FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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Page 1: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the


Bolt-ActioN riFle oWNer'S MANUAl

tSr XP

Page 2: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the


coNteNtS1. Foreword...............................................2

2. ContentsoftheStorageBox................2

3. SafetyandWarrantyNotes..................3

4. FirearmSafetyInformation..................4

5. DescriptionandOperation.................11



6. Nomenclature.....................................14

7. SerialNumber....................................14

8. InitialCleaningandOiling................14

9. Operationofthe“Safety”..................16


10.1. FirstInstallationoftheBolt....18






13.1. LoadingRifleswithan InternalMagazine(FLP)...........22

13.2. LoadingtheDetachableBox Magazine(DBM)......................23

13.3. InsertingtheMagazine intotheRifle(DBM).................24

13.4. LoadingtheChamber..............24

13.5. LoadingtheRifleto FullCapacity(FLP)...................25

13.6. LoadingtheRifleto FullCapacity(DBM).................25



15.1.Unloadingthroughthe HingedFloorplate(FLP)...........28

15.2.UnloadingtheDetachable BoxMagazine(DBM)..............28 15.3.UnloadingbyCycling theAction.................................29



18.CleaningandMaintenance Suggestions.......................................30





19.MagazineMaintenance.....................36 19.1.CleaningtheMagazine............36






FNH USA tSr XP Bolt-ActioN riFleSIfyouhaveanyquestionsorcommentsregardingyournewfirearm,pleasecontactus.





PurchasedFrom _________________________________________


Page 3: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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3. SAFety ANd WArrANty NoteS

like All FireArMS, iF HANdled iN A cAreleSS or reckleSS MANNer tHe tSr XP cAN Be very dANgeroUS. FAilUre to FolloW tHe iNForMAtioN iN tHiS oWNer’S MANUAl coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.


• theuseofreloadedammunition• adischargewithcriminalintentorthroughnegligence• improperorcarelesshandling• unauthorizedservicing• themodificationoralterationofthebasicrifledesign• theuseofnon-originalparts• themodificationoralterationofthe“safety”devices• theuseofincorrect“armsandammunition”combinations• theuseofdefectiveorunsafeammunition• inadequatecareoftherifle(e.g.corrosion,damage.)• disregardofmalfunctions• resaleincontradictiontolegislation• othercircumstancesbeyondourdirectandimmediatecontrol

Notice! FNH USA reServeS tHe rigHt to reFUSe ServiciNg A riFle WHicH HAS BeeN ModiFied By reMovAl oF MetAl FroM tHe BArrel, ModiFicAtioNS oF tHe FiriNg MecHANiSM ANd/or otHer PArtS, ANd Will, iN SUcH A cASe, AlWAyS recoMMeNd reStoriNg tHe riFle to itS origiNAl SPeciFicAtioNS. PArtS ANd lABor reqUired For SUcH A reStorAtioN Are PAyABle By tHe oWNer oF tHe riFle.

1. ForeWordWearepleasedthatyouhavechosenanFNHUSATacticalSportingRifleXP(TSRXP).Basedonsoundfirearmdesign,theTSRXPstandsforthehighestlevelofreliability,consistentaccuracy,functionaldesignandprovidestheoperatingprecisionandsafetyexpectedfromanFNHUSAfirearm.





2. coNteNtS oF tHe StorAge BoXTherifleisshippedinastoragebox.Thecontentsofthestorageboxinclude:






Page 4: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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3 WHeNever yoU HANdle ANy FireArM, or HANd it to SoMeoNe, AlWAyS oPeN tHe ActioN iMMediAtely ANd viSUAlly cHeck tHe FireArM’S cHAMBer ANd MAgAZiNe to MAke certAiN tHAt tHe FireArM iS coMPletely UNloAded. Makecertainthefirearmdoesnotinadvertentlycontainanyammunition.Alwayskeepthechamberemptyandthe“safety”intheonsafepositionunlessshootingisimminent.


4 AlWAyS WeAr eye ANd HeAriNg ProtectioN WHeN SHootiNg. Unprotected,repeatedexposuretogunfirecancausehearingdamage.Wearearprotectors(shootingearplugsormuffs)toguardagainstsuchdamage.

4. FireArM SAFety iNForMAtioN

FAilUre to FolloW ANy oF tHe FolloWiNg WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.




1 AlWAyS keeP tHe MUZZle oF yoUr FireArM PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN eveN tHoUgH yoU Are certAiN it iS UNloAded. Neverpointanyfirearmatanythingyoudonotintendtoshoot.Beextremelyalertandawareofallpersonsandpropertywithintherangeofyourammunition.

