•J u. V MftHSTS: MMMk-^M i"l* "\ "•• •»- O f M l l l i u * , | l » i l i » l , ^ — - « H i n A liMMfrqMWfclwiiWMtMBMWW 1 1 I III' «»il|«lli«M^ i>4inl,l,«i,< ii»i. ji>,., II iii..i l i < ,ii,inn„«itiii l iiiii, iiMnitiHiHi'ii ii >•„.,., ... . «, . • in i- CHRISTMAS IN CATHOLIC feHtlRCHRS HtifcE BrahpjxT Conroy Pontificated at r. fr h e Cathedral Midnight J Mn.sc Celebrated. , I A T HOTRB DAMB OTnmcm Midnight Mass and Sermon by Father Oharbonnoau Spe- cial Music Featured Pro- gram. I ID MfV. J. M Oonroy 1>. IX. LL .''D., Bishop of OKdenphurg pontiff-, , dated ut midnight muss thix morn- ing at Nt M;ir>'»i i-itthtirirnl. The other ..Officer* of (ho iniiHH wore an; follows: AMHistant pr*>Mt. Hw. K. J. VBrown. rector of the rathedra]; dcn- '•etyif t>f honor to fho I(( Hev ^jfeftv. J. A Cotfrr. K<v J A •j^ler; deacon of the mats H«-v II. J. Martin. HutHlrncou of the iniiHH. „.'Bav\" James A Fix; master of corc- ttlonlrH. Uov .Itdiii L. IMiuikett, chunetdior, usniMtunt tuuNh'r of core- J. motile**, Donald Kelly, Catholic uni- versity, Wnuh^iiutoii. I). ('. The KeniiuH <m the Nativity was delivered hy thr Ut. Itevcivud lllsh 0|>.,.Tho choir rendered tin- follow- ing mtiHica! program: 4 **roei»MHh»n«l StiiH-limry choir KyrtAn-MJ.Mha Natalin in " F ' St. John's Services Last Ni I nHMH"' * iyMiy)ffi»»»wwyp<*w<iii' - g u t y >• 'Mt$t*$ SUWDA1T oiMtUi: ifei. g Choir Rendered Carols Preced tag the Midnight dere monies. "BODY AND SOUL" ATTRACTION AT STRAND^ TODAY Aileen Pringle Has the Leading Role Requiring Fine Dramat- ic Action—A Picture Worth While. f Those who know Allften Prtfffde TO* ohfWren's eardi iterate© And i UD<)n the 8 ^ reon * 8 a P«rtrayer of Chlstmas tree was hclll in St. John's roles soph isicated .are due to receive church yesterday afternoon at 3:00'a surprise when they see her work o'clock. ] LaHt night heginniug at 11:15 the choir ut St. John'* sang (liriBtmas Carols in the church. J The mid-night service' promptly at 11:45. The (program Wart Highly of music follows: | Carol 8erv<ce. 1 Cod Rest You Merry Gentle HiHhop.imon. I ('Iicval-i -• (Jood Christian Men Rejoice. .1 The First Noel. •I. We Three Kings of Orient A re. The Mldnloht Service. Organ Prelude Violin solo with Iment. Processional Hymn, "O Come All Ye Faithful " Festival Te Deum Kvrie Tihi .._'_. Tihi CtttUtt- and •d—Many Items. NORWOOD, pec. 24.—ArtlWlu C. Cook, a prominent citlsen residing in "Body and Soul," a Metro-Gold- a few miles east of this, village, wyn-Mayer production the feature, passed away D*c. 16, age 75 years, picture at the Strand today. For j Mr. Cook was Jborn Aug. 15, 1852. Jthe first time in her entire screen;On Sept. 3, 18lk, he was united In started career Mies Pringle has a part'marriage to Mtfs Mary Oleandreau, which demands extremely drama- tic action and pictures her as an innocent girl, the very reverse of Arthdr Cook ? Passes Awa/ In Norwood BIGBOXING am ON POR^ MONDAY NIGHt New York City and Watertown Men Will feature Christ- mas Card. 0. F. A. Wins SYSTEM SAVES LEWIS COUNT? *£&-'-'flftlllvan of Wateftowri mil jmeet Curleyhead Tony of New I York city in the bout on an elab- orate boxing card which ha* been arranged» as a special Christmas treat for fight fans here tomorrow Over Canton By 16 To 14 Field Basket by in Last Seconds of Play, Water Canal $7,624INYEAR, Repair At Hannawa Oaptnre/i Game—^An Bxoiting' » nown fn tte r e ^ BJVWI and Thrilling Came. ^'" J ' Ogdensburg Free night Other fights which Dumas j emerged victorious academy Wednesday her former screen sophistication. MIHH Pringle has the role of the ' beautirul Hilda, heroine of Kathar- ine Newlin Burt's "best seller," and appeurs opposite Norman Kerry who died in 1»15. To this union were born fojr sons, Arland A., Walton C, andjMerton J., all living and Claude L. Cook who died in In- fancy. Mr. Cook was married again Oct. 15, 1919, to Mrs. Florence K. Munson, who survives. Mr. Cook was a member of Wesleyan Metho- has scheduled are: Al Marlow of Ogdensbtirg Tom Healy, the fighting Irishman. Slim Moore of Prescott vs. T. Montroy, Ogdensburg. Ed Mashaw, Ogdensburg Battling Bush. vs I the crazed English physician and Chlstmas Music, T. Hoy Barnes is seen as the comi- organ aceompan- cal Swiss postman. The picture was 'directed by Reginald Barker. Novell I dlor.Ut Mis'uulc Ant'.liM in Qredo Mfsa <!•• Augfdis in Olurka (Jiorza (iiorza "() Mttle Town r. m • ^Offertory " \(\v«tv FMICICM" Nov<-l!o f )n«i. Trio and Chorus ) Mi" & Mrticdirfus Minsa Nat ill " F " (rio|'/U UIH l»i-i MIM:JI Natal is in "F" (•lor/a Uf«r»v4Mion.»l Tradil ionla Sane!uary rindr. Organist rintvssor Leo Valley; (Jlre4tor of on-lw-itra. Prof. Writ.' Dewar^, nerNiumel of choir: Hop - r a n w !\fr» WiUlam Klru-h, Mrs. John Mi:L'»iir«'. Mrs William Ring. HfH.^ Italph Ulaii. Mt" Frank l.n pion, MIM .1 .1 LantTMfaff. MVH. Phalf. t h e Ml«i-•#«.•» M a r c a r e t Kliich, Ver% KIIMII. Iturttlliv finder, |1<»- DIOICH Martin. Lucille Connors, '3>mlA HpiJiit, <;» rinide Pai|iiette. AHoS>'-Mr.'«. I fury Ward. Mr» Ad*»Ue l»'tm.'tM. MNN Martraret M<- Cnrtjb.v, M!•<.•* Lillian Couron. Mrs. VFlVd Payne. MUM Alice Kee^ari. •-Ii-Teliora Messi^. Alh-u McPher Sf>n,i»Th"odoire Waid. tjeoni" .1. I M»d4cn I ; BARM Mc rv M I' Paqiiette, L. I. F#art. Hohd.ttM Mri Klnch. Mrs. Mc Otllrjf, Mn W.IKI. Miss Ktnch, MesarM I'a-jueUe and Mcphers«»n. (Iloria (J rat las Credo Hymn, hem." Offertory Anthem, Bethlehem" Surstttn Corda .._ Sauctus Calkins J. K. West _C»oimod (idunocl Oounod of Bet hie- "The PiaiitH of Dudley Buck .Oounod (touuod Oounod Oounod Oounod .... flower . , Oruher Pa me Upon IJenedietUH (fill venlt AKIHIS Ihd Olorla in Fxcelsis Fiveff»ld Amen ... Holy Niwht IteceHsional hymn, "It the Midnight Clear." At the midnight service, the organ was accompanied with the violin, played by Kenneth Dan forth. The soloists at this service were O. Os- car Perils. Marry Ingram and Charles Ingram. COUNCIL APPROVES PLACING ENGINEER IN CIVIL SERVICE Lionel Barrymore has the role of dist church. His funeral was held from his farm home Sunday after- noon. Rev. Chajrles Hill of Morley officiated, assisted by Rev. S. H. Miller. Burial was made in Hale cemetery.