HEART z 1. Utmost Source 5 5 2. Blue-Green Spirit X 5 3. Little Sea 3-5 3-7 4. Spirit Path 3 3-5 5. Penetrating Inside 3 3-5 6. Yin Mound 3 3-7 7. Spi ri t Gat e i 3 3-7 8. Lesser Palace 2-3 3-5 9. Little Rushing In 1 3-5 SMALL INTESTINE z 1. Little Marsh 1 3-5 2. Forward Valley 1 3-7 3. Back Ravine 3 3-7 4. Wrist Bone i 3 3-7 5. Yang Valley 2 3-7 6. Nourishing the Old 3 3-5 7. Upright Branch (XP6) 3 3-7 8. Small Sea 2 3-5 9. Upright Shoulder 5-7 X 10. Shoulder Blade (XP6) 5-7 3-7 11. Heavenly Ancestor 5 5-7 12. Grasping the Wind 5 7 13. Crooked Wall 5 3-7 14. Out sid e th e Sh oul der Correspondence 6 3-10 15. Middle of the S houl der Correspondence 3-6 5-10 16. Heavenly Window 3 3 17. Heavenly Appearance 3 3-5 18. Cheek Bone 3 X 19. Listening Palace 2-3 3-5 BLADDER z 1. Eyes Bright 3 X 2. Collect Bamboo 2 X 3. Eyebrows Rushing 3 3 4. Crooked Servant 2 3-5 5. Five Places 3 X 6. Receive Light 3 X 7. Penetrate Heaven 3 3-5 8. Luo End 3 3-5 9. Jade Pillow 3 3-5 10. Heavenly Pillar 3-5 3 11. Great Shuttle 3 7 12. Wind Gate 5 5-10 13. Lungs Correspondence 3-5 7-20 14. Circulation/Sex Crspndc 3 7 15. Heart C orrespondence 3 3 16. Governor Vessel Crspndc X 3 17. Diaphragm Crspndc 4 7-20 18. Liver Correspondence 3 7-20 19. Gallbladder Crspndc 3-5 3-15 20. Spleen Correspondence 3-5 7-20 21. Stomach Crspndc 3-5 7-21 22. Three Heater Crspndc 3-5 7-20 23. Kidneys Crspndc 5-8 3-15 24. Sea of Qi Crspndc 5 3-5 25. Colon Correspondence 8-10 7-20 26. First Gate Crspndc 10 3 27. Small Intestine Crspndc 8-10 7-20 28. Bladder Co rresponde nce 8-10 7-15 29. Mid dle o f the Bac kbo ne Correspondence 5 7-15 30. White Ring Crspndc 3-5 X 31. Upper Sacral Bone 8-10 7-15 32. Second Sacral Bone 8-10 7-15 33. Middle Sacral Bone 8-10 7-15 3 4. Lo wer Sa cra l Bone 6 -8 7 -1 5 35. Meeting of Yang 4 5 36. Near Division 4 7 37. Soul Door 5 7-15 38. Rich f or the Vitals Crspndc 3 7-50 39. Spirit Hall 3 5 40. Wail of Grief 3 5-15 41. Diaphragm Border 5 3-15 42. Spiritual Soul Gate 5 3-15 43. Y ang Net 5-7 5 44. Thought Dwelling 5-7 5-15 45. Stomach Granary 5-7 5-10 46. Diaphra gm Gat e of Vital ity 5-7 7-15 47. Ambition Room 7-9 7-15 48 . Wo mb an d H ea r t Di a ph ra gm 5 -7 5 -1 0 49. Orderly Frontier 5 7 50. Receive and Support 8 X 51. Prosperous Gate 7 X 52. Floating Reserve 5 3-7 53. Equilibrium Yang 7 3-5 54. Equilibrium Middle 5 X 55. Uniting Yang 5 3-7 56. Supporting