2 Never rely totAlly oN yoUr FireArM’S MecHANicAl “SAFety” deviceS. like ANy MecHANicAl device, A “SAFety” cAN SoMetiMeS FAil; it cAN Be jArred or iNAdverteNtly MANiPUlAted iNto AN UNSAFe coNditioN.Theword“safety”describesafirearm’striggerblockmechanism,searblockmechanism,hammerblockmechanismorfiringpinblockmechanism.Mechanical“safeties”aredesignedtoplaceyourfirearminasaferstatus,andnoguaranteecanbemadethatthefirearmwillnotfireevenifthe“safety”isintheonsafeposition.Mechanical“safeties”merelyaidsafegunhandlingandarenoexcuseforpointing

Page 5: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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8 Store yoUr FireArM ANd AMMUNitioN SePArAtely, Well BeyoNd tHe reAcH oF cHildreN. Takeprudentsafeguardstoensureyourfirearmdoesnotbecomeavailabletountrained,inexperiencedorunwelcomehands.Storeallfirearmsinsecure,lockedcasesoragunsafe.Keepyourfirearmunloadedwhennotinuse.Atalltimes,complywithlocalandstatelaws.


9 BeWAre oF BArrel oBStrUctioNS. Mud,snowandaninfinitevarietyofotherobjectsmayinadvertentlylodgeinabarrel.Itonlytakesasmallobstructiontocausedangerouslyincreasedpressuresthatcandamageyourfirearmandcauseseriousinjurytoyourselfandothers.BeFore cHeckiNg For A BArrel oBStrUctioN, Be certAiN yoUr FireArM iS coMPletely UNloAded, tHere iS Not A live cArtridge iN tHe cHAMBer ANd tHe “SAFety” iS iN tHe oN SAFe PoSitioN. CompletelyunloadthefirearmasdescribedinSection15.Afterassuringyourselfthatthefirearmiscompletelyunloaded,openthebreechoractionandlookthroughthebarreltobesureitisclearofobstructions.Ifanobstructionisseen,nomatterhowsmallitmaybe,cleantheborewithacleaningrodandpatchasdescribedinSection18.1ofthisowner’smanual.

10 Be Alert to tHe SigNS oF AMMUNitioN MAlFUNctioN. iF yoU detect AN oFF SoUNd or ligHt recoil WHeN A cArtridge iS Fired, do Not loAd ANotHer cArtridge iNto tHe cHAMBer. Ifyourfirearmfailstofire,keepthemuzzlepointedinasafedirectionforaminimumof30seconds.Carefullyopentheactionandremovethecartridgefromthechamber,andcompletelyunloadthefirearmasdescribedinSection15.Iftheprimerisindented,thedefectivecartridgeshouldbedisposedofinawaythatcannotcauseharm.



5 keeP All FireArMS UNloAded dUriNg trANSPort, eveN WHeN Stored iN A HolSter, gUN cASe, ScABBArd or otHer coNtAiNer. Forlawenforcementandmilitarypersonnel,refertotheproceduresofyourdepartmentoncarryingaloadedfirearm.

6 droPPiNg or jArriNg A loAded FireArM cAN cAUSe AN AccideNtAl diScHArge. Thiscanoccurevenwiththe“safety”intheonsafepositionorthehammerinthedecockedposition.Beextremelycarefulwhilehuntingorduringanyshootingactivity,toavoiddroppinganyfirearm.

7 SHootiNg FroM elevAted SUrFAceS iS dANgeroUS.Doingsomayincreasetheriskofmishandlingafirearm.Thefollowingrulesshouldalwaysbeobserved.Alwaysmakecertainthatthesurfacebeingusedissafeandstable.Alwaysmakecertainthatyourfirearmisunloadedwhenitisbeingtakenupanddownfromthesurface.Alwaysmakecertainthatyourfirearmisnotdroppedfromthesurface,ordroppedwhileitisbeingtakenupordownfromthesurface.Remember,aloadedfirearmmaydischargewhendropped,evenwiththe“safety”intheonsafeposition.

Page 6: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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14 MAke SUre oF AdeqUAte veNtilAtioN iN tHe AreA tHAt yoU diScHArge A FireArM. leAd eXPoSUre cAN occUr FroM diScHArgiNg FireArMS iN Poorly veNtilAted AreAS, cleANiNg FireArMS or HANdliNg AMMUNitioN.Leadisasubstancethathasbeenknowntocausebirthdefects,reproductiveharmandotherseriousinjury.Washhandsthoroughlyafterexposuretoammunitionoraftercleaningafirearm.

15 do Not SNAP tHe FiriNg PiN oN AN eMPty cHAMBer: tHe cHAMBer MAy Not Be eMPty!Treateveryfirearmwiththerespectduetoaloadedfirearm,eventhoughyouarecertainthefirearmisunloaded.

16 keeP yoUr FiNgerS AWAy FroM tHe trigger At All tiMeS UNtil SHootiNg iS iMMiNeNt.

17 Be SUre oF yoUr tArget ANd BAckStoP, PArticUlArly dUriNg loW ligHt PeriodS. Knowtherangeofyourammunition.Nevershootatwaterorhardobjects.

18 AlWAyS UNloAd yoUr FireArM’S cHAMBer BeFore croSSiNg A FeNce, cliMBiNg A tree, jUMPiNg A ditcH or NegotiAtiNg otHer oBStAcleS. Neverplaceyourfirearmonoragainstafence,tree,carorothersimilarobject.


19 Be deFeNSive ANd oN gUArd AgAiNSt UNSAFe gUN HANdliNg AroUNd yoU ANd otHerS. Don’tbetimidwhenitcomestogunsafety.Ifyouobserveothershootersviolatinganyofthesesafetyprecautions,politelysuggestsaferhandlingpractices.


11 Never iNSert A cArtridge oF tHe iNcorrect cAliBer iNto ANy FireArM. Thecaliberofyourfirearmismarkedonthebarrel.Storeallcartridgesofdifferentcalibersincompletelyseparateandwell-markedcontainers.Neverstorecartridgesofmixedcalibersinacommoncontainerorinyourpockets.SeeSection11formoreinformationonthecorrectammunitionforyourfirearm.

12 eXAMiNe every cArtridge yoU PUt iN yoUr FireArM. Weassumenoresponsibilityfortheuseofunsafeorimproperfirearmandammunitioncombinationsordamageorinjurycausedbydamagedammunition.Itisyourresponsibilitytoreadandheedallwarningsinthisowner’smanualandonammunitionboxes.SeeSection11formoreinformationonthecorrectammunitionforyourfirearm.

13 USe oNly SAAMi APProved AMMUNitioN. ThebarrelandactionofthisriflehavebeenmadewithsubstantialsafetymarginsoverthepressuresdevelopedbyestablishedAmericancommercialloads.Nevertheless,wecanassumenoliabilityforincidentswhichoccurthroughtheuseofcartridgesofnonstandarddimensionsorwhichdeveloppressuresinexcessofcommerciallyavailableammunitionwhichhasbeenloadedinaccordancewithstandardsestablishedbytheSportingArmsandAmmunitionManufacturers’Institute(SAAMI).

Page 7: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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25 We reServe tHe rigHt to reFUSe Service oN FireArMS tHAt HAve BeeN Altered, Added to or SUBStANtiAlly cHANged. Removalofmetalfromthebarrelormodificationsofthefiringmechanismand/oroperatingpartsmayleadtoarefusalofserviceonsuchfirearms.WewillchargetheownerforpartsandlabortoreturnthefirearmtooriginalFNHUSAspecifications.

do Not, UNder ANy circUMStANceS, Alter tHe trigger, SAFety or otHer PArtS oF tHe FiriNg MecHANiSM oF tHiS or ANy otHer FireArM. FAilUre to oBey tHiS WArNiNg MAy reSUlt iN iNjUry or deAtH to yoUrSelF or otHerS.

B e c a r e f u l !5. deScriPtioN ANd oPerAtioN5.1. deScriPtioN



5.2. oPerAtioN


20 Be certAiN yoUr FireArM iS UNloAded BeFore cleANiNg. Becausesomanygunaccidentsoccurwhenafirearmisbeingcleaned,specialandextremecareshouldbetakentobesureyourfirearmisunloadedbeforedisassembly,cleaningandreassembly.Keepammunitionawayfromthecleaninglocation.Nevertestthemechanicalfunctionofanyfirearmwithliveammunition.

21 teAcH ANd SUPerviSe FireArMS SAFety to All MeMBerS oF yoUr FAMily, eSPeciAlly to cHildreN ANd NoN-SHooterS. Closelysupervisenewcomerstotheshootingsports.Encourageenrollmentinhuntingandshootingsafetycourses.

22 Never driNk AlcoHolic BeverAgeS or tAke ANy tyPe oF drUgS BeFore or dUriNg SHootiNg. Yourvision,motorskillsandjudgmentcouldbedangerouslyimpaired,makingyourgunhandlingunsafetoyouandtoothers.

23 reAd ANd Heed All WArNiNgS iN tHiS oWNer’S MANUAl, oN AMMUNitioN BoXeS ANd WitH All AcceSSorieS tHAt yoU iNStAll oN yoUr FireArM. Itisyourresponsibilitytosecurethemostup-to-dateinformationonthesafehandlingproceduresforyourFNHUSAfirearm.


24 PrActice Periodic MAiNteNANce, Avoid UNAUtHoriZed ServiciNg. Yourfirearmisamechanicaldevicewhichwillnotlastforever,andassuch,issubjecttowearandrequiresperiodicinspection,adjustmentandservice.FNHUSAfirearmsshouldbeservicedbytheFNHUSAProductServiceCenterinArnold,Missouri.


Page 8: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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Bolt Mil-Std 1913-type rail



triggerSling Swivel Studs

detachable Box Magazine (dBM) (shown) or Hinged Floorplate Magazine (FlP)

FigUre 1

dBM Magazine release


recoil Pad

Bolt HandleMuzzle


trigger guard

controlled round Feed (crF) bolt.

FigUre 2

controlled round Push Feed (crPF) bolt.

