Fly Away Home By: Anna and Annie #1 Literary essay In this story “Fly Away Home” by Eve Bunting. Andrew the homeless boy who only has his father live while living in the city airport. Andrew and his dad have to keep hidden so that they don't get caught and have to live in the cold on the streets. Can they stay hidden from guards and keep safe and warm until they get a home they can call theirs while staying hopeful, saving their money, and trying not to lash out!? The most obvious reason that Andrew is passionate about his home is that he has hope. He has hope because, one day he saw a bird get trapped in the main terminal and it could not get out. “Don’t stop trying” Andrew states. After a lot of waiting the bird finally escapes and it flew off. Another way Andrew has hope is that he states “ Will one day everything be the same before mom died?’’ This shows that Andrew hopes that his life will be like it was when his mom was alive. Furthermore, Andrew is very passionate about his life because he is resourceful with his money, Andrew wants his own home one day so himself and his father are saving their money. He quotes “I’m saving money to.” And he points to the bottom of his shoe where he keeps the cash he earned safe.. Andrew will do anything for even a dollar. He offers to carry peoples bags and sometimes they tip him which he instantly puts into savings for his future life. Finally, you can see that Andrew is passionate about his life. Because, he gets angry with the airport passengers and wants to scream and hit. He wants to scream and hit because he notices that the Annie

Fly Away Home - Weeblyteamdmerk.weebly.com/uploads/8/7/4/9/8749899/annieressaysnarative.pdfFly Away Home By: Anna and Annie ... Beatrice and Peabody” , Author Kimberly Newton Fusco

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Fly Away Home  

By: Anna and Annie #1 Literary essay

In this story “Fly Away Home” by Eve Bunting. Andrew the homeless boy who only has his father live while living in the city airport. Andrew and his dad have to keep hidden so that they don't get caught and have to live in the cold on the streets. Can they stay hidden from guards and keep safe and warm until they get a home they can call theirs while staying hopeful, saving their money, and trying not to lash out!? The most obvious reason that Andrew is passionate about his home is that he has hope. He has hope because, one day he saw a bird get trapped in the main terminal and it could not get out. “Don’t stop trying” Andrew states. After a lot of waiting the bird finally escapes and it flew off. Another way Andrew has hope is that he states “ Will one day everything be the same before mom died?’’ This shows that Andrew hopes that his life will be like it was when his mom was alive. Furthermore, Andrew is very passionate about his life because he is resourceful with his money, Andrew wants his own home one day so himself and his father are saving their money. He quotes “I’m saving money to.” And he points to the bottom of his shoe where he keeps the cash he earned safe.. Andrew will do anything for even a dollar. He offers to carry peoples bags and sometimes they tip him which he instantly puts into savings for his future life. Finally, you can see that Andrew is passionate about his life. Because, he gets angry with the airport passengers and wants to scream and hit. He wants to scream and hit because he notices that the



passengers say to family or friends…’’We missed you,” or “It’s so good to be home.” He knows that he is not wealthy like the other people but he never complains and whines, he just moves on and hopes that one day he will have a house of his own and be able to say that same thing. Sure, some people think that Andrew is different and has no feelings and is homeless and also scary but he really is not. We disagree, Andrew always wants the best for his self and everybody else. He never whines or complains and whenever he is feeling like his life stinks and wants to run away he remembers the bird, It took the bird a long time but when he got out and flew away. He was home and free!! As you can see from the text that Andrew is VERY passionate about his life because he has hope, because he is resourceful with his money, and because he never argues or complains.     



