Focus on: Elements in each molecule How molecules are linked and unlinked Examples and functions of each type of molecule

Focus on: u Elements in each molecule u How molecules are linked and unlinked u Examples and functions of each type of molecule

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Page 1: Focus on: u Elements in each molecule u How molecules are linked and unlinked u Examples and functions of each type of molecule

Focus on:

Elements in each molecule How molecules are linked

and unlinked Examples and functions of

each type of molecule

Page 2: Focus on: u Elements in each molecule u How molecules are linked and unlinked u Examples and functions of each type of molecule

Chapter 3 The Chemical Building

Blocks of Life

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Large molecules formed by joining many subunits together.

Also known as “polymers”.

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A building block of a polymer.

AP Biology

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Condensation Synthesis or Dehydration Synthesis

The chemical reaction that joins monomers into polymers.

Covalent bonds are formed by the removal of a water molecule between the monomers.

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Reverse of condensation synthesis.

Hydro- water Lysis - to split Breaks polymers into

monomers by adding water.

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Four Main Types Of Macromolecules

Carbohydrates Lipids Protein Nucleic acids

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For each Macromolecule know the following:

Elements it contains Monomer units and

structures Examples Uses or roles

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Used for fuel, building materials, and receptors.

Made of C,H,O General formula is CH2O C:O ratio is 1:1

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Types Of Carbohydrates

Monosaccharides Disaccharides Oligosaccharides Polysaccharides

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Mono - single Saccharide - sugar Simple sugars. 3 to 7 carbons. Can be in linear or ring forms.

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Can be “Aldoses” or “Ketoses” depending on the location of the carbonyl group.

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Glucose Galactose Ribose Fructose

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Word ending common for many carbohydrates.

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Sugar formed by joining two monosaccharides through a “glycosidic linkage”.

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Maltose = glucose + glucose Lactose = glucose + galactose Sucrose = glucose + fructose

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2 - 10 joined simple sugars. Used in cell membranes.

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Many joined simple sugars. Used for storage or structure. Examples:

Starch Cellulose Glycogen

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glucose and glucose

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Made of 1-4 linkages of glucose.

Linkage makes the molecule form a helix.

Fuel storage in plants.

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Made of 1-4 linkages of glucose.

Linkage makes the molecule form a straight line.

Used for structure in plant cell walls.

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Most organisms can digest starch (1- 4 linkage), but very few can digest cellulose (1- 4 linkage).

Another example of the link between structure and function.

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“Animal starch” Similar to starch, but has

more 1-6 linkages or branches.

Found in the liver and muscle cells.

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Diverse hydrophobic molecules. Made of C,H,O No general formula. C:O ratio is very high in C.

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Fats and Oils

Fats - solid at room temperature.

Oils - liquid at room temperature.

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Fats and Oils

Made of two kinds of smaller molecules. Fatty Acids Glycerol

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Fatty Acids

A long carbon chain (12-18 C) with a -COOH (acid) on one end and a -CH3 (fat) at the other.

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Acid Fat

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Neutral Fats or Triacylglycerols

Three fatty acids joined to one glycerol.

Joined by an “ester” linkage between the -COOH of the fatty acid and the -OH of the alcohol.

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Saturated FatsUnsaturated Fats

Saturated - no double bonds. Unsaturated - one or more

C=C bonds. Can accept more Hydrogens.

Double bonds cause “kinks” in the molecule’s shape.

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Why do fats usually contain saturated fatty acids and oils usually contain unsaturated fatty acids?

The double bond pushes the molecules apart, lowering the density, which lowers the melting point.

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Differ in which fatty acids are used.

Used for energy storage, cushions for organs, insulation.

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Question ?

Which has more energy, a kg of fat or a kg of starch?

Fat - there are more C-H bonds which provide more energy per mass.

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Similar to fats, but have only two fatty acids.

The third -OH of glycerol is joined to a phosphate containing molecule.

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Phospholipids have a hydrophobic tail, but a hydrophilic head.

Self-assembles into micells or bilayers, an important part of cell membranes.

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Lipids with four fused rings. Differ in the functional groups

attached to the rings. Examples:

cholesterol sex hormones

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The molecular tools of the cell. Made of C,H,O,N, and

sometimes S. No general formula.

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Uses Of Proteins

Structure Enzymes Antibodies Transport Movement Receptors Hormones

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Polypeptide chains of Amino Acids linked by peptide bonds.

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Amino Acids

All have a Carbon with four attachments:

-COOH (acid) -NH2 (amine) -H -R (some other side group)

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R groups

20 different kinds: Nonpolar - 9 AA Polar - 6 AA Electrically Charged

Acidic - 2 AA Basic - 3 AA

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Amino Acids

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Amino Acids

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R groups

Contain the S when present in a protein. Cysteine or Cys Methionine or Met

The properties of the R groups determine the properties of the protein.

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Polypeptide Chains

Formed by dehydration synthesis between the carboxyl group of one AA and the amino group of the second AA.

Produce an backbone of: (N-C-C)X

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Levels Of Protein Structure

Organizing the polypeptide into its 3-D functional shape. Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary

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Sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain.

Many different sequences are possible with 20 AAs.

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3-D structure formed by hydrogen bonding between parts of the peptide backbone.

Two main secondary structures: helix pleated sheets

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Tertiary Bonding between the R groups. Examples:

hydrophobic interactions

ionic bonding Disulfide bridges

(covalent bond)

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Quaternary When two or more

polypeptides unite to form a functional protein.

Example: hemoglobin

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Is Protein Structure Important?

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Denaturing Of A Protein

Events that cause a protein to lose structure (and function).

Example: pH shifts high salt concentrations heat

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Comment Many other amino acids are

possible (change the R group) Whole new group of proteins

with new properties can be made

Genetic engineering can use bacteria to make these new proteins

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Nucleic Acids

Informational polymers Made of C,H,O,N and P No general formula Examples: DNA and RNA

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Nucleic Acids

Polymers of nucleotides Nucleotides have three parts:

nitrogenous base pentose sugar phosphate

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Nitrogenous Bases

Rings of C and N The N atoms tend to take up

H+ (base). Two types:

Pyrimidines (single ring) Purines (double rings)

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Pentose Sugar

5-C sugar Ribose - RNA Deoxyribose – DNA RNA and DNA differ in a –

OH group on the 2nd carbon.

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Nucleosides and Nucleotides

Nucleoside = base + sugar Nucleotide = base + sugar + Pi

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Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Makes up genes. Genetic information

for life.

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Ribonucleic Acid. Structure and protein

synthesis. Genetic information for a few

viruses only.

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More will be said about DNA and RNA in future lessons.

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Role of hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis

For each macromolecule, know the following: Elements and monomers Structures Functions