FigUre 3

FlP Magazine release location

Page 9: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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6. NoMeNclAtUreInconventionalfirearmterminologythepositionandmovementoffirearmpartsaredescribedastheyoccurwiththefirearmhorizontalandinthenormalfiringposition:i.e.,themuzzleisforwardorinfront;thebuttstockisrearwardortotherear;thetriggerisdownwardorunderneath;thesightisupwardorontop.Forgeneralpartsnomenclature,refertoFigure1.


7. SeriAl NUMBer Theserialnumberislocatedontherightsideofthereceiver,justforwardoftheloading/ejectionport.Recordtheserialnumberatthefrontofthisowner’smanualforfuturereference.

8. iNitiAl cleANiNg ANd oiliNg

WeAr eye ProtectioN WHeN ASSeMBliNg ANd diSASSeMBliNg yoUr riFle to PreveNt SPriNgS, SPriNg-loAded PArtS, SolveNtS or otHer AgeNtS FroM coNtActiNg yoUr eyeS, reSUltiNg iN iNjUry.





•Ontheboltslotwherethe ejectorpasses(Figures5and6).


lubricate at these locations.

FigUre 8

lubricate at these locations.

FigUre 7

the location of the fixed, blade ejector.

FigUre 4

lubricate the crPF bolt at these locations.

FigUre 6

lubricate the crF bolt at these locations.

FigUre 5

Page 10: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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9. oPerAtioN oF tHe “SAFety”

AlWAyS keeP tHe “SAFety” iN tHe oN SAFe PoSitioN UNleSS SHootiNg iS iMMiNeNt. AlWAyS keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.



the firing pin indicator (shown cocked).

FigUre 9

“Safety” shown in the off safe position.

FigUre 12

“Safety” shown in the intermediate position.

FigUre 11

FigUre 10

“Safety” shown in the on safe position.

Page 11: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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10.2. Bolt iNStAllAtioN

1. Onmodelswiththeclawextractor,makecertaintheclawextractorisalignedwiththeright-handlockinglug.

2. Inserttheboltintothereceiverwiththelugsontheboltalignedwiththelugtracksinthereceiver.

3. Pushfullyforwardandlowerthebolthandledowntoalockedposition.The“safety”cannowbeoperated.

4. Again,makesurethe“safety”isalreadyin(orplacedin)eithertheintermediateorrearonsafepositions.

10.3. Bolt reMovAl

1. Toremovethebolt,thefiringpinmustbeinthecockedposition.Ifitalreadyis,proceedtostep2.Ifnot,firstperformthefollowing:Withtherifleunloadedandthemuzzlepointedinasafedirection,cockthefiringpinbyraisingandloweringthebolthandle.

2. Placethe“safety”intheintermediateposition.

3. Again,raisethebolthandleanddrawtheboltfullytotherear.

4. Presstheboltstoplocatedattheleftrearofthereceiverandremovethebolt(Figure14,page20).



10. iNStAlliNg ANd reMoviNg tHe Bolt

AlWAyS keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN. BeFore StArtiNg ASSeMBly or diSASSeMBly ProcedUreS, viSUAlly iNSPect tHe cHAMBer to Be ABSolUtely certAiN tHe FireArM iS coMPletely UNloAded. PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHiS WArNiNg coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.


10.1. FirSt iNStAllAtioN oF tHe Bolt


turn the bolt sleeve. Make sure the sleeve lock is in the bolt notch.

FigUre 13

Bolt Notch

Sleeve lock

Page 12: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the


12. MAgAZiNe cAPAcity ThemagazinecapacityofTSRXPandTSRXPUSAriflesislistedbelow:

• TSRXP308Win.(DBM):4-rounds• TSRXP308Win.(FLP):5-rounds• TSRXP300WSM:3-rounds• TSRXPUSA223Rem.:6-rounds• TSRXPUSA7.62x39mm:5-rounds


13. loAdiNg

WHeN loAdiNg yoUr riFle AlWAyS keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN, AlWAyS PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN ANd keeP yoUr FiNgerS AWAy FroM tHe trigger. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

do Not cArry yoUr riFle WitH A cArtridge iN tHe cHAMBer to Avoid AccideNtAl diScHArge. WHeN FiriNg iS No loNger iMMiNeNt, PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN ANd UNloAd tHe cHAMBer. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.



11. AMMUNitioN

do Not USe AMMUNitioN otHer tHAN WHAt iS iNScriBed oN tHe leFt Side oF tHe BArrel. eXAMiNe every cArtridge yoU PUt iN yoUr FireArM.

diScHArgiNg FireArMS iN Poorly veNtilAted AreAS, cleANiNg FireArMS or HANdliNg AMMUNitioN MAy reSUlt iN eXPoSUre to leAd ANd otHer SUBStANceS kNoWN to cAUSe BirtH deFectS, reProdUctive HArM ANd otHer SerioUS PHySicAl iNjUry. HAve AdeqUAte veNtilAtioN At All tiMeS. WASH HANdS tHoroUgHly AFter HANdliNg AMMUNitioN.