—Robert Smith is home from Fordham university to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Mary Smith.—Miss Ada Babcock, who is attending Plattsburg Nor- mal is spending the holidays with her father, Geoifge Babcock.—Dr. L. P. Regan attended the funeral of his aunt, Miss! Nona Burke, at Potsdam Friday.—Mrs State Principals, Likely To Oppiwfc Teachers' Plans School Heads to Convene in Syracuse for Annual v Session Tuesday. $150,000 Estate Left Charity Jerome £• SYRAOUSK, Dec. 24. —High school principals of the state are expeded to register emphatic op- ,' position at their annual meeting i here next week to the proposal, I hacked by 'the ttoSv York, tftate I Teachers* association, to increase (the powers of district superintend- ents over village schools. I The move will eorne up for dis- cussion at the forty-third Lafatffeville Kan Gives $25,000 to School and Hosiptal, $20,000 to Church. ' WATE3RTOWN, Dec. 24>~An estate which will approximate $160,000 was given to charity, it was announced with the filing of !4ifc will of Jerome R. Sneil, La* Charlotte' fargevlile business man, in surro- Bero of Masscnja was in town last \ KfLti >>. B c0U ftonrlay by Judge J. week. r Mrs. Jajnes Flynn and son Frank j ^ ^ attorney for the es Bernard spent JFriday In Syracuse. —Mrs. Carson j Shaw, who under- went an operation at the Hepburn hospital recentljy is still in a criti- cal condition.—pr. and Mrs. Leo P. Regan are the happy parents of a baby daughter, born Dec. 21.—Miss Cora McClelland of New York was called home by! the serious illness of her aunts, (Misses Martha and , Mina Myers. Both are much better, annual'MIMA Mina Hiiflfpred a third stroke Snell left Bequests as convention of the Associated Aca-[ nm i j H unable to move her left side, demic Principals, which will bring Mr. and Mrs] Willis J. Fletcher close to 700 school heads to Syra- cuse Tuesday for a two-day session. spent last weekend in Ogdensburg, guests of l>r. rind Mrs. Harry J. The proposed new local law five, placing the position of controlling engineer under civil service, was unanimously adopted nt rt special meeting of the city eouncjl Friday The law is designed to take the Job out of politics. The may hold a hearing on the si^n it, when ft will tIve i i i i i i Finch ' s *tuchw TiiV^Miy evening, while Principals regard the proposal'to. Worthing. Wilfred Worden, Murray give district superintendents au- J Farmer, Walter Austin and Kert- tHnrlfv to recommend'tenoherB fori neth Melver, &11 students of St. npprintment in all Viljuges . with Lawrence university are home for IOJJH than 4,500 inhabitants, as a| the Christmas' Vacation.—Hev. Per- distinct infringement on l th i e , lr"crfn trol over their schools, 'Headquarters., of the. will he ut the OnoQri^qO;*-where the L yor will later, f| Im , ftMlJR . * „ , , , fco h«l» at 4 ni come ui«« , ^ w||| ^ h e4d at^'Wie Hotel ey H. OeKcon nas been lit with a sever'e attack or the ^rlp.—John J. convention' "able spent Ia(st w^ek in Canada. ' Minot Bennett Is spending the tate. Mr follows: .Kndowment of $25,000 for the I^afargeville high school; Lafafge- i vllle M. E. church, $20,000; House j of t Oood Samaritan, Watertown, |$2r/,000; Jefferson County Or- phan's home, $8,000; Salvation : Army, $1,000; Masonic Home and j Hospital, Utlca, $10,000; $8,000 for i public vault and $2,000 for drain- I age, Orlve cemetery, Lafargevllle; Lafargevllle lodge F. & A. M., $3,000; Fred C. Snell, Waterton, $5,000. w The rest of the estate is di- vided equally between I^afargeville M. E. church and the Northern N*ew York, conference of. the. Meth- odist Episcopal church. i evening on the large end of a 16-H vs - score when th«y battled with Can- fon In one of the fastest and most exciting games played by the lo- cals this season. The eveness of the score hints at the well matched teams which took the floor against each other for the Important league game. After the opening whistle both teams fought hard In an attempt to break through and score. The first tally came after four minutes ot playing when a Canton man broke through the Blue and White defense and scored the first basket. Ogdensburg repeated the tally al- most immediately with a beautiful long shot from the floor. From this time on it was nip and tuck, both quiutetB finding difficulty in break- ing through the other's defense, and the first quarter ended 3-2 in favor of Canton the latter having scored a point from the foul line in the meantime. Aft-er the opening of the second quarter O. F. A. played hard but missed some easy shots. The teams fought hard for the ball and kept it in quick passing for the rest of the half which ended 7-0 In favor of Canton. With the opening of the second half O. F Probation Plan's Saving Re- vealed in Report ot Offi- cer Donnelly. ' L&mriLLE, Dec. 24—A?*«wrkg of $7,624 to Lewis county warn the board of supervisors by E. O. Don- nelly, county probation officer. The amount spent by probation- erg fn support of their families which would have been a town ex- pense If they had bwn sent to pris- on was estimated at $3,000. The ex- pense avoided by placing these per- sons at work under probation in- stead ot serving prison terms at the expewe of the county wae es- timated at the charges for main- tenance In penal institutions at $4,624. At the time of Mr. Donnelly's appointment November 9, 1926, there were 27 cases and during the ye*ar 31 persons have been placed under his supervision the largest number since plan was started in Lewis county. Bt'Lawnnm Vaflejr * Corporation Starts Work After Floods. r *1 &§* ,*i-;v •**« « Vs.*'--^ m holidays withj hJs grand-parents, f Mr, and Mrs. X C. Wright at Cur- wensyille, Pa. At the request of C. J York! Central Central high Hf"Wi or appointed Crant: s 7»° of 0,nor ^ t i n g * : ' E. Boss, flagman i'K rai » w,,! c,ow <Uie«da Tk* At Notrp Dame nut- i' »1 pro^j-jnn at. mid tilghC nuts.'