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  • 7/26/2019 FIZIK_ASSINGMENT 1


    KL1134: Physics for Engineers

    Assignment 1:

    The classification of materials, model theory and atomic energy, atomic

    bonding, ion and molecules

    1. Give the electron configuration for the Fe3+and S!ions

    . "alculate the force of attraction #et$een a K+and an %!ion $hose centers

    are se&arated #y a distance of 1.' n(

    3. )he net &otential energy #et$een t$o ad*acent ions E, (ay #e re&resented

    #y the su( of e-uation of 1/ and /

    EN= - A/r !!!!!! 1/

    ER= B/rn !!!!!! /0

    that is

    EN= - A/r + B/rn !!!!!!!! 3/

    "alculate the #onding energyE0in ter(s of the &ara(etersA, Band nusing

    the follo$ing &rocedure:1. ifferentiateEN$ith res&ect to r and then set the resulting e2&ression

    e-ual to ero #ecause the curve ofENversus ris a (ini(u( atE0.

    . Solve for the r in ter(s ofA, Band n$hich yields r0 the e-uili#riu(

    interionic s&acing.

    3. eter(ine the e2&ression forE0#y su#stituting r0into E-uation 3/.

    4. istinguish the (ain difference #et$een ionic covalent and (etallic


    Crystalline and Noncrystalline

  • 7/26/2019 FIZIK_ASSINGMENT 1


    1. Sho$ that the ato(ic &acing factor for 5"" is 6.'7

    . "alculate the radius of an iridiu( ato( given that 8r has an F"" crystal

    structure a density of .4 g9c(3 and an ato(ic $eight of 1. g9(ol

    3. )he ato(ic $eight density and ato(ic radius for three hy&othetical alloys

    are listed in the follo$ing ta#le. For each deter(ine $hether its crystal

    structure is F"" 5"" or si(&le cu#ic and then *ustify your deter(ination.

    ; si(&le cu#ic unit cell is sho$n in Figure 1

    Figure 1 hat $ould this crystal structure #e called=

    c/ "alculate the density of the (aterial given that its ato(ic $eight is 14?


  • 7/26/2019 FIZIK_ASSINGMENT 1



    ?. >ithin a cu#ic unit cell setch the follo$ing directions:

    a/ @116A d/ @111A#/ @61A e/ @13A

    c/ @133A f/ @163A

    '. Setch $ithin a cu#ic unit cell the follo$ing &lanes

    a/ 611/ e/ 111/ g/ 13/

    #/ 11/ d/ 131/ h/ 613/

    7. eter(ine the Biller indices for the &lanes sho$n in the follo$ing unit cell: