legation in Lisbon wlio forwarded them to l.CeXico to the Lanietries. of !llterior ·and Foreign Mfai.rs . there•. • 75 single • men. hidiJlg in Lisbon 1mre included in the l:ist and in addition. 22 others itnpris~ed <llao ·19 ·.families 3 of thea~ being itnprisonedJ the nll!!lef! of 50 or the moa.t endangered c~es c~ be cabled if lleceasary. Advice. shoul.d be furnished Nexico City that. their ini'orma~ tiOl'l. is not oo;rrectJ daily llien are deporied either to death or to iinprisonment. I learned yesterday that a friend o£ .President Barrios, Professor Gil F81'ragut fol'lil8r chief Guadalaj81'a division has naw been deported .from Sp$ imd put in prison. He was exiled after long· ~riaonment in Spain and was later impriamed in Portugal. "Where we gave hi.iQ · . · assistance. rieportaticm to Portugue"' DeVils Isl!Uld . Tarra.fal. frol!l which . few retum is being threatened to. all politicala •. In. this emergency if lrl! are not able to receive ilelp frOm the Unitarians; what effort has been made to e,cui'e direct tram Bcyan; 10,000? . WhY is there no ·interest in Portugal if large swti8 . ar~ avaUable in France tor their cliehte who are not in danger; as your letter indicates. It is requested that you consult for .funds Lao Perl1s1 Labor League Human Rights, Ainerican Federation. ot Labor and National OIO ot 'W:81' Rellet COllllllitteee. !n this regard an approach is being made to the Brit:i.sh b,y Marks.« ·

Dr. Charles Joy, .. . Unitari~ Service ,Committee, 25 Bsaoon Street, · Boston 8, i.lassaoh\leetts. ·

Very tl'llly youl'l!l,.

Florence Hodel ·· · · .. Assistant ExecutiVe Director

·, :(

Page 25: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to


. _.- ~--- '~ -,-.~ .-- .· ..

rr~··· x~ttl-iov•rnm,,,.te.l .•·· aO~~~tnlttee•.s.·· t1ec1~.i.on 11o t. to ... a1d ·1n ~l1e ·. &u:PiiOt-t•···· >· of SP111\1flh ,Rt!1'1.lg,e8 1n PC):rtugal ~nd fran~e ·ratees Vttl"f Jle~1ous l)l'Qblems reglll'dlng the wel1'al'e of these people'.i . · .· ·. · . · . • .. · · · ·· .•..•..•• 'l'he>.•q*tt!lJ.ian. sel'"!l~e .• oomm1~t~~ te~:J.e tl1at··.·Span1~11 ~~publ1cElf\.~et\tiJI~s·. def1Q11;elg fall.w1th1n :tne Clat«tgC)J'iee o,t d1spla,o~ · peqple • to~ whom •· the · lnt~ti'goverPl!lenttd· Oolll!ll1ttee .has •. aooep1lctcl.. l'eepons1b1U.ty, and. tJlat··.the• • ·full ~UJ>den of this. reepqns1b111ty SAAUld · no,t rest tor an indefinite· .. · pe~io"' on ·private· .. Aiiiez'ictu\. · orsan,l,l\lci.Uona 1fij9se reJi<,uroes '•al'e al;to.sether ·. inadequate to meet exJ,at1ng nee;ds • · · · · · "' · ··

