Flash activity. These activities are not editable. Web addresses Icons key: For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started presenta © Boardworks Ltd 2007 1 of 15 The Health and Safety Act ICT and the Law

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Flash activity. These activities are not editable.

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The Health and Safety ActICT and the Law

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Learning objectives

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Learn about the Health and Safety at Work Act. Understand what is meant by risk assessment and how employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees.Learn what precautions can be taken to reduce health and safety risks in the workplace.

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Touch the health and safety hazards

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The Health and Safety at Work Act means that employers have a duty to look after the health and safety of their employees.

Employers have to assess the risk of the employee getting hurt or becoming ill and do all they can to avoid it happening.This is called risk assessment.

It’s not just builders and miners who needhealth and safety. People who workwith computers also need to take care.

Most problems are caused by the fact that people are sitting in the same position doing the same task over and over again.

The purpose of the act

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Employers need to look at:

They have to decide what the risks are and do as much as they can to reduce them.

the whole workstation including equipment, furniture, and the work environment

the job being done

any special needs of individual staff.

Risk assessment

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The words

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Reducing the risks

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Hazard – sitting at the wrong height and in the same position for long periods of time.

Risk – back pain or even damage to the spine.

Precaution – use an adjustable chair and adjust it to the correct position.

Back pain

Training – sit in the chair properly, so the back is supported. Use a footrest, if you need one, to be comfortable. Change position regularly.

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Back pain

Four out of five people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. This means roughly five million people need to be treated by doctors every year for this condition.

The Health and Safety Act ensures that employers have a duty to provide regular assessment of their workstations and ensure that correct equipment and training is provided to prevent injury.

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Hazard – making the same movements with the hands and fingers over and over again.

Risk – pain and damage to the joints.

Precaution – adjust your keyboard to a comfortable position. Use a wrist rest.

Training – try to keep your wrists straight when keying.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

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Hazard – glare or reflections from windows or lights and a dirty screen. Continually looking at a screen without taking a break.

Risk – painful headaches, sore eyes.

Training – remember to look away and blink regularly. Adjust brightness of monitor depending on the lighting in the room.

Eye strain

Precaution – fit blinds to windows, position monitor away from glare and reflection. Set font to a suitable size.

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Design of workstations

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If possible, it is better for employees to have a change of task rather than sit in front of a screen all day. If that isn’t possible, they will need to take regular short breaks.

Employers can help by providing the right training and setting realistic targets.

The fact that computers provide a record of every working moment can put a lot of stress on employees who are expected to meet very demanding targets.

They should also make sure that the employees have regular eyesight checks.

Design of tasks

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Make a health and safety poster

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Employers have a duty to look after the health and safetyof their employees.

Employers need to assess the workstation, the type of job performed and any special requirements of their staff.

Back pain can be reduced by having the correct height work surface and an adjustable chair.

Eye strain can be reduced by clean screens and keeping monitors away from glare and reflection.

RSI can be reduced by improving your keying position.

Regular breaks and annual eye checks are also important.

Appropriate training should be given to minimize the risk of injury.
