FOA So far, we’ve discussed two of the three colonial regions (South & Middle) and you’ve researched the New England colonies. Based on what you’ve found, which one of the three regions would you have wanted to settle in and live in if you had lived back then? Why?

FOA So far, we’ve discussed two of the three colonial regions (South & Middle) and you’ve researched the New England colonies. Based on what you’ve found,

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So far, we’ve discussed two of the three colonial regions (South & Middle) and you’ve researched the New England colonies. Based on what you’ve found, which one of the three regions would you have wanted to settle in and live in if you had lived back then? Why?

New England ColoniesSOL USI.5b: The student will demonstrate

knowledge of the factors that shaped colonial America by: b) describing life in the New

England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern Colonies, with emphasis on how people

interacted with their environment to produce goods and services, including examples of

specialization and interdependence

Colonial Life

• Life in the colonies reflected GEOGRAPHICAL features of the settlements.

• ECONOMIC specialization and interdependence existed in the production of goods and services in the colonies.

New England Resources:

• Natural Resources: timber, FISH, deep harbors

• Human Resources: skill craftsmen, shopkeepers, SHIPBUILDERS

Craftsmen and ShopkeepersBlacksmith Peddler

Master Cooper Shoemaker

New England Geography and Climate

• Appalachian Mountains, Boston Harbor, hilly terrain, ROCKY soil, jagged coastline.

• Moderate summers, COLD winters

The Boston Harbor

Boston Harbor Today The Boston Tea Party

New England Specialization

• Fishing, Shipbuilding, industry, and NAVAL supplies.

New England Colonies: Examples of Interdependence

• New England depended on the SOUTHERN Colonies for raw materials such as cotton

• New England depended on the MIDDLE Colonies for grain and livestock

New England Social/Political Life

• Village and CHURCH as center of life.

• Religious reformers and SEPARATISTS.

New England Civic Life