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Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands

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Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Measurement per Cell

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In the immediate


procedure, the BSC

receives a CHANNEL

REQUIRED message

rom the B!S


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BSC !I#ERS$pd !I#ERS at #SC$pd 

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4.10 Systematic Important imers

4.10.1 !101

 I. Definition

T3101 is the BSC timer controlling time of immediate assignment process.

 II. Format 

T3101 ranges from 0 to 255s. The recommended value is 3s.

 III. Configuration and Influence

In an immediate assignment process, the BSC reuires BTS to provide S!CC" to set up signaling

channel. #hen the BSC sends a channel activation message, T3101 starts timing. #hen the BSC

receives the setup instruction sent $% BTS, T3101 stops timing. #hen T3101 e&pires, the s%stem

releases corresponding S!CC" resources. 'roper configuration of T3101 reduces congestion due to

dual assignment S!CC" effectivel%.

The greater the T3101 is, the longer the inefficient time for using signaling resources is. (or e&ample,if the e&tended transmission dela% is improperl% configured )usuall% the sum of T and S is over small*,

the +S fails in responding to the netor- side, so the +S resends the random access reuest message.

Therefore, the netor- side ill assign S!CC" )the netor- cannot distinguish the repeated sending

access reuest from the first send*. (or $etter use of signaling resources, especiall% in activating ueue

function, %ou must configure T3101 to a smaller value. The minimum interval for sending channel

activation message and receiving setup indicator is 00ms. (or non/overload BSS, the ma&imum

interval is 1.s.

4.10." !10!

 I. Definition

In inter/ and intra/BSS handover, the BSC determines the time for -eeping TC" $oth in handover/

originated cell and target cell. #hen the time receives handover completion )intra/BSC* or clearing

)inter/BSC* message, T3103 stops.

 II. Format 

T3103 ranges from 0 to 255s. The recommended value is 5s.

 III. Configuration and Influence

The folloing paragraph is an e&ample of inter/BSS handover.

#hen T3103 receives the handover command, it is reset and starts timing. #hen it receives clearing

command, it is reset. This means that T3103 reserves to channels hen it is timing, one channel for

source BSC, and one channel for target BSC. If it is over long, to channels are occupied for a long

time and resources might $e asted.

ccording to the tests, if the SS timer is properl% configured, the handover process occurs ithin 5s.

Therefore, the recommended value is 5s.

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4.10.! !10#

 I. Definition

See the protocol 00 and 05. #hen sending ph%sical information, the netor- starts T3105. If the

timer e&pires $efore receiving an% correct frames from +S, the netor- resends ph%sical information

and restarts the T3105. The ma&imum repeated times is %1.

 II. Format 

T3105 ranges from 0 to 255, ith unit of 10ms.

 III. Configuration and Influence

The ph%sical information is sent on (CC". The time for sending four T!+ in a time on (CC" is

a$out 1ms. If the ne&t ph%sical information is 4ust sent 1ms after the first one, pro$a$l% the first

 ph%sical information is still $eing sent. The minimum time for sending ph%sical information

continuousl% and most uic-l% is 20ms.

 IV. Precautions

T3105 is related to the timer 1. If T3105 is small, configure 1 to a greater value. If a handover

trial fails and the T3105 of the target cell e&pires for % times $efore the original cell receives the

"!6789 (I:;98 message, the target BTS sends the C68CTI6 (I:;98 I!ICTI6

message to the target BSC.

The counter of target BSC is reneed though +S might return to the original channel. To avoid this,

the T3105 must meet the folloing foulard<

 % = T3105 > T312 ? delta

#herein, delta is the time $eteen e&piration of T312 and receiving "!6789 (I:;98

message $% original BSC.

4.10.4 !10$

 I. Definition

T310@ is a BSC timer, restricting the time for e&ecuting TC" assignment instruction. It caters for

TC" assignment of intracell handover and channel assignment of calling.

 II. Format 

T310@ ranges form 0s to 255s. The recommended values are as follos<

  10s hen channel resources are enough.

  5s hen channel resources are limited.

 III. Configuration and Influence

T310@ starts after the BSC sends the SSAC+! message to BTS. It stops after the BSC receives the

SSAC+' or SSA(I: message sent $% BTS. If T310@ e&pires, the s%stem 4udges that the +S

disconnects to the netor-, so the occupied resource is released to other +Ss. ccording to the

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measured statistics result of netor-, the channel assignment is complete ithin 2s. If the BSC does

not receive SSAC+' message after 2s, the assignment command fails.

