'tihwxt V0I» XX.N°-6,113. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1861. PRICE TWO CENTS. fME NEW-YORK TRIBUNB. 0 THB NBW.YORK DA1XY THIBUWB * FWBUiJHXD EVKRY MORNINO ANO EVENINO BY THB TR1BUNE ASrKR'lATION, .. Tmm aaaaaaa aaaRBaBaa, .aaaraa «>» na*«*o *jn> .racoa lt,nn »pi>o»itb tki oitv ball, Aad d>rlT*i*d to Cily 8aba.-r.brri «t l«4 fr'.U p<»r wwi. Mftii gafljaeribrra. a^ P" ajinuai, to adYanew. * J for aix omnthi. Qpccioi Noticeo. .* Free Terrttory for Fre* Mfn." T1IE ROl'Ki MDl NlAlN KKIl HU.AN CLIB, ()( Kitift Oaaaty, wtl rrW-bralc thr rrtrnt glorioua trimr.pb of BV,iublican pntci- aaaayc *^ B A L L, tw br giv( c on TIURSi>AV E\ EKTNO, fW *> at THK OLD RAl.l.. i:.d hali. ok i*S6, arbirh »1I! bi dr. oratrd riprraaly .ji tLii ..vcaaiou. Tbe Mualc wUl b«> fun.i.Lrd b] iHiDWoKTUS BANO Tvkf<», at, c«u t.«> fcaeaaaa oftae aBcanajMaVaraf caf Bj<Mi.brr H Uic I A-iutiYr Board. B F. aU'DOETT. PrwidruL W. \V. OonomcB, Si-crrtary I.rrturen oo Hrmxll. TVH" J f KIEll/Hr K»i;;driivrithr SECONO LEC- Tl'BE ci hi. ooane AT 1HE (MOI'I K INSTITUTE, w BDNESDAY EVENlNi ' . I'HIH.RAMMK LECTURE. II. MPE IN THK TEOP1CS. Poruaite; l..ar<-tWc.rld; BarfaaUi AirtgatcT.. T%an Mookayi Hall Braede; Oitv Ufei braai.Ui. (.ul, Murrlim.-, ra-hi ba; Baudem Iff, i.aw u.d Bl«dw.al Behoola Chur Pedro il fcc. 111 \AU.rY O* IHE AMAZON lulrrandear; Hiatnry; Sti.i.. indfj VVaiBfi .' AjuaaoB; VI ti.no Rrgia, Auiuji.ini Ent»ri)ii»«- St**o.t> »t. i.1 l\ SW ITYKRLA N l>. Th. I.iuid ef Trll, Mt. R'anc Towei of llab.. Ludir'i u> ) ro .'-. U«« !'<. Conductrd, Mclvi-tU. Mkuiri* aud Cmi^mi, Marriag.- ui.drr ttw C.^ir of N«,.i laon, ar V. ITAL1 &1 UARIBALD1 A L?i.lt«>d It:ity Vi.lt to Mt*) \N »id«:iiM-> H<u~ .,' Shvuv A l.sri CMili.') Mt Yrauvi.ia aad .5i.il. !r- a. itiaxi. to Najii.. 'ibr Rii.fd'u. i: Itmtj tuaaaaaa u< laaocaaoaad Iu- tujVrrai.or Th KfcTH roa thr (V)t R»«.(Jfiitlfmrn. +1 Wli. - ir | u]i.< ofach. .i«. N" ift« iK.r^i.-- I «t t..^ >aa> aaC u...»ir .t. uala Mi> 4 ttokati >...d liuui H D*.«ti opri. at fj T,.m Mr. LwrdN l.tMiurm on i.. prcNfutallvc Womrn. Al j'iif. RI ..[ i..- IN811TI LE. Tht-K.T Tnu.s LOBJ) wttl raaeal bl i Ixyttr.. ou l.nva! Ropn lii»mutf. un Murraj ! A . RII>A\ Ah i > n.uof of ttiuf.' » o.' «J> ui.sl ... to at»ud ui- UaJL Tba-I.»*t:irei will roniiLicnc. cn TIT- Ul with "Pau.u it Kurr.ui I : i Tlekaia f..r Ii ... To b* bavd at M r ( . . iray aud at tbf doot. Qaly Mt ttatrti vrund Dtatrlci < aaai lliaaalii ( aamallaa. Tbi t»tlCf» ¦idAid IDi .;: ,,tii ink't ih.*, .ic (UbatiuD of Mr 'llmmu O. HaJ. bjii'O '''.' f < « , .... . Thr Fourth \Urd Ucpublirun 4 oiivt-nlioii | toadj HE.NHV (i hor S..'. ru>i, l.i V.amn. lRI 1". LNIOAN, Krpnltiiran Noiiiiiiuiiou Plftb AMermitnic DiN- trlci. Ata CON\^ l.Nt. N -J .IOHN II. BRADY i-maii. J. .- Pinh Wani ih. v t i i \ > <:.t. A ta Ai a Meettaa ot thi- Eleriara «it id« *< renta Al«l> rii.Min. U.-lr. .i.d-idl .'. ird. Kl< \t nlb \\ Hrd Ht'l.ubiK i. u Aaa«M .itiK.ii. THIl ^n^ .-. reUiy. Ji HIS lEW'Ii Tbirternlb \Vnrd Ki-pabllran \«so< uulon. t ¦ Br. u. *', »t 7| J. JM.Bo.i. j^. ii A.BB1TB Maatof-ntb Uurd Itcp'ibliran A»M»rlatioB -A n-au-aj UiWliiif of thi- - i ain,,. S, i. J-.suAi FVL s s Not. 2<, ' > ***-' ' JOB L. V'ai ''. l»«.«0>r»d»'nl K.publirao Na^laatiOB. Jv.ll.N. i. tli.r. ..Jvi.f. For Aldfrnion l.l ) ¦;:.¦< Th«nk».iri»liia DaaaHoaTlait. v .. "¦' Viail 1*Ltu.a»iui l>a>. , , , \\ . \ /rat^'U. v iipjir.- ikv. th.' n.any fa»or« alrcody n* .,.« ,h« ,\r: ..-. .-rlo'rt i.cv. i..-i:.« a.adi- to In* tn« Ibi Irou d«it. praTioM ui Jaauarj wwrO.ld Ii lamta ai,o a . iBOWtaa aaaa aata etvwuti tbe cloawa yt-ar. Ohapel aadeata ,:i"'r"° lJi.M, i t to b o'cioek tbajy wlU Tu4on^pr.parrd ... aiaaiBBB ¦« ba BBBttaUl received aud didy aikt.uwivdatd tliLoRf" ..Kj :lAN iSii>LM i«i nU. tbau .... *3d aud .. THANK801V- '^V.'^^m » n willpartak. aaaaaonaof tt . - r*-'"r,-!ror:;*"'J°:f1?^ TOa.coBimrucingailoclocb - ' be aapaclaU/ V'\'ilu ' -trrat. MbU MTMttaa li.-tn..t.i>u .*« '*apa * l. ,.,, . A.NNA Ii oHOTWELL 8ecratary No. WB. 29th-at. jos>ili H COLUWt*. No '... »\ ^a.i»;. li.nN I'AMI'Br"l.L No. 4B 16th and ll« Naai ^UW^'ILLEW No U J.alswt. placeaBdJUaPcaarl^t lATutae lartitotioB, Mh .». belweei tSaand .. -> r.a1..«JL* aa.iTfdDyjir. EMMAJ NICH0L8 al.Braob- il¦! i.sUai EVENINtiU. No». * '-». Tick.-U,as oaait. Iio< ra cpr^ a- " _ \rldr>H« to YoilOB >li n. . lMK)BIAN«Tor mokal Wltukib to younu Mi s ^ iddreaa to bc- e>l»»»r«>d bytna ha¦^ UEOBOL u. bAMBUN, f*.l> JPrMident ofCo utntnaB Col*r» . ,' K^l?i^Ji SVcU* luti »^^,betwemMBaBdatb«M. Ail arr >i MaVt^a'tOapica, n»> Voaa n,iz. 6 Prorlamation. la attutaaaei aitheaataaaaaitaejproc baaBUea oTTbr Oot. s,.-ooib« luy d.ity. a* of tHt KriUAV t .. imh ii,.t .aaaday of ThardlMguuir a^d r'\C'. in rr.v jUdgu.-..t ti. ;'- ' .'' >¦' IliMir- or-hiaucul a.p«.-t BreaWU ..o Mlra whuh w- , , k >k.»kf..i u.. .?%.- ailad ., natdara aV,,BB aTd!.rv,iHo,.>-i.! H- ^J^!StLZ ftSIntbl -twu.audlhe ¦l^o^^ow^^ ^ p A.m,,b«v Ood Stt'aTY'.^....* Di ^-r,..d by th. I ¦ r.ty a. BSsfew ¦fcr ABB04-UUIVD for ImproTlua lb« rondltloo of tbe Voor B«u.| i.. » raadv. ftuty- riocr. wiil -. .u^.i^J a. «-r.y " L" ..rnt.. attaarii raaUaacaa, M lw« -'-.. J bj caUu.gal tbr Str, .No. aWBllvr ilooar. A.tOf -I *l.jgoffirrr. of a<r Aia-xiati'r, aLd lliaillban o' tb«- Wnd l.omuiltt«'««i, a/r »a iboru'C i" fi«" nui » ripti'.m vu JAjMEb BRDWM, I'l-aidM.t, tio. 59 H». .1 JAJfEaLENOX VI.-Praaldanl, No. i3 ith-a*. iitiRj TKi ALLt-h '.lf I'mmVit No. /4''uuton pta.« A. R tAKTMuk* \... Piawadast,No II Vaaoyat JOilN l CiRXfcN \i,'r p/^aidrat, No liSo^ibat ROUKKT B. MINTL'RN, Trraau.of, No 7ri South at 1 lattaMftBaaaai.n... ^r (.Uar «t |j' lirorgc VN. Abor.No »« Palton-it. lll 11 0 larbaal... :.o *4 rara place. - IV Uuab AiatuaJ. N«». '> . ,! ii.a h Wataaon ¦.. J .». \i Mrl'brut uboi'i No l.g j....iiiudat VII Mlt.wii'd No 248 MadlK« a4 ai 1' JoaepbB. t.«lun..No. V. VA r.t lllb-al. IX liaSr",,«..-!. No.wm..t. XVI /. Jaak*B ¦.Jg 4-.M Ma.M-.pia.. ^r-- " -:;^-it^: %XU..A.M.i*f*. k'm HAH.I.f.'i Racratary. . -i~hr.ia.d < onlral Waahlaa-aiacBlB*, L'NaW *ALEb iSriNDI*r*riTSW r-BlCB OBH TR". BOU AMJ- .. . a; ii'i K#i»d»«. roner'» t aoal-ai lr«jt. »» >ok § tlk<, iam E For f'aaneitman, ltt, lldlllld, TVth, Vin. Vlth. Vllth, Vlllthand XiVthJWaida, )a< t.B FECARE. _ . INDEPF.NDENT ANI> PFOlLE'tS NOkUNATluN. _ TkrladfrnUncd, I»i *»(<-. of the i iwoiw jkpoWlraa Wardthihtof thelid ( ounciiu.anir l>i trirt (Xth. Xlth Xlllth. and XVIIth Wardt). lu (. on»eutlon WfrnVrd. paaaed the M lowilig reaolutlout: ..«_ ,. hfolrtd. That the RepuHican Convrutlon of the, Ud Counril- n.anic Diatrkt. 01. tbe ZOth iutt.. have by th. ir noimnatlona not aati.hedth* jutt eipectationa of thi Ir ronatitiienta, by n-e-.ni BaaaaaBf a. candldutea !»r Cuiiafihaiaal pernona who do not enjuy the MMaV in .- ot the vntera ln genertl. and are but th« favoriM noni.D. e.» of aceruin factior. Au,.'i ( the.e iinu.liee* we bi.d the nairie of Thoa. O IWI BieaibrroftlV . .' i- iln.rn »iiii»ii I'.v hii aetlva «up- port of tbeliifaoioua lapaneaf bi.l ILi> ooanlnoHon waa u.ade -i in'. lo the .¦« i f thtj Uernmn R.-puhli, an ( !ub of thi- Xth VVarS, M Ul <'l » gr.-at n.any Americau nie.ii- I. ,-aid I niin A antaa pn p. t il,.- iiiin,ei..u< QaHBaa population ol the lldfYuucilu.asii. Hi-ti.' bidnngti Ibe ll.-p .Mi.-aii party. At the laat Natii Dal r I. tlon by adheriug to thcir prrnciplea, they add^d a l.i-oi\ aretfht to tbe gratifying ineoaM of tbe aati D. v. tbli k thi -i '-. two ¦. a ol |ka ... ¦«. Tha Gcnuaii Deiegatea in thia l onventiou reeoiuuieiiied fi.r tl.nt piiipnM' twi> n -yi- tnl.le and Rpable Oandidataa. nerei lli...ejiiftdri:iM! ii* werr di-[.-/4td.-d and we tilid UOt a W e |n r, ..i- in -.I.i.. a, tu.ii of the ('< mentiou tln- btM Maja and i.Tinpt rli.ine atmine to n-e Ikeaariy trp'.i/hli.,!. w. tool l..r nv BAl aanV re.;. audtn diviili- tl.i- afacaja ajeeordbaf lo t:.. ii pb a-uie, witbou". r.-^anUnr tbe »i-l <¦- i il i i W < ba*epoaMvely eoorhided to -ippr,-e Khfj .-l.que with nl) ntgta, I" nul'li'v ih.-ir machlaationa and t-i break the Sw-r arUcathay uaft ui;Je. a faltigwd aud ar>.,ai|ed party II.'. \\ .- rcfavd tl .. 'i k. tiaed bj the aald ('.inv.-iition not 'a* obll c.;.rv rt, and re.-onin.riid tb. renie, in it« pla.e, fol OM ji t ra. ,lidol»: JAMEB \\ oi.m.N Xth \\ ird i.Hi STr INHIlKN.su. ( v,,,, ... r, HIMON HAZ1 I.TINE, \sn" ,rd . It V A SMITH, Xlllth W'ard. EUWIN 8PBOUL. (XMIthWard. \N i- an saiiKii. d tbal all iti/.-n-. arho deapitc th* ttraUgeaia .,( politicaltriokatora, a.,.l » l.o an- d.-c .-t.-d with «l! rruptioa, ai.d »itii ti..- eerruption ofoai ptaaeot City »i il >* i.. aj| t. Iba dw- -. r » roir.-i i.ui s ropreaeaaHMon in our Ci'y . | deaadidktaa, und »'.. e»p«' BMt Uneriean fbBow- A. WILLMAMN, t.. Ml'MCB, tt TANNHAl SKR Di HU'HiHH li hl«CHO>K, Xlh Ward __ j i.i.* k.1,. n.-i l.. A. IIBBE J OAXOLOFT H. TKP M. f N' Tll'l sV's P Dri.l.Hll.MI I! Vi: KKIUN P. HINZE O. M KIK. Xlllth \v.:rd j KlfalN In .in-. MAEOEL1, JOHNV. MATBB, J. A h<M',S(ll CH.OEINTNER Xvlltl.Ward. N.v. YoTk.MarcbM 1800._ KMth Councilmiinir DlatTtTl. H « ing beaa uomlnati d , tbe Kifth Dirtiiet, by tbe IV.,],..-. .irtrrti'.- ir wIih c minj I'llll.ll MAHIK. IM.,1. -1 (.....il- ut lli .il. lu, ,:'. taui .,...,: .f PLATKU I'RNS. t'AKK BAhhl rtiRS COEKEE-POTJt, TKA SKT.-v SPOONS I' RkB, Bl l'H.li XNIVSI kc, byr.taii. »t the a-uoi .. h..lrw..i L».e.- LUCIU8 IIMtT No- I .'.dli Bi.rlli.e -«,-.. Prepnre for f'old Weatfcer. KARTl.ETi > !.. kIR rURNACB tad POBTABLE I1EA1KRB nr, powrrfal aad twonaaaaaoal K-tiiodt.-i madi- fft BARTnETT* i.r.-.i.pt No. 4M Braadaray, M thiirt. r l:l. .ciii.ri. Twk.-ta. Poaten. (»rd. t Ireular. ate. i.ru.t."d pron.ptly. aiid TUUMAfl IIwi.MaN. Btaam rrtatar, Bu ..nna t ¦»i oi ( ir.reand V\rhile att. Kcro pnblicationo. pOLdX-tSOKGS. THB I'l RI i T <iiiT-iioi)K, gOI 1 H .. N K 1 01 VI N «: KUK ClmlSIM'S ANIi NKU 1 I AI.S CHAHI.K.S S( R1BNEB, Na 1/4 (irand at N > Iln« ajtm IL i 'Mi 'I ii.ii's\n;i .-. \ i ILK-SONCJ8: A BOOK OV GOLDEN I'OK.MS. MAUE EOR 'HIE POP- l.AR HEART. U\ J W I'Al.MKR. I'pwaid of SUty Origiual Jllu«tratiot,a, en|ui»iteln Deaign aud Exerutii.n Kn Pianaa nFTiii OaMnaat Atrra.iW Coiib« nrKirraiw Eaaon PoBaj, By Hoodl"Th««Soi.gr.f tl.a Sbirf. Tennyaon. Brrant. I.ei«h li.nt Longfrlloa. i;i>rry Carawall, Hohnaa, King.ley, Baaaa, Baaaad Hame"/, WhltaVar. Browa iii)t. LameU.EaM.raon, W UBa, aod Plaaaey. azpieaaly coauibulod to tbla wnkby ti'.- i'.,«t- ... laaaii .X oai. voLrata. muiai oOTAaa, Priuttd on the fme«t tiuU-d pap^r, at Tha Ki..-r«id^ rraaa, Cam- bridf Audaupeibiy boond in Tuik. li'-hlygilt. alto Id an- 00 eiuori.ladiaoraecaaatgaaat. Mo M»aaa*atjaa,paAaaf ta a i.eat boi *W .... . wj .w ln thiivi.luu.e it liaabe.-ntl..-edilor « pnr(ioaeto bnng to;. .?«.¦ OTrrtwoboDdiad taattftll ai.d faw.rit- pie.-et ol a pnrely ayio- ,,., ., dcataracAar.faaaau which h«viug won the *ii. uaUitaad pralaa ol r. M.^d critl hna f.o.»eaa alaa a peculiar rhHim for tb.- popniar beart 11 e r. ad»-. arll raeagi in aaaay a ,.,. .id it ,.! ¦ aaaj Wbleb, tboaagb «tl^- tiomtrlr f-meinbered. t abtaa ta lea* U*. The de.igna ei bil il rare beai.tv aud oruinality Among ihe artltlt a/e: i Ul ht H EAJITMAN, JOHNSON, Kt.>rff.l l. _ W.l Vl>r HII.L BARRY, EVTINGB, HOI (iHTON, |VAKl.Ki,M.I»"Xor..H M.LKSAN WALLIN, JiGl'PlN PAKSONS MEr-FIRJ UENMEB8. NAS .:¦.! othara rroa ii.- v -iitlc M "itlily- .It ia bevoi.d a aaaatioo the baadtonieal aud taoattoatol tevti i-...-d.H-.dii. Au.i-rua U .. cai. ?f»-»k fro... our u»i. Ueof tbelength of labur and Ii.