Training Personal Development Flintshire Recovery Education Programme September 2013 to January 2014 Wellbeing

Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

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Page 1: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors



Flintshire Recovery Education Programme

September 2013 to January 2014


Page 2: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

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Janette Mitchell - Training support worker 01352 705990 Mobile 07776452471

If you would like to talk to someone about options or support to attend please contact Janette or leave a message and she will get back to you.

Help us improve

We welcome your comments, suggestions, questions or stories about your experiences of training before, during

and after.

Page 3: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Janette Mitchell - Training support worker 01352 705990 Mobile 07776452471

P1 Understanding Direct PaymentsP2 Mental Health First Aid For Adults (MHFA)P3 Active ListeningP4 Stress ManagmentP5 Life SkillsP6 Compulsive hoarding; A guide to supporting individuals and relevent legisationP7 A Positive approach to DyslexiaP8 WRAP P8 DealingwithDifficultPeopleP9 MentalHealthCertificateP10 ConfidenceandAssertiveness

P11 Knowing my strengths and weaknessesP12 All about youP12 Keep calm and be preparedP13 Managing ChangeP13 The useful art of negotiationP14 Better listening with College HarlechP14 Self-Advocacy and MeP15 My Rights when in HospitalP15 Why is there never enough time?P16 SAFE Facilitators course

P17 Step up, Step outP18 Skills Build for LifeP19 Mindfulness WorkshopsP20 Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) P21 Stress ManagementP22 safeTALKP23 ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Flintshire County Council Courses

Self Advocacy for Empowerment Courses (SAFE)

Flintshire Mind Courses

Page 4: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Date 8th November 2013 Time 9.15 - 4.30Venue The venue for the training is Workforce Development & Learning Centre. Library HQ (behind the law courts) County Hall, Mold. CH7 6NWAvailable All Service Users, Carers and Staff

Understanding Direct Payments Course aims to cover:•Legislation•Policy•Agreement•PublicInformation•Referral•ThebenefitsofDirectPayments•Eligibilitycriteria•Consent•WhocanaccessDirectPayments?•WhocannotaccessDirectPayments?

•WhatcanDirectPayments be used for? •Whatcan’tDirectPayments be used for? •Areal-lifeexperience•Theinitialvisit•Recruitment(includingpayroll)•Supportforprofessionals•Serviceuserfinances•Peergroupsupports?


Page 5: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

•WhatcanDirectPayments be used for? •Whatcan’tDirectPayments be used for? •Areal-lifeexperience•Theinitialvisit•Recruitment(includingpayroll)•Supportforprofessionals•Serviceuserfinances•Peergroupsupports?

Mental Health First Aid - Adults

12th & 13th September, 29th & 30th October 2013

Service users, Carers, Volunteers and Staff.

The venue for the training is Workforce Development & Learning Centre. Library HQ (behind the law courts) County Hall, Mold. CH7 6NW


This 12 hour course covers a number of topics including:• What is meant by mental health/mental ill health• The signs and symptoms of common mental health problems

including depression, anxiety disorders and psychosis• The range of effective interventions and treatments• How to access help and support

Mental Health First Aid (Wales) aims to help participants:• Preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or

others• Provide help to prevent a mental health problem developing into

a more serious state• Provide comfort to a person experiencing mental distress


Available for



Page 6: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Active ListeningCourse description: Communication is a two way process. Using a variety of techniques and exercises this informal and interactive workshop will look at ways in which you can communicate more effectively, both in your work and personal life. It will explore the difference between hearing and listening and enhance your skills for active listening and communicating your understandingofwhatyou’veheard.• To enhance your knowledge and skills for communicating and

building rapport• To enable you to engage more effectively with others• To give you an awareness of your own listening skills and how these

canbefinetuned• To help you become more of an active listener and empathic


23rd September 2013

Workforce and Development Learning Centre, Mold9.15am - 4.30pm


Staff, Volunteers and Peer Mentors.Available for


Page 7: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Stress Management

Course description:Excess stress affects physical and mental health, performance, relationships and the ability to enjoy life. It can result in decreased productivity, sickness, absenteeism, lowered creativity, more frequentaccidents,increasedconflictandhigherhealthcarecosts.This relaxed and interactive course uses a variety of materials, techniques and exercises which are aimed at allowing participants to access and acknowledge their own personal stressors and to learn coping mechanisms to keep the effects of negative stress at a minimum.

