Florenţa Ionescu Florenta Ionescu is a painter born on 10 th of May 1946 in Iasi. She joined painting and drawing clubs and workshops from Romania and Germany and attended the courses of the School of Fine Arts of Iasi both music and painting section. She made studies in the social and cultural activity field. The artist studied painting with professor Ghiţă Leonard and drawing with the painter and professor Ion Bălău. She also studied classical canto with the lyrical artist Aurora Broşteanu of the Romanian Opera of Iasi and with George Rodi Foca the piano player of “Moldova” Philharmonic of Iaşi. She is the main member of Iaşi branch of Romanian Fine Arts Union. The artist held more than 60 solo exhibitions within the country and abroad and more than 170 group exhibition within the district, county, republic and over the world. Between 1996 and 1997 she takes part in Nichita Stănescu International Poetry Festival of Ploieşti exhibiting the “11 elegies of Nichita Stanescu” collection at the Arts Museum of Ploieşti. In 1999 she is awarded a diploma and a medal for her endeavours towards Romanian culture and Nichita Stănescu’s poetry. In 1996 and 1997 she exhibits at Dalles Hall in Bucharest, and in 1998 holds the “Rhymes and colour” exhibition at Ronda Hall of the Romanian Literature Museum of Bucharest. In 1999 at Dalles Hall in Bucharest she holds the Expo 26 exhibition. The artist participates in “N. Tonitza” National Exhibition of Bârlad in 2006 and she is included in Năstasă Forţu’s album “Contemporary Art Horizons” published by Pan Europe. Between 1993 and 2012, Florenta Ionescu participated in the “Drawing rooms of Moldova” contest exhibition of Bacău and Chişinău. In 2011 she was nominated for her work “The Second Game” in the 21 st Edition of „Saloanele Moldovei" of Chişinău and Bacău. She also joins the Annual Exhibitions held by The University of Arts of Iaşi. She joins the A.R.T.E. International Exhibition Festival in January 2012 at Cupola Gallery of Iasi, where she is awarded the Honors Diploma for being a professional and a highly skilled artist. In April 2012 she joins the exhibitions of Bârlad and in June 2012 those of Galati. In February and March 2012 the artist is awarded the Diploma of Excellence for her artistic creation in the “Art Gallery” exhibition held by “Ştefan cel Mare” Museum of Vaslui. She is awarded the Special Prize for the originality of her work in the 2 nd Edition of the “Eminesciana” International Painting Contest organized at „Tonitza" and „Cupola" Galleries of Iaşi between 10 and 29 of January 2012. The artist takes part also in “Eminescu and Us” Visual Arts Contest organized between 15 and 25 of January 2011 at “Mihai Eminescu" Museum where she is awarded the “Mihai Eminescu" Prize and a medal nominated for the collection “How many times”. In January 2013, in the 3 rd Edition of the “Eminesciana” International Painting Contest the artist is awarded the “Special Prize” for the chromatic harmony of her work “Glossă”. The artist travels to Poland, Germany, Finland, Czech Republic and Estonia for information purposes. Her works are held by collectors from Romania but also from France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Yugoslavia, China, Canada and Greece. She donated some of her works to the Romanian Literature Museum of Iaşi, “M. Eminescu” Museum, Sadoveanu Museum of Iasi, Art Museum of Ploieşti and „N. Stănescu" Memorial House of Ploieşti. Her work in books, encyclopedias, albums and dictionaries 1. The 4 th , 5 th and 6 th volume of the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Romanian Artists, ARC 2000 Publishing House, Bucharest, editions of 2001, 2009 and 2012, authors Alexandru Cebuc, Negoiţă Lăptoui, Ruxandra Papa, Sorin Papa.

Floren ţa Ionescu - UAP · 2015. 2. 17. · Testimonies signed by: Aurel Leon, academician Constantin Ciopraga, Valentin Ciuc ă, Alexandru Husar, Jeana Mor ărescu, Nicolae Pene

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  • Florenţa Ionescu

    Florenta Ionescu is a painter born on 10th

    of May 1946 in Iasi. She joined painting and

    drawing clubs and workshops from Romania and

    Germany and attended the courses of the School

    of Fine Arts of Iasi both music and painting

    section. She made studies in the social and

    cultural activity field. The artist studied painting

    with professor Ghiţă Leonard and drawing with

    the painter and professor Ion Bălău. She also

    studied classical canto with the lyrical artist

    Aurora Broşteanu of the Romanian Opera of Iasi

    and with George Rodi Foca the piano player of

    “Moldova” Philharmonic of Iaşi. She is the main

    member of Iaşi branch of Romanian Fine Arts Union. The artist held more than 60 solo exhibitions within

    the country and abroad and more than 170 group exhibition within the district, county, republic and over

    the world. Between 1996 and 1997 she takes part in Nichita Stănescu International Poetry Festival of

