The Study ofEIFS (Exterior insulation finishing system) By Kandarp Bajaj, Aman Rohilla, Enrollment no. A13567214036/35 1


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The Study ofEIFS (Exterior insulation finishing system)

ByKandarp Bajaj, Aman Rohilla,

Enrollment no. A13567214036/35

Report submitted for the fulfilment of the requirement for the course PROJECT LAB AND FIELD WORK - II : BUILT ENVIRONMENT & CONSTRUCTION


This is to guarantee that the report entitled "____________________________" is a bonafide record of the work did by __________________, in fractional satisfaction of the necessity of the course ___________. He has worked under my watch and direction in the _________________ and has satisfied the necessities for the accommodation of his report.

The substance of this report have not been submitted to some extent or full to whatever other University or Institute for the grant of any degree or recognition.

Nihar Nanyam Assistant Professor RICS School of Built Environment Amity University Uttar Pradesh - DATE : -


We, Kandarp Bajaj, Aman Rohilla thus pronounce that this venture report entitled "The Study of EIFS (Exterior insulation finishing system) ", presented by us, under the direction of VPSNihar Nanyam, RICSSchool of Built Environment, Amity University, Noida is ours and have not been submitted to some other University or Institute or disseminated former.

Kandarp BajajAman Rohilla

Date: ___________


I have taken thoughts in this endeavor. In any case, it would not have been possible without the kind help and help of various individuals. I may need to increase my actual on account of each one of them. I am exceptionally obliged to VPS Nihar Nanyam for his heading and consistent supervision and also for giving essential information as for the assignment & similarly for his sponsorship in completing the endeavor. I may need to express my gratefulness towards my gatekeepers & a piece of my social occasion for their kind co-operation and bolster which help me in fulfillment of this endeavor. My thankful and thanks moreover go to my accomplice in making the endeavor and people who have enthusiastically safeguarded me out with their abilities.

Kandarp BajajAman Rohilla

APRIL 2015

Table of ContentsSerial No.TOPICPage no.





4.1) 4.2) 4.3) 4.4) 4.5) 4.6) 4.7)EIFS Report (By Kandarp Bajaj)

IntroductionHistoryEstablishmentStructure and types of EIFSLegal IssuesFeatures and BenefitsMaintenance6 6 7 8 9 12 13 14


5.1) 5.2) 5.3) 5.4) 5.5) 5.6) 5.7) 5.8) 5.9) 5.10) 5.11) 5.12) 5.13) 5.14)Cavity Walls Report (By Aman Rohilla)

HistoryIntroductionMethodologyWorkmanshipKeeping the cavity cleanToolingWeep HolesTie PlacementsProtection of wallsDesciptionTiesShapes of cavity wallsAdvantagesConclusion15

15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31



EIFS i.e. Exterior insulation finishing system is a non-load bearing building cladding frameworks that gives outside dividers a protected and water safe completed surface in a coordinated composite material framework.

It has been being used subsequent to 1960 in North America. It offers brilliant protection, design points of interest, strength and low support. As we have seen in past, numerous a times water invasion issues have created harm to structures bringing about excessive legitimate cases. To forestall such disasters suggestion of such frameworks is given which incorporate a waste plane to let water empty disheartened out of behind the cladding.


EIFS was created in Europe after World War II and was at first used to retrofit workmanship dividers. EIFS began to be utilized as a part of North America in the 1960s, and got to be extremely prominent in the mid- 1970s because of the oil ban and the resultant surge in enthusiasm for high vitality productivity divider frameworks, for example, EIFS gives. The utilization of EIFS over stud-and-sheathing surrounding rather than over strong dividers is a system utilized principally as a part of North America. EIFS is presently utilized all over North America, furthermore in numerous different ranges as far and wide as possible, particularly in Europe and the Pacific Rim. The EIFS business has reliably kept up that the EIFS itself was not spilling, yet rather poor craftsmanship and awful design itemizing at the border of the EIFS was what was bringing on the issues. The construction laws responded by commanding EIFS with a waste framework on wood outline structures and extra on location assessment.