Muscles X 3-7 57. Supporting Mountain 7 5-15 58. Fly and Scatter 5 3-7 59. Foot Bone Yang 5 5-7 60. Kunlun Mountain 3-5 3-7 61. Servant's Aide 3 3-7 62. Extended Meridian 3 X 63. Golden Gate 3 3-5 64. Cap it al Bone i 3-5 3-7 65. Bone Binder 3 3-5 66. Penetrating Valley 2 3-5 67. Extremity of Yin 2 3 KIDNEY z 1. Bubbling Spring (XP8) 5 3-7 2. Blazing Valley (XP8) 5 3-5 3. Gr e at e r Mtn St r ea m i 3 3-5 4. Great Bell (XP3) 3 3-7 5. Water Spring 4 5 6. Illuminated Sea 3 3-5 7. Returning Current (XP8) 4 3-7 8. Exchange Pledges 3 5 9. Building Guest 5 3-7 10. Yin Valley 4 3 11. Transverse Bone X 5-15 12. Great Brightness 5-10 5-10 13. Door of Infants 5-10 5-10 14. Four Full 7-10 5-30 15. Middle Flowing Out 7-10 5-15 16. Vitals Correspondence 10 7 17. Merchant Crooked 10 7 18. Stone Border 7-10 7 19. Yin Capital 7-10 7-10 20. Through the Valley 5 7-10 21. Dark Gate 5 7-10 22. Walking on the Veranda 3 5 23. Spirit Seal 3 5 24. Spirit Burial Ground 3 5 25. Spirit Storehouse 3 5 26. Amidst Elegance 3 5 27. Store House 3 5 HEART PROTECTOR z 1. Heavenly Pond (male) 3 3-5 (female) X X 2. Heavenly Spring 5 3 3. Crooked Marsh 3 3-5 4. Gate of Qi Reserve 4 5 5. The Intermediary 3 5 6. Inner Frontier Gate (XP4) 3 5 7. Great Mound i 3 X 8. Palace o f W eariness ( XP3) 2-3 3 9. Rushing into the Middle 1 3 THREE HEATER z 1. Rushing the Frontier Gate 1 3 2. Fluid Secretion Gate 1 3 3. Middle Islet 3 3-5 4. Yang P ond i (XP3) 3 X 5. Outer Frontier Gate 5 3-7 6. Branch Ditch 5 5 7. Assembly of Ancestors 3 5-7 8. Three Yang Junction X 7 9. Fourth Gutter 6 3-7 10. Heavenly Well (XP4) 3-5 3-5 11. Pure Cold Abyss 3 3-7 12. Relax and Enjoy 5 3-7 13. Shoulder Meeting 3-7 5-15 14. Shoulder Bone 7 5-7 15. Heavenly Bone 3-8 5-7 16. Heavenly Window 3-5 X 17. Wind Screen 3 3-7 18. Feeding Meridians 1 X 19. Skull Breathing X 3-7 20. Small Angle of Ear X 3-7 21. Ear Gate 3 3-7 22. Harmony Bone 3-7 3-5 23. Silk Bamboo Hollow 3 X GALLBLADDER z 1. Orbit Bone 3 5 2. Hearing Assembly (XP1) 5 5 3. Upper Pass X 3-5 4. Loathsome Jaws 2 3 5. Suspended Skull 3 3 6. Suspended Regulator 2 3 7. Crooked Hair on Temples 3 3-5 8. Flowing Valley 3 3-5 9. Heaven Rushing (XP4) 3 3-5 10. Floating White 3 3-5 11. Head Hole Yin 3 3-7 12. Final Bone 5 3-7 13. Root Spirit 3 7 14. Y ang White 2 3 15. Head Above Tears 3 X 16. E ye Window 3 5 17. Upright Living 3 5 18. Receiving Spirit X 5 19. Brain