! nt \otre Dame church Was A« follows: Pnlurle: ' ChriatmaH Carols," orgajL Selections by Hev. M Belle t viile. Beneillet's mass St by '(Jul nafus est," by HI Benedict's mass. r Ktfrle of J. Miller w Clnrjfc'.Of ' S( Benedict's muss hy J. Mflfiller Credo ,cf St I'.i'iiedfet's mass hy J. Mifller Offuulory, Oouuftri. Sau":his" of J Miak»r. AgatiK. I)-I mas« v ^ Mulh r At the low mash n i g h t maHH A deal** Fidelc« "MlnaM. chretieiiM" of Adam. "Crf berm rs, UMMcmhlotm nous," "l,itrt Anges dans MOM <aru|>agnes.' Ili«viiHMloiii|t - "No<«l" of (iounod own »f St Benedict's following mid- agent for the New railroad, the may Harrow and II at the oracle crossings in Main and River streets, special traffic police- men without pay from the city. j The council gave permission to the Postal Telegraph company to erect a HIKU in front of its office here, providing a liability j'bond of $. r »,tMM> is made with the clly. MRS. LAWRENCE NEGO DIED FRIDAY NIGHT Mm. Marjorle Needle Nego, 21, wife of Lawrence Nego passed away at Mi F r i d a y night at the family home, N2f» Lake street. She Is sur- vived by her husband and twin bab- ies born about 10 days ago, her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Needle and brothers and sisters. low masses. There will not be any fi.Mo mass. At the 10:30 mass the school children will slug French Christ- mas hymns. Father L. Larose was the cele- wiH i be tbje The t'rw- lay noon. The New York State Science i|pifArifAt A I I / ^ ¥ f Teachers' association will oonveke MlirMUKIAL AKfjlt at the same tlnfe. ' - ' POWER WILLi LIGHT U. S. CONSUL JOHNSON ,, DEATH AT KINGSTON ' DUE TQ SUICIPEJ Tug Destroyed , By Explosion At Brockrille SR0CRV1LLE, Out., Dec. 24. The tug Nama, owned by James H. Simpson, Elizabelhtown, which had gone into winter quarters in a bay to the w-eat of Hillcrest after hav- ing been employed in the towing of sand barges during the season, was burned almost to the wafer's edge on the night of Thursday last, as a result, it is believed, of an explo- POTSDAM, Dec. 24. ~ cause of damage caused by ttie re* cent high waters on the Racket riv* er the St. Lawrence Valley Power Corporation is replacnig damaged parts of the water canal at Hana- wa -by modern concrete repairs. This has necessitated the dosing of the plant during the past week. There had been no serious damage to the dam proper but immediate repairs were necessary because of ^1 the type of the wash-outs. § Water had worked under the flooring of the forvbay at the end t-^ of the canal and some of the rub- *g*Tv ble and ashlar with which the bot- -J> torn was covered was carried .< through the penstocks into the ; whoel pits. A concrete flooring will replace the former construction. At # ?' \\o time wa? the forebay, the canal '%:.• or any of the parts of the develop- ment endangered in the least. The trouble was at the opposite end of «.*-*.| the canal from the dam and about -••ri;> a mile from the dam. ! There has boon no interruption y" lo the service of the company in , ^ the Hannawa district due to re- ''•'<•;:.) pairs and no cassation is expected. ;> f It is expected that the repairs will ! * J>e completed within a short time. ' ; AL DUPONT GIVES CITY : . FIREMEN CHECK F0« %& ' sion of coal gas. The snper-struc- A. displayed unexpected , ture of the tug was gutted and*even )adly of a flash. Welt at this point was put I the intetlor of the hull was out of the .game on personal fouls j damaged. The superstructun and the third quarter ended 11-10 J scow moored alongside the tug in favor of Ogdensburg. The score {was ateo damaged. in the last quarter went 12-10 in) When the Nama was laid up. favor of Ogdensburg when Canton scored a field goal and tied the score once more. The score was 14- 14 and with but 30 seconds left to play when Kopija, O. F. A. guard dropped in a field goal and won the game. I : Brasher Falls . • Students Home For Christmas BRASHfcU FALLS. Dec. 24.— Among those home for the Christ- mas vacation are: Frances Hurley, Notre Dame, Indiana; James Mur- ray and Charles McCarthy, St. Michaels. Vt.; Oscar Thompson, New York City: Charles McNulty, Utlca; Fugene Hall, Syracuse; Dr.! John (Mark of Washington, D. C; JGrouvemeur Employes Finish Task of Stringing Elec- tric, Wires. OOUVBRNBtJR, Dec. 24.—Vil- lage employees! have completed the stringing of ttocj electric wires from the memorial arch to the trans- former at the: municipal power house in West; Main street, which work was held jup for a time by the inclement weather. The wiring is for the purpose of lighting the memorial arch iin the village park, which enterprise is not one of . WaHfTRBAL, Dec. 24.WThe: Mon- treal Oazette carries the following ujQder a Kingston.flat*: , Jt has now been lonrneil that Col. Felix S. S. JOhnson, veteran United States consul in this city, who died Wednesday, committed suicide. He gent a bullet Into his brain from a havy service revolver. He took this action after telephoning Dr. A. R. Williamson, the local medical health officer, announcing he was About to shoot himself. He had been in ,111 health for some time. The.cprpner after an Investiga- tion decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Col. Johnsno was one of the ablest consuls in the United States service, having served in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Germany, Puerto Cortes and Norway before coming to Kingston. He was 57 years of age and a native of Wash-! Ington, D. C. Funeral Of Norfolk Man Held Friday Appreeiatinj 1 : the splendid service the firemen rendered at the Dupont St< re fire in J*ike street recently, Mr. Dupont has forwarded a check for $2S to Chief Howard, which has j been deposited to the credit of the a firemen's hoard. few coals were left in the fire-hox! for the purpose of drying the hoil- ! Th? road between Preacott aad er. At the same time a cap was Ottawa is open aeain for traffic. placed on the funnel. It is helfc ve<? j that