EIFS id commonly joined to the outside face of dividers with a glue or mechanical clasp. Glues are normally used to join EIFS to gypsum board/ concrete board or solid substrates. EIFS is joined with mechanical latches when introduced over housewraps. The supporting divider surface ought to be persistent and level.


Sorts of EIFS are typically characterized on the premise of there material and the presence/unlucky deficiency of a seepage plane. The EIMA i.e. EIFS Industry Manufacturers Association characterizes 2 classes of EIFS: 1) Class PB (Polymer Based); 2) Class PM (Polymer Modified).

1.PB EIFS is the most widely recognized sort in north America and generally utilized extended polystyrene(EPS) protection held fast to the substrate with fiberglass cross section implanted in an ostensible 1/16 crawl (1.6mm) base layer which can get extra layers of lattice and base cover for stronger effect resistance.

2.PM EIFS utilization expelled polystyrene insulation(XEPS) and a thick cementitious base cover connected over mechanically appended glass fiber strengthening cross section. The framework has joints like customary stucco. PM EIFS have developed to incorporate diverse protection materials and base covers.

The most widely recognized sort of EIFS utilized today is the framework that incorporates a seepage hole, which permits all dampness to leave the divider. EIFS with waste regularly comprises of the accompanying:

WRB i.e. water-resistive boundary that covers the substrate.

A waste plane between the WRB and the protection prepare to leave that is most regularly accomplished with vertical strips of cement connected over the WRB.

Insulation board regularly made of extended polystyrene(EPS) which is secured with a cement or mechanically to the substrate.

Glass fiber fortifying lattice inserted in the base cover.

A water safe base cover that is connected on top of the protection to serve as a climate boundary.

A completion cover that ordinarily utilizes colorfast and break safe acrylic co-polymer innovation.

In case an EIFS with Drainage, or water-supervised EIFS is presented, a water resistive obstacle (overall known as a WRB) is at first presented over the substrate (generally glass stood up to outside assessment gypsum sheathing, centered strand board (OSB) or plywood).[citation needed] The sogginess deterrent is joined with the entire divider surface with a traverse joints and a liquid associated film or a protective wrap like tyvek or felt paper. By then a drainage depression is made (ordinarily by including a space between the foam and the WRB). By then the other 3 layers, delineated above, are incorporated. This kind of EIFS is required by various building regulations districts on wood layout improvement, and is relied upon to give an approach to incidental water that may get behind the EIFS with a safe course back to the outside. The article is to piece water from hurting the supporting divider.

Concretes and fulfillments are water-based, and therefore must be presented at temperatures well above setting. Two sorts of bonds are used with EIFS: those that contain Portland bond ("cementitious"), or don't have any Portland concrete ("cementless"). Bonds that contain Portland cement set by the creation reaction of the bond with water. Pastes and fruitions that are cementless cement by the vanishing of water. Bonds come in two structures: The most broadly perceived is in a plastic container as a paste, to which Portland bond is incorporated and as dry powders in sacks, to which water is incorporated. Fulfillments touch base in a plastic container, arranged to utilize, like paint. EIFS assurance comes in individual pieces, when in doubt 2' x 4', in broad sacks. The pieces are trimmed to fit the divider at the advancement site.


EIFS frameworks have been the subject of a few claims, generally identified with the establishment methodology and disappointment of the framework creating dampness developments and consequent mold development. The most striking case concerned the previous San Martin, California courthouse. This case was settled for 12 million dollars.