'l'he condlt~on• ot 8pan1ehl\epubl1oan Ret,ugees il'l ftanoe 1~ now gtlrier&liy· known• • 'the Un1ta%'1~ Berv1oe ~-ttee -.itself 'has su})~tted to you •.· ••.. ;· .· · !lOmE} deta1led 1nfol'llllition out11D1ffl{ tb.e ·trag1o~ d1ft1oUlt.1es . ~hi~~ t,a~u!! these people,. and at the ilame time, presented a~ speo1t1o request ro-r·. help. We etrcmgly ~ge the Inte).OgoveJ>nmental ComillUtee tQ l'eoonei(leJ>' 1 ts dEIOi(f1on and to 1nolude SpaniSh 1\epu-lioen Retugees 1n · i'~noe ;among th.ose no~~l'epatJ'lable p·eople w~m t~ey will. a1d•. .. · The dt\lat1Qn of thtf:.Span1sh aep\I'J)11olln Re~ef, lll POI'turftll ~e:.tnts . · oompl~oat19iu1 ot which we are 'lltt1/'l well. awal'e~... We d.o ne>t1 hOwever,·. be~ l1eve t~ee oompl1oat1ons to. be so great tbat no solution to~ th,e<pr~blem:. can be .. toun(l.. · · · · · · · · · · )• · · · · The aes~Qtanoe ~iven to tlpan1ah RepUblioem Refugees .1n PortUtie:l b)" the . u.s.a. 1s well known ln bbth American and Br1t1sh Embassy o1rOles who. have 1n vat1!)ue ways ind10ated. their approval of wh&t we al'e (\o1ng~ · 0\li" ef~or·t···s to··.f. ao1 .. l1'te.. te .the .•m!Sl' ... a .. tl.on.of t.hes·e. s-e. tug ... ••.•. fro .. m .. 1

1o.·r .... tus. al.··; . ._ .... : al"e also known to the State Wfpartment and .to tae wu Refugee JaQ~ 11L Washington.· Both organbatS,on's'h,ave .ooopeJ'ated •Ul1us.to the l;i~at ot•··· their abil1 ty. · · · · · > · · · · ·. · .\ · · · · .· · ·

To the bEISt .of our knowiea.se; the. so't'ernments. C)f Gre~t Br1tair1:~nd t~e ~ United States greatly deau-e ald to. be giVen Spanish Republ1oen Retugel!lsi · · so .again we strongly urge the Xntersovernm~ntal· 09!11111ttee.;to l'eQonfl1der.· · its deo1s1on and to .1noluCI,e Spanish Republ1oan Refl!seeliJ1n·Por~~gal. amoni,~~~' non-repatr1able people 'Whom they .;111 aid• .- ·.. > ·. · ·· ' · j .. ··· It 1sour.understand1ng that tbeintei"Sovemmentllloo-.11;tefl)it~ ~o~n. make use ot the personnel of the private orgtlnbatlonsi in Po~t~gal. ~o \ .· · set up a c.lentl"al rel'-ef ~geno;y ,,.11ar to the. ~ne now tunot1oJ11:iW ~ '; · .. ·

.lladltld,. ·we understand fUJ'ther that_ tbe•lnt•rsov,l"WQental q~~nee ··••· ... ·· would, assume e.4mln1atrative ooate 1nolud1ng s.,_er18• as wel!l .at ~eUet · expenditure&. · · · · · ·· ·

. ' i -.-r

Page 26: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Suoh a oent~al1z1ng ot the· ejt2,stln~ reli~t ~e~o~e& 'preaEmta;·: serious -•····. problem regard1tlg S~1sh Republican Ref11gees; .Our COmmittee has .. · •. explorQd the pQ'sslblllty o~ uaing so111eone ou~side ()Ur L1Sbon~o~t1ce < .·· .. to adt'Jt1.nlster_:tunds and Jllater1al,s S).lppl1edb;r.us:torSpan1Eibllepub11cal'1, Refugees~.· \1(1 ~·.~.come to tlie CQf1c;lU1:J1cm .• tW1t th1s.meth,Od would ' ·<.· plalle AllY .1nd1v1(lual Portugu111ae o1 ~ize11 or .tol'e~gner l:iving in Po:a>tug~' in a po·111t1on so dangel'OU.:J that we have .no riglit to ~e the reque~t• · The sS.t\lfltion demands the tun ba~tng at. a Oomm1t;tee~ We bel1~ve· · thata~eParJl.~etrn1tar1a~rSeJ:>V1oe·aomm1ttee_ott1oe1f~9se ent1re_conoern would . be ass1iftanoe to Spani8hi R.epubUotm Refugees is 11k~.w1ae 1mprac• t1oable. · · · ·

llnl,:a• .. certain personnel'in the new. coor.d1J1ated or~an~zat1on be per­mitted to administe:r UJ~(,O. funds tor Spanish Republican 1\(lfugees, even the inadequate a1~1oun~·· ot relief now being given w()!lld hs.ve to be d1eoont1nued. ·· · ·· · · · ···. · , ·