If the radio lin- is $ad and some information must $e resent, the process might $e prolonged to 5s. To

avoid premature disconnection, configure T310@ to 10s. In this a%, the +S can reuse the original

channel hen handover or assignment fails. Therefore the call drop due to intracell handover

decreases or the s%stem service ualit% of re/assignment is improved )if the s%stem supports re/assignment function*. "oever, the channel resource might $e asted for several seconds. #hen the

netor- capacit% is limited, %ou must save the resource as possi$le.

4.10.# !10%

 I. Definition

The BSC restricts the releasing resource of SCC" $% T310.

 II. Format 

T310 ranges from 3s to 3s. The recommended T310 is as follos<

T310 a ? 9dio:in-time6ut & 0.0s, a 1s or 2s.

 III. Configuration and Influence

T310 measures the time for channel releasing indicator after sending +S clearing instructions. It

starts after the BSC sends !8CTASCC" message to BTS. It stops after the BSC receives the

98:AIC message sent $% BTS. #hen T310 e&pires, the BSC sends the C:89 98D;8ST

message to +SC.

 IV. Precautions

The sum of T3111 and T310 must $e greater than 9adio:in-Time6ut. If T310 is over small, the

corresponding radio resources are re/allocated $efore 9adio:in-Time6ut is due )radio lin- is not


4.10.& !111

 I. Definition

T3111 is a connection release dela% timer, used in deactivation of dela%ed channel after disconnection

of ma4or signaling lin-. T3111 aims to spare some time for repeated disconnections. #hen BSC

receives the 98:AI! message sent $% BTS, T3111 starts. (or time protection, T3111 stops until

e&piration and the BSC sends the 9(AC"A98: message to BTS.

 II. Format 

T3111 ranges from 0s to 5s.

The recommended value is 2s.

 III. Configuration and Influence

fter the disconnection of ma4or signaling lin-, T3111 dela%s the release of channels. It allos the

 $ase station to retransmit the instruction for releasing radio channels to +S ithin dela%ed time. fter

the $ase station sends a release reuest massage, the radio resources remain for T3111 time.

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If the s%stem capacit% is small, configure T3111 as short as possi$le. The minimum value of T3111 is

2s, over five multiples of the time for resending +S the instruction for releasing radio channel

resources. greater T3111 might $e of no help, $ut affects congestion of S!CC" and TC" easil%.

4.10.$ 'arameter !"1"

 I. Definition

In a ES+ netor-, the causes to location updating are as follos<

  The +S attach.

  The +S detects that its location area changes.

  The netor- forces +S to update location periodicall%.

The netor- controls ho freuent the +S updates location, and the period for location updating

is determined $% the parameter T3212.

 II. Format 

T3212 ranges from 0 to 255, ith unit of minutes )1F10 hour*. If T3212 1, it means that T3212 is

minutes. If T3212 255, it means that T3212 is 25 hours and 30 minutes. If T3212 0, it means that

+S is not reuired for periodical location updating in the cell. The recommended T3212 is 20.

 III. Configuration and Influence

s an important means, the periodical location updating ena$les netor- to connect to +Ss closel%.

Therefore, the short the period is, the overall service performance of the netor- is. n%ho freuent

 periodical location updating $rings to negative aspects<

  The signaling flo of the netor- increases sharpl% and the utiliGation of radio resource

declines. #hen the period is over long, the processing capa$ilit% of netor- elements )8,

including +SC, BSC, and BTS* is directl% affected.

  The +S must transmit signals ith greater poer, so the average stand$% time is

shortened sharpl%.

Therefore, configure T3212 according to resource utiliGation in various aspects of netor-.

T3212 is configured $% euipment room operators. Its value depends on the flo and processing

capa$ilit% of each 8. Configure T3212 as follos<

  Configure T3212 to a greater value )such as 1 hours, 20 hours, or even 25 hours* in

areas ith heav% traffic and signaling flo.

  Configure T3212 to a smaller value )such as 3 hours or hours* in areas ith lo

traffic and signaling flo.

  Configure T3212 to 0 in areas ith traffic overrunning the s%stem capacit%.

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To configure T3212 properl%, %ou must permanentl% measure the processing capa$ilit% and flo of

each ;8 in the running netor-, such as<

  The processing capa$ilit% of +SC and BSC

  interface, $is interface, and ;m interface

  The capa$ilit% of ":9 and 7:9 

If an% of the previousl% listed 8s is overloaded, %ou can consider increasing T3212.