The goals of the course are:• Todefinestressandthescopeoftheproblem• To identify how stress affects you personally• To demonstrate and teach you effective methods of reducing


26th September 2013

Workforce and Development Learning Centre, Mold9.15am - 4.30pm


Staff, Volunteers and Peer Mentors.Available for


Page 8: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Life SkillsCourse description:This workshop provides an opportunity to learn about, experience & share simple yet extremely powerful techniques that will help you to make changes to the way you think about yourself and your life. You will learn about the Mind/Body Connection, develop an awareness of negative beliefs & learn how to release old thoughts & patterns that no longer serve you well.

• To be both supportive and fun• To give participants an opportunity to identify and challenge

personal belief systems & self talk that they feel have a negative effect on their lives

• To identify and interrupt habits that no longer serve you well• To give participants an awareness of the link between their

thoughts, reactions to stress and the impact on their emotional & physical health

• To experience and explore a variety of techniques and philosophies that inspire participants to make choices that can empowerpersonalchangeandincreaseconfidence

27th September 2013

Workforce and Development Learning Centre, Mold9.15am - 4.30pm


All Service usersAvailable for


Page 9: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Compulsive Hoarding; A guide to supporting individuals Course description:Aimed at those working with those suffering from compulsive hoarding disorder this session will explore how hoarding disorder develops, the best ways to support those suffering from hoarding disorder and relevant UK legislation in relation to public providers and hoarding disorder. It will build an understanding of how hoarders think and feel about their possessions and provide learners with an introduction to other illnesses which feature hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Riskfactorsforhoardingbehaviour• CompulsivehoardingandObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder• HoarderLogic• Triggersforhoarding• AnimalHoarding–anewphenomena• Biologicalandgeneticfactorsincompulsivehoarding –natureversusnurture• CaseStudies-Personalexperiencesofhoarding• Thehealth,safetyandwellbeingimplicationsofhoardingbehaviour• Collectororhoarder?• DiogenesSyndrome• RelevantLegislationinUKHoarding• ProtectionforHoarders?TheEqualityAct2010andtheHumanright act • Medication,treatmentandtherapies• Theelephantintheroom–talkingaboutsomeone’s hoarding behaviour and assessing insight • Supportingindividualsinclearanceandchange–providingtimescales, action planning and psychological support

2nd October, 5th December 2013

Workforce and Development Learning Centre, Mold9.30am - 4.30pm


All Service usersAvailable for


Page 10: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Dyslexia AwarenessCourse description:Manyindividualsfinditdifficulttoachievetheirfullpotentialdueto processing information differently. Dyslexia is best described asamixtureofabilitiesanddifficulties,whichcanaffectthelearning processes relating to a number of reasons. Dyslexia is an unexpecteddifficultyusuallyhighlightedinreadingirrespectiveofage, intelligence education or motivation.

Course aims:-• To give you an awareness about what is dyslexia?• To enhance your knowledge and skills to recognise the key signs of

dyslexia• To enable you to communicate effectively with individuals experiencing

dyslexiadifficulties• To give information on what is available to support the individual

8th October 2013

The venue for the training is Workforce Development & Learning Centre. Library HQ (behind the law courts) County Hall, Mold. CH7 6NW

9.30am - 12.30pmVenue

All Service users, Carers and StaffAvailable for



Page 11: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)

24 & 25 Ocotber,4th & 5th December 2013

All service users, Carers and Staff.

The venue for the training is Workforce Development & Learning Centre. Library HQ (behind the law courts) County Hall, Mold. CH7 6NW


Course aims:To awaken participants to the key concepts and values of recovery and Wellness Recovery Action Planning and how to develop their own WRAP for practical application to their recovery work.

Enable participants to equip the people they are helping with the knowledge and skills to self manage their lives through WRAP.