The fundamental basic issue behind EIFS case was that EIFS was showcased as a savvy trade for stucco. Stucco is lavish to introduce on the grounds that it must be precisely connected by gifted specialists and takes a month to cure between layers. General builders changed to EIFS on the grounds that it should be anything but difficult to introduce with incompetent or semi-talented work and would not break like conventional stucco will in the event that it is not cured appropriately. Despite the fact that EIFS if appropriately introduced by maker's headings ought not have water interruption issues, numerous GCs reduce quality to increase throughput by utilizing inadequately prepared work furthermore neglected to sufficiently oversee their work. Thus, a great many EIFS establishments were resistant and endured extreme water interruption and form therefore. While the EIFS business has reliably attempted to move the fault to GCs, the development business has countered that utilizing proficient unionized understudies woodworkers as a part of turn wipes out the expense point of interest of EIFS over stucco, and that the EIFS business ought to have expected this issue and designed its items from the earliest starting point to be introduced by untalented work or semi-talented work (that is, it ought to have been a deficiency tolerant configuration).


The developing notoriety of EIFS is because of the way that few, if any, aggressive materials offer such an extensive variety of alluring item advantages. Boss among these are unrivaled vitality proficiency and basically boundless configuration adaptability. Vitality Efficiency In the event that you've ever felt the solace of being wrapped in a warm cover on a cool winter night, you have some thought of what EIFS can accomplish for a home or building. EIFS truly wrap the outside in a vitality effective warm cover. By protecting outside the structure, EIFS lessen air invasion, balance out the inside environment and decrease vitality utilization. Outside Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) utilized on a Commercial Building By difference, conventional "between-the-studs" protection, regardless of how thick, leaves "warm breaks" - crevices where warmth and frosty pass all the more unreservedly between the outside and the space inside - at studs, divider outlets, divider joints, and somewhere else. Indeed, EIFS can decrease air invasion by as much as 55% contrasted with standard block or wood development. Furthermore, since dividers are one of the best ranges of warmth and cooling misfortune, change in the divider protection can be extremely significant regarding vitality preservation. Likewise, EIFS add to the "R-quality" of a home or building. Plan Flexibility The rich appearance of EIFS looks somewhat like stucco or stone, however the frameworks are much more flexible than these and different materials. Not just do EIFS come in for all intents and purposes boundless hues and a wide mixed bag of surfaces, however they likewise can be formed into practically any shape or configuration. Outside Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) utilized on a Commercial Building With EIFS, gifted instruments can make a wide range of outside design specifying that would regularly be cost-restrictive utilizing routine development - cornices, curves, sections, cornerstones, foundations, uncommon moldings and embellishing stresses are yet a couple of samples.


Dissimilar to wood, stucco and other siding materials, EIFS once in a while need painting. Most EIFS frameworks are exceptionally detailed with 100% acrylic cover, which gives EIFS better resistance than blurring, chalking and yellowing. Thus, the frameworks have a tendency to keep up their unique appearance after some time. EIFS additionally have incredible imperviousness to earth, mold and mold, which helps keep the building outside looking clean and crisply painted. The frameworks are intended to be extremely adaptable, which makes them very split safe. At the point when dividers grow or contract because of rising or falling temperatures, EIFS are sufficiently flexible to "assimilate" building development and in this manner maintain a strategic distance from the unattractive breaking issues that are so normal with stucco, cement and block outsides. EIFS are among the most water safe outside surfaces you can put on a house. Be that as it may as with all claddings, EIFS must be effectively introduced and appropriately point by point in the event that they are to perform legitimately. Water interruption is at times an issue on business structures with EIFS. Water interruption harm to homes is phenomenal, yet when it does happen, the dampness commonly influences just little territories which can be effectively and economically repaired. In situations where homes have been harmed, the issues have been followed to the utilization of low quality (even cracked and/or non code-agreeable) windows and/or despicable blazing and fixing. Occasional support ought to incorporate careful checking of the blazing and fixing to guarantee that the building envelope stays watertight.

Cavity wall

A typical cavity wall.HistoryThe run of the mill depression divider technique for development was presented in Northwest Europe amid the 19th century and increased far reaching utilization from the 1920s. In some early samples stones were utilized to tie the two leaves of the depression divider together. At first depression widths were greatly restricted and were principally actualized to keep the section of dampness into the inside of the building. The broad presentation of protection into the pit started in the 1970s with it getting to be necessary in building regulations amid the 1990s.