 IV. Precautions

T3212 cannot $e over small. 6therise, the signaling flo at each interface increases sharpl% and the

+S )especiall% handset* consumes increasing poer. If the T3212 is smaller than 30 minutes

)e&cluding 0*, the netor- ill $e fiercel% impacted.

Configuring T3212 of different cells in the same location area to the same value is recommended. In

addition, the T3212 must $e consistent ith related parameters of sitching side )smaller than the

implicit detach timer at sitching side*.

If the T3212 of different cells in the same location area is the same, in the cell reselection, the +S

continues to time according the T3212 of the original cell. If the T3212 of the original and target cell

in the same location area is different, the +S uses the T3212 of the original cell modulo that of the

serving cell.

ccording to the actual tests of +S in the netor-, if the T3212 in the same location area is different,

after the +S performs modulo algorithm $ased on $ehaviors of some users, the +S might poer on

normall%. "oever, the +S fails in originating location updating, so the netor- identifies it as

implicit detach. o the +S poers on normall%, $ut a user (as po)ered o**  prompt appears hen it

is called.

4.10.+ !1""

 I. Definition

T3122 defines the period that the +S must ait for $efore the second trial calling if the first trial

calling fails. It aims to avoid congestion of S!CC" due to repeated trial calling $% +S and to relieve

s%stem load.

 II. Format 

T3122 ranges from 0s to 255s. The recommended value is 10s.

 III. Configuration and Influence

The value of T3122 is included in the immediate assignment re4ect message. fter the +S receives the

immediate assignment re4ect message )no channels for signaling, interface failure, overload of

central processing unit, namel%, C';*, it can send ne trial calling reuest after T3122. T3122 aims to

relieve radio signaling and voice channel resources.

T3122 also help avoid s%stematic overload. #hen the C'; is overloaded, the s%stem multiplies T3122

 $% a factor )determined $% processor:oadSupconf* to increase T3122 through overload control. In

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 pea- load time, %ou can manage netor- access $% increasing T3122. amel%, %ou can increase the

interval $eteen to continuous trial callings to relieve netor- load.

4.10.% !1"4

 I. Definition

T312 is used in occupation process in as%nchronous handover. It is the time for +S to receive the

 ph%sical information send $% netor- side.

 II. Format 

Configure it to @5ms hen the channel t%pe of assigned channel for "!6789 C6++!

message is S!CC" )? SCC"*. Configure it to 320ms in other situations.

 III. Configuration and Influence

#hen the +S sends the "!6789 CC8SS message on the primar% !CC", T312 starts. #hen

the +S receives a '"SIC: I(69+TI6 message, the +S stops T312, stops sending access

 $urst, activates the 'C" in sending and receiving mode, and connects to the channel if necessar%.If the assigned channel is a S!CC" )? SCC"*, %ou must ena$le +S to receive a correct

'"SIC: I(69+TI6 message sent $% netor- side in an% $loc-. If T312 e&pires )onl% in

as%nchroniGation* or the lo la%er lin- fails in the ne channel $efore sending the "!6789

C6+':8T8 message, the +S proceeds as follos<

1* !eactivate the ne channel

2* 9estart the original channel

3* 9econnect to TC"

* Trigger to setup primar% signaling lin- 

Then the +S sends the "!6789 (I:;98 message on the primar% signaling lin- and return

normal operation $efore trial handover. The parameters for returning the original channel are those

 $efore response to the "!6789 C6++! message )such as in encr%ption mode*.

4.10.10 11

 I. Definition

T11 is an assignment reuest ueue timer.

 II. Format 

T11 is determined $% euipment room operators. It indicates the ma&imum ueuing dela% for

assignment reuest.

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 III. Configuration and Influence

#hen the BSC is sending the SSIE+8T 98D;8ST message, no TC"s are availa$le. The

SSIE+8T 98D;8ST message must $e put to a ueue and the BSC sends the D;8;IE

I!ICTI6 message to +SC. +eanhile, T11 starts timing.

#hen the BSC sends the SSIE+8T C6+':8T8 message )TC" is successfull% assigned* or the

SSIE+8T (I:;98 message )TC" is not assigned* to +SC, T11 stops timing.