- |»aam been d. »oted tu it, and the reault ia » Kifl Duok uulque ln 1U *ay. and auited to all araaont and ta«t.e i rou, I'he N v Obtataar, -Eaeho<the»eei.ii.i.iteenfrari:igi are real gwna of art_ aud will b.-ar the luM-tt iiBJiu'iail'in. n"t only illmtratioua of the beautiful poem. tb.T ac<v,n.pany. b it U ap» Unaaa of tbe pe. raetioa w&cb artitti bava raacbaai Tha tWtdsalU poe.ua anoacripu fumlahad by Iba ¦ .tbor- are a eartaai «t..dy fnUofUtaretV Thaaolamea -. I.old treaaure. From Tbe N. Y. Tribune. "Aperfectirallery of chara/terii-tic, graptiir getnt, beinr earh axtcutod conaaaore.ta UJiiatradoBaTai n um eaak«i»aat. b.-idi- fat aiu-iW o! Ih.- a .Wraph oriri.-.jl- ol tou.e of tbe inoat fuuiout rnrftWe veraea in the EngRal I 9tnJ ptoea ia a 1. wel BBd the wl.ule i,. iutended U eaen;pll(y the hilhe.t ua«a 01 poetrj ln it» aaiaalan to atir. to aoothe, to eaavate, by bnug io/into one fornatbe .,-..!(. r.-d ray.ol lul.t divme. 111 whirb iheipim.f.M.b«- lavaatad tb.- .-ar.-t aad daaraat relatioua oldailv ife Tbe pHatinjoftbiawort l.»« i..»er been equaled. * 1 ron. TI..-N Y. KTaagaUat ..Thialaakiiif an.uMt ibe liift r>o.k» ni.en truth ia married tobaatrti iniui) of tbui.eht to grme oi tspraiaioa. aaaataaraaai ;. to .uft!y flowiug Buuiht-t.. th. aaj .nd tb- tou are u Ue chanue4aritb tfie exqulalte Baalody.tajebtltba gein-ral rharacter Of tbe Folk iKingH of which thia royal volu.ne ia com- *"'"* Kron. The N. Y. ludepenie, | We are at a loa. » hether mo-t to adn.i:i- the UaftO, v uiety. ulrllTl-' HM P-'etli- ?eie.-ti-n.tl.--daiiinnettol thetyp .,graphy-ea.h peae u.-arin: th. i.i.pre-a of l.anduork-more akiiltul ai.d true tl.aa tbe b-«t ..... I.m.um. of Um IWWtt^Bart- (,rtb.-..-u.trat....,-d"U'ie,i bt aack arUMaim( aaa^JaaMaaa, K,-i -..!. Darley, Bairj. lloppn.. aad aaaeaMd arUb tbe mcett , tbe ef.grav. r Tba whale UapraaaiM of tha nolume la tbat of tatt. lebneuiei.t. B^gBOO tVpi. -"-..t by mail 01 eap.e... IMfl 1. on N-r.-iptof prire rji u e E N B W B 0 O K B nOM LUBlal ENOI.18H BHKStt rTTT. TICKM.K a PIBLOB Publi.b . bia day 1 A New Poetu by the Autbor of th« ani v.i. ia tHK Horta" PAITHFUIj FOREVER. BT COVENTHY PATMOBX, Autbor of " Tbe Anae) gg the llouae | voluine Price *!. FAlTBrr-L KoKBVBK W, to the beat of n.y ptr.-eptioi. aod be lLd". , tingulariy perfect piefr of a.t « Tbe por.u MM u e*nt foVa aoag uo, , ai, ..lafd fol ... houfa amuae...ent ii 1. LTJaid. to tbe heat of ..v be.i..!.. BfaafM d and tender wort ol ,rry uoblemt.¦.-iJoU Rutkin. THE HEBOEal OF EUBOPB. BY HBMRY .> HKWl.i.TT Wtth Fi'e Hluatrationa. 1 T(,lu01e.l2mo.Pnre «. Ofbaftba iuo»t li,tere»ttng«i.d\aiuableb..ok»forboy* aTer Igaaad ,. TOM BBOWM AT OXFOHD. | »BVjl Bl TO n BOOL DAiS AT BU0B1' Bj ii,. bbw "i"f Part Firtt. 1 »ol..u.e. 4U*. pa»;ea. / r.re 11 HiK .SALE BY AI.L BIIOKHELLERH ¦iii kmih s riBtOaV fc Ui w a-!iii,i<tot, at Mjt 1JKADV MXT \Vi;KK: na ufi tw andrku tMcutm, iraii.,. ritaaa,CJath, Mi aaMaf, N - Half<»lf. *». ,'u11 ' "aI-J, /e.erai ye»r.' labor Mr PaftOOJ ba- -m.pieled th.. .... portant wo.k arkteh »H ba pul.i.-b.-l oa >\ -duetdaT. V? .I be S. n»< n.H»Ka' Eairioa. Koyai O.tavo. 1 rasaa, f.. aa *«. .II +i:,, a.ord.ng ta atflt .' biaadUg, ii "".» '.'.»» ,u' doMraty Uf] ASIl TI.MrH OY PHIUP S< Hl Yl.K.H By Mknuiw J boaaiaa, ',ii OwbtoBm aajpaaa* allb Bltal railiaBi I Mk *l '" Tbe V\ .rk w.l. be lon.plete ln two ?,,inniea MISTORY OK ITAI.Y Ky loi.i 8 I'. Ak«.ii ( raaratra MT pagaa witl.Hie.-i Portrait, Clatb *l H A ne» aoluixie ,,f tba aefiet oi M-man l,i.-« ol Contlnaatal MAHON BROTIIWUI PublUhaart ¦¦ ' n ,, laad I Me,,.-, .. .>.*» Y.,k. D(lJl\VoK'|,M'".l«.iir:ial BtaVal U.iiuIh..Tbe ,..,t (Dacaaatbar) «i..pl-f- bkoilat arne.. gfkjf b M dn. 30 nieret of n.u.b HubtcrtpHoB ? 14 p»r anaaai A ...* trt^coinwraro. ln J.n AddiatVll « Oodwortb, I A.tor phaja MAC1IILAY" B88AY8, HIVEBBIDK EDITION. PRINTTD »BOM NEW HtIErMITYPE FLATK8-8MAL.I. PICA TYPE. OM.Y COMPLETE KDITION BHP.LOON a COMPANY, PuhH.r,-ri, No 115 Naaaao-it., New York. BATB .NO* HBAPI k!t B5TIHB1.T !»BW AXtl Ba.B«A.TT BD1TI0N I.ORD MAOAULAY'S t:KITICAL, HHTORICAL, ANH MISCrM.AM.OlH r.8RA\.- \N 1th an Introdu.-tion and Hingrephi. il .Sk.trh a l.ord Maca.ilay Hv f. P \V mmi. aaq of Boaton Ai.J.antaini'ig'a nrw »l*rl plaia Likai.ra. ol Ma. auiay. from a Photograpb by Cia.idrt Hiji Vnlumre Crown Octaro. PKK y. I'l'H 8ET nnn OuTiritrd Paprr, Cloth Hinding.*9 J*> Finr VYhitr Papar. Cloth Hinding. . * .brr» RiadBM. "5 llaif i alf. or HalfTurkey. ls w Thr waut of a rnmplrt.-, rlHgwit, and BB BTBt.Ilt. . of l.ord Ma.-aulav'i mi" rllmi. om vuitinr». coi.t*ii..iig all thr ¦ U,,.,, i| ,. keea U All tbaAn»arlaaBedltlqna brrrti for* publtih. d hatr brrn irinted frorn th» r&r'.irr I rdiui ii.. tvbii ii warr u.atrnall) naugad by Macaulay befaia bn ,|. ,|I. Ilr rrprraard hii.i.rlt not iutlakod with any Aiurri.au rdi'.u n ol ii- worka. iik aia ANTAOEri OK TlilS EDUION. Thr E»«aja harr hrrn arraiigndlurjad ordrr. ..li-ini |K>aari«r« tbr «n.r ad»ant-M<«j. . ... u . ¦pealaily prrwr «r»-rt it i- .operior to tbe >'...«liahrditloii»,audl>li-iiy unhkeauy ether ABierican rdittOB. , Ii..- .di-.ion al«o roiitain. th.-pi.rr t«*t M Maraulay . ».«¦ ortbograpuy, bc, ol Bke aafliak 'w'''d- * . ... 4. Tbe typorraphiral MtwUeaee of tlir paMi.-atiou piar.-. it ain"i * thr l.rit tli»t BB'TI beru iaiued froui thr Rivrr.ldr k Tba Arpindi* aaaaJai Mf*ad .¦..»y« attributed to UH M it. and anqooatlfnuhlT hlt.Bii ftarl la auy oth.r edi lioti of hia niivcllanruiii arritf _ .* HPHE M08T lin.lll.Y KIMSI1KD. IIAIv- X MuNlors. aad liHiTli-ri. Oirf-MOOK YET HAD1 JN Tl'is COUBCRZ." A l-OKl.sr HYMN. Hv UM. ClU.rN KRYANT. llluitrat.-d (rom orltrl.al drawtni" by Jobn A. H«Tw«. Tl.ia vo.urur rontniaa .: pr.-ir.-tiy rxecitrd iliuatra- vo.il fiom araBraaaaby Mr. Jobu A.Haw*.eTMairlrajaa <"i.-i » ,u forcr, Yigor, md truili. a chartning gradt and arcnracy o,- | ¦ hd.:it v lo i.aturr, and laiailaBB] arti.ti. aa* t- dRtoaUlorenofart Thepuanaheri takr paeuliarpridr bj ukalMllBI thr book to thr publio aa a pro .-t mtirrly M ,ii labtr. Th.- orti't i- a y. uBJ Au.ert. iu tl.i-, by, lad ti. .atravaaj and arfcataa] awa baB Maaabal in-ir. 'Th.- ,,| LllBiaa, Vi/rtrllv," my. Thc N . I Paal " hf* nrrrr prod... .d a BlOn MUBBBBMBI »p-. H 'lil'." Praa fbe At ¦.' bb thiy. ti..' rabBBt, ..¦.<. tiui,k. lo.iik- ti,.- fcajbaM Bafea afw Itatkii .I....'i. aad niay rhallrngr ou.|.ari«jn witti utry. Mdiiyof th.-drawii.f. arr ol p .. Bj TBB 8. .' .' Traii'fript. (i, ., ihr ii o-i . iij.ui-.tr -ir-iniru. of art applird |e pnrtry ....iii.-.l in tin- "i.nt y i- thr '. lllmtritrd r.wi.rnd k C I..' and nir-l-. a;- brougbt . .\ lirforr bll imacili i r: | ... BBBBBB y. r,i aad ..w...; ajBBBBaay, «nd bi aal ¦aaaa b*a .,ti,.;r.;.K Mj Bawe aaaw, bat I »aa haaanal ... »jt.baitfui ri.trj. arahl apeaTaaaraia atti Uailaanbaa Ibb ab aa) aaaaaaf Baaaa jjjU, . I harn.o'iloui and. b. i,,..d.'in t'.i- "Tbr pi.-tur.'-iur im»r*» iutieatrd to mlud by rTrry lin*- »t ,,. k] -ii U i aadj Kjfi ijoni Nrvrr » tbr marriic .1 t|. prn ¦ d pr ifU morr ii.tiiii..t. and bal '. N-vrrdl.l urti- !-rfr.-t!. into tbr tt.ci.rl-t .¦' thr |.o.t r rn.bodv n. uiorc ¦Ij N.-..-I ." '..¦'¦ leawfad B..¦ |"..!ry .lothrd ir a . ..,, hrautlful aiidhttio. aarb Kvrr) pog.-i> rich laaaajBB t only arti.tlc in thrui-.-l* .. BBt p..M-».iii. alao tbat aubtia Irautv of fati ..-> BBBB. |Tt>BI tbr. nioil rrfiurd rujoynitul." Krom Thr BBBBB Poat. PlW aad Po.trj ai. -. d and ui.llrd to .,in e ar.-Mtl. ginc.'l ..nd .i.h la il. adoinnM-ut a. .>»}. uavr rver a«rri ».k ircling thr Ira.al hr«d or old libri.ti.^a Prirra-(. iotl. +¦> Half Moro ro *3 50, Morocro Aldinr + .">. Monhto 1 xtrn. *'. W. A TOUN^KNII 4 C'o Publiabrra, No. 4o Wa ». -! V ¦» I .k i <>\ i; A N D PEM A i-T V. UK P Tll(lMPM»NS l.NST WdftK. IHI I M'-rH.-VLISTS AITKMPT A RKHTATION. BI l)R lAWYaCM H1HMON IN MONDAYSTHIBI NE. LOVB AND PENAJLTY, Ok, B1UMAL PL'NI.SIIMENT CONMSTKN'T P/ITH fffal rATBZRBOOD Of of>n. B% I. P THOMPSfiN, U.V Putorol thr Broadway Tabemaclr. 1 toI. ltuio.. pricr *5n?oti. From Thr Chrl-tian Wlfiraa. " Thi« i- t aanrableandtiiorly produitloD. diacu.ainf witl. mrat Utolt>Bgba4M, »nd in 1B rn-eihntapirit, tbr paiulul bu» d.-VT.i> ii '.poitai.t .ii'';."'- of f.(;,.. piiil-buirnt. tnd au-wrrlu^ ,,,,.'. ... .f,,,, ,,f u.oji ii. ratioaaHaai and innd> litj." J rrorn Tbr B-. t.m K.vo.Jrr Th- ai.tt.cr of tbi. book baa a hapDT talaal M addrr-aing th^ PMPular uiiud. andhr baa brrr madr a book uln.!, w.- thn.k arlll brl-i»hi\ uarful. Tbeaubtaet walek it tr.a:-1. our of va-t %m portat-.r. audtbr prrarnl .ttiludr ol Owaahlic unud iu rrgard to ft rrauirr. tbat it 0.- kaBafiad irtth akURy, ruudor andfood ludgi, .-nt. And IbeM qi.»liti'« tbr rr^d.-r arftl hud la tW lrjetaraiol I'i Tbonj| _ Tiia CataBaaraa UBCH D1T0BCB CAJBE. ]{ Tbr undrralgnrd baa madr apr. ial arrangrtueuU tor a fiiU VBBBAT1M RKPORT of thr abo»r r.lrbratrd c-a.r. nnd will iaau.- tbe iainr Irrnardiats- ly on tbr complrtion of thr trial. Thiirditiou wlU cotitaiua couiprrhrn.ivr hi-tory ol tbe raar -thr Pr.Jn.iL.iry Movrmn.ti, the '.Confraiion" of Mra. Burch, Opruing IBBB BM ol Otmmt, thr Drpoiition of Partlra iujriiii.at.-d, »nd AI.I. TIIK TESTIMONY IN FI.T.L. AgrntaaDd Nrwan.n. will plr...r arnd theil order. by return to Ihey raii br .upplird froin thr lirat rdltion, Thi» Book wn.t BAVBaJ Ibib^ib Saib A.M.B1LJ n f BBBaaaBB Al I MH ChK4I'I.T Po.kiiii.II PkICI. RUBKlaT M 1>K WITT Pnbllaber. ¦a rrai.kloit al N.w York. IOKl» MACAriiAV" KSSAYS (N.-w Kdition J ..,, Ttntrd Paprr) -I) APPI.KTON i Oa Noa 44i mi ?*» Broadw.y, rKW DAya AN FNTIKFI Y NMV AND ELEOANTEDITION OK THE t-BIl It A IIIITTOBICAL ANJ. BtlBCkXIaAMZOUfl ItlUHTHON.TIloMAH HA1J1NQTON MACAl'I-AY. Bll VoUBBX ('»..»" .»" BBAnirnti Pki*Tii. aa Tiayaa PArre. Pk'I C *' I. A b Da ali" publi-b A DOI HL'. liMIMN h,o kdmonof MACAl'LAY'H E88AYa PUIt E IN CI.oTII, +-' jM.t Paknihed; El <) IJ N 1 A 1 ¦ ¦ 0 0 K\ AMY WII.R ¦al OIHSI MITKU Al. PAfTIHJ b, BI Baaaaaj Mat Baa.l» n v.i 12,,,. PriM 01* _ .,_> W A TilUSSKMt ..«'>. N'" >ork_ ** A-. ObMNBAI WCBB *>* NBHVOU8 DEBILITl baa otber affwtiona of '"',,,..,.,...,.. ,. iba aaaa By 0 B Ha-ord. M i». aa.- Paa.i * Baabaaj - u'«.'*>'"''" Madl ¦ . " .-. N'» ".¦' "".. H»'"""d" "ork worth ;.,.,.,,.. Mraaaa." '.7S< v v *.*".*.. A .i br i aaaal bid 4a,.tbb U* b ^_^*g 0^a by EOM 4 IOU8EI m N--. OK.K. AVTONl JOWEJ M a., i.au Ht N< E, l V7VV ' J "la BniidH., N v iiu:Nhwh aB-aaJi Jd.1.. Pbil*. n KSBY WAKD MHWilll ON "YOUNO AMEHICA." The abo-ae nou-politioal, Interettiug. and characterMic lefture. o>H>ered U.t week by the ReT. II. W RF.KI HER. ».- r«T*"ted .perlaUy for the BOUfBBOLO JOI'RNAL, ia which it w.U ,rr. ». i., t.'i- gfaaafl aaaakar Ready TO-MORROYV (Wedne. day at bH the bookatorea. 1 in- aubjecta tn-*ted .ipo.i an aa fo.Iowt: kJM F*>TIIY Of VTOOtVO latEMCA. Vr.N RAISF.ll IN KI.OWKR-POTa DH I.R81TY OK AMKUICAN tUAHACTER. A HOMOOEKKOOI NATIUNAUTY. t -tin( t rrraa in the rottats. JMIYSIi.M. MliUR. Dl 1 i.ol'MF.NT l,IMITEI>. REATIOH PBIDI OF O0CUPAT1OM BETIBINO ntOM BI'SINF.SS TliF. INDIAN SI'MMER KH.IIT Of F.M'l ATIO.N. F.Mil.ANI) BPBOvnuo. I'll kCTIC \l. MuRAI.ITY. H'r r 1 BOI lilir. THr. I'F.oFI.E IlOMINANT. W H01 001 THI KF.iS UOtfl tO Bl ROMA.NTIC. TRAM.MF.Ui OF PROPRIETY. PROGRESBITI \ni NG Ml-.N. I.IIIF.UTY POB Al.l. MK.N. I'A'lltloTI-M irECIAIXT REPORTED for. and to be fouud iu lul), In llli: HOUaUtHOIaD JOUKNAL Tlia w.-. k Ready .... Wedneadny, at all the new -deal. ra. PriceTHREE Ck-MTH. Pubii.hed by ,\ HABThlLL A Ca. No. taW Ik WUMaaa-tt., Waw-Terk. 11. THE NEW B00K8 Ab BOOH as IBBUafDI |. W h\ AMB it Co., I I BLI8HF.I.8 ANII Ulr'T BOUKSSLLERB, Iii ..": Braadway, New-York, llave i fr.