The Daring Escape of Beatrice and Peabody Theme Based Literary Essay

By : Annie #2 Literary essay

Everyone knows that you should never give up, but do you that promise? From the novel “The Daring Escape of Beatrice and Peabody”, Author Kimberly Newton Fusco is using Beatrice to show that if someone is trying to hold you back never give up. Beatrice shows us these skills by, working to beat Francine, hoping that someday Pauline will come back, and she will do anything for her friends and dog. In the book “The Daring Escape of Beatrice and Peabody” Beatrice is represented as a girl who never gives up. When Beatrice she goes out for recess there is a bully named Francine and she will do anything to hurt or annoy Beatrice. When Francine does something horrible to Beatrice she knows it’s got to stop. “Francine comes closer. I see the mad in her face.” “How can to stand to be alive Beatrice.” After Francine gets mad she raises her hand and punches beatrice’s diamond and Beatrice hits her head on the ground. This is when the war starts. Beatrice is very skilled at running. When Beatrice wants someone to stop she hits them hard. To hit hard on Francine, Beatrice calls for a race for freedom. Beatrice does not give up on practicing and she won’t let herself down and her friends. Beatrice is known as a girl who does not go with the flow. What I mean by that is that Beatrice does her own things



her own way. When Pauline leaves with a young fellow, she must get her back. “ Don’t go Don’t go Don’t go, I sob. I hold on to her neck and get myself tangled in my hair. Pauline sobs. “Bee, I’ll be back before winter comes.” This shows me that Beatrice will never give up about hoping for Pauline to get home in a way that feels and not to be heard. She does in her own way by getting herself in her hair. So she can’t leave her. Beatrice never gives up by helping her friends and dog when they need it. When Beatrice goes to school, she gets put in a classroom that is for kids that are different than others. “ “I’m tired of not being able to do what everyone else does.” Ruth Ellen “That’s why I have to race.” replies Beatrice. That shows me that Beatrice is trying to make a better opportunity for the other kids. Some people say that Beatrice is not a good example for life lessons. I know this is not true. Beatrice almost has more life lessons than a picture book. If you look deep into the book you will see that Beatrice has more than one lessons…… Do not give up……… Go your own path in life etc. Now that you have read my essay you can agree that From the novel “The Daring Escape of Beatrice and Peabody” Author Kimberly Newton Fusco is using Beatrice to show that if someone is trying to hold you back never give up. Sometimes I give up and it never turns out good. I use Beatrice as a role model when I am in a situation like that. Beatrice shows us these skills by, working to beat Francine,



hoping that some time Pauline will come back, and she will do anything for her friends and dog. Do you give up, Will Beatrice show you a way to NEVER GIVE UP ?     



The 14th Goldfish and One for the Murphy’s Annie R

#3 Literary essay Family and friends are the most important thing in the world. In the two books “The Fourteenth Goldfish” By Jennifer L. Holm and “One for the Murphys” By Lynda Mullaly Hunt both books have many themes. We all know that you should you should never give up family and friends. One for the murphys and The Fourteenth Goldfish both have this theme.One for the murphys is about a girl who has to go to foster care with the Murphys. The Fourteenth Goldfish is about a girl who has to help her grandfather turn back to normal. In “The Fourteenth Goldfish” By Jennifer L. Hunt, Jennifer (the author) teaches us that we should never give up on family and friends. The author shows us this because Tess, the main character, has to help her grandfather turn into his normal old self. What does that mean you ask? Well, Tess’s grandpa is a scientist, and he makes a potion to turn himself into a teenager. The potion is called the T. Melvonus and it gets taken away from him. Tess has to get the potion back while dealing with friend issues and even issues with her parents. The lesson is clear; never give up on family and friends. In “One for the Murphys” By Lynda Mullaly Hunt, Carly is a girl who is taken away from her mother because of a family issue with her step dad and mom. Carly goes to the Murphys, a nice little home with nice people, but a little to nice for Carly. Unlike The Fourteenth Goldfish, Carly has troubles with her new “family”. Carly tries to be kind, but she knows that her mother has taught her to be strong. Like not crying, don’t give up on things you don’t want to do, etc. Carly starts to like the Murphys more than her mother, but her memories and thoughts put the puzzle together. Did her mother want to get rid of her? As you can see Carly from One for the Murphys is a little girl that has no family. The Murphy’s are being more of a family than her mother ever was, but Tess from The Fourteenth Goldfish is very close to her mother but her dad never sees her and Tess barely talks to him. Both