If T11 e&pires, the corresponding SSIE+8T 98D;8ST message is removed from ueue and the

BSC sends a C:89 98D;8ST message ith the cause of no radio resource availa,le to +SC to

clear calling. ssignment ueuing helps reduce service re4ection times due to congestion, so ena$ling

it is recommended in a netor-. n%ho, T11 cannot $e over great and it must $e configured

according to customer ha$its.

4.10.11 "00

 I. Definition

T200 is important )$oth the +S and $ase station have T200* at ;m interface in data lin- la%er

:'!m. :'!m has different channels, such as S!CC", (CC", and SCC", and the

transmission rate of different channel is different, so T 200 must $e configured ith different values.

The t%pe of the channels corresponding to T200 is the value of the T200.

 II. Format 

!ifferent channels corresponds different values of T200. ccording to the protocol, hen S'I 0

and S'I 3, the T200 of corresponding data lin- is dependentl% implemented, depending on dela%

of s%nchronous processing mechanism and process in la%er 1 and la%er 2.

a,le $-1 7alue range and default of each t%pe of T200

T200 +inimum+a&imu


T200AS!CC"AS'I0 50 100 0H F= 0 = 5 ms =F

T200A(CC"A(ullA9ate 0 100 50H F= 50 = 5 ms =F

T200A(CC"A"alfA9ate 0 100 50H F= 50 = 5 ms =F

T200ASCC"ATC" S'I0 120 200 150H F= 150 = 10 ms =F

T200ASCC"ATC" S'I3 120 200 150H F= 150 = 10 ms =F

T200ASCC"AS!CC" 50 100 0H F= 0 = 10 ms =F

T200AS!CC"AS'I3 50 100 0H F= 0 = 5 ms =F


 III. Configuration and Influence

T200 avoids deadloc- in sending data in data lin- la%er. The data lin- la%er changes the ph%sical lin-

in hich error occurs easil% to data lin- ith no errors. t the to ends of the data lin-

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communication s%stem, a confirm/to/resend mechanism is used. amel%, receiving a message $% the

receiver must $e confirmed $% the sender.

If it is un-non that the message is lost, $oth to ends ait for messages, so the s%stem confronts a

deadloc-. Therefore, T200 is used $% the sender. #hen T200 e&pires, the sender 4udges that the

receiver fails in receiving the message, so it resends the message.

#hen the sender needs to confirm hether the receiver has received the message, T200 starts. #henthe sender receives the response from the receiver, T200 stops. #hen T200 e&pires, the resending

mechanism starts. If the sender receives no response from the receiver after multiple resendings, it

sends 89969 I!ICTI6 )T200 e&piration* to la%er 3.

 IV. Precautions

T200 must $e properl% configured to ensure a predicta$le $ehavior at ;m interface. The rules for

configuring T200 include<

  The potentiall%/e&isting lost frames in radio lin- must $e detected as possi$le.

  ecessar% retransmission of frames must start at the earliest possi$le moment.

  If the response is dela%ed due to ;8 failure, the T200 cannot e&pire $efore receiving

and processing the ne&t frame from the opposite end.

  If T200 e&pires and no other frames are sent $% preference, the related frames must $e

resent in the message $loc-.

  T 200 starts immediatel% after ne&t '"/98!/T6/S8!.

4.10.1" "00

 I. Definition

 200 is the resending times after e&piration of T200.

 II. Format 

To configure 200, follo rules $elo<

1* #hen S'I 0 or 3, 200 depends on the state and the channel used.

#hen multiframe operation is set up, it ensures a common time value for la%er 2 lin- failure in

all channels. (or la%er 2 lin- esta$lishment and release, configure 200 to 5.

2* In timer recover% state, configure 200 as $elo<

  5 )SCC"*

  23 )S!CC"*

  3 )(CC" of full rate*

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  2 )(CC" of half rate*

3* #hen S'I is uneual to 0 or 3, configure 200 to 5, as shon in Ta$le @/2 Situations

of S'I uneual to 0 or 3.

a,le $-" Situations of S'I uneual to 0 or 3

S'I Channel7alid response





+a&imum resending


  Tresp Trmin Trma& ote 3

0 S!CC" +S< 11 51 51

  BSS< 32

0 (CC"F(ull rate 2 3

0 (CC"F"alf rate 10 3

3 S!CC" +S< 11 51 51 ote 1

  BSS< 32


TC"*25F12 ote 2 312 1 ote 2

The T!+ frame is the measurement unit of values in this ta$le, eual to 120F2ms

)appro&imatel% .15ms*

 ote 1< It caters for the process ithout S'I 0 transmission. 6therise, it

does not have a upper limit due to the priorit% of S'I 0 transmission.

 ote 2< ou can configure it to a greater value onl% hen 'C" is

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unavaila$le due to S'I frame transmission if S'I 3.

 ote 3< It caters onl% for sending monitoring frames that are availa$le and

ithout ( eual to 1.