an explosion of coal gas which'of ten feet, trree inches, had a resulted caused the tug to Like fire' t u \jh vl five f«.et, three inches, a and fo be badly damaged. I gross tonnage of 40, and a register- , The Kama wart built at Mori^a! ^<l tonnage of 2L Her port of reg- ain 1$87 and rebuHt here in lf>lf>. isfxy. was Brockville. •f tore** Wolcott StHcteer With Heart Attack, Found Lying in Street. NORFOLK, Dec. 24. -* Lofen Wolcott, 68, died at the home of Daniel Crowley Tuesday evening. Mr. Wolcott "had been feel- ing poorly for the past two weeks but worked at the St. Regis paper mill as usual Tuesday. While returning to his boarding place at night he was seized with a heart at- tack and was found by passers by M*i ». J -- •Kv IV;-:-:: BOmy^SOUL r.tt ium Ifc {JO Jo Kathleen Mahoney, Helen Hall and j utility, and therefore not rushed in Jean Culleii, Canton; Frances Cul-j p oor weather, j len and Helen McCarthy, Potsdam; Donald Coughlin, Ogdensburg; Mil- dred Ward, O. F. A.; Malone; Helena Lyons,'Ogdensburg; Mar- garet Coughlin, Briishton; Mollie Coughlin, Norfolk; Delbert King- ston, Canton; Alton Wafd, Albany; The lighting j of the arch is ac tomplished by myriad small lights THIEF TAKES $2 FROM v BARBED SHOPw*e¥tR which give the lines of the Communion*, were given nt the brant of the high mass at midnight 'job^ Yandow,c^aranac fcake; Mm ^^7^" both ,l at ni ^ t and in the low rtnV;£ *• ,and (he sermon on the feast was William Cullell entertained 12 ,Wo- * v ma ' ' sermon on The* other UY-U^'M this morning delivered by Rev. A. Will be at 7:J1<», «;3n and 10:30. All neau. D. te»*< * »» p.i.M Charbon- men to bridge tea Wednesday even- - ing. Mrs. W. H. McCarthy won high score and Mrs.Leslie Baxter the consolation.—John Hurley who vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hurley, a few days recently, re- turned to New York, Saturday.— Brooklyn School closed yesterday for a week, with a Christmas pro- SEASON'S GREETINGS PtfTi? F A PP A Mfl I VJ J VJ r A l t I t AIM U IT JUL •r+ «» IP*" 1 and the spread eagle whieh mounts it, and. the structure been much adriilred for years During the past week an un- arch, t known person visited the cellar of sur- has by daytime. " *i 'Some consideration had been given to using jlood lights to illum- inate the memorial arch in place of the numerous small lights, but It lifts been learned that many prefer the present fotm of lighting. Ow- ing to the village changing from using current jof the Oswegatchle Light and Powfer company to their the P. K. barber shop and broke open a gag meter and took from the meter about $2 in quarters. The meter ha4 been smashed open with a stove poker and the theft was made during the daytime in th/5 opinion of Edward Farley, propri- etor. came a short time later. Mr. Wolcott was a native of Stockholm but for the past 18 years had been employed here, making ! his home at Daniel Crowley's. j He is survived by his wife and j two children, Mrs. John Chambers j and Carl Wolcott of Buckton, who were summoned at once but did not arrive pefore Mr. Wolcott's death. The body was removed to the Wolcott home in Buckton late Tuesday night. A Masontc funeral service was held In Buckton on Friday. gram. Miss Helen Connolly Is the own electric plint, the arch has not teacher.-- St. Joseph's Academy closed Wednesday until Jan. 2. The students* exercises were held In St. Patrick's hall Sunday afternoon. DINBERG MFG. CO. OBSERVES CHRISTMAS WITH ITS EMPLOYES M * . "TV MERRY CHRISTMAS RALPH MORISSETTE Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Engines* tim ,,, *Ene Diuberg Glove and 'Mitten* Manufacturing Company, gave its employes a gala time Friday night around a handsomely decorated Christmas tree. Gifts were ex-^ changed among the employes but the feature was the presentation of a gold piece to the employes by I. Dipberg, the proprietor, 't'he event was a merry one exemplifying the yuletide spirit. ' LOST LEO IN AWTFDTATlOlf BREAKS OTHER IN FA&L j5k ,'*/^ 1^ i^ Hopper, 77 year old resident of West Main street, is now resting in Hepburn hospital as a result of a fall In which he suffered a brok- en leg. Mr. Hopper lost one leg when it knee last fall, and as he was learn ing to get about with crutches he slipped causing the loss of the use of the other limb. been Illuminated! months. j 4 •^OT several NORFOLK STUDENT STftlCKSN NORFOLK, j Dec. 24.—Albert Ferris was takjm very ill at school on Tuesday. IDr. Wheeler was summoned whoj rushed him directly to Hepburn hospital at Ogdensburg where an operation for appendicitis was performed] by Dr. Madlll. TO GREET YOU AT CHRISTMAS AND TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR •,'/ 600 JOIN, RED CROSS GOUVERNTatlR, Dec. 24.—«ft- rollment in the Red Cross in this district passed! the 600 mark this, week, according to a statement' made by Miss .Margaret Bellows,' treasurer of thje organisation here.' Funds pledged! so far total $714, the largest sinj;e 1920, with two or CANTON, Dec. 24. —Freeman} three teams toj be heard from the latter part of this week. EXERCI8E8 AfT PYTHIAN*iNfOfwE Ogden Lodge!will conduct Christ- mas exercises sjt the Pythian Home was amputated above the'at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.'All Py* thians are requested to attend. They will leave Castle Hall be- tween 1:30 and 2. A splendid pro-' | ;;? TRAN THEATRE SUNDAY ONLY WITH— Norman Kerry Ajleen Pringle -; Lionel Barrymore A great moving, human docu- ment—a tale of love turned by a jealous obsession into a fury of hate, and a final regeneration! REGULAR PRICES And a GLORIOUS CARROL SING Monday and Tuesday BEBE DANIELS in "SWIM, GIRL, SWIM" A Real Blues Killer i An'n Htoilri iiiiM* ffin^ 1 ', I, :'•'•'• 'jvl'y-" : * * HcTM >DBN gram has been arranged. Hun ii II it' •i»^|^i^i^>;i) !«" -»-->-.JO» a*«i>«*Mto«*lMM / MEAT THE CHRISTMAS SBASOrf BE OHE * OF GREAT JOY AND HAPPINESS. f FRANK LAMACCHIA rORD ST. at HAMILTON PHONE 40-W ^*iff>**"^-" 1 •".'ii'** *'!1Vy^'i5ffr"lTT*' , t ' m •^y-«