Hollow 3 5 20. Wind Pond 6 7-10 21. Shoulder Well 4-6 7-15 22. Armpit Abyss 4 X 23. Neglected Muscles 5 5 24. Sun and Moon 5 5-7 25. Capital Gate 7 7-12 26. Girdle Vessel 8 5-15 27. Five Pivots 7 3-10 28. Binding Path 8 5-7 29. Dwelling in the Bone 8 5-7 30. Jumping C ircle 10-15 7-20 31. Wind Market 5 5 32. Middle Ditch 5 5-7 33. Knee Yang Border 5 X 34. Yang M ound S pring ( XP2) 6 7-10 35. Yang Crossing 6 3-7 36. Outer Mound 4 3 37. Bright and Clear 6 7 38. Yang Support 6 5-15 39. Hanging Cup 3 5-15 40. Wi lder nes s Mound i 5 3-7 41. Foot Above Tears 3 5 42. Earth Five Meetings 2 X 43. Valiant Stream 3 3-5 44. Foot Hole Yin 1 3-5 LIVER z 1. Great Esteem 1 5-7 2. Walk Between 3 5-7 3. Su pr eme Rush in g i 3 3-7 4. Middle Seal 4 3-5 5. Insect Ditch 3 3-7 6. Middle Capital 3 3 7. Knee Border 4 5 8. Crooked Spring 6 3-5 9. Yin Wrapping 5 3 10. Five Miles 5 5 11. Yin Angle 3 3 12. Hasty Pulse X 3 13. Chapter Gate 6-8 7-20 14. Gate of Hope 4 5-7 LUNG z 1. Middle Palace 3-5 5-10 2. Cloud Gate 3-5 5-10 3. Heavenly Palace 4-6 X 4. Valiant White 3-5 5 5. Outside Marsh 3-5 3-5 6. Greatest Hole 5 5 7. Narrow Defile (XP6) 2-3 3-5 8. Meridian Gutter 2-3 X 9. Ve ry Gr eat Ab ys s i 2 3 10. Fish Region 3-5 X 11. Little Merchant (XP7) 1 X COLON z 1. Merchant Yang 1 3 2. Second Interval (XP9) 3 3 3. Third Interval 3 3 4. Jo inin g th e Va ll ey s i (XP1) 5 5-7 5. Yang Stream 3 5 6. Side Passage 3 5-7 7. Warm Current 3 5-30 8. Lower Side 4 6 9. Upper Angle 4 5-10 10. Arm Three Miles (XP9) 5 5-10 11. Crooked Pond 5-8 5-10 12. E lbow Bone 3 3 13. Arm Five Miles X 7 14. Outer Bone of the Arm 3 3-7 15. Shoulder Joint 6 7 16. Great Bone 6 3-7 17. Heavenly Vessel 3 3-7 18. Support and Rush Out 4 3 19. Grain Bone 1-3 X 20. Welcome Fragrance 1-3 X STOMACH z 1. Receive Tears 1-3 X 2. Four Whites 1-3 3 3. Great Cheekbone 1-3 5 4. Earth Granary (XP5) 1-3 5 5. Great Welcome 3-5 3-5 6. Mandible Wheel 3 7 7. Lower Passage 3 X 8. Head Tied 3 X 9. People Welcome 1-3 X 10. Water Rushing Out 1-3 X 11. Qi Cottage 3 3 12. Broken Bowl 3 3 13. Qi Door 3 5 14. Storehouse 3 5 15. Room Screen 3 5 16. Breast Window 3 5 17. Center of the Breasts X X 18. Root of the Breasts 3 3-5 19. Not At Ease 5 3-7 20. Receiving Fullness 5 3-7 21. Bridge Gate 7 5-15 22. Border Gate 8 5-15 23. Great Oneness 8 5-10 24. Lubrication Food G ate 8 5-15 25. Heavenly Pivot 5 5-20 26. Outside Mound 8-10 5 