The Uri1ttW1all Service Oollllll1ttee tneratore wishes to milke clear that. some adeqUate Solution of thts problem in .Portugal will have to be -···. found before.we oan.part1o1pate in.tlie new arrangement.

l>r. Charles' R. Jo~, )£xeout1ve Direoto~. Un1tar1ttn Ser.v1oe0omm1ttee


Page 27: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to


! -

I ! :



NUMBEB ~ 74·8 ,..

Th:!.s message for Che.rJ.es 43().,

\(£Replying . to yom.· .Noo 263 there hfrva be~rt sent to tha 'fnte'roo

governmental Oormnittea in I.ondon b~· way of' the Amer:taan: Minister i . . . y : .' .• ·

in M.sbo~ all particulars regard1.ng 156 B.:.:>yan c:ases aM in

addition 1is1;s have been sent to t;J·· liiex1can r.egat1on in Lisbon

1iiho .forwarded them to IIcx:tco to ~~~e iWinistries of' Interior

and Foreign AffrJ.irs tb~J.~e. 75 siD..._>ile men hiding in J:,isbon were

included in the list ana in addltion 22 ol;hel'S imprisoned also

19 fa.milies 3 of theeo being bprisoned 1 the names of 5"0 or the

most ondang3red cases can b3 cabl~d if' neoessal\V• ~t1v1.::a

should he fv.rnish~d Mexico Cit;</ the.t ·thc:r:!.:;.o :i.p.formati()il. ia not ~~ . . . . .

corl.'ect; daily men a1.•e deported e:tthel' t:o deatlt 91' t6. ;1inJ>x'isbn.;. . - - - :- .. · .. -- -< · ... ,- .-·~ :_--:- -'-~ - •. · ·-·

ment,. I learned yesterday that, a i'1:iend of President BarrioS, . / .. · ...... ······· .... ·.· .. · ' ... . PI>of'essor Uil Farragut forme1• chief.. Guad~lajara division ha~ i}ow

. . . . .. ·. ·. .. ··. . . I.

bean de_porteq ±"rom Spain and put in Pl'ison. . Us was exiled af~er

long imprisotwent 1n Spain ahd was late1• imprisoned in Portu~al. whe~e we gave him a.ssistnnc~~. V:c'iJJ~()'r~~~~~~k~ tJh,o~·iifkue~~ De~ll,~ . ' ·. - .. . . . ' : ' .. _·, . _- ·: .

Island 'l'arrafal from which f'e;,7 r.~.~W<'~~ }t,s 11p1~;.lt,nt:r0tpre<ltene,~ t~ all.

pol:tt1cats~ -In this emE!rgency ·;54{~~f:·;~f~l'W~~~~~'±orec~1ye ~h~l~ ~-rom the Unftarians; wh~t effort ha~! b'aet,.rm~~e·ii-g~eatif>~·d1rac1;

. riEctABs:IFmo . . from Bru.o .

'B;~.e ::;k~;:~~;~~~~ff*~43~/: :~.' . . . . -- --··-·-· ··:· ,. ~

Page 28: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

large st1ms arfl a:f!aila1He in

in dt.mge:x; as your letter :i.nd±c<=rtes.,: · I'!; is I . /

am1su1t for funds 'f.R.o Per lis; L9.bO:t' Leagui:i

Federation of Laboz- e.nd i:·r~tional CIO of WrlZ' Reli~:t Cbmmittee'so I In this l'~f!ard an app:;;q;:wh is bein .... s nw.de to the British by Marks~)





Page 29: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to



· ~!~\ollatdng ro:/~11nan~ ona. EJarl tra'rrbon :trom ~lar nerue;ee

Board is 1'1R!J6Q.·





:-x .·; 'i'he attention of the IntergovernmentOl. climm~'ttee la called


the preor.riou~ plight . of certr.iri Sp~n1sh Republican re:t'Ugeee I .