 III. Configuration and Influence

If the BSC fails in receiving la% 2 response message after multiple resending, it sends the 89969

I!ICTI6 message )T200 e&pires* to la%er 3. The BSC ta-es statistics of 89969 I!ICTI6

message $% corresponding traffic measurement counter. #hen T200 or 200 is configured to an over

small value, call drop occurs pro$a$l% due to 89969 I!ICTI6.


:ast updated< 201/11/2

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<300

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<312<I!:8J

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<312<C6ected

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<313

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<315

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T300

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T30

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T312<I!:8J

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T312<C6ected

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T313

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T3212

• C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<;'!ate<'E8

The settings $elo can $e set in active cell operating mode onl% hen the call status is Idle, or in other operating


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If BCC" ;pdate 'age is set to uto and %ou change the settings hile %our ;8 is camped to the test set, the test set

 performs a Broadcast Channel )BCC"* ;pdate 'rocedure H If BCC" ;pdate 'age is set to Inhi$it )the default value*

and %ou change the settings hile %our ;8 is camped to the test set, the ;8 is informed to re/read the BCC" to

o$serve the change )see C::<BCC"annel<;'!te<'E8 ;T6*.

(or more information on the E'IB Command conventions, see E'IB Command conventions


unction SetsFueries the 300, hich determines the ma&imum num$er

of retransmissions of 99C Connection 9euest message.

Setting 9ange< 0 to @

5uery 9ange< 0 to @

67S Setting 0

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<C8::<BCC"annel<300 0K


unction SetsFueries the 312 :in- 8sta$lishment In/S%nc Count ,

hich determines the num$er of Lin/s%ncsM reuired hen

esta$lishing !'C" and the connection status is idle.

Setting 9ange< S1 N S2 N S N S10 N S20 N S50 N S100 N S200 N S00 N S00

N S00 N S1000

5uery same as setting

67S Setting S1

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove

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KC::<BCC"annel<312 S1K


unction SetsFueries the num$er of Lin/s%ncsM reuired hen

esta$lishing a dedicated channel hen in the connection mode.

Setting 9ange< S1 N S2 N S N S10 N S20 N S50 N S100 N S200 N S00 N S00

N S00 N S1000

5uery same as setting

67S Setting S1

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove


KC::<BCC"annel<312<C6ected S1K


unction SetsFueries the 313, hich determines the ma&imum num$er

of successive Lout of s%ncM $efore starts T313.

Setting 9ange< S1 N S2 N S N S10 N S20 N S50 N S100 N S200

5uery 9ange< S1 N S2 N S N S10 N S20 N S50 N S100 N S200

67S Setting S2

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7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<313 S2K


unction SetsFueries the 315, hich specifies the ma&imum num$er of 

successive Kin s%ncK received during T313 is activated.

Setting 9ange< S1 N S2 N S N S10 N S20 N S50 N S100 N S200 N S00 N S00

N S00 N S1000

5uery 9ange< S1 N S2 N S N S10 N S20 N S50 N S100 N S200 N S00 N S00

N S00 N S1000

67S Setting S50

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<315 S50K


unction SetsFueries the T300, hich determines ho long ;8 ill ait

for 99C connection setup after sending 99C Connection

9euest message.

Setting 9ange< +S00 N +S00 N +S00 N +S1000 N +S1200 N +S100N +S100 N +S100 N +S2000 N +S3000 N +S000 N +S000 N


5uery same as setting

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67S Setting +S00

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<C8::<BCC"annel<T300 +S00K


unction SetsFueries the T30 timer.

Setting 9ange< +S0 N +S0 N +S10 N +S320

5uery same as setting

67S Setting +S0

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .03.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<T30 +S0K


unction SetsFueries the T312, hich determines ho long ;8 ill ait

to get the 312 :in- 8sta$lishment In/S%nc Count )Idle* hen

esta$lishing !'C" and the connection status is Idle.