27. Great Might 8-10 5-10 28. Water Path 8 5-10 29. The Return 5 5-10 30. Qi Rushing 3 7 31. Thigh Border 6 3-7 32. Prostrate Hare 6 3-7 33. Yin Market 4 3-5 34. Beam Mound 4 3-5 35. Calf Nose 3 3 36. Leg Three Miles (XP8) 5-8 7-20 37. Upper Great Void 5 3-7 38. Branch Opening 5 3-7 39. Lower Great Void 5 3-7 40. Abundant Splendor 3 3-5 41. Released Stream 5 3-7 42. Rushing Yan g i 3 3-5 43. Sinking Valley 3 3 44. Inner Courtyard 3 3 45. Hard Bargain (XP6) 1 3 SPLEEN z 1. Retired White (XP1) 1 X 2. Great Capital (XP1) 3 3-5 3. Su pr e me Wh it e i 3 3-5 4. Prince's Grandson 3 3 5. Merchant Mound 3 3-7 6. Three Yin Crossing (XP9) 4 3-10 7. Leaky Valley 4 X 8. Earth Motivator 4 3-7 9. Yin Mound Spring 5-8 X 10. Sea of Blood 3-5 3-10 11. Basket Gate 5 3 12. Rushing Gate 7 5 13. Official R esidence 7 5-10 14. Abdomen Knot 7 5-15 15. Great Horizontal 10 5-10 16. Abdomen Sorrow 7 5-10 17. F ood Drain 3 5 18. Heavenly Stream 3 5 19. Chest Region 3 5 20. Encircling Glory 3 5 21. Great Enveloping 3 3-7 CONCEPTION VESSEL z 1. Meeting of Yin 10 X 2. Crooked Bone 5 7 3. Utmost Middle 8 5-15 4. First Gate 10-157-15 5. Stone Gate 7-8 7-15 6. Sea of Qi 8 7-15 7. Yin Crossing 8 7 8. Spirit Deficiency X 3-30 9. Water Division 5 5-15 10. Lower Duct 8 7-15 11. Established Mile 5-8 5-15 12. Middle Duct 3-8 7-15 13. Upper Duct 5-8 7-15 14. Great Deficiency 6 7-15 15. Dove Tail 3-5 3-5 16. Middle Hall 3 5 17. Within the Breast X 3 18. J ade Court 3 5 19. Purple Palace 3 5 20. Flower Covering 3 3 21. Pearl Jade 3 5 22. Heaven Rushing Out 3 3-7 23. Angle Spring 3 3-7 24. Receiving Fluid 1-3 3-7 GOVERNING VESSEL z 1. Long Strength 3 5-15 2. Loins Correspondence 3-5 5-15 3. Loins Yang Border 3-5 5-15 4. Gate of Life 3 7-15 5. Suspended Pivot 3 7-15 6. Middle of the Spine 3 X 7. Middle Pivot X X 8. Contracted Muscle 4 3 9. Utmost Yang 5 7 10. Supernatural Tower X 3-7 11. Spirit Path X 3-5 12. Body Pillar 4 5-30 13. Kiln Path 4 5-10 14. Great Hammer 4 5-15 15. Gate of Dumbness 3 X 16. Wind Palace 3 X 17. Brain Door X X 18. Strength Divider 2 X 19. Posterior Summit 3 7 20. One Hundred Meetings, 3 7 21. Anterior Summit 2 3-7 22. Skull Meeting 1 3 23. Upper Star 2 5 24. S pirit Hall X 5 24 ½. Hall of Impression 1-3 3-5 25. Plain Bone 1-2 X 26. Middle of Man 2 3 27. Correct Exchange 2 2 28. Mouth Crossing 2 X KEY Entry or Exit Fire Earth Metal Water Wood Junction i Source