are 1n hiding in 1-ortuga.J.. 'l'he Doax-d stroll{';l:V recommends

tht\t the mi'tlntenttnce Of th1e refugee group be supplied' bY Intereove~nt?ntc.l Colllllli tteo o.a £1. nnrt Of 1.tG-()Ve:rvl~ p:ro-

grem on tl.1.e lb.e:r1nn Pen1nsuln, E:nd (2) that· the Xl'ltergovarn-- I - • ·- • - ·_. - 0 • ,·, ,·, C -_·.-.

mente.l Committee DJ>r>~.nge for the speedy evti.,ctio.uon of thi'Jo'l gl'OUp . - - . .. ·-· .

· i to hnvens ot so.tety, since their continued. pre·s~rice ~n l'ol'tugD,l

j : · at this ti1ue incr>eaees the do.nger of the~r clep~fto.ticm to ~pain. . :

\'ilW: l'li·W: KG '3/29/46 .·

GREW ' •(i. (Acting) . i · {GI.t') .

: .L· ·.~::.". ·.·:. Jf: ~E~~·~~:.··· ···• r . be closelY guarded •. ·.· ....•..

•- , I ·. ·- :-. . . . .··

BO . . .· .. - : -

. .' . . . "•

' DECLASS!fll:O .. · ..• state nrvt. ~·tt.,r,t·slfp 1 5 1972 .·· By R. H. :J::ark~ Da~ ·


. ,, ~

'!!: t'' . ~-- ....

,. I

j I

Page 30: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

wo en in .ll14lba 1n Port"fja1; The Boart\ stro~lll"~ooniUn4s

fU \hit ~' JJ1altltt91i&Uloe or ~., retugee poup be :etappU~ by .. • ~ _. - - - - - • • - - • -- - - c

the lnteqoverilrliJI'llal lilo!!\liltttee· as a par~ ·ot 1'8 overall. r>~'O ..

gralll • \ht.Xber!M :Penn1naul~{M4(e) tll&t; the .tate~ati~el'n• ·· mental GoQ1,tee ananae tol' the·· ap•e47 ev~.t~l.la1f.on ot tb11 s~up

. . .

,,o_ havens· ot aate•r • atnoe .tb.Oil"·. ooni.ll\ue4 .. Pl'eaenoe•.~···l"orc.&jal at thit tlrae tnoreaeea ibe •ana•• ot thell' ~eJ)orti'J.:Uon •o Spa~!

• • • :-~o,.


. - i .. ~-

Page 31: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

'- r,............._---. ~·-·"'-.-~·;-•


4~5 'J.'l:•e cablt:1 be lou to mm loB.

t / :Plenf:lfJ deliver- tile f'Ollouil'lg meggE'$G to r1rrtllt; Sharp

f:r•or.J 01~. Chr;,rles R. J~y of U~litrricn i.le)l'vice Committee:

"'/ ' ~ 260 U:r·ce.ble conce:rnin(;' plight of Spcnie.rtTs

corroborr:teCl fl"om othet' r::ou:N:es :·:-r Refugee Bonrt:. t-rorfriil[>;

t:i thou t r.ru.ckl hope em pro'!Jler.;" 1·ie tl.espatched ~tire Ho.I•ch 1::1

to ~1axlcc,n Go\•e:m1;:ent •ri th last 1;1ppenl;, If vino.:e not

:t'eCGi Ve(!. Jl.p!'il l. most, pet•b.nps 1'.11,. 40000 neceestir!ly Hi th'-/, . ~ . . . .. ~ .

U.rutm but oth<.?x· t1'::·napo1ottt1on !'untl.s poseibly nvnilpble

later. utl~bUO'l'k:

·.l'i RrJ: m~v : .. KG 3/23/46 I \ .... "· ; •! .~iJ)

. : i · i ' 'l·i i) J1ECLASSIFIED ·~ . . ' '_! Iii t: ~tgi{J p_ e!jt. Letter, 1·11·.72 ·. .~ . 197~., .... h er:.'~t_> .... J : .· -SEP 15_ ... : ~

ay R H. Parks Date..--. ~


Page 32: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

-. ·:.·,~{ ;:-···· -.-·-.~·.- -<_--~~~-~~-

;::. _.- c - ·J.-~ -~~:~)--:-~·- ·' -.::~i ·-:-~_::· _:



. .5:00 p.m~ · March 19, 194.5·.