Setting 9ange< 1 to 15

5uery 9ange< 1 to 15

67S Setting 1

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KC::<BCC"annel<T312 1K


unction SetsFueries the T312, hich determines ho long ;8 ill ait

to get the 312 :in- 8sta$lishment In/S%nc Count )Idle* hen

esta$lishing !'C" in the connection mode.

Setting 9ange< 1 to 15

5uery 9ange< 1 to 15

67S Setting 1

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<T312<C6ected 1K


unction SetsFueries the T313, hich determines ho long ;8 ill ait

to get 315 Lin/s%ncsM after it detects 313 Lout/of/s%ncM,

 $efore it triggers the radio lin- failure procedure.

Setting 9ange< 0 to 15

5uery 9ange< 0 to 15

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67S Setting 3

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<T313 3K


unction SetsFueries the T3212 timer.

Setting 9ange< 0 to 255 decihours

5uery Same as setting

67S Setting 0

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .03.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<T3212 0K


unction SetsFueries the BCC" ;pdate 'age state. If it is set

to uto and %ou change the SIB settings hile %our ;8 is

camped to the test set, the test set performs a Broadcast Channel

)BCC"* ;pdate 'rocedure )SIB Contents*H If it is set

toInhi$it )the default value* and %ou change the SIB settings

hile %our ;8 is camped to the test set, the ;8 is informed tore/read the BCC" to o$serve the change. See Broadcast

Channel )BCC"* ;pdate 'rocedure )SIB Contents*.

Setting 9ange< ;T6 N I"i$it

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5uery 9ange< ;T6 N I"

67S Setting I"

7e8uirements Test pplication 9evision< .02.00 and a$ove



KC::<BCC"annel<;'!te<'E8 I"K

 "ome > Call 'rocessing > Call Control > ;8 Timer and Constant 'arms

UE !imer and Constant 'arms

:ast updated< 201/11/2


The folloing settings can onl% $e changed hen call status is Idle . If BCC" ;pdate 'age is set to uto and %ou

change these settings hile %our ;8 is camped to the test set, the test set performs a Broadcast Channel )BCC"*

;pdate 'rocedure )SIB Contents*. If BCC" ;pdate 'age is set to Inhi$it )the default value* and %ou change these

settings hile %our ;8 is camped to the test set, %ou must force %our ;8 to re/read the BCC" to o$serve the


•  !00 77C Conn 7e8 7etransmit imer

This setting determines ho long the ;8 aits for the 99C Connection Setup after sending an 99C

Connection Setup 9euest.

T300 can $e set to one of the folloing values< 00, 00, 00, 1000, 1200, 100, 100, 100, 2000, 3000,

000, 000, 000 ms.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T300

• !00 77C Conn 7e8 Max 7etransmits

This setting specifies the ma&imum num$er of retransmissions of the 99C Connection 9euest message.

 300 can $e set to an% integer value from 0 to @.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<300

• !1" /in< Esta,lis(ment imer =Idle>

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This setting determines ho long the ;8 aits for an 312 Kin/s%ncK indication from la%er 1 hen esta$lishing

a dedicated channel and the connection status is Idle. ccording to 3E'' TS 25.331 ta$le 10.3.3., The value

0 is not used.

T312 can $e set to an% integer value from 1 to 15.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T312<I!:8J  

• !1" /in< Esta,lis(ment imer =Connected>

This setting determines ho long the ;8 aits for an 312 Kin/s%ncK indication from la%er 1 hen esta$lishing

a dedicated channel in connected status. ccording to 3E'' TS 25.331 ta$le, The value 0 is not used.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T312<C6ected

• !1" /in< Esta,lis(ment In-Sync Count =Idle>

This setting specifies the num$er of K in/s%ncsK reuired hen esta$lishing a dedicated channel hen the

connection status is Idle.

 312 can $e set to one of the folloing values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 00, 00, 00, 1000.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<312<I!:8J

• !1" /in< Esta,lis(ment In-Sync Count =Conn.>

This setting specifies the num$er of K in/s%ncsK reuired hen esta$lishing a dedicated channel in connected


 312 can $e set to one of the folloing values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 00, 00, 00, 1000.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<312<C6ected

• !1! Out-o*-Sync 7eception imer

3E'' TS 25.331 .5. states that after receiving 313 consecutive Kout of s%ncK indications from la%er 1

)see  313 Successive 6ut/6f/S%nc 9eception +a& *, the ;8 shall start the T313 timer. ;pon receiving 315

successive Kin s%ncK indications from la%er 1 ) 315 Successive In/S%nc 9eception Counter  *, the ;8 shall

stop and reset the T313 timer. If T313 e&pires, a K9adio :in- failureK has occurred, and the ;8 shall drop the


E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T313

• !1! Successive Out-O*-Sync 7eception Max

 313 specifies the ma&imum num$er of successive Kout of s%ncK received from :1.