INTRODUCTION The term cavity wall is applied to a type of masonry wall construction in which a continuous air space or cavity is provided inside the wall .A cavity wall therefore is really two dividers differentiated by an air space, yet joined by method for metal ties for auxiliary quality. They are widely utilized as a part of European nations, especially Great Britain, where they have been produced as a method for acquiring assurance from infiltration of rainthrough stone work dividers. Lately in North America numerous imperative structures have been built with hole dividers.

METHODOLOGYIn the development of a hole divider there are no progressions needed in fundamental bricklaying strategies, just alterations of practices ordinarily utilized as a part of the development of any block workmanship divider. The major guideline in a depression divider is that there should be no scaffold of strong material fit for conveying water over the base 2-in. (50-mm) cavity space.

WORKMANSHIPThe significance of the workmanship utilized as a part of building stone work has been focused by numerous, occasionally to the point that it may create the impression that workmanship alone is in charge of the execution of workmanship dividers, paying little heed to the divider outline, enumerating, or the materials utilized. While this is in no way, shape or form genuine, great workmanship is a vital figure the development of superior brick work.

KEEPING THE CAVITY CLEANIt is crucial that the hole be kept clean of mortar droppings and other outside materials. On the off chance that mortar falls into the hole, it may shape "spans" for dampness entry, or it may tumble to the glimmering, hindering the sob gaps. Through the years numerous routines have been produced and impressive time and discourse have been given to the correct system to use in keeping the cavity clean. One technique is to take a wooden or metal strip, somewhat littler than the cavity width, and spot it noticeable all around space. This strip lays on the divider ties as the divider is fabricated. Wire or rope is joined to the strip. At that point, as the block artisan manufactures the divider, this strip is effectively lifted out. Before the following column of ties is set, any mortar, which may have fallen into the cavity, is evacuated (Figure 1).

Notwithstanding the aforementioned techniques for cleaning the depression, the block artisan can utilize strategies that, if legitimately connected, ought to wipe out a lot of mortar falling into the pit in any case (Figures 2 through 7).

In the wake of spreading the mortar bed, the block bricklayer ought to slant the hole edge with the level of the trowel (Figure 2). At the point when mortar is spreading this way, almost no will be pressed out of the bed joints into the depression when the units are laid (Figure 3). The block units are next moved into spot, keeping the majority of the mortar all things considered (Figures 4, 5 and 6). After the block bricklayer has put the unit on the bed joint any mortar balances projecting into the pit ought to be straightened over the backs of the unit, not cut off (Figure 7). This keeps the mortar from falling into the cavity and gives a smooth surface, which won't meddle with protection materials, which may be put in the hole.


Climate snugness and textural impact are the essential contemplations of mortar joint completion determination and execution. Legitimately "striking" or "tooling" the joint helps the mortar and block units bond together and seal the divider against dampness. Nine regular joint completions are indicated in Figure 8 in place of their diminishing climate snugness. Pressure of the mortar makes the inward, V, and grapevine joints the most climate tight and worthy to utilize. There mining six joint sorts are not suggested for outside utilization. All gaps in the mortar joints ought to be filled. Joints ought to be tooled when the mortar is "thumbprint" hard.

WEEP HOLESSob gaps must be set at the base of the cavity and at all other blazing levels. They give method for depleting without end any dampness that may have thought that it some way or another into the hole. Sob gaps must give an unmistakable access to the depression and must be set straightforwardly on the blazing for legitimate waste. Sob openings can be effortlessly made or introduced by different routines. In place of viability these are:

Disposing of every second or third head joint. Embeddings oiled bars, rope or sticks in the head joint at a most extreme of 16-in. (410-mm) and evacuating before last arrangement of the mortar. Setting metal or plastic tubing in the head joint at greatest of 16-in. (410-mm). Setting scarf line or other suitable wicking material in the head joint at a greatest of 16-in. (410-mm).