FMICICM AKIHIS Ihd MIM:JI Ver% KIIMII. Iturttlliv finder ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn89071107/1927-12-25/ed-1/seq-6.pdfProcessional Hymn, "O Come All Ye Faithful " Festival

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M M M k - ^ M i"l* "\ "•• •»- OfMll l iu * , | l » i l i » l ,^—-«HinA liMMfrqMWfclwiiWMtMBMWW11 I III' «»il|«lli«M^ i>4inl,l,«i,< i i » i . j i> , . , I I i i i . . i l i < , i i , i n n „ « i t i i i l i i i i i , i i M n i t i H i H i ' i i ii — > •„ . , . , . . . .«, . • in i -


BrahpjxT Conroy Pontificated at r. fr h e Cathedral — Midnight J Mn.sc Celebrated. ,

IAT HOTRB DAMB OTnmcm Midnight Mass and Sermon by

Father Oharbonnoau — Spe­cial Music Featured Pro­gram.

I ID MfV. J. M Oonroy 1>. IX. LL . ' 'D . , Bishop of OKdenphurg pontiff-, , d a t e d ut midnight muss thix morn­

ing at Nt M;ir>'»i i-itthtirirnl. The other ..Officer* of (ho iniiHH wore an; follows: AMHistant pr*>Mt. Hw. K. J.

V B r o w n . rector of the ra thedra ] ; dcn-'•etyif t>f honor to fho I(( Hev

jfeftv. J. A Cotfrr. K<v J A • j ^ l e r ; deacon of the mats H«-v II. J.

Mar t in . HutHlrncou of the iniiHH. „.'Bav\" James A Fix; master of corc-

ttlonlrH. Uov .Itdiii L. IMiuikett, chunetdior, usniMtunt tuuNh'r of core-

J. motile**, Donald Kelly, Catholic uni­versity, Wnuh^iiutoii. I). ('.

The KeniiuH <m the Nativity was delivered hy thr Ut. Itevcivud lllsh 0|>.,.Tho choir rendered tin- follow­ing mtiHica! program:

4 **roei»MHh»n«l StiiH-limry cho i r

KyrtAn-MJ.Mha Natalin in "F '

St. John's Services Last Ni

I nHMH"' * iyMiy)ffi»»»wwyp<*w<iii' - g u t y >• 'Mt$t*$


oiMtUi: ifei.

g Choir Rendered Carols Preced

tag the Midnight dere monies.


Aileen Pringle Has the Leading Role Requiring Fine Dramat­ic Action—A Picture Worth While.

f Those who know Allften Prtfffde

TO* ohfWren's eardi iterate© And i UD<)n t h e 8^reon * 8 a P«rtrayer of Chlstmas tree was hclll in St. John ' s roles soph isicated .are due to receive church yesterday afternoon at 3 : 0 0 ' a surprise when they see her work o'clock. ]

LaHt night heginniug a t 11:15 the choir ut St. John'* sang (l ir iBtmas Carols in the church. J

The mid-night service ' promptly at 11:45. The (program

Wart Highly

of music follows: | Carol 8erv<ce.

1 Cod Rest You Merry Gentle HiHhop.imon. I ('Iicval-i -• (Jood Christ ian Men Rejoice.

.1 The Firs t Noel. •I. We Three Kings of Orient

A re. The Mldnloht Service.

Organ Prelude Violin solo with

Iment. Processional Hymn, "O Come All

Ye Faithful " Festival Te Deum Kvrie

Tihi .._'_. Tihi

CtttUtt- and •d—Many


NORWOOD, pec . 24.—ArtlWlu C. Cook, a prominent citlsen residing

in "Body and Soul," a Metro-Gold- a few miles east of th i s , village, wyn-Mayer production the feature , passed away D*c. 16, age 75 years, picture a t the St rand today. For j Mr. Cook was Jborn Aug. 15, 1852.

Jthe first t ime in her ent i re screen;On Sept. 3, 18lk, he was united In s tar ted career Mies Pr ingle has a p a r t ' m a r r i a g e to Mtfs Mary Oleandreau,

which demands extremely drama­tic action and pictures her as an innocent girl , the very reverse of

Arthdr Cook ? Passes Awa/

In Norwood



New York City and Watertown Men Will feature Christ­

mas Card.


*£&-'-'flftlllvan of Wateftowri mil j m e e t Curleyhead Tony of New I York city in the bout on an elab­ora te boxing card which ha* been arranged» as a special Chr is tmas t rea t for fight fans here tomorrow

Over Canton By 16 To 14

Field Basket by in Last Seconds of Play,

Water Canal $7,624INYEAR, Repair

At Hannawa

Oaptnre/i Game—^An Bxoiting' »nown fn tte r e ^ BJVWI and Thrilling Came. ^ ' " J '

Ogdensburg F r e e

n i g h t Other fights which Dumas j emerged victorious academy


her former screen sophistication. MIHH Pringle has the role of the

' beautirul Hilda, heroine of Kathar­ine Newlin Burt ' s "best seller," and appeurs opposite Norman Kerry

who died in 1»15. To th is union were born fo j r sons, Arland A., Walton C , andjMerton J., all l iving and Claude L. Cook who died in In­fancy. Mr. Cook was marr ied again Oct. 15, 1919, to Mrs. Florence K. Munson, who survives. Mr. Cook was a member of Wesleyan Metho-

has scheduled a r e : Al Marlow of Ogdensbtirg

Tom Healy, the fighting Ir ishman. Slim Moore of Prescot t vs. T.

Montroy, Ogdensburg. Ed Mashaw, Ogdensburg

Batt l ing Bush. vs

I the crazed English physician and Chlstmas Music, T. Hoy Barnes is seen as the comi-

organ aceompan- cal Swiss postman. The picture was 'directed by Reginald Barker.


I dlor.Ut Mis'uulc Ant'.liM in

Qredo Mfsa <!•• Augfdis in




"() Mtt le Town


m • ^Offertory " \(\v«tv FMICICM"

• Nov<-l!o f )n«i. Tr io and Chorus )

Mi" & Mrticdirfus Minsa Nat ill " F " (rio|'/U

UIH l»i-i MIM:JI Natal is in " F " (•lor/a

Uf«r»v4Mion.»l Tradil ionla Sane!uary r ind r .

Organist r in tvssor Leo Valley; (Jlre4tor of on-lw-itra. Prof. Writ.' Dewar^, nerNiumel of choir: Hop

- r a n w !\fr» WiUlam Klru-h, Mrs. J o h n Mi:L'»iir«'. Mrs William Ring. HfH. Italph Ulaii. Mt" Frank l.n pion, MIM .1 .1 LantTMfaff. MVH. Phalf. the Ml«i-•#«.•» Marcaret Kliich, Ver% K I I M I I . Iturtt l l iv f i n d e r , |1<»-

DIOICH Martin. Lucille Connors, '3>mlA HpiJiit, <;» r in ide Pai|iiette. AHoS>'-Mr.'«. I f u r y Ward. Mr» Ad*»Ue l»'tm.'tM. MNN Martraret M<-Cnrtjb.v, M!•<.•* Lillian Couron. Mrs.