girls have differences in family, but both of them never give up in the heart with their life and families. As readers, some people say that Carly and Tess are two very different girls and one doesn't have a family and one does. I know this is not true because Carly, in this statement, is the one with no family. This is not true to me. carly has got two families. Yes, her mom, and two the Murphy’s. The murphy’s has done more than enough for Carly while she stays at their home. Tess does have a family in the book. She has her mom and grandfather. You can tell that Carly and Tess are the same, but there are lots of differences too. Carly is more of a girl who has some major problems with her family because her step dad hits her and knocks her out. That is a lot more major than Tess’s deal. Tess has the problem with her dad and communication, but she has the problems with her grandfather and the T. Melvonous. The potion T. Melvonus is a potion that is the fountain of youth or it keeps you alive for a very long time. In the end, I hope that you have learned from these two books, that you should never give up on family and friends. Carly and Tess are two great examples for this theme because they both have difficulties with family and friends. They both never give up hope on the ones they love.                  



Worlds best Slider  By:Annie R

“Come on Nat you can do it !” The girls cheered as Nat stepped up to

plate. Sweat was rolling down my nose I was on first base ready to run for my life. This whole game had been lucky. I had a nice hit in the second inning and I got two girls in. I started to make my plan to steal or (if Nat would hit it ) I would run and get to second base.

I looked at my team over at the dugout. “ Annie you should go for it”

Kelly pointed to third base. My heart skipped a beat. If I go to third I can get out. This was one of the better teams. The pitch was thrown. A chill came down my spine. Nat took a swing at it. She missed, the pitch came again, she missed. I was a little unsure that she was going to hit it. We could not lose this and we were the undefetable GREEN MONSTERS.

The neon yellow ball came flying to Nat. She looked angry. Taking one more swing, she hit the ball. Not thinking I ran to second base. The girl on the other team was getting in position to throw the ball to third base, being a daredevil I ran to third. I looked at coach his face was beet red from worry. I stopped to take a breath. The attendance rose as I looked at my team mates. After the chaos, Kelly was up. I had to get to home base all of a sudden I had a brain fart. In my head I pictured last year, cheering and clapping, and it was for us. The champs of our softball league had worked so hard to win that. That memory was like a trophy on my shelf. I still wonder if the other team is jealous of us. After my mind jumped back to reality I remembered that we were losing.

Ava (the pitcher) threw the ball, Kelly swung, the ball went right over the pitchers head. The first baseman caught it. Not looking I ran for home. The first baseman threw the ball at the pitcher. Ava caught it and threw it to Sydney Masters. Not thinking I did the penguin flop on my stomach. My team took a gasp. The only thing you could hear was the dirt moving under me.

I flipped, feet first my hand was about to skip the base. I reached out

to grab the base. It felt like gravity was pulling me off . The ump looked puzzled. I froze in place. Both umps had a quick meeting. After a quick



session, “safe” was the only word I could hear. The crowed cheered. I was confused, did we win, was I out. The team cheered. The score was amazing, 15-14 us, we did the limit! I guess this was I lucky game after all for the undefeatable GREEN MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                       




Hay Ride of the Lost  By: Annie R 

(part one getting to fright) The crisp air gave me a chill as the Levos family and I walked up

to the podium. We were at Wiards Night Terrors and tonight was ….

SLAUGHTER TOWN! “ I think we should go on the least scariest one

because you guys look freaked out, ” Mr. Levos said. I looked at the

attractions. The Asylum, Haunted barn, Alien caged clowns, Splatter

town paintball, Mine Shaft, and The Hayride of the Lost. “ Lets go on

The Asylum, “ Anna said.