Five Element Point Names

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7/27/2019 Five Element Point Names

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HEART z •1. Utmost Source 5 52. Blue-Green Spirit X 53. Little Sea 3-5 3-74. Spirit Path 3 3-55. Penetrating Inside 3 3-56. Yin Mound 3 3-77. Sp ir it Ga tei 3 3-78. Lesser Palace 2-3 3-59. Little Rushing In 1 3-5

SMALL INTESTINE  z •1. Little Marsh 1 3-52. Forward Valley 1 3-73. Back Ravine 3 3-74. Wrist Bonei 3 3-75. Yang Valley 2 3-7

6. Nourishing the Old 3 3-57. Upright Branch (XP6) 3 3-78. Small Sea 2 3-59. Upright Shoulder 5-7 X10. Shoulder Blade (XP6) 5-7 3-711. Heavenly Ancestor 5 5-712. Grasping the Wind 5 713. Crooked Wall 5 3-714. Outside the Shoulder

Correspondence6 3-10

15. Middle of the ShoulderCorrespondence

3-6 5-10

16. Heavenly Window 3 317. Heavenly Appearance 3 3-518. Cheek Bone 3 X19. Listening Palace 2-3 3-5

BLADDER z •1. Eyes Bright 3 X2. Collect Bamboo 2 X3. Eyebrows Rushing 3 3

4. Crooked Servant 2 3-55. Five Places 3 X6. Receive Light 3 X7. Penetrate Heaven 3 3-58. Luo End 3 3-59. Jade Pillow 3 3-510. Heavenly Pillar 3-5 311. Great Shuttle 3 712. Wind Gate 5 5-1013. Lungs Correspondence 3-5 7-2014. Circulation/Sex Crspndc 3 715. Heart Correspondence 3 316. Governor Vessel Crspndc X 317. Diaphragm Crspndc 4 7-2018. Liver Correspondence 3 7-2019. Gallbladder Crspndc 3-5 3-1520. Spleen Correspondence 3-5 7-2021. Stomach Crspndc 3-5 7-2122. Three Heater Crspndc 3-5 7-2023. Kidneys Crspndc 5-8 3-1524. Sea of Qi Crspndc 5 3-5

25. Colon Correspondence 8-10 7-2026. First Gate Crspndc 10 327. Small Intestine Crspndc 8-10 7-2028. Bladde r Co rrespondence 8-10 7-1529. Middle of the Backbone

Correspondence5 7-15

30. White Ring Crspndc 3-5 X31. Upper Sacral Bone 8-10 7-1532. Second Sacral Bone 8-10 7-1533. Middle Sacral Bone 8-10 7-1534. Lower Sacral Bone 6-8 7-1535. Meeting of Yang 4 536. Near Division 4 737. Soul Door 5 7-1538. Rich for the Vitals Crspndc 3 7-5039. Spirit Hall 3 540. Wail of Grief 3 5-1541. Diaphragm Border 5 3-1542. Spiritual Soul Gate 5 3-1543. Yang Net 5-7 5

44. Thought Dwelling 5-7 5-1545. Stomach Granary 5-7 5-1046. Diaphr agm Ga te of Vita lit y 5-7 7-1547. Ambition Room 7-9 7-1548. Womb and Heart Diaphragm 5-7 5-1049. Orderly Frontier 5 750. Receive and Support 8 X51. Prosperous Gate 7 X52. Floating Reserve 5 3-753. Equilibrium Yang 7 3-554. Equilibrium Middle 5 X55. Uniting Yang 5 3-756. Supporting Muscles X 3-757. Supporting Mountain 7 5-1558. Fly and Scatter 5 3-759. Foot Bone Yang 5 5-760. Kunlun Mountain 3-5 3-761. Servant's Aide 3 3-762. Extended Meridian 3 X63. Golden Gate 3 3-564. Capital Bonei 3-5 3-7

65. Bone Binder 3 3-5

66. Penetrating Valley 2 3-567. Extremity of Yin 2 3

KIDNEY z •1. Bubbling Spring (XP8) 5 3-72. Blazing Valley (XP8) 5 3-53. Greater Mtn Streami 3 3-54. Great Bell (XP3) 3 3-75. Water Spring 4 56. Illuminated Sea 3 3-57. Returning Current (XP8) 4 3-78. Exchange Pledges 3 59. Building Guest 5 3-710. Yin Valley 4 311. Transverse Bone X 5-1512. Great Brightness 5-10 5-1013. Door of Infants 5-10 5-1014. Four Full 7-10 5-30

15. Middle Flowing Out 7-10 5-1516. Vitals Correspondence 10 717. Merchant Crooked 10 718. Stone Border 7-10 719. Yin Capital 7-10 7-1020. Through the Valley 5 7-1021. Dark Gate 5 7-1022. Walking on the Veranda 3 523. Spirit Seal 3 524. Spirit Burial Ground 3 525. Spirit Storehouse 3 526. Amidst Elegance 3 527. Store House 3 5


1. Heavenly Pond (male) 3 3-5

(female) X X

2. Heavenly Spring 5 3

3. Crooked Marsh 3 3-5

4. Gate of Qi Reserve 4 5

5. The Intermediary 3 56. Inner Frontier Gate (XP4) 3 5

7. Grea t Moundi 3 X

8. Palace of Weariness (XP3) 2-3 3

9. Rushing into the Middle 1 3

THREE HEATER z •1. Rushing the Frontier Gate 1 32. Fluid Secretion Gate 1 33. Middle Islet 3 3-54. Yang Pondi (XP3) 3 X5. Outer Frontier Gate 5 3-76. Branch Ditch 5 57. Assembly of Ancestors 3 5-78. Three Yang Junction X 79. Fourth Gutter 6 3-710. Heavenly Well (XP4) 3-5 3-511. Pure Cold Abyss 3 3-712. Relax and Enjoy 5 3-713. Shoulder Meeting 3-7 5-15