VFlVd P a y n e . M U M A l i c e Kee^ar i . •-Ii-Teliora Messi^. Alh-u McPher Sf>n,i»Th"odoire Waid. t jeoni" .1.

I M»d4cn I ; BARM Mc rv M I' Paqiiette, L.

I . F # a r t . Hohd.ttM Mri Klnch. Mrs. Mc

Otllrjf, M n W. IKI . Miss Ktnch, MesarM I'a-jueUe and Mcphers«»n.

(Iloria (J rat las Credo Hymn,

hem." Offertory Anthem,

Bethlehem" Surstttn Corda . . _ Sauctus

Calkins J. K. West

_C»oimod (idunocl Oounod

of Bet hie-

"The PiaiitH of Dudley Buck

.Oounod (touuod Oounod Oounod Oounod

. . . . flower . , Oruher

Pa me Upon

IJenedietUH (fill venlt AKIHIS Ihd

Olorla in Fxcelsis Fiveff»ld Amen . . . Holy Niwht IteceHsional hymn, "I t

the Midnight Clear." At the midnight service, the organ

was accompanied with the violin, played by Kenneth Dan forth. The soloists at this service were O. Os­car Per i ls . Marry Ingram and Charles Ingram.



Lionel Barrymore has the role of dis t church. His funeral was held from his farm home Sunday after­noon. Rev. Chajrles Hill of Morley officiated, assisted by Rev. S. H. Miller. Burial was made in Hale cemetery.—Robert Smith is home from Fordham universi ty to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Mary Smith.—Miss Ada Babcock, who is a t tending Plat tsburg Nor­mal is spending the holidays with her father, Geoifge Babcock.—Dr. L. P. Regan attended the funeral of his aunt , Miss! Nona Burke, a t Potsdam Friday.—Mrs

State Principals, Likely To Oppiwfc

Teachers' Plans School Heads to Convene in

Syracuse for Annual v Session Tuesday.

$150,000 Estate Left Charity

Jerome £•

SYRAOUSK, Dec. 24. —High school principals of the s ta te a re e x p e d e d to register emphat ic op-

,' position a t their annual meet ing i here next week to the proposal, I hacked by ' the ttoSv York, tftate I Teachers* association, to increase ( the powers of district superintend­ents over village schools.

I The move will eorne up for dis­cussion at the forty-third

Lafatffeville Kan Gives $25,000 to School and Hosiptal,

$20,000 to Church. ' WATE3RTOWN, Dec. 24>~An

es ta te which will approximate $160,000 was given to chari ty, it was announced with the filing of !4ifc will of J e rome R. Sneil , La*

Char lo t te ' fargevlile business man, in surro-Bero of Masscnja was in town last \KfLti>>.B c 0 U r£ ftonrlay by Judge J. w e e k . r M r s . Jajnes Flynn and son • F r a n k j ^ ^ a t torney for the es Bernard spent JFriday In Syracuse. —Mrs. Carson j Shaw, who under­went an operation at the Hepburn hospital recentljy is still in a criti­cal condition.—pr. and Mrs. Leo P. Regan are the happy parents of a baby daughter , born Dec. 21.—Miss Cora McClelland of New York was called home by! the serious illness of her aunts , (Misses Mar tha and

, Mina Myers. Both are much better, annual 'MIMA Mina Hiiflfpred a third stroke

Snell left Bequests as

convention of the Associated Aca - [ n m i j H unable to move her left side, demic Principals, which will bring Mr. and Mrs] Willis J. Fletcher close to 700 school heads to Syra­cuse Tuesday for a two-day session.

spent last weekend in Ogdensburg, guests of l>r. rind Mrs. Har ry J.

The proposed new local law five, placing the position of controlling engineer under civil service, was unanimously adopted nt rt special meeting of the city eouncjl Fr iday The law is designed to take the Job out of politics. The may hold a hearing on the si^n it, when ft will t I v e i i i i i i

Finch ' s * t u c h w TiiV^Miy evening, while

Principals regard the proposa l ' to . Worthing. Wilfred Worden, Murray give district super in tendents au- J Farmer , Walter Austin and Kert-tHnrlfv to recommend' tenoherB fori neth Melver, &11 students of St. npprintment in a l l Viljuges . with Lawrence universi ty a re home for IOJJH than 4,500 inhabi tants , as a | the Chr i s tmas ' Vacation.—Hev. Per-

distinct infringement on lthie,lr"crfn trol over their schools,

'Headquar ters . , of the. will he ut the OnoQri^qO;*-where the

Lyor will l a te r , f | I m , f t M l J R . * „ , , , f c o h«l» at 4

ni come ui«« , ^ w | | | ^ he4d at^'Wie Hotel

ey H. OeKcon nas been lit with a sever'e a t tack or the ^rlp.—John J.

convention' "able spent Ia(st w^ek in Canada. ' Minot Bennett Is spending the

ta te . Mr follows:

.Kndowment of $25,000 for the I^afargeville high school; Lafafge-

i vllle M. E. church, $20,000; House j of t Oood Samar i t an , Water town, |$2r/,000; Jefferson County Or­

phan 's home, $8,000; Salvation : Army, $1,000; Masonic Home and j Hospital, Utlca, $10,000; $8,000 for i public vault and $2,000 for drain-I age, Orlve cemetery, Lafargevllle;

Lafargevllle lodge F. & A. M., $3,000; Fred C. Snell, Water ton , $5,000. w

The rest of the es ta te is di­vided equally between I^afargeville M. E. church and the Northern N*ew York, conference of. the. Meth­odist Episcopal church.

i evening on the large end of a 16-H v s - score when th«y battled with Can-

fon In one of the fastest and mos t exciting games played by the lo­cals this season.

The eveness of the score hints at the well matched teams which took the floor against each o ther for the Important league game. After the opening whistle both teams fought hard In an a t tempt to break through and score. The first tally came after four minutes ot playing when a Canton man broke through the Blue and White defense and scored the first basket .

Ogdensburg repeated the tally al­most immediately with a beautiful long shot from the floor. From th is t ime on it was nip and tuck, both quiutetB finding difficulty in break­ing through the o ther ' s defense, and the first quar te r ended 3-2 in favor of Canton the lat ter having scored a point from the foul line in the meant ime.

Aft-er the opening of the second quar te r O. F . A. played hard but missed some easy shots . The t eams fought hard for the ball and kept it in quick passing for the rest of the half which ended 7-0 In favor of Canton.