I looked at her in confusion. “Are you crazy, I would not go in

there even if my life depended on it, “ I replied. “ This is my first

haunted attraction and I want to start easy,” I mentioned. Karoline

shook her head in agreement. After a few seconds of confusion, we

figured out that we should go on the hayride of the lost. I looked at

the board to see how much the ticket was to go on the hayride. All of

a sudden Mr. Levos took a good scream. I turned around. A butcher was

right behind Anna scraping two knives together. He was covered and

blood and guts, it made the effects look very real.

Anna turned around and jumped back into my face. Even her head

shook with fright. Then the man started to juggle the knives. After he

was done, we gave him a applause.

After we got our tickets we walked through the gates and we found

a pavilion, a light was going over a cornstalk. The man in front of us

was taking a picture in front of it. After the flash went off, the

stalk turned into a monster and jumped out in front of the man and

grabbed his leg and started to pull him. I ran afraid of getting hurt.

Being brave I walked up to him, but he was not there. Then I found

out. He was really hiding in the cornstalks.

We kept walking, the ride entrance looked a good four miles

away.To make myself safe I made up a slogan. “I’m a kid, I’m a kid,

I’m a kid “ I said as I walked like a snowman. The tour group (us) had



passed all of the attractions, but the alien clowns, and The Hayride

of The Lost. After my few moments of walking, our group got into line

and stood in silence for a good two minutes. Sooner or later the line

moved up. But just our luck, a scary plastic miner was up in front of

us and the line had stopped. I stepped back as my eye caught a pinch

of movement that the miner made. A scream echoed behind me. About two

seconds later. That fake, plastic, miner had turned into a growling,

real life, monster miner. It had jumped out in front of us. I screamed

in terror. The line went forward. I ran for it. The Levos’ and I

climbed onto the wagon. Each step failing to stop shaking. The tractor

started and we were off into the woods.





Hay Ride of the Lost

by Annie R

The trees swayed in harmony as the graden tractor creeked by. The

trees were calming my senses as I shook in tempo. All the spooky

scenes were passing by with faint screams in a distance. I put my

hoodie over my head afraid to look out. As we got into the dark

woods,the tractor would get slower and slower. “Look at that”, Anna

pointed to a what looked to be a tree house.

Two doors came open and a dead looking miner came into the

opening. “You should have never came here, whenever someone comes in

these parts they don’t come out,” The miner scowled. He pulled a


came from a smoke pipe. All of the people on the ride screamed. The

tractor started and we were off into the deep dark woods.

The tractor kept going with no stop. The tractor’s gears went

slower and slower as we kept going there was a lot of chain saw people

and mad men running us to us trying to pull are legs, but the scary

part was about to begin. My fright tower was going down as we kept

going into the deep woods. I shut my eyes to blink and the worst thing

happened, the tractor stopped.

A knocked down train was near by, and a bunch of cowboys were

riding around the wagon. The cowboys were getting each other one by

one. But then the biggest cowboy came out, he shot his gun. The

tractor started full speed. The cowboy shot again and the tractor

stopped. I looked through the window of the train. I dead cowboy came

out and tried to grab my face. The tractor started again. We left the

fight and I knew something was coming. There was no attractions for

about three miles. I put my hootie up high. Peeking I saw a dark barn.

Everyone started to scream. The barn doors opened. It was pitch black,

Anna or Karoline was squeezing my hand. Then out of the blue, fire

alarms went off. Masked fireman were running around like maniacs. Then

the funny thing happened. A fireman on a zip line with a chainsaw was



above our heads trying to get people. “ I like zip-lines to”, I said

to the crazy man.

The tractor started and we left. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

This time purple fire awaited us in fear. All that was left was

chainsaw people running after us and clowns, trying to pull us off the

wagon. After the ride was done I got a doughnut and two cups of cider.

Now I have been on The Hayride of the lost, maybe next time the Asylum

will be calling my name.    