Upon completion of this workshop participants will further be able to guide, facilitate, support and encourage another person as they develop WRAP.DateTime

Available for


Dealing with Difficult PeopleCourse descriptionThe aim of this workshop day is to explore how to effectively manage challenging behaviour in any community services environment by equipping participants to identify the skills and knowledge required to effectively manage challenging behaviours in their working areas.The workshop will cover:-•Identifyingchallengingbehaviour•VerbalStrategies•Commonaggressivebehaviours•Non-verbalStrategies•IndicatorsofPotentialandActualAggression•BeingSafe•Copingwithdifficultsituations•InterpersonalStrategies

6th December 2013

Memorial Hall Wrexham10 am to 3.30pm (lunch will be provided)


All Service usersAvailable for


Page 12: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Mental Health Certificate Course description:TheCertificateisalearningandqualificationProgrammethatisattheforefront of best practice in mental health work. It validates the achievements of front line workers and contributes to service improvement, and enables service users and carers who work within services to have their contribution recognised and valued.

TheCertificateisunderpinnedbyexplicitvalues,suchasthepromotionofa person centred approach, and a broad understanding of mental health that includes concepts of mental well being. It also recognises and values a broad range of perspectives and approaches, and promotes the importance of the collaboration between workers, service users and carers. The learningmaterialshavebeendesignedtoreflectthesekeyvalues,intermsof both content and delivery.

28th October 2013

Workforce and Development Learning Centre, Mold9.30am - 4.30pm


All Service usersAvailable for


Page 13: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Confidence & Assertiveness

FOR ALL TRAINING FACILITATED BY FLINTSHIREThe venue for the training is Workforce Development & Learning Centre. Library HQ (behind the law courts) County Hall, Mold. CH7 6NWand will commence at 09:15 until 16:30.(unless stated)

Refreshments will be provided, however Lunch is not. (Except at Deeside College where no refreshments or lunch are provided)

Course Aims To develop the underpinning knowledge and skills participants need to actconfidentlyandassertively.Lackofconfidence,lowself-esteemandself-belief can prevent you from reaching your full potential in all aspects of your life. Using a wide variety of material from the arena of stress management, neuro-linguisticprogramming,coachingandcounsellingskills,theday’sworkshop will provide you with simple, yet powerful, techniques that you can acquire and adapt for your own personal Toolkit.

By the end of the course participants will be able to: •Identifylimitingbeliefsthatundermineself-confidence•Explaintheoriginsoflowconfidence•Listthestepsneededtogainself-confidenceandselfreliance•Definewhatismeantbyassertiveness•Explainthedifferencebetweenbeingassertiveandbeing aggressive or passive •Demonstratehowtoactassertively•Outlineateamworkapproachtoproblemsolving

30th October 2013

Workforce and Development Learning Centre, Mold9.30am - 4.30pm


All Service usersAvailable for


Page 14: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Self-Advocacy For Empowerment (SAFE) ProjectSeptember to December 2013 Programme

A programme of groups and workshops offered by Flintshire Advocacy Services‘SAFE’Project.Youcanchooseoneormoreofthegroupsand workshops. We are also able to offer custom-built courses and workshops to groups of service users and organisations.OVERVIEW:The SAFE programme will help you to develop your skills and confidencesothatyoufeelmoreabletoexpressyourviewsandbringabout positive changes in your life.

Knowing My Strengths and Weaknesses Workshop

Thethingaboutlackingconfidenceisthatwecanforgetwhatwe’reactually good at. However…. recognising your strengths helps you to keep your weaknesses in perspective! This workshop will help you to identify your strengths and skills and how you can use them to your best advantage.

Date: Weds 11th September Venue: Holywell, Time: 12.00 to 2:30Available for: Service Users


Page 15: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

All About You! 3 week short course.

Averygentleconfidencebuildingcoursewithlotsofsupport.Therewill be interesting conversation and an opportunity for you to feel comfortable being with other people and build on your strengths and interests.Thiswillberelaxed,funand…….‘AllAboutYou’!