Miss Chiluncey (tor tl:ie Sec·t.y) Cohn, DuBois; Ge.~ton, Hodel, MCCOI'W\Ck, QIDRyer, Files. ·. r

. J ! ;

Page 33: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Miss Florenc·e. llodel War Refugee Board­Washington, D. C.

Dear Hiss.Hodel:

V/ill you be so kind as to see that the. following cable is transmitted through consular c9cie to·I\lartha Sharp' in Lisbon: -·

not quite


11260 Urcable concerning plight ofSpaniards corroborated from other sources War Refuge'e'

·Board working without much hope on problem. We de13patched wire March 13 to Mexican Government with last appeal. If visas not

_received April 1 most, perhaps all, 40000 n~cessa:dly ·,vi thdra;m but other transporta­tion funds possibly ayailable later •. !!

If our reference to the \var Refugee Board is in any way correct, please modify this cable. as you viish;,.

. ''~.<-· · .. Sincerely yours.,

~~d~.~-<_· >:J:Y-'CJ+--_ Charles R. Joy .. · . · l!:xecutive Director


Page 34: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Dear Dr. Jof:

. . . . . ll'he following JlleS88gEt f'o~ ;yc~'u froiD ~i\b!A $llelrP was J."~eived tllrougb the United States J!GbasSf in Lt..._ Ulldttr date of' March 14, 1945: ·

,-- --:--:-- - ·.. ·:,· .

· "~1iilg :'J5'J. Jl81xuss.t waa sent :d1:r~~ to. state Depart;,. ment .fr<nii. J&llass1 here. '1'Wo American atft.de.Vits t~ each transit visa ~e required as the s1mpl1f1\'d proeed.Ul'e is · not known tQ the AmQ1'1Q8n Coi:laul.iLte bei'e; · .· - - . - - . - .

II~Jit~ta. Of Cable we recei~ed thl'Qugb tru, Mexi~ ~ • · ·· tion follows: · 'LOf1don !ll8iD office· ot .lntergovemmental O~ttee for Spanish Betugees ukB tlla.t word bG sent tb:roU&h the Mexici&Jl Faba887 to aecuu f1"01D UnttarJ.an Col!lllittee all· dAta. needed concl!tlniDg Spanish zi~ll~s . 1n Port~ inoludiug. Civil statu., a-bel', lle8ll8 of · · · lhelihood, political. au,-,uon ana. approxba.te JlUII'bl!l" in~e:reated in Mezlcan eml{cratt.on. ·Aak coiamJ. ttee ~- •. ing Delva,o•s request for .500 ~eas ud adYi.ee co~tt'e the7 will be ganted in tel'lllill~• · ~oatlon ~. code• ~ll be traniiJIIi ttt!d. bf u. • . ·. . · . .· ·. • , .

. . ' . 11lnf01'11at1on conoel'DiDg 94 Spanish feli1llea and 21 un~

. IIISl'rieci b¢t.j)zled men was sent b1 Lisbon to ~ • ··lnteJ'gove1"'llJJetltal Committee • tbe Mnican MWater1 i I.pnd.on, ·on the lltb ot llai'Ch• •Hope·' total Br,van oases ... ··

·•· soon be t1D1abe4 1!fh1oh lll&kes ~ler budget .·fa fOUl' 248 . not adl'l .. ble l',QW end -~~~ ref.... , In Ordel' tO ·· ·, help·-..~ woaenaAA obllU. a~. lmllttlC!i~d bWlgrf ..