-ab 'mipt.ly of THE H0U8EH0L1) O* I.Ol \ rJllE, Or, Tiir F.lixir 09 A il.aoafkabUifUajaaaMO. t %oU liu.u. *>~ .iWK tUMD-BOOB OF ITNaYfJaSaU LITK.KATl RF. g. V: ( i. H- tu Peakjaad isTail Boat farlakoabioaal ,...¦. d-l 94, l.t'l Dfl 1 aalaft TK.KM AT Bf MARY'S A Cou.paiiion Brown't Scbool Daya.' liaio. *1. HOl'EsJ AND FEAKS. By the Author of " H«ir ol R-d rah +i Ht MMFSIS. By Marion Hurl.u.d, Author of "The liidden ja<k BomoM ami His ranxMi o.-,T.t al>vb> T.hr.i ef i OaooaiAB. Itaaa. t-i. TwaaNmatbWofatffortUBalldaya: 1 BE LO\ l.S AM. UEROINE8 OF THE I'oETs. By R. IIlilatl I'laltiali Aaaaajaat ata. i'rico, *l*. ftVOfaTM Of thk suithTistinousiiki) in un RATt'RE Bj Ala/y F-rie.t. Bwam I rtTBR* BBSH I-.,, i'n.-e, «.». Tl.e fouuwiiigv.iUbere.iiy T.. M I..WIMA |ly Kutni.i, Authorn! Dr Aiit..niu, fe* *.' '.>¦ I'EITY ASNOiAM.ES UF MAIUUEU LIFE. By De BL n u Bl yTB* ».. BlfT BOOKBBT.I.BBf and Pini- LlBUBkB Na .'. Broadway, New Vora, ajpply tbe abovi aad all otb. r lionk. at tl.- publiabert1 krwaal pr;,-.. ln additiuii tbe> fiTe a Lrift varying in vmae BrocaM MUI t lOU anin t-v.-i) L jo». dl the tiuieol aaUe. P.W.fcVABB ,T.- ju.t publlabed a new editimi ol ibeir ¦. raotj two page i ataJogaa, * btek tall} exuUina tho wuoo- rjabaai ul t-iil Utatribauaa. »ud wi. oe h*J ,«rati. on applicatb.u. Na 671 BUOAl.WAY.New Yurk. Eatabliahed iKA. ri\) THK TKADE. 1 Otll M of hne Velvet PRAYER-BOOKS to ba aold at a [.-«.¦-. . fp..ow»: H »vo. 811k \ elret. i gi't claapa, u> caae. lio IJuio. Miia v ataat, 1 a.it o.aap. iu aaaa. SO Umo. Silk Velvet, 2 gill .a»p«. in cawe. JO^tuio. silk VrWet, 1 gllt claap, in caaw. A X) Wojo. 8iik Velvet, 1 »;n' laaf, ... ,.**e I'AI I, BOSSANuL, No. *;. VValker «t Kr.W m.d VKKY Pori'l.AK Ml.'SIC.VtWBll falllt'l Blgfflt ""¦"-'" H'"'' "Jol.nuy'a aoBaahf.il,' .¦^,-ieniib,-Frog," " W illie (.ray." 'Antwerto Kitty t lyde," Uh If 1 VOBB a Little Blrd.Alwaya l.ook on ib- 8umiy SkI. 9t eaata aaefc; 'Chruiu.at Beila," juomia, and " raru.er Btobba'a M.it to Hew-Tarh . ity." ii (Vnta lu.tram.-nt«j: Bpirit l'..lka." CllBaJI l'olka,'' Uolley Walu,'' "Keiueiu- Btaaca a R.,inar,»»,-' » -eajta earh: 'i^iCbuU d*un An<e," " Valae Brilllanti-," tr" MOta. UitAlad fraav Jutpubii.bedby HOBAC1 WATBBB r No .13.1 Hrojdway. S\y KK0B4 «»|'i.s and VIKWS. T! akmal »to.k of BTEBEOBCOPIC OOODS at the low- aat Bticra . v.-r od.-red ta An.em L ready lor th.. H-liday Trade. The I.ii.sduN tiTi.KEUSiUPii' < o.Ml'AN V. .N.. kN BragaV wty PAI.L k ( l:RT18, Agenta. r>end fi.r lalaloiue. ^_ JITEKAKY OonUemeo aml otben will fiud a J tTaB-faiaiakad BIM)KBINI)ERY at No. W Sprurwat. hrou A. Aibucbt Parti. dlar atteation pald to forei(jj nwoka Wanio. \PIE8T-CLABB Beoteh Praieataat Latvuntlreai, arkfl ia willii g to dc Cooking or Chau.berwork, with good araaUadlTI VTION. laqulre at No. J( Ui.uu HaU. a !.» doora eaat of Broadway. AWOMAN, with no<»d refereiioe, wanta a srn ATIO.N ... ,-. ok. wuai.er, nud I oner alao by a young w.v u.au, aa cbauJDerinaid .uid waiter, or uurae Both na»e good referenre, and are » Uaaag M niake thetnaelve* ua<-lul; are auber, uaefui. aLd honeet Apply at No. 42-1 Broadway, tip .tair*. 4S COOK and LAINKKKSH..A iteady. re- ^\ -pectable Proteat.ti:l^ouit4J deairea a tit.iation iu rity or eaaatr/MCOOB ni,d aseaUent VVABBEitaad 1BONEB. No objectioo lo do Uei.eral liouaework. Luder^tandt herdutiea areU aud 11 a aood hauid over Milk and Butter; alao, a hrat cnwa Baki-r Api.yalN. 9I» btb av np atain._ kJl'M ATiDN WANTKD.Hy a I'roN'Htaut Ger- 0 mt:. url ia a P!ain look and Baker aud a Br«l rate \V aab erand Iroi.er and i> w.i it.g to luake hertell uaefui. Call tor twa daya al Xo M Allen at., eandy ttore._ llfAlSTED.A Kitiiittion b) a fOllBfl Woman, aa ** SEAMsTHESBtoalady, andtotahecareof fhild/iui. tM '^roldery 1-foi.d of .-bildren. Ia a Piataataat; b.it iwo yeara »or,d i. !ereu>» from her l*«t emptoyer. Cali at No. tti \Vatl.-.t_ A.N'I'KD-A Situattou ua ClIILD** NUBSE, by a younn ti||ht rolored gtrl. (an be ae»..i at tue houae 01 her p.i.ent i-iuplover, Na U U-»lngton av. 1VAMKD-A BITUATION in the citj Of <*)Un- f f t.T. for aneat. ateady yoi.ng woman andber dauthter.a tidy little irirl a«ed 10 yeara. tbe n.other M co,.k. waih and irou. or do bouarwarh ia a aaat >-r, her daugbter for any light work tallttF. CARROLL'I No nnuthav. w \WOOLCABDEB wbbU ¦ BiTi ATION} can rou.ev.eilre.ouiUiet.ded. Addreaa CAHDER, Station D., Nev. lork._ A BVMDA1ICE of jiood SKKVAMK now rrmdy J\ for atty or eountry- (iertnan, Eagliab, rki.trh, Iriah, ttc., «!*!- .) rivl artiva at the largeat inaUfite aud lio.ue oon- duct. u by an Aiueru-aa iady, No. .38 11th at., wraaf of OUi-av. Opau Iroiu 7 ii. the iuura.Bg tUl » ln the e»ening. _ L^AiULlKiS in WA1ST ol (iO«»D HELI» wil'l X pleaae eail at Mra YORK8TON'8 offife, No Bl 4th aa wl.err a irreat uu.nber ol' (JIRL8 ran be bad. for both city aad country. No djahm.eat dealii.ga prartifed at har olfioe. WAaNTED.ln a prrva^rfiunily, a YOUNG TT UADl M GOVEBMEBB. Wka it capahle of luatru.-tinn Iwo \uli.i Miaaeaio Maale. and w.lling to tuke tha tiipervi.iou ol ll i ir eductllon wheu out of aehnvl A .!i«lr»blo and per.ua iient boo.e Ho.ild I.- uflered to a auitoble peiauu. Addreaa. «tatu,« te:a.a A H ." Tribuue OnY .¦_ WANTKD. Hvuvuuiir Man atptaaontreaidiog tnthee.ui.ln g aBaatlfl aaTHAVi.l.l.NtiAHENTfor a ltry l.nod. Houae, Bevting machlne, or Mau..fa-turtug Cuu. paiiy. Add.ea. II I). \\ |. lnbunr OfiVe. W001«.A ><iiiiik Man, wl.o na* heBB btxnigbt ipat the wo"len buaiveat. and baa r»reiitly retu.u.d from a fcaaf in k.naUi.d » ht -e he haa been inveatiaatina tbe bna lueaa demrea a .itiiatn.i, aa M ANAtrK.R of a .mall un.l. Addreaa MAXAi.EH No IB Cmper Inarttute. New York W'AN'IKD-A thon.iiKhh PRACTICAL MAN, TT t. MITERIM'r.Mfalarire Padlnek Fa.t .ra F.mployeea. Boj.and (ilrla Alao. a 8killful Ma'binut and fool Mater. a-- ..at. n.>d to j/reaa work rl-.t.ationa pernianeut Apply to, or addre.a 8 AM>RE\\ ti. No. 11 Walker at New York. rANTED.Two Clerka, »n« Bab^nan, tmo Porti^a, tU Mei, Iu. etearueit. Apply at No T t'hathaoi >\ ¦ I ¦ U I ,,Kii Month niade w.lb BaaBMal Toola. *{? I I M 9 I aat the i-baapmt and be.t Hendl-. iut cireniar before purchaaangadaewbere. Addrea.J Millik»a.l.awTetu-e Maaa COlfFECTIONEBT. WHOUBtULB aad KK- TAIL .l.Et t)knE8, No 2*. Greenwi.-A ai baa on bau.l a .arf-a»a,,rti.,ent of l .i,f., tionery for the Hobd.). Juat re> oelvrd an luvolre of k.eiuh Bob Boua, Piate, Toya. ic. illigceilaneone. dpONCE SNTRATED LEAVEN, ».'B BABlB't BKEAD, TEA CAKES, ALL KINDS OF PASTKY, ftc, BAJ>rrAcrrB»D bt EDW. CHAMIIK.KLIN & Oo., Proprirtori of Shawrnut Chrmloal Worki, No. 33INDIA ST, BOSTON, COBCEBTBATBD I.EAY EN b thereault of carefulchernleal rrirar. b. Brrad ofaflklnda madr by uiing it ii Ught. morr dlgratibla tnd i.utriti-.ua, h»> in agr.^ablr, natnral taatr. la Ua» hable to .our, wiilrr'tiu iu ti.oiaturr l-.nger lhan hy a:iy ..ther prnve... aiidtl;.' wholr prrparatioi. for the OTrn nrrd uot aiceed u-n minutei. It ia uot paabaBbh), »nd la avallable in placn and at tltn«i wh. n y-aaf i. n.t witbiu rrai h, aa at ara. In all i-Urm.tr-. aud and. r all ir. n.«.-....>¦.. it rnay be adopted, 'hui obvinting all difficuity of pn.i ¦.:¦..« >"". "< "-'."' Baaaaaki Baaak ia fce- <p..-nlly ol aa uifriior.p.aiity rrndrriug tbe bread uiore or leM laarbalaaaaaa It ic Taluable aa rrgarda erouoiuy, aa a iaTing ia effected in 'he fl. .,r | uot i.-ii tban 16 prr irnt. Jn tl.r aeBBBBB prm mt, uiui-h ef thr aarrharinr of thr llour i. lo«t by bei..,! -onwrtrd into car- bonic acil g«», and thr » act* ii incurr. d iolely for tbr purpo»r of genrralim; ga. to raia. tbt BBBfb Hy uaiug Coi.omtraled LiaiBB thi. wnatria avoidrd. and thr itaa obtainrd in I uiin- nrr tqua.ly efficacioui. Eeruientation dratroya a part of th flour or uiral: a barrrl of t'our, weuhiug !»> pout,.fa wuirh ordt liarily nmk.M about KO po.uida of brrad, givra oy th.ipro. r-. .' ¦ pounda. thiia i'tt>-tmg * vrry important BBrBB) B] nforu.ity Iu tba dir.. tii.na ..u *a.-a parkage. auy prr.ou capablr of ordn.BB/ attention uny rondu. t thr prorraa, and thr lexult will iuvariaoly b<- highly iati.f-ctory. ( ERTIFK ATK PBOM l>R BAYaaff, aaaaiaa ia th*. u..t« ..r aaaaaaaaaana I bBBJ m.alyied thr ( oncrntrutrd Lea-eu uiauufactured by BBBBBB Edwln ( han.bi ilin k lo, vwith refern.ir to iti purity and erriri.-iic-ot ... ti r |ba ti.-. t of yeaat in dii- t.-ndiiig dougt. ei I tb. rety r.-i.drhng it l.t t'or luakiug brrad. Thi.artfi ir i.akilifniiy mbm d.d, Baa aaaatly purr aaaai al-. It rahMM tba d. mh Bttbaal aaBaaBraaj hBiaapaaraag atbarfritirrrnlrtatbt Baar, periaearyi ar.d the amir w.ight of flour will piodi.i.- ii.i r. -». t Balatabla kaaad tl.au cau be ob- taiord Uiroimh tbt >ul al y.-urt. wl.ili- ) r ake. m.u p-nty it i- iuvaluablr, aa It »avr« all ri.k und mu.th time of thr paatry cook. Tba .'XJ.. rin.inta inoUi' by n..' .-outirui lh>- BBBBBMBB1 of the ii.an.ifai-tur.-ri. ari! pivr thi-roioiouml worthy ol B*BBB BB. provi.1 a:.d titrt ded u-r. |{. iprotfully, A. A. BAYBf, BaaM Aaaayn. HOW TO OSE IT. BREARKAST A N U TEA EO L LB. la B8 nuart of flour; mix t NBBBbMJ bl pi>»lll|( l.'ici t!ii.-<- tln BfttBTB i'.i I aVMBJ rub in -. | ri katflba »i/r o! «n BJB and inakr t.-- witl. old u.ilk or uat.r (u.ilk ia pielrra! I> lai.lyatirj rnouijh to aanaat raBuaj out. Maab kaaadBB| abaaal baaaaaaaA tot irrd tarrji. atd plai-.- m. j.di.trly iu a hot uven, auJ kafca bOAff BREAD. "i, iri.portioti of LaBVBB and rionr -i:t.-d to.-.thrr M mit thr buttrr. and uiakr thr paatr tbick rii.u^ii to kaaad imu »'oaf. and buk.- iBaaBBab ij in a.iow aaaa Bl t kwhk.at OAKXB. Flour and uiilk auflicirut to uiak.- <.i,r ipmrt of battrr add one rgg Ithrn thrrr traapoonfula of Leafan brat to a froth aud cook 4.11k 8PONOK OAKK. TBN1 r-upi of whitr augar. braten witu tbe yolka of |U rggr- ahitri of ai* ajjp t,aatrn to a trotb thri. brat al. toii-thrr add tbrr. upa ot .ift.d rlour. on.- r-np of wat.-r, and thrrr traapo in fou l..aw 1 il^voi vaiib .wo t.-a-i ooufnla of raat-ucr of leuion, ai.d bak.-d in a qui. k ovi-u. CORN CAKE. Oaa pi'-t BBBi ,f Honr aud lndian rural. anl threr tra.poon fulaof LaaaaB, wellaiftrd togrt... r; ad.i our giil of mouaiea and Bva >tf" ".ia th.u. w Hb u.ilk, aud baae in a alow ovru. l I* 1ARK. Kivr i'upi ol flour and tbrrr teaipooufuli of Leaven, aifted to grthrr. add one cup of buttrr. two 01 augar, aud twu egga all w. il t.rat toartl.rr. u.U vaith u.ilk, thru add a Mtf ot ourraiiti, and aplrr to auit thr ta.l.-. hakr about half au hour. I.ADIES' fAKK. Thrrr qiiartrn of a poui.d ol tiour and four traapoonfuli of I.i-avrn. .iitrd t.-g.-tl rr onr pound of «ugar and m ouuct-i of buttrr. bralru to a crraui, tbr » bitea of tight rggi, we\\ beaten, aud juicr of eue lru.ou iuIa with a.ilk. WEB8TER CAKE klTr i:up« of flour, tt'.rr.- traipoiUluli of I.eaTen, three cupa of augar, one of buttrr. one of u.Uk. and two rggi; fruit and ¦BBM to thr taatr. Hukr about half aa bour. Srf dirrctiona in ra. h pai'kage for uiaking Orahau bread, Boi- toubrowu brrad, duMplinf, Lbambert-it. cako, iponge rake, juu.blei, rirction rakr. »o!t .ugar gingrrhrrad, hard augar giugi-r- bread, ailv.