Date: Weds 18, 25 Sept, 2 OctoberVenue: Shotton Time: 12.30 to 2.30Available for: Service Users


Meetings and appointments can be stressful and being both practically and mentally prepared for them is an important ingredient to managing anxiety. This workshop will help you to feel more prepared for situations and appointments that cause you anxiety. We will also look at where to get support if you feel you need it.

Date: Weds 9 OctoberVenue: ShottonTime: 12.30 to 2.30Available for: Service Users


Page 16: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Managing Change Workshop

Changeistheonlyconstantthinginourlife!’Thismayseemacontradiction,butinfactitistrue!Thisworkshopwilllookat‘change’and how we respond when things change for us. It will improve self-awareness and help you to have a different perspective so that change needn’tnecessarilybeascarything!

Date: Thurs 17th OctoberVenue: Holywell, Time: 12.00 to 2.30Available for: Service Users

The Useful Art of Negotiation Workshop

Wecan’tpossiblyagreewitheveryoneallofthetime!Negotiationskills are really useful in helping us to work through sometimes tricky situations and ensure we communicate our point of view clearly. This workshop will help you to develop your assertiveness skills.

Date: Thurs 24th OctoberVenue: ShottonTime: 12.30 to 2.30Available for: Service Users


Page 17: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Better Listening with College Harlech Workshop

So much information is missed because we are distracted or findingithardtohearwhatisbeingsaidtous.Listeningthereforeis a crucial part of communication and self-advocacy skills. This session will be both practical and informative. Those attending willreceivearecognisedaccreditationcertificate;nohomeworkinvolved, all you need to do is take part!

Date: Weds 30th OctoberVenue: HolywellTime: 12.00 to 2.30Available for: Service Users

Self-Advocacy and Me. 2 week short course.

Self-advocacy is about speaking up for yourself. Sessions will give youtheskillsandconfidencetosayhowyoufeelaboutthingsand express your needs, wishes and concerns. Self-advocacy skillsmakeahugedifferencetoyourconfidenceandhowyoucommunicatewithothers.Self-advocacydoesn’tmeanhavingto‘goitalone’;anadvocatecanstillsupportyouifyouwish.

Date: Weds 13, 20 November Venue: MoldTime: 12.00 to 2.30Available for: Service Users


Page 18: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

My Rights when in Hospital

Being in hospital when you are mentally unwell can be a daunting experience,especiallyifyoudon’tknowwhattoexpect,whatyourrightsare or how to get information about your treatment. An Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) will support you to get the information you need and ensure that your legal rights are protected. This workshop will help you to understand the role of the IMHA and aspects of the Mental Health Act should you, or someone you care for, be admitted to hospital.

Date: Thurs 28th NovemberVenue: MoldTime: 2.00 to 2.30Available for: Service Users and Carers

Why is there never enough time? Workshop.

We manage time all day every day, but still there never seems to be enough of it to meet all the demands that are made of us. This can cause us stress and to forget about looking after ourselves and our health. This workshop will help you to recognise your existing skills and introduce new ones to help you to manage your time and priorities better (especially during the festive season!)

Date: Weds 4th DecemberVenue: HolywellTime: 12.00 to 2.30 Available for: Service Users


Page 19: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

SAFE Facilitators Course 2 longer session

This course will introduce you to facilitation skills so that you are able to take an active role in co-delivering part or all of future SAFE session and groups. This will be a really interesting course that will develop your existing knowledge and skills.

Date: Thurs 9th and 16th January 2014Venue: Holywell Time: 10.30 to 2.30 Lunch will be providedAvailable for: Service Users

For your information:To enable you to attend SAFE sessions support can be provided and transport costs will be refunded with prior agreement. Free refreshments will be available and a warm welcome awaits you!


Page 20: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration 5 weeksDates 12th , 16th, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 27th, 30th September and 1st, 7th OctoberTime 10am to 2.30pmVenue Based at Corlan in Mold, but will travel to venues throughout Flintshire. Transport provided from Mold to all venues.Available For Anyone with a mental health problemAccreditation Open College Network (OCN) in Volunteering and Community Involvement Level 2Cost Free

Step Up, Step Out

Ever fancied volunteering, helping others or helping out in your local community?StepUp,StepOutisagentleintroductionthat’llhelpyoudeveloptheconfidenceyouneedtogetstarted.Aspartofasmall,friendlygroupyou’llfindoutwhatvolunteeringopportunitiestherearelocallyandwhatyoucanexpectasavolunteer.You’lllearnnewskillsand get the chance to try different volunteering activities, all the time supportedbyourexperiencedstaff.Notonlythatbutyou’ll:

• Meetnewpeople• Gainconfidence• Makeadifference• Havefun!


