FOCUS Fortnightly Bulletin • UNSW Campuses General News FINAL ISSUE OF FOCUS Welcome to the very last issue of Focus. Focus is being repla ced by a new on li ne newspaper, nelYs@unslY. The new publication wi ll co ntain a ll thai current ly appear s in Focus along with the latest developments affecting UNSW - upcom in g projects, futu re plan s, new policies, the latest academic appointments/departures, academic opinion pieces, video links and more ... The Grst issue of news@'(JrIsw will be out on Wednesday October 6 and will overlap with this iss ue of Focus. The first issue will include reponson the new buildings thaI will give fresh life to 1000'ercilmpus and the lalest d evelopments in UNSW Asia. news@'ull swilliows for a shorter lead lime for contributors wanting \0 send in information. Instead of th e two-week lead time that Focus had, 1lI . 'Ws@ ulJswwillhaveilcopydeadlinefourworkingdaysbefore issue release. Here is iI schedule for the remilinder of 2004: newS(@.tnsw Issue Copy Deildline Dial)' Dales Dist ribu t io n no. . Date (We dn es da y, before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 , Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly Feb Dec 14 Stilff will receive iln ema il containing iI link to the publication each fortnight. Thilnk you toall who contributed to and read Focus over the years. The Media and Communi cations Office hopes that the new publica ti on will be a useful and informative tool for all UNSW staff. I] UNSW Issue 15 • October 5, 2004 NEW UNSW CORPORATE VIDEO AVAILABLE NOW last month, UN5W launched the new UNSW Co rporate Video, in DVD format. Th e five-minute video's theme is Above and beyond, positioning UNSW as a leader that sets the benchmark for achievement and quality in research and teaching. The video showcases the h igh calibre of UNSW co ur ses, academics, students, alumni, research programs, and community service init ia tives. It also aims to engender pride in the University, and to inspire greater par1icipation in University life. The video will be shown regularly at both l ocal a nd international UNSW events. Produced by the Di vis ion of In sti tutional Advancement (D I A). the video represents th e cooperJ tion of numerous Schools Jnd Faculties. DIA would like to express it s si ncere th a nks to all those staff who supplied footage and material feat ur ed in th e vi deo. Their contributions helped ensure the video's breadth and <Iuality. All Dean s hilve received a c opy of the video. For those Univers it y staff who would like to order a DVD for their own purposes, please c ontact Gilliiln Fullilove at cfyllilove fll unsw. edu .ilu, or pho ne 9 3853752. The cost is a pproximately 5 14 pe r DVD. DIS CHANGES TO UNSW IT SERVICES DIS (Division of In formation Se rvi ces) has recent ly undergone a rt. 'Strucluring program to refl ect the dem,lnd created by the UNSW community. The process has produced a number of structural and c ult ural changes as well as a name change from DIS to UNSW IT Servi ces. The Jim of the restructure is to beco me J Single, more integrated IT organisation that delivers services within a management framework, sUPPOr1ed by a service catalogue, servi ce levels and a me.1Surable quality of service. Thi s will not only help UNSW IT Servi ces develop a str o ng service culture but also align itself with the objectives of the Universi t y. The DIS<>Connect and ACSU he lpdesk services have also been integrated into a single entity, now known as the IT Service Desk. It is lhe central point of contact for UNSW staff and students requiring assistance with c omputer related issues. In addition to thi s, there is now a service counter l oca ted on level two of the library building in Kensington campus, whe re informat i on and support for UniMail, UDUS, Staff Online, MyUN SW; and Uniwide is available. The IT Service Desk can be contacted via email on servjcedeskOun$W.edy.au or via phone on 9385 1333 or 9385 1777. Find out more information about the changes from the UNSW IT Services website at bnp:/lwww.ils unsw.edu.au. In formation Jbout all the services offered by UN5W IT Servi ces ca n also be found in the Service Catalogue section of the website.

FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

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Page 1: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

FOCUS Fortnightly Bulletin • UNSW Campuses

General News FINAL ISSUE OF FOCUS Welcome to the very last issue of Focus. Focus is being replaced by a new on line newspaper, nelYs@unslY. The new publication wi ll contain a ll thai current ly appears in Focus a long wi th the lates t deve lopments affecting UNSW - upcom ing projects, futu re plans, new policies, the latest academic appointments/departures, academic opinion pieces, video links and more ...

The Grst issue of news@'(JrIsw will be out on Wednesday October 6 and will overlap with this issue of Focus. The first issue will include reponson the new buildings thaI will give fresh life to 1000'ercilmpus and the lalest developments in UNSW Asia.

news@'ullswilliows for a shorter lead lime for contributors wanting \0 send in information. Instead of the two-week lead time that Focus had, 1lI.'Ws@ulJswwillhaveilcopydeadlinefourworkingdaysbefore issue release.

Here is iI schedule for the remilinder of 2004 :

newS(@.tnsw Issue Copy Deildline Dial)' Dales D is t ribu t io n no. . Date

( We dn es da y, before Spm)

2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19

3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2

4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16

5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30

, Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly Fe b Dec 14

Stilff will receive iln email containing iI link to the publication each fortnight.

Thilnk you toall who contributed to and read Focus over the years. The Media and Communications Office hopes that the new publication will be a useful and informative tool for all UNSW staff.


Issue 15 • October 5, 2004

NEW UNSW CORPORATE VIDEO AVAILABLE NOW last month, UN5W launched the new UNSW Corporate Video, in DVD format. The five-minute video's theme is Above and beyond, positioning UNSW as a leader that sets the benchmark for achievement and qua lity in research and teaching. The video showcases the h igh ca libre of UNSW co urses, academics, students, alumni, research programs, and community service init ia tives. It also aims to engender pride in the University, and to inspire greater par1icipation in University life. The video will be shown regularly at both local and international UNSW events.

Produced by the Divis ion of Insti tutional Advancement (DIA). the video represents the cooperJtion of numerous Schools Jnd Faculties. DIA would like to express its sincere thanks to all those staff who supplied footage and material feat ured in the video. Their contributions helped ensure the video's breadth and <Iuality.

All Deans hilve received a copy o f the video. Fo r those Unive rsity staff who would like to o rder a DVD for their own purposes, please contact Gilliiln Fullilove at cfy llilovefll unsw.edu.ilu, or pho ne 93853752. The cost is a pproximately 5 14 pe r DVD.

DIS CHANGES TO UNSW IT SERVICES DIS (Division of Information Services) has recently undergone a rt.'Strucluring program to reflect the dem,lnd created by the UNSW community. The process has produced a number of structural and c ultural changes as well as a name c hange from DIS to UNSW IT Services.

The Jim of the restructure is to beco me J Single, more integrated IT o rganisation that delivers services within a management framework, sUPPOr1ed by a service catalogue, service levels and a me.1Surable quality of service. This will not only he lp UNSW IT Services develop a stro ng service culture but also align itself with the objectives of the Universi ty.

The DIS<>Connect and ACSU he lpdesk services have also been integrated into a single enti ty, now known as the IT Service Desk. It is lhe central point of contact for UNSW staff and students requiring assistance with computer related issues. In addition to this, there is now a service counter located on leve l two of the library building in Kensington campus, whe re informat ion and support for UniMail , UDUS, Staff Online, MyUNSW; and Uniwide is available. The IT Service Desk can be contacted via email on servjcedeskOun$W.edy.au or via phone on 9385 1333 or 9385 1777.

Find out more information about the changes from the UNSW IT Services website at bnp:/lwww. ils unsw.edu.au. Informatio n Jbout all the services offered by UN5W IT Services can also be found in

the Service Catalogue section of the website.

Page 2: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly


Research Notices ------------------------------...•• RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS The fo llowing research grants and fe llowships are available 10 slaff and post-doctoral researchers of UNSW. Funding for research granls and fellowships is i\ competitive process, and applications will be assessed against the sta ted c riteria and considered on compe titive merit agains t other applications. For furth er information and application fo rms please contact Dana Raboy, ph 9385 7258, email d,raboyfll unsw.edy,au or Nicholas Pappas, ph 9385 7240, emaill1.P-AApasftunsw.cdu.au.

You can receive this informa tion electronically, by subscribing 10 Grant News, To subscribe, send an emaiIIOD:liliordomoftexplode.uosw.cdu.au with 'subscribe grant-news' in the body of your message.

DATES SPECIFIED ARE INTERNAL ClOS ING DATES. Contact the Research Office if you have ilny difficulty mee ting these deadlines. UNSW salary and infrastructure informa tion is a\lil ilable on the Research Office homepage h1!P-jllwww.[o.unsw.edu.au

AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (i) 'SPS Invitation Fellows hip for Research in 'apan (Short Te rm)

hup:l/www.scjence.org auIjO!eroaVe)[chancelj~psfst.h!m

The sponsor invites app lica tions from Australian ci tizens or permanent residents to visi t Jap.1n between April I , 2005 and March 3 1, 2006 to undertake research at designated research institutes affiliated with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science USPS). Applications are invited from SUitably qualified researchers in 'lOy fie ld of natural sciences, includ ing technology, engineering and medicine. Eight fell owships will be awarded for a period of 14 to 60 days.

(i i) JSPS Invit.ltlon Fellowship for Research in Japan (Long Term)


TIle sponsor ilwites applications from Australian citizens or permanent residents to visit Japan betwccn April 1. 2005 and March 3 1, 2006 to undertilke rcscilrch .1t designated reseilrch institutes affiliilted with the Jilpan Society for the Promotion of Science USPS). Applic.ltions are invited from su itably qualified researchers in ilny field of naturill sciences, including technology, engineering and medicine. One fellowship will be ilwilrded for il period of 61 d.,yS to 10 months.

(iii) lSI'S Postdoclor.ll Fellowships in lilpiln

bl!jr/Jwww. sc ic(Jce . Qrg.au/internatk)(chiln~is.slS!d.b1m

The Jill>..ln Societyfor the Promotion of 5cience(JSI'S), in association wilh Ihe Australiilll ACildemy of Science and the i\us!rillian Rcscilfch Council offer postdoctoral fellO\vships for periods of 12 to 2'1 months to young Australian scientists. AI>Plic.'lions ,1[e invited from suit.,bly qualified researchers in any field of natural sciences (i ncluding technology, engineering and medicine), Ihe humanil ies and social sciences.

Intemal Deadline(s): OB/ IO/2004.

(oeu, is published by: The Mooia and Communic.l lion~ Office. UNSW Editor: Sarah Wilson:ph 9385 8079 Emai!:~

"II '\' ~\' I W<'/l l' m...html CRICOS Provider No: 00098G

Desktop Publi~hing by: _Publishing & Printing $ef\'ices, UNSW Llewellyn Newlyn

CRICOS Provider No: 00098G

To subscribe to a reminder emaillisl which will notify you each time a new issue of Focu.~ is placed on the web, simply email

m~~~~"'""'l:J'"."'''''' .iliWll!J with the following message: subscribe focus-remind.

For full det.,ils of public.llian d,lIes .1nd copy deadlines visit the r exu, Weh S11(' at


COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUND Gambling-Related Research Grants Program

http://www, 0!,~9v.ay/cb(

The ( BF's Research Grants Progr,lm supporls research activities d irected at problem gambling. the economic impact of gambling activi ties and associated ga mbling issues in the Northern Te rritory. Jncorpo r,l ted organisations, higher educalion inslitut ions or reputable and recognised research facilities are encouraged 10 apply for the gambling research grants.

Internal De,ldline(s): 08/ 10/ 2004.

' LAND AND WATER AUSTRALIA Travelling a nd Vis iting Fe llowships

hllP:lLwww.lwa ,govau{fund illl; asr~sectjon-228

The sponsor aims to support four travellingfvisit ing fellO\Yships in 2005 that wi ll lead 10 beller management, sustilinable usc and conservation of land, watet and \'CgCIation resources in Australia. Travelling fellO\ .... ships allow aspiring and prominent researchers to travel and study O\ICfSeJS

for up 10 one year. Visiting fellowships il liow leading researchers 10

visit Australia fOf periods to ensure the transfer of skills, knowledge and techniques. Research must relate 10 LWA priority areas.

Illtem,,1 De,ldline(s): 08/ 1012004.

'NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL General Practice Cl inica l Research Program

h!lpllwww.ohmrc.goy.aulrcsc •• «:hlAA!JJl£illJl!m

The program aims to fund priority·driven research in general prilclice lhat has both clinical and policy relevance and which will make a difference !o consumers and their he,llth through changed, cost· effective clinical practice. A ma)[imum of $4 million has been allocaled to the program ilnd it is expected that a limi!ed number of projects will be funded, with no individual projecl funding exceeding 5500,000 over a maXlOlUm of !h rcc years. Prio rity areas are hea lth promotion and disease prevention, diilbetes, depression, ischaemic heM! disease. osteoarthri tiS, chronic resp iratory d isease, and dementia.

Inl('rnal Deadline(s): 0811012004.


hlJp :{lwww,uq,ed u.ilutconrQ(Vjndex.h!ml ?pa}!c - 10487

The sponsor offers an exciting ilnnu.11 cOOJI}('tJtJon that can prOVide funding to ~uccess(ul ilpplicant~, on a collaborative bilSIS, between $50,000 and $250.000. The sponsor is IOteres!ed in funding rese.uch 10 the area of inJury management and rehablli la\Jon of people Injured in motor vehicle accidents, and research that is directly relevant to motor vehicle· related trauma, (eg. brilin injury. spinal InJury, fra cture! disloca!ion, limb loss, soft tissue injury, psychosocial, burns).

Illtemal [)eadlille (s): 18/ 10/2004.

Page 3: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly


http://wwwadmjn.!echnjoo.ac.jl/baryey/gujdel jn hIm!

Eligible nominees must be outstanding personalities in one of the following fields of human endeavour: science and technology; human health; or peace in the Middle East. Usua lly two awards of $75,000 each are made annually.

Internal Deadline(s): 18/10/2004.



The annual award consists of a Silver Medal. In 2004, IheAward of Silver Medal, which will beawarded for work fall ing in "Category I": Biological Sciences (Non-Human). The work shall be carried out in Australia or on Australia, with preference for work done in Victoria, or on Victoria.

Internal Deadline(s): 2211012004.


hl!P'!lwW\v QZCQ.gov.au/boardslda nCe! The Dance Board cOn1ributes to the evolution of dance and movement arts by supporting artists who excel in and are developing their <lTC<lS of practice. The Board encourages the breadth and diversity of the artform by assisting the cre,ltion, presentation and dissemination of a wide range of high-qu<llity dance and movement work.

(ii) New Media Arts -- Various Awards

bup:lAyww ozco jjov.au/boardsfoew medja arts!

The NC\'J Medi<l Arts Bo.lr{l supports arts practices that do not f<lll within conventional, single artform areas. The Board supports work in two broad areas of pradice: interdisciplinary art; ,lnd nC\v media art.

Internal Deadline(s) : 2511012004.



This fellowship is aimed at supporting outstanding researchers in the field of spinal cord research, especially in the areas of repair and regeneration. Applicants previously not involved in this area of research are strongly encouraged to apply, especial ly if they bring new approaches or methodologies in to the field . This three-year fellowship (with possible extension to five years) will support researchers who are more than three but less than ten ye<lrs out from their PhD or MD. The fellowship wil! provide support of S 1 00,000 p.a. for sa l<lry, superannuation and laboratory support.

Internal Deadline(s) : 2511012004.


bllp:UjVWW.ro. u nsw.edy autafCnhmrc/2005/Ip,sblm I

The Linkage - Projects program replaced the SPIRT program. The program encompasses collaborat ive research projects, coll<1borative research training or a combination of both projects and training. Applicants can seek funds for collaborative research only, or seek funds together with <In Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry), or an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (Industry). M<ltching funds are required from industry partners.

Internal Deadline(s): 05/11/2004; 1211112004 (Compliance Check Only).

GOLDA MEIR FELLOWSHIP FUND Fellowships at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The sponsor provides support to allow students and graduates of outstanding academic ach ievement from all parts of the world, including Israel. to pursue their master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. -

In/ernal Deadline(s): 05/11/2004.

OTHER CLOSING DATES (Previously announced in FOCUS/Grant News)


ANSTO - Access to Major Research Facili ties Program (GIN 131041(4)

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds - Travel Allowances (GIN 13/04104)

Canadian High Commission - CPEP (GIN 11 /05/04)

-Dairy Australia - Various Awards & Fellowships (GIN 11 /05/(4)

DFAT - Australia-China Council Funding (GIN 11/05/(4)

ERIM - Erasmus Research fe llowships in IWInagement (GIN 13104/04)

NSW Heritage Office - Aboriginal Heritage Projects (GIN 27108/04)

'RIRDC -TraveUConference Funding (GIN 27/08/04)

October S, 2004

AAS - Visits to the NIH for Junior Scientists (GIN 07/09(04)

October 6, 2004

UNSW - UNSW Equity Initiatives Gr.lnts (GIN 07/09/(4)

October 8, 2004

ACA - literature -Various Grants (GIN 07/09/04 )

Australian-American Fulbright Commission - Sen ior Specialist Award (GIN 07(09/04)

October l S, 2004

-ARC -linkage-International Awards (GIN 27108104)

Cancer Institute NSW - Fellowship (GIN 07(09/04)

University of london - Menzies Centre Austra lian Bicentennial FelioINShips (GIN 07109104)

October 17, 2004

IROST - Khwarizmi International Award (GIN 27(08/04)

October 22, 2004

ASM - ASM Rese<lrch Trust Fellowship (GIN 07109104)

Cancer Institute N~ - leaders Program & Program Grant (GIN 07Jt)9;Q4)

DEST - WEll Programme (GIN 07/09104)

·GRDC - Various Fellowships & Training Awards (GIN 07109/04)

'The award of funds under this grant scheme a!!racts Infrastructure 810ck Grant money

Please note that at the time Ihis information was gathered a ll deadline dates where correct. However prospective applicants arc encouraged to check the relevant websites.

Further information on these programs, and others, may be obtained from the SPI N database (bup"llwww ro,ynsw.edu,au). Please contact Nicholas Pappas at UN5W Research Services for more information or training on SPIN . 3

Page 4: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly


Professor P Compton, School of Computer Science and Engineering; - Knowledge: acquisition for machine lea rning - phase I"; Ca~on Information Systems Resc.-.rch Australia Pty ltd - Renewed Funding; 2()()4 S58,835 .

Dr G Dore, Nauonal Centre for HIV Epidemiology and Clinical R~.1rch; "I..iver diRHe;and HIV.HBV coinfection in the HAART era"; John HopkinS UnM~rSlly (NIH Subconuact); 2004: USS66, 107.

Professor C Fmch, Inju ry Risk Manilgement Research Centre; ~BiOluti.ticl1ll apPf'O.1lchn fo r injury dala"; NSW Department of Heallh; 2004105: $74,500; 2005106: $74,500; 2006107: $74,500.

Professor 5 Kjelleberg and Associa te Professor P Steinberg. Centre (or Marine Biofou ling and 8io-lnnovation; "Novel biofilm control Sln l~; Environmental BiotechnologyCRC - Additional Funding; $98,299.

Professor l Leslie, School o f Mathematics; NWeste m Australia severe weather prediction: optimising forecasts using new data sources and improved high-ruoluliOfl modeI5~; Commonwealth Bureau of MetCOlology - Industry Contribution to ARC linkage Project; 2004 : $ 15,565; 2005: $15,565; 2006: $15,565.

Associate Professor H Mitchell , School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences; · Probiotics and gut microbiology~; DSM Food Specialties Austra lia; 2004: $3 1,900; 2005: $3 1,900.

Professor PI Russell, Prince of Wa les Clinical School; "Role of IL 18 in spread of prostate cancer 10 bone~; National lnsti tules of Health USA - Renewed Funding; 2004: US$ 1 08,000.

Associate Professor R Standish, High Performance Computing Support Unit; ~APAC computational tools, techniques and grid programme~ ;

Australian Centre for Adva nced Computing & Communication; 2004: $3 12,500; 2005: $312,500; 2006: $3 12,500.

Associate Professor P Steinberg and Professor S Kjelleberg. Centre {ex Marine Biofouling and Bio-Innovation; ~Novel coatings for biofilm control and bio remediation~; Environmental Biotechnology CRC - Additional Funding; 2004: $104,482 .

Associate Professor MTcesson and Ms H Pro~dfoot, N.ational Drug and Alcohol Research Centre; "Developing an mformatlon bro.chure f~r

Ie with coexisting mental health and substance use dIsorders ; ~rtment of Health and Ageing; 2004: $42,720; 2005: $17,361.

Professor B Tuch, Prince of Wales Clinical School; "Monitoring the mass of insulin.producing cells of the pancreas~; Australian Institute of Science and Engineering; 2004: $5,940.

Or V Wasinger, Dr M Raftery, Associate Professor M Gui lhaus, Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Facility; "Combined prefractionationl depletion strategies to remove abundant proteins from plasma for increased effectiveness of identificatio n of low abundance proteins"; Human Proteome Organisation; 2004 : US$5,000.

Dr AM Williamson and Dr A Freyer, Injury Risk Management Research Centre; "The effects of fatigue on safely and performance in the short haul, light trucking sectorN; Australian Transport Safety Transport Bureau - Industry Contribution to ARC Linkage Project; 2003 : $ 1 0,000; 2004: 520,000; 2005: $10,000.

Dr AM Will iamson and Dr A Freyer, Injury Risk Management Research Centre; "The effects of fatigue on safety a nd performance in the short haul, light trucking sector"'; Motor AccidentsAuthority of NSW - Industry Contribution toARC Linkage Project; 2003: S 1 0,000; 2004: $20,000; 2005: $10,000.

Dr AM Williamson and Dr A Freyer, Injury Risk Management Research Centre; "The effects o f fatigue on safety a nd performance in the short haul, light trucking sector~ ; National Occupational Health & Safety Commission - tndustry Contribution to ARC Linkage Project; 2003: $7,500; 2004 : $ 15,000; 2005: $7,500.

Dr AM Williamson and OrA Freyer, Injury Risk Management Research Centre; "The effects of fatigue on safety and performance in the short haul , light trucking sector"; National Road Transport Commission - lndustryContribulion toARC Linkage Project; 2003: $7,500; 2004: $15,000; 2005: $7,500.

Development Opportunities at UNSW -------=--------~~----------------------------••••• • LEARNING TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY

The Learning And Teaching Unit

The learning and Teaching Unit (LTUI engages academic and no n­academic staff in the development and support of their learning a nd teaching practice. The LTU actively supports and facilitates the developme nt of communities of practice in teaching and learning at UNSW. In particular, the LTU provides opportunities for groups of staff to share ideas, issues and resources in learning and teaching.

The LTU designs and facilitates face-to-face, practical staff activi ties. These include workshops and courses on d ifferent areas o f learning a nd teaching offered to academic, general, new and existing staff throughout the year.

The lTU responds directly to the UNSW community by developing activities based on learning and teadling issues identirted by staff . •

We are located in the Old TOle Building (Bl 5), High Street Gate 4 , Kensington Campus, UNSW. .

please contact us:

(0 Michele Scoufis, Director and Senior l ecturer in Higher Education, ph 9385 6036, m scoufisOunsw,edu.au

(0 )0 Brady, Executive Assistant to the Director, ph 9385 6981 , i.bcadyOynsw edy au

<0- Phil ippa Bright. SeniO( Lecturer in Higher Education, ph 9385 6460, p, bri~tOunsw.edu ay

<0- Dr Peter looker, Senlex lecturer in Higller Education, ph 9385 6226, p .look~unsw.edy.ay

~ Dr Catherine Pratt, Project Officer, ph 9385 6 188, c,pcattC!ynsw.edy.ay

9 Dr Clare Netherton, Project Development Coordinator, ph 9385 6219, c netherton'ynswedy.au

9 Dr Tracy Barber, Project OffICer, ph 9385 6979, I.barberOunswedu.au

9 Michael Brereton, project Officer, ph 9385 6977, m,lm:re!:ooOynsw.edu.au

9 Rebecca Archer, Administrative·Assistant. ph 9385 5989, Itu.uO$W,edu au

J ________________ _

Page 5: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

UNSW Network in Learning and Teaching (U N Ill) workshops

The UNSW Network In le<lrning i1ndTeachmg (UNllT) runs learning and tc,lChing workshops f,l(;ilil,lleo by academic <lnd non-academic staff who have a demonstrated interest and expertise in learning and leachmg. The iaClitlalors of the workshops come from different disciplines dnd design workshops whose topics take mID accounllhe needs of students .mo stilff. Workshops <Ire usually held on Fridays during session (from 10 <1m - 1 pm). Thl' workshops are open to all UNSW slafi ,md they are free.

There are upcoming workshops about Effective Small Group le,uning ,lnd Problem-Based Learning. If you would Jike information about these <lnd other upcoming workshops, ple<lsc emiliI Peter looker (UNILT Coordinator) at p.!ooker@unwedu,au or phone 93856226.

Foundations of University learning and Teaching (FUlT) A comprehensive 7-d'ly program introducing new ,mo existing teaching staff to the principles and practices of learning and teaching at university. The program explores a variety of top ics relevant to your teaching role, including the learning process, curricu lum development, teaching and le,lrning strategies, incorporating educational technology into learning a nd teaching, and a pproaches to assessment. The program is free to OI l! UNSW staff.

Due to high demand for places, this program wi ll now be offered o nce more in 2004:

FUll 5: November 8 - 12, dates for days 6 and 7 to be determined.

Pleilse register as soon as possible to ensure a place.

Contilct Rebecca Archer on 9385 5989 or email [email protected]

Individual and Group Consultations The LTU provides individU,ll. group, Faculty and School support in learning and teaching. including support for course and program design, imp le me nta tion a nd review, and the development o f learning and teaching resources. This includes p roviding support for the integration of the UNSW Graduate Attributes, and the UNSW Guidelines on learning That Inform Teaching.


Customised Group Training and Project Support The Educational Development and Technology Centre (EDTeO assl<;!S ,lcadcmlc SI,lfl m developing innovatiw, flexible, student-centred te.:lchmg .1·nd 10 incorporate <;upportll1g educational technologie<; in their leaching. FDTeC st,lfi arc ,1\",lilable to develop (u~tomist'cl group training progr.:lm~ In ffiuc3tion.ll deo;ign and technology tailored to SUit the needs of vOllr school or f.Kuhy. Stai! arc also ;wililahl{' 10 pro\'lde surport on "pl"t-illl Pfnreus th.:lt ~()U ,1fl' und('rt,lklns·

For ,m Il'pOllltment' (lnt,llI

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Gt'neral enquiries: II le( ph JHlS !-l;fj

Further infonnation: hUI1://www.edtec,unsw,edy,jlu

WebCT Workshops WebCT is a Widely used learning management system (lMS) Ih3t faciJit,ltes the creation of active online education.:ll environments. It is easy to learn for both teachers and students 3nd only requires th,lt users have access to a computer with a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape. The Educational Development and Technology Centre (EDTeC) runs regular training workshops in the u~e oi WebCT. Workshops are presented in modular form<lt to allow participants to progress at their own pace through the r.:lnge of workshops available.

October 2004 workshops:

Introduction to WebCT - Thl.' Student P('(spective: 10.30am - 12.30pm, Tuesday, OClober 5

• Gett ing Started with Weber Course Design and Development: I 0.30.1m - 12.30pm, Thursday, October 7

Venue: EOTeC Tr,li ning Room, l evel 4 M.:lthews Building

Enquiries: EDTee, ph 9385 2458

Online regis tration and furthe r info rmation : www,edlec.uDsw,edu,Ju/EvCOlSchcdule,hlOlI

Flex ible Education Workshops A flexible education approach is concerned with fostering active learning by course and program design, and with the .:lppliciltion of education,ll technology to support .:lnd e nhance the learning process.

September 2004 workshops:

Constructive learning activities and assessments for online learning.. 2 - 4pm, Tuesday, September 21

Venue : EDTeCTr,lining Room. level 4 M.:lthews Building

En1luiries: EDTee, ph 9385 2458

On lin e registration and further information : www.edtec.uosw.edu.au/EventSchedule.html


ARC linkage Projects Seminar Would you hkesome information about 2005 funding lor ARC llllkage !'ruj('cts l

Would vou like tht, opportunity to haw> your questl(Jns answ('rt'ri .1l)11l,t th,' <lI1P)'C,ltIOI) pro.-e~<, ,md Uld"IItlt'~1

\\!ll'f(': I

n liliri

R~ 'i<;lr"tions: t'

1 \ II


Page 6: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly


Planning, Prioritisation and Time Management Are you looking for strategies to help you achieve your goals?

Do you need some assistance in setting go.ds (or your academic career?

Do you manage your time effectively!

Staff Development is presenting a one·day seminar to help you manage your time and .. chieve your goals.

When: 9.30am- J.30pm, Friday, October 14 2004

Where: Staff DevelopmentTraining Room, Level 4, Mathews Building

UNSW Map Reference F23 bttpJlwww.uosw.edu.aulmapsi maps,blml

Inquiries: Gillian Heard g heard@unswedu ayorc)I;t ]5 110

Registrations: To register email $!aff.dey~yo5W.edy.au

Preparing For Promotion Wou ld you like more information about how to complete the promotion processl

Would you like to hear about the experiences of recently promoted colleagues?

Do you need help in assessing the criteria for promotionl

Are you th inking about applying for promotion in the future?

Don't leave it too late. Start th inking ahead!

The Preparing for Promo t io n worksho ps and seminars are deSigned to answe r your questions a nd facilitate networking w ith othe r applicants within your discipline or related disciplines. This year we are o ffering promoljon worksh0l2i-to he lp explai n the process and sem jnars to provide assistance w ith preparing portfolios o f evidenc e for eac h o f the pro mo tio n c riteria.

Workshop Prellaring for Promotion (Understanding the Process) Lecturer - Senior Lecturer

whe n: 9.30-11.30am, Friday, October 15

Where: Staff Development Training Room, Room 416, Level 4 Mathews Building

UNSW Map Reference F2 3 h!tp :llwww.unsw.edu .aul malls / maps.html

Facilitator: Dr Gillian Heilfd, Staff Development

Senior Lecturer - Associate Professor

When: 9.30-11.30ilm, Friday, October 29

Whe re: Staff Development Training Room , Room 416, Level 4 Mathews Building

UNSW Ma p Reference F23 hup"l{www yosw.ed u .au/maps!


Facilitator: Dr Gillian Heard, Staff Development

6 __

Seminar Series Preparing Promotion Portfolios

Preparing A Teaching Portfolio

When: 1- 2pm, Tuesday, October 5

Where: The Old Tote (for directions see belowl

Faci litator : Mic hel e Scoufis, Learning a nd Teac hing Unit

Preparing A Research Portfolio

When: 1- 2.30pm, Monday, O ctober 11

Where: The Old Tote (for directiODs see below)

Facilitator: Dr Gillian Heard, Staff Deve lopment

Preparing a Portfolio of Community Service

When: 1-2pm, Tuesday, O ctober 19

Whe re: The Old Tote (for directions sec below)

Facilitator: Dr Gill ian Heard, Staff Development

A light lunch will be provided at the seminar series.

The Old Tote:

Fro m the Quadrangle Lawn, walk through the archway towards the Figtrec Theatre. The OldTote (815) entrance faces the theatre entrance . From Gate 4, wa lk down the ramp a nd the Old Tote (8 15) is on the right hand side. Walk around to the lef, of the building where the entrance faces the Figt ree Theatre.

Inquiries: For more information please contad Dr Gillian Heard on 93853 110

Registrations: To register, please email sIafi,devOYDSW rou ay


Are you new a l UNSW and want to start your research program?

Do you need more information about research support at UNSW?

This workshop is designed to:

• •

Introduce and discuss approaches to rcsc.uch at UNSW

Explain the role o f UNSW Researc h Services

Identify and discuss issues related to establishing a researc h program

When: 9.30am-l.30pm, (includes lunch) Thursday, October 2 1

Where: Council Chamber, The Chancellery

UNSW Map Reference C22 b.ll.p :Uwww uosw,edu, au/ma jlll m,lps him!

Inquiries: Gillian Heard on ph 9385 3 110

Registrations: emi"lil staff devOunsw.cdy,au


Page 7: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

Writing Your First Major Research Grant Application Arc you preparing 10 apply for your first faculty grant or large research gran t?

Would you like to know more about find ing opportunities and how the Resea rch Office can help you?

This workshop is presented in collaboration with the Re!>earch Office.

This is an opportunity for new academics andlor reseilfch staff to:

• Identify the processes involved in preparing grant appl ications at UNSW

• Identify resources and support for academics preparing grant applic.1tions

• Discuss strategies for writing successful grant applicil tions

Whe n: 9.)Oam-1 2.30, Friday, October 22

\r\Ihcre: Staff Development Training Room, Level 4, MathC\vs Building UNSW Map Reference F23 bup:llwww.unsw.edu au/mapslmilps hlml Inquiries: Gillian Heard [email protected] or ph 9383 5110

Registrations: To register email sl'l{f,dev@unsw,edyay


Leading A Team

Do you lead a team of ,1 group? How can a team be effective? What are the Cha llenges of leading a team?

When: 1-2pm, Tuesday, October 12 and repeated 8-9am, Friday, October 15

Where: Staff Development Training Room, level 4, Malhe>.\15 Building

UN5W Map Reference F23 hllp' ljWWW,ynsw,edu,ay/mallll maps html

Inquiries: Gillian Heard on 9385 3110

Registrations not required,

CAREER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Career Development Opportunities. Individual Consultations

Jobs? Careers? Resumes? Selection Criteria? Interviews?

Do you want more clarity around your career and its direction1

Would you like help to prepare for your career development discussion with your supervisor or manager?

Are you looking for a new job?

Do you want help with your cover letter, resume and selection criteria document?

Would you like some interview tips and help with preparationr

Everyone has individua l needs and concerns, For some frcc and confidential support, make an appointment to see our Career Consu ltant.

Please call Sarah to make an appointment on 9385 3114 or email mycareer@unsw,edy,ay

Career Development Scheme Have you implemented the Career Development Scheme with your team?

Are you and your staff familiar with how the scheme works?

St"ff Development will be running Career Development Scheme training sessions for supervisors and staff who have either missed training or who have not yet had the opportunity to attend training sessions, The training is for both academic and general staff. Please pass this information on to your staff where relevant.


October and November dales

Staff Workshop 9-11 am, Tuesday, October 12

9-1 1 am, Tuesday, November 2

These workshops are designed to ass ist staff prepare for their career discussions wi th their supervisors, Career ana lysis, planning work priorities and sell ing development goals are covered in this workshop, A self paced version of this workshop is also available by contacting Sarah Hain (s,ha jn@yosw,edy,ay)

Supervisor Workshop 9-12noon, Tuesday, October 5

9- 12noon, Tuesday, November 9

These workshops are suitable for all supervisors who wi ll be having

career development discussions with their staff.

Where: Staff Development, Room 416, l evel 4, Mathews Building

UNSW Map Reference F23 http://www,unsw,ed u au/maps/ maps,blm l

Inquiries: Sarah Hain on 9385 3 J I 4 or Karen Sell on 9385 3536 or email [email protected] au

Registra tions: email s,bajn@unswedu,ay

Would you like to have a general career discussion 7 ____________ w_;_th_,, __ m_eon __ , __ Ob_J_"" __ ;"' __ '_"_d_eo __ ~_"_,_'t_o_~_'_U __ "_;"" ___ ;~_' ____________________________________________________ _

Page 8: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly



Welcome to UNSW The Welcome to UNSW Progr<lm provides new members of sl.,ff the opportunity to:

• •



Meet other nelV members of st.,fT

learn morc aboullhc p.1SI, present and future direct ions of UNSW

Take a tour of UNSW Kensington campus (optional)

Final session (or 2004

9. 1 5,lm- 12.]o.,m, Friday, October 8

Council Chilmbcr, The Chancellery

UNSW Map Reference (22 hup :llwww.un sw.cdu a u/mJpsl maps him!

Inquiries: Adriannc Hiuris on ph 9385 3426

Registrations: email [email protected] .au

Staff Development Resource Centre

The Stilff Development Resource Cenlre holds an extensive multi­media collection designed to support the training ,l"d development of UNSW 51'l ff. Some of the ways you may use the centre include:

• • •

Organise a staff development activity for your learn

Borrow the latest management and training videos

Attend a lunchtime video session

Access conteml>orary career planning tools

The Resource Centre is locall'tl on level 4 of the Mathews Building.

For more information contact Adrianne Harris on ph 9385 3426 or cmail.l.harrj5@1 uDm edu.au

Staying in Touch To stay in touch with what's happening in Staff Development at UNSW, and to keep up to date with the latest developments in the Resource Centre, join the St.lff Development Mailing list. To join, send a message to majordomo"'clI:plode.unsw.cdy .1 U, with 'subscribe staff-development ' in the body of the message.

Staff Networks


hl1p:!/www admjnnnet.unsw ed\! au

Theobjectives of AdminNet arc to provide a meansof co mmunication for the administrative staff at UNSW, to faci litate resource sharing and improve the profile and development of administrative staff within the UniverSity.

Are you a member of Administrative Staff? Join the .ulmin -network email list.

To subscribe, send an email 10: m"jordnmn,·t''<.plodl'IHl'11 ,'fiu"HI, wi th "subscribe admin-network" in the body of the message (do not add a subject o r signature).


hl1p:llwww,techm:! unsw.cdu.ilU

nle aim ofTechNet is to provide a me.lns of communiCiltion for the technical community, to facilit ate resource sharing and impro\'e the profile and development of technical staff wi thin UNSW.

Arc you a member ofTechnical Staff? Join the Tech Net email list

To subscribe, send an email to: llloIIOrdo/lln P\pl, II Ulls\\,('flu .}u, with "subscribe tcchnet" in the body of the message (do not add a subjC<: t or sign<llure).

Educational Development and Technology

To find out more about eduC<ltional development and technology support availab(e and to subscribe to the EDTcC m'liling list visit the EDTcC websi te .It hl1p:U\\IW)\'.cdtcc unsw cdLl au

scholarships ••• •

Applican ts sho uld note that the sc holarshi ps a nd their cond itions a re s ubject to review a nd that the closing dates for awards may vary from year to year.

Unless otherwise stated a pplication form s a re availa ble from the Scholarships, loa ns & Researc h Stude n ts O ffi ce cl ­NewSouth Q, lower Ground Floor, Cha ncellery, ph 9385 3100131 01/ 1462, Fax 9385 3732, Em a il scho larshi ps{~unsw.edu.au Scholarship information is regularly updated o n the UNSW webs ite h.t!p:Uwww.scho larships.unsw.edu .au Key: I International s tudents; l = l ocal students can apply; R=Research, C= Coursework.

Now Open The Austral ian Bicentennial Scholarships and Fellowships Scheme (l,R,C)

• Up 10 £4,000

• At least three months

Awards Me av.li lable for study or research in the UOI\cd Kingdom Irl any discipline, where it can be demonstrated that there IS an advantage to be gained from a period of study III the U.K. Applicants must be enrolled as postgr<lduate students at an Australian higher edU(.ltion Irlstitution and usually reside in Australia. Applicallons ate available from the Secretary, Menzies Centre for Aust ralian Studlcs, Unrverslty of London, 28 Russell Square, London WCI B 50S, UK. ph +44 171 8628854, fax +44 1715809627, email [email protected] website: Illlu:llwww.kcl .ac.uk/dcpSla!mCDzjcs

Closing dale is anticipared /0 be the end of Octobcr.

The Austra lian Postgraduate Awards (APA) and University Postgraduate Awards (UPA) (l,R)

• 518,484 p.a . (2004 rate). Other allowilnces may also be paid.

• Up to two yeilrs for a Masters by Research, three years for a PhD degree. PhD students mily i1pply for up to six months extension in cert.l in Clfcu mst<lnces

t\pplicants must have graduated, o r be proposing to graduate in the c urrent academic year, with Honours 1 or C(luivalent. Ci tizens of New Zealand will o nly be conSidered for UI'A assistance. Session Two awards are only available to students who have not already commenced their research, and only UniverSity Postgraduate Awards (VilA's) will be offered in Session Two. Information and application form s can be downlooded from hup'llwww,scholarshipj.yosw.edu auf ilpauPiunfo html

ApplicatlOn5 closeApril30 (or sfudycommellcmg m Session Two iJ/ld Ocrober 29 (or sludy commencing in 5esslol1 One.


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The University Postgraduate Award for Indigenous Students (UPA) (L,R)

• $18,484 p.a. (2004 rate). Other allowances may also be paid.

• Up to two yea rs for a Masters by Research, three years for a PhD degree. PhD students may apply for up 10 six months extension in certilin circumstances

Applic'lnts must h'lve graduated, or be proposing to gradu'lte in the current academic year, with Honours 1 or equivalent. Applicants must submit a statement delaili ng their Indigenous background in addition to completing the APA application pack. Information and application forms can be downloaded from hUpJh,yww.scholarsbips uow.' edu au/<!pau(li.l.infQ

Further information regarding the APA is available from APA application information

Applicalions dose OClOber 19.

The Australian Vietnam Veterans Trust Education Assistance Scheme (L)

• $3,500

• Duration of the program subject to satisfactory progress

TIle scholarship is available to the children of Vietnam veterans who arc aged under 25 at the time of applica tion. The award is subject to the same income test as AUSTUDY. Applicants can be undertaking any year of a Bachelors program. Applications a nd further information are available from the Australian Vietnam War Veterans Trust National Office, PO Box K978, Haymarket NSW 1240, ph 9281 7077, email Vyt@,lCcsoftcom ,au.

ApplicatiOns dose October 29.

The Baxter Family Postgraduate Supplementary Scholarship (L,R)

• S5.000 p.a.

• Up 10 two years, subject to satisfactory progress

The scholarship has been established to encourage students of proven high 'lbili ty and limited financial resources to pursue postgraduate studies in engineering, medicine or science where the research shows promise of advancing ,\ustralian technology and industry in the mode rn world. Applicants must have graduated, or be expecting to graduate with Honours 1 (or the equivalent ).

Applic,lliolls close October 29.

The Beth Yarrow Scholarship in Medical Science (I,L,R) • $2,500

• One year only, previous recipients C,ln reapply

Applicants must be proposing to undertake or currently be undertaking full-time postgraduate sludy or fl'SCMch in the understanding. early detection, treatment and cure of C,lncer. Applica nts will be assessed on the basis of academic merit, and potential to contribute to the understanding, early detection, treatment or cure of cancer.

Applications close OClober 29.

The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan-Malaysia (CSFP-Malaysia) (L,R,C)

• Genera lly covers travel, living expenses, tuition fees, books and equipment, ~pproved medical expenses

East West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship (I,L,R,C)

• Accommodat ion, monthly stipend of USS600, tuition fees, health insur.lnce plus allowances

• 12 months with a possible one year exte nsio n

The Fellowships are available for postgraduate study at the University of Hawa ii, preferably at Milsters level. Potential applicants must request an app lication package direct from the East West Center, Awards Services Officer, Burns Hall 2066, 1601 East-West Road, Honolulu Hawaii 96848-1601, USA, ph +1808944 7735, fax +1 808944 7730. email: [email protected]:h.t\sb Uwww&astwestcenteLorg

Applications close early OClOber.

The Emeritus Professor William Gordon Rimmer Scholarship (L)

• $1 ,500

• One year

To be e ligible for a scho larship, applicants must be proposing to undertake a fourth year ho nou rs project in American o r European socia l and economic history. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic merit and a statement detai ling his/her interest in the field of American or European social and economic history. Consideration may be given to financial need.

Applicalions dose October 19.

The Exceland Scholarship in Property Development (L)

• $2,500

• Two years, subject to satisfa ctory progress

Applicants must be proposing to unde rtake study in the Bachelor of Building Construction Management program with an aim tospccialise in the field of property development. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must be proposing to undertake study in the third year of the Bachelor of Building Construction Management progrilm. Appl icants must have achieved at least a credi t average in the Bache lor of Building Construct ion Manage me nt program. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of personal qualities, including leadership skills, and the reasons for undertaking the proposed program. Consideration may a lso be given to any circumstances, which may hinde r success at UNSW or the transition to a career in property development.

Applications close Oc/obcr 29.

Faculty of the Built Environment Doctoral Scholarships (I,L,R)

• $20,000 p.a., assista nce with tui tion fees may be awarded

• Up to three years

TIle Facul ty has five Research Groups to encourage and promote both individual 'lnd team resea rch in an intellectually st imulating environment. Fields o f study include: Design, Theory, Management and Oecision Processes, Technology, and Urban and Regional Studies. Furthe r information and application forms can be obtained from Julia Hauman, fax 9385 561 3, email: lul jah@uDSweduau, website httpl! www.lbe.unsw.edu.au

Applic.ltions close OClOber 29.

• Usually two-three years The Faculty of Commerce and Economics Two scholarships are avai lable for Australian students who aim to pursue Postgraduate Research Scholarship (I,L, R) postgraduate courses in Ma laysian universi ties. Preference will be given • Up to S26,000 p.a. (equivalent to the Australian to ac,ldemically well qualified ~pplicant s, whose field of study matches Postgraduate AwardlUniversity Postgraduate Award opportunities in Malaysian universities and the development priorities (see APNUPA entry under General) plus $8,000 of the nominating country. Overall selection will also consider issues of supplementation). Internat ional recipients of the gende r equity, country of origin, area of study and qualification being scholarship will also have their program fees covered sought. Further information and application forms c<ln also be found at by the scholarship.

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The scholarships are available to students undertaking full-lime study in a Masters by Research or PhD in ilny school or department of Ihe Facuhy of Commerce and Economics. The awards are prestigious and applicants must have Honours 1 or equivalent in order to be considered. Applications are avai lable from the faculty office of the Faculty of Commerce and Economics ph 9385 3343, or email: gtiLdu atcresearcb fcequnsw.edy au

Applications close October 29.

Faculty of Commerce and Economics Summer Research Scholarships (I ,L)

• $3,000 (accommodation may also be provided to interstate recipients)

• Six - eight weeks

Research scholarships ilrc avai lable to second, third and (oul1h year students of a Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline over the summer o f 2003/04. Students must b£! curren tly enrolled;)t an Aust ra lian terti;)ry insti tution. Successful ;)pplicants will undert;)ke a research project, which may lead to Honours study o r a further research degree. Avai lable resean:h areas include but are not confined to:

Financial Markets Analysis


Environmental assurance/reporting

Auditor Judgements

Economic and Financial Analysis of I'ensions and Retirement

Applied Economics

Economic Performance Assessment

Economic Theory

Health Economics

App lications a nd fur th e r detail s are ava ilable from our website hJ.1R; IIwww.fce. ynsw.ed u.ay/ research or by contacting Ihe Facu lty of Commerce and Economics Research Omce ph 9385 3343, fax 9385 3930, email ilradualeresearcb.fce fty nswedu ay

Applic.ltions close October 29.

Faculty of Commerce and Economics APNU PA Supplementary Scholarship (L,R)

• Up 10 S8,000 p.a.

• The dura tion of the APNUPA

Siud ent s who are successful in their applicati on for an APA/U PA (see The Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) and UniverSity Postgraduate Awards (U PA) entry under general Scholarships) are automatically eligible for this award. Recipients may also b£! offered part-time employment. Information and application

forms can b£! downloaded from b!!p:l!www. scholarshjps UDsw.edu.au(applkj!. htm

AppliGJlions close October 29.

The Faculty of Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships (I ,L)

• Up to S4,000

• Up to 26 weeks Up to five schola rships are avai lab le annually to en courage undergraduate st udents in the Faculty of Engineering to participate in the Universi ty's fo rmal international exchange program in a country where the primary language of instruction is neither English nor the language commonly spoken in the studenl:'s home Icountry. To be e ligible, applicants must: be full-time undergraduate students embarking on a period of study overseas which will count towards their UNSW Faculty of Engineering undergraduate program; have gained formal approval (or the proposed exchange program; b£! undertaking the exchange in semester six, seven or eight of their UNSW program; not be returning to their country o( birth or long term residence; and, be undertaking exchange at an institution whe re the med ium of ins truction is neither English nor a language spoken in the applic;)nt 's home or for intern;) tioMI students their country. Applicants will be re<luired to demonstrate th;) t they meet ;) minimum I;) nguage level of S in the ;)ppropriil te languilge before commencing thei r exch;)nge program. l evel defini tions ;)re :.v:.iI:lble in the l :lngu:lge level Guide o n The UNSW Ins t itute of l anguages website hllp :llwww la ng,unsw cdu ,ayl ~es/leyel Guide,htm Applicant s must be prepared to undertake language studies at The UNSW Institu te of languages andlor in the country of exchange prior to commencing their exchange program.

Select ion will be based on academic merit, and the reasons for undertaking the Inte rna tional Exchange. The Scholarship Application (orm, click here to download must be submi tted at the same time as the forma l application for the exchange program - 3 1 May for Session One and 29 October for Session Two of the following ye:lr. Further informdlion is :.vai lable from the Faculty of Engineering, ph 9385 6429, scholarshipsOeoG,unsw,edu,ay

Faculty of Sciences Vacation Scholarships (I ,L)

• S I ,OOO • Four weeks over the summer

vacation period

App l icants must be enrolled in an undergraduate course that :lllows the schola r to proceed to :.n honours progr:.m in the Faculty of Science. Selection will b£! based on academic meri t and demonstra ted interest in a research discipline of the F:lculty of Science.

Applicalions close Oc/ober 29.

The Gowrie Scholarship Trust Fund (L,R)

• $4,000

• Tv.'O years Applicants must be members of the Armed Forces or children (or gr:lndchildren or lineal descendants) of members of the Armed Forces who were on aclive service during the 1939-1945 War. The awards are tenable in Australia or overseas. Further information and the Gowrie application form is available from the Scholarships@l UNSWwebsi te.

Applications close October 29.

Grains Industry Research Scholarships (R) Several awards a re avai lable to students of excellence proceeding to postgradu:.te Study in a field relev:lnt to the objectives of the GRDC. The :lward wi ll norm:l lly be for thrcc years with an annualt:.x-frcc stipend of S2S,000. An additional amount of S5,000 may be ;lVail:.ble to the host organiS:ltion for operating costs.

Further information and application forms can be found at http://www.grdccom,ay.

Applications close.1f tile end of October.

Hanyang Inte rnational Scholarship Program (I,L)

• Full scholarship, frcc dormitory and stipend of W1S0,OOO per month.

Hanyang University in Seoul, !<ore:. is offering an award for outstanding internationa l students to study at Ha nyang University in Korea. Available in undergrilduate program (four ye:.rs); master's (two years) and doctorate (three years). Cont:lct the Office of 1nternation:.1 Co-operation, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-ku, Seoul , 133-791 Korea ph 82-2-2290-0046,0047 fax 82-2-2281-1784. website: bllpJIwww hj)oyan~ code hlmlladmjssjonslehjsp,hlrnl Emai l: 1ei\(I!hanyang,ac,kr

Applicalions close in Oclober.