With the opening of the second half O. F

Probation Plan's Saving Re­vealed in Report ot Offi­

cer Donnelly.

' L&mriLLE, Dec. 24—A?*«wrkg of $7,624 to Lewis county warn

the board of supervisors by E. O. Don­nelly, county probation officer.

The amount spent by probation-erg fn support of their families which would have been a town ex­pense If they had b w n sent to pris­on was est imated a t $3,000. The ex­pense avoided by placing these per­sons a t work under probation in­stead ot serving prison te rms at the e x p e w e of the county wae es­t imated a t the charges for main­tenance In penal insti tutions a t $4,624.

At the t ime of Mr. Donnelly's appointment November 9, 1926, there were 27 cases and during the ye*ar 31 persons have been placed under his supervision the largest number since plan was s tar ted in Lewis county.

Bt'Lawnnm Vaflejr * Corporation Starts Work

After Floods. r



• ,*i-;v

•**« «

V s . * ' - - ^


holidays wi thj hJs grand-parents , fMr, and Mrs. X C. Wright a t Cur-wensyille, Pa.

At the request of C. J York! Central Central high Hf"Wi

or appointed Cran t : s 7 » ° o f 0 , n o r ^ t i n g * : ' E. Boss, flagman i'Krai» w , , ! c , o w • W« <Uie«da

Tk* At Notrp Dame

nut- i' »1 pro^j-jnn at. mid tilghC nuts.'! nt \ o t r e Dame church Was A« follows:

P n l u r l e : ' ChriatmaH Carols," orgajL Selections by Hev. M Belle

tviile. B e n e i l l e t ' s m a s s St by

'(Jul nafus est," by

HI Benedict's mass.

r Ktfrle of J. Mil ler

w Clnrjfc'.Of 'S( Benedict's muss hy J. Mflfiller

Credo ,cf St I'.i'iiedfet's mass hy J. Mifller

Offuulory, Oouuftri.

Sau":his" of J Miak»r.

AgatiK. I)-I m a s « v ^ Mulh r

At the low mash night maHH

A deal** Fidelc« "MlnaM. chretieiiM" of Adam.

"Crf berm rs, UMMcmhlotm nous," "l,itrt Anges dans MOM <aru|>agnes.' Ili«viiHMloiii|t - "No<«l" of (iounod


»f St Benedict's

following mid-

agent for the New railroad, the may Harrow and II at the oracle crossings in Main and River streets, special traffic police­men without pay from the city.

j The council gave permission to the Postal Telegraph company to erect a HIKU in front of its office here, providing a liability j'bond of $.r»,tMM> is made with the clly.


Mm. Marjorle Needle Nego, 21, wife of Lawrence Nego passed away at Mi Friday night at the family home, N2f» Lake street. She Is sur­vived by her husband and twin bab­ies born about 10 days ago, her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Needle and brothers and sisters.

low masses. There will not be any fi.Mo mass.

At the 10:30 mass the school children will slug F rench Christ­mas hymns.

Father L. Larose was the cele-

wiH i be tbje The t'rw-

lay noon. T h e New York Sta te Science i | p i f A r i f A t A I I / ^ ¥ f

Teachers ' association will oonveke M l i r M U K I A L A K f j l t at the same tlnfe. ' - '




Tug Destroyed , By Explosion

At Brockrille SR0CRV1LLE, Out., Dec. 24.

The tug Nama, owned by J a m e s H. Simpson, Elizabelhtown, which had gone into winter quar te rs in a bay to the w-eat of Hillcrest after hav­ing been employed in the towing of sand barges during the season, was burned almost to the wafer's edge on the night of Thursday last, as a result , it is believed, of an explo-

POTSDAM, Dec. 24. ~ cause of damage caused by tt ie re* cent high waters on the Racket riv* er the St . Lawrence Valley Power Corporation is replacnig damaged par ts of the wate r canal at Hana-wa -by modern concrete repa i r s . This has necessi tated the d o s i n g of the plant dur ing the past week. There had been no serious damage to the dam proper but immediate repairs were necessary because of ^ 1 the type of the wash-outs. §

Water had worked under the flooring of the forvbay a t the end t-^ of the canal and some of the rub- *g*Tv ble and ashlar with which the bot- -J> torn was covered was carried .< through the penstocks in to the ;

whoel pits. A concrete flooring will replace the former construct ion. A t # ?' \\o time wa? the forebay, the canal '%:.• or any of the par ts of the develop­ment endangered in the least. The trouble was at the opposite end of «.*-*.| the canal from the dam and about -••ri;> a mile from the dam. !

There has boon no interruption y" lo the service of the company in , ^ the Hannawa distr ict due to re- ''•'<•;:.) pairs and no cassation is expected. ;> f It is expected that the repairs will ! * J>e completed within a shor t t ime. ' ;



sion of coal gas. The snper-struc-A. displayed unexpected , ture of the tug was gutted and*even

)adly of a

flash. Welt at this point was put I the intet lor of the hull was out of the .game on personal fouls j damaged. The supers t ruc tun and the third quar ter ended 11-10 J scow moored alongside the tug in favor of Ogdensburg. The score {was ateo damaged. in the last quar te r went 12-10 in) When the Nama was laid up. favor of Ogdensburg when Canton scored a field goal and tied the score once more. The score was 14-14 and with but 30 seconds left to play when Kopija, O. F . A. guard dropped in a field goal and won the game.

I :

Brasher Falls . • Students Home

For Christmas BRASHfcU FALLS. D e c . 24.—

Among those home for the Christ­mas vacation a r e : Frances Hurley, Notre Dame, Indiana; James Mur­ray and Charles McCarthy, St. Michaels. Vt.; Oscar Thompson, New York City: Charles McNulty, Utlca; Fugene Hall, Syracuse; Dr.! John (Mark of Washington, D. C ;

JGrouvemeur Employes Finish Task of Stringing Elec­

tric, Wires.

OOUVBRNBtJR, Dec. 24.—Vil­lage employees! have completed the s t r inging of ttocj electric wires from the memorial arch to the t rans­former at the: municipal power house in West; Main s t reet , which work was held jup for a t ime by the inclement weather . The wiring is for the purpose of lighting the memorial arch iin the village park, which enterpr ise is not one of

. WaHfTRBAL, Dec. 24.WThe: Mon­t rea l Oazet te carr ies the following ujQder a Kingston.flat*: , Jt has now been lonrneil t ha t Col. Felix S. S. JOhnson, veteran United States consul in th is city, who died Wednesday, committed suicide. He gent a bullet Into his bra in from a havy service revolver. He took this action after telephoning Dr. A. R. Williamson, the local medical health officer, announcing he was About to shoot himself. He had been in ,111 health for some time.