-r cnkr. domLuiiti, battrr pudding, jobunytake. goid cake, Japanr.r cakr, applr pudding, lii^blaud BBBB, I'nion cakar, and e»rry variety ot paatry. For aalr by all tbr pnui ipal groerra and druggiata. OEO. H. BATK.S, Wboleaale Agrnt, No. :S-J Pearirt-.Ncwiork ACAKD. The aubaeriber will acud to all who wiah it (Ereca) the KKl IPE and ful directiont for uting r.n OPAL BALM for tbe rroioTil of Blotrhei, Pnuplei, Freeklei, ko, from the facr. Alao, PELATREAl'S sTIML'LATINO OL'NUUENT. Tbat ia warrautrd lo briug out a fuli aet of WUISKEB.S ia fjom feur to right warka. Apply to, oraddJTM THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Cbemlat, No. 831 Broadway. New York. B~ UY TOUB 8EWIN0-MACH1NE irhen you .un czrhanye it \] not aaifcd. THE N Y SEWINU-MACH1NE EMPORIL'M, No. 486 Broadway will BELL or EENT, Tbe Wherlrr k Wilion liru.rr k BaJirr. rinklr k I.yon. and otbrr tii.l ,-laaa ».wn,g Mathlrra. at tbr rri.-ntly HKm Ko raiCBB, willi thr pririlrae of r»i;ljaugiug witbiu tbirty daya V W WICKE.S, Ja., No. 4ob Broadway ror. hroouie-it. (^HALLEISOE ACCEPTED. J \\ herraa, uiy Slutup Kxtractor rrmovei trrea, atumpa, and ronki airariTinriiT; m d arbaraat Mr. u. D. Harri. rhai- lrng.m tbr world to prnduer a Stuinp Machlnr e.jual to hia " aajd i-iiai kn.jk Ii HKKKir aiCkpiko. Couirou.Mr llarria.lri th.- ThiAL be aa publn-. aa pottlble Plantera, hannrra Road niak.ra, and othrta wiii IU>- to know whoar inacninr ran do thrir a»0rk. U W VV1I.1.IS, No !s5 Uat. r at.. Nrw York. rpo C(>NNi;MlTlVEs..Iru- Aa>arttaat bbtibjj J. bori. rr.iorrd to braith in a few weeka, by a Tery limpla rtjn.edy, aftar haa-iug a iflrrrd MBBBal yeara with a MVrre Laug auVvtlon aud tbat dread diaaaae Conauiiiptiou, ia aniloui ta uiakr kuowu lu bia fellow-auflrreri the nieana of cure. To all who drairr it, brwillarud a copy of tbe preacriptioa uard (!r.-r of chargr), with the dlrectiona for prrparing aud uauag thr .ainr, wbicbthry wlil bnd aaure Cure for CONSI MPTlON, AVIHMA. BRONlHITIS, kc. The ouly objait of the advar- tlaar u. .ei.diug thr PaaaarfBBBB ). to benrht the ajflu-ted. and >prr,,d Information w bi.h roi.orifea to be InTaluable, aud he h>.| *. rvrry .ulii-rrr wi.l try l.ia rrmedy aa U will. j.l tluuu no- lluug, aud oiay provr a bleaaing lartlri wiabli.g tbe pfracrlptlun will plnaaat addreaa Tka HeT. EUWARU A. W1L8UN, WUliauiiburgh, Kiuga Co., N Y. E DW. CORNHSG A Co. Ilarr ju.t r-i. n»ed from No 81 Johr. at to tbrtr NEW SCORB, No. 76 Uuane at arar liioadway. {jonoc Suxmo\)\n% <£>ooba. EVESYBODT Hlumld pruvidf la>Ba«aaaTai with ,,.. .i the ..» PATENT ABTICLE8 lo PREYENT TIIIEY K8 ai.d BIKOIAKS from 1'lt'KIMl TUE1B U»M)R LOCK8. It can beappiird by a rblid, j. rfj..-tnal. and oau be anrrtrd in tbr po<-krl Prirr K> er.ita Dtbie Noe. WJ aud 4i» Broadway. R0011. 6. Ag.ul. wanled. A01C TKA AND COFFEE P0T8 F.X< Ei. Al.l. OTllf RS 'I he ajajjf aorrert prmriplr r»rr dlacoa.-red for making tea ot eotlee. bcr«'pi »ltb..iit boiiii.g iaviug liu.e aud trouble, du priiili.4 with watrr pltthor Can p..ur Ira or watrr frotn aaiue .poiit Drpot No lu Brekui\n .t N. Y M fpO BM EAIMEH..The ch.-itiHint und th.at ulae« J. to buy Mll.VER PLATEU WARE, TAKI.E CL'TI.F.RY and all kinda of HoBaa Kuruiabiug Oooda, U E. I> BA.S8-' FORU'B, at Cooper i.atitatr, tor. Aitor place. 3d and 4th ava. M IBC'ELLvaVaNhOUB. Thb Abaioabattob nv Labopaob*..Taaaa Ii a fMWBtB teadatney ln thia aga to aaproprtatn the moat aaaantafaa anarde aff u,-. languagea ai.d after a while to ir.'orpawato tkaaa faata eea? 0*0. tbat tha word Cephali,-, wbteh U from tha Oreaa, aagaify* h.g "for the, bead," !t noa> batomkog papikrkvad bl ti.iBltaa with Mr Bpalding'a great Ua-adache aUnady, bat tt ariB aaoa taj uted in a moie geoera) way aad the word CaabaMl will > laaaa aa eommoii aa Ekwt/otype and or.aay otkart wbeee aaataaaUtaiad (vTnlgu worda baa baaa wora arway by aonaaioa aaaaje aaatU tharyj aaeu. " natlTa and to tha aiaaor bcfu." .ABCLT EEALIZED. Hl 'ad trlbla e^uaha thi. I ¦ IBR, ha-i 1 *yy- kto tbe hapotharar y'a, hand aaya hl to tha man, "T-aa yaa aaaaaj m/of an eVrUrbe I* " Doae It bavba 'ard" aaya '* " Be*. reedtgly.'^t hl. hand apon tb- '^'^^X^j hand ponme <onoT K eured av> to qulak tbat I ardry BBBBBi ¦ 'ad ad aa aadacha. rar Hauoatu U the faarrite tlgn by wWek aatara aaakM known auy deTlation whateeer from the natoral atato af tfce braln, aadTlewedln tbit llght H may ba l.oked oa »..-*». guard. ir.teuded bl dW BBtteg af dia.«ae wbi :b mlgbt,«thtyartoa earape atteution, tlll toe late to be reinedied aad rta tafllBtltllB aho.id never be nealerted Heada.be* may be elaaaiatoal bb!¦ two netnea, aix: BymptoojatU! and Idlouathle. SyiuptooataM lieadaibe t- eireedlngly eouimon and ia the precurtoT of a graaat Yariety ol dav«»e., anior.g whi.h are ApopleXy. Ooot, kkaumf tnu.. ai.d all febrH* diaeaaea. In iU nervout fornt It la tympae .b. tn- of dla.-a.ea of the atouia. h, ronalitutlug #tr* Aa<*aVK*t, gigt b>'taftk d|a»«ae ouuatituting hittou* Kt.ida- A*. of aronaa, uauaaw pa'i-i and other diaordeie of tbe bowela. at well aa eeoau and Dteru.e atlectiona. Di.aaaaet of the heart are Tary fraaquamly %*- teDded wiib Headaihea, An»n>la andplethora are alao *»»¦«>. ti- ... whi. h frequently oecaaioa rjeatdach*. Idioaalbll HaaaaV «he la alao tery iiiuu..,!.. beu.g jaualiy diatiugultbed by tbal i,<n - f nerroaia VudueAa, toinetiine oomu.g oa aoddanly ia a ttate cf appareut.y touod b.-a.tb and prottrating at on« tha nieiital aud pbyttrai eaergiet. and u. other inetaacee 11 enmaa alowlj, heralded by deoriewlou of aptrut or ararblty of kempe/. In moat inatainea tbe paio ia in tbe frnnl of tha bead, oraw ona or both eyea, aud aometimea provoking Tooiitlng. aador thta cia.a u.a> alao bl- tuuiied .Vtaroleta. For tu'e trtatu.eut of eitber olaaa of Uea.bv-he, the Opbalta Pilla hirve bea-u fouud a aure aud aaf . reinedy, relieving tbe moat afute paint in a f«w iniiiiitea. aud bt iU ai.btle powereradiea*!-* tbe diaeaawt of which lleadacbe it the unerrtng Lodea. BaineBT.-aliatniwautt you to »end »er aboi of CejtAaUfc) Glaa, no. a bottle of Prepared PiU.but Tn. tbinkina tkafl.ajat ,u.t it uaUher. but perl.apa y. :l b- a.thef kaowbflJtJ-t ktla. Sv tee.h.'a nigh deadai.d gon. -with tbe 8ick deadathe, and wa..i« taaaa BMta af tbat aame aa '*M'^.}»t..<*!'.:.m Drwmwkt¦. .> ou uiuat njeai. hpaldu.ir'" Cephaltf. nua. flnaV'f-Ofh! ture uow aud MffW ted It, aere t ilM q .arther and gie rue the PUla ard doL t be al day abeat at aitui-r C0N8TITAT10N OR COSTIVENE88. No one of the " mauy lila rleah ia h*lr to" to to ataaaieat. aa Utt.e underatood. and to u.ach aagba t.-d aa Coatlaer.eaa. (>Tt«ai orarinatiagla oatvltaioaii, af mtimugj ii.ou.itit MVaaMaj . aiUhl diaorder of too little corjaequeiu-e to e»< ite aiin-tv, wblla ln rea,.tA 11 I- th.- pre.-urai.r aud con,p»,..on al u.anv ol a*BM| tatal anTdangeruut di«-a..t. and infcta oarly .rrflc*** It w a briag tbe tuderw to an lUttwdi gtaaa .Aaaaag the Bgdaaaf^aaBI ol wbicb aaattvaoMi li tbe aaaal attendant are Ue.do.-be, 1*110. Kheu.i.ati.in. Fo. B.eatb. Pi.ea. and othera of like r.ature. wbdaj a lont tr.in of frightful diawatva .uch *a Maiiguant Keaert An» aaaaai Djaaarteiy! i'iar.1..-., Dy.p.-paia, Apopleay, Epilepajr, I' j^li-i-. Hyater.a, Hypo.;bondru.i., Meian. boly and luaaiut* lirtt tudicata tl.. ^ preaeu.-e ia th ayafein t.y thia ..wuiiug ayu.p- toaa Not unfrquently the diaeaaea nan*ed uriglnat. ia Oon.tipa- tion, but lake on an ludrpendent eatotenoe Jiileta tbe .-ante la eradi.-aied in an ear.y aUge t roui all tUeav cuuttderationt ¦ Mlowa tbat the di-o'der thould r-eive Imt^diate atteulioai wbene%er it o. ei.rt. aud no peraon thould u«gl«et to ajeta Boa of CophaMc Pillt on tha Bfat app-arwi. e of tbe oiupUtut, aa IkwbT HnJai, ,... will eipel the baabaoai anproa.;b«i ofJUaaaa aadj deatroy tbtodangeroua foa to hiuian life. A REAL BLE8SIN0. /'*l,aan«/»-W aJL Mra. Jouea, how It that beada.-A«1 >/ra Jowct-Gane, lloetor, aliJBf«0\ the pid you t*nt -afeal uie ii, juat tweuty udiiuu^, aud I wiah you would aeud utore, ao tl.ut ai, nve tb.-m handy, rbltfaga Tw ¦;»« get tbeu. .t any Uruggtota Cail M CaybaBa lilia m-d tbey nev^r fail, and I re.»uaiuand theto ia all ea*ea of headache. , ,. m it?. Joaaa- 1 tball aend for t bo« direetly, and thail t»J a] my tuiSering frtouda, for Ufcy aie a mciI bltmxng. TwaxTT M.LLiosa 00 Doiljuu BATao.-llx. HfiUkn kaa told two oitlliout of bottlea of hit celebrated Prepared iMot, aa*B It ia eatii.at.-d that eafb bottle tavet at Uaatt len doja/a wortk of broken lurniture, that u.akiuc an angaegate of tweoty rnilliooa af douart re.laiu.ed froui total loat by UiU valuable inaeotlona liaviug u.ade hit Ulue a houei-hoid word. be aow proeeaato to <*a Ibe worul tOU greater .ernce by ouring all tbe' »«bing baada arkk bia Cephalio FUlt, and if thoy are aa g.>ud aa bit Oioa. t-* will toou vauiab away .ike tnow ia Jaly. rjrovaa Ei. iraaatT, ar.d tbe mental caaa aad aaattatyj b.i-ident loeloae atteution to buaiceaai or afidy. a/e amoag tb* uuu.erout cautet of Nenroot Ueada.he. The diaordered ttato of. mind and body ineidant to thlt diatreeaing coupiaint tt a fatal blow to all enera:y and anibition. Sulferert by Uiit aUtorder eaal aiwayt ubtain tpeedy relief from theae dialreaatog attawAt bw uaing one of the Cephaiio l'lila avheneaer the tymptorjai appeaa. It quiett tbe overtaaked brain, and tootbet the tlraaied aud jaa- ring uervaa, and reiaxnt tke texaioo ol tbe ttomaeh which alwaya a^compaolaa aud aggra^atet the dlaordairad condiUoo of tha kaa. FaCT Wobth R.aiuwisw-SFaMingJiCepoaBel^Uiafaaeatt tain rnre for Bick Haadacbe, Nentoai Uaadacba, CtatWtaaaaa and GtneraJ brbuily. Gbbat DitcoTaaT. Among tha moat Important of al tba areat oiedical diacoTeriat of thia aae may ba oonaidared Ina rria. kJH of TMrtnation for protection nroui Small-Poa, tbe Cepbtno 1'nl for rerief of Headacbe, and tbe ate of Uoiruna for tha prae vention of Fevert, either of whioh lt a ture tpe«aSc, wheea baa» hu v. iii be exparienced by toflerlLg Ooicatdty ku| atto thfff diaooTercri are forgotten. fJF" Dtc yoo aver have the 91ea lleadaraal Da voa raavtaaa ber the tbrobbing tamplet. the ferered brow, tba katbia| aad] dirjuatatthe t-lgbt of food f How totally cnft yaa wara foo iieaaure. conTertation, or atudy ' Une of tba Cepbaha Ffda would bara relievrd you from ad the tutterlng wklea yaa thaa eipeneuced. For thia and other purpoeee, yoj ahoajd alwaya have a boi of them on hand to ute aa ocaaiioo requiraa. CEPHALIO PILLS, Cl'RE 81CK UEADACHE' CEPHALIO PILLS, Ct'RJD NERVOL'8 UEADACHE! CKPHALIO PILLS CLRE AX.L KINU8 OF HEADACBE By tha ota af tbeaa PUlf tha periodie attockt af thck HtadatA* may be prevected aad Lf Ul tn at tka eaa luent af an attack inuuediata raUof frooa paia aod tfck/ilta arfll gaj ebuiced. Tbey aeldorn fail ta remoTlng tha .Vcaara acd ffaaaaatt bt wbieb femalea are to tubjecC They act gwotly upon tbe bowela. raano-rlng Oattaaattaaaa. For i.irrrurv Mrn, StiuUnC, Delicata FaoaaJaa, and ail paaaoagf of aadawUrt/ kafcua, they are aalsabla aa a taMoMaa, baprorhag tbe atifxUtt, ;i»inj hm« and 9*uvr to tha aigaalln i reatoring tbe natural alaatirity and ttrengtb af tka wbala l THF. CEPHALIO PUX3 are the raault of long blvaMlgatiaai aud oarvfully couducled eaqaaaiienla, ha^lng baaa bl ate rntaj yoaia, duruig » hich uiut tbay hava praaaatad aad rattartad aaat a.nouiil of padji and tuaTerlng froui Haadacha, wkttbtt- arifta raatiiig ln tba aervoaa tyttom or from a daracgad ttato tt tka) aBaaaaaB. Tbey are aotlrely Tegetabla ln iheli oompoaltloa, aad aaay ba toket: al all limet with perfaxt aafaty wttkout aaakiug aay ebacga ol diet, aad tkt *b,ne* q/ aap du*fr**kU Ut*U ftndtn if **af .j adaatatattr (Aaat to .Atldraa. BKWABM OF COUNTKRFEITS! The. geaulua baae tva atgnaturaa of Uanry C Hpavdiug <gj earh Box. Bold by Druggtata and all other Danalart ln afedicinea. A Boa will be aent by oaall. prepaid. on ravelpt tt tka PhtlOK, ta5 UEN'IH Ail erdati abould ba tddraaeed to HENKY O. 8PALDINQ Na. i .dar ti Nia IjiA,