The Howard Memorial Scholarship in Science at UNSW (L)

• HECS liability, S4,000 living allowance

• One year Applicants must be undertaking a full-time Honours Year in one of the Schools of the Faculty of Science. Students who wiJ1 not be completing their Pass degree until the end of Session One, in the following year can apply. Benefits for these students will not commence until completion of the Pass degree. Selection is based on ;)cademic merit and a demonstrated capacity for research .

Applications close Oc/ober 29.

1Q ________ _

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The John Metcalfe PhD Supplementary Scholarship (I,L)

• $6,400

• One year renewable upon application for iI maximum of three yeilr5.

The scholarship is established to encourage students to undertake research in Information Management at UNSW. Applicants must be undertaking a full-time PhD in Information Management in the School of Information Systems, Technology and Management at UN5W. Recipients of the scholarship must be in receipt oftheAustralian Postgraduate Award (APA), Endeavour International Postgraduate Award (lPRS) or a Faculty of Commerce ilnd Economics Scholarship. No other awards are approved.

Applications close October 29.

The Korean Community Research Scholarships (I/L,R,C)

• $3,000

• One year The scholarship has been estabtish~ to encourage and assist students to undertake study or resea rch (which may include a period of travel in Australia or overseas) in a field of relevance to the relationship between Korea and Australia. Up to two scholarships are available to students who are undertaking or proposing to undertake Honours level study, a Masters by Research or Coursework, or a PhD in a topic of relevance to the relat ionship between Korea and Australia.

Applications close 29 Octobe,.

The LH Ainsworth Cancer Research Scholarship (L,R)

• $2,000

• One year The scholarship is established to encourage students to undertake a postgraduate research in a field relevant to the understanding. prevention, treatment or cure of cancer. To be eligible for a scholarship, an applicant must be undertaking or proposing to enrol in a full-time Masters by Research or PhD in a field relevant to the understanding, prevention, treatment or cure of cancer. Each applicant will be assessed on the basis of academic merit and a statement detailing the reasons for undertaking study in the field.

Applications close October 29.

The Lorrie Fay Memorial Kidsafe NSW Scholars hip (L)

• $4,500

• One year The scholarship is established to encourage medical students to undertake an Honours thesis project relevant to child safety issues. AppliCiints must be proposing to undertake an Honours year in the Faculty of Medicine

with a project relevant 10 child safety issues. Selection will be based on academic merit and reasons for undertaking the study.

Applications dose Octobe, 29.

The Menzies Scholarships (L,R,C) The Menzies scholarships are intended to provide funds for Australian citizens (aged 21 to 45) who wish to travel to Britain to underta ke a course of research and to write a paper on a subject of concern and importance to the relationship between the Australian and British communities. Tertiary qualifiCiitions are preferred but the awards are not restricted to graduates or students. Information and applications are available from theAustralia·Britain Society, GPO Box 551, Sydney NSW 2000, ph 9326 2022 .

Applications dose in Octoher.

The MC Ainsworth Scholarship in Neurosciences O,R)

• $2,000 • One year

The scholarship is established to encourage students to undertake postgraduate research in the field of netJroscience. Each applicant will be assessed on the basis of academic merit and a statement detail ing the reasons for undertaking study in the field of neuroscience.

Applications close Octobe,29.

The National Archives of Australia, Summer Scholarship Scholarships are available during the summer vaCiitioo for six weeks. AppliCiints are required to be third or fourth }'Car undergraduates, or enrolled in a graduate diploma or the first year of a postgraduate program. Preference will be given to appli cants who can document high achievement in 20th century Austral ian history, politics or similar fields. Application forms and further information can be found at: hnp:/!oaa,goy,aufaboul usl summer scholarships html

Applications close in Octobe,.

The Novo Nordisk Student Research Scholarship (I,L)

• $1,ooot051,500

• Six to nine weeks over the vacation period

The scholar.;hip is available for diabetes· related research at the Department of Endocrinology, Prince of Wales Hospital and is open to students enrolled at any tertiary institution in Australia. Preference will, however, be given to studenlS enrolled in an undergraduate degree in science or medicine at UNSW. Selection will be based on interest in research in diabetes mellitus and aca demic perform ance. Further information is available from Associate Professor Bernie Tuch , Prince of Wales Hospital, ph 9382 4814 .

Applications close Oc/ober 29.

The OVRF-Maki Shiobara Scholarship (I,L)

• 5S,000

• One year Applicants must be proposing to undertake or currently undertaking full-time study in any year of the Bachelor of Optometry, or postgraduate study at the school of Optometry and Vision Science, the Cornea and Contact Lens Research Unit (C(LRU) or the Vision CRC at UNSW. Selection will be based on academic merit, reasons for undertaking the current or proposed study. Consideration will also be given to any social and/or economic circumstances that may hinder success at UNSW.

Applications close October 29.

The Pells Sullivan Meynink Scholarship in Geotechnical Engineering (L)

• $6,000 • One year

The scholarship has been established by PeUs Meynink Sullivan Ply l id to encourage the professional development of talented civil engineering studenlS with an interest and aptitude in the fields of geomechanics and geotcchnical engineering. Applicants must be undertaking Ihethird or penultimate year of the Bachelor of Civil Engineering program. Se lection will be based on academic merit, and demonstrated interest in a career in geotechnical engineering. Recipients will also have the opportunity to undertake vacation employment at rells Meynink Sullivan at the completion of their penultimate year of study. Application forms are available from Professor Robin Fell . Email: Lfell!!unsw.edu.au

Applications close October 17.

The Planning Workshop International Scholarship (I,L)

• $2,000 • One year

The scholarship was establ ished to promote excellence in urbi!n design and planning and to contribute to institutional strengthening and improving the qua lity o f ci ties in emerging counlrics. Scholarship recipients must be enrolled in the full-time Master of Urban Development and Design program. Applicants proposing an approved period of overseas study may be considered for the scholarship. ApplicanlS will be assessed on the basis of academic merit, the reasons for undertaking the program of study and its potential contribution to developing countries.

Applicarions close on October 29.

The Royston Scholarship in Chemical Engineering (L)

• $1,000

• One year The scholarship is available 10 a student undertaking year four of the Bachelor 11

Page 12: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

of Engineering degree course In Chemic,ll Enginl"efin~ with a project In Mineral Process or FudTechnoIO),'Y. SeI(!CtiOfi will be based on acadefmc merit alld the J'Casons for undeft.lking the p~ project/course of Study.

ApplicatlollS close Ot/ober 19.

The Senior Artists from Asia COFA Scholarship (I,C)

• Program fees Jnd Overseas Student Health Caller (OSHa for the duration of the program. subject to satisfactory progress.

The sCholarsh ip has been established to encourage senior artists from Asia to undertake study at the College of Fine Arts and to faCilitate MtlstlC exchange between ASia, Ausualia, and the College of Fine Arts and allied institutions. To be eligible fo r il sCholarship. iln applicant must be undertaking a full-time masters by coursework at the College of Fine Arts. App licants must be c itizens of an Asian country a nd normally resid e nt in Asia. Selection w ill be based on aca demic merit and the relevance of hislher p<lrticipatio n in study at the College of Fine Arts to its internationa l projects and programs.

Applications dose October 29.

The Sir Charles Mackerras / Australia-Britain Society Music Schola rship (l)

• £8,000 pounds sterling

The SCholarship is open tOOlJtstanding young conductors, composers and repetiteurs, <lged between 21 <lnd 30 who arc likely to be influential leaders in the field of music, to undertake study in the United Kingdom or the Czech republic for ilt least six months. Applicants must be Australian ci tizens or permanent residents. Application forms are allatJable from the British Council, PO Box 88, Edgccliff NSW 2027, ph 9326 2022. fax 93274868. email 9c~}'!ID~rumLCQI!1 \\ebslte ~\'Ww..hrl.l!~bc.oun~

Applications doo;e late October

The SMI Research Scholarship (I,l)

• $3.000 lor undergr,ldu.lh' studenb. $.},500 tor po~tgrar!U.l!(' ~tudel1t ..

• Om' year

l r 1\\0 schololf~hlp' Jre ,I\,lll,lbl~

pili Jnts current Iv unr!('rl.lkm' )f

until' t k H 'vel , ,


" ,

12 ,Ii /10'

The Sony Foundation Youth Music Scholarship (l)

• $6,000 p .• l.

• OurJtion of progrJm. subject to satisfactory progress

The scholarship IS availahle to a student proposmg to undertake first year of the Bachelor of Music (BMus), the Bachelor of Musidl3<lchelor of Arts (BMuslBAI, or the Bachelor of\.1usidBachelor of Education (BMuslBEd) qualification. Applicants must have completed the HSC (or equivalent) in the year prior to the .1\\'ard of the SCholarship and be aged 25 or under .1t the time of applicJllon for the scholarship. Selection is based on performance in the UNSW School of Music and Music Education annual student auditions, and Interview performance, and HSC results. Applicants must complete the Sony Foundauon Youth Music SCholarship app lication form available from the Scholarships Office or Ihe School of Music at UNSW.

Applicalions close October 29.

The Sir William Tyree Scholarship in Commerce (L)

• $1 ,000

• One year

Applicants must be proposing !o undertake an Honours year in the Facuity of Comm(!fce and Econom ics. Prefere nce will be gille n to students proposing to apply their study to the marketing of renew.,ble e nergy sources. Selection will be based on academic merit. reasons (Oi the p roposed study, and may also consider an applicant's demo nstrated ability, leadership qUilli ties and potential to contribute to the wider life of the University.

Applications close October 29.

The Vida Rees Schola rshi p in Paediat rics (L,R)

• $1,500

• One year

T\\o scholarships are available to students to undertake research In paediatrics in the Faculty of Medicine. Applic"nts must be undertaking .l(l honours proJec.t or poqgraduat(' r('~e.uch in paediatrics_ S('lei,:llon will b(' hased on .lCad('mic meri\. d!'moo~trated ability ,1nd INde( .. hlp (IU.!itti{'S. potl'nli.)! to contributl' to the wld!'f iii!;' 01 tht;' Unl\l;"'slt~ ,mo consld('f,ltll>ll 01 IUIJnCl.ll nel'd.


