Focus Group 2 Findings

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Focus group 2 findings

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Second Focus Group FindingsAfter producing my website, I asked a second focus group on their opinions of what they liked and dislike so I could away and make critical improvements to design my website at the highest standard it should be. From my findings, I found out that 100% of people said that they liked the images used. This gave me much positive feedback as I was unsure myself whether the range of images looked too simple to eachother and therefore made the over all website look boring and repetitive. However I am pleased with the results as it shows the images are demonstrating dramatic effects on the target audience which is what I hoped for. On the other hand, although people said they did like the images and it was one of their favourite aspects of my wesbite, they also said that the pictures seemed a bit crambed and therefore a bit of an eye sore on my website as a whole. I took this into consideration and tried to even space out my pictures however not too much as the whole purpose was for them to be apart of a grid so the target audience could see the dramatic effects homelessness has on teenagers. A second positive I noticed from my feedback was that 70% of people said that they liked the logo, which was different size circles all falling down of eachother like a waterfall. Each line of circles representing a different meaning along with the colour conotations. I used the colour yellow, blue green and white as they all nicely compliment each other. The other 30% did not give negative feedback, they just didnt comment on my logo.One of the main things I noticed from my focus group findings was that the majority of people noted that they did not like the text lay out and felt like it was all unorganised and demonstrated too many different fonts. From this, I also learnt they liked the acutal context of the text and what was said from a first person account, they just felt like it needed changing. I took their opinions positively and went on my website and changed the fonts to one style called droif serif. This font then became my house style as it matched my name of website which was an important part as it's the first thing anyone will see. In addition, I then changed the structure of my text and placed texts neatly next to images therefore there was obvious image-text cohesion. I changed the paragraphing structure so the lines were equal in between and the website looked sophisiticated. I also made sure all the writing was of the same sizes so it contributed to it's high class manner. Another feature positively noticed was the background. I included a dark backgorund with stars therefore it would empahasise the teenagers who sleep outside of a night whilst we are lucky to be in a nice warm and cosy bed. In addition, the dark background highlighted the white text and made it stand out rather than be over powered by the background. The back ground worked successfully and shown how it was perfect for the aimed target audience as it makes them feel empithay towards the charity. A small minority of 10% gave negative feedback that my home page looked quite empty compared to my support page. This is due to the second page being over powered with images and text whereas the first page contains a video which takes up a lot of room. To improve, I added an advertisement in the blank space on my first page as it is a typical convention of a website and was neccessary to fill up the blank spaces as I didnt want to include any more homeless issues. Although people said my pictures were too cramped, a huge 60% did say they liked the over all lay out as they thought it was easy to read and understandable. I had the right amount of images to text and the video helped highlight the key issues which made the website more professional. From this information, I made the layout neater by changing the fonts however I left everything in the same place. The navigation bar was noticed as being a positive from the focus group as it was said to be easy and accessible to navigate the second page. In addtion, it wasnt clear there was a navigation however this is a positive as it shows how it wasn't an eye sore. From my feedback of my focus group I have noticed many positives and negatives however I have now took everything into consideration and changed some aspects of my website with the help of the focus group. This agrees with how focus groups are useful and foster valuable group dynamics which improve a product.