TIE PLACEMENTIn a legitimately developed pit divider, both Wythe of brick work must be satisfactorily and appropriately entwined. The principle concern to the planner is affirmation that the majority of the ties are set up and stay agent, immovably installed in and clung to the mortar. To attain to this, the two Wythe of the depression must be laid with totally filled bed joints, and the ties must be in the right position so that later unsettling influence of the divider get together is pointless. There exists broad information demonstrating that divider ties have incredible tying limit in the event that they are very much inserted in the workmanship, furthermore that the depression divider is a feeble basic part if couple of working ties must carry out the employment of numerous (Figure 9).

From an execution point of view, the most essential components for divider ties are: Being erosion safe. Putting ties at fitting separating. One half for ties with dribbles ought to lessen dividing of ties. Pleating of the metal binds to shape a dribble is redundant, and will diminish the quality of the tie. Full sheet material of the bed joint and putting the divider tie in the mortar 5/8 in. (16 mm) from either edge of the block

PROTECTION OF WALLSBrick work dividers presented to climate and unprotected amid development can gets to be soaked with water that they may oblige weeks, or even months (contingent on climatic conditions), to dry out. This delayed immersion may bring about large portions of the somewhat solvent salts to go into arrangement, accordingly raising the likelihood of blossoming. Such conditions might likewise add to the sullying of the stone work with dissolvable salts from somewhere else in the development (solid, solid piece, mortar, trim, and so on.).

DESCRIPTIONDevelopment of Cavity Walls: Hole dividers don't oblige exceptional stone work units. Routine ones are utilized albeit metal as opposed to holding units entwine the stone work. The external piece of the pit divider is typically block workmanship. The inward divider may additionally be of brickwork, however it is frequently built of basic mud tile, solid squares, or plain or strengthened cement. At the point when a cavity divider is built on an establishment divider it is fundamental that a legitimately composed canal be introduced between the establishment and the divider The metal blazing which shapes the drain is set underneath the external piece of the divider, and is molded so it turns up behind the external divider and is conveyed into a mortar joint of the internal divider. A common plan is indicated in Fig. 1.

TIESIt is the capacity of binds to stay the two sections of the hole divider together so that sufficient quality may be acquired from the divider gathering. The tie must be solid in itself, and enough of it must be inserted in mortar to give satisfactory jetty. It ought to be no less than 3/16 inch in measurement and ought to be curved at both closures to frame 2-inch legs. Likewise, it must be erosion safe so that rusting in administration; thus the utilization of non-ferrous ties is alluring does not decimate it. Copper and bronze are suitable materials, as is steel with copper welded to the surface or steel that bas been aroused by hot plunging.

Shapes of cavity wall ties

ADVANTAGESThe most clear playing point of hole dividers over those of strong brick work is the conceivable lessening in the measure of workmanship utilized as a part of development, however different preferences, for example, enhanced warm protection are gotten from them. The most vital playing point of hole over strong brick work dividers, on the other hand, is the positive security against downpour entrance, which pit dividers can give. All materials needed are normally accessible generally. Hole dividers are vitality proficient when considering life cycle expense of a building. Stone work development is extremely temperate concerning long haul upkeep.

CONCLUSION Hole dividers give a vital preference over dividers of strong stone work in that they can manage the cost of complete security against downpour entrance notwithstanding when presented to states of extreme wetting by wind-driven downpour. There are three vital necessities for cavity divider development: the hole divider must have a drain at its base to gather spillage water and channels to direct water out of it; the two sections of the divider must be secured together with metal ties that are erosion safe and satisfactorily solid; the divider must have a pit free of mortar or other material that may shape a water connect crosswise over it. Pit dividers have been utilized as a part of numerous nations over along time of time and have made their fabulous execution record under generally differing conditions.


wikipedia.org/wiki/Exterior_insulation_finishing_system www.eima.com/about-eifs.shtml www.dspinspections.com/eifs_facts.html eifscouncil.org/ www.markgroup.co.uk/homeowners/insulation/cavity-wall-insulation www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/domestic/cavity-wall en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavity_wall 5