    Ploieşti exhibiting the “11 elegies of Nichita Stanescu” collection at the Arts Museum of Ploieşti. In 1999

    she is awarded a diploma and a medal for her endeavours towards Romanian culture and Nichita

    Stănescu’s poetry. In 1996 and 1997 she exhibits at Dalles Hall in Bucharest, and in 1998 holds the

    “Rhymes and colour” exhibition at Ronda Hall of the Romanian Literature Museum of Bucharest. In 1999

    at Dalles Hall in Bucharest she holds the Expo 26 exhibition. The artist participates in “N. Tonitza”

    National Exhibition of Bârlad in 2006 and she is included in Năstasă Forţu’s album “Contemporary Art

    Horizons” published by Pan Europe. Between 1993 and 2012, Florenta Ionescu participated in the

    “Drawing rooms of Moldova” contest exhibition of Bacău and Chişinău. In 2011 she was nominated for

    her work “The Second Game” in the 21st Edition of „Saloanele Moldovei" of Chişinău and Bacău. She

    also joins the Annual Exhibitions held by The University of Arts of Iaşi. She joins the A.R.T.E.

    International Exhibition Festival in January 2012 at Cupola Gallery of Iasi, where she is awarded the

    Honors Diploma for being a professional and a highly skilled artist. In April 2012 she joins the

    exhibitions of Bârlad and in June 2012 those of Galati. In February and March 2012 the artist is awarded

    the Diploma of Excellence for her artistic creation in the “Art Gallery” exhibition held by “Ştefan cel

    Mare” Museum of Vaslui. She is awarded the Special Prize for the originality of her work in the 2nd

    Edition of the “Eminesciana” International Painting Contest organized at „Tonitza" and „Cupola"

    Galleries of Iaşi between 10 and 29 of January 2012. The artist takes part also in “Eminescu and Us”

    Visual Arts Contest organized between 15 and 25 of January 2011 at “Mihai Eminescu" Museum where

    she is awarded the “Mihai Eminescu" Prize and a medal nominated for the collection “How many times”.

    In January 2013, in the 3rd Edition of the “Eminesciana” International Painting Contest the artist is

    awarded the “Special Prize” for the chromatic harmony of her work “Glossă”. The artist travels to Poland,

    Germany, Finland, Czech Republic and Estonia for information purposes. Her works are held by

    collectors from Romania but also from France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Sweden, Estonia,

    Yugoslavia, China, Canada and Greece. She donated some of her works to the Romanian Literature

    Museum of Iaşi, “M. Eminescu” Museum, Sadoveanu Museum of Iasi, Art Museum of Ploieşti and „N.

    Stănescu" Memorial House of Ploieşti.

    Her work in books, encyclopedias, albums and dictionaries

    1. The 4th, 5th and 6th volume of the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Romanian Artists, ARC 2000 Publishing House, Bucharest, editions of 2001, 2009 and 2012, authors Alexandru Cebuc, Negoiţă

    Lăptoui, Ruxandra Papa, Sorin Papa.

  • 2. “The stolen statues city”, Monteoru Publishing House, Buzău 2001, author Nicolae Peneş

    3. “The city of chestnuts and memories” Editgraph Publishing House, 2010, author Nicolae Peneş 4. “A century of Fine Arts in Iaşi, Art XXI Publishing House, Iaşi, 2004, author Valentin Ciucă 5. “Moments against death”, Vasiliana-'98 Publishing House, 2005, author Gloria Lăcătuşu 6. “Good faith exercises”, (essays, portraits, exhibitions), Art XXI Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007,

    author Valentin Ciucă

    7. “Dictionary of Fine Arts of Moldova with pictures from 1800 to 2010, Art XXI Publishing House, Valentin Ciucă.


    Testimonies signed by: Aurel Leon, academician Constantin Ciopraga, Valentin Ciucă, Alexandru Husar,

    Jeana Morărescu, Nicolae Peneş, Traian Mocani, Anca Negruţi.

    [...] Florenţa Ionescu is a very sedulous person who has been really devoted to painting for more than

    two decades. Since she was a teenager she joined the literary and painting clubs and learned from great

    artists. I have always considered her a highly skilled person and this is obvious from her paintings.

    [...]She is brave in approaching very difficult subjects, like visual representations of Eminescu’s lyric

    poetry. She challenged some experienced artists and demonstrated that Eminescu can be represented in

    very cold, serious and deep chromatic shadows in order to suggest the spirituality and star related

    influences of his poetry.”

    Valentin Ciucă, 2004

    Florenţa Ionescu “Elegie” (70 X 80) – uc