14. Shoulder Bone 7 5-715. Heavenly Bone 3-8 5-716. Heavenly Window 3-5 X17. Wind Screen 3 3-718. Feeding Meridians 1 X19. Skull Breathing X 3-720. Small Angle of Ear X 3-721. Ear Gate 3 3-722. Harmony Bone 3-7 3-523. Silk Bamboo Hollow 3 X

GALLBLADDER z •1. Orbit Bone 3 52. Hearing Assembly (XP1) 5 53. Upper Pass X 3-54. Loathsome Jaws 2 35. Suspended Skull 3 36. Suspended Regulator 2 37. Crooked Hair on Temples 3 3-58. Flowing Valley 3 3-59. Heaven Rushing (XP4) 3 3-5

10. Floating White 3 3-511. Head Hole Yin 3 3-712. Final Bone 5 3-713. Root Spirit 3 714. Yang White 2 315. Head Above Tears 3 X16. Eye Window 3 517. Upright Living 3 518. Receiving Spirit X 519. Brain Hollow 3 520. Wind Pond 6 7-1021. Shoulder Well 4-6 7-1522. Armpit Abyss 4 X23. Neglected Muscles 5 524. Sun and Moon 5 5-725. Capital Gate 7 7-1226. Girdle Vessel 8 5-1527. Five Pivots 7 3-1028. Binding Path 8 5-729. Dwelling in the Bone 8 5-7

30. Jumping Circle 10-15 7-2031. Wind Market 5 5

32. Middle Ditch 5 5-733. Knee Yang Border 5 X34. Yang Mound Spring (XP2) 6 7-1035. Yang Crossing 6 3-736. Outer Mound 4 337. Bright and Clear 6 738. Yang Support 6 5-1539. Hanging Cup 3 5-1540. Wilderness Moundi 5 3-741. Foot Above Tears 3 542. Earth Five Meetings 2 X43. Valiant Stream 3 3-544. Foot Hole Yin 1 3-5

LIVER z •1. Great Esteem 1 5-72. Walk Between 3 5-73. Supreme Rushingi 3 3-7

4. Middle Seal 4 3-55. Insect Ditch 3 3-76. Middle Capital 3 37. Knee Border 4 58. Crooked Spring 6 3-59. Yin Wrapping 5 310. Five Miles 5 511. Yin Angle 3 312. Hasty Pulse X 313. Chapter Gate 6-8 7-2014. Gate of Hope 4 5-7

LUNG z •1. Middle Palace 3-5 5-102. Cloud Gate 3-5 5-103. Heavenly Palace 4-6 X4. Valiant White 3-5 55. Outside Marsh 3-5 3-56. Greatest Hole 5 57. Narrow Defile (XP6) 2-3 3-58. Meridian Gutter 2-3 X9. Very Great Abyssi 2 310. Fish Region 3-5 X11. Little Merchant (XP7) 1 X

COLON z •1. Merchant Yang 1 32. Second Interval (XP9) 3 33. Third Interval 3 34. Joining the Val leysi (XP1) 5 5-75. Yang Stream 3 56. Side Passage 3 5-77. Warm Current 3 5-308. Lower Side 4 69. Upper Angle 4 5-1010. Arm Three Miles (XP9) 5 5-1011. Crooked Pond 5-8 5-1012. E lbow Bone 3 313. Arm Five Miles X 714. Outer Bone of the Arm 3 3-715. Shoulder Joint 6 7