FigUre 14

Press the bolt stop and pull the bolt rearward, out of the receiver.

Page 13: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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1. Withthe“safety”intheintermediateposition,liftthebolthandleandpulltheboltcompletelyrearward.

2. Removethedetachableboxmagazinefromtheriflebypullingthemagazinereleaselatchrearward(Figure18).Letthemagazinedropintoyourhand(Figure19).

3. Placethebaseofthecartridgeonthemagazinefollowerbetweenthelipsonthemagazinebodyandthelipsonthemagazinefollower.Pressthecartridgedownwithyourthumbuntilitcanbepushedrearwardunderthelipsandpushthecartridgefullytotherearofthemagazinesothereismaximumclearancebetweenthebullettipandthefrontofthemagazinebody(Figure20).Itmayhelptopushtherearofthefollowerdownabitwiththethumbofyourotherhandtofacilitateslidingthecartridgebackunderthemagazinebodylips.Takecarethatthebullettipsarepointingtothefrontofthemagazine.

13.1. loAdiNg riFleS WitH AN iNterNAl MAgAZiNe (FlP)


1. Withthe“safety”intheintermediateposition,liftthebolthandleandpulltheboltcompletelyrearward(Figure15).

2. Layacartridgeontopofthemagazinefollowerjustforwardofthebolt.Pressthecartridgedownwithyourthumbuntilitsnapsintothemagazine(Figure16).

3. Presseachsucceedingcartridgeintothemagazineinthesamemanner.

4. Withthemagazineloadedtocapacity,pressdownonthetopcartridgeinthemagazinesothatitisbelowtheboltandclosethebolttopreventchamberingacartridgeandhelpavoidaccidentaldischarge(Figure17).

13.2. loAdiNg tHe detAcHABle BoX MAgAZiNe (dBM)


FigUre 16

Press the cartridge down until it snaps into place.

FigUre 18

Press the magazine release.

FigUre 19

catch the magazine in your hand.

FigUre 20

insert cartridges into the magazine. Make sure they are fully rearward.

FigUre 17

Hold down the top cartridge and close the bolt.

FigUre 15

open the bolt completely.

Page 14: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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tHe riFle iS NoW reAdy to Fire By SiMPly MoviNg tHe “SAFety” to tHe oFF SAFe PoSitioN ANd PUlliNg tHe trigger.

13.5. loAdiNg tHe riFle to FUll cAPAcity (FlP)

1. Withthe“safety”intheintermediateposition,liftthebolthandleandpulltheboltcompletelyrearward.

2. Loadthemagazinetocapacityasexplainedpreviously.

3. Whenshootingisimminent,placeacartridgedirectlyintothechamber.

4. Pressdownonthetopcartridgeinthemagazinesothatitisbelowtheboltandclosethebolt(Figure21).Immediatelyplacethe“safety”intherearward,fullyonsafeposition.

tHe riFle iS NoW reAdy to Fire By SiMPly MoviNg tHe “SAFety” to tHe oFF SAFe PoSitioN ANd PUlliNg tHe trigger.

Notice! WHeN loAdiNg A cArtridge directly iNto tHe cHAMBer (ByPASSiNg tHe MAgAZiNe) yoU Will eXPerieNce AN iNcreASe iN reSiStANce AS tHe Bolt iS rotAted to tHe locked PoSitioN, ANd tHe eXtrActor cleArS tHe cArtridge riM.


4. Repeatbypressingthebaseofanothercartridgedownonthepreviouscartridge,justforwardofthemagazinelips,slidingthecartridgeunderthelipsandfullyrearward.Useyourotherhandtopushdownslightlyontherearofthecartridgealreadyinthemagazine.Dothisuntilthemagazineisfullyloaded.

13.3. iNSertiNg tHe MAgAZiNe iNto tHe riFle (dBM)

1. Closetheboltandplacethe“safety”intheonsafeorintermediateposition.

2. Positionthemagazinecorrectlywiththebullettipsforwardtowardthemuzzle.

3. Slidethemagazineupwardintopositionevenly,fronttoback,topreventbinding.

4. Makesurethemagazinesnapsintoplaceinthemagazinewell.Anaudibleclickwillbeheard.

13.4. loAdiNg tHe cHAMBer

1. Withthe“safety”intheintermediateposition,liftthebolthandleandpulltheboltcompletelyrearward.

2. Loadthemagazinetocapacityasexplainedpreviously.

3. Closethebolt.Thispicksupacartridgefromthemagazineandmovesitintothechamber.

4. Immediatelyplacethe“safety”intheonsafeposition.

FigUre 21

load the rifle to full capacity by placing a cartridge in the chamber, pressing down the top cartridge and closing the action.

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2. Loadacartridgeintothechamber(asexplainedpreviously)byloadingacartridgefromthemagazineordirectlytothechamber.

tHe riFle iS NoW reAdy to Fire By SiMPly MoviNg tHe “SAFety” to tHe oFF SAFe PoSitioN ANd PUlliNg tHe trigger.

