Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards Explained

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  • 7/30/2019 Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards Explained


    S P E C I A L R E P O R T S(see page 2)

    FlawedSmokeAlarmStandardsExplainedMay13.pdf | Updated: 21 May, 2013 - Check for Updates:www.Scribd.com/doc/140862221 1 of 4

    To be read with:Can Australian & US Smoke

    Alarm Standards be Trusted?:


    mentOfFlawedAS3786May13.pdf | Updated:1

    3May-05:26am -Checkfor Updates:www.Sc

    ribd.com/doc/140862221 1 of 3

    S p e c i a l R e p o rt

    CanAustralian andUS



    Flawed Smoke Alarm

    Standards Explained

  • 7/30/2019 Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards Explained


    S P E C I A L R E P O R T S

    Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards Explained is one of a series of Special Reports

    exposing the root cause of the problem with the ionization type of smoke alarms in

    hundreds of millions of homes around the world - flawed Smoke Alarm Standards.

    These reports explain the decades of misinformation that has lead to tens of thousands of

    needless deaths and why photoelectric smoke alarms (not combination ion/photo alarms)

    are recommended by a growing number of authorities globally.

    1. Can Australian & US Smoke Alarm Standards be Trusted?This report, published in the Winter (May) 2013 edition of Australias Volunteer Fire Fighter

    Associations magazine, exposes flawed ionization Smoke Alarms Standards.www.Scribd.com/doc/139524431

    2. United Technologies Corporations (UTC)Failures to DiscloseDespite repeated requests, the worlds largest ionization smoke alarm manufacturercontinues to fail to disclose the level of visible smoke their ionization smoke alarms activateunder Australian Government (CSIRO) Standards testing.www.SmokeAlarmWarning.org/utc

    3. Why Australian & US Smoke Alarm StandardsCan Not be Trusted - A Technical Perspective

    (under construction)

    4. Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards ExplainedThis document explains flawed Australian & US Smoke Alarm Standards:(under construction)www.Scribd.com/doc/140862221

    5. Should the CSIRO Certify Ionization Smoke Alarms?The CSIRO is an Australian Government agency. Should they be issuing 'Certificates ofConformity' which effectively certify ionizationalarms as safe when they are fully aware ofthe life-threatening problems with these devices?www.Scribd.com/doc/139516400

    6 .The Combo ConDiscover why the International Association of Fire Fighters only recommend photoelectricsmoke alarms and why they and an increasing number of authorities do not recommendcombination ionization/photoelectric alarms.www.Scribd.com/doc/35526418

    This series of documents willbe completed by 15 June, 2013.

    S P E C I A L R E P O R T S


    FlawedSmokeAlarmStandardsExplainedMay13.pdf | Updated: 23 May, 2013 - Check for Updates:www.Scribd.com/doc/140862221 2 of 4

  • 7/30/2019 Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards Explained

    3/4FlawedSmokeAlarmStandardsExplainedMay13.pdf | Updated: 21 May, 2013 - Check for Updates:www.Scribd.com/doc/140862221 3 of 4

    Standard Australias Formal Acknowledgement of

    Australias Flawed Smoke Alarm Standard Explained

    Existing Smoke Alarm Standard

    Extract - Clause 3.2, Table 3.1

    NOTE: Due to lack of space this page was was not included in the May, 2013 VFFA magazine.

    Draft Smoke Alarm Standard

    Extract - Clause 3.2, Table 3.1

    Draft Standard

    August 2008

    Existing Smoke Alarm Standard

    Extract - Clause 2.1

    The current Standard requires that all smokealarms must respond reliably to the presence

    of smoke.

    The existing (flawed) Standard requires:- Photoelectric alarms must pass test for

    smoke i.e % light obscuration per metre.

    - Ionization alarms to pass test forsub-micron particles, i.e. MIC X value.

    The draft standard has eliminated the test forsub-micron particles.- Photoelectric alarms must pass the test forsmoke i.e the % obscuration per metre test.

    - Ionization alarms do not have to pass thetest for smoke, they have to pass a MIC Xtest, a test for sub-micron particles.

    CSIRO Scientist Exposes Damning Test Data

    In February 2006, the FP-002 Committee of Standards Australia enquired about CSIRO test data. Theydiscovered that whilst ionization smoke alarms do not have to pass the test for visible smoke, they weresubjected to it. They asked the CSIRO if they were able to pass the test for visible smoke.

    The CSIROs scientist (an FP-002 Committee member) revealed that ionization alarms do notactivate under CSIRO testing for visible smoke (% light Obs/m) until over 50% smoke - over twice themaximum safe limit set by the Standard for photoelectric smoke alarms.

    Background:- The Standards Australia Committee of technical experts responsible for Australias Smoke Alarm Standard is known as FP-002

    - Smoke alarm testing, in accordance with the Australian Standard is conducted by the the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

    Research Organization (CSIRO). The CSIRO is an Australian Government organization.

    - A CSIRO scientist is a member of the FP-002 committee of Standards Australia.

    Purpose: When discussing the problem with ionization smoke alarms, manufacturers state,

    But all smoke alarms, regardless of technology, must pass identical testing Standards. That is a correct statement when applied to

    US testing Standards - but not the Australian Standard.

    Few people are aware Standards Australia has formally acknowledged Australias smoke alarm Standard is flawed. This document

    explains the flaw, how Standards Australia have formally amended the flawed Standard, and how it has been blocked from adoption

    into legislation by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB)

    Current Standard

    Current Standard

    All alarms Must Respond Reliably to SMOKE

    Ionizations do not have to

    Pass Test for Visible SMOKE

    Corrected (Draft) Standard requires

    ionizations to Pass Test for Smoke

    MIC X (sub-micron part ic le) test e l iminated

  • 7/30/2019 Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards Explained


    More Information

    FlawedSmokeAlarmStandardsExplainedMay13.pdf | Updated: 21 May, 2013 - Check for Updates:www.Scribd.com/doc/140862221 4 of 4

    The C.A.N. Report

    Recommending Selling or Installing Ionization

    Smoke Alarms, A Criminal Act of Negligence?

    Extracts from C.A.N. Report (Feb, 2007) sent, by registered/

    certified mail to 88 fire authorities in the USA, Canada,

    Australia and New Zealand in Feb 2007 explaining life-safety

    and legal implications for failing to warn the public about

    known limitations with ionization smoke alarms.


    - Include CSIRO email where Manager of ActivFire testing said ions dont fail the test for smoke because they do not have to pass it. They said

    CSIROs function was merely to conduct the tests in accordance with the Standard, not question it.

    - link to video where David Isaac explains smoke alarm tests i.e. his explanation of light obscuration per meter.

    - explain ramifications of ABCB blocking critical amendment to AS3786

    - Why has the bureaucrats at the Australian Building Codes Board blocked Australias correction to the Standard?

    Why is the CSIRO still issuing Certificates of Conformity for ionization alarms when they are aware they are not fir for purpose?