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BY THB TR1BUNE ASrKR'lATION,.. Tmm aaaaaaa aaaRBaBaa, .aaaraa «>» na*«*o *jn> .racoa

lt,nn »pi>o»itb tki oitv ball,Aad d>rlT*i*d to Cily 8aba.-r.brri «t l«4 fr'.U p<»r wwi. Mftiigafljaeribrra. a^ P" ajinuai, to adYanew. * J for aix omnthi.

Qpccioi Noticeo..* Free Terrttory for Fre* Mfn."

T1IE ROl'Ki MDl NlAlN KKIl HU.AN CLIB,()( Kitift Oaaaty,wtl rrW-bralc thr rrtrnt glorioua trimr.pb of BV,iublican pntci-

aaaayc *^ B A L L,tw br giv( c on

TIURSi>AV E\ EKTNO, fW *> atTHK OLD RAl.l.. i:.d hali. ok i*S6,

arbirh »1I! bi dr. oratrd riprraaly .ji tLii ..vcaaiou.Tbe Mualc wUl b«> fun.i.Lrd b]

iHiDWoKTUS BANOTvkf<», at, c«u t.«> fcaeaaaa oftae aBcanajMaVaraf cafBj<Mi.brr H Uic I A-iutiYr Board.

B F. aU'DOETT. PrwidruLW. \V. OonomcB, Si-crrtary

I.rrturen oo Hrmxll.TVH" J f KIEll/Hr K»i;;driivrithr SECONO LEC-

Tl'BE ci hi. ooaneAT 1HE (MOI'I K INSTITUTE,


I'HIH.RAMMK LECTURE.II. MPE IN THK TEOP1CS. Poruaite; l..ar<-tWc.rld;

BarfaaUi AirtgatcT.. T%an Mookayi Hall Braede; Oitv Ufeibraai.Ui. (.ul, Murrlim.-, ra-hi ba; Baudem Iff, i.aw u.dBl«dw.al Behoola Chur Pedro il fcc.

111 \AU.rY O* IHE AMAZON lulrrandear; Hiatnry;Sti.i.. indfj VVaiBfi .' AjuaaoB; VI ti.no Rrgia, Auiuji.iniEnt»ri)ii»«- St**o.t> »t. i.1

l\ SW ITYKRLA N l>. Th. I.iuid ef Trll, Mt. R'anc Toweiof llab.. Ludir'i u> ) ro .'-. U«« !'<.Conductrd, Mclvi-tU. Mkuiri* aud Cmi^mi, Marriag.- ui.drrttw C.^ir of N«,.i laon, ar

V. ITAL1 &1 UARIBALD1 A L?i.lt«>d It:ity Vi.lt toMt*) \N »id«:iiM-> H<u~ .,' Shvuv A l.sriCMili.') Mt Yrauvi.ia aad .5i.il. !r- a. itiaxi. toNajii.. 'ibr Rii.fd'u. i: Itmtj tuaaaaaa u< laaocaaoaad Iu-tujVrrai.orTh KfcTH roa thr (V)t R»«.(Jfiitlfmrn. +1 Wli. - ir | u]i.<

ofach. .i«. N" ift« iK.r^i.-- I «t t..^>aa> aaC u...»ir .t. uala Mi> 4 ttokati >...dliuui H

D*.«ti opri. at fj T,.m

Mr. LwrdN l.tMiurm on i.. prcNfutallvc Womrn.Al j'iif. RI ..[ i..- IN811TI LE.

Tht-K.T Tnu.s LOBJ) wttl raaeal bliIxyttr.. ou l.nva! Ropnlii»mutf. un Murraj ! A. RII>A\ Ahi >n.uof ofttiuf.' » o.' «J> ui.sl ... to at»ud ui-UaJLTba-I.»*t:irei will roniiLicnc. cn TIT- Ul with

"Pau.u it .¦ Kurr.ui I :i

Tlekaia f..r Ii ... Tob* bavd at M r ( .. iray aud at tbfdoot. Qaly Mt ttatrtivrund Dtatrlci < aaai lliaaalii ( aamallaa. Tbi

t»tlCf»¦idAid IDi .¦ .;: ,,tii ink't

ih.*, .ic(UbatiuD of Mr 'llmmu O. HaJ.

bjii'O'''.' f < « , .... .

Thr Fourth \Urd Ucpublirun 4 oiivt-nlioii|toadj

HE.NHV (ihor S..'.


l.i V.amn. lRI 1".LNIOAN,

Krpnltiiran Noiiiiiiuiiou Plftb AMermitnic DiN-trlci. AtaCON\^l.Nt. N -J

.IOHN II. BRADYi-maii.

J. .-

Pinh Waniih. v t i

i \ ><:.t.

A ta

Ai a Meettaa ot thi- Eleriara «it id« *< rentaAl«l> rii.Min. U.-lr.


.'. ird.

Kl< \t nlb \\ Hrd Ht'l.ubiK i. u Aaa«M .itiK.ii.

THIl^n^ .-. reUiy. Ji HIS lEW'Ii

Tbirternlb \Vnrd Ki-pabllran \«so< uulon. t¦

Br. u. *', »t 7|

J. JM.Bo.i. j^.ii A.BB1TBMaatof-ntb Uurd Itcp'ibliran A»M»rlatioB -A

n-au-aj UiWliiif of thi- - i

ain,,. S, i. J-.suAiFVL s s Not. 2<, ' >***-' ' JOB L.

V'ai ''.

l»«.«0>r»d»'nl K.publirao Na^laatiOB.Jv.ll.N. i. tli.r. ..Jvi.f.

For Aldfrnion l.l ) ¦;:.¦<

Th«nk».iri»liia DaaaHoaTlait. v .. "¦'

Viail1*Ltu.a»iui l>a>. >¦

, , ,

\\ . \ /rat^'U. v iipjir.- ikv. th.' n.any fa»or« alrcody n*

.,.« ,h« ,\r: ..-. .-rlo'rt i.cv. i..-i:.« a.adi- to In* tn« IbiIrou d«it. praTioM ui JaauarjwwrO.ld Iilamta ai,o a . iBOWtaaaaaa aata etvwuti tbe cloawa yt-ar.

Ohapel aadeata ,:i"'r"°lJi.M, i t to b o'cioek tbajy wlU

Tu4on^pr.parrd ... aiaaiBBB ¦« ba BBBttaUl received auddidy aikt.uwivdatd

tliLoRf" ..Kj :lAN iSii>LM i«i nU. tbau

.... *3d aud .. THANK801V-

'^V.'^^m » n willpartak.aaaaaonaof tt. - r*-'"r,-!ror:;*"'J°:f1?^TOa.coBimrucingailoclocb - ' be aapaclaU/

V'\'ilu '

-trrat.MbU MTMttaa li.-tn..t.i>u

.*« '*apa * l. ,.,, .

A.NNA Ii oHOTWELL 8ecratary No. WB. 29th-at.jos>ili H COLUWt*. No '... »\ ^a.i»;.li.nN I'AMI'Br"l.L No. 4B 16th and ll« Naai^UW^'ILLEW No U J.alswt. placeaBdJUaPcaarl^tlATutae lartitotioB, Mh .». belweei tSaand .. ->

r.a1..«JL* aa.iTfdDyjir. EMMAJ NICH0L8 al.Braob-

il¦! i.sUai EVENINtiU. No». * '-». Tick.-U,asoaait. Iio< ra cpr^ a- "


\rldr>H« to YoilOB >li n.. lMK)BIAN«Tor mokal Wltukib to younu

Mi s ^ iddreaa to bc- e>l»»»r«>d bytnaha¦^ UEOBOL u. bAMBUN, f*.l> JPrMident ofCo utntnaBCol*r» . ,' K^l?i^JiSVcU* luti »^^,betwemMBaBdatb«M. Ail arr


MaVt^a'tOapica, n»> Voaa n,iz. 6Prorlamation. la attutaaaei aitheaataaaaaitaejproc

baaBUea oTTbrOot. s,.-ooib« luy d.ity. a*

of tHt KriUAV t .. imh ii,.t .aaaday of ThardlMguuir a^d

r'\C'. in rr.v jUdgu.-..t ti. ;'- ' .'' >¦'

IliMir- or-hiaucul a.p«.-t BreaWU ..o Mlra f« whuh w-

, , k >k.»kf..i u.. .?%.- ailad ., natdara

aV,,BB aTd!.rv,iHo,.>-i.! H- ^J^!StLZftSIntbl -twu.audlhe

¦l^o^^ow^^ ^ p A.m,,b«v Ood

Stt'aTY'.^....* Di ^-r,..d by th. I ¦ r.ty a.

BSsfew¦fcr ABB04-UUIVD for ImproTlua lb« rondltloo of tbeVoor B«u.| i.. » raadv. ftuty- riocr. wiil -. .u^.i^J a. «-r.y "L" ..rnt.. attaarii raaUaacaa, M lw« -'-.. J bj caUu.gal tbrStr, .No. aWBllvr ilooar. A.tOf -I *l.jgoffirrr. of

a<r Aia-xiati'r, aLd lliaillban o' tb«- Wnd l.omuiltt«'««i, a/r »a

iboru'C i" fi«" nui » ripti'.m vu

JAjMEb BRDWM, I'l-aidM.t, tio. 59 H». .1

JAJfEaLENOX VI.-Praaldanl, No. i3 ith-a*.iitiRj TKi ALLt-h '.lf I'mmVit No. /4''uuton pta.«A. R tAKTMuk* \... Piawadast,No II VaaoyatJOilN l CiRXfcN \i,'r p/^aidrat, No liSo^ibatROUKKT B. MINTL'RN, Trraau.of, No 7ri South at

1 lattaMftBaaaai.n... ^r (.Uar «t|j' lirorgc VN. Abor.No »« Palton-it.

lll 11 0 larbaal... :.o *4 rara place.- IV Uuab AiatuaJ. N«». .» '> . ,!

ii.a h Wataaon ¦.. J .».

\i Mrl'brut uboi'i No l.g j....iiiudatVII Mlt.wii'd No 248 MadlK« a4

ai 1' JoaepbB. t.«lun..No. V. VA r.t lllb-al.

IX liaSr",,«..-!. No.wm..t.

XVI /. Jaak*B ¦.Jg 4-.M Ma.M-.pia..

^r-- " -:;^-it^:%XU..A.M.i*f*. k'm HAH.I.f.'i Racratary.. -i~hr.ia.d < onlral Waahlaa-aiacBlB*,


.. . a; ii'i K#i»d»«. roner'» t aoal-ai

lr«jt. »» >ok § tlk<, iam


For f'aaneitman,ltt, lldlllld, TVth, Vin. Vlth. Vllth, Vlllthand XiVthJWaida,

)a< t.B FECARE._ .


TkrladfrnUncd, I»i *»(<-. of the i iwoiw jkpoWlraaWardthihtof thelid ( ounciiu.anir l>i trirt (Xth. Xlth Xlllth.and XVIIth Wardt). lu (. on»eutlon WfrnVrd. paaaed the Mlowilig reaolutlout: ..«_ ,.

hfolrtd. That the RepuHican Convrutlon of the, Ud Counril-n.anic Diatrkt. 01. tbe ZOth iutt.. have by th. ir noimnatlona notaati.hedth* jutt eipectationa of thi Ir ronatitiienta, by n-e-.ni

BaaaaaBf a. candldutea !»r Cuiiafihaiaal pernona who do not enjuythe MMaV in .- ot the vntera ln genertl. and are but th« favoriMnoni.D. e.» of aceruin factior.

Au,.'i ( the.e iinu.liee* we bi.d the nairie of Thoa. O IWIBieaibrroftlV . .' i- iln.rn »iiii»ii I'.v hii aetlva «up-port of tbeliifaoioua lapaneaf bi.l ILi> ooanlnoHon waa u.ade

-i in'. lo the .¦« i f thtj Uernmn R.-puhli, an

( !ub of thi- Xth VVarS, M Ul <'l » gr.-at n.any Americau nie.ii-I. !¦ ,-aid I niinA antaa pn p. t il,.- iiiin,ei..u< QaHBaa population ol the

lldfYuucilu.asii. Hi-ti.' bidnngti Ibe ll.-p .Mi.-aii party. Atthe laat Natii Dal r I. tlon by adheriug to thcir prrnciplea, theyadd^d a l.i-oi\ aretfht to tbe gratifying ineoaM of tbe aatiD. v. tbli k thi -i '-. two ¦. a ol |ka

... ¦«. Tha Gcnuaii Deiegatea in thia l onventiou reeoiuuieiiiedfi.r tl.nt piiipnM' twi> n -yi- tnl.le and Rpable Oandidataa. nerei

lli...ejiiftdri:iM! ii* werr di-[.-/4td.-d and we tilid UOt a

W e |n r, ..i- in -.I.i.. a, tu.ii of the ('< mentiou tln- btM Majaand i.Tinpt rli.ine atmine to n-e Ikeaariy

trp'.i/hli.,!. w. tool l..r nv BAl aanV re.;. audtndiviili- tl.i- afacaja ajeeordbaf lo t:.. ii pb a-uie, witbou". r.-^anUnrtbe »i-l <¦- i il i iW < ba*epoaMvely eoorhided to -ippr,-e Khfj .-l.que with nl)

ntgta, I" nul'li'v ih.-ir machlaationa and t-i break the

Sw-r arUcathay uaft ui;Je. a faltigwd aud ar>.,ai|ed partyII.'.

\\ .- rcfavd tl .. 'i k. tiaed bj the aald ('.inv.-iition not 'a* obllc.;.rv rt, and re.-onin.riid tb. renie, in it« pla.e,

fol OM ji t ra. ,lidol»:JAMEB \\ oi.m.N Xth \\ irdi.Hi STr INHIlKN.su. ( v,,,, ... r,HIMON HAZ1 I.TINE, \sn" ,rd

. It V A SMITH, Xlllth W'ard.

EUWIN 8PBOUL. (XMIthWard.\N i- an saiiKii. d tbal all iti/.-n-. arho deapitc th*

ttraUgeaia .,( politicaltriokatora, a.,.l » l.o an- d.-c .-t.-d with «l!rruptioa, ai.d »itii ti..- eerruption ofoai ptaaeot City»i il >* i.. aj| t. Iba dw-

-. r » roir.-i i.ui s ropreaeaaHMon in our Ci'y. | deaadidktaa, und »'.. e»p«'

BMt Uneriean fbBow-

A. WILLMAMN, t.. Ml'MCB, tt TANNHAl SKR DiHU'HiHH li hl«CHO>K, Xlh Ward


j i.i.* k.1,. n.-i l.. A. IIBBE J OAXOLOFT H. TKP

M. f N' Tll'l sV's P Dri.l.Hll.MI I! Vi: KKIUN P.HINZE O. M KIK. Xlllth \v.:rd

j KlfalN In .in-. MAEOEL1, JOHNV. MATBB, J. Ah<M',S(ll CH.OEINTNER Xvlltl.Ward.N.v. YoTk.MarcbM 1800._KMth Councilmiinir DlatTtTl. H « ing beaa uomlnati d

,tbe Kifth Dirtiiet, by tbe IV.,],..-..irtrrti'.- ir wIih c minj

I'llll.ll MAHIK.

IM.,1. -1 (.....il- ut lli .il.lu, ,:'. taui .,...,: .f PLATKU I'RNS. t'AKK

BAhhl rtiRS COEKEE-POTJt, TKA SKT.-vSPOONS I' RkB, Bl l'H.li XNIVSI kc, byr.taii. »t thea-uoi .. h..lrw..i L».e.-

LUCIU8 IIMtT No- I .'.dli Bi.rlli.e -«,-..Prepnre for f'old Weatfcer.

KARTl.ETi > !.. kIR rURNACB tad POBTABLEI1EA1KRB nr, powrrfal aad twonaaaaaoal K-tiiodt.-i madi- fft

BARTnETT* i.r.-.i.pt No. 4M Braadaray, Mthiirt. r l:l. .ciii.ri.

Twk.-ta. Poaten. (»rd. t Ireular. ate. i.ru.t."d pron.ptly. aiidTUUMAfl IIwi.MaN. Btaam rrtatar,

Bu ..nna t ¦»i oi ( ir.reand V\rhile att.

Kcro pnblicationo.pOLdX-tSOKGS.

THB I'l RI i .» T <iiiT-iioi)K,gOI 1 H .. N K 1 01 VI N «:


CHAHI.K.S S( R1BNEB, Na 1/4 (irand at N >Iln« ajtm IL

i 'Mi 'I ii.ii's\n;i .-.



I'pwaid of SUty Origiual Jllu«tratiot,a, en|ui»iteln Deaign audExerutii.n

Kn Pianaa nFTiii OaMnaat Atrra.iW Coiib« nrKirraiwEaaon PoBaj,

By Hoodl"Th««Soi.gr.f tl.a Sbirf. Tennyaon. Brrant. I.ei«hli.nt Longfrlloa. i;i>rry Carawall, Hohnaa, King.ley,

Baaaa, Baaaad Hame"/, WhltaVar. Browaiii)t. LameU.EaM.raon, W UBa, aod Plaaaey.

azpieaaly coauibulod to tbla wnkbyti'.- i'.,«t- ... laaaii

.X oai. voLrata. muiai oOTAaa,Priuttd on the fme«t tiuU-d pap^r, at Tha Ki..-r«id^ rraaa, Cam-

bridfAudaupeibiy boond in Tuik. li'-hlygilt. alto Id an-

00 eiuori.ladiaoraecaaatgaaat. Mo M»aaa*atjaa,paAaafta a i.eat boi *W

..... wj.wln thiivi.luu.e it liaabe.-ntl..-edilor « pnr(ioaeto bnng to;. .?«.¦

OTrrtwoboDdiad taattftll ai.d faw.rit- pie.-et ol a pnrely ayio-,,., ., dcataracAar.faaaau which h«viug won the

*ii. uaUitaad pralaa ol r. M.^d critl hna f.o.»eaa alaa a peculiarrhHim for tb.- popniar beart 11 e r. ad»-. arll raeagi in aaaay a

,.,. .id it ,.! ¦ aaaj Wbleb, tboaagb «tl^- tiomtrlr f-meinbered.t abtaa ta lea* U*. The de.igna ei

bil il rare beai.tv aud oruinality Among ihe artltlt a/e:

i Ul ht H EAJITMAN, JOHNSON, Kt.>rff.l l._



rroa ii.- v -iitlc M "itlily-.It ia bevoi.d a aaaatioo the baadtonieal aud taoattoatol

tevti i-...-d.H-.dii. Au.i-rua U .. cai. ?f»-»k fro... our u»i.

Ueof tbelength of labur and Ii.- |»aambeen d. »oted tu it, and the reault ia » Kifl Duok uulque ln 1U *ay.and auited to all araaont and ta«t.e

i rou, I'he N v Obtataar,-Eaeho<the»eei.ii.i.iteenfrari:igi are real gwna of art_ aud

will b.-ar the luM-tt iiBJiu'iail'in. n"t only a» illmtratioua of the

beautiful poem. tb.T ac<v,n.pany. b it U ap» Unaaa of tbe pe.raetioa w&cb o« artitti bava raacbaai Tha tWtdsalU poe.ua

anoacripu fumlahad by Iba ¦ .tbor- are a eartaai «t..dyfnUofUtaretV Thaaolamea -. I.old treaaure.

From Tbe N. Y. Tribune."Aperfectirallery of chara/terii-tic, graptiir getnt, beinr earh

axtcutod conaaaore.ta UJiiatradoBaTai n um eaak«i»aat.b.-idi- fat aiu-iW o! Ih.- a .Wraph oriri.-.jl- ol tou.e of tbe inoat

fuuiout rnrftWe veraea in the EngRal I 9tnJ ptoea ia

a 1. wel BBd the wl.ule i,. iutended U eaen;pll(y the hilhe.t ua«a

01 poetrj ln it» aaiaalan to atir. to aoothe, to eaavate, by bnugio/into one fornatbe .,-..!(. r.-d ray.ol lul.t divme. 111 whirb

iheipim.f.M.b«- lavaatad tb.- .-ar.-t aad daaraat relatioua

oldailv ife Tbe pHatinjoftbiawort l.»« i..»er been equaled.* 1 ron. TI..-N Y. KTaagaUat

..Thialaakiiif an.uMt ibe liift r>o.k» ni.en truth ia marriedtobaatrti iniui) of tbui.eht to grme oi tspraiaioa. aaaataaraaai

;. to .uft!y flowiug Buuiht-t.. th. aaj .nd tb- tou are

u Ue chanue4aritb tfie exqulalte Baalody.tajebtltba gein-ralrharacter Of tbe Folk iKingH of which thia royal volu.ne ia com-*"'"* Kron. The N. Y. ludepenie, |

We are at a loa. » hether mo-t to adn.i:i- the UaftO, v uiety.ulrllTl-' HM P-'etli- ?eie.-ti-n.tl.--daiiinnettol thetyp.,graphy-ea.h peae u.-arin: th. i.i.pre-a of l.anduork-moreakiiltul ai.d true tl.aa tbe b-«t ..... I.m.um. of Um IWWtt^Bart-(,rtb.-..-u.trat....,-d"U'ie,i bt aack arUMaim( aaa^JaaMaaa,K,-i -..!. Darley, Bairj. lloppn.. aad aaaeaMd arUb tbe mcett

, tbe ef.grav. r Tba whale UapraaaiM of tha nolume latbat of tatt. lebneuiei.t. B^gBOOtVpi.-"-..t by mail 01 eap.e... IMfl 1. on N-r.-iptof prire


Publi.b . bia day1

A New Poetu by the Autbor ofth« ani v.i. ia tHK Horta"


Autbor of " Tbe Anae) gg the llouae| voluine Price *!.

FAlTBrr-L KoKBVBK W, to the beat of n.y ptr.-eptioi. aod be

lLd". , tingulariy perfect piefr of a.t « Tbe por.u MMu e*nt foVa aoag uo, , ai, ..lafd fol ... houfa amuae...ent ii 1.

LTJaid. to tbe heat of ..v be.i..!.. BfaafM d and tender wort ol

,rry uoblemt.¦.-iJoU Rutkin.


Wtth Fi'e Hluatrationa.1 T(,lu01e.l2mo.Pnre «.

Ofbaftba iuo»t li,tere»ttng«i.d\aiuableb..ok»forboy* aTer


| »BVjl Bl TO

n BOOL DAiS AT BU0B1'Bj ii,. bbw "i"f

Part Firtt. 1 »ol..u.e. 4U*. pa»;ea. / r.re 11

HiK .SALE BY AI.L BIIOKHELLERH¦iii kmih s riBtOaVfc Ui w a-!iii,i<tot, at Mjt

1JKADV MXT \Vi;KK:na ufi tw andrku tMcutm,

iraii.,. ritaaa,CJath, Mi aaMaf, N - Half<»lf. *». ,'u11' "aI-J, /e.erai ye»r.' labor Mr PaftOOJ ba- -m.pieled th.. ....

portant wo.k arkteh »H ba pul.i.-b.-l oa >\ -duetdaT. V?.I be S. n»< n.H»Ka' Eairioa. Koyai O.tavo. 1 rasaa, f.. aa *«.

.II +i:,, a.ord.ng ta atflt .' biaadUg, ii "".» '.'.»» ,u'

doMratyUf] ASIl TI.MrH OY PHIUP S< Hl Yl.K.H

By Mknuiw J boaaiaa,',ii OwbtoBm aajpaaa* allb Bltal railiaBi IMk *l '"

Tbe V\ .rk w.l. be lon.plete ln two ?,,inniea

MISTORY OK ITAI.YKy loi.i 8 I'. Ak«.ii

( raaratra MT pagaa witl.Hie.-i Portrait, Clatb *l HA ne» aoluixie ,,f tba aefiet oi M-man l,i.-« ol Contlnaatal

MAHON BROTIIWUI PublUhaart¦¦ ' n ,, laad I Me,,.-, .. .>.*» Y.,k.

D(lJl\VoK'|,M'".l«.iir:ial f» BtaVal U.iiuIh..Tbe,..,t (Dacaaatbar) N« «i..pl-f- bkoilat arne.. gfkjf b M

dn. 30 nieret of n.u.b HubtcrtpHoB ? 14 p»r anaaai A ...*

trt^coinwraro. ln J.n AddiatVll « Oodwortb, I A.tor phaja




BHP.LOON a COMPANY, PuhH.r,-ri,No 115 Naaaao-it., New York.



ANH MISCrM.AM.OlH r.8RA\.-\N 1th an Introdu.-tion and Hingrephi. il .Sk.trh a l.ord Maca.ilay

Hv f. P \V mmi. aaq of BoatonAi.J.antaini'ig'a nrw »l*rl plaia Likai.ra. ol Ma. auiay. from a

Photograpb by Cia.idrtHiji Vnlumre Crown Octaro.

PKK y. I'l'H 8ET nnnOuTiritrd Paprr, Cloth Hinding.*9 J*>Finr VYhitr Papar. Cloth Hinding. . *

.brr» RiadBM. "5llaif i alf. or HalfTurkey. ls w

Thr waut of a rnmplrt.-, rlHgwit, and BB BTBt.Ilt. . of l.ordMa.-aulav'i mi" rllmi. om vuitinr». coi.t*ii..iig all thr ¦

U,,.,, i| ,. keea U All tbaAn»arlaaBedltlqnabrrrti for* publtih. d hatr brrn irinted frorn th» r&r'.irr Irdiui ii.. tvbii ii warr u.atrnall) naugad by Macaulay befaia bn,|. ,|I. Ilr rrprraard hii.i.rlt a» not iutlakod with any Aiurri.aurdi'.u n ol ii- worka.

iik aia ANTAOEri OK TlilS EDUION.Thr E»«aja harr hrrn arraiigndlurjad ordrr.

..li-ini |K>aari«r« tbr «n.r ad»ant-M<«j.. ... u . ¦pealaily prrwr

«r»-rt it i- .operior to tbe >'...«liahrditloii»,audl>li-iiy unhkeauyether ABierican rdittOB. ,

Ii..- .di-.ion al«o roiitain. th.-pi.rr t«*t M Maraulay . ».«¦

ortbograpuy, bc, ol Bke aafliak'w'''d-

* . ...

4. Tbe typorraphiral MtwUeaee of tlir paMi.-atiou piar.-. it

ain"i * thr l.rit tli»t BB'TI beru iaiued froui thr Rivrr.ldr

k Tba Arpindi* aaaaJai Mf*ad .¦..»y« attributed to UHM it. and anqooatlfnuhlT hlt.Bii ftarl la auy oth.r edilioti of hia niivcllanruiii arritf


.* HPHE M08T lin.lll.Y KIMSI1KD. IIAIv-X MuNlors. aad liHiTli-ri. Oirf-MOOK YET


llluitrat.-d (rom orltrl.al drawtni" by Jobn A. H«Tw«.Tl.ia vo.urur rontniaa .: pr.-ir.-tiy rxecitrd iliuatra-

vo.il fiom araBraaaaby Mr. Jobu A.Haw*.eTMairlrajaa <"i.-i

» ,u forcr, Yigor, md truili. a chartning gradt and arcnracy o,-

| ¦ hd.:it v lo i.aturr, and laiailaBB] arti.ti. aa* t-

dRtoaUlorenofart Thepuanaheri takr paeuliarpridrbj ukalMllBI thr book to thr publio aa a pro .-t mtirrly M

,ii labtr. Th.- orti't i- a y. uBJ Au.ert. iu tl.i-, by, ladti. .atravaaj and arfcataa] awa baB Maaabal in-ir. 'Th.-

,,| LllBiaa, Vi/rtrllv," my. Thc N . IPaal " hf* nrrrr prod... .d a BlOn MUBBBBMBI »p-.

H 'lil'."Praa fbe At ¦.' bb thiy.

ti..' rabBBt, ..¦.<. tiui,k. lo.iik- ti,.- fcajbaM Bafea afwItatkii .I....'i. aad niay rhallrngr ou.|.ari«jn witti

utry. Mdiiyof th.-drawii.f. arr ol p ..

Bj TBB 8. .' .' Traii'fript.(i, ., ihr ii o-i . iij.ui-.tr -ir-iniru. of art applird |e pnrtry

....iii.-.l in tin- "i.nt y i- thr '. lllmtritrdr.wi.rnd k C I..'

and nir-l-. a;- brougbt. .\ lirforr bll imacili i

r: | ... BBBBBB

y. r,i aad ..w...; ajBBBBaay, «nd bi aal ¦aaaa b*a.,ti,.;r.;.K Mj Bawe aaaw, bat I »aa haaanal

... »jt.baitfui ri.trj. arahl apeaTaaaraiaatti Uailaanbaa Ibb ab aa) aaaaaafBaaaajjjU, . I harn.o'iloui and. b.

i,,..d.'in t'.i-

"Tbr pi.-tur.'-iur im»r*» iutieatrd to h« mlud by rTrry lin*- »t

,,. k] -ii U i aadj Kjfiijoni Nrvrr » i» tbr marriic .1 t|. prn ¦ d pr ifU morr

ii.tiiii..t. and bal '. N-vrrdl.l urti- !-rfr.-t!.into tbr tt.ci.rl-t .¦' thr |.o.t r rn.bodv n. uiorc

¦Ij N.-..-I ." '..¦'¦ leawfad B..¦ |"..!ry .lothrd ir a

. ..,, hrautlful aiidhttio. aarb Kvrr) pog.-i> rich laaaajBBt only arti.tlc in thrui-.-l* .. BBt p..M-».iii. alao tbat aubtia

Irautv of fati ..-> BBBB. |Tt>BI tbr. nioil rrfiurd rujoynitul."Krom Thr BBBBB Poat.

PlW aad Po.trj ai. -. d and ui.llrd to

.,in e ar.-Mtl. a« ginc.'l ..nd .i.h la il. adoinnM-ut a. .>»}. *«

uavr rver a«rri ».k ircling thr Ira.al hr«d or old libri.ti.^a

Prirra-(. iotl. +¦> Half Moro ro *3 50, Morocro Aldinr

+ .">. Monhto 1 xtrn. *'.W. A TOUN^KNII 4 C'o Publiabrra,

No. 4o Wa ». -! V ¦» I .k

i <>\ i; A N D PEM A i-T V.


l.NST WdftK.









Putorol thr Broadway Tabemaclr.

1 toI. ltuio.. pricr *5n?oti.

From Thr Chrl-tian Wlfiraa." Thi« i- t aanrableandtiiorly produitloD. diacu.ainf witl.

mrat Utolt>Bgba4M, »nd in 1B rn-eihntapirit, tbr paiulul bu»

d.-VT.i> ii '.poitai.t .ii'';."'- of f.(;,.. piiil-buirnt. tnd au-wrrlu^,,,,.'. ... .f,,,, ,,f u.oji ii. ratioaaHaai and innd> litj."J

rrorn Tbr B-. t.m K.vo.JrrTh- ai.tt.cr of tbi. book baa a hapDT talaal M addrr-aing th^

PMPular uiiud. andhr baa brrr madr a book uln.!, w.- thn.k arlllbrl-i»hi\ uarful. Tbeaubtaet walek it tr.a:-1. our of va-t %m

portat-.r. audtbr prrarnl .ttiludr ol Owaahlic unud iu rrgard to

ft rrauirr. tbat it 0.- kaBafiad irtth akURy, ruudor andfoodludgi, .-nt. And IbeM qi.»liti'« tbr rr^d.-r arftl hud la tWlrjetaraiol I'i Tbonj| _

Tiia CataBaaraa

UBCH D1T0BCB CAJBE.]{Tbr undrralgnrd baa madr apr. ial arrangrtueuU tor a fiiU

VBBBAT1M RKPORTof thr abo»r r.lrbratrd c-a.r. nnd will iaau.- tbe iainr Irrnardiats-ly on tbr complrtion of thr trial.Thiirditiou wlU cotitaiua couiprrhrn.ivr hi-tory ol tbe raar

-thr Pr.Jn.iL.iry Movrmn.ti, the '.Confraiion" of Mra.

Burch, Opruing IBBB BM ol Otmmt, thr Drpoiition of Partlraiujriiii.at.-d, »nd


AgrntaaDd Nrwan.n. will plr...r arnd theil order. by return

to Ihey raii br .upplird froin thr lirat rdltion,Thi» Book wn.t BAVBaJ Ibib^ib Saib

A.M.B1LJ n f BBBaaaBB Al I MH ChK4I'I.T Po.kiiii.II PkICI.RUBKlaT M 1>K WITT Pnbllaber.

¦a rrai.kloit al N.w York.

IOKl» MACAriiAV" KSSAYS (N.-w KditionJ ..,, Ttntrd Paprr) -I) APPI.KTON i Oa Noa 44i mi ?*»




Bll VoUBBX ('»..»" .»"BBAnirnti Pki*Tii. aa Tiayaa PArre.