3. Whenreadytofire,movethe“safety”intotheoffsafeposition,takeaimandsqueezethetrigger.

4. Afteracartridgeisfired,cycletheboltrearwardtoejecttheemptycase.Ifyouwishtocontinueshooting,pushtheboltfullyforward.Thispicksupaloadedcartridgefromthemagazineandchambersit.Youmaycontinuetofiretherifleinthismanneruntilthemagazineisemptybypullingthetriggertofireeachcartridge.

5. Ifyouaredoneshooting,leavethebolttotherear,withthebreechintheopenpositionsothatyoumayvisuallyinspectthechamber,barrelandmagazinetobesuretheycontainnocartridges.

AFter FiriNg, or WHeN SHootiNg iS No loNger iMMiNeNt, iMMediAtely PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe oN SAFe PoSitioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

eveN WitH tHe Bolt oPeN AFter SHootiNg, do Not ASSUMe tHe riFle iS UNloAded. AlWAyS iNSPect tHe cHAMBer, BArrel, Feed MecHANiSM ANd MAgAZiNe to Be certAiN tHe riFle iS coMPletely UNloAded. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

13.6. loAdiNg tHe riFle to FUll cAPAcity (dBM)

1. Withthe“safety”intheintermediateposition,liftthebolthandleandpulltheboltcompletelyrearward.

2. Loadthemagazinetocapacityasexplainedpreviously.

3. Whenshootingisimminent,insertthemagazineintotherifle.

4. Closethebolt.Thisloadsacartridgedirectlyintothechamber.Immediatelyplacethe“safety”intherearward,onsafeposition.

tHe riFle iS NoW reAdy to Fire By SiMPly MoviNg tHe “SAFety” to tHe oFF SAFe PoSitioN ANd PUlliNg tHe trigger.

5. Removethemagazinefromtherifle.

6. Loadasinglecartridgeintothemagazine.

7. Insertthemagazineintotherifle.

14. FiriNg

Never cHAMBer A cArtridge or Move tHe “SAFety” FroM tHe oN SAFe PoSitioN UNleSS SHootiNg iS iMMiNeNt. AlWAyS keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

1. Withthe“safety”intheintermediateposition,liftthebolthandleandpulltheboltcompletelyrearward.

Page 16: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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15. UNloAdiNg

WHeN UNloAdiNg yoUr riFle AlWAyS PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN. keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN ANd yoUr FiNgerS AWAy FroM tHe trigger. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

AlWAyS iNSPect tHe cHAMBer, BArrel ANd MAgAZiNe cAreFUlly AFter UNloAdiNg to Be SUre All live cArtridgeS Are cleAred FroM tHe FireArM.

15.1. UNloAdiNg tHroUgH tHe HiNged FloorPlAte (FlP)

1. Placethe“safety”intheintermediateposition.

2. Liftbolthandleupandpulltheboltfullybacktoremovethecartridgefromthechamber.

3. Lowerthefloorplatebypressingbackthefloorplatereleaseinfrontofthetriggerguard(Figure22).

4. Allowthefloorplatetoswingopen(downward).Letthemagazinefollowerloweruntilitisoutofthemagazineopening.Thiswillallowanycartridgesinthemagazinetofallintoyourhand(Figure23).

5. Carefullyrepositionthemagazinefollowerandmagazinespringbackintothemagazineopening.Closethehingedmagazinecoverandmakesureitsnapsintoplace.

6. Recheckthechambertoassureitcontainsnocartridge.Ifitdoes,cycletheaction(asexplainedearlier)toejecttheloadedcartridge.

15.2. UNloAdiNg tHe detAcHABle BoX MAgAZiNe (dBM)

1. Placethe“safety”intheintermediateposition.

2. Openthebolt,extractingthecartridgeinthechamber.Leavetheboltopen.

3. Depressthemagazinereleaseandremovethemagazinefromtherifle.

4. Slidethecartridgesforwardandoutofthemagazine,removingthemoneatatime.

15.3. UNloAdiNg By cycliNg tHe ActioN

1. Placethesafetyintheintermediateposition.

2. Withtheriflepointedinasafedirectionandyourfingeroffthetrigger,cyclethebolt,extractingandejectingeachloadedcartridgefromthechamber.Worktheboltveryslowlyinordertoeasilycapturetheloadedcartridgeswithyourfreehandastheyareejected.Donotejectthemontotheground.Thisrisksdamagingthemandaffectingtheiraccuracy.

16. tActicAl SPort triggerTheTacticalSportTriggerispre-setatthefactory.Thetriggerpullweightispre-setatapproximately33⁄4poundsandcanbeadjustedwithinarangeof3to5pounds.Thoughtriggeradjustmentsshouldbeunnecessary,thetriggerpullweightandovertravelcanbetunedtoyourspecifications.

FigUre 23

catch the cartridges as the floorplate swings down.

FigUre 22

Press the floorplate catch.