16. Great Bone 6 3-717. Heavenly Vessel 3 3-718. Support and Rush Out 4 319. Grain Bone 1-3 X20. Welcome Fragrance 1-3 X

STOMACH z •1. Receive Tears 1-3 X2. Four Whites 1-3 33. Great Cheekbone 1-3 54. Earth Granary (XP5) 1-3 55. Great Welcome 3-5 3-56. Mandible Wheel 3 77. Lower Passage 3 X8. Head Tied 3 X9. People Welcome 1-3 X10. Water Rushing Out 1-3 X11. Qi Cottage 3 312. Broken Bowl 3 313. Qi Door 3 514. Storehouse 3 5

15. Room Screen 3 516. Breast Window 3 517. Center of the Breasts X X18. Root of the Breasts 3 3-519. Not At Ease 5 3-720. Receiving Fullness 5 3-721. Bridge Gate 7 5-1522. Border Gate 8 5-1523. Great Oneness 8 5-1024. Lubrication Food Gate 8 5-1525. Heavenly Pivot 5 5-2026. Outside Mound 8-10 527. Great Might 8-10 5-1028. Water Path 8 5-1029. The Return 5 5-1030. Qi Rushing 3 731. Thigh Border 6 3-732. Prostrate Hare 6 3-733. Yin Market 4 3-534. Beam Mound 4 3-535. Calf Nose 3 3

36. Leg Three Miles (XP8) 5-8 7-20

37. Upper Great Void 5 3-738. Branch Opening 5 3-739. Lower Great Void 5 3-740. Abundant Splendor 3 3-541. Released Stream 5 3-742. Rushing Yangi 3 3-543. Sinking Valley 3 344. Inner Courtyard 3 345. Hard Bargain (XP6) 1 3

SPLEEN z •1. Retired White (XP1) 1 X2. Great Capital (XP1) 3 3-53 . Supreme Whi tei 3 3-54. Prince's Grandson 3 35. Merchant Mound 3 3-76. Three Yin Crossing (XP9) 4 3-17. Leaky Valley 4 X

8. Earth Motivator 4 3-79. Yin Mound Spring 5-8 X10. Sea of Blood 3-5 3-111. Basket Gate 5 312. Rushing Gate 7 513. Official Residence 7 5-114. Abdomen Knot 7 5-115. Great Horizontal 10 5-116. Abdomen Sorrow 7 5-117. Food Drain 3 518. Heavenly Stream 3 519. Chest Region 3 520. Encircling Glory 3 521. Great Enveloping 3 3-7

CONCEPTION VESSEL z •1. Meeting of Yin 10 X2. Crooked Bone 5 73. Utmost Middle 8 5-14. First Gate 10-15 7-15. Stone Gate 7-8 7-16. Sea of Qi 8 7-17. Yin Crossing 8 78. Spirit Deficiency X 3-39. Water Division 5 5-110. Lower Duct 8 7-111. Established Mile 5-8 5-112. Middle Duct 3-8 7-113. Upper Duct 5-8 7-114. Great Deficiency 6 7-115. Dove Tail 3-5 3-516. Middle Hall 3 517. Within the Breast X 318. Jade Court 3 519. Purple Palace 3 520. Flower Covering 3 321. Pearl Jade 3 522. Heaven Rushing Out 3 3-723. Angle Spring 3 3-724. Receiving Fluid 1-3 3-7

GOVERNING VESSEL z •1. Long Strength 3 5-12. Loins Correspondence 3-5 5-13. Loins Yang Border 3-5 5-14. Gate of Life 3 7-15. Suspended Pivot 3 7-16. Middle of the Spine 3 X7. Middle Pivot X X8. Contracted Muscle 4 39. Utmost Yang 5 710. Supernatural Tower X 3-711. Spirit Path X 3-512. Body Pillar 4 5-313. Kiln Path 4 5-114. Great Hammer 4 5-115. Gate of Dumbness 3 X16. Wind Palace 3 X17. Brain Door X X18. Strength Divider 2 X19. Posterior Summit 3 720. One Hundred Meetings, 3 7

21. Anterior Summit 2 3-722. Skull Meeting 1 323. Upper Star 2 524. Spirit Hall X 524½.

Hall of Impression 1-3 3-5

25. Plain Bone 1-2 X26. Middle of Man 2 327. Correct Exchange 2 228. Mouth Crossing 2 X

KEYEntry or ExitFireEarthMetalWaterWoodJunction