APAI Scholarships in Metallurgy (l, R)

·1& Ius

• , , '0 u dl'rlJk In h II

,f! and.1 h I )l'M~

P r , 'j

r!'~I'.1· h leMiing to PhO '" "Jls ~(Ience .lnd

Engineering for projects in the area of blast furnace ironmaking. Both projects are focused on the fluid flow .lnd he"t tr.lnster In the furnace, and In collaboration with B!ueScope Steel. The work will be cJrned out in the Partil.:ulale <lnd Muhiph<lse Proces~ing (I'MI') I,lboratory. This schol.uship is only applicable to Austr.llian Citizens, or Australian permanent residents who liye in Australia continuously {or the pJst ! 2 months. A relocation fee is also aVJtlable for candidates from other stales. Students With an honours or master degree in a relevant discipline .ue encoufilged to <lpply. Further information can be obtilined from Professor Aibing Yu, ph 9385 4429, fax 9385 5956; email: a.yuOuns ..... ,edu,au. Applications, including 01 and ac,ldemic transcript, should be submItted to: Professor Yu, School of Materials Science and Engineering. University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052

Applications remain opell {l1I1i! filled.

MAA Youth Road Safety Participation Grant Scheme

• A grant up to $10,000

The Motor Acciden ts Authority wi II be cilHing for submissions for grants for activities tha! ilddress identified local road sil fety needs. The applican ts will need to work with and be supported by an incorporated organisatio n (such a s a Council. TAFE, University or Youth Group). The Sche me w ill commence in Septe mber wilh a call fo r submissions, more detai ls will be avai lab le then. For more inform atio n or to request an informa tio n kit.

Q please visit bttp:llwww.arrivealjve.com.aul I tQllli:n.L.phpI38.blm ITo register your interest

and to receive il grant information kit and application form , please email your postal address to: hall@milil nsw.gov.ay

PhD Scholarship in Complex Systems in Biology(R)

• APA suppTement of up to 58,000 p.a_

• Up to three years

The proj!'Ct is funded by the J S McDonnell Found<ltion Illitlative III Complell; Syst{'m~ fC$('arch. Jnd <llms to d!'velop th{'NetlC.11 and milth('matlcal mod!'l~ 01 immuntty 10 and YacCinatlon for HIV Studenh lrom ,1

YMiety of hiJ('kground~ mav he sUltahl!' ilnd no prior l''I(p('ri!'nce I~ (''I(pecwrl For mOf{' inlorm.lIion pl('a~e contact Or .... hJ('s Da~('nJlOrt School 01 M, di(<ll "cl('nu'~ UNSW. ph 'n85 -I) em,1I1 m..d.n:rnl"l!1!':\ln~w ~ It)

PhD Scholarship in Satellite ayigation Technolog\< il,R)

• SIR.·W4 p

• pI ~h ~ ,

Page 13: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

Positioning System). Applicants are invited from graduate students with a BSe, honours I or irA with a relevant degree, i.e. surveying, computer science engineering, electrical engineering. Enquires should be directed to: Dr Joel Barnes. School of Surveying and SIS, email joel [email protected] au, ph 93B5 4526.

AppliciJ/ions remain open unlil fjlled.

Research Scholarships in Nanotechnology

• Stipend: $18,484 p.a. (APN UPA equivalent) or up to S 1 0,000 p.a. supplement to APNUPNlPRS recipient

• Up to three and a half years

Two scholarships a re avai lable to undertake research leading to PhD or MSci/Eng in Nanotechnology. Research projects are flex ible but should be within the scope of ARC Centre for Functional Nanomateria ls lhtlpi/www.arccfn.oli·aull.Onescholarship wi ll be given to the candidate working in the area of computational chemistry (molecular dynamics simulation). The work will be ca rried out mainly in the School of Materials Science and Engineering and the Centre for Simu lation and Modelling of Particulate Systems. Students with an honours or master degree in a relevant discipline (chemistry, physics, chem ica l o r materia ls engineering) are encouraged to apply. Funher information can be obtained from Professor Aibing Yu ph 9385 4429, fax ph 9385 5956i email a.yu @unsw.edy.au Applications, including CV and academic transcript , should be submitted to Professor Yu, School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052.

Applications remain open un/ii/he positions are filled.

Singapore Millenium Foundation Scholarships (R)

• Up to $70,000 Singapore p.a.

• Up to three years

The Singapore Millenium Foundation (SMF) was set up as a charitab le foundation in 2001 to promote research in Singapore. Scholarships a re offered for research in the following areas: business and economics, education and lea rning, environmental science, renewable resources and water, engineering, information technology, physical and materials science and finally life sciences, These scholarships are tenable only for full time research at Ihe National University or Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, or a Research Institute in Singapore. The SMF Awards are offered althree levels: MasteB, PhD aod Post-Doctoral with varying amounts allocated to each degree type. More details and application forms are avai lable on the SMF website: wwwsmkcho1ar.oQl.

AppHcdtionS clo$e DeCember 3'.

UNSW Staff PhD Completion Scholarship

• Up to $10,000

• Six months

UNSW staff members who have faced difficulties completing their PhD programs due to fami ly/carer responsibilities, a disability or racial/cultu ral background may be eligible to apply for one of five scholarships. The scholarship is to be used for costs associated with the complet ion of the PhD, such as buying some teaching relief, paying for materials or employing a research assistant. It is open to UNSW academic staff and some general staff who are working in research-related positions. Information and application forms can be obtained from the Equity and Diversity Unit on ph 9385 5210 or by visiting: bttR;. Uwww.equjty.unsw.edu.au I

Applications close October 6.


Faculty of Engineering International Alumni Scholarships (I)

• $5,000 p.a.

• Up to four years

The Facu lty of Engineering at UNSW has established a number of scholarships to recognise the long-standing relationship between the University and its <llumni <lnd to assist their children and grandchildren to undertake an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Engineering. For further information and application forms go to: bttp.lIwww.eng.unsw.edu.aulprospectlugi ugscbol,btm#jnla!umn

Applications close November 30 for study commencing in Session One of the fol/owing year and April 30 for study commencing in Session T we of the same year,

The Harry Howard Scholarship(l)

• $2,0CXl

• OflC year only

This scholarship was .established to encourage bachelor of landscape Architecture students to undertake a thesis at UNSW, focusing on the importance of c reating landscapes. not only ecologically sustainable, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing but also have a distinctly Australian identity, Applicants· must have competed the course LAND132~ 'Research Methods' and be proposing to undertake LAND1421 'landscape Thesis'. Selection will be based upon academic merit and merits 01 the thesis proposal. Consideration will also be given to social and economic circumstances that might hinder sUcce5s,at UNSW, as well as leadership skills and ti:Ie abiliW to engage with the wider community,

Peterhouse - Cambridge Research Studentships (I,L,R)

• Approx £8,000 depending upon circumstances

• Up 10 three years

Each year Peterhouse (in Cambridge University, UK) offers studentships for students wishing to study a PhD. at I'eterhouse. Applicants should be under 25 yrs old and study is to start in October. Value of the studentship is dependant upon income from other studentships or scholarsh ip, and may include all fees and basic living expenses. For application forms and further details visit: wwwpetcam ac yk,

Applications close April' 2005

PHD Scholarship for Pancreatic Cancer Research (R)

• $23,000 p.a.

• up to three years

The Pilncreatic Research Group, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, is offering a scholarship for a PhD student to work on a project investigating the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer. The proposed PhD project will involve in vivo and in vitro approaches using animal models of pancreiltic cancer and cell culture techniques. For further details please contact Dr Minoti Apte, Director, Pancreatic Research Group. Ph 9828 4931; fax: 9828 4970; ema il: m,apte@ynswedy,ilU

Premier's Drug Prevention Council PhD Scholarship

• $25,000 p.a ,

• Three years

The scholarship is being offered for docto ral research into drug prevention. The successful applicants will have developed proposals that are relevant to the pope framework of:

• addressing drug related issues at an individual, family, commun ity and macro-environmental leve li

• increasing the community's capacity to address drug­related isSues at a local level;

' and ' . ' • vie~ing drug issues in a

social health context.

The proposals will also be aligned with one or more·Of the POPC's priority areas of in telligence gathering, communication, community drug prevention and advocacy and will have relevance to one or more of the following areas of interest: alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, party drugs, heroin and parents. Information and application forms can be downloaded at www.health.vic.gov.au/pdpc or by contacting Ms Melanie Selvaratnam (03) 9637 5940 or melanie,selvaratnam«'dhs, vic,gov,au,

lo.ppIication$ are due (0 be lodged no

I.re< m •• •. ~ Octobe< IS. 13

Page 14: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

The UNSW Law Entry Scholarships (L)

• up to $4,000

• One year

The UNSW law Entrance Scholarships are open to students commencing their first year of study Commonwealth Supported combi ned law program who arc of low socio­economic status and students anending

schools in rural and isolated areas who are either: ACCESS el igihle students who qualify in the educational d isadv<lntage category of 'financial hardship' andlor 'school environment', or Indigenous students in one of Ihe above categories participating in the UNSW Indigenous Pre-law Program . . ACCESS eligible studenlS il rc not required to complete a separate application form for the scholarship, only theA(CESS (EAS) form ilnd

the UAC application. Indigenous students participating in the Indigenous Pre- l aw Program will be provided with a scholarship appl ication form during the program.

Application close with the closing or the ACCESS scheme and the indigenous pre­law programs.

classw=ed.:.:::...s ___________ •••• Focus advertising is open 10 staff and students of UNSW only, and is provided free of ch;uge. Commercial advertisements a re not acc:epted. To advert ise, emaillext 10 iocus l!tunsw.edy.ay or provide II'XI on disk to the Office of Inst ituliona l Advancemenl Reception, Room G30, Chancellery Building. Employee or student number must be provided. please quole registra tion number o f motor vehicles for sale. Advertisements a re not repea ted.

FOR SALE (omp uler desk and office chair (chair only six-mths old). 580 ono together. Can be delivered to either the COFA or KenSington campus. Please contact 10; j e [email protected] ay. ph: 9385 0608 or 9531 4454.

Dressing lable. Nine drawers, detachable mirror. 515 each or 520 the lot. Contact Helen, ph 9906 5995.