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UNloAded. keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

WeAr eye ProtectioN WHeN diSASSeMBliNg ANd cleANiNg yoUr riFle to PreveNt SPriNgS, SPriNg-loAded PArtS, SolveNtS or otHer AgeNtS FroM coNtActiNg yoUr eyeS, reSUltiNg iN iNjUry.

keeP All AMMUNitioN AWAy FroM tHe cleANiNg AreA. Never teSt tHe MecHANicAl FUNctioN oF yoUr riFle WitH live AMMUNitioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

18.1. cleANiNg ProcedUreS



1. Removetheboltasexplainedpreviously.

2. Inspectthechamberandboreforpowderfouling.Anormalamountofpowderresiduecanbeexpectedandisnotserious.Itcanusuallyberemovedwithapatchsaturatedwithnitrosolvent.


Notice! AtteMPtiNg to AdjUSt tHe trigger Will AFFect tHe Stock BeddiNg ANd AFFect tHe AccUrAcy WHeN tHe BArrelled ActioN iS reMoved. trigger AdjUStMeNtS SHoUld Be PerForMed By AN FNH USA certiFied tSr XP ArMorer.

17. MoUNtiNg A ScoPe

BeFore MoUNtiNg A ScoPe, SigHt or otHer AcceSSorieS to yoUr riFle, PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN. oPeN tHe ActioN ANd MAke certAiN yoUr riFle iS coMPletely UNloAded. keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.



18. cleANiNg ANd MAiNteNANce SUggeStioNS

BeFore PerForMiNg cleANiNg ProcedUreS, PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN. oPeN tHe ActioN ANd MAke certAiN yoUr riFle iS coMPletely

Page 18: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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18.2. Bolt MAiNteNANce

BeFore PerForMiNg Bolt diSASSeMBly ProcedUreS, PlAce tHe “SAFety” iN tHe iNterMediAte PoSitioN. oPeN tHe ActioN ANd MAke certAiN yoUr riFle iS coMPletely UNloAded. keeP tHe MUZZle PoiNted iN A SAFe directioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.

WeAr eye ProtectioN WHeN diSASSeMBliNg ANd cleANiNg yoUr riFle to PreveNt SPriNgS, SPriNg-loAded PArtS, SolveNtS or otHer AgeNtS FroM coNtActiNg yoUr eyeS, reSUltiNg iN iNjUry.

keeP All AMMUNitioN AWAy FroM tHe cleANiNg AreA. Never teSt tHe MecHANicAl FUNctioN oF yoUr riFle WitH live AMMUNitioN. FAilUre to FolloW tHeSe WArNiNgS coUld reSUlt iN SerioUS iNjUry or deAtH.



18.3. Bolt diSASSeMBly

1. Toremovethebolt,thefiringpinmustbeinthecockedposition.Ifitalreadyis,proceedtostep2.Ifnot,firstperformthefollowing:Withtherifleunloadedandthemuzzlepointedinasafedirection,cockthefiringpinbyraisingandloweringthebolthandle.




3. Afterallfoulinghasbeenremoved,thechamberandboreshouldbewipeddry.Whentheboreisdry,passaslightlyoiledpatchthroughitforpreservation.Afine,lightgunoilisrecommended.

4. Inspectthebarrelandchambertobecertainnopatcheshaveinadvertentlybeenleftinthem.Removeanythatremain.

5. Useasmallbrushorragtoremovedirtorotherforeignmatterfrominsidethereceiverandotherpartsoftheaction.Lightlylubricateallmovingpartswithahigh-quality,lightgunoil.Useoilsparingly,averylightfilmissufficient.Afine,lightgunoilisideallysuitedforthispurpose.

6. Wipeallexposedmetalsurfaceswithalightlyoiledclothmakingcertainthatallfingermarksareremoved.Fingermarksprovideaplacewheremoisturecanaccumulate.Themetalofthegunshouldreceivealightfilmofoilanytimetheriflehasbeenexposedtoweatherorhandling.

Page 19: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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2. Inserttheboltintothereceiverasexplainedpreviously.


Notice! do Not tAke yoUr FireArM’S ActioN APArt BeyoNd WHAt iS eXPlAiNed iN tHiS oWNer’S MANUAl. tHiS iS A SPeciAliZed, FiNely Fitted MecHANiSM; ANy AtteMPt to diSASSeMBle tHe iNNer MecHANiSM MAy MAr it For liFe. it iS UNNeceSSAry, ANd MAy do dAMAge to tHe iNNer MecHANiSM to diSASSeMBle it For roUtiNe cleANiNg ANd oiliNg. oF coUrSe, MiSFortUNeS (SUcH AS droPPiNg yoUr FireArM iN WAter) reqUire APProPriAte AtteNtioN, ANd iN SUcH circUMStANceS We recoMMeNd yoU iMMediAtely tAke yoUr FireArM to A qUAliFied gUNSMitH.

2. Placethe“safety”intheintermediateposition.

3. Raisethebolthandleandremovetheboltfromtherifleasexplainedpreviously.

4. Depressthesmallbreechboltsleevelockwithyourthumb(Figure24)andturnthebreechboltsleevetotheleft(counterclockwiselookingfromtherearofthebolt).Ittakesaboutnineturnsforthebreechboltsleeve(andtheconnectedfiringpinassembly)tounscrewfromthebreechbolt.Carefullypulltheassemblyoutofthebreechbolt.

5. Beextremelycarefultoleavethe“safety”intheintermediateposition.

6. Itisnotnecessaryorrecommendedthatyoudisassemblethefiringpinassemblyfurtherthanthis(Figure25).

7. Carefullywipecleanandverylightlyoiltheassembly.Aerosollubricantsareexcellentforforcingoutanydirt,gritormoisture.

18.4. Bolt ASSeMBly

1. Screwthefiringpinassemblybackintothebreechboltuntilthebreechboltsleevelockengagesthenotchinthebreechbolt.

FigUre 25

do not disassemble the bolt beyond this point.

FigUre 24

Press the bolt sleeve lock. Unscrew the bolt sleeve.

Bolt Sleeve lock

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21. Service PolicyFNHUSAproductsareservicedbytheFNHUSAProductServiceCenterinArnold,Missouri.



22. WArrANty or ServiceIfyourFNHUSAproductshouldrequireserviceorrepairs,wesuggestyoucontacttheFNHUSAProductServiceCenterinArnold,Missouri.Lawenforcementandmilitaryusersshouldcontacttheirdepartmentorunitarmorer.




1. Besureitiscompletelyunloaded.

2. Removethescope,opticsoraccessories.

19. MAgAZiNe MAiNteNANce

WeAr eye ProtectioN SolveNtS or otHer AgeNtS FroM coNtActiNg yoUr eyeS, reSUltiNg iN iNjUry.


19.1. cleANiNg tHe MAgAZiNe

1. Cleanthemagazinebysprayingitwithaguncleaningsolventthatwillnotadverselyaffectthepolymermagazinefollowerorcorrodethemetalcomponents.Spraythemagazinewiththissolvent,bothinsideandout,toloosendebris.

2. Drainthesolventandresiduefrominsidethemagazine.

3. Usecompressedairtodrythemagazineorallowittoairdryandlightlyoil.

20. tAkiNg cAre oF tHe riFleNotice!yoUr riFle SHoUld Be iNSPected every 2000 roUNdS ANd/or oNce A yeAr By A qUAliFied gUNSMitH or tHe FNH USA ProdUct Service ceNter BecAUSe dAMAge, WeAr ANd corroSioN Are Not AlWAyS viSiBle FroM tHe oUtSide. lAW eNForceMeNt ANd MilitAry PerSoNNel SHoUld coNtAct tHeir dePArtMeNtAl ArMorer WHo Will iNSPect tHe riFle oN A yeArly BASiS.

Notice! iF tHe oPerAtioN oF tHe riFle SeeMS ABNorMAl, rePort it to yoUr deAler or dePArtMeNtAl ArMorer iMMediAtely.

Page 21: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the

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3. Packageitsecurelyinacardboardcontainer.

4. Enclosetheservice/repairformavailableatwww.fnhusa.comoraletterthatclearlydescribesthetroubleexperienced,theammunitionusedandtherepairsdesired.Alsoincludeyournameandadaytimephonenumberwhereyoucanbereached.

5. Ifconvenient,sendacopyoftheservice/repairformorlettertousseparately.

6. Neverreturnammunitionwithyourfirearm.Itisagainstpostalandmostcommerceregulations.





23. tecHNicAl SPeciFicAtioNSCaliber : 308Win. 300WinchesterShortMagnum(WSM) 223Rem. 7.62x39mm

Typeoffire : Bolt-Action

Triggerpull : 3.50-5.0lbs.

Weight : TSRXP308Win.20"barrel:8.8lbs. TSRXP308Win.24"barrel:9.6lbs. TSRXP300WSM24"barrel:10.1lbs. TSRXPUSA223Rem.20"barrel:8.7lbs. TSRXPUSA7.62x39mm20"barrel:8.7lbs.

Length : TSRXPw/20"barrel:40.5" TSRXPw/24"barrel:44.5" TSRXPUSAw/20"barrel:40"

Height : 7.50"

Barrellength : 20"or24"

Twistanddirection : TSRXP308Win.:1:12",right-hand TSRXP300WSM:1:10",right-hand TSRXPUSA223Rem.:1:9",right-hand TSRXPUSA7.62x39mm:1:10",right-hand

Magazinecapacity : TSRXP308Win.(DBM):4-rounds TSRXP308Win.(FLP):5-rounds TSRXP300WSM:3-rounds TSRXPUSA223Rem.:6-rounds TSRXPUSA7.62x39mm:5-rounds


Page 22: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the


NoteS NoteS

Page 23: FNH USA tSr XP - Amazon S3€¦ · TSR XP models. Except for specific differences between the operation of TSR XPs and TSR XP USAs, the TSR XP is illustrated. When different, the