' i

Page 35: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

as J.n other area& ~f Eo.rope whose lives 'ill g~ter dar!ger, urge ,3'011 COnslder emergency increaee of ..... 2000 liiODthly.- Balia:iiicier of: fUds for Spanls!h.r~lt•t ~uste~. I!lCq balance inadequate if bloe\t ijeas ltl'anted. . 'Vend\1elan JI1Dis~et; LiE!bOn tod8t reqlieated det8:ils coneer.r¥k 50 $~~II ·•.: , · · ... ••·

Dr. Charles B. Joy, Eli:eeutlve Director,

· Un1~1an sentce · Collllliittee, 25 Beacon Street, · Boston,. 8, Ma.es.

v . ·~··.· .• ...... .

HB!futohisonf 3/l~/45 ·

Veri tnlly yo'tlrs, .

/4-f~Q._. /~- . . ! . - _-,

. Fiorenee Hodel As.slstant Executive Director


Page 36: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

•, ..

J >)

565, Ha.rch 14, J(



Replying 267 Embassy here seht request direct to~Y= •· ... · .. /···; .. · ...

state .Department.· Sil!lplif'led: procedure unknown Amer:l,oa,n ··

Consulate here two Arti'erican >affiants for each transit . .

visa required.·

Substance of cable re·ceive!l here through l1ex1can .

Legation follows~ r" ' . - ' - ·- . . .~. . . -

. Intcrgover.hmental CommitteG 'for _Spanish. r~f'ugee~ .·

main office London ~eque'sts· word, be tfal:ismi tted tl'lrol,!gh ... ·-·. _: ·_· · __ -:-:/~. ·._._:-- ... · _:~-_:·/: ___ -.·

Uexican Elllba13sY to secure from Urii'tarian Committee aJ,l' · .. . .. ·~ .;. . . . '< .. lnformv,tion nece13sary. regar'a.in.gs~,anish'r~pl:iblicans:"'irf:::

:::::::: ·:::~::~:~• :::::::'l~7:~~!:~~~tti.~:::.:·.t~1::,t ed emigra tirig Mexico~ · Inqui~e o'f · committe\3 ·concerning

.&lv~yol 8 request ·.fO~ 50Q V~~~~ ~~~;~~form Cf;~~it~:nt~at· BElflle Will . be" granii ed · in .t ermfnu So'.... (loded · communi~a t.io_J:J..,

' ·wnl.be sent by us •. END OF · !iE'SSAG:E • · ·.

.; -~ .. _-:.-


j. l .!

Page 37: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

',.·.·· .... : .. ·.·.:·· . . . . ··.-.··_.-;.. ·,

~yLis~on to IGCL;;/ctl·

Uinister London l1Iarch il regarding 94 Spanisl'l. . .•. . ./

27 unmarried imprisoned men. Hopeful .all Bryan

m~y soo.nbe liquidated whi'~h makes budget

248 inadvisable now and endangers ref'Ug~es. Urge your . . . 0 ·. '/ -· ,<

consideration of emergcr\cy incre_ase of' 2,000 monthly for

thre.e months to assistmett', women, cl:lildren._starving,

hunted and as hungry as in other Eu:ope/n areas whose

lives in greater danger. Balance of funds for reiief

Spain exhausted. If.·block visas granted IRCC balance

inadequate. Particulars re 50 Spaniards today requested

by Venezuelan Minister Lisbon.



Page 38: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

dl;.;i.Jvll 339

-/. · i'i.e cable belou if: \:RD 161 ..

.)( I c:J.~;;.at:':a deliver the f,lolloFL;.: ;.!eGf;nt~e to hartlto, Ohavp fron

I . Dr • .:Jr.:de~~ X~. J'oy of.Unitariun ner-v:\.qe Oomo:l.ttee:

~t;_;'!'cl 257 J;;mbo.esy reque!lt·· raust !';o tl._ircctly to :Jt:,'Ge . /

l}sr;,, t;·;;nt not thl'OU!Jh ~)l'iVate .. grmcieSo l·rcQGllJJI'Q fOl" trnns;\t . . ,.

l)elv.,yo 1nef&l;s ogrt:aiaent dtll

"e: ·.<:\l·. ForelL~n ,i.ffuirc 1·r&s corn <tetecl •. He htfi hlb.0,o tt'o trips

fox · S, Lilere he f'~~ila no·boCl.y ' :1.oe 00~~0: fllH'C,eed. .J. &ill send-. ' .