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 313 can $e set to one of the folloing integer values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<313

• !1# Successive In-Sync 7eception Counter

 315 specifies the ma&imum num$er of successive Kin s%ncK received from :1 during T313 is activated.

 315 can $e set to one of the folloing integer values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 00, 00, 00, 1000.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<315

• !0+ 77C Conn 7elease Comp 7etransmit imer

T30 specifies the time $eteen the transmissions of RRC Connection Release Complete message.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T30

• !0+ 77C Conn 7elease Comp Max 7etransmits

 30 specifies the ma&imum num$er of retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE

COMPLETE  message.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<99C<C98:ease<30

• !"1" 'eriodic /ocation :pdate imer

T3212 specifies ho often the ;8 ill perform the periodic location update procedure. It is signaled in SIB1.

#hen T3212 is set to Gero, the ;8 ill regard the timer to $e infinite.

E'IB Command< C::<C8::J<BCC"annel<T3212

7elated opics

;'I3 Commands C//3CCHannel

:E imer and Constant

The folloing settings can onl% $e changed hen call status is Idle .

!00 77C Conn 7e8 7etransmit imer

This setting determines ho long the ;8 aits for the 99C Connection Setup after sending an 99C Connection

Setup 9euest.

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T300 can $e set to one of the folloing values< 00, 00, 00, 1000, 1200, 100, 100, 100, 2000, 3000, 000,

000, 000 ms.

!00 77C Conn 7e8 Max 7etransmits

This setting specifies the ma&imum num$er of retransmissions of the 99C Connection 9euest message.

 300 can $e set to an% integer value from 0 to @.

!1" /in< Esta,lis(ment imer =Idle>

This setting determines ho long the ;8 aits for an 312 Kin/s%ncK indication from la%er 1 hen esta$lishing a

dedicated channel and the connection status is Idle. T312 can $e set to an% integer value from 1 to 15.

!1" /in< Esta,lis(ment imer =Connected>

This setting determines ho long the ;8 aits for an 312 Kin/s%ncK indication from la%er 1 hen esta$lishing a

dedicated channel in connected status. The value 0 is not used.

!1" /in< Esta,lis(ment In-Sync Count =Idle>

This setting specifies the num$er of K in/s%ncsK reuired hen esta$lishing a dedicated channel hen the connection

status is Idle.

 312 can $e set to one of the folloing values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 00, 00, 00, 1000.

!1" /in< Esta,lis(ment In-Sync Count =Conn.>

This setting specifies the num$er of K in/s%ncsK reuired hen esta$lishing a dedicated channel in connected status.

 312 can $e set to one of the folloing values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 00, 00, 00, 1000.

!1! Out-o*-Sync 7eception imer

3E'' TS 25.331 .5. states that after receiving 313 consecutive Kout of s%ncK indications from la%er, the ;8 shallstart the T313 timer. ;pon receiving 315 successive Kin s%ncK indications from la%er 1, the ;8 shall stop and reset

the T313 timer. If T313 e&pires, a K9adio :in- failureK has occurred, and the ;8 shall drop the call.

!1! Successive Out-O*-Sync 7eception Max

 313 specifies the ma&imum num$er of successive Kout of s%ncK received from :1.

 313 can $e set to one of the folloing integer values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200.

!1# Successive In-Sync 7eception Counter

 315 specifies the ma&imum num$er of successive Kin s%ncK received from :1 during T313 is activated.

 315 can $e set to one of the folloing integer values< 1, 2, , 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 00, 00, 00, 1000.

!0+ 77C Conn 7elease Comp 7etransmit imer

T30 specifies the time $eteen the transmissions of RRC Connection Release Complete message.

!0+ 77C Conn 7elease Comp Max 7etransmits

 30 specifies the ma&imum num$er of retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE

COMPLETE  message.

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!"1" 'eriodic /ocation :pdate imer

T3212 specifies ho often the ;8 ill perform the periodic location update procedure. It is signaled in SIB1.

#hen T3212 is set to Gero, the ;8 ill regard the timer to $e infinite.