Fixing the Leaking Roof

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  • 8/6/2019 Fixing the Leaking Roof


  • 8/6/2019 Fixing the Leaking Roof


    Dr De Bono also mentioned that, In human affairs we have to solve the underlying problem but

    we also have to solve the situation. The situation we are in Burma, as Dr Maung Myint already must

    have been aware of, is that in spite of the countrys richness in natural resources, the sale of those

    resources to various neighbouring countries, the fate of the common people in Burma areas poor as

    a church mouse. In addition to this, we also have the underlying problem corruption has spread

    to every strata of our society. This is not the type of cancer that just appeared out of the blue. Eversince Burma gained independence in 1948, corruption had inflicted on Burmese society in the form

    of political kickbacks and pork barreling. It gets worse and worse with Brigadier Aung Gyis BEDC

    and U Ne Wins Socialist Government of which Dr Maung Myint cut his teeth as an economic

    adviser and the director of the Economic Division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    If we are to believe that what Dr Maung Myint is calling for is a kind of problem solving to alleviate

    poverty in Burma then we have to ask ourselves, Is he talking about the elephant in the room? Or

    he just ignores the fact that there is an elephant in the room. When he ignores the fact that the

    problem of corruption in Burma spreads into the society from the top just as the tentacles of the

    octopus spreads from the top. He must have forgotten the saying as described by Angelo M.

    Codevilla in his book that, The hallmark of the politics and economics of tyranny is cronyism.Wealth is just another of the privileges that flow from connection to the tyrant. The differences

    between modern party dictatorships and ancient tyrannies lie primarily in the much greater size of

    the retinues that society is compelled to support and obey today, as well as in the modern

    dictatorships intentional degradation of family and spiritual lives. In military matters, tyrannical

    regimes are marked by special units with privileges far superior to those of the (usually very large)

    regular armed forces.

    If one does not fix the leaking roof, one is bound to get wet. If one is ignorant of the underlying

    cause of a problem then one might need to get his or her brain check. END