ii'l(!: 111 your cable. lf' yov. th;J.·,): uiso pleast: it1fOl"l'l Inte~-n;.r! .. L•.nn:i. J?olice th::~t if HO canny;; p:rocm:ie_v1ru~; :t,ol' ·1·<>1'N~rs ,,

' . .

p:i>c:;:J t:L ·: ":re uill cloc:e .l..iisbon o·r.'\'lce: iu~r!ey'~ef.1}'Jerntol;v ncet1eli. ' ·. . .·.· ,· r_. .. ··.·.· .. ·-·. ' •.··

~lr<~ ilt'l'b .t1U:s il'l oerious;, Iic\1' J .. isl\on .f'olloi•ei:t inr,tl'ltqt:Li,iJ·

in l}tit'' ;A:f!~ · Acting reyouz> 418. · ti. )1v.~o:~

\;.fUJ: tilN: KG 3/0/'1:15

GREll (ActilJ.G)

f ' J :('di~·~) t· ~ I

For security reasons t~e · text of this messa:;e.must ·.; be closely guan~d.



• ol

. • ... . . ' ' . ..· DECLASSIFIJ!)l;} . . ,,:.i2'HI~Ii;10W o· c· State Dep,t. Letter, 1-11-72 ·. · _.· .

'" ]l< tJElllCEE aovlWyR: H. Parks Date ·• SEP 151.972 HECEII'IEO · ·. · .. · · · ·· · ·.· · · · · ; • ·

Page 39: Folder 16 - Programs with Respect to Relief and Rescue ... · are convinced dani~Err of e.trtrvation to tlio1lsLnd~ or their .·clients in b'rnnce fttr OUtt~eigl•s dttnt;er to

Dr. Cha:rlo,: ll~ Joy ot. Un1 'l'8rl~ t.erv:t.ee COlllld.twe.t :: .

QuOtt · .25'/•l.'<'aBAm>! l~li;QU\t~~ MUM· GO Dnt~C'lLI TO STA'iE :WP.11RT'I\ll'l'IT NOT 'IllBQUGl! FfiiVA'.i'E P.Glll\l(llf.SJl'.OO.P' atOCJID\Jl{& ll'OR 'W.Jllf:l'f VI&E VIM Slt..II.PLlFIED l.oim .AGO STOP DBLVAIO . msid.•s A~ WI'i'1:I I.UIXIC.Alf FWEIHi ~li'l"ll.JllfJW.fiS CO\U':lli~D S<iOP I1E llf.S lll'$ i'wo TluP~ FOR Ui' f.>'rOP V/ll..El!B m: F.UIS NOBoDY Eli.>E · COUI.D a!CtfJ>;j} :>TOP I lJ,l Sr;NDING . l:lll.l YOUll . CABU: t>TO:P !1i' YOU THilll\: WISE m;r.m; ;tiwiJliM INT.&lll'IAl'l:CNJlL POLICE 'J.'M'l' J.1l' w:g C.lltlllOT l'll.OGtJRt VnlAfl fm·.viOfUQms rnamu W'E Witi •. c.:wl$ LiE-noll·. O!fFr()E· MONEY· DESP.I!.'F.NlEl.Y. N!ZF.DED EUF.l'ifli.'FJ: . 'mi~ It Sni.IOUS STOP m::: LISDON. F{)I~ llf8'J!.P-trer!ONS Iff Olffi 24U· 6'l'OP AC'!'ING FBYOUR 418.; UNQuOTE . .. . ·

· d. :.1 .. L · .. ·.·. ,;.-·· · ..... ·~. ·... ·. · ~··~.r-~·~·.·~:

3:15 p.m. March 7 ;• 1945 '


Miss :Chauncey (for the Sec 1y), Akzin, Cohn, Dubois, C!ilsto~, ~odel,: Hutc.hieon, McCormack, O'Dwyer~ Files

~~tchiso~·. 2/26/45


,. ---!'