T h e . c p r p n e r after an Investiga­tion decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Col. Johnsno was one of the ablest consuls in the United S ta tes service, having served in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Germany, Puer to Cortes and Norway before coming to Kingston. He was 57 years of age and a nat ive of Wash-! Ington, D. C.

Funeral Of Norfolk Man

Held Friday

Appreeiatinj1: the splendid service the firemen rendered at the Dupont St< re fire in J*ike street recently, Mr. Dupont has forwarded a check for $2S to Chief Howard, which has

j been deposited to the credit of the a firemen's hoard.

few coals were left in the fire-hox! for the purpose of drying the hoil-! Th? road between Preacot t a ad er. At the same t ime a cap was Ottawa is open aeain for traffic. placed on the funnel. It is helfc ve<? j that an explosion of coal gas which 'o f ten feet, t r r e e inches, had a resulted caused the tug to Like fire ' tu \jh vl five f«.et, three inches, a and fo be badly damaged. I gross tonnage of 40, and a register-, The Kama wart built at M o r i ^ a ! ^<l tonnage of 2L Her port of reg­ain 1$87 and rebuHt here in lf>lf>. isfxy. was Brockville.

• f

tore** Wolcott StHcteer With Heart Attack, Found

Lying in Street. NORFOLK, Dec. 24. - * Lofen

Wolcott, 68, died a t the home of Daniel Crowley Tuesday evening. Mr. Wolcott "had been feel­ing poorly for the past two weeks but worked at the St. Regis paper mill as usual Tuesday. While re turning to his boarding place a t night he was seized with a hear t at­tack and was found by passers by

M*i • ». J --



BOmy^SOUL r.tt


Ifc {JO


Kathleen Mahoney, Helen Hall and j utility, and therefore not rushed in Jean Culleii, Canton; Frances Cul-j p o o r weather, j len and Helen McCarthy, Potsdam; Donald Coughlin, Ogdensburg; Mil­dred Ward, O. F. A.; Malone; Helena Lyons, 'Ogdensburg; Mar­garet Coughlin, Briishton; Mollie Coughlin, Norfolk; Delbert King­ston, Canton; Alton Wafd, Albany;

The lighting j of the arch is ac tomplished by myriad small l ights


which give the lines of the

Communion*, were given nt the brant of the high mass a t midnight ' j o b ^ Yandow,c^aranac fcake; M m ^ ^ 7 ^ " b o t h , l a t n i ^ t a n d i n t h e

low rtnV;£ *• , and (he sermon on the feast was William Cullell enter ta ined 12 ,Wo- *v ma ' ' sermon on The* other UY-U^'M this morning delivered by Rev. A.

Will be at 7:J1<», «;3n and 10:30. All neau. D.


• *



Charbon- men to bridge tea Wednesday even-- ing. Mrs. W. H. McCarthy won high

• score and Mrs.Leslie Baxter the consolation.—John Hurley who vis­ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hurley, a few days recently, re­turned to New York, Saturday.— Brooklyn School closed yesterday for a week, with a Chr is tmas pro-


PtfTi? F A P P A Mfl I VJ J VJ r A l t It AIM U IT JUL

•r+ «»

I P * " 1 1 «

and the spread eagle whieh mounts it, and. the s t ruc ture been much adriilred for years

During the past week an un-arch, t known person visited the cellar of

sur-has by

dayt ime. " *i 'Some consideration had been

given to using jlood lights to illum­inate the memorial arch in place of the numerous small lights, but It lifts been learned tha t many prefer the present fotm of lighting. Ow­ing to the village changing from using current jof the Oswegatchle Light and Powfer company to their

the P. K. barber shop and broke open a gag meter and took from the mete r about $2 in quar ters . The meter h a 4 been smashed open with a stove poker and the theft was made dur ing the daytime in th/5 opinion of Edward Farley, propri­etor.

came a short t ime later. Mr. Wolcott was a native of

Stockholm but for t he past 18 years had been employed here, making

! his home at Daniel Crowley's. j He is survived by his wife and j two children, Mrs. John Chambers j and Carl Wolcott of Buckton, who

were summoned a t once but did not ar r ive pefore Mr. Wolcott 's death.

The body was removed to t he Wolcott home in Buckton late Tuesday night. A Masontc funeral service was held In Buckton on Friday.

gram. Miss Helen Connolly Is the own electric p l in t , the arch has not teacher.-- St. Joseph's Academy closed Wednesday until Jan . 2. The students* exercises were held In St. Patrick's hall Sunday afternoon.



M * . "TV


Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Engines* tim ,,,

*Ene Diuberg Glove and 'Mitten* Manufacturing Company, gave its employes a gala t ime Fr iday night around a handsomely decorated Chris tmas tree. Gifts were ex- changed among the employes but the feature was the presentat ion of a gold piece to the employes by I. Dipberg, the proprietor, ' t 'he event was a merry one exemplifying the yuletide spirit . '


j5k ,'*/^ 1 ^ i

Hopper, 77 year old resident of West Main street, is now rest ing in Hepburn hospital as a resul t of a fall In which he suffered a brok­en leg. Mr. Hopper lost one leg when it knee last fall, and as he was learn ing to get about with crutches he slipped causing the loss of the use of the other limb.

been Illuminated! months . j


•^OT several


NORFOLK, j Dec. 24.—Albert Ferr is was takjm very ill a t school on Tuesday. IDr. Wheeler was summoned whoj rushed him directly to Hepburn hospital a t Ogdensburg where an operation for appendicit is was performed] by Dr. Madlll.







GOUVERNTatlR, Dec. 24.—«ft-rol lment in the Red Cross in this distr ict passed! the 600 mark th i s , week, according to a s t a t emen t ' made by Miss . M a r g a r e t Bellows, ' t r easure r of thje organisat ion he re . ' Funds pledged! so far total $714, the largest sinj;e 1920, with two or

CANTON, Dec. 24. —Freeman} three teams toj be heard from the la t te r part of this week.

EXERCI8E8 AfT PYTHIAN*iNfOfwE Ogden Lodge!will conduct Christ­

mas exercises sjt the Pythian Home was amputated above t h e ' a t 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. 'All Py*

th ians are requested to a t tend. They will leave Castle Hall be­tween 1:30 and 2. A splendid pro-' | ;;?



W I T H —

Norman Kerry Ajleen Pringle

-; Lionel Barrymore A great moving, human docu­ment—a tale of love turned by a jealous obsession into a fury of hate, and a final regenerat ion!


Monday and Tuesday


A Real Blues Killer

i An'n Htoilri i i i iM*


I , :'•'•'• 'jvl'y-" : * • * HcTM >DBN

gram has been arranged. Hun ii II it' • i » ^ | ^ i ^ i ^ > ; i ) !«" -»-->-.JO»





^*iff>**"^-"1 •".'ii'** *'!1Vy^'i5ffr" lTT*'

, t ' m