Pk'I C *'

I. A b Da ali" publi-bA DOI HL'. liMIMN h,o kdmonof


jM.t Paknihed;El <) IJ N 1 A 1 ¦ ¦ 0 0 K\



Baaaaaj Mat Baa.l»n v.i 12,,,. PriM 01*_ .,_>

W A TilUSSKMt ..«'>. N'" >ork_**


NBHVOU8 DEBILITl baa otber affwtiona of'"',,,..,.,...,.. ,. iba aaaa By 0 B Ha-ord.

M i». aa.- Paa.i * Baabaaj - u'«.'*>'"''"Madl ¦ . " .-. N'» ".¦' "".. H»'"""d" "ork '« worth

;.,.,.,,.. Mraaaa." '.7S< v v *.*".*.. A.i br i aaaal bid 4a,.tbb U* b ^_^*g 0^a

by EOM 4 IOU8EI m N--. OK.K. AVTONl

JOWEJ M a., i.au Ht N< E, l V7VV ' J "laBniidH., N v iiu:Nhwh aB-aaJi Jd.1.. Pbil*.



The abo-ae nou-politioal, Interettiug. and characterMic lefture.

o>H>ered U.t week by the ReT. II. W RF.KI HER. ».- r«T*"ted.perlaUy for the BOUfBBOLO JOI'RNAL, ia which it w.U

,rr. ». i., t.'i- gfaaafl aaaakar Ready TO-MORROYV (Wedne.day at bH the bookatorea.

1 in- aubjecta tn-*ted .ipo.i an aa fo.Iowt:



irECIAIXT REPORTEDfor. and to be fouud iu lul), In


Tlia w.-. k Ready .... Wedneadny, at all the new -deal. ra.

PriceTHREE Ck-MTH. Pubii.hed by,\ HABThlLL A Ca. No. taW Ik WUMaaa-tt., Waw-Terk.



Iii ..": Braadway, New-York,llave i fr.-ab 'mipt.ly of

THE H0U8EH0L1) O* I.Ol \ rJllE, Or, Tiir F.lixir 09A il.aoafkabUifUajaaaMO. t %oU liu.u. *>~

.iWK tUMD-BOOB OF ITNaYfJaSaU LITK.KATl RF.g. V: ( i. H- tu Peakjaad isTail Boat farlakoabioaal

,...¦. d-l 94,

l.t'l Dfl 1aalaft TK.KM AT Bf MARY'S A Cou.paiiionBrown't Scbool Daya.' liaio. *1.

HOl'EsJ AND FEAKS. By the Author of " H«ir ol R-drah +i Ht

MMFSIS. By Marion Hurl.u.d, Author of "The liidden

ja<k BomoM ami His ranxMi o.-,T.t al>vb>T.hr.i ef i OaooaiAB. Itaaa. t-i.

TwaaNmatbWofatffortUBalldaya:1 BE LO\ l.S AM. UEROINE8 OF THE I'oETs. By R.

IIlilatl I'laltiali Aaaaajaat ata. i'rico, *l*.

ftVOfaTM Of thk suithTistinousiiki) in unRATt'RE Bj Ala/y F-rie.t. Bwam I rtTBR* BBSHI-.,, i'n.-e, «.».

Tl.e fouuwiiigv.iUbere.iiy T.. MI..WIMA |ly Kutni.i, Authorn! Dr Aiit..niu, fe* *.' '.>¦


n u Bl yTB* ».. BlfT BOOKBBT.I.BBf and Pini-LlBUBkB Na .'. Broadway, New Vora, ajpply tbe

abovi aad all otb. r lionk. at tl.- publiabert1 krwaal pr;,-..ln additiuii tbe> fiTe a Lrift varying in vmae BrocaM MUIt lOU anin t-v.-i) L jo». dl the tiuieol aaUe. P.W.fcVABB

,T.- ju.t publlabed a new editimi ol ibeir ¦. raotjtwo page i ataJogaa, * btek tall} exuUina tho wuoo- rjabaaiul t-iil Utatribauaa. »ud wi. oe h*J ,«rati. on applicatb.u.

Na 671 BUOAl.WAY.New Yurk. Eatabliahed iKA.

ri\) THK TKADE.1 OtllM of hne Velvet PRAYER-BOOKS to ba aold at a

[.-«.¦-. . fp..ow»:

H »vo. 811k \ elret. i gi't claapa, u> caae.lio IJuio. Miia v ataat, 1 a.it o.aap. iu aaaa.SO Umo. Silk Velvet, 2 gill .a»p«. in cawe.

JO^tuio. silk VrWet, 1 gllt claap, in caaw.


X) Wojo. 8iik Velvet, 1 »;n' laaf, ... ,.**e

I'AI I, BOSSANuL, No. *;. VValker «t

Kr.W m.d VKKY Pori'l.AK Ml.'SIC.VtWBllfalllt'l Blgfflt ""¦"-'" H'"'' "Jol.nuy'a aoBaahf.il,'

.¦^,-ieniib,-Frog," " W illie (.ray." 'Antwerto Kitty t lyde,"Uh If 1 VOBB a Little Blrd.Alwaya l.ook on ib- 8umiy

SkI. 9t eaata aaefc; 'Chruiu.at Beila," juomia, and " raru.er

Btobba'a M.it to Hew-Tarh . ity." ii (Vnta lu.tram.-nt«j:Bpirit l'..lka." CllBaJI l'olka,'' Uolley Walu,'' "Keiueiu-

Btaaca a R.,inar,»»,-' » -eajta earh: 'i^iCbuU d*un An<e,"" Valae Brilllanti-," tr" MOta. UitAlad fraavJutpubii.bedby HOBAC1 WATBBB

r No .13.1 Hrojdway.

S\y KK0B4 «»|'i.s and VIKWS.T! akmal »to.k of BTEBEOBCOPIC OOODS at the low-

aat Bticra . v.-r od.-red ta An.em L ready lor th.. H-liday Trade.The I.ii.sduN tiTi.KEUSiUPii' < o.Ml'AN V. .N.. kN BragaVwty PAI.L k ( l:RT18, Agenta.

r>end fi.r lalaloiue.^_

JITEKAKY OonUemeo aml otben will fiud aJ tTaB-faiaiakad BIM)KBINI)ERY at No. W Sprurwat.

hrou A. Aibucbt Parti. dlar atteation pald to forei(jj nwoka


\PIE8T-CLABB Beoteh Praieataat Latvuntlreai,arkfl ia willii g to dc Cooking or Chau.berwork, with good

araaUadlTI VTION. laqulre at No. J( Ui.uu HaU.a !.» doora eaat of Broadway.

AWOMAN, with no<»d refereiioe, wanta a srnATIO.N ... ,-. ok. wuai.er, nud I oner alao by a young w.v

u.au, aa cbauJDerinaid .uid waiter, or uurae Both na»e goodreferenre, and are » Uaaag M niake thetnaelve* ua<-lul; are auber,uaefui. aLd honeet Apply at No. 42-1 Broadway, tip .tair*.

4S COOK and LAINKKKSH..A iteady. re-

^\ -pectable Proteat.ti:l^ouit4J deairea a tit.iation iu rity or

eaaatr/MCOOB ni,d aseaUent VVABBEitaad 1BONEB. Noobjectioo lo do Uei.eral liouaework. Luder^tandt herdutieaareU aud 11 a aood hauid over Milk and Butter; alao, a hrat cnwaBaki-r Api.yalN. 9I» btb a v np atain._kJl'M ATiDN WANTKD.Hy a I'roN'Htaut Ger-0 mt:. url ia a P!ain look and Baker aud a Br«l rate \V aaberand Iroi.er and i> w.i it.g to luake hertell uaefui. Call tor twadaya al Xo M Allen at., eandy ttore._llfAlSTED.A Kitiiittion b) a fOllBfl Woman, aa** SEAMsTHESBtoalady, andtotahecareof fhild/iui. tM

'^roldery 1-foi.d of .-bildren. Ia a Piataataat; b.it iwo

yeara »or,d i. !ereu>» from her l*«t emptoyer. Cali at No. tti

\Vatl.-.t_A.N'I'KD-A Situattou ua ClIILD** NUBSE,by a younn ti||ht rolored gtrl. (an be ae»..i at tue houae

01 her p.i.ent i-iuplover, Na U U-»lngton av.

1VAMKD-A BITUATION in the citj Of <*)Un-f f t.T. for aneat. ateady yoi.ng woman andber dauthter.a tidy

little irirl a«ed 10 yeara. tbe n.other M co,.k. waih and irou. ordo bouarwarh ia a aaat w» >-r, her daugbter for any light worktallttF. CARROLL'I No nnuthav.


\WOOLCABDEB wbbU ¦ BiTi ATION} canrou.ev.eilre.ouiUiet.ded. Addreaa CAHDER, Station D.,

Nev. lork._A BVMDA1ICE of jiood SKKVAMK now rrmdyJ\ for atty or eountry- (iertnan, Eagliab, rki.trh, Iriah, ttc.,«!*!- .) rivl artiva at the largeat inaUfite aud lio.ue oon-

duct. u by an Aiueru-aa iady, No. .38 11th at., wraaf of OUi-av.Opau Iroiu 7 ii. the iuura.Bg tUl » ln the e»ening.


L^AiULlKiS in WA1ST ol (iO«»D HELI» wil'lX pleaae eail at Mra YORK8TON'8 offife, No Bl 4th aawl.err a irreat uu.nber ol' (JIRL8 ran be bad. for both city aadcountry. No djahm.eat dealii.ga prartifed at har olfioe.

WAaNTED.ln a prrva^rfiunily, a YOUNGTT UADl M GOVEBMEBB. Wka it capahle of luatru.-tinn

Iwo \uli.i Miaaeaio Maale. and w.lling to tuke tha tiipervi.iouol ll i ir eductllon wheu out of aehnvl A .!i«lr»blo and per.uaiient boo.e Ho.ild I.- uflered to a auitoble peiauu. Addreaa.«tatu,« te:a.a A H ." Tribuue OnY .¦_

WANTKD.Hvuvuuiir Man atptaaontreaidiogtnthee.ui.ln g aBaatlfl aaTHAVi.l.l.NtiAHENTfor

a ltry l.nod. Houae, Bevting machlne, or Mau..fa-turtug Cuu.paiiy. Add.ea. II I). \\ |. lnbunr OfiVe.

W001«.A ><iiiiik Man, wl.o na* heBB btxnigbtipat the wo"len buaiveat. and baa r»reiitly retu.u.d

from a fcaaf in k.naUi.d » ht -e he haa been inveatiaatina tbe bnalueaa demrea a .itiiatn.i, aa M ANAtrK.R of a .mall un.l. AddreaaMAXAi.EH No IB Cmper Inarttute. New York

W'AN'IKD-A thon.iiKhh PRACTICAL MAN,TT t. MITERIM'r.Mfalarire Padlnek Fa.t .ra F.mployeea.Boj.and (ilrla Alao. a 8killful Ma'binut and fool Mater. a--..at. n.>d to j/reaa work rl-.t.ationa pernianeut Apply to, or

addre.a 8 AM>RE\\ ti. No. 11 Walker at New York.

rANTED.Two Clerka, »n« Bab^nan, tmoPorti^a, tU Mei, Iu. etearueit. Apply at No T t'hathaoi>\

¦ I ¦ U I ,,Kii Month niade w.lb BaaBMal Toola.*{? I I M 9 I aat the i-baapmt and be.t Hendl-. iut cireniarbefore purchaaangadaewbere. Addrea.J Millik»a.l.awTetu-e Maaa

COlfFECTIONEBT. WHOUBtULB aad KK-TAIL .l.Et t)knE8, No 2*. Greenwi.-A ai baa on bau.l

a .arf-a»a,,rti.,ent of l .i,f., tionery for the Hobd.). Juat re>oelvrd an luvolre of k.eiuh Bob Boua, Piate, Toya. ic.





EDW. CHAMIIK.KLIN & Oo.,Proprirtori of Shawrnut Chrmloal Worki,


COBCEBTBATBD I.EAY EN b thereault of carefulchernlealrrirar. b.Brrad ofaflklnda madr by uiing it ii Ught. morr dlgratibla

tnd i.utriti-.ua, h»> in agr.^ablr, natnral taatr. la Ua» hable to

.our, wiilrr'tiu iu ti.oiaturr l-.nger lhan hy a:iy ..ther prnve...aiidtl;.' wholr prrparatioi. for the OTrn nrrd uot aiceed u-n

minutei.It ia uot paabaBbh), »nd la avallable in placn and at tltn«i

wh. n y-aaf i. n.t witbiu rrai h, aa at ara. In all i-Urm.tr-. audand. r all ir. n.«.-....>¦.. it rnay be adopted, 'hui obvinting all

difficuity of pn.i ¦.:¦..« >"". "< "-'."' Baaaaaki Baaak ia fce-

<p..-nlly ol aa uifriior.p.aiity rrndrriug tbe bread uiore or leM

laarbalaaaaaaIt ic Taluable aa rrgarda erouoiuy, aa a iaTing ia effected in 'he

fl. .,r | uot i.-ii tban 16 prr irnt. Jn tl.r aeBBBBB prm mt, uiui-hef thr aarrharinr of thr llour i. lo«t by bei..,! -onwrtrd into car-

bonic acil g«», and thr » act* ii incurr. d iolely for tbr purpo»r of

genrralim; ga. to raia. tbt BBBfb Hy uaiug Coi.omtraledLiaiBB thi. wnatria avoidrd. and thr itaa obtainrd in I uiin-

nrr tqua.ly efficacioui. Eeruientation dratroya a part of thflour or uiral: a barrrl of t'our, weuhiug !»> pout,.fa wuirh ordt

liarily nmk.M about KO po.uida of brrad, givra oy th.ipro. r-. .' ¦pounda. thiia i'tt>-tmg * vrry important BBrBB) B] nforu.ityIu tba dir.. tii.na ..u *a.-a parkage. auy prr.ou capablr of ordn.BB/attention uny rondu. t thr prorraa, and thr lexult will iuvariaolyb<- highly iati.f-ctory.

( ERTIFK ATK PBOM l>R BAYaaff,aaaaiaa ia th*. u..t« ..r aaaaaaaaaana

I bBBJ m.alyied thr ( oncrntrutrd Lea-eu uiauufactured byBBBBBB Edwln ( han.bi ilin k lo, vwith refern.ir to iti purityand erriri.-iic-ot ... ti r |ba ti.-. t of yeaat in dii-t.-ndiiig dougt. ei I tb. rety r.-i.drhng it l.t t'or luakiug brrad.Thi.artfi ir i.akilifniiy mbm d.d, Baa aaaatly purr aaaaial-. It rahMM tba d. mh Bttbaal aaBaaBraaj hBiaapaaraagatbarfritirrrnlrtatbt Baar, periaearyi ar.d the amir w.ight offlour will piodi.i.- ii.i r. -». t Balatabla kaaad tl.au cau be ob-taiord Uiroimh tbt >ul al y.-urt. wl.ili- ) r ake. m.u p-nty it i-

iuvaluablr, aa It »avr« all ri.k und mu.th time of thr paatry cook.Tba .'XJ.. rin.inta inoUi' by n..' .-outirui lh>- BBBBBMBB1 of theii.an.ifai-tur.-ri. ari! pivr thi-roioiouml worthy ol B*BBB BB.

provi.1 a:.d titrt ded u-r. |{. iprotfully,A. A. BAYBf, BaaM Aaaayn.


la B8 nuart of flour; mixt NBBBbMJ bl pi>»lll|( l.'ici t!ii.-<- tln BfttBTB i'.i I aVMBJ rub in

-. | ri katflba »i/r o! «n BJB and inakr t.--

witl. old u.ilk or uat.r (u.ilk ia pielrra! I> lai.lyatirj rnouijhto aanaat raBuaj out. Maab kaaadBB| abaaal baaaaaaaA tot

irrd tarrji. atd plai-.- m. j.di.trly iu a hot uven, auJ kafca

bOAff BREAD."i, iri.portioti of LaBVBB and rionr -i:t.-d to.-.thrr M

mit thr buttrr. and uiakr thr paatr tbick rii.u^ii to

kaaad imu »'oaf. and buk.- iBaaBBab ij in a.iow aaaa

Bl t kwhk.at OAKXB.Flour and uiilk auflicirut to uiak.- <.i,r ipmrt of battrr add one

rgg Ithrn thrrr traapoonfula of Leafan brat to a froth aud cook


TBN1 r-upi of whitr augar. braten witu tbe yolka of |U rggr-ahitri of ai* ajjp t,aatrn to a trotb thri. brat al. toii-thrr addtbrr. upa ot .ift.d rlour. on.- r-np of wat.-r, and thrrr traapo in

fou l..aw 1 il^voi vaiib .wo t.-a-i ooufnla of raat-ucr of leuion,ai.d bak.-d in a qui. k ovi-u.

CORN CAKE.Oaa pi'-t BBBi ,f Honr aud lndian rural. anl threr tra.poon

fulaof LaaaaB, wellaiftrd togrt... r; ad.i our giil of mouaiea andBva >tf" ".ia th.u. w Hb u.ilk, aud baae in a alow ovru.

l I* 1ARK.Kivr i'upi ol flour and tbrrr teaipooufuli of Leaven, aifted to

grthrr. add one cup of buttrr. two 01 augar, aud twu egga allw. il t.rat toartl.rr. u.U vaith u.ilk, thru add a Mtf ot ourraiiti,and aplrr to auit thr ta.l.-. hakr about half au hour.

I.ADIES' fAKK.Thrrr qiiartrn of a poui.d ol tiour and four traapoonfuli of

I.i-avrn. .iitrd t.-g.-tl rr onr pound of «ugar and m ouuct-i ofbuttrr. bralru to a crraui, tbr » bitea of tight rggi, we\\ beaten,aud juicr of eue lru.ou iuIa with a.ilk.

WEB8TER CAKEklTr i:up« of flour, tt'.rr.- traipoiUluli of I.eaTen, three cupa

of augar, one of buttrr. one of u.Uk. and two rggi; fruit and¦BBM to thr taatr. Hukr about half aa bour.

Srf dirrctiona in ra. h pai'kage for uiaking Orahau bread, Boi-toubrowu brrad, duMplinf, Lbambert-it. cako, iponge rake,juu.blei, rirction rakr. »o!t .ugar gingrrhrrad, hard augar giugi-r-bread, ailv.-r cnkr. domLuiiti, battrr pudding, jobunytake. goidcake, Japanr.r cakr, applr pudding, lii^blaud BBBB, I'nion cakar,and e»rry variety ot paatry.For aalr by all tbr pnui ipal groerra and druggiata.

OEO. H. BATK.S,Wboleaale Agrnt,

No. :S-J Pearirt-.Ncwiork

ACAKD.The aubaeriber will acud to all who wiah it (Ereca) theKKl IPE and ful directiont for uting r.n

OPAL BALMfor tbe rroioTil of Blotrhei, Pnuplei, Freeklei, ko, from thefacr. Alao, PELATREAl'S sTIML'LATINO OL'NUUENT.Tbat ia warrautrd lo briug out a fuli aet of WUISKEB.S ia

fjom feur to right warka.Apply to, oraddJTM THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Cbemlat,

No. 831 Broadway. New York.

B~UY TOUB 8EWIN0-MACH1NE irhen you.un czrhanye it \] not aaifcd.


Tbe Wherlrr k Wilion liru.rr k BaJirr. rinklr k I.yon. andotbrr tii.l ,-laaa ».wn,g Mathlrra. at tbr rri.-ntly HKm Ko

raiCBB, willi thr pririlrae of r»i;ljaugiug witbiu tbirty dayaV W WICKE.S, Ja., No. 4ob Broadway ror. hroouie-it.

(^HALLEISOE ACCEPTED.J \\ herraa, uiy Slutup Kxtractor rrmovei trrea, atumpa, and

ronki airariTinriiT; m d arbaraat Mr. u. D. Harri. rhai-lrng.m tbr world to prnduer a Stuinp Machlnr e.jual to hia " aajdi-iiai kn.jk Ii HKKKir aiCkpiko. Couirou.Mr llarria.lrith.- ThiAL be aa publn-. aa pottlble Plantera, hannrra Roadniak.ra, and othrta wiii IU>- to know whoar inacninr ran do thrira»0rk. U W VV1I.1.IS, No !s5 Uat. r at.. Nrw York.

rpo C(>NNi;MlTlVEs..Iru- Aa>arttaat bbtibjjJ. bori. rr.iorrd to braith in a few weeka, by a Tery limplartjn.edy, aftar haa-iug a iflrrrd MBBBal yeara with a MVrre LaugauVvtlon aud tbat dread diaaaae Conauiiiptiou, ia aniloui ta

uiakr kuowu lu bia fellow-auflrreri the nieana of cure.

To all who drairr it, brwillarud a copy of tbe preacriptioauard (!r.-r of chargr), with the dlrectiona for prrparing aud uauagthr .ainr, wbicbthry wlil bnd aaure Cure for CONSI MPTlON,AVIHMA. BRONlHITIS, kc. The ouly objait of the advar-tlaar u. .ei.diug thr PaaaarfBBBB ). to benrht the ajflu-ted. and>prr,,d Information w bi.h h« roi.orifea to be InTaluable, aud heh>.| *. rvrry .ulii-rrr wi.l try l.ia rrmedy aa U will. j.l tluuu no-

lluug, aud oiay provr a bleaainglartlri wiabli.g tbe pfracrlptlun will plnaaat addreaa

Tka HeT. EUWARU A. W1L8UN,WUliauiiburgh, Kiuga Co., N Y.

EDW. CORNHSG A Co.Ilarr ju.t r-i. n»ed from

No 81 Johr. at to tbrtr NEW SCORB,No. 76 Uuane at arar liioadway.

{jonoc Suxmo\)\n% <£>ooba.

EVESYBODT Hlumld pruvidf la>Ba«aaaTai with,,.. .i the ..» PATENT ABTICLE8 lo PREYENT

TIIIEY K8 ai.d BIKOIAKS from 1'lt'KIMl TUE1B U»M)RLOCK8. It can beappiird by a rblid, j. rfj..-tnal. and oau beanrrtrd in tbr po<-krl Prirr K> er.ita Dtbie Noe. WJ aud 4i»Broadway. R0011. N¦ 6. Ag.ul. wanled.


'I he ajajjf aorrert prmriplr r»rr dlacoa.-red for making tea oteotlee. bcr«'pi »ltb..iit boiiii.g iaviug liu.e aud trouble, dupriiili.4 with watrr pltthor Can p..ur Ira or watrr frotn aaiue

.poiit Drpot No lu Brekui\n .t N. Y


fpO BM EAIMEH..The ch.-itiHint und th.at ulae«J. to buy Mll.VER PLATEU WARE, TAKI.E CL'TI.F.RYand all kinda of HoBaa Kuruiabiug Oooda, U E. I> BA.S8-'FORU'B, at Cooper i.atitatr, tor. Aitor place. 3d and 4th ava.


Thb Abaioabattob nv Labopaob*..Taaaa Ii a fMWBtBteadatney ln thia aga to aaproprtatn the moat aaaantafaa anarde affu,-. languagea ai.d after a while to ir.'orpawato tkaaa faata eea?0*0. tbat tha word Cephali,-, wbteh U from tha Oreaa, aagaify*h.g "for the, bead," !t noa> batomkog papikrkvad bl ti.iBltaawith Mr Bpalding'a great Ua-adache aUnady, bat tt ariB aaoa tajuted in a moie geoera) way aad the word CaabaMl will > laaaaaa eommoii aa Ekwt/otype and or.aay otkart wbeee aaataaaUtaiad(vTnlgu worda baa baaa wora arway by aonaaioa aaaaje aaatU tharyjaaeu.

" natlTa and to tha aiaaor bcfu."

.ABCLT EEALIZED.Hl 'ad .« trlbla e^uaha thi. I ¦ IBR, ha-i 1 *yy-

kto tbe hapotharar y'a, hand aaya hl to tha man, "T-aa yaa aaaaajm/of an eVrUrbe I* " Doae It bavba 'ard" aaya '* " Be*.

reedtgly.'^t hl. hand apon tb- '^'^^X^jhand ponme <onoT K eured av> to qulak tbat I ardry BBBBBi ¦

'ad ad aa aadacha.

rar Hauoatu U the faarrite tlgn by wWek aatara aaakMknown auy deTlation whateeer from the natoral atato af tfcebraln, aadTlewedln tbit llght H may ba l.oked oa »..-*».guard. ir.teuded bl dW BBtteg af dia.«ae wbi :b mlgbt,«thtyartoaearape atteution, tlll toe late to be reinedied aad rta tafllBtltllBaho.id never be nealerted Heada.be* may be elaaaiatoal bb!¦two netnea, aix: BymptoojatU! and Idlouathle. SyiuptooataMlieadaibe t- eireedlngly eouimon and ia the precurtoT of a graaatYariety ol dav«»e., anior.g whi.h are ApopleXy. Ooot, kkaumftnu.. ai.d all febrH* diaeaaea. In iU nervout fornt It la tympae.b. tn- of dla.-a.ea of the atouia. h, ronalitutlug #tr* Aa<*aVK*t, gigtb>'taftk d|a»«ae ouuatituting hittou* Kt.ida- A*. of aronaa, uauaaw

pa'i-i and other diaordeie of tbe bowela. at well aa eeoau andDteru.e atlectiona. Di.aaaaet of the heart are Tary fraaquamly %*-

teDded wiib Headaihea, An»n>la andplethora are alao *»»¦«>.

ti- ... whi. h frequently oecaaioa rjeatdach*. Idioaalbll HaaaaV«he la alao tery iiiuu..,!.. beu.g jaualiy diatiugultbed by tbali,<n - f nerroaia VudueAa, toinetiine oomu.g oa aoddanly ia attate cf appareut.y touod b.-a.tb and prottrating at on« thanieiital aud pbyttrai eaergiet. and u. other inetaacee 11 enmaa o«

alowlj, heralded by deoriewlou of aptrut or ararblty of kempe/.In moat inatainea tbe paio ia in tbe frnnl of tha bead, oraw ona

or both eyea, aud aometimea provoking Tooiitlng. aador thtacia.a u.a> alao bl- tuuiied .Vtaroleta.

For tu'e trtatu.eut of eitber olaaa of Uea.bv-he, the OpbaltaPilla hirve bea-u fouud a aure aud aaf . reinedy, relieving tbe moataf ute paint in a f«w iniiiiitea. aud bt iU ai.btle powereradiea*!-*tbe diaeaawt of which lleadacbe it the unerrtng Lodea.

BaineBT.-aliatniwautt you to »end »er aboi of CejtAaUfc)Glaa, no. a bottle of Prepared PiU.but Tn. tbinkina tkafl.ajat,u.t it uaUher. but perl.apa y. :l b- a.thef kaowbflJtJ-t ktla.Sv tee.h.'a nigh deadai.d gon.-with tbe 8ick deadathe, andwa..i« taaaa BMta af tbat aame aa '*M'^.}»t..<*!'.:.m

Drwmwkt¦..> ou uiuat njeai. hpaldu.ir'" Cephaltf. nua.flnaV'f-Ofh! ture uow aud MffW ted It, aere t ilM

q .arther and gie rue the PUla ard doL t be al day abeat ataitui-r

C0N8TITAT10N OR COSTIVENE88.No one of the " mauy lila rleah ia h*lr to" to to ataaaieat. aa

Utt.e underatood. and to u.ach aagba t.-d aa Coatlaer.eaa. (>Tt«ai

orarinatiagla oatvltaioaii, af mtimugj ii.ou.itit MVaaMaj. aiUhl diaorder of too little corjaequeiu-e to e»< ite aiin-tv, wblla

ln rea,.tA 11 I- th.- pre.-urai.r aud con,p»,..on al u.anv ol a*BM|tatal anTdangeruut di«-a..t. and infcta oarly .rrflc*** It w a

briag tbe tuderw to an lUttwdi gtaaa .Aaaaag the Bgdaaaf^aaBIol wbicb aaattvaoMi li tbe aaaal attendant are Ue.do.-be, 1*110.Kheu.i.ati.in. Fo. B.eatb. Pi.ea. and othera of like r.ature. wbdaja lont tr.in of frightful diawatva .uch *a Maiiguant Keaert An»

aaaaai Djaaarteiy! i'iar.1..-., Dy.p.-paia, Apopleay, Epilepajr,I' j^li-i-. Hyater.a, Hypo.;bondru.i., Meian. boly and luaaiut*lirtt tudicata tl.. ^ preaeu.-e ia th ayafein t.y thia ..wuiiug ayu.p-toaa Not unfrquently the diaeaaea nan*ed uriglnat. ia Oon.tipa-tion, but lake on an ludrpendent eatotenoe Jiileta tbe .-ante laeradi.-aied in an ear.y aUge t roui all tUeav cuuttderationt ¦Mlowa tbat the di-o'der thould r-eive Imt^diate atteulioaiwbene%er it o. ei.rt. aud no peraon thould u«gl«et to ajeta Boa of

CophaMc Pillt on tha Bfat app-arwi. e of tbe oiupUtut, aa IkwbT

HnJai, ,... will eipel the baabaoai anproa.;b«i ofJUaaaa aadjdeatroy tbtodangeroua foa to hiuian life.

A REAL BLE8SIN0./'*l,aan«/»-W aJL Mra. Jouea, how It that beada.-A«1>/ra Jowct-Gane, lloetor, aliJBf«0\ the pid you t*nt -afeal

uie ii, juat tweuty udiiuu^, aud I wiah you would aeud utore, aotl.ut ai, nve tb.-m handy,rbltfaga Tw ¦;»« get tbeu. .t any Uruggtota Cail M

CaybaBa lilia m-d tbey nev^r fail, and I re.»uaiuand theto iaall ea*ea of headache. , ,. mit?. Joaaa- 1 tball aend for t bo« direetly, and thail t»J a]my tuiSering frtouda, for Ufcy aie a mciI bltmxng.

TwaxTT M.LLiosa 00 Doiljuu BATao.-llx. HfiUkn kaatold two oitlliout of bottlea of hit celebrated Prepared iMot, aa*BIt ia eatii.at.-d that eafb bottle tavet at Uaatt len doja/a wortk ofbroken lurniture, that u.akiuc an angaegate of tweoty rnilliooa afdouart re.laiu.ed froui total loat by UiU valuable inaeotlonaliaviug u.ade hit Ulue a houei-hoid word. be aow proeeaato to <*aIbe worul tOU greater .ernce by ouring all tbe' »«bing baada arkkbia Cephalio FUlt, and if thoy are aa g.>ud aa bit Oioa. t-*will toou vauiab away .ike tnow ia Jaly.

rjrovaa Ei. iraaatT, ar.d tbe mental caaa aad aaattatyjb.i-ident loeloae atteution to buaiceaai or afidy. a/e amoag tb*uuu.erout cautet of Nenroot Ueada.he. The diaordered ttato of.mind and body ineidant to thlt diatreeaing coupiaint tt a fatalblow to all enera:y and anibition. Sulferert by Uiit aUtorder eaal

aiwayt ubtain tpeedy relief from theae dialreaatog attawAt bwuaing one of the Cephaiio l'lila avheneaer the tymptorjai appeaa.It quiett tbe overtaaked brain, and tootbet the tlraaied aud jaa-ring uervaa, and reiaxnt tke texaioo ol tbe ttomaeh which alwayaa^compaolaa aud aggra^atet the dlaordairad condiUoo of tha kaa.

FaCT Wobth R.aiuwisw-SFaMingJiCepoaBel^Uiafaaeatttain rnre for Bick Haadacbe, Nentoai Uaadacba, CtatWtaaaaaand GtneraJ brbuily.

Gbbat DitcoTaaT.Among tha moat Important of al tbaareat oiedical diacoTeriat of thia aae may ba oonaidared Ina rria.kJH of TMrtnation for protection nroui Small-Poa, tbe Cepbtno1'nl for rerief of Headacbe, and tbe ate of Uoiruna for tha praevention of Fevert, either of whioh lt a ture tpe«aSc, wheea baa»hu v. iii be exparienced by toflerlLg Ooicatdty ku| atto thfffdiaooTercri are forgotten.

fJF" Dtc yoo aver have the 91ea lleadaraal Da voa raavtaaaber the tbrobbing tamplet. the ferered brow, tba katbia| aad]dirjuatatthe t-lgbt of food f How totally cnft yaa wara fooiieaaure. conTertation, or atudy ' Une of tba Cepbaha Ffdawould bara relievrd you from ad the tutterlng wklea yaa thaaeipeneuced. For thia and other purpoeee, yoj ahoajd alwayahave a boi of them on hand to ute aa ocaaiioo requiraa.




By tha ota af tbeaa PUlf tha periodie attockt afthck HtadatA* may be prevected aad Lf Ul tn at tka eaa

luent af an attack inuuediata raUof frooa paia aod tfck/ilta arfll gajebuiced.Tbey aeldorn fail ta remoTlng tha .Vcaara acd ffaaaaatt bt

wbieb femalea are to tubjecCThey act gwotly upon tbe bowela. raano-rlng Oattaaattaaaa.For i.irrrurv Mrn, StiuUnC, Delicata FaoaaJaa, and ail paaaoagf

of aadawUrt/ kafcua, they are aalsabla aa a taMoMaa, baprorhagtbe atifxUtt, ;i»inj hm« and 9*uvr to tha aigaalln i

reatoring tbe natural alaatirity and ttrengtb af tka wbala l

THF. CEPHALIO PUX3 are the raault of long blvaMlgatiaaiaud oarvfully couducled eaqaaaiienla, ha^lng baaa bl ate rntajyoaia, duruig » hich uiut tbay hava praaaatad aad rattartadaaat a.nouiil of padji and tuaTerlng froui Haadacha, wkttbtt- ariftaraatiiig ln tba aervoaa tyttom or from a daracgad ttato tt tka)aBaaaaaB.Tbey are aotlrely Tegetabla ln iheli oompoaltloa, aad aaay ba

toket: al all limet with perfaxt aafaty wttkout aaakiug aay ebacgaol diet, aad tkt *b,ne* q/ aap du*fr**kU Ut*U ftndtn if **af.j adaatatattr (Aaat to .Atldraa.

BKWABM OF COUNTKRFEITS!The. geaulua baae tva atgnaturaa of Uanry C Hpavdiug <gj

earh Box.Bold by Druggtata and all other Danalart ln afedicinea.A Boa will be aent by oaall. prepaid. on ravelpt tt tka

PhtlOK, ta5 UEN'IHAil erdati abould ba tddraaeed to

HENKY O. 8PALDINQNa. *» i .dar ti Nia IjiA,