Page 21: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration 10 weeksDates 19th, 26th Septemeber, 3rd, 10th, 24th,31st October and 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th NovemberTime 1pm to 4pmVenue Grosvenorhall,MoldAvailable For Anyone with a mental health problemAccreditation Open College Network (OCN) in Volunteering Skills Level 2 Cost Free

Skills Build for Life!

This informal, fun and friendly course will give you a chance to re-learn the skills you never knew you had and maybe practice a few new ones. Skills include:

•Problemsolving •Listeningandcommunication •Confidence •Assertiveness •Timemanagement

Perfectfordealingwitheverydaylifeandusefulifyou’rethinkingofvolunteering or are looking for work.


Page 22: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration Half dayDates Various Saturdays in October and NovemberTime 1pm to 4pmVenue Venues throughout FlintshireAvailable For All services users, carers, volunteers and staffCost £25 per person

Mindfulness Workshops

Learning to be more aware can do wonders for our well-being in all areas of life. Improving awareness helps us cope with stress, manage pain, get in tune with our feelings and stops us dwelling on the past or worrying about the future so we can get more out of today. Our half-day meditation workshop will introduce you to simple movement, breathing and bodywork exercises to make you more relaxed and aware. As seen on BBC3 TV!


Page 23: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration 8 weeks Dates 23rd October to 11th December, With a day long session on 30th NovemberTime 2pm to 4pmVenue MoldAvailable For Anyonewho’sexperiencedthreeormore episodes of depressionCost Free

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

MBCT was designed to help people who get recurring depression. It combines mindfulness techniques like meditation, breathing exercises and stretching with elements from cognitive therapy to help break the negative thought patterns that often come with recurrent depression. MBCT will teach you to pay attention to the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or the future, and to let go of the negative thoughtsthatcantipyouoverintodepression.It’llalsogiveyouagreaterawareness of your own body, help you to identify the signs of oncoming depression and ward off the episode before it starts. Provided with funding from Betsi Cadwaldr Local Health Board.


Page 24: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration 7 weeksDates 12th September to 24th October, 7th November to 19th DecemberTime 6pm to 8pmVenue CommunityVenuesincludingMold,Connah’sQuay, Holywell and WrexhamAvailable For People with mild to moderate anxiety and stress symptoms–mainlypeopleunderthecareoftheir GPorPrimaryCareTeam.Cost Free

Stress Management Skills

A short course designed to help people understand and manage stresses intheirlife.It’saimedatpeoplestrugglingwithstressandanxietyandisbasedonprovenCognitiveBehaviouralTechniques.It’sinformal,freeandrunincommunityvenuesthroughoutFlintshireandWrexham.You’lllearn:

• Whatstressisandwhyithappens• Howtopinpointthecausesandeffectsofstressinyourlife• Howtobreaktheviciouscycleofstressfulthinkingusingproven Cognitive Behavioural Techniques • Practicalideasandtoolstomanagestress• Simplerelaxationtechniques• Howsleep,dietandexercisecanhelp

Phone Parabl for an assessment to see if the course might be helpful to you on 0300 777 2257 or email on [email protected]


Page 25: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration Half day Dates TobeconfirmedTime 1pm to 4pmVenue Venues throughout FlintshireAvailable For People experiencing mental health problems, carers, volunteers and staff. Please note if you have had recent experience of suicide, suicidal thoughts or bereavement by suicide this course is likely to be triggering and might not be appropriate for you at the moment.Cost Free for service users and carers; £30 for staff


LivingWorks has been helping communities worldwide become suicide-safer since 1983. SafeTALK is designed to prepare people to identify friends, family members, clients and others with thoughts of suicide and connect them to people and services that can help. As a safeTALK - trained suicide alert helper you will be better able to:

• Facethecommonfearswhichmeanwecanmiss,dismissor avoid suicide• Identifypeoplewhohavethoughtsofsuicide• Leamsimplestepstoconnectapersonwithsuicidalthoughtsto people and services who can help them: steps that can save lives.