Hyundai Excel X3 Sprint. 1995, th ree­door hatchback, trans: five speed ma nua l, 53,000km. 53,600. Car's rego is TWM-700 12 mths rego. Colo ur: green. Very rel iable, one owner, lady doctor. Contact: 041 3 025 405 o r Miriam on 9385 2523.

Jigsaw Puzzles - Ige number o f jigsaws; 350,500,750, 1000 pieces. 99 per cent have no missing pieces. Will se ll from $2 - S5 each (depending on size and quality). Buy as many or as few as you like. Respond quickly fo r best se lection. Mob: 0419 957 784 .


Tyres . ~ 2X Kenda 26~ X 1.95 ~ MTB tyres, used o nce. ' K Shield Puncture ResistilntTIre Casing'. Semi-slicks - low rolling resis tance centres for town and side lugs for off-road. $15 for pair. Contact Martin, ph 9385 6224.

ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT Bondi Beach. l ovely renovated one bdrm pl us sunnroom deco security a partment. Timber floors, quiet, five mins from beilch. $290 plw plus bond. Avai l from mid-Oct. Phone Anita on 041 8 606 33 1 afte r O<:t 15 or email a,dc"osCPyo~w,edy,ay.

Tamarama. Hear the surfl Idyllic two bdrm apartment, full y furni shed and equipped. 1ge rooms, one min walk to Tamilfama beach and park, close to buses and shops. light and sunny with c ross ventilation and no common walls, pol ished floorboards, quite street. Avail mid Nov to mid Ian 2005, $400 plw. Email ste fanj Ocsgw !arcom ay o r ph 9300 8392 (hI.


UNSW area. Two bdrms for one young male and one middle-aged female - flat or share - near UNSW and where lovely liulecal can come [00. Call Emma ph 9385 2884.

UN$W lecturer seeks one/two bdrm rental accommodation in eastern suburbs over Christmas period. 8drm and sunroom .... 'QUld be ideal. Flexible timing suits, three-six mths but ending before March preferable . Email r.loeffi:lqunw.·,edy au.

The ru les for copying material protected by copyright are strict. Staff must ensure that all copying and communication is done in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968. Failure to comply could lead to legal action for copyright infringement. UNSW guidelines are set out at http://wwwcopyright ynsw,edY,ay

When this materia I is to be made ava ilable onlinethe library'S MyCourse Services should be used so that the material is communicated from the library's server. As current legislation imposes limits that apply across the University as a whole, it is necessary to keep a centfill record of what is made available online . See hupilinfo,libfilry.ynsw,edy,au/osdl usjnglresem,hlml for full de!ails. Material such as photocopies should be submitted to the library's MyCourse Services, level 3, library, or sent in electronic form to psd@ynsw,edu,ayContactOnlineServices staff on ph 9385 2652 or ph 9385 3648.

Audio-Visual Copying Under Part VA of the Copyright Act 1968, members of staff may make copies of radio, television, satellite and cable transmissions for the educational purposes of the University in compliance with !heAct. If this material is made available online or electronically transmitted it must carry the prescribed electronic notice. Staff should also monitor the length of lime the material remains online and report this to the Copyright Officer.

Print and Graphic Copying Under PartVB of the Copyright Act 1968 members of staff may make copies of print-and graphic material for the educational purposes of 141h. U" ',,";ty ;" oomp"'"" with Ih. Aa.

If you are unsure of whether or not you should be making copies, contact the Copyright Officer on ph 9385 2860, ema il copyright Ounsw,edy.ay

Software Licensing and Copyright Law Under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 fines Of imprisonment or both can be imposed for breach(!5of softwarecopyrigh\. CivIl damages (up to $2m) and court costs are also possible and software suppliers have the right to audit the university.

Page 15: FOCUS I]UNSW · before Spm) 2 Oct 13 Oct 19 to Nov 1 Oct 19 3 Oct 27 Nov 2 to Nov 15 Nov 2 4 Nov 10 Nov 16 to Nov 29 Nov 16 , 5 Nov 24 Nov 30 to Dec 13 Nov 30 Do< 8 Dec 14 to eilrly

DiarY-____ ______ _ _ _ ~ .••••• October 5 to October 17

T1/Ursday Stpttfllbrr Saturday NCl\'{lIlb(r6

Exhibition - Binocular: looking closely at Country. Tradit ional site·based rituals and ceremonies inspire these contemporary Aboriginal paintings, imbuing them with a spiritual dimension and deep connection to country. Exhibition talk 1 pm, Wednesday October 6. Gallery hours, lOam - Spm, Monday - Saturday, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, ( OFA, Selwyn 51, l'addington. Contact: ph 93850726.

Friday oC/obeT S

Book group - Creal Books Croup. Dr Maurice Blockman will disc uss Rabela is' Garga n/ua and Pantagruel. 1 pm, Room G3fG7, Electrical Engineering Building. Contact: Gordon Donaldson, ph 938 5 4381 orph96613097.

suml.iy OC/Ohff 10

Community arts - Spring cllOirs three . Come along to the UNSW Permac ulture Community Garden (part of the UN5W Ecoliving Centre) for an afternoon of singers, music and poetry. The c hoirs pe rforming are [ copella, Norhing without Belind.l and Rainbow Circle Song. Go ld coin donation or bring a plate to share for afternoon tea . 2,3Opm, 12 Arthur St, Randwick. Contact: m oconne!l@uDSw cdu,au

MOrl/lay Octo/'(r 11

The Centre for South Pacific Studies Seminar Series - Tourism in Ihe South Pacific. Presented by representat ives of the South Pacific tourism industry. 12 - 2pm. Room 2 12 , Morve n Brown Bu i ldin g . Contact: Grant McCall , ph 93 85 2408.

U'tJnatiayOClobrr I j

Expo - Pos/grad Expo prov id es a n informntion sessio n for prospective st udents interested in postgraduate study in research or courscwork areas. 4 _ 7pm, The Scientia .


Contact: Student Recruitment Office, ph 93851844.

WtJ"esday Octob(r 1)

Saturday October 16 - Dance festiva l: Movem ents of passion: 100 years of Margan~ 1 Barr dance drama . Dan cer, choreographer and movement teacher at NIDA, Margaret Barr produced oyer 80 original dance dramas between 1923 and 1990. This festiyal celebrates the centenaryof her birth with film screenings, dance·drama performances, a lecture and forum. Figtree Theatre. Cost: various. For bookings ph 8714 611 1. A program of events is avai lable at !l1!p:((www.mjlkyw.lydesign.comlbarrl

TlJUrsday Octobrr 14

Free public speech - The danger of software patents. Richard Stallman, controversia l and provocative spe,lker, pioneer of much GNU/ Linux software, founder of Free Software Foundation and ori g inato r of GPllicence explains how software patenl5 obstruct software development. 12 - 2pm, The Tyree Room, The Scientia. Entry is free but booking is e ssential. Co ntact: David Vaile, ph 9385 3589 or visit the websi te http://www.bakerc:yberlilwcentre.o rg{2..QlMl talkstLU 01 sta llman.htm

TlllIrsday o(/obtr 14

Seminar - Social·democratic theories o f lhe col/apse o f Sovie t socialism. Presented by UN5W research student, Richard Southa ll. 4. 30 - 6.30pm, Room 2 14 Morv en Brown Building . Contact: Dr Ephraim Nimni , Sc hool o f Po liti cs and Inte rn a tional Relations, ph 9385 3243.

Thursday O(lo/'tr 14

Free lun ch hour workshop - A us/r,l /i,l Ensemble. The c omposer a nd Australia En semble p resent a new work by Ross Edwards, Island lilndf.l/l. 1.10 - 2pm, Clancy

Auditorium. Co ntact: Elizabeth Hayilar, ph 93 855248.

T/umday Or/obeT 14

Inaugu ra l a lumni dinner - Tile Law Alumni Chapter Dinner provides a unique opportunity for all UNSW Law Alumni from 1971 to 2001 to gather together for a memorable evening at the WatersEdge Restaurant , Wlash Bay overlooking Sydney Harbour. Cost: $ 125 per pe rson, $85 per current student. For bookin gs contac t Pat Coleman, ph 9 3 85 8041 or email p .colema n@unsweduau

Friday October IS

Book group - Creal Books Group will discuss Rabelais' Garg,ln/ua and Pamagruel. 1 pm, Room G3/G7, Electrical Engineering Building. Contact: Gordon Do naldson, ph 93854381 or ph 9661 3097.

saflmlay OaOb( f 16

Concert - AuSlr,llia Ensemble Subscription Concer'- 150'" subsc ription c oncert and 25'h ilnnivcrsary. The final subscription concert for 2004. Pro gram : Milhaud's large-sca Ie La cre.Hion du m onde for 18 playe rs; Mozart's PiallO COllcerto K41 4 for piano quintet; Scho enberg's Chamber Symp/lOll y no.1 ; a nd the first pe rforma nce of a new wo rk by Ross Edwards, Island Land fall . The 2005 season launc h will follow the prog ram. Cost: adults 5341 seniors 5251concession 5 17. 8 - 10pm, Cl ancy Auditorium. Conta c t : Elea sh a Mah, ph 9385 48 74.

For up to da le informa tion on current events at UNSW, visit the websile

h11n:Uwww.unsw.edu.au!news/ p.M!L media/searchcyents.html

agent, ego Campus Confe rencing, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Univers ity Union etc.

The Current Events site o n the UNSW home page provides up 10 date informa tion about events held at UN5W. University schOOls, departme nts and units are e nco uraged to use th is site to Input information about c urrent and forthcoming evenl5. The site provides an excellent marketing and promotion opportuni ty as well as providing a source of information in respo nse to externa l enquir ies about UN5W act ivities and evenl5.

• University-linked act ivities and events which may not be held on a University campus, i.e. activit ies w hich a re organised by Univers ity staff or studenl5 and dir(!(1 ly linked to UNSW, ego Conferences at other venues, staff/student research exhibitions etc.

The si te may also include a ct ivi ties and events undertaken by associated University o rganisations, ego UNSW Insti tutes, NIDA etc .

Information on eventsQ'unsw website includes:

University activities and events that a re being To includeyourcvents in the database merely follow the instructions on held on UNSW campus; the site. If you are not already registered as an authorised contributor or Genera l activ ities that are being held on a UNSW if you would like further inforrnation, please contact the administrator 15

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