This course is designed to help people spot signs of suicidal thinking and get further help. It is ideal for people who have access to people trained in suicide interventions such as ASIST (see page 23) to whom they can refer anyone in trouble.


Page 26: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Course Duration 2 Days Dates TobeconfirmedTime 9.30am to 4.30pm Venue TobeconfirmedAvailable For Carers, volunteers and staff. Please note if you have had recent experience of suicide, suicidal thoughts or bereavement by suicide this course might be triggering and might not be appropriate for you at the moment.Cost A limited number of FREE places available to carers: voluntary and community sector £75; Statutory sector £125: Standard rate £185

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

ASISTisaskills-buildingworkshopthatteachessuicidefirstaidtocarersof all kinds. Professionals, volunteers and informal carers all need to know how to help people with thoughts of suicide and to try to keep them safe.AsanASISTtrainedfirstaider,youwillbebetterableto:

• Identifypeoplewhohavethoughtsofsuicide• Effectivelyandsensitivelyexplorereasonsforsuicidalthoughts and possible reasons for living• Reviewriskanddevelopaplantoincreasesafetyintheshortterm• Followupandaccessfurtherhelpasneeded


Page 27: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

Recruitment and Selection 2 Day Training

Venue: Belmont House, 3 Belmont Road, Wrexham LL13 7PW

Dates: 2nd October and 8th October 2013

Time: 10am arrival for 10:30am start. The course will finish between 3:30 and 4pm

Recruitment and selection training programme will provide you with an insight into the processes behind the recruitment and selection of staff.

The training will cover:

• Advertising

• Job Descriptions

• Short listing

• Creating questions

• Interviews

This is a two day course and participants will be expected to attend both days. Following the training, there is no commitment to do recruitment & selection work. The training will equip you with the essential skills needed if you choose to become involved with recruitment and selection in the future.

Travel Expenses can be reimbursed and lunch is provided.

For more information or to book a place please contact Jane Berry on 01352 752 471 or email [email protected] or you can text 07770 900 847.

Page 28: Flintshire Recovery Education Programme · hoarding disorders in addition to a brief on the Human Rights Act and OCD. This session will cover the following topics; • Risk factors

September 11th Wed Knowing my strengths and weaknessesSeptember 12th Thur Stress Management SkillsSeptember 12th Thur Step up, Step out September 12th & 13th Thur & Fri Mental Health First Aid For AdultsSeptember 18th & 25th Wed All about youSeptember 19th Thur Skills Build for LIfeSeptember 23rd Mon Active ListeningSeptember 26th Thur Stress ManagmentSeptember 27th Fri Life SkillsOctober 2nd Wed All about youOctober 2nd Wed Compulsive hoarding; A guide to supporting individuals and relevent legisationOctober7th Mon ClosingdateformentalhealthcertificateOctober 8th Tue A Positive approach to DyslexiaOctober 9th Wed Keep calm and be preparedOctober 17th Thur Managing ChangeOctober 23rd Wed Mindfulness Based Cognitive TherapyOctober 24th Thur The useful art of negotiationOctober 24th & 25th Thur &Fri WRAP October28th Mon InterviewsformentalhealthcertificateOctober 29th & 30th Tue & Wed MHFA -AdultsOctober 30th Wed Better listening with College Harlech

November 7th Thur Stress Management SkillsNovember 8th Fri Understanding Direct PaymentsNovember 13th & 20th Wed Self-Advocacy and MeNovember 28th Thur My Rights when in Hospital

December 4th Wed Why is there never enough time?December 4th & 5th Wed & Thur WRAPDecember 5th Thur Compulsive hoarding; A guide to supporting individuals and relevent legisationDecember6th Fri DealingwihDifficultpeople

January 9th & 16th Thur SAFE Facilitators course

Various Saturdays in Mindfulness Workshop October and November